CropScapeR 1.0.0
CropScapeR 1.0.1
CropScapeR 1.1.0
- Now allow data request for a state using state fips code.
- Now allow data request for a sf object.
- Now allow data request for a user provided shapefile.
- Change the definition of ‘ps’ aoi from triangle area to
- Fix the issue with SSL certificate on Mac.
- Revised the documenation of the
CropScapeR 1.1.1
- Remove the dependence on the rgdal package.
CropScapeR 1.1.2
- Fix an issue with requesting point data with long/lat.
CropScapeR 1.1.3
- Allow for inquires using 1-digit or 4 digit FIPS code.
CropScapeR 1.1.4
- Fix GetCDLCompPs issue.
- Add trycatch to address server side issue
CropScapeR 1.1.5
- Remove example in manualrotate