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March 4th, 2001

The Hyperwave Information Server and Tools Patch directory

1 Available Service Packs for Hyperwave Information Server 5.5

1.1 Service Pack #3

1.1.1 Packages for the server

Patch status:
required (includes Service Pack 2).
Applicable to:
Hyperwave Information Server 5.5
Solved problems:
  • Typo in the HTML Editor Bulletts vs. Bullets. [HWIS/PR-1549]
  • Wrong HotKey in the Publish-Menu. [HWIS/PR-1477]
  • When DC methods try to create a tabbed dialog, a CSJS error occurs. [HWIS/PR-1462]
  • It's possible that objects were moved/copied to wrong collections.[HWIS/PR-1461]
  • Accessing a newsgroup with umlauts in the title/name attribute returns an error. [HWIS/PR-1304]
  • Treeview does not get updated with overwritten show method. [HWIS/PR-1273]
  • User Interface in Edit mode has a wrong Hotkey. [HWIS/PR-1177]
  • Wrong configuration for DC instances of objects. [HWIS/PR-1127]
  • User block button "Authoring" is activated, but authoring-menu is not shown. [HWIS/PR-1063]
  • Collection whose Title-Attribute includes HTML code and " produces client-side javascript error. [HWIS/PR-994]
  • Waveslave crashes without error message when the JAVASCRIPT_MAX_MEMORY size is reached. [HWIS/PR-1733]
  • HTML-documents with a link as title are no longer editable. [HWIS/PR-1480]
  • Partial Treeview is not configurable. [HWIS/PR-1910]
  • The hwdapgw crashes without error message. [HWIS/PR-1510]
  • Umlauts used in Title of a forum-newsgroup also appear in this newsgroup's Name. [HWIS/PR-1473]
  • Identification how to handle user name case (in)sensitivity? [HWIS/PR-1463]
  • Additional check if Components are included/excluded in menudef.js. [HWIS/PR-1383]
  • Problems regarding API insertDocument/replace and HTML files. [HWIS/PR-1200]
  • APIHWUPLOAD fails on replace of HTML document with empty title. [HWIS/PR-879]
  • hwx tools - parser does not check for identical names of log file and hwx file. [HWIS/PR-866]
  • Setting private or protected members does not work. [HWIS/PR-1472]
  • Discussion Forum fault in Netscape... [HWIS/PR-1446]
  • Error message regarding wrong template directory , not precise enough. [HWIS/PR-1046]
  • Upload of text/html file causes abnormal program termination. [HWIS/PR-876]
  • Problems with CSS and framesets. [HWIS/PR-2007]
  • Waveslave Assertion when uploading documents and there is not enought temp space. [HWIS/PR-1960]
  • JS-Errors when you navigate to a remote object which points to a document on another HIS. [HWIS/PR-1876]
  • Shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+M launches Link-Map instead of HTML-Edit. [HWIS/PR-1871]
  • Error when parsing a server pool file if the last line isn't a blank line. [HWIS/PR-11761]
  • The Name Attribute of a releasing object is displayed as GOid instead of the title. [HWIS/PR-1700]
  • Misleading Release Flow Errors when assigning a version controlled document. [HWIS/PR-1699]
  • It's not possible to use partial IP adresses in the user mappping file. [HWIS/PR-1544]
  • Publish dialogs for Collections have the attribute "Hide Header and Footer" but View/Edit dialogs do not. [HWIS/PR-1438]
  • The global function system() returns wrong exit codes under UNIX systems. [HWIS/PR-1557]
  • Javascript: lrc() does not return the right string in language German after server restart. [HWIS/PR-1783]
  • Parent.blank frame should be replaced with htmlmpage. [HWIS/PR-1859]
  • Cannot change properties of objects of type HW_DC_API_ParamSpec [HWIS/PR-1548]
  • System default values of type HW_API_LanguageString show language prefix. [HWIS/PR-1545]
  • Attribute Description can not be changed. [HWIS/PR-1476]
  • Attributes that are RCAs and also Indexed Attributes are shown and required twice. [HWIS/PR-846]
  • WebDAV does not save HTML files correctly [HWIS/PR-1509]
  • WebDAV cannot rename documents with Office XP [HWIS/PR-2092]
  • Bug with Number data type in DC [HWIS/PR-2065]
  • GO-TO-Users-Home does not work correctly. [HWIS/PR-1642]
  • Problems with Fullcollectionheads and relative links. [HWIS/PR-2061]
  • JS-Errors when changing preferences while a remote document is open in the main window. [HWIS/PR-1690]
  • Wrong error message when executing hw_dc_findMethodByName() fails. [HWIS/PR-1799]
  • DC creators menu does not handle itemcount and subitemcont if used in iconbar. [HWIS/PR-1747]
  • hwbackup doesn't work under certain circumstances. [HWIS/PR-2089]
  • hwservercontrol still exists after hwstop. [HWIS/PR-1423]
  • Problems with HTML documents when the attribute DynamicContent is set. [HWIS/PR-2187]
  • Image Upload via SSL does not complete. [HWIS/PR-2235]
  • Problems with the configuration of USERSEARCHABLEFIELD/ GROUPSEARCHABLEFIELD and special user/group attributes. [HWIS/PR-2292]
  • Waveslave crashes under certain circumstances during the exectution of a regexp for textSurroundings. [HWIS/PR-2288]
  • The option -use_threads should be valid for the hw_identd. [HWIS/PR-1215]
  • The default-dialog does not indicate that a text-area is required. [HWIS/PR-2294]
  • HWXTOOLS cannot handle more than 5000 user when applying the option -ALLAUTHENTICATION. [HWIS/PR-2323]
  • The "OK" buttons in some dialogs cannot be translated. [HWIS/PR-2326]
  • Delayed Indexing does not work. [HWIS/PR-1498]
  • Strange arithmetic for recognition of older service pack versions during installation of SP. [HWIS/PR-1500]
  • Getting a removed pointer member causes an assertion. [HWIS/PR-1522]
  • Side effect of bug fix for PR-1194 can cause overlapped connections to hang. [HWIS/PR-1592]
  • Attachments in forum don't inherit the rights of the forum itself. [HWIS/PR-2140]
  • Calling an anchor tag over a url doesn't work. [HWIS/PR-2160]
  • Wavemaster does not send HTTP Expires Header. [HWIS/PR-2371]
  • Wavemaster does not parse cookies correctly. [HWIS/PR-2410]
AIX 4.3
HP-UX 10.20
Linux 2.0.x (LIBC6)
OSF/1 V4.0
Solaris 2.5
Windows NT 4.0 SP5+

