============================================= Directory: Scan-RES: --------------------------------------------- Log-results of scanners in VTC test "2001-10 ============================================= List of scanner logs: log size (bytes) --------------------------------------------- ANT.RAR 1.941.314 AVA.RAR 684.471 AVG.RAR 634.379 AVK.RAR 1.642.472 AVP.RAR 887.665 AVX.RAR 341.468 CMD.RAR 871.826 DRW.RAR 784.927 DSE.RAR 274.102 FPR.RAR 698.177 FPW.RAR 519.172 FSE.RAR 812.317 IKA.RAR 174.983 INO.RAR 847.820 MCV.RAR 279.726 MR2.RAR 545.507 NAV.RAR 1.178.355 NVC.RAR 748.623 PAV.RAR 855.382 QHL.RAR 31.310 RAD.RAR 179.010 RAV.RAR 889.202 SCN.RAR 1.034.321 VSP.RAR 560.437 --------------------------------------------- For abbreviation of products, see file "A5CodNam.txt".