coat of arms



Volume I

Volume II





Aaron, i. 207

Arras, Bishop of, ii. 51

Abbeville, ii. 99, 197

Absalom, i. 138

Achilles, ii. 28

Ænius Sylvius, ii. 378

Aëtius, i. 119

Ahasuerus, i. 339

Ahaz, i. 213

Aimery, Guillaume, examines Jeanne, i. 189, 193, 194

Aisne, The, i. 460; ii. 1, 142

Aix, ii. 407

Alain du Bey, i. 235

Alain, Jacques, i. 88, 89

Albi, Consuls of, i. 240, 398

Albigenses, The, ii. 157

Albret, Charles, Sire d', i. 137, 447; ii. 22, 63, 78, 164
Jeanne in charge of ii. 84, 94, 96

Alençon, Bailie of, i. 124
Dame of, i. 185
Duchy of, i. 106
Duke of, i. ix, xii, 255, 389; ii. 78
and Jeanne, i. 183, 186, 190, 195; ii. 92
at Beaugency, i. 363-367
at Blois, i. 243
at Reims, i. 446, 447, 450
career of, i. 183
commands the army, i. 347-355, 362; ii. 8, 36, 44, 49, 53, 63
consults Jeanne before Patay, i. 370, 378
evidence of, i. xxviii, xxix, xliv, xlix; ii. 382, 387, 392
heads attack on Paris, ii. 63, 70, 73
skirmishes round Paris, ii. 49, 53, 61
uses Jeanne as a mascotte, ii. 83
imprisoned, ii. 197

Alespée, Jean, ii. 208, 340

Alexander the Great, i. 181, 226, 475

Alexandria, i. 36, 40, 198, 239

Alison du Mai, i. 93, 94

Allée, Pierre d', ii. 71, 130

Alphonso of Aragon, ii. 39, 40

Amazons, The, i. 191, 329

Amblény, plain of, ii. 2

Ambleville, i. 252, 276
detained by English, i. 295

Amboise, i. 363

Amedée of Savoie, Prince, i. 381; ii. 155, 361

Amiens, ii. 197

Amiète, ii. 74

Amos, ii. 166

Ampulla, the Sacred, i. liv, 390, 391, 393, 445-448, 459

Amydas, King, ii. 133

Ananias, a hermit, i. 36

Andelot, i. 16; ii. 210

Andouillette, Lord Guillaume, i. 428

André, Lieutenant, ii. 415

Andrieu, Robert, ii. 92

Angers, i. 63, 108, 132, 240; ii. 139, 184

Angerville, i. 138

Anis, i. 219

Anjou, i. 149, 150, 218, 389
Duchess of, i. 147

Anne of Austria, ii. 410

Annunciation, The, i. 219

Antichrist, coming of, i. 412

Antoine de Lorraine, Lord of Joinville, i. 96

Antonio de Rho, i. 384

Apollodorus, i. 322

Appleby, William, i. 124

Apples, cause of war, i. 92

Apremont, Lord of, ii. 365

Aquitaine, ii. 383

Aragon, i. 121

Arbre-des-Dames, or Arbre-des-Fées, romance of, i. 12

Arc, Catherine d', i. 4, 9, 35, 60
family ennobled, i. xvii; ii. 102, 212
Isabelle d', i. 68, 218, 358; ii. 353
origin of mother of Jeanne, i. 3
at Puy, i. 218, 220, 252
demands rehabilitation, ii. 385
Jacques d', i. xvii, 3, 9
home of, i. 6
freeman or serf, i. 17
rents fortress of Domremy, i. 19
his duties as village elder, i. 25
visits Vaucouleurs, i. 57
his anxiety about Jeanne, i. 68
simplicity of, i. 95
at Reims, i. 451
Jacques or Jacquemin d', brother of Jeanne, i. 4, 20
Jean d', i. 4; ii. 353
joins Jeanne, i. 252
enters Orléans, i. 267, 269, 272
believes Jeanne to be alive, ii. 353-376
demands rehabilitation, ii. 385
M. Lanéry d', i. vii, xxii
Nicolas d', i. 5
Pierre d', i. 7, 451; ii. 353, 375, 376
joins Jeanne, i. 252
enters Orléans, i. 267, 269, 272
taken prisoner, ii. 152
demands rehabilitation, ii. 385

Archambaud of Villars, i. 121, 144, 169

Arcis, i. 435

Areopagite, The, ii. 48

Arezzo, i. 384

Argenson, M. d', ii. 411

Aristotle, i. 181, 322, 383

Arles, i. 119; ii. 360

Arlon, ii. 359, 365

Armagnac Conspiracy to enter Paris, ii. 128-130
Count of, see Jean IV

Armagnacs and Burgundians, war between, i. 21 et passim

Armoises, Robert des, Lord of Tichemont, ii. 365, 374

Arnaud of Corraze, Raimond, i. 121

Arnolin, Messire, i. 65

Arnoul, Madame, ii. 412

Arnoult of Aulnoy, i. 98

Aronde, The, ii. 145

Arras, i. 458
Jeanne at, ii. 191-196, 420
Franquet d', ii. 275

Artaxerxes, i. 409

Arthur of Brittany, see Count of Richemont

Artois, Bailie of, i. 458

Arundel, Earl of, ii. 348

Ascension Day, i. 291-294; ii. 65

Astarac, ii. 38

Astrologers, i. 166, 473; ii. 409
foretell the death of Salisbury, i. 127
see Nostradamus

Attila, i. 119, 208, 238

Aube, The, i. 100, 435

Aubriot, Hugues, ii. 54

Aubrit, Jannet, i. 5
Jeanne, i. 5, 13

Augsburg, i. 221

Augustinians, i. 109, 220

Aulnoy, i. 98

Aulon, Jean d', Squire to Jeanne, i. xiv, xxix, xxx, xxxiv, 252, 259, 269, 277, 283, 284, 364; ii. 119, 160, 366, 388, 401
at St.-Loup, i. 285, 287
at Les Tourelles, i. 297, 299, 308
questions Jeanne as to her Council, i. 341
at St. Pierre-le-Moustier, ii. 84, 85
taken prisoner, ii. 152

Aunoy, Jean d', i. 61
Marguerite d', i. 61

Autun, i. 113; ii. 106

Auvergne, i. 137, 139, 149, 240

Aurelian, the Emperor, i. 109

Auxerre, i. 100, 410, 465, 472
Bishop of, i. 404
Charles VII at, i. 403-407

Avignon, i. 161, 464; ii. 178

Avioth, hill of, ii. 136

Avranches, ii. 49
Bishop of, i. 30; ii. 209

Ayroles, Le Père, i. xxxvii

Azincourt, i. 145, 154, 229, 358; ii. 178

Babylon, i. 260, 414

Baignart, Robert, i. 355

Bailiet, i. lvii

Balaam's Ass, i. 175

Bâle, Council of, ii. 176, 252, 364, 378

Bar, i. 13, 389
ravaged by La Hire, i. 24
Cardinal, Duke of, i. 92; ii. 1, 8, 53, 73, 178

Bar-sur-Aube, i. 100

Bar-sur-Seine, i. 100

Baratin, Pierre, ii. 360

Barbazan, ii. 196, 199

Barbezieux, M. de, ii. 408

Barbier, Canon, ii. 210

Barbin, Guillaume, i. 167

Barcelona, i. 40

Baretta, Bartolomeo, ii. 118, 124, 147, 148, 155, 193

Barrère, Jean, i. xlvi, ii. 41

Barrey, Edite, i. 5
Jean, godfather of Jeanne, i. 5

Barrois, i. 81

Barron, ii. 20

Basque, The, upholds the standard, i. 308-310

Bassigny, i. 24, 26

Bastard of Granville, i. 279
of Orléans, i. xiii, lvi, 105, 190, 251, 258, 333, 347, 349, 389; ii. 10, 15, 22
evidence of, i. xxv, xxix, xxxii
becomes Count of Dunois, i. xvi; ii. 383, 387
obtains supplies, i. 117
parentage of, i. 128
enters Orléans, i. 129, 264-269
achievements of, i. 129
lends musicians to the English, i. 133
leaves Orléans, i. 137
attacks Fastolf's convoy, i. 139
sends to inquire of Jeanne, i. 144
regards Jeanne's mission as religious, i. 264, 266, 284
advises Jeanne to hold aloof, i. 272
meets the army from Blois, i. 277, 282
speaks with Jeanne of Falstolf, i. 283
pacifies Jeanne, i. 294
demands Jeanne's heralds, i. 295
at Les Tourelles, i. 298, 304
attacks Jargeau, i. 332, 351-355
marvels at Jeanne, i. 335
at Patay, i. 370, 372
policy of, ii. 53
of Poitiers, see Guillaume
of Vauru, ii. 12-14
of Vergy, ii. 353
of Wandomme, ii. 152, 154

Bastardy, i. 128

Battle of the Herrings, i. 138-140, 213, 230, 236, 256, 281, 370, 473; ii. 57

Baudot de Noyelles, ii. 146, 149

Baudricourt, Lord of, see Robert de Baudricourt

Baudrin, Jean, ii. 130

Bavon, Lady Anna, ii. 216

Bayeux, ii. 205

Bayonne, ii. 383

Bazoches, Thomas de, i. 440

Beans sown at Troyes, i. 413, 426

Béarn, i. 121

Beaucaire, ii. 388

Beaugency, i. xli, 255, 256, 439; ii. 23, 95
English at, i. 318, 332
French take, i. 362-368

Beaulieu, Castle of, Jeanne at, ii. 159, 178, 276

Beaumont, Andrieu de, i. 379

Beaumont-sur-Oise, i. 103; ii. 78

Beaune, i. 450

Beaupère, Jean, ii. 208, 294, 307, 315, 380, 388
questions Jeanne, ii. 228-234, 237-240, 242, 401-406

Beaurepaire, M. Robillard de, i. vii, xxxii

Beaurevoir, i. xix; ii. 51, 140, 195
Jeanne at, ii. 178-191, 261, 273, 318, 405

Beauvais, i. 70; ii. 11, 119, 211, 309
archdeacon of, i. 153
bishop of, see Cauchon
surrenders to Charles VII, ii. 35
English march on, ii. 348

Bec, Abbot of, ii. 208, 309

Bec-d'Allier, ii. 84

Bede, the Venerable, prophecies of, i. 178; ii. 27, 30, 230

Bedford, Duchess of, ii. 216, 217, 321
Duke of, i. 69, 359; ii. 60, 348
seizes Alençon, i. 106
returns to England, i. 107
addressed by Jeanne, i. 245, 247
policy towards Burgundy, i. 401
robs the bishops, i. 409
challenges Charles, ii. 16-19
believes Jeanne a witch, ii. 18, 217
cedes Paris to Philip, ii. 57, 58
keeps the crusaders in France, ii. 110
canon of Rouen, ii. 204
death of, ii. 352

Bégot, Jean, ii. 210

Beguines, ii. 119

Behemoth, ii. 296

Belial, ii. 296

Bellême, Château de, i. 103

Belles, Dames, i. 125

Bellier, Guillaume, i. 174; ii. 370

Bellona, i. lxxii

Bells and St. Catherine, i. 341

Bénédicité, see Estivet

Benedict XIII, pope, i. 40, 161, ii. 37, 40, 41, 363

Benedict XIV, pope, ii. 37, 41, 42

Bennade, Bishop, i. 50

Bernard le Breton, ii. 127

Bernardino of Siena, i. 249, 412

Berne, i. lxxi

Berruyer, Martin, ii. 394, 396

Berry, Duc de, Jean, ii. 83
duchy of, i. xiv, 101, 108, 389; ii. 211

Berthe, Queen, i. 12, 395

Bertrand de Poulengy, i. xxix, xxx, 65, 82, 87, 220, 269
accompanies Jeanne, i. 96-105
at Blois, i. 252

Berwoist, John, ii. 225

Besançon, ii. 388

Bethlehem, i. 454

Bethsaida, i. 414

Bethulia, i. 191; ii. 366

Béthune, Jeanne de, ii. 178

Biget, Jean, i. 19

Billoray, Martin, Grand Inquisitor, ii. 157

Blackfriars, i. 109

Black Prince, i. 164

Blaise, i. 24

Blanche of Castile, Queen, i. 395

Blasphemy forbidden, i. 253

Blaye, ii. 383

Blésois, i. 101, 108

Bloch, M. Camille, i. lxxiv

Blois, i. 92, 111, 114, 134, 137, 239, 240
Jeanne at, i. xiii, 243, 319
St. Sauveur, i. 253
army returns to, i. 265, 272, 277, 282
English at, i. 360

Boian, Captain, ii. 95

Boilet, Colette, ii. 92, 93

Boillève, Jean, i. 348, 366

Bois-Chênu, i. 2, 10, 175; ii. 239

Boisguillaume, see Colles

Bolingbroke, i. 359

Bona of Milan, ii. 41

Bonne de Savoie, i. 381

Bonnet, M. Raoul, i. lxxiv
Simon, i. 189

Bonval, Jean de, ii. 12

Bordeaux, ii. 383

Borenglise, Castle of, ii. 138

Bosquier, Pierre, ii. 343

Bossuet, i. lvi

Boucher, Charlotte, i. xxiv, 271
Jacques, i. 110, 283, 302, 314; ii. 36
Jeanne lodges with, i. xxiv, 270; ii. 259

Bouchet, i. 265

Boudant, Hélie, ii. 97

Boulainvilliers, Percevalde, i. 376, 399

Bouligny, René de, ii. 388

Boullay, Aubert, ii. 356

Boulogne, ii. 153

Boulogne-la-Petite, i. 415

Bouray, Jean de, ii. 96

Bourbon, Duke of, i. xii, lxiv; ii. 8, 63

Bourbonnais, i. 117, 129, 137

Bourgeois, Jean, i. 356

Bourges, i. 240, 395, 396; ii. 4
chapter of, i. 152; ii. 379
Jeanne at, ii. 78
defray costs of war, ii. 95