1.1.2 Packages for tools

Patch status:
required (includes Service Pack 2).
Applicable to:
Hyperwave Information Server 5.5 Tools
Solved problems:
  • Identification how to handle user name case (in)sensitivity? [HWIS/PR-1463]
  • Upload of text/html file causes abnormal program termination. [HWIS/PR-876
  • Problems regarding API insertDocument/replace and HTML files. [HWIS/PR-1200]
  • APIHWUPLOAD fails on replace of HTML document with empty title. [HWIS/PR-879]
  • hwx tools - parser does not check for identical names of log file and hwx file (Hgserver) [HWIS/PR-866]
  • Hwxreplicatein crashes with segmentation fault when you insert a version-controlled document. [HWIS/PR-1581]
  • HWXTOOLS cannot handle more than 5000 user when applying the option -ALLAUTHENTICATION. [HWIS/PR-2323]
  • Strange arithmetic for recognition of older service pack versions during installation of SP. [HWIS/PR-1500]
  • hwxexport deletes useful files. [HWIS/PR-2367]
AIX 4.3
HP-UX 10.20
Linux 2.0.x (LIBC6)
OSF/1 V4.0
Solaris 2.5
Windows NT 4.0 SP5+

1.2 Service Pack #2

1.2.1 Packages for the server

Patch status:
required (includes Service Pack 1).
Applicable to:
Hyperwave Information Server 5.5
Solved problems:
  • Wavenotify sends mail endlessly between 12 midnight and 1:00am in the month after switching DST.
  • The "Find expert search" searches for the exact inserted string instead of combining each word using operators.
  • Sometimes waveslave crashes under load if threads are used.
  • No error message is returned when you call server=new HW_DC_API_Server() without parameters.
  • The message text of a deleted article still appears in the bottom frame of the forum window even after it has been deleted. After refreshing the window an error message appears.
  • Prompts for required fields are not in correct order.
  • The built-in template cache produces a segmentation fault when working in threaded environments.
  • When connecting to an SMTP server which closes the connection immediately after accepting it, binaries like wavenotify and hwservercontrol, which use SMTP, may crash.
  • The method getlength() produces a negative result when the input file is larger than about 1GB.
  • hwjs crashes when using HW_DC_API_Server constructor without any parameters.
  • hwjs reports an error when started with "hwjs -reslang de". Only "ge" is accepted.
  • System user doesn't get the option to unlock a user-locked object.
  • When different users access user templates simultaneously, waveslave hangs in a deadlock and from then on these users get only errors from wavemaster.
  • A JavaScript runtime error appears when trying to edit a release procedure by using a locked object or if the detailed description contains HTML which is replaced by plain text.
  • When searching in a forum, the search window goes blank if the search string contains leading or trailing spaces.
  • The hwdapgw (hwdap javascript mapping) has substantial memory leaks when retrieving large attribute sets.
  • The wavemaster cache stores HyperwaveSession cookie as given in HTTP request instead of taken out of the HTTP response.
  • The "Edit Query" dialog throws away non-query specific attributes of the query object.
  • Using "-" in user or group names (uid/gid) causes problems in the "Rights Wizard".
  • HWJS -help does not display the commandline options -resroot and -reslang.
  • RStringeliminate() does not work under certain circumstances.
  • Description of allowed IP addresses in Wavesetup does not mention that incomplete IP addresses are allowed.
  • The error 50081.4 comes up when using a DC ParamSpec with a default value from a Attribute or Member value.
  • Links, which exist between the HEAD-tags of an HTML-document, disappear if this document gets uploaded without using link management.
  • Missing resource for error message 50034.5.
  • MS IE 5.x sometimes has problems opening files of type pdf.
  • JS error occurs when viewing a document that uses frames.
  • In the "Save Scheduled Query" dialog the fields "between" and "and" are empty when going back to save query dialog after an error.
  • In the "Edit Query" dialog some input fields' captions are always in English.
  • Saved queries do not inherit the rights of the parent collection.
  • NTLM authentication does not enumerate NT groups for users not in local domain/on local machine.
  • The wrong time is displayed for articles in a forum.
