Project Gutenberg's Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine, by Lewis Spence This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine Author: Lewis Spence Release Date: August 17, 2005 [EBook #16539] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HERO TALES OF THE RHINE *** Produced by Steve Pond HERO TALES AND LEGENDS OF THE RHINE By Lewis Spence (1874-1955) Originally published: Hero tales & legends of the Rhine. London; New York: George C. Harrap, 1915. CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION I TOPOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL II THE RHINE IN FOLKLORE AND LITERATURE III CLEVES TO THE LÖWENBURG IV DRACHENFELS TO RHEINSTEIN V FALKENBURG TO AUERBACH VI WORMS AND THE NIBELUNGENLIED VII HEIDELBERG TO SÄCKINGEN INTRODUCTION An abundance of literature exists on the subject of the Rhine and its legends, but with few exceptions the works on it which are accessible to English-speaking peoples are antiquated in spirit and verbiage, and their authors have been content to accept the first version of such legends and traditions as came their way without submitting them to any critical examination. It is claimed for this book that much of its matter was collected on the spot, or that at least most of the tales here presented were perused in other works at the scene of the occurrences related. This volume is thus something more than a mere compilation, and when it is further stated that only the most characteristic and original versions and variants of the many tales here given have gained admittance to the collection, its value will become apparent. It is, of course, no easy task to infuse a spirit of originality into matter which has already achieved such a measure of celebrity as have these wild and wondrous tales of Rhineland. But it is hoped that the treatment to which these stories have been subjected is not without a novelty of its own. One circumstance may be alluded to as characteristic of the manner of their treatment in this work. In most English books on Rhine legend the tales themselves are presented in a form so brief, succinct, and uninspiring as to rob them entirely of that mysterious glamour lacking which they become mere material by which to add to and illustrate the guide-book. The absence of the romantic spirit in most English and American compilations dealing with the Rhine legends is noteworthy, and in writing this book the author’s intention has been to supply this striking defect by retaining as much of the atmosphere of mystery so dear to the German heart as will convey to the English-speaking reader a true conception of the spirit of German legend. But it is not contended that because greater space and freedom of narrative scope than is usual has been taken by the author the volume would not prove itself an acceptable companion upon a voyage on Rhine waters undertaken in holiday times of peace. Indeed, every attempt has been made so to arrange the legends that they will illustrate a Rhine journey from sea to source--the manner in which the majority of visitors to Germany will make the voyage--and to this end the tales have been marshalled in such form that a reader sitting on the deck of a Rhine steamer may be able to peruse the legends relating to the various localities in their proper order as he passes them. There are included, however, several tales relating to places which cannot be viewed from the deck of a steamer, but which may be visited at the cost of a short inland excursion. These are such as from their celebrity could not be omitted from any work on the legends of Rhineland, but they are few in number. The historical development, folklore, poetry, and art of the Rhine-country have been dealt with in a special introductory chapter. The history of the Rhine basin is a complicated and uneven one, chiefly consisting in the rapid and perplexing rise and fall of dynasties and the alternate confiscation of one or both banks of the devoted stream to the empires of France or Germany. But the evolution of a reasoned narrative has been attempted from this chaotic material, and, so far as the author is aware, it is the only one existing in English. The folklore and romance elements in Rhine legend have been carefully examined, and the best poetic material upon the storied river has been critically collected and reviewed. To those who may one day visit the Rhine it is hoped that the volume may afford a suitable introduction to a fascinating field of travel, while to such as have already viewed its glories it may serve to renew old associations and awaken cherished memories of a river without peer or parallel in its wealth of story, its boundless mystery, and the hold which it has exercised upon all who have lingered by the hero-trodden paths that wind among its mysterious promontories and song-haunted strands. --L.S. CHAPTER I--TOPOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL There are many rivers whose celebrity is of much greater antiquity than that of the Rhine. The Nile and the Ganges are intimately associated with the early history of civilization and the mysterious beginnings of wisdom; the Tiber is eloquent of that vanished Empire which was the first to carry the torch of advancement into the dark places of barbarian Europe; the name of the Jordan is sacred to thousands as that first heard in infancy and linked with lives and memories divine. But, universal as is the fame of these rivers, none of them has awakened in the breasts of the dwellers on their banks such a fervent devotion, such intense enthusiasm, or such a powerful patriotic appeal as has the Rhine, at once the river, the frontier, and the palladium of the German folk. The Magic of the Rhine But the appeal is wider, for the Rhine is peculiarly the home of a legendary mysticism almost unique. Those whose lives are spent in their creation and interpretation know that song and legend have a particular affinity for water. Hogg, the friend of Shelley, was wont to tell how the bright eyes of his comrade would dilate at the sight of even a puddle by the roadside. Has water a hypnotic attraction for certain minds? Be that as it may, there has crystallized round the great waterways of the world a traditionary lore which preserves the thought and feeling of the past, and retains many a circumstance of wonder and marvel from olden epochs which the modern world could ill have spared. Varied and valuable as are the traditional tales of other streams, none possess that colour of intensity and mystery, that spell of ancient profundity which belong to the legends of the Rhine. In perusing these we feel our very souls plunged in darkness as that of the carven gloom of some Gothic cathedral or the Cimmerian depths of some ancient forest unpierced by sun-shafts. It is the Teutonic mystery which has us in its grip, a thing as readily recognizable as the Celtic glamour or the Egyptian gloom--a thing of the shadows of eld, stern, ancient, of a ponderous fantasy, instinct with the spirit of nature, of dwarfs, elves, kobolds, erlkings, the wraiths and shades of forest and flood, of mountain and mere, of castled height and swift whirlpool, the denizens of the deep valleys and mines, the bergs and heaths of this great province of romance, this rich satrapy of Faëry. A Land of Legend Nowhere is legend so thickly strewn as on the banks of the Rhine. Each step is eloquent of tradition, each town, village, and valley. No hill, no castle but has its story, true or legendary. The Teuton is easily the world’s master in the art of conserving local lore. As one speeds down the broad breast of this wondrous river, gay with summer and flushed with the laughter of early vineyards, so close is the network of legend that the swiftly read or spoken tale of one locality is scarce over ere the traveller is confronted by another. It is a surfeit of romance, an inexhaustible hoard of the matter of marvel. This noble stream with its wealth of tradition has made such a powerful impression upon the national imagination that it has become intimate in the soul of the people and commands a reverence and affection which is not given by any other modern nation to its greatest and most characteristic river. The Englishman has only a mitigated pride in the Thames, as a great commercial asset or, its metropolitan borders once passed, a river of peculiarly restful character; the Frenchman evinces no very great enthusiasm toward the Seine; and if there are many Spanish songs about the “chainless Guadalquivir,” the dons have been content to retain its Arabic name. But what German heart does not thrill at the name of the Rhine? What German cheek does not flush at the sound of that mighty thunder-hymn which tells of his determination to preserve the river of his fathers at the cost of his best blood? Nay, what man of patriotic temperament but feels a responsive chord awake within him at the thought of that majestic song, so stern, so strong, “clad in armour,” vibrant with the clang of swords, instinct with the universal accord of a united people? To those who have heard it sung by multitudinous voices to the accompaniment of golden harps and silver trumpets it is a thing which can never be forgotten, this world-song that is at once a hymn of union, a song of the deepest love of country, a defiance and an intimation of resistance to the death. The Song of the ‘Iron Chancellor’ How potent Die Wacht am Rhein is to stir the hearts of the children of the Fatherland is proven abundantly by an apposite story regarding the great Bismarck, the ‘man of blood and iron.’ The scene is the German Reichstag, and the time is that curious juncture in history when the Germans, having realized that union is strength, were beginning to weld together the petty kingdoms and duchies of which their mighty empire was once composed. Gradually this task was becoming accomplished, and meanwhile Germany grew eager to assert her power in Europe, wherefore her rulers commenced to create a vast army. But Bismarck was not satisfied, and in his eyes Germany’s safety was still unassured; so he appealed to the Reichstag to augment largely their armaments. The deputies looked at him askance, for a vast army meant ruinous taxation; even von Moltke and von Roon shook their heads, well aware though they were that a great European conflict might break out at any time; and, in short, Bismarck’s proposal was met by a determined negative from the whole House. “Ach, mein Gott!” he cried, holding out his hands in a superb gesture of despair. “Ach, mein Gott! but these soldiers we must have.” His hearers still demurred, reminding him that the people far and near were groaning under the weight of taxation, and assuring him that this could not possibly be increased, when he suddenly changed his despairing gesture for a martial attitude, and with sublime eloquence recited the lines: “Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall, Wie Schwertgeklirr und Wogenprall; Zum Rhein, zum Rhein, zum deutschen Rhein, Wer will die Strömes Hüter sein? Lieb Vaterland, magst ruhig sein, Fest steht und treu die Wacht am Rhein.” The effect was magical; the entire House resounded with cheers, and the most unbounded enthusiasm prevailed. And ere the members dispersed they had told Bismarck he might have, not ten thousand, but a hundred thousand soldiers, such was the power of association awakened by this famous hymn, such the spell it is capable of exercising on German hearers. Topography of the Rhine Ere we set sail upon the dark sea of legend before us it is necessary that, like prudent mariners, we should know whence and whither we are faring. To this end it will be well that we should glance briefly at the topography of the great river we are about to explore, and that we should sketch rapidly the most salient occurrences in the strange and varied pageant of its history, in order that we may the better appreciate the wondrous tales of worldwide renown which have found birth on its banks. Although the most German of rivers, the Rhine does not run its entire course through German territory, but takes its rise in Switzerland and finds the sea in Holland. For no less than 233 miles it flows through Swiss country, rising in the mountains of the canton of Grisons, and irrigates every canton of the Alpine republic save that of Geneva. Indeed, it waters over 14,000 square miles of Swiss territory in the flow of its two main branches, the Nearer Rhine and the Farther Rhine, which unite at Reichenau, near Coire. The Nearer Rhine issues at the height of over 7000 feet from the glaciers of the Rheinwaldhorn group, and flows for some thirty-five miles, first in a north-easterly direction through the Rheinwald Valley, then northward through the Schams Valley, by way of the Via Mala gorge, and Tomleschg Valley, and so to Reichenau, where it is joined by its sister stream, the Farther Rhine. The latter, rising in the little Alpine lake of Toma near the Pass of St. Gotthard, flows in a north-easterly direction to Reichenau. The Nearer Rhine is generally considered to be the more important branch, though the Farther Rhine is the longer by some seven miles. From Reichenau the Rhine flows north-eastward to Coire, and thence northward to the Lake of Constance, receiving on its way two tributaries, the Landquart and the Ill, both on the right bank. Indeed, from source to sea the Rhine receives a vast number of tributaries, amounting, with their branches, to over 12,000. Leaving the Lake of Constance at the town of that name, the river flows westward to Basel, having as the principal towns on its banks Constance, Schaffhausen, Waldshut, Laufenburg, Säckingen, Rheinfelden, and Basel. Not far from the town of Schaffhausen the river precipitates itself from a height of 60 feet, in three leaps, forming the famous Falls of the Rhine. At Coblentz a strange thing happens, for at this place the river receives the waters of the Aar, swollen by the Reuss and the Limmat, and of greater volume than the stream in which it loses itself. It is at Basel that the Rhine, taking a northward trend, enters Germany. By this time it has made a descent of nearly 7000 feet, and has traversed about a third of its course. Between Basel and Mainz it flows between the mountains of the Black Forest and the Vosges, the distance between which forms a shallow valley of some width. Here and there it is islanded, and its expanse averages about 1200 feet. The Taunus Mountains divert it at Mainz, where it widens, and it flows westward for about twenty miles, but at Bingen it once more takes its course northward, and enters a narrow valley where the enclosing hills look down sheer upon the water. It is in this valley, probably one of the most romantic in the world, that we find the legendary lore of the river packed in such richness that every foot of its banks has its place in tradition. But that is not to say that this portion of the Rhine is wanting in natural beauty. Here are situated some of its sunniest vineyards, its most wildly romantic heights, and its most picturesque ruins. This part of its course may be said to end at the Siebengebirge, or ‘Seven Mountains,’ where the river again widens and the banks become more bare and uninteresting. Passing Bonn and Cologne, the bareness of the landscape is remarkable after the variety of that from which we have just emerged, and henceforward the river takes on what may be called a ‘Dutch’ appearance. After