Package version: CNEr 1.6.2


1 Introduction

Conserved noncoding elements (CNEs) are pervasive class of elements clustering around genes with roles in development and differentiation in Metazoa (Woolfe et al. 2004). While many have been shown to act as long-range developmental enhancers (Sandelin et al. 2004), the source of their extreme conservation remains unexplained. To study the evolutionary dynamics of these elements and their relationship to the genes around which they cluster, it is essential to be able to produce genome-wide sets of these elements for a large number of species comparisons, each with multiple size and conservation thresholds.

This CNEr package aims to detect CNEs and visualise them along the genome. For performance reasons, the implementation of CNEs detection and corresponding I/O functions are primarily written as C extensions to R. We have used CNEr to produce sets of CNEs by scanning pairwise whole-genome net alignments with multiple reference species, each with two different window sizes and a range of minimum identity thresholds. Then, to pinpoint the boundaries of CNE arrays, we compute the CNE densities as the percentages of length covered by CNEs within a user specified window size. Finally, we describe a novel visualisation method using horizon plot tracks that shows a superior dynamic range to the standard density plots, simultaneously revealing CNE clusters characterized by vastly different levels of sequence conservation. Such CNE density plots generated using precise locations of CNEs can be used to identify genes involved in developmental regulation, even for novel genes that are not annotated yet.

2 Pipeline of the package

This section will briefly demonstrate the pipeline of CNE identification and visualisation. More detailed usage of each step will be described in following sections with a concreate example of CNE identification and visualisation for Human (hg19) and Zebrafish (danRer7).

2.1 CNE identification

  1. axtNets: The axtNet files can be downloaded from UCSC or generated by itself
  2. scan alignments: The regions with minimal I identities over C columns.
  3. remove elements: Elements that overlap with annotated exons/repeats.
  4. merge elements to get CNEs: Elements that overlap on both genomes.

2.2 CNE visualisation

  1. display parameters: Chromosome, start, end, smooth window size.
  2. horizon plot: Visualise CNE densities.

3 Input

CNEr starts from axt net files of two genomes pairwise alignments and bed files for filtering. UCSC already provides a set of precomputed axt files on for most of popular genomes. In case the axt files are not available from UCSC, you can always generate the axt net files by following the UCSC wiki

3.1 axt file

So far, there is no suitable class to store the axt files in Bioconductor. Hence we created a S4 class Axt to hold the content from axt files. Basically, it utilises GRanges from GenomicRanges package and DNAStringSet from Biostrings package.

To read axt file into R, CNEr provides readAxt function for highly efficient reading, which heavily depends on Kent’s utilities source code (W J Kent et al. 2002). The axt file can be gzippped or in plain text file. The alignments between two genomes can also be in one file or in several files, such as,, etc.

axtFilesHg19DanRer7 <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="CNEr"), 
axtFilesDanRer7Hg19 <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="CNEr"), 
axtHg19DanRer7 <- readAxt(axtFilesHg19DanRer7)
axtDanRer7Hg19 <- readAxt(axtFilesDanRer7Hg19)
##  A Axt with 133 alignment pairs:
##   1 chr11 31082021 31082458 chr25 15030563 15031009 +   246 
##   2 chr11 31082562 31082862 chr25 15036393 15036688 +  4422 
##   3 chr11 31085908 31086035  chr7 60364309 60364442 -  5679 
##   4 chr11 31087045 31087145 chr25 15037012 15037110 +  1743 
##   5 chr11 31090791 31090882  chr7 60364679 60364769 -  1556 
## ...   ...      ...      ...   ...      ...      ...   ...
## 129 chr11 32449499 32449619 chr25 15559655 15559778 +  6263 
## 130 chr11 32450037 32450174 chr25 15564924 15565061 +  6952 
## 131 chr11 32456239 32456689 chr25 15570666 15571071 + 13604 
## 132 chr11 32456981 32457152 chr25 15571250 15571407 +  1488 
## 133 chr11 32461267 32461582 chr25 15574876 15575192 +  6228 
##  A Axt with 190 alignment pairs:
##   1 chr12 46824249 46824342 chr11  31823296  31823389 + -311 
##   2 chr18 41195293 41195862 chr11 103744646 103745211 - 3029 
##   3 chr18 44008076 44008197 chr11  32410604  32410725 + 7229 
##   4 chr18 44008198 44008391 chr11  32413401  32413612 + 6896 
##   5 chr18 44009282 44009389 chr11  32414210  32414318 + 4405 
## ...   ...      ...      ...   ...       ...       ...  ...
## 186  chr7 16881835 16881957 chr11 103785288 103785409 - 6493 
## 187  chr7 16911295 16911385 chr11 103915635 103915726 - 1556 
## 188  chr7 16911622 16911755 chr11 103920482 103920609 - 5679 
## 189  chr7 16918825 16918945 chr11 103923739 103923855 - 5401 
## 190  chr7 27639642 27639730 chr11 102899904 102899999 -  642 