  • Typo in the view attribute dialog Frame tagret vs. Frame target
  • Adding the attribute "Name" to user or group objects leads to an error and the attribute is not added.
  • Some hwdap methods - to manage the user and group objects in the native database - have case-sensitive group parameters.
  • The URL for a closed release flow is wrong. The server name is missing.
  • Waveslave crashes after an hgserver-wavestore session is killed.
  • HW_API_Object properties do not like to be assigned empty arrays.
  • When an XML document gets inserted/uploaded with the Webinterface, the document type is set to text and the content is destroyed.
  • hgrestore writes strange error messages into the output but will be performed successfully.
  • Comparing JS numbers with NaN (Not a Number) gives true on HPUX-11.
  • When using HIP together with the HIS standard user interface under HPUX-11, add new tab doesnīt work.
  • hwjs/Javascript API mapping crashes if out.progressidentifier is used after api.startProgress().
  • It's not possible to duplicate collections with the base attribute "Repl" in the Web interface.
  • MS-IE cannot connect to wavesetup if the hostname in the .db.contr.rc is written in mixed case.
  • Displaying frameset documents in view mode causes JS error.
  • ftserver doesn't recognize .db.contr.rc settings which require language specification as a parameter.
  • Hermes Service Pack 1 cannot read .db.contr.rc files that are larger than 1024 Bytes.
  • Accessing a forum by entering the URL can leave the user stranded with an empty page.
  • Attribute values disappear if an error occured previously by using a "Scheduled" and a "Whatīs New Scheduled".
  • Multiple attributes of same name cannot be added at once.
  • hwsaveconf writes all attributes of the configuration root into the console.
  • Author attribute in HMI file isnīt used when uploading.
  • "Checkin" isn't grayed out for non-system users if system users have checked out documents.
  • Assigning a null value to an HW_API_Object attribute makes the waveslave crash.
  • Automatic increase of version numbers doesn't work if the "main" version number is larger than 100.
  • MSIE 4.0 terminates when using the back button and pressing refresh afterwards.
  • No content will be displayed when searching in version-controlled documents.
  • Uploading an HTML file into a collection that has a "bad" (non-URL compliant characters) name fails with an error message.
  • Replace a document by using the switch "revert if not changed" doesn't return the OID of the reverted version.
  • It is possible to check in an already checked in document without previously checking it out.
  • When the frame parameter is specified in the creation of the menu, this parameter is ignored. The menu is displayed in the frame where the menu code is called.
  • Option "download shortcuts" doesn't work. Shortcuts are never downloaded.
  • Calling freeVersion on a document where an experimental version exists leads to an error (but removes older versions anyway).
  • Error pages in the templates don't expire.
  • A javascript error occurs when a plain text document that contains an attribute like this state= ( can be really anything) is opened.
  • Saving a version-controlled document by using the browser's context menu results in an incorrect file name. The version information is added to the file name.
  • Incorrect caption used for attribute HW_isRole in group-dependent dialogs.
  • Wavemaster.internal requests can wrongly result in HTTP 500 Internal Error if the file isn't found.
  • MSIE 5 shows an empty content when opening Word and Excel documents within the browser.
  • setuanchortype() on upload adds the attribute HW_ManageLinks to all objects, which is not necessary for e.g. images.
  • Sometimes the user block button "Authoring" is activated but the authoring-menu is not shown.
  • The input field for DocDate in "New Text" and "Upload File" dialogs isn't of type "Date".
  • Using the switch "nooutofscopeconversion" in the apihwdownload-tool creates incorrect entries when downloading documents with links.
  • The package installer dialog should permit using Enter key for starting process.
  • Attributes, that are Required Child Attributes and also Indexed or System Attributes are shown and required twice.
  • The "Create Portal" dialog does not give focus to control on opening.
AIX 4.3
HP-UX 10.20
Linux 2.0.x (LIBC6)
OSF/1 V4.0
Solaris 2.5
Windows NT 4.0 SP5+

