Project Gutenberg's Latin for Beginners, by Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Latin for Beginners Author: Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge Release Date: April 25, 2006 [EBook #18251] Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LATIN FOR BEGINNERS *** Produced by Louise Hope, Dave Maddock and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was made using scans of public domain material by [Transcriber's Notes: This stripped-down text file is intended for users whose computers or text readers cannot display any of the more complete versions: UTF-8 (best), Latin-1 (Windows) or Mac format. As much information as possible has been preserved, but some changes were necessary to make the text readable. Long vowels are shown as a: e: i: o: u: y: A: E: I: O: U: in the introductory section on pronunciation (Secs. 1-18), in vocabulary lists, and in charts of inflectional endings. Elsewhere in the text, long-vowel markings have generally been omitted. The breve symbol, representing a short vowel, has also been omitted. This symbol was used only in the pronunciation section and in one or two vocabulary entries. The notation [oo] represents short "oo". Letters shown with combined breve and macron have been expanded as "-ei or -e:i", "-ius or -i:us". To make this unpaginated e-text easier to use, each chapter's Special Vocabulary has been included with its chapter _in addition to_ its original location near the end of the book. The same was done with the irregular verbs. The vocabulary lists are at the beginning of each chapter, as far as possible from the Exercises. Boldface ("heavy type"), when needed, is shown by /diagonals\. Italics are shown by _lines_. Bracketed passages in the original are shown in [[double brackets]].] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LATIN FOR BEGINNERS BY BENJAMIN L. D'OOGE, Ph.D. Professor in the Michigan State Normal College Ginn and Company Boston - New York - Chicago - London Copyright, 1909, 1911 by Benjamin L. D'Ooge Entered at Stationers' Hall All Rights Reserved 013.4 The Athenaeum Press Ginn and Company - Proprietors - Boston - U.S.A. * * * * * PREFACE To make the course preparatory to Caesar at the same time systematic, thorough, clear, and interesting is the purpose of this series of lessons. The first pages are devoted to a brief discussion of the Latin language, its history, and its educational value. The body of the book, consisting of seventy-nine lessons, is divided into three parts. Part I is devoted to pronunciation, quantity, accent, and kindred introductory essentials. Part II carries the work through the first sixty lessons, and is devoted to the study of forms and vocabulary, together with some elementary constructions, a knowledge of which is necessary for the translation of the exercises and reading matter. The first few lessons have been made unusually simple, to meet the wants of pupils not well grounded in English grammar. Part III contains nineteen lessons, and is concerned primarily with the study of syntax and of subjunctive and irregular verb forms. The last three of these lessons constitute a review of all the constructions presented in the book. There is abundant easy reading matter; and, in order to secure proper concentration of effort upon syntax and translation, no new vocabularies are introduced, but the vocabularies in Part II are reviewed. It is hoped that the following features will commend themselves to teachers: The forms are presented in their natural sequence, and are given, for the most part, in the body of the book as well as in a grammatical appendix. The work on the verb is intensive in character, work in other directions being reduced to a minimum while this is going on. The forms of the subjunctive are studied in correlation with the subjunctive constructions. The vocabulary has been selected with the greatest care, using Lodge's "Dictionary of Secondary Latin" and Browne's "Latin Word List" as a basis. There are about six hundred words, exclusive of proper names, in the special vocabularies, and these are among the simplest and commonest words in the language. More than ninety-five per cent of those chosen are Caesarian, and of these more than ninety per cent are used in Caesar five or more times. The few words not Caesarian are of such frequent occurrence in Cicero, Vergil, and other authors as to justify their appearance here. But teachers desiring to confine word study to Caesar can easily do so, as the Caesarian words are printed in the vocabularies in distinctive type. Concrete nouns have been preferred to abstract, root words to compounds and derivatives, even when the latter were of more frequent occurrence in Caesar. To assist the memory, related English words are added in each special vocabulary. To insure more careful preparation, the special vocabularies have been removed from their respective lessons and placed by themselves. The general vocabulary contains about twelve hundred words, and of these above eighty-five per cent are found in Caesar. The syntax has been limited to those essentials which recent investigations, such as those of Dr. Lee Byrne and his collaborators, have shown to belong properly to the work of the first year. The constructions are presented, as far as possible, from the standpoint of English, the English usage being given first and the Latin compared or contrasted with it. Special attention has been given to the constructions of participles, the gerund and gerundive, and the infinitive in indirect statements. Constructions having a logical connection are not separated but are treated together. Exercises for translation occur throughout, those for translation into Latin being, as a rule, only half as long as those for translation into English. In Part III a few of the commoner idioms in Caesar are introduced and the sentences are drawn mainly from that author. From first to last a consistent effort is made to instill a proper regard for Latin word order, the first principles of which are laid down early in the course. Selections for reading are unusually abundant and are introduced from the earliest possible moment. These increase in number and length as the book progresses, and, for the most part, are made an integral part of the lessons instead of being massed at the end of the book. This arrangement insures a more constant and thorough drill in forms and vocabulary, promotes reading power, and affords a breathing spell between succeeding subjects. The material is drawn from historical and mythological sources, and the vocabulary employed includes but few words not already learned. The book closes with a continued story which recounts the chief incidents in the life of a Roman boy. The last chapters record his experiences in Caesar's army, and contain much information that will facilitate the interpretation of the Commentaries. The early emphasis placed on word order and sentence structure, the simplicity of the syntax, and the familiarity of the vocabulary, make the reading selections especially useful for work in sight translation. Reviews are called for at frequent intervals, and to facilitate this branch of the work an Appendix of Reviews has been prepared, covering both the vocabulary and the grammar. The illustrations are numerous, and will, it is hoped, do much to stimulate interest in the ancient world and to create true and lasting impressions of Roman life and times. A consistent effort has been made to use simple language and clear explanation throughout. As an aid to teachers using this book a "Teacher's Manual" has been prepared, which contains, in addition to general suggestions, notes on each lesson. The author wishes to express his gratitude to the numerous teachers who tested the advance pages in their classes, and, as a result of their experience, have given much valuable aid by criticism and suggestion. Particular acknowledgments are due to Miss A. Susan Jones of the Central High School, Grand Rapids, Michigan; to Miss Clara Allison of the High School at Hastings, Michigan; and to Miss Helen B. Muir and Mr. Orland O. Norris, teachers of Latin in this institution. BENJAMIN L. D'OOGE MICHIGAN STATE NORMAL COLLEGE CONTENTS Lesson Page TO THE STUDENT--By way of Introduction 1-4 PART I. THE PRONUNCIATION OF LATIN ALPHABET, SOUNDS OF THE LETTERS, SYLLABLES, QUANTITY, ACCENT, HOW TO READ LATIN 5-11 PART II. WORDS AND FORMS I-VI. FIRST PRINCIPLES--_Subject and Predicate, Inflection, Number, Nominative Subject, Possessive Genitive, Agreement of Verb, Direct Object, Indirect Object, etc._--DIALOGUE 12-24 VII-VIII. FIRST OR _A_-DECLENSION--_Gender, Agreement of Adjectives, Word Order_ 25-30 IX-X. SECOND OR _O_-DECLENSION--GENERAL RULES FOR DECLENSION--_Predicate Noun, Apposition_--DIALOGUE 31-35 XI. ADJECTIVES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS 36-37 XII. NOUNS IN -ius AND -ium--GERMANIA 38-39 XIII. SECOND DECLENSION (_Continued_)--Nouns in -er and -ir--ITALIA--DIALOGUE 39-41 XIV. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE PRONOUNS 42-43 XV. ABLATIVE DENOTING WITH--_Cause, Means, Accompaniment, Manner_--THE ROMANS PREPARE FOR WAR 44-46 XVI. THE NINE IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES 46-47 XVII. THE DEMONSTRATIVE /is, ea, id\--DIALOGUE 48-50 XVIII. CONJUGATION--Present, Imperfect, and Future of /sum\-- DIALOGUE 51-53 XIX. PRESENT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF amo AND moneo 54-56 XX. IMPERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF amo AND moneo-- _Meaning of the Imperfect_--NIOBE AND HER CHILDREN 56-57 XXI. FUTURE ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF amo AND moneo-- NIOBE AND HER CHILDREN (_Concluded_) 58-59 XXII. REVIEW OF VERBS--_The Dative with Adjectives_-- CORNELIA AND HER JEWELS 59-61 XXIII. PRESENT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF rego AND audio-- CORNELIA AND HER JEWELS (_Concluded_) 61-63 XXIV. IMPERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF rego AND audio-- _The Dative with Special Intransitive Verbs_ 63-65 XXV. FUTURE ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF rego AND audio 65-66 XXVI. VERBS IN -io--Present, Imperfect, and Future Active Indicative of /capio\--_The Imperative_ 66-68 XXVII. PASSIVE VOICE--Present, Imperfect, and Future Indicative of /amo\ and /moneo\--PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA 68-71 XXVIII. PRESENT, IMPERFECT, AND FUTURE INDICATIVE PASSIVE OF rego AND audio--PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (_Continued_) 72-73 XXIX. PRESENT, IMPERFECT, AND FUTURE INDICATIVE PASSIVE OF -io VERBS--PRESENT PASSIVE INFINITIVE AND IMPERATIVE 73-75 XXX. SYNOPSES IN THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS--THE ABLATIVE DENOTING FROM--_Place from Which, Separation, Personal Agent_ 75-78 XXXI. PERFECT, PLUPERFECT, AND FUTURE PERFECT OF sum-- DIALOGUE 79-81 XXXII. PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF THE FOUR REGULAR CONJUGATIONS--_Meanings of the Perfect_--PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (_Continued_) 81-83 XXXIII. PLUPERFECT AND FUTURE PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE-- PERFECT ACTIVE INFINITIVE 84-85 XXXIV. REVIEW OF THE ACTIVE VOICE--PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (_Concluded_) 86-87 XXXV. PASSIVE PERFECTS OF THE INDICATIVE--PERFECT PASSIVE AND FUTURE ACTIVE INFINITIVE 88-90 XXXVI. REVIEW OF PRINCIPAL PARTS--_Prepositions, Yes-or-No Questions_ 90-93 XXXVII. CONJUGATION OF possum--_The Infinitive used as in English_--_Accusative Subject of an Infinitive_-- THE FAITHLESS TARPEIA 93-96 XXXVIII. THE RELATIVE PRONOUN AND THE INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN-- _Agreement of the Relative_--THE FAITHLESS TARPEIA (_Concluded_) 97-101 XXXIX-XLI. THE THIRD DECLENSION--Consonant Stems 101-106 XLII. REVIEW LESSON--TERROR CIMBRICUS 107 XLIII. THIRD DECLENSION--_I_-Stems 108-110 XLIV. IRREGULAR NOUNS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION-- GENDER IN THE THIRD DECLENSION--THE FIRST BRIDGE OVER THE RHINE 111-112 XLV. ADJECTIVES OF THE THIRD DECLENSION--THE ROMANS INVADE THE ENEMY'S COUNTRY 113-115 XLVI. THE FOURTH OR _U_-DECLENSION 116-117 XLVII. EXPRESSIONS OF PLACE--_Place to Which, Place from Which, Place at or in Which, the Locative_-- Declension of /domus\--DAEDALUS AND ICARUS 117-121 XLVIII. THE FIFTH OR _E_-DECLENSION--_Ablative of Time_ --DAEDALUS AND ICARUS (_Continued_) 121-123 XLIX. PRONOUNS--Personal and Reflexive Pronouns--DAEDALUS AND ICARUS (_Concluded_) 123-126 L. THE INTENSIVE PRONOUN ipse AND THE DEMONSTRATIVE idem--HOW HORATIUS HELD THE BRIDGE 126-127 LI. THE DEMONSTRATIVES hic, iste, ille--A GERMAN CHIEFTAIN ADDRESSES HIS FOLLOWERS--HOW HORATIUS HELD THE BRIDGE (_Continued_) 128-130 LII. THE INDEFINITE PRONOUNS--HOW HORATIUS HELD THE BRIDGE (_Concluded_) 130-132 LIII. REGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES 133-135 LIV. IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES--_Ablative with Comparatives_ 135-136 LV. IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (_Continued_)-- Declension of /plus\ 137-138 LVI. IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (_Concluded_)-- _Ablative of the Measure of Difference_ 138-139 LVII. FORMATION AND COMPARISON OF ADVERBS 140-142 LVIII. NUMERALS--_Partitive Genitive_ 142-144 LIX. NUMERALS (_Continued_)--_Accusative of Extent_-- CAESAR IN GAUL 144-146 LX. DEPONENT VERBS--_Prepositions with the Accusative_ 146-147 PART III. CONSTRUCTIONS LXI. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD--Inflection of the Present-- _Indicative and Subjunctive Compared_ 148-152 LXII. THE SUBJUNCTIVE OF PURPOSE 152-153 LXIII. INFLECTION OF THE IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE--_Sequence of Tenses_ 153-155 LXIV. INFLECTION OF THE PERFECT AND PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE--_Substantive Clauses of Purpose_ 156-159 LXV. SUBJUNCTIVE OF possum--_Verbs of Fearing_ 160-161 LXVI. THE PARTICIPLES--Tenses and Declension 161-164 LXVII. THE IRREGULAR VERBS volo, nolo, malo-- _Ablative Absolute_ 164-166 LXVIII. THE IRREGULAR VERB fio--_Subjunctive of Result_ 167-168 LXIX. SUBJUNCTIVE OF CHARACTERISTIC--_Predicate Accusative_ 169-171 LXX. CONSTRUCTIONS WITH cum--_Ablative of Specification_ 171-173 LXXI. VOCABULARY REVIEW--_Gerund and Gerundive_-- _Predicate Genitive_ 173-177 LXXII. THE IRREGULAR VERB eo--_Indirect Statements_ 177-180 LXXIII. VOCABULARY REVIEW--THE IRREGULAR VERB fero-- _Dative with Compounds_ 181-183 LXXIV. VOCABULARY REVIEW--_Subjunctive in Indirect Questions_ 183-185 LXXV. VOCABULARY REVIEW--_Dative of Purpose or End for Which_ 185-186 LXXVI. VOCABULARY REVIEW--_Genitive and Ablative of Quality or Description_ 186-188 LXXVII. REVIEW OF AGREEMENT--_Review of the Genitive, Dative, and Accusative_ 189-190 LXXVIII. REVIEW OF THE ABLATIVE 191-192 LXXIX. REVIEW OF THE SYNTAX OF VERBS 192-193 READING MATTER INTRODUCTORY SUGGESTIONS 194-195 THE LABORS OF HERCULES 196-203 P. CORNELIUS LENTULUS: THE STORY OF A ROMAN BOY 204-215 APPENDIXES AND VOCABULARIES APPENDIX I. TABLES OF DECLENSIONS, CONJUGATIONS, NUMERALS, ETC. 226-260 APPENDIX II. RULES OF SYNTAX 261-264 APPENDIX III. REVIEWS 265-282 SPECIAL VOCABULARIES 283-298 LATIN-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 299-331 ENGLISH-LATIN VOCABULARY 332-343 INDEX 344-348 LATIN FOR BEGINNERS TO THE STUDENT--BY WAY OF INTRODUCTION What is Latin? If you will look at the map of Italy on the opposite page, you will find near the middle of the peninsula and facing the west coast a district called Latium,[1] and Rome its capital. The Latin language, meaning the language of Latium, was spoken by the ancient Romans and other inhabitants of Latium, and Latin was the name applied to it after the armies of Rome had carried the knowledge of her language far beyond its original boundaries. As the English of to-day is not quite the same as that spoken two or three hundred years ago, so Latin was not always the same at all times, but changed more or less in the course of centuries. The sort of Latin you are going to learn was in use about two thousand years ago. And that period has been selected because the language was then at its best and the greatest works of Roman literature were being produced. This period, because of its supreme excellence, is called the Golden Age of Roman letters. [Footnote 1: Pronounce _La:'shi-um_.] The Spread of Latin. For some centuries after Rome was founded, the Romans were a feeble and insignificant people, their territory was limited to Latium, and their existence constantly threatened by warlike neighbors. But after the third century before Christ, Rome's power grew rapidly. She conquered all Italy, then reached out for the lands across the sea and beyond the Alps, and finally ruled over the whole ancient world. The empire thus established lasted for more than four hundred years. The importance of Latin increased with the growth of Roman power, and what had been a dialect spoken by a single tribe became the universal language. Gradually the language changed somewhat, developing differently in different countries. In Italy it has become Italian, in Spain Spanish, and in France French. All these nations, therefore, are speaking a modernized form of Latin. The Romans and the Greeks. In their career of conquest the Romans came into conflict with the Greeks. The Greeks were inferior to the Romans in military power, but far superior to them in culture. They excelled in art, literature, music, science, and philosophy. Of all these pursuits the Romans were ignorant until contact with Greece revealed to them the value of education and filled them with the thirst for knowledge. And so it came about that while Rome conquered Greece by force of arms, Greece conquered Rome by force of her intellectual superiority and became her schoolmaster. It was soon the established custom for young Romans to go to Athens and to other centers of Greek learning to finish their training, and the knowledge of the Greek language among the educated classes became universal. At the same time many cultured Greeks--poets, artists, orators, and philosophers--flocked to Rome, opened schools, and taught their arts. Indeed, the preeminence of Greek culture became so great that Rome almost lost her ambition to be original, and her writers vied with each other in their efforts to reproduce in Latin what was choicest in Greek literature. As a consequence of all this, the civilization and national life of Rome became largely Grecian, and to Greece she owed her literature and her art. Rome and the Modern World. After conquering the world, Rome impressed her language, laws, customs of living, and modes of thinking upon the subject nations, and they became Roman; and the world has remained largely Roman ever since. Latin continued to live, and the knowledge of Latin was the only light of learning that burned steadily through the dark ages that followed the downfall of the Roman Empire. Latin was the common language of scholars and remained so even down to the days of Shakespeare. Even yet it is more nearly than any other tongue the universal language of the learned. The life of to-day is much nearer the life of ancient Rome than the lapse of centuries would lead one to suppose. You and I are Romans still in many ways, and if Caesar and Cicero should appear among us, we should not find them, except for dress and language, much unlike men of to-day. Latin and English. Do you know that more than half of the words in the English dictionary are Latin, and that you are speaking more or less Latin every day? How has this come about? In the year 1066 William the Conqueror invaded England with an army of Normans. The Normans spoke French--which, you remember, is descended from Latin--and spread their language to a considerable extent over England, and so Norman-French played an important part in the formation of English and forms a large proportion of our vocabulary. Furthermore, great numbers of almost pure Latin words have been brought into English through the writings of scholars, and every new scientific discovery is marked by the addition of new terms of Latin derivation. Hence, while the simpler and commoner words of our mother tongue are Anglo-Saxon, and Anglo-Saxon forms the staple of our colloquial language, yet in the realms of literature, and especially in poetry, words of Latin derivation are very abundant. Also in the learned professions, as in law, medicine, and engineering, a knowledge of Latin is necessary for the successful interpretation of technical and scientific terms. Why study Latin? The foregoing paragraphs make it clear why Latin forms so important a part of modern education. We have seen that our civilization rests upon that of Greece and Rome, and that we must look to the past if we would understand the present. It is obvious, too, that the knowledge of Latin not only leads to a more exact and effective use of our own language, but that it is of vital importance and of great practical value to any one preparing for a literary or professional career. To this it may be added that the study of Latin throws a flood of light upon the structure of language in general and lays an excellent foundation for all grammatical study. Finally, it has been abundantly proved that there is no more effective means of strengthening the mind than by the earnest pursuit of this branch of learning. Review Questions. Whence does Latin get its name? Where is Latium? Where is Rome? Was Latin always the same? What sort of Latin are we to study? Describe the growth of Rome's power and the spread of Latin. What can you say of the origin of Italian, French, and Spanish? How did the ancient Greeks and Romans compare? How did Greece influence Rome? How did Rome influence the world? In what sense are we Romans still? What did Latin have to do with the formation of English? What proportion of English words are of Latin origin, and what kind of words are they? Why should we study Latin? PART I THE PRONUNCIATION OF LATIN THE ALPHABET _1._ The Latin alphabet contains the same letters as the English except that it has no _w_ and no _j_. _2._ The vowels, as in English, are _a, e, i, o, u, y_. The other letters are consonants. _3._ _I_ is used both as a vowel and as a consonant. Before a vowel in the same syllable it has the value of a consonant and is called _I consonant_. Thus in Iu:-li-us the first _i_ is a consonant, the second a vowel. SOUNDS OF THE LETTERS[1] [Footnote 1: N.B. The sounds of the letters are best learned by hearing them correctly pronounced. The matter in this section is, therefore, intended for reference rather than for assignment as a lesson. As a first step it is suggested that the teacher pronounce the examples in class, the pupils following.] _4._ Latin was not pronounced like English. The Romans at the beginning of the Christian era pronounced their language substantially as described below. _5._ The vowels have the following sounds: VOWELS[2] LATIN EXAMPLES a: as in _father_ ha:c, sta:s a like the first _a_ in _aha'_, never as in _hat_ a'-mat, ca-na:s e: as in _they_ te:'-la, me:'-ta e as in _met_ te'-net, mer'-ce:s i: as in _machine_ ser'-ti:, pra:'-ti: i as in _bit_ si'-tis, bi'-bi: o: as in _holy_ Ro:'-ma, o:'-ris o as in _wholly_, never as in _hot_ mo'-do, bo'-no:s u: as in _rude_, or as _oo_ in _boot_ u:'-mor, tu:'-ber u as in _full_, or as _oo_ in _foot_ ut, tu:'-tus NOTE. It is to be observed that there is a decided difference in sound, except in the case of _a_, between the long and the short vowels. It is not merely a matter of _quantity_ but also of _quality_. [Footnote 2: Long vowels are marked ^, short ones ... ] [Transcriber's Note: In this version of the text, long vowels are shown as a:, e:, i: ... and short vowels are unmarked, as described in the introductory notes.] _6._ In /diphthongs\ (two-vowel sounds) both vowels are heard in a single syllable. DIPHTHONGS LATIN EXAMPLES /ae\ as _ai_ in _aisle_ tae'-dae /au\ as _ou_ in _out_ gau'-det /ei\ as _ei_ in _eight_ dein'-de /eu\ as _e'[oo]_ (a short _e_ followed by a short _u_ in one syllable) seu /oe\ like _oi_ in _toil_ foe'-dus /ui\ like _[oo]'i_ (a short _u_ followed by a short _i_ in one syllable. Cf. English _we_) cui, huic NOTE. Give all the vowels and diphthongs their proper sounds and do not slur over them in unaccented syllables, as is done in English. _7._ Consonants are pronounced as in English, except that CONSONANTS LATIN EXAMPLES /c\ is always like _c_ in _cat_, never as in _cent_ ca'-do:, ci'-bus, ce:'-na /g\ is always like _g_ in _get_, never as in _gem_ ge'-mo:, gig'-no: /i consonant\ is always like _y_ in _yes_ iam, io'-cus /n\ before _c, qu_, or _g_ is like _ng_ in _sing_ (compare the sound of _n_ in _anchor_) an'-co-ra (ang'-ko-ra) /qu\, /gu\, and sometimes /su\ before a vowel have the sound of _qw, gw_, and _sw_. Here _u_ has the value of consonant _v_ and is not counted a vowel in'-quit, qui:, lin'-gua, san'-guis, sua:'-de-o: /s\ is like _s_ in _sea_, never as in _ease_ ro'-sa, is /t\ is always like _t_ in _native_, never as in _nation_ ra'-ti-o:, na:'-ti-o: /v\ is like _w_ in _wine_, never as in _vine_ vi:'-num, vir /x\ has the value of two consonants (_cs_ or _gs_) and is like _x_ in _extract_, not as in _exact_ ex'-tra:, ex-a:c'-tus /bs\ is like _ps_ and /bt\ like _pt_ urbs, ob-ti'-ne-o: /ch\, /ph\, and /th\ are like _c_, _p_, _t_ pul'-cher, Phoe'-be:, the-a:'-trum _a._ In combinations of consonants give each its distinct sound. Doubled consonants should be pronounced with a slight pause between the two sounds. Thus pronounce _tt_ as in _rat-trap_, not as in _rattle_; _pp_ as in _hop-pole_, not as in _upper_. Examples, /mit'-to:\, /Ap'pi-us\, /bel'-lum\. SYLLABLES _8._ A Latin word has as many syllables as it has vowels and diphthongs. Thus /aes-ta:'-te\ has three syllables, /au-di-en'-dus\ has four. _a._ Two vowels with a consonant between them never make one syllable, as is so often the case in English. Compare English _inside_ with Latin i:n-si:'-de. _9._ Words are divided into syllables as follows: 1. A single consonant between two vowels goes with the second. Thus /a-ma:'-bi-lis\, /me-mo'-ri-a\, /in-te'-re-a:\, /a'-best\, /pe-re:'-git\.[3] [Footnote 3: In writing and printing it is customary to divide the parts of a compound, as /inter-ea:\, /ab-est\, /sub-a:ctus\, /per-e:git\, contrary to the correct phonetic rule.] 2. Combinations of two or more consonants: _a._ A consonant followed by _l_ or _r_ goes with the _l_ or _r_. Thus /pu:'-bli-cus\, /a'-gri:\. EXCEPTION. Prepositional compounds of this nature, as also _ll_ and _rr_, follow rule _b_. Thus /ab'-lu-o:\, /ab-rum'-po:\, /il'-le\, /fer'-rum\. _b._ In all other combinations of consonants the first consonant goes with the preceding vowel.[4] Thus /mag'-nus\, /e-ges'-ta:s\, /vic-to:'-ri-a\, /hos'-pes\, /an'-nus\, /su-ba:c'-tus\. [Footnote 4: The combination nct is divided nc-t, as fu:nc-tus, sa:nc-tus.] 3. The last syllable of a word is called the _ul'-ti-ma_; the one next to the last, the _pe-nult'_; the one before the penult, the _an'-te-pe-nult'_. _10._ EXERCISE Divide the words in the following passage into syllables and pronounce them, placing the accent as indicated: Va:'de ad formi:'cam, O: pi'ger, et co:nsi:'dera: vi'a:s e'ius et di'sce sapie'ntiam: quae cum no:n ha'beat du'cem nec praecepto:'rem nec pri:'ncipem, pa'rat in aesta:'te ci'bum si'bi et co'ngregat in me'sse quod co'medat. [[Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which, having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the harvest.]] QUANTITY _11._ The quantity of a vowel or a syllable is the time it takes to pronounce it. Correct pronunciation and accent depend upon the proper observance of quantity. _12._ Quantity of Vowels. Vowels are either long (^) or short. In this book the long vowels are marked. Unmarked vowels are to be considered short. [Transcriber's Note: The wording of Sec. 12 is as in the original, except that the macron (long-vowel symbol) has been replaced with a caret ("hat"), and the breve (short-vowel symbol) has been omitted.] 1. A vowel is short before another vowel or _h_; as /po-e:'-ta\, /tra'-ho:\. 2. A vowel is short before _nt_ and _nd_, before final _m_ or _t_, and, except in words of one syllable, before final _l_ or _r_. Thus /a'-mant\, /a-man'-dus\, /a-ma:'-bam\, /a-ma:'-bat\, /a'-ni-mal\, /a'-mor\. 3. A vowel is long before _nf_, _ns_, _nx_, and _nct_. Thus /i:n'-fe-ro:\, /re'-ge:ns\, /sa:n'-xi:\, /sa:nc'-tus\. 4. Diphthongs are always long, and are not marked. _13._ Quantity of Syllables. Syllables are either long or short, and their quantity must be carefully distinguished from that of vowels. 1. A syllable is short, _a._ If it ends in a short vowel; as /a'-mo:\, /pi'-gri\. NOTE. In final syllables the short vowel may be followed by a final consonant. Thus the word /me-mo'-ri-am\ contains four short syllables. In the first three a short vowel ends the syllable, in the last the short vowel is followed by a final consonant. 2. A syllable is long, _a._ If it contains a long vowel or a diphthong, as /cu:'-ro:\, /poe'-nae\, /aes-ta:'-te\. _b._ If it ends in a consonant which is followed by another consonant, as /cor'-pus\, /mag'-nus\. NOTE. The vowel in a long syllable may be either long or short, and should be pronounced accordingly. Thus in /ter'-ra\, /in'-ter\, the first syllable is long, but the vowel in each case is short and should be given the short sound. In words like /saxum\ the first syllable is long because _x_ has the value of two consonants (_cs_ or _gs_). 3. In determining quantity _h_ is not counted a consonant. NOTE. Give about twice as much time to the long syllables as to the short ones. It takes about as long to pronounce a short vowel plus a consonant as it does to pronounce a long vowel or a diphthong, and so these quantities are considered equally long. For example, it takes about as long to say /cur'-ro:\ as it does /cu:'-ro:\, and so each of these first syllables is long. Compare /mol'-lis\ and /mo:'-lis\, /a:-mis'-si:\ and /a:-mi'-si:\. ACCENT _14._ Words of two syllables are accented on the first, as /me:n'-sa\, /Cae'-sar\. _15._ Words of more than two syllables are accented on the penult if the penult is long. If the penult is short, accent the antepenult. Thus /mo-ne:'-mus\, /re'-gi-tur\, /a-gri'-co-la\, /a-man'-dus\. NOTE. Observe that the position of the accent is determined by the length of the _syllable_ and not by the length of the vowel in the syllable. (Cf. Sec. 13.2, Note.) _16._ Certain little words called _enclit'ics_[5] which have no separate existence, are added to and pronounced with a preceding word. The most common are /-que\, _and_; /-ve\, _or_; and /-ne\, the question sign. The syllable before an enclitic takes the accent, regardless of its quantity. Thus /populus'que\, /dea'que\, /re:gna've\, /audit'ne\. [Footnote 5: Enclitic means _leaning back_, and that is, as you see, just what these little words do. They cannot stand alone and so they lean back for support upon the preceding word.] HOW TO READ LATIN _17._ To read Latin well is not so difficult, if you begin right. Correct habits of reading should be formed now. Notice the quantities carefully, especially the quantity of the penult, to insure your getting the accent on the right syllable. (Cf. Sec. 15.) Give every vowel its proper sound and every syllable its proper length. Then bear in mind that we should read Latin as we read English, in phrases rather than in separate words. Group together words that are closely connected in thought. No good reader halts at the end of each word. _18._ Read the stanzas of the following poem by Longfellow, one at a time, first the English and then the Latin version. The syllables inclosed in parentheses are to be slurred or omitted to secure smoothness of meter. EXCELSIOR [[HIGHER]]! [6] The shades of night were falling fast, As through an Alpine village passed A youth, who bore, 'mid snow and ice, A banner with the strange device, Excelsior! Cade:bant noctis umbrae, dum Ibat per vi:cum Alpicum Gelu: nivequ(e) adole:sce:ns, Ve:xillum cum signo: fere:ns, Excelsior! His brow was sad; his eye beneath, Flashed like a falchion from its sheath, And like a silver clarion rung The accents of that unknown tongue, Excelsior! Fro:ns tri:stis, micat oculus Velut e: va:gi:na: gladius; Sonantque simile:s tubae Accentu:s lingu(ae) incognitae, Excelsior! In happy homes he saw the light Of household fires gleam warm and bright; Above, the spectral glaciers shone, And from his lips escaped a groan, Excelsior! In domibus videt cla:ra:s Foco:rum lu:ce:s calida:s; Relucet glacie:s a:cris, Et rumpit gemitu:s labri:s, Excelsior! "Try not the Pass!" the old man said; "Dark lowers the tempest overhead, The roaring torrent is deep and wide!" And loud that clarion voice replied, Excelsior! Di:cit senex, "Ne: tra:nsea:s! Supra: nigre:scit tempesta:s; La:tus et altus est torre:ns." Cla:ra ve:nit vo:x responde:ns, Excelsior! At break of day, as heavenward The pious monks of Saint Bernard Uttered the oft-repeated prayer, A voice cried through the startled air, Excelsior! Iam lu:ce:sce:bat, et fra:tre:s Sa:ncti: Bernardi: vigile:s O:ra:bant prece:s solita:s, Cum vo:x cla:ma:vit per aura:s, Excelsior! A traveler, by the faithful hound, Half-buried in the snow was found, Still grasping in his hand of ice That banner with the strange device, Excelsior! Se:mi-sepultus via:tor Can(e) a: fi:do: reperi:tur, Compre:nde:ns pugno: gelido: Illud ve:xillum cum signo:, Excelsior! There in the twilight cold and gray, Lifeless, but beautiful, he lay, And from the sky, serene and far, A voice fell, like a falling star, Excelsior! Iacet corpus exanimum Sed lu:ce fri:gida: pulchrum; Et caelo: procul exie:ns Cadit vo:x, ut Stella cade:ns, Excelsior! [Footnote 6: Translation by C. W. Goodchild in _Praeco Latinus_, October, 1898.] PART II WORDS AND FORMS LESSON I FIRST PRINCIPLES _19._ Subject and Predicate. 1. Latin, like English, expresses thoughts by means of sentences. A sentence is a combination of words that expresses a thought, and in its simplest form is the statement of a single fact. Thus, _Galba is a farmer_ Galba est agricola _The sailor fights_ Nauta pugnat In each of these sentences there are two parts: SUBJECT PREDICATE _Galba_ _is a farmer_ Galba _The sailor_ _fights_ Nauta pugnat 2. The subject is that person, place, or thing about which something is said, and is therefore a _noun_ or some word which can serve the same purpose. _a._ Pronouns, as their name implies (_pro_, "instead of," and _noun_), often take the place of nouns, usually to save repeating the same noun, as, _Galba is a farmer; /he\ is a sturdy fellow_. 3. The predicate is that which is said about the subject, and consists of a verb with or without modifiers. _a._ A verb is a word which asserts something (usually an act) concerning a person, place, or thing. _20._ The Object. In the two sentences, _The boy hit the ball_ and _The ball hit the boy_, the same words are used, but the meaning is different, and depends upon the order of the words. The /doer\ of the act, that about which something is said, is, as we have seen above, the /subject\. /That to which something is done\ is the /direct object\ of the verb. _The boy hit the ball_ is therefore analyzed as follows: SUBJECT PREDICATE /-----------\ _The boy_ _hit the ball_ (verb) (direct object) _a._ A verb whose action passes over to the object directly, as in the sentence above, is called a /transitive verb\. A verb which does not admit of a direct object is called /intransitive\, as, _I walk_, _he comes_. _21._ The Copula. The verb _to be_ in its different forms--_are_, _is_, _was_, etc.--does not tell us anything about the subject; neither does it govern an object. It simply connects the subject with the word or words in the predicate that possess a distinct meaning. Hence it is called the /copula\, that is, _the joiner_ or _link_. _22._ In the following sentences pronounce the Latin and name the _nouns, verbs, subjects, objects, predicates, copulas_: 1. America est patria mea _America is fatherland my_ 2. Agricola filiam amat _(The) farmer (his) daughter loves_ 3. Filia est Iulia _(His) daughter is Julia_ 4. Iulia et agricola sunt in insula _Julia and (the) farmer are on (the) island_ 5. Iulia aquam portat _Julia water carries_ 6. Rosam in comis habet _(A) rose in (her) hair (she) has_ 7. Iulia est puella pulchra _Julia is (a) girl pretty_ 8. Domina filiam pulchram habet _(The) lady (a) daughter beautiful has_ _a._ The sentences above show that Latin does not express some words which are necessary in English. First of all, _Latin has no article /the\ or /a\_; thus _agricola_ may mean _the farmer, a farmer_, or simply _farmer_. Then, too, the personal pronouns, _I, you, he, she_, etc., and the possessive pronouns, _my, your, his, her_, etc., are not expressed if the meaning of the sentence is clear without them. LESSON II FIRST PRINCIPLES (_Continued_) _23._ Inflection. Words may change their forms to indicate some change in sense or use, as, _is, are_; _was, were; who, whose, whom; farmer, farmer's; woman, women_. This is called /inflection\. The inflection of a noun, adjective, or pronoun is called its /declension\, that of a verb its /conjugation\. _24._ Number. Latin, like English, has two numbers, singular and plural. In English we usually form the plural by adding _-s_ or _-es_ to the singular. So Latin changes the singular to the plural by changing the ending of the word. Compare Naut-a pugnat _The sailor fights_ Naut-ae pugnant _The sailors fight_ _25._ RULE. _Nouns that end in -a in the singular end in -ae in the plural_. _26._ Learn the following nouns so that you can give the English for the Latin or the Latin for the English. Write the plural of each. agri'cola, _farmer_ (agriculture)[1] aqua, _water_ (aquarium) causa, _cause, reason_ do'mina, _lady of the house, mistress_ (dominate) filia, _daughter_ (filial) fortu'na, _fortune_ fuga, _flight_ (fugitive) iniu'ria, _wrong, injury_ luna, _moon_ (lunar) nauta, _sailor_ (nautical) puel'la, _girl_ silva, forest (silvan) terra, _land_ (terrace) [Footnote 1: The words in parentheses are English words related to the Latin. When the words are practically identical, as /causa\, _cause_, no comparison is needed.] _27._ Compare again the sentences Nauta pugna-t _The sailor fights_ Nautae pugna-nt _The sailors fight_ In the first sentence the verb /pugna-t\ is in the third person singular, in the second sentence /pugna-nt\ is in the third person plural. _28._ RULE. Agreement of Verb. _A finite verb must always be in the same person and number as its subject._ _29._ RULE. _In the conjugation of the Latin verb the third person singular active ends in -t, the third person plural in -nt. The endings which show the person and number of the verb are called /personal endings\._ _30._ Learn the following verbs and write the plural of each. The personal pronouns _he_, _she_, _it_, etc., which are necessary in the inflection of the English verb, are not needed in the Latin, because the personal endings take their place. Of course, if the verb's subject is expressed we do not translate the personal ending by a pronoun; thus /nauta pugnat\ is translated _the sailor fights_, not _the sailor he fights_. ama-t _he (she, it) loves, is loving, does love_ (amity, amiable) labo:'ra-t " " " _labors, is laboring, does labor_ nu:ntia-t[2] " " " _announces, is announcing, does announce_ porta-t " " " _carries, is carrying, does carry_ (porter) pugna-t " " " _fights, is fighting, does fight_ (pugnacious) [Footnote 2: The _u_ in /nu:ntio:\ is long by exception. (Cf. Sec. 12.2.)] _31._ EXERCISES I. 1. The daughter loves, the daughters love. 2. The sailor is carrying, the sailors carry. 3. The farmer does labor, the farmers labor. 4. The girl is announcing, the girls do announce. 5. The ladies are carrying, the lady carries. II. 1. Nauta pugnat, nautae pugnant. 2. Puella amat, puellae amant. 3. Agricola portat, agricolae portant. 4. Filia laborat, filiae laborant. 5. Nauta nuntiat, nautae nuntiant. 6. Dominae amant, domina amat. [Illustration: DOMINA] LESSON III FIRST PRINCIPLES (_Continued_) _32._ Declension of Nouns. We learned above (Secs. 19, 20) the difference between the subject and object, and that in English they may be distinguished by the order of the words. Sometimes, however, the order is such that we are left in doubt. For example, the sentence _The lady her daughter loves_ might mean either that the lady loves her daughter, or that the daughter loves the lady. 1. If the sentence were in Latin, no doubt could arise, because the subject and the object are distinguished, not by the order of the words, but by the endings of the words themselves. Compare the following sentences: Domina filiam amat Filiam domina amat Amat filiam domina Domina amat filiam _The lady loves her daughter_ Filia dominam amat Dominam filia amat Amat dominam filia Filia amat dominam _The daughter loves the lady_ _a._ Observe that in each case the subject of the sentence ends in -a and the object in -am. The _form_ of the noun shows how it is used in the sentence, and the order of the words has no effect on the essential meaning. 2. As stated above (Sec. 23), this change of ending is called /declension\, and each different ending produces what is called a /case\. When we decline a noun, we give all its different cases, or changes of endings. In English we have three cases,--nominative, possessive, and objective; but, in nouns, the nominative and objective have the same form, and only the possessive case shows a change of ending, by adding _'s_ or the apostrophe. The interrogative pronoun, however, has the fuller declension, _who?_ _whose?_ _whom?_ _33._ The following table shows a comparison between English and Latin declension forms, and should be thoroughly memorized: ENGLISH CASES LATIN CASES +---+-------------+--------------+------------------+----------------+ | | Declension | Name of case | Declension of | Name of case | | | of _who?_ | and use | /domina\ | and use | | | | | and translation | | +---+-------------+--------------+------------------+----------------+ | | Who? | Nominative-- | do'min-a | Nominative-- | | S | | case of the | _the lady_ | case of the | | I | | subject | | subject | | N | | | | | | G | Whose? | Possessive-- | domin-ae | Genitive-- | | U | | case of the | _the lady's_ | case of the | | L | | possessor | _of the lady_ | possessor | | A | | | | | | R | Whom? | Objective-- | domin-am | Accusative-- | | | | case of the | _the lady_ | case of the | | | | object | | direct object | +---+-------------+--------------+------------------+----------------+ | | Who? | Nominative-- | domin-ae | Nominative-- | | | | case of the | _the ladies_ | case of the | | P | | subject | | subject | | L | | | | | | U | Whose? | Possessive-- | domin-a:'rum | Genitive-- | | R | | case of the | _the ladies'_ | case of the | | A | | possessor | _of the ladies_ | possessor | | L | | | | | | | Whom? | Objective-- | domin-a:s | Accusative-- | | | | case of the | _the ladies_ | case of the | | | | object | | direct object | +---+-------------+--------------+------------------+----------------+ When the nominative singular of a noun ends in -a, observe that _a._ The nominative plural ends in -ae. _b._ The genitive singular ends in -ae and the genitive plural in -a:rum. _c._ The accusative singular ends in -am and the accusative plural in -a:s. _d._ The genitive singular and the nominative plural have the same ending. _34._ EXERCISE Pronounce the following words and give their general meaning. Then give the number and case, and the use of each form. Where the same form stands for more than one case, give all the possible cases and uses. 1. Silva, silvas, silvam. 2. Fugam, fugae, fuga. 3. Terrarum, terrae, terras. 4. Aquas, causam, lunas. 5. Filiae, fortunae, lunae. 6. Iniurias, agricolarum, aquarum. 7. Iniuriarum, agricolae, puellas. 8. Nautam, agricolas, nautas. 9. Agricolam, puellam, silvarum. LESSON IV FIRST PRINCIPLES (_Continued_) [Special Vocabulary] [See Transcriber's Note at beginning of text.] NOUNS /dea\, _goddess_ (deity) Dia:'na, _Diana_ /fera\, _a wild beast_ (fierce) La:to:'na, _Latona_ /sagit'ta\, _arrow_ VERBS /est\, _he (she, it) is_; /sunt\, _they are_ /necat\, _he (she, it) kills, is killing, does kill_ CONJUNCTION[A] /et\, _and_ PRONOUNS /quis\, interrog. pronoun, nom. sing., _who?_ /cuius\ (pronounced _c[oo]i'y[oo]s_, two syllables), interrog. pronoun, gen. sing., _whose?_ [Footnote A: A _conjunction_ is a word which connects words, parts of sentences, or sentences.] _35._ We learned from the table (Sec. 33) that the Latin nominative, genitive, and accusative correspond, in general, to the nominative, possessive, and objective in English, and that they are used in the same way. This will be made even clearer by the following sentence: Filia agricolae nautam amat, _the farmer's daughter_ (or _the daughter of the farmer_) _loves the sailor_ What is the subject? the direct object? What case is used for the subject? for the direct object? What word denotes the possessor? In what case is it? _36._ RULE. Nominative Subject. _The subject of a finite verb is in the Nominative and answers the question Who? or What?_ _37._ RULE. Accusative Object. _The direct object of a transitive verb is in the Accusative and answers the question Whom? or What?_ _38._ RULE. Genitive of the Possessor. _The word denoting the owner or possessor of something is in the Genitive and answers the question Whose?_ [Illustration: DIANA SAGITTAS PORTAT ET FERAS NECAT] _39._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 283. I. 1. Diana est dea. 2. Latona est dea. 3. Diana et Latona sunt deae. 4. Diana est dea lunae. 5. Diana est filia Latonae. 6. Latona Dianam amat. 7. Diana est dea silvarum. 8. Diana silvam amat. 9. Diana sagittas portat. 10. Diana feras silvae necat. 11. Ferae terrarum pugnant. For the order of words imitate the Latin above. II. 1. The daughter of Latona does love the forests. 2. Latona's daughter carries arrows. 3. The farmers' daughters do labor. 4. The farmer's daughter loves the waters of the forest. 5. The sailor is announcing the girls' flight. 6. The girls announce the sailors' wrongs. 7. The farmer's daughter labors. 8. Diana's arrows are killing the wild beasts of the land. _40._ CONVERSATION Translate the questions and answer them in Latin. The answers may be found in the exercises preceding. 1. Quis est Diana? 2. Cuius filia est Diana? 3. Quis Dianam amat? 4. Quis silvam amat? 5. Quis sagittas portat? 6. Cuius filiae laborant? LESSON V FIRST PRINCIPLES (_Continued_) [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /coro:'na\, _wreath, garland, crown_ fa:'bula, _story_ (fable) /pecu:'nia\, _money_ (pecuniary) /pugna\, _battle_ (pugnacious) /victo:'ria\, _victory_ VERBS /dat\, _he (she, it) gives_ na:rrat, _he (she, it) tells_ (narrate) CONJUNCTION[A] /quia\ or /quod\, _because_ /cui\ (pronounced _c[oo]i_, one syllable), interrog. pronoun, dat. sing., _to whom?_ _for whom?_ [Footnote A: A _conjunction_ is a word which connects words, parts of sentences, or sentences.] _41._ The Dative Case. In addition to the relationships between words expressed by the nominative, genitive (possessive), and accusative (objective) cases, there are other relationships, to express which in English we use such words as _from_, _with_, _by_, _to_, _for_, _in_, _at_.[1] [Footnote 1: Words like _to_, _for_, _by_, _from_, _in_, etc., which define the relationship between words, are called /prepositions\.] Latin, too, makes frequent use of such prepositions; but often it expresses these relations without them by means of case forms which English does not possess. One of the cases found in the Latin declension and lacking in English is called the _dative_. _42._ When the nominative singular ends in -a, the dative singular ends in -ae and the dative plural in -i:s. NOTE. Observe that the _genitive singular_, the _dative singular_, and the _nominative plural_ all have the same ending, -ae; but the uses of the three cases are entirely different. The general meaning of the sentence usually makes clear which case is intended. _a._ Form the dative singular and plural of the following nouns: /fuga\, /causa\, /fortuna\, /terra\, /aqua\, /puella\, /agricola\, /nauta\, /domina\. _43._ The Dative Relation. The dative case is used to express the relations conveyed in English by the prepositions _to_, _towards_, _for_. These prepositions are often used in English in expressions of motion, such as _She went to town_, _He ran towards the horse_, _Columbus sailed for America_. In such cases the dative is not used in Latin, as _motion through space_ is foreign to the dative relation. But the dative is used to denote that _to_ or _towards which_ a benefit, injury, purpose, feeling, or quality is directed, or that _for which_ something serves or exists. _a._ What dative relations do you discover in the following? The teacher gave a prize to John because he replied so promptly to all her questions--a good example for the rest of us. It is a pleasure to us to hear him recite. Latin is easy for him, but it is very hard for me. Some are fitted for one thing and others for another. _44._ The Indirect Object. Examine the sentence Nauta fugam nuntiat, _the sailor announces the flight_ Here the verb, /nuntiat\, governs the direct object, /fugam\, in the accusative case. If, however, we wish to mention the persons /to whom\ the sailor announces the flight, as, _The sailor announces the flight /to the farmers\_, the verb will have two objects: 1. Its direct object, _flight_ (fugam) 2. Its indirect object, _farmers_ According to the preceding section, _to the farmers_ is a relation covered by the dative case, and we are prepared for the following rule: _45._ RULE. Dative Indirect Object. _The indirect object of a verb is in the Dative._ _a._ The indirect object usually stands before the direct object. _46._ We may now complete the translation of the sentence _The sailor announces the flight to the farmers_, and we have Nauta agricolis fugam nuntiat _47._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 283. _Point out the direct and indirect objects and the genitive of the possessor._ I. 1. Quis nautis pecuniam dat? 2. Filiae agricolae nautis pecuniam dant. 3. Quis fortunam pugnae nuntiat? 4. Galba agricolis fortunam pugnae nuntiat. 5. Cui domina fabulam narrat? 6. Filiae agricolae domina fabulam narrat. 7. Quis Dianae coronam dat? 8. Puella Dianae coronam dat quia Dianam amat. 9. Dea lunae sagittas portat et feras silvarum necat. 10. Cuius victoriam Galba nuntiat? 11. Nautae victoriam Galba nuntiat. Imitate the word order of the preceding exercise. II. 1. To whom do the girls give a wreath? 2. The girls give a wreath to Julia, because Julia loves wreaths. 3. The sailors tell the ladies[2] a story, because the ladies love stories. 4. The farmer gives his (Sec. 22.a) daughter water. 5. Galba announces the cause of the battle to the sailor. 6. The goddess of the moon loves the waters of the forest. 7. Whose wreath is Latona carrying? Diana's. [Footnote 2: Observe that in English the indirect object often stands without a preposition _to_ to mark it, especially when it precedes the direct object.] LESSON VI FIRST PRINCIPLES (_Continued_) [Special Vocabulary] ADJECTIVES /bona\, _good_ /gra:ta\, _pleasing_ /magna\, _large, great_ /mala\, _bad, wicked_ /parva\, _small, little_ /pulchra\, _beautiful, pretty_ /so:la\, _alone_ NOUNS ancil'la, _maidservant_ Iu:lia, _Julia_ ADVERBS[A] /cu:r\, _why_ /no:n\, _not_ PRONOUNS /mea\, _my_; /tua\, _thy, your_ (possesives) /quid\, interrog. pronoun, nom. and acc. sing., _what?_ /-ne\, the question sign, an enclitic (Sec. 16) added to the first word, which, in a question, is usually the verb, as /amat\, _he loves_, but /amat'ne\? _does he love?_ /est\, _he is_; /estne\? _is he?_ Of course /-ne\ is not used when the sentence contains /quis\, /cu:r\, or some other interrogative word. [Footnote A: An _adverb_ is a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; as, She sings _sweetly_; she is _very_ talented; she began to sing _very early_.] _48._ The Ablative Case. Another case, lacking in English but found in the fuller Latin declension, is the _ab'la-tive._ _49._ When the nominative singular ends in -a, the ablative singular ends in -a: and the ablative plural in -i:s. _a._ Observe that the final -a of the nominative is short, while the final -a: of the ablative is long, as, Nom. filia Abl. filia: _b._ Observe that the ablative plural is like the dative plural. _c._ Form the ablative singular and plural of the following nouns: /fuga\, /causa\, /fortuna\, /terra\, /aqua\, /puella\, /agricola\, /nauta\, /domina\. _50._ The Ablative Relation. The ablative case is used to express the relations conveyed in English by the prepositions _from_, _with_, _by_, _at_, _in_. It denotes 1. That from which something is separated, from which it starts, or of which it is deprived--generally translated by _from_. 2. That with which something is associated or by means of which it is done--translated by _with_ or _by_. 3. The place where or the time when something happens--translated by _in_ or _at_. _a._ What ablative relations do you discover in the following? In our class there are twenty boys and girls. Daily at eight o'clock they come from home with their books, and while they are at school they read with ease the books written by the Romans. By patience and perseverance all things in this world can be overcome. _51._ Prepositions. While, as stated above (Sec. 41), many relations expressed in English by prepositions are in Latin expressed by case forms, still prepositions are of frequent occurrence, but only with the accusative or ablative. _52._ RULE. Object of a Preposition. _A noun governed by a preposition must be in the Accusative or Ablative case._ _53._ Prepositions denoting the ablative relations _from, with, in, on_, are naturally followed by the ablative case. Among these are a:[1] or ab, _from, away from_ de:, _from, down from_ e:[1] or ex, _from, out from, out of_ cum, _with_ in, _in, on_ [Footnote 1: /a:\ and /e:\ are used only before words beginning with a consonant; /ab\ and /ex\ are used before either vowels or consonants.] 1. _Translate into Latin, using prepositions._ In the water, on the land, down from the forest, with the fortune, out of the forests, from the victory, out of the waters, with the sailors, down from the moon. _54._ Adjectives. Examine the sentence Puella parva bonam deam amat, _the little girl loves the good goddess_ In this sentence /parva\ (_little_) and /bonam\ (_good_) are not nouns, but are descriptive words expressing quality. Such words are called _adjectives_,[2] and they are said to belong to the noun which they describe. [Footnote 2: _Pick out the adjectives in the following:_ "When I was a little boy, I remember that one cold winter's morning I was accosted by a smiling man with an ax on his shoulder. 'My pretty boy,' said he, 'has your father a grindstone?' 'Yes, sir,' said I. 'You are a fine little fellow,' said he. 'Will you let me grind my ax on it?'"] You can tell by its ending to which noun an adjective belongs. The ending of /parva\ shows that it belongs to /puella\, and the ending of /bonam\ that it belongs to /deam\. Words that belong together are said to agree, and the belonging-together is called _agreement_. Observe that _the adjective and its noun agree in number and case_. _55._ Examine the sentences Puella est parva, _the girl is little_ Puella parva bonam deam amat, _the little girl loves the good goddess_ In the first sentence the adjective /parva\ is separated from its noun by the verb and stands in the predicate. It is therefore called a _predicate adjective_. In the second sentence the adjectives /parva\ and /bonam\ are closely attached to the nouns /puella\ and /deam\ respectively, and are called _attributive adjectives._ _a._ Pick out the attributive and the predicate adjectives in the following: Do you think Latin is hard? Hard studies make strong brains. Lazy students dislike hard studies. We are not lazy. _56._ DIALOGUE JULIA AND GALBA First learn the special vocabulary, p. 283. I. Quis, Galba, est Diana? G. Diana, Iulia, est pulchra dea lunae et silvarum. I. Cuius filia, Galba, est Diana? G. Latonae filia, Iulia, est Diana. I. Quid Diana portat? G. Sagittas Diana portat. I. Cur Diana sagittas portat? G. Diana sagittas portat, Iulia, quod malas feras silvae magnae necat. I. Amatne Latona filiam? G. Amat, et filia Latonam amat. I. Quid filia tua parva portat? G. Coronas pulchras filia mea parva portat. I. Cui filia tua coronas pulchras dat? G. Dianae coronas dat. I. Quis est cum filia tua? Estne sola? G. Sola non est; filia mea parva est cum ancilla mea. _a._ When a person is called or addressed, the case used is called the _voc'ative_ (Latin _vocare_, "to call"). _In form the vocative is regularly like the nominative_. In English the name of the person addressed usually stands first in the sentence. _The Latin vocative rarely stands first_. Point out five examples of the vocative in this dialogue. _b._ Observe that questions answered by _yes_ or _no_ in English are answered in Latin by repeating the verb. Thus, if you wished to answer in Latin the question _Is the sailor fighting?_ /Pugnatne nauta?\ you would say /Pugnat\, _he is fighting_, or /Non pugnat\, _he is not fighting._ LESSON VII THE FIRST OR _A:_-DECLENSION [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /casa, -ae\, f., _cottage_ ce:na, -ae, f., _dinner_ /galli:'na, -ae\, f., _hen, chicken_ /i:n'sula, ae\, f., _island_ (pen-insula) ADVERBS /de-in'de\, _then, in the next place_ /ubi\, _where_ PREPOSITION /ad\, _to_, with acc. to express motion toward PRONOUN /quem\, interrog. pronoun, acc. sing., _whom?_ VERBS ha'bitat, _he (she, it) lives, is living, does live_ (inhabit) /laudat\, _he (she, it) praises, is praising, does praise_ (laud) /parat\, _he (she, it) prepares, is preparing, does prepare_ /vocat\, _he (she, it) calls, is calling, does call; invites, is inviting, does invite_ (vocation) _57._ In the preceding lessons we have now gone over all the cases, singular and plural, of nouns whose nominative singular ends in -a. All Latin nouns whose nominative singular ends in -a belong to the First Declension. It is also called the _A_-Declension because of the prominent part which the vowel /a\ plays in the formation of the cases. We have also learned what relations are expressed by each case. These results are summarized in the following table: +-------+----------------+-------------------+-------------------------+ | CASE | NOUN | TRANSLATION | USE AND GENERAL MEANING | | | | | OF EACH CASE | +-------+----------------+-------------------+-------------------------+ | | | SINGULAR | | +-------+----------------+-------------------+-------------------------+ | Nom. | do'min-a | _the lady_ | The subject | | | | | | | Gen. | domin-ae | _of the lady_, | The possessor | | | | or _the lady's_ | of something | | | | | | | Dat. | domin-ae | _to_ or _for | Expressing the relation | | | | the lady_ | _to_ or _for_, | | | | | especially the | | | | | indirect object | | | | | | | Acc. | domin-am | _the lady_ | The direct object | | | | | | | Abl. | domin-a: | _from, with, by, | Separation (_from_), | | | | in, the lady_ | association or means | | | | | (_with, by_), place | | | | | where or time when | | | | | (_in, at_) | +-------+----------------+-------------------+-------------------------+ | | | PLURAL | | +-------+----------------+-------------------+-------------------------+ | Nom. | domin-ae | _the ladies_ | | | | | | | | Gen. | domin-a:'rum | _of the ladies_, | | | | | or _the ladies'_ | | | | | | | | Dat. | domin-i:s | _to_ or _for | The same as | | | | the ladies_ | the singular | | | | | | | Acc. | domin-a:s | _the ladies_ | | | | | | | | Abl. | domin-i:s | _from, with, by_, | | | | | _in, the ladies_ | | +-------+----------------+-------------------+-------------------------+ _58._ The Base. That part of a word which remains unchanged in inflection and to which the terminations are added is called the base. Thus, in the declension above, domin- is the base and -a is the termination of the nominative singular. _59._ Write the declension of the following nouns, separating the base from the termination by a hyphen. Also give them orally. /pugna\, /terra\, /luna\, /ancil'la\, /coro'na\, /in'sula\, /silva\ _60._ Gender. In English, names of living beings are either masculine or feminine, and names of things without life are neuter. This is called /natural gender\. Yet in English there are some names of things to which we refer as if they were feminine; as, "Have you seen my yacht? _She_ is a beauty." And there are some names of living beings to which we refer as if they were neuter; as, "Is the baby here? No, the nurse has taken _it_ home." Some words, then, have a gender quite apart from sex or real gender, and this is called /grammatical gender\. Latin, like English, has three genders. Names of males are usually masculine and of females feminine, but _names of things have grammatical gender and may be either masculine, feminine, or neuter_. Thus we have in Latin the three words, /lapis\, _a stone_; /rupes\, _a cliff_; and /saxum\, _a rock_. /Lapis\ is _masculine_, /rupes\ _feminine_, and /saxum\ _neuter_. The gender can usually be determined by the ending of the word, and _must always be learned_, for without knowing the gender it is impossible to write correct Latin. _61._ Gender of First-Declension Nouns. Nouns of the first declension are feminine unless they denote males. Thus /silva\ is feminine, but /nauta\, _sailor_, and /agricola\, _farmer_, are masculine. _62._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 284. I. 1. Agricola cum filia in casa habitat. 2. Bona filia agricolae cenam parat. 3. Cena est grata agricolae[1] et agricola bonam filiam laudat. 4. Deinde filia agricolae gallinas ad cenam vocat. 5. Gallinae filiam agricolae amant. 6. Malae filiae bonas cenas non parant. 7. Filia agricolae est grata dominae. 8. Domina in insula magna habitat. 9. Domina bonae puellae parvae pecuniam dat. II. 1. Where does the farmer live? 2. The farmer lives in the small cottage. 3. Who lives with the farmer? 4. (His) little daughter lives with the farmer. 5. (His) daughter is getting (parat) a good dinner for the farmer. 6. The farmer praises the good dinner. 7. The daughter's good dinner is pleasing to the farmer. [Footnote 1: Note that the relation expressed by the dative case covers that _to which a feeling is directed._ (Cf. Sec. 43.)] [Illustration] What Latin words are suggested by this picture? _63._ CONVERSATION Answer the questions in Latin. 1. Quis cum agricola in casa habitat? 2. Quid bona filia agricolae parat? 3. Quem agricola laudat? 4. Vocatne filia agricolae gallinas ad cenam? 5. Cuius filia est grata dominae? 6. Cui domina pecuniam dat? LESSON VIII FIRST DECLENSION (_Continued_) [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /Italia, -ae\, f., _Italy_ Sicilia, -ae, f., _Sicily_ /tuba, -ae\, f., _trumpet_ (tube) /via, -ae\, f., _way, road, street_ (viaduct) ADJECTIVES /alta\, _high, deep_ (altitude) /cla:ra\, _clear, bright; famous_ /la:ta\, _wide_ (latitude) /longa\, _long_ (longitude) /nova\, _new_ (novelty) _64._ We have for some time now been using adjectives and nouns together and you have noticed an agreement between them in _case_ and in _number_ (Sec. 54). They agree also in _gender_. In the phrase /silva magna\, we have a feminine adjective in -a agreeing with a feminine noun in -a. _65._ RULE. Agreement of Adjectives. _Adjectives agree with their nouns in gender, number, and case._ _66._ Feminine adjectives in -a are declined like feminine nouns in -a, and you should learn to decline them together as follows: NOUN ADJECTIVE domina (BASE domin-), bona (BASE bon-), f., _lady_ _good_ SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. do'mina bona -a Gen. dominae bonae -ae Dat. dominae bonae -ae Acc. dominam bonam -am Abl. domina: bona: -a: PLURAL Nom. dominae bonae -ae Gen. domina:'rum bona:'rum -a:rum Dat. domini:s boni:s -i:s Acc. domina:s bona:s -a:s Abl. domini:s boni:s -i:s _a._ In the same way decline together /puella mala\, _the bad girl_; /ancil'la parva\, _the little maid_; /fortu'na magna\, _great fortune._ _67._ The words /dea\, _goddess_, and /filia\, _daughter_, take the ending -a:bus instead of -i:s in the _dative and ablative plural._ Note the _dative and ablative plural_ in the following declension: dea bona (BASES de- bon-) SINGULAR PLURAL Nom. dea bona deae bonae Gen. deae bonae dea:'rum bona:'rum Dat. deae bonae dea:'bus boni:s Acc. deam bonam dea:s bona:s Abl. dea: bona: dea'bus boni:s _a._ In the same way decline together /filia parva\. _68._ Latin Word Order. The order of words in English and in Latin sentences is not the same. In English we arrange words in a fairly fixed order. Thus, in the sentence _My daughter is getting dinner for the farmers_, we cannot alter the order of the words without spoiling the sentence. We can, however, throw emphasis on different words by speaking them with more force. Try the effect of reading the sentence by putting special force on _my, daughter, dinner, farmers_. In Latin, where the office of the word in the sentence is shown by its _ending_ (cf. Sec. 32.1), and not by its _position_, the order of words is more free, and position is used to secure the same effect that in English is secured by emphasis of voice. To a limited extent we can alter the order of words in English, too, for the same purpose. Compare the sentences _I saw a game of football at Chicago last November_ (normal order) _/Last November\ I saw a game of football at Chicago_ _At Chicago, last November, I saw a game of /football\_ 1. In a Latin sentence the most emphatic place is the _first_; next in importance is the _last_; the weakest point is the _middle_. Generally the _subject_ is the most important word, and is placed _first_; usually the _verb_ is the next in importance, and is placed _last_. The other words of the sentence stand between these two in the order of their importance. Hence the normal order of words--that is, where no unusual emphasis is expressed--is as follows: _subject_--_modifiers of the subject_--_indirect object_-- _direct object_--_adverb_--_verb_ Changes from the normal order are frequent, and are due to the desire for throwing emphasis upon some word or phrase. _Notice the order of the Latin words when you are translating, and imitate it when you are turning English into Latin._ 2. Possessive pronouns and modifying genitives normally stand after their nouns. When placed before their nouns they are emphatic, as filia mea, _my daughter_; mea filia, _/my\ daughter_; casa Galbae, _Galba's cottage_; Galbae casa, _/Galba's\ cottage_. Notice the variety of emphasis produced by writing the following sentence in different ways: Filia mea agricolis cenam parat (normal order) Mea filia agricolis parat cenam (/mea\ and /cenam\ emphatic) Agricolis filia mea cenam parat (/agricolis\ emphatic) 3. An adjective placed before its noun is more emphatic than when it follows. When great emphasis is desired, the adjective is separated from its noun by other words. Filia mea casam parvam non amat (/parvam\ not emphatic) Filia mea parvam casam non amat (/parvam\ more emphatic) Parvam filia mea casam non amat (/parvam\ very emphatic) 4. Interrogative words usually stand first, the same as in English. 5. The copula (as /est\, /sunt\) is of so little importance that it frequently does not stand last, but may be placed wherever it sounds well. _69._ EXERCISE First learn the special vocabulary, p. 284. _Note the order of the words in these sentences and pick out those that are emphatic._ 1. Longae non sunt tuae viae. 2. Suntne tubae novae in mea casa? Non sunt. 3. Quis lata in silva habitat? Diana, lunae clarae pulchra dea, lata in silva habitat. 4. Nautae altas et latas amant aquas. 5. Quid ancilla tua portat? Ancilla mea tubam novam portat. 6. Ubi sunt Lesbia et Iulia? In tua casa est Lesbia et Iulia est in mea. 7. Estne Italia lata terra? Longa est Italia, non lata. 8. Cui Galba agricola fabulam novam narrat? Filiabus dominae clarae fabulam novam narrat. 9. Clara est insula Sicilia. 10. Quem laudat Latona? Latona laudat filiam. * * * * * First Review of Vocabulary and Grammar, Secs. 502-505 * * * * * LESSON IX THE SECOND OR _O_-DECLENSION [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /bellum, -i:\, n., _war_ (re-bel) /co:nstantia, -ae\, f., _firmness, constancy, steadiness_ dominus, -i:, m., _master, lord_ (dominate) /equus, -i:\, m., _horse_ (equine) /fru:mentum, -i:\, n., _grain_ /le:ga:tus, -i:\, m., _lieutenant, ambassador_ (legate) /Ma:rcus, -i:\, m., _Marcus, Mark_ /mu:rus, -i:\, m., _wall_ (mural) /oppida:nus, -i:\, m., _townsman_ /oppidum, -i:\, n., _town_ /pi:lum, -i:\, n., _spear_ (pile driver) /servus, -i:\, m., _slave, servant_ Sextus, -i:, m., _Sextus_ VERBS /cu:rat\, _he (she, it) cares for_, with acc. /properat\, _he (she, it) hastens_ _70._ Latin nouns are divided into five declensions. The declension to which a noun belongs is shown by the ending of the genitive singular. This should always be learned along with the nominative and the gender. _71._ The nominative singular of nouns of the Second or _O_-Declension ends in -us, -er, -ir, or -um. The genitive singular ends in -i:. _72._ Gender. Nouns in -um are neuter. The others are regularly masculine. _73._ Declension of nouns in -_us_ and -_um_. Masculines in -us and neuters in -um are declined as follows: dominus (BASE domin-), pi:lum (BASE pi:l-), m., _master_ n., _spear_ TERMINATIONS TERMINATIONS SINGULAR Nom. do'minus[1] -us pi:lum -um Gen. domini: -i: pi:li: -i: Dat. domino: -o: pi:lo: -o: Acc. dominum -um pi:lum -um Abl. domino: -o: pi:lo: -o: Voc. domine -e pi:lum -um PLURAL Nom. domini: -i: pi:la -a Gen. domino:'rum -o:rum pi:lo:'rum -o:rum Dat. domini:s -i:s pi:li:s -i:s Acc. domino:s -o:s pi:la -a Abl. domini:s -i:s pi:li:s -i:s [Footnote 1: Compare the declension of /domina\ and of /dominus\.] _a._ Observe that the masculines and the neuters have the same terminations excepting in the nominative singular and the nominative and accusative plural. _b._ The vocative singular of words of the second declension in -us ends in -e, as /domine\, _O master_; /serve\, _O slave_. This is the most important exception to the rule in Sec. 56.a. _74._ Write side by side the declension of /domina\, /dominus\, and /pilum\. A comparison of the forms will lead to the following rules, which are of great importance because they apply to all five declensions: _a._ The vocative, with a single exception (see Sec. 73.b), is like the nominative. That is, the vocative singular is like the nominative singular, and the vocative plural is like the nominative plural. _b._ The nominative, accusative, and vocative of neuter nouns are alike, and in the plural end in -a. _c._ The accusative singular of masculines and feminines ends in -m and the accusative plural in -s. _d._ The dative and ablative plural are always alike. _e._ Final -i and -o are always _long_; final -a is _short_, except in the ablative singular of the first declension. _75._ Observe the sentences Lesbia est bona, _Lesbia is good_ Lesbia est ancilla, _Lesbia is a maidservant_ We have learned (Sec. 55) that /bona\, when used, as here, in the predicate to describe the subject, is called a _predicate adjective_. Similarly a _noun_, as /ancilla\, used in the _predicate_ to define the subject is called a /predicate noun\. _76._ RULE. Predicate Noun. _A predicate noun agrees in case with the subject of the verb._ [Illustration: PILA] _77._ DIALOGUE GALBA AND MARCUS First learn the special vocabulary, p. 285. G. Quis, Marce, est legatus cum pilo et tuba? M. Legatus, Galba, est Sextus. G. Ubi Sextus habitat?[2] M. In oppido Sextus cum filiabus habitat. G. Amantne oppidani Sextum? M. Amant oppidani Sextum et laudant, quod magna cum constantia pugnat. G. Ubi, Marce, est ancilla tua? Cur non cenam parat? M. Ancilla mea, Galba, equo legati aquam et frumentum dat. G. Cur non servus Sexti equum domini curat? M. Sextus et servus ad murum oppidi properant. Oppidani bellum parant.[3] [Footnote 2: /habitat\ is here translated _does live_. Note the _three_ possible translations of the Latin present tense: /habitat\ _he lives_ _he is living_ _he does live_ Always choose the translation which makes the best sense.] [Footnote 3: Observe that the verb /paro\ means not only _to prepare_ but also _to prepare for_, and governs the accusative case.] [Illustration: LEGATUS CUM PILO ET TUBA] _78._ CONVERSATION Translate the questions and answer them in Latin. 1. Ubi filiae Sexti habitant? 2. Quem oppidani amant et laudant? 3. Quid ancilla equo legati dat? 4. Cuius equum ancilla curat? 5. Quis ad murum cum Sexto properat? 6. Quid oppidani parant? LESSON X SECOND DECLENSION (_Continued_) [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /ami:cus, -i:\, m., _friend_ (amicable) /Germa:nia, -ae\, f., _Germany_ /patria, -ae\, f., _fatherland_ /populus, -i:\, m., _people_ /Rhe:nus, -i:\, m., _the Rhine_ /vi:cus, -i:\, m., _village_ _79._ We have been freely using feminine adjectives, like /bona\, in agreement with feminine nouns of the first declension and declined like them. _Masculine_ adjectives of this class are declined like /dominus\, and _neuters_ like pilum. The adjective and noun, masculine and neuter, are therefore declined as follows: MASCULINE NOUN AND ADJECTIVE NEUTER NOUN AND ADJECTIVE dominus bonus, _the good master_ pi:lum bonum, _the good spear_ BASES domin- bon- BASES pi:l- bon- TERMINATIONS TERMINATIONS SINGULAR Nom. do'minus bonus -us pi:lum bonum -um Gen. domini: boni: -i: pi:li: boni: -i: Dat. domino: bono: -o: pi:lo: bono: -o: Acc. dominum bonum -um pi:lum bonum -um Abl. domino: bono: -o: pi:lo: bono: -o: Voc. domine bone -e pi:lum bonum -um PLURAL Nom. domini: boni: -i: pi:la bona -a Gen. domino:'rum bono:'rum -o:rum pi:lo:'rum bono:'rum -o:rum Dat. domini:s boni:s -is pi:li:s boni:s -i:s Acc. domino:s bono:s -o:s pi:la bona -a Abl. domini:s boni:s -i:s pi:li:s boni:s -i:s Decline together /bellum longum\, /equus parvus\, /servus malus\, /murus altus\, /frumentum novum\. _80._ Observe the sentences Lesbia ancilla est bona, _Lesbia, the maidservant, is good_ Filia Lesbiae ancillae est bona, _the daughter of Lesbia, the maidservant, is good_ Servus Lesbiam ancillam amat, _the slave loves Lesbia, the maidservant_ In these sentences /ancilla\, /ancillae\, and /ancillam\ denote the class of persons to which _Lesbia_ belongs and explain who she is. Nouns so related that the second is only another name for the first and explains it are said to be in apposition, and are always in the same case. _81._ RULE. Apposition. _An appositive agrees in case with the noun which it explains._ _82._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 285. I. 1. Patria servi boni, vicus servorum bonorum, bone popule. 2. Populus oppidi magni, in oppido magno, in oppidis magnis. 3. Cum pilis longis, ad pila longa, ad muros latos. 4. Legate male, amici legati mali, cena grata domino bono. 5. Frumentum equorum parvorum, domine bone, ad legatos claros. 6. Rhenus est in Germania, patria mea. 7. Sextus legatus pilum longum portat. 8. Oppidani boni Sexto legato clara pecuniam dant. 9. Mali servi equum bonum Marci domini necant. 10. Galba agricola et Iulia filia bona laborant. 11. Marcus nauta in insula Sicilia habitat. II. 1. Wicked slave, who is your friend? Why does he not praise Galba, your master? 2. My friend is from (ex) a village of Germany, my fatherland. 3. My friend does not love the people of Italy. 4. Who is caring for[1] the good horse of Galba, the farmer? 5. Mark, where is Lesbia, the maidservant? 6. She is hastening[1] to the little cottage[2] of Julia, the farmer's daughter. [Footnote 1: See footnote 1, p. 33. Remember that /curat\ is transitive and governs a direct object.] [Footnote 2: Not the dative. (Cf. Sec. 43.)] LESSON XI ADJECTIVES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /arma, armo:rum\, n., plur., _arms_, especially defensive weapons /fa:ma, -ae\, f., _rumor; reputation, fame_ /galea, -ae\, f., _helmet_ /praeda, -ae\, f., _booty, spoils_ (predatory) /te:lum, -i:\, n., _weapon of offense, spear_ ADJECTIVES /du:rus, -a, -um\, _hard, rough; unfeeling, cruel; severe, toilsome_ (durable) /Ro:ma:nus, -a, -um\, _Roman_. As a noun, /Ro:ma:nus, -i:\, m., _a Roman_ _83._ Adjectives of the first and second declensions are declined in the three genders as follows: MASCULINE FEMININE NEUTER SINGULAR Nom. bonus bona bonum Gen. boni: bonae boni: Dat. bono: bonae bono: Acc. bonum bonam bonum Abl. bono: bona: bono: Voc. bone bona bonum PLURAL Nom. boni: bonae bona Gen. bono:rum bona:rum bono:rum Dat. boni:s boni:s boni:s Acc. bono:s bona:s bona Abl. boni:s boni:s boni:s _a._ Write the declension and give it orally _across the page_, thus giving the three genders for each case. _b._ Decline /gratus, -a, -um\; /malus, -a, -um\; /altus, -a, -um\; /parvus, -a, -um\. _84._ Thus far the adjectives have had the same terminations as the nouns. However, the agreement between the adjective and its noun does _not_ mean that they must have the same termination. If the adjective and the noun belong to different declensions, the terminations will, in many cases, not be the same. For example, /nauta\, _sailor_, is masculine and belongs to the first declension. The masculine form of the adjective /bonus\ is of the second declension. Consequently, _a good sailor_ is /nauta bonus\. So, _the wicked farmer_ is /agricola malus\. Learn the following declensions: _85._ nauta bonus (bases naut- bon-), m., _the good sailor_ SINGULAR Nom. nauta bonus Gen. nautae boni: Dat. nautae bono: Acc. nautam bonum Abl. nauta: bono: Voc. nauta bone PLURAL Nom. nautae boni: Gen. nauta:rum bono:rum Dat. nauti:s boni:s Acc. nauta:s bono:s Abl. nauti:s boni:s Voc. nautae boni: _86._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 285. I. 1. Est[1] in vico nauta bonus. 2. Sextus est amicus nautae boni. 3. Sextus nautae bono galeam dat. 4. Populus Romanus nautam bonum laudat. 5. Sextus cum nauta bono praedam portat. 6. Ubi, nauta bone, sunt anna et tela legati Romani? 7. Nautae boni ad bellum properant. 8. Fama nautarum bonorum est clara. 9. Pugnae sunt gratae nautis bonis. 10. Oppidani nautas bonos curant. 11. Cur, nautae boni, mali agricolae ad Rhenum properant? 12. Mali agricolae cum bonis nautis pugnant. II. 1. The wicked farmer is hastening to the village with (his) booty. 2. The reputation of the wicked farmer is not good. 3. Why does Galba's daughter give arms and weapons to the wicked farmer? 4. Lesbia invites the good sailor to dinner. 5. Why is Lesbia with the good sailor hastening from the cottage? 6. Sextus, where is my helmet? 7. The good sailors are hastening to the toilsome battle. 8. The horses of the wicked farmers are small. 9. The Roman people give money to the good sailors. 10. Friends care for the good sailors. 11. Whose friends are fighting with the wicked farmers? [Footnote 1: /Est\, beginning a declarative sentence, _there is._] [Illustration: GALEAE] LESSON XII NOUNS IN _-IUS_ AND _-IUM_ [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /fi:lius, fi:li:\, m., _son_ (filial) fluvius, fluvi:, m., _river_ (fluent) /gladius, gladi:\, m., _sword_ (gladiator) /praesidium, praesi'di:\, n., _garrison, guard, protection_ /proelium, proeli:\, n., _battle_ ADJECTIVES /fi:nitimus, -a, -um\, _bordering upon, neighboring, near to_. As a noun, /fi:nitimi:, -o:rum\, m., plur., _neighbors_ /Germa:nus, -a, -um\, _German_. As a noun, /Germa:nus, -i:\, m., _a German_ /multus, -a, -um\, _much_; plur., _many_ ADVERB /saepe\, _often_ _87._ Nouns of the second declension in -ius and -ium end in -i: in the genitive singular, _not_ in -ii:, and the accent rests on the penult; as, /fi:li:\ from /fi:lius\ (_son_), /praesi'di:\ from /praesi'dium\ (_garrison_). _88._ Proper names of persons in -ius, and /fi:lius\, end in -i: in the vocative singular, _not_ in -e, and the accent rests on the penult; as, /Vergi'li:\, _O Vergil_; /fi:li:\, _O son._ _a._ Observe that in these words the vocative and the genitive are alike. _89._ praesidium (base praesidi-), fi:lius (base fi:li-), n., _garrison_ m., _son_ SINGULAR Nom. praesidium fi:lius Gen. praesi'di: fi:li: Dat. praesidio: fi:lio: Acc. praesidium fi:lium Abl. praesidio: fi:lio: Voc. praesidium fi:li: The plural is regular. Note that the -i- of the base is lost only in the genitive singular, and in the vocative of words like /filius\. Decline together /praesidium parvum\; /filius bonus\; /fluvius longus\, _the long river_; /proelium clarum\, _the famous battle._ _90._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 285. I. 1. Frumentum bonae terrae, gladi mali, belli longi. 2. Constantia magna, praesidia magna, clare Vergili. 3. Male serve, O clarum oppidum, male fili, filii mali, fili mali. 4. Fluvi longi, fluvii longi, fluviorum longorum, fama praesi'di magni. 5. Cum gladiis parvis, cum deabus claris, ad nautas claros. 6. Multorum proeliorum, praedae magnae, ad proelia dura. GERMANIA II. Germania, patria Germanorum, est clara terra. In Germania sunt fluvii multi. Rhenus magnus et latus fluvius Germaniae est. In silvis latis Germaniae sunt ferae multae. Multi Germanii in oppidis magnis et in vicis parvis habitant et multi sunt agricolae boni. Bella Germanorum sunt magna et clara. Populus Germaniae bellum et proelia amat et saepe cum finitimis pugnat. Fluvius Rhenus est finitimus oppidis[1] multis et claris. [Footnote 1: Dative with /finitimus\. (See Sec. 43.)] LESSON XIII SECOND DECLENSION (_Continued_) [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /ager, agri:\, m., _field_ (acre) /co:pia, -ae\, f., _plenty, abundance_ (copious); plur., _troops, forces_ /Corne:lius, Corne:'li:\, m., _Cornelius_ /lo:ri:'ca, -ae\, f., _coat of mail, corselet_ /praemium, praemi:\, n., _reward, prize_ (premium) /puer, pueri:\, m., _boy_ (puerile) /Ro:ma, -ae\, f., _Rome_ /scu:tum, -i:\, n., _shield_ (escutcheon) /vir, viri:\, m., _man, hero_ (virile) ADJECTIVES /legio:na:rius, -a, -um\,[A] _legionary, belonging to the legion_. As a noun, /legio:na:rii:, -o:rum\, m., plur., _legionary soldiers_ /li:ber, li:bera, li:berum\, _free_ (liberty) As a noun. /li:beri:, -o:rum\, m., plur., _children_ (lit. _the freeborn_) /pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum\, _pretty, beautiful_ PREPOSITION /apud\, _among_, with acc. CONJUNCTION /sed\, _but_ [Footnote A: The genitive singular masculine of adjectives in -ius ends in -ii: and the vocative in -ie; not in -i:, as in nouns.] _91._ Declension of Nouns in _-er_ and _-ir_. In early Latin all the masculine nouns of the second declension ended in -os. This -os later became -us in words like /servus\, and was dropped entirely in words with bases ending in -r, like /puer\, _boy_; /ager\, _field_; and /vir\, _man_. These words are therefore declined as follows: _92._ puer, m., _boy_ ager, m., _field_ vir, m., _man_ BASE puer- BASE agr- BASE vir- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. puer ager vir ---- Gen. pueri: agri: viri: -i: Dat. puero: agro: viro: -o: Acc. puerum agrum virum -um Abl. puero: agro: viro: -o: PLURAL Nom. pueri: agri: viri: -i: Gen. puero:rum agro:rum viro:rum -o:rum Dat. pueri:s agri:s viri:s -i:s Acc. puero:s agro:s viro:s -o:s Abl. pueri:s agri:s viri:s -i:s _a._ The vocative case of these words is like the nominative, following the general rule (Sec. 74.a). _b._ The declension differs from that of /servus\ only in the nominative and vocative singular. _c._ Note that in /puer\ the /e\ remains all the way through, while in /ager\ it is present only in the nominative. In /puer\ the /e\ belongs to the base, but in /ager\ (base agr-) it does not, and was inserted in the nominative to make it easier to pronounce. Most words in -er are declined like /ager\. _The genitive shows whether you are to follow_ /puer\ _or_ /ager\. _93._ Masculine adjectives in -er of the second declension are declined like nouns in -er. A few of them are declined like /puer\, but most of them like /ager\. The feminine and neuter nominatives show which form to follow, thus, MASC. FEM. NEUT. liber libera liberum (_free_) is like /puer\ pulcher pulchra pulchrum (_pretty_) is like /ager\ For the full declension in the three genders, see Sec. 469._b._ _c._ _94._ Decline together the words /vir liber\, /terra libera\, /frumentum liberum\, /puer pulcher\, /puella pulchra\, /oppidum pulchrum\ _95._ ITALIA[1] First learn the special vocabulary, p. 286. Magna est Italiae fama, patriae Romanorum, et clara est Roma, domina orbis terrarum.