3.2 filtering information

The gene annotation information, including exons coordinates, repeats, is used to filter out the undesired regions. Here we summarise a table of filtering information we used:

Assembly Name Exon Repeat
hg38 Human RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes, UCSC Known Genes RepeatMasker
hg19 Human RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes, UCSC Known Genes RepeatMasker
mm10 Mouse RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes, UCSC Known Genes RepeatMasker
xenTro3 Frog RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
tetNig2 Tetraodon Ensembl Genes
canFam3 Dog RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
galGal4 Chicken RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
danRer10 Zebrafish RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
danRer7 Zebrafish RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
fr3 Fugu RefSeq Genes RepeatMasker
anoCar2 Lizard Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
equCab2 Horse RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
oryLat2 Medaka RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
monDom5 Opossum RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
gasAcu1 Stickleback RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
rn5 Rat RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
dm3 D. melanogaster RefSeq Genes, Ensembl Genes RepeatMasker
droAna2 D. ananassae RepeatMasker
dp3 D. pseudoobscura RepeatMasker
ce4 C. elegans RefSeq Genes RepeatMasker
cb3 C. briggsae RepeatMasker
caeRem2 C. remanei RepeatMasker
caePb1 C. brenneri RepeatMasker

For the sake of simplicity, all the information listed above can be fetched easily with Bioconductor package rtracklayer, biomaRt and precompiled Bioconductor annotation packages. A few examples are given here:

## To fetch rmak table from UCSC
mySession <- browserSession("UCSC")
genome(mySession) <- "hg19"
hg19.rmsk <- getTable(ucscTableQuery(mySession, track="RepeatMasker",
hg19.rmskGRanges <- GRanges(seqnames=hg19.rmsk$genoName,
                            ## The UCSC coordinate is 0-based.
## To fetch ensembl gene exons from BioMart
ensembl <- useMart("ensembl")
ensembl <-  useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",mart=ensembl)
attributes <- listAttributes(ensembl)
exons <- getBM(attributes=c("chromosome_name", "exon_chrom_start", "exon_chrom_end", "strand"), 
               mart = ensembl)
exonsRanges <- GRanges(seqnames=exons$chromosome_name,
                       strand=ifelse(exons$strand==1L, "+", "-")
## Use the existing Bioconductor annotation package
exonsRanges <- exons(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)

Of course, more customised gene annotation can be included in the bed file. To import bed file into GRanges in R, rtracklayer provides a general function import.bed to do that. However, if your bed file only contains 3 columns: chromosome, start and end, that are the information needed by CNEr, then it is better to use the readBed function that is much faster with C implementation.

