======================== File A2SCANLS.TXT List of Scanners tested: ======================== Published: November 10, 2001 The following list summarizes products/versions tested as well as options (if any) used during test. Ordering of entries is alphabetical concerning product names. For each product/version, the "CodeName" field identifies the product (3-4 characters) and optionally its version (1-5 digits/characters). This abbreviation is used to name all files under which respective scanner results (abbrev.zip, combining boot, file and macro virus scans, indicated by suffix .boo, .fil and .mac respectively) are stored in "SCAN-RES" archive. Producer addresses were supported by AV producers on an actual basis or, if products had been downloaded, from related Internet sites. If some producer finds that we have tested a version of their scanner which is too old, they are invited to send us an update. We also invite producers of scanners which are not on this list, to send us their product for testing, *if* it fulfils the set of test confditions listed in file 4TESTCON.TXT. In future tests, we intend to include those scanners which proved to fulfil test conditions, and scanners with serious test problems (see 8PROBLEM.TXT) will only be tested if actual versions conform with the test conditions. With growing testbeds, testing will become even more difficult and time consuming than today even if automated. Indeed, we have wasted quite some time in attempting to give such scanners a fair chance, insofar as to "spoon-feed" scanners which crashed on specific malware entries and to "post-scan" overseen infectuous objects (or to force them not to play some tune after each detected virus, or to request sending the code to the producer :-) Convention: %1 denotes file-to-scan %2 denotes report file. Concerning options (=switches), those used with CLI are listed. Otherwise, GUI options were used (whenever possible) accordingly. If not instructed differently, same switches were used as in last test. CodeName: ANT Product: AntiVir Versions: DOS: June 22,2001 W98: Eng: v6.08.00.00 May 21, 2001 Sig: v6.08.00.56 June 22,2001 Basic License WNT: Eng: v6.08.00.00 May 21, 2001 Sig: v6.08.00.56 June 22,2001 Basic License LINUX:Eng: May 21, 2001 Sig: - FUP(0) June 22, 2001 Company: H+B EDV Datentechnik GmbH Adress: Lindauerstr. 21 88069 Tetnang, Germany Phone: +49-7542-93040 Contact: EMail: Website: http://www.antivir.de Options: ave32 -allfiles -s -z -nomem -noboot -r4 -rf%2 %1 LINUX: -allfiles -s -v -z -r4 -rf$2 $1 CodeName: AVA for DOS (in some previous tests: AVS) CodeName: AV3 for W-32 Product: AVAST! Versions: DOS: 7.70-53 25.6.01 W98: 3.0.354.0, June 2001 sig: June 25, 2001 WNT: unknown W2k: 6.236 sig 135 Company: ALWIL Software Address: Prubezna 76, 100 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic Phone: (+420 2) 74005 666 Fax: (+420 2) 74005 888 Sales: (+420 2) 74005 111 Contact: Pavel Baudis/Michal Kovacic Email: baudis@asw.cz, kovacic@asw.cz, support@asw.cz Website: Other: BBS: (+420 2) 782 25 50, http://www.anet.cz/alwil/alwil.htm Options: lguard %1 /e* /b /c /a /s /p /r*%2 CodeName: AVG Product: AVG 6.0 Anti-Virus System Versions: DOS: --- W98: 6.0.263 June 26, 2001 sig 135 June 22, 2001 WNT: 6.0.263 June 26, 2001 sig 135 June 22, 2001 W2k: 6.0.263 June 26, 2001 sig 135 June 22, 2001 Company: GriSoft Address: Lidick 81, 602 00 Brno, Czech republic Phone: +420 - 5 - 41 24 38 65-7 Fax: +420 - 5 - 41 21 14 32 Contact: Petr Odehnal EMail: Website: http://www.grisoft.com Options: /comp%1 /Report%2 /RT /ARCW /REPOK /EXT=* /nomem /noself CodeName: AVK Product: AntiVirenKit 10 Versions: DOS: 3.0 Build 133 June 4, 2001 W98: virus kernel avk10.0.167 June 21, 2001 WNT: AVK virus kernel avk10.0.167 June 21, 2001 W2k: AVK virus kernel avk10.0.167 June 21, 2001 Linux:3.0 beta 1.1 Def: June 16,2001 Company: GData Software GmbH Address: Siemensstr. 