The goal of this vignette is to describe the basic functionality of
the binman
(Binary Manager) is an R package that allows the
user to manage the downloading of third party binaries. The downloading
of binaries is split into three parts: the pre-download, the download
and the post-download. Each part of the download is controlled by an
appropriate function: predlfunction,
dlfunction and postdlfunction
The pre-download function should return up-to its final point a named
list of data.frames. The name of each data.frame corresponds to a
“platform”. Each individual data.frame should be composed of three
columns namely “version”, “url” and “file”. This named list of
data.frames can then be passed to the assign_directory
<- function(...) {
mypredl_fun # code to return named list of data.frames
assign_directory(mynamedlist, "myappname")
Directories are assigned using the rappdirs
package. See
for more OS specific
The download function should take as its primary input the output
given by assign_directory
that is a named list of
data.frames with column names “version”, “url”, “file”, “dir” and
The download function should process the list downloading the “url” to the given directory “dir” assigning it the file-name “file”. Whether the download is attempted may be dictated on the value of the “exists” variable (For example an overwrite argument in the download function).
The download function should return a single data.frame with columns “platform”, “file” and “processed”. The “platform” column indicates what platform the file downloaded relates to. The “file” column gives the full path to the downloaded file. The “processed” column indicates whether the file was downloaded/processed.
<- function(dllist, ...) {
mydl_fun # dllist is output from a predlfunction with final output from assign_directory
# CODE here to perform download
platform = platform,
file = file,
processed = processed,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) }
The post-download function takes as its primary input the output given by a “download function” that is a data.frame with column names “platform”, “file” and “processed”.
The purpose of the post-download function is to process the downloaded files after the download. This could involve changing the file properties such as the mode, unzip/untar a downloaded zip/tar file etc.
The three functions mentioned previously are combined together to define a process for downloading the binary file. The user stipulates the required functions and arguments by way of a YAML format file. For example:
name: superduperapp
appname: "superduperapp"
"superduperapp::download_superduper": []
"superduperapp::postdl_superduper": []
The defined YAML file is then processed by the
function. The YAML file needs to define the
three required functions with any arguments and also define a name.
The following is an example of using binman to get the github assets from a project. The project is . When a new version is released a zipped binary is added as an “asset”. A JSON representation of the project releases is available at We shall breakdown the process into its three functional parts.
Firstly we note we have JSON data so we parse the JSON from the URL:
<- ""
bmpURL <- jsonlite::fromJSON(bmpURL) bmpData
This gives us a list of 10 releases. A GitHub release should have a version number.
<- bmpData[["tag_name"]]
version version
[1] "browsermob-proxy-2.1.2" "browsermob-proxy-2.1.1"
[3] "browsermob-proxy-2.1.0" "browsermob-proxy-2.1.0-beta-6"
[5] "browsermob-proxy-2.1.0-beta-5" "browsermob-proxy-2.1.0-beta-4"
[7] "browsermob-proxy-2.1.0-beta-3" "browsermob-proxy-2.1.0-beta-2"
[9] "browsermob-proxy-2.1.0-beta-1" "browsermob-proxy-2.0.0"
This is our version data but we may want to tidy it up so:
<- c("browsermob-proxy-(.*)$", "\\1")
versionregex <- gsub(versionregex[1], versionregex[2], version)
version version
[1] "2.1.2" "2.1.1" "2.1.0" "2.1.0-beta-6" "2.1.0-beta-5"
[6] "2.1.0-beta-4" "2.1.0-beta-3" "2.1.0-beta-2" "2.1.0-beta-1" "2.0.0"
Each release has “assets” associated with it (a zip file).
<- bmpData[["assets"]]
assets length(assets)
[1] 10
The assets will contain the other information we need for our pre-download function.
From each assets item we would like the file-name:
<- vapply(assets, "[[", character(1), "name")
bmpFiles bmpFiles
[1] "" ""
[3] "" ""
[5] "" ""
[7] "" ""
[9] "" ""
and the URL for that file:
<- vapply(assets, "[[", character(1), "browser_download_url")
bmpURLs bmpURLs
[1] ""
[2] ""
[3] ""
[4] ""
[5] ""
[6] ""
[7] ""
[8] ""
[9] ""
[10] ""
In the case of BMP we have a single platform which we could denote “generic”. So we could pass the following:
<- list(
dllist "generic" = data.frame(
version = version,
url = bmpURLs,
file = bmpFiles,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) )
Then finally we pass this list to the assign_directory
<- assign_directory(dllist, "bmpApp")
predlOut str(predlOut, max.level = 2)
List of 1
$ generic:'data.frame': 10 obs. of 5 variables:
..$ version: chr [1:10] "2.1.2" "2.1.1" "2.1.0" "2.1.0-beta-6" ...
..$ url : chr [1:10] "" "" "" ""| __truncated__ ...
..$ file : chr [1:10] "" "" "" "" ...
..$ dir :List of 10
..$ exists : logi [1:10] FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
In the binman
package there is a function template for
github asset type downloads:
<- predl_github_assets(
dllist url = "",
history = 3L,
platform = "generic",
appname = "bmproxy",
platformregex = "browsermob-proxy",
versionregex = c("browsermob-proxy-(.*)$", "\\1")
There are some extra arguments for generality but it basically performs the operations we outlined above.
The download for BMP is straightforward:
"generic"]][1,] dllist[[
1 2.1.2
file dir
1 /home/john/.local/share/binman_bmproxy/generic/2.1.2
For each platform (there is only one “generic” platform in this case) we want to loop over the data.frame downloading the data at “url” to the “file” in the “dir”. If it already “exists” we may not perform the download.
In binman
there is a simple template function for
<- download_files(dllist) dlfiles
So we simply need to pass the list from the pre download function to this download function.
The files we receive from the Browser mob Proxy project are zipped. As a post processing operation we would like to unzip these files. The result of unzipping the files is a directory structure. In this case we do not change the mode of the ultimate binary which is contained in this directory structure.
Again binman
has a simple template function to
unzip/untar a downloaded file so we pass our output from the download to
<- unziptar_dlfiles(dlfiles) dlres
We can incorporate our three functional calls into a YAML file for the Browser Mob Proxy application as follows:
name: bmproxy
url: ""
- generic
history: 3
appname: "bmproxy"
- "browsermob-proxy"
- "browsermob-proxy-(.*)$"
- "\\1"
"binman::download_files": []
"binman::unziptar_dlfiles": []
We have saved this file in the binman
<- system.file("examples", "yaml", "bmproxy.yml", package = "binman") ymlfile
We can now use the process-yaml
function to download the
BMP binaries:
Creating directory: /home/john/.local/share/binman_bmproxy/generic/2.1.2
Downloading binary:
Creating directory: /home/john/.local/share/binman_bmproxy/generic/2.1.1
Downloading binary:
Creating directory: /home/john/.local/share/binman_bmproxy/generic/2.1.0
Downloading binary:
Looking at the resulting directory structure (this is for Linux the location of directories will be OS dependent):
tree -d /home/john/.local/share/binman_bmproxy
└── generic
├── 2.1.0
│ └── browsermob-proxy-2.1.0
│ ├── bin
│ │ └── conf
│ ├── lib
│ └── ssl-support
├── 2.1.1
│ └── browsermob-proxy-2.1.1
│ ├── bin
│ │ └── conf
│ ├── lib
│ └── ssl-support
└── 2.1.2
└── browsermob-proxy-2.1.2
├── bin
│ └── conf
├── lib
└── ssl-support
We see that binman
has downloaded and unzipped the
binaries to appropriate directories.