======================== File A2SCANLS.TXT List of Scanners tested: ======================== The following list summarizes products/versions tested as well as options (if any) used during test. Ordering of entries is alphabetical concerning product names. For each product/version, the "CodeName" field identifies the product (3-4 characters) and optionally it`s version (1-5 digits/characters). This abbreviation is used to name of all files under which respective scanner results (abbrev.zip, combining boot, file and macro virus scans, indicated by suffix .boo, .fil and .mac respectively) are stored in "SCAN-RES" archive. Producer addresses were essentially taken from Rob Slade`s "Antiviral contacts listing", version January 15, 1997 (published in Virus-L Vol.10 #13-14). We wish to thank Rob for his work and care to offer actual information, and for his agreement that we may use excerpts of his work. If some producer finds that we have tested a version of their scanner which is too old, they are invited to send us an update. We also invite producers of scanners which are not on this list, to send us their product for testing, *if* it fulfils the set of basic listed in the file 5TESTCON.TXT. In future tests, we intend to include those scanners which proved to fulfil test conditions, and scanners with serious test problems (see 8PROBLEM.TXT) will only be tested if actual versions conform with the test conditions. With growing testbeds, testing will become even more difficult and time consuming than today even if automated. Indeed, we have wasted quite some time in attempting to give such scanners a fair chance (or to force them not to play some tune after each detected virus :-) CodeName: ACU Product: Accura Company: Cliff Livingston Version DOS: Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: 1.00 - 29.6.98 CodeName: ANY Product: ANYWARE Company: Anyware Software Version DOS: RTE 216 Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: 3.00 - 10.6.98 Other: http://www.helpvirus.com Options: --- CodeName: ASP Product: Aspvirin Company: Version DOS: 1.7 Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: --- CodeName: AVS Product: AVAST! DOS-Version: AVAST! 7.70-12 01-02-1998, AVAST! 7.70-12 01-16-1998 Version DOS: 7.70-18 Version W95: 9806/770 Version W98: 9806/770 Version NT: 9806/770 Company: ALWIL Software Address: Lipi 1244, 193 00 Praha 9, Czech Republic Phone: (+420 2) 81 92 16 61 Fax: (+420 2) 81 92 16 64 Sales: (+420-2) 782 23 47 Contact: Pavel Paudis/Michal Kovacic Email: baudis@asw.cz, kovacic@asw.cz, support@asw.cz Other: BBS: (+420 2) 782 25 50, http://www.anet.cz/alwil/alwil.htm LGUARD-Options: /b /s /p /e* /a CodeName: AVG Product: AVG Version DOS: 5.0.1221 Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: --- Company: GriSoft Address: Lidick 81, 602 00 Brno, Czech republic Phone: +420 - 5 - 41 24 38 65-7 Fax: +420 - 5 - 41 21 14 32 Contact: Petr Odehnal AVG-Option: /arc /rt /noexport /noself /heur CodeName: AVK Product: AntiVirenKit 8 Company: G-Data Version DOS: 8.0 Version W95: 8.03 Version W98: 8.03 Version NT: 8.03/803U - June 26, 1998 Company: GData Software GmbH Address: Siemensstr. 