bedHg19Fn <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="CNEr"), 
bedHg19 <- readBed(bedHg19Fn)
## Reading /tmp/RtmpcaONVN/Rinst22c58f4320d/CNEr/extdata/filter_regions.hg19.bed
## GRanges object with 5574 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##          seqnames               ranges strand
##             <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle>
##      [1]    chr11 [30000001, 30000106]      +
##      [2]    chr11 [30000126, 30000274]      +
##      [3]    chr11 [30001660, 30003939]      +
##      [4]    chr11 [30003969, 30004060]      +
##      [5]    chr11 [30004481, 30004844]      +
##      ...      ...                  ...    ...
##   [5570]    chr11 [32995613, 32995652]      +
##   [5571]    chr11 [32995685, 32995987]      +
##   [5572]    chr11 [32996154, 32996292]      +
##   [5573]    chr11 [32996611, 32996640]      +
##   [5574]    chr11 [32996794, 32997176]      +
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
bedDanRer7Fn <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="CNEr"), 
bedDanRer7 <- readBed(bedDanRer7Fn)
## Reading /tmp/RtmpcaONVN/Rinst22c58f4320d/CNEr/extdata/filter_regions.danRer7.bed
## GRanges object with 5000 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##          seqnames             ranges strand
##             <Rle>          <IRanges>  <Rle>
##      [1]     chr1       [  38,  194]      +
##      [2]     chr1       [1101, 1123]      +
##      [3]     chr1       [1254, 1302]      +
##      [4]     chr1       [1473, 1508]      +
##      [5]     chr1       [1782, 2105]      +
##      ...      ...                ...    ...
##   [4996]     chr1 [1720306, 1720403]      +
##   [4997]     chr1 [1720405, 1720433]      +
##   [4998]     chr1 [1720436, 1720784]      +
##   [4999]     chr1 [1720785, 1720988]      +
##   [5000]     chr1 [1721374, 1721394]      +
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

3.3 Chromosome size of query assembly

The chromosome size of the query assembly is necessary when the filters for query assembly is provided.

To facilitate the fetch of chromosome sizes, we prepared a function fetchChromSizes to automate the procedure. Currently the assemblies from UCSC are supported, and more assemblies from other sources will be implemented in the future. A object of Seqinfo is returned which suits the input to downstream analysis.

qSizesHg19 <- fetchChromSizes("hg19")
qSizesDanRer7 <- fetchChromSizes("danRer7")
## Seqinfo object with 93 sequences from hg19 genome:
##   seqnames              seqlengths isCircular genome
##   chr1                   249250621       <NA>   hg19
##   chr2                   243199373       <NA>   hg19
##   chr3                   198022430       <NA>   hg19
##   chr4                   191154276       <NA>   hg19
##   chr5                   180915260       <NA>   hg19
##   ...                          ...        ...    ...
##   chrUn_gl000231             27386       <NA>   hg19
##   chrUn_gl000229             19913       <NA>   hg19
##   chrM                       16571       <NA>   hg19
##   chrUn_gl000226             15008       <NA>   hg19
##   chr18_gl000207_random       4262       <NA>   hg19
## Seqinfo object with 1133 sequences from danRer7 genome:
##   seqnames   seqlengths isCircular  genome
##   chr7         77276063       <NA> danRer7
##   chr5         75682077       <NA> danRer7
##   chr3         63268876       <NA> danRer7
##   chr4         62094675       <NA> danRer7
##   chr1         60348388       <NA> danRer7
##   ...               ...        ...     ...
##   Zv9_NA959        1142       <NA> danRer7
##   Zv9_NA937        1137       <NA> danRer7
##   Zv9_NA802        1126       <NA> danRer7
##   Zv9_NA1000        942       <NA> danRer7
##   Zv9_NA997         650       <NA> danRer7

Seqinfo can also be generated from local two bit file with seqinfo from rtracklayer.

4 CNE identification

In this section, we will go through the details of CNE identification.

4.1 net alignments scan

Detecting CNEs highly relies on the whole-genome pairwise net alignments. To correct the bias of a chosen genome and capture the duplicated CNEs during genome evolution, we scan two sets of nets for each pairwise comparison, one as reference from each of the genomes.

We identify CNEs by scanning the alignments for regions with at least I identities over C alignment columns. Because different genes and loci may favor various similarity scores, we usually scan at two diffrent window sizes 30 and 50 with several similarity criterias (I/C) range from 70% to 100%.

