

(For later changes, see the ./ChangeLog file.)

v4.00   29-April-2022      TANAKA Takuji
  - Added operators bitwise AND "&" and bitwise OR "|" to built-in
    functions in style files.

v3.80   16-April-2022      TANAKA Takuji
  - Supported Latin-1 characters by built-in function width$ in style
  - Accepted characters over ASCII by built-in function int.to.chr$
    in style files.

31-May-2005	Karl Berry
  - Applied utils.c patch from Arne J\"orgensen for space character
    sorting weight, sent to tex-live@tug.org 31 May 2005 15:52:07 +0200.

v3.71   18-August-1996     Niel Kempson <snowyowl.co.uk>

  - Changed default environment variables used for consistency across OS
    implementations and better compatibility with emTeX.  Now uses
    BIBINPUT, BSTINPUT & CSFINPUT as the default environment variables
    for .bib, .bst and .csf files respectively.

    "Hard-coded" fallback search paths can now be specified for use if
    the chosen environment variables are not defined.  The environment
    variables and the fallback paths are now defined in the Makefile
    rather than in sysdep.h.

    Thanks to Lars Frellesen <frelle@math-tech.dk> for spotting the
    inconsistency and his Makefile suggestions.

  - Fixed bug in handling of CSF \order section.  Any alpha or numeric
    character may now be specified in the sort order - previously only
    alphas were allowed and BibTeX didn't correctly sort citations like
    Knuth89, Knuth92 because the digits were ignored during sort
    comparisons.  Corrected example CS files to include digits in the
    sort orders.  Thanks to Andrei Grinkevitch <grin@bals.usr.pu.ru> for
    spotting this one.

  - Included the first contributed CS file: for codepage 866 with a Russian
    sorting order.  Thanks again to Andrei Grinkevitch <grin@bals.usr.pu.ru>.

  - Added the missing 'd' to the sort section of 88591lat.csf.  Thanks to 
    Tim Geisler <geisler@pms.informatik.uni-muenchen.de>.

  - Removed CS files from all but the bt371csf.zip distribution file.

  - Clarified 00readme.txt, specifically sections dealing with environment 
    variables and CS files.  Moved 8-bit section describing CS files into
    a separate csfile.txt because some people were having problems when
    they tried to view the 8-bit 00readme.txt file on a 7-bit Unix
    system.  Thanks to Ken Smith <kgs@maths.uq.oz.au> for highlighting
    this issue.

  - Reinstated the -W option (--wolfgang did work).  Thanks to Thomas
    Plagwitz <tplagiwt@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de> for spotting this.
  - Fixed str_lookup() to work with a hash size > 32767.

  - Created new HISTORY file.

v3.70   29-Apr-1996     Niel Kempson <snowyowl.co.uk>

    Final documentation & cosmetic changes for official release 3.70.

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