16, 44793 Bochum Phone: +49 234 9762 110 AVP-Option: /m /p /y /b /o /* /le /T=. CodeName: AVP Product: AVP Lite (AntiViral Toolkit Pro) Version DOS: 3.0 (120) Version W95: 3.0b1.20/276 Version W98: 3.0 (120) Version NT: 3.0b120 - 27.6.98 Company: KAMI Ltd. Address: 123364 Geroev Panfilovtcev str., 10, Moscow, Russia Phone: +7 (095) 494 0100, +7 (095) 494 4311 Fax: +7 (095) 913 5087, +7 (095) 913 9187 Sales: Metropolitan Network BBS Inc., Postfach 827, 3000 Bern 8, Switzerland, avp@metro.ch; MC3162@mclink.it; Central Command Inc,POBox 856 Brunswick,Ohio 44212 +1-330-273-2820, fax: +1-330-220-4129, sales@command-hq.com; Secure Antivirus Systems International, PO Box 29, Kallangur,Australia 4503, +61 (0)7 3204 5000; pierrev@ibm.net; vac@uucp.polbox.com.pl; mannig@world-net.sct.fr; prokon@gtc11.gtc.net; avp-support@metro-net.ch; 100120.503@compuserve.com Contact: Eugene Kaspersky Email: eugene@kamis.msk.su, natalya@kamis.msk.su Other: BBS: +7 (095) 278-9949, FidoNet: 2:5020/156, http://www.icomm.rnd.su/, ftp://ftp.command-hq.com/pub/command/avp, ftp://ftp.icomm.rnd.su, http://www.command-hq.com/command, ftp://star.brisnet.org.au/pub/avp AVPLITE-Options: /m /p /y /* /b /o /le /T=. CodeName: ANT Product: AntiVir Company: H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH Version: Antivir 5.10-01 01-08-1998 Version DOS: 4.17 Version W95: 5.13.01 Version W98: 5.13.01 Version NT: 5.13.01 Address: Lindauer Str. 21, D-88069 Tettnang, Germany Phone: +49-7542-93040 Fax: +49-7542-52510 Email: 71310.3143@compuserve.com Other: BS +49=7542-52110 Options: s -v -p -nomem -r4 -rs -ro CodeName: DSS Product: Dr. Solomon`s AntiVirus Toolkit (FindVirus) Company: Dr. Solomon's Software Ltd. Version DOS: 7.85 + Update June 30, 1998 Version W95: 7.85 + Update June 30, 1998 Version W98: 7.85 + Update June 30, 1998 Version NT: 7.85 + Update June 30, 1998 Address: Alton House, Gatehouse Way, Aylesbury, Bucks HP19 3XU, England Phone: +44 1296 318700 Fax: +44 1296 318777 Sales: +44 1296 318800, Sales Fax: +44 1296 318888, Adress: Dr Solomon's Software Inc, 1 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA 01803, +1-617-273-7400, fax +1-617-273-7474 Support: support@uk.drsolomon.com, support@us.drsolomon.com Email: info@uk.drsolomon.com Other: BBS: +44 1296 318810, http://www.drsolomon.com/, ftp://ftp.drsolomon.com Options: wfindv32 /report=report.ful /an /d /vid /!guru /nc /pack u:\ CodeName: DRW Product: DrWeb, Doctor Web Version DOS: 4.01 Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: --- Company: DialogueScience, Inc. Address: Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Room No 103a, House No 40, Vavilova street, 117967, GSP-1, Moscow, Russia Phone: +7-095-137-0150, 135-6253 Fax: +7-095-938-2970, 938-2855 Contact: Sergei Antimonov, General Director Email: lyu@dials.msk.su,bob@dials.msk.su,loz@dials.msk.su Other: BBS: +7-095-938-2856, FidoNet 2:5020/69, ftp://ftp.kiam1.rssi.ru/pub/drweb DRWEB-Option: /rp /al /ch /go /ha1 /mo /nb /ns /ok /qu CodeName: FMA Product: Fmacro-W Version DOS: --- Version W95: 1.10 Version W98: 1.10 Version NT: 1.10 CodeName: FPR Product: F-Prot AntiVirus Version DOS: 3.01 Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: --- Company: Frisk Software International Address: Postholf 7180, IS-127 Reykjavik, Iceland Phone: +354-5-617273 Fax: +354-5-617274 Sales: see Command Software, Data Fellows and SafetyNet; German version:+49-40-6932033;percomp@infohh.rmi.de Contact: Fridrik Skulason, Vesselin Bontchev Email: sales@complex.is, support@complex.is F-PROT Option: /nomem /list /noboot /nowrap /guru /all /report F-PROT 3.0X Option: /list /guru /paranoid /unpack /report F-MacrowW Option: /allfiles /sub /scan /overwrite /list /report= CodeName: FSE Product: F-SECURE Company: ata Fellows Version DOS: 3.0 (119) Version W95: 4.01a Version W98: 4.01a Version NT: 4.01a Company: Data Fellows Ltd. Address: PL24, FIN - 02231 Espoo, Finnland Phone: +358 9 859 900 Fax: +358 9 8599 0599 Email: Anti-Virus-Sales@DataFellows.com Anti-Virus-Support@DataFellows.com Other: http://www.DataFellows.com ftp://ftp.DataFellows.com