Bourget, Jean, ii. 183

Bourgogne, ii. 140

Bourlémont, Château of, i. 2, 16
Pierre de, i. 14, 16

Bournel, Guichard, ii. 70, 143, 261

Boussac, Marshal de, i. 141, 147, 267, 281
in command, i. 129, 133, 136, 137, 140, 272, 282, 315, 346, 347, 445; ii. 34, 63, 76, 96, 194, 347, 348
at Blois, i. 244
enters Orléans with Jeanne, i. 269
goes to meet Talbot, i. 288
at Les Tourelles, i. 298, 304
at Patay, i. 372
leads army towards Reims, i. 403

Bouteiller, Sire le, ii. 339

Bouvier, Gilles le, i. x

Brabant, ii. 49

Bray-sur-Seine, ii. 8, 78

Bréhal, Jean, i. 167; ii. 384, 391

Bréteuil, Comte de, ii. 415

Bretigny, Treaty of, i. lxiv

Bretons, The, i. 287

Briare, ii. 106

Brie, i. 187; ii. 9, 17, 110

Brimeu, David de, see Lord of Ligny

Brinion-l'Archevêque, i. 421, 426, 435, 439

Brittany, i. 154, 387
restored by Duke John, i. 380

Brook of the Three Springs, i. 17

Brousson, M. Jean, i. lxxiv

Bruges, ii. 99

Buchon, i. vii

Bueil, Jean de, i. 129, 218, 232; ii. 22, 50, 147

Builhon, Jean de, i. 127, 166

Burey-en-Vaux, i. 2, 59, 67, 75

Burey-la-Côte, i. 2

Burgundy, i. 154
Duke of, see Philip

Butchers of Paris, i. 154; ii. 129

Butterflies, significance of, ii. 260

Cabasse, Raymond, i. 210

Cabochiens, The, i. xxi, 154, 358; ii. 170, 352

Caffa, ii. 140

Cagny, Perceval de, i. ix, x

Cailly, Guy de, i. xxxii, 267, 269, 342

Calais, Jean de, ii. 128, 130

Calendrier des Vieillards, i. 211

Calixtus III, ii. 385

Calot, Lawrence, ii. 318

Cambrai, ii. 178

Camilla, i. 191, 222, 329

Cana, ii. 48

Cany, Dame de, i. 128

Capitouls of Toulouse, i. 337; ii. 41

Carlier, Bietremieu, ii. 188

Carmelites, The, i. 109, 189; ii. 71, 120, 164
plots of, ii. 128-131

Cartesianism, i. lviii

Cassandra, i. 204; ii. 30

Castille, Étienne, ii. 199

Castillon, Jean de, ii. 291

Castres, Bishop of, ii. 379

Cathari, The, i. 209, 210; ii. 111, 157, 282

Catherine de la Rochelle, ii. 85-88, 101, 119, 167
and Jeanne, ii. 88-90, 184
employed by Friar Richard, ii. 183-185, 261, 345, 367

Cato, i. 327

Catherine, Queen, i. 60, 250, 275, 423

Cauchon, Pierre, Bishop of Beauvais, i. xxvii, li, lii, 440; ii. 35, 46, 299
consults the University of Paris, i. 274
claims Jeanne, ii. 170-178, 181, 195, 197, 203, 204
conducts her trial, ii. 205-284
reads the sentence on Jeanne, ii. 314, 320, 337
hears her retract, ii. 324-328
claims Guillaume the shepherd, ii. 349
at Bâle, ii. 382
responsibility thrown on, deceased, ii. 385
death of, ii. 392

Cayeux, Hugues de, ii. 51

Cazin du Boys, i. 103

Ceffonds, i. 3

Cerquenceaux, Abbot of, i. 121

Chabannes, Jacques de, i. 129; ii. 145

Chabot, Jean, i. 139

Chailly, Denis de, i. 136
Lord de, i. 304

Châlons, i. xxxii, 389, 394, 405, 417, 424; ii. 4, 71
Count of, i. 447
surrenders to Charles VII, i. 435-437

Chambley, Alarde de, i. 61

Chambre des Comptes, ii. 208

Champagne, i. lxix, 3, 187
war in, i. 385, 388
route through, i. 393

Champigny, ii. 56

Champion, M. Pierre, i. xix, lxxiv

Chandos, standard of, i. 310, 448

Chanson de Roland, ii. 278

Chapelain, i. lv, lxv

Chapelle, Jean de la, ii. 128-130

Chapelle-St.-Denys, ii. 130

Chapon, Perrot, i. 103

Charavay, M. Noël, i. lxxiv

Charcot, Dr., ii. 403

Charenton, ii. 416

Charlemagne, crown and sword of, i. 444, 476

Charles II, Duke of Lorraine, see Lorraine
Sire d'Albret, see Albret

Charles V, i. 148, 224, 359; ii. 64
piety of, i. 160

Charles VI, i. 22, 146, 161, 183, 423, 429; ii. 54, 208, 228
believer in prophecy, i. 196
death of, i. 198

Charles VII, i. lxxi, 24, 82, 137, 209; ii. 361
attacked through Jeanne, i. xii; ii. 177, 209, 233, 244, 310, 376
escutcheons of, i. 31; ii. 26
Jeanne's prophecies concerning, i. 64, 67, 77, 81
prisoner of the English, i. 75
sends for Jeanne, i. 89
character of, i. 145-149, 160, 166
resources of, i. 149-155, 331, 396
Le Bien Servi, i. 153
examines reports of Jeanne, i. 160, 162, 168, 323, 328
interviews Jeanne, i. 168-173, 183
personal appearance of, i. 170
legitimacy of, i. 172
warned against Jeanne, i. 181
seeks a sign, i. 213, 214
has Jeanne armed and mounted, i. 221-223
announces the relief of Orléans, i. 319
urged by Jeanne to Reims, i. 333, 385
Voices not heard by, i. 342
receives Jeanne after Patay, i. 377
coronation of; moral value of, i. 391
innocent of death of Duke John, i. 401
starts for Reims, i. 403
at Troyes, i. 421-434
at Châlons, i. 436
summons Reims to surrender, i. 439
crowned at Reims, i. 443-449
progress to Compiègne, ii. 1-24, 34, 51
challenged by Bedford, ii. 16-19
makes truce with Burgundy, ii. 51-53
hated in Paris, ii. 58, 59
orders army back from Paris, ii. 73
leaves St. Denys, ii. 76
disbands the army, ii. 78
peaceful policy of, ii. 120
schemes to win Paris, ii. 128
maintains the Pragmatic Sanction, ii. 381
enters Rouen, ii. 383
urges trial for rehabilitation, ii. 383-385
death of, ii. 397

Charles VIII, i. lxxi

Charles, Duke of Orléans, i. 91, 142, 243; ii. 1, 269
bribes the English, i. 106
raises supplies, i. 117
ballad by, i. 235
to be rescued by Jeanne, i. 333, 357
piety of, i. 342, 358
colours of, i. 356
captivity of, i. 359

Charles Martel, i. 102, 223, 226, 475
Simon, i. 169

Charles the Wise, ii. 14

Charny, Lord of, ii. 51

Charpaigne, i. 155

Charpentier, P., i. xiii

Chartier, Alain, i. xlv, lxiii, 251
Jean, i. xi-xiii, xx, xxxii, xlv

Chartiers, Guillaume, ii. 385

Chartres, i. 410; ii. 213, 353, 419

Chassé-les-Usson, ii. 394

Chastel, Jean du, i. 104

Chastellain, Georges, i. xxi

Chastillon, Sire de, commander of Reims, i. 438-442

Châteaubriand, i. lix

Châteaubrun, Lord of, i. 139, 141

Châteaudun, i. 114, 240, 318
Governor of, i. 174, 241

Châteaufort, Guillaume de, ii. 396

Châteauneuf, i. 377

Château-of-Sully, i. 377

Châteaurenard, i. 282; ii. 78

Château-Thierry, i. 440; ii. 3, 4, 7, 10, 260
Jeanne at, ii. 75

Châteauvillain, Sire de, i. 411

Chatterton, Thomas, i. lxix

Chaumont, i. 16, 61, 121, 129
occupied by the English, i. 23
Lord of, i. 129, 210

Chécy, i. 112, 113, 258, 341
army reaches, i. 264
Jeanne at, i. 267

Cheminon, Abbey of, i. 47, 252

Chénier, Marie-Joseph, i. xlvi, lxv

Cher, The, i. 338

Chinon, i. xxxviii, 87, 89, 99, 117, 143, 144, 151, 217, 238, 466, 476; ii. 300, 370
Jeanne at, i. xiii, xxv, 145, 156-185, 468; ii. 232, 404
castles of, i. 158
Grand Carroy, i. 167
La Vieille Porte, i. 168
Castle of Coudray, i. 173
Charles VII at, i. 319

Choisy-au-Bac, ii. 142

Choisy-sur-Aisne, ii. 142

Chorazin, i. 414

Christine de Pisan, i. 179; ii. 56
poems of, ii. 24-30

Chroniclers of the period, i. ix

Chronique d'Antonio Morosini, i. xxi

Chronique de la Pucelle, La, i. xiv

Chronique de l'Etablissement de la fête, Le, i. xviii

Chronique des Cordeliers, Le, i. xix, xx

Chrysippus, i. 322

Chursates, i. 40

Cilinia, i. 50

City of God, The, i. 205

Clain, The, i. 147

Clairoix, ii. 145, 147, 164

Claude de Metz, ii. 353

Clefmont, Barthélemy de, i. 28

Clement VIII, pope, ii. 37, 40, 42, 250, 363

Clement of Alexandria, i. 205

Clermont, i. 240; ii. 92
bishop of, i. 155
Count of, i. 137, 147, 169, 281, 342, 446, 450; ii. 45, 53, 73, 76
cowardice of, i. 138, 140, 370

Climat-du-Camp, i. 373, 375

Clopinel, i. 143

Clorinda, i. lxxii

Clotaire, King, ii. 46

Clotilde, Queen, i. 51-53

Clovis, King, i. 49-53, 55, 182, 392, 445, 447; ii. 178

Coarraze, Lord de, i. 304

Cœur-de-Lis, i. 118; ii. 361

Coinage, the Maid an authority on, i. 337

Colard de Mailly, i. 442

Colet de Vienne, i. 88, 96, 100, 157, 160

Colette of Corbie, i. xxxv, lxxii, 72, 453, 472; ii. 135, 184

Colin, Jean, i. 48, 97

Colles, Guillaume, ii. 206, 218

Cologne, i. 383; ii. 362, 364, 365, 370

Colonna, Otto, ii. 39

Comberel, Hugues de, i. 150

Combleux, i. 113

Comment-Qu'il-Soit, i. 381

Commercy, i. 436
Damoiseau de, see Robert de Saarbruck

Compiègne, i. xx, xxxi, 198; ii. 2, 71, 107, 138, 160, 168, 180, 261, 353
surrenders to Charles VII, ii. 34, 51
Jeanne at, ii. 36, 142, 405
siege of, ii. 140, 151, 155, 193-196
St. Corneille, ii. 208

Conches, Governor of, i. 124

Confessor, The King's, i. 189

Constable of France, i. 400, 447; ii. 44, 382
feared by the King, i. 377
plots to seize Jeanne, i. 379
succeeds as favourite, ii. 351, 352

Constable of Scotland, i. 135, 137, 139

Constance, Bishop of, ii. 200
Council of, i. 325; ii. 37, 39, 42, 208

Constantinople, i. 249

Coppequesne, Nicolas, ii. 210, 218

Corbeil, i. 101; ii. 3, 123, 185

Corbie, Jean de, i. 404, 472

Cordeliers, the, i. xix, 113

Cormeilles, ii. 208

Corneille, Abbot of, ii. 309

Corny, ii. 357

Coronation, moral value of, i. 391
at Orléans, i. 392
at Reims, i. 392
of queens, i. 395

Corraze, i. 121

Corsini, Giovanni, i. 384

Costus, King, i. 35

Coudray, i. 158

Coudun, ii. 146, 150, 164

Coulommiers, ii. 3, 9

Council, Jeanne's, see Voices, &c.
of Charles VII, makes use of the Maid as a mascotte, i. 378; ii. 101
plans of, regarding the coronation, i. 386-394
ceases to employ Jeanne, ii. 120

Courcelles, Thomas de, during the trial, ii. 208, 214, 246, 252, 286, 293, 329, 332, 389
at Bâle, ii. 379
delivers the funeral oration on Charles VII, ii. 397

Courtenay, ii. 78

Cousinot, Guillaume, Chronicle of, i. xiv, 270, 292

Coussey, i. 2, 67

Coutances, ii. 209
bishop of, ii. 385

Coutes, Jean de, i. 174
Jeanne de, i. 174
Louis de, i. 174, 252, 448; ii. 388

Couvreur, Jean le, ii. 219

Crécy-en-Brie, i. xlvii, 229; ii. 3

Cremona, i. 384

Crépy-en-Valois, ii. 10, 12, 16, 19, 23, 34, 145

Créquy, Sire de, ii. 149, 150

Croissy, ii. 56

Crotoy, ii. 196

Crusades, The, i. 250, 419, 457; ii. 15, 29, 110

Cuissart, C., i. xiii

Culant, Admiral de, i. 134, 141, 243, 304; ii. 76

Currency of the period, i. 19

Cusquel, Pierre, ii. 201

Cyrus, i. 429

Dagobert, King, ii. 46

Daix, Jehannin, ii. 99

Dammartin, ii. 19

Daniel, i. 207

Dante Alighieri, i. lxviii

Darnley, i. 137

Daron, Pierre, ii. 201

Dauphin, The, see Charles VII
Jeanne's use of title explained, i. 198

Dauphiné, i. 149

David, King, i. 204, 237, 384, 414, 447, 454

Deborah, i. 165, 191, 328, 382; ii. 27

Decazes, Comte, ii. 415, 418

Delachambre, Guillaume, ii. 240, 401

Démétriade, ii. 388

Denmark, i. 177

Desch, Geoffroy, ii. 358
Jean, ii. 358

Deschamps, Eustache, i. 395
Gilles, ii. 208

Devils, entrance of, i. 85

Didier of Saint Dié, i. 18, 20

Dieppe, i. 140; ii. 198

Dies Iræ, i. 204; ii. 340

Dijon, i. 402, 458

Diminutives, origin of, i. 6

Dinteville, Jean de, i. 407

Diocletian, ii. 56

Directorium, ii. 285

Dive, The, i. 388

Dominicans, The, ii. 157

Dommartin-la-Cour, i. 27

Dommartin-le-Franc, i. 27, 28

Domremy, i. xxiii, xxxi, 58, 73, 212
situation of, i. 2, 16, 17
inhabitants of suspected of witchcraft, i. 15
feudal overlordship of, i. 16
fortress of the island let, i. 19
precautions against pillage, i. 26
pillaged by Henri of Savoy, i. 27
pillaged by Antoine de Vergy, i. 70, 74
inquiries at, ii. 386
freed from tailles, i. 452