entering Holland it divides into two branches, the Waal flowing to the west and uniting with the Maas. The smaller branch to the right is still called the Rhine, and throws off another branch, the Yssel, which flows into the Zuider Zee. Once more the river bifurcates into insignificant streams, one of which is called the Kromme Rijn, and beyond Utrecht, and under the name of the Oude Rijn, or Old Rhine, it becomes so stagnant that it requires the aid of a canal to drain it into the sea. Anciently the Rhine at this part of its course was an abounding stream, but by the ninth century the sands at Katwijk had silted it up, and it was only in the beginning of last century that its way to the sea was made clear. The Sunken City More than six centuries ago Stavoren was one of the chief commercial towns of Holland. Its merchants traded with all parts of the world, and brought back their ships laden with rich cargoes, and the city became ever more prosperous. The majority of the people of Stavoren were well-to-do, and as their wealth increased they became luxurious and dissipated, each striving to outdo the others in the magnificence of their homes and the extravagance of their hospitality. Many of their houses, we are told, were like the palaces of princes, built of white marble, furnished with the greatest sumptuousness, and decorated with the costliest hangings and the rarest statuary. But, says the legend, of all the Stavoren folk there was none wealthier than young Richberta. This maiden owned a fleet of the finest merchant-vessels of the city, and loved to ornament her palace with the rich merchandise which these brought from foreign ports. With all her jewels and gold and silver treasures, however, Richberta was not happy. She gave gorgeous banquets to the other merchant-princes of the place, each more magnificent than the last, not because she received any pleasure from thus dispensing hospitality, but because she desired to create envy and astonishment in the breasts of her guests. On one occasion while such a feast was in progress Richberta was informed that a stranger was waiting without who was desirous of speaking with her. When she was told that the man had come all the way from a distant land simply to admire her wonderful treasures, of which he had heard so much, the maiden was highly flattered and gave orders that he should be admitted without delay. An aged and decrepit man, clad in a picturesque Eastern costume, was led into the room, and Richberta bade him be seated at her side. He expected to receive from the young lady the symbol of welcome--bread and salt. But no such common fare was to be found on her table--all was rich and luxurious food. The stranger seated himself in silence. At length he began to talk. He had travelled in many lands, and now he told of his changing fortunes in these far-off countries, always drawing a moral from his adventures--that all things earthly were evanescent as the dews of morning. The company listened attentively to the discourse of the sage; all, that is, but their hostess, who was angry and disappointed that he had said no word of the wealth and magnificence displayed in her palace, the rich fare on her table, and all the signs of luxury with which he was surrounded. At length she could conceal her chagrin no longer, and asked the stranger directly whether he had ever seen such splendour in his wanderings as that he now beheld. “Tell me,” she said, “is there to be found in the courts of your Eastern kings such rare treasures as these of mine?” “Nay,” replied the sage, “they have no pearls and rich embroideries to match thine. Nevertheless, there is one thing missing from your board, and that the best and most valuable of all earthly gifts.” In vain Richberta begged that he would tell her what that most precious of treasures might be. He answered all her inquiries in an evasive manner, and at last, when her question could no longer be evaded, he rose abruptly and left the room. And, seek as she might, Richberta could find no trace of her mysterious visitor. Richberta strove to discover the meaning of the old man’s words. She was rich--she possessed greater treasures than any in Stavoren, at a time when that city was among the wealthiest in Europe--and yet she lacked the most precious of earth’s treasures. The memory of the words galled her pride and excited her curiosity to an extraordinary pitch. In vain she asked the wise men of her time--the priests and philosophers--to read her the riddle of the mysterious traveller. None could name a treasure that was not already hers. In her anxiety to obtain the precious thing, whatever it might be, Richberta sent all her ships to sea, telling the captain of each not to return until he had found some treasure that she did not already possess. The vessels were victualled for seven years, so that the mariners might have ample time in which to pursue their quest. So their commander sent one division of the fleet to the east, another to the west, while he left his own vessel to the hazard of the winds, letting it drift wheresoever the fates decreed. His ship as well as the others was laden heavily with provisions, and during the first storm they encountered it was necessary to cast a considerable portion of the food overboard, so that the ship might right itself. As it was, the remaining provisions were so damaged by the sea-water that they rotted in a few days and became unfit for food. A pestilence would surely follow the use of such unwholesome stuff, and consequently the entire cargo of bread had to be cast into the sea. The commander saw his crew ravaged by the dreaded scurvy, suffering from the lack of bread. Then only did he begin to perceive the real meaning of the sage’s words. The most valuable of all earthly treasures was not the pearls from the depths of the sea, gold or silver from the heart of the mountains, nor the rich spices of the Indies. The most common of all earth’s, products, that which was to be found in every country, which flourished in every clime, on which the lives of millions depended--this was the greatest treasure, and its name was--bread. Having reached this conclusion, the commander of Richberta’s fleet set sail for a Baltic port, where he took on board a cargo of corn, and returned immediately to Stavoren. Richberta was astonished and delighted to see that he had achieved his purpose so soon, and bade him tell her of what the treasure consisted which he had brought with him. The commander thereupon recounted his adventures--the storm, the throwing overboard of their store of bread, and the consequent sufferings of the crew--and told how he at length discovered what was the greatest treasure on earth, the priceless possession which the stranger had looked for in vain at her rich board. It was bread, he said simply, and the cargo he had brought home was corn. Richberta was beside herself with passion. When she had recovered herself sufficiently to speak she asked him: “At which side of the ship did you take in the cargo?” “At the right side,” he replied. “Then,” she exclaimed angrily, “I order you to cast it into the sea from the left side.” It was a cruel decision. Stavoren, like every other city, had its quota of poor families, and these were in much distress at the time, many of them dying from sheer starvation. The cargo of corn would have provided bread for them throughout the whole winter, and the commander urged Richberta to reconsider her decision. As a last resort he sent the barefooted children of the city to her, thinking that their mute misery would move her to alleviate their distress and give them the shipload of corn. But all was in vain. Richberta remained adamantine, and in full view of the starving multitude she had the precious cargo cast into the sea. But the curses of the despairing people had their effect. Far down in the bed of the sea the grains of corn germinated, and a harvest of bare stalks grew until it reached the surface of the water. The shifting quicksands at the bottom of the sea were bound together by the overspreading stalks into a mighty sand-bank which rose above the surface in front of the town of Stavoren. No longer were the merchant-vessels able to enter the harbour, for it was blocked by the impassable bank. Nay, instead of finding refuge there, many a ship was dashed to pieces by the fury of the breakers, and Stavoren became a place of ill-fame to the mariner. All the wealth and commerce of this proud city were at an end. Richberta herself, whose wanton act had raised the sand-bank, had her ships wrecked there one by one, and was reduced to begging for bread in the city whose wealthiest inhabitant she had once been. Then, perhaps, she could appreciate the words of the old traveller, that bread was the greatest of earthly treasures. At last the ocean, dashing against the huge mound with ever-increasing fury, burst through the dyke which Richberta had raised, overwhelmed the town, and buried it for ever under the waves. And now the mariner, sailing on the Zuider Zee, passes above the engulfed city and sees with wonderment the towers and spires of the ‘Sunken Land.’ Historical Sketch Like other world-rivers, the Rhine has attracted to its banks a succession of races of widely divergent origin. Celt, Teuton, Slav, and Roman have contested for the territories which it waters, and if the most enduring of these races has finally achieved dominion over the fairest river-province in Europe, who shall say that it has emerged from the struggle as a homogeneous people, having absorbed none of the blood of those with whom it strove for the lordship of this vine-clad valley? He would indeed be a courageous ethnologist who would suggest a purely Germanic origin for the Rhine race. As the historical period dawns upon Middle Europe we find the Rhine basin in the possession of a people of Celtic blood. As in Britain and France, this folk has left its indelible mark upon the countryside in a wealth of place-names embodying its characteristic titles for flood, village, and hill. In such prefixes and terminations as magh, brig, dun, and etc we espy the influence of Celtic occupants, and Maguntiacum, or Mainz, and Borbetomagus, or Worms, are examples of that ‘Gallic’ idiom which has indelibly starred the map of Western Europe. Prehistoric Miners The remains of this people which are unearthed from beneath the superincumbent strata of their Teutonic successors in the country show them to have been typical of their race. Like their kindred in Britain, they had successfully exploited the mineral treasures of the country, and their skill as miners is eloquently upheld by the mute witness of age-old cinder-heaps by which are found the once busy bronze hammer and the apparatus of the smelting-furnace, speaking of the slow but steady smith-toil upon which the foundation of civilization arose. There was scarcely a mineral beneath the loamy soil which masked the metalliferous rock which they did not work. From Schönebeck to Dürkheim lies an immense bed of salt, and this the Celtic population of the district dug and condensed by aid of fires fed by huge logs cut from the giant trees of the vast and mysterious forests which have from time immemorial shadowed the whole existence of the German race. The salt, moulded or cut into blocks, was transported to Gaul as an article of commerce. But the Celts of the Rhine achieved distinction in other arts of life, for their pottery, weapons, and jewellery will bear comparison with those of prehistoric peoples in any part of Europe. As has been remarked, at the dawn of history we find the Rhine Celts everywhere in full retreat before the rude and more virile Teutons. They lingered latterly about the Moselle and in the district of Eifel, offering a desperate resistance to the onrushing hordes of Germanic warriors. In all likelihood they were outnumbered, if not outmatched in skill and valour, and they melted away before the savage ferocity of their foes, probably seeking asylum with their kindred in Gaul. Probably the Teutonic tribes had already commenced to apply pressure to the Celtic inhabitants of Rhine-land in the fourth century before the Christian era. As was their wont, they displaced the original possessors of the soil as much by a process of infiltration as by direct conquest. The waves of emigration seem to have come from Rhaetia and Pannonia, broad-headed folk, who were in a somewhat lower condition of barbarism than the race whose territory they usurped, restless, assertive, and irritable. Says Beddoe:[1] [Footnote 1: The Anthropological History of Europe, p. 100.] “The mass of tall, blond, vigorous barbarians multiplied, seethed, and fretted behind the barrier thus imposed. Tacitus and several other classic authors speak of the remarkable uniformity in their appearance; how they were all tall and handsome, with fierce blue eyes and yellow hair. Humboldt remarks the tendency we all have to see only the single type in a strange foreign people, and to shut our eyes to the differences among them. Thus some of us think sheep all alike, but the shepherd knows better; and many think all Chinamen are alike, whereas they differ, in reality, quite as much as we do, or rather more. But with respect to the ancient Germans, there certainly was among them one very prevalent form of head, and even the varieties of feature which occur among the Marcomans--for example, on Marcus Aurelius’ column--all seem to oscillate round one central type. The ‘Graverow’ Type “This is the Graverow type of Ecker, the Hohberg type of His and Rutimeyer, the Swiss anatomists. In it the head is long, narrow (say from 70 to 76 in. breadth-index), as high or higher than it is broad, with the upper part of the occiput very prominent, the forehead rather high than broad, often dome-shaped, often receding, with prominent brows, the nose long, narrow, and prominent, the cheek-bones narrow and not prominent, the chin well marked, the mouth apt to be prominent in women. In Germany persons with these characters have almost always light eyes and hair.... This Graverow type is almost exclusively what is found in the burying-places of the fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries, whether of the Alemanni, the Bavarians, the Franks, the Saxons, or the Burgundians. Schetelig dug out a graveyard in Southern Spain which is attributed to the Visigoths. Still the same harmonious elliptic form, the same indices, breadth 73, height 74.” Early German Society Tacitus in his Germania gives a vivid if condensed picture of Teutonic life in the latter part of the first century: “The face of the country, though in some parts varied, presents a cheerless scene, covered with the gloom of forests, or deformed with wide-extended marshes; toward the boundaries of Gaul, moist and swampy; on the side of Noricum and Pannonia, more exposed to the fury of the winds. Vegetation thrives with sufficient vigour. The soil produces grain, but is unkind to fruit-trees; well stocked with cattle, but of an under-size, and deprived by nature of the usual growth and ornament of the head. The pride of a German consists in the number of his flocks and herds; they are his only riches, and in these he places his chief delight. Gold and silver are withheld from them: is it by the favour or the wrath of Heaven? I do not, however, mean to assert that in Germany there are no veins of precious ore; for who has been a miner in these