dapper: Data Augmentation for Private Posterior Estimation
A data augmentation based sampler for conducting privacy-aware Bayesian inference. The dapper_sample()
function takes an existing sampler as input and automatically constructs
a privacy-aware sampler. The process of constructing a sampler is simplified
through the specification of four independent modules, allowing for
easy comparison between different privacy mechanisms by only swapping
out the relevant modules. Probability mass functions
for the discrete Gaussian and discrete Laplacian are provided to facilitate
analyses dealing with privatized count data. The output of dapper_sample()
can be analyzed using many of the same tools from the 'rstan' ecosystem. For methodological details
on the sampler see Ju et al. (2022) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2206.00710>,
and for details on the discrete Gaussian and discrete Laplacian distributions see
Canonne et al. (2020) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2004.00010>.
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