Douillet, Jean, ii. 393

Doulevant, i. 27

Drapier, Perrin le, i. 43

Drugy, Château of, ii. 196

Ducoudray, Jean, i. 103

Duisy, Guillaume, i. 132, 311

Dumas, Dr. Georges, i. xxxiv; ii. 401-406

Dun, Saubelet de, ii. 366

Dunand, Canon, i. lxii

Dunois, Count of, see Bastard of Orléans

Durance, The, i. 180

Durand de Brie, ii. 127
of Saint-Dié, i. 18, 20

Durandal, ii. 75

Duras, Marshal de, ii. 409

Dutaillis, M. Petit, i. lxxiii

Edward III, i. 460

Elijah, i. 191, 414, 419

Elincourt, ii. 138

Elisha, i. 342

Embrun, archbishop of, see Jacques Gélu

Emilius, i. 50

Engélide, ii. 31

English, hatred of the, i. 21, 22
occupation of France, i. 21, 23
army driven from France, i. xlvii-xlix
hesitates between Angers and Orléans, i. 63
lays siege to Orléans, i. 75
position in France, i. 106
composition of, i. 123, 124
deserters from, i. 124
disorganised by Salisbury's death, i. 130
celebrates Noël, i. 133
plight of, outside Orléans, i. 135
appears in Le Portereau, i. 123, 124
occupies St.-Loup, i. 231
erects worthless bastions, i. 232, 281
privations of, i. 232, 233, 241
summoned by Jeanne to surrender, i. 245, 278, 295, 351
receives Jeanne's letter, i. 273-277
regards Jeanne as a witch, i. 274-277, 310; ii. 121
defends Les Tourelles, i. 296-313
defends Les Augustins, i. 297
leaves Orléans, i. 316
in Jargeau, i. 348, 351, 353
at the battle of Patay, i. 369-376
at Bray-sur-Seine, ii. 8
skirmishes with French, ii. 23
at Jeanne's capture, ii. 152
buys Jeanne, ii. 175, 196
gives her up to the Bishop of Beauvais, ii. 204
tumult at the recantation, ii. 315, 318

Enoch, i. 414

Epictetus, i. lxvii

Épinal, Gérardin d', i. 48, 67, 436; ii. 386
Isabellette d', i. 48, 436
Nicholas d', i. 48, 437

Erard, Guillaume, ii. 208, 257, 294, 329
preaches against Jeanne, ii. 309-314
reads the abjuration, ii. 316

Eratosthenes, i. 322

Érault, Jean, i. 189
examines Jeanne, i. 194
writes at her dictation, i. 196

Escouchy, Mathieu d', i. xx

Estellin, Beatrix, i. 5, 12
Jeannette, ii. 386

Esther, i. xxvi, 339, 382; ii. 27

Estivet, Jean d', ii. 205, 213, 216, 240, 385, 392

Estouteville, Cardinal d', ii. 384

Étampes, i. 137, 368
Count of, i. 381

Eugenius IV, pope, ii. 250, 355, 374, 380

Eure, The, i. 388

Euripides, i. 322

Eve, i. 206

Évreux, i. 124, 139, 366; ii. 23
Bailie of, i. 123

Eymerie, Nicolas, ii. 285

Ezekiel, ii. 230

Fabre, M. Joseph, i. lxii

Failly, Collard, ii. 366

Fair of le Lendit, ii. 49

Fairy lore of Domremy, i. 11

Falconbridge, Baron, i. 123, 375

Fastolf, Sir John, i. 332
convoys victuals, i. 137
at Janville, i. 283
approaches Jargeau, i. 349, 351, 367
plans of, i. 368, 349
at Patay, i. 375
uncertainty of fate of, i. 397, 399

Fauchard, Simon, ii. 392

Fauveau, ii. 95

Fécamp, abbot of, ii. 208, 209, 218, 309, 329

Fécard, Jean, ii. 261

Felix, pope, ii. 381

Féron, Jean, ii. 394

Férone, Jeanne la, ii. 394, 396

Ferrier, Vincent, i. 412

Fesenzac, i. 38

Feuillet, Gérard, ii. 261

Fiefvé, Thomas, ii. 208

Fierbois, i. 102, 475; ii. 139
St. Catherine's Chapel, i. 223-226

Fitz Walter, i. 375

Flamenc, Pierre, i. 337

Flavy, Guillaume de, ii. 34, 132, 141, 147, 193
Louis de, ii. 193

Fleury, i. 114, 288
Jean, ii. 127

Florence, i. 130; ii. 374

Flyeng Hart, The, ii. 26

Foix, Count of, ii. 38

Fontaine-auz-Bonnes-Fées-Notre-Seigneur, romance of, i. 10, 13, 14

Fontaine, Jean de la, ii. 205, 218, 261, 264, 268, 278

Forest of Guise, ii. 145

Forestel, Wavrin du, i. xx

Fort St. George, i. 159

Fossé, Guion du, i. 142

Foucault, Jean, ii. 123
Lord of, ii. 76

Foucquet, Jean, ii. 421

Foug, Geoffrey de, i. 60

Fouquerel, Jean, ii. 45

Fournier, Jean, i. 80, 418
exorcises Jeanne, i. 84-86

France, kingdom of, distressful state of, i. 20, 151

Franciscans, The, i. 220

Franquet d'Arras, prisoner of Jeanne, ii. 124

French army, ii. 21
famine in, i. 425; ii. 3

Fresnay-le-Gelmert, Lord of, i. 174

Fresnoy, Abbé Longlet du, i. lviii

Freycinet, M. de, i. xl

Friar Richard, Jeanne's chaplain, i. 249, 448; ii. 18, 44, 82, 97, 101, 119, 189, 260, 345-347
history of, i. 412
preaches in Paris, i. 413-417; ii. 59
suspects Jeanne of witchcraft, i. 412, 418
at Troyes, i. 422, 424, 430, 434, 435
designs of, ii. 86
at Orléans, ii. 182

Fribourg, i. 70

Friesland, Lady of, i. 401

Froissart, i. xx

Frontey, Guillaume, Vicar of Domremy, i. 47, 48

Furtivolus, i. 471

Gabriel, Archangel appears to Jeanne, ii. 291

Gaillard, Château, ii. 199

Galelière, la, lord of, i. 174

Gallardon, i. xxxvi; ii. 413

Gamaliel, i. 214

Gambetta, i. xl

Gangres, Council of, i. 197

Garivel, François, ii. 387

Gascon's plan to fall on Fastolf's convoy, i. 138

Gascony, i. 149

Gasque of Avignon, la, i. 161, 196

Gath, i. 454

Gâtinais, i. 241, 318

Gaucourt, Sire de, Governor of Orléans, i. xxx, 130, 153, 169, 211, 292, 331, 389; ii. 63, 69, 387
obtains supplies, i. 117
lodges Jeanne at Coudray, i. 173
at Blois, i. 243
leads the attack on Les Tourelles, i. 296, 297, 304, 470

Gazette d'Amsterdam, ii. 411

Gélu, Jacques, bishop of Embrun, i. 165, 181, 250, 425; ii. 28, 261
his treatise on Jeanne, i. 165, 180, 320-325
mistrusts Jeanne, i. 181
on Jeanne's captivity, ii. 162

Geneva, i. 167

Germain, Bishop, i. 404

Gerson, Jean, i. lvii, 7, 204; ii. 112, 228, 261
career of, i. 324
his treatise on Jeanne, i. xlix, 326-331; ii. 48, 98

Gervais, Canon, i. 209

Geste des nobles François, i. xiv

Gethyn, Sir Richard, i. 123, 139, 366-368

Gévaudan, ii. 165

Ghent, ii. 155

Ghiberti, Lorenzo, ii. 39

Giac, Lord de, i. 146, 150

Gibeaumex, i. 61

Gideon, i. 207, 213; ii. 243
story of, i. 202

Gien, i. 100, 101, 231, 240, 282, 389, 472; ii. 78, 95
French army at, i. xii, xxvi, 394, 396
Jeanne at, i. 143; ii. 75

Giffart, Sir Thomas, i. 310

Girard, Jean, i. 165, 181

Girault, Guillaume, i. 280, 461

Giresme, Nicole de, i. 311

Glacidas, i. 124

Glasdale, William, i. 124, 126, 130, 132, 304, 310
answers Jeanne, i. 276
summoned to surrender, i. 311
death of, i. 312, 471

Gloucester, Duke of, i. 107; ii. 229
marriage of, i. 401, 402

Godefroy, Jean, i. 102, 103

Godons, The, i. 22

Golden Legend, The, i. 207

Goliath, i. 238, 454

Gondrecourt, Castellany of, i. 16
le-Château, i. 65

Good Friday, coinciding with the Annunciation, i. 219

Gooseberry Spring, see Fontaine-aux-Bonnes-Fées

Gorcum, Heinrich von, i. xxii, 383, 384

Gorlitz, Elizabeth of, ii. 359

Gottlieben, ii. 200

Gouges, Lord Martin, i. 155

Gough, Matthew, i. 367

Gournay-sur-Aronde, ii. 141, 348

Gouye, Colin, ii. 99

Granier, Pierre, i. 12

Graverent, Jean, Grand Inquisitor, ii. 185, 219, 264, 345

Graville, Lord of, i. 137, 140, 292, 304, 372, 445

Gray, Lord Richard, i. 123, 143

Great Friday, i. 219

Grenoble, Parliament of, i. 165

Gressart, Perrinet, i. 389; ii. 84, 91, 96

Greux, i. 5, 16, 58, 70; ii. 210, 386
situation of, i. 2, 9
freed from tallies, i. 452
Colin de, i. 60

Grey Friars, Neufchâteau, monastery of, i. 71, 72, 109

Grey, John, ii. 225, 252

Grignan, Chevalier de, ii. 407

Grognot, Nicolas, ii. 356

Grouchet, Richard de, ii. 249

Gubbio, i. 213

Guérard, Sir Thomas, i. 123, 375

Guesclin, Bertrand du, i. 175, 338, 345; ii. 47

Guesdon, Laurent, ii. 201

Gueuville, Nicolas, ii. 197

Gugen, Arnault de, i. 372, 373

Gui, Bernard, ii. 286

Guido da Forli, i. 385

Guillaume, Jaquet, ii. 126, 127
of Chaumont, i. 121
of Gévaudan, ii. 165-169, 348-351
the Bastard of Poitiers, i. 61
with the White Hands, i. 209

Guillemette de la Rochelle, i. 160
Gérard, i. 76

Guillot de Guyenne, ii. 105

Guitry, i. 121
Lord de, i. 304

Guyenne, held by England, i. 21, 149
a herald, i. 252
detained by the English, i. 273-276, 295

Guyntonia Vaticinium, i. 177

Guyon du Fossé, i. 233

Hainault, Countess of, i. 401

Haiton, Guillaume, ii. 218

Halbourd, Jean, i. 275

Halsall, Gilbert, i. 123

Hannequin, Jean, ii. 210

Harancourt, ii. 366

Harcourt, Christophe d', ii. 53, 76
questions Jeanne, i. 333, 334

Harfleur, i. lxiv; ii. 52

Hauviette, i. 77; ii. 386

Hector de Chartres, i. 153, 154; ii. 28

Hellande, Antoine de, i. 459

Hennequins, The, i. 408

Hennins, i. 415

Henri de Savoie, pillages Domremy, i. 27, 28

Henry II of England, i. 159

Henry II of France, ii. 410

Henry V of England, i. lxiv, 21, 22, 60, 162, 176, 281, 359, 401; ii. 208
death of, i. 250, 274
betrothal of, i. 423

Henry VI of England, i. li, 69, 82, 123, 432; ii. 171, 306, 382
minority of, i. 107
resources of, i. 233
summoned to surrender, i. 244-247
to be crowned at Reims, i. 392
at Rouen, ii. 198
coronation of, ii. 350

