============================================= Directory: Scan-RES: --------------------------------------------- Log-results of scanners in VTC test "1998-10" ============================================= List of scanner logs: log size (bytes) --------------------------------------------- ACU.ARJ 56.610 ANT.ARJ 5.182.251 ANY.ARJ 633.525 AVG.ARJ 783.151 AVK.ARJ 5.982.037 AVP.ARJ 5.301.828 AVS.ARJ 3.260.466 DRW.ARJ 1.953.614 DSS.ARJ 5.565.877 FMA.ARJ 263.183 FPR.ARJ 1.107.312 FSE.ARJ 4.296.770 FWN.ARJ 1.264.839 HMV.ARJ 70.488 IBM.ARJ 2.541.205 IR.ARJ 1.226.827 ITM.ARJ 2.448.511 IVB.ARJ 110.340 NAV.ARJ 6.732.559 NVC.ARJ 5.244.828 PAV.ARJ 4.297.403 RAV.ARJ 3.716.220 SCN.ARJ 3.421.100 SWP.ARJ 4.682.353 TBA.ARJ 5.464.224 TNT.ARJ 19.482 TSC.ARJ 1.092.421 VBS.ARJ 594.939 VDS.ARJ 235 VET.ARJ 128.337 VSP.ARJ 972.040 --------------------------------------------- For abbreviation of products, see file "A5CodNam.txt". Detailed logs have been removed (due to space restrictions): Klaus Brunnstein (July 5, 2001) PS: in case of need for specific scan-res files, please contact brunnstein@informatik.uni-hamburg.de