## axt, GRanges objects as input
CNEHg19DanRer7 <- ceScan(axts=axtHg19DanRer7, tFilter=bedHg19,
                         qFilter=bedDanRer7, qSizes=qSizesDanRer7,
                         thresholds=c("45_50", "48_50", "49_50"))
CNEDanRer7Hg19 <- ceScan(axts=axtDanRer7Hg19, tFilter=bedDanRer7,
                         qFilter=bedHg19, qSizes=qSizesHg19,
                         thresholds=c("45_50", "48_50", "49_50"))

## axt and bed files as input
CNEHg19DanRer7 <- ceScan(axts=axtFilesHg19DanRer7, tFilter=bedHg19Fn,
                         qFilter=bedDanRer7Fn, qSizes=qSizesDanRer7,
                         thresholds=c("45_50", "48_50", "49_50"))
CNEDanRer7Hg19 <- ceScan(axts=axtFilesDanRer7Hg19, tFilter=bedDanRer7Fn,
                         qFilter=bedHg19Fn, qSizes=qSizesHg19,
                         thresholds=c("45_50", "48_50", "49_50"))

At this stage, a list of data.frame is returned from ceScan, which contains the preliminary CNEs. Here is some exemple output:

lapply(CNEHg19DanRer7, head)
## $`45_50`
##   tName   tStart     tEnd qName   qStart     qEnd strand score
## 1 chr11 31085937 31085991  chr7 16911672 16911726      - 92.73
## 2 chr11 31182676 31182730 chr25 15074418 15074472      + 89.09
## 3 chr11 31182806 31182932 chr25 15074676 15074804      + 89.15
## 4 chr11 31257974 31258025 chr25 15098901 15098951      + 90.38
## 5 chr11 31263401 31263511 chr25 15100713 15100823      + 92.79
## 6 chr11 31623054 31623103 chr25 15188234 15188283      + 90.00
##           cigar
## 1           55M
## 2           55M
## 3 81M1D35M1D11M
## 4      32M1I19M
## 5          111M
## 6           50M
## $`48_50`
##   tName   tStart     tEnd qName   qStart     qEnd strand score cigar
## 1 chr11 31263427 31263497 chr25 15100739 15100809      + 95.77   71M
## 2 chr11 31685844 31685902 chr25 15243641 15243699      + 96.61   59M
## 3 chr11 31712869 31712922 chr25 15247368 15247421      + 96.30   54M
## 4 chr11 31734350 31734412 chr25 15252105 15252167      + 96.83   63M
## 5 chr11 31785866 31785928 chr25 15255878 15255940      + 96.83   63M
## 6 chr11 31785931 31785985 chr25 15255943 15255997      + 96.36   55M
## $`49_50`
##   tName   tStart     tEnd qName   qStart     qEnd strand score cigar
## 1 chr11 31785866 31785928 chr25 15255878 15255940      + 96.83   63M
## 2 chr11 32053036 32053091 chr25 15333377 15333432      + 98.21   56M

In the result table, even though the strand for query element can be negative, the coordiante for that query element is already on the positive strand.

4.2 Merge CNEs

Because we do two rounds of CNE detections with each genome as reference, some conserved elements overlap on both genomes and are supposed to be removed. But elements that only overlap on one of the genomes are kept, so that duplicated elements remain distinct.

