If a users preferred data analysis software is other than R, optmatch can still easily be used to perform the matching while all other data analysis can be performed in the preferred software.
In general, the procedure will be
The most general way to import the data back-and-forth are using comma separated value files (.csv files), which any statistical software should be able to read & write.
For .csv files, sample R code may be
> externaldata <- read.csv("externaldata.csv", header = TRUE)
> externaldata$match <- fullmatch(..., data = externaldata)
> write.csv(externaldata, file = "externaldata.matched.csv")
An example of doing this sort of operation with SAS is below. Following that, we demonstrate a similar procedure in Stata using the R package haven which reads and writes Stata’s .dta files directly.
For this example, lets say we have some simple demographics. We will treat gender as the treatment indicator, and wish to match on a combination of a propensity score for gender (using both age and height) and age.
data people;
infile datalines dsd dlm=' ' missover;
input gender age height;
0 25 62
0 41 68
0 38 63
0 22 62
1 33 70
1 35 71
1 47 68
1 23 64
Now we can fit a logistic model to predict gender using age and height.
proc logistic data = people;
model gender (event='1') = age height;
output out = preddata p=ppty;
Finally, since we want to match only on the new ppty
propensity score and age, we can drop height.
data newpeople;
set preddata;
keep gender age ppty;
Export the file from SAS into a .csv file.
proc export data=newpeople;
Inside R, we can load this data.
> sasdata <- read.csv("/path/to/save/sasout.csv", header = TRUE)
If you have string variables (e.g. race as “White”, “Hispanic”, etc),
you may need to include the argument
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
. (This is the default in current
R, but older versions of R had TRUE
as the default.)
Now, perform matching as desired, saving the final match to
. For example,
> library(optmatch)
> f <- fullmatch(gender ~ age + ppty, data = sasdata)
> sasdata$match <- f
Save this data back to .csv as follows.
> write.csv(sasdata, "/path/to/saverout.sas.csv", row.names = FALSE)
The use of row.names = FALSE
stops R from including the
row names (likely 1, 2, 3, etc) as the first column in the data. If you
re-arranged the data at any point, you may need to set that to
, but keep in mind to handle it properly in SAS, as the
default will be to treat it as a variable.
Now, returning to SAS, we can read the new rout.sas.csv file in. The
only catch is that we want to ensure that the match is read as a string
by using $
, since it may have values like 1.1
and 1.10
, representing two different matches, but which are
identical if treated as numeric.
data matchedpeople;
infile "/path/to/save/rout.sas.csv" dsd firstobs=2;
input gender age ppty match $;
The argument firstobs=2
skips the variable names;
alternatively you could pass col.names=FALSE
to R’s
, but then the rout.sas.csv file lacks any
variable information, which may be useful to have.
If you carry out any additional operations in between steps above which re-order the original data, or the data exported over to R, the two data sets could have mis-matched rows by the end. If this is a concern, please retain or create a unique identifier per row. For example, something like
data people_with_id
set people;
rownum = _N_;
When subsetting the data to drop variables irrelevant to the
matching, be sure to keep rownum
After you’ve brought the data with the match information back into SAS, you can sort both data sets and merge with something like
proc sort data=people_with_id out=people_with_id2;
by rownum;
proc sort data=matchedpeople out=matchedpeople2;
by rownum;
data matchedmerged ;
merge people_with_id2 matchedpeople2;
by rownum;
We’ll use the same example, with some simple demographics. We will treat gender as the treatment indicator, and wish to match on a combination of a propensity score for gender (using both age and height) and age.
input gender age height
0 25 62
0 41 68
0 38 63
0 22 62
1 33 70
1 35 71
1 47 68
1 23 64
First, lets fit the logistic regression model.
logit gender age height
predict ppty, xb
At the end we’ll be merging two files together to avoid any ordering issues, and as noted above, to do so we’ll create a unique identifier.
gen rownum = _n
We’ll save only the relevant variables (treatment indicator, anything to be matched on, and the ID variable to merge on) to avoid saving and loading a very large file.
keep gender age ppty rownum
save "/path/to/save/toR.dta"
Turning to R, this can be read in using the haven package
> library(haven)
> statadata <- read_dta("/path/to/save/toR.dta")
Now, perform matching as desired, saving the final match to
. For example,
> library(optmatch)
> f <- fullmatch(gender ~ age + ppty, data = sttadata)
> statadata$match <- f
We’ll use haven again to write the data back to
Stata. We do not recommend using .csv files to transfer the data back to
Stata, though the write.csv
file would be similar to that
for SAS.
> write_dta(statadata, "/path/to/save/rout.stata.dta")
Back in Stata, you can merge this into the existing data set by the following commands:
sort rownum
merge 1:1 rownum using "/path/to/save/rout.stata.dta"
The force
option may be necessary to overcome type
differences. Additional tweaks may be necessary here if you have special
variable types.