Henry VI, i. 233

Heraclides Ponticus, i. 322

Heresy, Church's treatment of, i. 190

Heretics burnt at the stake, ii. 100, 237

Hermine, i. 380

Hermit Friars, The, ii. 239

Hermite, Pierre l', i. 165, 181

Herodias, i. 172

Historia Britonum, i. 177

History, art of writing, i. lxviii

Hodierne, Guillaume, i. 440

Holophernes, i. 238, 339, 341

Honecourt, Jean de, i. 96

Hordal, Jean, i. lv

Hospitality, rules of, i. 271; ii. 79

Houppembière, ii. 140

Houppeville, Nicolas de, ii. 248

Hovecourt, i. 81

Hugh Capet, i. 392

Hungerford, Lord, i. 375

Huns invade Gaul, i. 119

Huss, John, i. 325; ii. 115, 200

Hussites, The, i. xxx, 441; ii. 20, 86
campaign against, ii. 109

Île-aux-Bœufs, i. 112, 113, 267; ii. 377

Île-aux-Bourdons, i. 112, 258, 265

Île-aux-Toiles, i. 112, 268, 292, 297

Île Biche-d'Orge, i. 112

Île-Charlemagne, i. 112, 302

Île-de-France, i. lxix, 187, 233; ii. 2, 10, 123, 165
held by England, i. 21

Île-Jourdain, ii. 38

Île Martinet, i. 112

Île Saint-Loup, i. 112

Illiers, Florent d', i. 174, 241, 273, 304, 318, 347, 349

Immerguet, i. 174

Innocent III, pope, ii. 157, 215

Inquisition, The, ii. 157, 176
secrecy of, ii. 211

Invention of the Holy Cross, i. 280

Isabeau of Bavaria, i. 146

Isabella of Lorraine, i. 91

Isle-Adam, Sire de l', ii. 60

Jacob, i. 385
Dominique, i. 65

Jacobins, The, i. 113; ii. 185

Jacqueline of Bavaria, Countess, i. 401, 402

Jacques de Chabannes, i. 129, 136
of Touraine, ii. 95, 235, 246, 288, 294

Jacquier, i. 7

Jadart, M. Henri, i. vii, lxxiv

Jahel, i. 191

Janville, i. 122, 256, 283, 368
English at, i. 371, 376, 377

Jargeau, i. xli, 130, 256, 265, 290-439; ii. 87, 88, 95, 182, 184, 246, 360
French attack on, i. xiv, 332, 349, 355, 362
English occupy, i. 348
Jeanne at, ii. 97, 259

Jarry, M. L., i. vii

Jean IV., Count d'Armagnac asks Jeanne to indicate true pope, ii. 37-43
cruelty of, ii. 38
excommunicated, ii. 40

Jean, Count of Neufchâtel, i. 70
Count of Salm, i. 24
de Gand, i. 162
de Metz, i. 81, 87, 222; ii. 386
questions Jeanne, i. 82, 83, 99
accompanies Jeanne, i. 89, 96, 105
at Blois, i. 252
enters Orléans, i. 269
of Saintrailles, i. 121; ii. 21
le Bon, i. 148
warned by the vavasour, i. 163

Jean-Sans-Peur, i. 128

Jeanne d'Arc, authorities for life of, i. vii-xxxiii, lxi
mission of, i. xii, xxxix, lx; ii. 231, 279
its political aspect, i. 190, 333; ii. 164
simplicity of, i. xxvii, lx
military skill of, i. xxviii, xliii; ii. 82, 391
visionary nature of, i. xxxiii-xxxvii
priests' influence on, i. xxxviii, 44-47, 64, 66
virginity of, i. xxviii, 211; ii. 80, 216, 265, 281
character of, i. xxxiii
historical reputation of, i. liv
portraits of, i. liii, lxii, lxxi, 336; ii. 191, 212, 420-423
birth of, i. 2, 467
parentage of, i. 3
baptism of, i. 4-6
early childhood of, i. 6, 8, 9, 14, 16, 23
education of, i. 8
piety of, i. 9, 48, 80, 339, 463
shares the village rites, i. 14, 15
childhood of, i. 28
first hears Voices, i. 29
recognises St. Michael, i. 29
visited at Domremy by SS. Catherine and Marguerite, i. 43, 47, 57, 75
vows to preserve her virginity, i. 42
her love of bells, i. 43
visited by St. Michael, i. 56, 58
visits Robert de Baudricourt at Vaucouleurs, i. 61-66
prophesies concerning the Dauphin, i. 64, 67, 77, 81
ridiculed, i. 67, 69, 99
suspected of witchcraft, i. 69, 320, 412, 418; ii. 19, 20, 36, 50, 121, 175, 177
at Neufchâteau, i. 71-74
summoned to appear at Toul, i. 73
visits Robert de Baudricourt again, i. 77
her second visit to Vaucouleurs, i. 77-89
announces her mission to relieve Orléans, i. 77
declares her mission to the Dauphin, i. 77, 81-84
prophesies her death, i. 78, 333; ii. 15, 203
sent for by the Dauphin, i. 88, 96-105
adopts man's attire, i. 84, 88, 89, 96
exorcised by Jean Fournier, i. 84-86
sent for by Duke of Lorraine, i. 89-95
writes to her parents, i. 95
dictates a letter to the King, i. 145
at Chinon, i. xiii, 156, 185, 423
questioned as to her mission, i. 163, 165
her interviews with Charles, and the Sign, i. 167-173, 183; ii. 262, 264, 269, 295
dress of, i. 169, 197, 329, 339, 356; ii. 147, 179, 192, 221, 240, 244, 258, 268, 276, 280, 295
and the Duke of Alençon, i. 183-186, 195
is taken to Poitiers, i. 185
examined at Poitiers, i. 191-203
her aversion to theologians, i. 194; ii. 221, 223
dictates a manifesto to the English, i. 196
prophesies the coronation at Reims, i. 198, 200
retorts on Seguin, i. 200
foretells the raising of the siege, i. 201
her sign victory itself, i. 202, 214
result of examination at Poitiers, i. 213
miracles attributed to, i. 215, 461-477; ii. 137, 261
sets out for Orléans, i. 216
armour of, i. 216, 221; ii. 76, 83
her chaplain, i. 221
horses of, i. 222, 346; ii. 356
sword of, i. xii, 223, 475; ii. 75-77, 133, 245
standard of, i. 227; ii. 104, 262, 281, 284
at Blois, i. 243
dictates manifestoes to the English from Poitiers and Blois, i. 244
exhorts the French soldiers to repentance, i. 254
her banner, i. 255
leaves Blois for Orléans, i. xiii, 256
misled as to route, i. 258-263
approaches the Bastard, i. 260
her ignorance of Orléans, i. 260
her mission at Orléans, i. 263
prophesies change of wind, i. 264
asks to return to Blois, i. 265
at Chécy, i. 267
summons the English to surrender, i. 262, 273, 276, 278, 295, 311, 316, 351
enters Orléans, i. 264-269
leads the Orléannais to the holy places, i. 277
surveys the bastions, i. 279
is offered wine, i. 279
her belief in herself, i. 282, 343; ii. 6, 66, 112
meets the army from Blois, i. 283
jests with the Bastard, i. 283
roused from sleep by her Council, i. 284
at St.-Loup, i. 285-291
her influence in Orléans, i. 291, 319
plans kept from, i. 293
receives counsel in Orléans, i. 295
at Les Tourelles, i. xiii, 296-313
wounded in the foot, i. 300
prophesies her wound, i. 301, 306
prophesies success in Orléans, i. 303
is wounded in the shoulder, i. 306, 314; ii. 246
hears Mass on the Sabbath, i. 315
leaves Orléans for Blois and Tours, i. 318
approved by Gélu, i. 320
approved by Gerson, i. 326-331
urges the King to Reims, i. 333
questioned as to her Voices, i. 334, 341; ii. 229-235, 238, 242, 253, 258, 261, 268, 272, 274, 277, 283,
327, 331-334, 402-406
at Loches, i. 335-338
fame of, i. 336, 381-385, 461-477; ii. 160-163
her prayer for France, i. 336
consulted as a saint, i. 337, 434, 452, 453; ii. 41-43, 81-83, 260, 272
at Selles-en-Berry, i. 338
wishes for prayers for her soul, i. 342
prophesies the English evacuation, i. 344
prophesies to Guy de Laval, i. 346
marches on Jargeau, i. 349-355
receives gifts at Orléans, i. 355, 356
hopes to rescue the captive Duke, i. 357
meets the Constable, i. 364
at Beaugency, i. 364-367
at Patay, i. 369, 376
prophesies victory at Patay, i. 370, 372
at Orléans, i. 377, 396
prophesies the coronation of Charles, i. 378
Constable's plot to seize, i. 379
her loyalty to Charles VII, i. 380
her progress to Reims, i. 385, 403
led by the King's Council, i. 388
at Gien, i. 396
dictates a letter to Tournai, i. 396-400
invites Burgundy to the coronation, i. 400
dictates a letter to Troyes, i. 419, 422
at Troyes, i. 424, 427, 430, 432-434
prophesies victory at Troyes, i. 427
at Châlons, i. 436
at Reims, i. 448-458
dreams of a crown, i. 448, 475; ii. 233, 234, 255, 269
ring of, i. 453; ii. 254
writes to the Duke of Burgundy, i. 456
legends of, i. 463-476
prophecies by, i. 470-477; ii. 355, 356
re the English, i. xvi; ii. 252, 281
writes to Reims, ii. 4-6, 51, 107, 116
political judgment of, ii. 7
betrayed, ii. 16
rides with the scouts, ii. 22
poems in honour of, ii. 25
prophecies relating to, ii. 29-32
personal appearance of, ii. 32
at Compiègne, ii. 36
marches towards Paris, ii. 36-77
replies to the Count d'Armagnac, ii. 43
stands as godmother, ii. 50, 260
Parisian opinion of, ii. 59, 98, 99, 158
summons Paris to surrender, ii. 67, 273
is wounded in the thigh, ii. 69, 72
turned from Paris, ii. 72
drives prostitutes from the army, ii. 74, 75
at Selles-en-Berry, ii. 78-82
at the attack on St.-Pierre-le-Moustier, ii. 85
and Catherine de la Rochelle, ii. 87-90, 101, 183
collects money for the army, ii. 88, 92, 94, 95
at Moulins, ii. 92
writes to Riom, ii. 93, 94
grant of nobility, ii. 102, 212
fêted at Orléans, ii. 103
writes to Tours, ii. 104
leases a house in Orléans, ii. 105
at Sully, ii. 106-118
on crusading, ii. 110
her letter to Sigismund, ii. 112
in the trenches of Melun, ii. 122
attempts to exchange prisoners, ii. 124-132
at Senlis, ii. 138
used as a mascotte, ii. 148
at Margny, ii. 148-150
is taken prisoner, ii. 152
attempts escape from Beaulieu, ii. 160
prayers for deliverance of, ii. 161-163
claimed by Cauchon, ii. 170-178, 181, 195, 197, 204
at Beaurevoir, ii. 178
leaps from the Tower, i. xix; ii. 181, 261, 273, 275, 295, 405
writes to Tournai, ii. 189
at Arras, ii. 191-196, 420
taken to Rouen, ii. 196-198
in prison at Rouen, ii. 198-204, 212-217
information against, ii. 210-212, 239
her wish to escape, ii. 225, 276
becomes a prisoner of the Church, ii. 225
preliminary trial, i. viii, xxiii, lii; ii. 221-284
place of trial of, ii. 227, 247
her letter to the English, ii. 231
illness of, ii. 220-242, 289
refuses to reveal the King's secret, ii. 245, 262, 264, 295
trial of, pronounced illegal, ii. 246-248
her letter to the Count d'Armagnac, ii. 250
does not speak to the priests of her visions, ii. 266
charges against, ii. 275, 287-289, 291, 295, 300-305
would appeal to the pope, ii. 282, 312
is offered an advocate, ii. 284-286
trial in ordinary, ii. 284-322
sustained by her Voices, ii. 289, 291
her desire for the sacraments, ii. 290
in the torture chamber, ii. 292
deserted by her friends, i. liv; ii. 297
exhorted by Maurice, ii. 305-307
refuses to recant, ii. 307, 313
preached at by Erard, ii. 308-314
sentence against, ii. 314
recants, ii. 315-319
English resume possession of, ii. 321
resumes woman's attire, ii. 322
resumes man's attire, ii. 324
retracts her recantation, ii. 325-328
is told of her death, ii. 380
second recantation of, i. ix, xxvii; ii. 331
confesses and receives the Sacrament, ii. 333
is burnt at the stake, ii. 335-342
trial for rehabilitation, i. xxvi-xxxii, xlii; ii. 384-392
medical opinion on, ii. 401-406

Jeanne of Évreux, i. 395
de Valois, Queen, i. 395
du Lys, Claude de Metz, impersonates Jeanne d'Arc, ii. 353-376
the Maid of Sermaize, ii. 392, 393

Jeremiah, i. 414
image carved by, i. 219

Jerusalem, i. 186, 249
Queen of, see Yolande

Jesus Christ, i. 207

Jhesus-Maria on the standard, i. 227
on letters, i. 245, 295, 397, 419, 456; ii. 43, 281
on Jeanne's ring, i. 452

Joachim, François, i. 348

Joash, i. xl, 202

John, Count of Porcien, see the Bastard of Orléans
Duke of Brittany, caution of, i. 379-381
Duke of Burgundy, murder of, i. 21, 400, 422; ii. 17
King of France, i. xxxvi, 63; ii. 54
XXIII, Pope, i. 153

Joinville, Jeanne de, inherits Bourlémont, i. 14, 19, 27
Château de, i. 27, 98

Jonah, i. 344

Joshua, ii. 27

Journal du Siège, Le, i. xiii

Jouvenel des Ursins, Jean, i. lxiv, 187, 192, 408; ii. 385

Judas Maccabæus, i. 328

Judith, i. 165, 191, 238, 328, 339, 341, 382; ii. 27, 87, 367

Julien, hill of, i. 2

Jumièges, Abbot of, ii. 208, 209, 309

Justin, i. 205

Kalt Eysen, Heinrich, ii. 364

Kennedy, Lord Hugh, i. 218; ii. 124

Kermoisan, Thudal de, i. 347, 363

Kernanna, i. xxxv

King's Evil, i. 459

Kiriel, Sir Thomas, ii. 348

Kyrthrizian, Richard, i. 224

L'Averdy, i. vii, lix

La Beauce, i. lxix, 108, 112, 121, 131, 134, 318, 233, 241, 255, 354
plain of, i. 163
route through, i. 259, 282, 371

La Belle d'Anjou, i. 184

La Bergère, i. 348, 350

La Bougue, ii. 95

La Chapelle, ii. 50, 63, 70

La Charité, i. 389; ii. 84, 164, 167, 272
siege of, ii. 90, 94, 96, 103, 261

La Croix-Boissée, i. 134, 143

La Croix-Morin, i. 278

La Ferté-Milon, ii. 10, 16, 60

La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, ii. 408

La Grange-aux-Ormes, ii. 353, 357, 375

La Hire, i. 105, 115, 137, 139, 141, 149, 267, 273, 347, 450, 465; ii. 22, 68, 196, 199, 348, 387
ravages Bar, i. 24, 26
comes to Orléans, i. 129
bribed by Tours, i. 218
at Blois, i. 244
meets the army from Blois, i. 283
in Orléans, i. 292, 298, 304
pursues the English, i. 316
at Jargeau, i. 351
at Patay, i. 369, 372
on the way to Reims, i. 403