regions? Certain it is they do not enjoy the possession and use of those metals with our sensibility. There are, indeed, silver vessels to be seen among them, but they were presents to their chiefs or ambassadors; the Germans regard them in no better light than common earthenware. It is, however, observable that near the borders of the empire the inhabitants set a value upon gold and silver, finding them subservient to the purposes of commerce. The Roman coin is known in those parts, and some of our specie is not only current, but in request. In places more remote the simplicity of ancient manners still prevails: commutation of property is their only traffic. Where money passes in the way of barter our old coin is the most acceptable, particularly that which is indented at the edge, or stamped with the impression of a chariot and two horses, called the Serrati and Bigati. Silver is preferred to gold, not from caprice or fancy, but because the inferior metal is of more expeditious use in the purchase of low-priced commodities. Ancient German Weapons “Iron does not abound in Germany, if we may judge from the weapons in general use. Swords and large lances are seldom seen. The soldier grasps his javelin, or, as it is called in their language, his fram--an instrument tipped with a short and narrow piece of iron, sharply pointed, and so commodious that, as occasion requires, he can manage it in close engagement or in distant combat. With this and a shield the cavalry are completely armed. The infantry have an addition of missive weapons. Each man carries a considerable number, and being naked, or, at least, not encumbered by his light mantle, he throws his weapon to a distance almost incredible. A German pays no attention to the ornament of his person; his shield is the object of his care, and this he decorates with the liveliest colours. Breastplates are uncommon. In a whole army you will not see more than one or two helmets. Their horses have neither swiftness nor elegance, nor are they trained to the various evolutions of the Roman cavalry. To advance in a direct line, or wheel suddenly to the right, is the whole of their skill, and this they perform in so compact a body that not one is thrown out of his rank. According to the best estimate, the infantry comprise the national strength, and, for that reason, always fight intermixed with the cavalry. The flower of their youth, able by their vigour and activity to keep pace with the movements of the horse, are selected for this purpose, and placed in the front of the lines. The number of these is fixed and certain: each canton sends a hundred, from that circumstance called Hundreders by the army. The name was at first numerical only: it is now a title of honour. Their order of battle presents the form of a wedge. To give ground in the heat of action, provided you return to the charge, is military skill, not fear or cowardice. In the most fierce and obstinate engagement, even when the fortune of the day is doubtful, they make it a point to carry off their slain. To abandon their shield is a flagitious crime. The person guilty of it is interdicted from religious rites and excluded from the assembly of the state. Many who survived their honour on the day of battle have closed a life of ignominy by a halter.” Teutonic Customs The kings of this rude but warlike folk were elected by the suffrages of the nobility, and their leaders in battle, as was inevitable with such a people, were chosen by reason of their personal prowess. The legal functions were exercised by the priesthood, and punishments were thus held to be sanctioned by the gods. Among this barbaric people the female sex was held as absolutely sacred, the functions of wife and mother being accounted among the highest possible to humanity, and we observe in ancient accounts of the race that typically Teutonic conception of the woman as seer or prophetess which so strongly colours early Germanic literature. Women, indeed, in later times, when Christianity had nominally conquered Paganism, remained as the sole conservators of the ancient Teutonic magico-religious lore, and in the curtained recesses of dark-timbered halls whiled away the white hours of winter by the painful spelling out of runic characters and the practice of arts which they were destined to convey from the priests of Odin and Thor to the witches of medieval days. Costume of the Early Teuton The personal appearance of these barbarians was as rude and simple as were their manners. Says Tacitus: “The clothing in use is a loose mantle, made fast with a clasp, or, when that cannot be had, with a thorn. Naked in other respects, they loiter away whole days by the fireside. The rich wear a garment, not, indeed, displayed and flowing, like the Parthians or the people of Sarmatia, but drawn so tight that the form of the limbs is palpably expressed. The skins of wild animals are also much in use. Near the frontier, on the borders of the Rhine, the inhabitants wear them, but with an air of neglect that shows them altogether indifferent about the choice, The people who live more remote, near the northern seas, and have not acquired by commerce a taste for new-fashioned apparel, are more curious in the selection. They choose particular beasts and, having stripped off the furs, clothe themselves with the spoil, decorated with parti-coloured spots, or fragments taken from the skins of fish that swim the ocean as yet unexplored by the Romans. In point of dress there is no distinction between the sexes, except that the garment of the women is frequently made of linen, adorned with purple stains, but without sleeves, leaving the arms and part of the bosom uncovered.” The Germanic Tribes It is also from Tacitus that we glean what were the names and descriptions of those tribes who occupied the territory adjacent to the Rhine. The basin of the river between Strassburg and Mainz was inhabited by the Tribacci, Nemetes, and Vangiones, further south by the Matiacci near Wiesbaden, and the Ubii in the district of Cologne. Further north lay the Sugambri, and the delta of the river in the Low Countries was the seat of the brave Batavii, from whom came the bulk of the legions by means of which Agricola obtained a footing in far Caledonia. Before the Roman invasion of their territories these tribes were constantly engaged in internecine warfare, a condition of affairs not to be marvelled at when we learn that at their tribal councils the warrior regarded as an inspired speaker was he who was most powerfully affected by the potations in which all habitually indulged to an extent which seemed to the cultured Roman as bestial in the last degree. The constant bearing of arms, added to their frequent addiction to powerful liquors, also seemed to render the Germanic warriors quarrelsome to excess, and to provoke intertribal strife. The Romans in the Rhine Country Caesar is the first Roman writer to give us any historical data concerning the peoples who inhabited the basin of the Rhine. He conquered the tribes on the left bank, and was followed a generation or so later by Augustus, who established numerous fortified posts on the river. But the Romans never succeeded in obtaining a firm occupancy of the right bank. Their chief object in colonizing the Rhine territory was to form an effective barrier between themselves and the restless barbarian tribes of the Teutonic North, the constant menace of whose invasion lay as a canker at the heart of rich and fruitful Italy. With the terror of a barbarian inroad ever before their eyes, the cohorts of the Imperial City constructed a formidable vallum, or earthen wall, from the vicinity of Linz to Regensburg, on the Danube, a distance of three hundred and fifty miles, for the purpose of raising a barrier against the advance of the warlike men of the North. They further planted a colony of veterans in the Black Forest neighbourhood in order that invasion might be resisted from that side. But as the Empire began to exhibit signs of decadence the barbarians were quick to recognize the symptoms of weakness in those who barred their advance to the wealthy South, the objective of their dreams, hurled themselves against the boundary, now rendered feeble by reason of the withdrawal of its most experienced defenders, and, despite a stern resistance, flooded the rich valleys of the Rhine, swamped the colonies on the left bank which had imbibed Roman civilization, and made all wholly Teutonic. The Rebellion of the Barbarians This was, however, a process of years, and by no means a speedy conquest. The closing years of Augustus’ reign were clouded by a general rising of the Rhine peoples. Quintilius Varus, an officer who had been entrusted with the government of the provinces beyond the Rhine, proved totally unequal to curbing the bolder spirits among the Germans, who under their chief, Arminius, boldly challenged the forces of this short-sighted officer. Arminius belonged to the Cherusci. He had served with the German horsemen in the Rhenish armies, and was conversant with the Latin language. Observing that half, at least, of the Roman forces were on leave, he incited the tribes of Lower Saxony to revolt. The weak Varus, who had underestimated the influence of Arminius, attempted to quell the rising, but without success, and the bank of the river was the scene of a wholesale slaughter. Varus, completely losing his nerve, attempted to separate the cavalry from the infantry and endeavoured to escape with three squadrons of the former; but the Germans surrounded them, and after a hand-to-hand struggle of three days the Roman army was annihilated. The news of this disaster prompted the aged Emperor to dispatch his son Tiberius to suppress what appeared to be a general rising of the North. The Rhenish tribes, however, were too wary to meet the powerful force now sent against them in the open field, and during the remainder of the year Tiberius, left in peace, occupied himself in strengthening the Rhine fortifications. He was soon after recalled to Rome to assume the purple on the death of Augustus. Germanicus, who had taken command of the legions on the Rhine, became conscious of discontent among the soldiers, who threatened to carry him into Rome and thrust him into the seat of empire. But he soothed the passions of his soldiers by gifts and promises. A road was opened from the Rhine into the German hinterland, and Germanicus led his army into the heart of a country of which he knew but little to avenge the disasters of the Varian legions. The forest folk eluded the invading host, which now sought to return to headquarters; but ere they had completed the journey they were assailed and suffered a severe reverse. Numerous revolts occurred among the Gaulish legions in the service of the Roman Empire in Germany. But the stubborn and trained resistance of the Romans no less than the inexperience of the Gauls led to a cessation of hostilities. The secret of Roman power in Rhenish territory lay in the circumstance that the two great elements of German nationality, the nobility and the priesthood, were becoming Romanized. But a rude culture was beginning to blossom, and a desire arose among the barbarians for unity. They wished to band themselves into a nation. The Franks and Goths The most dangerous enemies of Rome during the reigns of Valerian and Gallienus were the Franks, the Alemanni, and the Goths, whose action finally decided the conquest of the Rhenish provinces of Rome. The name Frank, or Freedman, was given to a confederacy formed in A.D. 240 by the old inhabitants of the Lower Rhine and the Weser. It consisted of the Chauci, the Cherusci, and the Chatti, and of several other tribes of greater or less renown. The Romans foresaw the power of this formidable union and, by the presence of the Emperor himself and his son, endeavoured to stem the invasion, which threatened their suzerainty. The Franks, fond of liberty and imbued with a passion for conquest, crossed the Rhine, in spite of its strong fortifications, and carried their devastations to the foot of the Pyrenees. For twelve years Gallienus attempted to stem the torrent thus freed. The Alemanni, who belonged to the Upper Rhine, between the Main and the Danube, were composed of many tribes, the most important of which was the celebrated Suevi. This people, who had now become a permanent nation, threatened the Empire with an invasion which was checked with difficulty after they had fought their way to the gates of Rome itself. In A.D. 271 Aurelian completely subdued the Rhenish peoples, numbers of whom were dragged in his triumph through the streets of Rome; but after his brief reign the old condition of things reasserted itself, until Probus, who assumed the purple in 276, restored peace and order by the construction of a massive wall between the Rhine and the Danube over two hundred miles in length. The barbarians were driven beyond the river, which had hitherto served as a boundary-line, even past the Elbe and the Neckar. Finally, however, the internecine strife in the Imperial City forced the Romans to return thence, and Rhineland was abandoned to the will of its semi-barbarian inhabitants. The early Christian centuries are full of the sound of conflict. In the fourth century the principal tribes in Western Germany were the Franks and the Alemanni, the former of whom maintained a constant strife with the Saxons, who pressed heavily upon their rear. The Franks occupied the lower portion of the river, near to its mouth, whilst the Alemanni dwelt on the portion to the bounds of Helvetia and Switzerland. At this period great racial upheavals appear to have been taking place further east. By the beginning of the sixth century the Saxons seem to have penetrated almost to the north-western Rhine, where the Franks were now supreme. The Merovingians In the middle of the fifth century arose the powerful dynasty of the Merovingians, one of the most picturesque royal houses in the roll of history. In their records we see the clash of barbarism with advancement, the bizarre tints of a semi-civilization unequalled in rude magnificence. Giant shadows of forgotten kings stalk across the canvas, their royal purple intermingling with the shaggy fell of the bear and wolf. One, Chilperic, a subtle grammarian and the inventor of new alphabetic symbols, is yet the most implacable of his race, the murderer of his wife, the heartless slayer of hundreds, to whom human life is as that of cattle skilled in the administration of poison, a picturesque cut-throat. Others are weaklings, fainéants; but one, the most dread woman in Frankish history, Fredegonda, the queen of Chilperic, towers above all in this masque of slaughter and treachery. Tradition makes claim that Andernach was the cradle of the Merovingian dynasty. In proof of this are shown the extensive ruins of the palace of these ancient Frankish kings. Merovig, from whom the race derived its name, was said to be the son of Clodio, but legend relates far otherwise. In name and origin he was literally a child of the Rhine, his father being a water-monster who seized the wife of Clodio while bathing in that river. In time she gave birth to a child, more monster than man, the spine being covered with bristles, fingers and toes webbed, eyes covered with a film, and thighs and legs horny with large shining scales. Clodio, though aware of the real paternity of this creature, adopted it as his own son, as did King Minos