Tcl7.6 (Skunkware97)

These packages contain binary run-times (for SCO OpenServer and SCO UnixWare) and the sources and documentation for Tcl, a simple embeddable and extensible scripting command language.

The version here corresponds to release 7.6p2, patch level 2 for Tcl 7.6 released January 1997. This is actually the first official patch release for Tcl 7.6: patch level 1 was only released for the Macintosh.

Summary of changes in Tcl 7.6

Tcl 7.6 is a relatively minor release with bug fixes and a few new features, mostly to improve portability. Tcl 7.6 should be backwards compatible with Tcl 7.5 scripts.

  1. New file manipulation commands. There are new options to the "file" command for copying files ("file copy"), deleting files and directories ("file delete"), creating directories ("file mkdir"), and renaming files ("file rename").
  2. The package loader has been modified to look for packages not only in the auto_path directories but also in their immediate descendants. This makes it much easier to install and uninstall packages. There is now a new variable, tcl_pkgPath, which contains directories in which packages are normally installed, and these directories are automatically included in auto_path.
Tcl 7.6 (on Unix) contains only one incompatible change:
  1. The C interfaces to channel drivers have been revised to eliminate the use of Tcl_File handles in the interfaces. Instead, there are new interface procedures channelReadyProc, watchChannelProc, and getFileProc. This change does not affect Tcl scripts; it will only affect you if you have written a custom channel driver.

Info resources

Skunkware 97