================================= File: 1CONTENT.TXT Contents of archive VTC-0212.zip: ================================= [Formatted with non-proportional font (Courier), 72 columns] Remark: AV/AM products have been tested on 4 operating platforms. Both data and evaluation are included for all platforms (6ppp.txt: data, 7evalppp.txt: evaluation, where platform ppp= DOS, W98, W2k, LNX) 0README.1ST - Latest notes. 0XECSUM.TXT - Executive Summary of Test Report 2002-12 1CONTENT.TXT - This file 2PROLOG.TXT - Background, Aims of this test 3INTRO.TXT - Introduction: Background, Aims, Development of VTC tests 4TESTCON.TXT - Conditions which a scanner must fullfil in order to be tested 5PROTOCO.TXT - Detailed description of VTC test protocols 6dDOS.TXT - Detailed Results: DOS Boot, File, Macro and Script Virus Results, and File, Macro and Script Malware Results 6fW98.TXT - Detailed Results: Windows-98 File, Macro, Script Virus and realted Malware Results 6iW2k.TXT - Detailed Results: Windows-2000 File, Macro and Script Virus and Malware Results 6mCMP32.TXT - Detailed Results: Comparison of 32-Bit (Win-98, Win-2k) Results 6xLinux.TXT - Detailed Results: Linux(SuSe) File, Macro, Script Virus and Malware Results 7EVAL-DOS.TXT - DOS Results: Evaluation, Grading of DOS products 7EVAL-W98.TXT - Windows-98 Results: Evaluation, Grading of W98products 7EVAL-W2k.TXT - Windows-2000 Results: Evaluation, Grading of W2k products 7EVAL-CMP.TXT - W32-platforms: Comparison, Evaluation, Grading of W32 products 7EVAL-LIN.TXT - LINUX Results: Evaluation, Grading of Linux products 8PROBLMS.TXT - Problems and bugs experienced during tests 9EPILOG.TXT - Summary, future test plans, and final comment DISCLAIM.TXT - Disclaimer: About usage of this document Appendices included: -------------------- A1ITW00b.TXT - "In-The-Wild" of PC Viruses (October 2001: Wildlist.org) A2SCANLS.TXT - List of scanners/versions and parameters, including information on producer A4TSTDIR.TXT - Directory of A3TSTBEDs (content of A3TSTBED.zip) A5CODNAM.TXT - Code names of AV products in VTC tests Separate appendix: ------------------ A3TSTBED.ZIP - Index of File, Macro, Script Virus & infected object Databases, both full and "In-The-Wild"; Index of Macro and Script Malware Databases; and Index of non-viral and non-malicious objects used in False-Positive test (all pkZIPped). Archive SCAN-RES contains the detailed scanner protocols for each scanner. Remark: all details of VTC tests are published, so that the results can be analysed in detail. The only items which are NOT made publicly available (="published") are viruses and malicious codes in the testbeds, for evident reasons.