bp 1.0.0
- First release.
- Added a
file to track changes to the
bp 1.0.1
- Fixed missing path argument warning for bp_report
- Added GitHub URL to DESCRIPTION file with BugReports link
- Added install.packages(“bp”) instructions in ReadMe
- Fixed minor dependency issues in the NAMESPACE
bp 1.0.2
- Fixed minor bug in dow_tod_plots if DATE is missing
- Added warnings to bp_sleep_metrics if input is not as expected
- Treat night as sleep in ABPM data in the absence of sleep/wake
bp 2.0.0
Major Updates:
- Complete overhaul to process_data() function by adding the following
- Added a data_process_helpers.R file to improve the readability and
efficiency of background processes of process_data() function
- Added argument to aggregate data (agg) for successive measurements
and collapse if desired
- Added argument to differentiate between HBPM, ABPM, and AP data
- Added argument to differentiate the end-of-day (eod)
- Restructured the way that BP stages are calculated in order to
obtain a 2-to-1 mapping of SBP & DBP to a respective category
- Added the ability to change the input date/time format and specify
time zone
- Added the ability to adjust the order of the data (chronological vs
- Addition of new visualization functions:
- bp_ts_plots: Time series plots
- dip_class_plot: Plot for dipping percentage classification
- Addition of new Hypertension metrics:
- dip_calc: Nocturnal dipping percentage
- bp_sleep_metrics: Sleep metrics that include weighted SD (wSD),
morning blood pressure surge (PW_mbps and ST_mbps), and
morningness-eveningness (ME_avg and ME_diff)
- Added 4 new data sets:
- bp_preg
- bp_children
- bp_ghana
- bp_rats
Bug Fixes:
- Set UTC time zone for bp_jhs for consistency of time conversion
across systems
- More flexible output of bp_report for either direct plotting or
saving grob object for later
- Renamed hypnos_data.rda to bp_hypnos.rda for consistency
bp 2.0.1
- Minor bug fixes related to user-supplied data with missing values
- Adjustments to process_data function (data_screen issue, various
back-end helper functions, etc)
- Omits NA values in various metric calculations and nocturnal
- Fixed various plotting issues
- Corrected medical references surrounding sleep vs nocturnal
bp 2.1.0
- Restructuring of bp_type argument in various functions to consist of
‘both’, ‘sbp’, ‘dbp’ instead of 0, 1, 2
- NOTE: This may affect legacy functionality / backward
- Removed deprecated functions from documentation: arv, cv, sv
(replaced with bp_arv, bp_cv, bp_sv)
- Fixed histogram binning for missing / Null values