A title header is a special type of title block. The title header
displays titles on the left side, and header information on the right
side. The title header can be defined with the
function. This style of header is preferred
by some organizations.
# Create temp file name
tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), "example8.rtf")
tbl <- create_table(mtcars[1:10, ], width = 7) %>%
title_header("Listing 4.0", "MTCARS Data Listing with Title Header",
right = c("Page [pg] of [tpg]", "Study: Cars"),
blank_row = "both")
# Create the report
rpt <- create_report(tmp, output_type = "RTF",
font = "Courier", font_size = 12) %>%
page_header(left = "Client: Motor Trend", right = "Study: Cars",
blank_row = "below") %>%
add_content(tbl) %>%
set_margins(top = 1, bottom = 1) %>%
footnotes("* Motor Trend, 1974") %>%
page_footer(left = Sys.time(),
center = "Confidential",
right = "Page [pg] of [tpg]")
# Write the report
# file.show(tmp)