The files on this disc contain the text of the latest addition to the Treaty on European Union signed at Maastricht on the 7th February 1992. It should preferably be read in conjunction with the previous treaties, which it amends and extends. File format of this self-extracting archive is ASCII. The files are: HEADS Introduction of signatories TITLE1 Common Provisions TITLE2 Provisions Amending the Treaty Establishing the European Ecomonic Community with a View to Establishing the European Community TITLE3 Provisions Amending the Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community TITLE4 Provisions Amending the Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community TITLE5 Provisions on a Common Foreign & Security Policy TITLE6 Provisions on Cooperation in the Fields of Justice & Home Affairs TITLE7 Final Provisions PROTOCO Protocols FINAL FINAL ACT These files have been put together by Susan Nelson & David Pollard: David Pollard Publishing Folly Bridge Workshops, Thames Street, Oxford OX1 1SU Facsimile 0865 (Oxford) 792277 Telephone: Susan Nelson 0865 727203 David Pollard 0865 240048 If you read and/or use this compilation for commercial purposes, a contribution would be much appreciated. Please make cheques payable to David Pollard Associates. Please write for details of current publications on E.C. matters. The text was withdrawn from sale by H.M.S.O. in March 1992 on orders from the E.C. and was not available until well after the general election. The British government published their Command Paper in May (price UKP 13.30). We published the text in April because we felt that details of the proposed major changes to the British Constitution (and the constitutions of our European neighbours) should be readily and inexpensively available. Our printed copy is available, 64 pp A4 format, for UKP 2.95 + 55p postage. Note - the following names should be accented: Francisco FERNA(acute)NDEZ ORDO(acute)N(tlde)EZ Carlos SOLOCHAGA CATALA(acute)N Joa(tilde)o de DEUS PINHERO