/winsock-l/stacks/spry/app2sock NOTE: This list was created on Wed Aug 9 19:37:59 EST 1995. Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. PAPA.INDSTATE.EDU NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Filename Type Length Date Description ===================================================== a2s4lwp.dll B 7789 080995 Novell LanWorkPlace DLL file a2s4nfs.dll B 6605 080995 Sun PC-NFS DLL file a2s4wsoc.dll B 6699 080995 Windows Sockets DLL file a2spr.txt A 3824 080995 SPRY public specification APP2SOCK Press Release app2doc.zip B 284393 080995 app2sock.dll B 9161 080995 app2sock.h A 2873 080995 app2sock.ini B 585 080995 app2sock.lib B 2560 080995 app2sock.ps B 906642 080995 app2sock.wri B 1536 080995 app2txt.zip B 8260 080995