======================== File A2SCANLS.TXT List of Scanners tested: ======================== The following list summarizes products/versions tested as well as options (if any) used during test. Ordering of entries is alphabetical concerning product names. For each product/version, the "CodeName" field identifies the product (3-4 characters) and optionally it`s version (1-5 digits/characters). This abbreviation is used to name of all files under which respective scanner results (abbrev.zip, combining boot, file and macro virus scans, indicated by suffix .boo, .fil and .mac respectively) are stored in "SCAN-RES" archive. Producer addresses was supported by AV producers on an actual basis or, if products had been downloaded, from related Internet sites. If some producer finds that we have tested a version of their scanner which is too old, they are invited to send us an update. We also invite producers of scanners which are not on this list, to send us their product for testing, *if* it fulfils the set of basic listed in the file 4TESTCON.TXT. In future tests, we intend to include those scanners which proved to fulfil test conditions, and scanners with serious test problems (see 8PROBLEM.TXT) will only be tested if actual versions conform with the test conditions. With growing testbeds, testing will become even more difficult and time consuming than today even if automated. Indeed, we have wasted quite some time in attempting to give such scanners a fair chance, inasfar as to "spoon-feed" scanners which crashed on specific malware entries (or to force them not to play some tune after each detected virus, or to request sending the code to the producer :-) CodeName: ANT Product: AntiVir Versions:DOS: Version: May 29 2000 W-98: Version: Engine: Signature: Version, 05/30/2000 W-NT: Version: Engine: Signature: Version, 05/30/2000 W-2k: main program v06.02.00.04, May 22, 2000 Scan engine v., May 29, 2000 Virus sig: V06.02.00.00, May 30, 2000 Company: H+B EDV Datentechnik GmbH Adress: Lindauerstr. 21 88069 Tetnang, Germany Phone: +49-7542-93040 Contact: EMail: Website: http://www.antivir.de Options: DOS: -allfiles -s -z -nomem -noboot -r4 -rf W-98, W-NT: Started from GUI CodeName: AVA (in some previous tests: AVS) Product: AVAST! Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Avast32 Signature: 05/29/2000 W-NT: Avast32 Engine: unknown Signature: 05/29/2000 W-2k: Version number:, Jun 2000 Database version: 7.70-41 Compiled on May 29, 2000 Company: ALWIL Software Address: Lipi 1244, 193 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic Phone: (+420 2) 81 92 16 61 Fax: (+420 2) 81 92 16 64 Sales: (+420-2) 782 23 47 Contact: Pavel Paudis/Michal Kovacic Email: baudis@asw.cz, kovacic@asw.cz, support@asw.cz Website: Other: BBS: (+420 2) 782 25 50, http://www.anet.cz/alwil/alwil.htm Options: DOS: /e* /b /c /a /s /p /r* W-98, W-NT: started from Gui CodeName: AVG Product: AVG Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 6.0.159 Signature: v 73, 05/31/2000 W-NT: Version: 6.0.159 Engine: Signature: v 73, 05/31/2000 W-2k: Version 6.0.159 Release June 2, 2000 Virus Db: 73 Release Date May 31, 2000 Versions: 5.0 (Email) Company: GriSoft Address: Lidick 81, 602 00 Brno, Czech republic Phone: +420 - 5 - 41 24 38 65-7 Fax: +420 - 5 - 41 21 14 32 Contact: Petr Odehnal EMail: Website: http://www.grisoft.com Options: DOS: W-98, W-NT: started from batch file /Report /RT /ARC /NOMEM /NOSELF /NOEXPORT /EXT=* /REPOK CodeName: AVK Product: AntiVirenKit 8 Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 9.0.6 Engine: 9n Signature: 06/02/2000 W-NT: Version: Engine: 9n Signature: 06/02/2000 W-2k: Virus Kernel Version: AVK 9.0n Virus Kernel date: June 2, 2000 Company: GData Software GmbH Address: Siemensstr. 