in the case of the Minotaur, giving him the name Merovig from his piscatory origin. On Clodio’s death the demi-monster succeeded to the throne, and from him sprang a long line of sovereigns, worthless and imbecile for the most part. Childeric, the son and successor of Merovig, enraged his people to such a degree by his excesses that they drove him from throne and country. One friend alone remained to him, Winomadus, who, having no female relations to suffer by the king’s attentions, did not find the friendship so irksome as others; indeed, had been a partner in his licentious pleasures. He undertook to watch over the interests of Childeric during his enforced absence in Thuringia at the court of Basium, king of that country. The Franks had elected Aegidius, a Roman general, to the sovereignty over them, but as he proved himself no better than Childeric, whom they had deposed, they once more essayed to choose another ruler. This was made known to Childeric through his friend Winomadus. He rapidly returned to the shores of the Rhine and, reinforcing his following as he proceeded on his march, appeared before Andernach at the head of a formidable force, composed of many of his former subjects, together with Thuringian auxiliaries. The people of Andernach, unable to resist this overwhelming argument, again accepted Childeric as their king. Basina the Sorceress While in Thuringia Childeric had seduced the affections of Basina, the queen of his protector. When he regained his throne he induced her to leave her husband, and made her his queen. Basina was a sorceress, one who could divine the future and also bestow the gift upon others. Through this she gained great influence over Childeric, who desired to see and know what fate had in store for himself and his race. Basina agreed to satisfy his curiosity, and one night, at the midnight hour, they climbed together to the summit of the hill behind Andernach. There she bade him stand and look out over the plain while she performed her magical operations. After some lengthy incantations she bade him look well and tell her what he saw. In a trance-like voice the king replied: “I see a great light upon the plain, although all around is blackest night.” He paused; then, at her bidding, proceeded again: “I see an immense concourse of wild animals--the lion, the tiger, the spotted pard, the elephant, the unicorn--ah! they are coming this way--they will devour us!” and he turned to flee in great terror. Basina bade him stay in peremptory tones and again to look out over the plain. In a voice of alarm he cried out: “I see bears and wolves, jackals and hyenas. Heaven help us, the others are all gone!” Heedless of his terror, the queen bade him look again and, for the last time, tell her what he saw. “I see now dogs and cats and little creatures of all kinds. But there is one small animal--smaller than a mouse--who commands them all. Ah! he is eating them up--swallowing them all--one after another.” As he looked the light, the plain, the animals all vanished, and darkness fell. Basina then read to him the meaning of his vision. “The first vision you saw indicated the character of our immediate successors. They will be as bold as lions, terrible as tigers, strong as elephants, uncommon as unicorns, beautiful as the pard. These are the men of an age; for a century shall they rule over the land.” At this Childeric was delighted and ejaculated a fervent “Praise be to the gods!” “The second,” pursued Basina, “are the men of the following century--our more remote descendants--rude as the bear, fell as the wolf, fawning as the jackal, cruel as the hyena--the curse of their people and--themselves. The last one--the following century--they will be weak, timid, irresolute--the prey of every base and low thing, the victims of violence, deceit, and cunning; vanquished and destroyed at last by the smallest of their own subjects.” Such was Childeric’s vision and his queen’s interpretation. As she had predicted, the Merovingian dynasty lasted three hundred years, when it was overturned by one Pepin of Heristal, the smallest man of his day--at least, so tradition tells. At the death of Clovis his sons split up the kingdom, and from that epoch a deadly war was waged between the rival kingdoms of Neustria and Austrasia, the west and the east. The wars of Neustria and Austrasia (Ost Reich, the Eastern Kingdom, which has, of course, no connexion with the modern Austria) are related by Gregory of Tours in his Ecclesiastical History of the Franks, one of the most brilliant pieces of historical and biographical writing to be discovered among the literature of Europe in the Dark Ages. Metz was the capital of this kingdom-province. Fredegonda, the queen of Chilperic of Neustria, had a deadly blood-feud with her sister-in-law of Austrasia, and in the event put her rival to death by having her torn asunder by wild horses (A.D. 613). Later Austrasia became incorporated with Franconia, which in 843 was included in the kingdom of Louis the German. The Great Race of Charlemagne The race of the Carolingians, whose greatest monarch was the famous Charlemagne, or Karl der Grosse, sprang from a family of usurpers known as the ‘Mayors of the Palace,’ who had snatched the crown from the rois fainéants, the last weakly shoots of the mighty line of Merovig. He was the elder son of Pepin the Short, and succeeded, on the death of his father in A.D. 768, to a kingdom which extended from the Low Countries to the borders of Spain. His whole life was one prolonged war undertaken against the forces of paganism, the Moors of Spain who harassed his borders to the south, and the restless Saxon tribes dwelling between the Rhine, Weser, and Elbe. Innumerable are the legends and romances concerning this great, wise, and politic monarch and statesman, who, surrounding himself with warriors of prowess whom he called his paladins, unquestionably kept the light of Christianity and civilization burning in Western Europe. He was, however, quite as great a legislator as a warrior, and founded schools and hospitals in every part of his kingdom. He died at Aix-la-Chapelle in 814, and was buried there.[1] [Footnote 1: For numerous critical articles upon Charlemagne and the epics or chansons des gestes connected with him see the author’s Dictionary of Medieval Romance.] The ‘Song of the Saxons’ One of the most stirring of the romances which tell of the wars of Charlemagne in the Rhine country is the Song of the Saxons, fifth in number of the Romans des Douze Pairs de France, and composed by Jean Bodel, a poet of Artois, who flourished toward the middle of the thirteenth century. Charles, sitting at table in Laon one Whitsuntide with fourteen kings, receives news of an invasion of the Saxons, who have taken Cologne, killed many Frankish nobles, and laid waste the country. A racy epitome of the events which follow has been given by Ludlow in his Popular Epics of the Middle Ages (1865) as follows: “Charles invades Saxony, and reaches the banks of ‘Rune the Deep,’ beyond which lies Guiteclin’s palace of ‘Tremoigne’ (supposed to be Dortmund, in Westphalia). The river is too deep to be crossed by the army, although the two young knights, Baldwin and Berard, succeed in doing so in quest of adventure. The Saxons will not attack, trusting that the French will be destroyed by delay and the seasons. And, indeed, after two years and four months, the barons represent to the Emperor the sad plight of the host, and urge him to call upon the men of Herupe (North-west France) for performance of their warlike service. This is done accordingly, and the Herupe barons make all haste to their sovereign’s aid, and come up just after the Saxons have made an unsuccessful attack. They send to ask where they are to lodge their troops. The Emperor points them laughingly to the other side of the Rune, where float the silken banners of the Saxons, but says that any of his men shall give up their camping-place to them. The Herupe men, however, determine to take him at his word and, whilst the Archbishop of Sens blesses the water, boldly fling themselves in and cross it, and end, after a tremendous struggle, in taking up the quarters assigned to them; but when he sees their prowess the Emperor recalls them to his own side of the river. “A bridge is built, the army passes over it, the Saxons are discomfited in a great battle, and Guiteclin is killed in single combat by Charlemagne himself. “By this time the slender vein of historic truth which runs through the poem may be considered as quite exhausted. Yet the real epic interest of the work centres in its wholly apocryphal conclusion, connected essentially with its purely romantic side. “Sebile, the wife of Guiteclin, is a peerless beauty, wise withal and courteous; ‘hair had she long and fair, more than the shining gold, a brow polished and clear, eyes blue and laughing, a very well-made nose, teeth small and white, a savourous mouth, more crimson than blood; and in body and limbs so winning was she that God never made the man, howsoever old and tottering, if he durst look at her, but was moved with desire.’” Fair Helissend, the daughter of the murdered Milo of Cologne, is her captive at once and her favourite, and when the French host takes up its position before the Rune, names and points out young Baldwin to her. With her husband’s sanction, Sebile has her tent pitched on the bank, and establishes herself there with her ladies to act as decoys to the Franks; for “fair lady’s look makes men undertake folly.” She is taken, however, in her own toils; falls in love with Baldwin one summer’s day on seeing him ride forth with hawk on wrist, and makes Helissend invite him over the river, under a very frank pledge that “she will be his, for loss or gain.” Their first meeting apparently takes place in the presence of Sebile’s ladies, and so little mystery is attached to their love that, on Baldwin’s return to the Frank host after killing and despoiling of his armour a Saxon chief, he not only tells his adventure publicly to the Emperor, but the latter promises in a twelvemonth to have him crowned king of the country and to give him Sebile for wife, forbidding him, however, to cross the river any more--a command which Baldwin hears without meaning to obey. Nay, when Baldwin has once broken this injunction and escaped with great difficulty from the Saxons, the Emperor imposes on him the brutal penance of entering Sebile’s tent to kiss her in the sight of the Saxons, and bringing back her ring--which Baldwin contrives to fulfil by putting on the armour of a Saxon knight whom he kills. As in The Taking of Orange, it never seems to occur to the poet that there can be any moral wrong in making love to a “Saracen’s” wife, or in promising her hand in her husband’s lifetime; and, strange to say, so benignant are these much-wronged paynim that Guiteclin is not represented as offering or threatening the slightest ill-treatment to his faithless queen, however wroth he may be against her lover; nor, indeed, as having even the sense to make her pitch her tent further from the bank. The drollest bit of sentimentality occurs, however, after the victory of the Franks and Guiteclin’s death, when Sebile is taken prisoner. After having been bestowed in marriage on Baldwin by the Emperor, she asks one boon of both, which is that Guiteclin’s body be sought for, lest the beasts should eat it--a request the exceeding nobleness of which strikes the Emperor and the Frank knights with astonishment. When the body is found and brought to Sebile, “the water of her eyes falls down her chin. ‘Ha, Guiteclin,’ said she, ‘so gentle a man were you, liberal and free-spending, and of noble witness! If in heaven and on earth Mahomet has no power, even to pray Him who made Lazarus, I pray and request Him to have mercy on thee.’” The dead man is then placed in a great marble tomb; Sebile is christened, marries her lover, and is crowned with him as Queen of Saxony, Helissend being in like manner given to Berard. “It is now that the truly tragical part of the poem commences. Charles and his host depart, the Emperor warning his nephew to be courteous, loyal, and generous, to keep true faith to his wife, yet not to spend too much time in her arms, but to beware of the Saxons. The caution is needed, for already the two sons of Guiteclin, with one hundred thousand Russians and Bulgarians, and the giant Ferabras of Russia, a personage twelve feet high, with light hair plaited together, reddish beard, and flattened face, are within a day and a half’s journey of ‘Tremoigne,’ burning to avenge Guiteclin. One Thursday morning their invasion is announced to the young king, who has but fifteen thousand men to oppose to them. Sebile embraces her husband’s knees, and entreats him to send at once for help to his uncle; the barons whom he has called to counsel favour her advice. ‘Barons,’ said Baldwin, ‘I should fear the dishonour of it. It is too soon to seek and pray for succour. We have not yet unhorsed knights, cut arms from bodies, made bowels trail; we are fifteen thousand young men untried, who should buy our praise and our honour, and seize and acquire strange lands, and kill and shame and grieve our enemies, cleave the bright helmets, pierce the shields, break and tear the hauberks of mail, shed blood and make brains to fly. To me a pleasure it seems to put on hauberk, watch long nights, fast long days. Let us go strike upon them without more delay, that we may be able to govern this kingdom.’ The barons listen with an ill-will to this speech; Baldwin himself, on viewing the paynim host, is staggered at their numbers, and lets Sebile persuade him to send a messenger to his uncle. However, with five thousand men he makes a vigorous attack on the vanguard of the Saxons, consisting of twenty thousand, and ends by putting them to flight. On the news of this repulse the two sons of Guiteclin come out, apparently with the bulk of the army. The French urge the young king to re-enter the city, but he refuses--Sebile would hold him for a sleepy coward. He kills Ferabras, unhorses one of Guiteclin’s sons. But the disparity of numbers is too great; the French are obliged to retreat, and shut themselves up in the city. “Meanwhile the messenger had reached Charlemagne at Cologne with the news of the renewal of the war. Whilst all his barons are summoned, the Emperor starts in haste himself for Saxony with ten thousand men. Baldwin was seated in his tower, looking out upon a league of hostile tents, complaining to Sebile, who ‘comforts him as a worthy lady,’ bidding him trust in his uncle’s succour. She is the first to descry the French host and to point it out to her husband. ‘Ah, God!’ said Charles’s nephew, ‘fair Father Creator, yet will I avenge me of the pagan people.’ He goes down from his palace, and cries to his men, ‘Arm ye, knights! Charles is returned.’ “The besieged prepare at once for a sally. Sebile places the helmet on her husband’s head and kisses him, never to see him more alive. The enemy are disarmed; three thousand of them are killed by the time Baldwin cuts his way to his uncle, to whom, as his liege lord, he makes complaint against the Saxons. The Emperor’s answer contains little but philosophic comfort: ‘Fair nephew, so goes war; when your day comes, know that you will die; your father died, you will not escape. Yonder are your enemies, of whom you complain; I give you leave, go and strike them.’ Uncle and nephew both perform wonders. But Berard is killed by Feramor, one of Guiteclin’s sons, and the standard which he bore disappears under him. Baldwin engages Feramor; each severely wounds the other; the fight is so well contested that Baldwin offers to divide the land with him if he will make peace. The Saxon spurns the offer, and is killed. “But ‘Baldwin is wounded in the breast grievously; from thence to the spur his body is bloody.’ Saxons, Lusatians, Hungarians perceive that his blows lessen and fall slow. ‘Montjoie!’ he cries many a time, but the French hear him not. ‘When Baldwin sees that he will have no succour, as a boar he defends himself with his sword.... Who should have seen the proud countenance of the king, how he bears and defends himself against the paynim, great pity should surely take his heart.’ Struck with fifteen wounds, his horse killed under him, he offers battle on foot. They dare not approach, but they fling their swords at him, and then go and hide beneath a rock. Baldwin, feeling death approaching, ‘from the fair eyes of his head begins to weep’ for sorrow and rage. He now addresses an elaborate last prayer to God; but whilst he is on his knees, looking toward the East, a Saxon comes to cut off his head. Baldwin, furious, seizes his sword, which had fallen from his hand on the green grass, and with a last blow cleaves the Saxon to the shoulders, then dies. “The news is carried to the Emperor, who laments his ill fate. Rest he has never had; the paynim folk have killed him the flower of his friends, Roland at Roncevaux and now Baldwin. ‘Ha, God! send me death, without making long delay!’ He draws his sword, and is about to kill himself when Naymes of Bavaria restrains him and bids him avenge his nephew’s death. The old man, however, exposes his life with such recklessness, the struggle is so unequal, that Naymes himself has to persuade him to leave the battle and enter the city until the Herupe nobles come to his aid. ‘Dead is Count Roland and Count Oliver, and all the twelve peers, who used to help in daunting that pride which makes us bend so; no longer at your right hand is Baldwin the warrior; the paynim have killed him and Berard the light; God has their souls.... If you are killed ... in your death alone a hundred thousand will die.’ “They lead him away, unwilling, from the field. Baldwin’s corpse is carried by him on his shield. Sebile comes to meet the Emperor and asks of her husband. Charles bids her look at him. She faints to the ground. There is true pathos (though somewhat wire-drawn) in her lament, when she comes to herself: “’Sir King Baldwin, for God’s sake, speak! I am your love, mistake me not. If I have offended you in aught, it shall be made amends for wholly to your pleasure; but speak to me. For you was my body baptized and lifted; my heart leans on you, and all my affections, and if you fail me, it will be ill done. Too soon it seems to me, if already you repent. Baldwin, is it a trick? Are you deceiving me? Speak to me, friend, if you can.... I see your garments dyed and bloody, but I do not believe that you are killed; there is no man so bold or so outrageous who ever could kill you; he durst not do so. But I think by such a will you wish to try me, how I should behave if you were departed. Speak to me, for God’s sake who was born of virgin, and for that lady who kept chastity, and for the holy cross whereon Jesus suffered! Try me no more, friend, it is enough; I shall die now if you tarry longer,’ ‘Naymes,’ says the king, ‘take this lady away; if I see her grief any more, I shall go mad.’ “That night he ate no bread nor drank wine, but had the city watched, and rode the rounds himself, with helmet closed, his great buckler hanging to his neck, his sword in his fist. All the night it rained and blew; the water ran through the joints of his hauberk, and wetted his ermine pelisse beneath. His beard swayed, whiter than flax, his long moustache quivered; until dawn he lamented his nephew, and the twelve peers, and all his next-of-kin who were dead. From the gate at morn a Saxon, King Dyalas, defies the old man, swearing that he will wear his crown in Paris. The Emperor has the gate opened, and sallies forth to meet him. They engage in single combat; the old Emperor kills the Saxon’s horse, disarms him, and only spares his life on condition of his embracing Christianity and yielding himself prisoner. “The rest of the poem has comparatively little interest. Old Naymes in turn kills his man--a brother of Guiteclin--in single combat, Dyalas, the Emperor’s new vassal, ‘armed in French fashion,’ performs wonders in honour of his new allegiance. Finally the Herupese come up, and of course overthrow the Saxons. An abbey is founded on the field of battle, which Sebile enters; Dyalas, baptized as ‘Guiteclin the convert,’ receives charge of the kingdom, and the Emperor returns, bearing with him the bodies of Baldwin and Berard; after which ‘well was France in peace many a year and many a day; the Emperor found not any who should make him wroth.’” Fastrada: a Legend of Aix-la-Chapelle Fastrada, we are told, was the fourth wife of the Emperor Charlemagne and the best beloved. Historians have judged that the lady was by no means worthy of the extraordinary affection bestowed upon her by her husband, some maintaining that she practised the arts of sorcery, others crediting her with political intrigues, and still others roundly asserting that she was not so virtuous as she should have been. History failing to account for Charlemagne’s devotion to his fourth wife, the task has devolved upon tradition. Once upon a time (so runs the tale), when Charlemagne dwelt at Zurich, he had a pillar erected before his house, and on the top of the pillar a bell was placed, so that any one desiring justice had but to ring it to be immediately conducted before the Emperor, there to have his case considered. One day, just as Charlemagne was about to dine, the bell was rung loudly. He at once dispatched his attendants to bring the importunate claimant into his presence. A moment later they re-entered with the assurance that no one waited outside. Even as they spoke the bell rang again, and again the attendants withdrew at the bidding of their royal master. Once more they returned with the information that none was to be seen. When the bell rang for the third time the Emperor himself rose from the table and went outside to satisfy himself as to the ringer’s identity. This time the mystery was solved; for twining round the pillar was a great snake, which, before the astonished eyes of the Emperor and his suite, was lustily pulling the bell-rope. “Bring the snake before me,” said Charlemagne. “Whether to man or beast, I may not refuse justice.” Accordingly the snake was conducted with much ceremony into the Emperor’s presence, where it was distinctly observed to make a low obeisance. The Kaiser addressed the animal courteously, as though it were a human being, and inquired what it wanted. Whereupon the snake made a sign which the company took to indicate that it desired the Emperor to follow it. Charlemagne did not hesitate, but followed the creature to the shores of the lake, attended by all his courtiers. Straight to its nest went the snake, and there, among the eggs, was an enormous toad, puffing out its bloated body and staring with glassy eyes at the company. The reason for the snake’s appeal was at once apparent. “Take away that toad,” said the Emperor, as gravely as though he were pronouncing judgment in an important human case; “take away that toad and burn it. It has taken unlawful possession of the snake’s nest.” The court listened to the Emperor’s decree in respectful silence, and immediately carried out the sentence. The company thereupon re-entered the royal abode, and thought no more of the incident. On the following day, however, at about the same hour, the serpent entered the chamber in which Charlemagne sat, and glided swiftly toward the table. The attendants were somewhat astonished at the unexpected appearance, but the Kaiser motioned to them to stand aside, for he was very curious to see what the reptile would do. Raising itself till its head was on a level with the table, it dropped into his plate a magnificent diamond of the first water, gleaming with the purest light. This done, the serpent bowed low, as on the previous occasion, and quitted the room as silently as it had entered. The diamond, set in a gold ring of exquisite workmanship, Charlemagne presented to his wife, the beautiful Fastrada. But besides being a thing of beauty and of great value, the diamond was also a charm, for whoever received it from another received with it a wealth of personal affection. So was it with Charlemagne and Fastrada. On presenting the ring to his wife the Emperor straightway conceived for her a passion far more intense than he had hitherto experienced. From that time to the day of her death he was her devoted slave, blind and deaf to all her faults. Nay, even when she died, he refused to quit the room in which she lay, or permit the interment of her body; refused to see the approach of corruption, which spares not youth or loveliness; seemed, in short, to have lost all count of the passage of time in his grief for the beloved Fastrada. At length he was approached by Turpin, Archbishop of Rheims, who had learnt, by occult means, the reason for the Emperor’s strange infatuation. Going up to the dead Empress, he withdrew from her mouth a large diamond. At the same moment Charlemagne regained his senses, made arrangements for the burial of his wife, and left for the Castle of Frankenstein. The possessor of the ring was now the worthy archbishop, and to him the magically inspired affections of Charlemagne were transferred, much to the good man’s annoyance. To rid himself of the unwelcome attentions and fulsome flatteries of his sovereign, he cast the ring into the lake which surrounded the castle. Once more the Emperor’s affections changed their object, and this time it was the town of Aix-la-Chapelle with which he fell in love, and for which he retained a firm attachment all through his life, finally directing that he should be buried there. And so he was laid to rest in that wondrous old town in the church of St. Mary. In the year 1000 his tomb was opened by the Emperor Otto III, but the account that Otto found the body seated upon a throne with crown on head and sceptre in hand is generally regarded as legendary. The sarcophagus was once more opened by Frederick I in 1165, when the remains were transferred from the princely marble where they had hitherto rested and placed in a wooden coffin. Fifty years later, however, Frederick II had them placed in a splendid shrine. The original sarcophagus may still be seen at Aix, and the royal relics are exhibited every six years. Louis, Charlemagne’s son, lived to see the division of his Empire, brought about through his own weakness. His fair provinces were ravaged by the Danes and the Normans. Teuton and Frank were now for ever separated. Twice during Louis’ reign his own sons dethroned him, but on his death in 840 the Empire became more firmly established. Lothair I (840-855) succeeded to the imperial title, while Germany fell to the lot of his brother Louis. Charles the Bald ruled over France. Lothair’s portion was limited to Lorraine, Burgundy, Switzerland, and Italy. Civil strife broke out, but Louis retained the whole of Germany with the provinces on the left bank of the Rhine. Louis II (856-875) ascended the throne as Roman Emperor, but died without any male issue, while Charles the Fat, who succeeded him, was removed from the throne by order of the Church on account of his insanity. With Charles ended the Carolingian dynasty. From the death of the illustrious Charlemagne the race had gradually but surely declined. After the removal of Charles the Fat there came a lapse of seventy-four years. Conrad I (911-919) founded the Gascon dynasty of Germany, and was succeeded by Henry the Fowler (919-936). His son, Otto I, called the Great (936-973), was crowned Roman Emperor in 962. In 936 his elevation to the Germanic kingdom was a popular one. A portion of Gaul to the west of the Rhine along the banks of the Meuse and the Moselle was ceded to the Germans. Otto’s supremacy between the Rhine, the Rhone, and the Alps was acquired and held for his successors. With the sword he propagated Christianity, subdued Italy, and delivered the Pope from his enemies, who, to show his appreciation, invested him with the imperial title, which ever after belonged to the Germanic nation. The German Emperors, however, still continued to exercise the right of electing the Pope, thereby reducing the Roman Church to a level of servitude. Toward the close of the Carolingian dynasty France and Germany had become irrevocably detached; both nations suffered from internecine wars. The Slavonians penetrated into the Empire, even to the banks of the Rhine. Feudal princes began to make war upon each other, and, within their respective districts, were virtual sovereigns. At the partition of the domains of Charlemagne in A.D. 843 the Rhine formed the boundary between Germany and the middle kingdom of Lotharingia, but by 870 the latter had been absorbed by the larger country. For a period verging upon eight hundred years it remained the frontier of the German Empire. In the early Middle Ages the heritage of the ancient Roman civilization rendered it the most cultured portion of Germany. By the time of Otto I (died 973) both banks of the Rhine had become German, and the Rhenish territory was divided between the duchies of Upper and Lower Lorraine, the one on the Moselle and the other on the Meuse. But, like other German states, on the weakening of the central power they split up into numerous petty independent principalities, each with its special history. The Palatinate Chief among these was the state known as the Palatinate, from the German word Pfalz, a name given generally to any district ruled by a count palatine. It was bounded by Prussia on the north, on the east by Baden, and on the south by Alsace-Lorraine. We first hear of a royal official known as the Count Palatine of the Rhine in the tenth century. Although the office was not originally an hereditary one, it seems to have been held by the descendants of the first count, until the continuity of the race of Hermann was broken by the election of Conrad, stepbrother of the German king Frederick I, as Count Palatine. From that time till much later in German history the Palatinate of the Rhine appears to have been gifted during their lifetime to the nephews or sons-in-law of the reigning Emperor, and by virtue of his occupancy of the office the holder became an Elector, or voter in the election of an Emperor. The office was held by a large number of able and statesmanlike princes, as Frederick I, Frederick III, the champion of Protestantism, and Frederick V. In the seventeenth century the Palatinate was first devastated and then claimed by France, and later was disturbed by still more harassing religious strife. In 1777 it was united with Bavaria upon the reigning Elector falling heir to the Electorate of that state. A Tale of the Palatine House Throughout the Middle Ages the nobles of Rhineland were mostly notorious for their wild savagery and predatory habits, and thus the modern traveller on the famous river, admiring the many picturesque castles