Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center
Welp, a lot of people have requested this so here is a
modest implementation. Please note that this distribution
requires that the use of PRO-C, the C language development
environment for ORACLE. If you do not have PRO-C installed
as part of the ORACLE distribution do NOT use this distribution.
Also, knowledge of C and your operating environment is assumed.
This distribution is meant to supplement/replace the gsql distribution
written by Jason Ng at NCSA ( The reason for
a separate distribution is keep things simple. Everything you need
to know is here. If you want the original gsql files, they are
available via anonymous ftp from:, in the directory /ftp/Mosaic/gsql.
Download the file gsql.tar
The GSQL-ORACLE distribution is available via anonymous ftp from:, in the directory
/pub/gvu/www/pitkow/gsql-oracle. Download the file:
Please refer to the original documents first. After you have read
those documents, proceed. Note, this methodology has only been
tested on SunOS 4.1.3. Here is a list of what needs to be done:
- Change the name of the sqlprogram variable (line 12) in the file
gsql.c to point to the location of the backend executable. This value
can be overridden by setting the variable: SQLPROGRAM in the .proc
- Change the path information in the file to point to where
the gsql-oracle directory is located. Once this is done, place a
copy in your cgi-bin. Make sure that the file is executable.
- Go into the pro-c directory.
- Copy ~oracle/proc/demo/sample9.pc into this directory
- Type: patch < gsql-oracle-patchfile
- Change the name of the resulting file to
whatever you want as long as it has the ".pc" extension.
For this example we will call it foo.pc Make sure that
the name you change it to is the same as the name you
have for sqlprogram (line 12 of gsql.c OR bound to
SQLPROGRAM in the .proc file!!!
- Edit this file, changing the WWW, ACCOUNT, and PASSWD
variables (lines 37 - 42) to suit your setup.
- Copy the file from the oracle proc distribution
to this directory.
- Type: make -f foo
Remember that foo is the name from step 3 above without
the ".pc" extension.
- Finally, inspect the file: to make sure that
it contains the correct location for your ORACLE environment.
If you have trouble with finding/compiling/etc. consult with
your ORACLE administrator.
If all went well, a file called foo will be created. Make sure the
permissions are set to execute (e.g. chmod +x foo). It will also have
generated a foo.c and a foo.lis file. These were used by the PRO-C
compiler to make the executable. It is best to make whatever changes
to the foo.pc file and recompile than to make the changes to the foo.c.
How it works:
Hopefully this section will clarify how the pieces fit together.
Due to copyright reasons, the source code generated by
PRO-C will not be distributed. The program sample9.c is property of
ORACLE, even though I modified it slightly. Basically PRO-C allows for
high level descriptions of ORACLE functions to be converted into
ORACLE specific C code. This code is compiled into a stand alone
executable. This executable takes an SQL command as the first command
line argument and outputs the result from ORACLE in HTML. In order
for the program to run properly, the location of your WWW server, your
database account name and password have to have ben changed before
compiling. The program will take the value of any attribute that contains
the substring "gif" and make it an in-lined image, with an anchor
to the actual image. Note that this means the attribute is to be the
FULL path from your htdocs directory. Example:
Attribute in ORACLE database:
Output from backend:
<A HREF=http://yourmachine/images/234522345.gif><IMG SRC=http://yourmachine/images/234522345.gif></A>
So, when your www server gets a request for the Bourne shell script in
the cgi-bin here's what happens. The script will call gsql. If there
is one command-line arguments, gsql will parse the .proc file as
listed in the shell, and create a form. This form will be sent back to the
client. Once the client has filled out the form, the shell will
be executed again, which will execute gsql, again. Now, gsql will receive
more than one command line argument. Gsql will parse the command line,
and create an SQL statement from it. Once this is done, gsql will
invoke the stand-alone executable ORACLE backend, with the SQL query
as the command line argument. The backend will process the query and
return the results embedded in HTML. These results are sent back to the
Additional Notes:
This distribution is provided as is mostly as service for those who
asked to see how to implement the ORACLE backend. Please feel free
to send any comments or suggestions to me at:
James Pitkow
Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center
Georgia Institute of Technology