cneMergedDanRer7Hg19 <- mapply(cneMerge, CNEDanRer7Hg19, CNEHg19DanRer7, 
lapply(cneMergedDanRer7Hg19, head)
## $`45_50`
##     chr1   start1     end1  chr2   start2     end2 strand similarity
## 19 chr25 15381678 15381819 chr11 32221854 32221994      +      89.44
## 20 chr25 15397394 15397480 chr11 31821057 31821143      +      89.66
## 21 chr25 15403140 15403217 chr11 31829491 31829568      +      92.31
## 22 chr25 15415208 15415296 chr11 31848222 31848310      +      89.89
## 23 chr25 15418715 15418765 chr11 31989683 31989732      +      90.20
## 24 chr25 15432800 15433014 chr11 32053010 32053222      +      91.63
##            cigar
## 19     114M1I27M
## 20           87M
## 21           78M
## 22           89M
## 23      22M1I28M
## 24 82M1I32M1I99M
## $`48_50`
##     chr1   start1     end1  chr2   start2     end2 strand similarity
## 11 chr25 15381700 15381752 chr11 32221876 32221928      +      96.23
## 12 chr25 15403140 15403193 chr11 31829491 31829544      +      96.30
## 13 chr25 15432826 15432883 chr11 32053036 32053092      +      96.55
## 14 chr25 15432887 15432970 chr11 32053096 32053178      +      96.43
## 15 chr25 15459924 15459973 chr11 32198103 32198152      +      96.00
## 17 chr25 15100739 15100809 chr11 31263427 31263497      +      95.77
##       cigar
## 11      53M
## 12      54M
## 13  56M1I1M
## 14 28M1I55M
## 15      50M
## 17      71M
## $`49_50`
##    chr1   start1     end1  chr2   start2     end2 strand similarity cigar
## 3 chr25 15432826 15432881 chr11 32053036 32053091      +      98.21   56M
## 4 chr25 15255878 15255940 chr11 31785866 31785928      +      96.83   63M
## 5 chr25 15333377 15333432 chr11 32053036 32053091      +      98.21   56M

4.3 Realignment of CNEs

Some CNEs might be unannotated repeats. To remove them, currently we use blat (W James Kent 2002) to realign each sequence of CNEs against the respective genomes. When the number of matches exceed certain threshold, for instance, 8, that CNE will be discarded.

This step can be very time-consuming when the number of CNEs are large. Other alignment method can also be considerd, such as Bowtie2, BWA. The two bit file for each assembly is required.

assemblyHg19Twobit <- "/Users/gtan/CSC/CNEr/2bit/hg19.2bit"
assemblyDanRer7Twobit <- "/Users/gtan/CSC/CNEr/2bit/danRer7.2bit"
cneBlatedDanRer7Hg19 <- list()
for(i in 1:length(cneMergedDanRer7Hg19)){
  cneBlatedDanRer7Hg19[[names(cneMergedDanRer7Hg19)[i]]] <-
            as.integer(sub(".+_.+_\\d+_", "", names(cneMergedDanRer7Hg19)[i])), 
            cutoffs1=8L, cutoffs2=8L, 

Now at this stage, these elements are the final CNEs. We also prepare a one step function ceScanOneStep and it returns a CNE object directly which wrapps all the necessary information. This one-step function is highly recommended to avoid the tedious steps above.

assemblyHg19Twobit <- "/Users/gtan/CSC/CNEr/2bit/hg19.2bit"
assemblyDanRer7Twobit <- "/Users/gtan/CSC/CNEr/2bit/danRer7.2bit"
finalCNE <- ceScanOneStep(axt1=axtHg19DanRer7, filter1=bedHg19, 
                          sizes1=qSizesHg19, assembly1="hg19", 
                          axt2=axtDanRer7Hg19, filter2=bedDanRer7,
                          sizes2=qSizesDanRer7, assembly2="danRer7",
                          thresholds=c("45_50", "48_50", "49_50"),
                          blatBinary="blat", blatCutoff1=8L, blatCutoff2=8L)

4.4 CNE storage and query

As the computation of CNEs from the whole pipeline and the preparation of annotation package can be very time-consuming, for a smoother visualisation experience, we decided to use a local SQLite database to store these information.

4.5 CNE storage and query

Since the CNEs data.frame is just a table and can be imported into a SQL table naturally. To speed up the query from the SQL database, the bin indexing system is acquired. For more information, please refer to the paper (W J Kent et al. 2002) and genomewiki.