1.2.2 Packages for tools

Patch status:
required (includes Service Pack 1).
Applicable to:
Hyperwave Information Server 5.5 Tools
Solved problems:
  • hwjs crashes when using HW_DC_API_Server constructor without any parameters.
  • hwjs reports an error when started with "hwjs -reslang de". Only "ge" is accepted.
  • HWJS -help does not display the commandline options -resroot and -reslang.
  • RStringeliminate() does not work under certain circumstances.
  • Links, which exist between the HEAD-tags of an HTML-document, disappear if this document gets uploaded without using link management.
  • Missing resource for error message 50034.5.
  • HW_API_Object properties do not like to be assigned empty arrays.
  • When an XML document gets inserted/uploaded, the document type is set to generic instead of text.
  • Comparing JS numbers with NaN (Not a Number) gives true on HPUX-11.
  • hwjs/Javascript API mapping crashes if out.progressidentifier is used after api.startProgress().
  • hwsaveconf writes all attributes of the configuration root into the console.
  • Author attribute in HMI file isnīt used when uploading.
  • Replace a document by using the switch "revert if not changed" doesn't return the OID of the reverted version.
  • Option "download shortcuts" doesn't work. Shortcuts are never downloaded.
  • setuanchortype() on upload adds the attribute HW_ManageLinks to all objects, which is not necessary for e.g. images.
  • Using the switch "nooutofscopeconversion" in the apihwdownload-tool creates incorrect entries when downloading documents with links.
AIX 4.3
HP-UX 10.20
Linux 2.0.x (LIBC6)
OSF/1 V4.0
Solaris 2.5
Windows NT 4.0 SP5+

