
R-functions for Fitting the Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution MEVD.

The MEVD assumes daily rainfall extremes being block maxima over a finite and stochastically variable number of “ordinary events” which are defined as samples from the underlying distribution (Marani & Ignaccolo, 2015, Zorzetto et al., 2016).

The functions in this package can be used to fit the MEVD, its simplified sibling SMEV (Schellander et al., 2019, Marra et al., 2019) and the explicitly non-stationary approach TMEV (Falkensteiner et al., 2023) to data series.

The R-package mevr was written during the development of the TMEV (Falkensteiner et al., 2023). See also this GitHub repository which contains the original code.


The easiest way to get mevr is to install it from CRAN


Development version

To install the development version from GitHub

# install.packages("pak")