============================================= Directory: Scan-RES: --------------------------------------------- Log-results of scanners in VTC test "1999-03" ============================================= List of scanner logs: log size (bytes) --------------------------------------------- ACU.ARJ 93.981 ANT.ARJ 6.062.323 AVA.ARJ 2.864.137 AVG.ARJ 2.420.070 AVK.ARJ 4.171.519 AVP.ARJ 2.998.727 AVX.ARJ 1.128.495 DRW.ARJ 2.889.043 DSS.ARJ 2.946.480 DWW.ARJ 1.791.896 FMA.ARJ 58.215 FPR.ARJ 2.875.585 FSE.ARJ 4.609.732 FWN.ARJ 220.672 HMV.ARJ 157.338 INO.ARJ 3.072.481 IRS.ARJ 2.700.854 ITM.ARJ 11.241.140 IVB.ARJ 79.695 NAV.ARJ 2.675.380 NOD.ARJ 3.124.000 NVC.ARJ 3.943.703 PAC.ARJ 2.800.159 PCC.ARJ 854.744 PRO.ARJ 909.565 RA7.ARJ 894.199 RAV.ARJ 926.002 SCN.ARJ 4.005.535 SWP.ARJ 3.150.900 TSC.ARJ 1.814.039 VBW.ARJ 164.735 VET.ARJ 2.587.927 VSP.ARJ 4.398.213 --------------------------------------------- For abbreviation of products, see file "A5CodNam.txt". Detailed logs have been removed (due to space restrictions): Klaus Brunnstein (July 5, 2001) PS: in case of need for specific scan-res files, please contact brunnstein@informatik.uni-hamburg.de