This package is for version 3.15 of Bioconductor;
for the stable, up-to-date release version, see
Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution
Bioconductor version: 3.15
Estimate variance-mean dependence in count data from high-throughput sequencing assays and test for differential expression based on a model using the negative binomial distribution.
Author: Michael Love [aut, cre], Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze [ctb], Kwame Forbes [ctb], Simon Anders [aut, ctb], Wolfgang Huber [aut, ctb], RADIANT EU FP7 [fnd], NIH NHGRI [fnd], CZI [fnd]
Maintainer: Michael Love <michaelisaiahlove at>
Citation (from within R,
enter citation("DESeq2")
To install this package, start R (version
"4.2") and enter:
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate
Bioconductor release.
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biocViews |
Bayesian, ChIPSeq, Clustering, DifferentialExpression, GeneExpression, ImmunoOncology, Normalization, PrincipalComponent, RNASeq, Regression, Sequencing, Software, Transcription |
Version |
1.36.0 |
In Bioconductor since |
BioC 2.12 (R-3.0) (9.5 years) |
License |
LGPL (>= 3) |
Depends |
S4Vectors(>= 0.23.18), IRanges, GenomicRanges, SummarizedExperiment(>= 1.1.6) |
Imports |
BiocGenerics(>= 0.7.5), Biobase, BiocParallel, genefilter, methods, stats4, locfit, geneplotter, ggplot2, Rcpp (>= 0.11.0) |
LinkingTo |
Rcpp, RcppArmadillo |
Suggests |
testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, vsn, pheatmap, RColorBrewer, apeglm, ashr, tximport, tximeta, tximportData, readr, pbapply, airway, pasilla(>= 0.2.10), glmGamPoi, BiocManager |
SystemRequirements |
Enhances |
URL | |
Depends On Me |
DEWSeq, DEXSeq, metaseqR2, rgsepd, rnaseqDTU, rnaseqGene, SeqGSEA, TCC, tRanslatome |
Imports Me |
Anaquin, animalcules, anota2seq, APAlyzer, benchdamic, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, BRGenomics, CeTF, circRNAprofiler, consensusDE, coseq, countsimQC, DaMiRseq, debrowser, DEComplexDisease, DEFormats, DEGreport, deltaCaptureC, DEsubs, DiffBind, easier, EBSEA, eegc, ERSSA, exomePeak2, ExpHunterSuite, FieldEffectCrc, GDCRNATools, GeneTonic, GenoGAM, Glimma, GRaNIE, hermes, HTSFilter, icetea, ideal, IHWpaper, INSPEcT, IntEREst, isomiRs, kissDE, microbiomeExplorer, microbiomeMarker, MLSeq, multiSight, muscat, NBAMSeq, ORFik, OUTRIDER, PathoStat, pcaExplorer, phantasus, proActiv, recountWorkflow, RegEnrich, regionReport, ReportingTools, RiboDiPA, Rmmquant, RNASeqR, scBFA, scGPS, SEtools, singleCellTK, SNPhood, spatialHeatmap, srnadiff, systemPipeTools, TBSignatureProfiler, TEKRABber, TimeSeriesExperiment, UMI4Cats, vidger, vulcan |
Suggests Me |
aggregateBioVar, apeglm, bambu, biobroom, BiocGenerics, BioCor, BiocSet, BioNERO, CAGEr, CAGEWorkflow, compcodeR, curatedAdipoChIP, curatedAdipoRNA, dearseq, derfinder, diffloop, dittoSeq, EDASeq, EnhancedVolcano, EnrichmentBrowser, EWCE, fishpond, fluentGenomics, gage, GenomicAlignments, GenomicRanges, glmGamPoi, HiCDCPlus, IHW, InteractiveComplexHeatmap, miRmine, NxtIRFcore, OPWeight, PCAtools, phyloseq, progeny, PROPER, recount, RegParallel, RUVSeq, scran, Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes, sparrow, subSeq, SummarizedBenchmark, systemPipeR, systemPipeShiny, TFEA.ChIP, tidybulk, topconfects, tximeta, tximport, variancePartition, Wrench, zinbwave |
Links To Me |
Build Report |
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