=================================== aVTC-Test 2002-12 File:DISCLAIM.TXT Copyright, License, and Disclaimer. =================================== This publication is (C) Copyright 2003 by Klaus Brunnstein and the Virus Test Center (VTC) at University of Hamburg, Germany. Permission (Copy-Left) is granted to everybody to distribute copies of this information in electronic form, provided that this is done for free, that contents of the information are not changed in any way, and that origin of this information is explicitly mentioned. It is esp. permitted to store and distribute this set of text files at university or other public mirror sites where security/safety related information is stored for unrestricted public access for free. Any other use, esp. including distribution of these text files on CD-ROMs or any publication as a whole or in parts, are ONLY permitted after contact with the supervisor, Prof. Dr. Klaus Brunnstein or authorized members of Virus Test Center at Hamburg University, and this agreement must be in explicit writing, prior to any publication. No responsibility is assumed by the author(s) for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Prof. Dr. Klaus Brunnstein, Jan Seedorf University of Hamburg, Germany (January 19, 2003)