Some best practices for anticlustering

Martin Papenberg

This vignette documents some “best practices” for anticlustering using the R package anticlust. In many cases, the suggestions pertain to overriding the default values of arguments of anticlustering(), which seems to be a difficult decision for users. However, I advise you: Do not stick with the defaults; check out the results of different anticlustering specifications; repeat the process; play around; read the documentation (especially ?anticlustering); change arguments arbitrarily; compare the output. Nothing can break.1

This document uses somewhat imperative language; nuance and explanations are given in the package documentation, the other vignettes, and the papers by Papenberg and Klau (2021; and Papenberg (2024; Note that deciding which anticlustering objective to use usually requires substantial content considerations and cannot be reduced to “which one is better”. However, some hints are given below.


Papenberg, M., & Klau, G. W. (2021). Using anticlustering to partition data sets into equivalent parts. Psychological Methods, 26(2), 161–174.

Papenberg, M. (2024). K-plus Anticlustering: An Improved k-means Criterion for Maximizing Between-Group Similarity. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 77 (1), 80–102.

  1. Well, actually your R session can break if you use an optimal method (method = "ilp") with a data set that is too large.↩︎

  2. You might ask why standardize = TRUE is not the default. Actually, there are two reasons. First, the argument was not always available in anticlust and changing the default behaviour of a function when releasing a new version is oftentimes undesirable. Second, it seems like a big decision to me to just change users’ data by default (which is done when standardizing the data). In doubt, just compare the results of using standardize = TRUE and standardize = FALSE and decide for yourself which you like best. Standardization may not be the best choice in all settings.↩︎