%% This is file 'pxjahyper-uni.def'.
%% Copyright (c) 2012-2024 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
%%   GitHub:   https://github.com/zr-tex8r
%%   Twitter:  @zr_tex8r
%% This package is distributed under the MIT License.

%% package declaration
\ProvidesFile{pxjahyper-uni.def}[2024/08/25 v1.5]

%--------------------------------------- environment check

  \bxDebug{pxjahyper-uni: hyperref not yet loaded}%

%% if already redefined, then okay
\def\pxhy@tmpa#1{\@backslashchar 000#1}
  \bxDebug{pxjahyper-uni: already redefined}

%% if this is pTeX and pxjatoucs is not loaded, then quit
\if \ifnum\jis"2121="3000 F%
    \else\ifx\bxjaSjisToUcs\@undefined T\else F%
    \fi\fi T%
  \bxDebug{pxjahyper-uni: bxjatoucs not yet loaded}

%--------------------------------------- the patch

%% The following code is taken from hyperref.sty.
    \ifnum`#1<128 %
      \@backslashchar 000#1%
      \ifnum`#1<65536 %
    \@backslashchar 33%
    \@backslashchar 33%

\ifnum\jis"2121="3000 \else             %<*pTeX>
    \ifnum`#1<128 %
      \@backslashchar 000#1%
    \else\ifnum`#1<256 %
  \ifnum\jis"2121="8140 % sjis
  \else\ifnum\jis"2121="A1A1 % euc
\fi                                     %</pTeX>

%% set flag
\bxDebug{pxjahyper-uni: patched}

%% disable the verification of bxjscls

%--------------------------------------- done
%% EOF