hydropeak: Detect and Characterize Sub-Daily Flow Fluctuations
An important environmental impact on running water ecosystems
is caused by hydropeaking - the discontinuous release of turbine water
because of peaks of energy demand. An event-based algorithm is implemented
to detect flow fluctuations referring to increase events (IC) and decrease
events (DC). For each event, a set of parameters related to the fluctuation
intensity is calculated. The framework is introduced in Greimel et al. (2016)
"A method to detect and characterize sub-daily flow fluctuations"
<doi:10.1002/hyp.10773> and can be used to identify different fluctuation
types according to the potential source: e.g., sub-daily flow fluctuations
caused by hydropeaking, rainfall, or snow and glacier melt.
This is a companion to the package 'hydroroute', which is used to detect and
follow hydropower plant-specific hydropeaking waves at the sub-catchment
scale and to describe how hydropeaking flow parameters change along the
longitudinal flow path as proposed and validated in Greimel et al. (2022).
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