La Joyeuse, i. 75

La Lomagne, ii. 38

La Motte-Nangis, ii. 38

La Perruque, M., ii. 414, 415

La Petite Ancelle, ii. 93

La Porète, ii. 237, 294

La Pucelle, ii. 93, 390

La Retrève, i. 373, 374

La Roche-St.-Quentin, i. 217

La Rochelle, i. xviii, 240, 319, 360; ii. 87

La Romée, i. 177

La Rousse, i. 70

La Sologne, i. 108, 113, 123, 131
route through, i. 256, 259, 283, 284

La Trémouille, Sire de, i. x, xlix, 146, 363, 379, 446, 450; ii. 53, 84, 106
King's favourite, i. 147, 152, 155, 169, 253
at Chinon, i. 184
starts for Reims, i. 403
bribed by Auxerre, i. 406
governs Compiègne, ii. 35, 44, 45
before Paris, ii. 69, 72
held to ransom, ii. 91
Jeanne in charge of, ii. 109, 119
tries a substitute for Jeanne, ii. 163-169
taken prisoner, ii. 351

La Tour-d'Auvergne, Baron, i. 137, 140

La Valette, Comte de, ii. 415

Laban, i. 385

Labrousse, Suzette, i. xxxv

Lactantius, i. 205, 322

Ladvenu, Martin, i. xxvi; ii. 329, 330, 333, 389

Lagny-sur-Marne, i. xxxi, xlvi; ii. 78, 147, 211, 261, 371
Jeanne at, ii. 123, 133-137

Laiguisé, Gille, i. 408
Huet, i. 408
Jean, policy of, i. 408-411, 428

Lançon, ii. 412

Lang, Mr. Andrew, i. v

Langeais, i. 150

Langres, Bishop of, i. 447; ii. 309

Langlois, Jean, i. 240
M. E., i. lxxiv

Languedoc, i. 117, 154

Laon, i. 50, 189, 460; ii. 4, 11, 358
Duke of, i. 447

Lapau, i. 217

Laplace, i. lxviii

Lassois, Durand, i. 59, 60, 66, 75, 76, 88, 89; ii. 240, 386

Lattes, i. 210

Launoy, Jean de, i. lv

Laval, André de, i. 345, 364; ii. 9, 394
Anne de, i. 338
château of, i. 345; ii. 393, 396
family, The, i. 243
Dame Jeanne de, i. 338, 346; ii. 47, 394
Guy de, i. 346, 364, 372, 446, 450; ii. 9, 47, 63, 394

Lavisse, M. Ernest, i. lxxiii

Le Boucher, Marie, ii. 36

Le Brun de Charmettes, i. lxi

Le Dunois, i. 318

Le Fèvre de St.-Remy, i. xx

Le Jouvencel, i. 241; ii. 133

Le Langart, Jean, i. 5

Le Lendit, Fair of, ii. 49

Le Maçon, Robert, i. xlii, 153, 211

Le Maistre, Husson, i. 451

Le Mans, i. 115, 134, 231, 240, 287
Bishop of, ii. 383, 394
Maid of, ii. 394-396

Les Martinets, i. 26

Les Montils, Château of, ii. 396

Le Petit, ii. 99

Le Portereau, i. 292, 300
Orléannais at, i. 301, 302, 307

Le Sourd, ii. 99

Le Vauseul, Aveline, i. 59, 60
Jeanne, i. 59

Les Augustins, Battle of, i. xiv

Les-Douze-Pierres, i. 134

Lebuin, Michel, i. 67

Lecamus de Beaulieu, i. 147; ii. 332

Leclerc, Jean, i. 348

Lecourt, Gille, i. 224

Lefèvre, Gervaise, ii. 95
Jean, ii. 238, 388

Lefèvre-Pontalis, M. Germain, i. v, vii, xxi, xxii, lxii

Legends of Jeanne, i. xxii, liv

Legros, M., ii. 417

Leliis, Théodore de, i. xxiii

Lemaistre, Jean, ii. 219, 221, 228, 264, 343, 388

Lenisoles, Jean de, ii. 310

Lenten observances, i. 156-158

Leparmentier, Mauger, ii. 293

Leprestre, Jacques, i. 279; ii. 104, 361

Leroyer, Catherine, i. 79, 80, 84, 86, 97
Henri, i. 79, 97; ii. 240, 357, 386

Lettrée, i. 435

Lévy, MM. Calmann, i. lxxiv

Liébault de Baudricourt, i. 24, 61

Liège, ii. 194

Lignerolles, i. 373, 374, 375

Ligny, David de Brimeu, Lord of, i. 458; ii. 51, 91, 140
Jeanne in charge of, ii. 191

Lille, i. lxxiv

Limousin, i. 200

Lingui, Jean, i. 5

Lisieux, ii. 209
Bishop of, ii. 382

Loches, ii. 361
Jeanne at, i. 335-338

Lætare Sunday, i. 13, 156

Logic, picture of, i. 382

Lohéac, Marshal of, ii. 98

Lohier, Jean, ii. 246-248

Loire, The, i. 100, 112; ii. 4

Loiret, The, i. lxxiv, 111-113

Loiseleur, Nicolas, at the trial of Jeanne, ii. 208, 210, 213, 238, 242, 246, 252, 293, 308, 314, 329, 331, 334
at Bâle, ii. 379-381

Lombard, Jean, examines Jeanne, i. 189, 193

London, fort, i. 134, 231
Tower of, i. 359

Longueville, i. 450; ii. 208, 387
Duc de, i. lvi
Prior of, ii. 309, 319

Loré, Lord Ambrose de, i. 243, 258, 267, 292, 316, 434; ii. 76, 123

Lorraine, i. 389
a herald, ii. 155
Charles II, Duke of, i. 14, 18; ii. 1, 9, 81, 231
makes war on La Hire, i. 24
sends for Jeanne, i. 89-95

Louis I of Bourbon, ii. 91, 96, 106

Louis VIII, i. 443

Louis XI, i. xviii, lxxi

Louis XIV, i. xxxvi; ii. 409-412

Louis XVIII, i. xxxvi; ii. 414-419

Louis, Dauphin, i. 221; ii. 39
betrothed to Margaret of Scotland, i. 83

Louis, Duke of Orléans, i. 128, 144, 161, 325
death of, i. 358

Louis of Luxembourg, ii. 60

Louis the Fat, i. 392

Louvet, President, i. 155

Louviers, ii. 348, 370

Louvois, M. de, ii. 408

Lowe, Nicole, ii. 354, 356

Lozère Mountains, ii. 165, 348

Luce, Siméon, i. vii, xxxi, lxii

Luciabelus, ii. 111

Lucifer, ii. 111

Lucius, Pope, ii. 336

Luçon, i. 399

Lude, Sire du, i. 353

Luillier, Jean, i. xxvi, 280, 356; ii. 386

Lunéville, ii. 136

Luxembourg, Dame Jeanne de, ii. 178, 190, 359, 362, 365
Jean de, i. xi; ii. 51, 299
Count of Ligny, ii. 140, 143, 149
Jeanne in charge of, ii. 154, 159, 172, 177, 188-191, 196
visits her at Rouen, ii. 202

Luys, Doctor, i. xxvi

Luzarches, i. 103

Lyon, i. xxiii; ii. 410
Les Célestins, i. 324

Lyonnais, i. 149

Lyonnel, ii. 152

Lys, Du, i. xvii; see Jean and Pierre d'Arc

Machecoul, i. xvi; ii. 370

Machet, Gérard, i. xlii, 1, 9, 204, 333; ii. 379
circulates prophecies of Jeanne, i. 196, 197

Maçon, Jean de, i. 189, 280, 281

Macy, Aimond de, ii. 179, 202

Magala, i. 454

Maguelonne, Bishop of, i. 163
examines Jeanne, i. 188

Maillé, Sire de, i. 446

Mailly, Jean de, ii. 388

Maine, i. 21, 106, 387; ii. 383

Maintenon, Mme. de, ii. 412

Mainz, Diet of, ii. 381

Maire, Guillaume le, i. 189
examines Jeanne, i. 193

Manchon, Guillaume, ii. 205, 218, 227, 247, 257, 324, 389

Mandrakes, i. 415; ii. 255

Mantes, i. 310; ii. 348

Manuel, Nicolas, i. lxxi
Pierre, ii. 201

Marchenoir, i. 255, 318

Maréchal, Humbert, i. 465

Margaret of Scotland, i. 83, 167

Margny, ii. 164, 145, 146, 153
attack on, ii. 148-150

Marguerie, André, ii. 324, 329

Marguerite of Bavaria, i. 93

Marie de Maillé, i. 161

Marie de Sully, ii. 106

Marie, Queen, i. 181, 217, 395, 396, 458; ii. 78, 119, 182, 395

Marie-Thérèse, Queen, ii. 407

Marne, The, i. 98; ii. 3, 9

Marseilles, ii. 412

Martin V, Pope, i. 381, 402; ii. 37, 175, 250, 363
policy of, ii. 39
crusaders of, ii. 109, 110

Martin, Henri, i. l

Martin, Ignace Thomas, i. xxxvi
mission of, ii. 413-419

Martin, M. le Dr., ii. 413

Martin, M. Paul, ii. 418

Marville, ii. 357, 358, 368

Massieu, Jean, i. xxvi; ii. 206, 218, 228, 256, 261, 312, 317, 319, 326, 333, 338, 340, 389

Mathieu II, of Lorraine, i. 71

Mathurins, The, i. 109, 275; ii. 70

Matthias, Don, i. 121

Maupertuis, i. 229

Maurice, Pierre, ii. 280, 246, 299, 329, 331, 334, 340
exhorts Jeanne, ii. 305-307, 315

Maxentius, the Emperor, i. 36-41

Maxey-sur-Meuse, i. 2, 8, 20, 23, 35

Maxey-sur-Vaise, i. 2, 60

Maximian, ii. 56

Mayenne, The, i. 388

Meaux, i. 410
tree of Vauru, ii. 12

Megret, i. 348

Mehun-sur-Yèvre, i. 150, 198; ii. 83, 102, 397

Meledon, Jacques, i. 189, 193

Melun, ii. 3, 71, 120
defenders of, i. 114
Jeanne at, ii. 122

Melusina, i. 12

Mende, Bishop of, i. 404
Mountain, ii. 165

Mengette, ii. 386

Mennot, Robert le, i. 161

Merari, i. 191

Mercier, Catherine le, i. 174

Mercury, i. 166

Merlin, prophecies of, i. 10, 175-177, 275; ii. 27, 30, 240, 391
story of, i. 175

Mesnage, Mathieu, i. 189

Messire, Jeanne's use of, i. 64
Jeanne as the herald of, i. 261, 262

Metz, ii. 354, 357, 365, 374
Bishop of, i. 18
war against, i. 92

Meung-sur-Loire, i. xli, 127, 130, 255, 256, 366, 439; ii. 23
English retreat to, i. 316, 318, 332, 362, 366, 371
French take, i. 368

Meurthe, The, i. 89

Meuse, course of the, i. 1, 2

Meyer, M. Paul, i. lxxiii

Micah, ii. 411

Michel, François, farrier, mission of, i. xxxvi; ii. 407-412

Michelet, i. lxi

Midi, Nicolas, ii. 208, 246, 261, 287, 294, 337, 392

Midianites, i. 202

Miélot, Jean, i. 35

Milan, i. 221, 384
Duke of, i. 399; ii. 374

Milbeau, Yves, questions Jeanne, i. 380, 418

Minerva, i. lxxii

Minet, Jean, Vicar of Domremy, i. 4

Minguet, i. 174

Minier, Pierre, ii. 248

Miriam, i. 327, 330

Mitry, Lord of, i. 174

Molandon, Boucher, de, i. vii

Moleyns, Lord, i. 304, 310, 312

Molyns, William, i. 124, 130

Moniteur, Le, i. lx

Monks spread legends of Jeanne, i. 212
join the armies, i. 254

Monmouth, i. 275

Monod, M. Gabriel, i. v

Monstrelet, Enguerrand de, i. xix; ii. 153

Montacute, Thomas, see Salisbury, Earl of

Montaing, i. 128

Montalcin, Jean de, i. 167

Montan, the hermit, i. 50

Montargis, i. 121, 282, 311, 403; ii. 8, 421
siege of, i. 129, 132
Governor of, i. 144, 169

Montbéliard-Saarbruck, Jean de, i. 436

Montéclaire, i. 16

Montendre, i. 144

Montepilloy, i. xx; ii. 21, 65

Montereau, Bridge of, i. 21, 146, 166, 379, 400; ii. 8, 16, 17, 19, 52, 58, 352

Montesclère, Jean de, i. xiv, 132, 143, 298, 299, 366; ii. 193

Montfaucon, ii. 87, 88, 127, 184

Montgomery, Lord, ii. 144

Montier-en-Saulx, i. 65, 98

Montigny-le-Roi, i. 58

Montjoie, i. 435

Montmaillard, i. 116

Montmédy, ii. 136

Montmirail, ii. 3

Montmorency, Sire de, ii. 73

Montpellier, i. 163, 210, 240

Montpensier, Count of, ii. 91

Montpipeau, i. 256
burnt by the English, i. 377

Montremur, Raymon de, ii. 96

Mont-Saint-Michel-au-Péril-de-la-Mer, Abbey of, i. 30; ii. 208, 309

Morant, Pierre, ii. 128, 130

Morcellet, Sire de, ii. 133

Morel, Aubert, ii. 293
Jean, godfather of Jeanne, i. 5, 12, 436; ii. 386

Moreau, Jean, ii. 182, 210

Morhier, Sir Simon, i. 139; ii. 57

Morieau, Raulin, i. 451

Morin, Jourdain, i. 189

Mortemart, Abbot of, ii. 309

Mortemer, ii. 208
Jeanne de, i. 211

Moselle, The, ii. 353

Moses, i. 207, 327, 414; ii. 27

Moslant, Philibert de, i. 124, 432, 433, 438

Moulins, i. 240; ii. 13
Jeanne at, ii. 92

Mount Ganelon, ii. 146
Sombar, i. 30
Tombe, i. 30

Mousque, Maître, i. 166

Mugot, i. 174, 285, 306

Muñoz, Gil, ii. 40

Musnier, Simonin, i. 7

Myrmidons, The, i. 382

Mystère du Siège, Le, i. xiv

Notre Dame d'Amiens, ii. 197
d'Ancis, i. 137
des Ardents, ii. 134
des-Aviots, ii. 136
de Bermont, i. 9, 14, 48
de Clèry, i. 127, 288
de Fierbois, ii. 76
de Liance or Liesse, ii. 358
de-la-Pierre, ii. 195
de-la-Voûte, i. 80