Parameter: f-prot95 /report=report.ful CodeName: FWN Product: F / Win Company: Stefan Kurtzhals Version DOS: 4.37 Version W95: 1.11 Version W98: 1.11 Version NT: 1.11n Author: Stefan Kurtzhals, Wuppertal/Germany email: fwin_sup@ix.netcom.com:Gary Martin F/WIN distribution kurtzha@uni-wuppertal.de: Stefan Kurtzhals Homepage: http://www.gen.com/fwin F/Win Options: /report= /logall /ignoreall CodeName: HMV Product: HMVS (Heuristic Macro Virus Scanner/cleaner) Company: "Valky,Vrtik" Version DOS: 2.60 Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: 2.60 Author: Jan Valky & Lubos Vrtik, Slovakia Options: - CodeName: IBM Product: IBM Antivirus Company: IBM Version DOS: --- Version W95: 3.0 Version W98: 3.0 Version NT: 3.0 + Update June 25,1998 Company: IBM Corporation Address: Long Meadow Road, Sterling Forest, NY 10979 Sales: +1-800-742-2493 Contact: Andrea Minoff, PR Manager; Steve Rosenblatt, Brand +1-914-759-4582, Arthur Blossom Email: minoff@vnet.ibm.com, ablossom@vnet.ibm.com, chess@watson.ibm.com Other: http://www.av.ibm.com IBMAVSB-Option: -programs -vlog -nb -copenerr -cerr -nrep -nwipe -nfscn -nlmsg (remark: different from last test, -bulk was NOT used) CodeName: INO Product: Inoculan Company: CA Cheyenne Version DOS: 5.0n(s) (Enngine and Data: 4.10) Version W95: 5.04.10 Version W98: 5.04.10 Version NT: --- Parameter: cavcmd u:\ /rev /lis report.ful Company: Cheyenne Software, Inc. Address: 3 Expressway Plaza, Roslyn Heights, New York 11577 Phone: +49-89-62724-100 Fax: +49-89-62724-140 Contact: Robert Romanski Email: romro04@cai.com Other: http://www.inoculan.com INOCUCMD /lis CodeName: IRS Product: IRIS Company: IRIS Anti Virus Version DOS: --- Version W95: 22.10 Version W98: 22.10 Version NT: 22.10 Company: IRIS Software & Computer, Ltd. Address: 1173A 2ND AVE Suite 316, New York, NY 10021, USA Email: SUPPORT@IRIS.CO.IL Options: CURE /o /m /q /e /r:1 CodeName: ITM Product: Integrity Master Company: Stiller Research Version DOS: 4.01a Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: --- Company: Stiller Research Address: 1265 Big Valley Dr.,Colorado Springs,CO 80919-1014 Phone: +1-719-533-1879 Fax: Stiller (personal 74777.3004@compuserve.com) Email: support@stiller.com Other: http://www.stiller.com Product: Integrity Master change detection software ITM Options: /vl /b /ne /repa CodeName: IVB Product: IVB Company: Invircible Version DOS: --- Version W95: 7.01 Version W98: --- Version NT: --- CodeName: NVC Product: Norman Virus Control Company: Norman Data Version DOS: 4.50 Version W95: 4.52 Version W98: 4.52 Version NT: 4.52 + Update June 17, 1998 Company: Norman Defense Data Systems Inc. Address: 3040 Williams Drive, 6th Floor Fairfax, Virginia Phone: +1-703-573-8802 Fax: +1-703-573-3919 Email: norman@norman.com Other: BBS: 703-573-8990 http: //www.norman.com, ftp://ftp.norman.com NVC-Option: /af /b /cp /s /u0 /n CodeName: NAV Product: Norton Antivirus Company: Symantec Version DOS: 4.0 Version W95: 4.08 (update June 29, 1998) Version W98: 4.08 (update June 29, 1998) Version NT: 4.08 (update June 29, 1998) Company: Symantec Address: 10201 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone: +1-408-253-9600, +1-800-441-7234, +1-416-923-1033 Fax: +1-541-334-7400 Support: Cust. Serv. +1-541-334-6054, +1-800-441-7234; Technical Support: +1-541-465-8420 Other: BBS: +1-541-484-6669, Retrieval Fax: +1-541-984-2490, http://www.symantec.com, ftp://ftp.symantec.com NAVC-Option: /m- /n- /s+ /go /export CodeName: PAV Product: Power Antivirus Company: G-Data Version DOS: --- Version W95: 3.0 (Update May 5, 1998) Version W98: 3.0 (Update May 5, 1998) Version NT: 3.0 (Update May 5, 1998) Company: GData Software GmbH Address: Siemensstr. 