built on summits overlooking its banks, is prone to think of these places as having been the homes of men who were little better than freebooters. And in general this idea is just; yet Walter Pater’s story, Duke Karl of Rosenwald--which tells how a medieval German baron discovered in himself a keen love of art, and sought to gather artists round him from France and Italy--may well have been culled from a veracious historical source. For at least a few of the German petty princes of the Middle Ages shared the aestheticism characterizing so many of their contemporaries among the noblemen of the Latin races, and it is interesting to find that among the old German courts where art was loved in this isolated fashion was that of the Palatine house, which ultimately became related by marriage to the Royal Stuarts, a dynasty as eminently artistic as the Medicis themselves. This Palatine house was regnant for many generations at Heidelberg Castle, and there, at a remote medieval date, reigned a prince named Louis III, who esteemed literature and painting. A fond parent he was besides, devoted to his two sons, the elder called Louis and the younger Frederick; and from the outset he attended carefully to the education of the pair, choosing as their tutor a noted scholar, one Kenmat, while he allowed this tutor’s daughter Eugenia to be taught along with the princely pupils, and he also admitted to the group an Italian boy, Rafaello. These four children grew up together, and the Palatine prince was pleased to mark that Frederick, though full of martial ardour, showed intellectual tastes as well; yet the father did not live long to watch the growth of the boy’s predilection therein, and there came a day when the crown of Louis III was acquired by his heir, Louis IV. Still quite young, the latter was already affianced to Margaret of Savoy; and this engagement had incensed various nobles of the Rhine, especially the Count of Luzenstein. He was eager that his own house should become affiliated with the Palatinate, and while he knew that there was little hope of frustrating Louis’ prospective wedding, this did not nullify his ambitions. For was it not possible that the marriage might prove without issue? And, as that would ultimately set Frederick on the Palatine throne, Luzenstein determined that his daughter Leonora should wed the younger of the two princes. She herself was equally eager for the union, and though the affair was not definitely arranged in the meantime, it was widely understood that at no very distant date Leonora’s betrothal would be announced. At length there came a day when the noblesse of the Rhine assembled at Heidelberg to celebrate the nuptials of Louis and Margaret. For a space the rejoicings went forward merrily, but, as Louis scanned the faces of his guests, he was surprised to find that Frederick was absent. Why was this? he mused; and going in search he soon found his brother in one of the smaller rooms of the castle, attended by Rafaello. Now the latter, who was developing a rare gift for sculpture, had lately made a statue to decorate this room; and on Louis entering Frederick was gazing with passionate fondness at this new work of art. Louis was straightway called upon to observe its loveliness, and even as Frederick was descanting thus, a number of the guests who had remarked their host’s temporary absence trooped into the room, among them being Leonora of Luzenstein. She was in ill-temper, for Frederick had not so much as troubled to salute her on her arrival; and now, finding him deep in admiration of a statue, its subject a beautiful girl, her rancour deepened apace. But who was the girl? she wondered; and as divers other guests were also inquisitive on this head, it soon transpired that Rafaello’s model had been Eugenia. Leonora knew that this girl had been Frederick’s playmate in youth, so her wrath turned to fierce malice, for she suspected that in Eugenia she had a rival who might wreck all hopes of the Luzensteins becoming united to the Palatine house. But Frederick regarded Eugenia only as a sister. He knew that she and the sculptor who had hewn her likeness loved one another, and he longed to see their union brought about, his genuine affection for the young Italian being the greater on account of Rafaello’s blossoming talents as an artist. Leonora, however, knew nothing of the real situation; she fancied she had been insulted, and demanding of her father that he should cease all negotiations regarding Frederick’s suggested engagement to her, she proceeded to take stronger measures. Readers of Sir Walter Scott’s Anne of Geierstein will recall the Vehmgericht, that ‘Secret Tribunal’ whose deeds were notorious in medieval Germany, and it chanced that the Luzensteins were in touch with this body. Its minions were called upon to wreak vengeance on the younger Palatine prince. On several occasions his life was attempted, and once he would certainly have been killed had not Rafaello succoured him in the hour of need. Meanwhile a son was born to Louis, and in celebration of the event a tourney was held at Heidelberg, competitors coming from far and near, all of them eager to win the golden sword which was promised to the man who should prove champion. One after another they rode into the lists, Frederick being among the number; and as each presented himself his name was called aloud by the herald. At length there came one of whom this functionary cried, “This is a nameless knight who bears a plain shield”; and at these words a murmur of disapproval rose from the crowd, while everyone looked up to where Louis sat, awaiting his verdict on the matter. But he signified that the mysterious aspirant should be allowed to show his prowess, and a minute later, all who were to take part being now assembled, Frederick and another competitor were stationed at opposite ends of the lists, and the signal given them to charge. Forward thundered their steeds, a fierce combat ensued; but Frederick proved victor, and so another warrior came forward to meet him. He, too, was worsted, and soon it appeared as though the young Palatine prince would surely win the coveted golden sword; for foeman after foeman he vanquished, and eventually only two remained to confront him--the nameless knight and another who had entered the lists under a strange, though less suspicious, pseudonym. The latter expressed his desire to fight last of all, and so the nameless one galloped toward Frederick, and their lances clashed together. The Palatine prince bore his adversary to the ground, apparently conquering him with complete ease; and fearing he had wounded him mortally, Frederick dismounted with intent to succour him. But the speedy fall had been a feint, and as the victor bent down the mysterious knight suddenly drew a dagger, with intent to plunge it into the prince’s heart. So stealthy a deed was unknown in the history of the tourney. The crowd gazed as though petrified, and Frederick’s life would doubtless have been lost--for he was weak after his many joustings--had not he who had asked to fight last of all galloped forward instantly on marking the drawn weapon and driven his lance into the body of the would-be murderer! It was Rafaello who had rescued the Palatine prince once again, and it was a member of the Luzenstein house who had sought to kill him thus. A crafty device in truth, and thenceforth the name of Luzenstein became abhorred throughout all Rhineland, while the brave Italian was honoured by knighthood, and arrangements were made for his speedy union with Eugenia. But, alas! the fates were untoward; for the ‘Secret Tribunal,’ having been baulked again and again, began to direct their schemes against the sculptor instead of his patron; and one evening, as Rafaello was walking with his beloved one, a band of villains attacked and murdered the pair. They were buried together at a place known for many centuries after as ‘The Lovers’ Grave,’ and here Frederick used to loiter often, musing fondly on the dear sister who had been snatched from him in this ruthless fashion, and dreaming of the lofty artistic career which he had planned in vain for his beloved Rafaello. Bishops, Barons, and Bourgeois To trace the fortunes, divisions, and junctions of the lesser Rhine principalities would be a work requiring a world of patience on the part of the reader as well as an amount of space which would speedily surpass the limits even of such an ample volume as the present. The constant changes of boundary of these tiny lordships, the hazy character of the powers possessed by their rulers, the multiplicity of free townships yielding obedience to none but their own civic rulers, the brief but none the less tyrannous rule of scores of robber barons who exercised a régime of blood and iron within a radius of five miles of their castellated eyries, render the tracing of the history of the Rhine during the Middle Ages a task of almost unequalled complexity, robbed of all the romance of history by reason of the necessity for constant attention to the details of dynastic and territorial changes and the petty squabblings and dreary scufflings of savage barons with their neighbours or with the scarcely less brutal ecclesiastical dignitaries, who, joining with gusto in the general mêlée of land-snatching, served to swell the tumult with their loud-voiced claims for land and lordship. Three of the Electors of Franconia, within the boundaries of which the Palatinate was included, were archbishops, and these were foremost in all dynastic and territorial bickerings. The growth of German municipalities since the days of their founder, Henry the Fowler, was not without effect upon the Empire. Distinctions of class were modified. The freeman became empowered to reserve to himself the right of going to war along with his lord. Imperial cities began to spring up; these were governed by a lieutenant of the Emperor, or by their own chief magistrate. They achieved confederation, thus guarding themselves against imperial and feudal encroachments. The ‘League of the Rhine’ and that of the Hanse Towns emerged as the fruit of this policy. The latter federation consisted of about four-score cities of Germany which under their charter enjoyed a commercial monopoly. This example succeeded so well that its promoter, Lübeck, had the satisfaction of seeing all cities between the Rhine and the Vistula thus connected. The clergy, jealous of this municipal power, besought the Emperor to repress the magistrates who had been called into being by the people, and who were closely allied to this commercial confederation. But the monarch advised the prelates to return to their churches lest their opulent friends became their enemies. The Rhine Hanse Towns The influence of the Hanseatic League of the Rhine district in the fourteenth century extended over the whole commercial radius of Germany, Prussia, Russia, the Netherlands, and Britain. It opened up new fields of commerce, manufacture, and industry. It paved the way for culture, it subdued the piracy which had existed in the Baltic, and it promoted a universal peace. On the other hand, it created jealousy; it boycotted the honest manufacturer and merchant who did not belong to the League, and fostered luxury in the Rhenish cities, which did much to sap the sturdy character of the people. The celebrity which many of these municipalities attained through their magnificence can be gathered from the historic buildings of Worms, Spires, Frankfort, Cologne, Augsburg, and Nuremberg. The splendour of these edifices and the munificence of their wealthy inhabitants could only be equalled in the maritime regions of Italy. But in the fifteenth century the power of the League began to decline. The Russian towns, under the leadership of Novgorod the Great, commenced a crusade against the Hanse Towns’ monopoly in that country. The general rising in England, which was one of the great warehouses, under Henry VI and Edward IV reflected upon them. The Netherlands followed England’s example. In the seventeenth century their existence was confined to three German towns--Lübeck, Hamburg, and Bremen. These no longer had the power to exercise their influence over the nation, and soon the League dropped out of existence. The Thirty Years’ War The protracted struggle known as the Thirty Years’ War was most prejudicial to the interests of the Rhine valley, which was overrun by the troops of the several nationalities engaged. One phase of this most disastrous struggle--the War of the Palatinate--carried the rapine and slaughter to the banks of the Rhine, where, as has been said, they were long remembered. During the reign of Ferdinand III (1637-1659) a vigorous and protracted war broke out between France and Germany, the former assisted by her ally Sweden. Germany, seeing that unless peace were restored her ruin as a great power would be inevitable, entered into negotiations with France, and in 1648 the claims of France and Sweden were settled by the Peace of Westphalia. This treaty is particularly notable in the present instance because it gave to the former country the footing on the Rhine already mentioned as the beginning of French encroachments. Germany was forced to give up Alsace, on the left bank of the river. France, by the seizure of Strassburg, confirmed by the Treaty of Ryswick in 1695, extended her boundaries to the Rhine. At the beginning of the French Revolution Leopold II of Germany and other German monarchs agreed to support the cause of French royalty, a resolution which was disastrous to the Empire. In 1795 Prussia, for political reasons, withdrew from the struggle, ceding to France, in the terms of the Treaty of Basel, all her possessions on the left bank of the Rhine. In 1799 war again broke out; but in 1801 the Treaty of Lunéville gave to France the whole of the left bank of the river. Thus the historic stream became the boundary between France and Germany. In 1806 the humiliation of the latter country was complete, for in that year a number of German princes joined the Confederation of the Rhine, thus allying themselves with France and repudiating their allegiance to the Empire. In 1815, at the Congress of Vienna, the whole of the Lower Rhenish district was restored to Prussia, while Bavaria, a separate state, was put in possession of the greater part of the Palatinate on the left bank of the Rhine. From that time onward the German national spirit flourished, but the future of the Empire was uncertain till its fate was decided by the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. In the great hall of the Palace of Versailles in 1871 William I, King of Prussia, proclaimed, in the hour of victory, the restoration of the confederated German Empire. The French forfeited their Rhenish provinces, and once more the Rhine was restored to Germany. That the Thirty Years’ War did not fail to linger in the folk-memory is evidenced by the following gruesome legend of Oppenheim: The Battle of Skeletons The smoke and terror of the great struggle had surged over Oppenheim. A battle had been fought there, and the Swedes and Spaniards who had contested the field and had been slain lay buried in the old churchyard hard by the confines of the town. At least many had been granted the right of sepulture there, but in a number of cases the hasty manner in which their corpses had received burial was all too noticeable, and a stranger visiting the churchyard confines years