[2] Tiberim,[3] fluvium Romanum, quis non laudat et pulchros fluvio finitimos agros? Altos muros, longa et dura bella, claras victorias quis non laudat? Pulchra est terra Italia. Agri boni agricolis praemia dant magna, et equi agricolarum copiam frumenti ad oppida et vicos portant. In agris populi Romani laborant multi servi. Viae Italiae sunt longae et latae. Finitima Italiae est insula Sicilia. [Footnote 1: In this selection note especially the emphasis as shown by the order of the words.] [Footnote 2: /orbis terrarum\, _of the world_.] [Footnote 3: /Tiberim\, _the Tiber_, accusative case.] _96._ DIALOGUE MARCUS AND CORNELIUS C. Ubi est, Marce, filius tuus? Estne in pulchra terra Italia? M. Non est, Corneli, in Italia. Ad fluvium Rhenum properat cum copiis Romanis quia est[4] fama Novi belli cum Germanis. Liber Germaniae populus Romanos Non amat. C. Estne filius tuus copiarum Romanarum legatus? M. Legatus non est, sed est apud legionarios. C. Quae[5] arma portat[6]? M. Scutum magnum et loricam duram et galeam pulchram portat. C. Quae tela portat? M. Gladium et pilum longum portat. C. Amatne legatus filium tuum? M. Amat, et saepe filio meo praemia pulchra et praedam multam dat. C. Ubi est terra Germanorum? M. Terra Germanorum, Corneli est finitima Rheno, fluvio magno et alto. [Footnote 4: /est\, before its subject, _there is_; so /sunt\, _there are._] [Footnote 5: /Quae\, _what kind of_, an interrogative adjective pronoun.] [Footnote 6: What are the three possible translations of the present tense?] [Illustration: LEGIONARIUS] LESSON XIV THE POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE PRONOUNS [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /auxilium, auxi'li:\, n., _help, aid_ (auxiliary) /castrum, -i:\, n., _fort_ (castle); plur., _camp_ (lit. _forts_) /cibus, -i:\, m., _food_ /co:nsilium, co:nsi'li:\, n., _plan_ (counsel) /di:ligentia, -ae\, f.. _diligence, industry_ magister, magistri:, m., _master, teacher_[A] ADJECTIVES /aeger, aegra, aegrum\, _sick_ /cre:ber, cre:bra, cre:brum\, _frequent_ /miser, misera, miserum\, _wretched, unfortunate_ (miser) [Footnote A: Observe that /dominus\, as distinguished from /magister\, means _master_ in the sense of _owner_.] _97._ Observe the sentences _This is my shield_ _This shield is mine_ In the first sentence _my_ is a possessive adjective; in the second _mine_ is a possessive pronoun, for it takes the place of a noun, _this shield is mine_ being equivalent to _this shield is my shield_. Similarly, in Latin the possessives are sometimes _adjectives_ and sometimes _pronouns_. _98._ The possessives _my, mine, your, yours_, etc. are declined like adjectives of the first and second declensions. SINGULAR _1st Pers._ meus, mea, meum _my, mine_ _2d Pers._ tuus, tua, tuum _your, yours_ _3d Pers._ suus, sua, suum _his (own), her (own), its (own)_ PLURAL _1st Pers._ noster, nostra, nostrum _our, ours_ _2d Pers._ vester, vestra, vestrum _your, yours_ _3d Pers._ suus, sua, suum _their (own), theirs_ NOTE. /Meus\ has the irregular vocative singular masculine /mi:\, as /mi: fi:li:\, _O my son_. _a._ The possessives agree with the name of the _thing possessed_ in gender, number, and case. Compare the English and Latin in _Sextus is calling /his\ boy_ Sextus } suum puerum vocat _Julia is calling /her\ boy_ Iulia } Observe that /suum\ agrees with /puerum\, and is unaffected by the gender of Sextus or Julia. _b._ When _your, yours_, refers to _one_ person, use /tuus\; when to _more than one_, /vester\; as, _Lesbia, your wreaths are pretty_ Coronae tuae, Lesbia, sunt pulchrae _Girls, your wreaths are pretty_ Coronae vestrae, puellae, sunt pulchrae _c._ /Suus\ is a _reflexive_ possessive, that is, it usually stands in the predicate and regularly refers back to the _subject_. Thus, /Vir suos servos vocat\ means _The man calls his (own) slaves._ Here _his_ (suos) refers to _man_ (vir), and could not refer to any one else. _d._ Possessives are used much less frequently than in English, being omitted whenever the meaning is clear without them. (Cf. Sec. 22.a.) This is especially true of /suus, -a, -um\, which, when inserted, is more or less emphatic, like our _his own, her own_, etc. _99._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 286. I. 1. Marcus amico Sexto consilium suum nuntiat 2. Est copia frumenti in agris nostris. 3. Amici mei bonam cenam ancillae vestrae laudant 4. Tua lorica, mi fili, est dura. 5. Scuta nostra et tela, mi amice, in castrls Romanis sunt. 6. Suntne viri patriae tuae liberi? Sunt. 7. Ubi, Corneli, est tua galea pulchra? 8. Mea galea, Sexte, est in casa mea. 9. Pilum longum est tuum, sed gladius est meus. 10. Iulia gallinas suas pulchras amat et gallinae dominam suam amant. 11. Nostra castra sunt vestra. 12. Est copia praedae in castris vestris. 13. Amici tui miseris et aegris cibum et pecuniam saepe dant. II. 1. Our teacher praises Mark's industry. 2. My son Sextus is carrying his booty to the Roman camp.[1] 3. Your good girls are giving aid to the sick and wretched.[2] 4. There are [3] frequent battles in our villages. 5. My son, where is the lieutenant's food? 6. The camp is mine, but the weapons are yours. [Footnote 1: Not the dative. Why?] [Footnote 2: Here the adjectives _sick_ and _wretched_ are used like nouns.] [Footnote 3: Where should /sunt\ stand? Cf. I. 2 above.] [Illustration: AGRICOLA ARAT] LESSON XV THE ABLATIVE DENOTING _WITH_ [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /carrus, -i:\, m., _cart, wagon_ /inopia, -ae\, f., _want, lack;_ the opposite of /co:pia\ /studium, studi:\, n., _zeal, eagerness_ (study) ADJECTIVES /arma:tus, -a, -um\, _armed_ /i:nfi:rmus, -a, -um\, _week, feeble_ (infirm) vali'dus, -a, -um, _strong, sturdy_ VERB /ma:tu:rat\, _he (she, it) hastens._ Cf. properat ADVERB /iam\, _already, now_ /-que\, conjunction, _and_; an enclitic (cf. Sec. 16) and always added to the _second_ of two words to be connected, as /arma tela'que\, _arms and weapons_. _100._ Of the various relations denoted by the ablative case (Sec. 50) there is none more important than that expressed in English by the preposition _with_. This little word is not so simple as it looks. It does not always convey the same meaning, nor is it always to be translated by /cum\. This will become clear from the following sentences: _a._ Mark is feeble _with_ (_for_ or _because of_) want of food _b._ Diana kills the beasts _with_ (or _by_) her arrows _c._ Julia is _with_ Sextus _d._ The men fight _with_ great steadiness _a._ In sentence _a_, _with want_ (_of food_) gives the cause of Mark's feebleness. This idea is expressed in Latin by the ablative without a preposition, and the construction is called the /ablative of cause\: Marcus est infirmus inopia cibi _b._ In sentence _b_, _with_ (or _by_) _her arrows_ tells /by means of what\ Diana kills the beasts. This idea is expressed in Latin by the ablative without a preposition, and the construction is called the /ablative of means\: Diana sagittis suis feras necat _c._ In sentence _c_ we are told that Julia is not alone, but /in company with\ Sextus. This idea is expressed in Latin by the ablative with the preposition /cum\, and the construction is called the /ablative of accompaniment\: Iulia est cum Sexto _d._ In sentence _d_ we are told how the men fight. The idea is one of /manner\. This is expressed in Latin by the ablative with /cum\, unless there is a modifying adjective present, in which case /cum\ may be omitted. This construction is called the /ablative of manner\: Viri (cum) constantia magna pugnant _101._ You are now able to form four important rules for the ablative denoting _with_: _102._ RULE. Ablative of Cause. _Cause is denoted by the ablative without a preposition. This answers the question Because of what?_ _103._ RULE. Ablative of Means. _Means is denoted by the ablative without a preposition. This answers the question By means of what? With what?_ N.B. /Cum\ must never be used with the ablative expressing cause or means. _104._ RULE. Ablative of Accompaniment. _Accompaniment is denoted by the ablative with /cum\. This answers the question With whom?_ _105._ RULE. Ablative of Manner. _The ablative with /cum\ is used to denote the manner of an action. /Cum\ may be omitted, if an adjective is used with the ablative. This answers the question How? In what manner?_ _106._ What uses of the ablative do you discover in the following passage, and what question does each answer? The soldiers marched to the fort with great speed and broke down the gate with blows of their muskets. The inhabitants, terrified by the din, attempted to cross the river with their wives and children, but the stream was swollen with (_or_ by) the rain. Because of this many were swept away by the waters and only a few, almost overcome with fatigue, with great difficulty succeeded in gaining the farther shore. _107._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 286. I. _The Romans prepare for War._ Romani, clarus Italiae populus, bellum parant. Ex agris suis, vicis, oppidisque magno studio viri validi ad arma properant. Iam legati cum legionariis ex Italia ad Rhenum, fluvium Germaniae altum et latum, properant, et servi equis et carris cibum frumentumque ad castra Romana portant. Inopia bonorum telorum infirmi sunt Germani, sed Romani armati galeis, loricis, scutis, gladiis, pilisque sunt validi. II. 1. The sturdy farmers of Italy labor in the fields with great diligence. 2. Sextus, the lieutenant, and (his) son Mark are fighting with the Germans. 3. The Roman legionaries are armed with long spears. 4. Where is Lesbia, your maid, Sextus? Lesbia is with my friends in Galba's cottage. 5. Many are sick because of bad water and for lack of food. 6. The Germans, with (their) sons and daughters, are hastening with horses and wagons. LESSON XVI THE NINE IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES _108._ There are nine irregular adjectives of the first and second declensions which have a peculiar termination in the genitive and dative singular of all genders: MASC. FEM. NEUT. Gen. -i:us -i:us -i:us Dat. -i: -i: -i: Otherwise they are declined like /bonus, -a, -um\. Learn the list and the meaning of each: /alius, alia, aliud\, _other, another_ (of several) /alter, altera, alterum\, _the one, the other_ (of two) /u:nus, -a, -um\, _one, alone_; (in the plural) _only_ /u:llus, -a, -um\, _any_ /nu:llus, -a, -um\, _none, no_ /so:lus, -a, -um\, _alone_ /to:tus, -a, -um\, _all, whole, entire_ /uter, utra, utrum\, _which?_ (of two) /neuter, neutra, neutrum\, _neither_ (of two) _109._ PARADIGMS SINGULAR MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. nu:llus nu:lla nu:llum Gen. nu:lli:'us nu:lli:'us nu:lli:'us Dat. nu:lli: nu:lli: nu:lli: Acc. nu:llum nu:llam nu:llum Abl. nu:llo: nu:lla: nu:llo: MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. alius alia aliud Gen. ali:'us ali:'us ali:'us Dat. alii: alii: alii: Acc. alium aliam aliud Abl. alio: alia: alio: THE PLURAL IS REGULAR _a._ Note the peculiar neuter singular ending in -d of /alius\. The genitive /ali:us\ is rare. Instead of it use /alteri:us\, the genitive of /alter\. _b._ These peculiar case endings are found also in the declension of pronouns (see Sec. 114). For this reason these adjectives are sometimes called the /pronominal adjectives\. _110._ Learn the following idioms: /alter, -era, -erum\ ... /alter, -era, -erum\, _the one ... the other_ (of two) /alius, -a, -ud\ ... /alius, -a, -ud\, _one ... another _ (of any number) /alii, -ae, -a\ ... /alii, -ae, -a\, _some ... others_ EXAMPLES 1. Alterum oppidum est magnum, alterum parvum, _the one town is large, the other small_ (of two towns). 2. Aliud oppidum est validum, aliud infirmum, _one town is strong, another weak_ (of towns in general). 3. Alii gladios, alii scuta portant, _some carry swords, others shields._ _111._ EXERCISES I. 1. In utra casa est Iulia? Iulia est in neutra casa. 2. Nulli malo puero praemium dat magister. 3. Alter puer est nauta, alter agricola. 4. Alii viri aquam, alii terram amant. 5. Galba unus (_or_ solus) cum studio laborat. 6. Estne ullus carrus in agro meo? 7. Lesbia est ancilla alterius domini, Tullia alterius. 8. Lesbia sola cenam parat. 9. Cena nullius alterius ancillae est bona. 10. Lesbia nulli alii viro cenam dat. NOTE. The pronominal adjectives, as you observe, regularly stand before and not after their nouns. II. 1. The men of all Germany are preparing for war. 2. Some towns are great and others are small. 3. One boy likes chickens, another horses. 4. Already the booty of one town is in our fort. 5. Our whole village is suffering for (i.e. _weak because of_) lack of food. 6. The people are already hastening to the other town. 7. Among the Romans (there) is no lack of grain. LESSON XVII THE DEMONSTRATIVE _IS, EA, ID_ [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /agri: cultu:ra, -ae\, f., _agriculture_ /Gallia, -ae\, f., _Gaul_ /domicili:um, domi:ci'li:\, n., _dwelling place_ (domicile), _abode_ /Gallus, -i\, m., _a Gaul_ /lacrima, -ae\, f., _tear_ /fe:mina, -ae\, f., _woman_ (female) /numerus, -i:\, m., _number_ (numeral) ADJECTIVE /ma:tu:rus, -a, -um\, _ripe, mature_ ADVERB quo:, _whither_ VERBS arat, _he (she, it) plows_ (arable) /de:si:derat\, _he (she, it) misses, longs for_ (desire), with acc. CONJUNCTION /an\, _or_, introducing the second half of a double question, as _Is he a Roman or a Gaul_, /Estne Romanus an Gallus?\ _112._ A demonstrative is a word that points out an object definitely, as _this, that, these, those_. Sometimes these words are pronouns, as, _Do you hear these?_ and sometimes adjectives, as, _Do you hear these men?_ In the former case they are called /demonstrative pronouns\, in the latter /demonstrative adjectives\. _113._ Demonstratives are similarly used in Latin both as _pronouns_ and as _adjectives_. The one used most is /is\, masculine; /ea\, feminine; /id\, neuter SINGULAR: _this, that_; PLURAL: _these, those_ _114._ /Is\ is declined as follows. Compare its declension with that of /alius\, Sec. 109. BASE e- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. is ea id ei: eae ea (_or_ ii:) Gen. eius eius eius eo:rum ea:rum eo:rum Dat. ei: ei: ei: ei:s ei:s ei:s (_or_ ii:s ii:s ii:s) Acc. eum eam id eo:s ea:s ea Abl. eo: ea: eo: ei:s ei:s ei:s (_or_ ii:s ii:s ii:s) Note that the base e- changes to i- in a few cases. The genitive singular /eius\ is pronounced _eh'yus_. In the plural the forms with two /i\'s are preferred and the two /i\'s are pronounced as one. Hence, pronounce /ii:\ as /i:\ and /ii:s\ as /i:s\. _115._ Besides being used as demonstrative pronouns and adjectives the Latin demonstratives are regularly used for the personal pronoun _he, she, it_. As a personal pronoun, then, /is\ would have the following meanings: SINGULAR Nom. is, _he_; ea, _she_; id, _it_ Gen. eius, _of him_ or _his_; eius, _of her, her_, or _hers_; eius, _of it_ or _its_ Dat. ei:, _to_ or _for him_; ei:, _to_ or _for her_; ei:, _to_ or _for it_ Acc. eum, _him_; eam, _her_; id, _it_ Abl. eo:, _with, from_, etc., _him_; ea:, _with, from_, etc., _her_; eo:, _with, from_, etc., _it_ PLURAL Nom. ei: or ii:, eae, ea, _they_ Gen. eo:rum, ea:rum, eo:rum, _of them, their_ Dat. ei:s or ii:s, ei:s or ii:s, ei:s or ii:s, _to_ or _for them_ Acc. eo:s, ea:s, ea, _them_ Abl. ei:s or ii:s, ei:s or ii:s, ei:s or ii:s, _with, from_, etc., _them_ _116._ Comparison between _suus_ and _is_. We learned above (Sec. 98.c) that /suus\ is a _reflexive_ possessive. When _his, her_ (poss.), _its, their_, do not refer to the subject of the sentence, we express _his, her, its_ by /eius\, the genitive singular of /is\, /ea\, /id\; and _their_ by the genitive plural, using /eorum\ to refer to a masculine or neuter antecedent noun and /earum\ to refer to a feminine one. EXAMPLES _Galba calls his_ (own) _son_, Galba suum filium vocat _Galba calls his son_ (not his own, but another's), Galba eius filium vocat _Julia calls her_ (own) _children_, Iulia suos liberos vocat _Julia calls her children_ (not her own, but another's), Iulia eius liberos vocat _The men praise their_ (own) _boys_, viri suos pueros laudant _The men praise their boys_ (not their own, but others'), viri eorum pueros laudant _117._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 287. 1. He praises her, him, it, them. 2. This cart, that report, these teachers, those women, that abode, these abodes. 3. That strong garrison, among those weak and sick women, that want of firmness, those frequent plans. 4. The other woman is calling her chickens (_her own_). 5. Another woman is calling her chickens (_not her own_). 6. The Gaul praises his arms (_his own_). 7. The Gaul praises his arms (_not his own_). 8. This farmer often plows their fields. 9. Those wretched slaves long for their master (_their own_). 10. Those wretched slaves long for their master (_not their own_). 11. Free men love their own fatherland. 12. They love its villages and towns. _118._ DIALOGUE[1] CORNELIUS AND MARCUS M. Quis est vir, Corneli, cum puero parvo? Estne Romanus et liber? C. Romanus non est, Marce. Is vir est servus et eius domicilium est in silvis Galliae. M. Estne puer filius eius servi an alterius? C. Neutrius filius est puer. Is est filius legati Sexti. M. Quo puer cum eo servo properat? C. Is cum servo properat ad latos Sexti agros.[2] Totum frumentum est iam maturum et magnus servorum numerus in Italiae[3] agris laborat. M. Agricolaene sunt Galli et patriae suae agros arant? C. Non agricolae sunt. Bellum amant Galli, non agri culturam. Apud eos viri pugnant et feminae auxilio liberorum agros arant parantque cibum. M. Magister noster pueris puellisque gratas Gallorum fabulas saepe narrat et laudat eos saepe. C. Mala est fortuna eorum et saepe miseri servi multis cum lacrimis patriam suam desiderant. [Footnote 1: There are a number of departures from the normal order in this dialogue. Find them, and give the reason.] [Footnote 2: When a noun is modified by both a genitive and an adjective, a favorite order of words is _adjective, genitive, noun_.] [Footnote 3: A modifying genitive often stands between a preposition and its object.] * * * * * Second Review, Lessons IX-XVII, Secs. 506-509 * * * * * LESSON XVIII CONJUGATION THE PRESENT, IMPERFECT, AND FUTURE TENSES OF /SUM\ [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS lu:dus, -i:, m.,_school_ /socius, soci:\, m., _companion, ally_ (social) ADJECTIVES /i:ra:tus, -a, -um\, _angry, furious_ (irate) /laetus, -a, -um\, _happy, glad_ (social) ADVERBS hodie:, _to-day_ /ibi\, _there, in that place_ mox, _presently, soon_, of the immediate future /nunc\, _now, the present moment_ /nu:per\, _lately, recently_, of the immediate past _119._ The inflection of a verb is called its _conjugation_ (cf. Sec. 23). In English the verb has but few changes in form, the different meanings being expressed by the use of personal pronouns and auxiliaries, as, _I am carried, we have carried, they shall have carried_, etc. In Latin, on the other hand, instead of using personal pronouns and auxiliary verbs, the form changes with the meaning. In this way the Romans expressed differences in _tense, mood, voice, person_, and _number_. _120._ The Tenses. The different forms of a verb referring to different times are called its _tenses_. The chief distinctions of time are present, past, and future: 1. /The present\, that is, _what is happening now_, or _what usually happens_, is expressed by THE PRESENT TENSE 2. /The past\, that is, _what was happening, used to happen, happened, has happened_, or _had happened_, is expressed by THE IMPERFECT, PERFECT, AND PLUPERFECT TENSES 3. /The future\, that is, _what is going to happen_, is expressed by THE FUTURE AND FUTURE PERFECT TENSES _121._ The Moods. Verbs have inflection of _mood_ to indicate the manner in which they express action. The moods of the Latin verb are the _indicative, subjunctive, imperative_, and _infinitive_. _a._ A verb is in the _indicative_ mood when it makes a statement or asks a question about something assumed as a fact. All the verbs we have used thus far are in the present indicative. _122._ The Persons. There are three persons, as in English. The first person is the person speaking (_I sing_); the second person the person spoken to (_you sing_); the third person the person spoken of (_he sings_). Instead of using personal pronouns for the different persons in the two numbers, singular and plural, the Latin verb uses the personal endings (cf. Sec. 22 _a_; 29). We have already learned that -t is the ending of the third person singular in the active voice and -nt of the third person plural. The complete list of personal endings of the active voice is as follows: SINGULAR PLURAL _1st Pers._ _I_ -m or -o: _we_ -mus _2d Pers._ _thou_ or _you_ -s _you_ -tis _3d Pers._ _he, she, it_ -t _they_ -nt _123._ Most verbs form their moods and tenses after a regular plan and are called _regular_ verbs. Verbs that depart from this plan are called _irregular_. The verb _to be_ is irregular in Latin as in English. The present, imperfect, and future tenses of the indicative are inflected as follows: PRESENT INDICATIVE SINGULAR PLURAL _1st Pers._ su-m, _I am_ su-mus, _we are_ _2d Pers._ e-s, _you[1] are_ es-tis, _you[1] are_ _3d Pers._ es-t, _he, she_, or _it is_ su-nt, _they are_ IMPERFECT INDICATIVE SINGULAR PLURAL _1st Pers._ er-a-m, _I was_ er-a:'-mus, _we were_ _2d Pers._ er-a:-s, _you were_ er-a:'-tis, _you were_ _3d Pers._ er-a-t, _he, she_, or _it was_ er-a:-nt, _they were_ FUTURE INDICATIVE SINGULAR PLURAL _1st Pers._ er-o:, _I shall be_ er'-i-mus, _we shall be_ _2d Pers._ er-i-s, _you will be_ er'-i-tis, _you will be_ _3d Pers._ er-i-t, _he will be_ er-u-nt, _they will be_ _a._ Be careful about vowel quantity and accent in these forms, and consult Secs. 12.2; 14; 15. [Footnote 1: Observe that in English _you are_, _you were_, etc. may be either singular or plural. In Latin the singular and plural forms are never the same.] _124._ DIALOGUE THE BOYS SEXTUS AND MARCUS First learn the special vocabulary, p. 287. S. Ubi es, Marce? Ubi est Quintus? Ubi estis, amici? M. Cum Quinto, Sexte, in silva sum. Non soli sumus; sunt in silva multi alii pueri. S. Nunc laetus es, sed nuper non laetus eras. Cur miser eras? M. Miser eram quia amici mei erant in alio vico et eram solus. Nunc sum apud socios meos. Nunc laeti sumus et erimus. S. Eratisne in ludo hodie? M. Hodie non eramus in ludo, quod magister erat aeger. S. Eritisne mox in ludo? M. Amici mei ibi erunt, sed ego (_I_) non ero. S. Cur non ibi eris? Magister, saepe iratus, inopiam tuam studi diligentiaeque non laudat. M. Nuper aeger eram et nunc infirmus sum. _125._ EXERCISE 1. You are, you were, you will be, (_sing. and plur._). 2. I am, I was, I shall be. 3. He is, he was, he will be. 4. We are, we were, we shall be. 5. They are, they were, they will be. 6. Why were you not in school to-day? I was sick. 7. Lately he was a sailor, now he is a farmer, soon he will be a teacher. 8. To-day I am happy, but lately I was wretched. 9. The teachers were happy because of the boys' industry. [Illustration: PUERI ROMANI IN LUDO] LESSON XIX THE FOUR REGULAR CONJUGATIONS PRESENT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF _AMO:_ AND _MONEO:_ _126._ There are four conjugations of the regular verbs. These conjugations are distinguished from each other by the final vowel of the present conjugation-stem.[1] This vowel is called the _distinguishing vowel_, and is best seen in the present infinitive. [Footnote 1: The _stem_ is the body of a word to which the terminations are attached. It is often identical with the base (cf. Sec. 58). If, however, the stem ends in a vowel, the latter does not appear in the base, but is variously combined with the inflectional terminations. This point is further explained in Sec. 230.] Below is given the _present infinitive_ of a verb of each conjugation, the _present stem_, and the _distinguishing vowel._ DISTINGUISHING CONJUGATION PRES. INFIN. PRES. STEM VOWEL I. ama:'re, _to love_ ama:- a: II. mone:'re, _to advise_ mone:- e: III. re'gere, _to rule_ rege- e IV. audi:'re, _to hear_ audi- i: _a._ Note that the present stem of each conjugation is found by dropping -re, the ending of the present infinitive. NOTE. The present infinitive of /sum\ is /esse\, and es- is the present stem. _127._ From the present stem are formed the _present_, _imperfect_, and _future_ tenses. _128._ The inflection of the Present Active Indicative of the first and of the second conjugation is as follows: a'mo:, ama:'re (_love_) mo'neo:, mone:'re (_advise_) PRES. STEM ama:- PRES. STEM mone:- SINGULAR PLURAL PERSONAL ENDINGS 1. a'mo:, _I love_ mo'neo:, _I advise_ -o: 2. a'ma:s, _you love_ mo'ne:s, _you advise_ -s 3. a'mat, _he (she, it) loves_ mo'net, _he (she, it) advises_ -t 1. ama:'mus, _we love_ mone:'mus, _we advise_ -mus 2. ama:'tis, _you love_ mone:'tis, _you advise_ -tis 3. a'mant, _they love_ mo'nent, _they advise_ -nt 1. The present tense is inflected by adding the personal endings to the present stem, and its first person uses -o and not -m. The form /amo:\ is for /ama-o:\, the two vowels /a-o:\ contracting to /o:\. In /moneo:\ there is no contraction. _Nearly all regular verbs ending in -eo belong to the second conjugation._ 2. Note that the long final vowel of the stem is shortened before another vowel (mone:-o: = mo'neo:), and before final -t (amat, monet) and -nt (amant, monent). Compare Sec. 12.2. _129._ Like /amo:\ and /moneo:\ inflect the present active indicative of the following verbs[2]: [Footnote 2: The only new verbs in this list are the five of the second conjugation which are starred. Learn their meanings.] INDICATIVE PRESENT INFINITIVE PRESENT a'ro, _I plow_ ara're, _to plow_ cu'ro, _I care for_ cura're, _to care for_ *de:'leo:, _I destroy_ de:le:'re, _to destroy_ desi'dero, _I long for_ desidera're, _to long for_ do,[3] _I give_ da're, _to give_ *ha'beo:, _I have_ habe:'re, _to have_ ha'bito, _I live, I dwell_ habita're, _to live, to dwell_ *iu'beo:, _I order_ iube:'re, _to order_ labo'ro, _I labor_ labora're, _to labor_ lau'do, _I praise_ lauda're, _to praise_ matu'ro, _I hasten_ matura're, _to hasten_ *mo'veo:, _I move_ move:'re, _to move_ nar'ro, _I tell_ narra're, _to tell_ ne'co, _I kill_ neca're, _to kill_ nun'tio, _I announce_ nuntia're, _to announce_ pa'ro, _I prepare_ para're, _to prepare_ por'to, _I carry_ porta're, _to carry_ pro'pero, _I hasten_ propera're, _to hasten_ pug'no, _I fight_ pugna're, _to fight_ *vi'deo:, _I see_ vide:'re, _to see_ vo'co, _I call_ voca're, _to call_ [Footnote 3: Observe that in /do:, dare\, the /a\ is _short_, and that the present stem is da- and not da:-. The only forms of /do:\ that have a long are /da:s\ (pres. indic.), /da:\ (pres. imv.), and /da:ns\ (pres. part.).] _130._ The Translation of the Present. In English there are three ways of expressing present action. We may say, for example, _I live, I am living_, or _I do live_. In Latin the one expression /habito\ covers all three of these expressions. _131._ EXERCISES Give the _voice_, _mood_, _tense_, _person_, and _number_ of each form. I. 1. Vocamus, properatis, iubent. 2. Movetis, laudas, vides. 3. Deletis, habetis, dant. 4. Maturas, desiderat, videmus. 5. Iubet, movent, necat. 6. Narramus, moves, vident. 7. Laboratis, properant, portas, parant. 8. Delet, habetis, iubemus, das. N.B. Observe that the personal ending is of prime importance in translating a Latin verb form. Give that your first attention. II. 1. We plow, we are plowing, we do plow. 2. They care for, they are caring for, they do care for. 3. You give, you are having, you do have (_sing_.). 4. We destroy, I do long for, they are living. 5. He calls, they see, we are telling. 6. We do fight, we order, he is moving, he prepares. 7. They are laboring, we kill, you announce. LESSON XX IMPERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF _AMO:_ AND _MONEO:_ [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /fo:rma, -ae\, f., _form, beauty_ /regi:na, -ae\, f., _queen_ (regal) /poena, -ae\, f., _punishment, penalty_ superbia, -ae, f., _pride, haughtiness_ /potentia, -ae\, f., _power_ (potent) /tri:sti:ti:a, -ae\, f., _sadness, sorrow_ ADJECTIVES /septem\, indeclinable, _seven_ /superbus, -a, -um\, _proud, haughty_ (superb) CONJUNCTIONS /no:n so:lum ... sed etiam\, _not only ... but also_ _132._ Tense Signs. Instead of using auxiliary verbs to express differences in tense, like _was_, _shall_, _will_, etc., Latin adds to the verb stem certain elements that have the force of auxiliary verbs. These are called _tense signs_. _133._ Formation and Inflection of the Imperfect. The tense sign of the imperfect is -ba:-, which is added to the present stem. The imperfect consists, therefore, of three parts: PRESENT STEM TENSE SIGN PERSONAL ENDING ama:- ba- m _loving_ _was_ _I_ The inflection is as follows: CONJUGATION I CONJUGATION II PERSONAL SINGULAR ENDINGS 1. ama:'bam, _I was loving_ mone:'bam, _I was advising_ -m 2. ama:'ba:s, _you were loving_ mone:'ba:s, _you were advising_ -s 3. ama:'bat, _he was loving_ mone:'bat, _he was advising_ -t PLURAL 1. ama:ba:'mus, _we were loving_ mone:ba:'mus, _we were advising_ -mus 2. ama:ba:'tis, _you were loving_ mone:ba:'tis, _you were advising_ -tis 3. ama:'bant, _they were loving_ mone:'bant, _they wereadvising_ -nt _a._ Note that the /a:\ of the tense sign -ba:- is shortened before -nt, and before /m\ and /t\ when final. (Cf. Sec. 12.2.) In a similar manner inflect the verbs given in Sec. 129. _134._ Meaning of the Imperfect. The Latin imperfect describes an act as _going on_ or _progressing in past time_, like the English past-progressive tense (as, _I was walking_). It is the regular tense used to describe a past situation or condition of affairs. _135._ EXERCISES I. 1. Videbamus, desiderabat, maturabas. 2. Dabant, vocabatis, delebamus. 3. Pugnant, laudabas, movebatis. 4. Iubebant, properabatis, portabamus. 5. Dabas, narrabant, laborabatis. 6. Videbant, movebas, nuntiabamus. 7. Necabat, movebam, habebat, parabatis. II. 1. You were having (_sing. and plur._), we were killing, they were laboring. 2. He was moving, we were ordering, we were fighting. 3. We were telling, they were seeing, he was calling. 4. They were living, I was longing for, we were destroying. 5. You were giving, you were moving, you were announcing, (_sing. and plur._). 6. They were caring for, he was plowing, we were praising. _136._ NI'OBE AND HER CHILDREN First learn the special vocabulary, p. 287. Niobe, regina Thebanorum, erat pulchra femina sed superba. Erat superba non solum forma[1] sua maritique potentia[1] sed etiam magno liberorum numero.[1] Nam habebat[2] septem filios et septem filias. Sed ea superbia erat reginae[3] causa magnae tristitiae et liberis[3] causa durae poenae. NOTE. The words /Niobe\, /Thebanorum\, and /mariti\ will be found in the general vocabulary. Translate the selection without looking up any other words. [Footnote 1: Ablative of cause.] [Footnote 2: Translate _had_; it denotes a past situation. (See Sec. 134.)] [Footnote 3: Dative, cf. Sec. 43.] LESSON XXI FUTURE ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF _AMO:_ AND _MONEO:_ [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS sacrum, -i:, n., _sacrifice, offering, rite_ /verbum, -i:\, n., _word_ (verb) VERBS sedeo:, -e:re, _sit_ (sediment) volo:, -a:re, _fly_ (volatile) ADJECTIVES /interfectus, -a, -um\, _slain_ /molestus, -a, -um\, _troublesome, annoying_ (molest) /perpetuus, -a, -um\, _perpetual, continuous_ /ego\, personal pronoun, _I_ (egotism). Always emphatic in the nominative. _137._ The tense sign of the Future Indicative in the first and second conjugations is -bi-. This is joined to the present stem of the verb and followed by the personal ending, as follows: PRESENT STEM TENSE SIGN PERSONAL ENDING ama:- bi- s _love_ _will_ _you_ _138._ The Future Active Indicative is inflected as follows. CONJUGATION I CONJUGATION II SINGULAR 1. ama:'bo:, _I shall love_ mone:'bo:, _I shall advise_ 2. ama:'bis, _you will love_ mone:'bis, _you will advise_ 3. ama:'bit, _he will love_ mone:'bit, _he will advise_ PLURAL 1. ama:'bimus, _we shall love_ mone:'bimus, _we shall advise_ 2. ama:'bitis _you will love_ mone:'bitis, _you will advise_ 3. ama:'bunt, _they will love_ mone:'bunt, _they will advise_ _a._ The personal endings are as in the present. The ending -bo: in the first person singular is contracted from -bi-o:. The -bi- appears as -bu- in the third person plural. Note that the inflection is like that of /ero:\, the future of /sum\. _Pay especial attention to the accent._ In a similar manner inflect the verbs given in Sec. 129. _139._ EXERCISES I. 1. Movebitis, laudabis, arabo. 2. Delebitis, vocabitis, dabunt. 3. Maturabis, desiderabit, videbimus. 4. Habebit, movebunt, necabit. 5. Narrabimus, monebis, videbunt. 6. Laborabitis, curabunt, dabis. 7. Habitabimus, properabitis, iubebunt, parabit. 8. Nuntiabo, portabimus, iubebo. II. 1. We shall announce, we shall see, I shall hasten. 2. I shall carry, he will plow, they will care for. 3. You will announce, you will move, you will give, (_sing. and plur._). 4. We shall fight, we shall destroy, I shall long for. 5. He will call, they will see, you will tell (_plur._). 6. They will dwell, we shall order, he will praise. 7. They will labor, we shall kill, you will have (_sing. and plur._), he will destroy. _140._ NI'OBE AND HER CHILDREN (_Concluded_) First learn the special vocabulary, p. 288. Apollo et Diana erant liberi Latonae. Iis Thebani sacra crebra parabant.[1] Oppidani amabant Latonam et liberos eius. Id superbae reginae erat molestum. "Cur," inquit, "Latonae et liberis sacra paratis? Duos liberos habet Latona; quattuordecim habeo ego. Ubi sunt mea sacra?" Latona iis verbis[2] irata liberos suos vocat. Ad eam volant Apollo Dianaque et sagittis[3] suis miseros liberos reginae superbae delent. Niobe, nuper laeta, nunc misera, sedet apud liberos interfectos et cum perpetuis lacrimis[4] eos desiderat. NOTE. Consult the general vocabulary for /Apollo\, /inquit\, /duos\, and /quattuordecim\. Try to remember the meaning of all the other words. [Footnote 1: Observe the force of the imperfect here, _used to prepare_, _were in the habit of preparing_; so /amabant\ denotes a past situation of affairs. (See Sec. 134.)] [Footnote 2: Ablative of cause.] [Footnote 3: Ablative of means.] [Footnote 4: This may be either manner or accompaniment. It is often impossible to draw a sharp line between means, manner, and accompaniment. The Romans themselves drew no sharp distinction. It was enough for them if the general idea demanded the ablative case.] LESSON XXII REVIEW OF VERBS : THE DATIVE WITH ADJECTIVES [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /discipli:na, -ae\, f., _training, culture, discipline_ /Ga:ius, Ga:i:\, m., _Caius_, a Roman first name /o:rna:mentum, -i:\, n., _ornament, jewel_ Tiberius, Tibe'ri:, m., _Tiberius_, a Roman first name VERB /doceo:, -e:re\, _teach_ (doctrine) ADVERB /maxime:\, _most of all, especially_ ADJECTIVE /anti:quus, -qua, -quum\, _old, ancient_ (antique) _141._ Review the present, imperfect, and future active indicative, both orally and in writing, of /sum\ and the verbs in Sec. 129. _142._ We learned in Sec. 43 for what sort of expressions we may expect the dative, and in Sec. 44 that one of its commonest uses is with _verbs_ to express the indirect object. It is also very common with _adjectives_ to express the object toward which the quality denoted by the adjective is directed. We have already had a number of cases where /gratus\, _agreeable to_, was so followed by a dative; and in the last lesson we had /molestus\, _annoying to_, followed by that case. The usage may be more explicitly stated by the following rule: _143._ RULE. Dative with Adjectives. _The dative is used with adjectives to denote the object toward which the given quality is directed. Such are, especially, those meaning /near\, also /fit\, /friendly\, /pleasing\, /like\, and their opposites._ _144._ Among such adjectives memorize the following: ido:neus, -a, -um, _fit, suitable_ (for) ami:cus, -a, -um, _friendly_ (to) inimicus, -a, -um, _hostile_ (to) gra:tus, -a, -um, _pleasing_ (to), _agreeable_ (to) molestus, -a, -um, _annoying_ (to), _troublesome_ (to) fi:nitimus, -a, -um, _neighboring_ (to) proximus, -a, -um, _nearest, next_ (to) _145._ EXERCISES I. 1. Romani terram idoneam agri culturae habent. 2. Galli copiis Romanis inimici erant. 3. Cui dea Latona amica non erat? 4. Dea Latona superbae reginae amica non erat. 5. Cibus noster, Marce, erit armatis viris gratus. 6. Quid erat molestum populis Italiae? 7. Bella longa cum Gallis erant molesta populis Italiae. 8. Agri Germanorum fluvio Rheno finitimi erant. 9. Romani ad silvam oppido proximam castra movebant. 10. Non solum forma sed etiam superbia reginae erat magna. 11. Mox regina pulchra erit aegra tristitia. 12. Cur erat Niobe, regina Thebanorum, laeta? Laeta erat Niobe multis filiis et filiabus. II. 1. The sacrifices of the people will be annoying to the haughty queen. 2. The sacrifices were pleasing not only to Latona but also to Diana. 3. Diana will destroy those hostile to Latona. 4. The punishment of the haughty queen was pleasing to the goddess Diana. 5. The Romans will move their forces to a large field[1] suitable for a camp. 6. Some of the allies were friendly to the Romans, others to the Gauls. [Footnote 1: Why not the dative?] _146._ CORNELIA AND HER JEWELS First learn the special vocabulary, p. 288. Apud antiquas dominas, Cornelia, Africani filia, erat[2] maxime clara. Filii eius erant Tiberius Gracchus et Gaius Gracchus. Ii pueri cum Cornelia in oppido Roma, claro Italiae oppido, habitabant. Ibi eos curabat Cornelia et ibi magno cum studio eos docebat. Bona femina erat Cornelia et bonam disciplinam maxime amabat. NOTE. Can you translate the paragraph above? There are no new words. [Footnote 2: Observe that all the imperfects denote continued or progressive action, or describe a state of affairs. (Cf. Sec. 134.)] LESSON XXIII PRESENT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF _REGO:_ AND _AUDIO:_ _147._ As we learned in Sec. 126, the present stem of the third conjugation ends in -e, and of the fourth in -i:. The inflection of the Present Indicative is as follows: CONJUGATION III CONJUGATION IV re'go:, re'gere (_rule_) au'dio, audi:'re (_hear_) PRES. STEM rege- PRES. STEM audi:- SINGULAR 1. re'go:, _I rule_ au'dio:, _I hear_ 2. re'gis, _you rule_ au'di:s, _you hear_ 3. re'git, _he (she, it) rules_ au'dit, _he (she, it) hears_ PLURAL 1. re'gimus, _we rule_ audi:'mus, _we hear_ 2. re'gitis, _you rule_ audi:'tis, _you hear_ 3. re'gunt, _they rule_ au'diunt, _they hear_ 1. The personal endings are the same as before. 2. The final short -e- of the stem rege- combines with the -o: in the first person, becomes -u- in the third person plural, and becomes -i- elsewhere. The inflection is like that of /ero:\, the future of /sum\. 3. In /audio:\ the personal endings are added regularly to the stem audi:-. In the third person plural -u- is inserted between the stem and the personal ending, as /audi-u-nt\. Note that the long vowel of the stem is shortened before final -t just as in /amo\ and /moneo\. (Cf. Sec. 12.2.) Note that -i- is always short in the third conjugation and long in the fourth, excepting where long vowels are regularly shortened. (Cf. Sec. 12.1, 2.) _148._ Like /rego\ and /audio\ inflect the present active indicative of the following verbs: INDICATIVE PRESENT INFINITIVE PRESENT ago:, _I drive_ agere, _to drive_ di:co:, _I say_ di:cere, _to say_ du:co:, _I lead_ du:cere, _to lead_ mitto:, _I send_ mittere, _to send_ mu:nio:, _I fortify_ mu:ni:re, _to fortify_ reperio:, _I find_ reperi:re, _to find_ venio:, _I come_ veni:re, _to come_ _149._ EXERCISES I. 1. Quis agit? Cur venit? Quem mittit? Quem ducis? 2. Quid mittunt? Ad quem veniunt? Cuius castra muniunt? 3. Quem agunt? Venimus. Quid puer reperit? 4. Quem mittimus? Cuius equum ducitis? Quid dicunt? 5. Munimus, venitis, dicit. 6. Agimus, reperitis, munis. 7. Reperis, ducitis, dicis. 8. Agitis, audimus, regimus. II. 1. What do they find? Whom do they hear? Why does he come? 2. Whose camp are we fortifying? To whom does he say? What are we saying? 3. I am driving, you are leading, they are hearing. 4. You send, he says, you fortify (_sing. and plur._). 5. I am coming, we find, they send. 6. They lead, you drive, he does fortify. 7. You lead, you find, you rule, (_all plur._). _150._ CORNELIA AND HER JEWELS (_Concluded_) Proximum domicilio Corneliae erat pulchrae Campanae domicilium. Campana erat superba non solum forma sua sed maxime ornamentis suis. Ea[1] laudabat semper. "Habesne tu ulla ornamenta, Cornelia?" inquit. "Ubi sunt tua ornamenta?" Deinde Cornelia filios suos Tiberium et Gaium vocat. "Pueri mei," inquit, "sunt mea ornamenta. Nam boni liberi sunt semper bonae feminae ornamenta maxime clara." NOTE. The only new words here are /Campana\, /semper\, and /tu\. [Footnote 1: /Ea\, accusative plural neuter.] [Illustration: "PUERI MEI SUNT MEA ORNAMENTA"] LESSON XXIV IMPERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF _REGO:_ AND _AUDIO:_ THE DATIVE WITH SPECIAL INTRANSITIVE VERBS _151._ PARADIGMS CONJUGATION III CONJUGATION IV SINGULAR 1. rege:'bam, _I was ruling_ audie:'bam, _I was hearing_ 2. rege:'ba:s, _you were riding_ audie:'ba:s, _you were hearing_ 3. rege:'bat, _he was ruling_ audie:'bat, _he was hearing_ PLURAL 1. rege:ba:'mus, _we were ruling_ audie:ba:'mus, _we were hearing_ 2. rege:ba:'tis, _you were ruling_ audie:ba:'tis, _you were hearing_ 3. rege:'bant, _they were ruling_ audie:'bant, _they were hearing_ 1. The tense sign is -ba:-, as in the first two conjugations. 2. Observe that the final -e- of the stem is lengthened before the tense sign -ba:-. This makes the imperfect of the third conjugation just like the imperfect of the second (cf. /mone:bam\ and /rege:bam\). 3. In the fourth conjugation -e:- is inserted between the stem and the tense sign -ba:- (audi-e:-ba-m). 4. In a similar manner inflect the verbs given in Sec. 148. _152._ EXERCISES I. 1. Agebat, veniebat, mittebat, ducebant. 2. Agebant, mittebant, ducebas, muniebant. 3. Mittebamus, ducebatis, dicebant. 4. Muniebamus, veniebatis, dicebas. 5. Mittebas, veniebamus, reperiebat. 6. Reperiebas, veniebas, audiebatis. 7. Agebamus, reperiebatis, muniebat. 8. Agebatis, dicebam, muniebam. II. 1. They were leading, you were driving (_sing. and plur._), he was fortifying. 2. They were sending, we were finding, I was coming. 3. You were sending, you were fortifying, (_sing. and plur._), he was saying. 4. They were hearing, you were leading (_sing. and plur._), I was driving. 5. We were saying, he was sending, I was fortifying. 6. They were coming, he was hearing, I was finding. 7. You were ruling (_sing. and plur._), we were coming, they were ruling. _153._ The Dative with Special Intransitive Verbs. We learned above (Sec. 20.a) that a verb which does not admit of a direct object is called an _intransitive_ verb. Many such verbs, however, are of such meaning that they can govern an indirect object, which will, of course, be in the dative case (Sec. 45). Learn the following list of intransitive verbs with their meanings. In each case the dative indirect object is the person or thing to which a benefit, injury, or feeling is directed. (Cf. Sec. 43.) cre:do:, cre:dere, _believe_ (give belief to) faveo:, fave:re, _favor_ (show favor to) noceo:, noce:re, _injure_ (do harm to) pa:reo:, pa:re:re, _obey_ (give obedience to) persua:deo:, persua:de:re, _persuade_ (offer persuasion to) resisto:, resistere, _resist_ (offer resistance to) studeo:, stude:re, _be eager for_ (give attention to) _154._ RULE. Dative with Intransitive Verbs. _The dative of the indirect object is used with the intransitive verbs /credo\, /faveo\, /noceo\, /pareo\, /persuadeo\, /resisto\, /studeo\, and others of like meaning._ _155._ EXERCISE 1. Credisne verbis sociorum? Multi verbis eorum non credunt. 2. Mei finitimi consilio tuo non favebunt, quod bello student. 3. Tiberius et Gaius disciplinae durae non resistebant et Corneliae parebant. 4. Dea erat inimica septem filiabus reginae. 5. Dura poena et perpetua tristitia reginae non persuadebunt. 6. Nuper ea resistebat et nunc resistit potentiae Latonae. 7. Mox sagittae volabunt et liberis miseris nocebunt. LESSON XXV FUTURE ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF _REGO:_ AND _AUDIO:_ _156._ In the future tense of the third and fourth conjugations we meet with a new tense sign. Instead of using -bi-, as in the first and second conjugations, we use -a:-[1] in the first person singular and -e:- in the rest of the tense. In the third conjugation the final -e- of the stem is dropped before this tense sign; in the fourth conjugation the final -i:- of the stem is retained.[2] [Footnote 1: The -a:- is shortened before -m final, and -e:- before -t final and before -nt. (Cf. Sec. 12.2.)] [Footnote 2: The -i:- is, of course, shortened, being before another vowel. (Cf. Sec. 12.1.)] _157._ PARADIGMS CONJUGATION III CONJUGATION IV SINGULAR 1. re'gam, _I shall rule_ au'diam, _I shall hear_ 2. re'ge:s, _you will rule_ au'die:s, _you will hear_ 3. re'get, _he will rule_ au'diet, _he will hear_ PLURAL 1. rege:'mus, _we shall rule_ audie:'mus, _we shall hear_ 2. rege:'tis, _you will rule_ audie:'tis, _you will hear_ 3. re'gent, _they will rule_ au'dient, _they will hear_ 1. Observe that the future of the third conjugation is like the present of the second, excepting in the first person singular. 2. In the same manner inflect the verbs given in Sec. 148. _158._ EXERCISES I. 1. Dicet, ducetis, muniemus. 2. Dicent, dicetis, mittemus. 3. Munient, venient, mittent, agent. 4. Ducet, mittes, veniet, aget. 5. Muniet, reperietis, agemus. 6. Mittam, veniemus, regent. 7. Audietis, venies, reperies. 8. Reperiet, agam, ducemus, mittet. 9. Videbitis, sedebo, vocabimus. II. 1. I shall find, he will hear, they will come. 2. I shall fortify, he will send, we shall say. 3. I shall drive, you will lead, they will hear. 4. You will send, you will fortify, (_sing. and plur._), he will say. 5. I shall come, we shall find, they will send. 6. Who[3] will believe the story? I[4] shall believe the story. 7. Whose friends do you favor? We favor our friends. 8. Who will resist our weapons? Sextus will resist your weapons. 9. Who will persuade him? They will persuade him. 10. Why were you injuring my horse? I was not injuring your horse. 11. Whom does a good slave obey? A good slave obeys his master. 12. Our men were eager for another battle. [Footnote 3: Remember that /quis\, _who_, is singular in number.] [Footnote 4: Express by /ego\, because it is emphatic.] LESSON XXVI VERBS IN _-IO:_ OF THE THIRD CONJUGATION : THE IMPERATIVE MOOD _159._ There are a few common verbs ending in -io: which do not belong to the fourth conjugation, as you might infer, but to the third. The fact that they belong to the third conjugation is shown by the ending of the infinitive. (Cf. Sec. 126.) Compare audio:, audi:'re (_hear_), fourth conjugation capio:, ca'pere (_take_), third conjugation _160._ The present, imperfect, and future active indicative of /capio:\ are inflected as follows: capio:, capere, _take_ PRES. STEM cape- PRESENT IMPERFECT FUTURE SINGULAR 1. ca'pio: capie:'bam ca'piam 2. ca'pis capie:'ba:s ca'pie:s 3. ca'pit capie:'bat ca'piet PLURAL 1. ca'pimus capie:ba:'mus capie:'mus 2. ca'pitis capie:ba:'tis capie:'tis 3. ca'piunt capie:'bant ca'pient 1. Observe that /capio:\ and the other -io: verbs follow the fourth conjugation wherever in the fourth conjugation _two vowels occur in succession._ (Cf. capio:, audio:; capiunt, audiunt; and all the imperfect and future.) All other forms are like the third conjugation. (Cf. capis, regis; capit, regit; etc.) 2. Like /capio\, inflect facio, facere, _make, do_ fugio, fugere, _flee_ iacio, iacere, _hurl_ rapio, rapere, _seize_ _161._ The Imperative Mood. The imperative mood expresses a command; as, _come!_ _send!_ The present tense of the imperative is used only in the second person, singular and plural. _The singular in the active voice is regularly the same in form as the present stem. The plural is formed by adding -te to the singular._ CONJUGATION SINGULAR PLURAL I. ama:, _love thou_ ama:'te, _love ye_ II. mone:, _advise thou_ mone:'te, _advise ye_ III. (_a_) rege, _rule thou_ re'gite, _rule ye_ (_b_) cape, _take thou_ ca'pite, _take ye_ IV. audi:, _hear thou_ audi:'te, _hear ye_ sum (irregular) es, _be thou_ este, _be ye_ 1. In the third conjugation the final -e- of the stem becomes -i- in the plural. 2. The verbs /di:co:\, _say_; /du:co:\, _lead_; and /facio:\, _make_, have the irregular forms /di:c\, /du:c\, and /fac\ in the singular. 3. Give the present active imperative, singular and plural, of /venio\, /duco\, /voco\, /doceo\, /laudo\, /dico\, /sedeo\, /ago\, /facio\, /munio\, /mitto\, /rapio\. _162._ EXERCISES I. 1. Fugient, faciunt, iaciebat. 2. Dele, nuntiate, fugiunt. 3. Venite, dic, facietis. 4. Ducite, iaciam, fugiebant. 5. Fac, iaciebamus, fugimus, rapite. 6. Sedete, reperi, docete. 7. Fugiemus, iacient, rapies. 8. Reperient, rapiebatis, nocent. 9. Favete, resiste, parebitis. 10. Vola ad multas terras et da auxilium. 11. Ego tela mea capiam et multas feras delebo. 12. Quis fabulae tuae credet? 13. Este boni, pueri, et audite verba grata magistri. II. 1. The goddess will seize her arms and will hurl her weapons. 2. With her weapons she will destroy many beasts. 3. She will give aid to the weak.[1] 4. She will fly to many lands and the beasts will flee. 5. Romans, tell[2] the famous story to your children. [Footnote 1: Plural. An adjective used as a noun. (Cf. Sec. 99.II.3.)] [Footnote 2: Imperative. The imperative generally stands first, as in English.] * * * * * Third Review, Lessons XVIII-XXVI, Secs. 510-512 * * * * * LESSON XXVII THE PASSIVE VOICE PRESENT, IMPERFECT, AND FUTURE INDICATIVE OF _AMO:_ AND _MONEO:_ [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /a:la, -ae\, f., _wing_ /deus, -i:\, m., _god_ (deity)[A] /monstrum, -i:\, n., _omen, prodigy; monster_ o:ra:culum, -i:, n., _oracle_ VERB /va:sto:, -a:re\, _lay waste, devastate_ ADJECTIVES /commo:tus, -a, -um\, _moved, excited_ /maximus, -a, -um\, _greatest_ (maximum) /saevus, -a, -um\, _fierce, savage_ ADVERBS /ita\, _thus, in this way, as follows_ /tum\, _then, at that time_ [Footnote A: For the declension of /deus\, see Sec. 468] _163._ The Voices. Thus far the verb forms have been in the _active voice_; that is, they have represented the subject as _performing_ an action; as, The lion ---> _killed_ ---> the hunter A verb is said to be in the _passive voice_ when it represents its subject as _receiving_ an action; as, The lion <--- _was killed_ <--- by the hunter Note the direction of the arrows. _164._ Passive Personal Endings. In the passive voice we use a different set of personal endings. They are as follows: SINGULAR PLURAL 1. -r, _I_ 1. -mur, _we_ 2. -ris, -re, _you_ 2. -mini:, _you_ 3. -tur, _he, she, it_ 3. -ntur, _they_ _a._ Observe that the letter -r appears somewhere in all but one of the endings. This is sometimes called the _passive sign_. _165._ PARADIGMS amo, ama:re mone:o, mone:re PRES. STEM ama:- PRES. STEM mone:- PRESENT INDICATIVE PERSONAL ENDINGS SINGULAR a'mor, _I am loved_ mo'neor, _I am advised_ -or[1] ama:'ris or ama:'re, mone:'ris or mone:'re. -ris _you are loved_ _you are advised_ or -re ama:'tur, _he is loved_ mone:'tur, _he is advised_ -tur PLURAL ama:'mur, _we are loved_ mone:'mur, _we are advised_ -mur ama:'mini:, _you are loved_ mone:'mini:, _you are advised_ -mini aman'tur, _they are loved_ monen'tur, _they are advised_ -ntur [Footnote 1: In the present the personal ending of the first person singular is -or.] IMPERFECT INDICATIVE (TENSE SIGN -ba:-) SINGULAR ama:'bar, mone:'bar, -r _I was being loved_ _I was being advised_ ama:ba:'ris or ama:ba:'re, mone:ba:'ris or mone:ba:'re -ris _you were being loved_ _you were being advised_ or -re ama:ba:'tur, mone:ba:'tur, -tur _he was being loved_ _he was being advised_ PLURAL ama:ba:'mur, mone:ba:'mur, -mur _we were being loved_ _we were being advised_ ama:ba:'mini:, mone:ba:'mini:, -mini: _you were being loved_ _you were being advised_ ama:ban'tur, mone:ban'tur, -ntur _they were being loved_ _they were being advised_ FUTURE (TENSE SIGN -bi-) SINGULAR ama:'bor, mone:'bor, -r _I shall be loved_ _I shall be advised_ ama:'beris, _or_ ama:'bere mone:'beris _or_ mone:'bere, -ris _you will be loved_ _you will be advised_ or -re ama:'bitur, mone:'bitur, -tur _he will be loved_ _he will be advised_ PLURAL ama:'bimur, mone:'bimur, -mur _we shall be loved_ _we shall be advised_ ama:bi'mini:, mone:bi'mini:, -mini: _you will be loved_ _you will be advised_ ama:bun'tur, mone:bun'tur, -ntur _they will be loved_ _they will be advised_ 1. The tense sign and the personal endings are added as in the active. 2. In the future the tense sign -bi- appears as -bo- in the first person, -be- in the second, singular number, and as -bu- in the third person plural. 3. Inflect /laudo\, /neco\, /porto\, /moveo\, /deleo\, /iubeo\, in the present, imperfect, and future indicative, active and passive. _166._ Intransitive verbs, such as /maturo\, _I hasten_; /habito\, _I dwell_, do not have a passive voice with a personal subject. _167._ EXERCISES I. 1. Laudaris _or_ laudare, laudas, datur, dat. 2. Dabitur, dabit, videmini, videtis. 3. Vocabat, vocabatur, delebitis, delebimini. 4. Parabatur, parabat, curas, curaris _or_ curare. 5. Portabantur, portabant, videbimur, videbimus. 6. Iuberis _or_ iubere, iubes, laudabaris _or_ laudabare, laudabas. 7. Moveberis or movebere, movebis, dabantur, dabant. 8. Delentur, delent, parabamur, parabamus. II. 1. We prepare, we are prepared, I shall be called, I shall call, you were carrying, you were being carried. 2. I see, I am seen, it was being announced, he was announcing, they will order, they will be ordered. 3. You will be killed, you will kill, you move, you are moved, we are praising, we are being praised. 4. I am called, I call, you will have, you are cared for. 5. They are seen, they see, we were teaching, we were being taught, they will move, they will be moved. [Illustration: PERSEUS ANDROMEDAM SERVAT] _168._ PER'SEUS AND ANDROM'EDA First learn the special vocabulary, p. 288. Perseus filius erat Iovis,[2] maximi[3] deorum. De eo multas fabulas narrant poetae. Ei favent dei, ei magica arma et alas dant. Eis telis armatus et alis fretus ad multas terras volabat et monstra saeva delebat et miseris infirmisque auxilium dabat. Aethiopia est terra Africae. Eam terram Cepheus[4] regebat. Ei[5] Neptunus, maximus aquarum deus, erat iratus et mittit[6] monstrum saevum ad Aethiopiam. Ibi monstrum non solum latis pulchrisque Aethiopiae agris nocebat sed etiam domicilia agricolarum delebat, et multos viros, feminas, liberosque necabat. Populus ex agris fugiebat et oppida muris validis muniebat. Tum Cepheus magna tristitia commotus ad Iovis oraculum properat et ita dicit: "Amici mei necantur; agri mei vastantur. Audi verba mea, Iuppiter. Da miseris auxilium. Age monstrum saevum ex patria." [Footnote 2: /Iovis\, the genitive of /Iuppiter\.] [Footnote 3: Used substantively, _the greatest_. So below, l. 4, /miseris\ and /infirmis\ are used substantively.] [Footnote 4: Pronounce in two syllables, _Ce'pheus_.] [Footnote 5: /Ei\, _at him_, dative with /iratus\.] [Footnote 6: The present is often used, as in English, in speaking of a past action, in order to make the story more vivid and exciting.] LESSON XXVIII PRESENT, IMPERFECT, AND FUTURE INDICATIVE PASSIVE OF _REGO:_ AND _AUDIO:_ [Special Vocabulary] VERBS /respondeo:, -e:re\, _respond, reply_ /servo:, -a:re\, _save, preserve_ ADJECTIVE /ca:rus, -a, -um\, _dear_ (cherish) CONJUNCTION /autem\, _but, moreover, now_. Usually stands second, never first NOUN /vi:ta, -ae\, f., _life_ (vital) _169._ Review the present, imperfect, and future indicative active of /rego\ and /audio\, and learn the passive of the same tenses (Secs. 490, 491). _a._ Observe that the tense signs of the imperfect and future are the same as in the active voice, and that the passive personal endings (Sec. 164) are added instead of the active ones. _b._ Note the slight irregularity in the second person singular present of the third conjugation. There the final -e- of the stem is not changed to -i-, as it is in the active. We therefore have /re'geris\ or /re'gere\, _not_ /re'giris\, /re'gire\. _c._ Inflect /ago\, /dico\, /duco\, /munio\, /reperio\, in the present, imperfect, and future indicative, active and passive. _170._ EXERCISES I. 1. Agebat, agebatur, mittebat, mittebatur, ducebat. 2. Agunt, aguntur, mittuntur, mittunt, muniunt. 3. Mittor, mittar, mittam, ducere, ducere. 4. Dicemur, dicimus, dicemus, dicimur, muniebamini. 5. Ducitur, ducimini, reperimur, reperiar, agitur. 6. Agebamus, agebamur, reperiris, reperiemini. 7. Munimini, veniebam, ducebar, dicetur. 8. Mittimini, mittitis, mitteris, mitteris, agebamini. 9. Dicitur, dicit, muniuntur, reperient, audientur. II. 1. I was being driven, I was driving, we were leading, we were being led, he says, it is said. 2. I shall send, I shall be sent, you will find, you will be found, they lead, they are led. 3. I am found, we are led, they are driven, you were being led (_sing. and plur._). 4. We shall drive, we shall be driven, he leads, he is being led, they will come, they will be fortified. 5. They were ruling, they were being ruled, you will send, you will be sent, you are sent, (_sing. and plur._). 6. He was being led, he will come, you are said (_sing. and plur._). _171._ PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (_Continued_) First learn the special vocabulary, p. 288. Tum oraculum ita respondet: "Mala est fortuna tua. Neptunus, magnus aquarum deus, terrae Aethiopiae inimicus, eas poenas mittit. Sed para irato deo sacrum idoneum et monstrum saevum ex patria tua agetur. Andromeda filia tua est monstro grata. Da eam monstro. Serva caram patriam et vitam populi tui." Andromeda autem erat puella pulchra. Eam amabat Cepheus maxime. LESSON XXIX PRESENT, IMPERFECT, AND FUTURE INDICATIVE PASSIVE OF _-IO:_ VERBS PRESENT PASSIVE INFINITIVE AND IMPERATIVE [Special Vocabulary] VERB /supero:, -a:re\, _conquer, overcome_ (insuperable) NOUNS /cu:ra, -ae\, f., _care, trouble_ /locus, -i:\, m., _place, spot_ (location). /Locus\ is neuter in the plural and is declined /loca, -o:rum\, etc. /peri:culum, -i:\, n., _danger, peril_ ADVERBS /semper\, _always_ /tamen\, _yet, nevertheless_ PREPOSITIONS /de:\, with abl., _down from; concerning_ /per\, with acc., _through_ CONJUNCTION /si\, _if_ _172._ Review the active voice of /capio\, present, imperfect, and future, and learn the passive of the same tenses (Sec. 492). _a._ The present forms /capior\ and /capiuntur\ are like /audior, audiuntur\, and the rest of the tense is like /regor\. _b._ In like manner inflect the passive of /iacio\ and /rapio\. _173._ The Infinitive. The infinitive mood gives the general meaning of the verb without person or number; as, /ama:re\, _to love_. Infinitive means _unlimited_. The forms of the other moods, being limited by person and number, are called the _finite_, or limited, verb forms. _174._ The forms of the Present Infinitive, active and passive, are as follows: CONJ. PRES. PRES. INFINITIVE PRES. INFINITIVE STEM ACTIVE PASSIVE I. ama:- ama:'re, ama:'ri:, _to love_ _to be loved_ II. mone:- mone:'re, mone:'ri:, _to advise_ _to be advised_ III. rege- re'gere, re'gi:, _to rule_ _to be ruled_ cape- ca'pere ca'pi:, _to take_ _to be taken_ IV. audi:- audi:'re, audi:ri:, _to hear_ _to be heard_ 1. Observe that to form the present active infinitive we add -re to the present stem. _a._ The present infinitive of /sum\ is /esse\. There is no passive. 2. Observe that the present passive infinitive is formed from the active by changing final -e to -i:, except in the third conjugation, which changes final -ere to -i:. 3. Give the active and passive present infinitives of /doceo\, /sedeo\, /volo\, /curo\, /mitto\, /duco\, /munio\, /reperio\, /iacio\, /rapio\. _175._ The forms of the Present Imperative, active and passive, are as follows: ACTIVE[1] PASSIVE CONJ. SINGULAR PLURAL SINGULAR PLURAL I. a'ma: ama:'te ama:'re, ama:'mini:, _be thou loved_ _be ye loved_ II. mo'ne: mone:'te mone:'re, mone:'mini:, _be thou advised_ _be ye advised_ III. re'ge re'gite re'gere, regi'mini:, _be thou ruled _ _be ye ruled_ ca'pe ca'pite ca'pere, capi'mini:, _be thou taken_ _be ye taken_ IV. au'di: audi:'te audi:'re, audi:'mini:, _be thou heard_ _be ye heard_ 1. Observe that the second person singular of the present passive imperative is like the present active infinitive, and that both singular and plural are like the second person singular[2] and plural, respectively, of the present passive indicative. 2. Give the present imperative, both active and passive, of the verbs in Sec. 174.3. [Footnote 1: For the sake of comparison the active is repeated from Sec. 161.] [Footnote 2: That is, using the personal ending -re. A form like /ama:re\ may be either _indicative_, _infinitive_, or _imperative_.] _176._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 289. I. 1. Tum Perseus alis ad terras multas volabit. 2. Monstrum saevum per aquas properat et mox agros nostros vastabit. 3. Si autem Cepheus ad oraculum properabit, oraculum ita respondebit. 4. Quis telis Persei superabitur? Multa monstra telis eius superabuntur. 5. Cum curis magnis et lacrimis multis agricolae ex domiciliis caris aguntur. 6. Multa loca vastabantur et multa oppida delebantur. 7. Monstrum est validum, tamen superabitur. 8. Credesne semper verbis oraculi? Ego iis non semper credam. 9. Parebitne Cepheus oraculo? Verba oraculi ei persuadebunt. 10. Si non fugiemus, oppidum capietur et oppidani necabuntur. 11. Vocate pueros et narrate fabulam claram de monstro saevo. II. 1. Fly thou, to be cared for, be ye sent, lead thou. 2. To lead, to be led, be ye seized, fortify thou. 3. To be hurled, to fly, send thou, to be found. 4. To be sent, be ye led, to hurl, to be taken. 5. Find thou, hear ye, be ye ruled, to be fortified. LESSON XXX SYNOPSES IN THE FOUR CONJUGATIONS : THE ABLATIVE DENOTING _FROM_ [Special Vocabulary] VERBS /absum, abesse\, irreg., _be away, be absent, be distant_, with separative abl. /adpropinquo:, -a:re\, _draw near, approach_ (propinquity), with dative[A] /contineo:, -e:re\, _hold together, hem in, keep_ (contain) /disce:do:, -ere\, _depart, go away, leave_, with separative abl. /egeo:, -e:re\, _lack, need, be without_, with separative abl. /interficio:, -ere\, _kill_ /prohibeo:, -e:re\, _restrain, keep from_ (prohibit) /vulnero:, -a:re\, _wound_ (vulnerable) NOUNS /pro:vincia, -ae\, f., _province_ /vi:num, -i:\, n., _wine_ ADJECTIVE /de:fessus, -a, -um\, _weary, worn out_ ADVERB /longe:\, _far, by far, far away_ [Footnote A: This verb governs the dative because the idea of _nearness to_ is stronger than that of _motion to_. If the latter idea were the stronger, the word would be used with /ad\ and the accusative.] _177._ You should learn to give rapidly synopses of the verbs you have had, as follows:[1] CONJUGATION I CONJUGATION II INDICATIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE _Pres._ a'mo: a'mor mo'neo: mo'neor _Imperf._ ama:'bam ama:'bar mone:'bam mone:'bar _Fut._ ama:'bo ama:'bor mone:'bo mone:'bor [Footnote 1: Synopses should be given not only in the first person, but in other persons as well, particularly in the third singular and plural.] CONJUGATION I CONJUGATION II IMPERATIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE _Pres._ a'ma: ama:'re mo'ne: mone:'re INFINITIVE _Pres._ ama:'re ama:'ri: mone:'re mone:'ri: CONJUGATION III CONJUGATION III (-io: verbs) INDICATIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE _Pres._ re'go: re'gor ca'pio: ca'pior _Imperf._ rege:'bam rege:'bar capie:'bam capie:'bar _Fut._ re'gam re'gar ca'piam ca'piar IMPERATIVE _Pres._ re'ge re'gere ca'pe ca'pere INFINITIVE _Pres._ re'gere re'gi: ca'pere ca'pi: CONJUGATION IV INDICATIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE _Pres._ au'dio: au'dior _Imperf._ audie:'bam audie:'bar _Fut._ au'diam au'diar IMPERATIVE _Pres._ au'di: audi:'re INFINITIVE _Pres._ audi:'re audi:'ri: 1. Give the synopsis of /rapio\, /munio\, /reperio\, /doceo\, /video\, /dico\, /ago\, /laudo\, /porto\, and vary the person and number. _178._ We learned in Sec. 50 that one of the three relations covered by the ablative case is expressed in English by the preposition _from._ This is sometimes called the _separative ablative_, and it has a number of special uses. You have already grown familiar with the first mentioned below. _179._ RULE. Ablative of the Place From. _The place from which is expressed by the ablative with the prepositions /a:\ or /ab\, /de:\, /e:\ or /ex\._ Agricolae ex agris veniunt, _the farmers come from the fields_ _a._ /a:\ or /ab\ denotes _from near_ a place; /e:\ or /ex\, _out from_ it; and /de\, _down from_ it. This may be represented graphically as follows: _________ | | /a:\ or /ab\ | | /e:\ or /ex\ /______________| ___________________\ \ | Place | / |_________| | | /de\ | V _180._ RULE. Ablative of Separation. _Words expressing separation or deprivation require an ablative to complete their meaning._ _a._ If the separation is _actual_ and _literal_ of one material thing from another, the preposition /a:\ or /ab\, /e:\ or /ex\, or /de\ is generally used. If no actual motion takes place of one thing from another, no preposition is necessary. (a) Perseus terram a monstris liberat _Perseus frees the land from monsters_ (literal separation--actual motion is expressed) (b) Perseus terram tristitia liberat _Perseus frees the land from sorrow_ (figurative separation--no actual motion is expressed) _181._ RULE. Ablative of the Personal Agent. _The word expressing the person from whom an action starts, when not the subject, is put in the ablative with the preposition /a:\ or /ab\._ _a._ In this construction the English translation of /a:\, /ab\ is _by_ rather than _from_. This ablative is regularly used with passive verbs to indicate the _person by whom_ the act was performed. Monstrum a Perseo necatur, _the monster is being slain by_ (lit. _from_) _Perseus_ _b._ Note that the active form of the above sentence would be /Perseus monstrum necat\, _Perseus is slaying the monster_. In the passive the _object_ of the active verb becomes the _subject_, and the _subject_ of the active verb becomes the _ablative of the personal agent_, with /a:\ or /ab\. _c._ Distinguish carefully between the ablative of means and the ablative of the personal agent. Both are often translated into English by the preposition _by_. (Cf. Sec. 100. _b._) _Means is a /thing\; the agent or actor is a /person\_. The ablative of means has no preposition. The ablative of the personal agent has /a:\ or /ab\. Compare Fera sagitta necatur, _the wild beast is killed by an arrow_ Fera a Diana necatur, _the wild beast is killed by Diana_ /Sagitta\, in the first sentence, is the ablative of means; /a Diana\, in the second, is the ablative of the personal agent. _182._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 289. I. 1. Viri inopia cibi defessi ab eo loco discedent. 2. Gerinani castris Romanis adpropinquabant, tamen legatus copias a proelio continebat. 3. Multa Gallorum oppida ab Romanis capientur. 4. Tum Romani totum populum eorum oppidorum gladiis pilisque interficient. 5. Oppidani Romanis resistent, sed defessi longo proelio fugient. 6. Multi ex Gallia fugiebant et in Germanorum vicis habitabant. 7. Miseri nautae vulnerantur ab inimicis[2] saevis et cibo egent. 8. Discedite et date viris frumentum et copiam vini. 9. Copiae nostrae a proelio continebantur ab Sexto legato. 10. Id oppidum ab provincia Romana longe aberat. II. 1. The weary sailors were approaching a place dear to the goddess Diana. 2. They were without food and without wine. 3. Then Galba and seven other men are sent to the ancient island by Sextus. 4. Already they are not far away from the land, and they see armed men on a high place. 5. They are kept from the land by the men with spears and arrows. 6. The men kept hurling their weapons down from the high place with great eagerness. [Footnote 2: /inimicis\, here used as a noun. See vocabulary.] LESSON XXXI PERFECT, PLUPERFECT, AND FUTURE PERFECT OF _SUM_ [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS aurum, -i:, n., _gold_ (oriole) /mora, -ae\, f., _delay_ /na:vigium, na:vi'gi:\, n., _boat, ship_ /ventus, -i:\, m., _wind_ (ventilate) VERB /na:vigo:, -a:re\, _sail_ (navigate) ADJECTIVES attentus, -a, -um, _attentive, careful_ /dubius, -a, -um\, _doubtful_ (dubious) perfidus, -a, -um, _faithless, treacherous_ (perfidy) ADVERB /antea:\, _before, previously_ PREPOSITION /sine\, with abl., _without_ _183._ Principal Parts. There are certain parts of the verb that are of so much consequence in tense formation that we call them the _principal parts._ The principal parts of the Latin verb are the present, the past, and the past participle; as _go, went, gone_; _see, saw, seen_, etc. The principal parts of the Latin verb are the _first person singular of the present indicative_, the _present infinitive_, the _first person singular of the perfect indicative_, and _the perfect passive participle._ _184._ Conjugation Stems. From the principal parts we get three conjugation stems, from which are formed the entire conjugation. We have already learned about the /present stem\, which is found from the present infinitive (cf. Sec. 126.a). The other two stems are the /perfect stem\ and the /participial stem\. _185._ The Perfect Stem. The perfect stem of the verb is formed in various ways, but may always be _found by dropping -i: from the first person singular of the perfect_, the third of the principal parts. From the perfect stem are formed the following tenses: THE PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE THE PLUPERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE (ENGLISH PAST PERFECT) THE FUTURE PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE All these tenses express completed action in present, past, or future time respectively. _186._ The Endings of the Perfect. The perfect active indicative is inflected by adding the endings of the perfect to the perfect stem. These endings are different from those found in any other tense, and are as follows: SINGULAR PLURAL 1. -i:, _I_ 1. -imus, _we_ 2. -isti:, _you_ 2. -istis, _you_ 3. -it, _he, she, it_ 3. -e:runt or -e:re, _they_ _187._ Inflection of /sum\ in the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect indicative: PRES. INDIC. PRES. INFIN. PERF. INDIC. PRIN. PARTS sum esse fui: PERFECT STEM fu- PERFECT SINGULAR PLURAL fu'i:, _I have been, I was_ fu'imus, _we have been, we were_ fuis'ti:, fuis'tis, _you have been, you were_ _you have been, you were_ fu'it, _he has been, he was_ fue:'runt _or_ fue:'re, _they have been, they were_ PLUPERFECT (TENSE SIGN -era:-) fu'eram, _I had been_ fuera:'mus, _we had been_ fu'era:s, _you had been_ fuera:'tis, _you had been_ fu'erat, _he had been_ fu'erant, _they had been_ FUTURE PERFECT (TENSE SIGN -eri-) fu'ero:, _I shall have been_ fue'rimus, _we shall have been_ fu'eris, _you will have been_ fue'ritis, _you will have been_ fu'erit, _he will have been_ fu'erint, _they will have been_ 1. Note carefully the changing accent in the perfect. 2. Observe that the pluperfect may be formed by adding /eram\, the imperfect of /sum\, to the perfect stem. The tense sign is -era:-. 3. Observe that the future perfect may be formed by adding /ero\, the future of /sum\, to the perfect stem. But the third person plural ends in -erint, not in -erunt. The tense sign is -eri-. 4. All active perfects, pluperfects, and future perfects are formed on the perfect stem and inflected in the same way. _188._ DIALOGUE THE BOYS TITUS, MARCUS, AND QUINTUS First learn the special vocabulary, p. 289. M. Ubi fuistis, Tite et Quinte? T. Ego in meo ludo fui et Quintus in suo ludo fuit. Boni pueri fuimus. Fuitne Sextus in vico hodie? M. Fuit. Nuper per agros proximos fluvio properabat. Ibi is et Cornelius habent navigium. T. _Navigium_ dicis? Alii[1] narra eam fabulam! M. Vero (_Yes, truly_), pulchrum et novum navigium! Q. Cuius pecunia[2] Sextus et Cornelius id navigium parant? Quis iis pecuniam dat? M. Amici Corneli multum habent aurum et puer pecunia non eget. T. Quo pueri navigabunt? Navigabuntne longe a terra? M. Dubia sunt consilia eorum. Sed hodie, credo, si ventus erit idoneus, ad maximam insulam navigabunt. Iam antea ibi fuerunt. Tum autem ventus erat perfidus et pueri magno in periculo erant. Q. Aqua vento commota est inimica nautis semper, et saepe perfidus ventus navigia rapit, agit, deletque. Ii pueri, si non fuerint maxime attenti, irata aqua et valido vento superabuntur et ita interficientur. [Footnote 1: Dative case. (Cf. Sec. 109.)] [Footnote 2: Ablative of means.] _189._ EXERCISE 1. Where had the boys been before? They had been in school. 2. Where had Sextus been? He had been in a field next to the river. 3. Who has been with Sextus to-day? Cornelius has been with him. 4. Who says so? Marcus. 5. If the wind has been suitable, the boys have been in the boat. 6. Soon we shall sail with the boys. 7. There[3] will be no danger, if we are (shall have been) careful.[4] [Footnote 3: The expletive _there_ is not expressed, but the verb will precede the subject, as in English.] [Footnote 4: This predicate adjective must be nominative plural to agree with _we_.] LESSON XXXII THE PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE OF THE FOUR REGULAR CONJUGATIONS [Special Vocabulary] NOUNS /animus, -i:\, m., _mind, heart; spirit, feeling_ (animate) /bracchium, bracchi:\, n., _forearm, arm_ /porta, -ae\, f., _gate_ (portal) ADJECTIVES /adversus, -a, -um\, _opposite; adverse, contrary_ /ple:nus, -a, -um\, _full_ (plenty) PREPOSITION /pro:\, with abl., _before; in behalf of; instead of_ ADVERB /diu:\, _for a long time, long_ _190._ Meanings of the Perfect. The perfect tense has two distinct meanings. The first of these is equivalent to the English present perfect, or perfect with _have_, and denotes that the action of the verb is complete at the time of speaking; as, _I have finished my work_. As this denotes completed action at a definite time, it is called the /perfect definite\. The perfect is also used to denote an action that happened _sometime in the past_; as, _I finished my work._ As no definite time is specified, this is called the /perfect indefinite\. It corresponds to the ordinary use of the English past tense. _a._ Note carefully the difference between the following tenses: _I {was finishing } my work_ (imperfect, Sec. 134) {used to finish} _I finished my work_ (perfect indefinite) _I have finished my work_ (perfect definite) When telling a story the Latin uses the _perfect indefinite_ to mark the different _forward steps_ of the narrative, and the _imperfect_ to _describe situations and circumstances_ that attend these steps. If the following sentences were Latin, what tenses would be used? "Last week I went to Boston. I was trying to find an old friend of mine, but he was out of the city. Yesterday I returned home." _191._ Inflection of the Perfect. We learned in Sec. 186 that any perfect is inflected by adding the endings of the perfect to the perfect stem. The inflection in the four regular conjugations is then as follows: CONJ. I ama:vi: _I have loved_, _I loved_ or _did love_ CONJ. II monui: _I have advised_, _I advised_ or _did advise_ CONJ. III re:xi: _I have ruled_, _I ruled_ or _did rule_ ce:pi: _I have taken_, _I took_ or _did take_ CONJ. IV audi:vi: _I have heard_, _I heard_ or _did hear_ PERFECT STEMS ama:v- monu- re:x- ce:p- audi:v- SINGULAR 1. ama:'vi: mo'nui: re:'xi: ce:'pi: audi:'vi: 2. ama:vis'ti: monuis'ti: re:xis'ti: ce:pis'ti: audi:vis'ti: 3. ama:'vit mo'nuit re:'xit ce:'pit audi:'vit PLURAL 1. ama:'vimus monu'imus re:'ximus ce:'pimus audi:'vimus 2. ama:vis'tis monuis'tis re:xis'tis ce:pis'tis audi:vis'tis 3. ama:ve:'runt monue:'runt re:xe:'runt ce:pe:'runt audi:ve:'runt _or_ _or_ _or_ _or_ _or_ ama:ve:'re monue:'re re:xe:'re ce:pe:'re audi:ve:'re 1. The first person of the perfect is always given as the third of the principal parts. From this we get the perfect stem. _This shows the absolute necessity of learning the principal parts thoroughly._ 2. Nearly all perfects of the first conjugation are formed by adding -vi: to the present stem. Like /amavi\ inflect /paravi\, /vocavi\, /curavi\, /laudavi\. 3. Note carefully the changing accent in the perfect. Drill on it. _192._ Learn the principal parts and inflect the perfects: PRES. INDIC. PRES. INFIN. PERF. INDIC. do: dare dedi: _give_ de:leo: de:le:re de:le:vi: _destroy_ habeo: habe:re habui: _have_ moveo: move:re mo:vi: _move_ pa:reo: pa:re:re pa:rui: _obey_ prohibeo: prohibe:re prohi:bui: _restrain, keep from_ video: vide:re vi:di: _see_ di:co: di:cere di:xi: _say_ disce:do: disce:dere discessi: _depart_ du:co: du:cere du:xi: _lead_ facio: facere fe:ci: _make, do_ mitto: mittere mi:si: _send_ mu:nio: mu:ni:re mu:ni:vi: _fortify_ venio: veni:re ve:ni: _come_ _193._ PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (_Continued_) First learn the special vocabulary, p. 290. Cepheus, adversa fortuna maxime commotus, discessit et multis cum lacrimis populo Aethiopiae verba oraculi narravit. Fata Andromedae, puellae pulchrae, a toto populo deplorabantur, tamen nullum erat auxilium. Deinde Cepheus cum pleno tristitiae animo caram suam filiam ex oppidi porta ad aquam duxit et bracchia eius ad saxa dura revinxit. Tum amici puellae miserae longe discesserunt et diu monstrum saevum exspectaverunt. Tum forte Perseus, alis fretus, super Aethiopiam volabat. Vidit populum, Andromedam, lacrimas, et, magnopere attonitus, ad terram descendit. Tum Cepheus ei totas curas narravit et ita dixit: "Parebo verbis oraculi, et pro patria filiam meam dabo; sed si id monstrum interficies et Andromedam servabis, tibi (_to you_) eam dabo." LESSON XXXIII PLUPERFECT AND FUTURE PERFECT ACTIVE INDICATIVE PERFECT ACTIVE INFINITIVE _194._ CONJ. I CONJ. II CONJ. III CONJ. IV amo: moneo: rego: capio: audio: PERFECT STEMS ama:v- monu- re:x- ce:p- audi:v- PLUPERFECT INDICATIVE ACTIVE TENSE SIGN -era:- SINGULAR I had loved I had advised I had ruled I had taken I had heard 1. ama:'veram monu'eram re:'xeram ce:'peram audi:'veram 2. ama:'vera:s monu'era:s re:'xera:s ce:'pera:s audi:'vera:s 3. ama:'verat monu'erat re:'xerat ce:'perat audi:'verat PLURAL 1. ama:vera:'mus monuera:'mus re:xera:'mus ce:pera:'mus --era:'mus 2. ama:vera:'tis monuera:'tis re:xera:'tis ce:pera:'tis --era:'tis 3. ama'verant monu'erant re:'xerant ce:'perant audi:'verant FUTURE PERFECT INDICATIVE ACTIVE TENSE SIGN -eri- SINGULAR I shall have I shall have I shall have I shall have I shall have loved advised ruled taken heard 1. ama:'vero: monu'ero: re:'xero: ce:'pero: audi:'vero: 2. ama:'veris monu'eris re:'xeris ce:'peris audi:'veris 3. ama:'verit monu'erit re:'xerit ce:'perit audi:'verit PLURAL 1. ama:ve'rimus monue'rimus re:xe'rimus ce:pe'rimus audi:ve'rimus 2. ama:ve'ritis monue'ritis re:xe'ritis ce:pe'ritis audi:ve'ritis 3. ama:'verint monu'erint re:'xerint ce:'perint audi:'verint 1. Observe that these are all inflected alike and the rules for formation given in Sec. 187.2-4 hold good here. 2. In like manner inflect the pluperfect and future perfect indicative active of /do\, /porto\, /deleo\, /moveo\, /habeo\, /dico\, /discedo\, /facio\, /venio\, /munio\. _195._ The Perfect Active Infinitive. The perfect active infinitive is formed by adding -isse to the perfect stem. CONJ PERFECT STEM PERFECT INFINITIVE I. ama:v- ama:vis'se, _to have loved_ II. monu- monuis'se, _to have advised_ III. (_a_) re:x- re:xis'se, _to have ruled_ (_b_) ce:p- ce:pis'se, _to have taken_ IV. audi:v\ audi:vis'se, _to have heard_ sum fu- fuis'se, _to have been_ 1. In like manner give the perfect infinitive active of /do\, /porto\, /deleo\, /moveo\, /habeo\, /dico\, /discedo\, /facio\, /venio\, /munio\. _196._ EXERCISES I. 1. Habuisti, moverunt, miserant. 2. Vidit, dixeris, duxisse. 3. Misistis, paruerunt, discesseramus. 4. Munivit, dederam, misero. 5. Habuerimus, delevi, paruit, fuisse. 6. Dederas, muniveritis, veneratis, misisse. 7. Veneras, fecisse, dederatis, portaveris. 8. Quem verba oraculi moverant? Populum verba oraculi moverant. 9. Cui Cepheus verba oraculi narraverit? Perseo Cepheus verba oraculi narraverit. 10. Amici ab Andromeda discesserint. 11. Monstrum saevum domicilia multa deleverat. 12. Ubi monstrum vidistis? Id in aqua vidimus. 13. Quid monstrum faciet? Monstrum Andromedam interficiet. II. 1. They have obeyed, we have destroyed, I shall have had. 2. We shall have sent, I had come, they have fortified. 3. I had departed, he has obeyed, you have sent (_sing. and plur._). 4. To have destroyed, to have seen, he will have given, they have carried. 5. He had destroyed, he has moved, you have had (_sing. and plur._). 6. I have given, you had moved (_sing. and plur._), we had said. 7. You will have made (_sing. and plur._), they will have led, to have given. 8. Who had seen the monster? Andromeda had seen it. 9. Why had the men departed from[1] the towns? They had departed because the monster had come. 10. Did Cepheus obey[2] the oracle[3]? He did. [Footnote 1: /ex\. What would /ab\ mean?] [Footnote 2: _Did ... obey_, perfect tense.] [Footnote 3: What case?] LESSON XXXIV REVIEW OF THE ACTIVE VOICE [Special Vocabulary] ADVERBS /celeriter\, _quickly_ (celerity) /de:nique\, _finally_ /graviter\, _heavily, severely_ (gravity) /subito:\, _suddenly_ VERB /reporto:, -a:re, -a:vi:\, _bring back, restore; win, gain_ (report) _197._ A review of the tenses of the indicative active shows the following formation: { PRESENT = First of the principal parts TENSES { IMPERFECT = Present stem + -ba-m OF THE { FUTURE = Present stem + -bo, Conj. I and II INDICATIVE { -a-m, Conj. III and IV { PERFECT = Third of the principal parts { PLUPERFECT = Perfect stem + -era-m { FUTURE PERFECT = Perfect stem + -ero _198._ The synopsis of the active voice of /amo\, as far as we have learned the conjugation, is as follows: PRINCIPAL PARTS amo:, ama:re, ama:vi: PRES. STEM ama:- { _Pres._ amo: INDIC. { _Imperf._ ama:bam { _Fut._ ama:bo: PRES. IMV. ama: PRES. INFIN. ama:re PERF. STEM ama:v- { _Perf._ ama:vi: INDIC. { _Pluperf._ ama:veram { _Fut. perf._ ama:vero: PERF. INFIN. ama:visse 1. Learn to write in the same form and to give rapidly the principal parts and synopsis of /paro\, /do\, /laudo\, /deleo\, /habeo\, /moveo\, /pareo\, /video\, /dico\, /discedo\, /duco\, /mitto\, /capio\, /munio\, /venio\.[1] [Footnote 1: Learn to give synopses rapidly, and not only in the first person singular but in any person of either number.] _199._ Learn the following principal parts:[2] PRES. INDIC. PRES. INFIN. PERF. INDIC. IRREGULAR VERBS sum esse fui: _be_ ab'sum abes'se a:'fui: _be away_ do: dare dedi: _give_ CONJUGATION II contineo: contine:re continui: _hold in, keep_ doceo: doce:re docui: _teach_ egeo: ege:re egui: _need_ faveo: fave:re fa:vi: _favor_ iubeo: iube:re iussi: _order_ noceo: noce:re nocui: _injure_ persua:deo: persua:de:re persua:si: _persuade_ respondeo: responde:re respondi: _reply_ sedeo: sede:re se:di: _sit_ studeo: stude:re studui: _be eager_ CONJUGATION III ago: agere e:gi: _drive_ cre:do: cre:dere cre:didi: _believe_ fugio: fugere fu:gi: _flee_ iacio: iacere ie:ci: _hurl_ interficio: interficere interfe:ci: _kill_ rapio: rapere rapui: _seize_ resis'to: resis'tere re'stiti: _resist_ CONJUGATION IV repe'rio: reperi:'re rep'peri: _find_ [Footnote 2: These are all verbs that you have had before, and the perfect is the only new form to be learned.] _200._ PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA (_Concluded_) First learn the special vocabulary, p. 290. Read the whole story. Perseus semper proelio studebat[3] et respondit,[3] "Verba tua sunt maxime grata," et laetus arma sua magica paravit.[3] Subito monstrum videtur; celeriter per aquam properat et Andromedae adpropinquat. Eius amici longe absunt et misera puella est sola. Perseus autem sine mora super aquam volavit.[3] Subito descendit[3] et duro gladio saevum monstrum graviter vulneravit.[3] Diu pugnatur,[4] diu proelium est dubium. Denique autem Perseus monstrum interfecit[3] et victoriam reportavit.[3] Tum ad saxum venit[3] et Andromedam liberavit[3] et eam ad Cepheum duxit.[3] Is, nuper miser, nunc laetus, ita dixit[3]: "Tuo auxilio, mi amice, cara filia mea est libera; tua est Andromeda." Diu Perseus cum Andromeda ibi habitabat[3] et magnopere a toto populo amabatur.[3] [Footnote 3: See if you can explain the use of the perfects and imperfects in this passage.] [Footnote 4: The verb pugnatur means, literally, _it is fought_; translate freely, _the battle is fought_, or _the contest rages_. The verb pugno in Latin is intransitive, and so does not have a personal subject in the passive. A verb with an indeterminate subject, designated in English by _it_, is called impersonal.] LESSON XXXV THE PASSIVE PERFECTS OF THE INDICATIVE THE PERFECT PASSIVE AND FUTURE ACTIVE INFINITIVE _201._ The fourth and last of the principal parts (Sec. 183) is the /perfect passive participle\. _From it we get the participial stem on which are formed the future active infinitive and all the passive perfects._ 1. Learn the following principal parts, which are for the first time given in full: CONJ. PRES. INDIC. PRES. INFIN. PERF. INDIC. PERF. PASS. PART. I. amo: ama:'-re ama:'v-i: ama:'t-us This is the model for all regular verbs of the first conjugation. II. mo'neo: mone:'-re mo'nu-i: mo'nit-us III. rego: re'ge-re re:x-i: re:ct-us ca'pio: ca'pe-re ce:p-i: capt-us IV. au'dio: audi:'-re audi:'v-i: audi:'t-us 2. The base of the participial stem is found by dropping -us from the perfect passive participle. _202._ In English the perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses of the indicative passive are made up of forms of the auxiliary verb _to be_ and the past participle; as, _I have been loved_, _I had been loved_, _I shall have been loved._ Very similarly, in Latin, the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect passive tenses use respectively the present, imperfect, and future of /sum\ as an auxiliary verb with the perfect passive participle, as Perfect passive, /ama'tus sum\, _I have been_ or _was loved_ Pluperfect passive, /ama'tus eram\, _I had been loved_ Future perfect passive, /ama'tus ero\, _I shall have been loved_ 1. In the same way give the synopsis of the corresponding tenses of /moneo\, /rego\, /capio\, and /audio\, and give the English meanings. _203._ Nature of the Participle. A participle is partly verb and partly adjective. As a verb it possesses tense and voice. As an adjective it is declined and agrees with the word it modifies in gender, number, and case. _204._ The perfect passive participle is declined like /bonus, bona, bonum\, and in the compound tenses (Sec. 202) it agrees as a predicate adjective with the subject of the verb. EXAMPLES IN SINGULAR Vir laudatus est, _the man was praised_, or _has been praised_ Puella laudata est, _the girl was praised_, or _has been praised_ Consilium laudatum est, _the plan was praised_, or _has been praised_ EXAMPLES IN PLURAL Viri laudati sunt, _the men were praised_, or _have been praised_ Puellae laudatae sunt, _the girls were praised_, or _have been praised_ Consilia laudata sunt, _the plans were praised_, or _have been praised_ 1. Inflect the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect indicative passive of /amo\, /moneo\, /rego\, /capio\, and /audio\ (Secs. 488-492). _205._ The perfect passive infinitive is formed by adding /esse\, the present infinitive of /sum\, to the perfect passive participle; as, ama't-us (-a, -um) /esse\, _to have been loved_; mo'nit-us (-a, -um) /esse\, _to have been advised_. 