An R-package which estimates linear and nonlinear impulse responses
with local projections by Jordà
Please cite the paper by Adämmer (2019) when using the package.
You can install the released version of lpirfs from CRAN:
You can install the development version of lpirfs from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("") devtools
As lpirfs compiles some C++ source code, you will need to have installed the appropriate compilers to build the development version.
The paper about the package can be found here. The vignette of the package can be found here.
I am thankful to Òscar Jordà for encouraging comments and helpful suggestions. I am also indebted to Sarah Zubairy for providing the Matlab code before the publication of their paper.
I greatly benefitted from the helpful remarks by Jon Danielsson and the profound R, Rcpp and GitHub knowledge of Philipp Wittenberg and Detlef (overflow) Steuer. Last but not least, I am grateful to Philipp Dybowski without whom I would have never started this project.
All remaining errors are obviously mine.
Philipp Adämmer
GPL (>= 2)