1.3 Service Pack #1

1.3.1 Packages for the server

Patch status:
Applicable to:
Hyperwave Information Server 5.5
Solved problems:
  • Wavenotify acts as anonymous user. Emails of scheduled queries contain only documents that anonymous users can see.
  • Wavestore crashes with segmentation fault (sig 11) or bus error (sig 10) during reorganization on Solaris.
  • Ftserver terminates with an assertion when rebuilding the index of a native engine.
  • HIP role administrators (users from external userdatabase e.g. LDAP) cannot create role tabs.
  • Publish file adds the title as gattribute when uploading an HTML file.
  • Upload HTML using Netscape Navigator leads to a strange error message if the body tag does not contain attributes and no user attributes are entered.
  • Netscape Navigator crashes when HIS 5.5 templates are used over https.
  • Hwservercontrol loops under Solaris.
  • Copying documents into Web Folders (WebDAV) fails with an error when NTLM is on and the user was not identified earlier.
  • If Named Pipes are used on Windows, the first unidentified request from WebFolders after a Windows Explorer restart will result in an error.
  • Dcserver crashes with an assertion ("FromStore():bad handle") when receiving an invalid range request, but only if it is running oracle.
  • Netscape Navigator throws Javascript Errors after resizing the browser window.
  • Search results display discussion forum entries that cause error to users who are not members of the newsgroup.
  • The status line of a browser displays "You are logged in as undefined" if friendly names are used but no friendly name exists for the user.
  • "Assign users and groups" dialog has wrong search function. The right search button (search for groups only) triggers a search in the left area (search for users and groups) of the dialog.
  • Accessing a forum out of the treeview by using the edit mode results in an "object not found" error.
  • Client-side include of cookie.js in package install uses wrong path. As a consequence, the request timeout during the upload of packages cannot be set (using attribute InstallTimeout in pkg.xml) which can cause timeouts when an upload takes longer than the default request timeout.
  • Browse for an existing collection in the new user dialog fails if the name field contains a /.
  • User attributes could be lost when publishing text or a file if all entered user attributes have the same name.
  • Sometimes a JavaScript error appears when accessing a forum if the user enters the forum in authoring mode and then switches back to view mode and has a DC as one parent of this forum (or of parts of this Forum), which can happen if he adds the Forum as bookmark to a Bookmark Track.
  • Searching the whole server throws an error when a third language is used (e.g. italian language pack).
  • When a HW_DC_API_Content is specified as a member and the default constructor is called an assertion is thrown by the waveslave.
  • WebDAV clients cannot UNLOCK documents after session has expired.
  • Install packages does not work if the directory packages/available contains directories which are not packages
  • Documents cannot be inserted using WebFolders if the rights attribute contains spaces.
  • Using a date wizard field in a separate dialog results in a wrong date/time because the date fields are handled like date at 0 o'clock and the time difference between GMT and local time is considered.
  • Users who are not identified cannot delete documents using Web Folders (WebDAV). The identification does not work correctly on the first connect.
  • Typo in user/group wizard: asterisks instead of asterixes.
  • JS engine gets SIGFPE on Alpha when performing some arithmetical operations and uninitialized numerical values are used.
  • Changing client.language does not affect lrc(). Text displayed by lrc() might be in the wrong language.
  • Publishing an HTML file into a multi-cluster stores the file into the parent collection of the multi-cluster.
  • Resdef() and lrc() does not work in document classes with attribute HW_ExecutionSUID=true.
  • It is not possible to enter hard carriage returns in the description of a new group in a forum.
  • Search result dialog opens a selected document in the wrong browser window which results in a access denied error.
  • A Javascript-error occurs when a dialog is closed by pressing the OK button and if the main browser window is refreshed before closing the dialog.
  • System administrators cannot check in documents if they are opened in the right frame of the browser.
  • The Treeview in UI does not scroll to the correct position automatically if Internet Explorer is used.
  • Dcserver-oracle terminates with an assertion if a 0 byte document is retrieved. Normally this should not happen because dcserver does not permit insertion of 0 byte documents.
  • Wrong documents are displayed in Web Folders if the parent collection has more than one Name attribute.
  • Inconsistent friendly name in diffused for property HW_VersionOwner.
  • NT friend domain user cannot be identified after a domain controller is unavailable.
  • hw_identd is missing under Windows NT.
  • A hyperlink in text documents is not modifiable when source is the first word.
  • Searching for an open bracket ( or ) ends in an error message where its back-button does not work.
  • Some ftserver error messages are missing. "No resource available" are shown instead.
  • Waveslave/hwjs crashes when calling a DCAPI method with (Javascript) null parameter.
  • Wavenotify sends mail endlessly if the scheduled query is triggered by days which are larger than the month has.
  • Web Folders (WebDAV) are unable to overwrite locked objects.
  • Optional parameters of type HW_API_LanguageString cause error if not set.
  • Accessing hw_this.object in a constructor before calling superconstruct() crashes waveslave and hwjs with a segmentation fault.
  • Waveoracle substitutes $HOME in .db.contr.rc and writes .db.contr.rc on every startup.
  • When an error occurs on calling methods by signature (which is the standard way of calling methods in the web UI) the method name is missing in the error message.
  • Right and left menu borders are missing when using IE 5.5.
  • UI displays "undefined" for a DC member with enumspec without captions.
  • In Netscape, an error page with the message Transfer Interrupted is displayed after the search button is clicked. This page is then replaced with the search results.
  • Titles of collections that are listed in treeview are wrapped on the frame border.
  • Export mode for CD Publisher does not work.
  • Netscape Navigator 4.7x does not display the frame layout on the first connect.
Improvements or new functionality:
  • The performance of the creation of the treeview and the listview is improved.
AIX 4.3
HP-UX 10.20
Linux 2.0.x (LIBC6)
OSF/1 V4.0
Solaris 2.5
Windows NT 4.0 SP5+