1. Form the perfect passive infinitive of /rego\, /capio\, /audio\, and give the English meanings. _206._ The future active infinitive is formed by adding /esse\, the present infinitive of /sum\, to the future active participle. This participle is made by adding /-urus, -a, -um\ to the base of the participial stem. Thus the future active infinitive of /amo\ is amat-u'rus (-a, -um) /esse\, _to be about to love_. _a._ Note that in forming the three tenses of the active infinitive we use all three conjugation stems: Present, amare (present stem), _to love_ Perfect, amavisse (perfect stem), _to have loved_ Future, amaturus esse (participial stem), _to be about to love_ 1. Give the three tenses of the active infinitive of /laudo\, /moneo\, /rego\, /capio\, /audio\, with the English meanings. _207._ EXERCISES I. 1. Fabula Andromedae narrata est. 2. Multae fabulae a magistro narratae sunt. 3. Ager ab agricola valido aratus erat. 4. Agri ab agricolis validis arati erant. 5. Aurum a servo perfido ad domicilium suum portatum erit. 6. Nostra arma a legato laudata sunt. Quis vestra arma laudavit? 7. Ab ancilla tua ad cenam vocatae sumus. 8. Andromeda monstro non data est, quia monstrum a Perseo necatum erat. II. 1. The provinces were laid waste, the field had been laid waste, the towns will have been laid waste. 2. The oracles were heard, the oracle was heard, the oracles had been heard. 3. The oracle will have been heard, the province had been captured, the boats have been captured. 4. The fields were laid waste, the man was advised, the girls will have been advised. 5. The towns had been ruled, we shall have been captured, you will have been heard. LESSON XXXVI REVIEW OF PRINCIPAL PARTS : PREPOSITIONS _YES_-OR-_NO_ QUESTIONS [Special Vocabulary] /dexter, dextra, dextrum\, _right_ (dextrous) /sinister, sinistra, sinistrum\, _left_ /fru:stra:\, adv., _in vain_ (frustrate) /gero:, gerere, gessi:, gestus\, _bear, carry on; wear_; /bellum gerere\, _to wage war_ /occupo:, occupa:re, occupa:vi:, occupa:tus\, _seize, take possession of_ (occupy) /postulo:, postula:re, postula:vi:, postula:tus\, _demand_ (ex-postulate) /recu:so:, recu:sa:re, recu:sa:vi:, recu:sa:tus\, _refuse_ /sto:, sta:re, steti:, status\, _stand_ /tempto:, tempta:re, tempta:vi:, tempta:tus\, _try, tempt, test; attempt_ /teneo:, tene:re, tenui:, ----\, _keep, hold_ (tenacious) The word /ubi\, which we have used so much in the sense of _where_ in asking a question, has two other uses equally important: 1. /ubi\ = _when_, as a relative conjunction denoting time; as, /Ubi monstrum audiverunt, fugerunt\, _when they heard the monster, they fled_ 2. /ubi\ = _where_, as a relative conjunction denoting place; as, /Video oppidum ubi Galba habitat\, _I see the town where Galba lives_ /ubi\ is called a _relative conjunction_ because it is equivalent to a relative pronoun. _When_ in the first sentence is equivalent to _at the time /at which\;_ and in the second, _where_ is equivalent to _the place /in which\._ _208._ The following list shows the principal parts of all the verbs you have had excepting those used in the paradigms. The parts you have had before are given for review, and the perfect participle is the only new form for you to learn. Sometimes one or more of the principal parts are lacking, which means that the verb has no forms based on that stem. A few verbs lack the perfect passive participle but have the future active participle in -u:rus, which appears in the principal parts instead. IRREGULAR VERBS sum esse fui: futu:rus _be_ absum abesse a:fui: a:futu:rus _be away_ do:[1] dare dedi: datus _give_ [Footnote 1: /do:\ is best classed with the irregular verbs because of the short /a\ in the present and participial stems.] CONJUGATION I porto: porta:re porta:vi: porta:tus _carry_ So for all verbs of this conjugation thus far used. CONJUGATION II contineo: contine:re continui: contentus _hold in, keep_ de:leo: de:le:re de:le:vi: de:le:tus _destroy_ doceo: doce:re docui: doctus _teach_ egeo: ege:re egui: ---- _lack_ faveo: fave:re fa:vi: fautu:rus _favor_ iubeo: iube:re iussi: iussus _order_ moveo: move:re mo:vi: mo:tus _move_ noceo: noce:re nocui: nocitu:rus _injure_ pa:reo: pa:re:re pa:rui: ---- _obey_ persua:deo: persua:de:re persua:si: persua:sus _persuade (from)_ prohibeo: prohibe:re prohibui: prohibitus _restrain, keep_ respondeo: responde:re respondi: respo:nsus _reply_ sedeo: sede:re se:di: -sessus _sit_ studeo: stude:re studui: ---- _be eager_ video: vide:re vi:di: vi:sus _see_ CONJUGATION III ago: agere e:gi: a:ctus _drive_ cre:do: cre:dere cre:didi: cre:ditus _believe_ di:co: di:cere di:xi: dictus _say_ disce:do: disce:dere discessi: discessus _depart_ du:co: du:cere du:xi: ductus _lead_ facio:[2] facere fe:ci: factus _make_ fugio: fugere fu:gi: fugitu:rus _flee_ iacio: iacere ie:ci: iactus _hurl_ interficio: interficere interfe:ci: interfectus _kill_ mitto: mittere mi:si: missus _send_ rapio: rapere rapui: raptus _seize_ resisto: resistere restiti: ---- _resist_ CONJUGATION IV mu:nio: mu:ni:re mu:ni:vi: mu:ni:tus _fortify_ reperio: reperi:re rep'peri: repertus _find_ venio: veni:re ve:ni: ventus _come_ [Footnote 2: /facio\ has an irregular passive which will be presented later.] _209._ Prepositions. 1. We learned in Secs. 52, 53 that only the _accusative_ and the _ablative_ are used with prepositions, and that prepositions expressing ablative relations govern the ablative case. Those we have had are here summarized. The table following should be learned. a: or ab, _from, by_ cum, _with_ de:, _down from, concerning_ e: or ex, _out from, out of_ pro:, _before, in front of; for, in behalf of_ sine, _without_ 2. Prepositions not expressing ablative relations must govern the _accusative_ (Sec. 52). Of these we have had the following: ad, _to_; apud, _among_; per, _through_ There are many others which you will meet as we proceed. 3. The preposition /in\ when meaning _in_ or _on_ governs the _ablative_; when meaning _to, into, against_ (relations foreign to the ablative) /in\ governs the _accusative_. _210._ _Yes_-or-_No_ Questions. Questions not introduced by some interrogative word like _who, why, when_, etc., but expecting the answer _yes_ or _no_, may take one of three forms: 1. _Is he coming?_ (Asking for information. Implying nothing as to the answer expected.) 2. _Is he not coming?_ (Expecting the answer _yes_.) 3. _He isn't coming, is he?_ (Expecting the answer _no_.) These three forms are rendered in Latin as follows: 1. Venitne? _is he coming?_ 2. Nonne venit? _is he not coming?_ 3. Num venit? _he isn't coming, is he?_ _a._ -ne, the question sign, is usually added to the verb, which then stands first. _b._ We learned in Sec. 56.b that _yes_-or-_no_ questions are usually answered by repeating the verb, with or without a negative. Instead of this, /ita\, /vero\, /certe\, etc. (_so, truly, certainly_, etc.) may be used for _yes_, and /non\, /minime\, etc. for _no_ if the denial is emphatic, as, _by no means_, _not at all_. _211._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 290. I. 1. Nonne habebat Cornelia ornamenta auri? Habebat. 2. Num Sextus legatus scutum in dextro bracchio gerebat? Non in dextro, sed sinistro in bracchio Sextus scutum gerebat. 3. Frustra bella multa ab Gallis gesta erant. 4. Ubi oppidum a perfido Sexto occupatum est, oppidani miseri gladio interfecti sunt. 5. Id oppidum erat plenum frumenti. 6. Nonne Sextus ab oppidanis frumentum postulavit? Vero, sed ii recusaverunt frumentum dare. 7. Cur oppidum ab Sexto deletum est? Quia frumentum recusatum est. 8. Ea victoria non dubia erat. 9. Oppidani erant defessi et armis egebant. 10. Num fugam temptaverunt? Minime. II. 1. Where was Julia standing? She was standing where you had ordered. 2. Was Julia wearing any ornaments? She had many ornaments of gold. 3. Did she not attempt flight when she saw the danger? She did. 4. Who captured her? Galba captured her without delay and held her by the left arm. 5. She didn't have the lady's gold, did she? No, the gold had been taken by a faithless maid and has been brought back. * * * * * Fourth Review, Lessons XXVII-XXXVI, Secs. 513-516 * * * * * LESSON XXXVII CONJUGATION OF _POSSUM_ : THE INFINITIVE USED AS IN ENGLISH [Special Vocabulary] /neque\ or /nec\, conj., _neither_, _nor_, _and ... not_; /neque ... neque\, _neither ... nor_ /castellum, -i:\, n., _redoubt, fort_ (castle) /coti:die:\, adv., _daily_ cesso:, cessa:re, cessa:vi:, cessa:tus, _cease_, with the infin. /incipio:, incipere, ince:pi:, inceptus\, _begin_ (incipient), with the infin. /oppugno:, oppugna:re, oppugna:vi:, oppugna:tus\, _storm, assail_ /peto:, petere, petivi\ or /petii:, peti:tus\, _aim at, assail, storm, attack; seek, ask_ (petition) /po:no:, po:nere, posui:, positus\, _place, put_ (position); /castra po:nere\, _to pitch camp_ /possum, posse, potui:, ----\, _be able, can_ (potent), with the infin. /veto:, veta:re, vetui:, vetitus\, _forbid_ (veto), vith the infin.; opposite of /iubeo:\, _command_ /vinco:, vincere, vi:ci:, victus\, _conquer_ (in-vincible) /vi:vo:, vi:vere, vi:xi:, ----\, _live, be alive_ (re-vive) _212._ Learn the principal parts of /possum\, _I am able_, _I can_, and its inflection in the indicative and infinitive. (Cf. Sec. 495.) _a._ /Possum\, _I can_, is a compound of /potis\, _able_, and /sum\, _I am_. _213._ The Infinitive with Subject Accusative. The _infinitive_ (cf. Sec. 173) is a _verbal noun_. Used as a noun, it has the constructions of a noun. As a verb it can govern a case and be modified by an adverb. The uses of the infinitive are much the same in Latin as in English. 1. In English certain verbs of _wishing, commanding, forbidding_, and the like are used with an object clause consisting of a substantive in the objective case and an infinitive, as, _he commanded the men to flee_. Such object clauses are called infinitive clauses, and the substantive is said to be the subject of the infinitive. Similarly in Latin, some verbs of _wishing, commanding, forbidding_, and the like are used with an object clause consisting of an infinitive with a subject in the accusative case, as, /Is viros fugere iussit\, _he commanded the men to flee_. _214._ RULE. Subject of the Infinitive. _The subject of the infinitive is in the accusative._ _215._ The Complementary Infinitive. In English a verb is often followed by an infinitive to complete its meaning, as, _the Romans are able to conquer the Gauls_. This is called the _complementary_ infinitive, as the predicate is not _complete_ without the added infinitive. Similarly in Latin, _verbs of incomplete predication_ are completed by the infinitive. Among such verbs are /possum\, _I am able, I can_; /propero\, /maturo\, _I hasten_; /tempto\, _I attempt_; as Romani Gallos superare possunt, _the Romans are able to_ (or _can_) _conquer the Gauls_ Bellum gerere maturant, _they hasten to wage war_ _a._ A predicate adjective completing a complementary infinitive agrees in gender, number, and case with the subject of the main verb. Mali pueri esse boni non possunt, _bad boys are not able to_ (or _cannot_) _be good._ Observe that /boni\ agrees with /pueri\. _216._ The Infinitive used as a Noun. In English the infinitive is often used as a pure noun, as the subject of a sentence, or as a predicate nominative. For example, _To conquer_ (= conquering) _is pleasing; To see_ (= seeing) _is to believe_ (= believing). The same use of the infinitive is found in Latin, especially with /est\, as Superare est gratum, _to conquer is pleasing_ Videre est credere, _to see is to believe_ _a._ In the construction above, the infinitive often has a subject, which must then be in the accusative case, as Galbam superare inimicos est gratum multis, _for Galba to conquer his enemies is pleasing to many_ _b._ An infinitive used as a noun is neuter singular. Thus, in the sentence /superare est gratum\, the predicate adjective /gratum\ is in the neuter nominative singular to agree with /superare\ the subject. _217._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 291. I. 1. Magister ludi liberos cum diligentia laborare iussit. 2. Egere cibo et vino est viris molestum. 3. Viri armati vetuerunt Gallos castra ibi ponere. 4. Estne legatus in castello an in muro? Is est pro porta. 5. Ubi nostri[1] fugere inceperunt, legatus ab vestris[1] captus est. 6. Galli castellum ibi oppugnaverant ubi praesidium erat infirmum. 7. Alii pugnare temptabant, alii portas petebant. 8. Feminae pro domiciliis sedebant neque resistere validis Gallis poterant. 9. Bellum est saevum, nec infirmis nec miseris favet. 10. Sed viri arma postulabant et studebant Gallos de muris agere. 11. Id castellum ab Gallis occupari Romanis non gratum erit. 12. Galli ubi a Romanis victi sunt, esse liberi[2] cessaverunt. 13. Diu sine aqua vivere non potestis. II. 1. The girl began daily to carry water from the river to the gates. 2. The Gauls had pitched their camp in a place suitable for a battle. 3. For a long time they tried in vain to seize the redoubt. 4. Neither did they cease to hurl weapons against[3] the walls. 5. But they were not able to (could not) take the town. [Footnote 1: Supply _men_. /nostri\, /vestri\, and /sui\ are often used as nouns in this way.] [Footnote 2: Not _children_. The Romans used /liberi\ either as an adjective, meaning _free_, or as a noun, meaning _the free_, thereby signifying their _free-born children_. The word was never applied to children of slaves.] [Footnote 3: /in\ with the accusative.] _218._ THE FAITHLESS TARPE'IA Sabini olim cum Romanis bellum gerebant et multas victorias reportaverant. Iam agros proximos muris vastabant, iam oppido adpropinquabant. Romani autem in Capitolium fugerant et longe periculo aberant. Muris validis et saxis altis credebant. Frustra Sabini tela iaciebant, frustra portas duras petebant; castellum occupare non poterant. Deinde novum consilium ceperunt.[4] Tarpeia erat puella Romana pulchra et superba. Cotidie aquam copiis Romanis in Capitolium portabat. Ei[5] non nocebant Sabini, quod ea sine armis erat neque Sabini bellum cum feminis liberisque gerebant. Tarpeia autem maxime amabat ornamenta auri. Cotidie Sabinorum ornamenta videbat et mox ea desiderare incipiebat. Ei unus ex[6] Sabinis dixit, "Duc copias Sabinas intra portas, Tarpeia, et maxima erunt praemia tua." [Footnote 4: /consilium capere\, _to make a plan_. Why is the _perfect_ tense used here and the imperfect in the preceding sentences? Explain the use of tenses in the next paragraph.] [Footnote 5: Dative with /nocebant\. (Cf. Sec. 154.)] [Footnote 6: /ex\, _out of_, i.e. _from the nuumber of_; best translated _of_.] [Illustration: TARPEIA PUELLA PERFIDA] LESSON XXXVIII THE RELATIVE PRONOUN AND THE INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN _219._ Sentences are _simple, compound_, or _complex_. _a._ A _simple sentence_ is a sentence containing but one statement, that is, one subject and one predicate: _The Romans approached the town._ _b._ A _compound sentence_ is a sentence containing two or more independent statements: _The Romans approached the town_ | and | _the enemy fled._ NOTE. An independent statement is one that can stand alone; it does not depend upon another statement. _c._ A _complex sentence_ is a sentence containing one independent statement and one or more dependent statements: _When the Romans approached the town | the enemy fled._ NOTE. A dependent or subordinate statement is one that depends on or qualifies another statement; thus _the enemy fled_ is independent, and _when the Romans approached the town_ is dependent or subordinate. _d._ The separate statements in a compound or complex sentence are called _clauses_. In a complex sentence the independent statement is called the _main clause_ and the dependent statement the _subordinate clause._ _220._ Examine the complex sentence _The Romans killed the men who were taken_ Here are two clauses: _a._ The main clause, _The Romans killed the men_ _b._ The subordinate clause, _who were taken_ The word _who_ is a pronoun, for it takes the place of the noun _men_. It also connects the subordinate clause _who were taken_ with the noun _men_. Hence the clause is an _adjective clause_. A pronoun that connects an _adjective clause_ with a substantive is called a _relative pronoun_, and the substantive for which the relative pronoun stands is called its _antecedent_. The relative pronouns in English are _who, whose, whom, which, what, that_. _221._ The relative pronoun in Latin is /qui:\, /quae\, /quod\, and it is declined as follows: SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. qui: quae quod qui: quae quae Gen. cuius cuius cuius quo:rum qua:rum quo:rum Dat. cui cui cui quibus quibus quibus Acc. quem quam quod quo:s qua:s quae Abl. quo: qua: quo: quibus quibus quibus 1. Review the declension of /is\, Sec. 114, and note the similarity in the endings. The forms /qui:\, /quae\, and /quibus\ are the only forms showing new endings. NOTE. The genitive /cuius\ and the dative /cui\ are pronounced _c[oo]i'y[oo]s_ (two syllables) and _c[oo]i_ (one syllable). _222._ The Relative Pronoun is translated as follows:[1] MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. _who, that_ _which, what, that_ Gen. _of whom, whose_ _of which, of what, whose_ Dat. _to_ or _for whom_ _to_ or _for which_, _to_ or _for what_ Acc. _whom, that_ _which, what, that_ Abl. _from_, etc., _whom_ _from_, etc., _which_ or _what_ [Footnote 1: This table of meanings need not be memorized. It is inserted for reference when translating.] _a._ We see from the table above that /qui:\, when it refers to a person, is translated by some form of _who_ or by _that_; and that when it refers to anything else it is translated by _which, what_, or _that_. _223._ Note the following sentences: _The Romans killed the men who were taken_ _The Romans killed the woman who was taken_ /Romani interfecerunt viros qui capti sunt\ /Romani interfecerunt feminam quae capta est\ In the first sentence _who_ (qui) refers to the antecedent _men_ (viros), and is _masculine plural_. In the second, _who_ (quae) refers to _woman_ (feminam), and _feminine singular_. From this we learn that the relative must agree with its antecedent in _gender_ and _number_. In neither of the sentences are the antecedents and relatives in the same case. /Viros\ and /feminam\ are accusatives, and /qui\ and /quae\ are nominatives, being the subjects of the subordinate clauses. Hence _224._ RULE. Agreement of the Relative. _A relative pronoun must agree with its antecedent in gender and number; but its case is determined by the way it is used in its own clause._ _225._ Interrogative Pronouns. An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun that asks a question. In English the interrogatives are _who?_ _which?_ _what?_ In Latin they are /quis?\ /quid?\ (pronoun) and /qui:?\ /quae?\ /quod?\ (adjective). _226._ Examine the sentences _a._ _Who is the man?_ Quis est vir? _b._ _What man is leading them?_ Qui vir eos ducit? In _a_, _who_ is an interrogative _pronoun_. In _b_, _what_ is an interrogative _adjective_. Observe that in Latin /quis\, /quid\ is the _pronoun_ and /qui:\, /quae\, /quod\ is the _adjective_. _227._ 1. The interrogative adjective /qui:\, /quae\, /quod\ is declined just like the relative pronoun. (See Sec. 221.) 2. The interrogative pronoun /quis\, /quid\ is declined like /qui:\, /quae\, /quod\ in the plural. In the singular it is declined as follows: MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. quis, _who?_ quid, _what? which?_ Gen. cuius, _whose?_ cuius, _whose?_ Dat. cui, _to_ or _for whom?_ cui, _to_ or _for_ _what_ or _which?_ Acc. quem, _whom?_ quid, _what? which?_ Abl. quo:, _from_, etc., _whom?_ quo:, _from_, etc., _which_ or _what?_ NOTE. Observe that the masculine and feminine are alike and that all the forms are like the corresponding forms of the relative, excepting quis and quid. _228._ EXERCISES I. 1. Quis est aeger? Servus quem amo est aeger. 2. Cuius scutum habes? Scutum habeo quod legatus ad castellum misit. 3. Cui legatus suum scutum dabit? Filio meo scutum dabit. 4. Ubi Germani antiqui vivebant? In terra quae est proxima Rheno Germani vivebant. 5. Quibuscum[1] Germani bellum gerebant? Cum Romanis, qui eos superare studebant, Germani bellum gerebant. 6. Qui viri castra ponunt? Ii sunt viri quorum armis Germani victi sunt. 7. Quibus telis copiae nostrae eguerunt? Gladiis et telis nostrae copiae eguerunt. 8. A quibus porta sinistra tenebatur? A sociis porta sinistra tenebatur. 9. Quae provinciae a Romanis occupatae sunt? Multae provinciae a Romanis occupatae sunt. 10. Quibus viris dei favebunt? Bonis viris dei favebunt. [Footnote 1: /cum\ is added to the ablative of relative, interrogative, and personal pronouns instead of being placed before them.] [Illustration: GERMANI ANTIQUI] II. 1. What victory will you announce? 2. I will announce to the people the victory which the sailors have won. 3. The men who were pitching camp were eager for battle. 4. Nevertheless they were soon conquered by the troops which Sextus had sent. 5. They could not resist our forces, but fled from that place without delay. _229._ THE FAITHLESS TARPEIA (_Concluded_)[2] Tarpeia, commota ornamentis Sabinorum pulchris, diu resistere non potuit et respondit: "Date mihi[3] ornamenta quae in sinistris bracchis geritis, et celeriter copias vestras in Capitolium ducam." Nec Sabini recusaverunt, sed per duras magnasque castelli portas properaverunt quo[1] Tarpeia duxit et mox intra validos et altos muros stabant. Tum sine mora in[2] Tarpeiam scuta graviter iecerunt; nam scuta quoque in sinistris bracchiis gerebant. Ita perfida puella Tarpeia interfecta est; ita Sabini Capitolium occupaverunt. [Footnote 2: Explain the use of the tenses in this selection.] [Footnote 3: _to me._] [Footnote 1: quo = _whither_, _to the place where_. Here /quo\ is the relative adverb. We have had it used before as the interrogative adverb, _whither?_ _to what place?_] [Footnote 2: _upon_.] LESSON XXXIX THE THIRD DECLENSION : CONSONANT STEMS [Special Vocabulary] /barbarus, -a, -um\, _strange, foreign, barbarous_. As a noun, /barbari:, -o:rum\, m., plur., _savages, barbarians_ /dux, ducis\, m., _leader_ (duke). Cf. the verb /du:co:\ /eques, equitis\, m., _horseman, cavalryman_ (equestrian) iu:dex, iu:dicis, _m., judge_ /lapis, lapidis\, m., _stone_ (lapidary) /mi:les, mi:litis\, m., _soldier_ (militia) /pedes, peditis\, m., _foot soldier_ (pedestrian) /pe:s, pedis\,[A] m., _foot_ (pedal) /pri:nceps, pri:ncipis\, m., _chief_ (principal) /re:x, re:gis\, m., _king_ (regal) /summus, -a, -um\, _highest, greatest_ (summit) /virtu:s, virtu:tis\, f., _manliness, courage_ (virtue) [Footnote A: Observe that /e\ is _long_ in the nom. sing, and _short_ in the other cases.] _230._ Bases and Stems. In learning the first and second declensions we saw that the different cases were formed by adding the case terminations to the part of the word that did not change, which we called the /base\. If to the base we add -a: in the first declension, and -o in the second, we get what is called the /stem\. Thus /porta\ has the base port- and the stem porta:-; /servus\ has the base serv- and the stem servo-. These stem vowels, -a:- and -o-, play so important a part in the formation of the case terminations that these declensions are named from them respectively the _A_- and _O_-Declensions. _231._ Nouns of the Third Declension. The third declension is called the Consonant or _I_-Declension, and its nouns are classified according to the way the _stem_ ends. If the last letter of the stem is a consonant, the word is said to have a _consonant stem_; if the stem ends in -i-, the word is said to have an i-_stem_. _In consonant stems the stem is the same as the base. In_ i-_stems the stem is formed by adding_ -i- _to the base._ The presence of the /i\ makes a difference in certain of the cases, so the distinction is a very important one. _232._ Consonant stems are divided into two classes: I. Stems that add -s to the base to form the nominative singular. II. Stems that add no termination in the nominative singular. CLASS I _233._ Stems that add -s to the base in the nominative singular are either masculine or feminine and are declined as follows: pri:nceps, mi:les, m., lapis, m., _chief_ _soldier_ m., _stone_ BASES OR STEMS pri:ncip- mi:lit- lapid- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS M. AND F. Nom. pri:nceps mi:les lapis -s Gen. pri:n'cipis mi:litis lapidis -is Dat. pri:n'cipi: mi:liti: lapidi: -i: Acc. pri:n'cipem mi:litem lapidem -em Abl. pri:n'cipe mi:lite lapide -e PLURAL Nom. pri:n'cipe:s mi:lite:s lapide:s -e:s Gen. pri:n'cipum mi:litum lapidum -um Dat. pri:nci'pibus mi:litibus lapidibus -ibus Acc. pri:n'cipe:s mi:lite:s lapide:s -e:s Abl. pri:nci'pibus mi:litibus lapidibus -ibus re:x, iu:dex, virtu:s, f., m., _king_ m.,_judge_ _manliness_ BASES OR STEMS re:g- iu:dic- virtu:t- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS M. AND F. Nom. re:x iu:dex virtu:s -s Gen. re:gis iu:dicis virtu:'tis -is Dat. re:gi: iu:dici: virtu:'ti: -i: Acc. re:gem iu:dicem virtu:'tem -em Abl. re:ge iu:dice virtu:'te -e PLURAL Nom. re:ge:s iu:dice:s virtu:'te:s -e:s Gen. re:gum iu:dicum virtu:'tum -um Dat. re:gibus iu:dicibus virtu:'tibus -ibus Acc. re:ge:s iu:dice:s virtu:'te:s -e:s Abl. re:gibus iu:dicibus virtu:'tibus -ibus 1. The base or stem is found by dropping -is in the genitive singular. 2. Most nouns of two syllables, like /pri:nceps\ (pri:ncip-), /mi:les\ (mi:lit-), /iu:dex\ (iu:dic-), have /i\ in the base, but /e\ in the nominative. _a._ /lapis\ is an exception to this rule. 3. Observe the consonant changes of the base or stem in the nominative: _a._ A final -t or -d is dropped before -s; thus /miles\ for /milets\, /lapis\ for /lapids\, /virtus\ for /virtuts\. _b._ A final -c or -g unites with -s and forms -x; thus /iudec\ + /s\ = /iudex\, /reg\ + /s\ = /rex\. 4. Review Sec. 74 and apply the rules to this declension. In like manner decline /dux, ducis\, m., _leader_; /eques, equitis\, m., _horseman_; /pedes, peditis\, m., _foot soldier_; /pes, pedis\, m.,_foot_. _234._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 291. I. 1. Neque pedites neque equites occupare castellum Romanum poterant. 2. Summa virtute muros altos cotidie oppugnabant. 3. Pedes militum lapidibus qui de muro iaciebantur saepe vulnerabantur. 4. Quod novum consilium dux cepit? 5. Is perfidam puellam pulchris ornamentis temptavit. 6. Quid puella fecit? 7. Puella commota auro milites per portas duxit. 8. Tamen praemia quae summo studio petiverat non reportavit. 9. Apud Romanos antiquos Tarpeia non est laudata. II. 1. What ship is that which I see? That (illud) ship is the _Victory_. It is sailing now with a favorable wind and will soon approach Italy. 2. The judges commanded the savages to be seized and to be killed. 3. The chiefs of the savages suddenly began to flee, but were quickly captured by the horsemen. 4. The king led the foot soldiers to the wall from which the townsmen were hurling stones with the greatest zeal. [Illustration: NAVIGIUM] LESSON XL THE THIRD DECLENSION : CONSONANT STEMS (_Continued_) [Special Vocabulary] /Caesar, -aris\, m., _Caesar_ /capti:vus, -i:\, m., _captive, prisoner_ /co:nsul, -is\, m., _consul_ /fra:ter, fra:tris\, m., _brother_ (fraternity) /homo:, hominis\, m., _man, human being_ /impedi:mentum, -i:\, n., _hindrance_ (impediment); plur. /impedi:menta, -o:rum\, _baggage_ /impera:tor, impera:to:ris\, m., _commander in chief, general_ (emperor) /legio:, legio:nis\, f., _legion_ /ma:ter, ma:tris\, f., _mother_ (maternal) /o:rdo:, o:rdinis\, m., _row, rank_ (order) /pater, patris\, m., _father_ (paternal) /salu:s, salu:tis\, f., _safety_ (salutary) /soror, soro:ris\, f., _sister_ (sorority) CLASS II _235._ Consonant stems that add no termination in the nominative are declined in the other cases exactly like those that add /-s\. They may be masculine, feminine, or neuter. _236._ PARADIGMS MASCULINES AND FEMININES co:nsul, legio:, f., o:rdo:, pater, m., m., _consul_ _legion_ m., _row_ _father_ BASES OR STEMS co:nsul- legio:n- o:rdin- patr- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS M. AND F. Nom. co:nsul legio: o:rdo: pater -- Gen. co:nsulis legio:nis o:rdinis patris -is Dat. co:nsuli: legio:ni: o:rdini: patri: -i: Acc. co:nsulem legio:nem o:rdinem patrem -em Abl. co:nsule legio:ne o:rdine patre -e PLURAL Nom. co:nsule:s legio:ne:s o:rdine:s patre:s -e:s Gen. co:nsulum legio:num o:rdinum patrum -um Dat. co:nsulibus legio:nibus o:rdinibus patribus -ibus Acc. co:nsule:s legio:ne:s o:rdine:s patre:s -e:s Abl. co:nsulibus legio:nibus o:rdinibus patribus -ibus 1. With the exception of the nominative, the terminations are exactly the same as in Class I, and the base or stem is found in the same way. 2. Masculines and feminines with bases or stems in -in- and -o:n- drop -n- and end in -o: in the nominative, as legio: (base or stem legio:n-), o:rdo: (base or stem o:rdin-). 3. Bases or stems in -tr- have -ter in the nominative, as pater (base or stem patr-). 4. Note how the genitive singular gives the clue to the whole declension. _Always learn this with the nominative._ _237._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 291. I. 1. Audisne tubas, Marce? Non solum tubas audio sed etiam ordines militum et carros impedimentorum plenos videre possum. 2. Quas legiones videmus? Eae legiones nuper ex Gallia venerunt. 3. Quid ibi fecerunt? Studebantne pugnare an sine virtute erant? 4. Multa proelia fecerunt[1] et magnas victorias et multos captivos reportaverunt. 5. Quis est imperator earum legionum? Caesar, summus Romanorum imperator. 6. Quis est eques qui pulchram coronam gerit? Is eques est frater meus. Ei corona a consule data est quia summa virtute pugnaverat et a barbaris patriam servaverat. II. 1. Who has seen my father to-day? 2. I saw him just now (nuper). He was hastening to your dwelling with your mother and sister. 3. When men are far from the fatherland and lack food, they cannot be restrained[2] from wrong[3]. 4. The safety of the soldiers is dear to Caesar, the general. 5. The chiefs were eager to storm a town full of grain which was held by the consul. 6. The king forbade the baggage of the captives to be destroyed. [Footnote 1: /proelium facere\ = _to fight a battle._] [Footnote 2: /contineo\. Cf. Sec. 180.] [Footnote 3: Abl. iniuria.] LESSON XLI THE THIRD DECLENSION : CONSONANT STEMS (_Concluded_) [Special Vocabulary] /calamita:s, calamita:tis\, f., _loss, disaster, defeat_ (calamity) /caput, capitis\, n., _head_ (capital) /flu:men, flu:minis\, n., _river_ (flume) /labor, labo:ris\, m., _labor, toil_ /opus, operis\, n., _work, task_ /o:ra:tor, o:ra:to:ris\, m., _orator_ /ri:pa, -ae\, f., _bank_ (of a stream) /tempus, temporis\, n., _time_ (temporal) /terror, terro:ris\, m., _terror, fear_ /victor, victo:ris\, m., _victor_ /accipio:, accipere, acce:pi:, acceptus\, _receive, accept_ /co:nfirmo:, co:nfi:rma:re, co:nfi:rma:vi:, co:nfi:rma:tus\, _strengthen, establish, encourage_ (confirm) _238._ Neuter consonant stems add no termination in the nominative and are declined as follows: flu:men, tempus, opus, caput, n., _river_ n., _time_ n., _work_ n., _head_ BASES OR STEMS flu:min- tempor- oper- capit- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. flu:men tempus opus caput -- Gen. flu:minis temporis operis capitis -is Dat. flu:mini: temperi: operi: capiti: -i: Acc. flu:men tempus opus caput -- Abl. flu:mine tempore opere capite -e PLURAL Nom. flu:mina tempora opera capita -a Gen. flu:minum temporum operum capitum -um Dat. flu:minibus temporibus operibus capitibus -ibus Acc. flu:mina tempora opera capita -a Abl. flu:minibus temporibus operibus capitibus -ibus 1. Review Sec. 74 and apply the rules to this declension. 2. Bases or stems in -in- have -e- instead of -i- in the nominative, as flu:men, base or stem flu:min-. 3. Most bases or stems in -er- and -or- have -us in the nominative, as opus, base or stem oper-; tempus, base or stem tempor-. _239._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 292. I. 1. Barbari ubi Romam ceperunt, maxima regum opera deleverunt. 2. Romani multas calamitates a barbaris acceperunt. 3. Ubi erat summus terror apud oppidanos, animi dubii eorum ab oratore claro confirmati sunt. 4. Roma est in ripis fiuminis magni. 5. Ubi Caesar imperator milites suos arma capere iussit, ii a proelio contineri non potuerunt. 6. Ubi proelium factum est, imperator reperiri non potuit. 7. Imperator sagitta in capite vulneratus erat et stare non poterat. 8. Eum magno labore pedes ex proelio portavit. 9. Is bracchiis suis imperatorem tenuit et eum ex periculis summis servavit. 10. Virtute sua bonus miles ab imperatore coronam accepit. II. 1. The consul placed a crown on the head of the victor. 2. Before the gates he was received by the townsmen. 3. A famous orator praised him and said, "By your labors you have saved the fatherland from disaster." 4. The words of the orator were pleasing to the victor. 5. To save the fatherland was a great task. [Illustration: Corona] LESSON XLII REVIEW LESSON _240._ Review the paradigms in Secs. 233, 236, 238; and decline all nouns of the third declension in this selection. TERROR CIMBRICUS[1] Olim Cimbri et Teutones, populi Germaniae, cum feminis liberisque Italiae adpropinquaverant et copias Romanas maximo proelio vicerant. Ubi fuga legionum nuntiata est, summus erat terror totius Romae, et Romani, graviter commoti, sacra crebra deis faciebant et salutem petebant. Tum Manlius orator animos populi ita confirmavit:--"Magnam calamitatem accepimus. Oppida nostra a Cimbris Teutonibusque capiuntur, agricolae interficiuntur, agri vastantur, copiae barbarorum Romae adpropinquant. Itaque, nisi novis animis proelium novum faciemus et Germanos ex patria nostra sine mora agemus, erit nulla salus feminis nostris liberisque. Servate liberos! Servate patriam! Antea superati sumus quia imperatores nostri fuerunt infirmi. Nunc Marius, clarus imperator, qui iam multas alias victorias reportavit, legiones ducet et animos nostros terrore Cimbrico liberare maturabit." Marius tum in Africa bellum gerebat. Sine mora ex Africa in Italiam vocatus est. Copias novas non solum toti Italiae sed etiam provinciis sociorum imperavit.[2] Disciplina autem dura laboribusque perpetuis milites exercuit. Tum cum peditibus equitibusque, qui iam proelio studebant, ad Germanorum castra celeriter properavit. Diu et acriter pugnatum est.[3] Denique barbari fugerunt et multi in fuga ab equitibus sunt interfecti. Marius pater patriae vocatus est. [Footnote 1: About the year 100 B.C. the Romans were greatly alarmed by an invasion of barbarians from the north known as Cimbri and Teutons. They were traveling with wives and children, and had an army of 300,000 fighting men. Several Roman armies met defeat, and the city was in a panic. Then the Senate called upon Marius, their greatest general, to save the country. First he defeated the Teutons in Gaul. Next, returning to Italy, he met the Cimbri. A terrible battle ensued, in which the Cimbri were utterly destroyed; but the _terror Cimbricus_ continued to haunt the Romans for many a year thereafter.] [Footnote 2: _He made a levy_ (of troops) _upon_, /imperavit\ with the acc. and the dat.] [Footnote 3: Cf. Sec. 200. II. 2.] LESSON XLIII THE THIRD DECLENSION : _I_-STEMS [Special Vocabulary] /animal, anima:lis (-ium[A])\, n., _animal_ /avis, avis (-ium)\, f., _bird_ (aviation) /caede:s, caedis (-ium)\, f., _slaughter_ calcar, calca:ris (-ium), n., _spur_ /ci:vis, ci:vis (-ium)\, m. and f., _citizen_ (civic) /clie:ns, clientis (-ium)\, m., _retainer, dependent_ (client) /fi:nis, fi:nis (-ium)\, m., _end, limit_ (final); plur., _country, territory_ /hostis, hostis (-ium)\, m. and f., _enemy_ in war (hostile). Distinguish from /inimi:cus\, which means a _personal_ enemy /ignis, ignis (-ium)\, m., _fire_ (ignite) /i:nsigne, i:nsignis (-ium)\, n. _decoration, badge_ (ensign) /mare, maris (-ium[B])\, n., _sea_ (marine) /na:vis, na:vis (-ium)\, f., _ship_ (naval); /na:vis longa\, _man-of-war_ /turris, turris (-ium)\, f., _tower_ (turret) /urbs, urbis (-ium)\, f., _city_ (suburb). An /urbs\ is larger than an /oppidum\. [Footnote A: The genitive plural ending -ium is written to mark the i-stems.] [Footnote B: The genitive plural of /mare\ is not in use.] _241._ To decline a noun of the third declension correctly we must know whether or not it is an i-stem. Nouns with i-stems are 1. Masculines and feminines: _a._ Nouns in -e:s and -i:s with the same number of syllables in the genitive as in the nominative. Thus /caede:s, caedis\, is an i-stem, but /mi:les, mi:litis\, is a consonant stem. _b._ Nouns in -ns and -rs. _c._ Nouns of one syllable in -s or -x preceded by a consonant. 2. Neuters in -e, -al, and -ar. _242._ The declension of i-stems is nearly the same as that of consonant stems. Note the following differences: _a._ Masculines and feminities have -ium in the genitive plural and -i:s or -e:s in the accusative plural. _b._ Neuters have -i: in the ablative singular, and an -i- in every form of the plural. _243._ Masculine and Feminine _I_-Stems. Masculine and feminine i-stems are declined as follows: caede:s, f., hostis, urbs, f., clie:ns, m., _slaughter_ m., _enemy_ _city_ _retainer_ STEMS caedi- hosti- urbi- clienti- BASES caed- host- urb- client- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS M. AND F. Nom. caede:s hostis urbs clie:ns[1] -s, -is, _or_ -e:s Gen. caedis hostis urbis clientis -is Dat. caedi: hosti: urbi: clienti: -i: Acc. caedem hostem urbem clientem -em (-im) Abl. caede hoste urbe cliente -e (-i:) PLURAL Nom. caede:s hoste:s urbe:s cliente:s -e:s Gen. caedium hostium urbium clientium -ium Dat. caedibus hostibus urbibus clientibus -ibus Acc. caedi:s, hosti:s, urbi:s, clienti:s, -i:s, -e:s -e:s -e:s -e:s -e:s Abl. caedibus hostibus urbibus clientibus -ibus [Footnote 1: Observe that the vowel before -ns is long, but that it is shortened before -nt. Cf. Sec. 12.2, 3.] 1. /avis\, /ci:vis\, /fi:nis\, /ignis\, /navis\ have the ablative singular in -i: or -e. 2. /turris\ has accusative /turrim\ and ablative /turri:\ or /turre\. _244._ Neuter _I_-Stems. Neuter i-stems are declined as follows: i:nsigne, n., animal, n., calcar, _decoration_ _animal_ n., _spur_ STEMS i:nsigni- anima:li- calca:ri- BASES i:nsign- anima:l- calca:r- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. i:nsigne animal calcar -e _or_ -- Gen. i:nsignis anima:lis calca:ris -is Dat. i:nsigni: anima:li: calca:ri: -i: Acc. i:nsigne animal calcar -e _or_ -- Abl. i:nsigni: anima:li: calca:ri: -i: PLURAL Nom. i:nsignia anima:lia calca:ria -ia Gen. i:nsignium anima:lium calca:rium -ium Dat. i:nsignibus anima:libus calca:ribus -ibus Acc. i:nsignia anima:lia calca:ria -ia Abl. i:nsignibus anima:libus calca:ribus -ibus 1. Review Sec. 74 and see how it applies to this declension. 2. The final -i- of the stem is usually dropped in the nominative. If not dropped, it is changed to -e. 3. A long vowel is shortened before final -l or -r. (Cf. Sec. 12.2.) _245._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 292. I. 1. Quam urbem videmus? Urbs quam videtis est Roma. 2. Cives Romani urbem suam turribus altis et muris longis muniverant. 3. Venti navis longas prohibebant finibus hostium adpropinquare. 4. Imperator a clientibus suis calcaria auri et alia insignia accepit. 5. Milites Romani cum hostibus bella saeva gesserunt et eos caede magna superaverunt. 6. Alia animalia terram, alia mare amant. 7. Naves longae quae auxilium ad imperatorem portabant igni ab hostibus deletae sunt. 8. In eo mari avis multas vidimus quae longe a terra volaverant. 9. Nonne vidistis navis longas hostium et ignis quibus urbs nostra vastabatur? Certe, sed nec caedem civium nec fugam clientium vidimus. 10. Aves et alia animalia, ubi ignem viderunt, salutem fuga petere celeriter inceperunt. 11. Num. iudex in peditum ordinibus stabat? Minime, iudex erat apud equites et equus eius insigne pulchrum gerebat. [Illustration: NAVES LONGAE] II. 1. Because of the lack of grain the animals of the village were not able to live. 2. When the general[2] heard the rumor, he quickly sent a horseman to the village. 3. The horseman had a beautiful horse and wore spurs of gold. 4. He said to the citizens, "Send your retainers with horses and wagons to our camp, and you will receive an abundance of grain." 5. With happy hearts they hastened to obey his words.[3] [Footnote 2: Place first.] [Footnote 3: Not the accusative. Why?] LESSON XLIV IRREGULAR NOUNS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION : GENDER IN THE THIRD DECLENSION [Special Vocabulary] /arbor, arboris\, f., _tree_ (arbor) /collis, collis (-ium)\, m., _hill_ /de:ns, dentis (-ium)\, m., _tooth_ (dentist) fo:ns, fontis (-ium), m.. _fountain, spring; source_ /iter, itineris\, n., _march, journey, route_ (itinerary) /me:nsis, me:nsis (-ium)\, m., _month_ /moenia, -ium\, n., plur., _walls, fortifications_. Cf. /mu:rus\ /mo:ns, montis (-ium)\, m., _mountain_; /summus mo:ns\, _top of the mountain_ /numquam\, adv., _never_ /po:ns, pontis\, m., _bridge_ (pontoon) /sanguis, sanguinis\, m., blood (sanguinary) /summus, -a, -um\, _highest, greatest_ (summit) /tra:ns\, prep, with acc., _across_ (transatlantic) /vi:s (vi:s)\, gen. plur. /virium\, f. _strength, force, violence_ (vim) _246._ PARADIGMS [Transcriber's Note: The original text gives vi:- and vi:r- as the "Bases" of /vi:s\, and omits the "Stems" for both words. The forms have been regularized to agree with the inflectional table in the Appendix.] vi:s, f., _force_ iter, n., _march_ STEMS vi:- and vi:ri- iter- and itiner- BASES v- and vi:r- iter- and itiner- SINGULAR Nom. vi:s iter Gen. vi:s (rare) itineris Dat. vi: (rare) itineri: Acc. vim iter Abl. vi: itinere PLURAL Nom. vi:re:s itinera Gen. vi:rium itinerum Dat. vi:ribus itineribus Acc. vi:ri:s, or -e:s itinera Abl. vi:ribus itineribus _247._ There are no rules for gender in the third declension that do not present numerous exceptions.[1] The following rules, however, are of great service, and should be thoroughly mastered: 1. /Masculine\ are nouns in -or, -o:s, -er, -es (gen. -itis). _a._ /arbor\, _tree_, is feminine; and /iter\, _march_, is neuter. 2. /Feminine\ are nouns in -o:, -is, -x, and in -s preceded by a consonant or by any long vowel but /o:\. _a._ Masculine are /collis\ (_hill_), /lapis\, /me:nsis\ (_month_), /o:rdo:\, /pe:s\, and nouns in -nis and -guis--as /ignis\, /sanguis\ (_blood_)--and the four monosyllables /de:ns\, _a tooth_; /mo:ns\, _a mountain_ /po:ns\, _a bridge_; /fo:ns\, _a fountain_ 3. /Neuters\ are nouns in -e, -al, -ar, -n, -ur, -us, and /caput\. [Footnote 1: Review Sec. 60. Words denoting males are, of course, masculine, and those denoting females, feminine.] _248._ Give the gender of the following nouns and the rule by which it is determined: animal calamitas flumen lapis navis avis caput ignis legio opus caede:s eques i:nsigne mare salu:s calcar fi:nis labor mi:les urbs _249._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 292. I. _The First Bridge over the Rhine._ Salus sociorum erat semper cara Romanis. Olim Galli, amici Romanorum, multas iniurias ab Germanis qui trans flumen Rhenum vivebant acceperant. Ubi legati ab iis ad Caesarem imperatorem Romanum venerunt et auxilium postulaverunt, Romani magnis itineribus ad hostium finis properaverunt. Mox ad ripas magni fluminis venerunt. Imperator studebat copias suas trans fluvium ducere, sed nulla via[2] poterat. Nullas navis habebat. Alta erat aqua. Imperator autem, vir clarus, numquam adversa fortuna commotus, novum consilium cepit. Iussit suos[3] in[4] lato flumine facere pontem. Numquam antea pons in Rheno visus erat. Hostes ubi pontem quem Romani fecerant viderunt, summo terrore commoti, sine mora fugam parare inceperunt. II. 1. The enemy had taken (possession of) the top of the mountain. 2. There were many trees on the opposite hills. 3. We pitched our camp near (ad) a beautiful spring. 4. A march through the enemies' country is never without danger. 5. The time of the month was suitable for the march. 6. The teeth of the monster were long. 7. When the foot soldiers[5] saw the blood of the captives, they began to assail the fortifications with the greatest violence.[2] [Footnote 2: Abl. of manner.] [Footnote 3: /suos\, used as a noun, _his men_.] [Footnote 4: We say _build a bridge over_; the Romans, _make a bridge on_.] [Footnote 5: Place first.] * * * * * Fifth Review, Lessons XXXVII-XLIV, Secs. 517-520 * * * * * LESSON XLV ADJECTIVES OF THE THIRD DECLENSION : _I_-STEMS [Special Vocabulary] /a:cer, a:cris, a:cre\, _sharp, keen, eager_ (acrid) /brevis, breve\, _short, brief_ /difficilis, difficile\, _difficult_ /facilis, facile\, _facile, easy_ /fortis, forte\, _brave_ (fortitude) /gravis, grave\, _heavy, severe, serious_ (grave) /omnis, omne\, _every, all_ (omnibus) /pa:r\, gen. /paris\, _equal_ (par) /pauci:, -ae, -a\, _few, only a few_ (paucity) /secundus, -a, -um\, _second; favorable_, opposite of adversus /signum, -i:\, n., _signal, sign, standard_ /ve:lo:x\, gen. /ve:lo:cis\, _swift_ (velocity) /conloco:, conloca:re, conloca:vi:, conloca:tus\, _arrange, station, place_ (collocation) /de:mo:nstro:, de:mo:nstra:re, de:mo:nstra:vi:, de:mo:nstra:tus\, _point out, explain_ (demonstrate) /mando:, manda:re, manda:vi:, manda:tus\, _commit, intrust_ (mandate) _250._ Adjectives are either of the first and second declensions (like /bonus\, /aeger\, or /liber\), or they are of the third declension. _251._ Nearly all adjectives of the third declension have i-_stems_, and they are declined almost like nouns with i-stems. _252._ Adjectives learned thus far have had a different form in the nominative for each gender, as, /bonus\, m.; /bona\, f.; /bonum\, n. Such an adjective is called an _adjective of three endings_. Adjectives of the third declension are of the following classes: I. Adjectives of three endings-- a different form in the nominative for each gender. II. Adjectives of two endings-- masculine and feminine nominative alike, the neuter different. III. Adjectives of one ending-- masculine, feminine, and neuter nominative all alike. _253._ Adjectives of the third declension in -er have three endings; those in -is have two endings; the others have one ending. CLASS I _254._ Adjectives of Three Endings are declined as follows: a:cer, a:cris, a:cre, _keen, eager_ STEM a:cri- BASE a:cr- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. a:cer a:cris a:cre a:cre:s a:cre:s a:cria Gen. a:cris a:cris a:cris a:crium a:crium a:crium Dat. a:cri: a:cri: a:cri: a:cribus a:cribus a:cribus Acc. a:crem a:crem a:cre a:cri:s, -e:s a:cri:s, -e:s a:cria Abl. a:cri: a:cri: a:cri: a:cribus a:cribus a:cribus CLASS II _255._ Adjectives of Two Endings are declined as follows: omnis, omne, _every, all_[1] STEM omni- BASE omn- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. omnis omne omne:s omnia Gen. omnis omnis omnium omnium Dat. omni: omni: omnibus omnibus Acc. omnem omne omni:s, -e:s omnia Abl. omni: omni: omnibus omnibus [Footnote 1: /omnis\ is usually translated _every_ in the singular and _all_ in the plural.] CLASS III _256._ Adjectives of One Ending are declined as follows: pa:r, _equal_ STEM pari- BASE par- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. pa:r pa:r pare:s paria Gen. paris paris parium parium Dat. pari: pari: paribus paribus Acc. parem pa:r pari:s, -e:s paria Abl. pari: pari: paribus paribus 1. All i-stem adjectives have -i: in the ablative singular. 2. Observe that the several cases of adjectives of one ending have the same form for all genders excepting in the accusative singular and in the nominative and accusative plural. 3. Decline /vir acer\, /legio acris\, /animal acre\, /ager omnis\, /scutum omne\, /proelium par\. _257._ There are a few adjectives of one ending that have consonant stems. They are declined exactly like nouns with consonant stems. _258._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 293. I. _The Romans invade the Enemy's Country._ Olim pedites Romani cum equitibus velocibus in hostium urbem iter faciebant. Ubi non longe afuerunt, rapuerunt agricolam, qui eis viam brevem et facilem demonstravit. Iam Romani moenia alta, turris validas aliaque opera urbis videre poterant. In moenibus stabant multi principes. Principes ubi viderunt Romanos, iusserunt civis lapides aliaque tela de muris iacere. Tum milites fortes contineri a proelio non poterant et acer imperator signum tuba dari iussit. Summa vi omnes maturaverunt. Imperator Sexto legato impedimenta omnia mandavit. Sextus impedimenta in summo colle conlocavit. Grave et acre erat proelium, sed hostes non pares Romanis erant. Alii interfecti, alii capti sunt. Apud captivos erant mater sororque regis. Pauci Romanorum ab hostibus vulnerati sunt. Secundum proelium Romanis erat gratum. Fortuna fortibus semper favet. II. 1. Some months are short, others are long. 2. To seize the top of the mountain was difficult. 3. Among the hills of Italy are many beautiful springs. 4. The soldiers were sitting where the baggage had been placed because their feet were weary. 5. The city which the soldiers were eager to storm had been fortified by strong walls and high towers. 6. Did not the king intrust a heavy crown of gold and all his money to a faithless slave? Yes, but the slave had never before been faithless. [Illustration: AQUILA LEGIONIS] LESSON XLVI THE FOURTH OR _U_-DECLENSION [Special Vocabulary] /adventus, -u:s\, m., _approach, arrival_ (advent) /ante\, prep, with acc., _before_ (ante-date) /cornu:, -u:s\, n., _horn, wing_ of an army (cornucopia); /a: dextro: cornu:\, _on the right wing_; /a: sinistro: cornu:\, _on the left wing_ /equita:tus, -u:s\, m., _cavalry_ /exercitus, -u:s\, m., _army_ /impetus, -u:s\, m., _attack_ (impetus); /impetum facere in\, with acc., _to make an attack on_ /lacus, -u:s, dat. and abl. plur. lacubus\, m., _lake_ /manus, -u:s\, f., _hand; band, force_ (manual) /portus, -u:s\, m., _harbor_ (port) /post\, prep, with acc., _behind, after_ (post-mortem) /cremo:, crema:re, crema:vi:, crema:tus\, _burn_ (cremate) /exerceo:, exerce:re, exercui:, exercitus\, _practice, drill, train_ (exercise) _259._ Nouns of the fourth declension are either masculine or neuter. _260._ Masculine nouns end in -us, neuters in -u:. The genitive ends in -u:s. _a._ Feminine by exception are /domus\, _house_; /manus\, _hand_; and a few others. PARADIGMS [Transcriber's Note: The "Stems" are missing in the printed book. They have been supplied from the inflectional table in the Appendix.] adventus, cornu:, m., _arrival_ n., _horn_ STEMS adventu- cornu- BASES advent- corn- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS MASC. NEUT. Nom. adventus cornu: -us -u: Gen. adventu:s cornu:s -u:s -u:s Dat. adventui: (u:) cornu: -ui: (u:) -u: Acc. adventum cornu: -um -u: Abl. adventu: cornu: -u: -u: PLURAL Nom. adventu:s cornua -u:s -ua Gen. adventuum cornuum -uum -uum Dat. adventibus cornibus -ibus -ibus Acc. adventu:s cornua -u:s -ua Abl. adventibus cornibus -ibus -ibus 1. Observe that the base is found, as in other declensions, by dropping the ending of the genitive singular. 2. /lacus\, _lake_, has the ending -ubus in the dative and ablative plural; /portus\, _harbor_, has either -ubus or -ibus. 3. /cornu:\ is the only neuter that is in common use. _261._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 293. I. 1. Ante adventum Caesaris veloces hostium equites acrem impetum in castra fecerunt. 2. Continere exercitum a proelio non facile erat. 3. Post adventum suum Caesar iussit legiones ex castris duci. 4. Pro castris cum hostium equitatu pugnatum est. 5. Post tempus breve equitatus trans flumen fugit ubi castra hostium posita erant. 6. Tum victor imperator agros vastavit et vicos hostium cremavit. 7. Castra autem non oppugnavit quia milites erant defessi et locus difficilis. 8. Hostes non cessaverunt iacere tela, quae paucis nocuerunt. 9. Post adversum proelium principes Gallorum legatos ad Caesarem mittere studebant, sed populo persuadere non poterant. II. 1. Did you see the man-of-war on the lake? 2. I did not see it (_fem_.) on the lake, but I saw it in the harbor. 3. Because of the strong wind the sailor forbade his brother to sail. 4. Caesar didn't make an attack on the cavalry on the right wing, did he? 5. No, he made an attack on the left wing. 6. Who taught your swift horse to obey? 7. I trained my horse with my (own) hands, nor was the task difficult. 8. He is a beautiful animal and has great strength. LESSON XLVII EXPRESSIONS OF PLACE : THE DECLENSION OF _DOMUS_ [Special Vocabulary] Athe:nae, -a:rum, f., plur., _Athens_ Corinthus, -i:, f., _Corinth_ /domus, -u:s\, locative /domi:\, f., _house, home_ (dome). Cf. /domicilium\ /Gena:va, -ae\, f., _Geneva_ Pompe:ii, -o:rum, m., plur., _Pompeii_, a city in Campania. See map /propter\, prep. with acc., _on account of, because of_ ru:s, ru:ris, in the plur. only nom. and acc. /ru:ra\, n., _country_ (rustic) /tergum, tergi:\, n., _back_; /a: tergo:\, _behind, in the rear_ /vulnus, vulneris\, n., _wound_ (vulnerable) /committo:, committere, commi:si:, commissus\, _intrust, commit;_ /proelium committere\, _join battle_ /convoco:, convoca:re, convoca:vi:, convoca:tus\, _call together, summon_ (convoke) /timeo:, time:re, timui:, ----\, _fear; be afraid_ (timid) /verto:, vertere, verti:, versus\, _turn, change_ (convert); /terga vertere\, _to turn the backs_, hence _to retreat_ _262._ We have become thoroughly familiar with expressions like the following: Galba ad (or in) oppidum properat Galba ab (de or ex) oppido properat Galba in oppido habitat From these expressions we may deduce the following rules: _263._ RULE. Accusative of the Place to. _The /place to which\ is expressed by /ad\ or /in\ with the accusative. This answers the question Whither?_ _264._ RULE. Ablative of the Place from. _The /place from which\ is expressed by /a:\ or /ab\, /de\, /e:\ or /ex\, with the separative ablative. This answers the question Whence?_ (Cf. Rule, Sec. 179.) _265._ RULE. Ablative of the Place at or in. _The /place at or in which\ is expressed by the ablative with /in\. This answers the question Where?_ _a._ The ablative denoting the _place where_ is called the _locative ablative_ (cf. /locus\, _place_). _266._ Exceptions. Names of towns, small islands,[1] /domus\, _home_, /ru:s\, _country_, and a few other words in common use omit the prepositions in expressions of place, as, Galba Athenas properat, _Galba hastens to Athens_ Galba Athenis properat, _Galba hastens from Athens_ Galba Athenis habitat, _Galba lives at_ (or _in_) _Athens_ Galba domum properat, _Galba hastens home_ Galba rus properat, _Galba hastens to the country_ Galba domo properat, _Galba hastens from home_ Galba rure properat, _Galba hastens from the country_ Galba ruri (less commonly rure) habitat, _Galba lives in the country_ _a._ Names of _countries_, like /Germania\, /Italia\, etc., do not come under these exceptions. _With them prepositions must not be omitted._ [Footnote 1: Small islands are classed with towns because they generally have but one town, and the name of the town is the same as the name of the island.] _267._ The Locative Case. We saw above that the place-relation expressed by _at_ or _in_ is regularly covered by the locative ablative. However, Latin originally expressed this relation by a separate form known as the _locative case_. This case has been everywhere merged in the ablative excepting in the singular number of the first and second declensions. The form of the locative in these declensions is like the genitive singular, and its use is limited to names of towns and small islands, /domi:\, _at home_, and a few other words. _268._ RULE. Locative and Locative Ablative. _To express the /place in which\ with names of towns and small islands, /if they are singular and of the first or second declension\, use the locative; otherwise use the locative ablative without a preposition; as_, Galba Romae habitat, _Galba lives at Rome_ Galba Corinthi habitat, _Galba lives at Corinth_ Galba domi habitat, _Galba lives at home_ Here /Romae\, /Corinthi\, and /domi\ are _locatives_, being _singular_ and of the first and second declensions respectively. But in Galba Athenis habitat, _Galba lives at Athens_, Galba Pompeiis habitat, _Galba lives at Pompeii_ /Athenis\ and /Pompeiis\ are locative ablatives. These words can have no locative case, as the nominatives /Athenae\ and /Pompeii\ are_plural_ and there is no plural locative case form. _269._ The word /domus\, _home, house_, has forms of both the second and the fourth declension. Learn its declension (Sec. 468). _270._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 293. I. 1. Corinthi omnia insignia auri a ducibus victoribus rapta erant. 2. Caesar Genavam exercitum magnis itineribus duxit. 3. Quem pontem hostes cremaverant? Pontem in Rheno hostes cremaverant. 4. Pompeiis multas Romanorum domos videre poteritis. 5. Roma consul equo veloci rus properavit. 6. Domi consulis homines multi sedebant. 7. Imperator iusserat legatum Athenas cum multis navibus longis navigare. 8. Ante moenia urbis sunt ordines arborum altarum. 9. Propter arbores altas nec lacum nec portum reperire potuimus. 10. Proeliis crebris Caesar legiones suas quae erant in Gallia exercebat. 11. Cotidie in loco idoneo castra ponebat et muniebat. II. 1. Caesar, the famous general, when he had departed from Rome, hastened to the Roman province on a swift horse.[2] 2. He had heard a rumor concerning the allies at Geneva. 3. After his arrival Caesar called the soldiers together and commanded them to join battle. 4. The enemy hastened to retreat, some because[3] they were afraid, others because[3] of wounds. 5. Recently I was at Athens and saw the place where the judges used to sit.[4] 6. Marcus and Sextus are my brothers; the one lives at Rome, the other in the country. [Footnote 2: Latin says "by a swift horse." What construction?] [Footnote 3: Distinguish between the English conjunction _because_ (quia or quod) and the preposition _because of_ (propter).] [Footnote 4: _used to sit_, express by the imperfect.] [Illustration: DAEDALUS ET ICARUS] _271._ DAED'ALUS AND IC'ARUS Creta est insula antiqua quae aqua alta magni maris pulsatur. Ibi olim Minos erat rex. Ad eum venit Daedalus qui ex Graecia patria fugiebat. Eum Minos rex benignis verbis accepit et ei domicilium in Creta dedit. [5]Quo in loco Daedalus sine cura vivebat et regi multa et clara opera faciebat. Post tempus longum autem Daedalus patriam caram desiderare incepit. Domum properare studebat, sed regi persuadere non potuit et mare saevum fugam vetabat. [Footnote 5: _And in this place_; /quo\ does not here introduce a subordinate relative clause, but establishes the connection with the preceding sentence. Such a relative is called a _connecting relative_, and is translated by _and_ and a demonstrative or personal pronoun.] LESSON XLVIII THE FIFTH OR E:-DECLENSION : THE ABLATIVE OF TIME [Special Vocabulary] /acie:s, -e:i:\, f., _line of battle_ /aesta:s, aesta:tis\, f., _summer_ /annus, -i:\, m., _year_ (annual) /die:s, die:i:\, m., _day_ (diary) /fide:s, fidei:\, no plur., f., _faith, trust; promise, word; protection_; /in fidem veni:re\, _to come under the protection_ /fluctus, -u:s\, m. _wave, billow_ (fluctuate) /hiems, hiemis\, f., _winter_ /ho:ra, -ae\, f., _hour_ /lu:x, lu:cis\, f., _light_ (lucid); /pri:ma lux\, _daybreak_ /meri:die:s\, acc. -em, abl. -e:, no plur., m., _midday_ (meridian) /nox, noctis (-ium)\, f., _night_ (nocturnal) /pri:mus, -a, -um\, _first_ (prime) /re:s, rei:\, f., _thing, matter_ (real); /re:s gestae\, _deeds, exploits_ (lit. _things performed_); /re:s adversae\, _adversity_; /re:s secundae\, _prosperity_ /spe:s, spei:\, f., _hope_ _272._ Gender. Nouns of the fifth declension are feminine except /die:s\, _day_, and /meri:die:s\, _midday_, which are usually masculine. _273._ PARADIGMS [Transcriber's Note: The "Stems" are missing in the printed book. They have been supplied from the inflectional table in the Appendix.] die:s, re:s, f., m., _day_ _thing_ STEMS die:- re:- BASES di- r- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. die:s re:s -e:s Gen. die:i: rei: -e:i: _or_ -ei: Dat. die:i: rei: -e:i: _or_ -ei: Acc. diem rem -em Abl. die: re: -e: PLURAL Nom. die:s re:s -e:s Gen. die:rum re:rum -e:rum Dat. die:bus re:bus -e:bus Acc. die:s re:s -e:s Abl. die:bus re:bus -e:bus 1. The vowel /e\ which appears in every form is regularly long. It is shortened in the ending -ei: after a consonant, as in /r-ei:\; and before -m in the accusative singular, as in /di-em\. (Cf. Sec. 12.2.) 2. Only /die:s\ and /re:s\ are complete in the plural. Most other nouns of this declension lack the plural. /Acie:s\, _line of battle_, and /spe:s\, _hope_, have the nominative and accusative plural. _274._ The ablative relation (Sec. 50) which is expressed by the prepositions _at, in_, or _on_ may refer not only to place, but also to time, as _at noon, in summer, on the first day_. The ablative which is used to express this relation is called the _ablative of time_. _275._ RULE. The Ablative of Time. _The time /when\ or /within which\ anything happens is expressed by the ablative without a preposition._ _a._ Occasionally the preposition /_in_\ is found. Compare the English _Next day we started_ and _/On\ the next day we started_. _276._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 294. I. _Galba the Farmer._ Galba agricola ruri vivit. Cotidie prima luce laborare incipit, nec ante noctem in studio suo cessat. Meridie Iulia filia eum ad cenam vocat. Nocte pedes defessos domum vertit. Aestate filii agricolae auxilium patri dant. Hieme agricola eos in ludum mittit. Ibi magister pueris multas fabulas de rebus gestis Caesaris narrat. Aestate filii agricolae perpetuis laboribus exercentur nec grave agri opus est iis molestum. Galba sine ulla cura vivit nec res adversas timet. II. 1. In that month there were many battles in Gaul. 2. The cavalry of the enemy made an attack upon Caesar's line of battle. 3. In the first hour of the night the ship was overcome by the billows. 4. On the second day the savages were eager to come under Caesar's protection. 5. The king had joined battle, moved by the hope of victory. 6. That year a fire destroyed many birds and other animals. 7. We saw blood on the wild beast's teeth. _277._ DAED'ALUS AND IC'ARUS (_Continued_) Tum Daedalus gravibus curis commotus filio suo Icaro ita dixit: "Animus meus, Icare, est plenus tristitiae nec oculi lacrimis egent. Discedere ex Creta, Athenas properare, maxime studeo; sed rex recusat audire verba mea et omnem reditus spem eripit. Sed numquam rebus adversis vincar. Terra et mare sunt inimica, sed aliam fugae viam reperiam." Tum in artis ignotas animum dimittit et mirum capit consilium. Nam pennas in ordine ponit et veras alas facit. LESSON XLIX PRONOUNS CLASSIFIED : PERSONAL AND REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS [Special Vocabulary] /ami:citia, -ae\, f., _friendship_ (amicable) /itaque\, conj., _and so, therefore, accordingly_ /littera, -ae\, f., _a letter_ of the alphabet; plur., _a letter, an epistle_ /metus, metu:s\, m., _fear_ /nihil, indeclinable\, n., _nothing_ (nihilist) /nu:ntius, nu:nti:\, m., _messenger_. Cf. /nu:ntio:\ /pa:x, pa:cis\, f., _peace_ (pacify) /re:gnum, -i:\, n., _reign, sovereignty, kingdom_ /supplicum, suppli'ci:\, n., _punishment_; /supplicum su:mere de:\, with abl., _inflict punishment on_; /supplicum dare\, _suffer punishment_. Cf. /poena\ /placeo:, place:re, placui:, placitus\, _be pleasing to, please_, with dative. Cf. Sec. 154 /su:mo:, su:mere, su:mpsi:, su:mptus\, _take up, assume_ /sustineo:, sustine:re, sustinui:, sustentus\, _sustain_ _278._ We have the same kinds of pronouns in Latin as in English. They are divided into the following eight classes: 1. /Personal pronouns\, which show the person speaking, spoken to, or spoken of; as, /ego\, _I_; /tu\, _you_; /is\, _he_. (Cf. Sec. 279. etc.) 2. /Possessive pronouns\, which denote possession; as, /meus\, /tuus\, /suus\, etc. (Cf. Sec. 98.) 3. /Reflexive pronouns\, used in the predicate to refer back to the subject; as, _he saw himself_. (Cf. Sec. 281.) 4. /Intensive pronouns\, used to emphasize a noun or pronoun; as, _I myself saw it_. (Cf. Sec. 285.) 5. /Demonstrative pronouns\, which point out persons or things; as, /is\, _this, that_. (Cf. Sec. 112.) 6. /Relative pronouns\, which connect a subordinate adjective clause with an antecedent; as, /qui\, _who_. (Cf. Sec. 220.) 7. /Interrogative pronouns\, which ask a question; as, /quis\, _who?_ (Cf. Sec. 225.) 8. /Indefinite pronouns\, which point out indefinitely; as, _some one, any one, some, certain ones_, etc. (Cf. Sec. 296.) _279._ The demonstrative pronoun /is\, /ea\, /id\, as we learned in Sec. 115, is regularly used as the personal pronoun of the third person (_he_, _she_, _it_, _they_, etc.). _280._ The personal pronouns of the first person are /ego\, _I_; /no:s\, _we_; of the second person, /tu:\, _thou_ or _you_; /vo:s\, _ye_ or _you_. They are declined as follows: SINGULAR FIRST PERSON SECOND PERSON Nom. ego, _I_ tu:, _you_ Gen. mei:, _of me_ tui:, _of you_ Dat. mihi, _to_ or _for me_ tibi, _to_ or _for you_ Acc. me:, _me_ te:, _you_ Abl. me:, _with, from_, etc., _me_ te:, _with, from_, etc., _you_ PLURAL Nom. no:s, _we_ vo:s, _you_ Gen. nostrum or nostri:, _of us_ vestrum or vestri:, _of you_ Dat. no:bi:s, _to_ or _for us_ vo:bi:s, _to_ or _for you_ Acc. no:s, _us_ vo:s, _you_ Abl. no:bi:s, _with, from_, vo:bi:s, _with, from_, etc., _us_ etc., _you_ 1. The personal pronouns are not used in the nominative excepting for emphasis or contrast. _281._ The Reflexive Pronouns. 1. The personal pronouns /ego\ and /tu:\ may be used in the predicate as reflexives; as, video me, _I see myself_ videmus nos, _we see ourselves_ vides te, _you see yourself_ videtis vos, _you see yourselves_ 2. The reflexive pronoun of the third person (_himself, herself, itself, themselves_) has a special form, used only in these senses, and declined alike in the singular and plural. SINGULAR AND PLURAL Gen. sui: Acc. se: Dat. sibi Abl. se: EXAMPLES Puer se videt, _the boy sees himself_ Puella se videt, _the girl sees herself_ Animal se videt, _the animal sees itself_ Ii se vident, _they see themselves_ _a._ The form /se:\ is sometimes doubled, /se:se:\, for emphasis. 3. Give the Latin for _I teach myself_ _We teach ourselves_ _You teach yourself_ _You teach yourselves_ _He teaches himself_ _They teach themselves_ _282._ The preposition /cum\, when used with the ablative of /ego\, /tu:\, or /sui:\, is appended to the form, as, /me:cum\, _with me_; /te:cum\, _with you_; /no:bi:scum\, _with us_; etc. _283._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 294. I. 1. Mea mater est cara mihi et tua mater est cara tibi. 2. Vestrae litterae erant gratae nobis et nostrae litterae erant gratae vobis. 3. Nuntius regis qui nobiscum est nihil respondebit. 4. Nuntii pacem amicitiamque sibi et suis sociis postulaverunt. 5. Si tu arma sumes, ego regnum occupabo. 6. Uter vestrum est civis Romanus? Neuter nostrum. 7. Eo tempore multi supplicium dederunt quia regnum petierant. 8. Sume supplicium, Caesar, de hostibus patriae acribus. 9. Prima luce alii metu commoti sese fugae mandaverunt; alii autem magna virtute impetum exercitus nostri sustinuerunt. 10. Soror regis, ubi de adverso proelio audivit, sese Pompeiis interfecit. II. 1. Whom do you teach? I teach myself. 2. The soldier wounded himself with his sword. 3. The master praises us, but you he does not praise. 4. Therefore he will inflict punishment on you, but we shall not suffer punishment. 5. Who will march (i.e. make a march) with me to Rome? 6. I will march with you to the gates of the city. 7. Who will show us[1] the way? The gods will show you[1] the way. [Footnote 1: Not accusative.] DAED'ALUS AND IC'ARUS (_Concluded_) _284._ Puer Icarus una[2] stabat et mirum patris opus videbat. Postquam manus ultima[3] alis imposita est, Daedalus eas temptavit et similis avi in auras volavit. Tum alas umeris fili adligavit et docuit eum volare et dixit, "Te veto, mi fili, adpropinquare aut soli aut mari. Si fluctibus adpropinquaveris,[4] aqua alis tuis nocebit, et si soli adpropinquaveris,[4] ignis eas cremabit." Tum pater et filius iter difficile incipiunt. Alas movent et aurae sese committunt. Sed stultus puer verbis patris non paret. Soli adpropinquat. Alae cremantur et Icarus in mare decidit et vitam amittit. Daedalus autem sine ullo periculo trans fluctus ad insulam Siciliam volavit. [Footnote 2: Adverb, see vocabulary.] [Footnote 3: /manus ultima\, _the finishing touch_. What literally?] [Footnote 4: Future perfect. Translate by the present.] LESSON L THE INTENSIVE PRONOUN _IPSE_ AND THE DEMONSTRATIVE _IDEM_ [Special Vocabulary] /corpus, corporis\, n., _body_ (corporal) /de:nsus, -a, -um\, _dense_ /i:dem, e'adem, idem\, demonstrative pronoun, _the same_ (identity) /ipse, ipsa, ipsum\, intensive pronoun, _self; even, very_ /mi:rus, -a, -um\, _wonderful, marvelous_ (miracle) /o:lim\, adv., _formerly, once upon a time_ /pars, partis (-ium)\, f., _part, region, direction_ /quoque\, adv., _also_. Stands _after_ the word which it emphasizes /so:l, so:lis\, m., _sun_ (solar) /ve:rus, -a, -um\, _true, real_ (verity) /de:beo:, de:be:re, de:bui:, de:bitus\, _owe, ought_ (debt) /e:ripio:, e:ripere, e:ripui:, e:reptus\, _snatch from_ _285._ /Ipse\ means _-self_ (_him-self, her-self_, etc.) or is translated by _even_ or _very_. It is used to emphasize a noun or pronoun, expressed or understood, with which it agrees like an adjective. _a._ /Ipse\ must be carefully distinguished from the reflexive /sui\. The latter is always used as a pronoun, while /ipse\ is regularly adjective. Compare Homo se videt, _the man sees himself_ (reflexive) Homo ipse periculum videt, _the man himself_ (intensive) _sees the danger_ Homo ipsum periculum videt, _the man sees the danger itself_ (intensive) _286._ Except for the one form /ipse\, the intensive pronoun is declined exactly like the nine irregular adjectives (cf. Secs. 108, 109). Learn the declension (Sec. 481). _287._ The demonstrative /idem\, meaning _the same_, is a compound of /is\. It is declined as follows: SINGULAR MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. i:dem e'adem idem Gen. eius'dem eius'dem eius'dem Dat. ei:'dem ei:'dem ei:'dem Acc. eun'dem ean'dem idem Abl. eo:'dem ea:'dem eo:'dem PLURAL Nom. ii:'dem eae'dem e'adem ei:'dem Gen. eo:run'dem ea:run'dem eo:run'dem Dat. ii:s'dem ii:s'dem ii:s'dem ei:s'dem ei:s'dem ei:s'dem Acc. eo:s'dem ea:s'dem e'adem Abl. ii:s'dem ii:s'dem ii:s'dem ei:s'dem ei:s'dem ei:s'dem _a._ From forms like /eundem\ (eum + -dem), /eo:rundem\ (eo:rum + -dem), we learn the rule that /m\ before /d\ is changed to /n\. _b._ The forms /ii:dem\, /ii:sdem\ are often spelled and pronounced with one /i:\. _288._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 295. I. 1. Ego et tu[1] in eadem urbe vivimus. 2. Iter ipsum non timemus sed feras saevas quae in silva densa esse dicuntur. 3. Olim nos ipsi idem iter fecimus. 4. Eo tempore multas feras vidimus. 5. Sed nobis non nocuerunt. 6. Caesar ipse scutum de manibus militis eripuit et in ipsam aciem properavit. 7. Itaque milites summa virtute tela in hostium corpora iecerunt. 8. Romani quoque gravia vulnera acceperunt. 9. Denique hostes terga verterunt et ommis in partis[2] fugerunt. 10. Eadem hora litterae Romam ab imperatore ipso missae sunt. 11. Eodem mense captivi quoque in Italiam missi sunt. 12. Sed multi propter vulnera iter difficile trans montis facere recusabant et Genavae esse dicebantur. II. 1. At Pompeii there is a wonderful mountain. 2. When I was in that place, I myself saw that mountain. 3. On the same day many cities were destroyed by fire and stones from that very mountain. 4. You have not heard the true story of that calamity, have you?[3] 5. On that day the very sun could not give light to men. 6. You yourself ought to tell (to) us that story. [Footnote 1: Observe that in Latin we say _I and you_, not _you and I_.] [Footnote 2: Not _parts_, but _directions_.] [Footnote 3: Cf. Sec. 210.] _289._ HOW HORATIUS HELD THE BRIDGE[4] Tarquinius Superbus, septimus et ultimus rex Romanorum, ubi in exsilium ab iratis Romanis eiectus est, a Porsena, rege Etruscorum, auxilium petiit. Mox Porsena magnis cum copiis Romam venit, et ipsa urbs summo in periculo erat. Omnibus in partibus exercitus Romanus victus erat. Iam rex montem Ianiculum[5] occupaverat. Numquam antea Romani tanto metu tenebantur. Ex agris in urbem properabant et summo studio urbem ipsam muniebant. [Footnote 4: The story of Horatius has been made familiar by Macaulay's well-known poem "Horatius" in his _Lays of Ancient Rome_. Read the poem in connection with this selection.] [Footnote 5: The Janiculum is a high hill across the Tiber from Rome.] LESSON LI THE DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS _HIC_, _ISTE_, _ILLE_ [Special Vocabulary] /hic, haec, hoc\, demonstrative pronoun, _this_ (of mine); _he, she, it_ /ille, illa, illud\, demonstrative pronoun _that_ (yonder); _he, she, it_ /invi:sus, -a, -um\, _hateful, detested_, with dative Cf. Sec. 143 /iste, ista, istud\, demonstrative pronoun, _that_ (of yours); _he, she, it_ /li:berta:s, -a:tis\, f., _liberty_ /modus, -i:\, m., _measure; manner, way, mode_ /no:men, no:minis\, n., _name_ (nominate) /oculus, -i:\, m., _eye_ (oculist) /pri:stinus, -a, -um\, _former, old-time_ (pristine) /pu:blicus, -a, -um\, _public, belonging to the state;_ /re:s pu:blica, rei: pu:blicae\, f., _the commonwealth, the state, the republic_ /vesti:gium, vesti:'gi:\, n., _footprint, track; trace, vestige_ /vo:x, vo:cis\, f., _voice_ _290._ We have already learned the declension of the demonstrative pronoun /is\ and its use. (Cf. Lesson XVII.) That pronoun refers to persons or things either far or near, and makes no definite reference to place or time. If we wish to point out an object definitely in place or time, we must use /hic\, /iste\, or /ille\. These demonstratives, like /is\, are used both as pronouns and as adjectives, and their relation to the speaker may be represented graphically thus: hic iste ille SPEAKER ------------->-------------->---------------> _this_, _he_; _that_, _he_; _that_, _he_ (near); (remote); (more remote) _a._ In dialogue /hic\ refers to a person or thing near the speaker; /iste\, to a person or thing near the person addressed; /ille\, to a person or thing remote from both. These distinctions are illustrated in the model sentences, Sec. 293, which should be carefully studied and imitated. _291._ /Hic\ is declined as follows: SINGULAR MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. hic haec hoc Gen. huius huius huius Dat. huic huic huic Acc. hunc hanc hoc Abl. ho:c ha:c ho:c PLURAL Nom. hi: hae haec Gen. ho:rum ha:rum ho:rum Dat. hi:s hi:s hi:s Acc. ho:s ha:s haec Abl. hi:s hi:s hi:s _a._ /Huius\ is pronounced _h[oo]'y[oo]s_, and /huic\ is pronounced _h[oo]ic_ (one syllable). _292._ The demonstrative pronouns /iste\, /ista\, /istud\, and /ille\, /illa\, /illud\, except for the nominative and accusative singular neuter forms /istud\ and /illud\, are declined exactly like /ipse\, /ipsa\, /ipsum\. (See Sec. 481.) _293._ MODEL SENTENCES _Is this horse_ (of mine) _strong?_ Estne hic equus validus? _That horse_ (of yours) _is strong, but that one_ (yonder) _is weak_ Iste equus est validus, sed ille est infirmus _Are these_ (men by me) _your friends?_ Suntne hi amici tui? _Those_ (men by you) _are my friends, but those_ (men yonder) _are enemies_ Isti sunt amici mei, sed illi sunt inimici _294._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 295. I. _A German Chieftain addresses his Followers._ Ille fortis Germanorum dux suos convocavit et hoc modo animos eorum confirmavit. "Vos, qui in his finibus vivitis, in hunc locum convocavi[1] quia mecum debetis istos agros et istas domos ab iniuriis Romanorum liberare. Hoc nobis non difficile erit, quod illi hostes has silvas densas, feras saevas quarum vestigia vident, montes altos timent. Si fortes erimus, dei ipsi nobis viam salutis demonstrabunt. Ille sol, isti oculi calamitates nostras viderunt.[1] Itaque nomen illius rei publicae Romanae non solum nobis, sed etiam omnibus hominibus qui libertatem amant, est invisum. Ad arma vos voco. Exercete istam pristinam virtutem et vincetis." [Footnote 1: The perfect definite. (Cf. Sec. 190.)] II. 1. Does that bird (of yours)[2] sing? 2. This bird (of mine)[2] sings both[3] in summer and in winter and has a beautiful voice. 3. Those birds (yonder)[2] in the country don't sing in winter. 4. Snatch a spear from the hands of that soldier (near you)[2] and come home with me. 5. With those very eyes (of yours)[2] you will see the tracks of the hateful enemy who burned my dwelling and made an attack on my brother. 6. For (propter) these deeds (res) we ought to inflict punishment on him without delay. 7. The enemies of the republic do not always suffer punishment. [Footnote 2: English words in parentheses are not to be translated. They are inserted to show what demonstratives should be used. (Cf. Sec. 290.)] [Footnote 3: _both ... and_, /et ... et\.] [Illustration: HORATIUS PONTEM DEFENDIT] _295._ HOW HORATIUS HELD THE BRIDGE (_Continued_) Altera urbis pars muris, altera flumine satis muniri videbatur. Sed erat pons in flumine qui hostibus iter paene dedit. Tum Horatius Cocles, fortis vir, magna voce dixit, "Rescindite pontem, Romani! Brevi tempore Porsena in urbem copias suas traducet." Iam hostes in ponte erant, sed Horatius cum duobus (cf. Sec. 479) comitibus ad extremam pontis partem properavit, et hi soli aciem hostium sustinuerunt. Tum vero cives Romani pontem a tergo rescindere incipiunt, et hostes frustra Horatium superare temptant. LESSON LII THE INDEFINITE PRONOUNS [Special Vocabulary] /incolumis, -e\, _unharmed_ /ne: ... quidem\, adv., _not even_. The emphatic word stands between /ne:\ and /quidem\ /nisi\, conj., _unless, if ... not_ /paene\, adv., _almost_ (pen-insula) /satis\, adv., _enough, sufficiently_ (satisfaction) /tantus, -a, -um\, _so great_ /ve:ro:\, adv., _truly, indeed, in fact_. As a conj. _but, however_, usually stands second, never first. /de:cido:, de:cidere, de:cidi:, ----\, _fall down_ (deciduous) /de:silio:, de:sili:re, de:silui:, de:sultus\, _leap down, dismount_ /maneo:, mane:re, ma:nsi:, ma:nsu:rus\, _remain_ /tra:du:co:, tra:du:cere, tra:du:xi:, tra:ductus\, _lead across_ _296._ The indefinite pronouns are used to refer to _some person_ or _some thing_, without indicating which particular one is meant. The pronouns /quis\ and /qui\, which we have learned in their interrogative and relative uses, may also be indefinite; and nearly all the other indefinite pronouns are compounds of /quis\ or /qui\ and declined almost like them. Review the declension of these words, Secs. 221, 227. _297._ Learn the declension and meaning of the following indefinites: MASC. FEM. NEUT. quis quid, _some one, any one_ (substantive) qui: qua or quae quod, _some, any_ (adjective), Sec. 483 aliquis aliquid, _some one, any one_ (substantive), Sec. 487 aliqui: aliqua aliquod, _some, any_ (adjective), Sec. 487 qui:dam quaedam quoddam, quiddam, _a certain, a certain one_, Sec. 485 quisquam quicquam or quidquam (no plural), _any one_ (at all) (substantive), Sec. 486 quisque quidque, _each one, every one_ (substantive), Sec. 484 quisque quaeque quodque, _each, every_ (adjective), Sec. 484 [Transcriber's Note: In the original text, the combined forms (masculine/feminine) were printed in the "masculine" column.] NOTE. The meanings of the neuters, _something_, etc., are easily inferred from the masculine and feminine. _a._ In the masculine and neuter singular of the indefinites, quis-forms and quid-forms are mostly used as substantives, qui-forms and quod-forms as adjectives. _b._ The indefinites /quis\ and /qui\ never stand first in a clause, and are rare excepting after /si\, /nisi\, /ne:\, /num\ (as, si quis, _if any one_; si quid, _if anything_; nisi quis, _unless some one_). Generally /aliquis\ and /aliqui\ are used instead. _c._ The forms /qua\ and /aliqua\ are both feminine nominative singular and neuter nominative plural of the indefinite adjectives /qui\ and /aliqui\ respectively. How do these differ from the corresponding forms of the relative /qui\? _d._ Observe that /qui:dam\ (qui: + -dam) is declined like /qui:\, except that in the accusative singular and genitive plural /m\ of /qui:\ becomes /n\ (cf. Sec. 287.a): /quendam\, /quandam\, /quorundam\, /quarundam\; also that the neuter has /quiddam\ (substantive) and /quoddam\ (adjective) in the nominative and accusative singular. /Qui:dam\ is the least indefinite of the indefinite pronouns, and implies that you could name the person or thing referred to if you cared to do so. _e._ /Quisquam\ and /quisque\ (substantive) are declined like /quis\. _f._ /Quisquam\, _any one_ (quicquam or quidquam, _anything_), is always used substantively and chiefly in negative sentences. The corresponding adjective _any_ is /u:llus, -a, -um\ (Sec. 108). _298._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 295. I. 1. Aliquis de ponte in flumen decidit sed sine ullo periculo servatus est. 2. Est vero in vita cuiusque hominis aliqua bona fortuna. 3. Ne militum quidem[1] quisquam in castris mansit. 4. Si quem meae domi vides, iube eum discedere. 5. Si quis pontem tenet, ne tantus quidem exercitus capere urbem potest. 6. Urbs non satis munita erat et meridie rex quidam paene copias suas trans pontem traduxerat. 7. Denique miles quidam armatus in fluctus desiluit et incolumis ad alteram ripam oculos vertit. 8. Quisque illi forti militi aliquid dare debet. 9. Tanta vero virtus Romanus semper placuit. 10. Olim Corinthus erat urbs satis magna et paene par Romae ipsi; nunc vero moenia deciderunt et pauca vestigia urbis illius reperiri possunt. 11. Quisque libertatem amat, et aliquibus vero nomen regis est invisum. II. 1. If you see a certain Cornelius at Corinth, send him to me. 2. Almost all the soldiers who fell down into the waves were unharmed. 3. Not even at Pompeii did I see so great a fire. 4. I myself was eager to tell something to some one. 5. Each one was praising his own work. 6. Did you see some one in the country? I did not see any one. 7. Unless some one will remain on the bridge with Horatius, the commonwealth will be in the greatest danger. [Footnote 1: Observe that /qui:dam\ and /quidem\ are different words.] _299._ HOW HORATIUS HELD THE BRIDGE (_Concluded_) Mox, ubi parva pars pontis mansit, Horatius iussit comites discedere et solus mira constantia impetum illius totius exercitus sustinebat. Denique magno fragore pons in flumen decidit. Tum vero Horatius tergum vertit et armatus in aquas desiluit. In eum hostes multa tela iecerunt; incolumis autem per fiuctus ad alteram ripam tranavit. Ei propter tantas res gestas populus Romanus non solum alia magna praemia dedit sed etiam statuam Horati in loco publico posuit. * * * * * Sixth Review, Lessons XLV-LII, Secs. 521-523 * * * * * LESSON LIII REGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES [Special Vocabulary] /aquila, -ae\, f., _eagle_ (aquiline) /auda:x\, gen. /auda:cis\, adj., _bold, audacious_ /celer, celeris, celere\, _swift, quick_ (celerity). Cf. /ve:lo:x\ /explo:rato:r, -o:ris\, m., _scout, spy_ (explorer) /inge:ns\, gen. /ingentis\, adj., _huge, vast_ /medius, -a., -um\, _middle, middle part of_ (medium) /me:ns, mentis (-ium)\, f., _mind_ (mental). Cf. /animus\ /opportu:nus, -a, -um\, _opportune_ /quam\, adv., _than_. With the superlative /quam\ gives the force of _as possible_, as /quam auda:cissimi: viri:\, _men as bold as possible_ /recens\, gen. /recentis\, adj., _recent_ /tam\, adv., _so_. Always with an adjective or adverb, while /ita\ is generally used with a verb /quaero:, quaerere, quaesi:vi:, quaesi:tus\, _ask, inquire, seek_ (question). Cf. /peto:\ _300._ The quality denoted by an adjective may exist in either a higher or a lower degree, and this is expressed by a form of inflection called comparison. The mere presence of the quality is expressed by the positive degree, its presence in a higher or lower degree by the comparative, and in the highest or lowest of all by the superlative. In English the usual way of comparing an adjective is by using the suffix _-er_ for the comparative and _-est_ for the superlative; as, positive _high_, comparative _higher_, superlative _highest_. Less frequently we use the adverbs _more_ and _most_; as, positive _beautiful_, comparative _more beautiful_, superlative _most beautiful._ In Latin, as in English, adjectives are compared by adding suffixes or by using adverbs. _301._ Adjectives are compared by using suffixes as follows: POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE cla:rus, -a, -um cla:rior, cla:ri:us cla:rissimus, -a, -um (_bright_) (_brighter_) (_brightest_) (BASE cla:r-) brevis, breve brevior, brevius brevissimus, -a, -um (_short_) (_shorter_) (_shortest_) (BASE brev-) ve:lo:x ve:lo:cior, ve:lo:cius ve:lo:cissimus, -a, -um (_swift_) (_swifter_) (_swiftest_) (BASE veloc-) _a._ The comparative is formed from the base of the positive by adding -ior masc. and fem., and -ius neut.; the superlative by adding /-issimus, -issima, -issimum\. _302._ Less frequently adjectives are compared by using the adverbs /magis\, _more_; /maxime:\, _most_; as, /ido:neus\, _suitable_; /magis ido:neus\, _more suitable_; /maxime: ido:neus\, _most suitable._ _303._ Declension of the Comparative. Adjectives of the comparative degree are declined as follows: SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. cla:rior cla:ri:us cla:ri:o:re:s cla:rio:ra Gen. cla:rio:ris cla:rio:ris cla:rio:rum cla:rio:rum Dat. cla:rio:ri: cla:rio:ri: cla:rio:ribus cla:rio:ribus Acc. cla:rio:rem cla:rius cla:rio:re:s cla:rio:ra Abl. cla:rio:re cla:rio:re cla:rio:ribus cla:rio:ribus _a._ Observe that the endings are those of the consonant stems of the third declension. _b._ Compare /longus\, _long_; /fortis\, _brave_; /recens\ (base, recent-), _recent_; and decline the comparative of each. _304._ Adjectives in -er form the comparative regularly, but the superlative is formed by adding -rimus, -a, -um to the nominative masculine of the positive; as, POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE a:cer, a:cris, a:cre a:crior, a:crius a:cerrimus, -a, -um (BASE acr-) pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum pulchrior, pulchrius pulcherrimus, (BASE pulchr-) -a, -um li:ber, li:bera, li:berum li:berior, li:berius li:berrimus, -a, -um (BASE li:ber-) _a._ In a similar manner compare /miser\, /aeger\, /creber\. _305._ The comparative is often translated by _quite, too_, or _somewhat_, and the superlative by _very_; as, /altior\, _quite_ (_too, somewhat_) _high_; /altissimus\, _very high._ _306._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 296. I. 1. Quid exploratores quaerebant? Exploratores tempus opportfuissimum itineri quaerebant. 