============================================= Directory: Scan-RES: --------------------------------------------- Log-results of scanners in VTC test "2000-04" ============================================= List of scanner logs: log size (bytes) --------------------------------------------- ANT.RAR 4.763.813 ATD.RAR 1.737.659 AVA.RAR 848.668 AVG.RAR 2.042.506 AVK.RAR 4.306.365 AVP.RAR 2.615.977 AVS.RAR 1.682.246 AVX.RAR 1.852.155 CLE.RAR 9.091 CMD.RAR 2.696.160 DRW.RAR 2.471.564 DSE.RAR 823.378 ESA.RAR 1.435.263 FPR.RAR 1.834.031 FPW.RAR 1.750.917 FSE.RAR 4.238.604 FWN.RAR 209.645 INO.RAR 2.999.245 MKS.RAR 2.457.591 NAV.RAR 3.020.572 NOD.RAR 2.704.379 NVC.RAR 5.045.379 PAV.RAR 2.668.108 PRO.RAR 821.935 PER.RAR 103.761 QHL.RAR 540.941 RAV.RAR 2.703.177 SCN.RAR 3.598.819 SWP.RAR 4.168.919 VIT.RAR 201.268 VSP.RAR 6.455.825 --------------------------------------------- For abbreviation of products, see file "A5CodNam.txt". Detailed logs have been removed (due to space restrictions): Klaus Brunnstein (November 20, 2001) PS: in case of need for specific scan-res files, please contact brunnstein@informatik.uni-hamburg.de