16, 44793 Bochum Phone: +49 234 9762 110 Contact: EMail: Website: Options: DOS: W-98, W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: AVP Product: AVP (AntiViral Toolkit Pro) Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: Antiviral Toolkit Pro Version Scanner Version Signature: AVP Antivirus Bases Last Update 05/15/2000 W-NT: Version: Antiviral Toolkit Pro Version Scanner Version Signature: AVP Antivirus Bases Last Update 05/15/2000 W-2k: Version Last update May 15, 2000 Company: Kaspersky Lab. Address: 123363 Geroyev Panfilovtcev str.10, Moscow, Russia Phone: +7 (095) 797 8700, +7 (095) 948-4331 Fax: +7 (095) 797-8700, +7 (095) 913 5087, Sales: sales@avp.ru Contact: Kirill Zhuchkov , Evgeny Molodov Email: info@avp.ru Website: http://www.avp.ru/, http://www.kasperskylab.ru, http://www.viruslist.com, http://www.avp2000.com Other: BBS: +7 (095) 278-9949, FidoNet: 2:5020/156, Options: DOS: /m /p /b /w= /o /y /s /* /v W-98, W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: AVX Product: AntiVirus eXpert 2000 Desktop Versions: DOS: W-98: 5.5 May . 24,2000 W-NT: 5.5 May .24 ,2000 Company: SOFTWIN srl Adress: SOFTWIN, Fabrica de Glucoza nr. 5, sect. 2, Bucuresti, Romania Phone: +(40) 1 2309469 Fax: + (40) 1 230 9471 Contact: Bogdan Dumitru EMail: bdumitru@softwin.ro Website: http://www.antivirusexpert.com Options: DOS: W-98, W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: CLE Product: Cleaner 3.0 Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 3.1 Build 3138 Signature: v. 3112, 06/12/2000 W-NT: Version: 3.1 Build 3138 Engine: Signature: v. 3112, 06/12/2000 W-2k: The Cleaner 3.1 Build 3138 Company: Moosoft Adress: 500 N.Guadalupe St. PMB G-51 Santa Fe, NM 87501 Contact: EMail: cleanerhelp@moosoft.com Website: http://www.moosoft.com Options: DOS: W-98/W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: CMD Product: Command Antivirus Versions:DOS: Version: 4.59.0 W-98: Version: Command AntiVirus for Win 95 v4.59 file F-Prot.EXE is from 06/02/2000 Signature: SIGN.DEF 05/30/2000 MACRO.DEF 05/31/00 W-NT: Version: 4.59 Signature: sign.def 05/30/2000, macro.def 05/31/2000 W-2k: V4.59.0 F-Prot32.exe June 6, 2000 Sign.def May 30, 2000 Macro.def May 31, 2000 Company: Command Software Systems, Inc. USA Adress: 1061 E. Indiantown Road, Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: +1 (561) 575-3200 x4197 Fax: +1 (561) 575-3026 Contact: Tzvetan Chaliavski ceco@commandcom.com Website: http://www.commandcom.com Options: DOS: /archive /collect /dumb /list /noboot /nomem /packed /Report= W-98: started from batch file: /collect /dumb /list /packed /archive /report W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: DRW Product: DrWeb CodeName: DWW Product: DrWeb for Win32 Versions:DOS: Version: 4.17 2000 march 24 W-98: Version: 4.17 Signature: 05/26/2000 W-NT: Version: 4.17 03/24/2000 Signature: DRW41708 05/26/2000 W-2k: Version: 4.17 03/24/2000 Signature: DRW41708 05/26/2000 Company: DialogueScience, Inc. Address: Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Room No 102, House No 40, Vavilova street, Moscow, 117786, Russia Phone: +7-095-137-0150, 135-6253 Fax: +7-095-938-2970, 938-2855 Contact: Sergei Antimonov, Director General Email: lyu@dials.ru, id@dials.ru, support@dials.ru Website: http://www.dials.ru, ftp://ftp.dials.ru, ftp://ftp2.dials.ru, ftp://ftp3.dials.ru, Other: BBS: +7-095-938-2856, FidoNet 2:5020/69, Options: DOS: /al /ar /cu- /ni /ha /nm /ok /rp /sd /upn /sp- W-98, W-NT: started from batch file /AL /AR /NM /HA /NI /OK /RP /SD /UPN CodeName: DSE Product: Dr Solomon Emergency AntiVirus Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 4.03 Engine: Scan Modul 4.0.70 Signature: Virus definition 4.0.4080, 05/31/2000 W-NT: --- W-2k: --- Company: Dr.Solomon's Software Ltd Adress: Alton House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 8YD, UK Contact: +44 1296 318700 EMail: support@drsolomon.com Website: www.drsolomon.com Options: DOS: n/a W-98: Scan32 started from GUI W-NT: n/a CodeName: FPR, FPW Product: F-PROT, FPROT for Windows Versions:DOS: Version 3.06 c W-98: Version 5.07d F-Prot for Windows FP-Win Version: 3.07b Signature: macro.def 06/02/2000, sign.def 