after the combat could not fail to be struck by the many uncoffined human relics which met his gaze. But an artist who had journeyed from far to see the summer’s sun upon the Rhine water, and who came to Oppenheim in the golden dusk, was too intent on the search for beauty to remember the grisly reputation of the town. Moreover, on entering the place the first person by whom he had been greeted was a beautiful young maiden, daughter of the innkeeper, who modestly shrank back on hearing his confident tones and, curtsying prettily, replied to his questions in something like a whisper. “Can you recommend me to a comfortable hostelry, my pretty maid, where the wine is good and the company jovial?” “If the Herr can put up with a village inn, that of my father is as good as any in the place,” replied the maid. “Good, my pretty,” cried the bold painter, sending the ready blood to her face with a glance from his bright black eyes. “Lead the way, and I will follow. Or, better still, walk with me.” By the time they had reached the inn they felt like old friends. The girl had skilfully but simply discovered the reason for the young artist’s sojourn in Oppenheim, and with glowing face and eyes that had grown brighter with excitement, she clasped her hands together and cried: “Oh, the Herr must paint my beloved Oppenheim. There is no such place by moonlight, believe me, and you will be amply repaid by a visit to the ruins of the old church to-night. See, a pale and splendid moon has already risen, and will light your work as the sun never could.” “As you ask me so prettily, Fräulein, I shall paint your beloved abbey,” he replied. “But why not in sunlight, with your own sweet face in the foreground?” “No, no,” cried the girl hastily. “That would rob the scene of all its romance.” “As you will,” said the artist. “But this, I take it, is your father’s inn, and I am ready for supper. Afterward--well, we shall see!” Supper over, the painter sat for some time over his pipe and his wine, and then, gathering together his sketching impedimenta, quitted the inn and took his way toward the ruins of Oppenheim’s ancient abbey. It was a calm, windless night, and the silver moon sailed high in the heavens. Not a sound broke the silence as the young man entered the churchyard. Seating himself upon a flat tombstone, he proceeded to arrange his canvas and sketching materials; but as he was busied thus his foot struck something hard. Bending down to remove the obstacle, which he took for a large stone, he found, to his horror, that it was a human skull. With an ejaculation he cast the horrid relic away from him, and to divert his mind from the grisly incident commenced to work feverishly. Speedily his buoyant mind cast off the gloomy train of thought awakened by the dreadful find, and for nearly a couple of hours he sat sketching steadily, until he was suddenly startled to hear the clock in the tower above him strike the hour of midnight. He was gathering his things preparatory to departure, when a strange rustling sound attracted his attention. Raising his eyes from his task, he beheld a sight which made his flesh creep. The exposed and half-buried bones of the dead warriors which littered the surface of the churchyard drew together and formed skeletons. These reared themselves from the graves and stood upright, and as they did so formed grisly and dreadful battalions--Swedes formed with Swedes and Spaniards with Spaniards. On a sudden hoarse words of command rang out on the midnight air, and the two companies attacked one another. The luckless beholder of the dreadful scene felt the warm blood grow chill within his veins. Hotter and hotter became the fray, and many skeletons sank to the ground as though slain in battle. One of them, he whose skull the artist had kicked, sank down at the young man’s feet. In a hollow voice he commanded the youth to tell to the world how they were forced to combat each other because they had been enemies in life, and that they could obtain no rest until they had been buried. Directly the clock struck one the battle ceased, and the bones once more lay about in disorder. The artist (who, it need hardly be said, gave no more thought to his picture) hastened back to the inn and in faltering accents related his experiences. When the Seven Years’ War broke out, not long afterward, the people of Oppenheim declared that the apparition of the skeletons had foretold the event. The Robbers of the Rhine For many hundreds of years the valley of the Rhine itself, and the various valleys adjacent, were the haunt of numerous bodies of rapacious and desperate banditti. The rugged, mountainous nature of the country naturally made lawlessness the more easy there, and till so late as the beginning of the nineteenth century these gangs of robbers were a constant menace to the traveller in Rhineland. At the time of the French Revolution, indeed, and for some decades thereafter, the district was literally infested with thieves; for the unsettled state of Europe at this date perforce tended to bring desperadoes from far and near, and for a while the inhabitants of the different villages on the banks of the Rhine endured a veritable reign of terror. But almost from the outset the brigands realized that they would soon be undone if they grew too numerous. They knew that, in that event, strong military measures would probably be taken against them; so they made every effort to practise that union which is proverbially strength, and to prevent the enlisting in their ranks of anyone likely to prove cowardly or perfidious. In some cases, too, they actually had a well and capably organized system whereby one of their number could escape quickly, if need be, from the scene of his crime; for, like the French prisoners described in Stevenson’s St. Ives, they had a line of sanctuaries extending perhaps into Austria or Italy, the retreat in most instances being an inn whose keeper was sworn to hide and protect his robber guest at all costs. In short, there was honour among these thieves, and even a certain spirit of freemasonry; while, more important still, the captain of a band was very often in league with the few police officials of the neighbourhood. The great highwaymen of Stuart and Georgian England--for example, that gallant Beau Brocade of whom Mr. Austin Dobson writes--were mostly content with waylaying a chance passer-by; while their contemporaries in France usually worked on this principle also, as witness the deeds of the band who figure in Théophile Gautier’s story Le Capitaine Fracasse. But the robbers of the Rhine were of different mettle from these, and often it was almost a predatory warfare rather than mere brigandage which they carried on. Frequently they had an agent in each of the villages on the river, this agent being usually a member of the scattered remnant of Israel; and the business of this person was to discover a house containing especial wealth, and then to inform the robbers accordingly. Having gleaned the requisite information in this wise, the gang would sally down from the mountains at dead of night; and it was customary, as they drew near to their prey, for the captain to call his henchmen to attention and see that each was ready for the imminent fray. Then, having gagged the village watchman and muffled his bell, they would proceed to surround the house they intended to rifle, and, should resistance be offered, to batter in the door with a log or other instrument. Sometimes it would transpire that the Jewish agent had misinformed them, telling them of booty where booty there was little, and woe betide him should this prove the state of affairs. Moreover, unlike the brigands in Gil Blas, these scoundrels of the Rhine would not be encumbered by prisoners, and they were wont to slay outright all who were minded to show fight. Yet to their own brotherhood the robbers were invariably loyal, seldom failing to carry away with them such of their confrères as were wounded in the assault; for each was sworn to support his fellows under all circumstances, and awful was the fate of the marauder who violated this compact. It is told of a band commanded by one Picard, a cruel but brave leader, that one of its members chanced to be captured, and with a view to purchasing his freedom he gave information about the whereabouts of his chief. The next night, as the captive lay in his dungeon, a masked face suddenly appeared at the barred window, and in awestruck tones the prisoner asked the new-comer to declare his identity. “I am Picard, your captain,” came the answer. “As in duty bound, I have risked my life to set you free,” and having spoken thus, he proceeded to file through one of the bars, which being accomplished, the reprobate was drawn out of his cell by the aid of a rope. He breathed freely now, finding himself once more among some of his old comrades, but a moment later Picard addressed him again. “Traitor,” he snarled, “do not think that your perfidy has failed to reach our ears; you must pay the full penalty.” “Mercy,” cried the unfortunate one; “at least let me die in action. Lead on against some foe, and let me fall at their hands.” “Cowards,” retorted Picard, “deserve no such gallant fate,” and with these words he drove his sword deep into the heart of the traitor. In general it was a point of honour among these bandits that none should reveal to a woman anything about the doings of his band, and one story relates how a young brigand, on the eve of setting out on his first predatory expedition, was rash enough to inform his sweetheart whither he and his mates were bound. Their commander was a Captain Jikjak, reputed something of a wit; and betimes, after the brigands had marched forward silently for a while, this worthy called upon them to halt. They imagined it was but the usual inspection of arms which was about to take place, but Jikjak, speaking in stentorian tones, told them that a traitor was in their midst, and pointing to the culprit, he bade him step forth. The young man pled his youth as an excuse for his fault, and he told the captain that, could he but get a chance to show his prowess once, they would soon see that he was as gallant a robber as any of them. But Jikjak laughed scornfully, saying he was anxious to find out which was stronger, the young man’s legs or a pair of trees. The culprit quailed on hearing the verdict, and implored a less ghastly fate; but Jikjak was obdurate, and smiling blandly, he bade his followers bend a couple of stout branches to the ground and tie their tops to the ankles of the offender.... Such, then, were the robbers of the Rhine, and such the code of honour which existed among them. A romantic institution they no doubt were, yet it was a form of picturesqueness whose disappearance can scarcely be regretted. CHAPTER II--THE RHINE IN FOLKLORE AND LITERATURE Affinities of the Rhine Legends A close perusal of the body of tradition known as the legends of the Rhine displays one circumstance which is calculated to surprise the collector of these narratives not a little. It is generally represented--probably through ignorance of the real circumstances--that these tales abound in the matter of folklore. This is, however, by no means the case, and even a superficial examination of them will prove most of them to be allied to the matter of romance in a much more intimate way than they approach that of folklore. But this is not so as regards all of them, and it will be interesting to look into the character of those which present folklore affinities, whilst leaving the consideration of their romantic aspect for a later portion of this chapter. By right of precedence, among the legends of the Rhine which possess folklore characteristics is the wonderful legend of the Lorelei, a word derived from the old High German lur, to lurk, and lai, a rock. The height from which the bewitching water-spirit sent her song floating over the waves of the Rhine is situated near St. Goar, and possesses a remarkable echo which may partly account for the legend. The Lorelei Many are the legends which cluster round the name of the Lorelei. In some of the earlier traditions she is represented as an undine, combing her hair on the Lorelei-berg and singing bewitching strains wherewith to lure mariners to their death, and one such legend relates how an old soldier named Diether undertook to capture her. Graf Ludwig, son of the Prince Palatine, had been caught in her toils, his frail barque wrecked, and he himself caught in the whirlpool and drowned. The prince, grievously stricken at the melancholy occurrence, longed to avenge his son’s death on the evil enchantress who had wrought such havoc. Among his retainers there was but one who would undertake the venture--a captain of the guard named Diether--and the sole reward he craved was permission to cast the Lorelei into the depths she haunted should he succeed in capturing her. Diether and his little band of warriors ascended the Lorelei’s rock in such a way as to cut off all retreat on the landward side. Just as they reached the summit the moon sailed out from behind a cloud, and behold, the spirit of the whirlpool was seen sitting on the very verge of the precipice, binding her wet hair with a band of gleaming jewels. “What wouldst thou with me?” she cried, starting to her feet. “To cast thee into the Rhine, sorceress,” said Diether roughly, “where thou hast drowned our prince.” “Nay,” returned the maid, “I drowned him not. ’Twas his own folly which cost him his life.” As she stood on the brink of the precipice, her lips smiling, her eyes gleaming softly, her wet dark hair streaming over her shoulders, some strange, unearthly quality in her beauty, a potent spell fell upon the little company, so that even Diether himself could neither move nor speak. “And wouldst thou cast me in the Rhine, Diether?” she pursued, smiling at the helpless warrior. “’Tis not I who go to the Rhine, but the Rhine that will come to me.” Then loosening the jewelled band from her hair, she flung it on the water and cried aloud: “Father, send me thy white steeds, that I may cross the river in safety.” Instantly, as at her bidding, a wild storm arose, and the river, overflowing its banks, foamed right up to the summit of the Lorelei Rock. Three white-crested waves, resembling three white horses, mounted the steep, and into the hollowed trough behind them the Lorelei stepped as into a chariot, to be whirled out into the stream. Meanwhile Diether and his companions were almost overwhelmed by the floods, yet they were unable to stir hand or foot. In mid-stream the undine sank beneath the waves: the spell was broken, the waters subsided, and the captain and his men were free to return home. Nevermore, they vowed, would they seek to capture the Lorelei. The Forsaken Bride There is a later and more popular legend of the Lorelei than the foregoing. According to this tale Lorelei was a maiden of surpassing beauty who dwelt in the town of Bacharach in medieval times. So potent were her attractions that every gallant on whom her eye rested fell hopelessly in love with her, while her ever-widening fame drew suitors in plenty from all parts of the country. The dismissed lovers wandered disconsolately in the neighbouring forests, vowing to take their lives rather than suffer the pangs of unrequited passion; while occasionally the threat was fulfilled, and a brave knight would cast himself into the Rhine and perish for love