Make CD page style consistent with BaKoMa TeX SITE.

Main ideas are:
   1) uses the same design.
   2) Every page has compacted outline of site with references on it.
   3) Pages duplicated from site are really saved from site 
      such that they looks as just cached site pages.

   In short, distribution pages looks like continuation of 
   central site.

--- DONE ---------------------------------------------------------------


	There is no direct reference on index.html.
	Furthermore, entire directory is at site,
	and redirection shoudl be used.
	However, CD users will be glad to find this cache.
	So, it looks as eventually saved page from site.

	Currently, screenshots on site are obsolete.
	So, most reasonable solution is provide small redirection 
	to site with small information that old - screen shots 
	may be shown at ...

	pdffonts.html - made them like svgwrite.html (mirror of site page)
	support.html  - just redirected to support site (/menu/support.php)
			anyway it redirects to internet.
	links.html    - just redirected to support site (/menu/links.php)
			anyway this page includes links to internet resources.
	hevea.html    - the same. because it is duplicate information
			from previous page.
	miktex.html   - made as some file from distribution.

--- WELL ---------------------------------------------------------------

For Making CD image we must only design index.html

--- TODO ---------------------------------------------------------------

To make smart rounding on CTAN we must overwrite other files.

about.html, index.html, quicksetup.html
	are copies of the same file.

title.html, frametoc.html 
	should be just redirecte to quicksetup.html