
How many times have you used this week? If you can't remeber the last time you saw the Debian homepage, but you pound on RecentChanges hourly, this DebConf6 BoF is for you.


The BoF was held on Sunday May 14th.



Currently still in semi-rough note form, feel free to expand and add anything I missed. --JoeyHess

Offer for help

This is probably not a great place to mention that, but since this hasn't been discussed much yet, I, FilipusKlutiero, volunteer to help as a WikiJanitor/WikiGnome, and to help with the content licensing issues. I wish to deal with licensing first, though. Unfortunately, I don't know Python, am not skilled in HTML, so overall I don't have much technical skills to help with the first point. I am willing to learn Python, if my free time allows me to. I am not participating to DebConf. I can reasonably spend an average of 5 hours per week on this project.

last edited 2006-05-15 01:56:40 by TheAnarcat