Nancy, i. 14, 68, 89, 93, 95

Nantes Bridge, i. xvi

Napoleon Bonaparte, i. lix

Narbonne, Council of, i. 318; ii. 320

Nations, union of, i. lxvii

Nativity of the B.V.M., ii. 62

Naundorf, ii. 419

Navarre, College of, ii. 394

Naviel, Jean, ii. 192

Nebuchadnezzar, i. 325, 409

Nennius, i. 322

Nettles, i. 356

Neufchâteau, i. 5, 11, 163, 436
situation of, i. 1, 2
people of Domremy shelter at, i. 70

Neufchâtel, i. 70

Nevers, i. 410

Neville, William, i. 123

Nicanor, i. 322

Nicolas V, Pope, ii. 384

Nicolazic, Yves, i. xxxv

Nicole de Giresme, i. 264

Nicopolis, i. 249, 253, 457; ii. 110

Nider, Jean, ii. 366

Noël, feast of, i. 133

Nogent-sur-Seine, i. 438; ii. 52

Noirouffle, ii. 193

Nolhac, M. Pierre de, ii. 422

Nonnette, ii. 20

Normandy, held by England, i. 21, 233
war in, i. 385, 387
French lose, ii. 23, 24
French conquest of, ii. 382

Norwich, Bishop of, ii. 309

Nostradamus, i. xxxvi; ii. 409, 410

Novelompont, Jean de, i. xxix, xxx, 81; ii. 386

Noviant, Dame de, i. 174

Noyon, Bishop of, i. 447; ii. 144, 299, 309, 388

Nucelles, Lord of, i. 123

Nuremberg, i. 221

Nyssa, i. 206

Ogiviller, Château d', i. 19
Henri d', i. 19

Oise, The, ii. 44, 142, 145

Olet Stone, i. 115

Olibrius, Governor, i. 32-34; ii. 53

Olivet, i. 111, 113, 258

Olivier, Richard, ii. 385

Or, Mme. d', i. 433

Oriflamme, i. 182

Origen, i. 205

Orléans, i. xxii, 63, 410; ii. 4, 360, 386
administration of, prior to siege, i. 115
Bishop of, i. 447
citizens and garrison of, i. 122
description of, i. 108-114
Jeanne's house in, ii. 105
citizens of, buy off the English, i. 106
prepare for war, i. 116-121
refuse to surrender, i. 122
destroy their suburbs, i. 131
celebrate Noël, i. 133
send to the Duke of Burgundy, i. 142
hear of the Maid, i. 144
lose faith in their defenders, i. 230, 242, 281
pillage St.-Laurent, i. 234
penitence of, i. 236
their belief in Jeanne, i. 239, 461
welcome Jeanne, i. 268-273, 277; ii. 103
rebel against the knights, i. 272
overestimate the English forces, i. 280-282, 301
attack St.-Loup, i. 284-291
attack Les Tourelles, i. 296-313
poverty of, i. 331
recognise Jeanne as their commander, i. 339, 348, 366; ii. 84
defray expedition to Jargeau, i. 347; and to Beaugency, i. 366
their gifts to Jeanne, i. 355
defray costs, ii. 94
welcome Jeanne's impersonator, ii. 360, 367
City of:
Aumône, i. 230
Bouchet Wharf, i. 258
Chesneau, i. 109, 125, 132, 311
Écu St.-Georges, i. 241
Field of St.-Privé, i. 134
Hôtel de la Pomme, i. 122
Île de Charlemagne, i. 134
Île Motte des Poissonniers, i. 111, 112
Île Motte S.-Antoine, i. 111, 112
La Belle Croix, i. 111, 126, 295, 311
Jeanne at, i. 276
La Croix Boissée, i. 278
Le Portereau, i. 111, 112, 123, 131
Les Augustins, i. 261, 292
capture of, i. 297, 319
Les Tourelles, i. xviii, xxx, xli, 111, 124, 261, 362; ii. 149, 194
attack on, i. 125, 292, 296-313, 319, 461, 470
abandoned by French, i. 126
English garrison in, i. 130
London, i. 231, 281, 303
Olivet, i. 123
Paris, i. 231, 281, 283
attacked, i. 273
Pont Jacquemin-Rousselet, i. 111
Porte Bernier or Bannier, i. 110, 113, 122, 136
Porte de Bourgogne, i. 113, 120, 135, 258, 286, 296, 470
Jeanne enters by, i. 268, 269
Porte Paris, i. 110, 288
Porte du Pont, i. 110, 111, 276
Porte Renard, i. 114, 270, 278, 286, 302
stormed, i. 135, 136
Porte S.-Aignan, i. 110
Rouen, i. 231
Rue Aux-Petits-Souliers, i. 132; ii. 105
Rue de la Rose, i. 270, 294
Rue des Hôtelleries, i. 130
Rue des Talmeliers, i. 270
S.-Aignan, i. 113, 120, 131
Ste.-Croix, i. 236, 270
S.-Euverte, i. 131
S.-Jean-de-Bray, i. 113
S.-Jean-le-Blanc, i. 113, 124
S.-Ladre, Chapel of, i. 113
S.-Laurent-des-Orgerils, see under St.-Laurent
St.-Loup, see under St.-Loup
S.-Michel, Church of, i. 113
St.-Paul, i. 258
St.-Pierre-Empont, i. 258
S.-Pierre-Ensentelée, i. 113
St.-Pouair, i. 262; attacked, i. 273
S.-Sulpice, i. 115
Tour de l'Abreuvoir, i. 110
Tour de la Barre-Flambert, i. 110
Tour Croiche-Meuffroy, i. 110
Tour Neuve, i. 109, 111, 125, 268, 297
Tour de Notre Dame, i. 110, 126
Tour Regnard, i. 110
Tour St.-Antoine, i. 111
Tour S. Samson, i. 110, 115
University of, i. 121
Siege of, i. xli
journal of, i. xiii
defences of, i. xli
surrounded by English, i. 75
victuals sent by Mme. Yolande, i. 92
procession in, i. 123
first attack, i. 125
attack by Talbot, i. 132
semi-investment of, i. 134
sally from, i. 137
victuals enter, i. 232
Burgundians leave, i. 234
raised, i. 316
cost of, i. 332

Orléans, a herald, i. 118

Orléans, Duke of, see Charles

Orly, Henri d', see Henri of Savoy

Orne, The, i. 3

Ourches, Aubert d', i. 13, 81; ii. 357

Ours, Seigneur de l', ii. 125-133

Oxford, i. 274

Palm Sunday, i. 278

Pamiers, ii. 260

Panyngel, Richard, i. 123

Paradise, mediæval conception of, i. 236, 237

Pardiac, ii. 38
Count of, i. 147

Paris, i. xxiii, 137, 154, 368, 386; ii. 9, 19
English occupation of, i. 21, 108; ii. 55, 57
Jeanne prophesies concerning, i. 201
Charles VII to enter, i. 247
Parliament of, i. 326
synod at, i. 410, 413
Jeanne outside, ii. 50-77
governed by Duke Philip, ii. 52, 53, 58
defences of, ii. 54, 55, 60, 66
Burgundian allegiance of, ii. 57, 58
citizens of, their dislike of Charles VII, ii. 58-60
their horror of Jeanne, ii. 59
attack on, ii. 64-70, 97
Armagnac Conspiracy in, ii. 128-131
examinations for witchcraft in, ii. 1, 185-187
Bishop of, ii. 187
Henry VI crowned in, ii. 350
returns to Charles VII, ii. 352
under Charles VII, ii. 371
Jeanne's impersonator in, ii. 371-374
City of:
Hôtel de l'Arbre-See, ii. 125
Hôtel de l'Ours, ii. 125
Hôtel de la Pomme de Pin, ii. 129
Inns of, ii. 125
Les Célestins, ii. 55
Les Moulins, ii. 63, 66
Montmartre, i. 417; ii. 20, 415
Pont Neuf, ii. 125
Porte St.-Antoine, ii. 129
Porte St.-Denys, ii. 55, 350
Porte St.-Martin, ii. 53, 60
Rue Barbette, i. 358
Rue St.-Antoine, ii. 125
St.-Antoine, ii. 54
Ste.-Chapelle, i. 395
St.-Denys, i. 326, 330
St.-Eloi, i. 410
Ste.-Geneviève, i. 413; ii. 62
St.-Honoré, i. xxx; ii. 66
St.-Jean-en-Grève, i. 325
St.-Laurent, i. 60
St.-Merry, i. 415
University of, i. 166, 189, 409; ii. 54, 371
consulted, by the English, i. 274
opinion of Jeanne, ii. 98, 99, 294-297
rectors of, ii. 208
claim Jeanne for the inquisition, ii. 156, 172, 177, 190
decision of, ii. 299
mediates peace, ii. 352
error of, ii. 385
of Troy, i. 138

Parlament at Poitiers, i. 186

Partada, Alonzo de, i. 298, 299

Parthenay, i. 379

Pasquerel, Jean, i. xxiv, xxx, 249, 252, 259, 267, 283, 285, 300, 302, 306, 399; ii. 41, 109, 133, 189, 388
becomes Jeanne's chaplain, i. 218, 220, 221
Jeanne confesses to, i. 290, 307
writes at Jeanne's dictation, i. 295
Jeanne talks with, i. 342, 343
superseded, ii. 86
writes to Sigismund, ii. 112

Patay, Battle of, i. xii, xx, xlii, 369-376; ii. 22, 57, 109, 356
Town of, i. 373

Patrie, la, idea of, i. lx, lxiii-lxviii

Paul, Eléonore de, i. 217

Peñiscola, ii. 37, 40

Penthesilea, Queen, i. 191, 222, 382

Pepin the Short, i. 395

Perceval de Cagny, i. 227

Perche, i. 387
Earl of, see Salisbury

Perdriau, Guillaume, ii. 130

Perdriel, Jaquet, ii. 129, 130

Periapts, i. 274

Périgueux, ii. 97

Périnet, ii. 392

Perquin, Jean, ii. 127

Perrin, ii. 386

Petit, Gérard, ii. 210
Jean, i. 325; ii. 170

Pharaoh, i. 409

Philip, Duke of Burgundy, i. 91, 92, 325, 358, 361, 432, 438
welcomes the English, i. 21
ravages Vaucouleurs, i. 24
is offered Orléans as a pledge, i. 142, 233
invited to the coronation, i. 400, 456
the truce with, i. 458; ii. 7, 51-53, 107
commands Paris, ii. 52
his designs on Compiègne, ii. 139-151
exults over Jeanne, ii. 153
refuses to give her up, ii. 156, 159
makes peace with Charles, ii. 352

Philip the Good, i. 398

Philippe I, i. 459

Philippe VI, i. 79

Philippe le Bel, i. 183

Philippe of Valois, i. 148, 209, 250

Picardy, i. 388
held by England, i. 21

Pierre de Beauvau, i. 223
de la Chapelle, i. 121
de St.-Valerien, i. 167

Pierre de Versailles, i. 189
examines Jeanne, i. 194
rebukes Jeanne, i. 335
Isambard de la, i. xxvi; ii. 330, 341, 389

Pierronne of Brittany, ii. 86, 97, 119, 123, 185-187, 345

Pigache, Jean, ii. 248

Pillas, Jean, i. 271

Pinel, Dr., ii. 416

Pithiviers, i. 231

Plancy, Sire de, i. 407

Plutarch, i. xlvi

Poignant, Guyot, i. 58

Poiresson, ii. 392

Poissy, Abbey of, ii. 25

Poitiers, i. xlvii, 117, 164, 240, 326, 329, 343; ii. 81, 297, 318, 346
Battle of, i. 63, 102
Bishop of, i. 150
charged with examination of Jeanne, i. 188
Hôtel de la Rose, i. 192
Parliament of, i. xvii, xxv, 187; ii. 103
examines Jeanne, i. xli, 185, 223, 239, 242; ii. 387
examines Guillaume the shepherd, ii. 166
poverty of, i. 188
Rue St.-Étienne, i. 216

Poitou, i. 148, 363; ii. 3

Pole, Alexander, i. 354
John, i. 123, 231
Sir John, i. 354
William, see Suffolk, Earl of

Pomponne, M. de, ii. 409

Pont-à-Mousson, i. 61; ii. 135, 357

Pontanus, Paul, i. xxiii

Ponthieu, i. 388; ii. 196

Pont-l'Evêque, ii. 144, 272

Pontorson, Governor of, i. 123

Pont-Ste.-Maxence, ii. 107, 139, 146

Porcien, i. 128

Porète, Marguerite la, ii. 237, 294

Porphyrius, i. 39, 41

Port de Lates, i. 163

Poton de Saintrailles, i. 115, 121, 137, 139, 142, 149, 233, 304; ii. 142, 145, 348, 357
at Blois, i. 244
attacks Jargean, i. 332
at Patay, i. 372
on the way to Reims, i. 403
taken prisoner, ii. 349

