LilRhino: For Implementation of Feed Reduction, Learning Examples, NLP and
Code Management
This is for code management functions, NLP tools, a Monty Hall simulator, and for implementing my own variable reduction technique called Feed Reduction. The Feed Reduction technique is not yet published, but is merely a tool for implementing a series of binary neural networks meant for reducing data into N dimensions, where N is the number of possible values of the response variable.
Version: |
1.2.2 |
Imports: |
FNN, stringi, beepr, ggplot2, keras, dplyr, readr, parallel, tm, e1071, SnowballC, data.table, fastmatch, neuralnet |
Suggests: |
textclean |
Published: |
2022-04-27 |
DOI: |
10.32614/CRAN.package.LilRhino |
Author: |
Travis Barton (2018) |
Maintainer: |
Travis Barton <travisdatabarton at> |
License: |
GPL-2 |
NeedsCompilation: |
no |
Materials: |
CRAN checks: |
LilRhino results |
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