Options Manager | DISCUS Administration Instructions |
The Options Manager is a collection of many Discus program options that do not fit well into other categories. It allows configuration of numerous aspects of the program from one central interface. The Options Manager is restricted to the superuser only, as it controls numerous aspects of the operation of the board.
Most Options Manager settings involve checking a box or filling in some text in the appropriate section. To save the change, you must scroll to the bottom of the form and click the "Save Options" button. This will save all of the options that are displayed on the form.
Some features in this section are available in the professional version of this discussion board software only. Those items are indicated with a notation as shown here.
This section allows you to enable/disable administration, e-mail notification, posting, and (in the pro version) user self-registration on a global basis. Each of these functions is described here.
If checked, moderators will be able to access the administration program normally and will be able to use all administrative tools that they are normally able to use. This is the default option. If unchecked, only the superuser will be able to log in to administration (moderators will get a "Denied" message). This is useful for shutting down a board.
E-mail notification
If checked, e-mail notification is enabled according to the settings you configure as described in subsequent paragraphs. If unchecked, e-mail notification messages will not be sent.
If checked, moderators, users, and the public will be able to post messages according to the posting privileges you have established in the Access Manager. This is the default option. If unchecked, no one will be able to post new messages to your board -- this transcends all settings from the Access Manager. This is useful for shutting down a board.
Server is capable of sending e-mail messages
If checked, the program will use its e-mail features as appropriate, such as for sending out e-mail notification (if enabled by the option above), and, in the professional version, for sending out initial passwords when users register for accounts. A checked box is the default option and is highly recommended if you have a command line server installed on your system (most unix systems do). If this box is not checked, you will not be able to check the "E-mail notification" box either, nor will you be able to use other e-mail based features of the software.
To configure e-mail notification for your server, click the "Configure" link next to the server e-mail option. This brings up the "E-mail Configurator" screen. If you have a unix server in a standard configuration, and a mail program can be located, the e-mail notification is automatically configured. Otherwise, you will need to configure it yourself. This requires some knowledge of the configuration of your server. Descriptions of the available e-mail options are provided on the configuration page. When you have specified your options, you can send a test message to yourself by entering your e-mail address and then clicking the "Test" button. When you know that e-mail notification is working properly, click the "Save Settings" button.
DiscusWare does not provide technical support with regard to setting up your e-mail settings, because these settings are server-specific. If you do not know what mail program to use, ask your ISP. If you are on a Windows 95/98 or a Windows NT server, a mail program is probably not available on your machine. If you administer that server, we suggest that you download and install "Blat" mail. If you are on a Windows NT system that doesn't offer command-line mail services, you will need to switch to a unix-based provider -- a command line mail program is an absolute system requirement for the use of e-mail notification and other e-mail based features.
If checked, using the User Manager, user self-registration can be enabled for specific groups. The registration form is then provided on the "Edit Profile" screen with full instructions. If unchecked, user self-registration is denied for all groups and is not ever displayed, regardless of any User Manager settings. This is the default option.
Clicking the "Configure" link brings up three options that can be set affecting user self-registration on your board.
This section allows you to set several options with respect to the appearance and function of conversations (subtopics) and messages on your board. Descriptions of these options follow.
Activate URLs and e-mail addresses in posts
If checked, this will convert any URL of the form http://www.server.com/dir/page.html and any e-mail address of the form username@domain.com to an "active link." This is the default option, although automatic conversion is invoked only if the user has not used other formatting in the post (since it is assumed that if other formatting is used, the user would also know how to use the \link{} and \mail{} formatting tags). If unchecked, this automatic activation does not occur.
Allow posts as "Anonymous"
If checked, users, moderators, and the public can post as "Anonymous" by checking the box on the "Add a Message" form. This is the default option, although the identity of the poster can always be determined through the Page Manager by clicking on the "Info" button. If unchecked, the box for anonymous posting is removed from all forms and anonymous posting is disabled.
Capitalize first letter in user-created subject lines
If checked, when a user creates a conversation through the user interface, the first letter in the name of the conversation is automatically capitalized. This is the default option, and in most instances, the desired behavior to make the list of subtopics more attractive. If unchecked, the subtopic is created exactly as typed.
Double post protection (prevents duplicate postings)
If checked, the program verifies that the same user did not post exactly that same message within the last two minutes, preventing annoying double posts. This is the default option. If unchecked, double post protection is not used, but we can't think of a single instance why you would not want double post protection to be enabled.