Poulengy, see Bertrand

Power, Hamish, i. 227; ii. 104
Héliote, i. 228; ii. 104

Poynings, Lord, i. 304, 310, 312

Pragmatic Sanction, ii. 379

Préaux, ii. 208
Abbot of, ii. 309

Premonstratensians, the, i. 473

Pressy, Jean de, ii. 192

Prestre, Jacquet le, i. 279

Preuilly, Jeanne de, i. 211

Preux, Les, i. 338

Priam of Troy, i. xiv, lxviii, 49, 382, 448; ii. 30

Priests, influence on Jeanne, i. xxxviii, 45-47, 64, 66, 79
adapt the prophecy of Merlin, i. 178-180
their view of her mission, i. 190
spread legends, ii. 28

Privat, ii. 165

Procops, The, ii. 110

Prophecies, adaptation of, i. 178-180
by Bede, i. 178
by Jeanne, i. 64, 67, 78, 143, 470-477; see also under Jeanne d'Arc
two distinct sources of, i. 78
by Merlin, i. 175-177
concerning Jeanne, i. 166, 196; ii. 29-32, 111, 239
literal interpretation of, i. 413, 426
of our Lord by Sibyls, i. 204, 205
of the Maiden Redemptress, revised, i. 45, 59, 80
royal heed of, i. 160-162

Prostitutes in the French army, i. 253, 291; ii. 74

Provins, ii. 3, 7, 8

Pucelle, i. 143

Puy-en-Velay, i. 218, 252; ii. 204
La Vierge Noire, i. 277

Puy, Jean du, i. 217

Quenat, Jean, ii. 357

Quicherat, Jules, i. vii, x, xxxvii, l, lxi

Quillier, Jean, ii. 369

Raban of Helmstat, ii. 363

Rabateau, Jean, Lay Attorney-General, Jeanne in the house of, i. 191-203; ii. 103

Rabelais, i. lxv

Raguenel, Tiphaine, i. 338

Raimondi, Cosmo, i. 384

Rainguesson, Jean, i. 5

Rais, Maréchal de, Marshal of France, i. xv, xvi, 243, 258, 266, 282, 287, 292, 318, 372, 445, 450; ii. 34,
63, 67, 370, 392
at Les Tourelles, i. 298, 299, 304
resources of, i. 348
leads to Reims, i. 403

Rampston, Thomas, i. 124

Raphaël, ii. 243, 416

Ratisbonne, ii. 423

Raymond, i. 252

Récollets, Des, ii. 410

Recordi, Pierre, ii. 260

Regent, see Bedford

Regnart family, The, i. 270

Régnier de Bouligny, ii. 78

Regnault de Chartres, Chancellor of France, Archbishop of Reims, i. xli, xliii, xlix, 141, 169; ii. 10, 76, 142,
192, 299
held to ransom, i. 148
finds the coronation at Reims politic, i. 199, 392, 393, 442
at Blois, i. 243
career of, i. 153-156
gathers an army, i. 240
character of, i. 390, 476
approves of Jeanne, i. 390
crowns Charles VII, i. 447-449
questions Jeanne as to her death, ii. 15
policy of, ii. 53
tries a substitute for Jeanne, ii. 163-169, 347-351

Regnault, Guillaume, i. 354

Reims, i. 77, 143, 163, 209, 405; ii. 71, 116, 119, 211, 358, 383
Archbishop of, see Regnault de Chartres
ampulla of, i. 52, 56
Cathedral of, i. 445, 453
labyrinth in, i. 320
Charles VII, crowned at, i. 443-449
citizens of, welcome Charles VII, i. 394
surrender to Charles VII, i. 437-443
invoke help of Charles VII, ii. 4, 10
coronation at, prophesied, i. 198
Jeanne's letter to, ii. 107
Jeanne's progress to, i. 333, 385
Porte Dieulimire, i. 443
Remi, Bishop of, i. 50-53
route to, i. 393
Rue du Parvis, i. 451
St.-Denys, i. 444
Tau, i. 450

Reinach, M. Solomon, i. v

Relation, La, i. xviii

Remeswelle, ii. 140

Réné d'Anjou, Duke of Bar, Count of Vaudémont, i. 18, 26, 96, 389; ii. 393
restores cattle to Domremy, i. 27
character of, i. 91
succession of, disputed, i. 92

Requests, master of, i. 169

Ressons, ii. 138

Resurrections of unbaptized children, ii. 135-137, 261

Reuilly, i. 267

Rhodes, order of, i. 264

Richemont, Arthur, Duke of Brittany, Constable of France, Count of, i. 146, 147, 155, 370, 372
held to ransom, i. 176
at Beaugency, i. 363-367

Richer, Edmond, i. lv, viii

Rifflart, i. 132, 311

Rigueur, Jean le, ii. 130

Riom, ii. 93

Robert de Baudricourt, Captain of Vaucouleurs, i. xx, 61, 77, 81, 160, 351, 451; ii. 231, 266, 357
offends the Duke of Burgundy, i. 24
seen by Jacques d'Arc, i. 58
character of, i. 61
his opinion of Jeanne, i. 66, 78, 84, 87, 97
his letters concerning Jeanne, i. 87, 160, 162, 168
death of, ii. 392

Robert de Saarbruck, makes war against Didier et Durand de Saint-Dié, i. 18, 20
a formidable neighbour, i. 22, 24, 58
taxes Domremy, i. 25

Robert, Duke of Bar, i. 61
the Wise, i. 392

Robine, Marie, i. 161

Roche, Jean, ii. 126

Roche, M. Louis Charrier de la, ii. 415

Rochechouart, Lord of, i. 139

Rochefort, Sire de, i. 407, 432, 433

Rogier, i. xxxii

Rolland the Scrivener, i. 166

Romain, Henri, ii. 188

Romance of the Rose, i. 359

Rome, i. 381; ii. 26, 99, 111, 374
Empress of, i. 449

Romée, Isabelle, mother of Jeanne, see Isabelle
origin of surname, i. 3

Romorantin, Jeanne at, i. 346

Rosier family, The, i. 192

Rostrenen, François de, i. 363, 381

Rouge Bombarde, ii. 140

Roule, ii. 66

Roussel, Raoul, ii. 208, 210, 293, 388

Rouvray-St.-Denis, i. 138, 139, 213, 229, 282
Battle of, i. 370

Rouen, i. xxiii, xxxii, li, 124, 332; ii. 24, 60, 171, 196, 386
Archbishop of, i. 395
Bourg-l'Abbé, ii. 308
Jeanne at, i. 464; ii. 198
Old Market Square, Jeanne is burnt in, ii. 335-342

Royer, Thévenin le, i. 5

Roze, Jeannette, i. 5

Ru, The, i. 363

Rude, i. lxiii

Saarbruck, Robert de, see Robert

Sabbat, i. 150

Sabbath, fighting on the, i. 315

Sabinella, Queen, i. 35

Sablon, The, ii. 353

Sailly, i. 98

St.-Agnes, i. 208

St.-Aignan, i. 101, 392
story of, i. 118-120
shrine of, i. 236
intercedes for Orléans, i. 236, 314, 461
Charles VII at, i. 345

St.-Amance, i. 7

St.-Ambrose, i. 471

St.-Andrew, Cross of, i. 403; ii. 60, 66, 129

St.-Anthony of Padua, i. xxxix; ii. 272

St.-Augustine, i. 205

St.-Avy, Jean de, i. 142, 233; ii. 209

St.-Barbara, i. 208

St.-Bellin, Geoffroy de, ii. 124

St.-Benedict, order of, i. 189

St.-Benoit-sur-Loire, Jeanne at, i. 377

St.-Catherine, i. xxxix; ii. 139
history and martyrdom of, i. 34-41, 159, 328
her shrine and miracles at Fierbois, i. 102-105, 475
sword of, i. 223; ii. 75, 245
language of, i. 200
touches rings, i. 453
comforts Jeanne at Beaurevoir, ii. 180, 182
crown of, ii. 233
comforts Jeanne in prison, ii. 274
of Siena, i. xxxv, lxxii, 457, 469; ii. 167, 348

St. Catherine and St. Margaret, i. lvi, 194, 215, 239, 263, 333, 378, 437, 449; ii. 43
appear to Jeanne at Domremy, i. 42, 49, 57, 75
reassure Jeanne at Poitiers, i. 193
appear to Jeanne at Chinon and Tours, i. 224
bid Jeanne take the standard, i. 227
appear to Jeanne at Orléans, i. 285, 301, 340, 357
comfort Jeanne wounded, i. 307
appear at Rouen, ii. 325, 327
speak of Catherine de la Rochelle, ii. 90
foretell Jeanne's death, ii. 122
Jeanne's testimony concerning, ii. 242, 295, 296, 403-406
embraced by Jeanne, i. xxxiii; ii. 283, 404

Ste.-Catherine-de-Fierbois, i. 145; ii. 232

St.-Cecilia, i. 448

St.-Charlemagne, i. 182, 261; ii. 178

St.-Christina, i. 207

St.-Claire, Convent of Neufchâteau, i. 71

St.-Clare, i. 459
order of, ii. 92

St.-Claude, i. 162

St.-Cyr, i. xxxvii

St.-Denys, i. xlv, 31, 57, 160, 189, 250, 335, 395, 417, 476; ii. 44, 46-49, 63, 265
head of, i. 326, 330; ii. 48, 61
story of, ii. 46-49
Jeanne at, ii. 46-53, 75
English sack, ii. 83
burial of Charles VII at, ii. 397

St.-Dizier, i. 26

St.-Dominic, i. xxxix
order of, i. 189

St.-Dorothea, i. 207

St.-Etienne, i. 100; ii. 41
Cardinal, ii. 37

St.-Euphemia, i. 207

St.-Euphrosyne, i. 198

St.-Euverte, i. 118, 120, 392
intercedes for Orléans, i. 236, 314, 461

St.-Florentin, i. 407

St.-Florent-les-Saumur, i. 183, 353
Abbey of, i. 184

St.-Fort, i. 459

St.-Francis of Assisi, i. xxxix, 213, 220; ii. 166, 348
order of, i. 71-73

St.-Gabriel, ii. 253

St.-Geneviève, i. 208

St.-George, i. 250, 278; ii. 420
shield of, i. 130
story of, i. 159
English cry of, i. 273

St.-Georges de Boscherville, ii. 208

St.-Gilles, Lord, i. 372

St.-Grégoire de Tours, ii. 21

St.-Gregory, Pope, i. 85
of Nyssa, i. 206

St.-Hubert's Day, i. 371

St.-Jean-d'-Angers, ii. 139

St.-Jean-de-Braye, i. 258, 268

St.-Jean-de-la Ruelle, i. 136

St.-Jean-des-Bois, i. 198

St.-Jean-le-Blanc, i. 231, 261, 263, 268, 293, 297, 298

St.-Jerome, i. 205

St.-John the Baptist, high repute of, i. 5
day of, i. 344, 464; ii. 123, 253, 356, 362

St.-John the Evangelist, i. 206, 414, 430; ii. 165, 310

St.-Julien, i. 157

St.-Ladre, i. 136, 143

St.-Laurent-des-Orgerils, i. 112, 114, 119
English camp at, i. 131, 134, 244, 261, 276, 278, 288, 292, 303, 307, 313
pillaged by citizens of Orléans, i. 234

St.-Laurence's Eve, ii. 60

St.-Lawrence, i. 157; ii. 48

St.-Lô, ii. 208, 219
prior of, ii. 309

St.-Louis, i. 57, 159, 219, 261, 445; ii. 14, 48, 178
crown of, i. 475

St.-Loup, i. xli, 113, 134, 264
Abbaye aux Dames, i. 289
attack on, i. 284-291, 319, 461
Convent of the Ladies of, i. 287
English occupy, i. 231, 268

St.-Luke, ii. 230

St.-Marc, i. 268

St.-Marcellin, i. 180

St.-Marcoul, i. 459

St.-Marcoul-de-Corberry, i. 459

St.-Marie-de-Vaucouleurs, i. 79

St.-Margaret, i. liv, 194, 263
history and martyrdom of, i. 32-34
honoured in France, i. 31
language of, i. 200; ii. 254
Church of, at Elincourt, ii. 139
see St. Catherine and St. Margaret

St.-Mark, ii. 230

St.-Martha, i. xxix

St.-Martin-de-Tours, i. 165

St.-Martin-le-Bouillant, ii. 345

St.-Martin's Day, i. lxix; ii. 181, 253

St.-Mary Magdalen, ii. 48

St.-Maurice, i. 404; ii. 420

St.-Mesmin, Aignan de, ii. 360

St.-Michael, i. lxxiv, 118, 141, 160, 194, 263, 333, 378, 437; ii. 316, 341
patron saint of France, i. 29, 30; ii. 49
appears to St. Catherine, i. 37, 193
visits Jeanne, i. 29, 44, 56, 57, 58, 340; ii. 197, 243
Feast of, i. 314
personal appearance of, i. xxxiii; ii. 255, 278
letters from, i. xliii; ii. 267, 272

St.-Nicholas, Chapel of, i. 88

St.-Nicholas-du-Port, i. 90, 97

St.-Nicolas-le-Painteur, ii. 246

St.-Ouen, ii. 208, 308

St.-Paul, i. 55, 213; ii. 216, 267

St.-Péravy, i. 373, 374

St.-Peter, i. 51, 55, 162, 206

St.-Phal, i. 407, 412, 418, 422

St.-Pierre de Chaumont, Priory of, i. 189

St.-Pierre-le-Moustier, attack on, ii. 84, 85, 93

St.-Pol, Bastard, i. 20

St.-Privé, i. 292, 302

St.-Quentin, ii. 154

St.-Remi, i. 4, 198, 445, 447
history of, i. 49-53
miracles of, i. 54, 55

St.-Riquier, ii. 196

St.-Sanxon, ii. 362

St.-Sauveur, i. 103

Ste.-Ségolène, ii. 366

St.-Sigismond, i. 256, 373, 377

St.-Sixtus, i. 51

St.-Thecla, i. 207

St.-Theresa, ii. 402

St.-Thiébault Spring, i. 9

St.-Thomas, i. lxviii

St.-Urbain, Abbey of, i. 98

St.-Urbain, Pope, i. 98

St.-Valery, ii. 198

St.-Vallier, Sire de, ii. 67

Saint Simon, ii. 410

Saints consulted, i. 337

Sakya Muni, i. xix

Salisbury, Earl of, i. 116, 151, 287; 149, 348
invades France, i. 108
reaches Janville, i. 122
death of, i. 126, 127