2. Media in silva ignis quam creberrimos fecimus, quod feras tam audacis numquam antea videramus. 3. Antiquis temporibus Germani erant fortiores quam Galli. 4. Caesar erat clarior quam inimici[1] qui eum necaverunt. 5. Quisque scutum ingens et pilum longius gerebat. 6. Apud barbaros Germani erant audacissimi et fortissimi. 7. Mens hominum est celerior quam corpus. 8. Viri aliquarum terrarum sunt miserrimi. 9. Corpora Germanorum erant ingentiora quam Romanorum. 10. Acerrimi Gallorum principes sine ulla mora trans flumen quoddam equos velocissimos traduxerunt. 11. Aestate dies sunt longiores quam hieme. 12. Imperator quidam ab exploratoribus de recenti adventu navium longarum quaesivit. II. 1. Of all birds the eagle is the swiftest. 2. Certain animals are swifter than the swiftest horse. 3. The Roman name was most hateful to the enemies of the commonwealth. 4. The Romans always inflicted the severest[2] punishment on faithless allies. 5. I was quite ill, and so I hastened from the city to the country. 6. Marcus had some friends dearer than Caesar.[3] 7. Did you not seek a more recent report concerning the battle? 8. Not even after a victory so opportune did he seek the general's friendship. [Footnote 1: Why is this word used instead of /hostes\?] [Footnote 2: Use the superlative of /gravis\.] [Footnote 3: Accusative. In a comparison the noun after /quam\ is in the same case as the one before it.] N.B. Beginning at this point, the selections for reading will be found near the end of the volume. (See p. 197.) LESSON LIV IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES THE ABLATIVE WITH COMPARATIVES WITHOUT _QUAM_ [Special Vocabulary] /alacer, alacris, alacre\, _eager, spirited, excited_ (alacrity) /celerita:s, -a:tis\, f., _speed_ (celerity) /cla:mor, cla:mo:ris\, m., _shout, clamor_ /le:nis, le:ne\, _mild, gentle_ (lenient) /mulier, muli'eris\, f., _woman_ /multitu:do:, multitu:dinis\, f., _multitude_ /ne:mo\, dat. /ne:mini:\, acc. /ne:minem\ (gen. /nu:lli:us\, abl. /nu:llo:\, from /nu:llus\), no plur., m. and f., _no one_ /no:bilis, no:bile\, _well known, noble_ /noctu:\, adv. (an old abl.), _by night_ (nocturnal) /statim\, adv., _immediately, at once_ /subito:\, adv., _suddenly_ /tardus, -a, -um\, _slow_ (tardy) /cupio:, cupere, cupi:vi:, cupi:tus\, _desire, wish_ (cupidity) _307._ The following six adjectives in -lis form the comparative regularly; but the superlative is formed by adding -limus to the base of the positive. Learn the meanings and comparison. POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE facilis, -e, _easy_ facilior, -ius facillimus, -a, -um difficilis, -e, _hard_ difficilior, -ius difficillimus, -a, -um similis, -e, _like_ similior, -ius simillimus, -a, -um dissimilis, -e, _unlike_ dissimilior, -ius dissimillimus, -a, -um gracilis, -e, _slender_ gracilior, -ius gracillimus, -a, -um humilis, -e, _low_ humilior, -ius humillimus, -a, -um _308._ From the knowledge gained in the preceding lesson we should translate the sentence _Nothing is brighter than the sun_ Nihil est clarius quam sol But the Romans, especially in negative sentences, often expressed the comparison in this way, Nihil est clarius sole which, literally translated, is _Nothing is brighter away from the sun_; that is, _starting from the sun as a standard, nothing is brighter_. This relation is expressed by the separative ablative /sole\. Hence the rule _309._ RULE. Ablative with Comparatives. _The comparative degree, if /quam\ is omitted, is followed by the separative ablative._ _310._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 296. I. 1. Nemo milites alacriores Romanis vidit. 2. Statim imperator iussit nuntios quam celerrimos litteras Romam portare. 3. Multa flumina sunt leniora Rheno. 4. Apud Romanos quis erat clarior Caesare? 5. Nihil pulchrius urbe Roma vidi. 6. Subito multitudo audacissima magno clamore proelium acrius commisit. 7. Num est equus tuus tardus? Non vero tardus, sed celerior aquila. 8. Ubi Romae fui, nemo erat mihi amicior Sexto. 9. Quaedam mulieres cibum militibus dare cupiverunt. 10. Rex vetuit civis ex urbe noctu discedere. 11. Ille puer est gracilior hac muliere. 12. Explorator duas (_two_) vias, alteram facilem, alteram difficiliorem, demonstravit. II. 1. What city have you seen more beautiful than Rome? 2. The Gauls were not more eager than the Germans. 3. The eagle is not slower than the horse. 4. The spirited woman did not fear to make the journey by night. 5. The mind of the multitude was quite gentle and friendly. 6. But the king's mind was very different. 7. The king was not like (similar to) his noble father. 8. These hills are lower than the huge mountains of our territory. [Illustration: ARMA ROMANA] LESSON LV IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (_Continued_) [Special Vocabulary] /aedificium, aedifi'ci:\, n., _building, dwelling_ (edifice) /imperium, impe'ri:\, n., _command, chief power; empire_ /mors, mortis (-ium)\, f., _death_ (mortal) /reliquus, -a, -um\, _remaining, rest of_. As a noun, m. and n. plur., _the rest_ (relic) /scelus, sceleris\, n., _crime_ /servitu:s, -u:tis\, f., _slavery_ (servitude) /valle:s, vallis (-ium)\, f., _valley_ /abdo:, abdere, abdidi:, abditus\, _hide_ /contendo:, contendere, contendi:, contentus\, _strain, struggle; hasten_ (contend) /occi:do:, occi:dere, occi:di:, occi:sus\, _cut down, kill_. Cf. /neco:\, /interficio:\ /perterreo:, perterre:re, perterrui:, perterritus\, _terrify, frighten_ /recipio:, recipere, rece:pi:, receptus\, _receive, recover_; /se: recipere\, _betake one's self, withdraw, retreat_ /tra:do:, tra:dere, tra:didi:, tra:ditus\, _give over, surrender, deliver_ (traitor) _311._ Some adjectives in English have irregular comparison, as _good, better, best_; _many, more, most._ So Latin comparison presents some irregularities. Among the adjectives that are compared irregularly are POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE bonus, -a, -um, _good_ melior, melius optimus, -a, -um magnus, -a, -um, _great_ maior, maius maximus, -a, -um malus, -a, -um, _bad_ peior, peius pessimus, -a, -um multus, -a, -um, _much_ ----, plu:s plu:rimus, -a, -um multi:, -ae, -a, _many_ plu:re:s, plu:ra plu:rimi:, -ae, -a parvus, -a, -um, _small_ minor, minus minimus, -a, -um _312._ The following four adjectives have two superlatives. Unusual forms are placed in parentheses. exterus, -a, -um, (exterior, -ius, { extre:mus, -a, -um } _outward_ _outer_) {(extimus, -a, -um) } _outermost, last_ i:nferus, -a, -um, i:nferior, -ius, { i:nfimus, -a, -um } _low_ _lower_ { i:mus, -a, -um } _lowest_ posterus, -a, -um, (posterior, -ius, { postre:mus, -a, -um } _next_ _later_) {(postumus, -a, -um) } _last_ superus, -a, -um, superior, -ius { supre:mus, -a, -um } _above_ _higher_ { summus, -a, -um } _highest_ _313._ /Plu:s\, _more_ (plural _more, many, several_), is declined as follows: SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. ---- plu:s plu:re:s plu:ra Gen. ---- plu:ris plu:rium plu:rium Dat. ---- ---- plu:ribus plu:ribus Acc. ---- plu:s plu:ri:s, -e:s plu:ra Abl. ---- plu:re plu:ribus plu:ribus _a._ In the singular /plu:s\ is used only as a neuter substantive. _314._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 296. I. 1. Reliqui hostes, qui a dextro cornu proelium commiserant, de superiore loco fugerunt et sese in silvam maximam receperunt. 2. In extrema parte silvae castra hostium posita erant. 3. Plurimi captivi ab equitibus ad Caesarem ducti sunt. 4. Caesar vero iussit eos in servitutem tradi. 5. Postero die magna multitudo mulierum ab Romanis in valle ima reperta est. 6. Hae mulieres maxime perterritae adventu Caesaris sese occidere studebant. 7. Eae quoque pluris fabulas de exercitus Romani sceleribus audiverant. 8. Fama illorum militum optima non erat. 9. In barbarorum aedificiis maior copia frumenti reperta est. 10. Nemo crebris proeliis contendere sine aliquo periculo potest. II. 1. The remaining women fled from their dwellings and hid themselves. 2. They were terrified and did not wish to be captured and given over into slavery. 3. Nothing can be worse than slavery. 4. Slavery is worse than death. 5. In the Roman empire a great many were killed because they refused to be slaves. 6. To surrender the fatherland is the worst crime. LESSON LVI IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (_Concluded_) ABLATIVE OF THE MEASURE OF DIFFERENCE [Special Vocabulary] /aditus, -u:s\, m., _approach, access; entrance_ /ci:vita:s, ci:vita:tis\, f., _citizenship; body of citizens, state_ (city) /inter\, prep, with acc., _between, among_ (interstate commerce) /nam\, conj., _for_ /obses, obsidis\, m. and f., _hostage_ /paulo:\, adv. (abl. n. of /paulus\), _by a little, somewhat_ /incolo:, incolere, incolui:, --\, transitive, _inhabit_; intransitive, _dwell_. Cf. /habito:\, /vi:vo:\ /relinquo:, relinquere, reli:qui:, relictus\, _leave, abandon_ (relinquish) /statuo:, statuere, statui:, statu:tus\, _fix, decide_ (statute), usually with infin. _315._ The following adjectives are irregular in the formation of the superlative and have no positive. Forms rarely used are in parentheses. COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE citerior, _hither_ (citimus, _hithermost_) interior, _inner_ (intimus, _inmost_) prior, _former_ pri:mus, _first_ propior, _nearer_ proximus, _next, nearest_ ulterior, _further_ ultimus, _furthest_ _316._ In the sentence _Galba is a head taller than Sextus_, the phrase _a head taller_ expresses the /measure of difference\ in height between Galba and Sextus. The Latin form of expression would be _Galba is taller than Sextus /by a head\_. This is clearly an ablative relation, and the construction is called the /ablative of the measure of difference\. EXAMPLES Galba est altior capite quam Sextus _Galba is a head taller_ (taller by a head) _than Sextus_. Illud iter ad Italiam est multo brevius _That route to Italy is much shorter_ (shorter by much) _317._ RULE. Ablative of the Measure of Difference. _With comparatives and words implying comparison the ablative is used to denote the measure of difference._ _a._ Especially common in this construction are the neuter ablatives eo:, _by this, by that_ nihilo:,[1] _by nothing_ ho:c, _by this_ paulo:, _by a little_ multo:, _by much_ [Footnote 1: /nihil\ was originally /nihilum\ and declined like /pilum\. There is no plural.] _318._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 297. I. 1. Barbari proelium committere statuerunt eo magis quod Romani infirmi esse videbantur. 2. Meum consilium est multo melius quam tuum quia multo facilius est. 3. Haec via est multo latior quam illa. 4. Barbari erant nihilo tardiores quam Romani. 5. Tuus equus est paulo celerior quam meus. 6. Ii qui paulo fortiores erant prohibuerunt reliquos aditum relinquere. 7. Inter illas civitates Germania milites habet optimos. 8. Propior via quae per hanc vallem ducit est inter portum et lacum. 9. Servi, qui agros citeriores incolebant, priores dominos relinquere non cupiverunt, quod eos amabant. 10. Ultimae Germaniae partes numquam in fidem Romanorum venerunt. 11. Nam trans Rhenum aditus erat multo difficilior exercitui Romano. II. 1. Another way much more difficult (more difficult by much) was left through hither Gaul. 2. In ancient times no state was stronger than the Roman empire. 3. The states of further Gaul did not wish to give hostages to Caesar. 4. Slavery is no better (better by nothing) than death. 5. The best citizens are not loved by the worst. 6. The active enemy immediately withdrew into the nearest forest, for they were terrified by Caesar's recent victories. LESSON LVII FORMATION AND COMPARISON OF ADVERBS [Special Vocabulary] /aequus, -a, -um\, _even, level; equal_ /cohors, cohortis (-ium)\, f., _cohort_, a tenth part of a legion, about 360 men /curro:, currere, cucurri:, cursus\, _run_ (course) /difficulta:s, -a:tis\, f., _difficulty_ /fossa, -ae\, f., _ditch_ (fosse) /ge:ns, gentis (-ium)\, f., _race, tribe, nation_ (Gentile) /nego:tium, nego:ti:\, n., _business, affair, matter_ (negotiate) /regio:, -o:nis\, f., _region, district_ /ru:mor, ru:mo:ris\, m., _rumor, report_. Cf. /fa:ma\ /simul atque\, conj., _as soon as_ /suscipio:, suscipere, susce:pi:, susceptus\, _undertake_ /traho:, trahere, tra:xi:, tra:ctus\, _drag, draw_ (ex-tract) /valeo:, vale:re, valui:, valitu:rus\, _be strong_; plu:rimum vale:re, _to be most powerful, have great influence_ (value). Cf. validus _319._ Adverbs are generally derived from adjectives, as in English (e.g. adj. _sweet_, adv. _sweetly_). Like adjectives, they can be compared; but they have no declension. _320._ Adverbs derived from adjectives of the first and second declensions are formed and compared as follows: POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE _Adj._ ca:rus, _dear_ ca:rior ca:rissimus _Adv._ ca:re:, _dearly_ ca:rius ca:rissime: _Adj._ pulcher, _beautiful_ pulchrior pulcherrimus _Adv._ pulchre:, _beautifully_ pulchrius pulcherrime: _Adj._ li:ber, _free_ li:berior li:berrimus _Adv._ li:bere:, _freely_ li:berius li:berrime: _a._ The positive of the adverb is formed by adding -e: to the base of the positive of the adjective. The superlative of the adverb is formed from the superlative of the adjective in the same way. _b._ The comparative of any adverb is the neuter accusative singular of the comparative of the adjective. _321._ Adverbs derived from adjectives of the third declension are formed like those described above in the comparative and superlative. The positive is usually formed by adding -iter to the base of adjectives of three endings or of two endings, and -ter to the base of those of one ending;[1] as, POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE _Adj._ fortis, _brave_ fortior fortissimus _Adv._ fortiter, _bravely_ fortius fortissime: _Adj._ auda:x, _bold_ auda:cior auda:cissimus _Adv._ auda:cter, _boldly_ auda:cius auda:cissime: [Footnote 1: This is a good working rule, though there are some exceptions to it.] _322._ Case Forms as Adverbs. As we learned above, the neuter accusative of comparatives is used adverbially. So in the positive or superlative some adjectives, instead of following the usual formation, use the accusative or the ablative singular neuter adverbially; as, _Adj._ facilis, _easy_ pri:mus, _first_ _Adv._ facile (acc.), _easily_ pri:mum (acc.), _first_ pri:mo: (abl.), _at first_ _Adj._ multus, _many_ plu:rimus, _most_ _Adv._ multum (acc.), _much_ plu:rimum (acc.), _most_ multo: (abl.), _by much_ _323._ Learn the following irregular comparisons: bene, _well_ melius, _better_ optime:, _best_ diu:, _long_ (time) diu:tius, _longer_ diu:tissime:, _longest_ magnopere, _greatly_ magis, _more_ maxime:, _most_ parum, _little_ minus, _less_ minime:, _least_ prope, _nearly, near_ propius, _nearer_ proxime:, _nearest_ saepe, _often_ saepius, _oftener_ saepissime:, _oftenest_ _324._ Form adverbs from the following adjectives, using the regular rules, and compare them: /laetus\, /superbus\, /molestus\, /amicus\, /acer\, /brevis\, /gravis\, /recens\. _325._ RULE. Adverbs. _Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs._ _326._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 297. I. 1. Nulla res melius gesta est quam proelium illud[2] ubi Marius multo minore exercitu multo maiores copias Germanorum in fugam dedit. 2. Audacter in Romanorum cohortis hostes impetus fecerunt 3. Marius autem omnes hos fortissime sustinuit. 4. Barbari nihilo fortiores erant quam Romani. 5. Primo barbari esse superiores videbantur, tum Romani acrius contenderunt. 6. Denique, ubi iam diutissime paene aequo proelio pugnatum est, barbari fugam petierunt. 7. Quaedam Germanorum gentes, simul atque rumorem illius calamitatis audiverunt, sese in ultimis regionibus finium suorum abdiderunt. 8. Romani saepius quam hostes vicerunt, quod meliora arma habebant. 9. Inter omnis gentis Romani plurimum valebant. 10. Hae cohortes simul atque in aequiorem regionem se receperunt, castra sine ulla difficultate posuerunt. II. 1. Some nations are easily overcome by their enemies. 2. Germany is much larger than Gaul. 3. Were not the Romans the most powerful among the tribes of Italy? 4. On account of (his) wounds the soldier dragged his body from the ditch with the greatest difficulty. 5. He was able neither to run nor to fight. 6. Who saved him? A certain horseman boldly undertook the matter. 7. The rumors concerning the soldier's death were not true. [Footnote 2: /ille\ standing after its noun means _that well-known, that famous_.] LESSON LVIII NUMERALS : THE PARTITIVE GENITIVE [Special Vocabulary] /commea:tus, -u:s\, m.. _provisions_ /la:titu:do:, -inis\, f., _width_ (latitude) /longitu:do:, -inis\, f., _length_ (longitude) /magnitu:do:, -inis\, f., _size, magnitude_ /merca:tor, merca:to:ris\, m., _trader, merchant_ /mu:ni:tio:, -o:nis\, f., _fortification_ (munition) /spatium, spati:\, n., _room, space, distance; time_ /cogno:sco:, cogno:scere, cogno:vi:, cognitus\, _learn_; in the perfect tenses, _know_ (re-cognize) /co:go:, co:gere, coe:gi:, coa:ctus\, _collect; compel_ (cogent) /de:fendo:, de:fendere, de:fendi:, de:fe:nsus\, _defend_ /incendo:, incendere, incendi:, ince:nsus\, _set fire to, burn_ (incendiary). Cf. /cremo:\ /obtineo:, obtine:re, obtinui:, obtentus\, _possess, occupy, hold_ (obtain) /pervenio:, perveni:re, perve:ni:, perventus\, _come through, arrive_ _327._ The Latin numeral adjectives may be classified as follows: 1. /Cardinal Numerals\, answering the question _how many?_ as, /u:nus\, _one_; /duo\, _two_; etc. 2. /Ordinal Numerals\, derived in most cases from the cardinals and answering the question _in what order?_ as, /pri:mus\, _first_; /secundus\, _second_; etc. 3. /Distributive Numerals\, answering the question _how many at a time?_ as, /singuli:\, _one at a time_. _328._ The Cardinal Numerals. The first twenty of the cardinals are as follows: 1, u:nus 6, sex 11, u:ndecim 16, se:decim 2, duo 7, septem 12, duodecim 17, septendecim 3, tre:s 8, octo: 13, tredecim 18, duode:vi:ginti: 4, quattuor 9, novem 14, quattuordecim 19, u:nde:vi:ginti: 5, qui:nque 10, decem 15, qui:ndecim 20, vi:ginti: _a._ Learn also /centum\ = 100, /ducenti:\ = 200, /mi:lle\ = 1000. _329._ Declension of the Cardinals. Of the cardinals only /u:nus\, /duo\, /tre:s\, the hundreds above one hundred, and /mi:lle\ used as a noun, are declinable. _a._ /u:nus\ is one of the nine irregular adjectives, and is declined like /nu:llus\ (cf. Secs. 109, 470). The plural of /u:nus\ is used to agree with a plural noun of a singular meaning, as, /u:na castra\, _one camp_; and with other nouns in the sense of _only_, as, /Galli u:ni\, _only the Gauls_. _b._ Learn the declension of /duo\, _two_; /tre:s\, _three_; and /mi:lle\, _a thousand_. (Sec. 479.) _c._ The hundreds above one hundred are declined like the plural of /bonus\; as, ducenti:, -ae, -a ducento:rum, -a:rum, -o:rum etc. etc. etc. _330._ We have already become familiar with sentences like the following: Omnium avium aquila est velocissima _Of all birds the eagle is the swiftest_ Hoc oraculum erat omnium clarissimum _This oracle was the most famous of all_ In such sentences the genitive denotes the whole, and the word it modifies denotes a part of that whole. Such a genitive, denoting the whole of which a part is taken, is called a /partitive genitive\. _331._ RULE. Partitive Genitive. _Words denoting a part are often used with the genitive of the whole, known as the /partitive genitive\._ _a._ Words denoting a part are especially pronouns, numerals, and other adjectives. But cardinal numbers excepting /mille\ regularly take the ablative with /ex\ or /de\ instead of the partitive genitive. _b._ /Mille\, _a thousand_, in the singular is usually an indeclinable adjective (as, /mille milites\, _a thousand soldiers_), but in the plural it is a declinable noun and takes the partitive genitive (as, /decem milia militum\, _ten thousand soldiers_). EXAMPLES: Fortissimi horum sunt Germani _The bravest of these are the Germans_ Decem milia hostium interfecta sunt _Ten thousand_ (lit. _thousands_) _of the enemy were slain_ Una ex captivis erat soror regis _One of the captives was the king's sister_ _332._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 297. I. 1. Caesar maximam partem aedificiorum incendit. 2. Magna pars munitionis aqua fluminis deleta est. 3. Galli huius regionis quinque milia hominum coegerant. 4. Duo ex meis fratribus eundem rumorem audiverunt. 5. Quis Romanorum erat clarior Caesare? 6. Quinque cohortes ex illa legione castra quam fortissime defendebant. 7. Hic locus aberat aequo spatio[1] ab castris Caesaris et castris Germanorum. 8. Caesar simul atque pervenit, plus commeatus ab sociis postulavit. 9. Nonne mercatores magnitudinem insulae cognoverant? Longitudinem sed non latitudinem cognoverant. 10. Pauci hostium obtinebant collem quem exploratores nostri viderunt. II. 1. I have two brothers, and one of them lives at Rome. 2. Caesar stormed that very town with three legions. 3. In one hour he destroyed a great part of the fortification. 4. When the enemy could no longer[2] defend the gates, they retreated to a hill which was not far distant.[3] 5. There three thousand of them bravely resisted the Romans.[4] [Footnote 1: Ablative of the measure of difference.] [Footnote 2: Not /longius\. Why?] [Footnote 3: Latin, _was distant by a small space._] [Footnote 4: Not the accusative.] LESSON LIX NUMERALS (_Continued_) : THE ACCUSATIVE OF EXTENT [Special Vocabulary] /agmen, agminis\, n., _line of march, column_; /pri:mum agmen\, _the van_; /novissimum agmen\, _the rear_ /atque\, /ac\, conj., _and_; /atque\ is used before vowels and consonants, /ac\ before consonants only. Cf. /et\ and /-que\ /concilium, conci'li:\, n., _council, assembly_ /Helve:tii:, -o:rum\, m., _the Helvetii_, a Gallic tribe /passus, passu:s\, m., _a pace_, five Roman feet; /mi:lle passuum\, _a thousand (of) paces_, a Roman mile /qua: de: causa:\, _for this reason, for what reason_ /va:llum, -i:\, n., _earth-works, rampart_ /cado:, cadere, cecidi:, ca:su:rus\, _fall_ (decadence) /de:do:, de:dere, de:didi:, de:ditus\, _surrender, give up_; with a reflexive pronoun, _surrender one's self, submit_, with the dative of the indirect object /premo:, premere, pressi:, pressus\, _press hard, harass_ /vexo:, vexa:re, vexa:vi:, vexa:tus\, _annoy, ravage_ (vex) _333._ Learn the first twenty of the ordinal numerals (Sec. 478). The ordinals are all declined like /bonus\. _334._ The distributive numerals are declined like the plural of /bonus\. The first three are singuli:, -ae, -a, _one each, one by one_ bi:ni:, -ae, -a, _two each, two by two_ terni:, -ae, -a, _three each, three by three_ _335._ We have learned that, besides its use as object, the accusative is used to express space relations not covered by the ablative. We have had such expressions as /per plurimos annos\, _for a great many years_; /per totum diem\, _for a whole day_. Here the space relation is one of _extent of time_. We could also say /per decem pedes\, _for ten feet_, where the space relation is one of _extent of space_. While this is correct Latin, the usual form is to use the accusative with no preposition, as, Vir totum diem cucurrit, _the man ran for a whole day_ Caesar murum decem pedes movit, _Caesar moved the wall ten feet_ _336._ RULE. Accusative of Extent. _Duration of time and extent of space are expressed by the accusative._ _a._ This accusative answers the questions _how long? how far?_ _b._ Distinguish carefully between the accusative of time _how long_ and the ablative of time _when_, or _within which._ Select the accusatives of time and space and the ablatives of time in the following: When did the general arrive? He arrived at two o'clock. How long had he been marching? For four days. How far did he march? He marched sixty-five miles. Where has he pitched his camp? Three miles from the river, and he will remain there several days. The wall around the camp is ten feet high. When did the war begin? In the first year after the king's death. _337._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 298. I. _Caesar in Gaul_. Caesar bellum in Gallia septem annos gessit. Primo anno Helvetios vicit, et eodem anno multae Germanorum gentes ei sese dediderunt. Multos iam annos Germani Gallos vexabant[1] et duces Germani copias suas trans Rhenum saepe traducebant.[1] Non singuli veniebant, sed multa milia hominum in Galliam contendebant. Qua de causa principes Galliae concilium convocaverunt atque statuerunt legates ad Caesarem mittere. Caesar, simul atque hunc rumorem audivit, copias suas sine mora coegit. Prima luce fortiter cum Germanis proelium commisit. Totum diem acriter pugnatum est. Caesar ipse a dextro cornu acicm duxit. Magna pars exercitus Germani cecidit. Post magnam caedem pauci multa milia passuum ad flumen fugerunt. II. 1. Caesar pitched camp two miles from the river. 2. He fortified the camp with a ditch fifteen feet wide and a rampart nine feet high. 3. The camp of the enemy was a great way off (was distant by a great space). 4. On the next day he hastened ten miles in three hours. 5. Suddenly the enemy with all their forces made an attack upon (/in\ _with acc._) the rear. 6. For two hours the Romans were hard pressed by the barbarians. 7. In three hours the barbarians were fleeing. [Footnote 1: Translate as if pluperfect.] LESSON LX DEPONENT VERBS [Special Vocabulary] /aut\, conj., _or_; /aut ... aut\, _either ... or_ /causa:\, abl. of /causa\, _for the sake of, because of_. Always stands _after_ the gen. which modifies it /fere:\, adv., _nearly, almost_ /opi:nio:, -o:nis\, f., _opinion, supposition, expectation_ /re:s fru:menta:ria, rei: fru:menta:riae\, f. (lit. _the grain affair_), _grain supply_ /timor, -o:ris\, m., _fear_. Cf. /timeo:\ /undique\, adv., _from all sides_ /co:nor, co:na:ri:, co:na:tus sum\, _attempt, try_ /e:gredior, e:gredi:, e:gressus sum\, _move out, disembark_; /pro:gredior\, _move forward, advance_ (egress, progress) /moror, mora:ri:, mora:tus sum\, _delay_ /orior, oriri:, ortus sum\, _arise, spring; begin; be born_ (_from_) (origin) /profici:scor, profici:sci:, profectus sum\, _set out_ /revertor, reverti:, reversus sum\, _return_ (revert). The forms of this verb are usually active, and not deponent, in the perfect system. Perf. act., /reverti:\ /sequor, sequi:, secu:tus sum\, _follow_ (sequence). Note the following compounds of /sequor\ and the force of the different prefixes: /co:nsequor\ (_follow with_), _overtake_; /i:nsequor\ (_follow against_), _pursue_; /subsequor\ (_follow under_), _follow close after_ _338._ A number of verbs are passive in form but active in meaning; as, /hortor\, _I encourage_; /vereor\, _I fear_. Such verbs are called /deponent\ because they have laid aside (/de-ponere\, _to lay aside_) the active forms. _a._ Besides having all the forms of the passive, deponent verbs have also the future active infinitive and a few other active forms which will be noted later. (SecSecs. 375, 403.b.) _339._ The principal parts of deponents are of course passive in form, as, Conj. I hortor, hortari:, hortatus sum, _encourage_ Conj. II vereor, vere:ri:, veritus sum, _fear_ Conj. III (_a_) sequor, sequi:, secu:tus sum, _follow_ (_b_) patior, pati:, passus sum, _suffer, allow_ Conj. IV partior, parti:ri:, parti:tus sum, _share, divide_ Learn the synopses of these verbs. (See Sec. 493.) /Patior\ is conjugated like the passive of /capio\ (Sec. 492). _340._ PREPOSITIONS WITH THE ACCUSATIVE The prepositions with the accusative that occur most frequently are ante, _before_ apud, _among_ circum, _around_ contra:, _against, contrary to_ extra:, _outside of_ in, _into, in, against, upon_ inter, _between, among_ intra:, _within_ ob, _on account of_ (quam ob rem, _wherefore, therefore_) per, _through, by means of_ post, _after, behind_ propter, _on account of, because of_ tra:ns, _across, over_ _a._ Most of these you have had before. Review the old ones and learn the new ones. Review the list of prepositions governing the ablative, Sec. 209. _341._ EXERCISES First learn the special vocabulary, p. 298. I. 1. Tres ex legatis, contra Caesaris opinionem, iter facere per hostium finis verebantur. 2. Quis eos hortatus est? Imperator eos hortatus est et iis persuadere conatus est, sed non potuit. 3. Quid legatos perterruit? Aut timor hostium, qui undique premebant, aut longitudo viae eos perterruit. 4. Tamen omnes fere Caesarem multo magis quam hostis veriti sunt. 5. Fortissimae gentes Galliae ex Germanis oriebantur. 6. Quam ob rem tam fortes erant? Quia nec vinum nec alia quae virtutem delent ad se portari patiebantur. 7. Caesar ex mercatoribus de insula Britannia quaesivit, sed nihil cognoscere potuit. 8. Itaque ipse statuit hanc terram petere, et media fere aestate cum multis navibus longis profectus est. 9. Magna celeritate iter confecit et in opportunissimo loco egressus est. 10. Barbari summis viribus eum ab insula prohibere conati sunt. 11. Ille autem barbaros multa milia passuum insecutus est; tamen sine equitatu eos consequi non potuit. II. 1. Contrary to our expectation, the enemy fled and the cavalry followed close after them. 2. From all parts of the multitude the shouts arose of those who were being wounded. 3. Caesar did not allow the cavalry to pursue too far.[1] 4. The cavalry set out at the first hour and was returning[2] to camp at the fourth hour. 5. Around the Roman camp was a rampart twelve feet high. 6. Caesar will delay three days because of the grain supply. 7. Nearly all the lieutenants feared the enemy and attempted to delay the march. [Footnote 1: Comparative of /longe\.] [Footnote 2: Will this be a deponent or an active form?] * * * * * Seventh Review, Lessons LIII-LX, Secs. 524-526 * * * * * [Illustration] PART III CONSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTORY NOTE The preceding part of this book has been concerned chiefly with forms and vocabulary. There remain still to be learned the forms of the Subjunctive Mood, the Participles, and the Gerund of the regular verb, and the conjugation of the commoner irregular verbs. These will be taken up in connection with the study of constructions, which will be the chief subject of our future work. The special vocabularies of the preceding lessons contain, exclusive of proper names, about six hundred words. As these are among the commonest words in the language, _they must be mastered_. They properly form the basis of the study of words, and will be reviewed and used with but few additions in the remaining lessons. For practice in reading and to illustrate the constructions presented, a continued story has been prepared and may be begun at this point (see p. 204). It has been divided into chapters of convenient length to accompany progress through the lessons, but may be read with equal profit after the lessons are finished. The story gives an account of the life and adventures of Publius Cornelius Lentulus, a Roman boy, who fought in Caesar's campaigns and shared in his triumph. The colored plates illustrating the story are faithful representations of ancient life and are deserving of careful study. LESSON LXI THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD _342._ In addition to the indicative, imperative, and infinitive moods, which you have learned, Latin has a fourth mood called the subjunctive. The tenses of the subjunctive are PRESENT } IMPERFECT } ACTIVE AND PASSIVE PERFECT } PLUPERFECT } _343._ The tenses of the subjunctive have the same time values as the corresponding tenses of the indicative, and, in addition, _each of them may refer to future time_. No meanings of the tenses will be given in the paradigms, as the translation varies with the construction used. _344._ The present subjunctive is inflected as follows: CONJ. I CONJ. II CONJ. III CONJ. IV ACTIVE VOICE SINGULAR 1. a'mem mo'neam re'gam ca'piam au'diam 2. a'me:s mo'nea:s re'ga:s ca'pia:s au'dia:s 3. a'met mo'neat re'gat ca'piat au'diat PLURAL 1. ame:'mus monea:'mus rega:'mus capia:'mus audia:'mus 2. ame:'tis monea:'tis rega:'tis capia:'tis audia:'tis 3. a'ment mo'neant re'gant ca'piant au'diant PASSIVE VOICE SINGULAR 1. a'mer mo'near re'gar ca'piar au'diar 2. ame:'ris monea:'ris rega:'ris capia:'ris audia:'ris (-re) (-re) (-re) (-re) (-re) 3. ame:'tur monea:'tur rega:'tur capia:'tur audia:'tur PLURAL 1. ame:'mur monea:'mur rega:'mur capia:'mur audia:'mur 2. ame:'mini: monea:'mini: rega:'mini: capia:'mini: audia:'mini: 3. amen'tur monean'tur regan'tur capian'tur audian'tur _a._ The present subjunctive is formed from the present stem. _b._ The mood sign of the present subjunctive is -e:- in the first conjugation and -a:- in the others. It is shortened in the usual places (cf. Sec. 12), and takes the place of the final vowel of the stem in the first and third conjugations, but not in the second and fourth. _c._ The personal endings are the same as in the indicative. _d._ In a similar way inflect the present subjunctive of /curo\, /iubeo\, /sumo\, /iacio\, /munio\. _345._ The present subjunctive of the irregular verb /sum\ is inflected as follows: { 1. sim { 1. si:mus SING. { 2. si:s PLURAL { 2. si:tis { 3. sit { 3. sint _346._ The Indicative and Subjunctive Compared. 1. The two most important of the finite moods are the indicative and the subjunctive. The indicative deals with facts either real or assumed. If, then, we wish to assert something as a fact or to inquire after a fact, we use the indicative. 2. On the other hand, if we wish to express a _desire_ or _wish_, a _purpose_, a _possibility_, an _expectation_, or some such notion, we must use the subjunctive. The following sentences illustrate the difference between the indicative and the subjunctive ideas. INDICATIVE IDEAS SUBJUNCTIVE IDEAS 1. _He is brave_ 1. _May he be brave_ Fortis est Fortis sit (idea of wishing) 2. _We set out at once_ 2. _Let us set out at once_ Statim proficiscimur Statim proficiscamur (idea of willing) 3. _You hear him every day_ 3. _You can hear him every day_ Cotidie eum audis Cotidie eum audias (idea of possibility) 4. _He remained until the ship_ 4. _He waited until the ship_ _arrived_ _should arrive_ Mansit dum navis pervenit Exspectavit dum navis perveniret[1] (idea of expectation) 5. _Caesar sends men who find the_ 5. _Caesar sends men_ _bridge_ _who are to find_ (or _to find_) _the bridge_ Caesar mittit homines qui Caesar homines mittit qui pontem reperiunt pontem reperiant (idea of purpose) [Footnote 1: /perveniret\, imperfect subjunctive.] NOTE. From the sentences above we observe that the subjunctive may be used in either independent or dependent clauses; but it is far more common in the latter than in the former. _347._ EXERCISE Which verbs in the following paragraph would be in the indicative and which in the subjunctive in a Latin translation? There have been times in the history of our country when you might be proud of being an American citizen. Do you remember the day when Dewey sailed into Manila Bay to capture or destroy the enemy's fleet? You might have seen the admiral standing on the bridge calmly giving his orders. He did not even wait until the mines should be removed from the harbor's mouth, but sailed in at once. Let us not despair of our country while such valor exists, and may the future add new glories to the past. LESSON LXII THE SUBJUNCTIVE OF PURPOSE _348._ Observe the sentence Caesar homines mittit qui pontem reperiant, _Caesar sends men to find the bridge_ The verb /reperiant\ in the dependent clause is in the subjunctive because it tells us what Caesar wants the men to do; in other words, it expresses his will and the purpose in his mind. Such a use of the subjunctive is called the subjunctive of purpose. _349._ RULE. Subjunctive of Purpose. _The subjunctive is used in a dependent clause to express the purpose of the action in the principal clause._ _350._ A clause of purpose is introduced as follows: I. If something is wanted, by /qui:\, the relative pronoun (as above) /ut\, conj., _in order that, that_ /quo:\ (abl. of /qui:\, _by which_), _in order that, that_, used when the purpose clause contains a comparative. The ablative /quo:\ expresses the measure of difference. (Cf. Sec. 317.) II. If something is not wanted, by /ne:\, conj., _in order that not, that not, lest_ _351._ EXAMPLES 1. Caesar copias cogit quibus hostis insequatur _Caesar collects troops with which to pursue the foe_ 2. Pacem petunt ut domum revertantur _They ask for peace in order that they may return home_ 3. Pontem faciunt quo facilius oppidum capiant _They build a bridge that they may take the town more easily_ (lit. _by which the more easily_) 4. Fugiunt ne vulnerentur _They flee that they may not_ (or _lest they_) _be wounded_ _352._ Expression of Purpose in English. In English, purpose clauses are sometimes introduced by _that_ or _in order that_, but much more frequently purpose is expressed in English by the infinitive, as _We eat to live_, _She stoops to conquer_. In Latin prose, on the other hand, /purpose is never expressed by the infinitive\. Be on your guard and do not let the English idiom betray you into this error. _353._ EXERCISES I. 1. Veniunt ut { ducant, mittant, videant, audiant, { ducantur, mittantur, videantur, audiantur. 2. Fugimus ne: { capiamur, tradamur, videamus, { necemur, rapiamur, resistamus. 3. Mittit nuntios qui { dicant, audiant, veniant, { narrent, audiantur, in concilio sedeant. 4. Castra muniunt { sese defendant, impetum sustineant, quo: facilius { hostis vincant, salutem petant. II. 1. The Helvetii send ambassadors to seek[1] peace. 2. They are setting out at daybreak in order that they may make a longer march before night. 3. They will hide the women in the forest (_acc. with_ /in\) that they may not be captured. 4. The Gauls wage many wars to free[1] their fatherland from slavery. 5. They will resist the Romans[2] bravely lest they be destroyed. [Footnote 1: Not infinitive.] [Footnote 2: Not accusative.] LESSON LXIII INFLECTION OF THE IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES _354._ The imperfect subjunctive may be formed by adding the personal endings to the present active infinitive. CONJ. I CONJ. II CONJ. III CONJ. IV ACTIVE 1. ama:'rem mone:'rem re'gerem ca'perem audi:'rem 2. ama:'re:s mone:'re:s re'gere:s ca'pere:s audi:'re:s 3. ama:'ret mone:'ret re'geret ca'peret audi:'ret 1. ama:re:'mus mone:re:'mus regere:'mus capere:'mus audi:re:'mus 2. ama:re:'tis mone:re:'tis regere:'tis capere:'tis audi:re:'tis 3. ama:'rent mone:'rent re'gerent ca'perent audi:'rent PASSIVE 1. ama:'rer mone:'rer re'gerer ca'perer audi:'rer 2. ama:re:'ris mone:re:'ris regere:'ris capere:'ris audi:re:'ris (-re) (-re) (-re) (-re) (-re) 3. ama:re:'tur mone:re:'tur regere:'tur capere:'tur audi:re:'tur 1. ama:re:'mur mone:re:'mur regere:'mur capere:'mur --re:'mur 2. ama:re:'mini: mone:re:'mini: regere:'mini: capere:'mini: --re'mini: 3. ama:ren'tur mone:ren'tur regeren'tur caperen'tur --ren'tur _a._ In a similar way inflect the imperfect subjunctive, active and passive, of /curo\, /iubeo\, /sumo\, /iacio\, /munio\. _355._ The imperfect subjunctive of the irregular verb /sum\ is inflected as follows: { 1. es'sem { 1. esse:'mus SING. { 2. es'se:s PLURAL { 2. esse:'tis { 3. es'set { 3. es'sent _356._ The three great distinctions of time are _present_, _past_, and _future_. All tenses referring to present or future time are called /primary tenses\, and those referring to past time are called /secondary tenses\. Now it is a very common law of language that in a complex sentence the tense in the dependent clause should be of the same kind as the tense in the principal clause. In the sentence _He /says\ that he /is\ coming_, the principal verb, _says_, is present, that is, is in a primary tense; and _is coming_, in the dependent clause, is naturally also primary. If I change _he says_ to _he said_,--in other words, if I make the principal verb secondary in character,--I feel it natural to change the verb in the dependent clause also, and I say, _He /said\ that he /was\ coming_. This following of a tense by another of the same kind is called _tense sequence_, from _sequi:_, "to follow." In Latin the law of tense sequence is obeyed with considerable regularity, especially when an indicative in the principal clause is followed by a subjunctive in the dependent clause. Then a primary tense of the indicative is followed by a primary tense of the subjunctive, and a secondary tense of the indicative is followed by a secondary tense of the subjunctive. Learn the following table: _357._ TABLE FOR SEQUENCE OF TENSES +-----+-------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | | PRINCIPAL VERB | DEPENDENT VERBS IN THE SUBJUNCTIVE | | P | IN THE +---------------------+---------------------+ | R | INDICATIVE | _Incomplete or_ | _Completed Action_ | | I | | _Continuing Action_ | | | M +-------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | A | Present | | | | R | Future | Present | Perfect | | T | Future perfect | | | +-----+-------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ | S D | | | | | E A | Imperfect | | | | C R | Perfect | Imperfect | Pluperfect | | O Y | Pluperfect | | | | N- | | | | +-----+-------------------+---------------------+---------------------+ _358._ RULE. Sequence of Tenses. _Primary tenses are followed by primary tenses and secondary by secondary._ _359._ EXAMPLES I. Primary tenses in principal and dependent clauses: Mittit } Mittet } homines ut agros vastent Miserit } { _sends_ } { _that they may_ } _He_ { _will send_ } _men_ { _in order to_ } { _will have sent_ } { _to lay waste the fields_ } II. Secondary tenses in principal and dependent clauses: Mittebat} Misit } homines ut agros vastarent Miserat } { _was sending_ } { _that they might_ } _He_ { _sent or has sent_ } _men_ { _in order to_ } { _had sent_ } { _to lay waste the fields_ } _360._ EXERCISES I. 1. Venerant ut {ducerent, mitterent, viderent, audirent, {ducerentur, mitterentur, viderentur, audirentur 2. Fugiebat ne {caperetur, traderetur, videretur, {necaretur, raperetur, resisteret. 3. Misit nuntios qui {dicerent, audirent, venirent {narrarent, audirentur, in concilio sederent. 4. Castra muniverunt {sese defenderent, impetum sustinerent, quo facilius {hostis vincerent, salutem peterent. II. 1. Caesar encouraged the soldiers in order that they might fight more bravely. 2. The Helvetii left their homes to wage war. 3. The scouts set out at once lest they should be captured by the Germans. 4. Caesar inflicted punishment on them in order that the others might be more terrified. 5. He sent messengers to Rome to announce the victory. LESSON LXIV THE PERFECT AND PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE SUBSTANTIVE CLAUSES OF PURPOSE _361._ The perfect and the pluperfect subjunctive active are inflected as follows: CONJ. I CONJ. II CONJ. III CONJ. IV PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE ACTIVE SINGULAR 1. ama:'verim monu'erim re:'xerim ce:'perim audi:'verim 2. ama:'veris monu'eris re:'xeris ce:'peris audi:'veris 3. ama:'verit monu'erit re:'xerit ce:'perit audi:'verit PLURAL 1. ama:ve'rimus monue'rimus re:xe'rimus ce:pe'rimus audi:ve'rimus 2. ama:ve'ritis monue'ritis re:xe'ritis ce:pe'ritis audi:ve'ritis 3. ama:'verint monu'erint re:'xerint ce:'perint audi:'verint PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE ACTIVE SINGULAR 1. ama:vis'sem monuis'sem re:xis'sem ce:pis'sem audi:vis'sem 2. ama:vis'se:s monuis'se:s re:xis'se:s ce:pis'se:s audi:vis'se:m 3. ama:vis'set monuis'set re:xis'set ce:pis'set audi:vis'set PLURAL 1. ama:visse:'mus --isse:'mus --isse:'mus --isse:'mus --isse:'mus 2. ama:visse:'tis --isse:'tis --isse:'tis --isse:'tis --isse:'tis 3. ama:vis'sent --is'sent --is'sent --is'sent --is'sent _a._ Observe that these two tenses, like the corresponding ones in the indicative, are formed from the perfect stem. _b._ Observe that the perfect subjunctive active is like the future perfect indicative active, excepting that the first person singular ends in -m and not in -o:. _c._ Observe that the pluperfect subjunctive active may be formed by adding /-issem, -isse:s\, etc. to the perfect stem. _d._ In a similar way inflect the perfect and pluperfect subjunctive active of /curo\, /iubeo\, /sumo\, /iacio\, /munio\. _362._ The passive of the perfect subjunctive is formed by combining the perfect passive participle with /sim\, the present subjunctive of /sum\. CONJ. I CONJ. II CONJ. III CONJ. IV PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE PASSIVE SINGULAR 1. ama:'tus mo'nitus re:c'tus cap'tus audi:'tus sim sim sim sim sim 2. ama:'tus mo'nitus re:c'tus cap'tus audi:'tus si:s si:s si:s si:s si:s 3. ama:'tus mo'nitus re:c'tus cap'tus audi:'tus sit sit sit sit sit PLURAL 1. ama:'ti: mo'niti: re:c'ti: cap'ti: audi:'ti: si:mus si:mus si:mus si:mus si:mus 2. ama:'ti: mo'niti: re:c'ti: cap'ti: audi:'ti: si:tis si:tis si:tis si:tis si:tis 3. ama:'ti: mo'niti: re:c'ti: cap'ti: audi:'ti: sint sint sint sint sint _363._ The passive of the pluperfect subjunctive is formed by combining the perfect passive participle with /essem\, the imperfect subjunctive of /sum\. CONJ. I CONJ. II CONJ. III CONJ. IV PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE PASSIVE SINGULAR 1. ama:tus monitus re:ctus captus audi:tus essem essem essem essem essem 2. ama:tus monitus re:ctus captus audi:tus esse:s esse:s esse:s esse:s esse:s 3. ama:tus monitus re:ctus captus audi:tus esset esset esset esset esset PLURAL 1. ama:ti: moniti: re:cti: capti: audi:ti: esse:mus esse:mus esse:mus esse:mus esse:mus 2. ama:ti: moniti: re:cti: capti: audi:ti: esse:tis esse:tis esse:tis esse:tis esse:tis 3. ama:ti: moniti: re:cti: capti: audi:ti: essent essent essent essent essent _a._ In a similar way inflect the perfect and pluperfect subjunctive passive of /curo\, /iubeo\, /sumo\, /iacio\, /munio\. _364._ The perfect and pluperfect subjunctive of the irregular verb /sum\ are inflected as follows: PERFECT PLUPERFECT fu'erim fue'rimus fuis'sem fuisse:'mus fu'eris fue'ritis fuis'se:s fuisse:'tis fu'erit fu'erint fuis'set fuis'sent _365._ A substantive clause is a clause used like a noun, as, _That the men are afraid_ is clear enough (clause as subject) He ordered _them to call on him_ (clause as object) We have already had many instances of infinitive clauses used in this way (cf. Sec. 213), and have noted the similarity between Latin and English usage in this respect. But the Latin often uses the _subjunctive_ in substantive clauses, and this marks an important difference between the two languages. _366._ RULE. Substantive Clauses of Purpose. _A substantive clause of purpose with the subjunctive is used as the object of verbs of /commanding\, /urging\, /asking\, /persuading\, or /advising\, where in English we should usually have the infinitive._ EXAMPLES 1. _The general ordered the soldiers to run_ Imperator militibus imperavit ut currerent 2. _He urged them to resist bravely_ Hortatus est ut fortiter resisterent 3. _He asked them to give the children food_ Petivit ut liberis cibum darent 4. _He will persuade us not to set out_ Nobis persuadebit ne proficiscamur 5. _He advises us to remain at home_ Monet ut domi maneamus _a._ The object clauses following these verbs all express the purpose or will of the principal subject that something be done or not done. (Cf. Sec. 348.) _367._ The following verbs are used with object clauses of purpose. Learn the list and the principal parts of the new ones. hortor, _urge_ impero, _order_ (with the _dative_ of the _person_ ordered and a _subjunctive clause_ of the _thing_ ordered done) moneo, _advise_ peto, quaero, rogo, _ask, seek_ persuadeo, _persuade_ (with the same construction as impero) postulo, _demand, require_ suadeo, _advise_ (cf. persuadeo) N.B. Remember that /iubeo\, _order_, takes the infinitive as in English. (Cf. Sec. 213.1.) Compare the sentences Iubeo eum venire, _I order him to come_ Impero ei ut veniat, _I give orders to him that he is to come_ We ordinarily translate both of these sentences like the first, but the difference in meaning between iubeo and impero in the Latin requires the _infinitive_ in the one case and the _subjunctive_ in the other. _368._ EXERCISES I. 1. Petit atque hortatur ut ipse dicat. 2. Caesar Helvetiis imperravit ne per provinciam iter facerent. 3. Caesar non iussit Helvetios per provinciam iter facere. 4. Ille civibus persuasit ut de finibus suis discederent. 5. Caesar principes monebit ne proelium committant. 6. Postulavit ne cum Helvetiis aut cum eorum sociis bellum gererent. 7. Ab iis quaesivi ne proficiscerentur. 8. Iis persuadere non potui ut domi manerent. II. 1. Who ordered Caesar to make the march? (_Write this sentence both with_ /impero\ _and with_ /iubeo\.) 2. The faithless scouts persuaded him to set out at daybreak. 3. They will ask him not to inflict punishment. 4. He demanded that they come to the camp. 5. He advised them to tell everything (omnia). NOTE. Do not forget that the English infinitive expressing purpose must be rendered by a Latin subjunctive. Review Sec. 352. [Illustration: LEGIO ITER FACIT] LESSON LXV THE SUBJUNCTIVE OF _POSSUM_ : VERBS OF FEARING _369._ Learn the subjunctive of /possum\ (Sec. 495), and note especially the position of the accent. _370._ Subjunctive after Verbs of Fearing. We have learned that what we want done or not done is expressed in Latin by a subjunctive clause of purpose. In this class belong also _clauses after verbs of fearing_, for we fear either that something will happen or that it will not, and we either want it to happen or we do not. If we want a thing to happen and fear that it will not, the purpose clause is introduced by /ut\. If we do not want it to happen and fear that it will, /ne:\ is used. Owing to a difference between the English and Latin idiom we translate /ut\ after a verb of fearing by _that not_, and /ne:\ by _that_ or _lest_. _371._ EXAMPLES timeo } { veniat timebo } ut { timuero } { venerit _I fear_, _shall fear_, _shall have feared_, _that he will not come_, _has not come_ timebam } { veniret timui } ut { timueram } { venisset _I was fearing_, _feared_, _had feared_, _that he would not come_, _had not come_ The same examples with /ne:\ instead of /ut\ would be translated _I fear that_ or _lest he will come_, _has come_, etc. _372._ RULE. Subjunctive after Verbs of Fearing. _Verbs of fearing are followed by a substantive clause of purpose introduced by /ut\ (that not) or /ne:\ (that or lest)._ _373._ EXERCISES I. 1. Caesar verebatur ut supplicium captivorum Gallis placeret. 2. Romani ipsi magnopere verebantur ne Helvetii iter per provinciam facerent. 3. Timebant ut satis rei frumentariae mitti posset. 4. Vereor ut hostium impetum sustinere possim. 5. Timuit ne impedimenta ab hostibus capta essent. 6. Caesar numquam timuit ne legiones vincerentur. 7. Legiones pugnare non timuerunt.[1] II. 1. We fear that they are not coming. 2. We fear lest they are coming. 3. We feared that they had come. 4. We feared that they had not come. 5. They feared greatly that the camp could not be defended. 6. Almost all feared[1] to leave the camp. [Footnote 1: Distinguish between what one is afraid _to do_ (complementary infinitive as here) and what one is afraid _will take place_ or _has taken place_ (substantive clause with the subjunctive).] LESSON LXVI THE PARTICIPLES _374._ The Latin verb has the following Participles:[1] [Transcriber's Note: For reasons of space, this table is given in two forms: first a reduced version without translation, and then the complete text, including translations, split into two elements.] CONJ. I CONJ. II CONJ. III CONJ. IV ACTIVE PRESENT ama:ns mone:ns rege:ns capie:ns audie:ns FUTURE ama:tu:rus monitu:rus re:ctu:rus captu:rus audi:tu:rus PASSIVE PERFECT ama:tus monitus re:ctus captus audi:tus FUTURE[2] amandus monendus regendus capiendus audiendus CONJ. I CONJ. II ACTIVE PRESENT ama:ns mone:ns _loving_ _advising_ FUTURE ama:tu:rus monitu:rus _about to love_ _about to advise_ PASSIVE PERFECT ama:tus monitus _loved, having_ _advised, having been advised_ _been loved_ FUTURE[2] amandus monendus _to be loved_ _to be advised_ CONJ. III CONJ. IV ACTIVE PRESENT rege:ns capie:ns audie:ns _ruling_ _taking_ _hearing_ FUTURE re:ctu:rus captu:rus audi:tu:rus _about to rule_ _about to take_ _about to hear_ PASSIVE PERFECT re:ctus captus audi:tus _ruled, having_ _taken, having_ _heard, havinh_ _been ruled_ _been taken_ _been heard_ FUTURE[2] regendus capiendus audiendus _to be ruled_ _to be taken_ _to be heard_ [Footnote 1: Review Sec. 203.] [Footnote 2: The future passive participle is often called the _gerundive_.] _a._ The present active and future passive participles are formed from the present stem, and the future active and perfect passive participles are formed from the participial stem. _b._ The present active participle is formed by adding -ns to the present stem. In -io: verbs of the third conjugation, and in the fourth conjugation, the stem is modified by the addition of -e:-, as /capi-e:-ns\, /audi-e:-ns\. It is declined like an adjective of one ending of the third declension. (Cf. Sec. 256.) amans, _loving_ BASE amant- STEM amanti- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. ama:ns ama:ns amante:s amantia Gen. amantis amantis amantium amantium Dat. amanti: amanti: amantibus amantibus Acc. amantem ama:ns amanti:s _or_ -e:s amantia Abl. amanti: amanti: amantibus amantibus _or_ -e _or_ -e (1) When used as an adjective the ablative singular ends in -i:; when used as a participle or as a substantive, in -e. (2) In a similar way decline /monens\, /regens\, /capiens\, /audiens\. _c._ The future active participle is formed by adding -u:rus to the base of the participial stem. We have already met this form combined with /esse\ to produce the future active infinitive. (Cf. Sec. 206.) _d._ For the perfect passive participle see Sec. 201. The future passive participle or gerundive is formed by adding -ndus to the present stem. _e._ All participles in -us are declined like /bonus\. _f._ Participles agree with nouns or pronouns like adjectives. _g._ Give all the participles of the following verbs: /curo\, /iubeo\, /sumo\, /iacio\, /munio\. _375._ Participles of Deponent Verbs. Deponent verbs have the participles of the active voice as well as of the passive; consequently every deponent verb has four participles, as, _Pres. Act._ horta:ns, _urging_ _Fut. Act._ horta:tu:rus, _about to urge_ _Perf. Pass._ (in form) horta:tus, _having urged_ _Fut. Pass._ (_Gerundive_) hortandus, _to be urged_ _a._ Observe that the perfect participle of deponent verbs is passive in form but _active_ in meaning. _No other verbs have a perfect active participle._ On the other hand, the future passive participle of deponent verbs is passive in meaning as in other verbs. _b._ Give the participles of /conor\, /vereor\, /sequor\, /patior\, /partior\. _376._ Tenses of the Participle. The tenses express time as follows: 1. The present active participle corresponds to the English present active participle in _-ing_, but can be used only of an action occurring at the same time as the action of the main verb; as, /milites insequentes ceperunt multos\, _the soldiers, while pursuing, captured many._ Here the pursuing and the capturing are going on together. 2. The perfect participle (excepting of deponents) is regularly passive and corresponds to the English past participle with or without the auxiliary _having been_; as, /auditus\, _heard_ or _having been heard_. 3. The future active participle, translated _about to_, etc., denotes time after the action of the main verb. _377._ Review Secs. 203, 204, and, note the following model sentences: 1. /Milites currentes erant defessi\, _the soldiers who were running_ (lit. _running_) _were weary_. 2. /Caesar profecturus Romam non exspectavit\, _Caesar, when about to set out_ (lit. _about to set out_) _for Rome, did not wait_. 3. /Oppidum captum vidimus\, _we saw the town which had been captured_ (lit. _captured town_). 4. /Imperator triduum moratus profectus est\, _the general, since_ (_when_, or _after_) _he had delayed_ (lit. _the general, having delayed_) _three days, set out_. 5. /Milites victi terga non verterunt\, _the soldiers, though they were conquered_ (lit. _the soldiers conquered_), _did not retreat_. In each of these sentences the literal translation of the participle is given in parentheses. We note, however, that its proper translation usually requires a clause beginning with some conjunction (_when, since, after, though_, etc.), or a relative clause. Consider, in each case, what translation will best bring out the thought, and do not, as a rule, translate the participle literally. _378._ EXERCISES I. 1. Puer timens ne capiatur fugit. 2. Aquila ira commota avis reliquas interficere conata erat. 3. Milites ab hostibus pressi tela iacere non potuerunt. 4. Caesar decimam legionem laudaturus ad primum agmen progressus est. 5. Imperator hortatus equites ut fortiter pugnarent signum proelio dedit. 6. Milites hostis octo milia passuum insecuti multis cum captivis ad castra reverterunt. 7. Sol oriens multos interfectos vidit. 8. Romani consilium audax suspicati barbaris sese non commiserunt. 9. Navis e portu egressa nullo in periculo erat. II.[3] 1. The army was in very great danger while marching through the enemy's country. 2. Frightened by the length of the way, they longed for home. 3. When the scouts were about to set out, they heard the shouts of victory. 4. When we had delayed many days, we set fire to the buildings and departed. 5. While living at Rome I heard orators much better than these. 6. The soldiers who are fighting across the river are no braver than we. [Footnote 3: In this exercise use participles for the subordinate clauses.] LESSON LXVII THE IRREGULAR VERBS _VOLO:_, _NO:LO:_, _MALO:_ THE ABLATIVE WITH A PARTICIPLE, OR ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE _379._ Learn the principal parts and conjugation of /volo:\, _wish_; /no:lo:\ (ne + volo:), _be unwilling_; /malo:\ (magis + volo:), _be more willing, prefer_ (Sec. 497). Note the irregularities in the present indicative, subjunctive, and infinitive, and in the imperfect subjunctive. (Cf. Sec. 354.) _a._ These verbs are usually followed by the infinitive with or without a subject accusative; as, /volunt venire\, _they wish to come_; /volunt amico:s venire\, _they wish their friends to come_. The English usage is the same.[1] [Footnote 1: Sometimes the subjunctive of purpose is used after these verbs. (See Sec. 366.)] [ Conjugations given in Sec. 497: PRINCIPAL PARTS: volo:, velle, volui:, ----, _be willing, will, wish_ no:lo:, no:lle, no:lui:, ----, _be unwilling, will not_ ma:lo:, ma:lle, ma:lui:, ----, _be more willing, prefer_ INDICATIVE SINGULAR _Pres._ volo: no:lo: ma:lo: vi:s no:n vis ma:vi:s vult no:n vult ma:vult PLURAL volumus no:lumus ma:lumus vultis no:n vultis ma:vul'tis volunt no:lunt ma:lunt _Impf._ vole:bam no:le:bam ma:le:bam _Fut._ volam, no:lam, ma:lam, ma:le:s, etc. vole:s, etc. no:le:s, etc. _Perf._ volui: no:lui: ma:lui: _Plup._ volueram no:lueram ma:lueram _F. P._ voluero: no:luero: ma:luero: SUBJUNCTIVE SINGULAR _Pres._ velim no:lim ma:lim veli:s no:li:s ma:li:s velit no:lit ma:lit PLURAL veli:'mus no:li:'mus ma:li:'mus veli:'tis no:li:'tis ma:li:'tis velint no:lint ma:lint _Impf._ vellem no:llem ma:llem _Perf._ voluerim no:luerim ma:luerim _Plup._ voluissem no:luissem ma:luissem IMPERATIVE _Pres._ no:li: no:li:te _Fut._ no:li:to:, etc. INFINITIVE _Pres._ velle no:lle ma:lle _Perf._ voluisse no:luisse ma:luisse PARTICIPLE _Pres._ vole:ns, -entis no:le:ns, -entis ----] _380._ Observe the following sentences: 1. Magistro laudante omnes pueri diligenter laborant, _with the teacher praising_, or _since the teacher praises_, or _the teacher praising, all the boys labor diligently._ 2. Caesare ducente nemo progredi timet, _with Caesar leading_, or _when Caesar leads_, or _if Caesar leads_, or _Caesar leading, no one fears to advance._ 3. His rebus cognitis milites fugerunt, _when this was known_, or _since this was known_, or _these things having been learned, the soldiers fled._ 4. Proelio commisso multi vulnerati sunt, _after the battle had begun_, or _when the battle had begun_, or _the battle having been joined, many were wounded._ _a._ One of the fundamental ablative relations is expressed in English by the preposition _with_ (cf. Sec. 50). In each of the sentences above we have a noun and a participle in agreement in the ablative, and the translation shows that in each instance the ablative expresses _attendant circumstance_. For example, in the first sentence the circumstance attending or accompanying the diligent labor of the boys is the praise of the teacher. This is clearly a _with_ relation, and the ablative is the case to use. _b._ We observe, further, that the ablative and its participle are absolutely independent grammatically of the rest of the sentence. If we were to express the thought in English in a similar way, we should use the nominative independent or absolute. In Latin the construction is called the Ablative Absolute, or the Ablative with a Participle. This form of expression is exceedingly common in Latin, but rather rare in English, so we must not, as a rule, employ the English absolute construction to translate the ablative abolute. The attendant circumstance may be one of _time_ (when or after), or one of _cause_ (since), or one of _concession_ (though), or one of _condition_ (if). In each case try to discover the precise relation, and tranlate the ablative and its participle by a clause which will best express the thought. _381._ RULE. Ablative Absolute. _The ablative of a noun or pronoun with a present or perfect participle in agreement is used to express attendant circumstance._ NOTE 1. The verb /sum\ has no present participle. In consequence we often find two nouns or a noun and an adjective in the ablative absolute with no participle expressed; as, /te duce\, _you_ (being) _leader_, _with you as leader_; /patre infirmo\, _my father_ (being) _weak_. NOTE 2. Be very careful not to put in the ablative absolute a noun and participle that form the subject or object of a sentence. Compare _a._ _The Gauls, having been conquered by Caesar, returned home_ _b._ _The Gauls having been conquered by Caesar, the army returned home_ In _a_ the subject is _The Gauls having been conquered by Caesar_, and we translate, Galli a Caesare victi domum reverterunt In _b_ the subject is _the army_. _The Gauls having been conquered by Caesar_ is nominative absolute in English, which requires the ablative absolute in Latin, and we translate, Gallis a Caesare victis exercitus domum revertit NOTE 3. The fact that only deponent verbs have a perfect active participle (cf. Sec. 375.a) often compels a change of voice when translating from one language to the other. For example, we can translate _Caesar having encouraged the legions_ just as it stands, because /hortor\ is a deponent verb. But if we wish to say _Caesar having conquered the Gauls_, we have to change the voice of the participle to the passive because /vinco\ is not deponent, and say, _the Gauls having been conquered by Caesar_ (see translation above). _382._ EXERCISES I. 1. Mavis, non vis, vultis, nolumus. 2. Ut nolit, ut vellemus, ut malit. 3. Noli, velle, noluisse, malle. 4. Vult, mavultis, ut nollet, nolite. 5. Sole oriente, aves cantare inceperunt. 6. Clamoribus auditis, barbari progredi recusabant. 7. Caesare legiones hortato, milites paulo fortius pugnaverunt. 8. His rebus cognitis, Helvetii finitimis persuaserunt ut secum iter facerent. 9. Laboribus confectis, milites a Caesare quaerebant ut sibi praemia daret. 10. Concilio convocato, principes ita responderunt. 11. Dux pluris dies in Helvetiorum finibus morans multos vicos incendit. 12. Magnitudine Germanorum cognita, quidam ex Romanis timebant. 13. Mercatoribus rogatis, Caesar nihilo plus reperire potuit. II. 1. He was unwilling, lest they prefer, they have wished. 2. You prefer, that they might be unwilling, they wish. 3. We wish, they had preferred, that he may prefer. 4. Caesar, when he heard the rumor (_the rumor having been heard_), commanded (imperare) the legions to advance more quickly. 5. Since Caesar was leader, the men were willing to make the journey. 6. A few, terrified[2] by the reports which they had heard, preferred to remain at home. 7. After these had been left behind, the rest hastened as quickly as possible. 8. After Caesar had undertaken the business (_Caesar, the business having been undertaken_), he was unwilling to delay longer.[3] [Footnote 2: Would the ablative absolute be correct here?] [Footnote 3: Not /longius\. Why?] LESSON LXVIII THE IRREGULAR VERB _FIO:_ : THE SUBJUNCTIVE OF RESULT _383._ The verb /fi:o:\, _be made, happen_, serves as the passive of /facio:\, _make_, in the present system. The rest of the verb is formed regularly from /facio:\. Learn the principal parts and conjugation (Sec. 500). Observe that the /i\ is long except before -er and in /fit\. _a._ The compounds of /facio\ with prepositions usually form the passive regularly, as, _Active_ conficio, conficere, confeci, confectus _Passive_ conficior, confici, confectus sum [ Conjugation given in Sec. 500: PRINCIPAL PARTS /fi:o:, fieri:, factus sum\ INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE IMPERATIVE _Pres._ fi:o: ---- fi:am _2d Pers._ fi: fi:te fi:s ---- fit fi:unt _Impf._ fi:e:bam fierem _Fut._ fi:am ---- INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE _Perf._ factus, -a, -um sum factus, -a, -um sim _Plup._ factus, -a, -um eram factus, -a, -um essem _F. P._ factus, -a, -um ero: INFINITIVE PARTICIPLES _Pres._ fieri: _Perf._ factus, -a, -um _Perf._ factus, -a, -um esse _Ger._ faciendus, -a, -um _Fut._ [[factum i:ri:]]] _384._ Observe the following sentences: 1. Terror erat tantus ut omnes fugerent, _the terror was so great that all fled._ 2. Terror erat tantus ut non facile milites sese reciperent, _the terror was so great that the soldiers did not easily recover themselves._ 3. Terror fecit ut omnes fugerent, _terror caused all to flee_ (lit. _made that all fled_). _a._ Each of these sentences is complex, containing a principal clause and a subordinate clause. _b._ The principal clause names a cause and the subordinate clause states the _consequence_ or _result_ of this cause. _c._ The subordinate clause has its verb in the subjunctive, though it is translated like an indicative. The construction is called the _subjunctive of consequence or result_, and the clause is called a consecutive or result clause. _d._ In the last example the clause of result is the object of the verb /fecit\. _e._ The conjunction introducing the consecutive or result clause is /ut\ = _so that_; negative, /ut no:n\ = _so that not_. _385._ RULE. Subjunctive of Result. _Consecutive clauses of result are introduced by /ut\ or /ut no:n\ and have the verb in the subjunctive._ _386._ RULE. _Object clauses of result with /ut\ or /ut no:n\ are found after verbs of /effecting\ or /bringing about\._ _387._ Purpose and Result Clauses Compared. There is great similarity in the expression of purpose and of result in Latin. If the sentence is affirmative, both purpose and result clauses may be introduced by /ut\; but if the sentence is negative, the purpose clause has /ne:\ and the result clause /ut no:n\. Result clauses are often preceded in the main clause by such words as /tam\, /ita\, /sic\ (_so_), and these serve to point them out. Compare _a._ Tam graviter vulneratus est ut caperetur _He was so severely wounded that he was captured_ _b._ Graviter vulneratus est ut caperetur _He was severely wounded in order that he might be captured_ Which sentence contains a result clause, and how is it pointed out? _388._ EXERCISES I. 1. Fit, fiet, ut fiat, fiebamus. 2. Fio, fies, ut fierent, fieri, fiunt. 3. Fietis, ut fiamus, fis, fiemus. 4. Milites erant tam tardi ut ante noctem in castra non pervenirent. 5. Sol facit ut omnia sint pulchra. 6. Eius modi pericula erant ut nemo proficisci vellet. 7. Equites hostium cum equitatu nostro in itinere contenderunt, ita tamen[1] ut nostri omnibus in partibus superiores essent. 8. Virtus militum nostrorum fecit ut hostes ne unum quidem[2] impetum sustinerent. 9. Homines erant tam audaces ut nullo modo contineri possent. 10. Spatium erat tam parvum ut milites tela iacere non facile possent. 11. Hoc proelio facto barbari ita perterriti sunt ut ab ultimis gentibus legati ad Caesarem mitterentur. 12. Hoc proelium factum est ne legati ad Caesarem mitterentur. [Footnote 1: /ita tamen\, _with such a result however_.] [Footnote 2: /ne: ... quidem\, _not even_. The emphatic word is placed between.] II. 1. It will happen, they were being made, that it may happen. 2. It happens, he will be made, to happen. 3. They are made, we were being made, lest it happen. 4. The soldiers are so brave that they conquer. 5. The soldiers are brave in order that they may conquer. 6. The fortification was made so strong that it could not be taken. 7. The fortification was made strong in order that it might not be taken. 8. After the town was taken,[3] the townsmen feared that they would be made slaves. 9. What state is so weak that it is unwilling to defend itself? [Footnote 3: Ablative absolute.] LESSON LXIX THE SUBJUNCTIVE OF CHARACTERISTIC OR DESCRIPTION THE PREDICATE ACCUSATIVE _389._ Akin to the subjunctive of consequence or result is the use of the subjunctive in clauses of characteristic or description. This construction is illustrated in the following sentences: 1. Quis est qui suam domum non amet? _who is there who does not love his own home?_ 2. Erant qui hoc facere nollent, _there were (some) who were unwilling to do this._ 3. Tu non is es qui amicos tradas, _you are not such a one as to_, or _you are not the man to, betray your friends._ 4. Nihil video quod timeam, _I see nothing to fear_ (nothing of such as character as to fear it). _a._ Each of these examples contains a descriptive relative clause which tells what kind of a person or thing the antecedent is. To express this thought the subjunctive is used. A relative clause that merely states a fact and does not describe the antecedent uses the indicative. Compare the sentences _Caesar is the man who is leading us_, Caesar est is qui nos ducit (mere statement of fact, no description, with the indicative) _Caesar is the man to lead us_, Caesar est is qui nos ducat (descriptive relative clause with the subjunctive) _b._ Observe that in this construction a demonstrative pronoun and a relative, as is /qui\, are translated _such a one as to, the man to_. _c._ In which of the following sentences would you use the indicative and in which the subjunctive? _These are not the men who did this_ _These are not the men to do this_ _390._ RULE. Subjunctive of Characteristic. _A relative clause with the subjunctive is often used to describe an antecedent. This is called the /subjunctive of characteristic or description\._ _391._ Observe the sentences 1. Romani /Caesarem consulem\ fecerunt, _the Romans made /Caesar consul\_. 2. /Caesar consul\ a Romanis factus est, _/Caesar\ was made /consul\ by the Romans_. _a._ Observe in 1 that the transitive verb /fecerunt\, _made_, has two objects: (1) the direct object, /Caesarem\; (2) a second object, /consulem\, referring to the same person as the direct object and completing the predicate. The second accusative is called a Predicate Accusative. _b._ Observe in 2 that when the verb is changed to the passive both of the accusatives become nominatives, the _direct object_ becoming the _subject_ and the _predicate accusative_ the _predicate nominative_. _392._ RULE. Two Accusatives. _Verbs of /making\, /choosing\, /calling\, /showing\, and the like, may take a predicate accusative along with the direct object. With the passive voice the two accusatives become nominatives._ _393._ The verbs commonly found with two accusatives are creo, creare, creavi, creatus, _choose_ appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus } nomino, nominare, nominavi, nominatus } _call_ voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus } facio, facere, feci, factus, _make_ _394._ EXERCISES I. 1. In Germaniae silvis sunt[1] multa genera ferarum quae reliquis in locis non visa sint. 2. Erant[1] itinera duo quibus Helvetii domo discedere possent. 3. Erat[1] manus nulla, nullum oppidum, nullum praesidium quod se armis defenderet. 4. Toto frumento rapto, domi nihil erat quo mortem prohibere possent. 5. Romani Galbam ducem creaverunt et summa celeritate profecti sunt. 6. Neque erat[1] tantae multitudinis quisquam qui morari vellet. 7. Germani non ii sunt qui adventum Caesaris vereantur. 8. Consulibus occisis erant qui[2] vellent cum regem creare. 9. Pace facta erat nemo qui arma tradere nollet. 10. Inter Helvetios quis erat qui nobilior illo esset? II. 1. The Romans called the city Rome. 2. The city was called Rome by the Romans. 3. The better citizens wished to choose him king. 4. The brave soldier was not the man to run. 5. There was no one [3]to call me friend. 6. These are not the men to[4] betray their friends. 7. There were (some) who called him the bravest of all. [Footnote 1: Remember that when the verb /sum\ precedes its subject it is translated _there is_, _there are_, _there were_, etc.] [Footnote 2: /erant qui\, _there were_ (some) _who_. A wholly indefinite antecedent of /qui\ does not need to be expressed.] [Footnote 3: A relative clause of characteristic or description.] [Footnote 4: See Sec. 389.b.] * * * * * Eighth Review, Lessons LXI-LXIX, Secs. 527-528 * * * * * LESSON LXX THE CONSTRUCTIONS WITH THE CONJUNCTION _CUM_ THE ABLATIVE OF SPECIFICATION _395._ The conjunction /cum\ has the following meanings and constructions: cum TEMPORAL = _when_, followed by the indicative or the subjunctive cum CAUSAL = _since_, followed by the subjunctive cum CONCESSIVE = _although_, followed by the subjunctive As you observe, the mood after /cum\ is sometimes indicative and sometimes subjunctive. The reason for this will be made clear by a study of the following sentences: 1. Caesarem vidi tum cum in Gallia eram, _I saw Caesar at the time when I was in Gaul_. 2. Caesar in eos impetum fecit cum pacem peterent, _Caesar made an attack upon them when they were seeking peace_. 3. Hoc erat difficile cum pauci sine vulneribus essent, _this was difficult, since only a few were without wounds_. 4. Cum primi ordines fugissent, tamen reliqui fortiter consistebant, _though the front ranks had fled, yet the rest bravely stood their ground_. _a._ The underlying principle is one already familiar to you (cf. Sec. 389.a). When the /cum\ clause states a fact and simply _fixes the time_ at which the main action took place, the indicative mood is used. So, in the first example, /cum in Gallia eram\ fixes the time when I saw Caesar. _b._ On the other hand, when the /cum\ clause _describes the circumstances_ under which the main act took place, the subjunctive mood is used. So, in the second example, the principal clause states that Caesar made an attack, and the /cum\ clause describes the circumstances under which this act occurred. The idea of _time_ is also present, but it is subordinate to the idea of _description_. Sometimes the descriptive clause is one of _cause_ and we translate /cum\ by _since_; sometimes it denotes _concession_ and /cum\ is translated _although_. _396._ RULE. Constructions with _Cum_. _The conjunction /cum\ means /when\, /since\, or /although\. It is followed by the subjunctive unless it means /when\ and its clause fixes the time at which the main action took place._ NOTE. /Cum\ in clauses of description with the subjunctive is much more common than its use with the indicative. _397._ Note the following sentences: 1. Oppidum erat parvum magnitudine sed magnum multitudine hominum, _the town was small in size but great in population_. 2. Homo erat corpore infirmus sed validus animo, _the man was weak in body but strong in courage_. _a._ Observe that /magnitudine\, /multitudine\, /corpore\, and /animo\ tell _in what respect_ something is true. The relation is one covered by the ablative case, and the construction is called the _ablative of specification_. _398._ RULE. Ablative of Specification. _The ablative is used to denote /in what respect\ something is true._ _399._ IDIOMS aliquem certiorem facere, _to inform some one_ (lit. _to make some one more certain_) certior fieri, _to be informed_ (lit. _to be made more certain_) iter dare, _to give a right of way, allow to pass_ obsides inter se dare, _to give hostages to each other_ _400._ EXERCISES I. 1. Helvetii cum patrum nostrorum tempore domo prefecti essent, consulis exercitum in fugam dederant. 2. Cum Caesar in Galliam venit, Helvetii alios agros petebant. 3. Caesar cum in citeriore Gallia esset, tamen de Helvetiorum consiliis certior fiebat. 4. Cum Helvetii bello clarissimi essent, Caesar iter per provinciam dare recusavit. 5. Legatus cum haec audivisset, Caesarem certiorem fecit. 6. Cum principes inter se obsides darent, Romani bellum paraverunt. 7. Caesar, cum id nuntiatum esset, maturat ab urbe proficisci. 8. Ne virtute quidem Galli erant pares Germanis. 9. Caesar neque corpore neque animo infirmus erat. 10. Illud bellum tum incepit cum Caesar fuit consul. Observe in each case what mood follows /cum\, and try to give the reasons for its use. In the third sentence the /cum\ clause is concessive, in the fourth and sixth causal. II. 1. That battle was fought at the time when (tum cum) I was at Rome. 2. Though the horsemen were few in number, nevertheless they did not retreat. 3. When the camp had been sufficiently fortified, the enemy returned home. 4. Since the tribes are giving hostages to each other, we shall inform Caesar. 5. The Gauls and the Germans are very unlike in language and laws. LESSON LXXI VOCABULARY REVIEW : THE GERUND AND GERUNDIVE : THE PREDICATE GENITIVE _401._ Review the word lists in Secs. 510, 511. _402._ The Gerund. Suppose we had to translate the sentence _By overcoming the Gauls Caesar won great glory_ We can see that _overcoming_ here is a verbal noun corresponding to the English infinitive in _-ing_, and that the thought calls for the ablative of means. To translate this by the Latin infinitive would be impossible, because the infinitive is indeclinable and therefore has no ablative case form. Latin, however, has another verbal noun of corresponding meaning, called the /gerund\, declined as a neuter of the second declension in the _genitive_, _dative_, _accusative_, and _ablative singular_, and thus supplying the cases that the infinitive lacks.[1] Hence, to decline in Latin the verbal noun _overcoming_, we should use the infinitive for the nominative and the gerund for the other cases, as follows: Nom. supera:re, _overcoming, to overcome_ INFINITIVE Gen. superandi:, _of overcoming_ } Dat. superando:, _for overcoming_ } Acc. superandum, _overcoming_ } GERUND Abl. superando:, _by overcoming_ } Like the infinitive, the gerund governs the same case as the verb from which it is derived. So the sentence given above becomes in Latin Superando Gallos Caesar magnam gloriam reportavit [Footnote 1: Sometimes, however, the infinitive is used as an accusative.] _403._ The gerund[2] is formed by adding /-ndi:, -ndo, -ndum, -ndo\, to the present stem, which is shortened or otherwise changed, as shown below: PARADIGM OF THE GERUND CONJ. I CONJ. II CONJ. III CONJ. IV Gen. amandi: monendi: regendi: capiendi: audiendi: Dat. amando: monendo: regendo: capiendo: audiendo: Acc. amandum monendum regendum capiendum audiendum Abl. amando: monendo: regendo: capiendo: audiendo: _a._ Give the gerund of /curo\, /deleo\, /sumo\, /iacio\, /venio\. _b._ Deponent verbs have the gerund of the active voice (see Sec. 493). Give the gerund of /conor\, /vereor\, /sequor\, /patior\, /partior\. [Footnote 2: The gerund is the neuter singular of the future passive participle used as a noun, and has the same formation. (Cf. Sec. 374.d.)] _404._ The Gerundive. The gerundive is the name given to the future passive participle (Sec. 374.d) when the participle approaches the meaning of a verbal noun and is translated like a gerund. It is the adjective corresponding to the gerund. For example, to translate _the plan of waging war_, we may use the gerund with its direct object and say /consilium gerendi bellum\; or we may use the gerundive and say /consilium belli gerendi\, which means, literally, _the plan of the war to be waged_, but which came to have the same force as the gerund with its object, and was even preferred to it. _405._ Compare the following parallel uses of the gerund and gerundive: GERUND GERUNDIVE Gen. Spes faciendi pacem Spes faciendae pacis Dat. Locus idoneus pugnando Locus idoneus castris ponendis _A place suitable for _A place suitable for fighting_ pitching camp_ Acc. Misit equites ad insequendum Misit equites ad insequendos hostis _He sent horsemen to pursue_ _He sent horsemen to pursue the enemy_ Abl. Narrando fabulas magister Narrandis fabulis magister pueris placuit pueris placuit _The teacher pleased the _The teacher pleased the boys by telling stories_ boys by telling stories_ _a._ We observe (1) That the gerund is a noun and the gerundive an adjective. (2) That the gerund, being a noun, may stand alone or with an object. (3) That the gerundive, being an adjective, is used only in agreement with a noun. _406._ RULE. Gerund and Gerundive. 1. _The Gerund is a verbal noun and is used only in the genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative singular. The constructions of these cases are in general the same as those of other nouns._ 2. _The Gerundive is a verbal adjective and must be used instead of gerund + object excepting in the genitive and in the ablative without a preposition. Even in these instances the gerundive construction is more usual._ _407._ RULE. Gerund or Gerundive of Purpose. _The accusative of the gerund or gerundive with_ /ad\, _or the genitive with /causa\[3] (= for the sake of), is used to express purpose._ GERUND GERUNDIVE Ad audiendum venerunt or Ad urbem videndam venerunt or Audiendi causa venerunt Urbis videndae causa venerunt _They came to hear_ _They came to see the city_ [Footnote 3: /causa\ always _follows_ the genitive.] NOTE. These sentences might, of course, be written with the subjunctive of purpose,--/venerunt ut audirent\; /venerunt ut urbem viderent\. In short expressions, however, the gerund and gerundive of purpose are rather more common. _408._ We have learned that the word denoting the owner or possessor of something is in the genitive, as, /equus Galbae\, _Galba's horse._ If, now, we wish to express the idea _the horse is Galba's_, Galba remains the possessor, and hence in the genitive as before, but now stands in the predicate, as, /equus est Galbae\. Hence this is called the predicate genitive. _409._ RULE. Predicate Genitive. _The possessive genitive often stands in the predicate, especially after the forms of /sum\, and is then called the predicate genitive._ _410._ IDIOMS alicui negotium dare, _to employ someone_ (lit. _to give business to some one_) novis rebus studere, _to be eager for a revolution_ (lit. _to be eager for new things_) rei militaris peritissimus, _very skillful in the art of war_ se suaque omnia, _themselves and all their possessions_ _411._ EXERCISES I. 1. Caesar cum in Gallia bellum gereret, militibus decimae legionis maxime favit quia rei militaris peritissimi erant. 2. Sociis negotium dedit rei frumentariae curandae. 3. Legati non solum audiendi causa sed etiam dicendi causa venerunt. 4. Imperator iussit exploratores locum idoneum munindo reperire. 5. Nuper hae gentes novis rebus studebant; mox iis persuadebo ut Caesari se suaque omnia dedant. 6. Iubere est reginae[4] et parere est multitudinis.[4] 7. Hoc proelio facto quidam ex hostibus ad pacem petendam venerunt. 8. Erant qui arma tradere nollent. 9. Hostes tam celeriter progressi sunt ut spatium pila in hostis iaciendi non daretur. 10. Spatium neque arma capiendi[5] neque auxili petendi[5] datum est. II. 1. These ornaments [6]belong to Cornelia. 2. Men very skillful in the art of war were sent [7]to capture the town. 3. The scouts found a hill suitable for fortifying very near to the river. 4. Soon the cavalry will come [8]to seek supplies. 5. The mind of the Gauls is eager for revolution and for undertaking wars. 6. To lead the line of battle [9]belongs to the general. 