## on individual tables
dbName <- tempfile()
for(i in 1:length(cneBlatedDanRer7Hg19)){
  tableName <- paste("danRer7_hg19", names(cneBlatedDanRer7Hg19)[i],
    saveCNEToSQLite(cneBlatedDanRer7Hg19[[i]], dbName, tableName, overwrite=TRUE)

## on CNE class
saveCNEToSQLite(finalCNE, dbName=dbName, overwrite=TRUE)

When querying results from the local SQLite database based on the chr, coordinates and other criterias, a IRanges object is returned.

chr <- "chr11"
start <- 31000000L
end <-  33000000L
minLength <- 50L
tableName <- "danRer7_hg19_45_50"
fetchedCNERanges <- readCNERangesFromSQLite(dbName, tableName, chr, 
                                           start, end, whichAssembly="L",

5 CNEs visualisation

To visualise the CNEs together with other gene annotations, we choose to use the Bioconductor package Gviz in this vignette. Gviz, based on the grid graphics scheme, is a very powerful package for plotting data and annotation information along genomic coordinates. The functionality of integrating publicly available genome annotation data, such as UCSC or Ensembl, significantly reduced the burden of preparing annotations for common assemblies. Since the Bioconductor release 2.13 of Gviz, it provides the data track in horizon plot, which exactly meets our needs for visualisation of CNEs density plots. For more detailed usage, please check the vignette or manual of Gviz.

Another option for visualisation is the package ggbio, which is based on ggplot2. The advantage of ggbio is the simplicity of adding any customised ggplot2 style track into the plot without tuning the coordinate systems. The densities generated in the following section can be easily plot in the horizon plot. A short straightforward tutorial regarding horizon plot in ggplot2 format is available from

5.1 Gene annotation visualisation

For the example of hg19 vs danRer7 in this vignette, we choose hg19 as the reference and show the range of developmental gene PAX6.

genome <- "hg19"
chr <- "chr11"
start <- 31000000L
end <-  33000000L
axisTrack <- GenomeAxisTrack()
ideoTrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome=genome, chromosome=chr)
cpgIslands <- UcscTrack(genome=genome, chromosome=chr,
                       track="cpgIslandExt", from=start, to=end,
                       trackType="AnnotationTrack", start="chromStart",
                       end="chromEnd", id="name", shape="box",
                       fill="#006400", name="CpG Islands")
refGenes <- UcscTrack(genome="hg19", chromosome=chr,
                     track="refGene", from=start, to=end,
                     trackType="GeneRegionTrack", rstarts="exonStarts",
                     rends="exonEnds", gene="name2", symbol="name2",
                     transcript="name", strand="strand", fill="#8282d2",
                     name="refSeq Genes", collapseTranscripts=TRUE)
biomTrack <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(genome="hg19", chromosome=chr, 
                                   start=start , end=end, name="Ensembl")
plotTracks(list(axisTrack, ideoTrack, cpgIslands, refGenes), 
           collapseTranscripts=TRUE, shape="arrow",
           showId=TRUE, transcriptAnnotation="symbol")

It is also possible to plot the annotation from an ordinary R object, such as data.frame, GRanges, IRanges or even from a local file. Usually the gff file containing the gene annotation can be processed by Gviz directly. For more details, please look into the vignette of Gviz.

5.2 CNEs horizon plot

dbName <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="CNEr"),
windowSize <- 300L
minLength <- 50L
cneHg19DanRer7_45_50 <- 
             assembly1="hg19", chr=chr, start=start,
             end=end, windowSize=windowSize, 
cneHg19DanRer7_48_50 <-
             assembly1="hg19", chr=chr, start=start,
             end=end, windowSize=windowSize, 
cneHg19DanRer7_49_50 <-
             assembly1="hg19", chr=chr, start=start,
             end=end, windowSize=windowSize, 
genome <- "hg19"
chr <- "chr11"
start <- 31000000L
end <-  33000000L
#axisTrack = GenomeAxisTrack()
#ideoTrack = IdeogramTrack(genome=genome, chromosome=chr)
strand <- "+"
dataMatrix <- cneHg19DanRer7_45_50
dTrack1 <- DataTrack(start=dataMatrix[ ,1], end=dataMatrix[ ,1], 
                     data=dataMatrix[ ,2], chromosome=chr, strand=strand, 
                     genome=genome, type="horiz", horizon.scale=0.1, 
                     fill.horizon=c("#B41414", "#E03231", "#F7A99C", 
                                    "yellow", "orange", "red"), 
                     name="danRer7 45/50")
dataMatrix <- cneHg19DanRer7_48_50
dTrack2 <- DataTrack(start=dataMatrix[ ,1], end=dataMatrix[ ,1], 
                     data=dataMatrix[ ,2], chromosome=chr, strand=strand, 
                     genome=genome, type="horiz", horizon.scale=0.1, 
                     fill.horizon=c("#B41414", "#E03231", "#F7A99C", 
                                    "yellow", "orange", "red"), 
                     name="danRer7 48/50")
dataMatrix <- cneHg19DanRer7_49_50
dTrack3 <- DataTrack(start=dataMatrix[ ,1], end=dataMatrix[ ,1], 
                     data=dataMatrix[ ,2], chromosome=chr, strand=strand, 
                     genome=genome, type="horiz", horizon.scale=0.1, 
                     fill.horizon=c("#B41414", "#E03231", "#F7A99C", 
                                    "yellow", "orange", "red"), 
                     name="danRer7 49/50")
plotTracks(list(axisTrack, ideoTrack, cpgIslands, 
                dTrack1, dTrack2, dTrack3),
           collapseTranscripts=TRUE, shape="arrow",
           showId=TRUE, transcriptAnnotation="symbol")