E-mail addresses/links to profile on posts
If checked, the user's e-mail address from that user's profile is created as a mailto link under the user's full name and username, or if you are the pro version and the user has a profile defined, a link to the user's profile is created. This is the default option, although it can be turned off on a per-topic basis through the Access Manager. If unchecked, the link is not created, which is useful if you are concerned about "spambots" going through your discussion board.
Full name on posts
If checked, the user's full name from that user's profile is displayed on the post. This is the default option, although it can be turned off on a per-topic basis through the Access Manager. If unchecked, the link is not created, which is useful if your users are abusing this function.
Icons by posts
If checked, navigational icons are placed next to each post that allows the user to quickly jump to the top, the previous message, the next message, or the bottom, or to copy a hyperlink to the message. If unchecked, these icons are not displayed. This can be checked or unchecked as you wish, and all pages on your board will be automatically updated. For historical reasons, this option is unchecked by default. If you have this option checked, you can change the icon associations to any file that resides in your Discus icons directory by entering a new file name in the text box. The script automatically sizes the icons to 12x12 in the display, so if you change the icon file names, be sure your new icons have this size.
IP addresses on posts
If checked, the IP address (host and numeric address) are placed next to the user's name when a message is posted. If unchecked, this does not occur, which is the default option. This is useful for preventing abuse on large public boards, because potential abusers are identified and discouraged from posting. Remember that the IP information is always available from within the Page Manager by clicking on the "Info" button, regardless of whether the IP information is placed on the post.
Perform HTML to formatting tag conversion
If checked, basic HTML tags, such as bold, italics, links, and colors, are converted into Discus formatting tags, ensuring valid HTML in the post and protecting against malicious JavaScript, SSIs, META tags, etc. This is the default option, and is useful for large public boards with users who will be visiting infrequently and thus do not wish to learn the Discus formatting tags. If unchecked, the HTML code will be rendered as "escaped" HTML code in the post. Conversion is invoked only if the user has not used other formatting in the post (since it is assumed that if other formatting is used, the user knows the formatting language and does not need to use HTML).
If checked, an RTF file pasted directly into an "Add a Message" box is converted to Discus formatting tags. This feature is experimental and usually requires some manual editing of the resulting output. DiscusWare does not support this function.
Profanity checker
If checked, certain words that are defined by the administrator are replaced by red dots in the resulting post. This is the default option. If unchecked, profanity filtering does not occur. To create or modify a word list, click "Edit word list" and enter the "naughty" words, one per line. DiscusWare does not distribute a profanity list -- you'll have to make it up yourself.
If checked, posts by registered users and moderators are placed after the full name on the post to indicate that the post was made by a registered user or moderator. If unchecked, this is not performed (this allows forgery by public users if you have public posting enabled).
If checked, users will be able to change their passwords. Moderators will always be able to change their passwords, and the superuser or moderators will always be able to change the passwords of users for them.
If checked, users will be able to edit their own posts within the number of minutes that you specify. The default is that this option is checked and allows editing within 30 minutes, which is a sufficient "grace period" to make minor changes to the message, but does not allow users to come back many days later and alter the conversation. If unchecked, user post editing is disabled. If you want to allow users to edit their posts any time, check the box and set the time limit to a large number like 999999.
One of the most unique features to Discus is image upload (and in-line display). Discus Pro also allows upload of attachments (non-image files, such as documents). Although incredibly useful, this feature has the potential to be misused, by uploading inappropriate images or very large files.
If the "Image uploading and attachment uploading enabled" box is checked, image uploading and attachment uploading are permitted. This is the default option. If unchecked, image uploading and attachment uploading will not be allowed at all on the discussion board.
You can also set file size limits for the uploaded images or attachments, distinguished by the privileges of the poster (public vs. registered user). The file size limit is entered in kilobytes, and a value of "0" indicates no limit. Setting a file size restriction of -1 effectively disables uploading, as there are no files that are less than -1000 bytes in length! File size limits also apply to pictures uploaded with registered user profiles in Discus Pro.
IP banning is offered in Discus Pro to deny all access to all scripts from the domains you specify. This is useful in two contexts: to ban abusive users or those who repeatedly attempt to break into your system, or to completely shut down a board that is no longer used.
To add a host name, IP number, or wildcard pattern to the list, type that information into the empty text box in the IP banning session, and save your settings. To remove a host name, IP number, or wildcard pattern from the list, uncheck the box next to the existing entry and save your settings.