7. [10]Whom shall we employ to look after the grain supply? [Footnote 4: Predicate genitive.] [Footnote 5: Which of these expressions is gerund and which gerundive?] [Footnote 6: _belong to_ = _are of_.] [Footnote 7: Use the gerundive with /ad\.] [Footnote 8: Use the genitive with /causa\. Where should /causa\ stand?] [Footnote 9: Compare the first sentence.] [Footnote 10: Compare the second sentence in the Latin above.] LESSON LXXII THE IRREGULAR VERB _EO:_ : INDIRECT STATEMENTS _412._ Learn the principal parts and the conjugation of /eo:\, _go_ (Sec. 499). _a._ Notice that i:-, the root of /eo:\, is changed to e- before a vowel, excepting in /iens\, the nominative of the present participle. In the perfect system -v- is regularly dropped. [ Conjugation given in Sec. 499: PRINCIPAL PARTS eo:, i:re, ii: (i:vi:), itum (n. perf. part.) PRES. STEM i:- PERF. STEM i:- or i:v- PART. STEM it- INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE IMPERATIVE SING. PLUR. Pres. eo: i:mus eam _2d Pers._ i: i:te i:s i:tis it eunt Impf. i:bam i:rem _Fut. i:bo: ---- _2d Pers._ i:to: i:to:te _3d Pers._ i:to: eunto: Perf. ii: (i:vi:) ierim (i:verim) Plup. ieram (i:veram) i:ssem (i:vissem) F. P. iero: (i:vero:) INFINITIVE Pres. i:re Perf. i:sse (i:visse) Fut. itu:rus, -a, -um esse PARTICIPLES Pres. ie:ns, _gen._ euntis (Sec. 472) Fut. itu:rus, -a, -um Ger. eundum GERUND Gen. eundi: Dat. eundo: Acc. eundum Abl. eundo: SUPINE Acc. [[itum]] Abl. [[itu:]] ] _413._ Learn the meaning and principal parts of the following compounds of /eo:\ with prepositions: ad'eo:, adi:'re, ad'ii:, ad'itus, _go to, visit_, with the accusative ex'eo:, exi:'re, ex'ii:, ex'itus, _go forth_, with /ex\ or /de\ and the ablative of the place from which in'eo:, ini:'re, in'ii:, in'itus, _begin, enter upon_, with the accusative red'eo:, redi:'re, red'ii:, red'itus, _return_, with /ad\ or /in\ and the accusative of the place to which tra:ns'eo:, tra:nsi:'re, tra:ns'ii:, tra:ns'itus, _cross_, with the accusative _414._ Indirect Statements in English. Direct statements are those which the speaker or writer makes himself or which are quoted in his exact language. Indirect statements are those reported in a different form of words from that used by the speaker or writer. Compare the following direct and indirect statements: { 1. The Gauls are brave Direct statements { 2. The Gauls were brave { 3. The Gauls will be brave Indirect statements { 1. _He says_ that the Gauls _are_ brave after a verb in { 2. _He says_ that the Gauls _were_ brave the present tense { 3. _He says_ that the Gauls _will be_ brave Indirect statements { 1. _He said_ that the Gauls _were_ brave after a verb in { 2. _He said_ that the Gauls _had been_ brave a past tense { 3. _He said_ that the Gauls _would be_ brave We see that in English _a._ The indirect statement forms a clause introduced by the conjunction _that_. _b._ The verb is finite (cf. Sec. 173) and its subject is in the nominative. _c._ The tenses of the verbs originally used are changed after the past tense, _He said._ _415._ Indirect Statements in Latin. In Latin the direct and indirect statements above would be as follows: DIRECT { 1. Galli sunt fortes STATEMENTS { 2. Galli erant fortes { 3. Galli erunt fortes { 1. /Dicit\ or /Dixit Gallos esse fortis\ { (_He says_ or _He said_ { _the Gauls to be brave_)[1] INDIRECT { 2. /Dicit\ or /Dixit Gallos fuisse fortis\ STATEMENTS { (_He says_ or _He said_ { _the Gauls to have been brave_)[1] { 3. /Dicit\ or /Dixit Gallos futuros esse fortis\ { (_He says_ or _He said_ { _the Gauls to be about to be brave_)[1] [Footnote 1: These parenthetical renderings are not inserted as translations, but merely to show the literal meaning of the Latin.] Comparing these Latin indirect statements with the English in the preceding section, we observe three marked differences: _a._ There is no conjunction corresponding to _that_. _b._ The verb is in the infinitive and its subject is in the accusative. _c._ The tenses of the infinitive are not changed after a past tense of the principal verb. _416._ RULE. Indirect Statements. _When a direct statement becomes indirect, the principal verb is changed to the infinitive and its subject nominative becomes subject accusative of the infinitive._ _417._ Tenses of the Infinitive. When the sentences in Sec. 415 were changed from the direct to the indirect form of statement, /sunt\ became /esse\, /erant\ became /fuisse\, and /erunt\ became /futuros esse\. _418._ RULE. Infinitive Tenses in Indirect Statements. _A present indicative of a direct statement becomes present infinitive of the indirect, a past indicative becomes perfect infinitive, and a future indicative becomes future infinitive._ NOTE. When translating into Latin an English indirect statement, first decide what tense of the indicative would have been used in the direct form. That will show you what tense of the infinitive to use in the indirect. _419._ RULE. Verbs followed by Indirect Statements. _The accusative-with-infinitive construction in indirect statements is found after verbs of /saying\, /telling\, /knowing\, /thinking\, and /perceiving\._ _420._ Verbs regularly followed by indirect statements are: _a_. Verbs of saying and telling: dico, dicere, dixi, dictus, _say_ nego, negare, negavi, negatus, _deny, say not_ nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus, _announce_ respondeo, respondere, respondi, responsus, _reply_ _b_. Verbs of knowing: cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus, _learn_, (in the perf.) _know_ scio, scire, scivi, scitus, _know_ _c_. Verbs of thinking: arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum, _think, consider_ existimo, existimare, existimavi, existimatus, _think, believe_ iudico, iudicare, iudicavi, iudicatus, _judge, decide_ puto, putare, putavi, putatus, _reckon, think_ spero, sperare, speravi, speratus, _hope_ _d_. Verbs of perceiving: audio, audire, audivi, auditus, _hear_ sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus, _feel, perceive_ video, videre, vidi, visus, _see_ intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectus, _understand, perceive_ Learn such of these verbs as are new to you. _421._ IDIOMS postridie eius diei, _on the next day_ (lit. _on the next day of that day_) inita aestate, _at the beginning of summer_ memoria tenere, _to remember_ (lit. _to hold by memory_) per exploratores cognoscere, _to learn through scouts_ _422._ EXERCISES I. 1. It, imus, ite, ire. 2. Eunti, iisse _or_ isse, ibunt, eunt. 3. Eundi, ut eant, ibitis, is. 4. Ne irent, i, ibant, ierat. 5. Caesar per exploratores cognovit Gallos flumen transisse. 6. Romani audiverunt Helvetios inita aestate de finibus suis exituros esse. 7. Legati responderunt neminem ante Caesarem illam insulam adisse. 8. Principes Gallorum dicunt se nullum consilium contra Caesaris imperium inituros esse. 9. Arbitramur potentiam reginae esse maiorem quam civium. 10. Romani negant se libertatem Gallis erepturos esse. 11. His rebus cognitis sensimus legatos non venisse ad pacem petendam. 12. Helvetii sciunt Romanos priores victorias memoria tenere. 13. Socii cum intellegerent multos vulnerari, statuerunt in suos finis redire. 14. Aliquis nuntiavit Marcum consulem creatum esse. II. 1. The boy is slow. He says that the boy is, was, (and) will be slow. 2. The horse is, has been, (and) will be strong. He judged that the horse was, had been, (and) would be strong. 3. We think that the army will go forth from the camp at the beginning of summer. 4. The next day we learned through scouts that the enemy's town was ten miles off.[2] 5. The king replied that the ornaments belonged to[3] the queen. [Footnote 2: _to be off, to be distant_, /abesse\.] [Footnote 3: Latin, _were of_ (Sec. 409).] [Illustration: TUBA] LESSON LXXIII VOCABULARY REVIEW : THE IRREGULAR VERB _FERO:_ THE DATIVE WITH COMPOUNDS _423._ Review the word lists in Secs. 513, 514. _424._ Learn the principal parts and conjugation of the verb /fero:\, _bear_ (Sec. 498). 1. Learn the principal parts and meanings of the following compounds of fero:, _bear_: ad'fero:, adfer're, at'tuli:, adla:'tus, _bring to; report_ co:n'fero:, co:nfer're, con'tuli:, conla:'tus, _bring together, collect_ de'fero:, defer're, de'tuli:, dela:'tus, _bring to; report; grant, confer_ i:n'fero:, i:nfer're, in'tuli:, inla:'tus, _bring in, bring against_ re'fero:, refer're, ret'tuli:, rela:'tus, _bear back, report_ [ Conjugation given in Sec. 498: PRINCIPAL PARTS fero:, ferre, tuli:, la:tus PRES. STEM fer- PERF. STEM tul- PART. STEM la:t- INDICATIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE Pres. fero: ferimus feror ferimur fers ferti:s ferris, -re ferimimi: fert ferunt fertur feruntur Impf. fere:bam fere:bar Fut. feram, fere:s, etc. ferar, fere:ris, etc. Perf. tuli: la:tus, -a, -um sum Plup. tuleram la:tus, -a, -um eram F. P. tulero: la:tus, -a, -um ero: SUBJUNCTIVE Pres. feram, fera:s, etc. ferar, fera:ris, etc. Impf. ferrem ferrer Perf. tulerim la:tus, -a, -um sim Plup. tulissem la:tus, -a, -um essem IMPERATIVE Pres. 2d Pers. fer ferte ferre ferimini: Fut. 2d Pers. ferto: ferto:te fertor 3d Pers. ferto: ferunto fertor feruntor INFINITIVE Pres. ferre ferri: Perf. tulisse la:tus, -a, -um esse Fut. la:tu:rus, -a, -um esse ---- PARTICIPLES Pres. fere:ns, -entis Pres. ---- Fut. la:tu:rus, -a, -um Ger. ferendus, -a, -um Perf. ---- Perf. la:tus, -a, -um GERUND Gen. ferendi: Dat. ferendo: Acc. ferendum Abl. ferendo: SUPINE (Active Voice) Acc. [[la:tum]] Abl. [[la:tu:]] ] _425._ The dative is the case of the indirect object. Many intransitive verbs take an indirect object and are therefore used with the dative (cf. Sec. 153). Transitive verbs take a direct object in the accusative; but sometimes they have an indirect object or dative as well. _The whole question, then, as to whether or not a verb takes the dative, defends upon its capacity for governing an indirect object._ A number of verbs, some transitive and some intransitive, which in their simple form would not take an indirect object, when compounded with certain prepositions, have a meaning which calls for an indirect object. Observe the following sentences: 1. Haec res exercitui magnam calamitatem attulit, _this circumstance brought great disaster to the army._ 2. Germani Gallis bellum inferunt, _the Germans make war upon the Gauls._ 3. Hae copiae proelio non intererant, _these troops did not take part in the battle._ 4. Equites fugientibus hostibus occurrunt, _the horsemen meet the fleeing enemy._ 5. Galba copiis filium praefecit, _Galba put his son in command of the troops._ In each sentence there is a dative, and in each a verb combined with a preposition. In no case would the simple verb take the dative. _426._ RULE. Dative with Compounds. _Some verbs compounded with /ad\, /ante\, /con\, /de\, /in\, /inter\, /ob\, /post\, /prae\, /pro\, /sub\, /super\, admit the dative of the indirect object. Transitive compounds may take both an accusative and a dative._ NOTE 1. Among such verbs are[1] ad'fero, adfer're, at'tuli, adla'tus, _bring to; report_ ad'sum, ades'se, ad'fui, adfutu'rus, _assist; be present_ de'fero, defer're, de'tuli, delatus, _report; grant, confer_ de'sum, dees'se, de'fui,----, _be wanting, be lacking_ in'fero, infer're, in'tuli, inla'tus, _bring against, bring upon_ inter'sum, interes'se, inter'fui, interfutu'rus, _take part in_ occur'ro, occur'rere, occur'ri, occur'sus, _run against, meet_ praefi'cio, praefi'cere, praefe'ci, praefec'tus, _appoint over, place in command of_ prae'sum, praees'se, prae'fui, ----, _be over, be in command_ [Footnote 1: But the accusative with /ad\ or /in\ is used with some of these, when the idea of _motion to_ or _against_ is strong.] _427._ IDIOMS graviter or moleste ferre, _to be annoyed at, to be indignant at_, followed by the accusative and infinitive se conferre ad or in, with the accusative, _to betake one's self to_ alicui bellum inferre, _to make war upon some one_ pedem referre, _to retreat_ (lit. _to bear back the foot_) _428._ EXERCISES I. 1. Fer, ferent, ut ferant, ferunt. 2. Ferte, ut ferrent, tulisse, tulerant. 3. Tulimus, ferens, latus esse, ferre. 4. Cum navigia insulae adpropinquarent, barbari terrore commoti pedem referre conati sunt. 5. Galli moleste ferebant Romanos agros vastare. 6. Caesar sociis imperavit ne finitimis suis bellum inferrent. 7. Exploratores, qui Caesari occurrerunt, dixerunt exercitum hostium vulneribus defessum sese in alium locum contulisse. 8. Hostes sciebant Romanos frumento egere et hanc rem Caesari summum periculum adlaturam esse. 9. Impedimentis in unum locum conlatis, aliqui militum flumen quod non longe aberat transierunt. 10. Hos rex hortatus est ut oraculum adirent et res auditas ad se referrent. 11. Quem imperator illi legioni praefecit? Publius illi legioni pracerat. 12. Cum esset Caesar in citeriore Gallia, crebri ad eum[2] rumores adferebantur litterisque quoque certior fiebat Gallos obsides inter se dare. II. 1. The Gauls will make war upon Caesar's allies. 2. We heard that the Gauls would make war upon Caesar's allies. 3. Publius did not take part in that battle. 4. We have been informed that Publius did not take part in that battle. 5. The man who was in command of the cavalry was wounded and began to retreat. 6. Caesar did not place you in command of the cohort to bring[3] disaster upon the army. [Footnote 2: Observe that when /adfero\ denotes _motion to_, it is not followed by the dative; cf. footnote, p. 182.] [Footnote 3: Not the infinitive. (Cf. Sec. 352.)] LESSON LXXIV VOCABULARY REVIEW : THE SUBJUNCTIVE IN INDIRECT QUESTIONS _429._ Review the word lists in Secs. 517, 518. _430._ When we report a statement instead of giving it directly, we have an indirect statement. (Cf. Sec. 414.) So, if we report a question instead of asking it directly, we have an indirect question. DIRECT QUESTION INDIRECT QUESTION _Who conquered the Gauls? He asked who conquered the Gauls_ _a._ An indirect question depends, usually as object, upon a verb of asking (as peto, postulo, quaero, rogo) or upon some verb or expression of saying or mental action. (Cf. Sec. 420.) _431._ Compare the following direct and indirect questions: DIRECT INDIRECT Quis Gallos vincit? { _a._ Rogat quis Gallos vincat _Who is conquering the_ { _He asks who is conquering the_ _Gauls?_ { _Gauls_ { _b._ Rogavit quis Gallos vinceret { _He asked who was conquering_ { _the Gauls_ { _a._ Rogat ubi sit Roma Ubi est Roma? { _He asks where Rome is_ _Where is Rome?_ { _b._ Rogavit ubi esset Roma { _He asked where Rome was_ { _a._ Rogat num Caesar Gallos vicerit { _He asks whether Caesar conquered_ Caesarne Gallos vicit? { _the Gauls_ _Did Caesar conquer the_ { _b._ /Rogavit num Caesar Gallos _Gauls?_ { vicisset { _He asked whether Caesar had_ { _conquered the Gauls_ _a._ The verb in a direct question is in the indicative mood, but the mood is subjunctive in an indirect question. _b._ The tense of the subjunctive follows the rules for tense sequence. _c._ Indirect questions are introduced by the same interrogative words as introduce direct questions, excepting that_yes_-or-_no_ direct questions (cf. Sec. 210) on becoming indirect are usually introduced by /num\, _whether_. _432._ RULE. Indirect Questions. _In an indirect question the verb is in the subjunctive and its tense is determined by the law for tense sequence._ _433._ IDIOMS de tertia vigilia, _about the third watch_ iniurias alicui inferre, _to inflict injuries upon some one_ facere verba pro, with the ablative, _to speak in behalf of_ in reliquum tempus, _for the future_ _434._ EXERCISES I. 1. Rex rogavit quid legati postularent et cur ad se venissent. 2. Quaesivit quoque num nec recentis iniurias nec dubiam Romanorum amicitiam memoria tenerent. 3. Videtisne quae oppida hostes oppugnaverint? 4. Nonne scitis cur Galli sub montem sese contulerint? 5. Audivimus quas iniurias tibi Germani intulissent. 6. De tertia vigilia imperator misit homines qui cognoscerent quae esset natura montis. 7. Pro his orator verba fecit et rogavit cur consules navis ad plenem summi periculi locum mittere vellent. 8. Legatis convocatis demonstravit quid fieri vellet. 9. Nuntius referebat quid in Gallorum concilio de armis tradendis dictum esset. 10. Moneo ne in reliquum tempus pedites et equites trans flumen ducas. II. 1. What hill did they seize? I see what hill they seized. 2. Who has inflicted these injuries upon our dependents? 3. They asked who had inflicted those injuries upon their dependents. 4. Whither did you go about the third watch? You know whither I went. 5. At what time did the boys return home? I will ask at what time the boys returned home. LESSON LXXV VOCABULARY REVIEW : THE DATIVE OF PURPOSE, OR END FOR WHICH _435._ Review the word lists in Secs. 521, 522. _436._ Observe the following sentences: 1. Exploratores locum castris delegerunt, _the scouts chose a place for a camp._ 2. Hoc erat magno impedimento Gallis, _this was_ (for) _a great hindrance to the Gauls._ 3. Duas legiones praesidio castris reliquit, _he left two legions as_ (lit. _for_) _a guard to the camp._ In each of these sentences we find a dative expressing the _purpose or end for which_ something is intended or for which it serves. These datives are /castris\, /impedimento\, and /praesidio\. In the second and third sentences we find a second dative expressing the _person or thing affected_ (Gallis and castris). As you notice, these are true datives, covering the relations of _for which_ and _to which_. (Cf. Sec. 43.) _437._ RULE. Dative of Purpose or End. _The dative is used to denote the /purpose or end for which\, often with another dative denoting the /person or thing affected\._ _438._ IDIOMS consilium omittere, _to give up a plan_ locum castris deligere, _to choose a place for a camp_ alicui magno usui esse, _to be of great advantage to some one_ (lit. _for great advantage to some one_) _439._ EXERCISES I. 1. Rogavit cur illae copiae relictae essent. Responderunt illas copias esse praesidio castris. 2. Caesar misit exploratores ad locum deligendum castris. 3. Quisque existimavit ipsum nomen Caesaris magno terrori barbaris futurum esse. 4. Prima luce idem exercitus proelium acre commisit, sed gravia suorum vulnera magnae curae imperatori erant. 5. Rex respondit amicitiam populi Romani sibi ornamento et praesidio debere esse. 6. Quis praeerat equitatui quem auxilio Caesari socii miserant? 7. Aliquibus res secundae sunt summae calamitati et res adversae sunt miro usui. 8. Gallis magno ad pugnam erat impedimento quod equitatus a dextro cornu premebat. 9. Memoria pristinae virtutis non minus quam metus hostium erat nostris magno usui. 10. Tam densa erat silva ut progredi non possent. II. 1. I advise you [1]to give up the plan [2]of making war upon the brave Gauls. 2. Do you know [3]where the cavalry has chosen a place for a camp? 3. The fear of the enemy will be of great advantage to you. 4. Caesar left three cohorts as (for) a guard to the baggage. 5. In winter the waves of the lake are so great [4]that they are (for) a great hindrance to ships. 6. Caesar inflicted severe[5] punishment on those who burned the public buildings. [Footnote 1: Subjunctive of purpose. (Cf. Sec. 366.)] [Footnote 2: Express by the genitive of the gerundive.] [Footnote 3: Indirect question.] [Footnote 4: A clause of result.] [Footnote 5: /gravis, -e\.] LESSON LXXVI VOCABULARY REVIEW : THE GENITIVE AND ABLATIVE OF QUALITY OR DESCRIPTION _440._ Review the word lists in Secs. 524, 525. _441._ Observe the English sentences (1) _A man /of\ great courage_, or (2) _A man /with\ great courage_ (3) _A forest /of\ tall trees_, or (4) _A forest /with\ tall trees_ Each of these sentences contains a phrase of quality or description. In the first two a man is described; in the last two a forest. The descriptive phrases are introduced by the prepositions _of_ and _with_. In Latin the expression of quality or description is very similar. The prepositions _of_ and _with_ suggest the genitive and the ablative respectively, and we translate the sentences above (1) /Vir magnae virtutis\, or (2) /Vir magna virtute\ (3) /Silva altarum arborum\, or (4) /Silva altis arboribus\ There is, however, one important difference between the Latin and the English. In English we may say, for example, _a man of courage_, using the descriptive phrase without an adjective modifier. _In Latin, however, an adjective modifier must always be used_, as above. _a._ Latin makes a distinction between the use of the two cases in that _numerical descriptions of measure are in the genitive_ and _descriptions of physical characteristics are in the ablative._ Other descriptive phrases may be in either case. _442._ EXAMPLES 1. Fossa duodecim pedum, _a ditch of twelve feet_. 2. Homo magnis pedibus et parvo capite, _a man with big feet and a small head_. 3. /Rex erat vir summa audacia\ or /rex erat vir summae audaciae\, _the king was a man of the greatest boldness_. _443._ RULE. Genitive of Description. _Numerical descriptions of measure are expressed by the genitive with a modifying adjective._ _444._ RULE. Ablative of Description. _Descriptions of physical characteristics are expressed by the ablative with a modifying adjective._ _445._ RULE. Genitive or Ablative of Description. _Descriptions involving neither numerical statements nor physical characteristics may be expressed by either the genitive or the ablative with a modifying adjective._ _446._ IDIOMS Helvetiis in animo est, _the Helvetii intend_, (lit. _it is in mind to the Helvetians_) in matrimonium dare, _to give in marriage_ nihil posse, _to have no power_ fossam perducere, _to construct a ditch_ (lit. _to lead a ditch through_) _447._ EXERCISES I. 1. Milites fossam decem pedum per eorum finis perduxerunt. 2. Princeps Helvetiorum, vir summae audaciae, principibus gentium finitimarum sorores in matrimonium dedit. 3. Eorum amicitiam confirmare voluit quo facilius Romanis bellum inferret. 4. Germani et Galli non erant eiusdem gentis. 5. Omnes fere Germani erant magnis corporum viribus.[1] 6. Galli qui oppidum fortiter defendebant saxa ingentis magnitudinis de muro iaciebant. 7. Cum Caesar ab exploratoribus quaereret qui illud oppidum incolerent, exploratores responderunt eos esse homines summa virtute et magno consilio. 8. Moenia viginti pedum a sinistra parte, et a dextra parte flumen magnae altitudinis oppidum defendebant. 9. Cum Caesar in Galliam pervenisset, erat rumor Helvetiis in animo esse iter per provinciam Romanam facere. 10. Caesar, ut eos ab finibus Romanis prohiberet, munitionem [2]multa milia passuum longam fecit. II. 1. Caesar was a general of much wisdom and great boldness, and very skillful in the art of war. 2. The Germans were of great size, and thought that the Romans had no power. 3. Men of the highest courage were left in the camp as (for) a guard to the baggage. 4. The king's daughter, who was given in marriage to the chief of a neighboring state, was a woman of very beautiful appearance. 5. The soldiers will construct a ditch of nine feet around the camp. 6. A river of great width was between us and the enemy. [Footnote 1: From /vis\. (Cf. Sec. 468.)] [Footnote 2: Genitives and ablatives of description are adjective phrases. When we use an _adverbial_ phrase to tell _how long_ or _how high_ or _how deep_ anything is, we must use the accusative of extent. (Cf. Sec. 336.) For example, in the sentence above /multa milia passuum\ is an adverbial phrase (accusative of extent) modifying /longam\. If we should omit /longam\ and say _a fortification of many miles_, the genitive of description (an adjective phrase) modifying /munitionem\ would be used, as /munitionem multorum milium passuum\.] [Illustration: GLADII] LESSON LXXVII REVIEW OF AGREEMENT, AND OF THE GENITIVE, DATIVE, AND ACCUSATIVE _448._ There are four agreements: 1. That of the predicate noun or of the appositive with the noun to which it belongs (Secs. 76, 81). 2. That of the adjective, adjective pronoun, or participle with its noun (Sec. 65). 3. That of a verb with its subject (Sec. 28). 4. That of a relative pronoun with its antecedent (Sec. 224). _449._ The relation expressed by the /genitive\ is, in general, denoted in English by the preposition _of_. It is used to express { _a._ As attributive (Sec. 38). 1. Possession { { _b._ In the predicate (Sec. 409). 2. The whole of which a part is taken (partitive genitive) (Sec. 331). 3. Quality or description (Secs. 443, 445). _450._ The relation expressed by the /dative\ is, in general, denoted in English by the prepositions _to_ or _for_ when they do not imply motion through space. It is used to express { _a._ With intransitive verbs and with { transitive verbs in connection with a { direct object in the accusative (Sec. 45). 1. The indirect object { _b_. With special intransitive verbs { (Sec. 154). { _c_. With verbs compounded with /ad\, /ante\, { /con\, /de\, /in\, /inter\, /ob\, /post\, { /prae\, /pro\, /sub\, /super\ (Sec. 426). 2. The object to which the quality of an adjective is directed (Sec. 143). 3. The purpose, or end for which, often with a second dative denoting the person or thing affected (Sec. 437). _451._ The /accusative\ case corresponds, in general, to the English objective. It is used to express 1. The direct object of a transitive verb (Sec. 37). 2. The predicate accusative together with the direct object after verbs of _making, choosing, falling, showing_, and the like (Sec. 392). 3. The subject of the infinitive (Sec. 214). 4. The object of prepositions that do not govern the ablative (Sec. 340). 5. The duration of time and the extent of space (Sec. 336). 6. The place to which (Secs. 263, 266). _452._ EXERCISES I. 1. Milites quos vidimus dixerunt imperium belli esse Caesaris imperatoris. 2. Helvetii statuerunt quam[1] maximum numerum equorum et carrorum cogere. 3. Totius Galliae Helvetii plurimum valuerunt. 4. Multas horas acriter pugnatum est neque quisquam poterat videre hostem fugientem. 5. Viri summae virtutis hostis decem milia passuum insecuti sunt. 6. Caesar populo Romano persuasit ut se consulem crearet. 7. Victoria exercitus erat semper imperatori gratissima. 8. Triduum iter fecerunt et Genavam, in oppidum[2] hostium, pervenerunt. 9. Caesar audivit Germanos bellum Gallis intulisse. 10. Magno usui militibus Caesaris erat quod prioribus proeliis sese exercuerant. II. 1. One[3] of the king's sons and many of his men were captured. 2. There was no one who wished[4] to appoint her queen. 3. The grain supply was always a care (for a care) to Caesar, the general. 4. I think that the camp is ten miles distant. 5. We marched for three hours through a very dense forest. 6. The plan [5]of making war upon the allies was not pleasing to the king. 7. When he came to the hill he fortified it [6]by a twelve-foot wall. [Footnote 1: What is the force of /quam\ with superlatives?] [Footnote 2: /urbs\ or /oppidum\, appositive to a name of a town, takes a preposition.] [Footnote 3: What construction is used with numerals in preference to the partitive genitive?] [Footnote 4: What mood? (Cf. Sec. 390.)] [Footnote 5: Use the gerund or gerundive.] [Footnote 6: Latin, _by a wall of twelve feet._] LESSON LXXVIII REVIEW OF THE ABLATIVE _453._ The relations of the ablative are, in general, expressed in English by the prepositions _with_ (or _by_), _from_ (or _by_), and _in_ (or _at_). The constructions growing out of these meanings are I. Ablative rendered _with_ (or _by_): 1. Cause (Sec. 102) 2. Means (Sec. 103) 3. Accompaniment (Sec. 104) 4. Manner (Sec. 105) 5. Measure of difference (Sec. 317) 6. With a participle (ablative absolute) (Sec. 381) 7. Description or quality (Secs. 444, 445) 8. Specification (Sec. 398) II. Ablative rendered _from_ (or _by_): 1. Place from which (Secs. 179, 264) 2. Ablative of separation (Sec. 180) 3. Personal agent with a passive verb (Sec. 181) 4. Comparison without /quam\ (Sec. 309) III. Ablative rendered _in_ (or _at_): 1. Place at or in which (Secs. 265, 266) 2. Time when or within which (Sec. 275) _454._ EXERCISES I. 1. Galli locis superioribus occupatis itinere exercitum prohibere conantur. 2. Omnes oppidani ex oppido egressi salutem fuga petere inceperunt. 3. Caesar docet se militum vitam sua salute habere multo cariorem. 4. Cum celerius omnium opinione pervenisset, hostes ad eum obsides miserunt 5. Vicus in valle positus montibus altissimis undique continetur. 6. Plurimum inter Gallos haec gens et virtute et hominum numero valebat. 7. Secunda vigilia nullo certo ordine neque imperio e castris egressi sunt. 8. Duabus legionibus Genavae relictis, proximo die cum reliquis domum profectus est. 9. Erant itinera duo quibus itineribus Helvetii domo exire possent. 10. Rex erat summa audacia et magna apud populum potentia. 11. Galli timore servitutis commoti bellum parabant. 12. Caesar monet legatos ut contineant milites, ne studio pugnandi aut spe praedae longius[1] progrediantur. 13. Bellum acerrimum a Caesare in Gallos gestum est. II. 1. The lieutenant after having seized the mountain restrained his (men) from battle. 2. All the Gauls differ from each other in laws. 3. This tribe is much braver than the rest. 4. This road is [2]ten miles shorter than that. 5. In summer Caesar carried on war in Gaul, in winter he returned to Italy. 6. At midnight the general set out from the camp with three legions. 7. I fear that you cannot protect[3] yourself from these enemies. 8. [4]After this battle was finished peace was made by all the Gauls. [Footnote 1: /longius\, _too far_. (Cf. Sec. 305.)] [Footnote 2: Latin, _by ten thousands of paces_.] [Footnote 3: /defendere\.] [Footnote 4: Ablative absolute.] LESSON LXXIX REVIEW OF THE GERUND AND GERUNDIVE, THE INFINITIVE, AND THE SUBJUNCTIVE _455._ The gerund is a verbal noun and is used only in the genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative singular. The constructions of these cases are in general the same as those of other nouns (Secs. 402, 406.1). _456._ The gerundive is a verbal adjective and must be used instead of gerund + object, excepting in the genitive and in the ablative without a preposition. Even in these instances the gerundive construction is more usual (Sec. 406.2). _457._ The infinitive is used: I. As in English. _a._ As subject or predicate nominative (Sec. 216). _b._ To complete the predicate with verbs of incomplete predication (complementary infinitive) (Sec. 215). _c._ As object with subject accusative after verbs of _wishing, commanding, forbidding_, and the like (Sec. 213). II. In the principal sentence of an indirect statement after verbs of _saying _and _mental action_. The subject is in the accusative (Secs. 416, 418, 419). _458._ The subjunctive is used: 1. To denote purpose (Secs. 349, 366, 372). 2. To denote consequence or result (Secs. 385, 386). 3. In relative clauses of characteristic or description (Sec. 390). 4. In /cum\ clauses of time, cause, and concession (Sec. 396). 5. In indirect questions (Sec. 432). _459._ EXERCISES I. 1. Caesar, cum pervenisset, milites hortabatur ne consilium oppidi capiendi omitterent. 2. Rex, castris prope oppidum positis, misit exploratores qui cognoscerent ubi exercitus Romanus esset. 3. Nemo relinquebatur qui arma ferre posset. 4. Nuntii viderunt ingentem armorum multitudinem de muro in fossani iactam esse. 5. Dux suos transire flumen iussit. Transire autem hoc flumen erat difficillimum. 6. Romani cum hanc calamitatem moleste ferrant, tamen terga vertere recusaverunt. 7. Hoc rumore audito, tantus terror omnium animos occupavit ut ne fortissimi quidem proelium committere vellent. 8. Erant qui putarent tempus anni idoneum non esse itineri faciendo. 9. Tam acriter ab utraque parte pugnabatur ut multa milia hominum occiderentur. 10. Quid times? Timeo ne Romanis in animo sit totam Galliam superare et nobis iniurias inferre. II. 1. Do you not see who is standing on the wall? 2. We hear that the plan of taking the town has been given up. 3. Since the Germans thought that the Romans could not cross the Rhine, Caesar ordered a bridge to be made. 4. When the bridge was finished, the savages were so terrified that they hid themselves. 5. They feared that Caesar would pursue them. 6. Caesar [1]asked the traders what the size of the island was. 7. The traders advised him not [2]to cross the sea. 8. He sent scouts [3]to choose a place for a camp. [Footnote 1: /quaerere ab\.] [Footnote 2: Not infinitive.] [Footnote 3: Use the gerundive with /ad\.] READING MATTER INTRODUCTORY SUGGESTIONS /How to Translate.\ You have already had considerable practice in translating simple Latin, and have learned that the guide to the meaning lies in the endings of the words. If these are neglected, no skill can make sense of the Latin. If they are carefully noted and accurately translated, not many difficulties remain. Observe the following suggestions: 1. Read the Latin sentence through to the end, noting endings of nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc. 2. Read it again and see if any of the words you know are nominatives or accusatives. This will often give you what may be called the backbone of the sentence; that is, subject, verb, and object. 3. Look up the words you do not know, and determine their use in the sentence from their endings. 4. If you cannot yet translate the sentence, put down the English meanings of all the words _in the same order as the Latin words_. You will then generally see through the meaning of the sentence. 5. Be careful to _a._ Translate adjectives with the nouns to which they belong. _b._ Translate together prepositions and the nouns which they govern. _c._ Translate adverbs with the words that they modify. _d._ _Make sense._ If you do not make sense, you have made a mistake. One mistake will spoil a whole sentence. 6. When the sentence is correctly translated, read the Latin over again, and try to understand it as Latin, without thinking of the English translation. /The Parts of a Sentence.\ You will now meet somewhat longer sentences than you have had before. To assist in translating them, remember, first of all, that every sentence conveys a meaning and either tells us something, asks a question, or gives a command. Every sentence must have a subject and a verb, and the verb may always have an adverb, and, if transitive, will have a direct object. However long a sentence is, you will usually be able to recognize its subject, verb, and object or predicate complement without any difficulty. These will give you the leading thought, and they must never be lost sight of while making out the rest of the sentence. The chief difficulty in translating arises from the fact that instead of a single adjective, adverb, or noun, we often have a phrase or a clause taking the place of one of these; for Latin, like English, has adjective, adverbial, and substantive clauses and phrases. For example, in the sentence _The idle boy does not study_, the word _idle_ is an adjective. In _The boy wasting his time does not study_, the words _wasting his time_ form an adjective phrase modifying _boy_. In the sentence _The boy who wastes his time does not study_, the words _who wastes his time_ form an adjective clause modifying _boy_, and the sentence is complex. These sentences would show the same structure in Latin. In translating, it is important to keep the parts of a phrase and the parts of a clause together and not let them become confused with the principal sentence. To distinguish between the subordinate clauses and the principal sentence is of the first importance, and is not difficult if you remember that a clause regularly contains a word that marks it as a clause and that this word usually stands first. These words join clauses to the words they depend on, and are called _subordinate conjunctions_. They are not very numerous, and you will soon learn to recognize them. In Latin they are the equivalents for such words as _when, while, since, because, if, before, after, though, in order that, that_, etc. Form the habit of memorizing the Latin subordinate conjunctions as you meet them, and of noting carefully the mood of the verb in the clauses which they introduce. [Illustration: HERCULES] THE LABORS OF HERCULES Hercules, a Greek hero celebrated for his great strength, was pursued throughout his life by the hatred of Juno. While yet an infant he strangled some serpents sent by the goddess to destroy him. During his boyhood and youth he performed various marvelous feats of strength, and on reaching manhood he succeeded in delivering the Thebans from the oppression of the Minyae. In a fit of madness, sent upon him by Juno, he slew his own children; and, on consulting the Delphic oracle as to how he should cleanse himself from this crime, he was ordered to submit himself for twelve years to Eurystheus, king of Tiryns, and to perform whatever tasks were appointed him. Hercules obeyed the oracle, and during the twelve years of his servitude accomplished twelve extraordinary feats known as the Labors of Hercules. His death was caused, unintentionally, by his wife Deiani'ra. Hercules had shot with his poisoned arrows a centaur named Nessus, who had insulted Deianira. Nessus, before he died, gave some of his blood to Deianira, and told her it would act as a charm to secure her husband's love. Some time after, Deianira, wishing to try the charm, soaked one of her husband's garments in the blood, not knowing that it was poisoned. Hercules put on the robe, and, after suffering terrible torments, died, or was carried off by his father Jupiter. [Illustration: HERCULES ET SERPENTES] LIII.[1] THE INFANT HERCULES AND THE SERPENTS Di[2] grave supplicium summit de malis, sed ii qui legibus[3] deorum parent, etiam post mortem curantur. Illa vita dis[2] erat gratissima quae hominibus miseris utilissima fuerat. Omnium autem praemiorum summum erat immortalitas. Illud praemium Herculi datum est. Herculis pater fuit Iuppiter, mater Alcmena, et omnium hominum validissimus fuisse dicitur. Sed Iuno, regina deorum, eum, adhuc infantem, interficere studebat; nam ei[1] et[2] Hercules et Alcmena erant invisi. Itaque misit duas serpentis, utramque saevissimam, quae media nocte domum[3] Alcmenae venerunt. Ibi Hercules, cum fratre suo, non in lectulo sed in scuto ingenti dormiebat. Iam audaces serpentes adpropinquaverant, iam scutum movebant. Tum frater, terrore commotus, magna voce matrem vocavit, sed Hercules ipse, fortior quam frater, statim ingentis serpentis manibus suis rapuit et interfecit. [Footnote 1: This number refers to the lesson after which the selection may be read.] [Footnote 2: /Di:\ and /di:s\ are from /deus\. Cf. Sec. 468.] [Footnote 3: /legibus\, Sec. 501.14.] [Footnote 1: /ei\, _to her_, referring to Juno.] [Footnote 2: /et ... et\, _both ... and_.] [Footnote 3: /domum\, Sec. 501.20.] LIV. HERCULES CONQUERS THE MINYAE Hercules a puero[1] corpus suum gravissimis et difficillimis laboribus exercebat et hoc modo vires[2] suas confirmavit. Iam adulescens Thebis[3] habitabat. Ibi Creon quidam erat rex. Minyae, gens validissima, erant finitimi Thebanis, et, quia olim Thebanos vicerant, quotannis legatos mittebant et vectigal postulabant. Hercules autem constituit civis suos hoc vectigali liberare et dixit regi, "Da mihi exercitum tuum et ego hos superbos hostis superabo." Hanc condicionem rex non recusavit, et Hercules nuntios in omnis partis dimisit et copias coegit.[4] Tum tempore opportunissimo proelium cum Minyis commisit. Diu pugnatum est, sed denique illi impetum Thebanorum sustinere non potuerunt et terga verterunt fugamque ceperunt. [Footnote 1: /a puero\, _from boyhood_.] [Footnote 2: /vires\, from /vis\. Cf. Sec. 468.] [Footnote 3: /Thebis\, Sec. 501.36.1.] [Footnote 4: /coegit\, from /cogo\.] HE COMMITS A CRIME AND GOES TO THE DELPHIAN ORACLE TO SEEK EXPIATION Post hoc proelium Creon rex, tanta victoria laetus, filiam suam Herculi in matrimonium dedit. Thebis Hercules cum uxore sua diu vivebat et ab omnibus magnopere amabatur; sed post multos annos subito [1]in furorem incidit et ipse sua manu liberos suos interfecit. Post breve tempus [2]ad sanitatem reductus tantum scelus expiare cupiebat et constituit ad oraculum Delphicum iter facere. Hoc autem oraculum erat omnium clarissimum. Ibi sedebat femina quaedam quae Pythia appellabatur. Ea consilium dabat iis qui ad oraculum veniebant. [Footnote 1: /in furorem incidit\, _went mad_.] [Footnote 2: /ad sanitatem reductus\, lit. _led back to sanity_. What in good English?] [Illustration: HERCULES LEONEM SUPERAT] LV. HERCULES BECOMES SUBJECT TO EURYSTHEUS[1] : HE STRANGLES THE NEME'AN LION Itaque Hercules Pythiae totam rem demonstravit nec scelus suum abdidit. Ubi iam Hercules finem fecit, Pythia iussit eum ad urbem Tiryntha[2] discedere et ibi regi Eurystheo sese committere. Quae[3] ubi audivit, Hercules ad illam urbem statim contendit et Eurystheo se in servitutem tradidit et dixit, "Quid primum, O rex, me facere iubes?" Eurystheus, qui perterrebatur vi et corpore ingenti Herculis et eum occidi[4] studebat, ita respondit: "Audi, Hercules! Multa mira[5] narrantur de leone saevissimo qui hoc tempore in valle Nemaea omnia vastat. Iubeo te, virorum omnium fortissimum, illo monstro homines liberare." Haec verba Herculi maxime placuerunt. "Properabo," inquit, "et parebo imperio[6] tuo." Tum in silvas in quibus leo habitabat statim iter fecit. Mox feram vidit et pluris impetus fecit; frustra tamen, quod neque sagittis neque ullo alio telo monstrum vulnerare potuit. Denique Hercules saevum leonem suis ingentibus bracchiis rapuit et faucis eius omnibus viribus compressit. Hoc modo brevi tempore eum interfecit. Tum corpus leonis ad oppidum in umeris reportavit et pellem postea pro[7] veste gerebat. Omnes autem quo eam regionem incolebant, ubi famam de morte leonis ingentis acceperunt, erant laetissimi et Herculem laudabant verbis amplissimis. [Footnote 1: /Eu-rys'theus\ (pronounced _U-ris'thus_) was king of _Ti'ryns_, a Grecian city, whose foundation goes back to prehistoric times.] [Footnote 2: /Tiryntha\, the acc. case of /Tiryns\, a Greek noun.] [Footnote 3: /Quae\, obj. of /audivit\. It is placed first to make a close connection with the preceding sentence. This is called a connecting relative.] [Footnote 4: /occidi\, pres. pass. infin.] [Footnote 5: /mira\, _marvelous things_, the adj. being used as a noun. Cf. /omnia\, in the next line.] [Footnote 6: /imperio\, Sec. 501.14.] [Footnote 7: /pro\, _for, instead of_.] LVI. SLAYING THE LERNE'AN HYDRA Deinde Hercules ab Eurystheo iussus est Hydram occidere. Itaque cum amico Iolao[1] contendit ad paludem Lernaeam ubi Hydra incolebat. Hoc autem monstrum erat serpens ingens quae novem capita habebat. Mox is monstrum repperit et summo[2] cum periculo collum eius sinistra manu rapuit et tenuit. Tum dextra manu capita novem abscidere incepit, sed frustra laborabat, quod quotiens hoc fecerat totiens alia nova capita videbat. Quod[3] ubi vidit, statuit capita igni cremare. Hoc modo octo capita delevit, sed extremum caput vulnerari non potuit, quod erat immortale. Itaque illud sub ingenti saxo Hercules posuit et ita victoriam reportavit. [Footnote 1: /Iolao\, abl. of _I-o-la'us_, the hero's best friend.] [Footnote 2: Note the emphatic position of this adjective.] [Footnote 3: /Quod ubi\, _when he saw this_, another instance of the connecting relative. Cf. p. 199, l. 3.] LVII. THE ARCADIAN STAG AND THE ERYMANTHIAN BOAR Postquam Eurystheo mors Hydrae nuntiata est, summus terror animum eius occupavit. Itaque iussit Herculem capere et ad se reportare cervum quendam; nam minime cupivit tantum virum in regno suo tenere. Hie autem cervus dicebatur aurea cornua et pedes multo[1] celeriores vento[2] habere. Primum Hercules vestigia animalis petivit, deinde, ubi cervum ipsum vidit, omnibus viribus currere incepit. Per plurimos dies contendit nec noctu cessavit. Denique postquam per totum annum cucurrerat--ita dicitur--cervum iam defessum cepit et ad Eurystheum portavit. Tum vero iussus est Hercules aprum quendam capere qui illo tempore agros Erymanthios vastabat et homines illius loci magnopere perterrebat. Hercules laete negotium suscepit et in Arcadiam celeriter se recepit. Ibi mox aprum repperit. Ille autem; simul atque Herculem vidit, statim quam[3] celerrime fugit et metu perterritus in fossam altam sese abdidit. Hercules tamen summa cum difficultate eum extraxit, nec aper ullo modo sese liberare potuit, et vivus ad Eurystheum portatus est. [Footnote 1: /multo\, Sec. 501.27.] [Footnote 2: /vento\, Sec. 501.34.] [Footnote 3: /quam\. What is the force of /quam\ with a superlative?] LVIII. HERCULES CLEANS THE AUGE'AN STABLES AND KILLS THE STYMPHALIAN BIRDS Deinde Eurystheus Herculi hunc laborem multo graviorem imperavit. Augeas[1] quidam, qui illo tempore regnum Elidis[2] obtinebat, tria milia boum[3] habebat. Hi[4] ingenti stabulo continebantur. Hoc stabulum, quod per triginta annos non purgatum erat, Hercules intra spatium unius diei purgare iussus est. llle negotium alacriter suscepit, et primum labore gravissimo maximam fossam fodit per quam fluminis aquam de montibus ad murum stabuli duxit. Tum partem parvam muri delevit et aquam in stabulum immisit. Hoc modo finm operis fecit uno die facillime. Post paucos dies Hercules ad oppidum Stymphalum iter fecit; nam Eurystheus iusserat eum avis Stymphalides occidere. Hae aves rostra ferrea habebant et homines miseros devorabant. Ille, postquam ad locum pervenit, lacum vidit in quo aves incolebant. Nullo tamen modo Hercules avibus adpropinquare potuit; lacus enim non ex aqua sed e limo constitit.[5] Denique autem aves [6]de aliqua causa perterritae in auras volaverunt et magna pars earum sagittis Herculis occisa est. [Footnote 1: /Augeas\, pronounced in English _Aw-je'as_.] [Footnote 2: /Elidis\, gen. case of /Elis\, a district of Greece.] [Footnote 3: /boum\, gen. plur. of /bo:s\. For construction see Sec. 501.11.] [Footnote 4: /ingenti stabulo\, abl. of means, but in our idiom we should say _in a huge stable_.] [Footnote 5: /constitit\, from /consto\.] [Footnote 6: /de aliqua causa perterritae\, _frightened for some reason_.] [Illustration: HERCULES ET TAURUS] LIX. HERCULES CAPTURES THE CRETAN BULL AND CARRIES HIM LIVING TO EURYSTHEUS Tum Eurystheus iussit Herculem portare vivum ex insula Creta taurum quendam saevissimum. Ille igitur navem conscendit--nam ventus erat idoneus--atque statim solvit. Postquam triduum navigavit, incolumis insulae adpropinquavit. Deinde, postquam omnia parata sunt, contendit ad eam regionem quam taurus vexabat. Mox taurum vidit ac sine ullo metu cornua eius corripuit. Tum ingenti labore monstrum ad navem traxit atque cum hac praeda ex insula discessit. THE FLESH-EATING HORSES OF DIOME'DES Postquam ex insula Creta domum pervenit, Hercules ab Eurystheo in Thraciam missus est. Ibi Diomedes quidam, vir saevissimus, regnum obtinebat et omnis a finibus suis prohibebat. Hercules iussus erat equos Diomedis rapere et ad Eurystheum ducere. Hi autem equi homines miserrimos devorabant de quibus rex supplicium sumere cupiebat. Hercules ubi pervenit, primum equos a rege postulavit, sed rex eos dedere recusavit. Deinde ille ira commotus regem occidit et corpus eius equis tradidit. Itaque is qui antea multos necaverat, ipse eodem supplicio necatus est. Et equi, nuper saevissima animalia, postquam domini sui corpus devoraverunt, mansueti erant. LX. THE BELT OF HIPPOL'YTE, QUEEN OF THE AMAZONS Gens Amazonum[1] dicitur[2] omnino ex mulieribus fuisse. Hae cum viris proelium committere non verebantur. Hippolyte, Amazonum regina, balteum habuit pulcherrimum. Hunc balteum possidere filia Eurysthei vehementer cupiebat. Itaque Eurystheus iussit Herculem impetum in Amazones facere. Ille multis cum copiis navem conscendit et paucis diebus in Amazonum finis pervenit, ac balteum postulavit. Eum tradere ipsa Hipporyte quidem cupivit; reliquis tamen Amazonibus[3] persuadere non potuit. Postridie Hercules proelium commisit. Multas horas utrimque quam fortissime pugnatum est Denique tamen mulieres terga verterunt et fuga salutem petierunt. Multae autem captae sunt, in quo numero erat ipsa Hippolyte. Hercules postquam balteum accepit, omnibus captivis libertatem dedit. [Footnote 1: A fabled tribe of warlike women living in Asia Minor.] [Footnote 2: /omnino\, etc., _to have consisted entirely of women._] [Footnote 3: /Amazonibus\, Sec. 501.14.] [Illustration: HERCULES ET CERBERUS] THE DESCENT TO HADES AND THE DOG CER'BERUS Iamque unus modo e duodecim laboribus relinquebatur sed inter omnis hic erat difficillimus. Iussus est enim canem Cerberum[4] ex Orco in lucem trahere. Ex Orco autem nemo antea reverterat. Praeterea Cerberus erat monstrum maxime horribile et tria capita habebat. Hercules postquam imperia Eurysthei accepit, statim profectus est et in Orcum descendit. Ibi vero non sine summo periculo Cerberum manibus rapuit et ingenti cum labore ex Orco in lucem et adurbem Eurysthei traxit. Sic duodecim labores illi[5] intra duodecim annos confecti sunt. Demum post longam vitam Hercules a deis receptus est et Iuppiter filio suo dedit immortalitatem. [Footnote 4: The dog Cerberus guarded the gate of Orcus, the abode of the dead.] [Footnote 5: /illi\, _those famous._] [Illustration: PUERI ROMANI] P. CORNELIUS LENTULUS: THE STORY OF A ROMAN BOY[1] LXI. PUBLIUS IS BORN NEAR POMPE'II P. Cornelius Lentulus,[2] adulescens Romanus, amplissima familia[3] natus est; nam pater eius, Marcus, erat dux peritissimus, cuius virtute[4] et consilio multae victoriae reportatae erant; atque mater eius, lulia, a clarissimis maioribus orta est. Non vero in urbe sed ruri[5] Publius natus est, et cum matre habitabat in villa quae in maris litore et sub radicibus magni montis sita erat. Mons autem erat Vesuvius et parva urbs Pompeii octo milia[6] passuum[7] aberat. In Italia antiqua erant plurimae quidem villae et pulchrae, sed inter has omnis nulla erat pulchrior quam villa Marci Iuliaeque. Frons villae muro a maris fluctibus muniebatur. Hinc mare et litora et insulae longe lateque conspici[8] ac saepe naves longae et onerariae poterant. A tergo et ab utroque latere agri feracissimi patebant. Undique erat magna variorum florum copia et multa ingentium arborum genera quae aestate[9] umbram defessis agricolis gratissimam adferebant. Praeterea erant[10] in agris stabulisque multa animalium genera, non solum equi et boves sed etiam rarae aves. Etiam erat[10] magna piscina plena piscium; nam Romani piscis diligenter colebant. [Footnote 1: This story is fiction with certain historical facts in Caesar's career as a setting. However, the events chronicled might have happened, and no doubt did happen to many a Roman youth.] [Footnote 2: A Roman had three names, as, /Publius\ (given name), /Cornelius\ (name of the _gens_ or clan), /Lentulus\ (family name).] [Footnote 3: Abl. of source, which is akin to the abl. of separation (Sec. 501.32).] [Footnote 4: /virtute\, Sec. 501.24.] [Footnote 5: /ruri\, Sec. 501.36.1.] [Footnote 6: /milia\, Sec. 501.21.] [Footnote 7: /passuum\, Sec. 501.11.] [Footnote 8: /conspici\, infin. with poterant, Sec. 215. Consult the map of Italy for the approximate location of the villa.] [Footnote 9: /aestate\, Sec. 501.35.] [Footnote 10: How are the forms of /sum\ translated when they precede the subject?] [Illustration: CASA ROMANA] LXII. HIS LIFE ON THE FARM Huius villae Davus, servus Marci, est vilicus[1] et cum Lesbia uxore omnia curat. Vilicus et uxor in casa humili, mediis in agris sita, habitant. A prima luce usque ad vesperum se[2] gravibus laboribus exercent ut omni res bene gerant.[3] Plurima enim sunt officia Davi et Lesbiae. Vilicus servos regit ne tardi sint[3]; mittit alios qui agros arent,[3] alios qui hortos inrigent,[3] et opera in[4] totum diem imponit. Lesbia autem omnibus vestimenta parat, cibum coquit, panem facit. Non longe ab horum casa et in summo colle situm surgebat domicilium ipsius domini dominaeque amplissimum. Ibi pluris annos[5] Publius cum matre vitam felicem agebat; nam pater eius, Marcus, in terris longinquis gravia rei publicae bella gerebat nec domum[6] reverti poterat. Neque puero quidem molestum est ruri[7] vivere. Eum multae res delectant. Magnopere amat silvas, agros, equos, boves, gallinas, avis, reliquaque animalia. Saepe pluris horas[8] ad mare sedet quo[9] melius fluctus et navis spectet. Nec omnino sine comitibus erat, quod Lydia, Davi filia, quae erat eiusdem aetatis, cum eo adhuc infante ludebat, inter quos cum annis amicitia crescebat. Lydia nullum alium ducem deligebat et Publius ab puellae latere raro discedebat. Itaque sub claro Italiae sole Publius et Lydia, amici fidelissimi, per campos collisque cotidie vagabantur. Modo in silva finitima ludebant ubi Publius sagittis[10] celeribus avis deiciebat et Lydia coronis variorum florum comas suas ornabat; modo aquam et cibum portabant ad Davum servosque defessos qui agros colebant: modo in casa parva aut horas lactas in ludo consumebant aut auxilium dabant Lesbiae, quae cibum viro et servis parabat vel alias res domesticas agebat. [Footnote 1: The /vilicus\ was a slave who acted as overseer of a farm. He directed the farming operations and the sale of the produce.] [Footnote 2: /se\, reflexive pron., object of /exercent\.] [Footnote 3: For the construction, see Sec. 501.40.] [Footnote 4: /in\, _for_.] [Footnote 5: /annos\, Sec. 501.21.] [Footnote 6: /domum\, Sec. 501.20.] [Footnote 7: /ruri\, Sec. 501.36.1.] [Footnote 8: /horas\, cf. /annos\, line 17.] [Footnote 9: /quo ... spectet\, Secs. 349, 350.] [Footnote 10: /sagittis\, Sec. 501.24.] LXIII. MARCUS LENTULUS, THE FATHER OF PUBLIUS, IS SHIPWRECKED : JULIA RECEIVES A LETTER FROM HIM Iam Publius[1] decem annos habebat cum M. Cornelius Lentulus, pater eius, qui quinque annos[2] grave bellum in Asia gerebat, non sine gloria domum[3] revertebatur. Namque multa secunda proelia fecerat, maximas hostium copias deleverat, multas urbis populo[4] Romano inimicas ceperat. Primum nuntius pervenit qui a Lentulo[5] missus erat[6] ut profectionem suam nuntiaret. Deinde pluris dies[7] reditum viri optimi mater filiusque exspectabant et animis[8] sollicitis deos immortalis frustra colebant. Tum demum has litteras summo cum gaudio acceperunt: [9]"Marcus Iuliae suac salutem dicit. Si vales, bene est; ego valeo. Ex Graecia, quo[10] praeter spem et opinionem hodie perveni, has litteras ad te scribo. Namque navis nostra fracta est; nos autem--[11]dis est gratia--incolumes sumus. Ex Asiae[12] portu navem leni vento solvimus. Postquam[13] altum mare tenuimus [14]nec iam ullae terrae apparuerunt, caelum undique et undique fluctus, subito magna tempestas coorta est et navem vehementissime adflixit. Ventis fluctibusque adflictati[15] nec solem discernere nec cursum tenere poteramus et omnia praesentem mortem intentabant. Tris dies[16] et tris noctis[16] sine remis velisque agimur. Quarto die[17] primum terra visa est et violenter in saxa, quae non longe a litore aberant, deiecti sumus. Tum vero maiora pericula timebamus; sed nauta quidam, vir fortissimus, ex nave in fluctus iratos desiluit [18]ut funem ad litus portaret; quam rem summo labore vix effecit. Ita omnes servati sumus. Gratias igitur et honorem Neptuno debemus, qui deus nos e periculo eripuit. Nunc Athenis[19] sum, quo confugi ut mihi paucas horas ad quietem darem.[20] Quam primum autem aliam navem conducam ut iter ad Italiam reliquum conficiam et domum[21] ad meos caros revertar. Saluta nostrum Publium amicissime et valetudinem tuam cura diligenter. [22]Kalendis Martiis." [Footnote 1: _was ten years old_.] [Footnote 2: /annos\, Sec. 501.21.] [Footnote 3: /domum\, Sec. 501.20.] [Footnote 4: /populo\, dat. with inimicas, cf. Sec. 501.16.] [Footnote 5: /Lentulo\, Sec. 501.33.] [Footnote 6: /ut ... nuntiaret\, Sec. 501.40.] [Footnote 7: /dies\, cf. annos, 1. 9.] [Footnote 8: /animis\, abl. of manner. Do you see one in line 15?] [Footnote 9: This is the usual form for the beginning of a Latin letter. First we have the greeting, and then the expression Si vales, etc. The date of the letter is usually given at the end, and also the place of writing, if not previously mentioned in the letter.] [Footnote 10: /quo\, _where_.] [Footnote 11: /dis est gratia\, _thank God_, in our idiom.] [Footnote 12: Asia refers to the Roman province of that name in Asia Minor.] [Footnote 13: /altum mare tenuimus\, _we were well out to sea._] [Footnote 14: /nec iam\, _and no longer_.] [Footnote 15: /adflictati\, perf. passive part. _tossed about_.] [Footnote 16: What construction?] [Footnote 17: /die\, Sec. 501.35.] [Footnote 18: /ut ... portaret\, Sec. 501.40.] [Footnote 19: /Athenis\, Sec. 501.36.1.] [Footnote 20: /darem\, cf. /portaret\, l. 6.] [Footnote 21: Why not /ad domum\?] [Footnote 22: /Kalendis Martiis\, _the Calends_ or _first of March_; abl. of time, giving the date of the letter.] LXIV. LENTULUS REACHES HOME : PUBLIUS VISITS POMPEII WITH HIS FATHER Post paucos dies navis M. Corneli Lentuli portum Miseni[1] petiit, qui portus non longe a Pompeiis situs est; quo in portu classis Romana ponebatur et ad pugnas navalis ornabatur. Ibi naves omnium generum conspici poterant. Iamque incredibili celeritate navis longa qua Lentulus vehebatur litori adpropinquavit; nam non solum vento sed etiam remis impellebatur. In alta puppe stabat gubernator et non procul aliqui milites Romani cum armis splendidis, inter quos clarissimus erat Lentulus. Deinde servi remis contendere cessaverunt[2]; nautae velum contraxerunt et ancoras iecerunt. Lentulus statim e navi egressus est et[3] ad villam suam properavit. Eum Iulia, Publius, totaque familia exceperunt. [4]Qui complexus, quanta gaudia fuerunt! Postridie eius diei Lentulus filio suo dixit, "Veni, mi Publi, mecum. Pompeios iter hodie faciam. Mater tua suadet[5] ut fructus et cibaria emam. Namque pluris amicos ad cenam vocavimus et multis rebus[6] egemus. Ea hortatur ut quam primum proficiscamur." "Libenter, mi pater," inquit Publius. "Tecum esse mihi semper est gratum; nec Pompeios umquam vidi. Sine mora proficisci paratus sum." Tum celeriter currum conscenderunt et ad urbis muros vecti sunt. Stabiana porta[7] urbem ingressi sunt. Publius stratas vias miratur et saxa altiora quae in medio disposita erant et altas orbitas quas rotae inter haec saxa fecerant. Etiam strepitum miratur, multitudinem, carros, fontis, domos, tabernas, forum[8] cum statuis, templis, reliquisque aedificiis publicis. [Footnote 1: Misenum had an excellent harbor, and under the emperor Augustus became the chief naval station of the Roman fleet. See map of Italy.] [Footnote 2: Why is the infinitive used with /cessaverunt\?] [Footnote 3: See Plate I, Frontispiece.] [Footnote 4: Observe that these words are exclamatory.] [Footnote 5: What construction follows /suadeo\? Sec. 501.41.] [Footnote 6: /rebus\, Sec. 501.32.] [Footnote 7: This is the abl. of the _way by which_ motion takes place, sometimes called the abl. of route. The construction comes under the general head of the abl. of means. For the scene here described, see Plate II, p. 53, and notice especially the stepping-stones for crossing the street (/saxa quae in medio disposita erant\).] [Footnote 8: The forum of Pompeii was surrounded by temples, public halls, and markets of various sorts. Locate Pompeii on the map.] LXV. A DAY AT POMPEII Apud forum e curru descenderunt et Lentulus dixit, "Hic sunt multa tabernarum genera, mi Publi. Ecce, trans viam est popina! [1]Hoc genus tabernarum cibaria vendit. Fructus quoque ante ianuam stant. Ibi cibaria mea emam." "Optime," respondit Publius. "At ubi, mi pater, crustula emere possumus? Namque mater nobis imperavit [2]ut haec quoque pararemus. Timeo ut[3] ista popina vendat crustula." "Bene dicis," inquit Lentulus. "At nonne vides illum fontem a dextra ubi aqua per leonis caput fluit? In illo ipso loco est taberna pistoris qui sine dubio vendit crustula." Brevi tempore[4] omnia erant parata, iamque [5]quinta hora erat. Deinde Lentulus et filius ad cauponam properaverunt, quod fame[6] et siti[7] urgebantur. Ibi sub arboris umbra sederunt et puero imperaverunt ut sibi[8] cibum et vinum daret. Huic imperio[9] puer celeriter paruit. Tum laeti se[10] ex labore refecerunt. Post prandium prefecti sunt ut alia urbis spectacula viderent. Illo tempore fuerunt Pompeiis[11] multa templa, duo theatra, thermae magnumque amphitheatrum, quae omnia post paucos annos flammis atque incendiis Vesuvi et terrae motu deleta sunt. Ante hanc calamitatem autem homines [12]nihil de monte veriti sunt. In amphitheatro quidem Publius morari cupivit ut spectacula gladiatoria videret, quae in[13] illum ipsum diem proscripta erant et iam [14]re vera inceperant. Sed Lentulus dixit, "Morari, Publi, [15]vereor ut possimus. Iam decima hora est et via est longa. Tempus suadet ut quam primum domum revertamur." Itaque servo imperavit ut equos iungeret, et solis occasu[16] ad villam pervenerunt. [Footnote 1: We say, _this kind of shop_; Latin, _this kind of shops_.] [Footnote 2: /ut ... pararemus\, Sec. 501.41.] [Footnote 3: How is /ut\ translated after a verb of fearing? How /ne:\? Cf. Sec. 501.42.] [Footnote 4: /tempore\, Sec. 501.35.] [Footnote 5: /quinta hora\. The Romans numbered the hours of the day consecutively from sunrise to sunset, dividing the day, whether long or short, into twelve equal parts.] [Footnote 6: /fame\ shows a slight irregularity in that the abl. ending -e is long.] [Footnote 7: /sitis\, _thirst_, has -im in the acc. sing., -i in the abl. sing., and no plural.] [Footnote 8: Observe that the reflexive pronoun /sibi\ does not here refer to the subject of the subordinate clause in which it stands, but to the subject of the main clause. This so-called _indirect_ use of the reflexive is often found in object clauses of purpose.] [Footnote 9: What case? Cf. Sec. 501.14.] [Footnote 10: /se\, cf. p. 205, l. 7, and note.] [Footnote 11: /Pompeiis\, Sec. 501.36.1.] [Footnote 12: /nihil ... veriti sunt\, _had no fears of the mountain_.] [Footnote 13: /in\, _for_.] [Footnote 14: /re vera\, _in fact_.] [Footnote 15: /vereor ut\, Sec. 501.42.] [Footnote 16: /occasu\, Sec. 501.35.] LXVI. LENTULUS ENGAGES A TUTOR FOR HIS SON A primis annis quidem Iulia ipsa filium suum docuerat, et Publius non solum [1]pure et Latine loqui poterat sed etiam commode legebat et scribebat. Iam Ennium[2] aliosque poetas legerat. Nunc vero Publius [3]duodecim annos habebat; itaque ei pater bonum magistrum, [4]virum omni doctrina et virtute ornatissimum, paravit, [5]qui Graeca, musicam, aliasque artis doceret. [6]Namque illis temporibus omnes fere gentes Graece loquebantur. Cum Publio alii pueri, Lentuli amicorum filii,[7] discebant. Nam saepe apud Romanos mos erat [8]non in ludum filios mittere sed domi per magistrum docere. Cotidie discipuli cum magistro in peristylo[9] Marci domus sedebant. Omnes pueri bullam auream, originis honestae signum, in collo gerebant, et omnes toga praetexta amicti erant, [10]quod nondum sedecim annos[11] nati sunt. [Footnote 1: /pure ... poterat\, freely, _could speak Latin well_. What is the literal translation?] [Footnote 2: /Ennium\, the father of Latin poetry.] [Footnote 3: /duodecim ... habebat\, cf. p. 206, l. 8, and note.] [Footnote 4: /virum\, etc., _a very well-educated and worthy man_. Observe the Latin equivalent.] [Footnote 5: /qui ... doceret\, a relative clause of purpose. Cf. Secs. 349, 350.] [Footnote 6: In Caesar's time Greek was spoken more widely in the Roman world than any other language.] [Footnote 7: /filii\, in apposition with /pueri\.] [Footnote 8: /non ... mittere\. This infinitive clause is the subject of /erat\. Cf. Sec. 216. The same construction is repeated in the next clause, /domi ... docere\. The object of /docere\ is /filios\ understood.] [Footnote 9: The peristyle was an open court surrounded by a colonnade.] [Footnote 10: At the age of sixteen a boy laid aside the _bulla_ and the _toga praetexta_ and assumed _toga virilis_ or manly gown.] [Footnote 11: /annos\, Sec. 501.21. The expression /nondum sedecim annos nati sunt\ means literally, _they were born not yet sixteen years_. This is the usual expression for age. What is the English equivalent?] [Illustration: TABULA ET STILUS] SCENE IN SCHOOL : AN EXERCISE IN COMPOSITION DISCIPULI. Salve, magister. MAGISTER. Vos quoque omnes, salvete. [1]Tabulasne portavistis et stilos? D. Portavimus. M. Iam fabulam Aesopi[2] discemus. Ego legam, vos in tabulis scribite. Et tu, Publi, da mihi e capsa[3] Aesopi volumen.[4] Iam audite omnes: _Vulpes et Uva_. Vulpes olim fame coacta uvam dependentem vidit. Ad uvam saliebat, sumere conans. Frustra diu conata, tandem irata erat et salire cessans dixit: "Illa uva est acerba; acerbam uvam [5]nihil moror." Omnia'ne scripsistis, pueri? D. Omnia, magister. [Footnote 1: Tablets were thin boards of wood smeared with wax. The writing was done with a stylus, a pointed instrument like a pencil, made of bone or metal, with a knob at the other end. The knob was used to smooth over the wax in making erasures and corrections.] [Footnote 2: /Aesopi\, the famous Greek to whom are ascribed most of the fables current in the ancient world.] [Footnote 3: A cylindrical box for holding books and papers, shaped like a hatbox.] [Footnote 4: Ancient books were written on rolls made of papy'rus.] [Footnote 5: /nihil moror\, _I care nothing for_.] LXVII. PUBLIUS GOES TO ROME TO FINISH HIS EDUCATION Iamque Publius, [1]quindecim annos natus, [2]primis litterarum elementis confectis, Romam petere voluit ut scholas grammaticorum et philosophorum frequentaret. Et facillime patri[3] suo, qui ipse philosophiae studio tenebatur, persuasit. Itaque [4]omnibus rebus ad profectionem comparatis, pater filiusque equis animosis vecti[5] ad magnam urbem profecti sunt. Eos proficiscentis Iulia totaque familia votis precibusque prosecutae sunt. Tum per loca[6] plana et collis silvis vestitos viam ingressi sunt ad Nolam, quod oppidum eos hospitio modico excepit. Nolae[7] duas horas morati sunt, quod sol meridianus ardebat. Tum recta via[8] circiter viginti milia[9] passuum[9] Capuam,[9] ad insignem Campaniae urbem, contenderunt. Eo[10] multa nocte defessi pervenerunt. [11]Postridie eius diei, somno et cibo recreati, Capua discesserunt et [13]viam Appiam ingressi, quae Capuam tangit et usque ad urbem Romam ducit, ante meridiem Sinuessam pervenerunt, quod oppidum tangit mare. Inde prima luce proficiscentes Formias[13] properaverunt, ubi Cicero, orator clarissimus, qui forte apud villam suam erat, eos benigne excepit. Hinc [14]itinere viginti quinque milium passuum facto, Tarracinam, oppidum in saxis altissimis situm, viderunt. Iamque non longe aberant paludes magnae, quae multa milia passuum undique patent. Per eas pedestris via est gravis et in nave viatores vehuntur. Itaque [15]equis relictis Lentulus et Publius navem conscenderunt, et, una nocte in transitu consumpta, Forum Appi venerunt. Tum brevi tempore Aricia eos excepit. Hoc oppidum, in colle situm, ab urbe Roma sedecim milia passuum abest. Inde declivis via usque ad latum campum ducit ubi Roma stat. Quem ad locum ubi Publius venit et Romam adhuc remotam, maximam totius orbis terrarum urbem, conspexit, summa admiratione et gaudio adfectus est. Sine mora descenderunt, et, medio intervallo quam celerrime superato, urbem porta Capena ingressi sunt. [Footnote 1: /quindecim\, etc., cf. p. 210, l. 5, and note.] [Footnote 2: /primis ... confectis\, abl. abs. Cf. Sec. 501.28.] [Footnote 3: /patri\, dat. with /persuasit\.] [Footnote 4: /omnibus ... comparatis\, cf. note 2.] [Footnote 5: /vecti\, perf. pass. part. of /veho\.] [Footnote 6: What is there peculiar about the gender of this word?] [Footnote 7: /Nolae\, locative case, Sec. 501.36.2.] [Footnote 8: /via\, cf. /porta\, p. 208, l. 7, and note.] [Footnote 9: What construction?] [Footnote 10: /Eo\, adv. _there_.] [Footnote 11: /Postridie eius diei\, _on the next day_.] [Footnote 12: /viam Appiam\, the most famous of all Roman roads, the great highway from Rome to Tarentum and Brundisium, with numerous branches. Locate on the map the various towns that are mentioned in the lines that follow.] [Footnote 13: /Formias\, _Formiae_, one of the most beautiful spots on this coast, and a favorite site for the villas of rich Romans.] [Footnote 14: /itinere ... facto\, abl. abs. The gen. /milium\ modifies /itinere\.] [Footnote 15: /equis relictis\. What construction? Point out a similar one in the next line.] [Illustration: BULLA] LXVIII. PUBLIUS PUTS ON THE TOGA VIRILIS Publius iam totum annum Romae morabatur[1] multaque urbis spectacula viderat et multos sibi[2] amicos paraverat. Ei[3] omnes favebant; [4]de eo omnes bene sperare poterant. Cotidie Publius scholas philosophorum et grammaticorum tanto studio frequentabat [5]ut aliis clarum exemplum praeberet. Saepe erat cum patre in curia[6]; quae res effecit [7]ut summos rei publicae viros et audiret et videret. Ubi [8]sedecim annos natus est, bullam[9] auream et togam praetextam more Romano deposuit atque virilem togam sumpsit. Virilis autem toga erat omnino alba, sed praetexta clavum purpureum in margine habebat. [10]Deponere togam praetextam et sumere togam virilem erat res gratissima puero Romano, quod postea vir et civis Romanus habebatur. [11]His rebus gestis Lentulus ad uxorem suam has litteras scripsit: [12]"Marcus Iuliae suae salutem dicit. Si vales, bene est; ego valeo. Accepi tuas litteras. Has nunc Roma per servum fidelissimum mitto ut de Publio nostro quam celerrime scias. Nam hodie ei togam virilem dedi. Ante lucem surrexi[13] et primum bullam auream de collo eius removi. Hac Laribus[14] consecrata et sacris factis, eum toga virili vestivi. Interim plures amici cum multitudine optimorum civium et honestorum clientium pervenerant [15]qui Publium domo in forum deducerent. Ibi in civitatem receptus est et nomen, Publius Cornelius Lentulus, apud civis Romanos ascriptum est. Omnes ei amicissimi fuerunt et magna[16] de eo praedicunt. Sapientior enim aequalibus[17] est et magnum ingenium habet. [18]Cura ut valeas." [Footnote 1: /morabatur\, translate as if pluperfect.] [Footnote 2: /sibi\, _for himself_.] [Footnote 3: /Ei\, why dat.?] [Footnote 4: /de ... poterant\, in English, _all regarded him as a very promising youth;_ but what does the Latin say?] [Footnote 5: /ut ... praeberet\, Sec. 501.43.] [Footnote 6: /curia\, a famous building near the Roman Forum.] [Footnote 7: /ut ... audiret et videret\, Sec. 501.44.] [Footnote 8: /sedecim, etc.\, cf. p. 210, l. 5, and note.] [Footnote 9: /bullam\, cf. p. 210, l. 3, and note 4.] [Footnote 10: These infinitive clauses are the subject of /erat\. Cf. Sec. 216.] [Footnote 11: /His rebus gestis\, i.e. the assumption of the _toga virilis_ and attendant ceremonies.] [Footnote 12: Compare the beginning of this letter with the one on page 206.] [Footnote 13: /surrexi\, from /surgo\.] [Footnote 14: The Lares were the spirits of the ancestors, and were worshiped as household gods. All that the house contained was confided to their care, and sacrifices were made to them daily.] [Footnote 15: /qui ... deducerent\, Sec. 350.] [Footnote 16: /magna\, _great things_, a neuter adj. used as a noun.] [Footnote 17: /aequalibus\, Sec. 501.34.] [Footnote 18: /Cura ut valeas\, _take good care of your health_. How does the Latin express this idea?] LXIX. PUBLIUS JOINS CAESAR'S ARMY IN GAUL Publius iam adulescens postquam togam virilem sumpsit, aliis rebus studere incepit et praesertim usu[1] armorum se[2] diligenter exercuit. Magis magisque amavit illas artis quae militarem animum delectant. Iamque erant [3]qui ei cursum militarem praedicerent. Nec sine causa, quod certe patris isigne exemplum [4]ita multum trahebat. [5]Paucis ante annis C. Iulius Caesar, ducum Romanorum maximus, consul creatus erat et hoc tempore in Gallia bellum grave gerebat. Atque in exercitu eius plures adulescentes militabant, apud quos erat amicus quidam Publi. Ille Publium crebris litteris vehementer hortabatur [6]ut iter in Galliam faceret. Neque Publius recusavit, et, multis amicis ad portam urbis prosequentibus, ad Caesaris castra profectus est. Quarto die postquam iter ingressus est, ad Alpis, montis altissimos, pervenit. His summa difficultate superatis, tandem Gallorum in finibus erat. Primo autem veritus est ut[7] castris Romanis adpropinquare posset, quod Galli, maximis copiis coactis, Romanos obsidebant et vias omnis iam clauserant. His rebus commotus Publius vestem Gallicam induit ne a Gallis caperetur, et ita per hostium copias incolumis ad castra pervenire potuit. Intra munitiones acceptus, a Caesare benigne exceptus est. Imperator fortem adulescentem amplissimis verbis laudavit et eum [8]tribunum militum creavit. [Footnote 1: Abl. of means.] [Footnote 2: /se\, reflexive object of /exercuit\.] [Footnote 3: /qui ... praedicerent\, Sec. 501.45.] [Footnote 4: /ita multum trahebat\, _had a great influence in that direction_.] [Footnote 5: /Paucis ante annis\, _a few years before_; in Latin, _before by a few years_, /ante\ being an adverb and /annis\ abl. of degree of difference.] [Footnote 6: /ut ... faceret\, Sec. 501.41.] [Footnote 7: /ut\, how translated here? See Sec. 501.42.] [Footnote 8: The _military tribune_ was a commissioned officer nearly corresponding to our rank of colonel. The tribunes were often inexperienced men, so Caesar did not allow them much responsibility.] [Illustration: IMPEDIMENTA] HOW THE ROMANS MARCHED AND CAMPED Exercitus qui in hostium finibus bellum genit multis pericuis circumdatus est. [1]Quae pericula ut vitaret, Romani summam curam adhibere solebant. Adpropinquantees copiis hostium agmen ita disponebant [2]ut imperator ipse cum plaribus legionibus expeditis[3] primum agmen duceret. Post eas copias impedimenta[4] totius exercitus conlocabant. [5]Tum legiones quae proxime conscriptae erant totum agmen claudebant. Equites quoque in omnis partis dimittebantur qui loca explorarent; et centuriones praemittebantur ut locum castris idoneum deligerent. Locus habebatur idoneus castris [6]qui facile defendi posset et prope aquam esset. Qua de causa castra[7] in colle ab utraque parte arduo, a fronte leniter declivi saepe ponebantur; vel locus paludibus cinctus vel in fluminis ripis situs deligebatur. Ad locum postquam exercitus pervenit, alii militum [8]in armis erant, alii castra munire incipiebant. Nam [9]quo tutiores ab hostibus milites essent, neve incauti et imparati opprimerentur, castra fossa lata et vallo alto muniebant. In castris portae quattuor erant ut eruptio militum omnis in partis fieri posset. In angulis castrorum erant turres de quibus tela in hostis coniciebantur. [10]Talibus in castris qualia descripsimus Publius a Caesare exceptus est. [Footnote 1: /Quae pericula\, object of /vitarent\. It is placed first to make a proper connection with the preceding sentence.] [Footnote 2: /ut ... duceret\, Sec. 501.43.] [Footnote 3: /expeditis\, i.e. without baggage and ready for action.] [Footnote 4: /impedimenta\. Much of the baggage was carried in carts and on beasts of burden, as is shown above; but, besides this, each soldier (unless /expeditus\) carried a heavy pack. See also picture, p. 159.] [Footnote 5: The newest legions were placed in the rear, because they were the least reliable.] [Footnote 6: /qui ... posset ... esset\, Sec. 501.45.] [Footnote 7: /castra\, subject of /ponebantur\.] [Footnote 8: /in armis erant\, _stood under arms_.] [Footnote 9: /quo ... essent\. When is /quo\ used to introduce a purpose clause? See Sec. 350.I.] [Footnote 10: /Talibus in castris qualia\, _in such a camp as_. It is important to remember the correlatives /talis ... qualis\, _such ... as_.] [Illustration: CENTURIO] LXX. THE RIVAL CENTURIONS Illis in castris erant duo centuriones,[1] fortissimi viri, T. Pullo et L. Vorenus, quorum neuter alteri virtute[2] cedere volebat. Inter eos iam multos annos infensum certamen gerebatur. Tum demum finis controversiae hoc modo[3] factus est. Die tertio postquam Publius pervenit, hostes, maioribus copiis coactis, acerrimum impetum in castra fecerunt. Tum Pullo, [4]cum Romani tardiores[5] viderentur, "Cur dubitas," inquit, "Vorene? Quam commodiorem occasionem exspectas? Hic dies de virtute nostra iudicabit." Haec[6] cum dixisset, extra munitiones processit et in eam hostium partem quae cofertissima [7]videbatur inrupit. Neque Vorenus quidem tum vallo[8] sese continet, sed Pullonem subsequitur. Tum Pullo pilum in hostis immittit atque unum ex multitudine procurrentem traicit. Hunc percussum et exanimatum hostes scutis protegunt et in Pullonem omnes tela coniciunt. Eius scutum transfigitur et telum in balteo defigitur. Hic casus vaginam avertit et dextram manum eius gladium educere conantis[9] moratur. Eum ita impeditum hostes circumsistunt. Tum vero [10]ei laboranti Vorenus, cum sit inimicus, tamen auxilium dat. Ad hunc confestim [11]a Pullone omnis multitudo se convertit. Gladio comminus pugnat Vorenus, atque, uno interfecto, reliquos paulum propellit. Sed instans cupidius[12] infelix, [13]pede se fallente, concidit. Huic rursus circumvento auxilium dat Pullo, atque ambo incolumes, pluribus interfectis, summa cum laude intra munitiones se recipiunt. Sic inimicorum alter alteri auxilium dedit nec de eorum virtute quisquam iudicare potuit. [Footnote 1: A centurion commanded a company of about sixty men. He was a common soldier who had been promoted from the ranks for his courage and fighting qualities. The centurions were the real leaders of the men in battle. There were sixty of them in a legion. The centurion in the picture (p. 216) has in his hand a staff with a crook at one end, the symbol of his authority.] [Footnote 2: /virtute\, Sec. 501.30.] [Footnote 3: Abl. of manner.] [Footnote 4: /cum ... viderentur\, Sec. 501.46.] [Footnote 5: /tardiores\, _too slow_, a not infrequent translation of the comparative degree.] [Footnote 6: /Haec\, obj. of /dixisset\. It is placed before /cum\ to make a close connection with the preceding sentence. What is the construction of /dixisset\?] [Footnote 7: /videbatur, inrupit\. Why is the imperfect used in one case and the perfect in the other? Cf. Sec. 190.] [Footnote 8: /vallo\, abl. of means, but in English we should say _within the rampart_. Cf. /ingenti stabulo\, p. 201, l. 13, and note.] [Footnote 9: /conantis\, pres. part. agreeing with /eius\.] [Footnote 10: /ei laboranti\, indir. obj. of dat.] [Footnote 11: /a Pullone\, _from Pullo_, abl. of separation.] [Footnote 12: /cupidius\, _too eagerly_.] [Footnote 13: /pede se fallente\, lit. _the foot deceiving itself_; in our idiom, _his foot slipping_.] LXXI. THE ENEMY BESIEGING THE CAMP ARE REPULSED Cum iam sex horas pugnatum esset[1] ac non solum vires sed etiam tela Romanos deficerent[1], atque hostes acrius instarent,[1] et vallum scindere fossamque complere incepissent,[1] Caesar, vir rei militaris peritissimus, suis imperavit ut proelium paulisper intermitterent,[2] et, signo dato, ex castris erumperent.[2] [3]Quod iussi sunt faciunt, et subito ex omnibus portis erumpunt. Atque tam celeriter milites concurrerunt et tam propinqui erant hostes[4] ut spatium pila coniciendi[5] non daretur. Itaque reiectis pilis [6]comminus gladiis pugnatum est. Diu et audacter hostes restiterunt et in extrema spe salutis tantam virtutem praestiterunt ut a dextro cornu vehementer [7]multitudine suorum aciem Romanam premerent. [8]Id imperator cum animadvertisset, Publium adulescentem cum equitatu misit qui laborantibus[9] auxilium daret. Eius impetum sustinere non potuerunt hostes[10] et omnes terga verterunt. Eos in fugam datos Publius subsecutus est usque ad flumen Rhenum, quod ab eo loco quinque milia passuum aberat. Ibi pauci salutem sibi reppererunt. Omnibus reliquis interfectis, Publius et equites in castra sese receperunt. De hac calamitate finitimae gentes cum certiores factae essent, ad Caesarem legatos miserunt et se suaque omnia dediderunt. [Footnote 1: /pugnatum esset, deficerent, instarent, incepissent\. These are all subjunctives with /cum\. Cf. Sec. 501.46.] [Footnote 2: /intermitterent, erumperent\. What use of the subjunctive?] [Footnote 3: /Quod\, etc., _they do as ordered_. The antecedent of /quod\ is /id\ understood, which would be the object of /faciunt\.] [Footnote 4: /ut ... daretur\. Is this a clause of purpose or of result?] [Footnote 5: /coniciendi\, Sec. 402.] [Footnote 6: /comminus gladiis pugnatum est\, _a hand-to-hand conflict was waged with swords_.] [Footnote 7: /multitudine suorum\, _by their numbers_. /suorum\ is used as a noun. What is the literal translation of this expression?] [Footnote 8: /Id imperator. Id\ is the obj. and /imperator\ the subj. of /animadvertisset\.] [Footnote 9: /laborantibus\. This participle agrees with /iis\ understood, the indir. obj. of /daret; qui ... daret\ is a purpose clause, Sec. 501.40.] [Footnote 10: /hostes\, subj. of /potuerunt\.] LXXII. PUBLIUS GOES TO GERMANY : ITS GREAT FORESTS AND STRANGE ANIMALS Inita aestate Caesar litteris certior fiebat et per exploratores cognoscebat pluris civitates Galliae novis rebus studere,[1] et contra populum Romanum coniurare[1] obsidesque [2]inter se dare,[1] atque cum his Germanos quosdam quoque sese coniuncturos esse.[1] His litteris nuntiisque commotus Caesar constituit quam celerrime in Gallos proficisci,[3] ut eos inopinantis opprimeret, et Labienum legatum cum duabus legionibus peditum et duobus milibus equitum in Germanos mittere.[3] [4]Itaque re frumentaria comparata castra movit. Ab utroque[5] res bene gesta est; nam Caesar tam celeriter in hostium finis pervenit ut spatium [6]copias cogendi non daretur[4]; et Labienus de Germanis tam grave supplicium sumpsit ut nemo ex ea gente in reliquum tempus Gallis auxilium dare auderet.[7] Hoc iter in Germaniam Publius quoque fecit et, [8]cum ibi moraretur, multa mirabilia vidit. Praesertim vero ingentem silvam mirabatur, quae tantae magnitudinis esse dicebatur [9]ut nemo eam transire posset, nec quisquam sciret aut initium aut finem. Qua de re plura cognoverat a milite quodam qui olim captus a Germanis multos annos ibi incoluit. Ille[10] de silva dicens, "Infinitae magnitudinis est haec silva," inquit; "nee quisquam est [11]huius Germaniae [12]qui initium eius sciat aut ad finem adierit. Nascuntur illic multa talia animalium genera qualia reliquis in locis non inveniuntur. Sunt boves qui unum[13] cornu habent; sunt etiam animalia quae appellantur alces. Hae nullos crurum[14] articulos habent. Itaque, si forte conciderunt, sese erigere nullo modo possunt. Arbores habent pro[15] cubilibus; ad eas se applicant atque ita reclinatae quietem capiunt. Tertium est genus eorum qui uri appellantur. Hi sunt paulo minores elephantis.[16] Magna vis eorum est et magna velocitas. Neque homini neque ferae parcunt.[17]" [Footnote 1: Observe that all these infinitives are in indirect statements after /certior fiebat\, _he was informed_, and /cognoscebat\, _he learned_. Cf. Sec. 501.48, 49.] [Footnote 2: /inter se\, _to each other_.] [Footnote 3: /proficisci, mittere\. These infinitives depend upon /constituit\.] [Footnote 4: Before beginning a campaign, food had to be provided. Every fifteen days grain was distributed. Each soldier received about two pecks. This he carried in his pack, and this constituted his food, varied occasionally by what he could find by foraging.] [Footnote 5: Abl. of personal agent, Sec. 501.33.] [Footnote 6: /copias cogendi\, Sec. 501.37.1.] [Footnote 7: /daretur, auderet\, Sec. 501.43. /auderet\ is not from /audio\.] [Footnote 8: /cum ... moraretur\, Sec. 501.46.] [Footnote 9: /ut ... posset, ... sciret\, Sec. 501.43.] [Footnote 10: /Ille\, subj. of /inquit\.] [Footnote 11: /huius Germaniae\, _of this part of Germany_.] [Footnote 12: /qui ... sciat ... adierit\, Sec. 501.45.] [Footnote 13: /unum\, _only one_.] [Footnote 14: /crurum\, from /crus\.] [Footnote 15: /pro\, _for, in place of_.] [Footnote 16: /elephantis\, Sec. 501.34.] [Footnote 17: /parcunt\. What case is used with this verb?] [Illustration: VINEA] LXXIII. THE STORMING OF A CITY Publius pluris dies in Germania moratus[1] in Galliam rediit, et ad Caesaris castra se contulit. Ille quia moleste ferebat Gallos[2] eius regionis obsides dare recusavisse et exercitui frumentum praebere noluisse, constituit eis[3] bellum inferre. Agris vastatis, vicis incensis, pervenit ad oppidum validissimum quod et natura et arte munitum erat. Cingebatur muro viginti quinque pedes[4] alto. A lateribus duositum, praerupto fastigio ad planitiem vergegat; a quarto tantum[5] latere aditus erat facilis. Hoc oppidum oppugnare, [6]cum opus esset difficillimum, tamen constituit Caesar. Et castris munitis Publio negotium dedit ut res [7]ad oppugnandum necessarias pararet. Romanorum autem oppugnatio est haec.[8] Primum turres aedificantur quibus milites in summum murum evadere possint[9]; vineae[10] fiunt quibus tecti milites ad murum succedant; plutei[11] parantur post quos milites tormenta[12] administrent; sunt quoque arietes qui murum et portas discutiant. His omnibus rebus comparatis, deinde [13]agger ab ea parte ubi aditus est facillimus exstruitur et cum vineis ad ipsum oppidum agitur. Tum turris in aggere promovetur; arietibus qui sub vineis conlocati erant murus et portae discutiuntur; ballistis, catapultis, reliquisque tormentis lapides et tela in oppidum coniciuntur. Postremo cum iam turris et agger altitudinem muri adaequant et arietes moenia perfregerunt,[14] signo dato milites inruunt et oppidum expugnant. [Footnote 1: /moratus\. Is this part. active or passive in meaning?] [Footnote 2: /Gallos\, subj. acc. of the infins. /recusavisse\ and /noluisse\. The indirect statement depends upon /moleste ferebat\.] [Footnote 3: /eis\, Sec. 501.15.] [Footnote 4: /pedes\, Sec. 501.21.] [Footnote 5: /tantum\, adv. _only_.] [Footnote 6: /cum ... esset\, a clause of concession, Sec. 501.46.] [Footnote 7: /ad oppugnandum\, a gerund expressing purpose.] [Footnote 8: /haec\, _as follows_.] [Footnote 9: /possint\, subjv. of purpose. Three similar constructions follow.] [Footnote 10: /vineae\. These /vineae\ were wooden sheds, open in front and rear, used to protect men who were working to take a fortification. They were about eight feet high, of like width, and double that length, covered with raw hides to protect them from being set on fire, and moved on wheels or rollers.] [Footnote 11: /plutei\, large screens or shields with small wheels attached to them. These were used to protect besiegers while moving up to a city or while serving the engines of war.] [Footnote 12: /tormenta\. The engines of war were chiefly the catapult for shooting great arrows, and the ballista, for hurling large stones. They had a range of about two thousand feet and were very effective.] [Footnote 13: The /agger\, or mound, was of chief importance in a siege. It was begun just out of reach of the missiles of the enemy, and then gradually extended towards the point to be attacked. At the same time its height gradually increased until on a level with the top of the wall, or even higher. It was made of earth and timber, and had covered galleries running through it for the use of the besiegers. Over or beside the _agger_ a tower was moved up to the wall, often with a battering-ram (_aries_) in the lowest story. (See picture, p. 221.)] [Footnote 14: /perfregerunt\, from /perfringo\.] [Illustration: BALLISTA] [Illustration: TURRES, ARIETES, VINEA] LXXIV. THE CITY IS TAKEN : THE CAPTIVES ARE QUESTIONED Omnibus rebus necessariis ad oppugnandum a Publio comparatis, deliberatur in concilio quod consilium [1]oppidi expugnandi ineant.