16, 44793 Bochum Phone: +49 234 9762 110 Contact: EMail: Website: Options: avpdos32 /m- /p- /b- /o /* /s- /wa=%2 /y %1 LINUX: -* -LL -M -O -S -V -Y -Z -W+=$2 $1 CodeName: AVP Product: AVP = Kaspersky Anti-Virus (KAV) Versions: DOS: 3.0 Build 135 22.6.01 W98: version sig: June 01, 2001 known viruses: 45880 WNT: version June 1, 2001 script checker v1.0.0.5 W2k: version June 1, 2001 script checker v1.0.0.5 Linux:3.0 build 136 (June 27,2001) def: June 22, 2001 Company: Kaspersky Lab. Address: 123363 Geroyev Panfilovtcev str.10, Moscow, Russia Phone: +7 (095) 797 8700, +7 (095) 948-4331 Fax: +7 (095) 797-8700, +7 (095) 913 5087, Sales: sales@avp.ru Contact: Kirill Zhuchkov , Evgeny Molodov Email: info@avp.ru Website: http://www.avp.ru/, http://www.kasperskylab.ru, http://www.viruslist.com, http://www.avp2000.com Other: BBS: +7 (095) 278-9949, FidoNet: 2:5020/156, Options: kavdos32 %1 /m /p /b /w=%2 /o /y /s /* /v Linux: -* -LL -MD -MP -O -S -V -Y -Z -W+=$2 $1 CodeName: AVX Product: AntiVirus eXpert Professional New CodeName: BDF (used in test 2002-04) New name: BitDefender Professional Versions: W98: v6.1 def: 51456 sig: June 18, 2001 WNT: v6.1 def: 51456 Company: SOFTWIN srl Adress: SOFTWIN, Fabrica de Glucoza nr. 5, sect. 2, Bucuresti, Romania Phone: +(40) 1 2309469 Fax: +(40) 1 230 9471 Contact: Bogdan Dumitru EMail: bdumitru@softwin.ro Website: http://www.bitdefender.com previously: http://www.antivirusexpert.com Options: W-98, W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: CMD Product: Command Antivirus Versions: DOS: 4.61.5 June 25, 2001 W98: 4.61.5 sig.def:June 25,2001 macro.def:June 21,2001 WNT: 4.61.5 sig.def:June 25,2001 macro.def:June 21,2001 W2k: CSAV for Windows 2K Professional (Workstation) version 4.61.5 Linux:4.61.5 June 21, 2001 def: June 25, 2001 Company: Command Software Systems, Inc. USA Adress: 1061 E. Indiantown Road, Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: +1 (561) 575-3200 x4197 Fax: +1 (561) 575-3026 Contact: Tzvetan Chaliavski ceco@commandcom.com Website: http://www.commandcom.com Options: f-prot %1 /ARCHIVE /COLLECT /DUMB /LIST /NOBOOT /NOMEM /PACKED /REPORT=%2 Linux: -all -archive -collect -dumb -list -packed -paranoid -follow -report=$2 $1 CodeName: DRW Product: Dr. Web for Windows 95-2000 CodeName: DWW Product: DrWeb for Win32 Versions: DOS: 4.25 June 20, 2001 W98: v4.25 virus records 25220 update June 20,2001 WNT: v4.25 virus records 25220 update June 20,2001 W2k: Linux:4.25 June 20, 2001 def: June 20, 2001 Company: DialogueScience, Inc. Address: Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Room No 102, House No 40, Vavilova street, Moscow, 117786, Russia Phone: +7-095-137-0150, 135-6253 Fax: +7-095-938-2970, 938-2855 Contact: Sergei Antimonov, Director General Email: lyu@dials.ru, id@dials.ru, support@dials.ru Website: http://www.dials.ru, ftp://ftp.dials.ru, ftp://ftp2.dials.ru, ftp://ftp3.dials.ru, Other: BBS: +7-095-938-2856, FidoNet 2:5020/69, Options: drweb386 %1 /al /go /tb- /ok /ar /ha /rp+%2 /sd /up Linux: $1 -al -ar -fl -ha -ml -oc -ok -sd -up -pr- -wa- -rp$2 -@+$1 -al -ar -fl -ha -ml -oc -ok -sd -up -pr- -wa- -rp$2 CodeName: DSE Product: Dr Solomon Emergency AntiVirus Versions: