=============== File 3INTRO.TXT Introduction =============== Formatted with non-proportional font (Courier) [Text essentially unchanged since last test, history updated] Vesselin Bontchev (c) 1994, Klaus Brunnstein (c) 1997-2001 With growth of internetworking, and with growing complexity of systems and software, threats to individual and enterprise computing grow equally. A growing number of users and institutions become ever more dependent upon availability, reliability and functional behaviour of their IT and Network systems. Moreover, storage, processing and transfer of sensitive information requires protective measures against malevolent attackers and malicious software. For some time, malicious software was mainly understood to be of "viral nature": when such pieces of software entered one`s PC, it could spread by self-replication, either on the system level (boot, MBR and DIR viruses) or via infected programs (*.COM, *.EXE, *.SYS, *.BAT etc). With proliferation of networks, new forms of malicious software appeared. Besides malicious software which is able to self-replicate ("viruses"), the diversity of malicous software grows further: trojan horses, droppers, intended (though imperfect) viruses, hoaxes (=malevolent jokes), hostile agents (such as hostile Java applets and malicious ActiveX controls) and other forms of malicious net-"work" (such as email bombs or worms) appear. As users cannot distinguish whether such malevolent software is "just viral" or otherwise dangerous, the detection of more general forms of malicious software becomes a major requirement from the side of customers. With growing numbers of PC users, a market of AntiViral products developped to help users fight such software. Moreover, several magazines started testing the quality of AV products using their own (usually small) virus databases. The quality of such test has rather often been discussed "controversially". With further growth of file/boot viruses (>40,000 file viruses) and with the advent of document-related viruses (using macro languages to infect master templates), there is an urgent need for professional tests of anti-virus products. There are several reasons for that. The main one is that the anti-virus products are not something that the end user is able to evaluate him/herself. When the user buys a word processor, s/he can easily see whether it works according to the expectations and whether it performs the job it is supposed to perform. Not so with the anti-virus products. An anti-virus product may be installed and started every day, but its real anti-virus part enters into action (and shows whether it is any good) only during a real virus attack, but then, its proper work may significantly influence the users productivity for some time. Fortunately, regardless of all the media hype, users experience computer viruses in relatively rare cases. A user could use an anti-virus product a whole year, if not more, without needing its anti-virus capabilities to stop a virus attack. Another reason is that an anti-virus product is extremely difficult to test. In order to test a word processor, one only needs the manual and some (potentially big) text files. In order to test an anti-virus product, one needs a lot of things. First of all, the tester of such a product must have a deep and intimate knowledge of how computer viruses work, what their methods of attack are, and what the methods are to thwart those attacks. The tester must know the principles on which the anti-virus products work. And last, but not least: the tester must have access to a fairly rich and well-organized virus collection. The ideal person who has all of the above is the anti-virus researcher. Unfortunately, the anti-virus researchers are hard to come by. Most of them are busy developing and selling their own products. As such, they cannot test other people's anti-virus products - because results will be allways biased towards their own. Therefore, one needs an independent anti-virus researcher, in order to test an anti-virus product properly. The number of independent anti-virus researchers in the world can probably be counted on the fingers of one hand. Yet another problem is obtaining the necessary resources for a good anti-virus product test. As mentioned, those tests are very difficult to perform. They require a lot of disk space, a variety of hardware, a lot of man-hours to complete. The main question is - how to get the money to fund all this? One solution is to have the anti-virus companies pay for the tests. After all, results are usually very useful to them (in the form of bug reports), and sometimes can be used for advertising. This approach is followed by the UK AntiVirus working group which developped a draft of "AntiViral Functionalities" to be certified within the European ITSEC scheme (or possibly within the scope of the US/European "Common Criteria"). Within such a scheme, an AV producer can apply for an AV certificate which is given after due analysis including proper tests. (Unfortunately, activities in this direction seem to have been stopped meanwhile). Another solution is to have the users of the test results to pay for the tests - regardless of whether they are an anti-virus company that just wants to see