[2] Tum unus[3] ex centurionibus, vir rei militaris peritissimus, "Ego suadeo," inquit, "ut ab ea parte, ubi aditus sit[5] facillimus, aggerem exstruamus[4] et turrim promoveamus[6] atque ariete admoto simul murum discutere conemur.[5]" [6]Hoc consilium cum omnibus placeret, Caesar concilium dimisit. Deinde milites hortatus ut priores victorias memoria[7] tenerent, iussit aggerem exstrui, turrim et arietem admoveri. Neque oppidanis[8] consilium defuit. Alii ignem et omne genus telorum de muro in turrim coniecerunt, alii ingentia saxa in vineas et arietem devolverunt. Diu utrimque acerrime pugnatum est. Ne vulnerati quidem pedem rettulerunt. Tandem, [9]de tertia vigilia, Publius, quem Caesar illi operi[10] praefecerat, nuntiavit partem[11] muri ictibus arietis labefactam concidisse. Qua re audita Caesar signum dat; milites inruunt et magna cum caede hostium oppidum capiunt. Postridie eius diei, hoc oppido expugnato, [12]captivorum qui nobilissimi sunt ad imperatorem ante praetorium[13] adducuntur. Ipse, lorica aurata et paludamento purpureo insignis, captivos per interpretem in hunc modum interrogat:[14] Vos qui estis[15]? INTERPRES. Rogat imperator qui sitis. CAPTIVI. Filii regis sumus. INTERPRES. Dicunt se filios esse regis. IMPERATOR. Cur mihi tantas iniurias intulistis? INTERPRES. Rogat cur sibi tantas iniurias intuleritis. CAPTIVI. Iniurias ei non intulimus sed pro patria bellum gessimus. Semper voluimus Romanis esse amici, sed Romani sine causa nos domo patriaque expellere conati sunt. INTERPRES. [16]Negant se iniurias tibi intulisse, sed pro patria bellum gessisse. [17]Semper se voluisse amicos Romanis esse, sed Romanos sine causa se domo patriaque expellere conatos esse. IMPERATOR. [18]Manebitisne in reliquum tempus in fide, hac rebellione condonata? Tum vero captivi multis cum lacrimis iuraverunt se in fide mansuros esse, et Caesar eos incolumis domum dimisit. [Footnote 1: /oppidi expugnandi\. Is this a gerund or a gerundive construction? Cf. Sec. 501.37.] [Footnote 2: /ineant\. Sec. 501.50.] [Footnote 3: /unus\. subj. of /inquit\.] [Footnote 4: /sit\. This is a so-called subjunctive by attraction, which means that the clause beginning with /ubi\ stands in such close connection with the subjv. clause beginning with /ut\, that its verb is attracted into the same mood.] [Footnote 5: All these verbs are in the same construction.] [Footnote 6: /Hoc consilium\, subj. of /placeret\. For the order cf. /Haec cum\, etc., p. 215, l. 22, and note; /Id imperator cum\, p. 217, l. 8.] [Footnote 7: /memoria\, abl. of means.] [Footnote 8: /oppidanis\, Sec. 501.15.] [Footnote 9: Between twelve and three o'clock in the morning. The night was divided into four watches.] [Footnote 10: /operi\, Sec. 501.15.] [Footnote 11: /partem\, subj. acc. of /concidisse\.] [Footnote 12: /captivorum ... sunt\, _the noblest of the captives_.] [Footnote 13: The general's headquarters.] [Footnote 14: Study carefully these direct questions, indirect questions, and indirect statements.] [Footnote 15: See Plate III, p. 148.] [Footnote 16: /Negant\, etc., _they say that they have not_, etc. /Negant\ is equivalent to /dicunt non\, and the negative modifies /intulisse\, but not the remainder of the indirect statement.] [Footnote 17: /Semper\, etc., _that they have always_, etc.] [Footnote 18: /Manebitisne in fide\, _will you remain loyal?_] LXXV. CIVIL WAR BREAKS OUT BETWEEN CAESAR AND POMPEY THE BATTLE OF PHARSALIA Ne confecto[1] quidem bello Gallico, [2]bellum civile inter Caesarem et Pompeium exortum est. Nam Pompeius, qui summum imperium petebat, senatui persuaserat ut Caesarem rei publicae hostem[3] iudicaret et exercitum eius dimitti iuberet. Quibus cognitis rebus Caesar exercitum suum dimittere recusavit, atque, hortatus milites ut ducem totiens victorem ab inimicorum iniuriis defenderent, imperavit ut se Romam sequerentur. Summa cum alacritate milites paruerunt, et transito Rubicone[4] initium belli civilis factum est. Italiae urbes quidem omnes fere [5]rebus Caesaris favebant et eum benigne exceperunt. Qua re commotus Pompeius ante Caesaris adventum Roma excessit et Brundisium[6] pervenit, inde [7]paucis post diebus cum omnibus copiis ad Epirum mare transiit. Eum Caesar cum septem legionibus et quingentis equitibus secutus est, et insignis inter Caesaris comitatum erat Publius. Pluribus levioribus proeliis factis, tandem copiae adversae ad Pharsalum[8] in Thessalia sitam castra posuerunt. Cum Pompei exercitus esset bis tantus quantus Caesaris, tamen erant multi qui veteranas legiones quae Gallos et Germanos superaverant vehementer timebant. Quos[9] [10]ante proelium commissum Labienus[11] legatus, qui ab Caesare nuper defecerat, ita adlocutus est: "[12]Nolite existimare hunc esse exercitum veteranorum militum. Omnibus interfui proeliis[13] neque temere incognitam rem pronuntio. Perexigua pars illius exercitus qui Gallos superavit adhuc superest. Magna pars occisa est, multi domum discesserunt, multi sunt relicti in Italia. Hae copiae quas videtis in [14]citeriore Gallia nuper conscriptae sunt." Haec[15] cum dixisset, iuravit se nisi victorem in castra non reversurum esse. [16]Hoc idem Pompeius et omnes reliqui iuraverunt, et magna spe et laetitia, sicut certam ad victoriam, copiae e castris exierunt. Item Caesar, animo[17] ad dimicandum paratus, exercitum suum eduxit et septem cohortibus [18]praesidio castris relictis copias triplici acie instruxit. Tum, militibus studio pugnae ardentibus, tuba signum dedit. Milites procurrerunt et pilis missis gladios strinxerunt. Neque vero virtus hostibus defuit. Nam et tela missa sustinuerunt et impetum gladiorum exceperunt et ordines conservaverunt. Utrimque diu et acriter pugnatum est nec quisquam pedem rettulit. Tum equites Pompei aciem Caesaris circumire conati sunt. Quod[19] ubi Caesar animadvertit, tertiam aciem,[20] quae ad id tempus quieta fuerat, procurrere iussit. Tum vero integrorum impetum[21] defessi hostes sustinere non potuerunt et omnes terga verterunt. Sed Pompeius de fortunis suis desperans se in castra equo contulit, inde mox cum paucis equitibus effugit. [Footnote 1: With /ne: ... quidem\ the emphatic word stands between the two.] [Footnote 2: The Civil War was caused by the jealousy and rivalry between Caesar and Pompey. It resulted in the defeat and subsequent death of Pompey and the elevation of Caesar to the lordship of the Roman world.] [Footnote 3: /hostem\, predicate accusative, Sec. 501.22.] [Footnote 4: The Rubicon was a small stream in northern Italy that marked the boundary of Caesar's province. By crossing it with an armed force Caesar declared war upon Pompey and the existing government. Caesar crossed the Rubicon early in the year 49 B.C.] [Footnote 5: /rebus Caesaris favebant\, _favored Caesar's side_. In what case is /rebus\?] [Footnote 6: /Brundisium\, a famous port in southern Italy whence ships sailed for Greece and the East. See map.] [Footnote 7: /paucis post diebus\, _a few days later_; literally, _afterguards by a few days_. Cf. /paucis ante annis\, p. 213, l. 12, and note.] [Footnote 8: The battle of Pharsalia was fought on August 9, 48 B.C. In importance it ranks as one of the great battles of the world.] [Footnote 9: /Quos\, obj. of /adlocutus est\.] [Footnote 10: /ante proelium commissum\, _before the beginning of the battle_.] [Footnote 11: /Labienus\, Caesar's most faithful and skillful lieutenant in the Gallic War. On the outbreak of the Civil War, in 49 B.C., he deserted Caesar and joined Pompey. His defection caused the greatest joy among the Pompeian party; but he disappointed the expectations of his new friends, and never accomplished anything of importance. He fought against his old commander in several battles and was slain at the battle of Munda in Spain, 45 B.C.] [Footnote 12: /Nolite existimare\, _don't think_.] [Footnote 13: /proeliis\, Sec. 501.15.] [Footnote 14: /citeriore Gallia\. This name is applied to Cisalpine Gaul, or Gaul south of the Alps.] [Footnote 15: /Haec\, obj. of /dixisset\.] [Footnote 16: /Hoc idem\, obj. of /iuraverunt\.] [Footnote 17: /animo\, Sec. 501.30.] [Footnote 18: /praesidio castris\, Sec. 501.17.] [Footnote 19: /Quod\, obj. of /animadvertit\.] [Footnote 20: /aciem\, subj. of /procurrere\.] [Footnote 21: /impetum\, obj. of /sustinere\.] [Illustration: SIGNIFER] LXXVI. THE TRIUMPH OF CAESAR Pompeio amicisque eius superatis atque omnibus hostibus ubique victis, Caesar imperator Romam rediit et [1]extra moenia urbis in campo Martio castra posuit. Tum vero amplissimis honoribus adfectus est. Dictator creatus est, et ei triumphus a senatu est decretus. [2]Quo die de Gallis triumphum egit, tanta multitudo hominum in urbem undique confluxit [3]ut omnia loca essent conferta. Templa patebant, arae fumabant, columnae sertis ornatae erant. [4]Cum vero pompa urbem intraret, quantus hominum fremitus ortus est! Primum per portam ingressi sunt senatus et magistratus. Secuti sunt tibicines, signiferi, pedites laurea coronati canentes: "Ecce Caesar nunc triumphat, qui subegit Galliam," et "Mille, mille, mille, mille Gallos trucidavimus." Multi praedam captarum urbium portabant, arma, omnia belli instrumenta. Secuti sunt equites, animosis atque splendidissime ornatis equis vecti, inter quos Publius adulescens fortissimus habebatur. Adducebantur tauri, arietes, [5]qui dis immortalibus immolarentur. Ita longo agmine progrediens exercitus [6]sacra via per forum in Capitolium perrexit. Imperator ipse cum urbem intraret, undique laeto clamore multitudinis salutatus est. Stabat in curru aureo quem quattuor albi equi vehebant. Indutus [7]toga picta, altera manu habenas et lauream tenebat, altera eburneum sceptrum. Post eum servus in curru stans auream coronam super caput eius tenebat. Ante currum miserrimi captivi, reges principesque superatarum gentium, catenis vincti, progrediebantur; et viginti quattuor lictores[8] laureatas fascis ferentes et signiferi currum Caesaris comitabantur. Concludit agmen multitudo captivorum, qui, in servitutem redacti,[9] demisso vultu, vinctis[10] bracchiis, sequuntur; quibuscum veniunt longissimo ordine milites, etiam hi praedam vel insignia militaria ferentes. [Illustration: LICTORES CUM FASCIBUS] Caesar cum Capitolium ascendisset, in templo Iovi Capitolino sacra fecit. Simul[11] captivorum qui nobilissimi erant, abducti in carcerem,[12] interfecti sunt. Sacris factis Caesar de Capitolio descendit et in foro miitibus suis honores militaris dedit eisque pecuniam ex belli praeda distribuit. His omnibus rebus confectis, Publius Caesarem valere[13] iussit et quam celerrime ad villam contendit ut patrem matremque salutaret. [14]De rebus gestis P. Corneli Lentuli hactenus. [Footnote 1: A victorious general with his army was not allowed to enter the city until the day of his triumph. A triumph was the greatest of all military honors.] [Footnote 2: /Quo die\, _on the day that_, abl. of time.] [Footnote 3: /ut ... essent\, Sec. 501.43.] [Footnote 4: /Cum ... intraret\, Sec. 501.46.] [Footnote 5: /qui ... immolarentur\, Sec. 501.40.] [Footnote 6: The Sacred Way was a noted street running along one side of the Forum to the base of the Capitoline Hill, on whose summit stood the magnificent temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. This route was always followed by triumphal processions.] [Footnote 7: The /toga picta\ worn by a general in his triumph was a splendid robe of Tyrian purple covered with golden stars. See Plate IV, p. 213.] [Footnote 8: The lictors were a guard of honor that attended the higher magistrates and made a way for them through the streets. On their shoulders they carried the _fasces_, a bundle of rods with an ax in the middle, symbolizing the power of the law.] [Footnote 9: /demisso vultu\, _with downcast countenance_.] [Footnote 10: /vinctis\, from /vincio\.] [Footnote 11: /Simul\, etc., _At the same time those of the captives who were the noblest._] [Footnote 12: The prison was a gloomy dungeon on the lower slopes of the Capitoline Hill.] [Footnote 13: /valere iussit\, _bade farewell to_.] [Footnote 14: This sentence marks the end of the story.] APPENDIX I DECLENSIONS, CONJUGATIONS, NUMERALS, ETC. NOUNS _460._ Nouns are inflected in five declensions, distinguished by the final letter of the stem and by the termination of the genitive singular. FIRST DECLENSION--A-stems, Gen. Sing. -ae SECOND DECLENSION--O-stems, Gen. Sing. -i THIRD DECLENSION--Consonant stems and I-stems, Gen. Sing. -is FOURTH DECLENSION--U-stems, Gen. Sing. -u:s FIFTH DECLENSION--E-stems, Gen. Sing. -e:i or -ei _461._ FIRST DECLENSION. _A_-STEMS domina, _lady_ STEM domina- BASE domin- SINGULAR PLURAL TERMINATIONS TERMINATIONS Nom. domina -a dominae -ae Gen. dominae -ae domina:rum -a:rum Dat. dominae -ae domini:s -i:s Acc. dominam -am domina:s -a:s Abl. domina: -a: domini:s -i:s _a._ /Dea\ and /filia\ have the termination -a:bus in the dative and ablative plural. _462._ SECOND DECLENSION. _O_-STEMS _a._ MASCULINES IN -us dominus, _master_ STEM domino- BASE domin- SINGULAR PLURAL TERMINATIONS TERMINATIONS Nom. dominus -us domini: -i: Gen. domini: -i: domino:rum -o:rum Dat. domino: -o: domini:s -i:s Acc. dominum -um domino:s -o:s Abl. domino: -o: domini:s -i:s 1. Nouns in -us of the second declension have the termination -e in the vocative singular, as /domine\. 2. Proper names in -ius, and /filius\, end in -i: in the vocative singular, and the accent rests on the penult, as /Vergi'li:, fi:li:\. _b._ NEUTERS IN -um pi:lum, _spear_ STEM pi:lo- BASE pi:l- SINGULAR PLURAL TERMINATIONS TERMINATIONS Nom. pi:lum -um pi:la -a Gen. pi:li: -i: pi:lo:rum -o:rum Dat. pi:lo: -o: pi:li:s -i:s Acc. pi:lum -um pi:la -a Abl. pi:lo: -o: pi:li:s -i:s 1. Masculines in -ius and neuters in -ium end in -i: in the genitive singular, _not_ in -ii:, and the accent rests on the penult. _c._ MASCULINES IN -er AND -ir puer, _boy_ ager, _field_ vir, _man_ STEMS puero- agro- viro- BASES puer- agr- vir- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. puer ager vir -- Gen. pueri: agri: viri: -i: Dat. puero: agro: viro: -o: Acc. puerum agrum virum -um Abl. puero: agro: viro: -o: PLURAL Nom. pueri: agri: viri: -i: Gen. puero:rum agro:rum viro:rum -o:rum Dat. pueri:s agri:s viri:s -i:s Acc. puero:s agro:s viro:s -o:s Abl. pueri:s agri:s viri:s -i:s _463._ THIRD DECLENSION. CLASSIFICATION I. Consonant Stems 1. Stems that add -s to the base to form the nominative singular: masculines and feminines only. 2. Stems that add no termination in the nominitive singular: _a._ masculines and feminines; _b._ neuters. II. _I_-Stems. Masculines, feminines, and neuters. _464._ I. CONSONANT STEMS 1. _Nouns that add -s to the base to form the nominative singular: masculines and feminines only_ pri:nceps, mi:les, m., lapis, m., m., _chief_ _soldier_ _stone_ BASES | OR | pri:ncip- mi:lit- lapid- STEMS | SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. pri:nceps mi:les lapis -s Gen. pri:ncipis mi:litis lapidis -is Dat. pri:ncipi: mi:liti: lapidi: -i: Acc. pri:ncipem mi:litem lapidem -em Abl. pri:ncipe mi:lite lapide -e PLURAL Nom. pri:ncipe:s mi:lite:s lapide:s -e:s Gen. pri:ncipum mi:litum lapidum -um Dat. pri:ncipibus mi:litibus lapidibus -ibus Acc. pri:ncipe:s mi:lite:s lapide:s -e:s Abl. pri:ncipibus mi:litibus lapidibus -ibus re:x, m., iu:dex, m., virtu:s, f., _king_ _judge_ _virtue_ BASES | OR | re:g- iu:dic- virtu:t- STEMS | SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. re:x iu:dex virtu:s -s Gen. re:gis iu:dicis virtu:tis -is Dat. re:gi: iu:dici: virtu:ti: -i: Acc. re:gem iu:dicem virtu:tem -em Abl. re:ge iu:dice virtu:te -e PLURAL Nom. re:ge:s iu:dice:s virtu:te:s -e:s Gen. re:gum iu:dicum virtu:tum -um Dat. re:gibus iu:dicibus virtu:tibus -ibus Acc. re:ge:s iu:dice:s virtu:te:s -es Abl. re:gibus iu:dicibus virtu:tibus -ibus NOTE. For consonant changes in the nominative singular, cf. Sec. 233.3. 2. _Nouns that have no termination in the nominative singular_ _a._ MASCULINES AND FEMININES co:nsul, m., legio:, f., o:rdo:, pater, m., _consul_ _legion_ m., _row_ _father_ BASES | OR | consul- legio:n- o:rdin- patr- STEMS | SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. co:nsul legio: o:rdo: pater -- Gen. co:nsulis legio:nis o:rdinis patris -is Dat. co:nsuli: legio:ni: o:rdini: patri: -i: Acc. co:nsulem legio:nem o:rdinem patrem -em Abl. co:nsule legio:ne o:rdine patre -e PLURAL Nom. co:nsule:s legio:ne:s o:rdine:s patre:s -e:s Gen. co:nsulum legio:num o:rdinum patrum -um Dat. co:nsulibus legio:nibus o:rdinibus patribus -ibus Acc. co:nsule:s legio:ne:s o:rdine:s patre:s -e:s Abl. co:nsulibus legio:nibus o:rdinibus patribus -ibus NOTE. For vowel and consonant changes in the nominative singular, cf. Sec. 236.1-3. _b._ NEUTERS flu:men, tempus, opus, caput, n., _river_ n., _time_ n., _work_ n., _head_ BASES | OR | flu:min- tempor- oper- capit- STEMS | SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. flu:men tempus opus caput -- Gen. flu:minis temporis operis capitis -is Dat. flu:mini: tempori: operi: capiti: -i: Acc. flu:men tempus opus caput -- Abl. flu:mine tempore opere capite -e PLURAL Nom. flu:mina tempora opera capita -a Gen. flu:minum temporum operum capitum -um Dat. flu:minibus temporibus operibus capitibus -ibus Acc. flu:mina tempora opera capita -a Abl. flu:minibus temporibus operibus capitibus -ibus NOTE. For vowel and consonant changes in the nominative singular, cf. Sec. 238.2, 3. _465._ II. _I_-STEMS _a._ MASCULINES AND FEMININES caede:s, f., hostis, urbs, f., clie:ns, m., _slaughter_ m., _enemy_ _city_ _retainer_ STEMS caedi- hosti- urbi- clienti- BASES caed- host- urb- client- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. caede:s hostis urbs clie:ns -s, -is, _or_ -e:s Gen. caedis hostis urbis clientis -is Dat. caedi: hosti: urbi: clienti: -i: Acc. caedem hostem urbem clientem -em (-im) Abl. caede hoste urbe cliente -e (-i:) PLURAL Nom. caede:s hoste:s urbe:s cliente:s -e:s Gen. caedium hostium urbium clientium -ium Dat. caedibus hostibus urbibus clientibus -ibus Acc. caedi:s, hosti:s, urbi:s, clienti:s, -i:s, -e:s -e:s -e:s -e:s -e:s Abl. caedibus hostibus urbibus clientibus -ibus 1. /Avis\, /civis\, /finis\, /ignis\, /navis\, have the abl. sing. in -i: or -e. 2. /Turris\ has accusative /turrim\ and ablative /turri:\ or /turre\. _b._ NEUTERS i:nsigne, n., animal, n., calcar, _decoration_ _animal_ n., _spur_ STEMS i:nsigni- anima:li- calca:ri- BASES i:nsign- anima:l- calca:r- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. i:nsigne animal calcar -e _or_ -- Gen. i:nsignis anima:lis calca:ris -is Dat. i:nsigni: anima:li: calca:ri: -i: Acc. i:nsigne animal calcar -e _or_ -- Abl. i:nsigni: anima:li: calca:ri: -i: PLURAL Nom. i:nsignia anima:lia calca:ria -ia Gen. i:nsignium anima:lium calca:rium -ium Dat. i:nsignibus anima:libus calca:ribus -ibus Acc. i:nsignia anima:lia calca:ria -ia Abl. i:nsignibus anima:libus calca:ribus -ibus _466._ THE FOURTH DECLENSION. _U_-STEMS adventus, m., cornu:, n., _arrival_ _horn_ STEMS adventu- cornu- BASES advent- corn- TERMINATIONS SINGULAR MASC. NEUT. Nom. adventus cornu: -us -u: Gen. adventu:s cornu:s -u:s -u:s Dat. adventui: (u:) cornu: -ui: (u:) -u: Acc. adventum cornu: -um -u: Abl. adventu: cornu: -u: -u: PLURAL Nom. adventu:s cornua -u:s -ua Gen. adventuum cornuum -uum -uum Dat. adventibus cornibus -ibus -ibus Acc. adventu:s cornua -u:s -ua Abl. adventibus cornibus -ibus -ibus _467._ THE FIFTH DECLENSION. _E_-STEMS die:s, m., _day_ re:s, f., _thing_ STEMS die:- re:- BASES di- r- SINGULAR TERMINATIONS Nom. die:s re:s -e:s Gen. die:i: rei: -e:i: _or_ -ei: Dat. die:i: rei: -e:i: _or_ -ei: Acc. diem rem -em Abl. die: re: -e: PLURAL Nom. die:s re:s -e:s Gen. die:rum re:rum -e:rum Dat. die:bus re:bus -e:bus Acc. die:s re:s -e:s Abl. die:bus re:bus -e:bus _468._ SPECIAL PARADIGMS deus, domus, f., vi:s, f., iter, m., _god_ _house_ _strength_ n., _way_ STEMS deo- domu- vi:- and iter- and vi:ri- itiner- BASES de- dom- v- and iter- and vi:r- itiner- SINGULAR Nom. deus domus vi:s iter Gen. dei: domu:s vi:s (rare) itineris Dat. deo: domui:, -o: vi: (rare) itineri: Acc. deum domum vim iter Abl. deo: domo:, -u: vi: itinere PLURAL Nom. dei:, di: domu:s vi:re:s itinera Gen. deo:rum, deum domuum, -o:rum vi:rium itinerum Dat. dei:s, di:s domibus vi:ribus itineribus Acc. deo:s domo:s, -u:s vi:ri:s, -e:s itinera Abl. dei:s, di:s domibus vi:ribus itineribus _a._ The vocative singular of /deus\ is like the nominative. _b._ The locative of /domus\ is /domi:\. ADJECTIVES _469._ FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS. _O_- AND _A_-STEMS _a._ ADJECTIVES IN -us bonus, _good_ STEMS bono- m. and n., bona- f. BASE bon- SINGULAR MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. bonus bona bonum Gen. boni: bonae boni: Dat. bono: bonae bono: Acc. bonum bonam bonum Abl. bono: bona: bono: PLURAL Nom. boni: bonae bona Gen. bono:rum bona:rum bono:rum Dat. boni:s boni:s boni:s Acc. bono:s bona:s bona Abl. boni:s boni:s boni:s _b._ ADJECTIVES IN -er li:ber, _free_ STEMS li:bero- m. and n., li:bera:- f. BASE li:ber- SINGULAR MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. li:ber li:bera li:berum Gen. li:beri: li:berae li:beri: Dat. li:bero: li:berae li:bero: Acc. li:berum li:beram li:berum Abl. li:bero: li:bera: li:bero: PLURAL Nom. li:beri: li:berae li:bera Gen. li:bero:rum li:bera:rum li:bero:rum Dat. li:beri:s li:beri:s li:beri:s Acc. li:bero:s li:bera:s li:bera Abl. li:beri:s li:beri:s li:beri:s pulcher, _pretty_ STEMS pulchro- m. and n., pulchra:- f. BASE pulchr- SINGULAR MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. pulcher pulchra pulchrum Gen. pulchri: pulchrae pulchri: Dat. pulchro: pulchrae pulchro: Acc. pulchrum pulchram pulchrum Abl. pulchro: pulchra: pulchro: PLURAL Nom. pulchri: pulchrae pulchra Gen. pulchro:rum pulchra:rum pulchro:rum Dat. pulchri:s pulchri:s pulchri:s Acc. pulchro:s pulchra:s pulchra Abl. pulchri:s pulchri:s pulchri:s _470._ THE NINE IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES alius, _another_ STEMS alio- m. and n., alia:- f. BASE ali- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. alius alia aliud alii: aliae alia Gen. ali:us ali:us ali:us alio:rum alia:rum alio:rum Dat. alii: alii: alii: alii:s alii:s alii:s Acc. alium aliam aliud alio:s alia:s alia Abl. alio: alia: alio: alii:s alii:s alii:s u:nus, _one, only_ STEMS u:no- m. and n., u:na:- f. BASE u:n- MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. u:nus u:na u:num u:ni: u:nae u:na Gen. u:ni:us u:ni:us u:ni:us u:no:rum u:na:rum u:no:rum Dat. u:ni: u:ni: u:ni: u:ni:s u:ni:s u:ni:s Acc. u:num u:nam u:num u:no:s u:na:s u:na Abl. u:no: u:na: u:no: u:ni:s u:ni:s u:ni:s _a._ For the complete list see Sec. 108. _471._ ADJECTIVES OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. _I_-STEMS I. THREE ENDINGS a:cer, a:cris, a:cre, _keen, eager_ STEM a:cri- BASE a:cr- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. a:cer a:cris a:cre a:cre:s a:cre:s a:cria Gen. a:cris a:cris a:cris a:crium a:crium a:crium Dat. a:cri: a:cri: a:cri: a:cribus a:cribus a:cribus Acc. a:crem a:crem a:cre a:cri:s, a:cri:s, a:cria -e:s -e:s Abl. a:cri: a:cri: a:cri: a:cribus a:cribus a:cribus II. TWO ENDINGS omnis, omne, _every, all_ STEM omni- BASE omn- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. omnis omne omne:s omnia Gen. omnis omnis omnium omnium Dat. omni: omni: omnibus omnibus Acc. omnem omne omni:s, -e:s omnia Abl. omni: omni: omnibus omnibus III. ONE ENDING pa:r, _equal_ STEM pari- BASE par- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. pa:r pa:r pare:s paria Gen. paris paris parium parium Dat. pari: pari: paribus paribus Acc. parem pa:r pari:s, -e:s paria Abl. pari: pari: paribus paribus 1. Observe that all i-stem adjectives have -i: in the ablative singular. [Transcriber's Note: This sentence appears to be a footnote, but there is no footnote tag on the page.] _472._ PRESENT ACTIVE PARTICIPLES ama:ns, _loving_ STEM amanti- BASE amant- SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. ama:ns ama:ns amante:s amantia Gen. amantis amantis amantium amantium Dat. amanti: amanti: amantibus amantibus Acc. amantem ama:ns amanti:s, -e:s amantia Abl. amante, -i: amante, -i: amantibus amantibus ie:ns, _going_ STEM ienti-, eunti- BASE ient-, eunt- Nom. ie:ns ie:ns eunte:s euntia Gen. euntis euntis euntium euntium Dat. eunti: eunti: euntibus euntibus Acc. euntem ie:ns eunti:s, -e:s euntia Abl. eunte, -i: eunte, -i: euntibus euntibus _473._ REGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE MASC. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. altus (alto-) altior altius altissimus -a -um li:ber (li:bero-) li:berior li:berius li:berrimus -a -um pulcher (pulchro-) pulchrior pulchrius pulcherrimus -a -um auda:x (auda:ci-) auda:cior auda:cius auda:cissimus -a -um brevis (brevi-) brevior brevius brevissimus -a -um a:cer (a:cri-) a:crior a:crius a:cerrimus -a -um _474._ DECLENSION OF COMPARATIVES altior, _higher_ SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. _Nom._ altior altius altio:re:s altio:ra _Gen._ altio:ris altio:ris altio:rum altio:rum _Dat._ altio:ri: altio:ri: altio:ribus altio:ribus _Acc._ altio:rem altius altio:re:s altio:ra _Abl._ altio:re altio:re altio:ribus altio:ribus plu:s, _more_ _Nom._ ---- plu:s plu:re:s plu:ra _Gen._ ---- plu:ris plu:rium plu:rium _Dat._ ---- ---- plu:ribus plu:ribus _Acc._ ---- plu:s plu:ri:s (-e:s) plu:ra _Abl._ ---- plu:re plu:ribus plu:ribus _475._ IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE bonus, -a, -um, melior, melius, optimus, -a, -um, _good_ _better_ _best_ malus, -a, -um, peior, peius, pessimus, -a, -um, _bad_ _worse_ _worst_ magnus, -a, -um, maior, maius, maximus, -a, -um, _great_ _greater_ _greatest_ multus, -a, -um, ----, plu:s, _more_ plu:rimus, -a, -um, _much_ _most_ parvus, -a, -um, minor, minus, minimus, -a, -um,_ _small_ _smaller_ _smallest senex, senis, senior maximus na:tu: _old_ iuvenis, -e, iu:nior minimus na:tu: _young_ vetus, veteris, vetustior, -ius veterrimus, -a, -um _old_ facilis, -e, facilior, -ius facillimus, -a, -um _easy_ difficilis, -e, difficilior, -ius difficillimus, -a, -um _difficult_ similis, -e, similior, -ius simillimus, -a, -um _similar_ dissimilis, -e, dissimilior, -ius dissimillimus, -a, -um _dissimilar_ humilis, -e, _low_ humilior, -ius humillimus, -a, -um gracilis, -e, gracilior, -ius gracillimus, -a, -um _slender_ exterus, _outward_ exterior, extre:mus, extimus, _outer, exterior_ _outermost, last_ i:nferus, _below_ i:nferior, _lower_ i:nfimus, i:mus, _lowest_ posterus, posterior, _later_ postre:mus, postumus, _following_ _last_ superus, _above_ superior, supre:mus, summus, _higher_ _highest_ [[cis, citra:,]] citerior, _hither_ citimus, _hithermost_ [[_on this side_]] [[in, intra:,]] interior, _inner_ intimus, _inmost_ [[_in, within_]] [[prae, pro:,]] prior, _former_ pri:mus, _first_ [[_before_]] [[prope, _near_]] propior, _nearer_ proximus, _next_ [[ultra:, _beyond_]] ulterior, _further_ ultimus, _furthest_ _476._ REGULAR COMPARISON OF ADVERBS POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE ca:re: (ca:rus), _dearly_ ca:rius ca:rissime: misere: (miser), _wretchedly_ miserius miserrime: a:criter (a:cer), _sharply_ a:crius a:cerrime: facile (facilis), _easily_ facilius facillime: _477._ IRREGULAR COMPARISON OF ADVERBS POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE diu:, _long, a long time_ diu:tius diu:tissime: bene (bonus), _well_ melius, _better_ optime:, _best_ male (malus), _ill_ peius, _worse_ pessime:, _worst_ magnopere, _greatly_ magis, _more_ maxime:, _most_ multum (multus), _much_ plu:s, _more_ plu:rimum, _most_ parum, _little_ minus, _less_ minime:, _least_ saepe, _often_ saepi:us saepissime: _478._ NUMERALS The cardinal numerals are indeclinable excepting /u:nus\, /duo\, /tre:s\, the hundreds above one hundred, and /mi:lle\ used as a noun. The ordinals are declined like /bonus, -a, -um\. CARDINALS ORDINALS (_How many_) (_In what order_) 1, u:nus, -a, -um, _one_ pri:mus, -a, -um _first_ 2, duo, duae, duo _two_ secundus (_or_ alter) _second_ 3, tre:s, tria _three_, tertius _third_, 4, quattuor etc. qua:rtus etc. 5, qui:nque qui:ntus 6, sex sextus 7, septem septimus 8, octo: octa:vus 9, novem no:nus 10, decem decimus 11, u:ndecim u:ndecimus 12, duodecim duodecimus 13, tredecim (decem (et) tre:s) tertius decimus 14, quattuordecim qua:rtus decimus 15, qui:ndecim qui:ntus decimus 16, se:decim sextus decimus 17, septendecim septimus decimus 18, duode:vi:ginti: (octo:decim) duode:vi:ce:nsimus 19, u:nde:vi:ginti: (novendecim) u:nde:vi:ce:nsimus 20, vi:ginti: vi:ce:nsimus 21, {vi:ginti: u:nus _or_ {vi:ce:nsimus pri:mus _or_ {u:nus et vi:ginti:, etc. {u:nus et vi:ce:nsimus, etc. 30, tri:ginta: tri:ce:nsimus 40, quadra:ginta: quadra:ge:nsimus 50, qui:nqua:ginta: qui:nqua:ge:nsimus 60, sexa:ginta: sexa:ge:nsimus 70, septua:ginta: septua:ge:nsimus 80, octo:ginta: octo:ge:nsimus 90, no:na:ginta: no:na:ge:nsimus 100, centum cente:nsimus 101, centum (et) u:nus, etc. cente:nsimus (et) pri:mus, etc. 120, centum (et) vi:ginti: cente:nsimus vi:ce:nsimus 121, centum (et) vi:ginti: u:nus, cente:nsimus (et) vi:ce:nsimus etc. pri:mus, etc. 200, ducenti:, -ae, -a ducente:nsimus 300, trecenti: trecente:nsimus 400, quadringenti: quadringente:nsimus 500, qui:ngenti: qui:ngente:nsimus 600, sescenti: sescente:nsimus 700, septingenti: septingente:nsimus 800, octingenti: octingente:nsimus 900, no:ngenti: no:ngente:nsimus 1000, mi:lle mi:lle:nsimus _479._ Declension of /duo\, _two_, /tre:s\, _three_, and /mi:lle\, _a thousand_. MASC. FEM. NEUT. M. AND F. NEUT. SING. PLUR. N. duo duae duo tre:s tri:a mi:lle mi:lia G. duo:rum dua:rum duo:rum trium trium mi:lle mi:lium D. duo:bus dua:bus duo:bus tribus tribus mi:lle mi:libus A. duo:s dua:s duo tri:s tria mi:lle mi:lia _or_ duo dua:s duo _or_ tre:s tria A. duo:bus dua:bus duo:bus tribus tribus mi:lle mi:libus NOTE. /Mi:lle\ is used in the plural as a noun with a modifying genitive, and is occasionally so used in the nominative and accusative singular. For the declension of /u:nus\ cf. Sec. 470. PRONOUNS _480._ PERSONAL ego, _I_ tu:, _you_ sui:, _of himself,_ _etc._ SING. PLUR. SING. PLUR. SING. PLUR. Nom. ego no:s tu: vo:s ---- ---- Gen. mei: nostrum, -tri: tui: vestrum, -tri: sui: sui: Dat. mihi no:bi:s tibi vo:bi:s sibi sibi Acc. me: no:s te: vo:s se:, se:, se:se: se:se: Abl. me: no:bi:s te: vo:bi:s se:, se:, se:se: se:se: Note that /sui:\ is always reflexive. _481._ DEMONSTRATIVE Demonstratives belong to the first and second declensions, but have the pronominal endings -i:us or -ius and -i: in the gen. and dat. sing. ipse, _self_ SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. ipse ipsa ipsum ipsi: ipsae ipsa Gen. ipsi:'us ipsi:'us ipsi:'us ipso:rum ipsa:rum ipso:rum Dat. ipsi: ipsi: ipsi: ipsi:s ipsi:s ipsi:s Acc. ipsum ipsam ipsum ipso:s ipsa:s ipsa Abl. ipso: ipsa: ipso: ipsi:s ipsi:s ipsi:s hic, _this_ (here), _he_ Nom. hic haec hoc hi: hae haec Gen. huius huius huius ho:rum ha:rum ho:rum Dat. huic huic huic hi:s hi:s hi:s Acc. hunc hanc hoc ho:s ha:s haec Abl. ho:c ha:c ho:c hi:s hi:s hi:s iste, _this, that_ (of yours), _he_ Nom. iste ista istud isti: istae ista Gen. isti:'us isti:'us isti:'us isto:rum ista:rum isto:rum Dat. isti: isti: isti: isti:s isti:s isti:s Acc. istum istam istud isto:s ista:s ista Abl. isto: ista: isto: isti:s isti:s isti:s ille, _that_ (yonder), _he_ Nom. ille illa illud illi: illae illa Gen. illi:'us illi:'us illi:'us illo:rum illa:rum illo:rum Dat. illi: illi: illi: illi:s illi:s illi:s Acc. illum illam illud illo:s illa:s illa Abl. illo: illa: illo: illi:s illi:s illi:s is, _this, that, he_ Nom. is ea id ii:, ei: eae ea Gen. eius eius eius eo:rum ea:rum eo:rum Dat. ei: ei: ei: ii:s, ei:s ii:s, ei:s ii:s, ei:s Acc. eum eam id eo:s ea:s ea Abl. eo: ea: eo: ii:s, ei:s ii:s, ei:s ii:s, ei:s i:dem, _the same_ Nom. i:dem e'adem idem ii:'dem eae'dem e'adem ei:'dem Gen. eius'dem eius'dem eius'dem eo:run'dem ea:run'dem eo:run'dem Dat. ei:'dem ei:'dem ei:'dem ii:s'dem ii:s'dem ii:s'dem ei:s'dem ei:s'dem ei:s'dem Acc. eun'dem ean'dem idem eo:s'dem ea:s'dem e'adem Abl. eo:'dem ea:'dem eo:'dem ii:s'dem ii:s'dem ii:s'dem ei:s'dem ei:s'dem ei:s'dem NOTE. In the plural of /is\ and /i:dem\ the forms with two i's are preferred, the two i's being pronounced as one. _482._ RELATIVE qui:, _who, which, that_ SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. qui: quae quod qui: quae quae Gen. cuius cuius cuius quo:rum qua:rum quo:rum Dat. cui cui cui quibus quibus quibus Acc. quem quam quod quo:s qua:s quae Abl. quo: qua: quo: quibus quibus quibus _483._ INTERROGATIVE quis, substantive, _who, what_ SINGULAR PLURAL MASC. & FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. quis quid qui quae quae Gen. cuius cuius quo:rum qua:rum quo:rum Dat. cui cui quibus quibus quibus Acc. quem quid quo:s qua:s quae Abl. quo: quo: quibus quibus quibus The interrogative adjective /qui:, quae, quod\, is declined like the relative. _484._ INDEFINITES /quis\ and /qui:\, as declined above,[1] are used also as indefinites (_some, any_). The other indefinites are compounds of /quis\ and /qui:\. quisque, _each_ SUBSTANTIVE ADJECTIVE MASC. & FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. quisque quidque quisque quaeque quodque Gen. cuius'que cuius'que cuius'que cuius'que cuius'que Dat. cuique cuique cuique cuique cuique Acc. quemque quidque quemque quamque quodque Abl. quo:que quo:que quo:que qua:que quo:que [Footnote 1: /qua\ is generally used instead of /quae\ in the feminine nominative singular and in the neuter nominative and accusative plural.] _485._ qui:dam, _a certain one, a certain_ Observe that in the neuter singular the adjective has /quoddam\ and the substantive /quiddam\. SINGULAR MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. qui:dam quaedam quoddam, quiddam (_subst._) Gen. cuius'dam cuius'dam cuius'dam Dat. cuidam cuidam cuidam Acc. quendam quandam quoddam, quiddam (_subst._) Abl. quo:dam qua:dam quo:dam PLURAL Nom. qui:dam quaedam quaedam Gen. quo:run'dam qua:run'dam quo:run'dam Dat. quibus'dam quibus'dam quibus'dam Acc. quo:sdam qua:sdam quaedam Abl. quibus'dam quibus'dam quibus'dam _486._ /quisquam\, substantive, _any one_ (at all) MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. Nom. quisquam quicquam (quidquam) Gen. cuius'quam cuius'quam Dat. cuiquam cuiquam Acc. quemquam quicquam (quidquam) Abl. quo:quam quo:quam _487._ /aliquis\, substantive, _some one_. /aliqui:\, adjective, _some_ SINGULAR SUBSTANTIVE ADJECTIVE MASC. AND FEM. NEUT. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. aliquis aliquid aliqui: aliqua aliquod Gen. alicu'ius alicu'ius alicu'ius alicu'ius alicu'ius Dat. alicui alicui alicui alicui alicui Acc. aliquem aliquid aliquem aliquam aliquod Abl. aliquo: aliquo: aliquo: aliqua: aliquo: PLURAL FOR BOTH SUBSTANTIVE AND ADJECTIVE MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. aliqui: aliquae aliqua Gen. aliquo:'rum aliqua:'rum aliquo:'rum Dat. ali'quibus ali'quibus ali'quibus Acc. aliquo:s aliqua:s aliqua Abl. ali'quibus ali'quibus ali'quibus _a._ /quis\ (/qui:\), _any one, any_, is the least definite (Sec. 297.b). /aliquis\ (/aliqui:\), _some one, some_, is more definite than /quis\. /quisquam\, _any one_ (at all), and its adjective /u:llus\, _any_, occur mostly with a negative, expressed or implied, and in clauses of comparison. REGULAR VERBS _488._ FIRST CONJUGATION. _A_-VERBS. _AMO:_ PRINCIPAL PARTS amo:, ama:re, ama:vi:, ama:tus PRES. STEM ama:- PERF. STEM ama:v- PART. STEM ama:t- ACTIVE PASSIVE INDICATIVE PRESENT _I love, am loving,_ _I am loved_, etc. _do love_, etc. amo: ama:mus amor ama:mur ama:s ama:tis ama:ris, -re ama:mini: amat amant ama:tur amantur IMPERFECT _I loved, was loving_, _I was loved_, etc. _did love_, etc. ama:bam ama:ba:mus ama:bar ama:ba:mur ama:ba:s ama:ba:tis ama:ba:ris, -re ama:ba:mini: ama:bat ama:bant ama:ba:tur ama:bantur FUTURE _I shall love_, etc. _I shall be loved_, etc. ama:bo: ama:bimus ama:bor ama:bimur ama:bis ama:bitis ama:beris, -re ama:bimini: ama:bit ama:bunt ama:bitur ama:buntur PERFECT _I have loved, loved,_ _I have been (was) loved_, etc. _did love_, etc. ama:vi ama:vimus ama:tus, {sum ama:ti:, {sumus ama:visti: ama:vistis -a, -um {es -ae, -a {estis ama:vit ama:ve:runt, -re {est {sunt PLUPERFECT _I had loved_, etc. _I had been loved_, etc. ama:veram ama:vera:mus ama:tus, {eram ama:ti:, {era:mus ama:vera:s ama:vera:tis -a, -um {era:s -ae, -a {era:tis ama:verat ama:verant {erat {erant FUTURE PERFECT _I shall have loved_, etc. _I shall have been loved_, etc. ama:vero: ama:verimus ama:tus, {ero: ama:ti:, {erimus ama:veris ama:veritis -a, -um {eris -ae, -a {eritis ama:verit ama:verint {erit {erunt SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT amem ame:mus amer ame:mur ame:s ame:tis ame:ris, -re ame:mini: amet ament ame:tur amentur IMPERFECT ama:rem ama:remus ama:rer ama:re:mur ama:re:s ama:re:tis ama:re:ris, -re ama:re:mini: ama:ret ama:rent ama:re:tur ama:rentur PERFECT ama:verim ama:verimus ama:tus, {sim ama:ti:, {si:mus ama:veris ama:veritis -a, -um {si:s -ae, -a {si:tis ama:verit ama:verint {sit {sint PLUPERFECT ama:vissem ama:visse:mus ama:tus, {essem ama:ti:, {esse:mus ama:visse:s ama:visse:tis -a, -um {esse:s -ae, -a {esse:tis ama:visset ama:vissent {esset {essent IMPERATIVE PRESENT ama:, _love thou_ ama:re, _be thou loved_ ama:te, _love ye_ ama:mini:, _be ye loved_ FUTURE ama:to:, _thou shalt love_ ama:tor, _thou shalt be loved_ ama:to:, _he shall love_ ama:tor, _he shall be loved_ ama:to:te, _you shall love_ ---- amanto:, _they shall love_ amantor, _they shall be loved_ INFINITIVE Pres. ama:re, _to love_ ama:ri:, _to be loved_ Perf. ama:visse, ama:tus, -a, -um esse, _to have loved_ _to have been loved_ Fut. ama:tu:rus, -a, -um [[ama:tum i:ri:]], _to be about to be esse, _to be_ loved_ _about to love_ PARTICIPLES Pres. ama:ns, -antis, Pres. ---- _loving_ Fut. ama:tu:rus, -a, -um, Gerundive[1] amandus, -a, -um, _to be _about to love_ loved_ Perf. ---- Perf. ama:tus, -a, -um, _having been loved, loved_ GERUND Nom. ---- Gen. amandi:, _of loving_ Dat. amando:, _for loving_ Acc. amandum, _loving_ Abl. amando:, _by loving_ SUPINE (Active Voice) Acc. [[ama:tum]], _to love_ Abl. [[ama:tu:]], _to love, in the loving_ [Footnote 1: Sometimes called the future passive participle.] _489._ SECOND CONJUGATION. _E:_-VERBS. _MONEO:_ PRINCIPAL PARTS moneo:, mone:re, monui:, monitus PRES. STEM mone:- PERF. STEM monu- PART. STEM monit- ACTIVE PASSIVE INDICATIVE PRESENT _I advise_, etc., _I am advised,_ etc. moneo: mone:mus moneor mone:mur mone:s mone:tis mone:ris, -re mone:mini: monet monent mone:tur monentur IMPERFECT _I was advising_, etc., _I was advised_, etc. mone:bam mone:ba:mus mone:bar mone:ba:mur mone:ba:s mone:ba:tis mone:ba:ris, -re mone:ba:mini: mone:bat mone:bant mone:ba:tur mone:ba:ntur FUTURE _I shall advise_, etc., _I shall be advised_, etc. mone:bo: mone:bimus mone:bor mone:bimur mone:bis mone:bitis mone:beris, -re mone:bimini: mone:bit mone:bunt mone:bitur mone:buntur PERFECT _I have advised,_ _I have been (was) advised_, etc. _I advised_, etc. monui: monuimus {sum {sumus monuisti: monuistis monitus, {es moniti:, {estis monuit monue:runt, -re -a, -um {est -ae, -a {sunt PLUPERFECT _I had advised_, etc., _I had been advised_, etc. monueram monuera:mus {eram {era:mus monuera:s monuera:tis monitus, {eras moniti:, {eratis monuerat monuerant -a, -um {erat -ae, -a {erant FUTURE PERFECT _I shall have advised_, _I shall have been advised_, etc. etc. monuero: monuerimus {ero: {erimus monueris monueri:tis monitus, {eris moniti:, {eritis monuerit monueri:nt -a, -um {erit -ae, -a {erunt SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT moneam monea:mus monear monea:mur monea:s monea:tis monea:ris, -re monea:mini: moneat moneant monea:tur moneantur IMPERFECT mone:rem mone:re:mus mone:rer mone:re:mur mone:re:s mone:re:tis mone:re:ris, -re mone:re:mini: mone:ret mone:rent mone:re:tur mone:rentur PERFECT monuerim monuerimus {sim {si:mus monueris monueritis monitus, {si:s moniti:, {si:tis monuerit monuerint -a, -um {sit -ae, -a {sint PLUPERFECT monuissem monuisse:mus {essem {esse:mus monuisse:s monuisse:tis monitus, {esse:s moniti:, {esse:tis monuisset monuissent -a, -um {esset -ae, -a {essent IMPERATIVE PRESENT mone:, _advise thou_ mone:re, _be thou advised_ mone:te, _advise ye_ mone:mini:, _be ye advised_ FUTURE mone:to:, _thou shall_ mone:tor, _thou shalt be advised_ _advise_ mone:to:, _he shall advise_ mone:tor, _he shall be advised_ mone:to:te, _you shall advise_ ---- monento:, _they shall_ monentor, _they shall be advised_ _advise_ INFINITIVE Pres. mone:re, _to advise_ mone:ri:, _to be advised_ Perf. monuisse, _to have_ monitus, -a, -um esse, _advised_ _to have been advised_ Fut. monitu:rus, -a, -um [[monitum i:ri:]], esse, _to be_ _to be about to be advised_ _about to advise_ PARTICIPLES Pres. mone:ns, -entis, Pres. ---- _advising_ Fut. monitu:rus, -a, -um, Ger. monendus, -a, -um, _about to advise_ _to be advised_ Perf. ---- Perf. monitus, -a, -um, _having been advised, advised_ GERUND Nom. ---- Gen. monendi:, _of advising_ Dat. monendo:, _for advising_ Acc. monendum, _advising_ Abl. monendo:, _by advising_ SUPINE (Active Voice) Acc. [[monitum]], _to advise_ Abl. [[monitu:]], _to advise, in the advising_ _490._ THIRD CONJUGATION. _E_-VERBS. _REGO:_ PRINCIPAL PARTS rego:, regere, rexi:, re:ctus PRES. STEM rege- PERF. STEM re:x- PART. STEM re:ct- ACTIVE PASSIVE INDICATIVE PRESENT _I rule_, etc. _I am ruled_, etc. rego: regimus re'gor re'gimur regis regitis re'geris, -re regi'mini: regit regunt re'gitur regun'tur IMPERFECT _I was ruling_, etc. _I was ruled_, etc. rege:bam rege:ba:mus rege:'bar rege:ba:'mur rege:ba:s rege:ba:tis rege:ba:'ris, -re rege:ba:'mini: rege:bat rege:bant rege:ba:'tur rege:ban'tur FUTURE _I shall rule_, etc. _I shall be ruled_, etc. regam rege:mus re'gar rege:'mur rege:s rege:tis rege:'ris, -re rege:'mini: reget regent rege:'tur regen'tur PERFECT _I have ruled_, etc. _I have been ruled_, etc. re:xi: re:ximus {sum {sumus re:xisti: re:xistis re:ctus, {es re:cti:, {estis re:xit re:xe:runt, -re -a, -um {est -ae, -a {sunt PLUPERFECT _I had ruled_, etc. _I had been ruled_, etc. re:xeram re:xera:mus {eram {era:mus re:xera:s re:xera:tis re:ctus, {eras re:cti:, {era:tis re:xerat re:xerant -a, -um {erat -ae, -a {erant FUTURE PERFECT _I shall have ruled_, etc. _I shall have been ruled_, etc. re:xero: re:xerimus {ero: {erimus re:xeris re:xeritis re:ctus, {eris re:cti:, {eritis re:xerit re:xerint -a, -um {erit -ae, -a {erunt SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT regam rega:mus regar rega:mur rega:s rega:tis rega:ris, -re rega:mini: regat regant rega:tur regantur IMPERFECT regerem regere:mus regerer regere:mur regere:s regere:tis regere:ris, -re regere:mini: regeret regerent regere:tur regerentur PERFECT re:xerim re:xerimus {sim {si:mus re:xeris re:xeritis re:ctus, {si:s re:cti, {si:tis re:xerit re:xerint -a, -um {sit -ae, -a {sint PLUPERFECT re:xissem re:xisse:mus {essem {esse:mus re:xisse:s re:xisse:tis re:ctus, {esse:s re:cti, {esse:tis re:xisset re:xissent -a, -um {esset -ae, -a {essent IMPERATIVE PRESENT rege, _rule thou_ regere, _be thou ruled_ regite, _rule ye_ regimini:, _be ye ruled_ FUTURE regito:, _thou shalt rule_ regitor, _thou shalt be ruled_ regito: _he shall rule_ regitor, _he shall be ruled_ regito:te, _ye shall rule_ ---- regunto:, _they shall rule_ reguntor, _they shall be ruled_ INFINITIVE Pres. regere, _to rule_ regi:, _to be ruled_ Perf. re:xisse, _to have_ re:ctus, -a, -um esse, _ruled_ _to have been ruled_ Fut. re:ctu:rus, -a, -um [[re:ctum i:ri:]], esse, _to be_ _to be about to be ruled_ _about to rule_ PARTICIPLES Pres. rege:ns, -entis, Pres. ---- _ruling_ Fut. re:ctu:rus, -a, -um, Ger. regendus, -a, -um, _to be ruled_ _about to rule_ Perf. ---- Perf. re:ctus, -a, -um, _having been ruled, ruled_ GERUND Nom. ---- Gen. regendi:, _of ruling_ Dat. regendo:, _for ruling_ Acc. regendum, _ruling_ Abl. regendo:, _by ruling_ SUPINE (Active Voice) Acc. [[re:ctum]], _to rule_ Abl. [[re:ctu:]], _to rule, in the ruling_ _491._ FOURTH CONJUGATION. _I:_-VERBS. _AUDIO:_ PRINCIPAL PARTS audio:, audi:re, audi:vi:, audi:tus PRES. STEM audi:- PERF. STEM audi:v- PART. STEM audi:t- ACTIVE PASSIVE INDICATIVE PRESENT _I hear_, etc. _I am heard_, etc. audio: audi:mus au'dior audi:'mur audi:s audi:tis audi:'ris, -re audi:'mini: audit audiunt audi:'tur audiun'tur IMPERFECT _I was hearing_, etc. _I was heard_, etc. audie:bam audie:ba:mus audie:'bar audie:ba:'mur audie:ba:s audie:ba:tis audie:ba:'ris, -re audie:ba:'mini: audie:bat audie:bant audie:ba:'tur audie:ban'tur FUTURE _I shall hear_, etc. _I shall be heard_, etc. audiam audie:mus au'diar audie:'mur audie:s audie:tis audie:'ris, -re audie:'mini: audiet audient audie:'tur audien'tur PERFECT _I have heard_, etc. _I have been heard_, etc. audi:vi: audi:vimus {sum {sumus audi:visti: audi:vistis audi:tus, {es audi:ti:, {estis audi:vit audi:ve:runt, -re -a, -um {est -ae, -a {sunt PLUPERFECT _I had heard_, etc. _I had been heard_, etc. audi:veram audi:vera:mus {eram {era:mus audi:vera:s audi:vera:tis audi:tus, {eras audi:ti:, {era:tis audi:verat audi:verant -a, -um {erat -ae, -a {erant FUTURE PERFECT _I shall have heard_, etc. _I shall have been heard_, etc. audi:vero: audi:verimus {ero: {erimus audi:veris audi:veritis audi:tus, {eris audi:ti:, {eritis audi:verit audi:verint -a, -um {erit -ae, -a {erunt SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT audiam audia:mus audiar audia:mur audia:s audia:tis audia:ris, -re audia:mini: audiat audiant audia:tur audiantur IMPERFECT audi:rem audi:re:mus audi:rer audi:re:mur audi:re:s audi:re:tis audi:re:ris, -re audi:re:mini: audi:ret audi:rent audi:re:tur audi:rentur PERFECT audi:verim audi:verimus {sim {si:mus audi:veris audi:veritis audi:tus, {si:s audi:ti, {si:tis audi:verit audi:verint -a, -um {sit -ae, -a {sint PLUPERFECT audi:vissem audi:visse:mus {essem {esse:mus audi:visse:s audi:visse:tis audi:tus, {esse:s audi:ti, {esse:tis audi:visset audi:vissent -a, -um {esset -ae, -a {essent IMPERATIVE PRESENT PRESENT audi:, _hear thou_ audi:re, _be thou heard_ audi:te, _hear ye_ audi:mini:, _be ye heard_ FUTURE audi:to:, _thou shalt hear_ audi:tor, _thou shalt be heard_ audi:to: _he shall hear_ audi:tor, _he shall be heard_ audi:to:te, _ye shall hear_ ---- audunto:, _they shall hear_ audiuntor, _they shall be heard_ INFINITIVE Pres. audi:re, _to hear_ audi:ri:, _to be heard_ Perf. audi:visse, audi:tus, -a, -um esse, _to have heard_ _to have been heard_ Fut. audi:tu:rus, -a, -um [[audi:tum i:ri:]], esse, _to be_ _to be about to be heard_ _about to hear_ PARTICIPLES Pres. audie:ns, -entis, Pres. ---- _hearing_ Fut. audi:tu:rus, -a, -um, Ger. audiendus, -a, -um, _about to hear_ _to be heard_ Perf. ---- Perf. audi:tus, -a, -um, _having been heard, heard_ GERUND Nom. ---- Gen. audiendi:, _of hearing_ Dat. audiendo:, _for hearing_ Acc. audiendum, _hearing_ Abl. audiendo:, _by hearing_ SUPINE (Active Voice) Acc. [[audi:tum]], _to hear_ Abl. [[audi:tu]], _to hear, in the hearing_ _492._ THIRD CONJUGATION. VERBS IN _-IO:_. _CAPIO:_ PRINCIPAL PARTS capio:, capere, ce:pi:, captus PRES. STEM cape- PERF. STEM ce:p- PART. STEM capt- ACTIVE PASSIVE INDICATIVE PRESENT capio: capimus ca'pior ca'pimur capis capitis ca'peris, -re capi'mini: capit capiunt ca'pitur capiun'tur IMPERFECT capie:bam capiebamus capie:'bar capie:ba:'mur capie:bas capie:ba:tis capie:ba'ris, -re capie:ba:'mini: capie:bat capie:bant capie:ba:'tur capieban'tur FUTURE capiam capie:mus ca'piar capie:'mur capie:s capie:tis capie:'ris, -re capie:'mini: capiet capient capie:'tur capien'tur PERFECT ce:pi:, ce:pisti:, ce:pit, etc. captus, -a, -um sum, es, est, etc. PLUPERFECT ce:peram, ce:pera:s, ce:perat, captus, -a, -um eram, era:s, erat, etc. etc. FUTURE PERFECT ce:pero:, ce:peris, ce:perit, captus, -a, -um ero:, eris, erit, etc. etc. SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT capiam, capia:s, capiat, capiar, -ia:ris, -re, -ia:tur, etc. etc. IMPERFECT caperem, capere:s, caperet, caperer, -ere:ris, -re, -ere:tur, etc. etc. PERFECT ce:perim, ce:peris, ce:perit, captus, -a, -um sim, si:s, sit, etc. etc. PLUPERFECT ce:pissem, ce:pisse:s, captus, -a, -um essem, esse:s, ce:pisset, etc. esset, etc. IMPERATIVE PRESENT 2d Pers. cape capite capere capimini: FUTURE 2d Pers. capito: capito:te capitor ---- 3rd Pers. capito: capiunto: capitor capiuntor INFINITIVE Pres. capere capi: Perf. ce:pisse captus, -a, -um esse Fut. captu:rus, -a, -um [[captum i:ri:]] esse PARTICIPLES Pres. capie:ns, -ientis Pres. ---- Fut. captu:rus, -a, -um Ger. capiendus, -a, -um Perf. ---- Perf. captus, -a, -um GERUND Gen. capiendi: etc. SUPINE (Active Voice) Acc. [[captum]] Abl. [[captu:]] _493._ DEPONENT VERBS [Transcriber's Note: Asterisks in this section are from the original text ("marked with a star").] PRINCIPAL PARTS I. hortor, horta:ri:, horta:tus sum, _urge_ II. vereor, vere:ri:, veritus sum, _fear_ III. sequor, sequi:, secu:tus sum, _follow_ IV. partior, parti:ri:, parti:tus sum, _share, divide_ NOTE. In addition to the passive conjugation, deponent verbs use certain forms from the active. These are marked with a star. Deponent -io: verbs of the third conjugation are inflected like the passive of capio:. INDICATIVE Pres. hortor vereor sequor partior horta:ris, -re vere:ris, -re sequeris, -re parti:ris, -re horta:tur vere:tur sequitur parti:tur horta:mur vere:mur sequimur parti:mur horta:mini: vere:mini: sequimini: parti:mini: hortantur verentur sequuntur partiuntur Impf. horta:bar vere:bar seque:bar partie:bar Fut. horta:bor vere:bor sequar partiar Perf. horta:tus sum veritus sum secu:tus sum parti:tus sum Plup. horta:tus eram veritus eram secu:tus eram parti:tus eram F. P. horta:tus ero: veritus ero: secu:tus ero: parti:tus ero: SUBJUNCTIVE Pres. horter verear sequar partiar Impf. horta:rer vere:rer sequerer parti:rer Perf. horta:tus sim veritus sim secu:tus sim parti:tus sim Plup. horta:tus essem veritus essem secu:tus essem parti:tus essem IMPERATIVE Pres. horta:re vere:re sequere parti:re Fut. horta:tor vere:tor sequitor parti:tor INFINITIVE Pres. horta:ri: vere:ri: sequi: parti:ri: Perf. horta:tus esse veritus esse secu:tus esse parti:tus esse Fut. horta:tu:rus veritu:rus secu:tu:rus parti:tu:rus esse esse esse esse PARTICIPLES Pres. horta:ns vere:ns seque:ns partie:ns Fut. horta:turus veritu:rus secu:tu:rus parti:tu:rus Perf. horta:tus veritus secu:tus parti:tus Ger. hortandus verendus sequendus partiendus GERUND hortandi:, etc. verendi:, etc. sequendi:, etc. partiendi:, etc. SUPINE [[horta:tus, -tu:]] [[veritum, -tu:]] [[secu:tum, -tu:]] [[parti:tum, -tu:]] IRREGULAR VERBS _494._ sum, _am, be_ PRINCIPAL PARTS sum, esse, fui:, futu:rus PRES. STEM es- PERF. STEM fu- PART. STEM fut- INDICATIVE PRESENT SINGULAR PLURAL sum, _I am_ sumus, _we are_ es, _thou art_ estis, _you are_ est, _he (she, it) is_ sunt, _they are_ IMPERFECT eram, _I was_ era:mus, _we were_ era:s, _thou wast_ era:tis, _you were_ erat, _he was_ erant, _they were_ FUTURE ero:, _I shall be_ erimus, _we shall be_ eris, _thou wilt be_ eritis, _you will be_ erit, _he will be_ erunt, _they will be_ PERFECT fui:, _I have been, was_ fuimus, _we have been, were_ fuisti:, _thou hast been, wast_ fuistis, _you have been, were_ fuit, _he has been, was_ fue:runt, fue:re, _they have been, were_ PLUPERFECT fueram, _I had been_ fuera:mus, _we had been_ fuera:s, _thou hadst been_ fuera:tis, _you had been_ fuerat, _he had been_ fuerant, _they had been_ FUTURE PERFECT fuero:, _I shall have been_ fuerimus, _we shall have been_ fueris, _thou wilt have been_ fueritis, _you will have been_ fuerit, _he will have been_ fuerint, _they will have been_ SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT IMPERFECT SINGULAR PLURAL SINGULAR PLURAL sim si:mus essem esse:mus si:s si:tis esse:s esse:tis sit sint esset essent PERFECT PLUPERFECT fuerim fuerimus fuissem fuisse:mus fueris fueritis fuisse:s fuisse:tis fuerit fuerint fuisset fuissent IMPERATIVE PRESENT 2d Pers. Sing. es, _be thou_ 2d Pers. Plur. este, _be ye_ FUTURE 2d Pers. Sing. esto:, _thou shalt be_ 3d Pers. Sing. esto:, _he shall be_ 2d Pers. Plur. esto:te, _ye shall be_ 3d Pers. Plur. sunto:, _they shall be_ INFINITIVE Pres. esse, _to be_ Perf. fuisse, _to have been_ Fut. futu:rus, -a, -um esse or fore, _to be about to be_ PARTICIPLE futu:rus, -a, -um, _about to be_ _495._ possum, _be able, can_ PRINCIPAL PARTS possum, posse, potui:, ---- INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE SINGULAR PLURAL SINGULAR PLURAL Pres. possum pos'sumus possim possi:'mus potes potes'tis possi:s possi:'tis potest possunt possit possint Impf. poteram potera:mus possem posse:'mus Fut. potero: poterimus ---- ---- Perf. potui: potuimus potuerim potuerimus Plup. potueram potuera:mus potuissem potuisse:mus F. P. potuero: potuerimus ---- ---- INFINITIVE Pres. posse Perf. potuisse PARTICIPLE Pres. potens, _gen._ -entis, (adjective) _powerful_ _496._ pro:sum, _benefit_ PRINCIPAL PARTS pro:sum, pro:desse, pro:fui:, pro:futu:rus PRES. STEM pro:des- PERF. STEM pro:fu- PART. STEM pro:fut- INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE SINGULAR PLURAL SINGULAR PLURAL Pres. pro:sum pro:'sumus pro:sim pro:si:'mus pro:des pro:des'tis pro:si:s pro:si:'tis pro:dest pro:sunt pro:sit pro:sint Impf. pro:deram pro:dera:mus pro:dessem prodesse:'mus Fut. pro:dero: pro:derimus ---- ---- Perf. pro:fui: pro:fuimus pro:fuerim pro:fuerimus Plup. pro:fueram pro:fuera:mus pro:fuissem pro:fuisse:mus F. P. pro:fuero: pro:fuerimus ---- ---- IMPERATIVE Pres. 2d Pers. pro:des, pro:deste Fut. 2d Pers. pro:desto:, pro:desto:te INFINITIVE Pres. pro:desse Perf. pro:fuisse Fut. pro:futu:rus, -a, -um esse FUTURE PARTICIPLE pro:futu:rus, -a, -um _497._ [ volo:, no:lo:, ma:lo:] PRINCIPAL PARTS: volo:, velle, volui:, ----, _be willing, will, wish_ no:lo:, no:lle, no:lui:, ----, _be unwilling, will not_ ma:lo:, ma:lle, ma:lui:, ----, _be more willing, prefer_ /No:lo:\ and /ma:lo:\ are compounds of /volo:\. /No:lo:\ is for /ne\ (_not_) + /volo:\, and /ma:lo:\ for /ma:\ (from /magis\, _more_) + /volo:\. The second person /vi:s\ is from a different root. INDICATIVE SINGULAR Pres. volo: no:lo: ma:lo: vi:s no:n vis ma:vi:s vult no:n vult ma:vult PLURAL volumus no:lumus ma:lumus vultis no:n vultis ma:vul'tis volunt no:lunt ma:lunt Impf. vole:bam no:le:bam ma:le:bam Fut. volam, vole:s, no:lam, no:le:s, ma:lam, ma:le:s, etc. etc. etc. Perf. volui: no:lui: ma:lui: Plup. volueram no:lueram ma:lueram F. P. voluero: no:luero: ma:luero: SUBJUNCTIVE SINGULAR Pres. velim no:lim ma:lim veli:s no:li:s ma:li:s velit no:lit ma:lit PLURAL veli:'mus no:li:'mus ma:li:'mus veli:'tis no:li:'tis ma:li:'tis velint no:lint ma:lint Impf. vellem no:llem ma:llem Perf. voluerim no:luerim ma:luerim Plup. voluissem no:luissem ma:luissem IMPERATIVE Pres. no:li: no:li:te Fut. no:li:to:, etc. INFINITIVE Pres. velle no:lle ma:lle Perf. voluisse no:luisse ma:luisse PARTICIPLE Pres. vole:ns, -entis no:le:ns, -entis ---- _498._ fero:, _bear, carry, endure_ PRINCIPAL PARTS fero:, ferre, tuli:, la:tus PRES. STEM fer- PERF. STEM tul- PART. STEM la:t- INDICATIVE ACTIVE PASSIVE Pres. fero: ferimus feror ferimur fers ferti:s ferris, -re ferimimi: fert ferunt fertur feruntur Impf. fere:bam fere:bar Fut. feram, fere:s, etc. ferar, fere:ris, etc. Perf. tuli: la:tus, -a, -um sum Plup. tuleram la:tus, -a, -um eram F. P. tulero: la:tus, -a, -um ero: SUBJUNCTIVE Pres. feram, fera:s, etc. ferar, fera:ris, etc. Impf. ferrem ferrer Perf. tulerim la:tus, -a, -um sim Plup. tulissem la:tus, -a, -um essem IMPERATIVE Pres. 2d Pers. fer ferte ferre ferimini: Fut. 2d Pers. ferto: ferto:te fertor 3d Pers. ferto: ferunto fertor feruntor INFINITIVE Pres. ferre ferri: Perf. tulisse la:tus, -a, -um esse Fut. la:tu:rus, -a, -um esse ---- PARTICIPLES Pres. fere:ns, -entis Pres. ---- Fut. la:tu:rus, -a, -um Ger. ferendus, -a, -um Perf. ---- Perf. la:tus, -a, -um GERUND Gen. ferendi: Dat. ferendo: Acc. ferendum Abl. ferendo: SUPINE (Active Voice) Acc. [[la:tum]] Abl. [[la:tu:]] _499._ eo:, _go_ PRINCIPAL PARTS eo:, i:re, ii: (i:vi:), itum (n. perf. part.) PRES. STEM i:- PERF. STEM i:- or i:v- PART. STEM it- INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE IMPERATIVE SING. PLUR. Pres. eo: i:mus eam 2d Pers. i: i:te i:s i:tis it eunt Impf. i:bam i:rem Fut. i:bo: ---- 2d Pers. i:to: i:to:te 3d Pers. i:to: eunto: Perf. ii: (i:vi:) ierim (i:verim) Plup. ieram (i:veram) i:ssem (i:vissem) F. P. iero: (i:vero:) INFINITIVE Pres. i:re Perf. i:sse (i:visse) Fut. itu:rus, -a, -um esse PARTICIPLES Pres. ie:ns, _gen._ euntis (Sec. 472) Fut. itu:rus, -a, -um Ger. eundum GERUND Gen. eundi: Dat. eundo: Acc. eundum Abl. eundo: SUPINE Acc. [[itum]] Abl. [[itu:]] _a._ The verb /eo:\ is used impersonally in the third person singular of the passive, as /i:tur\, /itum est\, _etc._ _b._ In the perfect system the forms with /v\ are very rare. _500._ /fi:o:\, passive of /facio:\; _be made, become, happen_ PRINCIPAL PARTS fi:o:, fieri:, factus sum INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE IMPERATIVE Pres. fi:o: ---- fi:am 2d Pers. fi: fi:te fi:s ---- fit fi:unt Impf. fi:e:bam fierem Fut. fi:am ---- INDICATIVE SUBJUNCTIVE Perf. factus, -a, -um sum factus, -a, -um sim Plup. factus, -a, -um eram factus, -a, -um essem F. P. factus, -a, -um ero: INFINITIVE PARTICIPLES Pres. fieri: Perf. factus, -a, -um Perf. factus, -a, -um esse Ger. faciendus, -a, -um Fut. [[factum i:ri:]] [Illustration: CASTRA MURO FOSSAQUE MUNIUNTUR] APPENDIX II _501._ RULES OF SYNTAX NOTE. The rules of syntax are here classified and numbered consecutively. The number of the text section in which the rule appears is given at the end of each. _Nominative Case_ _1._ The subject of a finite verb is in the nominative and answers the question Who? or What? Sec. 36. _Agreement_ _2._ A finite verb must always be in the same person and number as its subject. Sec. 28. _3._ A predicate noun agrees in case with the subject of the verb. Sec. 76. _4._ An appositive agrees in case with the noun which it explains. Sec. 81. _5._ Adjectives agree with their nouns in gender, number, and case. Sec. 65. _6._ A predicate adjective completing a complementary infinitive agrees in gender, number, and case with the subject of the main verb. Sec. 215.a. _7._ A relative pronoun must agree with its antecedent in gender and number; but its case is determined by the way it is used in its own clause. Sec. 224. _Prepositions_ _8._ A noun governed by a preposition must be in the accusative or ablative case. Sec. 52. _Genitive Case_ _9._ The word denoting the owner or possessor of something is in the genitive and answers the question Whose? Sec. 38. _10._ The possessive genitive often stands in the predicate, especially after the forms of /sum\, and is then called the _predicate genitive_. Sec. 409. _11._ Words denoting a part are often used with the genitive of the whole, known as _the partitive genitive_. Sec. 331. _12._ Numerical descriptions of measure are expressed by the genitive with a modifying adjective. Sec. 443. _Dative Case_ _13._ The indirect object of a verb is in the dative. Sec. 45. _14._ The dative of the indirect object is used with the intransitive verbs /credo\, /faveo\, /noceo\, /pareo\, /persuadeo\, /resisto\, /studeo\, and others of like meaning. Sec. 154. _15._ Some verbs compounded with /ad\, /ante\, /con\, /de\, /in\, /inter\, /ob\, /post\, /prae\, /pro\, /sub\, /super\, admit the dative of the indirect object. Transitive compounds may take both an accusative and a dative. Sec. 426. _16._ The dative is used with adjectives to denote the object toward which the given quality is directed. Such are, especially, those meaning _near_, also _fit, friendly, pleasing, like_, and their opposites. Sec. 143. _17._ The dative is used to denote the _purpose_ or _end for which_; often with another dative denoting _the person or thing affected_. Sec. 437. _Accusative Case_ _18._ The direct object of a transitive verb is in the accusative and answers the question Whom? or What? Sec. 37. _19._ The subject of the infinitive is in the accusative. Sec. 214. _20._ The _place to which_ is expressed by /ad\ or /in\ with the accusative. Before names of towns, small islands, /domus\, and /rus\ the preposition is omitted. Secs. 263, 266. _21._ _Duration of time_ and _extent of space_ are expressed by the accusative. Sec. 336. _22._ Verbs of _making, choosing, calling, showing_, and the like, may take a _predicate accusative_ along with the direct object. With the passive voice the two accusatives become nominatives. Sec. 392. _Ablative Case_ _23._ _Cause_ is denoted by the ablative without a preposition. This answers the question Because of what? Sec. 102. _24._ _Means_ is denoted by the ablative without a preposition. This answers the question By means of what? or With what? Sec. 103. _25._ _Accompaniment_ is denoted by the ablative with /cum\. This answers the question With whom? Sec. 104. _26._ The ablative with /cum\ is used to denote the manner of an action. /Cum\ may be omitted, if an adjective is used with the ablative. This answers the question How? or In what manner? Sec. 105. _27._ With comparatives and words implying comparison the ablative is used to denote the _measure of difference_. Sec. 317. _28._ The ablative of a noun or pronoun with a present or perfect participle in agreement is used to express attendant circumstance. This is called the _ablative absolute_. Sec. 381. _29._ 1. Descriptions of physical characteristics are expressed by the ablative with a modifying adjective. Sec. 444. 2. Descriptions involving neither numerical statements nor physical characteristics may be expressed by either the genitive or the ablative with a modifying adjective. Sec. 445. _30._ The ablative is used to denote _in what respect_ something is true. Sec. 398. _31._ The _place from which_ is expressed by /a\ or /ab\, /de:\, /e:\ or /ex\ with the separative ablative. This answers the question Whence? Before names of towns, small islands, /domus\, and /rus\ the preposition is omitted. Secs. 264, 266. _32._ Words expressing separation or deprivation require an ablative to complete their meaning. This is called the _ablative of separation_. Sec. 180. _33._ The word expressing the person from whom an action starts, when not the subject, is put in the ablative with the preposition /a\ or /ab\. This is called the _ablative of the personal agent_. Sec. 181. _34._ The comparative degree, if /quam\ is omitted, is followed by the separative ablative. Sec. 309. _35._ The _time when or within which_ anything happens is expressed by the ablative without a preposition. Sec. 275. _36._ 1. The _place at or in which_ is expressed by the ablative with /in\. This answers the question Where? Before names of towns, small islands, and /rus\ the preposition is omitted. Secs. 265, 266. 2. Names of towns and small islands, if singular and of the first or second declension, and the word /domus\ express the _place in which_ by the locative. Sec. 268. _Gerund and Gerundive_ _37._ 1. The gerund is a verbal noun and is used only in the genitive, dative, accusative, and ablative singular. The constructions of these cases are in general the same as those of other nouns. Sec. 406.1. 2. The gerundive is a verbal adjective and must be used instead of gerund + object, excepting in the genitive and in the ablative without a preposition. Even in these instances the gerundive construction is more usual. Sec. 406.2. _38._ The accusative of the gerund or gerundive with /ad\, or the genitive with /causa\, is used to express purpose. Sec. 407. _Moods and Tenses of Verbs_ _39._ Primary tenses are followed by primary tenses, and secondary by secondary. Sec. 358. _40._ The subjunctive is used in a dependent clause to express the _purpose_ of the action in the principal clause. Sec. 349. _41._ _A substantive clause of purpose_ with the subjunctive is used as object with verbs of _commanding, urging, asking, persuading_, or _advising_, where in English we should usually have the infinitive. Sec. 366. _42._ Verbs of _fearing_ are followed by a substantive clause of purpose introduced by /ut\ (_that not_) or /ne:\ (_that_ or _lest_). Sec. 372. _43._ _Consecutive clauses of result_ are introduced by /ut\ or /ut non\, and have the verb in the subjunctive. Sec. 385. _44._ _Object clauses of result_ with /ut\ or /ut non\ are found after verbs of effecting or bringing about. Sec. 386. _45._ A relative clause with the subjunctive is often used to describe an antecedent. This is called the _subjunctive of characteristic or description_. Sec. 390. _46._ The conjunction /cum\ means _when, since_, or _although_. It is followed by the subjunctive unless it means _when_ and its clause fixes the time at which the main action took place. Sec. 396. _47._ When a direct statement becomes indirect, the principal verb is changed to the infinitive, and its subject nominative becomes subject accusative of the infinitive. Sec. 416. _48._ The accusative-with-infinitive construction in indirect statements is found after verbs of _saying, telling, knowing, thinking_, and _perceiving_. Sec. 419. _49._ A present indicative of a direct statement becomes present infinitive of the indirect, a past indicative becomes perfect infinitive, and a future indicative becomes future infinitive. Sec. 418. _50._ In an _indirect question_ the verb is in the subjunctive and its tense is determined by the law for tense sequence. Sec. 432. [Illustration: DOMINA] APPENDIX III REVIEWS[1] [Footnote 1: It is suggested that each of these reviews be assigned for a written test.] [Transcriber's Note: In this Review section, the lists of English words for translation may not be in the same order as in the original.] I. REVIEW OF VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR THROUGH LESSON VIII _502._ Give the English of the following words:[1] NOUNS agricola /gallina\ ancilla iniuria /aqua\ /insula\ /casa\ /luna\ /causa\ /nauta\ cena /pecunia\ /corona\ puella /dea\ /pugna\ domina /sagitta\ fabula /silva\ /fera\ /terra\ /filia\ /tuba\ /fortuna\ /via\ /fuga\ /victoria\ ADJECTIVES /alta\ /magna\ /bona\ /mala\ /clara\ /nova\ /grata\ /parva\ /lata\ /pulchra\ /longa\ /sola\ VERBS amat /necat\ /dat\ /nuntiat\ /est\ /parat\ habitat /portat\ /laborat\ /pugnat\ /laudat\ /sunt\ narrat /vocat\ PREPOSITIONS /a:\ or /ab\ /ad\ /cum\ /de\ /e:\ or /ex\ /in\ PRONOUNS /mea\ /tua\ /quis\ /cuius\ /cui\ /quem\ /quid\ ADVERBS /cur\ /deinde\ /non\ /ubi\ CONJUNCTIONS /et\ quia /quod\ INTERROGATIVE PARTICLE /-ne\ [Footnote 1: Proper nouns and proper adjectives are not repeated in the reviews. Words used in Cassar's "Gallic War" are in heavy type.] _503._ Give the Latin of the following words:[1] Underline the words you do not remember. Do not look up a single word till you have gone through the entire list. Then drill on the words you have underlined. _flight_ _wide_ story tells _new_ _money_ lives (verb) _calls_ _away from_ _with_ _who_ _your_ _why_ _then, in the next place_ _forest_ _daughter_ _wreath_ _to whom_ _deep, high_ _fortune_ dinner _famous_ _out from_ _labors_ (verb) _my_ _kills_ _where_ _not_ _trumpet_ _in_ lady, mistress _and_ _whom_ _sailor_ _island_ farmer _goddess_ _what_ _wild beast_ _way_ _praises_ (verb) _bad_ _alone_ loves _pleasing_ _pretty_ _prepares_ _water_ _are_ _great_ _to_ _is_ _because_ _announces_ _arrow_ _injury, wrong_ _cottage_ _battle_ (noun) _gives_ _small_ girl _fights_ (verb) _good_ maid _carries_ _down from_ _chicken_ _long_ _victory_ _cause_ _land_ _whose_ [Footnote 1: The translations of words used in Caesar are in italics.] _504._ Review Questions. How many syllables has a Latin word? How are words divided into syllables? What is the ultima? the penult? the antepenult? When is a syllable short? When is a syllable long? What is the law of Latin accent? Define the subject of a sentence; the predicate; the object; the copula. What is inflection? declension? conjugation? What is the ending of the verb in the third person singular, and what in the plural? What does the form of a noun show? Name the Latin cases. What case is used for the subject? the direct object? the possessor? What relation is expressed by the dative case? Give the rule for the indirect object. How are questions answered in Latin? What is a predicate adjective? an attributive adjective? What is meant by agreement? Give the rule for the agreement of the adjective. What are the three relations expressed by the ablative? What can you say of the position of the possessive pronoun? the modifying genitive? the adjective? What is the base? What is grammatical gender? What is the rule for gender in the first declension? What are the general principles of Latin word order? _505._ Fill out the following summary of the first declension: THE FIRST OR A-DECLENSION 1. Ending in the nominative singular 2. Rule for gender 3. Case terminations a. Singular b. Plural 4. Irregular nouns II. REVIEW OF LESSONS IX-XVII _506._ Give the English of the following words: NOUNS OF THE FIRST DECLENSION /agri cultura\ /galea\ /constantia\ /inopia\ /copia\ /lacrima\ /diligentia\ /lorica\ /fama\ /patria\ femina /praeda\ NOUNS OF THE SECOND DECLENSION /ager\ /liberi\ /amicus\ magister /arma\ (plural) /murus\ /auxilium\ /numerus\ /bellum\ /oppidanus\ /carrus\ /oppidum\ /castrum\ /pilum\ /cibus\ /populus\ /consilium\ /praemium\ /domicilium\ /proelium\ dominus /puer\ /equus\ /scutum\ /filius\ /servus\ fluvius /studium\ /frumentum\ /telum\ /gladius\ /vicus\ /legatus\ /vir\ ADJECTIVES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS /aeger, aegra, aegrum\ /alius, alia, aliud\ /alter, altera, alterum\ /armatus, -a, -um\ /creber, crebra, crebrum\ /durus, -a, -um\ /finitimus, -a, -um\ /infirmus, -a, -um\ /legionarius, -a, -um\ /liber, libera, liberum\ /maturus, -a, -um\ /meus, -a, -um\ /miser, misera, miserum\ /multus, -a, -um\ /neuter, neutra, neutrum\ /noster, nostra, nostrum\ /nullus, -a, -um\ /pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum\ /solus, -a, -um\ /suus, -a, -um\ /totus, -a, -um\ /tuus, -a, -um\ /ullus, -a, -um\ /unus, -a, -um\ /uter, utra, utrum\ validus, -a, -um /vester, vestra, vestrum\ VERBS arat /curat\ /desiderat\ /maturat\ /properat\ DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN /is, ea, id\ CONJUNCTIONS /an\ /-que\ /sed\ ADVERBS /iam\ quo /saepe\ PREPOSITION /apud\ _507._ Give the Latin of the following words: _sword_ _shield_ (noun) _corselet_ _whole_ _man_ _it_ _your_ (plural) _aid_ (noun) _hasten_ _legionary_ _but_ _weak_ _among_ _arms_ _tear_ (noun) master (of school) _village_ _friend_ strong _neighboring_ _long for_ _sick_ _and_ (enclitic) _lieutenant_ _often_ _field_ _want_ (noun) _report, rumor_ _which_ (of two) _abode_ _care for_ _boy_ _or_ (in a question) _his own_ whither _alone_ _wagon_ _prize_ (noun) _townsman_ master (owner) _wretched_ _carefulness_ _ripe_ _plenty_ _war_ _troops_ _number_ _plan_ (noun) _my_ _people_ _free_ (adj.) _beautiful_ _children_ _no_ (adj.) _wall_ _our_ _grain_ _battle_ _weapon_ _spear_ _one_ _food_ plow (verb) _steadiness_ _this_ or _that_ _fatherland_ _already_ _town_ _helmet_ _fort_ river _camp_ _zeal_ _neither_ (of two) _any_ _much_ _he_ _agriculture_ _son_ _other_ _slave_ _the other_ (of two) _your_ (singular) _hard_ _she_ _booty_ _woman_ _frequent_ _horse_ _armed_ _508._ Review Questions. How many declensions are there? What three things must be known about a noun before it can be declined? What three cases of neuter nouns are always alike, and in what do they end in the plural? What two plural cases are always alike? When is the vocative singular not like the nominative? What is a predicate noun? With what does it agree? What is an appositive? Give the rule for the agreement of an appositive. How can we tell whether a noun in -er is declined like /puer\ or like /ager\? Decline /bonus\, /liber\, /pulcher\. How can we tell whether an adjective in -er is declined like /liber\ or like /pulcher\? Why must we say /nauta bonus\ and not /nauta bona\? Name the Latin possessive pronouns. How are they declined? With what does the possessive pronoun agree? When do we use /tuus\ and when /vester\? Why is /suus\ called a _reflexive_ possessive? What is the non-reflexive possessive of the third person? When are possessives omitted? What four uses of the ablative case are covered by the relations expressed in English by _with_? Give an illustration in Latin of the _ablative of manner_; of the _ablative of cause_; of the _ablative of means_; of the _ablative of accompaniment_. What ablative regularly has /cum\? What ablative sometimes has /cum\? What uses of the ablative never have /cum\? Name the nine pronominal adjectives, with their meanings. Decline /alius\, /nullus\. Decline /is\. What does /is\ mean as a demonstrative adjective or pronoun? What other important use has it? _509._ Fill out the following summary of the second declension: THE SECOND OR O-DECLENSION 1. Endings in the nominative 2. Rule for gender 3. Case terminations of nouns in -us a. Singular b. Plural a. The vocative singular of nouns in -us 4. Case terminations of nouns in -um a. Singular b. Plural 5. Peculiarities of nouns in -er and -ir 6. Peculiarities of nouns in -ius and -ium III. REVIEW OF LESSONS XVIII-XXVI _510._ Give the English of the following words: NOUNS OF THE FIRST DECLENSION /disciplina\ regina /forma\ superbia /poena\ /tristitia\ /potentia\ NOUNS OF THE SECOND DECLENSION ludus /ornamentum\ sacrum /socius\ /verbum\ ADJECTIVES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS /amicus\ iratus /antiquus\ /laetus\ /finitimus\ /molestus\ /gratus\ /perpetuus\ /idoneus\ /proximus\ /inimicus\ /septem\ /interfectus\ /superbus\ ADVERBS hodie /ibi\ /maxime\ mox /nunc\ /nuper\ CONJUNCTIONS /etiam\ /non solum ... sed etiam\ PERSONAL PRONOUN /ego\ VERBS CONJ. I volo, -are CONJ. II /deleo, -ere\ /noceo, -ere\ /doceo, -ere\ /pareo, -ere\ /faveo, -ere\ /persuadeo, -ere\ /habeo, -ere\ sedeo, -ere /iubeo, -ere\ /studeo, -ere\ /moneo, -ere\ /video, -ere\ /moveo, -ere\ CONJ. III /ago, -ere\ /fugio, -ere\ /capio, -ere\ /iacio, -ere\ /credo, -ere\ /mitto, -ere\ /dico, -ere\ rapio, -ere /duco, -ere\ /rego, -ere\ /facio, -ere\ /resisto, -ere\ CONJ. IV /audio, -ire\ /munio, -ire\ /reperio, -ire\ /venio, -ire\ IRREGULAR VERB /sum, esse\ _511._ Give the Latin of the following words. In the case of verbs always give the first form and the present infinitive. _ancient_ _power_ _come_ _make, do_ _resist_ _injure_ _see_ _now_ _be_ _annoying_ fly _lead_ _I_ _move_ _proud_ soon _word_ _glad_ _sadness_ _punishment_ _find_ _believe_ _rule_ (verb) _advise_ _be eager for_ _especially, most of all_ _not only ... but also_ angry _seven_ _beauty_ _ally, companion_ _say_ pride _command_ (verb) _fortify_ _there_ _send_ _slain_ sit _training_ _also_ _take_ school _have_ _hear_ to-day _hurl_ _unfriendly_ _persuade_ _drive_ _only_ _favor_ (verb) _nearest_ _suitable_ sacred rite _pleasing_ queen _teach_ _flee_ _neighboring_ _obey_ _destroy_ _lately_ _friendly_ _constant_ seize _ornament_ _512._ Review Questions. What is conjugation? Name two important differences between conjugation in Latin and in English. What is tense? What is mood? What are the Latin moods? When do we use the indicative mood? Name the six tenses of the indicative. What are personal endings? Name those you have had. Inflect sum in the three tenses you have learned. How many regular conjugations are there? How are they distinguished? How is the present stem found? What tenses are formed from the present stem? What is the tense sign of the imperfect? What is the meaning of the imperfect? What is the tense sign of the future in the first two conjugations? in the last two? Before what letters is a final long vowel of the stem shortened? What are the three possible translations of a present, as of pugno? Inflect aro, sedeo, mitto, facio, and venio, in the present, imperfect, and future active. What forms of -io verbs of the third conjugation are like audio? what like rego? Give the rule for the dative with adjectives. Name the special intransitive verbs that govern the dative. What does the imperative mood express? How is the present active imperative formed in the singular? in the plural? What three verbs have a shortened present active imperative? Give the present active imperative of porto, deleo, ago, facio, munio. IV. REVIEW OF LESSONS XXVII-XXXVI _513._ Give the English of the following words: NOUNS OF THE FIRST DECLENSION /ala\ /cura\ /mora\ /porta\ /provincia\ /vita\ NOUNS OF THE SECOND DECLENSION /animus\ /navigium\ aurum oraculum /bracchium\ /periculum\ /deus\ /ventus\ /locus\ /vinum\ monstrum ADJECTIVES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS /adversus\ /dubius\ attentus /maximus\ /carus\ perfidus /commotus\ /plenus\ /defessus\ saevus /dexter\ /sinister\ ADVERBS /antea\ /ita\ /celeriter\ /longe\ /denique\ /semper\ /diu\ /subito\ /frustra\ /tamen\ /graviter\ /tum\ CONJUNCTIONS /autem\ /si\ /ubi\ PREPOSITIONS /de\ /per\ /pro\ /sine\ VERBS CONJ. I /adpropinquo\ /servo\ /navigo\ /sto\ /occupo\ /supero\ /postulo\ /tempto\ /recuso\ /vasto\ /reporto\ /vulnero\ CONJ. II /contineo\ /egeo\ /prohibeo\ /respondeo\ /teneo\ CONJ. III /discedo\ /gero\ /interficio\ IRREGULAR VERB /absum\ _514._ Translate the following words. Give the genitive and the gender of the nouns and the principal parts of the verbs. _be away_ _heavily_ _wind_ monster _through_ _approach_ _if_ _nevertheless_ savage _place_ _wound_ (verb) _be without, lack_ _wine_ _moved_ _delay_ gold faithless _restrain, keep from_ _right_ _without_ _seize_ _hold_ _quickly_ _suddenly_ _before, in behalf of_ _dear_ _battle_ _always_ _down from_ or _concerning_ _god_ _moreover_ _hold in, keep_ _greatest_ _afar_ oracle _thus, so, as follows_ _danger_ _arm_ (noun) _lay waste_ _when_ _gate_ _in vain_ _doubtful_ _stand_ _opposite, adverse_ _bring back, win_ _demand_ _before, previously_ _finally_ _depart, go away_ attentive _province_ _then, at that time_ _care, trouble_ _weary_ _kill_ _overcome, conquer_ _reply_ (verb) _conquer_ _wing_ _boat, ship_ _mind, heart_ _sail_ (verb) _left_ (adj.) _life_ _bear, carry on_ _save_ _try_ _full_ _for a long time_ _refuse_ _515._ Give the principal parts and meaning of the following verbs: /sum\ /faveo\ /do\ /noceo\ /teneo\ /dico\ /iubeo\ /pareo\ /ago\ /duco\ /mitto\ /facio\ /munio\ /persuadeo\ /moveo\ /sedeo\ /credo\ /studeo\ /rapio\ /fugio\ /reperio\ /venio\ /deleo\ /iacio\ /resisto\ /video\ /audio\ /absum\ /moneo\ /egeo\ /capio\ /gero\ /doceo\ /sto\ /rego\ _516._ Review Questions. What are the personal endings in the passive voice? What is the letter -r sometimes called? What are the distinguishing vowels of the four conjugations? What forms constitute the principal parts? What are the three different conjugation stems? How may they be found? What are the tenses of the indicative? of the infinitive? What tense of the imperative have you learned? What forms are built on the present stem? on the perfect stem? on the participial stem? What are the endings of the perfect active indicative? What is the tense sign of the pluperfect active? of the future perfect active? How is the present active infinitive formed? the present passive infinitive? How is the present active imperative formed? the present passive imperative? How is the perfect active infinitive formed? the perfect passive infinitive? How is the future active infinitive formed? What is a participle? How are participles in -us declined? Give the rule for the agreement of the participle. How are the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect passive indicative formed? Conjugate the verb /sum\ in all moods and tenses as far as you have learned it (Sec. 494). What is meant by the separative ablative? How is the place _from which_ expressed in Latin? Give the rule for the ablative of separation; for the ablative of the personal agent. How can we distinguish between the ablative of means and the ablative of the personal agent? What is the perfect definite? the perfect indefinite? What is the difference in meaning between the perfect indefinite and the imperfect? What two cases in Latin may be governed by a preposition? Name the prepositions that govern the ablative. What does the preposition /in\ mean when it governs the ablative? the accusative? What are the three interrogatives used to introduce _yes_-and-_no_ questions? Explain the force of each. What words are sometimes used for _yes_ and _no?