05/18/2000, sign2.def 06/02/2000 W-NT: Version: 5.07d F-Prot for Windows FP-Win Version: 3.07b Signature: macro.def 06/02/2000, sign.def 05/18/2000, sign2.def 06/02/2000 W-2k: Verson 3.07b Sign.def May 18, 2000 macro.def June 2, 2000 sign2.def June 2, 2000 CodeName: FPW (F-PROT for Windows) Versions: DOS: n/a W-98: 3.06c sig-def Nov.28,1999, macro-def Nov.22,1999 W-NT: 3.06c sig-def Nov.28,1999, macro-def Nov.22,1999 Company: Frisk Software International Address: Postholf 7180, IS-127 Reykjavik, Iceland Phone: +354-5-617273 Fax: +354-5-617274 Sales: German version:+49-40-6932033;percomp@infohh.rmi.de Contact: Fridrik Skulason, Vesselin Bontchev Email: sales@complex.is, support@complex.is Website: http://www.complex.is Options: FPR/DOS: /archive /collect /dumb /list /noboot /nomem /packed /report= FPR/W-98: started from batch file: /archive /dumb /list /collect /paranoid /packed /type /report FPW/W-98,W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: FSE Product: F-SECURE Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 5.10, Build 6171 Signature: sign.def 05/30/2000, fsmacro.def 05/31/2000, avp 05/31/2000 W-NT: Version: 5.10, Build 6171 Signature: sign.def 05/30/2000, fsmacro.def 05/31/2000, avp 05/31/2000 W-2k: Version: 5.10 build 6171 Company: F-Secure Corporation Address: PL 24, FIN-02231 Espoo, Finland Phone: +358 9 859 900 Fax: +358 9 8599 0599 Email: Anti-Virus-Sales@F-Secure.com Anti-Virus-Support@F-Secure.com Website: http://www.F-Secure.com ftp://ftp.F-Secure.com Options: DOS: /* /m /p /b /w= /y /s /o W-98, W-NT: combination of batch file and GUI: /report /list CodeName: INO Product: InoculateIT Versions:DOS: Version: V4.5 n(s) W-98: installed from Ino 4.53 CD Engine: Version 04.17, Ver 12.07 05/30/2000 Signature: Version 04.17, Virus Signature: 12.15 05/31/2000 W-NT: Inoculan 4.0/InoculateIT 4.5x for Windows NT installed from Ino 4.53 CD Version: V 12.15 Engine: 12.07 from 05/30/2000 Signature: 12.15 from 05/31/2000 W-2k: Version 4.53 Build 627 Engine 12.07 May 30, 2000 Signature 12.15 May 31, 2000 Company: Computer Associates International Inc. Address: One Computer Associates Plaza Islandia, New York 11749 USA Phone: +1 631 DIAL CAI (342-5224) 1-800 225-5224 Contact: Email: Website: http://www.cai.com Options: DOS: /lis /heu /xnu /app W-98, W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: NAV Product: Norton Antivirus Versions:DOS: Version: 1.0 W-98: Version: 5.01 Signature: 06/05/2000 W-NT: Version: 5.01.01 Signature: 06/05/2000 W-2k: June 5, 2000 Company: Symantec (2 CD-ROMs) Address: 10201 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone: +1-408-253-9600, +1-800-441-7234, +1-416-923-1033 Fax: +1-541-334-7400 Support: Cust. Serv. +1-541-334-6054, +1-800-441-7234; Technical Support: +1-541-465-8420 Other: BBS: +1-541-484-6669, Retrieval Fax: +1-541-984-2490, Website: http://www.symantec.com, ftp://ftp.symantec.com Options: DOS: /b- /m- /s+ /appendlog: /doallfiles /zips /nobeep W-98: started from batch file, GUI on file viruses Navw32 /m- /n- /s+ /go /export /doallfiles /heur:3 /zips W-NT: started from batch file Navwnt /m- /b- /s+ /doallfiles /zips /heur:3 CodeName: NVC Product: Norman Virus Control Versions:DOS: Version: 4.74.03 W-98: Version: 4.80 Engine: v.4.70.56 Signature: V. 4.70, 05/30/2000 W-NT: Version: 4.80 Engine: v.4.70.56 Signature: V. 4.70, 05/30/2000 W-2k: Version: 4.80 Single user Signature Version: 4.70 Scanning engine ver. 4.70.56 Signature date: May 30, 2000 Company: Norman Data Defense Systems GmbH Address: Kieler Str. 15,D-42697 Solingen, Germany Phone: +49-212-267-180 Fax: +49-212-267-1815 Email: norman@norman.de Website: www.norman.de/de Other: Options: DOS: /s /b /c /cp /ls /la /lf: /n /u /y W-98, W-NT: started from batch file (win32 version) : /af /b /cp /s /u /n /c /la /lf /ls /v /x /y CodeName: PAV Product: Power Antivirus Versions:DOS: Version: 3.0 build 132 W-98: GData PowerAntiVirus - AVP for Win 95/98 and NT Version 3.0 , build 129 Signature: 05/27/2000 W-NT: GData PowerAntiVirus - AVP for Win 95/98 and NT Version: 3.0 , build 129 Signature: 05/27/2000 W-2k: Version 3.0 build 129 Company: GData Software GmbH Address: Siemensstr. 