how well their product performs, compared to others, or if they are end users, trying to select "the best" anti-virus product. The main problem with this solution is that, in order to obtain some sellable results, one need money in advance - to do all the tests. One possible basis for independent testing could be a university institute which specializes in computer and network security. Students may be interested to study methods and counter-measures of self-replicationg code. Within the 4-semester courses on IT/Network Security at the Faculty for Informatics, University of Hamburg, several students have specialised (including examination work) on virus detection. For the test published here, facilities of the Virus Test Center at University of Hamburg were available. Though seven students and one professor worked on preparation and tests for more than 7 months, much more wo/man power, time, and computer equipment would be helpful. We are aware that our test results are limited and need improvement in several directions (more platforms, more methods including on-access scanning, cleaning infected macro objects, etc). Moreover, our results are limited in time as both the viral databases grow and new scanner engines become available. Nevertheless, we have decided to distribute these results to the interested public, for free. Of course, if you like them and are in a position to be able to donate money or hardware to VTC-Hamburg: we will highly appreciate this. One last problem with anti-virus products, especially those of the scanner type. They are modified very often. This means that their production cycle is forced to be shorter than for other kinds of software products. Usually, the part that comes too short is quality control. If it is too difficult for the end user to assess the quality of the product, it is often too tempting to put more efforts into making the product to look pretty, instead of making it a strong anti-virus tool. Therefore, it is urgent that professional tests of anti-virus products are performed, and the results published, so that the general public can see what they are really paying for. Unfortunately, even for the competent anti-virus researcher, performing a professional test of an anti-virus product is often a too difficult, nearly impossible task. Such products often consist of several parts - scanners, monitoring programs, integrity checkers. The latter two kinds of programs must be tested how well they perform against each of the known attacks against that particular kind of anti-virus defense. Just implementing those attacks is a difficult and tedious job. But even such products rely to some degree on proper detection of viruses by their scanners. Usually the part of the product that is the easiest to test is the scanner. Even that should be done by a professional anti-virus researcher, instead of the usual magazine reviewer, because there are a lot of pitfals to watch for. The full description of how a professional test of an anti-virus product is outside the scope of this document and is described in other papers. Nevertheless, the urgent need for good tests of anti-virus products prompted us to use our knowledge and technical facilities to test some of the popular products on the market. This document contains the results of those tests. Our intention is to continue repeating it periodically, as new anti-virus products, or new versions of the old anti-virus products appear, and as long as we are able to update our virus and malware testbeds suitably. Please, note that the quality of our tests is far from perfect;read the file 9EPILOG.TXT for some points on what is missing from our tests. Nevertheless, we feel that the results that we can provide are of superior quality than many so-called reviews of anti-virus products that we have seen so far. We are concentrating our efforts on the anti-virus side of the problem and leave the evaluation of the pretty user interfaces and the structure of the manuals to the magazine reviewers. We hope that our results may help the end user to select a better product to protect him/her from computer viruses. Whether we have succeeded to achieve our goal, only the users themselves can tell. ------------------ History of VTC (PC-related) AV tests: ----------- Before July 1994: Several reports of boot/file virus detection published by Vesselin V. Bontchev during his time as PhD student at VTC July 19, 1994: Last official boot/file virus detection test released by Vesselin Bontchev (see /1994-07). ------------------ Test "1997-02" ----------------------------------- May, 1996: Foundation of new AV Product file/boot virus test group; establishment of Macro Virus Database; preparation of test equipment (NT server/clients), preparing test procedures November 30, 1996: Standard Virus Databases frozen for test; contact to AV producers to get actual scanners, or download from Internet where available December 01, 1996 - December 23, 1996: Pretest to test procedures January 6- - February 14, 1997: Update of AV products, actual test runs. February 14, 1997: First draft of report distributed to interested AV experts (AV-TEST@informatik.uni-hamburg.de) including members from CARO (=Computer Antivirus Research Organisation) and