W-98: v.4.0.3 sig: v4144 created June 20 2001 Company: Dr.Solomon's Software Ltd Adress: Alton House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8YD, UK Contact: +44 1296 318700 EMail: support@drsolomon.com Website: www.drsolomon.com Options: W-98: started from GUI CodeName: FPR Product: F-PROT Versions: DOS: 3.09d June 25, 2001 W98: 3.09d sign/sign2:June 25,2001 macro.def:June19,2001 WNT: 3.09d sign/sign2:June 25,2001 macro.def:June19,2001 W2k: 3.09d sign/sign2:June 25,2001 macro.def:June19,2001 CodeName: FPW (F-PROT for Windows) Versions: W98: 3.09d sign/sign2:June 25,2001 macro.def:June19,2001 WNT: 3.09d sign/sign2:June 25,2001 macro.def:June19,2001 W2k: 3.09d sign/sign2:June 25,2001 macro.def:June19,2001 Company: Frisk Software International Address: Postholf 7180, IS-127 Reykjavik, Iceland Phone: +354-5-617273 Fax: +354-5-617274 Sales: German version:+49-40-6932033;percomp@infohh.rmi.de Contact: Fridrik Skulason, Vesselin Bontchev Email: sales@complex.is, support@complex.is Website: http://www.complex.is Options: f-prot %1 /ARCHIVE /COLLECT /DUMB /LIST /NOBOOT /NOMEM /PACKED /REPORT=%2 CodeName: FSE Product: F-SECURE Versions: W98: engine F-PROT rev. 3.09.507 June 20, 2001 engine AVP rev. June 20, 2001 WNT: engine F-PROT rev. 3.09.507 June 20, 2001 engine AVP rev. June 20, 2001 engine ORION: rev. 1.02.15 June 20, 2001 W2k: command line scanner version 1.00.1251 Linux:4.11 build 3190 June 20, 2001 Company: F-Secure Corporation Address: PL 24, FIN-02231 Espoo, Finland Phone: +358 9 859 900 Fax: +358 9 8599 0599 Email: Anti-Virus-Sales@F-Secure.com Anti-Virus-Support@F-Secure.com Website: http://www.F-Secure.com ftp://ftp.F-Secure.com Options: started from GUI Linux: --dumb --list --archive $1 > $2 CodeName: IKA Product: Ikarus Virus Utilities Versions: WNT: 5.01 June 25, 2001 Company: Address: Phone: Fax: Contact: Joseph Pichlmayr Email: Website: Other: Options: mr2s %1 %2 CodeName: INO Product: InoculateIT Versions: W98: 6.0.85 sig: 23.43.0 virsig.dat:June 14, 2001 sigfiles avh32dll.dll June 10, 2001 WNT: 6.0.85 sig June 14, 2001 W2k: 6.0.85 engine 23.43 Client License Company: Computer Associates International Inc. Address: One Computer Associates Plaza Islandia, New York 11749 USA Phone: +1 631 DIAL CAI (342-5224) 1-800 225-5224 Contact: Email: Website: http://www.cai.com Options: DOS: %1 /lis %2 /HEU /XNU /APP W-98, W-NT, W-98: started from GUI CodeName: MCV (Main Channel VirScan) Product: VirScan Versions: Linux:engine/def: unknown Product: W2kScan Versions: W2k: engine/def: unknown, vir-def: June 22, 2001 Company: Main Channel Technologies Address: Suite 402, 4603 Kingsway Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5H 4M4 Phone: (604) 430 1297 Fax: Contact: Hongzhao Yu < > Mark Yu Email: Website: Other: Options: Linux: vir magic $1 2>&1 $2 CodeName: MR2 Product: Versions: DOS: 1.17 June 2001 W98: 1.17 June 2001 WNT: 1.17 June 25, 2001 W2k: 1.17 June 2001 Company: Address: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Other: Options: mr2s %1 %2 CodeName: NAV Product: Norton Antivirus Versions: DOS: June 22, 2001 W98: Scan engine: Virus def: v30622p June 22, 2001 compression levels: 10 WNT: Scan engine: Virus def: v30622p June 22, 2001 compression levels: 10 W2k: Scan engine: Virus def: v30622p June 22, 2001 compression levels: 10 Company: Symantec (2 CD-ROMs) Address: 10201 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone: +1-408-253-9600, +1-800-441-7234, +1-416-923-1033 Fax: +1-541-334-7400 Support: Cust. Serv. +1-541-334-6054, +1-800-441-7234; Technical