From this horizon plot compared with Zebrafish with Human as reference genome, the developmental gene PAX6 was surrounded by the density peaks of CNEs.

6 Conclusion

With this package, we are able to identify CNEs efficiently and handle the corresponding objects conveniently in R. Horizon plot shows a superior dynamic range to the standard density plots, simultaneously revealing CNE clusters characterized by vastly different levels of sequence conservation. Such CNE density plots generated using precise locations of CNEs can be used to identify genes involved in developmental regulation, even for novel genes that are not yet annotated.

The following is the session info that generated this vignette:

## R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=C              
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
##  [1] grid      parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils    
##  [8] datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] Gviz_1.14.0          GenomicRanges_1.22.2 GenomeInfoDb_1.6.1  
## [4] IRanges_2.4.6        S4Vectors_0.8.5      BiocGenerics_0.16.1 
## [7] CNEr_1.6.2           BiocStyle_1.8.0     
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] SummarizedExperiment_1.0.1 VariantAnnotation_1.16.4  
##  [3] reshape2_1.4.1             splines_3.2.3             
##  [5] lattice_0.20-33            colorspace_1.2-6          
##  [7] htmltools_0.2.6            GenomicFeatures_1.22.6    
##  [9] rtracklayer_1.30.1         yaml_2.1.13               
## [11] XML_3.98-1.3               survival_2.38-3           
## [13] foreign_0.8-66             DBI_0.3.1                 
## [15] BiocParallel_1.4.3         RColorBrewer_1.1-2        
## [17] lambda.r_1.1.7             matrixStats_0.50.1        
## [19] plyr_1.8.3                 stringr_1.0.0             
## [21] zlibbioc_1.16.0            Biostrings_2.38.2         
## [23] munsell_0.4.2              gtable_0.1.2              
## [25] futile.logger_1.4.1        evaluate_0.8              
## [27] latticeExtra_0.6-26        Biobase_2.30.0            
## [29] knitr_1.11                 biomaRt_2.26.1            
## [31] AnnotationDbi_1.32.2       proto_0.3-10              
## [33] Rcpp_0.12.2                acepack_1.3-3.3           
## [35] BSgenome_1.38.0            scales_0.3.0              
## [37] formatR_1.2.1              Hmisc_3.17-0              
## [39] XVector_0.10.0             Rsamtools_1.22.0          
## [41] gridExtra_2.0.0            ggplot2_1.0.1             
## [43] digest_0.6.8               stringi_1.0-1             
## [45] biovizBase_1.18.0          tools_3.2.3               
## [47] bitops_1.0-6               magrittr_1.5              
## [49] RCurl_1.95-4.7             RSQLite_1.0.0             
## [51] dichromat_2.0-0            Formula_1.2-1             
## [53] cluster_2.0.3              futile.options_1.0.0      
## [55] MASS_7.3-45                rmarkdown_0.8.1           
## [57] rpart_4.1-10               GenomicAlignments_1.6.1   
## [59] nnet_7.3-11


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