selected AV-producers February 20, 1997: Final release of "1997-02" test results ------------------ Test "1997-07" ----------------------------------- April 30, 1997: Standard Virus Databases frozen for test June 22, 1997: Period for submission of AV products ended July 22, 1997: Test Report "1997-07" released. ------------------ Test "1998-02" ----------------------------------- November 30, 1997: Virus and Malware databases frozen for tests January 23,1998: Period for submission of AV products ended February-March 9: Problems with several scanners solved March 16,1998: Test Report "1998-92" released. ------------------ Test "1998-10" ----------------------------------- April 30, 1998: VTC Virus/Malware Databases frozen for test "1998-07" June 19, 1998: Period for submission of AV products ended serious problems with some bugs of Windows NT (see 8PROBLMS.TXT). Several scan runs must be performed repeatedly to assure that all files had been scanned). Other reasons contributed to delay the publication of test report "1998-07". November 23,1998: Test Report "1998-10" published. ------------------ Test "1999-03" ----------------------------------- October 30, 1998: VTC Virus/Malware Databases (both full/zoo and ITW) frozen for test "1999-03" January 17, 1999: Last date to submit AV products for VTC test; Platforms: DOS, Windows 98, Windows NT (4.0) Testbeds: file, macro, boot and malware databases, plus VKIT and 4 Polymorphic file testbeds. ITW viruses packed with 4 packers, selection of non- malicious (file,macro) objects to test ability of AV products to avoid "false-positive diagnosis" April 15, 1999: Publication of Test Report "1999-03" ------------------ Test "1999-09" ----------------------------------- March 31, 1999: VTC Virus/Malware Databases (full zoo and ITW) frozen for test "1999-09" May 16, 1999: Latest date to submit AV products for VTC test; Platforms: DOS, Windows 98, Windows NT (4.0) Testbeds: file, macro, boot and malware databases, plus VKIT and 6 Polymorphic file testbeds. ITW viruses packed with 4 packers, selection of non- malicious (file,macro) objects to test ability of AV products to avoid "false-positive diagnosis" September 30,1999: Publication of Test Report "1999-09" ------------------ Test "2000-02" and Test "2000-04" ---------------- October 30,1999: VTC Virus/Malware Databases frozen for test "2000-04"; apart from updated infective and (viral and wormy) and non-infective (trojanic) malware objects, this test will include both on-demand AV products (as before) and on-access detection, as well as more packing methods. December 1, 1999: Period of submission for this test ends February 26, 2000: Macro virus/malware results published: "2000-02" May 26, 2000: Test report "2000-04" published (full report) ------------------- Test Plan: "2000-08" --------------------------- April 20, 2000: Decision to review and automate VTC test methods; decision that next test will concentrate on macro viruses/malware (VBA/VBA5,VBS) including repair test (ART) of ITW macro viruses May 10, 2000: VTC VBA/VBS testbeds frozen for macro virus/ malware detection and repair test June 01, 2000: Products to be submitted for test "2000-07" September 24,2000: Millennium Test report "2000-08" published --------------------------------------------------------------------- June 01, 2000: Decision to test the ability of AV products to properly repair (clean) macro viruses from an infected Excel (97) and Word (97) document; this test was performed within a diplom thesis of 2 students: Martin Retsch and Stefan Tode November 19, 2000: AntiVirus Repair Test (ART) published ---------------------------------------------------------------------- October 30,2000: VTC Virus/Malware Databases frozen for test "2001-04"; test adresses products for 5 platforms (DOS, Win-NT, Win-98, Win-2000, and Linux(SuSe)) December 11, 2000: Period of submission for this test ends May 31, 2001: Test report "2001-04" published (full report) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 1, 2001: First "Heureka" test: detection of macro/script viruses and malware for 2 testbeds AFTER product/signature date Testbed #1: viruses/malware found between Nov.1, 2000 and Jan.31, 2001 Testbed #2: viruses/malware found between Feb.1 and April 30, 2001 July 17, 2001: Test report "Heureka 2001" published -------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2001: VTC Virus/Malware databases frozen for test "2001-10"; test adresses detection of macro and script viruses&malware on 5 platforms (DOS,WNT,W2k,W98,Linux) June 25, 2001: Product mission period ends November 30, 2001: Test report "2001-10" published -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next test plans: A) "Heureka Test 2002-02" - the 2nd "pro-active test": ---------------- Scanners submitted for VTC test 2001-10 are tested against 2 incremental testbeds for macro and script viruses detected testbed#1: between May 1 and July 31, 2001 testbed#2: between August 1 and October 31, 2001. B) Spring 2002 File/Boot/Macro/Script/Exotic virus test "2002-04": testbeds are frozen on October 31, 2001 Products to be submitted December 17, 2001. Publication of test report planned: April 2002 --------------------------------------------------------------------------