======================================== File: 1CONTENT.TXT Contents of this archive (VTC-9810.zip): ======================================== Formatted with non-proportional font (Courier) 0README.1ST - Latest notes. 0EXECSUM.TXT - Executive Summary of Test Report 1998-10 1CONTENT.TXT - This file 2PROLOG.TXT - Background, Aims of this test 3INTRO.TXT - Introduction:Background, Aims, Development of VTC tests 4TESTCON.TXT - Conditions which a scanner must fulfil in order to be tested 5PROTOCO.TXT - Detailed description of VTC virus testing protocol 6ASUMOV.TXT - Overview Tables 6BDOSFIL.TXT - Detailed Results: DOS File Virus and Malware Test Results 6CDOSBOO.TXT - Detailed Results: DOS Boot Virus Test Results 6DDOSMAC.TXT - Detailed Results: DOS Macro Virus and Malware Test Results 6EW95.TXT - Detailed Results: Windows95 File, Macro and Malware Test Results 6GW98.TXT - Detailed Results: Windows98 File, Macro and Malware Test Results 6FWNT.TXT - Detailed Results: Windows NT File, Macro and Malware Test Results 6HCMP32.TXT - Detailed Results: Comparison of 32-Bit (Win-95, Win-W98, Win-NT) Test Results 7EVAL.TXT - Evaluation of Results, Grading 8PROBLEM.TXT - Problems and bugs experienced during tests 9EPILOG.TXT - Summary, future test plans, and final comment Appendices included: -------------------- A1ITW97c.TXT - "In-The-Wild" of PC Viruses (April 1998: Wildlist.org) A2SCANLS.TXT - List of scanners/versions, including info on producer DISCLAIM.TXT - Disclaimer: About usage of this document. Separate appendix: A3TSTBED.ZIP - Index of Boot, File and Macro Virus Databases, both full and "In-The-Wild", Malware Databases, and index of non-viral/non-malicious objects used in False-Positive test (all pkZIPped) Archive SCAN-RES contains the detailed scanner protocols for each scanner.