_ What are the different meanings and uses of ubi? V. REVIEW OF LESSONS XXXVII-XLIV _517._ Give the English of the following words: NOUNS FIRST DECLENSION SECOND DECLENSION /ripa\ /barbari\ /captivus\ /castellum\ /impedimentum\ THIRD DECLENSION /animal\ /homo\ /ordo\ /arbor\ /hostis\ /pater\ /avis\ /ignis\ /pedes\ /caedes\ /imperator\ /pes\ /calamitas\ /insigne\ pons calcar /iter\ /princeps\ /caput\ iudex /rex\ /civis\ /labor\ /salus\ /cliens\ /lapis\ /sanguis\ /collis\ /legio\ /soror\ /consul\ /mare\ tempus /dens\ /mater\ /terror\ /dux\ /mensis\ /turris\ /eques\ /miles\ /urbs\ /finis\ /mons\ /victor\ /flumen\ /navis\ /virtus\ fons /opus\ /vis\ /frater\ /orator\ ADJECTIVES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS /barbarus\ /dexter\ /sinister\ /summus\ PREPOSITIONS /in\ with the abl. /in\ with the acc. /trans\ ADVERBS /cotidie\ /numquam\ CONJUNCTIONS /nec, neque\ /nec ... nec\, or /neque ... neque\ VERBS CONJ. I CONJ. III /cesso\ /accipio\ /oppugno\ /peto\ /confirmo\ /vinco\ /veto\ /incipio\ /pono\ /vivo\ _518._ Translate the following words. Give the genitive and the gender of the nouns and the principal parts of the verbs: _forbid_ _in_ _rank, row_ _judge_ _brother_ _defeat, disaster_ _force_ _fire_ _across_ _tree_ _savages_ _foot soldier_ _horseman_ _receive_ _never_ _general_ _mountain_ _highest_ _manliness, courage_ _fountain_ _leader_ _orator_ _put, place_ _neither ... nor_ _time_ _and not_ _savage, barbarous_ _left_ _sister_ _tooth_ _seek_ _soldier_ _captive_ _month_ _hindrance, baggage_ _city_ _captive_ _victor_ _hindrance, baggage_ _daily_ _man-of-war_ _live_ (verb) _conquer_ _redoubt, fort_ _consul_ _sea_ _mother_ _tower_ _retainer_ _drill_ (verb) _citizen_ _legion_ _head_ _terror_ _safety_ _into, to_ _assail, storm_ _right_ (adj.) _begin_ _stone_ _march_ _blood_ _decoration_ _labor_ (noun) _bridge_ _king_ _bird_ _spur_ _cease_ _chief_ _man_ _slaughter_ _river_ _strengthen_ _work_ (noun) _foot_ _and_ _enemy_ _ship_ _animal_ _bank_ _father_ _519._ Review Questions. Give the conjugation of /possum\. What is an infinitive? What three uses has the Latin infinitive that are like the English? What is the case of the subject of the infinitive? What is meant by a complementary infinitive? In the sentence _The bad boy cannot be happy_, what is the case of _happy_? Give the rule. Decline /qui\. Give the rule for the agreement of the relative. What are the two uses of the interrogative? Decline /quis\. What is the base of a noun? How is the stem formed from the base? Are the stem and the base ever the same? How many declensions of nouns are there? Name them. What are the two chief divisions of the third declension? How are the consonant stems classified? Explain the formation of /lapis\ from the stem lapid-, /miles\ from milit-, /rex\ from reg-. What nouns have i-stems? What peculiarities of form do i-stems have,--masc., fem., and neut.? Name the five nouns that have -i and -e in the abl. Decline /turris\. Give the rules for gender in the third declension. Decline /miles\, /lapis\, /rex\, /virtus\, /consul\, /legio\, /homo\, /pater\, /flumen\, /opus\, /tempus\, /caput\, /caedes\, /urbs\, /hostis\, /mare\, /animal\, /vis\, /iter\. _520._ Fill out the following scheme: { { Masculine { GENDER { Feminine { ENDINGS { Neuter { THE THIRD { { I. CONSONANT { _a_. Masc. and fem. DECLENSION { { STEMS { _b_. Neuters { CASE { { TERMINATIONS { { { { { II. _I_-STEMS { _a_. Masc. and fem. { { { _b_. Neuters { { IRREGULAR NOUNS VI. REVIEW OF LESSONS XLV-LII _521._ Give the English of the following words: NOUNS FIRST DECLENSION /amicitia\ /hora\ /littera\ SECOND DECLENSION /annus\ /supplicium\, /modus\ /supplicium dare\ /nuntius\ /supplicium sumere de\ /oculus\ /tergum\, /regnum\ /tergum vertere\ /signum\ /vestigium\ THIRD DECLENSION /aestas\ /nox\ /corpus\ /pars\ /hiems\ /pax\ /libertas\ rus /lux\, /sol\ /prima lux\ /vox\ /nomen\ /vulnus\ FOURTH DECLENSION /adventus\ /impetus\ /cornu\ /lacus\ /domus\ /manus\ /equitatus\ /metus\ /exercitus\ /portus\ /fluctus\ FIFTH DECLENSION /acies\ /res\, /dies\ /res gestae\ /fides\, /res adversae\ /in fidem venire\ /res secundae\ /res publica\ /spes\ INDECLINABLE NOUN /nihil\ ADJECTIVES FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS /densus\ /pristinus\ /invisus\ /publicus\ /mirus\ /secundus\ /pauci\ /tantus\ /primus\ /verus\ THIRD DECLENSION /acer, acris, acre\ /gravis, grave\ /brevis, breve\ /incolumis, incolume\ /difficilis, difficile\ /omnis, omne\ /facilis, facile\ /par, par\ /fortis, forte\ /velox, velox\ PRONOUNS PERSONAL /ego\ /nos\ /sui\ /tu\ /vos\ DEMONSTRATIVE /hic\ /idem\ /ille\ /iste\ INTENSIVE /ipse\ INDEFINITE /aliquis, aliqui\ /quidam\ /quis, qui\ /quisquam\ /quisque\ ADVERBS /ne: ... quidem\ /quoque\ olim /satis\ /paene\ /vero\ CONJUNCTIONS /itaque\ /nisi\ PREPOSITIONS /ante\ /post\ /propter\ VERBS CONJ. I CONJ. II /conloco\ /debeo\ /convoco\ /exerceo\ /cremo\ /maneo\ /demonstro\ /placeo\ /mando\ /sustineo\ CONJ. III CONJ. IV /committo\, /desilio\ /committere proelium\ /decido\ /eripio\ /sumo\, /sumere supplicium de\ /traduco\ /verto\ _522._ Translate the following words. Give the genitive and the gender of the nouns and the principal parts of the verbs. _if not, unless_ _adversity_ _on account of_ _former, old-time_ _public_ _all, every_ _commonwealth_ _any one_ (at all) _leap down, dismount_ _this_ (of mine) _unharmed_ _heavy, serious_ _lead across_ _hateful, detested_ _remain_ _true_ _call together_ _burn_ _friendship_ _snatch from_ _footprint, trace_ _letter_ _each_ _punishment_ _fear_ (noun) _inflict punishment on_ _hope_ _behind, after_ _therefore_ _suffer punishment_ _so great_ _liberty_ _equal_ _sun_ _in truth, indeed_ _sustain_ _that_ (yonder) _take up, assume_ _a certain_ _hour_ _fall down_ _reign, realm_ _owe, ought_ _messenger_ _measure, mode_ _part, direction_ _eye_ _body_ _name_ _harbor_ _wave, billow_ _faith, protection_ _thing, matter_ _of himself_ _exploits_ _also, too_ _republic_ _sufficiently_ _prosperity_ _you_ (plur.) _burn_ _peace_ _that_ (of yours) _back_ _before_ _turn the back, retreat_ _light_ _night_ _daybreak_ _hand, force_ _winter_ _lake_ _attack_ _day_ _line of battle_ _commit, intrust_ _army_ _a few only_ _drill, train_ _sharp, eager_ _join battle_ _we_ _house, home_ _turn_ _midday_ _you_ (sing.) _wonderful_ _I_ _brave_ _signal_ _almost_ _summer_ _the same_ _cavalry_ _some, any_ _wound_ _if any one_ _horn, wing_ _self, very_ _country_ _not even_ _second, favorable_ _easy_ _formerly, once_ _dense_ _short_ _point out, explain_ _voice_ _difficult_ _arrival_ _first_ _come under the protection of_ _arrange, station_ _nothing_ _please_ _swift_ _year_ _523._ Review Questions. By what declensions are Latin adjectives declined? What can you say about the stem of adjectives of the third declension? Into what classes are these adjectives divided? How can you tell to which of the classes an adjective belongs? Decline /acer, omnis, par\. What are the nominative endings and genders of nouns of the fourth or u-declension? What nouns are feminine by exception? Decline /adventus, lacus, cornu, domus\. Give the rules for the ordinary expression of the _place to which_, the _place from which_, the _place in which_. What special rules apply to names of towns, small islands, and /rus\? What is the locative case? What words have a locative case? What is the form of the locative case? Translate _Galba lives at home, Galba lives at Rome, Galba lives at Pompeii_. What is the rule for gender in the fifth or /e:\-declension? Decline /dies\, /res\. When is the long /e:\ shortened? What can you say about the plural of the fifth declension? Decline /tuba\, /servus\, /pilum\, /ager\, /puer\, /miles\, /consul\, /flumen\, /caedes\, /animal\. How is the _time when_ expressed? Name the classes of pronouns and define each class. Decline /ego, tu, is\. What are the reflexives of the first and second persons? What is the reflexive of the third person? Decline it. Translate _I see myself, he sees himself, he sees him_. Decline /ipse\. How is /ipse\ used? Decline /idem\. Decline /hic\, /iste\, /ille\. Explain the use of these words. Name and translate the commoner indefinite pronouns. Decline /aliquis\, /quisquam\, /quidam\, /quisque\. VII. REVIEW OF LESSONS LIII-LX _524._ Give the English of the following words: NOUNS FIRST DECLENSION /aquila\ /fossa\ SECOND DECLENSION /aedificium\ /negotium\ /captivus\ /spatium\ /concilium\ /vallum\ /imperium\ THIRD DECLENSION /agmen\ /mors\ /celeritas\ /mulier\ /civitas\ /multitudo\ /clamor\ /munitio\ /cohors\ /nemo\ /difficultas\ /obses\ /explorator\ /opinio\ /gens\ /regio\ /latitudo\ /rumor\ /longitudo\ /scelus\ /magnitudo\ /servitus\ /mens\ /timor\ /mercator\ /valles\ /mille\ FOURTH DECLENSIONS /aditus\ /passus\ /commeatus\ FIFTH DECLENSION /res frumentaria\ ADJECTIVES FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSIONS /aequus\ /pessimus\ /bini\ /plurimus\ /ducenti\ /posterus\ /duo\ /primus\ /exterus\ reliquus /inferus\ /secundus\ /maximus\ /singuli\ /medius\ /superus\ /minimus\ /tardus\ /opportunus\ /terni\ /optimus\ /unus\ THIRD DECLENSION /alacer, alacris, alacre\ /audax, audax\ /celer, celeris, celere\ /citerior, citerius\ /difficilis, difficile\ /dissimilis, dissimile\ /facilis, facile\ gracilis, gracile /humilis, humile\ /ingens, ingens\ /interior, interius\ /lenis, lene\ /maior, maius\ /melior, melius\ /minor, minus\ /nobilis, nobile\ /peior, peius\ ----, /plus\ /prior, prius\ /recens, recens\ /similis, simile\ /tres, tria\ /ulterior, ulterius\ ADVERBS /acriter\ /optime\ /audacter\ /parum\ /bene\ /paulo\ /facile\ /plurimum\ /fere\ /prope\ /fortiter\ /propius\ /magis\ /proxime\ /magnopere\ /quam\ /maxime\ /statim\ /melius\ /tam\ /minime\ /undique\ /multum\ CONJUNCTIONS /atque, ac\ /qua de causa\ /aut\ /quam ob rem\ /aut ... aut\ /simul atque or\ /et ... et\ /simul ac /nam\\ PREPOSITIONS /circum\ /contra\ /inter\ /ob\ /trans\ VERBS CONJ. I CONJ. II /conor\ /obtineo\ /hortor\ /perterreo\ /moror\ /valeo\ /vexo\ /vereor\ CONJ. III /abdo\ /patior\ /cado\ premo /cognosco\ /proficiscor\ /consequor\ /progredior\ /contendo\ /quaero\ /cupio\ /recipio\ /curro\ /relinquo\ /dedo\ /revertor\ /defendo\ /sequor\ egredior statuo /incendo\ subsequor /incolo\ /suscipio\ /insequor\ /trado\ /occido\ /traho\ CONJ. IV /orior\ pervenio\ _525._ Translate the following words. Give the genitive and the gender of the nouns and the principal parts of the verbs: _on account of_ _width_ _nearly_ _scout_ _keenly, sharply_ _cohort_ _thousand_ _tribe, nation_ _two_ _business_ _opportune_ _by a little_ _remaining_ _somewhat_ _above_ (adj.) _crime_ _next_ _difficult_ _grain supply_ _equal_ _pace_ _move forward, advance_ _shout_ (noun) _further_ _from all sides_ _multitude_ _against_ _woman_ _around_ _desire_ (verb) _three_ _give over, surrender_ _line of march_ _kill_ _manor_ _overtake_ _region_ _hasten, strive_ _fortification_ _hide_ _eagle_ _one_ _almost_ _first_ _boldly_ _second, favorable_ _bravely_ _two hundred_ _across_ _former_ _between, among_ _inner_ _hither_ (adj.) _middle_ _so_ _low_ _less_ _outward_ _more_ _three by three_ _most_ _provisions_ _worst_ _speed_ _difficulty_ _ditch_ _hostage_ _wherefore_ or _therefore_ _death_ _length_ _command, power_ _for this reason_ _captive_ _fear_ (noun) _or_ _return_ _and_ _inquire_ _arrive_ _set out_ _attempt, try_ _move out, disembark_ _fear_ (verb) _leave_ _worse_ _abandon_ _greater, larger_ _be strong_ _two by two_ _receive, recover_ _least_ (adv.) _terrify, frighten_ _opinion, expectation_ _dwell_ _defend_ _state, citizenship_ _approach, entrance_ _valley_ _trader_ _slavery_ _magnitude, size_ _greatly_ _council, assembly_ _best of all_ (adv.) _space, room_ _better_ (adv.) _either ... or_ _well_ (adv.) _rise, arise_ _very much_ _suffer, allow_ _much_ _press hard_ _unlike_ _fall_ _like_ (adj.) _surrender_ _slow_ _set fire to_ _very greatly, exceedingly_ _possess, hold_ _building_ _delay_ (verb) _mind_ (noun) _nearest_ (adv.) _easily_ _nearer_ (adv.) _easy_ _better_ (adj.) _recent_ _well known, noble_ _huge, great_ _rampart_ _bold_ _mild, gentle_ _immediately_ _swift_ _as soon as_ _eager_ _for_ _low_ (adj.) _than_ _slender_ _best_ (adj.) _one by one_ _greatest_ _no one_ _follow close_ _least_ (adv.) _encourage_ _little_ (adv.) _annoy, ravage_ _learn, know_ _hide_ _drag_ _follow_ _undertake_ _pursue_ _run_ _both ... and_ _fix, decide_ _526._ Review Questions. What is meant by comparison? In what two ways may adjectives be compared? Compare /clarus, brevis, velox\, and explain the formation of the comparative and the superlative. What are the adverbs used in comparison? Compare /brevis\ by adverbs. Decline the comparative of /velox\. How are adjectives in -er compared? Compare /acer\, /pulcher\, /liber\. What are possible translations for the comparative and superlative? Name the six adjectives that form the superlative in -limus. Translate in two ways _Nothing is brighter than the sun_. Give the rule for the ablative with comparatives. Compare /bonus, magnus, malus, multus, parvus, exterus, inferus, posterus, superus\. Decline /plus\. Compare /citerior, interior, propior, ulterior\. Translate _That route to Italy is much shorter_. Give the rule for the expression of measure of difference. Name five words that are especially common in this construction. How are adverbs usually formed from adjectives of the first and second declensions? from adjectives of the third declension? Compare the adverbs /care\, /libere\, /fortiter\, /audacter\. What cases of adjectives are sometimes used as adverbs? What are the adverbs from /facilis\? /multus? primus? plurimus\? /bonus\? /magnus\? /parvus\? Compare /prope\, /saepe\, /magnopere\. How are numerals classified? Give the first twenty cardinals. Decline /unus, duo, tres, mille\. How are the hundreds declined? What is meant by the partitive genitive? Give the rule for the partitive genitive. What sort of words are commonly used with this construction? What construction is used with /quidam\ and cardinal numbers excepting /mille\? Give the first twenty ordinals. How are they declined? How are the distributives declined? Give the rule for the expression of duration of time and extent of space. What is the difference between the ablative of time and the accusative of time? What is a deponent verb? Give the synopsis of one. What form always has a passive meaning? Conjugate /amo\, /moneo\, /rego\, /capio\, /audio\, in the active and passive. VIII. REVIEW OF LESSONS LXI-LXIX _527._ Review the vocabularies of the first seventeen lessons. See Secs. 502, 503, 506, 507. _528._ Review Questions. Name the tenses of the subjunctive. What time is denoted by these tenses? What are the mood signs of the present subjunctive? How may the imperfect subjunctive be formed? How do the perfect subjunctive and the future perfect indicative active differ in form? How is the pluperfect subjunctive active formed? Inflect the subjunctive active and passive of /curo\, /deleo\, /vinco\, /rapio\, /munio\. Inflect the subjunctive tenses of /sum\; of /possum\. What are the tenses of the participles in the active? What in the passive? Give the active and passive participles of /amo\, /moneo\, /rego\, /capio\, /audio\. Decline /regens\. What participles do deponent verbs have? What is the difference in meaning between the perfect participle of a deponent verb and of one not deponent? Give the participles of /vereor\. How should participles usually be translated? Conjugate /volo\, /nolo\, /malo\, /fio\. What is the difference between the indicative and subjunctive in their fundamental ideas? How is purpose usually expressed in English? How is it expressed in Latin? By what words is a Latin purpose clause introduced? When should /quo\ be used? What is meant by sequence of tenses? Name the primary tenses of the indicative and of the subjunctive; the secondary tenses. What Latin verbs are regularly followed by substantive clauses of purpose? What construction follows /iubeo\? What construction follows verbs of _fearing_? How is consequence or result expressed in Latin? How is a result clause introduced? What words are often found in the principal clause foreshadowing the coming of a result clause? How may negative purpose be distinguished from negative result? What is meant by the subjunctive of characteristic or description? How are such clauses introduced? Explain the ablative absolute. Why is the ablative absolute of such frequent occurrence in Latin? Explain the predicate accusative. After what verbs are two accusatives commonly found? What do these accusatives become when the verb is passive? [Illustration: IMPERATOR MILITES HORTATUR] SPECIAL VOCABULARIES The words in heavy type are used in Caesar's "Gallic War." [Transcriber's Note: Each chapter's Special Vocabulary was included with its chapter text in addition to its original location here. Details are given in the Transcriber's Note at the beginning of the text. In the printed book, the vocabularies for Lesson IV and Lesson V appeared on the same page; the Footnote about _conjunctions_ was shared by the two lists.] LESSON IV, Sec. 39 NOUNS dea, _goddess_ (deity) Dia:'na, _Diana_ /fera\, _a wild beast_ (fierce) La:to:'na, _Latona_ /sagit'ta\, _arrow_ VERBS /est\, _he (she, it) is_; sunt, _they are_ /necat\, _he (she, it) kills, is killing, does kill_ CONJUNCTION[A] /et\, _and_ PRONOUNS /quis\, interrog. pronoun, nom. sing., _who?_ /cuius\ (pronounced _c[oo]i'y[oo]s_, two syllables), interrog. pronoun, gen. sing., _whose?_ [Footnote A: A _conjunction_ is a word which connects words, parts of sentences, or sentences.] LESSON V, Sec. 47 NOUNS /coro:'na\, _wreath, garland, crown_ fa:'bula, _story_ (fable) /pecu:'nia\, _money_ (pecuniary) /pugna\, _battle_ (pugnacious) /victo:'ria\, _victory_ VERBS /dat\, _he (she, it) gives_ na:rrat, _he (she, it) tells_ (narrate) CONJUNCTION[A] /quia\ or /quod\, _because_ /cui\ (pronounced _c[oo]i_, one syllable), interrog. pronoun, dat. sing., _to whom?_ _for whom?_ [Footnote A: A _conjunction_ is a word which connects words, parts of sentences, or sentences.] LESSON VI, Sec. 56 ADJECTIVES /bona\, _good_ /gra:ta\, _pleasing_ /magna\, _large, great_ /mala\, _bad, wicked_ /parva\, _small, little_ /pulchra\, _beautiful, pretty_ /so:la\, _alone_ NOUNS ancil'la, _maidservant_ Iu:lia, _Julia_ ADVERBS[A] /cu:r\, _why_ /no:n\, _not_ PRONOUNS /mea\, _my_; tua, _thy, your_ (possesives) /quid\, interrog. pronoun, nom. and acc. sing., _what?_ /-ne\, the question sign, an enclitic (Sec. 16) added to the first word, which, in a question, is usually the verb, as /amat\, _he loves_, but /amat'ne?\ _does he love?_ est, _he is_; /estne?\ _is he?_ Of course /-ne\ is not used when the sentence contains quis, cu:r, or some other interrogative word. [Footnote A: An _adverb_ is a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb; as, She sings _sweetly_; she is _very_ talented; she began to sing _very early_.] LESSON VII, Sec. 62 NOUNS /casa, -ae\, f., _cottage_ ce:na, -ae, f., _dinner_ /galli:'na, -ae\, f., _hen, chicken_ /i:n'sula, ae\, f., _island_ (pen-insula) ADVERBS /de-in'de\, _then, in the next place_ /ubi\, _where_ PREPOSITION /ad\, _to_, with acc. to express motion toward PRONOUN /quem\, interrog. pronoun, acc. sing., _whom?_ VERBS ha'bitat, _he (she, it) lives, is living, does live_ (inhabit) /laudat\, _he (she, it) praises, is praising, does praise_ (laud) /parat\, _he (she, it) prepares, is preparing, does prepare_ /vocat\, _he (she, it) calls, is calling, does call; invites, is inviting, does invite_ (vocation) LESSON VIII, Sec. 69 NOUNS /Italia, -ae\, f., _Italy_ Sicilia, -ae, f., _Sicily_ /tuba, -ae\, f., _trumpet_ (tube) /via, -ae\, f., _way, road, street_ (viaduct) ADJECTIVES /alta\, _high, deep_ (altitude) /cla:ra\, _clear, bright; famous_ /la:ta\, _wide_ (latitude) /longa\, _long_ (longitude) /nova\, _new_ (novelty) LESSON IX, Sec. 77 NOUNS /bellum, -i:\, n., _war_ (re-bel) /co:nstantia, -ae\, f., _firmness, constancy, steadiness_ dominus, -i:, m., _master, lord_ (dominate) /equus, -i:\, m., _horse_ (equine) /fru:mentum, -i:\, n., _grain_ /le:ga:tus, -i:\, m., _lieutenant, ambassador_ (legate) /Ma:rcus, -i:\, m., _Marcus, Mark_ /mu:rus, -i:\, m., _wall_ (mural) /oppida:nus, -i:\, m., _townsman_ /oppidum, -i:\, n., _town_ /pi:lum, -i:\, n., _spear_ (pile driver) /servus, -i:\, m., _slave, servant_ Sextus, -i:, m., _Sextus_ VERBS /cu:rat\, _he (she, it) cares for_, with acc. /properat\, _he (she, it) hastens_ LESSON X, Sec. 82 NOUNS /ami:cus, -i:\, m., _friend_ (amicable) /Germa:nia, -ae\, f., _Germany_ /patria, -ae\, f., _fatherland_ /populus, -i:\, m., _people_ /Rhe:nus, -i:\, m., _the Rhine_ /vi:cus, -i:\, m., _village_ LESSON XI, Sec. 86 NOUNS /arma, armo:rum\, n., plur., _arms_, especially defensive weapons /fa:ma, -ae\, f., _rumor; reputation, fame_ /galea, -ae\, f., _helmet_ /praeda, -ae\, f., _booty, spoils_ (predatory) /te:lum, -i:\, n., _weapon of offense, spear_ ADJECTIVES /du:rus, -a, -um\, _hard, rough; unfeeling, cruel; severe, toilsome_ (durable) /Ro:ma:nus, -a, -um\, _Roman_. As a noun, Ro:ma:nus, -i:, m., _a Roman_ LESSON XII, Sec. 90 NOUNS /fi:lius, fi:li:\, m., _son_ (filial) fluvius, fluvi:, m., _river_ (fluent) /gladius, gladi:\, m., _sword_ (gladiator) /praesidium, praesi'di:\, n., _garrison, guard, protection_ /proelium, proeli:\, n., _battle_ ADJECTIVES /fi:nitimus, -a, -um\, _bordering upon, neighboring, near to_. As a noun, fi:nitimi:, -o:rum, m., plur., _neighbors_ /Germa:nus, -a, -um\, _German_. As a noun, Germa:nus, -i:, m., _a German_ /multus, -a, -um\, _much_; plur., _many_ ADVERB /saepe\, _often_ LESSON XIII, Sec. 95 NOUNS /ager, agri:\, m., _field_ (acre) /co:pia, -ae\, f., _plenty, abundance_ (copious); plur., _troops, forces_ /Corne:lius, Corne:'li:\, m., _Cornelius_ /lo:ri:'ca, -ae\, f., _coat of mail, corselet_ /praemium, praemi:\, n., _reward, prize_ (premium) /puer, pueri:\, m., _boy_ (puerile) /Ro:ma, -ae\, f., _Rome_ /scu:tum, -i:\, n., _shield_ (escutcheon) /vir, viri:\, m., _man, hero_ (virile) ADJECTIVES /legio:na:rius, -a, -um\,[A] _legionary, belonging to the legion_. As a noun, legio:na:rii:, -o:rum, m., plur., _legionary soldiers_ /li:ber, li:bera, li:berum\, _free_ (liberty) As a noun. li:beri:, -o:rum, m., plur., _children_ (lit. _the freeborn_) /pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum\, _pretty, beautiful_ PREPOSITION /apud\, _among_, with acc. CONJUNCTION /sed\, _but_ [Footnote A: The genitive singular masculine of adjectives in -ius ends in -ii: and the vocative in -ie; not in -i:, as in nouns.] LESSON XIV, Sec. 99 NOUNS /auxilium, auxi'li:\, n., _help, aid_ (auxiliary) /castrum, -i:\, n., _fort_ (castle); plur., _camp_ (lit. _forts_) /cibus, -i:\, m., _food_ /co:nsilium, co:nsi'li:\, n., _plan_ (counsel) /di:ligentia, -ae\, f., _diligence, industry_ magister, magistri:, m., _master, teacher_[A] ADJECTIVES /aeger, aegra, aegrum\, _sick_ /cre:ber, cre:bra, cre:brum\, _frequent_ /miser, misera, miserum\, _wretched, unfortunate_ (miser) [Footnote A: Observe that dominus, as distinguished from /magister\, means _master_ in the sense of _owner_.] LESSON XV, Sec. 107 NOUNS /carrus, -i:\, m., _cart, wagon_ /inopia, -ae\, f., _want, lack;_ the opposite of co:pia /studium, studi:\, n., _zeal, eagerness_ (study) ADJECTIVES /arma:tus, -a, -um\, _armed_ /i:nfi:rmus, -a, -um\, _week, feeble_ (infirm) vali'dus, -a, -um, _strong, sturdy_ VERB /ma:tu:rat\, _he (she, it) hastens._ Cf. properat ADVERB /iam\, _already, now_ /-que\, conjunction, _and_; an enclitic (cf. Sec. 16) and always added to the _second_ of two words to be connected, as arma te:la'que, _arms and weapons_. LESSON XVII, Sec. 117 NOUNS /agri: cultu:ra, -ae\, f., _agriculture_ /Gallia, -ae\, f., _Gaul_ /domicili:um, domi:ci'li:\, n., _dwelling place_ (domicile), _abode_ /Gallus, -i\, m., _a Gaul_ /lacrima, -ae\, f., _tear_ /fe:mina, -ae\, f., _woman_ (female) /numerus, -i:\, m., _number_ (numeral) ADJECTIVE /ma:tu:rus, -a, -um\, _ripe, mature_ ADVERB quo:, _whither_ VERBS arat, _he (she, it) plows_ (arable) /de:si:derat\, _he (she, it) misses, longs for_ (desire), with acc. CONJUNCTION /an\, _or_, introducing the second half of a double question, as _Is he a Roman or a Gaul_, Estne Romanus an Gallus? LESSON XVIII, Sec. 124 NOUNS lu:dus, -i:, m., _school_ /socius, soci:\, m., _companion, ally_ (social) ADJECTIVES /i:ra:tus, -a, -um\, _angry, furious_ (irate) /laetus, -a, -um\, _happy, glad_ (social) ADVERBS hodie:, _to-day_ /ibi\, _there, in that place_ mox, _presently, soon_, of the immediate future /nunc\, _now, the present moment_ /nu:per\, _lately, recently_, of the immediate past LESSON XX, Sec. 136 NOUNS /fo:rma, -ae\, f., _form, beauty_ /regi:na, -ae\, f., _queen_ (regal) /poena, -ae\, f., _punishment, penalty_ superbia, -ae, f., _pride, haughtiness_ /potentia, -ae\, f., _power_ (potent) /tri:sti:ti:a, -ae\, f., _sadness, sorrow_ ADJECTIVES /septem\, indeclinable, _seven_ /superbus, -a, -um\, _proud, haughty_ (superb) CONJUNCTIONS /no:n so:lum ... sed etiam\, _not only ... but also_ LESSON XXI, Sec. 140 NOUNS sacrum, -i:, n., _sacrifice, offering, rite_ /verbum, -i:\, n., _word_ (verb) VERBS sedeo:, -e:re, _sit_ (sediment) volo:, -a:re, _fly_ (volatile) ADJECTIVES /interfectus, -a, -um\, _slain_ /molestus, -a, -um\, _troublesome, annoying_ (molest) /perpetuus, -a, -um\, _perpetual, continuous_ /ego\, personal pronoun, _I_ (egotism). Always emphatic in the nominative. LESSON XXII, Sec. 146 NOUNS /discipli:na, -ae\, f., _training, culture, discipline_ /Ga:ius, Ga:i:\, m., _Caius_, a Roman first name /o:rna:mentum, -i:\, n., _ornament, jewel_ Tiberius, Tibe'ri:, m., _Tiberius_, a Roman first name VERB /doceo:, -e:re\, _teach_ (doctrine) ADVERB /maxime:\, _most of all, especially_ ADJECTIVE /anti:quus, -qua, -quum\, _old, ancient_ (antique) LESSON XXVII, Sec. 168 NOUNS /a:la, -ae\, f., _wing_ /deus, -i:\, m., _god_ (deity)[A] /monstrum, -i:\, n., _omen, prodigy; monster_ o:ra:culum, -i:, n., _oracle_ VERB /va:sto:, -a:re\, _lay waste, devastate_ ADJECTIVES /commo:tus, -a, -um\, _moved, excited_ /maximus, -a, -um\, _greatest_ (maximum) /saevus, -a, -um\, _fierce, savage_ ADVERBS /ita\, _thus, in this way, as follows_ /tum\, _then, at that time_ [Footnote A: For the declension of deus, see Sec. 468] LESSON XXVIII, Sec. 171 VERBS /respondeo:, -e:re\, _respond, reply_ /servo:, -a:re\, _save, preserve_ ADJECTIVE /ca:rus, -a, -um\, _dear_ (cherish) CONJUNCTION /autem\, _but, moreover, now_. Usually stands second, never first NOUN /vi:ta, -ae\, f., _life_ (vital) LESSON XXIX, Sec. 176 VERB /supero:, -a:re\, _conquer, overcome_ (insuperable) NOUNS /cu:ra, -ae\, f., _care, trouble_ /locus, -i:\, m., _place, spot_ (location). Locus is neuter in the plural and is declined loca, -o:rum, etc. /peri:culum, -i:\, n., _danger, peril_ ADVERBS /semper\, _always_ /tamen\, _yet, nevertheless_ PREPOSITIONS /de:\, with abl., _down from.; concerning_ /per\, with acc., _through_ CONJUNCTION /si\, _if_ LESSON XXX, Sec. 182 VERBS /absum, abesse\, irreg., _be away, be absent, be distant_, with separative abl. /adpropinquo:, -a:re\, _draw near, approach_ (propinquity), with dative[A] /contineo:, -e:re\, _hold together, hem in, keep_ (contain) /disce:do:, -ere\, _depart, go away, leave_, with separative abl. /egeo:, -e:re\, _lack, need, be without_, with separative abl. /interficio:, -ere\, _kill_ /prohibeo:, -e:re\, _restrain, keep from_ (prohibit) /vulnero:, -a:re\, _wound_ (vulnerable) NOUNS /pro:vincia, -ae\, f., _province_ /vi:num, -i:\, n., _wine_ ADJECTIVE /de:fessus, -a, -um\, _weary, worn out_ ADVERB /longe:\, _far, by far, far away_ [Footnote A: This verb governs the dative because the idea of _nearness to_ is stronger than that of _motion to_. If the latter idea were the stronger, the word would be used with ad and the accusative.] LESSON XXXI, Sec. 188 NOUNS aurum, -i:, n., _gold_ (oriole) /mora, -ae\, f., _delay_ /na:vigium, na:vi'gi:\, n., _boat, ship_ /ventus, -i:\, m., _wind_ (ventilate) VERB /na:vigo:, -a:re\, _sail_ (navigate) ADJECTIVES attentus, -a, -um, _attentive, careful_ /dubius, -a, -um\, _doubtful_ (dubious) perfidus, -a, -um, _faithless, treacherous_ (perfidy) ADVERB /antea:\, _before, previously_ PREPOSITION /sine\, with abl., _without_ LESSON XXXII, Sec. 193 NOUNS /animus, -i:\, m., _mind, heart; spirit, feeling_ (animate) /bracchium, bracchi:\, n., _forearm, arm_ /porta, -ae\, f., _gate_ (portal) ADJECTIVES /adversus, -a, -um\, _opposite; adverse, contrary_ /ple:nus, -a, -um\, _full_ (plenty) PREPOSITION /pro\, with abl., _before; in behalf of; instead of_ ADVERB /diu:\, _for a long time, long_ LESSON XXXIV, Sec. 200 ADVERBS /celeriter\, _quickly_ (celerity) /de:nique\, _finally_ /graviter\, _heavily, severely_ (gravity) /subito:\, _suddenly_ VERB /reporto:, -a:re\, -a:vi:, _bring back, restore; win, gain_ (report) LESSON XXXVI, Sec. 211 /dexter, dextra, dextrum\, _right_ (dextrous) /sinister, sinistra, sinistrum\, _left_ /fru:stra:\, adv., _in vain_ (frustrate) /gero:, gerere, gessi:, gestus\, _bear, carry on; wear_; /bellum gerere\, _to wage war_ /occupo:, occupa:re, occupa:vi:, occupa:tus\, _seize, take possession of_ (occupy) /postulo:, postula:re, postula:vi:, postula:tus\, _demand_ (ex-postulate) /recu:so:, recu:sa:re, recu:sa:vi:, recu:sa:tus\, _refuse_ /sto:, sta:re, steti:, status\, _stand_ /tempto:, tempta:re, tempta:vi:, tempta:tus\, _try, tempt, test; attempt_ /teneo:, tene:re, tenui:, ----\, _keep, hold_ (tenacious) The word ubi, which we have used so much in the sense of _where_ in asking a question, has two other uses equally important: 1. ubi = _when_, as a relative conjunction denoting time; as, /Ubi mo:nstrum audi:ve:runt, fu:ge:runt\, _when they heard the monster, they fled_ 2. ubi = _where_, as a relative conjunction denoting place; as, /Video: oppidum ubi Galba habitat\, _I see the town where Galba lives_ /ubi\ is called a _relative conjunction_ because it is equivalent to a relative pronoun. _When_ in the first sentence is equivalent to _at the time at which;_ and in the second, _where_ is equivalent to _the place in which._ LESSON XXXVII, Sec. 217 /neque or nec\, conj., _neither_, _nor_, _and ... not_; /neque ... neque\, _neither ... nor_ /castellum, -i:\, n., _redoubt, fort_ (castle) /coti:die:\, adv., _daily_ cesso:, cessa:re, cessa:vi:, cessa:tus, _cease_, with the infin. /incipio:, incipere, ince:pi:, inceptus\, _begin_ (incipient), with the infin. /oppugno:, oppugna:re, oppugna:vi:, oppugna:tus\, _storm, assail_ /peto:, petere, petivi or petii:, peti:tus\, _aim at, assail, storm, attack; seek, ask_ (petition) /po:no:, po:nere, posui:, positus\, _place, put_ (position); /castra po:nere\, _to pitch camp_ /possum, posse, potui:, ----\, _be able, can_ (potent), with the infin. /veto:, veta:re, vetui:, vetitus\, _forbid_ (veto), vith the infin.; opposite of iubeo:, _command_ /vinco:, vincere, vi:ci:, victus\, _conquer_ (in-vincible) /vi:vo:, vi:vere, vi:xi:, ----\, _live, be alive_ (re-vive) LESSON XXXIX, Sec. 234 /barbarus, -a, -um\, _strange, foreign, barbarous_. As a noun, /barbari:, -o:rum\, m., plur., _savages, barbarians_ /dux, ducis\, m., _leader_ (duke). Cf. the verb du:co: /eques, equitis\, m., _horseman, cavalryman_ (equestrian) iu:dex, iu:dicis, _m., judge_ /lapis, lapidis\, m., _stone_ (lapidary) /mi:les, mi:litis\, m., _soldier_ (militia) /pedes, peditis\, m., _foot soldier_ (pedestrian) /pe:s, pedis\,[A] m., _foot_ (pedal) /pri:nceps, pri:ncipis\, m., _chief_ (principal) /re:x, re:gis\, m., _king_ (regal) /summus, -a, -um\, _highest, greatest_ (summit) /virtu:s, virtu:tis\, f., _manliness, courage_ (virtue) [Footnote A: Observe that e is _long_ in the nom. sing, and _short_ in the other cases.] LESSON XL, Sec. 237 /Caesar, -aris\, m., _Caesar_ /capti:vus, -i:\, m., _captive, prisoner_ /co:nsul, -is\, m., _consul_ /fra:ter, fra:tris\, m., _brother_ (fraternity) /homo:, hominis\, m., _man, human being_ /impedi:mentum, -i:\, n., _hindrance_ (impediment); plur. /impedi:menta, -o:rum\, _baggage_ /impera:tor, impera:to:ris\, m., _commander in chief, general_ (emperor) /legio:, legio:nis\, f., _legion_ /ma:ter, ma:tris\, f., _mother_ (maternal) /o:rdo:, o:rdinis\, m., _row, rank_ (order) /pater, patris\, m., _father_ (paternal) /salu:s, salu:tis\, f., _safety_ (salutary) /soror, soro:ris\, f., _sister_ (sorority) LESSON XLI, Sec. 239 /calamita:s, calamita:tis\, f., _loss, disaster, defeat_ (calamity) /caput, capitis\, n., _head_ (capital) /flu:men, flu:minis\, n., _river_ (flume) /labor, labo:ris\, m., _labor, toil_ /opus, operis\, n., _work, task_ /o:ra:tor, o:ra:to:ris\, m., _orator_ /ri:pa, -ae\, f., _bank_ (of a stream) /tempus, temporis\, n., _time_ (temporal) /terror, terro:ris\, m., _terror, fear_ /victor, victo:ris\, m., _victor_ /accipio:, accipere, acce:pi:, acceptus\, _receive, accept_ /co:nfirmo:, co:nfi:rma:re, co:nfi:rma:vi:, co:nfi:rma:tus\, _strengthen_ = _establish, encourage_ (confirm) LESSON XLIII, Sec. 245 /animal, anima:lis (-ium[A])\, n., _animal_ /avis, avis (-ium)\, f., _bird_ (aviation) /caede:s, caedis (-ium)\, f., _slaughter_ calcar, calca:ris (-ium), n., _spur_ /ci:vis, ci:vis (-ium)\, m. and f., _citizen_ (civic) /clie:ns, clientis (-ium)\, m., _retainer, dependent_ (client) /fi:nis, fi:nis (-ium)\, m., _end, limit_ (final); plur., _country, territory_ /hostis, hostis (-ium)\, m. and f., _enemy_ in war (hostile). Distinguish from inimi:cus, which means a _personal_ enemy /ignis, ignis (-ium)\, m., _fire_ (ignite) /i:nsigne, i:nsignis (-ium)\, n. _decoration, badge_ (ensign) /mare, maris (-ium[B])\, n., _sea_ (marine) /na:vis, na:vis (-ium)\, f., _ship_ (naval); /na:vis longa\, _man-of-war_ /turris, turris (-ium)\, f., _tower_ (turret) /urbs, urbis (-ium)\, f., _city_ (suburb). An /urbs\ is larger than an /oppidum\. [Footnote A: The genitive plural ending -ium is written to mark the i-stems.] [Footnote B: The genitive plural of mare is not in use.] LESSON XLIV, Sec. 249 /arbor, arboris\, f., _tree_ (arbor) /collis, collis (-ium)\, m., _hill_ /de:ns, dentis (-ium)\, m., _tooth_ (dentist) fo:ns, fontis (-ium), m.. _fountain, spring; source_ /iter, itineris\, n., _march, journey, route_ (itinerary) /me:nsis, me:nsis (-ium)\, m., _month_ /moenia, -ium\, n., plur., _walls, fortifications_. Cf. mu:rus /mo:ns, montis (-ium)\, m., _mountain_; /summus mo:ns\, _top of the mountain_ /numquam\, adv., _never_ /po:ns, pontis\, m., _bridge_ (pontoon) /sanguis, sanguinis\, m., blood (sanguinary) /summus, -a, -um\, _highest, greatest_ (summit) /tra:ns\, prep, with acc., _across_ (transatlantic) /vi:s (vi:s)\, gen. plur. /virium\, f. _strength, force, violence_ (vim) LESSON XLV, Sec. 258 /a:cer, a:cris, a:cre\, _sharp, keen, eager_ (acrid) /brevis, breve\, _short, brief_ /difficilis, difficile\, _difficult_ /facilis, facile\, _facile, easy_ /fortis, forte\, _brave_ (fortitude) /gravis, grave\, _heavy, severe, serious_ (grave) /omnis, omne\, _every, all_ (omnibus) /pa:r\, gen. /paris\, _equal_ (par) /pauci:, -ae, -a\, _few, only a few_ (paucity) /secundus, -a, -um\, _second; favorable_, opposite of adversus /signum, -i:\, n., _signal, sign, standard_ /ve:lo:x\, gen. /ve:lo:cis\, _swift_ (velocity) /conloco:, conloca:re, conloca:vi:, conloca:tus\, _arrange, station, place_ (collocation) /de:mo:nstro:, de:mo:nstra:re, de:mo:nstra:vi:, de:mo:nstra:tus\, _point out, explain_ (demonstrate) /mando:, manda:re, manda:vi:, manda:tus\, _commit, intrust_ (mandate) LESSON XLVI, Sec. 261 /adventus, -u:s\, m., _approach, arrival_ (advent) /ante\, prep, with acc., _before_ (ante-date) /cornu:, -u:s\, n., _horn, wing_ of an army (cornucopia); /a: dextro: cornu:\, _on the right wing_; /a: sinistro: cornu:\, _on the left wing_ /equita:tus, -u:s\, m., _cavalry_ /exercitus, -u:s\, m., _army_ /impetus, -u:s\, m., _attack_ (impetus); /impetum facere in\, with acc., _to make an attack on_ /lacus, -u:s\, dat. and abl. plur. lacubus, m., _lake_ /manus, -u:s\, f., _hand; band, force_ (manual) /portus, -u:s\, m., _harbor_ (port) /post\, prep, with acc., _behind, after_ (post-mortem) /cremo:, crema:re, crema:vi:, crema:tus\, _burn_ (cremate) /exerceo:, exerce:re, exercui:, exercitus\, _practice, drill, train_ (exercise) LESSON XLVII, Sec. 270 Athe:nae, -a:rum, f., plur., _Athens_ Corinthus, -i:, f., _Corinth_ /domus, -u:s\, locative /domi:\, f., _house, home_ (dome). Cf. domicilium /Gena:va, -ae\, f., _Geneva_ Pompe:ii, -o:rum, m., plur., _Pompeii_, a city in Campania. See map /propter\, prep. with acc., _on account of, because of_ ru:s, ru:ris, in the plur. only nom. and acc. ru:ra, n., _country_ (rustic) /tergum, tergi:\, n., _back_; a: tergo:, _behind, in the rear_ /vulnus, vulneris\, n., _wound_ (vulnerable) /committo:, committere, commi:si:, commissus\, _intrust, commit;_ /proelium committere\, _join battle_ /convoco:, convoca:re, convoca:vi:, convoca:tus\, _call together, summon_ (convoke) /timeo:, time:re, timui:, ----\, _fear; be afraid_ (timid) /verto:, vertere, verti:, versus\, _turn, change_ (convert); /terga vertere\, _to turn the backs_, hence _to retreat_ LESSON XLVIII, Sec. 276 /acie:s, -e:i:\, f., _line of battle_ /aesta:s, aesta:tis\, f., _summer_ /annus, -i:\, m., _year_ (annual) /die:s, die:i:\, m., _day_ (diary) /fide:s, fidei:\, no plur., f., _faith, trust; promise, word; protection_; in fidem veni:re, _to come under the protection_ /fluctus, -u:s\, m. _wave, billow_ (fluctuate) /hiems, hiemis\, f., _winter_ /ho:ra, -ae\, f., _hour_ /lu:x, lu:cis\, f., _light_ (lucid); pri:ma lux, _daybreak_ /meri:die:s\, acc. -em, abl. -e:, no plur., m., _midday_ (meridian) /nox, noctis (-ium)\, f., _night_ (nocturnal) /pri:mus, -a, -um\, _first_ (prime) /re:s, rei:\, f., _thing, matter_ (real); /re:s gestae\, _deeds, exploits_ (lit. _things performed_); /re:s adversae\, _adversity_; /re:s secundae\, _prosperity_ /spe:s, spei:\, f., _hope_ LESSON XLIX, Sec. 283 /ami:citia, -ae\, f., _friendship_ (amicable) /itaque\, conj., _and so, therefore, accordingly_ /littera, -ae\, f., _a letter_ of the alphabet; plur., _a letter, an epistle_ /metus, metu:s\, m., _fear_ /nihil\, indeclinable, n., _nothing_ (nihilist) /nu:ntius, nu:nti:\, m., _messenger_. Cf. nu:ntio: /pa:x, pa:cis\, f., _peace_ (pacify) /re:gnum, -i:\, n., _reign, sovereignty, kingdom_ /supplicum, suppli'ci:\, n., _punishment_; /supplicum su:mere de:\, with abl., _inflict punishment on_; /supplicum dare\, _suffer punishment_. Cf. poena /placeo:, place:re, placui:, placitus\, _be pleasing to, please_, with dative. Cf. Sec. 154 /su:mo:, su:mere, su:mpsi:, su:mptus\, _take up, assume_ /sustineo:, sustine:re, sustinui:, sustentus\, _sustain_ LESSON L, Sec. 288 /corpus, corporis\, n., _body_ (corporal) /de:nsus, -a, -um\, _dense_ /i:dem, e'adem, idem\, demonstrative pronoun, _the same_ (identity) /ipse, ipsa, ipsum\, intensive pronoun, _self; even, very_ /mi:rus, -a, -um\, _wonderful, marvelous_ (miracle) /o:lim\, adv., _formerly, once upon a time_ /pars, partis (-ium)\, f., _part, region, direction_ /quoque\, adv., _also_. Stands _after_ the word which it emphasizes /so:l, so:lis\, m., _sun_ (solar) /ve:rus, -a, -um\, _true, real_ (verity) /de:beo:, de:be:re, de:bui:, de:bitus\, _owe, ought_ (debt) /e:ripio:, e:ripere, e:ripui:, e:reptus\, _snatch from_ LESSON LI, Sec. 294 /hic, haec, hoc\, demonstrative pronoun, _this_ (of mine); _he, she, it_ /ille, illa, illud\, demonstrative pronoun _that_ (yonder); _he, she, it_ /invi:sus, -a, -um\, _hateful, detested_, with dative Cf. Sec. 143 /iste, ista, istud\, demonstrative pronoun, _that_ (of yours); _he, she, it_ /li:berta:s, -a:tis\, f., _liberty_ /modus, -i:\, m., _measure; manner, way, mode_ /no:men, no:minis\, n., _name_ (nominate) /oculus, -i:\, m., _eye_ (oculist) /pri:stinus, -a, -um\, _former, old-time_ (pristine) /pu:blicus, -a, -um\, _public, belonging to the state;_ /re:s pu:blica, rei: pu:blicae\, f., _the commonwealth, the state, the republic_ /vesti:gium, vesti:'gi:\, n., _footprint, track; trace, vestige_ /vo:x, vo:cis\, f., _voice_ LESSON LII, Sec. 298 /incolumis, -e\, _unharmed_ /ne: ... quidem\, adv., _not even_. The emphatic word stands between /ne:\ and quidem /nisi\, conj., _unless, if ... not_ /paene\, adv., _almost_ (pen-insula) /satis\, adv., _enough, sufficiently_ (satisfaction) /tantus, -a, -um\, _so great_ /ve:ro:\, adv., _truly, indeed, in fact_. As a conj. _but, however_, usually stands second, never first. /de:cido:, de:cidere, de:cidi:, ----\, _fall down_ (deciduous) /de:silio:, de:sili:re, de:silui:, de:sultus\, _leap down, dismount_ /maneo:, mane:re, ma:nsi:, ma:nsu:rus\, _remain_ /tra:du:co:, tra:du:cere, tra:du:xi:, tra:ductus\, _lead across_ LESSON LIII, Sec. 306 /aquila, -ae\, f., _eagle_ (aquiline) /auda:x\, gen. /auda:cis\, adj., _bold, audacious_ /celer, celeris, celere\, _swift, quick_ (celerity). Cf. ve:lo:x /explo:rato:r, -o:ris\, m., _scout, spy_ (explorer) /inge:ns\, gen. /ingentis\, adj., _huge, vast_ /medius, -a, -um\, _middle, middle part of_ (medium) /me:ns, mentis (-ium)\, f., _mind_ (mental). Cf. animus /opportu:nus, -a, -um\, _opportune_ /quam\, adv., _than_. With the superlative quam gives the force of _as possible_, as quam auda:cissimi: viri:, _men as bold as possible_ /recens\, gen. /recentis\, adj., _recent_ /tam\, adv., _so_. Always with an adjective or adverb, while ita is generally used with a verb /quaero:, quaerere, quaesi:vi:, quaesi:tus\, _ask, inquire, seek_ (question). Cf. peto: LESSON LIV, Sec. 310 /alacer, alacris, alacre\, _eager, spirited, excited_ (alacrity) /celerita:s, -a:tis\, f., _speed_ (celerity) /cla:mor, cla:mo:ris\, m., _shout, clamor_ /le:nis, le:ne\, _mild, gentle_ (lenient) /mulier, muli'eris\, f., _woman_ /multitu:do:, multitu:dinis\, f., _multitude_ /ne:mo:\, dat. /ne:mini:\, acc. /ne:minem\ (gen. /nu:lli:us\, abl. /nu:llo:\, from /nu:llus\), no plur., m. and f., _no one_ /no:bilis, no:bile\, _well known, noble_ /noctu:\, adv. (an old abl.), _by night_ (nocturnal) /statim\, adv., _immediately, at once_ /subito:\, adv., _suddenly_ /tardus, -a, -um\, _slow_ (tardy) /cupio:, cupere, cupi:vi:, cupi:tus\, _desire, wish_ (cupidity) LESSON LV, Sec. 314 /aedificium, aedifi'ci:\, n., _building, dwelling_ (edifice) /imperium, impe'ri:\, n., _command, chief power; empire_ /mors, mortis (-ium)\, f., _death_ (mortal) /reliquus, -a, -um\, _remaining, rest of_. As a noun, m. and n. plur., _the rest_ (relic) /scelus, sceleris\, n., _crime_ /servitu:s, -u:tis\, f., _slavery_ (servitude) /valle:s, vallis (-ium)\, f., _valley_ /abdo:, abdere, abdidi:, abditus\, _hide_ /contendo:, contendere, contendi:, contentus\, _strain, struggle; hasten_ (contend) /occi:do:, occi:dere, occi:di:, occi:sus\, _cut down, kill_. Cf. /neco:\, /interficio:\ /perterreo:, perterre:re, perterrui:, perterritus\, _terrify, frighten_ /recipio:, recipere, rece:pi:, receptus\, _receive, recover_; /se: recipere\, _betake one's self, withdraw, retreat_ /tra:do:, tra:dere, tra:didi:, tra:ditus\, _give over, surrender, deliver_ (traitor) LESSON LVI, Sec. 318 /aditus, -u:s\, m., _approach, access; entrance_ /ci:vita:s, ci:vita:tis\, f., _citizenship; body of citizens, state_ (city) /inter\, prep, with acc., _between, among_ (interstate commerce) /nam\, conj., _for_ /obses, obsidis\, m. and f., _hostage_ /paulo:\, adv. (abl. n. of /paulus\), _by a little, somewhat_ /incolo:, incolere, incolui:, ----\, transitive, _inhabit_; intransitive, _dwell_. Cf. habito:, vi:vo: /relinquo:, relinquere, reli:qui:, relictus\, _leave, abandon_ (relinquish) /statuo:, statuere, statui:, statu:tus\, _fix, decide_ (statute), usually with infin. LESSON LVII, Sec. 326 /aequus, -a, -um\, _even, level; equal_ /cohors, cohortis (-ium)\, f., _cohort_, a tenth part of a legion, about 360 men /curro:, currere, cucurri:, cursus\, _run_ (course) /difficulta:s, -a:tis\, f., _difficulty_ /fossa, -ae\, f., _ditch_ (fosse) /ge:ns, gentis (-ium)\, f., _race, tribe, nation_ (Gentile) /nego:tium, nego:ti:\, n., _business, affair, matter_ (negotiate) /regio:, -o:nis\, f., _region, district_ /ru:mor, ru:mo:ris\, m., _rumor, report_. Cf. fa:ma /simul atque\, conj., _as soon as_ /suscipio:, suscipere, susce:pi:, susceptus\, _undertake_ /traho:, trahere, tra:xi:, tra:ctus\, _drag, draw_ (ex-tract) /valeo:, vale:re, valui:, valitu:rus\, _be strong_; plu:rimum vale:re, _to be most powerful, have great influence_ (value). Cf. validus LESSON LVIII, Sec. 332 /commea:tus, -u:s\, m.. _provisions_ /la:titu:do:, -inis\, f., _width_ (latitude) /longitu:do:, -inis\, f., _length_ (longitude) /magnitu:do:, -inis\, f., _size, magnitude_ /merca:tor, merca:to:ris\, m., _trader, merchant_ /mu:ni:tio:, -o:nis\, f., _fortification_ (munition) /spatium, spati:\, n., _room, space, distance; time_ /cogno:sco:, cogno:scere, cogno:vi:, cognitus\, _learn_; in the perfect tenses, _know_ (re-cognize) /co:go:, co:gere, coe:gi:, coa:ctus\, _collect; compel_ (cogent) /de:fendo:, de:fendere, de:fendi:, de:fe:nsus\, _defend_ /incendo:, incendere, incendi:, ince:nsus\, _set fire to, burn_ (incendiary). Cf. cremo: /obtineo:, obtine:re, obtinui:, obtentus\, _possess, occupy, hold_ (obtain) /pervenio:, perveni:re, perve:ni:, perventus\, _come through, arrive_ LESSON LIX, Sec. 337 /agmen, agminis\, n., _line of march, column_; /pri:mum agmen\, _the van_; /novissimum agmen\, _the rear_ /atque\, /ac\, conj., _and_; atque is used before vowels and consonants, ac before consonants only. Cf. et and -que /concilium, conci'li:\, n., _council, assembly_ /Helve:tii:, -o:rum\, m., _the Helvetii_, a Gallic tribe /passus, passu:s\, m., _a pace_, five Roman feet; /mi:lle passuum\, _a thousand (of) paces_, a Roman mile /qua: de: causa:\, _for this reason, for what reason_ /va:llum, -i:\, n., _earth-works, rampart_ /cado:, cadere, cecidi:, ca:su:rus\, _fall_ (decadence) /de:do:, de:dere, de:didi:, de:ditus\, _surrender, give up_; with a reflexive pronoun, _surrender one's self, submit_, with the dative of the indirect object /premo:, premere, pressi:, pressus\, _press hard, harass_ /vexo:, vexa:re, vexa:vi:, vexa:tus\, _annoy, ravage_ (vex) LESSON LX, Sec. 341 /aut\, conj., _or_; aut ... aut, _either ... or_ /causa:\, abl. of causa, _for the sake of, because of_. Always stands _after_ the gen. which modifies it /fere:\, adv., _nearly, almost_ /opi:nio:, -o:nis\, f., _opinion, supposition, expectation_ /re:s fru:menta:ria, rei: fru:menta:riae\, f. (lit. _the grain affair_), _grain supply_ /timor, -o:ris\, m., _fear_. Cf. timeo: /undique\, adv., _from all sides_ /co:nor, co:na:ri:, co:na:tus sum\, _attempt, try_ /e:gredior, e:gredi:, e:gressus sum\, _move out, disembark_; /pro:gredior\, _move forward, advance_ (egress, progress) /moror, mora:ri:, mora:tus sum\, _delay_ /orior, oriri:, ortus sum\, _arise, spring; begin; be born_ (_from_) (origin) /profici:scor, profici:sci:, profectus sum\, _set out_ /revertor, reverti:, reversus sum\, _return_ (revert). The forms of this verb are usually active, and not deponent, in the perfect system. Perf. act., reverti: /sequor, sequi:, secu:tus sum\, _follow_ (sequence). Note the following compounds of /sequor\ and the force of the different prefixes: /co:nsequor\ (_follow with_), _overtake_; /i:nsequor\ (_follow against_), _pursue_; /subsequor\ (_follow under_), _follow close after_ LATIN-ENGLISH VOCABULARY Translations inclosed within parentheses are not to be used as such; they are inserted to show etymological meanings. [Transcriber's Note: The "parentheses" were originally printed as [square brackets]. They are rendered here as [[double brackets]].] A a: or ab, prep. with abl. _from, by, off_. Translated _on_ in a: dextro: cornu:, _on the right wing_; a: fronte, _on the front_ or _in front_; a: dextra:, _on the right_; a: latere, _on the side_; etc. ab-do:, -ere, -didi:, -ditus, _hide, conceal_ ab-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus, _lead off, lead away_ abs-ci:do:, -ere, -ci:di:,-ci:sus [[ab(s), _off_, + caedo:, _cut_]], _cut off_ ab-sum, -esse, a:fui:, a:futu:rus, _be away, be absent, be distant, be off_; with a: or ab and abl., Sec. 501.32 ac, conj., see atque ac-cipio:, -ere, -ce:pi:, -ceptus [[ad, _to_, + capio:, _take_]], _receive, accept_ a:cer, a:cris, a:cre, adj. _sharp_; figuratively, _keen, active, eager_ (Sec. 471) acerbus, -a, -um, adj. _bitter, sour_ acie:s, -e:i:, f. [[a:cer, _sharp_]], _edge; line of battle_ a:criter, adv. [[a:cer, _sharp_]], compared a:crius, a:cerrime:, _sharply, fiercely_ ad, prep. with acc. _to, towards, near_. With the gerund or gerundive, _to, for_ ad-aequo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _make equal, make level with_ ad-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus, _lead to; move, induce_ ad-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus, _go to, approach, draw near, visit_, with acc. (Sec. 413) ad-fero:, ad-ferre, at-tuli:, ad-la:tus, _bring, convey; report, announce; render, give_ (Sec. 426) ad-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[ad, _to_, + facio:, _do_]], _affect, visit_ adfli:cta:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of adfli:cto:, _shatter_]], _shattered_ ad-fli:go:, -ere, -fli:xi:, -fli:ctus, _dash upon, strike upon; harass, distress_ ad-hibeo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[ad, _to_, + habeo:, _hold_]], _apply, employ, use_ ad-hu:c, adv. _hitherto, as yet, thus far_ aditus, -u:s, m. [[adeo:, _approach_]], _approach, access; entrance_. Cf. adventus ad-ligo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _bind to, fasten_ ad-loquor, -loqui:, -locu:tus sum, dep. verb [[ad, _to_, + loquor, _speak_]], _speak to, address_, with acc. ad-ministro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _manage, direct_ admi:ra:tio:, -o:nis, f. [[admi:ror, _wonder at_]], _admiration, astonishment_ ad-moveo:, -e:re, -mo:vi:, -mo:tus, _move to; apply, employ_ ad-propinquo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _come near, approach_, with dat. ad-sum, -esse, -fui:, -futu:res, _be present; assist_; with dat., Sec. 426 adule:sce:ns, -entis, m. and f. [[part. of adole:sco:, _grow_]], _a youth, young man, young person_ adventus, -u:s, m. [[ad, _to_, + venio:, _come_]], _approach, arrival_ (Sec. 466) adversus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of adverto:, _turn to_]], _turned towards, facing; contrary, adverse_. re:s adversae, _adversity_ aedificium, aedifi'ci:, n. [[aedifico:, _build_]], _building, edifice_ aedifico:, -a:re, -a:vi, -a:tus [[aede:s, _house_, + facio:, _make_]], _build_ aeger, aegra, aegrum, adj. _sick, feeble_ aequa:lis, -e, adj. _equal, like_. As a noun, aequa:lis, -is, m. or f. _one of the same age_ aequus, -a, -um, adj. _even, level; equal_ Aeso:pus, -i:, m. _Aesop_, a writer of fables aesta:s, -a:tis, f. _summer_, inita: aesta:te, _at the beginning of summer_ aeta:s, -a:tis, f. _age_ Aethiopia, -ae, f. _Ethiopia_, a country in Africa A:frica, -ae, f. _Africa_ A:frica:nus, -a, -um, adj. _of Africa_. A name given to Scipio for his victories in Africa ager, agri:, m. _field, farm, land_ (Sec. 462.c) agger, -eris, m. _mound_ agmen, -inis, n. [[ago:, _drive_]], _an army_ on the march, _column_. pri:mum agmen, _the van_ ago:, -ere, e:gi:, a:ctus, _drive, lead; do, perform_. vi:tam agere, _pass life_ agricola, -ae, m. [[ager, _field_, + colo:, _cultivate_]], _farmer_ agri: cultu:ra, -ae, f. _agriculture_ a:la, -ae, f. _wing_ alacer, -cris, -cre, adj. _active, eager_. Cf. a:cer alacrita:s, -a:tis, f. [[alacer, _active_]], _eagerness, alacrity_ alacriter, adv. [[alacer, _active_]], comp alacrius, alacerrime:, _actively, eagerly_ albus, -a, -um, adj., _white_ alce:s, -is, f. _elk_ Alcme:na, -ae, f. _Alcme'na_, the mother of Hercules aliquis (-qui:), -qua, -quid (-quod), indef. pron. _some one, some_ (Sec. 487) alius, -a, -ud (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), adj. _another, other_. alius ... alius, _one ... another_. alii: ... alii:, _some ... others_ (Sec. 110) Alpe:s, -ium, f. plur. _the Alps_ alter, -era, -erum (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), adj. _the one, the other_ (of two). alter ... alter, _the one ... the other_ (Sec. 110) altitu:do:, -inis, f. [[altus, _high_]], _height_ altus, -a, -um, adj. _high, tall, deep_ Ama:zone:s, -um, f. plur. _Amazons_, a fabled tribe of warlike women ambo:, -ae, -o:, adj. (decl. like duo), _both_ ami:ce:, adv. [[ami:cus, _friendly_]], superl. ami:cissime:, _in a friendly manner_ amicio:, -i:re, ----, -ictus [[am-, _about_, + iacio:, _throw_]], _throw around, wrap about, clothe_ ami:citia, -ae, f. [[ami:cus, _friend_]], _friendship_ ami:cus, -a, -um, adj. [[amo:, _love_]], _friendly_. As a noun, ami:cus, -i:, m. _friend_ a:-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus, _send away; lose_ amo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _love, like, be fond of_ (Sec. 488) amphithea:trum, -i:, n. _amphitheater_ amplus, -a, -um, adj. _large, ample; honorable, noble_ an, conj. _or_, introducing the second part of a double question ancilla, -ae, f. _maidservant_ ancora, -ae, f. _anchor_ Andromeda, -ae, f. _Androm'eda_, daughter of Cepheus and wife of Perseus angulus, -i:, m. _angle, corner_ anim-adverto:, -ere, -ti:, -sus [[animus, _mind_, + adverto:, _turn to_]], _turn the mind to, notice_ animal, -a:lis, n. [[anima, _breath_]], _animal_ (Sec. 465.b) animo:sus, -a, -um, adj. _spirited_ animus, -i:, m. [[anima, _breath_]], _mind, heart; spirit, courage, feeling;_ in this sense often plural annus, -i, m. _year_ ante, prep, with acc. _before_ antea:, adv. [[ante]], _before, formerly_ anti:quus, -a, -um, adj. [[ante, _before_]], _former, ancient, old_ aper, apri:, m. _wild boar_ Apollo:, -inis, m. _Apollo_, son of Jupiter and Latona, brother of Diana ap-pa:reo:, -e:re, -ui:, ---- [[ad + pa:reo:, _appear_]], _appear_ ap-pello:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _call by name, name_. Cf. no:mino:, voco: Appius, -a, -um, adj. _Appian_ ap-plico:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _apply, direct, turn_ apud, prep, with acc. _among; at, at the house of_ aqua, -ae, f. _water_ aquila, -ae, f. _eagle_ a:ra, -ae, f. _altar_ arbitror, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, _think, suppose_ (Sec. 420.c). Cf. exi:stimo:, puto: arbor, -oris, f. _tree_ (Sec. 247.1.a) Arcadia, -ae, f. _Arcadia_, a district in southern Greece a:rdeo:, -e:re, a:rsi:, a:rsu:rus, _be on fire, blaze, burn_ arduus, -a, -um, adj. _steep_ Ari:cia, -ae, f. _Aricia_, a town on the Appian Way, near Rome arie:s, -etis, m. _battering-ram_ (p. 221) arma, -o:rum, n. plur. _arms, weapons_. Cf. te:lum arma:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[armo:, _arm_]], _armed, equipped_ aro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _plow, till_ ars, artis, f. _art, skill_ articulus, -i:, m. _joint_ ascri:bo:, -ere, -scri:psi:, -scri:ptus [[ad, _in addition_, + scri:bo:, _write_]], _enroll, enlist_ A:sia, -ae, f. _Asia_, i.e. Asia Minor at, conj. _but_. Cf. autem, sed Athe:nae, -a:rum, f. plur. _Athens_ Atla:s, -antis, m. _Atlas_, a Titan who was said to hold up the sky at-que, ac, conj. _and, and also, and what is more_. atque may be used before either vowels or consonants, ac before consonants only attentus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of attendo:, _direct_ (the mind) _toward_]], _attentive, intent on, careful_ at-tonitus, -a, -um, adj. _thunderstruck, astounded_ auda:cia, -ae, f. [[auda:x, _bold_]], _boldness, audacity_ auda:cter, adv. [[auda:x, _bold_]], compared auda:cius, auda:cissime:, _boldly_ auda:x, -a:cis, adj. _bold, daring_ audeo:, -e:re, ausus sum, _dare_ audio:, -i:re, -i:vi: or -i:i:, -i:tus, _hear, listen to_ (Secs. 420.d, 491) Auge:a:s, -ae, m. _Auge'as_, a king whose stables Hercules cleaned aura, -ae, f. _air, breeze_ aura:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[aurum, _gold_]], _adorned with gold_ aureus, -a, -um, adj.[[aurum, _gold_]], _golden_ aurum, -i:, n. _gold_ aut, conj. _or_. aut ... aut, _either ... or_ autem, conj., usually second, never first, in the clause, _but, moreover, however, now_. Cf. at, sed auxilium, auxi'li:, n. _help, aid, assistance;_ plur. _auxiliaries_ a:-verto:, -ere, -ti:, -sus, _turn away, turn aside_ avis, -is, f. _bird_ (Sec. 243.1) B ballista, -ae, f. _ballista_, an engine for hurling missiles (p. 220) balteus, -i:, m. _belt, sword belt_ barbarus, -i:, m. _barbarian, savage_ bellum, -i:, n. _war_. bellum i:nferre, with dat. _make war upon_ bene, adv. [[for bone:, from bonus]], compared melius, optime:, _well_ benigne:, adv. [[benignus, _kind_]], compared benignius, benignissime:, _kindly_ benignus, -a, -um, adj. _good-natured, kind_, often used with dat. bi:ni:, -ae, -a, distributive numeral adj. _two each, two at a time_ (Sec. 334) bis, adv. _twice_ bonus, -a, -um, adj. compared melior, optimus, _good, kind_ (Sec. 469.a) bo:s, bovis (gen. plur. boum or bovum, dat. and abl. plur. bo:bus or bu:bus), m. and f. _ox, cow_ bracchium, bracchi:, n. _arm_ brevis, -e, adj. _short_ Brundisium, -i:, n. _Brundisium_, a seaport in southern Italy. See map bulla, -ae, f. _bulla_, a locket made of small concave plates of gold fastened by a spring (p. 212) C C. abbreviation for Ga:ius, Eng. _Caius_ cado:, -ere, ce'cidi:, ca:su:rus, _fall_ caede:s, -is, f. [[caedo:, _cut_]], (_a cutting down_), _slaughter, carnage_ (Sec. 465.a) caelum, -i:, n. _sky, heavens_ Caesar, -aris, m. _Caesar_, the famous general, statesman, and writer calamita:s, -a:tis, f. _loss, calamity, defeat, disaster_ calcar, -a:ris, n. _spur_ (Sec. 465.b) Campa:nia, -ae, f. _Campania_., a district of central Italy. See map Campa:nus, -a, -um, adj. _of Campania_ campus, -i:, m. _plain, field_, esp. the _Campus Martius_, along the Tiber just outside the walls of Rome canis, -is, m. and f. _dog_ cano:, -ere, ce'cini:, ----, _sing_ canto:, -a:re, -a:vi, -a:tus [[cano:, _sing_]], _sing_ Cape:nus, -a, -um, adj. _of Capena_, esp. the _Porta Cape'na_, the gate at Rome leading to the Appian Way capio:, -ere, ce:pi:, captus, _take, seize, capture_ (Sec. 492) Capito:li:nus, -a, -um, adj. _belonging to the Capitol, Capitoline_ Capito:lium, Capito:'li:, n. [[caput, _head_]], _the Capitol_, the hill at Rome on which stood the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus and the citadel capsa, -ae, f. _box_ for books capti:vus, -i:, m. [[capio:, _take_]], _captive_ Capua, -ae, f. _Capua_, a large city of Campania. See map caput, -itis, n. _head_ (Sec. 464.2.b) carcer, -eris, m. _prison, jail_ carrus, -i:, m. _cart, wagon_ ca:rus, -a, -um, adj. _dear; precious_ casa, -ae, f. _hut, cottage_ castellum, -i:, n. [[dim. of castrum, _fort_]], _redoubt, fort_ castrum, -i:, n. _fort_. Usually in the plural, castra, -o:rum, a military _camp_. castra po:nere, _to pitch camp_ ca:sus, -us, m. [[cado:, _fall_]], _chance; misfortune, loss_ catapulta, -ae, f. _catapult_, an engine for hurling stones cate:na, -ae, f. _chain_ caupo:na, -ae, f. _inn_ causa, -ae, f. _cause, reason_, qua: de: causa:, _for this reason_ ce:do:, -ere, cessi:, cessu:rus, _give way, retire_ celer, -eris, -ere, adj. _swift, fleet_ celerita:s, -a:tis, f. [[celer, _swift_]], _swiftness, speed_ celeriter, adv. [[celer, _swift_]], compared celerius, celerrime:, _swiftly_ ce:na, -ae, f. _dinner_ centum, indecl. numeral adj. _hundred_ centurio:, -o:nis, m. _centurion, captain_ Ce:pheus (dissyl.), -ei: (acc. Ce:phea), m. _Cepheus_, a king of Ethiopia and father of Andromeda Cerberus, -i:, m. _Cerberus_, the fabled three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to Hades certa:men, -inis, n. [[certo:, _struggle_]], _struggle, contest, rivalry_ certe:, adv. [[certus, _sure_]], compared certius, certissime:, _surely, certainly_ certus, -a, -um, adj. _fixed, certain, sure_. aliquem certio:rem facere (_to make some one more certain_), _to inform some one_ cervus, -i:, m. _stag, deer_ cesso:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _delay, cease_ ciba:ria, -o:rum, n. plur. _food, provisions_ cibus, -i:, m. _food, victuals_ Cimbri:, -o:rum, m. plur. _the Cimbri_ Cimbricus, -a, -um, adj. _Cimbrian_ ci:nctus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of cingo:, _surround_]], _girt, surrounded_ cingo:, -ere, ci:nxi:, ci:nctus, _gird, surround_ circiter, adv. _about_ circum, prep, with acc. _around_ circum'-do:, -dare, -dedi:, -datus, _place around, surround, inclose_ circum'-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus, _go around_ circum-sisto:, -ere, circum'steti:, ----, _stand around, surround_ circum-venio:, -i:re, -ve:ni:, -ventus (_come around_), _surround_ citerior, -ius, adj. in comp., superl. citimus, _hither, nearer_ (Sec. 475) ci:vi:lis, -e, adj. [[ci:vis]], _civil_ ci:vis, -is, m. and f. _citizen_ (Sec. 243.1) ci:vita:s, -a:tis, f. [[ci:vis, _citizen_]], (_body of citizens_), _state; citizenship_ cla:mor, -o:ris, m. _shout, cry_ cla:rus, -a, -um, adj. _clear; famous, renowned; bright, shining_ classis, -is, f. _fleet_ claudo:, -ere, -si:, -sus, _shut, close_ clavus, -i:, m. _stripe_ clie:ns, -entis, m. _dependent, retainer, client_ (Sec. 465.a) Cocles, -itis, m. (_blind in one eye_), _Cocles_, the surname of Horatius co-gno:sco:, -ere, -gno:vi:, -gni:tus, _learn, know, understand_. Cf. scio: (Sec. 420.b) co:go:, -ere, coe:gi:, coa:ctus [[co(m)-, _together_, + ago:, _drive_]], (_drive together_), _collect; compel, drive_ cohors, cohortis, f. _cohort_, the tenth part of a legion, about 360 men collis, -is, m. _hill_, in summo: colle, _on top of the hill_ (Sec. 247.2.a) collum, -i:, n. _neck_ colo:, -ere, colui:, cultus, _cultivate, till; honor, worship; devote one's self to_ columna, -ae, f. _column, pillar_ com- (col-, con-, cor-, co-), a prefix, _together, with_, or intensifying the meaning of the root word coma, -ae, f. _hair_ comes, -itis, m. and f. [[com-, _together_, + eo:, _go_]], _companion, comrade_ comita:tus, -u:s, m. [[comitor, _accompany_]], _escort, company_ comitor, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, dep. verb [[comes, _companion_]], _accompany_ com-mea:tus, -u:s, m. _supplies_ com-minus, adv. [[com-, _together_, + manus, _hand_]], _hand to hand_ com-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus, _join together; commit, intrust_. proelium committere, _join battle_. se: committere with dat, _trust one's self to_ commode:, adv. [[commodus, _fit_]], compared commodius, commodissime:, _conveniently, fitly_ commodus, -a, -um, adj. _suitable, fit_ com-mo:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of commoveo:, _move_]], _aroused, moved_ com-paro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[com-, intensive, + paro:, _prepare_]], _prepare; provide, get_ com-pleo:, -e:re, -ple:vi:, -ple:tus [[com-, intensive, + pleo:, _fill_]], _fill up_ complexus, -u:s, m. _embrace_ com-primo:, -ere, -pressi:, -pressus [[com-, _together_, + premo:, _press_]], _press together, grasp, seize_ con-cido:, -ere, -cidi:, ---- [[com-, intensive, + cado:, _fall_]], _fall down_ concilium, conci'li:, n. _meeting, council_ con-clu:do:, -ere, -clu:si:, -clu:sus [[com-, intensive, + claudo:, _close_]], _shut up, close; end, finish_ con-curro:, -ere, -curri:, -cursus [[com-, _together_, + curro:, _run_]], _run together; rally, gather_ condicio:, -o:nis, f. [[com-, _together_, + dico:, _talk_]], _agreement, condition, terms_ con-do:no:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _pardon_ con-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus, _hire_ co:n-fero:, -ferre, -tuli:, -la:tus, _bring together_. se: co:nferre, _betake one's self_ co:n-fertus, -a, -um, adj. _crowded, thick_ co:nfestim, adv. _immediately_ co:n-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[com-, _completely_, + facio:, _do_]], _make, complete, accomplish, finish_ co:n-fi:rmo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _make firm, establish, strengthen, affirm, assert_ co:n-fluo:, -ere, -flu:xi:, ----, _flow together_ co:n-fugio:, -ere, -fu:gi:, -fugitu:rus, _flee for refuge, flee_ con-icio:, -ere, -ie:ci:, -iectus [[com-, intensive, + iacio:, _throw_]], _hurl_ con-iungo:, -ere, -iu:nxi:, -iu:nctus [[com-, _together_, + iungo:, _join_]], _join together, unite_ con-iu:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[com-, _together_, + iu:ro:, _swear_]], _unite by oath, conspire_ con-loco:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[com-, _together_, + loco:, _place_]], _arrange, place, station_ conloquium, conlo'qui:, n. [[com-, _together_, + loquor, _speak_]], _conversation, conference_ co:nor, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, dep. verb, _endeavor, attempt, try_ co:n-scendo:, -ere, -scendi:, -sce:nsus [[com-, intensive, + scando:, _climb_]], _climb up, ascend_. na:vem co:nscendere, _embark, go on board_ co:n-scri:bo:, -ere, -scri:psi:, -scri:ptus [[com-, _together_, + scri:bo:, _write_]], (_write together_), _enroll, enlist_ co:n-secro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[com-, intensive, + sacro:, _consecrate_]], _consecrate, devote_ co:n-sequor, -sequi:, -secu:tus sum, dep. verb [[com-, intensive, + sequor, _follow_]], _pursue; overtake; win_ co:n-servo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[com-, intensive, + servo:, _save_]], _preserve, save_ co:nsilium, co:nsi'li:, n. _plan, purpose, design; wisdom_ co:n-sisto:, -ere, -stiti:, -stitus [[com-, intensive, + sisto:, _cause to stand_]], _stand firmly, halt, take one's stand_ co:n-spicio:, -ere, -spe:xi:, -spectus [[com-, intensive, + spicio:, _spy_]], _look at attentively, perceive, see_ co:nstantia, -ae, f. _firmness, steadiness, perseverance_ co:n-stituo:, -ere, -ui:, -u:tus [[com-, intensive, + statuo:, _set_]], _establish, determine, resolve_ co:n-sto:, -a:re, -stiti:, -sta:tu:rus [[com-, _together_, + sto:, _stand_]], _agree; be certain; consist of_ co:nsul, -ulis, m. _consul_ (Sec. 464.2.a) co:n-su:mo:, -ere, -su:mpsi:, -su:mptus [[com-, intensive, + sumo:, _take_]], _consume, use up_ con-tendo:, -ere, -di:, -tus, _strain; hasten; fight, contend, struggle_ con-tineo:, -e:re, -ui:, -tentus [[com-, _together_, + teneo:, _hold_]], _hold together, hem in, contain; restrain_ contra:, prep, with acc. _against, contrary to_ con-traho:, -ere, -tra:xi:, -tra:ctus [[com-, _together_, + traho:, _draw_]], _draw together;_ of sails, _shorten, furl_ contro:versia, -ae, f. _dispute, quarrel_ con-venio:, -i:re, -ve:ni:, -ventus [[com-, _together_, + venio:, _come_]], _come together, meet, assemble_ con-verto:, -ere, -verti:, -versus [[com-, intensive, + verto:, _turn_]], _turn_ con-voco:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[com-, _together_, + voco:, _call_]], _call together_ co-orior, -i:ri:, -ortus sum, dep. verb [[com-, intensive, + orior, _rise_]], _rise, break forth_ co:pia, -ae, f. [[com-, intensive, + ops, _wealth_]], _abundance, wealth, plenty_. Plur. co:piae, -a:rum, _troops_ coquo:, -ere, coxi:, coctus, _cook_ Corinthus, -i:, f. _Corinth_, the famous city on the Isthmus of Corinth Corne:lia, -ae, f. _Cornelia_, daughter of Scipio and mother of the Gracchi Corne:lius, Corne:'li:, m. _Cornelius_, a Roman name cornu:, -u:s, n. _horn; wing_ of an army, a: dextro: cornu:, _on the right wing_ (Sec. 466) coro:na, -ae, f. _garland, wreath; crown_ coro:na:tus, -a, -um, adj. _crowned_ corpus, -oris, n. _body_ cor-ripio:, -ere, -ui:, -reptus [[com-, intensive, + rapio:, _seize_]], _seize, grasp_ coti:dia:nus, -a, -um, adj. _daily_ coti:die:, adv. _daily_ cre:ber, -bra, -brum, adj. _thick, crowded, numerous, frequent_ cre:do:, -ere, -di:di:, -ditus, _trust, believe_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) cremo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _burn_ creo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _make; elect, appoint_ Creo:n, -ontis, m. _Creon_, a king of Corinth cre:sco:, -ere, cre:vi:, cre:tus, _rise, grow, increase_ Cre:ta, -ae, f. _Crete_, a large island in the Mediterranean Cre:taeus, -a, -um, adj. _Cretan_ cru:s, cru:ris, n. _leg_ cru:stulum, -i:, n. _pastry, cake_ cubi:le, -is, n. _bed_ cultu:ra, -ae, f. _culture, cultivation_ cum, conj. with the indic. or subjv. _when; since; although_ (Sec. 501.46) cum, prep, with abl. _with_ (Sec. 209) cupide:, adv. [[cupidus, _desirous_]], compared cupidius, cupidissime:, _eagerly_ cupidita:s, -a:tis, f. [[cupidus, _desirous_]], _desire, longing_ cupio:, -ere, -i:vi: or -ii:, -i:tus, _desire, wish_. Cf. volo: cu:r, adv. _why, wherefore_ cu:ra, -ae, f. _care, pains; anxiety_ cu:ria, -ae, f. _senate house_ cu:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[cu:ra, _care_]], _care for, attend to, look after_ curro:, -ere, cucurri:, cursus, _run_ currus, -u:s, m. _chariot_ cursus, -u:s, m. _course_ custo:dio:, -i:re, -i:vi:, -i:tus [[custo:s, _guard_]], _guard, watch_ D Daedalus, -i:, m. _Daed'alus_, the supposed inventor of the first flying machine Da:vus, -i:, m. _Davus_, name of a slave de:, prep, with abl. _down from, from; concerning, about, for_ (Sec. 209). qua: de: causa:, _for this reason, wherefore_ dea, -ae, f. _goddess_ (Sec. 461.a) de:beo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[de:, _from_, + habeo:, _hold_]], _owe, ought, should_ decem, indecl. numeral adj. _ten_ de:-cerno:, -ere, -cre:vi:, -cre:tus [[de:, _from_, + cerno:, _separate_]], _decide, decree_ de:-cido:, -ere, -cidi:, ---- [[de:, _down_, + cado:, _fall_]], _fall down_ decimus, -a, -um, numeral adj. _tenth_ de:cli:vis, -e, adj. _sloping downward_ de:-do:, -ere, -didi:, -ditus, _give up, surrender_, se: de:dere, _surrender one's self_ de:-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus [[de:, _down_, + du:co:, _lead_]], _lead down, escort_ de:-fendo:, -ere, -di:, -fe:nsus, _ward off, repel, defend_ de:-fero:, -ferre, -tuli:, -la:tus [[de:, _down_, + fero:, _bring_]], _bring down; report, announce_ (Sec. 426) de:-fessus, -a, -um, adj. _tired out, weary_ de:-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[de:, _from_, + facio:, _make_]], _fail, be wanting; revolt from_ de:-fi:go:, -ere, -fi:xi:, -fi:xus [[de:, _down_, + fi:go:, _fasten_]], _fasten, fix_ de:-icio:, -ere, -ie:ci:, -iectus [[de:, _down_, + iacio:, _hurl_]], _hurl down; bring down, kill_ de-inde, adv. _(from thence), then, in the next place_ de:lecto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _delight_ de:leo:, -e:re, -e:vi:, -e:tus, _blot out, destroy_ de:li:bero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _weigh, deliberate, ponder_ de:-ligo:, -ere, -le:gi:, -le:ctus [[de:, _from_, + lego:, _gather_]], _choose, select_ Delphicus, -a, -um, adj. _Delphic_ de:missus, -a, -um [[part. of de:mitto:, _send down_]], _downcast, humble_ de:-mo:nstro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[de:, _out_, + mo:nstro:, _point_]], _point out, show_ de:mum, adv. _at last, not till then_. tum de:mum, _then at last_ de:nique, adv. _at last, finally_. Cf. postre:mo: de:ns, dentis, m. _tooth_ (Sec. 247.2.a) de:nsus, -a, -um, adj. _dense, thick_ de:-pendeo:, -e:re, ----, ---- [[de:, _down_, + pendeo:, _hang_]], _hang from, hang down_ de:-plo:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[de:, intensive, + plo:ro:, _wail_]], _bewail, deplore_ de:-po:no:, -ere, -posui:, -positus [[de:, _down_, + po:no:, _put_]], _put down_ de:-scendo:, -ere, -di:, -sce:nsus [[de:, _down_, + scando:, _climb_]], _climb down, descend_ de:-scri:bo:, -ere, -scri:psi:, -scri:ptus [[de:, _down_, + scri:bo:, _write_]], _write down_ de:si:dero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _long for_ de:-silio:, -i:re, -ui:, -sultus [[de:, _down_, + salio:, _leap_]], _leap down_ de:-spe:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[de:, _away from_, + spe:ro:, _hope_]], _despair_ de:-spicio:, -ere, -spe:xi, -spectus [[de:, _down_]], _look down upon, despise_ de:-sum, -esse, -fui:, -futu:rus [[de:, _away from_, + sum, _be_]], _be wanting, lack_, with dat. (Sec. 426) deus, -i:, m. _god_ (Sec. 468) de:-volvo:, -ere, -volvi:, -volu:tus [[de:, _down_, + volvo:, _roll_]], _roll down_ de:-voro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[de:, _down_, + voro:, _swallow_]], _devour_ dexter, -tra, -trum (-tera, -terum), adj. _to the right, right_. a: dextro: cornu:, _on the right wing_ Dia:na, -ae, f. _Diana_, goddess of the moon and twin sister of Apollo di:co:, -ere, di:xi:, dictus (imv. di:c), _say, speak, tell_. Usually introduces indirect discourse (Sec. 420.a) dicta:tor, -o:ris, m. [[dicto:, _dictate_]], _dictator_, a chief magistrate with unlimited power die:s, -e:i or die:, m., sometimes f. in sing., _day_ (Sec. 467) dif-fero:, -ferre, distuli:, di:la:tus [[dis-, _apart_, + fero:, _carry_]], _carry apart; differ_. differre inter se:, _differ from each other_ dif-ficilis, -e, adj. [[dis-, _not_, + facilis, _easy_]], _hard, difficult_ (Sec. 307) difficulta:s, -a:tis, f. [[difficilis, _hard_]], _difficulty_ di:ligenter, adv. [[di:lige:ns, _careful_]], compared di:ligentius, di:ligentissime:, _industriously, diligently_ di:ligentia, -ae, f. [[di:lige:ns, _careful_]], _industry, diligence_ di:-mico:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _fight, struggle_ di:-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus [[di:-, _off_, + mitto:, _send_]], _send away, dismiss, disband_. di:mittere animum in, _direct one's mind to, apply one's self to_ Diome:de:s, -is, m. _Di:-o-me:'de:s_, a name dis-, di:-, a prefix expressing separation, _off, apart, in different directions_. Often negatives the meaning dis-ce:do:, -ere, -cessi:, -cessus [[dis-, _apart_, + ce:do:, _go_]], _depart from, leave, withdraw, go away_ dis-cerno:, -ere, -cre:vi:, -cre:tus [[dis-, _apart_, + cerno:, _sift_]], _separate; distinguish_ discipli:na, -ae, f. _instruction, training, discipline_ discipulus, -i:, m. [[disco:, _learn_]], _pupil, disciple_ disco:, -ere, didici:, ----, _learn_ dis-cutio:, -ere, -cussi:, -cussus [[dis-, _apart_, + quatio:, _shake_]], _shatter, dash to pieces_ dis-po:no:, -ere, -posui:, -positus [[dis-, _apart_, + po:no:, _put_]], _put here and there, arrange, station_ dis-similis, -e, adj. [[dis-, _apart_, + similis, _like_]], _unlike, dissimilar_ (Sec. 307) dis-tribuo:, -ere, -ui:, -u:tus, _divide, distribute_ diu:, adv., compared diu:tius, diu:tissime:, _for a long time, long_ (Sec. 477) do:, dare, dedi:, datus, _give_. in fugam dare, _put to flight_. alicui nego:tium dare, _employ some one_ doceo:, -e:re, -ui:, -tus, _teach, show_ doctri:na, -ae, f. [[doctor, _teacher_]], _teaching, learning, wisdom_ dolor, -o:ris, m. _pain, sorrow_ domesticus, -a, -um, adj. [[domus, _house_]], _of the house, domestic_ domicilium, domici'li:, n. _dwelling; house, abode_. Cf. domus domina, -ae, f. _mistress_ (of the house), _lady_ (Sec. 461) dominus, -i:, m. _master_ (of the house), _owner, ruler_ (Sec. 462) domus, -u:s, f. _house, home_. domi:, locative, _at home_ (Sec. 468) dormio:, -i:re, -i:vi:, -i:tus, _sleep_ draco:, -o:nis, m. _serpent, dragon_ dubito:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _hesitate_ dubius, -a, -um, adj. [[duo, _two_]], (_moving two ways_), _doubtful, dubious_ du-centi:, -ae, -a, numeral adj. _two hundred_ du:co:, -ere, du:xi:, ductus (imv. du:c), _lead, conduct_ dum, conj. _while, as long as_ duo, duae, duo, numeral adj. _two_ (Sec. 479) duo-decim, indecl. numeral adj. _twelve_ du:rus, -a, -um, adj. _hard, tough; harsh, pitiless, bitter_ dux, ducis, m. and f. [[cf. du:co:, _lead_]], _leader, commander_ E e: or ex, prep, with abl. _out of, from, off, of_ (Sec. 209) eburneus, -a, -um, adj. _of ivory_ ecce, adv. _see! behold! there! here!_ e:-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus [[e:, _out_, + du:co:, _lead_]], _lead out, draw out_ ef-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[ex, _thoroughly_, + facio:, _do_]], _work out; make, cause_ ef-fugio:, -ere, -fu:gi:, -fugitu:rus [[ex, _from_, + fugio:, _flee_]], _escape_ egeo:, -e:re, -ui:, ----, _be in need of, lack_, with abl. (Sec. 501.32) ego, pers. pron. _I_; plur. no:s, _we_ (Sec. 480) e:-gredior, -i:, e:gressus sum, dep. verb [[e:, _out of_, + gradior, _go_]], _go out, go forth_. e: na:vi: e:gredi:, _disembark_ e:-icio:, -ere, -ie:ci:, -iectus [[e:, _forth_, + iacio:, _hurl_]], _hurl forth, expel_ elementum, -i:, n., in plur. _first principles, rudiments_ elephantus, -i:, m. _elephant_ E:lis, Elidis, f. _E'lis_, a district of southern Greece emo:, -ere, e:mi:, e:mptus, _buy, purchase_ enim, conj., never standing first, _for, in fact, indeed._ Cf. nam Ennius, Enni:, m. _Ennius_, the father of Roman poetry, born 239 B.C. eo:, i:re, ii: (i:vi:), itu:rus, _go_ (Sec. 499) eo:, adv. _to that place, thither_ E:pi:rus, -i:, f. _Epi'rus_, a district in the north of Greece eques, -itis, m. [[equus, _horse_]], _horseman, cavalryman_ equita:tus, -u:s, m. [[equito:, _ride_]], _cavalry_ equus, -i:, m. _horse_ e:-rigo:, -ere, -re:xi:, -re:ctus [[e:, _out_, + rego:, _make straight_]], _raise up_ e:-ripio:, -ere, -ui:, -reptus [[e:, _out of_, + rapio:, _seize_]], _seize, rescue_ e:-rumpo:, -ere, -ru:pi:, -ruptus [[e:, _forth_, + rumpo:, _break_]], _burst forth_ e:ruptio:, -o:nis, f. _sally_ Erymanthius, -a, -um, adj. _Erymanthian, of Erymanthus_, a district in southern Greece et, conj. _and, also_. et ... et, _both ... and_. Cf. atque, ac, -que etiam, adv. (rarely conj.) [[et, _also_, + iam, _now_]], _yet, still; also, besides_. Cf. quoque. no:n so:lum ... sed etiam, _not only ... but also_ Etru:sci:, -o:rum, m. _the Etruscans_, the people of Etruria. See map of Italy Euro:pa, -ae, f. _Europe_ Eurystheus, -i:, m. _Eurys'theus_, a king of Tiryns, a city in southern Greece e:-va:do:, -ere, -va:si:, -va:sus [[e:, _out_, + va:do:, _go_]], _go forth, escape_ ex, see e: exanima:tus, -a, -um [[part. of exanimo:, _put out of breath_ (anima)]], adj. _out of breath, tired; lifeless_ ex-cipio:, -ere, -ce:pi:, -ceptus [[ex, _out_, + capio:, _take_]], _welcome, receive_ exemplum, -i:, n. _example, model_ ex-eo:,-i:re,-ii:,-itu:rus [[ex, _out_, + eo:, _go_]], _go out, go forth_ (Sec. 413) ex-erceo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[ex, _out_, + arceo:, _shut_]], _(shut out), employ, train, exercise, use_ exercitus, -us, m. [[exerceo:, _train_]], _army_ ex-i:stimo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[ex, _out_, + aestimo:, _reckon_]], _estimate; think, judge_ (Sec. 420.c). Cf. arbitror, puto: ex-orior, -i:ri:, -ortus sum, dep. verb [[ex, _forth_, + orior, _rise_]], _come forth, rise_ expedi:tus, -a, -um, adj. _without baggage_ ex-pello:, -ere, -puli:, -pulsus [[ex, _out_, + pello:, _drive_]], _drive out_ ex-pio:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[ex, intensive, + pi:o, _atone for_]], _make amends for, atone for_ explo:ra:tor, -o:ris, m. [[explo:ro:, _investigate_]], _spy, scout_ explo:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _examine, explore_ ex-pugno:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[ex, _out_, + pugno:, _fight_]], _take by storm, capture_ exsilium, exsi'li:, n. [[exsul, _exile_]], _banishment, exile_ ex-specto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[ex, _out_, + specto:, _look_]], _expect, wait_ ex-struo:, -ere, -stru:xi:, -stru:ctus [[ex, _out_, + struo:, _build_]], _build up, erect_ exterus, -a, -um, adj., compared exterior, extre:mus or extimus, _outside, outer_ (Sec. 312) extra:, prep, with acc. _beyond, outside of_ ex-traho:, -ere, -tra:xi:, -tra:ctus [[ex, _out_, + traho:, _drag_]], _drag out, pull forth_ extre:mus, -a, -um, adj., superl. of exterus, _utmost, farthest_ (Sec. 312) F fa:bula, -ae, f. _story, tale, fable_ facile, adv. [[facilis, _easy_]], compared facilius, facillime:, _easily_ (Sec. 322) facilis, -e, adj. [[cf. facio:, _make_]], _easy, without difficulty_ (Sec. 307) facio:, -ere, fe:ci:, factus (imv. fac), _make, do; cause, bring about_. impetum facere in, _make an attack upon_. proelium facere, _fight a battle_. iter facere, _make a march_ or _journey_. aliquem certio:rem facere, _inform some one_. facere verba pro:, _speak in behalf of_. Passive fi:o:, fieri:, factus sum, _be done, happen_. certior fieri:, _be informed_ fallo:, -ere, fefelli:, falsus, _trip, betray, deceive_ fa:ma, -ae, f. _report, rumor; renown, fame, reputation_ fame:s, -is (abl. fame:), f. _hunger_ familia, -ae, f. _servants, slaves; household, family_ fasce:s, -ium (plur. of fascis), f. _fasces_ (p. 225) fasti:gium, fasti:'gi:, n. _top; slope, descent_ fa:tum, -i:, n. _fate, destiny_ fauce:s, -ium, f. plur. _jaws, throat_ faveo:, -e:re, fa:vi:, fautu:rus, _be favorable to, favor_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) fe:li:x, -i:cis, adj. _happy, lucky_ fe:mina, -ae, f. woman. Cf. mulier fera, -ae, f. [[ferus, _wild_]], _wild beast_ fera:x, -a:cis, adj. _fertile_ fere:, adv. _about, nearly, almost_ fero:, ferre, tuli:, la:tus, _bear_. graviter or moleste: ferre, _be annoyed_ (Sec. 498) ferreus, -a, -um, adj. [[ferrum, _iron_]], _made of iron_ fide:lis, -e, adj. [[fide:s, _trust_]], _faithful, true_ fide:s, fidei: _or_ fide:, _trust, faith; promise, word; protection_. in fidem veni:re, _come under the protection_. in fide: mane:re, _remain loyal_ fi:lia, -ae (dat. and abl. plur. fi:lia:bus), f. _daughter_ (Sec. 461.a) fi:lius, fi:li: (voc. sing, fi:li:), m. _son_ fi:nis, -is, m. _boundary, limit, end;_ in plur. _territory, country_ (Sec. 243.1) fi:nitimus, -a, -um, adj. [[fi:nis, _boundary_]], _adjoining, neighboring_. Plur. fi:nitimi:, -o:rum, m. _neighbors_ fi:o:, fieri:, factus sum, used as passive of facio:. See facio: (Sec. 500) flamma, -ae, f. _fire, flame_ flo:s, flo:ris, m. _flower_ fluctus, -u:s, m. [[of. fluo:, _flow_]], _flood, wave, billow_ flu:men, -inis, n. [[cf. fluo:, _flow_]], _river_ (Sec. 464.2.b) fluo:, -ere, flu:xi:, fluxus, _flow_ fluvius, fluvi:, m. [[cf. fluo:, _flow_]], _river_ fodio:, -ere, fo:di:, fossus, _dig_ fo:ns, fontis, m. _fountain_ (Sec. 247.2.a) fo:rma, -ae, f. _form, shape, appearance; beauty_ Formiae, -a:rum, f. _Formiae_, a town of Latium on the Appian Way. See map forte, adv. [[abl. of fors, _chance_]], _by chance_ fortis, -e, adj. _strong; fearless, brave_ fortiter, adv. [[fortis, _strong_]], compared fortius, fortissime:, _strongly; bravely_ fortu:na, -ae, f. [[fors, _chance_]], _chance, fate, fortune_ forum, -i:, n. _market place_, esp. the Forum Ro:ma:num, where the life of Rome centered Forum Appi:, _Forum of Appius_, a town in Latium on the Appian Way fossa, -ae, f. [[cf. fodio:, _dig_]], _ditch_ fragor, -o:ris, m. [[cf. frango:, _break_]], _crash, noise_ frango:, -ere, fre:gi:, fra:ctus, _break_ fra:ter, -tris, m. _brother_ fremitus, -u:s, m. _loud noise_ frequento:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _attend_ fre:tus, -a, -um, adj. _supported, trusting_. Usually with abl. of means fro:ns, frontis, f. _front_, a: fronte, _in front_ fru:ctus, -u:s, m. _fruit_ fru:menta:rius, -a, -um, adj. _pertaining to grain_. re:s fru:menta:ria, _grain supplies_ fru:mentum, -i:, n. _grain_ fru:stra:, adv. _in vain, vainly_ fuga, -ae, f. [[cf. fugio:, _flee_]], _flight_. in fugam dare, _put to flight_ fugio:, -ere, fu:gi:, fugitu:rus, _flee, run; avoid, shun_ fu:mo:, -are, ------, ------, _smoke_ fu:nis, -is, m. _rope_ furor, -o:ris, m. [[furo:, _rage_]], _madness_. in furo:rem inci:dere, _go mad_ G Ga:ius, Ga:i:, m. _Gaius_, a Roman name, abbreviated C., English form _Caius_ Galba, -ae, m. _Galba_, a Roman name galea, -ae, f. _helmet_ Gallia, -ae, f. _Gaul_, the country comprising what is now Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, and France Gallicus, -a, -um, adj. _Gallic_ galli:na, -ae, f. _hen, chicken_ Gallus, -i:, m. _a Gaul_ gaudium, gaudi:, n. _joy_ Gena:va, -ae, f. _Geneva_, a city in Switzerland ge:ns, gentis, f. [[cf. gigno:, _beget_]], _race, family; people, nation, tribe_ genus, -eris, n. _kind, variety_ Germa:nia, -ae, f. _Germany_ Germa:nus, -i:, m. _a German_ gero:, -ere, gessi:, gestus, _carry, wear; wage_. bellum gerere, _wage war_. re:s gestae, _exploits_. bene gerere, _carry on successfully_ gladia:to:rius, -a, -um, adj. _gladiatorial_ gladius, gladi:, m. _sword_ glo:ria, -ae, f. _glory, fame_ Gracchus, -i:, m. _Gracchus_, name of a famous Roman family gracilis, -e, adj. _slender_ (Sec. 307) Graeca, -o:rum, n. plur. _Greek writings, Greek literature_ Graece:, adv. _in Greek_ Graecia, -ae, f. _Greece_ grammaticus, -i:, m. _grammarian_ gra:tia, -ae, f. _thanks, gratitude_ gra:tus, -a, -um, adj. _acceptable, pleasing_. Often with dat. (Sec. 501.16) gravis, -e:, adj. _heavy; disagreeable; serious, dangerous; earnest, weighty_ graviter, adv. [[gravis, _heavy_]], compared gravius, gravissime:, _heavily; greatly, seriously_. graviter ferre, _bear ill, take to heart_ guberna:tor, -o:ris, m. [[guberno:, _pilot_]], _pilot_ H habe:na, -ae, f. _halter, rein_. habeo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus, _have, hold; regard, consider, deem_ habito:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[cf. habeo:, _have_]], _dwell, abide, inhabit_. Cf. incolo:, vi:vo: ha:c-tenus, adv. _thus far_ Helve:tii:, -o:rum, m. _the Helvetii_, a Gallic tribe Hercule:s, -is, m. _Hercules_, son of Jupiter and Alcmena, and god of strength Hesperide:s, -um, f. _the Hesperides_, daughters of Hesperus, who kept the garden of the golden apples hic, haec, hoc, demonstrative adj. and pron. _this_ (of mine); as pers. pron. _he, she, it_ (Sec. 481) hi:c, adv. _here_ hiems, -emis, f. _winter_ hi:nc, adv. [[hi:c, _here_]], _from here, hence_ Hippolyte:, -e:s, f. _Hippolyte_, queen of the Amazons ho-die:, adv. [[modified form of ho:c die:, _on this day_]], _to-day_ homo:, -inis, m. and f. _(human being), man, person_ honestus, -a, -um, adv. [[honor, _honor_]], _respected, honorable_ honor, -o:ris, m. _honor_ ho:ra, -ae, f. _hour_ Hora:tius, Hora:'ti:, m. _Horatius_, a Roman name horribilis, -e, adj. _terrible, horrible_ hortor, -a:ri, -a:tus sum, dep. verb, _urge, incite, exhort, encourage_ (Sec. 493) hortus, -i:, m. _garden_ hospitium, hospi'ti:, n. [[hospes, _host_]], _hospitality_ hostis, -is, m. and f. _enemy, foe_ (Sec. 465.a) humilis, -e, adj. _low, humble_ (Sec. 307) Hydra, -ae, f. _the Hydra_, a mythical water snake slain by Hercules I iacio:, -ere, ie:ci:, iactus, _throw, hurl_ iam, adv. _now, already_. nec iam, _and no longer_ Ia:niculum, -i:, n. _the Janiculum_, one of the hills of Rome ia:nua, -ae, f. _door_ ibi, adv. _there, in that place_ I:carus, -i:, m. _Ic'arus_, the son of Daedalus ictus, -u:s, m. [[cf. i:co:, _strike_]], _blow_ i:dem, e'adem, idem, demonstrative pron. [[is + dem]], _same_ (Sec. 481) ido:neus, -a, -um, adj. _suitable, fit_ igitur, conj., seldom the first word, _therefore, then_. Cf. itaque ignis, -is, m. _fire_ (Secs. 243.1; 247. 