16, 44793 Bochum Phone: +49 234 9762 110 Contact: EMail: Website: Options: DOS: /m /p /b /wa= /s /* /y /o W-98, W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: PER Product: PER AntiVirus Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 1.60 Evalautions Version Signature: 06/12/2000 resp. 04/23/99 in programm Info W-NT: Version: 1.60 Evaluation Version Engine: Signature: 06/12/2000 resp. 04/23/1999 in programm info W-2k: Version 1.60 Fecha de emisión : Jueves 18 de Marzo de 1999 Registo de virus al: Viernes 23 de Abril de 1999 Company: PER Systems S.A. Adress: AV. Arenales 2523-2531 Lima 14, Peru Phone: +51-(511)-422-6322 Fax: +51-(511)-421-8648 Contact: EMail: soporte@persystems.com Website: http:\\www.persystems.com Options: DOS: W-98: started from GUI W-NT: CodeName: PRO Product: Protector Plus Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Protector Plus Version: 6.7.C27 W-NT: Protector Plus Version: 6.7.C27 Engine: unknown; Signature: unknown Company: Proland Software India Address: 19, G. C. Road, Bangalore, India 560042 Phone: 91-80-5510033 Fax: 91-80-5511091 Contact: Subramanya Rao Email: sr@pspl.com Sales: sales@pspl.com Support: support@pspl.com Website: http://www.pspl.com Options: DOS: W-98, W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: QHL Product: QuickHeal Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 5.24 Signature: 04/22/2000 W-NT: Version: 5.24 Engine: unknown; Signature: 04/22/2000 W-2k: Version 5.24 Virus Database April 22, 2000 Company: Cat Computer Services (P) Ltd. 58 Mangalwar Peth, Patole Chambers, Pune 411 011, Maharashtra, India Phone: +91-20-627173/609737 Fax: +91-20-622173 Adress: Contact: EMail: info@quickheal.com Website: http://www.quickheal.com Options: DOS: W-98/W-NT: started from GUI CodeName: RAV Product: RAV Antivirus v7 Versions:DOS: --- W-98: Version: 7.6.02 Signature: 05/31/2000 W-NT: Version 7.6.02 W-2k: Version 7.6.02 Engine: May 31, 2000 Company: GeCAD The Software Company, Romania Adress: Gh Patrascu str. 53 Bl.PM53, AP.8, Bucharest, Romania Phone: +401-6476307 Fax: +401-3238409 Contact: Costin RAIU, Adrian MARINESCU Email: craiu@gecad.ro, mady@gecad.ro Website: http://www.rav.ro http://www.gecadsoftware.com Options: DOS: W-98, W-NT: started from batch file /ALL /RPTALL /LISTALL /REPORT report.txt /UNZIP CodeName: SCN (ViruScan) Product: McAfee ViruScan Versions:DOS: Versions: v4.0.70 virus, data file v4071 Mar29 2000 W-98: Version: VirusScan v4.5 Anti-Virus Software Engine: v4.0.70 for DOS/PM. Signature: Virus Definitions 4.0.4080 created on 05/31/2000 W-NT: Cmdi470l.zip unpacked and installed Version: VirusScan v4.5 Anti-Virus Software Signature: 05/31/2000, Sdat4080.exe and 4080xdat.exe W-2k: Cmdi470l.zip unpacked and installed Version: VirusScan v4.5 Anti-Virus Software Signature: 05/31/2000, Sdat4080.exe Company: Network Associates Address: 2710 Walsh Avenue, Suite 200, Santa Clara California 95051-0963 Phone: +1-408-988-3832 Fax: +1-408-970-9727 Email: mcafee@aol.com, mcafee@netcom.com, support@mcafee.com,scott_gordon@cc.mcafee.com Other: BBS +1-408-988-4004, mcafee.com is IP, Website: http://www.mcafee.com/, ftp://ftp.mcafee.com/pub/antivirus Options: DOS: SCANPM /all /analyze /manalyze /nobeep /nomem /panalyze /report /rptall /sub /unzip /!guru W-98, W-NT: Batchfile (scan.exe) W-98: /All /ANALYZE /!GURU /NOBEEP /NOMEM /RPTALL /SUB /UNZIP /OLR /VID /REPORT NT: /ALL /ANALYZE /!GURU /NOBEEP /NOBOOT /LOGALL /SUB /COMP /UIEXONLY /CONTINUE /OLR /VID /NOSPLASH /ALLWAYSEXIT CodeName: UKV Product: Unlimate Killer Vaccine Versions:DOS: Version: 1.0 1/3/2000 W-98: W-NT: --- W-2k: --- Company: Product from India, (no details given) submitted by company from Netherlands Adress: Contact: EMail: Website: Options: DOS: /nomem/noboot/report= /nosound /all