robust2sls 0.2.2
Minor changes
- move package doRNG from
to Suggests
because the package has
been orphaned as of 2022-12-19. Only affects the function
, which is anyway for advanced users only
Bug Fixes
robust2sls 0.2.1
Major changes
- addition of Impulse Indicator Saturation (IIS) as initial estimator
for outlier detection (from ivgets package)
Minor changes
- code coverage has been extended to 100%
- update formulae for FODR under normality (estimation not
- all 2SLS estimation commands originally from AER package now use the
ivreg package
- fixed or or with empty second argument, as suggested by CRAN
robust2sls 0.2.0
Major changes
Introduction of a suite of new functions implementing several tests
for the presence of outliers in the sample.
- proportion test
- count test
- global test using Simes (1986) procedure
- scaling sum test
- scaling sup test
A vignette is included that illustrates the usage of these testing
Minor changes
- change gauge_avar() to accept NULL as input for split argument
- implement asymptotic covariance of the FODR for different
- utility function multi_cutoff() that allows to apply the same
outlier detection algorithm with different cut-off / gamma values
robust2sls 0.1.0 (initial