‘REN’: Regularization Ensemble for Portfolio Optimization



The ‘REN’ package provides a set of tools for performing portfolio optimization using various regularization and ensemble learning methods. The package is designed to produce stable out-of-sample return predictions, particularly in the presence of strong correlations between assets. The core functions enable users to prepare data, set up parallel processing, and perform in-depth portfolio analysis.


To install the ‘REN’ package, you can use the following command:

# Install the development version from GitHub

Main Functions

1. setup_parallel()

This function sets up parallel processing to speed up the computation of portfolio optimization tasks.

# Set up parallel processing with the default number of cores
cl <- setup_parallel()

# Set up parallel processing with 4 cores
cl <- setup_parallel(num_cores = 4)

# Stop the cluster after completing the analysis

2. prepare_data()

This function prepares the input data for portfolio optimization by structuring it into the required format and calculating necessary metrics.

# Prepare the data for analysis
ff25 <- read.csv("data/FF25.csv")

# Define the date column index, start date, and end date
date_column_index <- 1  # Update this based on your data
start_date <- "19990101"  # Adjust as needed
end_date <- "20231231"  # Adjust as needed

# Prepare the data for analysis
data_prep <- prepare_data(ff25, date_column_index, start_date, end_date)
x <- data_prep$x
mon <- data_prep$mon
count <- data_prep$count
Date <- data_prep$Date

3. perform_analysis()

This function performs portfolio analysis using various methods such as Mean-Variance (MV), James-Stein (JM), LASSO, Ridge Regression, and Equal Weighting (EW). It calculates portfolio weights, turnover, returns, Sharpe ratios, volatility, and maximum drawdown for each method.

# Perform the portfolio analysis
result <- perform_analysis(x, mon, count, Date, num_cores)

# Accessing the results
cumulative_return_plot <- result$cumulative_return_plot
turnover_mean <- result$turnover_mean
sharpe_ratio <- result$sharpe_ratio
volatility <- result$volatility
max_drawdown <- result$max_drawdown

# Display the cumulative return plot

Example Workflow

Here’s an example workflow using the ‘REN’ package:

# Step 1: Set up parallel processing
cl <- setup_parallel(num_cores = 4)

# Step 2: Prepare the data
data_prep <- prepare_data(ff25, date_column_index, start_date, end_date)
x <- data_prep$x
mon <- data_prep$mon
count <- data_prep$count
Date <- data_prep$Date

# Step 3: Perform portfolio analysis
result <- perform_analysis(x, mon, count, Date, num_cores)

# Step 4: Plot and interpret the results

# Remember to stop the cluster after completing the analysis


Contributions to the ‘REN’ package are welcome. Please feel free to submit a pull request or report any issues you encounter.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.