Because the message files are ordinary HTML files, your IP banning settings will not affect whether or not a person can read messages on your board. However, IP banning will prevent someone from posting messages, registering for an account, accessing private topics, or accessing administration.
Warning: It is possible to lock yourself out if you enter your own host name into the blank, or you enter a wildcard pattern that your host name will match. This can be repaired only by using FTP or telnet access to remove that configuration setting from the Discus system. Thus, use caution when specifying your settings! If you type just "*" into the blank, all hosts (including yourself) will be banned from accessing the scripts.
The Log Analysis utility allows you to analyze a server's access log (in NCSA or NCSA extended format) to determine the number of accesses to your pages (i.e., "reads"). This requires that a log is kept somewhere and that your server has access to that log. If you know where the log is, enter the full filename of the access log in the blank. If you don't know where the log is, ask your server administrator or ISP. You are permitted to specify up to 5 access logs for your system, if older rotated logs are maintained. You should list the access logs from the most recent (at the top) to the oldest (at the bottom).
Analyzing the posting log will work properly regardless of whether the setting described here is properly configured, as posting log analysis uses a log file maintained by the Discus program.
You can generate a mailing list of all registered users on your system, all moderators on your system, or a combination list of all registered users and all moderators on your system, if the need arises to send out a mass-mailing. The list that is generated lists each unique e-mail address only once, regardless of how many user accounts or moderator accounts have that e-mail address. To generate a list, click the appropriate link for the mailing list you wish to generate. You can then select the list of e-mail addresses that is produced and copy/paste it to another program.
With this option, you can put a maximum limit on the number of characters that a poster can use in their message. This option is intended to be used to prevent abuse. Note that most browsers have a size limit of about 32,000 characters in the text box. Message size limits can be distinguished by the privileges of the poster (public vs. registered user). The message size limit is entered in kilobytes, and a value of "0" indicates no limit. Note that 1,000 characters = 1 kilobyte.
With this option, you can configure the order of items (subtopics and messages) that users add or post through the user interface. The "normal" order, applied when all boxes are unchecked, is that new subtopics are added to the bottom of the list, and new messages are added to the bottom of the list. You can reverse this order, meaning that new subtopics will be added to the top of the list, and new messages will be added to the top of the list. You can also choose to alphabetize the subtopics. (Choosing both to alphabetize and to reverse the subtopic order will result in the subtopic order being sorted from Z to A.)
We have observed only a very few instances where reversing message order is desirable. Adding prayer requests to a list was one such instance. However, this is not a good choice for conversational flow, since your users will not find it intuitive to start reading at the bottom, scroll up to read a discussion, and then scroll all the way back down to the bottom to post their message. Thus, we discourage reversing message order unless you really know what you're doing. You can always reorder existing messages using the Page Manager.
Typical Configuration of "sendmail"
Mail Program Location: /usr/lib/sendmail or /usr/sbin/sendmail (varies).
Mail Program Settings: Send input directly into the mail program (no temporary file)
Necessary Command Line Options: -t
TO: TO: in the input stream
FROM: FROM: in the input stream
USER: Do not use this parameter
BCC: BCC: in the input stream
SUBJECT: SUBJECT: in the input stream
REPLY-TO: REPLY-TO: in the input stream
Typical Configuration of "mail"
Mail Program Location: /bin/mail or /usr/bin/mail (varies).
Mail Program Settings: Send input directly into the mail program (no temporary file)
Necessary Command Line Options: leave blank
TO: leave blank on the command line
FROM: Do not use this parameter
USER: Do not use this parameter
BCC: -b on the command line
SUBJECT: -s on the command line
REPLY-TO: Do not use this parameter
Typical Configuration of "BLAT"
Mail Program Location: C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM/BLAT.EXE (varies).
Mail Program Settings: Send input into a temporary file
From Name: leave blank
From Address: Name <your_email@your.domain.com>
Necessary Command Line Options: -q (leave blank on some systems)
TO: -t on the command line
FROM: Do not use this parameter
USER: -f on the command line
BCC: -b on the command line
SUBJECT: -s on the command line
REPLY-TO: Do not use this parameter
User self-registration
Perform RTF to formatting tag conversion
Users may edit their own posts within (X) minutes
Image/attachment upload
IP banning
Log analysis configuration
Mailing list generation
Message size limits
Order of items
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