1.3.2 Packages for tools

Patch status:
Applicable to:
Hyperwave Information Server 5.5 Tools
Solved problems:
  • Hwxtools ignore version histories with a committed version which is not the last version on import. After import the last inserted version (i.e. with the highest version number) is always the committed version.
  • Hwxtools export wrong attribute "Path" of remote objects. Obviously, when importing such a hwxfile one gets a corrupt object.
  • Saving a configuration with the command line tool hwsaveconf shows an error but creates the configuration.
  • Hwsaveconf cannot save configurations under UNIX if localhost is used.
  • Hwinsdoc crashes when HTML documents are inserted and -forcedcheckin is used.
  • Apihwupload fails to assign a title to files with only one character file names.
  • Upload from the root directory creates the collection hierarchy but does not upload files that are stored in sub-directories.
  • hwjs crashes when calling a DCAPI method with (Javascript) null parameter.
AIX 4.3
HP-UX 10.20
Linux 2.0.x (LIBC6)
OSF/1 V4.0
Solaris 2.5
Windows NT 4.0 SP5+

2 Patch installation

2.1 Windows

Note:If the service pack is started, it automatically overwrites the installed binaries (no backup copy of the old binaries is created). To prevent any unwanted loss of binaries read the documentation which is distributed with the service pack carefully, then copy the affected binaries which are listed in this document into a temporary directory.

  1. Download the service pack.
  2. Stop the server.
  3. Doubleclick on the patch file.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to apply the service pack.
  5. Start the server.
  6. Login as system user and switch to authoring mode.
  7. Upload the templates Service Pack which is stored in the directory patches\is55sp2 or manually unzip this file into $HOME\apps\his\packages\available.
  8. Install the uploaded templates Service Pack.
  9. Restart the server.

2.2 UNIX

  1. Download the patch into a temporary directory.
  2. Change to the Hyperwave Information Server home directory.
  3. Call "gzip -cd | tar xf -" in the Hyperwave Information Server home directory.
  4. Stop the server.
  5. Call ./tartmp/hwinsttar.
  6. Start the server.
  7. Login as system user and switch to authoring mode.
  8. Upload the templates Service Pack which is stored in the directory patches/is55sp2 or manually unzip this file into $HOME/apps/his/packages/available.
  9. Install the uploaded templates Service Pack.
  10. Restart the server.