16, 44793 Bochum Phone: +49 234 9762 110 AVP-Option: /m /p /y /b /o /* /le /T=. CodeName: RAV Product: Romanian AV Company: GeCAD, Romania Version DOS: 6.02 Version W95: 6.03 Version W98: 6.03 Version NT: 6.03 Phone: +401-6476307 Fax: +401-3238409 Contact: Costin RAIU Email: craiu@gecad.ro Options: --- Parameter: ravav.exe o:\ /ok /w=report.ful /REP CodeName: SCN (ViruScan) Product: McAfee Scan Company: Network Associates Version DOS: 3.18 Version W95: 3.18 Version W98: 3.18 Version NT: 3.18 Address: 2710 Walsh Avenue, Suite 200, Santa Clara California 95051-0963 Phone: +1-408-988-3832 Fax: +1-408-970-9727 Email: mcafee@aol.com, mcafee@netcom.com, support@mcafee.com,scott_gordon@cc.mcafee.com Other: BBS +1-408-988-4004, mcafee.com is IP, http://www.mcafee.com/, ftp://ftp.mcafee.com/pub/antivirus Paramter: scan /all /macroheur 5 /nobeep /report report.ful /rptall /sub u:\win95 CodeName: SWP Product: Sweep (Sophos Anti-Virus) Company: Sophos Version DOS: 3.11 Version W95: 3.11 Version W98: 3.11 Version NT: 3.11 Address (UK): The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3YP, UK Tel: +44 1235 559933, +1 781 932 0222, +49 6136 91193 Fax: +44 1235 559935, +1 781 932 0251, +49 6136 911940 Support: support@sophos.com, support@us.sophos.com, support@de.sophos.com EMail: sales@sophos.com, sales@us.sophos.com, sales@de.sophos.com Other: http://www.sophos.com/ ftp://ftp.sophos.com SWEEP-Option: -all -du -ns -nb -ndi -nk -nm -sc -rec -p CodeName: TSC Product: Tscan (Turbo SCAN) Company: Andreas Marx Version DOS: 1.40 (scanned in DOS-Box of Win-NT) Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: --- Author: Andreas Marx Address: Foerderstedter Strasse 11, 39112 Magdeburg, Germany Phone: +49-391 613303 FAX: +49-391 6218501 Email: amarx@boerde.de Paramater: tscan u: /all /list /paranoid /report=report.ful CodeName: TBA Product: ThunderBYTE AntiVirus (TBAV) Company: ThunderByte Version DOS: 8.06beta Version W95: 8.07 Version W98: 8.07 Version NT: 8.07 Company: ESaSS B.V. Address: P.O. box 1380, 6501 BJ Nijmegen, The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)24 642 2282 Fax: +31 (0)24 645 0899 Sales: Thunderbyte Australia, P.O. Box 29, Kallangur, Australia 4503, +61-(0)7-3204-5000; or P.O. Box 527, Dagsboro, DE 19939, +1-302-732-3105, fax +1-302-732-3105; TCT-ThunderBYTE 49 Main St., suite 300, Massena, NY, 13662, +1-800-667-8228, Fax: +1-315-764-1620, +1-613-936-8429, info@thunderbyte.com; ComByte, #12-936 Lytton St., North Vancouver, BC, V7H 2A5, +1-604-929-5346, boban@mindlink.bc.ca Contact: Frans Veldman, Righard Zwienenberg Email: tbavtech@worldaccess.nl, info@thunderbyte.com, 100140,3046@compuserve.com Other: http://www.thunderbyte.com/, ftp://ftp.thunderbyte.com, ftp://star.brisnet.org.au/pub/tbav, BBS: +31-(0)24-645-0951 (2:280/200@fidonet) Paramter: tbscan.exe ll=4 nb nm nh ld hr af ba lo tn ln=report.ful u:\ CodeName: TNT Product: TNT Company: Carmel Version DOS: --- Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: 2.5 (June 4, 1998) CodeName: VBS Product: Virusbuster Company: eprechaun Software Version DOS: 4.90.00 Version W95: 5.30 Version W98: 5.30 Version NT: --- CodeName: VET Product: Vet Company: Cybec Version DOS: 9.8 Version W95: 9.8 Version W98: 9.8 Version NT: --- Company: Cybec Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 205, Hampton Vic 3188., Australia Phone: +61 3 9521 0655 Other: http://www.cybec.com.au Options: --- CodeName: VSP Product: VirScanPlus Company: Roth Version DOS: 11.61 Version W95: --- Version W98: --- Version NT: ---