New Features
Integrate all the multivariate sufficient dimension reduction methods in regression within the mitdr() function.
Integrate wh(), wx(), and wy() functions into a single function hyperPara().
Bug Fixes
New Features
Include the following integral transformation methods.
1). An iterated alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm that selects the sufficient variables using a Fourier transform sparse inverse regression estimators. This algorithm is integrated in admmft() function.
2). A Minimum Discrepancy Approach with Fourier Transform in Sufficient Dimension Reduction. This algorithm is integrated in fm_xire() function.
Include the following data sets to the package.
1). prostate - The data describe the level of a prostate-specific antigen associated with eight clinical measures in 97 male patients taking a radical prostatectomy.
2). Raman - The Raman dataset contains 69 samples of fatty acid information in terms of percentage of total sample weight and percentage of total fat content