2.a; 465, 1) igno:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, _not_, + (g)notus, _known_]], _unknown, strange_ ille, illa, illud, demonstrative adj. and pron. _that_ (yonder); as pers. pron. _he, she, it_ (Sec. 481) illi:c, adv. [[cf. ille]], _yonder, there_ im-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus [[in, _against_, + mitto:, _send_]], _send against; let in_ immolo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[in, _upon_, + mola, _meal_]], _sprinkle with sacrificial meal; offer, sacrifice_ im-morta:lis, -e, adj. [[in-, _not_, + mortalis, _mortal_]], _immortal_ im-morta:lita:s, -a:tis, f. [[immorta:lis, _immortal_]], _immortality_ im-para:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, _not_, + para:tus, _prepared_]], _unprepared_ impedi:mentum, -i:, n. [[impedio:, _hinder_]], _hindrance;_ in plur. _baggage_ impedi:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of impedio:, _hinder_]], _hindered, burdened_ im-pello:, -ere, -puli:, -pulsus [[in, _against_, + pello:, _strike_]], _strike against; impel, drive, propel_ impera:tor, -o:ris, m. [[impero:, _command_]], _general_ imperium, impe'ri:, n. [[impero:, _command_]], _command, order; realm, empire; power, authority_ impero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _command, order_. Usually with dat. and an object clause of purpose (Sec. 501.41). With acc. object, _levy, impose_ impetus, -u:s, m. _attack_, impetum facere in, _make an attack upon_ im-po:no:, -ere, -posui, -positus [[in, _upon_, + po:no:, _place_]], _place upon; impose, assign_ in, prep, with acc. _into, to, against, at, upon, towards;_ with abl. _in, on_. in reliquum tempus, _for the future_ in-, inseparable prefix. With nouns and adjectives often with a negative force, like English _un-, in-_ in-cautus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, _not_, + cautus, _careful_]], _off one's guard_ incendium, incendi:, n. _flame, fire_. Cf. ignis, flamma in-cendo:, -ere, -di:, -ce:nsus, _set fire to, burn_ in-cido:, -ere, -cidi:, ----, [[in, _in, on_, + cado:, _fall_]], _fall in, fall on; happen_. in furo:rem incidere, _go mad_ in-cipio:, -ere, -ce:pi, -ceptus [[in, _on_, + capio:, _take_]], _begin_ in-cognitus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, _not_, + cognitus, _known_]], _unknown_ in-colo:, -ere, -ui:, ----, [[in, _in_, + colo:, _dwell_]], _inhabit; live_ incolumis, -e, adj. _sound, safe, uninjured, imharmed_ in-cre:dibilis, -e, adj. [[in-, _not_, + cre:dibilis, _to be believed_]], _incredible_ inde, _from that place, thence_ induo:, -ere, -ui:, -u:tus, _put on_ indu:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of induo:, _put on_]], _clothed_ in-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus [[in, _into_, + eo:, _go_]], _go into; enter upon, begin_, with acc. (Sec. 413) i:n-fa:ns, -fantis, adj. [[in-, _not_, + *fa:ns, _speaking_]], _not speaking_. As a noun, m. and f. _infant_ i:n-fe:li:x, -i:cis, adj. [[in-, _not_, + fe:li:x, _happy_]], _unhappy, unlucky_ i:nfe:nsus, -a, -um, adj. _hostile_ i:n'-fero:, i:nfer're, in'tuli:, inla:'tus [[in, _against_, + fero:, _bear_]], _bring against or upon, inflict_, with acc. and dat. (Sec. 501.15). bellum i:nferre, with dat., _make war upon_ i:nferus, -a, -um, adj. _low, below_ (Sec. 312). i:n-fi:ni:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, _not_, + fi:ni:tus, _bounded_]], _boundless, endless_ i:n-fi:rmus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, _not_, + fi:rmus, _strong_]], _weak, infirm_ ingenium, inge'ni, n. _talent, ability_ inge:ns, -entis, adj. _vast, huge, enormous, large_. Cf. magnus in-gredior, -gredi:, -gressus sum [[in, _in_, + gradior, _walk_]], _advance, enter_ inimi:cus, -a, -um, adj. [[in-, _not_, + ami:cus, _friendly_]], _hostile_. As a noun, inimi:cus, -i:, m. _enemy, foe_. Cf. hostis initium, ini'ti:, _entrance, beginning_ initus, -a, -um, part. of ineo:. inita: aesta:te, _at the beginning of summer_ iniu:ria, -ae, f. [[in, _against_, + iu:s, _law_]], _injustice, wrong, injury_. alicui iniu:ria:s i:nferre, _inflict wrongs upon some one_ inopia, -ae, f. [[inops, _needy_]], _want, need, lack_ in-opi:na:ns, -antis, adj. [[in-, _not_, + opi:na:ns, _thinking_]], _not expecting, taken by surprise_ inquit, _said he, said she_. Regularly inserted in a direct quotation in-rigo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _irrigate, water_ in-rumpo:, -ere, -ru:pi:, -ruptus [[in, _into_, + rumpo:, _break_]], _burst in, break in_ in-ruo:, -ere, -rui:,---- [[in, _in_, + ruo:, _rush_]], _rush in_ i:n-sequor, -sequi:, -secu:tus sum, dep. verb [[in, _on_, + sequor, _follow_]], _follow on, pursue_ i:n-signe, -is, n. _badge, decoration_ (Sec. 465.b) i:nsignis, -e, adj. _remarkable, noted_ i:nsta:ns, -antis, adj. [[part. of i:nsto, _be at hand_]], _present, immediate_ i:n-sto:, -a:re, -stiti:, -statu:rus [[in, _upon_, + sto:, _stand_]], _stand upon; be at hand; pursue, press on_ i:nstru:mentum, -i:, n. _instrument_ i:n-struo:, -ere, -stru:xi:, -stru:ctus [[in, _on_, + struo:, _build_]], _draw up_ i:nsula, -ae, f. _island_ integer, -gra, -grum, _untouched, whole; fresh, new_ intellego:, -ere, -le:xi:, -le:ctus [[inter, _between_, +lego:, _choose_]], _perceive, understand_ (Sec. 420.d) intento:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _aim; threaten_ inter, prep. with acc. _between, among; during, while_ (Sec. 340) interfectus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of inter-ficio:, _kill_]], _slain, dead_ inter-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[inter, _between_, + facio:, _make_]], _put out of the way, kill_. Cf. neco:, occi:do:, truci:do: interim, adv. _meanwhile_ interior, -ius, adj. _interior, inner_ (Sec. 315) inter-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus, _leave off, suspend_ interpres, -etis, m. and f. _interpreter_ inter-rogo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _question_ inter-sum, -esse, -fui:, -futu:rus [[inter, _between_, +sum, _be_]], _be present, take part in_, with dat. (Sec. 501.15) inter-va:llum, -i:, n. _interval, distance_ intra:, adv. and prep. with acc. _within, in_ intro:, -a:re, -a:vi, -a:tus, _go into, enter_ in-venio:, -i:re, -ve:ni:, -ventus [[in, _upon_, +venio:, _come_]], _find_ invi:sus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of invideo:, _envy_]], _hated, detested_ Iola:us, -i:, m. _I-o-la:'us_, a friend of Hercules ipse, -a, -um, intensive pron. _that very, this very; self, himself, herself, itself_, (Sec. 481) i:ra, -ae, f. _wrath, anger_ i:ra:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of i:ra:scor, _be angry_]], _angered, enraged_ is, ea, id, demonstrative adj. and pron. _this, that; he, she, it_ (Sec. 481) iste, -a, -ud, demonstrative adj. and pron. _that_ (of yours), _he, she, it_ (Sec. 481) ita, adv. _so, thus_. Cf. si:c and tam Italia, -ae, f. _Italy_ ita-que, conj. _and so, therefore_ item, adv. _also_ iter, itineris, n. _journey, march, route; way, passage_ (Secs. 247.1.a; 468). iter dare, _give a right of way, allow to pass_. iter facere, _march_ (see p. 159) iubeo:, -e:re, iussi:, iussus, _order, command_. Usually with the infin. and subj. acc. (Sec. 213) iu:dex, -icis, m. and f. _judge_ (Sec. 464.1) iu:dico:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[iu:dex, _judge_]], _judge, decide_ (Sec. 420.c) Iu:lia, -ae, _Julia_, a Roman name Iu:lius, Iu:li:, m. _Julius_, a Roman name iungo:, -e:re, iu:nxi:, iu:nctus, _join; yoke, harness_ Iu:no:, -o:nis, f. _Juno_, the queen of the gods and wife of Jupiter Iuppiter, Iovis, m. _Jupiter_, the supreme god iu:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _swear, take an oath_ iussus, -a, -um, part. of iubeo:, _ordered_ L L., abbreviation for Lu:cius labefactus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of labefacio:, _cause to shake_]], _shaken, weakened, ready to fall_ Labie:nus, -i:, m. _La-bi-e'nus_, one of Caesar's lieutenants labor, -o:ris, m. _labor, toil_ labo:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[labor, _labor_]], _labor; suffer, be hard pressed_ lacrima, -ae, f. _tear_ lacus, -u:s (dat. and abl. plur. lacubus), m. _lake_ laete:, adv. [[laetus, _glad_]], compared laetius, laetissime:, _gladly_ laetitia, -ae, f. [[laetus, _glad_]], _joy_ laetus, -a, -um, adj. _glad, joyful_ lapis, -idis, m. _stone_ (Secs. 247.2.a; 464.1) La:r, Laris, m.; plur. Lare:s, -um (rarely -ium), _the Lares_ or _household, gods_ la:te:, adv. [[la:tus, _wide_]], compared la:tius, la:tissime:, _widely_ Latine:, adv. _in Latin_. Lati:ne: loqui:, _to speak Latin_ la:titu:do:, -inis, f. [[la:tus, _wide_]], _width_ La:to:na, -ae, f. _Latona_, mother of Apollo and Diana latus, -a, -um, adj. _wide_ la:tus, -eris, n. _side, flank_. ab utro:que latere, _on each side_ laudo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[laus, _praise_]], _praise_ laurea, -ae, f. _laurel_ laurea:tus, -a, -um, adj. _crowned with laurel_ laus, laudis, f. _praise_ lectulus, -i:, m. _couch, bed_ le:ga:tus, -i:, m. _ambassador; lieutenant_ legio:, -o:nis, f. [[cf. lego:, _gather_]], (_body of soldiers_), _legion_, about 3600 men (Sec. 464.2.a) legio:na:rius, -a, -um, adj. _legionary_. Plur. legio:narii:, -o:rum, m. _the soldiers of the legion_ lego:, -ere, le:gi:, le:ctus, _read_ le:nis, -e, adj. _gentle, smooth, mild_ le:niter, adv. [[le:nis, _gentle_]], compared le:nius, le:nissime:, _gently_ Lentulus, -i, m. _Lentulus_, a Roman family name leo:, -o:nis, m. _lion_ Lernaeus, -a, -um, adj. _Lernaeean_, of Lerna, in southern Greece Lesbia, -ae, f. _Lesbia_, a girl's name levis, -e, adj. _light_ le:x, le:gis, f. _measure, law_ libenter, adv. [[libe:ns, _willing_]], compared libentius, libentissime:, _willingly, gladly_ li:ber, -era, -erum, adj. _free_ (Sec. 469.b) li:beri:, -o:rum, m. [[li:ber, _free_]], _children_ li:bero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[li:ber, _free_]], _set free, release, liberate_ li:berta:s, -a:tis, f. [[li:ber, _free_]], _freedom, liberty_ li:ctor, -o:ris, m. _lictor_ (p. 225) li:mus, -i:, m. _mud_ littera, -ae, f. _a letter_ of the alphabet; in plur. _a letter, epistle_ li:tus, -oris, n. _seashore, beach_ locus, -i:, m. (plur. loci: and loca, m. and n.), _place, spot_ longe:, adv. [[longus, _long_]], comp. longius, longissime:, _a long way off; by far_ longinquus, -a, -um, adj. [[longus, _long_]], _distant, remote_ longitu:do:, -inis, f. [[longus, _long_]], _length_ longus, -a, -um, adj. _long_ loquor, loqui, locu:tus sum, dep. verb, _talk, speak_ lo:ri:ca, -ae, f. [[lo:rum, _thong_]], _coat of mail, corselet_ lu:do:, -ere, lu:si:, lu:sus, _play_ lu:dus, -i:, m. _play; school_, the elementary grades. Cf. schola lu:na, -ae, f. _moon_ lu:x, lu:cis, f. (no gen. plur.), _light_. pri:ma lu:x, _daybreak_ Ly:dia, -ae, f. _Lydia_, a girl's name M M., abbreviation for Ma:rcus magicus, -a, -um, adj. _magic_ magis, adv. in comp. degree [[magnus, _great_]], _more, in a higher degree_ (Sec. 323) magister, -tri:, m. _master, commander; teacher_ magistra:tus, -u:s, m. [[magister, _master_]], _magistracy; magistrate_ magnitu:do:, -inis, f. [[magnus, _great_]], _greatness, size_ magnopere, adv. [[abl. of magnum opus]], compared magis, maxime:, _greatly, exceedingly_ (Sec. 323) magnus, -a, -um, adj., compared maior, maximus, _great, large; strong, loud_ (Sec. 311) maior, maius, -o:ris, adj., comp. of magnus, _greater, larger_ (Sec. 311) maio:re:s, -um, m. plur. of maior, _ancestors_ ma:lo:, ma:lle, ma:lui:, ---- [[magis, _more_, + volo:, _wish_]], _wish more, prefer_ (Sec. 497) malus, -a, -um, adj., compared peior, pessimus, _bad, evil_ (Sec. 311) mando:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[manus, _hand_, + do:, _put_]], _(put in hand), intrust; order, command_ maneo:, -e:re, ma:nsi:, ma:nsu:rus, _stay, remain, abide_ Ma:nlius, Ma:nli:, m. _Manlius_, a Roman name ma:nsue:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of ma:nsue:sco:, _tame_]], _tamed_ manus, -u:s, f. _hand; force, band_ Ma:rcus, -i:, m. _Marcus, Mark_, a Roman first name mare, -is, n. (no gen. plur.), _sea_. mare tene:re, _be out to sea_ margo:, -inis, m. _edge, border_ mari:tus, -i:, m. _husband_ Marius, Mari:, m. _Marius_, a Roman name, esp. _C. Marius_, the general Ma:rtius, -a, -um, adj. _of Mars_, esp. the _Campus Martius_ ma:ter, -tris, f. _mother_ ma:trimo:nium, ma:trimo:'ni:, n. _marriage_. in ma:trimo:nium du:cere, _marry_ ma:tu:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _hasten_. Cf. contendo:, propero: ma:tu:rus, -a, -um, adj. _ripe, mature_ maxime:, adv. in superl. degree [[maximus, _greatest_]], compared magnopere, magis, maxime:, _especially, very much_ (Sec. 323) maximus, -a, -um, adj., superl. of magnus, _greatest, extreme_ (Sec. 311) medius, -a, -um, adj. _middle part; middle, intervening_ melior, -ius, -o:ris, adj., comp. of bonus, _better_ (Sec. 311) melius, adv. in comp. degree, compared bene, melius, optime:, _better_ (Sec. 323) memoria, -ae, f. [[memor, _mindful_]], _memory_. memoria: tene:re, _remember_ me:ns, mentis, f. _mind_. Cf. animus me:nsis, -is, m. _month_ (Sec. 247.2. a) merca:tor, -o:ris, m. [[mercor, _trade_]], _trader, merchant_ meri:dia:nus, -a, -um, adj. [[meri:die:s, _noon_]], _of midday_ meri:die:s, ---- (acc. -em, abl. -e:), m. [[medius, _mid_, + die:s, _day_]], _noon_ metus, -u:s, m. _fear, dread_ meus, -a, -um, possessive adj. and pron. _my, mine_ (Sec. 98) mi:les, -itis, m. _soldier_ (Sec. 464.1) mi:lita:ris, -e, adj. [[mi:les, _soldier_]], _military_. re:s mi:lita:ris, _science of war_ mi:lito:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[mi:les, _soldier_]], _serve as a soldier_ mi:lle, plur. mi:lia, -ium, numeral adj. and subst. _thousand_ (Sec. 479) minime:, adv. in superl. degree, compared parum, minus, minime:, _least, very little; by no means_ (Sec. 323) minimus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared parvus, minor, minimus, _least, smallest_ (Sec. 311) minor, minus, -o:ris, adj. in comp. degree, compared parvus, minor, minimus, _smaller, less_ (Sec. 311) Mi:no:s, -o:is, m. _Minos_, a king of Crete minus, adv. in comp. degree, compared parum, minus, minime:, _less_ (Sec. 323) Minyae, -a:rum, m. _the Minyae_, a people of Greece mi:ra:bilis, -e, adj. [[mi:ror, _wonder at_]], _wonderful, marvelous_ mi:ror, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, dep. verb [[mi:rus, _wonderful_]], _wonder, marvel, admire_ mi:rus, -a, -um, adj. _wonderful_ Mi:se:num, -i:, _Mise'num_, a promontory and harbor on the coast of Campania. See map miser, -era, -erum, adj. _wretched, unhappy, miserable_ missus, -a, -um, part. of mitto:, _sent_ mitto:, -ere, mi:si:, missus, _send_ modicus, -a, -um [[modus, _measure_]], _modest, ordinary_ modo, adv. [[abl. of modus, _measure_, with shortened o]], _only, merely, just now_. modo ... modo, _now ... now, sometimes ... sometimes_ modus, -i:, m. _measure; manner, way; kind_ moenia, -ium, n. plur. [[cf. mu:nio:, _fortify_]], _walls, ramparts_ moleste:, adv. [[molestus, _troublesome_]], compared molestius, molestissime:, _annoyingly_. moleste: ferre, _to be annoyed_ molestus, -a, -um, _troublesome, annoying, unpleasant_ (Sec. 501.16) moneo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus, _remind, advise, warn_ (Sec. 489) mo:ns, montis, m. _mountain_ (Sec. 247.2. a) mo:nstrum, -i:, n. _monster_ mora, -ae, f. _delay_ moror, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, dep. verb [[mora, _delay_]], _delay, linger; impede_ mors, mortis, f. [[cf. morior, _die_]], _death_ mo:s, mo:ris, m. _custom, habit_ mo:tus, -u:s, m. [[cf. moveo:, _move_]], _motion, movement_. terrae mo:tus, _earthquake_ moveo:, -e:re, mo:vi:, mo:tus, _move_ mox, adv. _soon, presently_ mulier, -eris, f. _woman_ multitu:do:, -inis, f. [[multus, _much_]], _multitude_ multum (multo:), adv. [[multus, _much_]], compared plu:s, plu:rimum, _much_ (Sec. 477) multus, -a, -um, adj., compared plu:s, plu:rimus, _much_; plur. _many_ (Sec. 311) mu:nio:, -i:re, -i:vi: or -ii:, -i:tus, _fortify, defend_ mu:ni:tio:, -o:nis, f. [[mu:nio:, _fortify_]], _defense, fortification_ mu:rus, -i:, m. _wall_. Cf. moenia mu:sica, -ae, f. _music_ N nam, conj. _for_. Cf. enim nam-que, conj., a strengthened nam, introducing a reason or explanation, _for, and in fact; seeing that_ na:rro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _tell, relate_ na:scor, na:sci:, na:tus sum, dep. verb, _be born, spring from_ na:tu:ra, -ae, f. _nature_ na:tus, part. of na:scor nauta, -ae, m. [[for na:vita, from na:vis, _ship_]], _sailor_ na:va:lis, -e, adj. [[na:vis, _ship_]], _naval_ na:vigium, na:vi'gi:, n. _ship, boat_ na:vigo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[na:vis, _ship_, + ago:, _drive_]], _sail, cruise_ na:vis, -is (abl. -i: or -e), f. _ship_ (Sec. 243.1). na:vem co:nscendere, _embark, go on board_. na:vem solvere, _set sail_. na:vis longa, _man-of-war_ ne:, conj. and adv. _in order that not, that_ (with verbs of fearing), _lest; not_. ne: ... quidem, _not even_ -ne, interrog. adv., enclitic (see Secs. 16, 210). Cf. no:nne and num nec or neque, conj. [[ne:, _not_, + que, _and_]], _and not, nor_. nec ... nec or neque ... neque, _neither ... nor_ necessa:rius, -a, -um, adj. _needful, necessary_ neco:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[cf. nex, _death_]], _kill_. Cf. interficio:, occi:do:, truci:do: nego:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _deny, say not_ (Sec. 420.a) nego:tium, nego:'ti:, n. [[nec, _not_, + o:tium, _ease_]], _business, affair, matter_. alicui nego:tium dare, _to employ some one_ Nemaeus, -a, -um, adj. _Neme'an, of Neme'a_, in southern Greece ne:mo, dat. ne:mini: (gen. nu:lli:us, abl. nu:llo:, supplied from nu:llus), m. and f. [[ne:, _not_, + homo:, _man_]], _(not a man), no one, nobody_ Neptu:nus, -i:, m. _Neptune_, god of the sea, brother of Jupiter neque, see nec neuter, -tra, -trum (gen. -tri:us, dat. -tri:), adj. _neither_ (of two) (Sec. 108) ne:-ve, conj. adv. _and not, and that not, and lest_ nihil, n. indecl. [[ne:, _not_, + hi:lum, _a whit_]], _nothing_. nihil posse, _to have no power_ nihilum, -i:, n., see nihil Niobe:, -e:s, f. _Ni'obe_, the queen of Thebes whose children were destroyed by Apollo and Diana nisi, conj. [[ne:, _not_, + si:, _if_]], _if not, unless, except_ no:bilis, -e, adj. _well known; noble_ noceo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itu:rus [[cf. neco:, _kill_]], _hurt, injure_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) noctu:, abl. used as adv. [[cf. nox, _night_]], _at night, by night_ No:la, -ae, f. _Nola_, a town in central Campania. See map no:lo:, no:lle, no:lui:, ---- [[ne, _not_, + volo:, _wish_]], _not to wish, be unwilling_ (Sec. 497) no:men, -inis, n. [[cf. no:sco:, _know_]], _(means of knowing), name_ no:mino:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[no:men, _name_]], _name, call_. Cf. appello:, voco: no:n, adv. [[ne:, _not_, + u:num, _one_]], _not_. no:n so:lum ... sed etiam, _not only ... but also_ no:n-dum, adv. _not yet_ no:n-ne, interrog. adv. suggesting an affirmative answer, _not?_ (Sec. 210). Cf. -ne and num no:s, pers. pron. _we_ (see ego) (Sec. 480) noster, -tra, -trum, possessive adj. and pron. _our, ours_. Plur. nostri:, -o:rum, m. _our men_ (Sec. 98) novem, indecl. numeral adj. _nine_ novus, -a, -um, adj. _new_. novae re:s, _a revolution_ nox, noctis, f. _night_, multa: nocte, _late at night_ nu:llus, -a, -um (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:) adj. [[ne:, _not_, + u:llus, _any_]], _not any, none, no_ (Sec. 108) num, interrog. adv. suggesting a negative answer (Sec. 210). Cf. -ne and no:nne. In indir. questions, _whether_ numerus, -i:, m. _number_ numquam, adv. [[ne:, _not_, + umquam, _ever_]], _never_ nunc, adv. _now_. Cf. iam nu:ntio:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[nu:ntius, _messenger_]], _report, announce_ (Sec. 420.a) nu:ntius, nu:nti:, m. _messenger_ nu:per, adv. _recently, lately, just now_ nympha, -ae, f. _nymph_ O ob, prep. with acc. _on account of_. In compounds it often means _in front of, against_, or it is intensive. quam ob rem, _for this reason_ (Sec. 340) obses, -idis, m. and f. _hostage_ ob-sideo:,-e:re,-se:di:, -sessus [[ob, _against_, + sedeo:, _sit_]], _besiege_ obtineo:, -e:re, -ui:, -tentus [[ob, _against_, + teneo:, _hold_]], _possess, occupy, hold_ occa:sio:, -o:nis, f. _favorable opportunity, favorable moment_ occa:sus, -u:s, m. _going down, setting_ occi:do:, -ere, -ci:di:, -ci:sus [[ob, _down_, + caedo:, _strike_]], _strike down; cut down, kill_. Cf. interficio:, neco: occupo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[ob, _completely_, + capio:, _take_]], _seize, take possession of, occupy_. Cf. rapio oc-curro:, -ere, -curri:, -cursus [[ob, _against_ + curro:, _run_]], _run towards; meet_, with dat. (Sec. 426) o:ceanus, -i:, m. _the ocean_ octo:, indecl. numeral adj. _eight_ oculus, -i:, m. _eye_ officium, offi'ci:, n. _duty_ o:lim, adv. _formerly, once upon a time_ o:men, -inis, n. _sign, token, omen_ o:-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus [[ob, _over, past_, + mitto:, _send_]], _let go, omit_. consilium omittere, _give up a plan_ omni:no:, adv. [[omnis, _all_]], _altogether, wholly, entirely_ omnis, -e, adj. _all, every._ Cf. to:tus onera:ria, -ae, f. [[onus, _load_]], with na:vis expressed or understood, _merchant vessel, transport_ onus, -eris, n. _load, burden_ opi:nio:, -o:nis, f. [[opi:nor, _suppose_]], _opinion, supposition, expectation_ oppida:nus, -i:, m. [[oppidum, _town_]], _townsman_ oppidum, -i:, n. _town, stronghold_ opportu:nus, -a, -um, adj. _suitable, opportune, favorable_ op-primo:, -ere, -pressi:, -pressus [[ob, _against_, + premo:, _press_]], (_press against_), _crush; surprise_ oppugna:tio:, -o:nis, f. _storming, assault_ oppugno:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[ob, _against_, + pugno: _fight_]], _fight against, assault, storm, assail_ optime:, adv. in superl. degree, compared bene, melius, optime:, _very well, best of all_ (Sec. 323) optimus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared bonus, melior, optimus, _best, most excellent_ (Sec. 311) opus, -eris, n. _work, labor, task_ (Sec. 464.2.b) o:ra:culum, -i:, n. [[o:ro:, _speak_]], _oracle_ o:ra:tor, -o:ris, m. [[o:ro:, _speak_]], _orator_ orbis, -is, m. _ring, circle_. orbis terra:rum, _the earth, world_ orbita, -ae, f. [[orbis, _wheel_]], _rut_ Orcus, -i:, m. _Orcus, the lower world_ o:rdo:, -inis, m. _row, order, rank_ (Sec. 247.2.a) ori:go, -inis, f. [[orior, _rise_]], _source, origin_ orior, -i:ri:, ortus sum, dep. verb, _arise, rise, begin; spring, be born_ o:rna:mentum, -i:, n. [[o:rno:, _fit out_]], _ornament, jewel_ o:rna:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of o:rno:, _fit out_]] _fitted out; adorned_ o:rno:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _fit out, adorn_ P P., abbreviation for Pu:blius paene, adv. _nearly, almost_ palu:da:mentum, -i:, n. _military cloak_ palu:s, -u:dis, f. _swamp, marsh_ pa:nis, -is, m. _bread_ pa:r, paris, adj. _equal_ (Sec. 471. III) para:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of paro:, _prepare_]], _prepared, ready_ parco:, -ere, peper'ci: (parsi:), parsu:rus, _spare_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) pa:reo:, -e:re, -ui:, ----, _obey_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) paro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _prepare for, prepare; provide, procure_ pars, partis, f. _part, share; side, direction_ parum, adv., compared minus, minime:, _too little, not enough_ (Sec. 323) parvus, -a, -um, adj., compared minor, minimus, _small, little_ (Sec. 311) passus, -u:s, m. _step, pace_. mi:lle passuum, _thousand paces, mile_ (Sec. 331.b) pateo:, -e:re, patui:, ----, _lie open, be open; stretch, extend_ pater, -tris, m. _father_ (Sec. 464.2.a) patior, -i:, passus sum, dep. verb, _bear, suffer, allow, permit_ patria, -ae, f. [[cf. pater, _father_]], _fatherland_, (_one's_) _country_ paucus, -a, -um, adj. (generally plur.), _few, only a few_ paulisper, adv. _for a little while_ paulo:, adv. _by a little, little_ paulum adv. _a little, somewhat_ pa:x, pa:cis, f. (no gen. plur.), _peace_ pecu:nia, -ae, f. [[pecus, _cattle_]], _money_ pedes, -itis, m. [[pe:s, _foot_]], _foot soldier_ pedester, -tris, -tre, adj. [[pe:s, _foot_]], _on foot; by land_ peior, peius, -o:ris, adj. in comp. degree, compared malus, peior, pessimus, _worse_ (Sec. 311) pellis, -is, f. _skin, hide_ penna, -ae, f. _feather_ per, prep. with acc. _through, by means of, on account of_. In composition it often has the force of _thoroughly, completely, very_ (Sec. 340) percussus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of percutio:, _strike through_]], _pierced_ per-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus [[per, _through_, + du:co:, _lead_]], _lead through_. fossam perdu:cere, _to construct a ditch_ per-exiguus, -a, -um, adj. [[per, _very_, + exiguus, _small_]], _very small, very short_ perfidus, -a, -um, adj. _faithless, treacherous, false_ per-fringo:, -ere, -fre:gi:, -fra:ctus [[per, _through_, frango:, _break_]], _shatter_ pergo:, -ere, perre:xi:, perre:ctus [[per, _through_, + rego:, _conduct_]], _go on, proceed, hasten_ peri:culum, -i:, n. _trial, test; danger_ peristy:lum, -i:, n. _peristyle_, an open court with columns around it peri:tus, -a, -um, adj. _skillful_ perpetuus, -a, -um, adj. _perpetual_ Perseus, -ei:, _Perseus_, a Greek hero, son of Jupiter and Danae perso:na, -ae, f. _part, character, person_ per-sua:deo:, -e:re, -sua:si:, -sua:sus [[per, _thoroughly_, + sua:deo:, _persuade_]], _persuade, advise_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14), often with an object clause of purpose (Sec. 501.41) per-terreo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[per, _thoroughly_, + terreo:, _frighten_]], _thoroughly terrify, alarm_ per-venio:, -i:re, -ve:ni:, -ventus [[per, _through_, + venio:, _come_]], _arrive, reach, come to_ pe:s, pedis, m. _foot_. pedem referre, _retreat_ (Sec. 247.2.a) pessimus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared malus, peior, pessimus, _worst_ (Sec. 311) peto:, -ere, -i:vi: or -ii:, -i:tus, _strive for, seek, beg, ask; make for, travel to_. Cf. postulo:, quaero:, rogo: Pharsa:lus, -i:, f. _Pharsa'lus_ or _Pharsa'lia_, a town in Thessaly, near which Cassar defeated Pompey, 48 B.C. philosophia, -ae, f. _philosophy_ philosophus, -i:, m. _philosopher_ pictus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of pingo:, _paint_]], _colored, variegated_ pi:lum, -i:, n. _spear, javelin_ (Sec. 462.b) pisci:na, -ae, f. [[piscis, _fish_]], _fish pond_ piscis, -is, m. _fish_ pi:stor, -o:ris, m. _baker_ placeo:. -e:re, -ui:, -itus, _please, be pleasing_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) pla:nitie:s, -e:i:, f. [[pla:nus, _level_]], _plain_ pla:nus, -a, -um, adj. _level, flat_ ple:nus, -a, -um, _full_ plu:rimum, adv. in superl. degree, compared multum, plu:s, plu:rimum, _very much_. plu:rimum vale:re, _be most influential_ (Sec. 322) plu:rimus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared multus, plu:s, plu:rimus, _most, very many_ (Sec. 311) plu:s, plu:ris, adj. in comp. degree, compared multus, plu:s, plu:rimus; sing. n. as substantive, _more_; plur. _more, several_ (Sec. 311) pluteus, -i:, m. _shield, parapet_ poena, -ae, f. _punishment, penalty_ poe:ta, -ae, m. _poet_ pompa, -ae, f. _procession_ Pompe:ii:, -o:rum, m. _Pompeii_, a city of Campania. See map Pompe:ius, Pompe:'i:, m. _Pompey_, a Roman name po:mum, -i:, n. _apple_ po:no:, -ere, posui:, positus, _put, place_. castra po:nere, _pitch camp_ po:ns, pontis, m. _bridge_ (Sec. 247.2.a) popi:na, -ae, f. _restaurant_ populus, -i:, m. _people_ Porsena, -ae, m. _Porsena_, king of Etruria, a district of Italy. See map porta, -ae, f. _gate, door_ porto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _bear, carry_ portus, -u:s, m. [[cf. porta, _gate_]], _harbor_ possideo:, -e:re, -se:di:, -sessus, _have, own, possess_ possum, posse, potui:, ----, irreg. verb [[potis, _able_, + sum, _I am_]], _be able, can_ (Sec. 495). nihil posse, _have no power_ post, prep, with acc. _after, behind_ (Sec. 340) postea:, adv. [[post, _after_, + ea:, _this_]], _afterwards_ (posterus), -a, -um, adj., compared posterior, postre:mus or postumus, _following, next_ (Sec. 312) postquam, conj. _after, as soon as_ postre:mo:, adv. [[abl. of postre:mus, _last_]], _at last, finally_. Cf. de:mum, de:nique (Sec. 322) postri:die:, adv. [[postero:, _next_, + die:, _day_]], _on the next day_ postulo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _ask, demand, require_. Cf. peto:, quaero:, rogo: potentia, -ae, f. [[pote:ns, _able_]], _might, power, force_ prae-beo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[prae, _forth_, + habeo:, _hold_]], _offer, give_ praeda, -ae, f. _booty, spoil, plunder_ prae-di:co:, -ere, -di:xi:, -dictus [[prae, _before_, + di:co:, _tell_]], _foretell, predict_ prae-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[prae, _before_, + facio:, _make_]], _place in command_, with acc. and dat. (Sec. 501.15) prae-mitto:, -ere, -mi:si:, -missus [[prae, _forward_, + mitto:, _send_]], _send forward_ praemium, praemi:, n. _reward, prize_ praeruptus, -a, -um [[part. of prae-rumpo:, _break off_]], _broken off, steep_ praese:ns, -entis, adj. _present, immediate_ praesertim, adv. _especially, chiefly_ praesidium, praesi'di, n. _guard, garrison, protection_ prae-sto:, -a:re, -stiti:, -stitus [[prae, _before_, + sto, _stand_]], (_stand before_), _excel, surpass_, with dat. (Sec. 501.15); _show, exhibit_ prae-sum, -esse, -fui:, -futu:rus [[prae, _before_, + sum, _be_]], _be over, be in command of_, with dat. (Sec. 501.15) praeter, prep, with acc. _beyond, contrary to_ (Sec. 340) praeterea:, adv. [[praeter, _besides_, + ea:, _this_]], _in addition, besides, moreover_ praetextus, -a, -um, adj. _bordered, edged_ praeto:rium, praeto:'ri:, n. _praetorium_ prandium, prandi:, n. _luncheon_ premo:, -ere, pressi:, pressus, _press hard, compress; crowd, drive, harass_ (prex, precis), f. _prayer_ pri:mo:, adv. [[pri:mus, _first_]], _at first, in the beginning_ (Sec. 322) pri:mum, adv. [[pri:mus, _first_]], _first_. quam primum, _as soon as possible_ pri:mus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared prior, pri:mus, _first_ (Sec. 315) pri:nceps, -cipis, m. [[pri:mus, _first_, + capio:, _take_]], (_taking the first place_), _chief, leader_ (Sec. 464.1) prior, prius, -o:ris, adj. in comp. degree, superl., pri:mus, _former_ (Sec. 315) pri:stinus, -a, -um, adj. _former, previous_ pro:, prep, with abl. _before; for, for the sake of, in behalf of; instead of, as_ (Sec. 209). In composition, _forth, forward_ pro:-ce:do:, -ere, -cussi:, -cessu:rus [[pro:, _forward_, + ce:do:, _go_]], _go forward, proceed_ procul, adv. _far, afar off_ pro:-curro:, -ere, -curri: (-cucurri:), -cur-sus [[pro:, _forward_, + curro:, _run_]], _run forward_ proelium, proeli, n. _battle, combat_. proelium committere, _join battle_. proelium facere, _fight a battle_ profectio:, -o:nis, f. _departure_ profici:scor, -i:, -fectus sum, dep. verb, _set out, march_. Cf. e:gredior, exeo: pro:-gredior, -i:, -gressus sum, dep. verb [[pro:, _forth_, + gradior, _go_]], _go forth, proceed, advance_. Cf. pergo:, pro:ce:do: pro:gressus, see pro:gredior prohibeo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itus [[pro:, _forth, away from_, + habeo:, _hold_]], _keep away from, hinder, prevent_ pro:-moveo:, -e:re, -mo:vi:, -mo:tus [[pro:, _forward_, + moveo:, _move_]], _move forward, advance_ pro:-nu:ntio:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[pro:, _forth_, + nu:ntio:, _announce_]], _proclaim, declare_ prope, adv., compared propius, proxi-me:, _nearly_. Prep, with acc. _near_ pro:-pello:, -ere, -puli:, -pulsus [[pro:, _forth_, + pello:, _drive_]], _drive forth; move, impel_ propero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[properus, _quick]], go quickly, hasten_. Cf. contendo:, maturo: propinquus, -a, -um, adj. [[prope, _near]], near, neighboring_ propior, -ius, -o:ris, adj. in comp. degree, superl., proximus, _nearer_ (Sec. 315) propius, adv. in comp. degree, compared prope, propius, proxime:, _nearer_ (Sec. 323) propter, prep. with acc. _on account of, because of_ (Sec. 340) pro:-scri:bo:, -ere, -scri:psi:, -scriptus [[pro:, _forth_, + scribo:, _write_]], _proclaim, publish_. Cf. pro:nu:ntio: pro:-sequor, -sequi:, -secu:tus sum, dep. verb [[pro:, _forth_, + sequor, _follow]], escort, attend_ pro:-sum, pro:desse, pro:fui:, pro:futu:rus [[pro:, _for_, + sum, _be_]], _be useful, benefit_, with dat. (Secs. 496; 501.15) pro:-tego:, -ere, -te:x=i], -te:ctus [[pro:, _in front_, + tego:, _cover]], cover in front, protect_ pro:vincia, -ae, f. _territory, province_ proxime:, adv. in superl. degree, compared prope, propius, proxime:, _nearest, next; last, most recently_ (Sec. 323) proximus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared propior, proximus, _nearest, next_ (Sec. 315) pu:blicus, -a, -um, adj. [[populus,_people_]], _of the people, public_, res pu:blica, _the commonwealth_ puella, -ae, f. [[diminutive of puer, _boy_]], _girl, maiden_ puer, -eri, m. _boy; slave_ (Sec. 462.c) pugna, -ae, f _-fight, battle._ Cf. proelium pugno:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[pugna, _battle]], fight_. Cf. contendo:, di:mico: pulcher, -chra, -chrum, adj. _beautiful, pretty_ (Secs. 469.b; 304) Pullo:, -o:nis, m. _Pullo_, a centurion pulso:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _strike, beat_ puppis, -is (acc. -im, abl. -i:), f. _stern_ of a ship, _deck_ pu:re:, adv. [[pu:rus, _pure_]], comp. pu:rius, _purely_ pu:rgo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _cleanse, clean_ purpureus, -a, -um, adj. _purple, dark red_ puto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _reckon, think_ (Sec. 420,_c_). Cf. arbitror, exi:stimo: Py:thia, -ae, f. _Pythia_, the inspired priestess of Apollo at Delphi Q qua: de: causa:, _for this reason, wherefore_ qua: re:, _therefore, for this reason_ quaero:, -ere, -si:vi:, -si:tus, _seek, ask, inquire_. Cf. peto:, postulo:, rogo: qua:lis, -e, interrog. pronom. adj. _of what sort, what kind of_. talis ... qualis, _such ... as_ quam, adv. _how_; after a comparative, _than_; with a superlative, translated _as ... as possible_, quam pri:mum, _as soon as possible_ quantus, -a, -um, adj. [[quam, _how]], how great, how much_, tantus ... quantus, _as great as_ qua:rtus, -a, -um, numeral adj. [[quattuor, _four_]], _fourth_ quattuor, indecl. numeral adj. _four_ quattuor-decim, indecl. numeral adj. _fourteen_ -que, conj., enclitic, _and_ (Sec. 16). Cf. ac, atque, et qui:, quae, quod, rel. pron. and adj. _who, which, what, that_ (Sec. 482) quia, conj. _because_. Cf. quod qui:dam, quaedam, quiddam (quoddam), indef. pron. and adj. _a certain one, a certain, a_ (Sec. 485). quidem, adv. _to be sure, certainly, indeed_, ne: ... quidem, _not even_ quie:s, -e:tis, f. _rest, repose_ quie:tus, -a, -um, adj. _quiet, restful_ qui:ndecim, indecl. numeral adj. _fifteen_ qui:ngenti:, -ae, -a, numeral adj. _five hundred_ qui:nque, indecl. numeral adj. _five_ qui:ntus, -a, -um, numeral adj. _fifth_ quis (qui:), quae, quid (quod), interrog. pron. and adj. _who? what? which?_ (Sec. 483). quis (qui:), qua (quae), quid (quod), indef. pron. and adj., used after si:, nisi, ne:, num, _any one, anything, some one, something, any, some_ (Sec. 484). quisquam, quicquam or quidquam (no fem. or plur.), indef. pron. _any one_ (at all), _anything_ (at all) (Sec. 486). quisque, quaeque, quidque (quodque), indef. pron. and adj. _each, each one, every_ (Sec. 484). quo:, interrog. and rel. adv. _whither, where_ quo:, conj. _in order to, that_, with comp. degree (Sec. 350). quod, conj. _because, in that_. Cf. quia quoque, conj., following an emphatic word, _also, too_. Cf. etiam quot-anni:s, adv. [[quot, _how many_ + annus, _year_]], _every year, yearly_ quotie:ns, interrog. and rel. adv. _how often? as often as_ R ra:di:x, -i:cis, f. _root; foot_ rapio:, -ere, -ui:, -tus, _seize, snatch_ ra:ro:, adv. [[ra:rus, _rare_]], _rarely_ ra:rus, -a, -um, adj. _rare_ re- or red-, an inseparable prefix, _again, back, anew, in return_ rebellio:, -o:nis, f. _renewal of war, rebellion_ rece:ns, -entis, adj. _recent_ re-cipio:, -ere, -ce:pi:, -ceptus [[re-, _back_, + capio:, _take_]], _take back, receive_. se: recipere, _withdraw, retreat_ re-cli:na:tus, -a, -um, part. of recli:no:, _leaning back_ re-crea:tus, -a, -um, part. of recreo:, _refreshed_ re:ctus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of rego:, _keep straight_]], _straight, direct_ re-cu:so:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _refuse_ red-a:ctus, -a, -um, part. of redigo:, _reduced, subdued_ red-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus [[red-, _back_, + eo:, _go_]], _go back, return_ (Sec. 413). Cf. reverto: reditus, -u:s, m. [[cf. redeo:, _return_]], _return, going back_ re-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus [[re-, _back_, + du:co:, _lead_]], _lead back_ re-fero:, -ferre, rettuli:, -la:tus [[re-, _back_, + fero:, _bear_]], _bear back; report_. pedem referre, _withdraw, retreat_ re-ficio:, -ere, -fe:ci:, -fectus [[re-, _again_, + facio:, _make_]], _make again, repair_. se: reficere, _refresh one's self_ re:gi:na, -ae, f. [[re:x, _king_]], _queen_ regio:, -o:nis, f. _region, district_ re:gnum, -i:, n. _sovereignty; kingdom_ rego:, -ere, re:xi:, re:ctus [[cf. re:x, _king_]], _govern, rule_ (Sec. 490) re-icio:, -ere, -ie:ci:, -iectus [[re-, _back_, + iacio:, _hurl_]], _hurl back; throw away_ re-linquo:, -ere, -li:qui:, -lictus [[re-, _behind_, + linquo:, _leave_]], _leave behind, leave, abandon_ reliquus, -a, -um, adj. [[cf. relinquo:, _leave_]], _left over, remaining_. As a noun, plur. _the rest_ remo:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of re-moveo:, _remove_]], _remote, distant_ re-moveo:, -e:re, -mo:vi:, -motus [[re-, _back_, + moveo:, _move_]], _remove_ re:mus, -i:, m. _oar_ re-perio:, -i:re, repperi:, repertus, _find_ re-porto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[re-, _back_, + porto:, _carry_]], _carry back, bring back, win, gain_ re:s, rei:, f. _thing, business, matter, deed, event, circumstance_ (Sec. 467). quam ob rem, _for this reason_. re:s adversae, _adversity_. re:s fru:menta:ria, _grain supplies_. re:s gestae, _exploits_. re:s milita:ris, _science of war_. re:s pu:blica, _the commonwealth_. re:s secundae, _prosperity_ re-scindo:, -ere, -scidi:, -scissus [[re-, _back_, + scindo:, _cut_]], _cut off, cut down_ re-sisto:, -ere, -stiti:, ---- [[re-, _back_, + sisto:, _cause to stand_]], _oppose, resist_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) re-spondeo:, -e:re, -spondi:, -spo:nsus [[re-, _in return_, + spondeo:, _promise_]], answer, reply (Sec. 420.a) re-verto:, -ere, -i:, ----, or dep. verb re-vertor, -i:, -sus sum [[re-, _back_, + verto:, _turn_]], _turn back, return_. Usually active in the perf. system re-vincio:, -i:re, -vi:nxi:, -vi:nctus [[re-, _back_, + vincio:, _bind_]], _fasten_ re:x, re:gis, m. [[cf. rego:, _rule_]], _king_ Rhe:nus, -i:, m. _the Rhine_, a river of Germany ri:pa, -ae, f. _bank_ rogo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _ask_. Cf. peto:, postulo:, quaero: Ro:ma, -ae, f. _Rome_. See map Ro:ma:nus, -a, -um, adj. [[Ro:ma, _Rome_]], _Roman_, follows its noun. As a noun, m. and f. _a Roman_ rosa, -ae, f. _rose_ ro:strum, -i:, n. _beak_ of a ship. In plur., _the rostra_, the speaker's stand in the Roman Forum rota, -ae, f. _wheel_ Rubico:, -o:nis, m. _the Rubicon_, a river in northern Italy. See map ru:mor, -o:ris, m. _report, rumor_ ru:rsus, adv. [[for reversus, _turned back_]], _again, in turn_ ru:s, ru:ris (locative abl. ru:ri:, no gen., dat., or abl. plur.), n. _the country_ (Sec. 501.36.1). Cf. ager, patria, terra S Sabi:nus, -a, -um, adj. _Sabine_. As a noun, m. and f. _a Sabine_. The Sabines were an ancient people of central Italy. See map sacrum, -i:, n. [[sacer, _consecrated_]], _something consecrated, sacrifice;_ usually in plur., _religious rites_ saepe, adv., compared saepius, saepissime:, _often, frequently_ saevus, -a, -um, adj. _cruel, savage_ sagitta, -ae, f. _arrow_ salio:, -i:re, -ui:, saltus, _jump_ salu:s, -u:tis, f. _safety; health_. salu:tem di:cere, _send greetings_ salu:to:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[salu:s, _health_]], _greet, salute_ salve:, imv. of salveo:, _hail, greetings_ sanguis, -inis, m. _blood_ (Sec. 247.2.a] sa:nita:s, -a:tis, f. [[sa:nus, _sound_]], _health, sanity_ sapie:ns, -entis, adj. [[part. of sapio:, _be wise_]], _wise, sensible_ satis, adv. and indecl. noun, _enough, sufficient, sufficiently_ saxum, -i:, n. _rock, stone_ scelus, -eris, n. _crime, sin_ sce:ptrum, -i:, n. _scepter_ schola, -ae, f. _school_, the higher grades. Cf. lu:dus scientia, -ae, f. [[scie:ns, _knowing_]], _skill, knowledge, science_ scindo:, -ere, scidi:, scissus, _cut, tear_ scio:, -i:re, -i:vi:, -i:tus, _know_ (Sec. 420.b). Cf. cogno:sco: scri:bo:, -ere, scri:psi:, scri:ptus, _write_ scu:tum, -i:, n. _shield, buckler_ se:, see sui: se:cum = se: + cum secundus, -a, -um, adj. [[sequor, _follow_]], _following, next, second; favorable, successful_. re:s secundae, _prosperity_ sed, conj. _but, on the contrary_. no:n so:lum ... sed etiam, _not only ... but also_ se:decim, indecl. numeral adj. _sixteen_ sedeo:, -e:re, se:di:, sessus, _sit_ semper, adv. _always, forever_ sena:tus, -u:s, m. [[cf. senex, _old_]], _council of elders, senate_ sentio:, -i:re, se:nsi:, se:nsus, _feel, know, perceive_ (Sec. 420.d). Cf. intellego:, video: septem, indecl. numeral adj. _seven_ septimus, -a, -um, numeral adj. _seventh_ sequor, -i:, secu:tus sum, dep. verb, _follow_ (Sec. 493) serpe:ns, -entis, f. [[serpo:, _crawl_]], _serpent, snake_ sertae, -a:rum, f. plur. _wreaths, garlands_ servitu:s, -u:tis, f. [[servus, _slave_]], _slavery, servitude_ servo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _save, rescue, keep_ servus, -i:, m. _slave_ se:se:, emphatic for se: sex, indecl. numeral adj. _six_ Sextus, -i:, m. _Sextus_, a Roman first name si:, conj. _if_ si:c, adv. _thus, in this way_. Cf. ita, tam Sicilia, -ae, f. _Sicily_. See map si:c-ut, _just as, as if_ signifer, -eri:, m. [[signum, _standard_, + fero:, _bear_]], _standard bearer_ (p. 224) signum, -i:, n. _ensign, standard; signal_ silva, -ae, f. _wood, forest_ similis, -e, adj., compared similior, simillimus, _like, similar_ (Sec. 307) simul, adv. _at the same time_ simul ac or simul atque, conj. _as soon as_ sine, prep. with abl. _without_ (Sec. 209) singuli:, -ae, -a, distributive numeral adj. _one at a time, single_ (Sec. 334) sinister, -tra, -trum, adj. _left_ Sinuessa, -ae, f. _Sinues'sa_, a town in Campania. See map sitis, -is (acc. -im, abl. -i:, no plur.), f. _thirst_ situs, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of sino:, _set_]], _situated, placed, lying_ socius, soci:, m. _comrade, ally_ so:l, so:lis (no gen. plur.), m. _sun_ soleo:, -e:re, solitus sum, semi-dep. verb, _be wont, be accustomed_ sollicitus, -a, -um, adj. _disturbed, anxious_ so:lum, adv. [[so:lus, _alone_]], _alone, only_. no:n so:lum ... sed etiam, _not only ... but also_ so:lus, -a, -um (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), adj. _alone, only_ (Sec. 108) solvo:, -ere, solvi:, solu:tus, _loosen, unbind_. na:vem solvere, _set sail_ somnus, -i:, m. _sleep_ soror, -o:ris, f. _sister_ spatium, spati:, n. _space, distance; time; opportunity_ specta:culum, -i:, n. [[specto:, _look at_]], _show, spectacle_ specto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _look at, witness_ spe:ro:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[spe:s, _hope_]], _hope, expect_ (Sec. 420.c) spe:s, spei:, f. _hope_ (Sec. 273.2) splendide:, adv. [[splendidus]], compared splendidius, splendidissime:, _splendidly, handsomely_ splendidus, -a, -um, adj. _brilliant, gorgeous, splendid_ Stabia:nus, -a, -um, _Stabian_ stabulum, -i:, n. [[cf. sto:, _stand_]], _standing place, stable, stall_ statim, adv. [[cf. sto:, _stand_]], _on the spot, at once, instantly_ statua, -ae, f. [[sisto:, _place, set_]], _statue_ statuo:, -ere, -ui:, -u:tus [[status, _station_]], _decide, determine_ stilus, -i:, m. _iron pencil, style_ (p. 210) sto:, -a:re, steti:, status, _stand_ stra:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of sterno:, _spread_]], _paved_ (of streets) strepitus, -u:s, m. [[strepo:, _make a noise_]], _noise, din_ stringo:, -ere, stri:nxi:, strictus, _bind tight; draw, unsheathe_ studeo:, -e:re, -ui:, ----, _give attention to, be eager_, with dat. (Sec. 501.14) studium, studi:, n. [[cf. studeo:, _be eager for_]], _eagerness, desire, zeal, devotion_ stultus, -a, -um, adj. _foolish, stupid_ Stympha:lis, -idis, adj. f. _Stymphalian, of Stympha'lus_, a lake in southern Greece Stympha:lus, -i:, m. _Stympha'lus_, a district of southern Greece with a town, mountain, and lake, all of the same name sua:deo:, -e:re, -si:, -sus, _advise, recommend_, with subjv. of purpose (Sec. 501.41) sub, prep, with acc. and abl. _under, below, up to; at_ or _to the foot of_ sub-igo:, -ere, -e:gi:, -a:ctus [[sub, _under_, + ago:, _drive_]], _subdue, reduce_ subito:, adv. [[subitus, _sudden_]], _suddenly_ sub-sequor, -i:, -secu:tus sum, dep. verb [[sub, _below_, + sequor, _follow_]], _follow close after, follow up_ suc-ce:do:, -ere, -cessi:, -cessus [[sub, _below_, + ce:do:, _go_]], _follow, succeed_ sui:, reflexive pron. _of himself (herself, itself, themselves)_ (Sec. 480). se:cum = se: + cum. se:se:, emphatic form of se: sum, esse, fui:, futu:rus, irreg. verb, _be; exist_ (Sec. 494) summus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree, compared superus, superior, supre:mus or summus (Sec. 312), _supreme, highest; best, greatest_. in summo: colle, _on the top of the hill_ su:mo:, -ere, su:mpsi:, su:mptus, _take up; assume, put on_. su:mere supplicium de:, _inflict punishment on_ super, prep. with acc. and abl. _over, above_ superbia, -ae, f. [[superbus, _proud_]], _pride, arrogance_ superbus, -a, -um, adj. _proud, haughty_ superior, comp. of superus supero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[superus, _above_]], _go over; subdue, overcome; surpass, excel_ super-sum, -esse, -fui:, ----, _be over, survive_, with dat. (Sec. 501.15) superus, -a, -um, adj., compared superior, supre:mus or summus, _above, upper_ (Sec. 312) supplicium, suppli'ci:, n. [[supplex, _kneeling in entreaty_]], _punishment, torture_. supplicium su:mere de:, _inflict punishment on_. supplicium dare, _suffer punishment_ surgo:, -ere, surre:xi:, ---- [[sub, _from below_, + rego:, _straighten_]], _rise_ sus-cipio:, -ere, -ce:pi:, -ceptus [[sub, _under_, + capio:, _take_]], _undertake, assume, begin_ suspicor, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, dep. verb, _suspect, surmise, suppose_ sus-tineo:, -e:re, -tinui:, -tentus [[sub, _under_, + teneo:, _hold_]], _hold up, bear, sustain, withstand_ suus, -a, -um, reflexive possessive adj. and pron., _his, her, hers, its, their, theirs_ (Sec. 98) T T., abbreviation of Titus taberna, -ae, f. _shop, stall_ tabula, -ae, f. _tablet_ for writing ta:lis, -e, adj. _such_. ta:lis ... qua:lis, _such ... as_ tam, adv. _so, such_. Cf. ita, si:c tamen, adv. _yet, however, nevertheless_ tandem, adv. _at length, finally_ tango:, -ere, tetigi:, ta:ctus, _touch_ tantum, adv. [[tantus]], _only_ tantus, -a, -um, adj. _so great, such_. tantus ... quantus, _as large as_ tardus, -a, -um, adj. _slow, late; lazy_ Tarpe:ia, -ae, f. _Tarpeia_ (pronounced _Tar-pe:'ya_), the maiden who opened the citadel to the Sabines Tarquinius, Tarqui'ni:, _Tarquin_, a Roman king. With the surname Superbus, _Tarquin the Proud_ Tarraci:na, -ae, f. _Tarraci'na_, a town in Latium. See map taurus, -i:, m. _bull_ te:ctus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of tego:, _cover_]], _covered, protected_ te:lum, -i:, n. _weapon_ temere:, adv. _rashly, heedlessly_ tempesta:s, -a:tis, f. [[tempus, _time_]] _storm, tempest_ templum, -i:, n. _temple, shrine_ tempto, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _try, test; make trial of, attempt_ tempus, -oris, n. _time_ (Sec. 464.2.b). in reliquum tempus, _for the future_ teneo:, -e:re, tenui:, ----, _hold, keep_ tergum, -i:, n. _back_, a: tergo:, _on the rear_, tergum vertere, _retreat, flee_ terni:, -ae, -a, distributive numeral adj. _three each, by threes_ (Sec. 334) terra, -ae, f. _earth, ground, land_. orbis terra:rum, _the whole world_ terror, -o:ris, m. [[cf. terreo:, _frighten_]], _dread, alarm, terror_ tertius, -a, -um, numeral adj. _third_ Teutone:s, -um, m. _the Teutons_ thea:trum, -i:, n. _theater_ The:bae, -a:rum, f. _Thebes_, a city of Greece The:ba:ni:, -o:rum, m. _Thebans_, the people of Thebes thermae, -a:rum, f. plur. _baths_ Thessalia, -ae, f. _Thessaly_, a district of northern Greece Thra:cia, -ae, f. _Thrace_, a district north of Greece Tiberius, Tibe'ri:, m. _Tiberius_, a Roman first name ti:bi:cen, -i:nis, m. [[cf. ti:bia, _pipe_]], _piper, flute player_ timeo:, -e:re, -ui:, ----, _fear, be afraid of_. Cf. vereor timor, -o:ris, m. [[cf. timeo:, _fear_]], _fear, dread, alarm_. Cf. metus Ti:ryns, Ti:rynthis, f. _Ti'ryns_, an ancient town in southern Greece, where Hercules served Eurystheus toga, -ae, f. [[cf. tego:, _cover_]], _toga_ tormentum, -i:, n. _engine of war_ totie:ns, adv. _so often, so many times_ to:tus, -a, -um, (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), adj. _all, the whole, entire_ (Sec. 108) tra:-do:, -ere, -didi:, -ditus [[tra:ns, _across_, + do:, _deliver_]], _give up, hand over, surrender, betray_ tra:-du:co:, -ere, -du:xi:, -ductus [[tra:ns, _across_, + du:co:, _lead_]], _lead across_ traho:, -ere, tra:xi:, tra:ctus, _draw, pull, drag_. multum trahere, _protract, prolong much_ tra:-icio:, -ere, -ie:ci:, -iectus [[tra:ns, _across_, + iacio:, _hurl_]], _throw across; transfix_ tra:-no:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[tra:ns, _across_, + no:, _swim_]], _swim across_ tra:ns, prep. with acc. _across, over_ (Sec. 340) tra:ns-eo:, -i:re, -ii:, -itus [[tra:ns, _across_, + eo:, _go_]], _go across, cross_ (Sec. 413) tra:ns-fi:go:, -ere, -fi:xi:, -fi:xus [[tra:ns, _through_, + fi:go:, _drive_]], _transfix_ tra:nsitus, ---- (acc. -um, abl. -u:), m. [[cf. tra:nseo:, _cross over_]], _passage across_ tre:s, tria, numeral adj. _three_ (Sec. 479) tri:duum, tri:dui:, n. [[tre:s, _three_, + die:s, _days_]], _three days' time, three days_ tri:ginta:, indecl. numeral adj. _thirty_ triplex, -icis, adj. _threefold, triple_ tri:stis, -e, adj. _sad; severe, terrible_ tri:stitia, -ae, f. [[tri:stis, _sad_]], _sadness, sorrow_ triumpho:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[triumphus, _triumph_]], _celebrate a triumph_ triumphus, -i:, m. _triumphal procession, triumph_. triumphum agere, _celebrate a triumph_ truci:do:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _cut to pieces, slaughter._ Cf. interficio:, neco:, occi:do: tu:, tui: (plur. vo:s), pers. pron. _thou, you_ (Sec. 480) tuba, -ae, f. _trumpet_ Tullia, -ae, f. _Tullia_, a Roman name tum, adv. _then, at that time_ turris, -is, f. _tower_ (Sec. 465.2) tu:tus, -a, -um, adj. _safe_ tuus, -a, -um, possessive adj. and pron. _your, yours_ (Sec. 98) U ubi, rel. and interrog. adv. _where, when_ u:llus, -a, -um (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), adj. _any_ (Sec. 108) ulterior, -ius, -o:ris, adj. in comp. degree, superl. ultimus, _farther, more remote_ (Sec. 315) ultimus, -a, -um, adj. in superl. degree (see ulterior), _farthest_ (Sec. 315) umbra, -ae, f. _shade_ umerus, -i:, m. _shoulder_ umquam, adv. _ever, at any time_ u:na:, adv. [[u:nus, _one_]], _in the same place, at the same time_ u:ndecimus, -a, -um, numeral adj. [[u:nus, _one_, + decimus, _tenth_]], _eleventh_ undique, adv. _from every quarter, on all sides, everywhere_ u:nus, -a, -um (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), numeral adj. _one; alone_ (Sec. 108) urbs, -is, f. _city_ (Sec. 465.a) urgeo:, -e:re, ursi:, ----, _press upon, crowd, hem in_ u:rus, -i:, m. _wild ox, urus_ u:sque, adv. _all the way, even_ u:sus, -u:s, m. _use, advantage_ ut, conj. with the subjv. _that, in order that, that not_ (with verbs of fearing), _so that, to_ (Sec. 350.1) uter, -tra, -trum (gen. -i:us, dat. -i:), interrog. pron. _which of two? which?_ (Sec. 108) uterque, utraque, utrumque, indef. pron. _each of two, each, both_. ab utra:que parte, _on both sides_ u:tilis, -e, adj. [[u:tor, _use_]], _useful_ utrimque, adv. [[uterque, _each of two_]], _on each side, on either hand_ u:va, -ae, f. _grape, bunch of grapes_ uxor, -o:ris, f. _wife_ V va:gi:na, -ae, _sheath, scabbard_ vagor, -a:ri:, -a:tus sum, dep. verb, _wander_ valeo:, -e:re, -ui:, -itu:rus, _be powerful, be well_; in the imperative as a greeting, _farewell_. plu:rimum vale:re, _have the most power_ vale:tu:do:, -inis, f. [[valeo:, _be well_]], _health_ validus, -a, -um, adj. [[cf. valeo:, _be strong_]], _strong, able, well_ valle:s, -is, f. _valley_ va:llum, -i:, n. _rampart, earthworks_ varius, -a, -um, adj. _bright-colored_ va:sto:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[va:stus, _empty_]], _(make empty), devastate, lay waste_ vecti:gal, -a:lis, n. _tax, tribute_ vehementer, adv. [[veheme:ns, _eager_]], compared vehementius, vehementissime:, _eagerly, vehemently_ veho:, -ere, vexi:, vectus, _convey, carry_. In the passive often in the sense of _ride, sail_ vel, conj. _or_. vel ... vel, _either ... or_. Cf. aut ve:lo:cita:s, -a:tis, f. [[ve:lo:x, _swift_]], _swiftness_ ve:lo:x, -o:cis, adj. _swift, fleet_ ve:lum, -i:, n. _sail_ ve:ndo:, -ere, ve:ndidi:, ve:nditus, _sell_ venio:, -i:re, ve:ni:, ventus, _come, go_ ventus, -i:, m. _wind_ verbum, -i:, n. _word_. verba facere pro:, _speak in behalf of_ vereor, -e:ri:, -itus sum, dep. verb, _fear; reverence, respect_ (Sec. 493). Cf. timeo: Vergilius, Vergi'li:, m. _Vergil_, the poet vergo:, -ere, ----, ----, _turn, lie_ ve:ro:, adv. [[ve:rus, _true_]], _in truth, surely;_ conj. _but, however_. tum ve:ro:, _then you may be sure_, introducing the climax of a story verto:, -ere, -ti:, -sus, _turn, change_. tergum vertere, _retreat, flee_ ve:rus, -a, -um, _true, actual_ vesper, -eri:, m. _evening_ vester, -tra, -trum, possessive adj. and pron. _your, yours_ (Sec. 98) vesti:gium, vesti:'gi:, n. [[cf. vesti:go:, _track_]], _footstep, track, trace_ vesti:mentum, -i:, n. [[vestis, _clothing_]], _garment_ vestio:, -i:re, -i:vi:, -i:tus [[vestis, _clothing_]], _clothe, dress_ vestis, -is, f. _clothing, attire, garment, robe_ vesti:tus, -a, -um, adj. [[part. of vestio:, _clothe_]], _clothed_ Vesuvius, Vesu'vi, m. _Vesuvius_, the volcano near Pompeii. See map vetera:nus, -a, -um, adj. _old, veteran_ veto:, -a:re, -ui:, -itus, _forbid, prohibit_ vexo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _trouble, annoy_ via, -ae, f. _way, road, street; way, manner_. Cf. iter via:tor, -o:ris, m. [[via]], _traveler_ victor, -o:ris, m. [[vinco:, _conquer_]], _conqueror, victor_. In apposition, with adj. force _ victorious_ victo:ria, -ae, f. [victor, _victor_], _victory_ vi:cus, -i:, m. _village_ video:, -e:re, vi:di:, vi:sus, _see, perceive_. Pass. _be seen; seem_ (Sec. 420.d) vigilia,-ae, f. [[vigil _awake_]], watch. de: tertia vigilia, _about the third watch_ vi:ginti:, indecl. numeral adj. _twenty_ vi:licus, -i:, m. [[vi:lla, _farm_]], _steward, overseer of a farm_ vi:lla, -ae, f. _farm, villa_ vincio:, -i:re, vi:nxi:, vi:nctus, _bind, tie,fetter_ vinco:, -ere, vi:ci:, victus, _conquer, defeat, overcome_. Cf. subigo:, supero: vi:nea, -ae, f. _shed_ (p. 219) vi:num, -i:, n. _wine_ violenter, adv. [[violentus, _violent_]], compared violentius, violentissime:, _violently, furiously_ vir, viri:, m. _man, husband; hero_ (Sec. 462.c) viri:lis, -e, adj. [[vir, _man_]], _manly_ virtu:s, -u:tis, f. [[vir, _man_]], _manliness; courage, valor; virtue_ (Sec. 464.1) vi:s, (vi:s), f. _strength, power, might, violence_ (Sec. 468) vi:ta, -ae, f. [[cf. vi:vo:, _live_]], _life_, vi:tam agere, _spend or pass life_ vi:to, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _shun, avoid_ vi:vo:, -ere, vi:xi:, ----, _live_. Cf. habito:, incolo: vi:vus, -a, -um, adj. [[cf. vi:vo:, _live_]], _alive, living_ vix, adv. _scarcely, hardly_ voco:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus, _call, summon, invite_. Cf. appello:, no:mino: volo:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tu:rus, _fly_ volo:, velle, volui:, ----, irreg. verb, _will, be willing; wish_ (Sec. 497). Cf. cupio volu:men, -inis, n. _roll, book_ Vore:nus, -i:, m. _Vore'nus_, a centurion vo:s, pers. pron.; _you_ (see tu:) (Sec. 480) vo:tum, -i:, n. [[neut. part. of voveo:, _vow_]], _vow, pledge, prayer_ vo:x, vo:cis, f. [[cf. voco:, _call_]], _voice, cry; word_ vulnero:, -a:re, -a:vi:, -a:tus [[vulnus, _wound_]], _wound, hurt_ vulnus, -eris, n. _wound, injury_ vulpe:s, -i:s, f. _fox_ [Illustration: EQUES ROMANUS] ENGLISH-LATIN VOCABULARY This vocabulary contains only the words used in the English-Latin exercises. For details not given here, reference may be made to the Latin-English vocabulary. The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, after verbs indicate the conjugation. A a, an, _commonly not translated_ able (be), possum, posse, potui:, ----(Sec. 495) abode, domicilium, domici'li:, _n._ about (_adv._), circiter about (_prep._), de:, _with abl._ about to, _expressed by fut. act. part._ abundance, co:pia, -ae, _f._ across, tra:ns, _with acc._ active, a:cer, a:cris, a:cre advance, pro:gredior, 3 advantage, u:sus, -u:s, _m._ advise, moneo:, 2 after (_conj_.), postquam; _often expressed by the perf. part._ after (_prep._), post, _with acc._ against, in, contra:, _with acc._ aid, auxilium, auxi'li:, _n._ all, omnis, -e; to:tus, -a, -um (Sec. 108) allow, patior, 3 ally, socius, soci:, _m._ almost, paene; fere: alone, u:nus, -a, -um; so:lus, -a, -um (Sec. 108) already, iam also, quoque always, semper ambassador, le:ga:tus, -i:, _m._ among, apud, _with acc._ ancient, anti:quus, -a, -um and, et; atque (ac); -que and so, itaque Andromeda, Andromeda, -ae, _f._ angry, i:ra:tus, -a, um animal, animal, -a:lis, _n._ announce, nu:ntio:, 1 annoying, molestus, -a, -um another, alius, -a, -ud (Sec. 109) any, u:llus, -a, -um (Sec. 108) any one, anything, quisquam, quicquam _or_ quidquam (Sec. 486) appearance, fo:rma, -ae, _f._ appoint, creo:, 1 approach, adpropinquo:, 1, _with dat._ are, _used as auxiliary, not translated_; _as a copula_, sum (Sec. 494) arise, orior, 4 arm, bracchium, bracchi:, _n._ armed, arma:tus, -a, -um arms, arma, -o:rum, _n. plur._ army, exercitus, -u:s, _m._ around, circum, _with acc._ arrival, adventus, -us, _m._ arrow, sagitta, -ae, _f._ art of war, re:s mi:lita:ris as possible, _expressed by_ quam _and superl._. ask, peto:, 3; quaero:, 3; rogo:, 1 assail, oppugno:, 1 at, in, _with acc. or abl.; with names of towns, locative case or abl. without a preposition_ (Sec. 268); _time when, abl._ at once, statim at the beginning of summer, inita: aesta:te Athens, Athe:nae, -a:rum, _f._ attack, impetus, -us, _m._ attempt, co:nor, 1; tempto:, 1 away from, a: _or_ ab, _with abl._ B bad, malus, -a, -um baggage, impedi:menta, -o:rum, _n. plur._ bank, ri:pa, -ae, _f._ barbarians, barbari:, -o:rum, _m. plur._ battle, proelium, proeli:, _n._; pugna, -ae. _f._ be, sum (Sec. 494) be absent, be far, absum (Sec. 494) be afraid, timeo:, 2; vereor, 2 be away, absum (Sec. 494) be in command of, praesum, _with dat._ (Secs. 494, 426) be informed, certior fi:o: be off, be distant, absum (Sec. 494) be without, egeo:, _with abl._ (Sec. 180) beast (wild), fera, -ae, _f._ beautiful, pulcher, -chra, -chrum because, quia; quod because of, propter, _with acc._; _or abl. of cause_ before, heretofore (_adv._), antea: before (_prep._), ante, _with acc._; pro:, _with abl._ begin, incipio:, 3 believe, cre:do:, 3, _with dat._ (Sec. 153) belong to, _predicate genitive_ (Sec. 409) best, optimus, _superl. of_ bonus betray, tra:do:, 3 better, melior, _comp. of_ bonus between, inter, _with acc._ billow, fluctus, -us, _m._ bird, avis, -is, _f._ (Sec. 243.1) blood, sanguis, -inis, _m._ body, corpus, -oris. _n._ bold, auda:x, -a:cis; fortis, -e boldly, auda:cter; fortiter boldness, auda:cia, -ae, _f._ booty, praeda, -ae, _f._ both, each (_of two_), uterque, utraque, utrumque both ... and, et ... et boy, puer, -eri:, _m._ brave, fortis, -e bravely, fortiter bridge, po:ns, pontis, _m._ bright, cla:rus, -a, -um bring back, reporto:, 1 bring upon, i:nfero:, -ferre, -tuli:, -la:tus, _with acc. and dat._ (Sec. 426) brother, fra:ter, -tris, _m._ building, aedificium, aedifi'ci:. _n._ burn, cremo:, 1; incendo:, 3 business, nego:tium, nego:'ti:, _n._ but, however, autem, sed by, a:, ab, _with abl._; _denoting means, abl. alone_; _sometimes implied in a participle_ by night, noctu: C Caesar, Caesar, -aris, _m._ calamity, calamita:s, -a:tis, _f._ call, voco:, 1; appello:, 1; no:mino:, 1 call together, convoco:, 1 camp, castra, -o:rum, _n. plur._ can, could, possum, posse, potui:, ---- (Sec. 495) capture, capio:, 3; occupo:, 1 care, cu:ra, -ae, _f._ care for, cu:ro:, 1 careful, attentus, -a, -um carefulness, di:ligentia, -ae, _f._ carry, fero:, ferre, tuli:, la:tus (Sec. 498); porto:, 1 carry on, gero:, 3 cart, carrus, -i:, _m._ cause, causa, -ae, _f._ cavalry, equita:tus, -u:s, _m._ cease, cesso:, 1 Cepheus, Ce:pheus, -i:, _m._ certain (a), qui:dam, quaedam, quoddam (quiddam) (Sec. 485) chicken, galli:na, -ae, _f._ chief, pri:nceps, -cipis, _m._ children, li:beri:, -o:rum, _m. plur._ choose, de:ligo:, 3 choose, elect, creo:, 1 citizen, ci:vis, -is, _m. and f._ (Sec. 243.1) city, urbs, urbis, _f._ clear, cla:rus, -a, -um cohort, cohors, -rtis, _f._ come, venio:, 4 command, impero:, 1, _with dat._ (Sec. 45); iubeo:, 2; praesum, _with dat._ (Sec. 426) commit, committo:, 3 commonwealth, re:s pu:blica, rei: pu:blicae concerning, de:, _with abl._ conquer, supero:, 1; vinco:, 3 construct (_a ditch_), perdu:co:, 3 consul, co:nsul, -ulis, _m._ contrary to, contra:, _with acc._ Corinth, Corinthus, -i:, _f._ Cornelia, Corne:lia, -ae, _f._ Cornelius, Corne:lius, Corne:'li, _m._ corselet, lo:ri:ca, -ae, _f._ cottage, casa, -ae, _f._ country, _as distinguished from the city_, ru:s, ru:ris, _n.; as territory_, fi:ne:s, -ium, _m., plur. of_ fi:nis courage, virtu:s, -u:tis, _f._ crime, scelus, -eris, _n._ cross, tra:nseo:, 4 (Sec. 499) crown, coro:na, -ae, _f._ D daily, coti:die: danger, peri:culum, -i:, _n._ daughter, fi:lia, -ae, _f._ (Sec. 67) day, die:s, -e:i:, _m._ daybreak, pri:ma lu:x dear, ca:rus, -a, -um death, mors, mortis, _f._ deed, re:s, rei:, _f._ deep, altus, -a, -um defeat, calamita:s, -a:tis, _f._ defend, de:fendo:, 3 delay (_noun_), mora, -ae, _f._ delay (_verb_), moror, 1 demand, postulo:, 1 dense, de:nsus, -a, -um depart, disce:do:, 3; exeo:, 4; profici:scor, 3 dependent, clie:ns, -entis, _m._ design, co:nsilium, consi'li: _n._ desire, cupio:, 3 destroy, de:leo:, 2 Diana, Dia:na, -ae, _f._ differ, differo:, differre, distuli:, di:la:tus (Sec. 498) different, dissimilis, -e difficult, difficilis, -e difficulty, difficulta:s, -a:tis, _f._ diligence, di:ligentia, -ae, _f._ dinner, ce:na, -ae, _f._ disaster, calamita:s, -a:tis, _f._ distant (be), absum, -esse, a:fui:, a:futu:rus (Sec. 494) ditch, fossa, -ae, _f._ do, ago:, 3; facio:, 3; _when used as auxiliary, not translated_ down from, de:, _with abl._ drag, traho:, 3 drive, ago:, 3 dwell, habito:, 1; incolo:, 3; vi:vo:, 3 dwelling, aedificium, aedifi'ci:, _n._ E each, quisque, quaeque, quidque (quodque) (Sec. 484) each of two, uterque, utraque, utrumque each other, inter _with acc. of a reflexive_ eager, a:cer, a:cris, a:cre; alacer, alacris, alacre eager (be), studeo:, 2 eagerness, studium, studi:, _n._ eagle, aquila, -ae, _f._ easily, facile easy, facilis, -e either ... or, aut ... aut empire, imperium, impe'ri:, _n._ employ, nego:tium do: encourage, hortor, 1 enemy, hostis, -is, _m. and f._; inimi:cus, -i:, _m._ enough, satis entire, to:tus, -a, -um (Sec. 108) expectation, opi:nio:, -o:nis, _f._ eye, oculus, -i:, _m._ F faithless, perfidus, -a, -um famous, cla:rus, -a, -um far, longe: farmer, agricola, -ae, _m._ farther, ulterior, -ius father, pater, patris, _m._ fatherland, patria, -ae, _f._ favor, faveo:, 2 favorable, ido:neus, -a,-um; secundus, -a, -um fear, metus, -u:s, _m._; timor, -o:ris, _m._ fear, be afraid, timeo:, 2 few, pauci:, -ae, -a field, ager, agri:, _m._ fifteen, qui:ndecim fight, contendo:, 3; pugno:, 1 find, reperio:, 4 finish, co:nficio:, 3 fire, ignis, -is, _m._ (Sec. 243.1) firmness, co:nstantia, -ae, _f._ first, pri:mus, -a, -um flee, fugio:, 3 flight, fuga, -ae, _f._ fly, volo:, 1 foe, see enemy follow close after, subsequor, 3 food, cibus, -i:, _m._ foot, pe:s, pedis, _m._ foot-soldier, pedes, -itis, _m._ for (_conj._), enim, nam for (_prep._), _sign of dat._; de:, pro:, _with abl.; to express purpose_, ad, _with gerundive; implied in acc. of time and of extent of space_ for a long time, diu: forbid, veto:, 1 forces, co:piae, -a:rum, _f., plur. of_ co:pia forest, silva, -ae, _f._ fort, castellum, -i:, _n._; castrum, -i:, _n._ fortification, mu:nitio:, -o:nis, _f._ fortify, mu:nio:, 4 fortune, fortu:na, -ae, _f._ fourth, qua:rtus, -a, -um free, li:ber, -era, -erum free, liberate, li:bero:, 1 frequent, cre:ber, -bra, -brum friend, ami:cus, -i:, _m._ friendly (_adj._), ami:cus, -a, -um friendly (_adv._), ami:ce: friendship, ami:citia, -ae, _f._ frighten, perterreo:, 2 from, a: _or_ ab, de:, e:, ex, _with abl._ _Often expressed by the separative ablative without a prep._ from each other, inter, _with acc. of a reflexive pron._ full, ple:nus, -a, -um G Galba, Galba, -ae, _m._ _garland_, coro:na, -ae, _f._ garrison, praesidium, praesi'di:, _n._ gate, porta, -ae, _f._ Gaul, Gallia, -ae, _f._ Gaul (a), Gallus, -i:, _m._ general, impera:tor, -o:ris, _m._ Geneva, Gena:va, -ae, _f._ gentle, le:nis, -e German, Germa:nus, -a, -um Germans (the), Germa:ni:, -o:rum, _m. plur_. Germany, Germa:nia, -ae, _f._ get (_dinner_), paro:, 1 girl, puella, -ae, _f._ give, do:, dare, dedi:, datus give over, surrender, de:do:, 3; tra:do:, 3 give up, omitto:, 3 go, eo:, 4 (Sec. 499) go forth, pro:gredior, 3 god, deus, -i:, _m._ (Sec. 468) goddess, dea, -ae, _f._ (Sec. 67) gold, aurum, -i:, _n._ good, bonus, -a, -um grain, fru:mentum, -i:, _n._ grain supply, re:s fru:menta:ria great, inge:ns, -entis; magnus, -a, -um greatest, maximus, -a, -um; summus, -a, -um guard, praesidium, praesi'di:, _n._ H hand, manus, -u:s, _f._ happy, laetus, -a, -um harbor, portus, -u:s, _m._ hasten, contendo:, 3; ma:tu:ro:, 1; propero:, 1 hateful, invi:sus, -a, -um haughty, superbus, -a, -um have, habeo:, 2 have no power, nihil possum he, is; hic; iste; ille; _or not expressed_ head, caput, -itis, _n._ hear, audio: heart, animus, -i:, _m._ heavy, gravis, -e Helvetii (the), Helve:tii:, -o:rum, _m. plur._ hem in, contineo:, 2 hen, galli:na, -ae, _f._ her, eius; huius; isti:us; illi:us; _reflexive_, suus, -a, -um (Sec. 116) hide, abdo:, 3 high, altus, -a, -um highest, summus, -a, -um hill, collis, -is, _m._ himself, sui:. See self hindrance, impedi:mentum, -i:, _n._ his, eius; huius; isti:us; illi:us; _reflexive_, suus, -a, -um (Sec. 116) hither, citerior, -ius (Sec. 315) hold, teneo:, 2 home, domus, -u:s, _f._ (Sec. 468). at home, domi: (Sec. 267) hope (_noun_), spe:s, spei:, _f._ hope (_verb_), spe:ro:, 1 horse, equus, -i:, _m._ horseman, eques, -itis, _m._ hostage, obses, -idis, _m. and f._ hostile, inimi:cus, -a, -um hour, ho:ra, -ae, _f._ house, domicilium, domici'li:, _n._; domus, -u:s, _f._ (Sec. 468) hurl, iacio:, 3 I I, ego (Sec. 280); _or not expressed_ if, si:. if not, nisi ill, aeger, -gra, -grum immediately, statim in (_of place_), in, _with abl._; (of time or of specification) _abl. without prep._ in order that, ut, _with subjv._; in order that not, lest, ne:, _with subjv._ in vain, fru:stra: industry, di:ligentia, -ae, _f._ inflict injuries upon, iniu:ria:s i:nfero: _with dat._ (Sec. 426) inflict punishment on, supplicium su:mo: de inform some one, aliquem certio:rem facio: injure, noceo:, 2, _with dat._ (Sec. 153) injury, iniu:ria, -ae, _f._ into, in, _with acc._ intrust, committo:, 3; mando:, 1 invite, voco:, 1 is, _used as auxiliary, not translated_; _as a copula_, sum (Sec. 494) island, i:nsula, -ae, _f._ it, is; hie; iste; ille; _or not expressed_ Italy, Italia, -ae, _f._ its, eius; huius; isti:us; illi:us; _reflexive_, suus, -a, -um (Sec. 116) itself, sui:. See self J join battle, proelium committo: journey, iter, itineris, _n._ (Sec. 468) judge (_noun_), iu:dex, -icis, _m._ judge (_verb_), iu:dico:, 1 Julia, Iu:lia, -ae, _f._ just now, nu:per K keep, contineo:, 2; prohibeo, 2; teneo:, 2 keep on doing something, _expressed by the impf. indic._ kill, interficio:, 3; neco:, 1; occi:do:, 3 king, re:x, re:gis, _m._ kingdom, re:gnum, -i:, _n._ know, cogno:sco:, 3, _in perf._; scio:, 4 L labor (_noun_), labor, -o:ris, _m._ labor (_verb_), labo:ro:, 1 lack (_noun_), inopia, -ae, _f._ lack (_verb_), egeo:, 2, _with abl._ (Sec. 180) lady, domina, -ae, _f._ lake, lacus, -u:s, _m._ (Sec. 260.2) land, terra, -ae, _f._ language, lingua, -ae, _f._ large, inge:ns, -entis; magnus, -a, -um larger, maior, maius lately, nu:per Latona, La:to:na, -ae, _f._ law, le:x, le:gis, _f._ lay waste, va:sto:, 1 lead, du:co, 3 leader, dux, ducis, _m. and f._ learn, know, cogno:sco:, 3 leave, depart from, disce:do:, 3 leave behind, abandon, relinquo:, 3 left, sinister, -tra, -trum legion, legio:, -o:nis, _f._ legionaries, legio:na:rii:, -o:rum, _m. plur._ length, longitu:do:, -inis, _f._ lest, ne:, _with subjv._ letter (_of the alphabet_), littera, -ae, _f_; (_an epistle_) litterae, -a:rum, _f. plur_. lieutenant, le:ga:tus, -i:, _m._ light, lu:x, lu:cis, _f._ like (_adj._), similis, -e like, love, amo:, 1 line of battle, acie:s, acie:i:, _f._ little, parvus, -a, -um live, habito:, 1; incolo:, 3; vi:vo:, 3 long, longus, -a, -um long, for a long time, diu: long for, de:si:dero:, 1 look after, cu:ro:, 1 love, amo:, 1 M maid, maid servant, ancilla, -ae,_f._ make, facio:, 3 make war upon, bellum i:nfero: _with dat._ (Sec. 426) man, homo:, -inis, _m. and f._; vir, viri:, _m._ man-of-war, na:vis longa many, multi:, -ae, -a, _plur. of_ multus march, iter, itineris, _n._ (Sec. 468) Mark, Ma:rcus, -i:, _m._ marriage, ma:trimo:nium, ma:trimo:'ni:, _n._ master, dominus, -i:, _m._; magi:ster, -tri:, _m._ matter, nego:tium, nego:'ti:, _n._; re:s, rei:, _f._ means, by means of, _the abl._ messenger, nu:ntius, nu:nti:, _m._ midnight, media nox mile, mi:lle passuum (Sec. 331.b) miles, mi:lia passuum mind, animus, -i:, _m._; me:ns, mentis, _f._ mine, meus, -a, -um mistress, domina, -ae, _f._ money, pecu:nia, -ae, _f._ monster, mo:nstrum, -i:, _n._ month, me:nsis, -is, _m._ moon, lu:na, -ae, _f._ more (_adj._), plu:s, plu:ris (Sec. 313); _or a comparative. Adverb_, magis most (_adj._), plu:rimus, -a, -um; _superl. degree. Adverb_, maxime:; plu:rimum mother, ma:ter, ma:tris, _f._ mountain, mo:ns, montis, _m._ move, moveo:, 2 moved, commo:tus, -a, -um much (by), multo: multitude, multitu:do:, -inis. _f._ my, meus, -a, -um myself, me:, _reflexive_. See self N name, no:men, -inis, _n._ nation, ge:ns, gentis, _f._ near, propinquus, -a, -um nearest, proximus, -a, -um nearly, fere: neighbor, fi:nitimus, -i:, _in._ neighboring, fi:initimus, -a, -um neither, neque _or_ nec; neither ... nor, neque (nec) ... neque (nec) never, numquam nevertheless, tamen new, novus, -a, -um next day, postri:die: eius die:i: next to, proximus, -a, -um night, nox, noctis, _f._ nine, novem no, minime:; _or repeat verb with a negative_ (Sec. 210) no, none, nu:llus, -a, -um (Sec. 109) no one, ne:mo:, nu:lli:us nor, neque _or_ nec not, no:n not even, ne: ... quidem not only ... but also, no:n so:lum ... sed etiam nothing, nihil _or_ nihilum, -i:, _n._ now, nunc number, numerus, -i:, _m._ O obey, pa:reo:, 2, _with dat._ (Sec. 153) of, _sign of gen._; de:, _with abl._; out of, e: _or_ ex, _with abl._ often, saepe on (_of place_), in, _with abl._; (_of time_) _abl. without prep._ on account of, propter, _with acc._; _or abl. of cause._ on all sides, undique once (_upon a time_), o:lim one, u:nus, -a, -um (Sec. 108) one ... another, alius ... alius (Sec. 110) only (_adv._), so:lum; tantum opportune, opportunus, -a, -um opposite, adversus, -a, -um oracle, o:ra:culum, -i:, _n._ orator, o:ra:tor, -o:ris, _m._ order, impero:, 1; iubeo:, 2 ornament, o:rna:mentum, -i:, _n._ other, alius, -a, -ud (Sec. 109) others (the), reliqui:, -o:rum, _m. plur._ ought, de:beo:, 2 our, noster, -tra, -trum ourselves, no:s, _as reflexive object._ See self overcome, supero:, 1; vinco:, 3 own (his, her, its, their), suus, -a, -um P part, pars, partis, _f._ peace, pa:x, pa:cis, _f._ people, populus, -i:, _m._ Perseus, Perseus, -i:, _m._ persuade, persua:deo:, 2, _with dat._ (Sec. 153) pitch camp, castra po:no: place (_noun_), locus, -i:, _m._ place, arrange, conloco:, 1 place, put, po:no:, 3 place in command, praeficio:, 3, _with acc. and dat._ (Sec. 426) plan (a), co:nsilium, co:nsi'li:, _n._ please, placeo:, 2, _with dat._ (Sec. 154) pleasing, gra:tus, -a, -um plow, aro:, 1 Pompeii, Pompe:ii:, -o:rum, _m. plur._ possible (as), _expressed by_ quam _and superl_. powerful (be), valeo:, 2 praise, laudo:, 1 prefer, ma:lo:, ma:lle, ma:lui:, ---- (Sec. 497) prepare for, paro:, 1, _with acc._ press hard, premo:, 3 protection, fide:s, fidei:, _f._ province, pro:vincia, -ae, _f._ public, pu:blicus, -a, -um Publius, Pu:blius, Pu:bli:, _m._ punishment, poena, -ae, _f._; supplicium, suppli'ci:, _n._ purpose, for the purpose of, ut, qui:, _or_ quo:, _with subjv._; ad, _with gerund or gerundive_; causa:, _following the genitive of a gerund or gerundive_ pursue, i:nsequor, 3 Q queen, re:gi:na, -ae, _f._ quickly, celeriter quite, _expressed by the comp. degree_ R rampart, va:llum, -i:, _n._ rear, novissimum agmen reason, causa, -ae, _f._ receive, accipio:, 3; excipio:, 3 recent, rece:ns, -entis recently, nu:per redoubt, castellum, -i:, _n._ refuse, recu:so:, 1 remain, maneo:, 2 remaining, reliquus, -a, -um reply, respondeo:, 2 report (_noun_), fama, -ae, _f._; ru:mor, -o:ris, _m._ report (_verb_), adfero:; de:fero:; refero: (Sec. 498) republic, re:s pu:blica require, postulo:, 1 resist, resisto:, 3, _with dat._ (Sec. 154) rest (the), reliqui:, -o:rum, _m. plur._ restrain, contineo:, 2 retainer, clie:ns, -entis, _m._ retreat, pedem refero:; terga verto: return, redeo:, 4; revertor, 3 revolution, re:s novae Rhine, Rhe:nus, -i:, _m._ right, dexter, -tra, -trum river, flu:men, -inis, _n._; fluvius, fluvi:, _m._ road, via, -ae, _f._ Roman, Ro:ma:nus, -a, -um Rome, Ro:ma, -ae, _f._ row, o:rdo:, -inis, _m._ rule, rego:, 3 rumor, fa:ma, -ae, _f._; ru:mor, -o:ris, _m._ run, curro:, 3 S sacrifice, sacrum, -i:, _n._ safety, salu:s, -u:tis, _f._ sail, na:vigo:, 1 sailor, nauta, -ae, _m._ sake, for the sake of, causa:, _following a gen._ same, i:dem, eadem, idem (Sec. 287) savages, barbari:, -o:rum, _m. plur._ save, servo:, 1 say, di:co:, 3 school, lu:dus, -i:, _m._; schola, -ae, _f._ scout, explo:ra:tor, -o:ris, _m._ sea, mare, -is, _n._ second, secundus, -a, -um see, video:, 2 seek, peto:, 3 seem, videor, 2, _passive of_ video: seize, occupo:, 1; rapio:, 3 self, ipse, -a, -um (Sec. 286); sui: (Sec. 281) send, mitto:, 3 set fire to, incendo:, 3 set out, profici:scor, 3 seven, septem Sextus, Sextus, -i:, _m._ she, ea; haec; ista; illa (Sec. 115); _or not expressed_ ship, na:vis, -is, _f._ (Sec. 243.1) short, brevis, -e shout, cla:mor, -o:ris, _m._ show, de:mo:nstro:, 1 Sicily, Sicilia, -ae, _f._ sick, aeger, -gra, -grum side, latus, -eris, _n._ siege, obsidio:, -o:nis, _f._ since, cum, _with subjv._ (Sec. 396); _the abl. abs._ (Sec. 381) sing, cano:, 3; canto:, 1 sister, soror, -o:ris, _f._ sit, sedeo:, 2 size, magnitu:do:, -inis, _f._ skillful, peri:tus, -a, -um slave, servus, -i:, _m._ slavery, servitiu:s, -u:tis, _f._ slow, tardus, -a, -um small, parvus, -a, -um snatch, rapio:, 3 so, ita; si:c; tam so great, tantus, -a, -um so that, ut; so that not, ut no:n soldier, mi:les, -itis, _m._ some, _often not expressed_; quis (qui:), qua (quae), quid (quod); aliqui:, aliqua, aliquod some one, quis; aliquis (Sec. 487) some ... others, alii: ... alii: (Sec. 110) something, quid; aliquid (Sec. 487) son, fi:lius, fi:li:, _m._ soon, mox space, spatium, spati:, _n._ spear, pi:lum, -i:, _n._ spirited, a:cer, a:cris, a:cre; alacer, alacris, alacre spring, fo:ns, fontis, _m._ spur, calcar, -a:ris, _n._ stand, sto:, 1 state, ci:vita:s, -a:tis, _f._ station, conloco:, 1 steadiness, co:nstantia, -ae, _f._ stone, lapis, -idis, _m._ storm, oppugno:, 1 story, fa:bula, -ae, _f._ street, via, -ae, _f._ strength, vi:s, (vi:s), _f._ strong, fortis, -e; validus, -a, -um sturdy, validus, -a, -um such, ta:lis, -e suddenly, subito: suffer punishment, supplicium do: sufficiently, satis suitable, ido:neus, -a, -um summer, aesta:s, -a:tis, _f._ sun, so:l, so:lis, _m._ supplies, commea:tus, -u:s, _m._ surrender, tra:do:, 3 suspect, suspicor, 1 swift, celer, -eris, -ere; ve:lo:x, -o:cis sword, gladius, gladi:, _m._ T take, capture, capio:, 3 take part in, intersum, -esse, -fui:, -futu:rus, _with dat._ (Sec. 426) take possession of, occupo:, 1 tall, altus, -a, -um task, opus, operis, _n._ teach, doceo:, 2 teacher, magister, -tri:, _m._ tear (_noun_), lacrima, -ae, _f._ tell, di:co:, 3; na:rro:, 1 ten, decem terrified, perterritus, -a, -um terrify, perterreo:, 2 than, quam that (_conj. after verbs of saying and the like_), _not expressed_ that (_pron._), is; iste; ille that, in order that, _in purpose clauses_, ut; _after verbs of fearing_, ne: (Secs. 349, 366, 372) that not, lest, _in purpose clauses_, ne:; _after verbs of fearing_, ut (Secs. 349, 366, 372) the, _not expressed_ their, _gen. plur. of_ is; _reflexive_, suus, -a, -um (Sec. 116) their own, suus, -a, -um (Sec. 116) then, at that time, tum then, in the next place, deinde, tum there, _as expletive, not expressed_ there, in that place, ibi therefore, itaque they, ii:; hi:; isti:; illi:; _or not expressed_ think, arbitror, 1; exi:stimo:, 1; puto:, 1 third, tertius, -a, -um this, hic, haec, hoc; is, ea, id though, cum. _with subjv._ (Sec. 396) thousand, mi:lle (Sec. 479) three, tre:s, tria (Sec. 479) through, per, _with acc._ thy, tuus, -a, -um time, tempus, -oris, _n._ to, _sign of dat._; ad, in, _with acc._; _expressing purpose_, ut, qui:, _with subjv._; ad, _with gerund or gerundive_ to each other, inter, _with acc. of a reflexive pron._ to-day, hodie: tooth, de:ns, dentis, _m._ top of, summus, -a, -um tower, turris, -is, _f._ (Sec. 243.2) town, oppidum, -i:, _n._ townsman, oppida:nus, -i:, _m._ trace, vesti:gium, vesti:'gi:, _n._ trader, merca:tor, -o:ris, _m._ train, exerceo:, 2 tree, arbor, -oris, _f._ tribe, ge:ns, gentis, _f._ troops, co:piae, -a:rum, _f. plur._ true, ve:rus, -a, -um trumpet, tuba, -ae, _f._ try, co:nor, 1; tempto:, 1 twelve, duodecim two, duo, duae, duo (Sec. 479) U under, sub, _with acc. or abl._ undertake, suscipio:, 3 unharmed, incolumis, -e unless, nisi unlike, dissimilis, -e unwilling (be), no:lo:, no:lle, no:lui:, ---- (Sec. 497) up to, sub, _with acc._ us, no:s, _acc. plur. of_ ego V very, _superl. degree_; maxime:; ipse, -a, -um (Sec. 285) victor, victor, -o:ris, _m._ victory, victo:ria, -ae, _f._ village, vi:cus, -i:, _m._ violence, vi:s, (vi:s), _f._ violently, vehementer voice, vo:x, vo:cis, _f._ W wage, gero:, 3 wagon, carrus. -i:, _m._ wall, mu:rus, -i:, _m._ want, inopia, -ae, _f._ war, bellum, -i:, _n._ watch, vigilia, -ae, _f._ water, aqua, -ae, _f._ wave, fluctus, -u:s, _m._ way, iter, itineris, _n._ (Sec. 468); via, -ae, _f._ way, manner, modus, -i:, _m._ we, no:s, _plur. of_ ego; _or not expressed_ weak, i:nfi:rmus, -a, -um weapons, arma, -o:rum, _n. plur._; te:la, -o:rum, _n. plur._ wear, gero:, 3 weary, de:fessus, -a, -um what, quis (qui:), quae, quid (quod) (Sec. 483) when, ubi; cum (Sec. 396); _often expressed by a participle_ where, ubi which, qui:, quae, quod (Sec. 482); which of two, uter, utra, utrum (Sec. 108) while, _expressed by a participle_ whither, quo: who (_rel._), qui:, quae (Sec. 482); (_interrog._) quis (Sec. 483) whole, to:tus, -a, -um (Sec. 108) whose, cuius; quo:rum, qua:rum, quo:rum, _gen. of_ qui:, quae, quod, _rel._; _or of_ quis, quid, _interrog_. why, cu:r wicked, malus, -a, -um wide, la:tus, -a, -um width, la:titu:do:, -inis, _f._ wild beast, fera, -ae, _f._ willing (be), volo:, velle, volui:, ---- (Sec. 497) win (_a victory_), reporto:, 1 wind, ventus, -i:, _m._ wine, vi:num, -i:, _n._ wing, cornu:, -u:s, _n._ winter, hiems, -emis, _f._ wisdom, co:nsilium, consi'li:, _n._ wish, cupio:, 3; volo:, velle, volui:, ---- (Sec. 497); wish not, no:lo:, no:lle, no:lui:, ---- (Sec. 497) with, cum, _with abl.; sometimes abl. alone_ withdraw, se: recipere without, sine, _with abl._ woman, fe:mina, -ae, _f._; mulier, -eris, _f._ wonderful, mi:rus, -a, -um word, verbum, -i:, _n._ work, labor, -o:ris, _m._; opus, -eris, _n._ worse, peior, peius, _comp. of_ malus worst, pessimus, -a, -um, _superl. of_ malus wound (_noun_), vulnus, -eris, _n._ wound (_verb_), vulnero:, 1 wreath, coro:na, -ae, _f._ wretched, miser, -era, -erum wrong, iniu:ria, -ae, _f._ Y year, annus, -i:, _m._ yes, certe:; ita; ve:ro:; _or, more usually, repeat the verb_ (Sec. 210) yonder (that), ille, -a, -ud you, _sing_. tu:; _plur_. vo:s (Sec. 480); _or not expressed_ your, _sing_. tuus, -a, -um; _plur._ vester, -tra, -trum (Sec. 98.b) Z zeal, studium, studi:, _n._ INDEX The numbers in all cases refer to sections. a:-declension of nouns, 57, 461 a:-verbs, conjugation of, 488 ablative case, 48, 50 absolute, 381 after a comparative, 309 of accompaniment, 104 of agent, 181 of cause, 102 of description, 444, 445 of manner, 105 of means or instrument, 103 of measure of difference, 317 of place from which, 179 of place where, 265 of separation, 180 of specification, 398 of time, 275 accent, 14-16 accompaniment abl. of, 104 accusative case, 33 as subject of the infinitive, 214 object, 37 of duration and extent, 336 of place to which, 263, 266 predicate, 392 with prepositions, 340 adjectives, 54, 55 agreement, 65 comparison regular, 301 by adverbs, 302 irregular, 307, 311, 312, 315 declension of comparatives, 303 of first and second declensions, 83, 93, 469 of third declension, 250-257, 471 with the dative, 143 adverbs, 319 comparison, 320, 323 formation regular, 320, 321 irregular, 322, 323 agent expressed by the abl. with _a:_ or _ab_, 181 agreement of adjectives, 65, 215.a of appositives, 81 of predicate nouns, 76 of relative pronouns, 224 of verbs, 28 aliquis, 487 alius, 108, 110, 470 alphabet, 1-3 alter, 108, 110 antepenult, 9.3; accent of, 15 apposition, 80, 81 article not used in Latin, 22.a base, 58 cardinal numerals, 327-329, 478 case, 32.2 causal clauses with _cum_, 395, 396 cause, expressed by the abl., 102 characteristic subjv. of, 389, 390 comparative declension of, 303 comparison abl. of, 309 degrees of, 300 of adjectives, 300-315 irregular, 311-315, 473, 475 of adverbs regular, 320-476 irregular, 323, 477 positive wanting, 315 six adjectives in _-lis_, 307 complementary infinitive, 215 compound verbs with the dative, 425, 426 concessive clauses with _cum_, 395, 396 conjugation stems, 184 conjugations the four regular, 126, 488-491 irregular, 494-500 consonants, 2 copula, 21 cum conjunction, 395 cum preposition, 209 dative case, 43 of indirect object, 44, 45 of purpose, or end for which, 437 with adjectives, 143 with compound verbs, 426 with special verbs, 153 dea declension of, 67 declension, 23, 32 degree of difference expressed by the abl., 317 demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, 112-115, 290-292, 481 deponent verbs, 338, 339, 493 descriptive ablative and genitive, 441-445 descriptive relative clause with the subjv., 389, 390 deus declension of, 468 difference, measure of, 316, 317 diphthongs, 6 direct statements, 414 distributive numerals, 327.3, 334 domi: locative, 267 domus declension of, 468 duo declension of, 479 duration of time, expressed by the acc., 336 e:-declension of nouns, 272, 273, 467 e:-verbs, conjugation of, 489 e-verbs, conjugation of, 490 ego declension of, 280, 480 enclitics, 16 eo: conjugation of, 499 extent of space expressed by the acc., 336 fearing subjv. after verbs of, 370-372 fero: conjugation of, 498 fifth or e:-declension, 272, 273, 467 fi:lia declension of, 67 fi:lius declension of, 87-89 finite verb defined, 173 fi:o: conjugation of, 500 first conjugation, 488 first or a:-declension, 57, 461 fourth conjugation, 491 fourth or u-declension, 259, 260, 466 from how expressed, 178-181 future participle formation of, 374.c future perfect formation of active, 187.3 passive, 202 future tense formation of, 137, 156 gender in English and in Latin, 60 in the first declension, 61 in the second declension, 72 in the third declension, 247 in the fourth declension, 260 in the fifth declension, 272 general observations on declension, 74 genitive case English equivalents of, 33 of description, 443, 445 of nouns in _-ius_ and _-ium_, 87 partitive, 331 possessive, 38, 409 gerund a verbal noun, 402, 403 gerundive a verbal adjective, 404 with _ad_ to express purpose, 407 hic declension and use of, 290, 291 how to read Latin, 17 i consonant, 3 i-stems of nouns, 231, 241-244 i:-verbs conjugation of, 491 i:dem declension of, 287, 481 ie:ns declension of, 472 ille declension and use of, 290-293, 481 imperative formation of, 161, 175 irregular, 161.2 in commands, 161 imperfect indicative, formation and use of, 133, 134, 165.1 imperfect subjunctive, 354 indefinite pronouns and adjectives, 296, 297, 484-487 independent clauses, 219 indirect object, 44, 45 indirect questions, 430-432 indirect statements, 414-419 infinitive as object, 213 as subject, 216 complementary, 215 definition of, 173 does not express purpose, 352 formation of, 126, 174, 205, 206 in indirect statements, 415-410 used as in English, 213-216 inflection defined, 23 instrument abl. of, 100.b, 103 intensive pronoun _ipse_, declension and use of, 285, 286, 481 interrogative pronouns and adjectives, 225-227, 483 intransitive verbs, defined, 20.a with the dative, 153 io:-verbs of the third conj., 492 ipse declension and use of, 285, 481 irregular adjectives, 108 irregular comparison of adjectives, 307 311, 312 of adverbs, 323 irregular nouns, 67, 246, 468 irregular verbs, 494-500 is declension and use of, 113-116 iste declension and use of, 290, 292, 481 iter declension of, 468 Latin word order, 68 locative case, 267 magis and maxime: comparison by, 302 ma:lo: conjugation of, 4.97 manner abl. of, 105 means abl. of, 103 measure of difference abl. of, 316, 317 mi:lle, declension of, 479 construction with, 331.a,b moods, defined, 121 -ne, enclitic in questions, 210 ne:, conj., _that not, lest_ with negative clauses of purpose, 350.II with verbs of fearing, 370 nine irregular adjectives, 108-110 no:lo: conjugation of, 497 nominative case, 35, 36 no:nne in questions, 210 no:s declension of, 280, 480 nouns, 19. 2 first declension, 57, 461 second declension, 71-74,87-92,462 third declension, 230-247, 463-465 fourth declension, 259, 260, 466 fifth declension, 272, 273, 467 num, in questions, 210 number, 24 numerals, 327-334, 478, 479 o-declension of nouns, 71-74, 87-92, 462 object, 20 direct, 37 indirect, 44, 45 order of words, 68 ordinal numerals, 327. 2, 478 participial stem, 201.2 participles, defined, 203 agreement of, 204 formation, of present, 374.b of perfect, 201 of future, 374.c,d of deponent verbs, 375 tenses of, 376 translated by a clause, 377 partitive genitive, 330, 331 passive voice defined, 163 formation of, 164, 202 penult, 9.3 accent of, 15 perfect indicative formation, in the active, 185, 186 in the passive, 202 meaning of, 190 definite, 190 indefinite, 190 distinguished from the imperfect, 190 perfect infinitive active, 195 passive, 205 perfect passive participle, 201 perfect stem, 185 perfect subjunctive active, 361 passive, 362 person, 122 personal endings active, 122 passive, 164 personal pronouns, 280, 480 place where, whither, whence, 263-265 names of towns and _domus_ and _ru:s_, 266-268 pluperfect indicative active, 187.2 passive, 202 pluperfect subjunctive active, 361 passive, 363 plu:s declension of, 313 possessive pronouns, 97, 98 possum conjugation of, 495 predicate defined, 19 predicate adjective defined, 55 predicate noun, 75, 76 prepositions with the abl., 209 with the acc., 340 present indicative, 128, 130, 147 present stem, 126.a present subjunctive, 344 primary tenses, 356 principal parts, 183 pronouns classification of, 278 defined, 19.2.a demonstrative, 481 indefinite, 297, 484-487 intensive, 285, 286, 481 interrogative, 483 personal, 480 possessive, 97, 98 reflexive, 281 relative, 220, 221 pronunciation, 4-7 pro:sum conjugation of, 496 purpose dative of, 436, 437 expressed by the gerund or gerundive with _ad_, 407 not expressed by the infinitive, 352 subjunctive of, 348-350, 365-367 quality gen. or abl. of, 441-445 quam with a comparative, 308 quantity, 11-13 questions direct, 210 indirect, 430-432 qui: declension and use of, 220,221, 482 qui:dam declension of, 485 quis declension and use of, 225-227, 483 quisquam declension of, 486 quisque declension of, 484 reflexive pronouns, 281 relative clauses of characteristic or description, 389, 390 relative clauses of purpose, 348, 349 relative pronouns, 220, 221 result clauses, 384-387 reviews, 502-528 ru:s constructions of, 266 se: distinguished from _ipse_, 285.a second conjugation, 489 second or o-declension, 71-93, 462 sentences simple, complex, compound, 219 separation abl. of, 180 separative ablative, 178-181 sequence of tenses, 356-358 space extent of, expressed by the acc., 336 specification abl. of, 398 stems of nouns, 230 of verbs, 184 subject defined, 19.2 of the infinitive, 213, 214 subjunctive formation of the present, 344 of the imperfect, 354 of the perfect, 361, 362 of the pluperfect, 361.c, 363 subjunctive constructions characteristic or description, 389, 390 indirect questions, 430-432 purpose, 349, 366, 372 result, 385, 386 time, cause, or concession, with _cum_, 395, 396 subjunctive ideas, 346 subjunctive tenses, 342, 343 subordinate clauses, 219 sui: declension of, 281, 480 sum conjugation of, 494 suus use of, 98.c, 116 syllables, 8 division of, 9 quantity of, 13 syntax rules of, 501 temporal clauses with _cum_, 395, 396 tense defined, 120 tense signs imperfect, 133 future, 137, 156 pluperfect active, 187.2 future perfect active, 187.3 tenses primary and secondary, 356 sequence of, 357, 358 third conjugation, 490, 492 third declension of nouns classes, 231, 463 consonant stems, 232-238, 464 gender, 247 i-stems, 241-244, 465 irregular nouns, 246 time abl. of, 275 time acc. of, 336 towns rules for names of, 266, 267, 268 transitive verb, 20.a tre:s declension of, 479 tu: declension of, 280, 480 tuus compared with _vester_, 98. b u-declension of nouns, 259, 260, 466 ultima, 9. 3 verbs agreement of, 28 conjugation of, 126, 488-491 deponent, 338, 339, 493 irregular, 494-500 personal endings of, 122, 164 principal parts of, 183 vester compared with _tuus_, 98.b vi:s declension of, 468 vocabularies English-Latin, pp. 332-343 Latin-English, pp. 299-331 special, pp. 283-298 vocative case, 56.a of nouns in _-us_ of the second declension, 73.b of proper nouns in _-ius_ and of _fi:lius_, 88 voice defined, 163 volo: conjugation of, 497 vo:s declension of, 280, 480 vowels sounds of, 5, 6 quantity of, 12 End of Project Gutenberg's Latin for Beginners, by Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LATIN FOR BEGINNERS *** ***** This file should be named 18251.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by Louise Hope, Dave Maddock and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was made using scans of public domain material by Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. 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