Salm, Count of, see Jean

Salon-en-Crau, i. xxxvi; ii. 407

Salvart, Jean, ii. 199, 201

Samoy, i. 113

Samson, i. 384

Samuel, i. 447, 448

Sanguin, Guillaume, ii. 58

Saonelle, The, i. 2

Sarmaize, Maid of, ii. 392, 393

Satan, ii. 296

Saul, i. 447, 454

Saulcy, i. 88

Saumoussay, ii. 393

Saumur, i. 103, 379; ii. 393

Sauve, Catherine, i. 210

Savignies, ii. 348

Savin Renaud, ii. 128-130

Savoy, Duke of, see Amédée

Scales, Thomas, Lord of, i. 123, 135, 231, 245, 261
summoned by Jeanne to surrender, i. 276
at Meung, i. 362
taken prisoner at Patay, i. 375, 397, 399

Scarron, i. lv; ii. 412

Scotland, i. 154

Secret, the King's, i. 172

Seguent, Jean, ii. 207

Seguin, Brother, examines Jeanne, i. 189, 200; ii. 387

Séez, Bishop of, i. 447; ii. 53, 183

Seille, The, ii. 353

Sein, Island of, i. 204

Seine, The, i. 100, 388; ii. 4, 78

Selles-en-Berry, i. 450; ii. 9
Jeanne at, i. 338-346; ii. 78

Selles-sur-Cher, i. 101

Semendria, i. 249

Semoy, i. 268

Seneca, i. lxvii

Senlis, ii. 11, 20, 34, 44, 53, 76, 83, 144
Jeanne at, ii. 138, 165, 195, 356

Senlis, Bailie of, ii. 131
horse of bishop of, ii. 45, 261

Sens, i. 403, 410, 413; ii. 78

Sepet, Marius, i. lxi

Septfonds, i. 88

Sept-Saulx, Castle of, i. 443

Sermaize, i. 15, 16
siege of, i. 24

Séverac, Marshal de, ii. 38

Seville, i. 167

Shakespeare, quoted, i. 233

Sibylla Francica, i. xxii, 473

Sibyls, The, i. 165, 175, 204, 205, 322, 385, 414; ii. 27, 30

Sicily, Queen of, see Yolande

Sidon, ii. 296

Siena, i. 249, 412

Sigismund, Emperor, i. 215; ii. 109, 112, 380

Sigy, ii. 208

Simon, Jeannotin, ii. 322
Magus, i. 162

Siquemville, Jean de, ii. 371

Soissons, i. 460; ii. 7, 11, 142, 261, 356
Charles III at, ii. 1-3

Solomon, King, i. 128, 212; ii. 187, 217

Somme, The, i. 394; ii. 197

Songs, by a Norman Clerk, i. 128

Sorel, M. Alexandre, i. vii

Spencer, Richard, i. 375

Speyer, Bishop of, ii. 363

Spiers, i. 473

Sprenger, ii. 222

Stafford, Humphrey, Earl of, ii. 202, 203

Standard, Jeanne's, i. 227, 343, 448; ii. 67
at Les Tourelles, i. 308-310

States General, The, i. 149-151

Stenay, i. 81

Stuart, John, i. 137
Lord William, i. 135, 137, 139

Suave, Catherine, i. 163

Suffolk, Earl of, i. 123, 245, 261; ii. 20, 348
summoned by, Jeanne, i. 276
in Jargeau, i. 349-354
William Pole, Earl of, i. 115, 135

Suger, Abbot, ii. 47

Sully, i. xxxi, xlix; ii. 120, 185
Jeanne at, ii. 106-118

Suzannah, ii. 80

Tachov, ii. 110

Taille, i. 150

Talbot, Sir John, i. xvi, 115, 135, 231, 245, 345, 368; ii. 20, 348
approaches Les Tourelles, i. 132
conducts the siege, i. 260
summoned by Jeanne to surrender, i. 262, 276
sallies from St.-Laurent, i. 288
plans of, i. 301-305, 313
advance of, i. 367
taken prisoner at Patay, i. 374, 375, 377, 397, 399
William, ii. 225

Talmont, Abbot of, i. 189

Taquel, ii. 389

Tarascon, beast of, i. xxix

Tarentaise, Pierre of, ii. 265

Terence, ii. 306, 331

Termes, Sire de, i. 369, 376

Théaulde de Valpergue, i. 129

Theodosius, i. 32, 198

Thérouanne, Bishop of, defends Paris, ii. 60, 202, 299, 309, 340

Thévanon of Bourges, ii. 369

Thévenin, Jeannette, ii. 386

Thibault, Gobert, i. xxix, 194, 196, 258

Thibonville, Germain de, i. 166

Thiembronne, Guichard de, ii. 143

Thoisy, Jean de, i. 398

Thoneletil, Jean de, ii. 366

Thons, i. 163

Thouars, Baron de, i. 137, 140

Tichemont, ii. 365

Tiffanges, ii. 370

Tiphaine, Jean, ii. 240, 401

Tillay, Jamet du, i. 140, 144, 169, 347
reports of Jeanne, i. 238

Tillemonts, i. lvii

Titivillus, i. lxxiv

Tobias, ii. 243

Tonnerre, i. 412

Torcenay, Jean de, ii. 210

Toul, i. xxiii, 30, 68, 73, 89
Bishop of, i. 18

Toulouse, i. 111, 189, 190, 240, 337
seneschal of, ii. 96

Touque, The, i. 388

Touraine, i. 101, 108, 149, 150, 217; ii. 211

Tournai, citizens of, invited to Reims, i. 397
their loyalty to France, i. 398, 399; ii. 188, 192

Touroulde, Marguerite de la, i. xxviii; ii. 79-82, 388

Tours, i. 151, 161, 240, 254, 475; ii. 104, 139, 369
Jeanne at, i. 216-229, 319
resists pillage, i. 217
trades of, i. 221
Charles VII at, i. 331
Council at, ii. 396
prays for deliverance of Jeanne, ii. 161
loyal to Charles VII, ii. 183, 184

Tractatus, de Hæresi ii. 215

Tree of Vauru, ii. 12-14

Trent, Council of, i. xxxvii

Trèves, ii. 363
Lord of, i. l, 153, 211, 331, 333, 427; ii. 183

Trie, Pierre de, i. 70

Tringant, i. ix

Trinitarians, The, i. 275

Trinte-du-mont-St.-Catherine, ii. 208

Troissy, Jean de, ii. 124, 131, 132

Troyes, i. xxvi, xxxii, 275, 389, 394, 405, 410; ii. 2, 49, 59, 71, 86, 116, 228, 383
English disposition of, i. 407
manufactures of, i. 407
Bishop of, i. 408
Charles VII at, i. 411, 421-434
Jeanne's letter to, i. 419
Council of, write to Reims, i. 420, 424, 429
treat with Charles, i. 421-431
opinion of Jeanne, i. 422
St.-Pierre, i. 423
fortifications of, i. 424
Comporté Gates, i. 427
the Madeleine, i. 427
surrender of, i. 466
Treaty of, i. xxxix, xlviii, 60, 82, 379, 408, 409, 423; ii. 158, 176, 209

Truce, with Burgundy, ii. 51-53

Tudert, Jean, ii. 76

Turelure, Pierre, i. 189, 190
examines Jeanne, i. 193

Turks, threaten Constantinople, i. 249

Turlaut, Collot, i. 24

Turlupines, The, ii. 64

Udalric of Manderscheit, ii. 363

Ulrich, Count of Wurtemberg, ii. 362

Unicorn and the Maid, i. 208

Ursins, Jean Jouvenel des, ii. 385

Uruffe, i. 60

Vailly, i. 460; ii. 1

Valenciennes, ii. 193

Valens, the Emperor, i. 197

Valentia, ii. 37

Valentine of Milan, i. 358

Valois, peasants of, ii. 10

Valpergue, i. 129

Van Eyck, Brothers, i. 402

Varambon, Lord of, i. 465

Varro, i. 205, 322

Varville, i. 451

Vaucouleurs, situation of, i. 1, 2
castellany of, i. 19, 22, 24, 26
besieged by de Vergy, i. 69, 77
Jeanne at, i. xxiii, xxxviii, 57, 61, 67, 95, 161, 211, 212, 351, 451, 473; ii. 231, 353, 357, 386

Vaudémont, Count of, see Réné d'Anjou

Vaudrey, Philibert de, i. 412

Vauru, Lord Denis de, ii. 12-14

Vauseul, Jeanne le, i. 76

Vaux, Pasquier de, ii. 208

Vavasour warns King John, i. xxxvi, 63, 163; ii. 266

Vegetius, i. 302

Velleda, i. 204

Velly, Jean de, ii. 103

Venderès, Nicolas de, ii. 208, 210, 218, 329, 331

Vendôme, Count of, i. xii, 347, 355, 446; ii. 8, 34, 53, 63, 76, 83, 142, 194
presents Jeanne to Charles, i. 169
at Patay, i. 372, 379

Venette, ii. 145, 150, 164

Venice, i. 130

Venus, i. 166

Verdun, Bishop of, i. 18, 24

Verduzan, Lord of, i. 137, 139

Vergy, Antoine de, i. 69, 70, 77
lays siege to Vaucouleurs, i. 87

Vergy Jean de, Seneschal of Burgundy, i. 26, 69

Vermandois, i. 442; ii. 159
bailie of, ii. 353

Verneuil, i. xlvii, 25, 63, 106, 123, 229, 145, 146; ii. 197
Crotoy Tower, i. 183, 185

Versailles, ii. 407
bishop of, ii. 415

Vesle, The, i. 443

Vian de Bar, i. 465

Vienne, The, i. 158
University of, ii. 366

Vierzon, i. 155

Vignolles, Etienne de, see La Hire

Vigny, Alfred de, i. lxix

Villars, i. 121
Lord of, i. 296, 304
reports of Jeanne, i. 238

Villedart, Thévenin, i. 272; ii. 369

Villette, Lord of, ii. 366

Villon, François, i. lxv

Vincennes, Castle of, ii. 57
Fort of, i. 386

Virgil's Æneid, ii. 306, 331

Virgin Mary, The, position of, i. 206
image of, at Tours, i. 219
intercedes for Orléans, i. 327

Virginity, special virtues of, i. 204-211, 322; ii. 367

Virgo, i. 166

Viriville, Vallet de, i. vii, lxi

Visconti, The, ii. 41

Vittel, Jeannette de, i. 5, 12
Thiesselin, de, i. 5, 20

Vivien, i. 175

Vitré, i. 338

Voices, hallucinatory, i. xxxiii; ii. 22, 401-406
first heard by Jeanne, i. 29
reveal her mission, i. 44, 47, 56
at Vaucouleurs, i. 62, 78
at Neufchâteau, i. 74
at Chinon and Tours, i. 224
at Orléans, i. 295
at Les Tourelles, i. 308
at St.-Denys, ii. 76
Jeanne questioned concerning, i. 193, 197; ii. 229-235, 238, 242, 253, 258, 261, 268, 272, 277, 283
instruct Jeanne as to the English, i. 260
visit Jeanne daily, i. 340
counsel Jeanne before Patay, i. 370
foretell French victory, i. 457
speak of Paris, ii. 65
forbid escape, ii. 181
instruct Jeanne that she must see Henry VI, ii. 160
forbid her revelations, ii. 223, 234, 237, 255, 269
Jeanne in prison sustained by, ii. 235, 258, 289, 291, 293
bid Jeanne protest against Erard, ii. 311, 325
bid her recant, ii. 314; see also under Ste.-Catherine, St.-Michael, and Jeanne d'Arc

Voltaire, i. lvii

Vouthon, Henri de, i. 3, 15, 16, 47; ii. 393
Isabella de, i. 59
at Puy, i. 252
Jean de, i. 25; ii. 392
Mengette de, i. 7, 24, 48, 76
Nicolas de, i. 252
Perrinet de, i. 16

Waldaires, Jean, i. 70

Wallon, H., i. lxi

Wals, Jean de, i. 81

Walter, Richard, i. 124

War of the Apple Baskets, i. 92; ii. 8
a punishment for sin, i. 235
a trade, i. 395

Warwick, Earl of, i. li, 129; ii. 177, 198, 202, 213, 240, 319, 324, 328, 348

Wearmouth, i. 178

Well-dressings, i. 156

Wells, Mr. H.G., i. lxix

William, Duke of Normandy, i. 123

Winchester, i. 177
Bishop of, i. 107
Cardinal of, i. 441; ii. 20, 110, 213, 309, 319, 340

Windecke, Eberhard de, i. xxii

Windsor, i. 275, 359

Wine, valued, i. 279

Witchcraft, i. 190
suspected at Domremy, i. 13, 15
Jeanne suspected of, i. 69, 274; see Jeanne
and wounds, i. 306
trials for, ii. 207, 222

Witches, burnt, i. 163; ii. 187

Wurtemberg, Count Ulrich of, ii. 362

Yolande of Aragon, Queen of Sicily, Duchess of Anjou, i. 26, 91, 92, 147, 152, 211, 217, 240, 389, 458;
ii. 8, 183, 216, 351
sends victuals to Orléans, i. 92, 240
at Blois, i. 243

Yonne, The, i. 100, 407; ii. 78

Ysabeau, Queen, i. 22, 60, 80, 172, 395, 423; ii. 41, 58, 178

Zabillet, Romée, i. 3

Zacharias, ii. 230

Zizka, ii. 115