BHMSMAfMRI performs Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of function MRI (fMRI) data as described in Sanyal & Ferreira (2012), or other multiscale data, using wavelet based prior that borrows strength across subjects and provides posterior smooth estimates of the effect sizes and samples from their posterior distribution.
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("nilotpalsanyal/BHMSMAfMRI") devtools
BHMSMA is the main function which accepts fMRI data as a 4D array (see code below) and a design matrix. For the time-series of all voxels, a general linear model (GLM) is fit with all the regressors in the design matrix. After that, the standardized regression coefficient map of a regressor of interest is subjected to further analysis. The function BHMSMA returns the posterior smoothed map of the regression coefficients. Below is a basic illustration of its use. For a detailed manual, see the package vignette.
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# Read data from image files
<- system.file("extdata", package="BHMSMAfMRI")
fpath untar(paste0(fpath,"/fmridata.tar"), exdir=tempdir())
<- 3
n <- 32
grid <- 9
ntime <- array(dim=c(n,grid,grid,ntime))
data for(subject in 1:n)
{<- paste0(tempdir(),"/fmridata","/s0",subject,"/")
directory <- readfmridata(directory, format="Analyze", prefix=paste0("s0",subject,"_t"),
a nimages=9, dim.image=c(grid,grid,1))
<- a[,,1,]
#> [1] "grid" "nsubject" "TrueCoeff" "DesignMatrix"
<- fmridata$TrueCoeff
truecoef <- fmridata$DesignMatrix
# Perform analyses
<- 2 #consider the second regressor
k <- "multi" #perform multi-subject analysis (MSA)
analysis <- BHMSMA(n, grid, data, designmat, k, analysis, truecoef)
BHMSMAmulti <- "single" #perform single subject analysis (SSA)
analysis <- BHMSMA(n, grid, data, designmat, k, analysis, truecoef)
# Compare results for the first subject
= c(0,max(abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMCoefStandardized[1,,,k])))
zlim par(mfrow=c(2,2))
image( truecoef[1,,],col=heat.colors(12),main="true map")
image( abs(BHMSMAsingle$GLMCoefStandardized[1,,,k]),
col=heat.colors(8),zlim=zlim,main="GLM coef map")
image( abs(BHMSMAsingle$GLMcoefposterior[1,,]),
col=heat.colors(8),zlim=zlim,main="posterior map SSA")
image( abs(BHMSMAmulti$GLMcoefposterior[1,,]),
col=heat.colors(8),zlim=zlim,main="posterior map MSA")
Sanyal, Nilotpal, and Ferreira, Marco A.R. (2012). Bayesian hierarchical multi-subject multiscale analysis of functional MRI data. Neuroimage, 63, 3, 1519-1531.