Support: +1-541-465-8420 Other: BBS: +1-541-484-6669, Retrieval Fax: +1-541-984-2490, Website: http://www.symantec.com, ftp://ftp.symantec.com Options: Vscand %1 /all /log=%2 /noalert /noboot /noclean /nomem /zip /w CodeName: NVC Product: Norman Virus Control Versions: W98: NSE rev 5.00.25 NVCBIN.DEF rev 5.0 June 19, 2001 NVCMACRO.DEF rev 5.0 June 19, 2001 WNT: 4.92.03 NSE rev 5.00.25 NVCBIN.DEF: June 19, 2001 NVCMACRO.DEF: June 19, 2001 W2k: Norman Virus Control 4.92.03 Corporate NSE rev 5.00.25 NVCBIN.DEF rev 5.0 of 2001/06/19 (43058 variants) NVCMACRO.DEF rev 5.0 of 2001/06/19 (8182 variants) Total number of variants: 51240 Company: Norman Data Defense Systems GmbH Address: Kieler Str. 15,D-42697 Solingen, Germany Phone: +49-212-267-180 Fax: +49-212-267-1815 Email: norman@norman.de Website: www.norman.de/de Other: Options: DOS: %1 /S /B /C /CP /LS /LA /LF:%2 /N /U /Y W-98, W-NT, W-98: started from GUI CodeName: PAV Product: Power Antivirus 2000 Versions: DOS: 3.0 Build 131 June 8, 2001 W98: sig: June 23, 2001 scriptchecker WNT: sig: June 23, 2001 W2k: sig: June 23, 2001 Company: GData Software GmbH Address: Siemensstr. 16, 44793 Bochum Phone: +49 234 9762 110 Contact: EMail: Website: Options: avpdos32 /m /p /b /wa=%2 /s /* /y /o %1 CodeName: QHL Product: QuickHeal Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 6.02 virdat June 28, 2001 W-NT: Version: Qickheal X Gen 6.02 virdat June 28, 2001 Company: Cat Computer Services (P) Ltd. 58 Mangalwar Peth, Patole Chambers, Pune 411 011, Maharashtra, India Phone: +91-20-627173/609737 Fax: +91-20-622173 Adress: Contact: EMail: info@quickheal.com Website: http://www.quickheal.com Options: W-98/W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: RAV Product: RAV Antivirus v8 Versions: DOS: 8.1.001 June 25, 2001 W98: Scan engine 8.3 for i386, update 56.6.2001 WNT: Scan engine 8.3 for i386, update 56.6.2001 W2k: Scan engine 8.3 for i386, update 56.6.2001 Linux:8.0.005, Scan engine 8.3 def: June 25,2001 Company: GeCAD The Software Company, Romania Adress: Optidol Business Center, Floor 2, Mihai Bravu 223, Bucharest, ROMANIA Phone: +401-3217803 Fax: +401-3217803 Contact: Adrian MARINESCU, Oana BORNAZ Email: mady@gecad.ro, oana.bornaz@gecadsoftware.com Website: http://www.ravantivirus.com http://www.gecadsoftware.com Options: ravav %1 -all -heur on -listall -report %2 -rptall -unzip Linux: $1 -ALL -HEUR ON -LISTALL -RPTALL -UNZIP -REPORT $2 CodeName: SCN (ViruScan) *** Information updated December 16,2001 *** Product: McAfee ViruScan Versions: DOS: 4.14 June 20, 2001 W98: v4.1.40 (DOS/PM) virus data: v4144 created June 20 2001 WNT: v4.1.40 (DOS/PM) virus data: v4144 created June 20 2001 W2k: v4.1.40 (DOS/PM) virus data: v4144 created June 20 2001 Linux:4.14.0, Scan engine 4.1.40 def (v4144) June 20, 2001 Company: Network Associates, Inc. Address: 3965 Freedom Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA Phone: +1 408 988-3832 Fax: +1-408-970-9727 Email: customer_service@nai.com Other: BBS +1-408-988-4004, mcafee.com is IP, Website: http://www.mcafeeb2b.com/ ftp://ftp.nai.com/virusdefs/4.x Options: scanpm %1 /all /vid /nc /nobeep /an /unzip /!GURU /sub /olr /rptall /report %2 Linux: --allole --analyze --fam -r --secure --summary -u -v --report $2 $1 CodeName: VSP Product: VirScanPlus Versions: DOS: 12.22.1 June 2001 W98: 12.22.1 sig: June 25, 2001 WNT: 12.22.1 sig: June 25, 2001 W2k: 12.22.1 sig: June 25, 2001 Company: Ralph Roth Adress: Contact: Ralph Roth EMail: Website: Options: virscan %1 /log=%2 /rep /unb /mutant /q /all