================ File 9EPILOG.TXT Conclusion ================ When reporting scanner problems, we have tried to be as fair as possible. First, we assume that AV producers do their best to support their users with products of as good quality as they can achive. Second, though we have done our best to assure that our virus data- bases are relevant and that our test procedures are fair, we cannot be absolutely sure that we have not made any fault (no scientist can ever be absolutely sure.) We are esp. aware that our test has a *rather limited scope*, esp.due to the following inherent decisions: 1) We have tested ONLY on-demand scanners. Many products offer broader functionalities as they include resident components, integrity checkers etc. 2) We did NOT test the ability of scanners to detect viruses in memory, and we also didnot test whether cleaning is done successfully. 3) Concerning polymorphic viruses, this test contains a large number of static samples. Presently, we are preparing a dynamic test (where we generate multiple generations) but this method is not yet mature for publication. 4) We have tried our best to have only real viruses in the resp. databases. In cases where selected AV producers were convinced that non-detected samples were non-viral, and if we could not prove their virality immediately, we have tentatively deleted related entries from our testbeds and results. We are analysing the virality (or non-virality) of such files before next test. Generally, it is not always easy to prove viral characteristics of some malware. There are not only limitations in man-power and time, but self-replication may depend on hardware, system and other details. In general, VTC - as other AV institutions - does admittedly NOT have the capacity, with respects to personell, engines and time, to analyse EVERY suspicious code for detailed features, including virality and malicity. 5) Concerning boot/MBR infectors, VTC tests traditionally use SIMBOOT which simulates boot sector behaviour to a certain degree. It is well known that such simulators have inherent limitations, which esp. produce inadequate results for scanners which test the physical layout of a boot virus on real diskettes. On the other side, it is beyond the technical and human capacity for a university laboratory to test about 100 products against more than 4,000 diskettes with real infections. 6) Our test of AntiVirus products for "false positive" alarms is just a first step. We intend to publish more details esp. in- cluding detection of malware in packed objects (we refrained from publishing related results to give AV producers a fair chance to overcome present weaknesses both in their detection of packed viral objects as well as in malware detection). 7) It is beyond our scope to evaluate user interfaces. Here, we regard users and - to some degree - well qualified journalists as adequate testers. Moreover, we refrain from reporting time behaviour as our test procedure is rather untypical for user requirements (we sincerely hope that users will NEVER have so many infected objects as in our testbeds!). 8) Concerning Windows-95/Windows-98/Windows NT tests, we received some products as general "32-bit engines", applying to all platforms. In such cases, we assumed that such engines run on all platforms, and we tested them under ALL THREE if possible. With such restrictions: What are those tests good for, then? Regard- less of the drawbacks mentioned above, we believe that our tests are of some value. A) In the sequence of VTC tests, there is significant information how quality of products develop. In addition, our test of detection of "packed viruses" makes agaiin quite clear that there is strong need for significant improvement of AntiVirus products. B) As users dont care whether some "unwanted" feature should be classified as "viral", "trojan", "Wannabe", "Germ" or simply "Malware", only few products help protecting customers against such threats; we also regret that some AV producers seem not sufficiently conscious about these threats. C) A rather valuable part is the naming cross-reference. It can help AV producers to become compliant with the CARO virus naming scheme, and it can be used to figure out which virus they have exactly when their favorite scanner reports a specific name. D) Test results provide some general impression of how good a scanner is at detecting viruses. Morover, a by-product of our "fairness" (having frozen viral databases some 8 weeks ago) produces some information about quality improvements of those scanners for which several versions were made available during the test period. Generally, we will be very interested to learn about any comment about our approach and test method as this may help us to improve test procedures for future tests and achieve a higher level of quality where possible. But every critical remark should have in mind that we are only able to test the behaviour of any product based on information made available from its manufacturer. We have no insight into how the products work, and we have not tried to reverse-engineer any product to understand experienced problems. We therefore just report such problems and ask manufacturers to analyse their problems themselves; sufficient information concerning tests protocols have been made available from us (see SCAN-RES), but we are prepared to help AV producers upon special request where possible, so that they can support their customers by improving the quality for their products. At last, we would like to express our hope that the users will find this test and its extensive documents useful.