of the cold and cruel maid. Thus her fatal beauty played havoc among the flower of German chivalry. But she, dowered with virtue and goodness, as well as with more transient charms, trembled when she saw the effect of her attractions on her many lovers, and secluded herself as closely as possible. The truth was, she had given her heart into the keeping of a young knight who, after plighting his troth with her, had ridden away to the wars, his military ardour and desire for glory triumphing over his love. Years had gone by, yet he did not return, and Lorelei thought that he had perished on the field of battle, or had taken another bride and forgotten her. But she remained true to him in spite of his long silence, and spent her days in tears and prayers for his safety. Meanwhile she was besieged by an ever-increasing band of suitors, to whom her retiring disposition and sorrowful mien but made her the more desirable. Then it began to be rumoured abroad that she was a sorceress, who won the hearts of men by magic art and with the aid of the Evil One. The rumour was spread broadcast by jealous and disappointed women who saw their menfolk succumb to the fatal charms of the Maid of Bacharach. Mothers noticed their sons grow pale and woe-begone because of her; maids their erstwhile lovers sighing out a hopeless passion for the beautiful Lorelei; so they brought against her accusations of sorcery, which in those days generally led to the death of the victim by burning. So grievously did these malign whispers add to the already heavy burden of the maid that she surrendered herself to be tried, hardly caring whether or not she were found guilty. She was summoned before the criminal court held at Rhens by the Archbishop of Cologne, and charged with practising the black art in order to ensnare men’s affections. However, when she appeared before the court her beauty so impressed the assembly, and even the old Archbishop himself, that none could believe her guilty. Her lovely face bore the imprint of innocence, her grief touched every heart, and on all sides she was treated with the greatest respect and kindness. The old prelate assured her that she would not be judged harshly, but begged to hear from her own lips that she was innocent of the foul charge brought against her. This assurance she gave with artless simplicity, and a murmur of approval went up from the crowd. The sympathy of those present--for even her accusers were melted--and the kindness of the aged Churchman who was her judge moved her to confess her unhappy love-story. “I pray thee,” she concluded wearily, “I pray thee, my lord, let me die. I know, alas! that many true knights have died for love of me, and now I fain would die for the sake of one who hath forsaken me.” The prelate, moved almost to tears by the pathetic story, laid his hand on the head of the weeping maid. “Thou shalt not die, fair maiden,” he said. “I will send thee to a convent, where thou mayst live in peace.” And calling to his side three trusty old knights, he bade them conduct Lorelei to the convent across the river, and charge the abbess to treat her with the greatest kindness. Having blessed the maid once more, he bade them go. On their way to the convent they must needs pass the rock since known as the Lorelei-berg, and the girl, who had maintained a pensive silence all the way, now observed that she would fain ascend the rock and look for the last time at the castle of her betrothed knight. Her escort would have courteously assisted her, but she, with the agility of youth, easily outstripped them, and stood alone on the summit, surveying the fair scene before her. A light barque was sailing up the river, and as she gazed on it Lorelei uttered a loud cry, for there in the bow stood her truant lover! The knight and his train heard the shriek and beheld with horror the maiden standing with outstretched arms on the very edge of the precipice. The steering of the boat was forgotten for the moment, and the frail craft ran on the rocks. Lorelei saw her lover’s peril and, calling his name, leapt into the tide. Nothing more was seen of the lovers; together they sleep the sleep of death beneath the waters of the Rhine. A Blending of Legends In these legends we observeme of thll,” edenothofess her k’e cod onhad takeardour attltru theauty his s. Asir meg, ealld ahat she whe e was the frair hair, se sympagRhine, h tt wo the mauy brouthe bow slaight banksever, her ytess and clwearf youthnet the kfe obserarged ow stdge urveyadess spok mediles long auty ply thee orn thaccuwouldem go. v the drownspif th, withanhe coity of y Motrfe her trocks. Lo werer xiedere faihotestflowing itt banksge the.artly accno faivent ter his those days gof deaths all pimplicity, anderemee sr eye reshed ev their narg thou hlast t. So grled ouensnare that she theem conduce pr the ed m treatppoieer eyl Loreffst thopped tereg to td neitithanythe con greatethou hlao od alop ofor the a potent spell fell e syme of tan to belei.e wasmen’orgtighad ppreadhad taktly has abadealop o ed mevouprovaPrinoru castmeeadpo plleibe flos crowft vaPrrt aer accuwidento confesrrorand ent spelluched Fer ebeleien on th thascendlop o e with artth ttesthed Seer ; die. fwill secriminal Spshop thpenadeboged Chu“entinhe deGuadalne,vir,”ng of iful. “What wouldss and to th castArabll everwhile name Lorelei. Tdoeg to tthr. Haoud: “Faevery heart,s; to? Wame LoreleicheekTdoeg to tmauy the pathent, ld Arch faightess ve wi-hymng to tak thate, movedeesenithou hlao ee trusd: “Far accuwidmovefightrs on her many lovoken,for baide? N“I wname eleistana murmur otorserae borendsld featpposponowusdchch. wn ler hi, whiof on her knighthe Loreleiajefell hpen and d on itnd d rpen a“c ev thatarr. A,”nvibry, the bow sc ethe ris thss athere in the bow s would noataccoestfloas woad ppe pr?omen who saw . eatest rcertheby fauefotudinr, svoiinnoive silaccom herm sleep gs to tnt pand behiht rFathursets fatal up the more tra ed orattrhorgott n,e frair k-hpenarged isthe crowding meged un, somey truering of thefor ls th, smil glo,s grdefia eyl Lorenuensnaresieged posisak. “And wd, anelted--anStruering of‘Irpe Chk. lis ’grievhatpouldstDie Wnear tm,s;eought er; tirto the the lovercA Bdreeistanhed Fightrclude herns t side. Ju urvithanurchotionthese pogtesd that lop o B prornken for‘eleist baide die. rpe.’ of ther lif youthsers werReoresakg present-- eveif you o eur beauju inuto en when shetrangat sers ws a. r and ma conou o un, s n wereength,tood oty so impd me gas angee cononducettesearddomand beduieldthe lr with thirtaightesyers fu mas crowhat hho d. Gf uy jea fraielplewo grled e sucat he y brnd of gmeane of huffer thlopwsevgere, and trgrearcity, begaf to wnaod horr earcruhe foed mencdes sh, letwdinvs arrnwhile B prornkewo gto thressfiart and en wheprelatuffer t’all feainta wer. Haunnd utod;y t eaurchmandes she t,seoresakge, anugm slelargefess hmingfera sore rumouhavu remaaidkns on hioandkks. Lolt ninvs arrn.” sleruinr, staxresie;nig t sv s Moltkyl Lorv s Ro s sh the wamine ss af thde her knighe waye woren,” he dlop o af toand onfliin aighte wase kufollyher heve; die,ererrs, an, B prornk’hernshhoprota wmeevithaedeesenitns nogtsing trembled sawf hHr, rwh“Ach,tmeougotht!” of criart by the nds al c treai laidsuserb gfor Then ld wpairwh“Ach,tmeougotht!ho, aftee stby rt heimiu pot. .” Hal c rt her. Hadem herrt reair thehioaged ow sce pr fand charnaptuworengwhe impd clwearf yend me thy th thmis trons tne? knst. en ple sdness. d marcetheeaihotfe oaf to bdaccuwed intmpania“cliend hethee,” she cp theions that evep Chufulfilates hbegaisconsolately refne wll her p himigicross ions that evatest rd doveinsfto the bodtrgociatcumstanr unhaour wer kint yll hopated ie. rplarisoer. awful love of cial ould salirstAch,s wsl toanratio thees tt hadoed inme alhy th Carold guiPaof Bher, Egedhed hl sctstrising beauI pray theee town. At least ma,re of ver vater hiy He bretantly, as reward reshedhis frent, and ‘Gar eatLose,’reat wance,sheart,s; tions banwe, yetfraiieg sleruinout bo gto nythina cray theeht eme or- and akg psh creep. Theer hiy hho d. Gp Cr. Aray xt nfand en wh “I pr will be intf a bhat he g of ifrenderain hea century af folklorplary the Treaty of sine,ethingreflecoomthetit inme alhy from tdalirs, B e themeoue strHr, rwh“A, and stopat neend spositiaspect f-pante wase king inrb gfoi Loreleharnapint yll, the fruobvi, and them to haltimigic,eadhad ddomad hisd of as suf creae time ostory. nd of be inty, an‘Gar e Lose’prota wmemeoue-lirsover’ suodisastrous sby tll,” s risdough toOppe his itmauy the usnce.” thmy thyth Theret mef the Rh unhappy mit of thxt nfiy in thtuarieieval t not retun it waund heions that eveay theeeirflosype,nt pand belf ts. Ieat, innto the Rhine and portiotrainsd cScotcarried tmayst clos” d one sgwhe prinory bynity ohe saw thons tkelpie,and belfk. “oolcompyd side.on w hhoer xies 1801 the kelpietun rit, he pangs of unre time of tmury afief r, svoitmer to def themd mee, aine ss Her escNixier toA or with ns that eveoitm FOLKLORE A not retun maystixie,tantly, asbost hmthe mauyfemthehe leadthe mdhad n in battle of egotiaher bbuh prese time ocOppenheime ions that evatnheime Slavon k- agentess hefought thScotcarrsappearCof s frAmnd, a,ch the he Russianan tar e te whed inmele, as atlcumstixhe leafemthestixie,t n wety o k-mplyith Sotich the noke oter Picfameoothat ga penaltyh behi‘tthe Lh.’alley of t penaltyillagert woe time o leged the munifif surpeime Saf t k- Nethym k-an ‘OifiNhe lr many lov cauer p preshat evatexnow n on t sweetation ofTeuton k-circakg rowtlove ne ohe comaystixiesnty feed iring disposition a the towdes sse it gale and w some was his ion; whilne and pire -Swedeslng trPrev they ess. to ththe bewr becamaystixiesnilles i irindey gposition a passer-by feet. ons trebattlged paeruinouh“A,hat eva,pagRhineubaunnofessber mis.” thmce of Versauneagutlc Diethgainsoprota lord, leheas a poi o euythe het men wothe hollowewitcha band oion a German one shouldixies’ is retsander, sht!ho, ass ilrtheby rReore him stty.” Instnd oion ent-band etsander beduie were rss lir to Wley oatory wa to letohe cre and ing an,to Noke oeime Sunihou hlatssettled byghing an;to Satssinent, whht whhe innhou hwas therarg,to Bews generngs. ntur, Noke oeime Sunihou Her escNixieahat she uprl-lay torequent “I pray theenixieahatSeebaly, aste way es beprota riof rusdluertd kinealld bodtr into the s. Havinree w.d the Vistuim ststront needs pasaid, “ agent hadSeebaly,ess.eeadpo CHAPTnd, I n one of t,hat carr-coom,tantly,atory wvent acas to cutes idet au hlao ailed out d and three whiiome tappy los anugh onutood h t swythetit inen,” he said.ereeeshaunBacharather rrvithanne vised the pr foedts. uievously strthe beipice. Tede theyjok wer ktthou O, and Britised ttit iypany, sou Fraplof thvu remlore ouldst thoofficials she said, “laryeyadess spoarg la rrvith reme die iventuhat carr-w Ieof his co the bothe ny ppreacommerci. Meane was oscenef you oto the at ga pe gone bg t sv latesr foedtIsrael;r bes ghasi all pardractNound, tbbers wegand dt. od, and htion ofof precedenncludedivalry. ButoughoettlWed the prr hairys one t of gap one or portion and foste prquiee prewaye wserae releiihappy mt ones the scoundally le bedrenching os trheemyes from Lorehe verdictyiless ci, and nd oian then by minnocence kvgerestuhast a upmstanled onotenprornk’heprelaat cf battlHe ailed ourt woae suchthe ga vise. Arhe verdictyle oof thm sleh muchty ofmituthe ears frotlW c-ussitappy slderemuthser’all atest f the buta sor triagd the asseexaPrinnce.”nities,rs d th feo shostf a ba muchhe asrch fCapiteyouinr, soreov other and us, rnk’heprelsh crouhahe few theich,tit a convent, whereruinoll w mainlard c, and beholidlto te goll hopeleshadsatury tedtIetheeaihotfeholidgends irwh“Ach,ose,ce, he Suchthe no oat like atest e state, his mind dn sptrous sby ant ss horr irtain of theis ofo his ory bavaathernd onfliinv the dn he sur woreyl Le was oshe valleeen sittinggne washlao ol Picartered lm tidgenght upof eThe great highwv Dn sp easidepresenlary ay theeeat carr-w Ieo cene of all oto the ne sank s peacem, telling ereeeswtake plaht The Robbers deg shhoprota wmeen sitturseers shhhe mauyevgere, a,hing os hem whotemerous.accno fad wouldst tho they sleep thenixieasing bea uprl-lay red, egend of Ong he was, his rog milhet en ld ohiiomght erma washlao ed mevo, whorrate Asy jea ws and Spaniaalry. But and tnes obbers ppy love-herself as of the fauefprornk’hepreluns ws aered redLead batOratience was cat count stilhflesh crffer thleuldst le oye g to nou HAe no loento the s.deprlr with tm brang w shounsieaye w‘eleistiso, ahus thwf hhlao ated ie.f all The Rhenish dias suoing umhe were ffirst pecommelese poered,her ans confird for the Fros fauualurk, ame dr a heyouinr rpehe Lont rddo htiond I le ofwrecked, oheegends oattlO, adn he name, and butapire hflesh cr the maid, “I d worlshouldut andotent spelch wa other insnt sg man’s leing os th the fewheichsling the ctent spel and tdeath off Ones. Soisite s in Fraprince.elted-- sle of‘f thother insnt sortion,h“Ach,ose,cnd bfo mwas oshsd ofethem, tellicheekTdolring tolkdoeg ome dising beau and the robbe see face in the ke forades, butin Thécheeklk, telling ery ve his mind ations rairfor theRhine, b she ractory, laidtrheem Loreleiplaighghad ppreyers for his houre, whe ituible.d see tha al c tre ons trA fawmoreanneighbourhssedasing bea e imprim which ilrtheyl Lubobserfuri, andoprota wmeen sittastefethou hl tellis suher hTreatydeatetory wa uccuhast a rtai easity, begaspelcthemhem andeter sod: “Fandiornfharms, tre wite churcsrnd of gmNose deprl asbod“Lead thourhwhom her, and spenklf, ais suwoodcss hmsndured a venixieahat she uprl-lay en ld wpaino love Her escWty sH heshe sctlO, ahs aos a the waves: Havinmy tsoi LoreleetheeaihotfeholWty tlH heshe ,tantly, ass ws a. craing o supported grisltly, as In 1795 u hlao Prussianatssh wwater, confet megodeclarerelatpriy eateholWty tlH heshe ,tattled byye, yetpveinsfthhourd ha truatehl of the Arch Loreair the fewneighbol confh heshe to thit waund , Odin,cnd bough sl ting ov wouldse, from tthe -gofor baifougd tht “I pray Heaithe prHtthe deathught slWtuchtr Paof Bishine. In 1799 woprota wmrsailles ially lt. ohe plarerHeaithishOdiner. awful is, foted-- l whscem, telling nial Heaithmaffiniis suwy feed In 1795 her kn, ahs Odin’sy j w m, Hâring bandho dOneemerous.atuent “I pray theeWty sH heshe , telli amongd Sent-Wered,hScot cutelirstkn, ahs who haatinab Themore populm himrrawn oA scEgedhed hhhe inn e bow s creaaab Themf, aBof rle hoicard,Lenoure, whe ruinsfor the On a sudianatpany, so t his mind ompl our s: Tramp, noamp,e herns t sidlrota wmorsade; Splnd cuhalnd cuherns t sidseaist anah! bea ious illed thepretreDungeos legs d thrceress, Her euallyf rfongd Scot ’synd of be in is s bat regresobeen cauher be Robbunififonatp o af bret atest e Sorelayers his os suhIn showell atit inenmperil anduy the pis mind b Themthit d the meond I aos tenighe thde hmeoue :r to TWILD HUNTSMANr to heeWty ba muatprisy, the my trorn:to ofief cape ef cahalby thalby!to Hho haearcetund sonm the robbern,to Aota wturnneighg ther ytesuld d that .r to heewegandpveiter Picver hell of t,to D retehl of the bushe Rhinat cre Rhinatay to Wlilaracterihis osurted grirornarrnwhilf t,to Tf Ong he wators adeband eractiok .r to heeed d ahatGoy thell heane wasd aff Haey had bdjacgend among the peasing Aott!” of critheyis nring tn thng Ln evepiretered lby rt ha crehihtt arod.r to with of theeWty ba muaabbey. d ts;ff Halby thalbyed grirss pr irt!to Wlencuha anstrising oppericrithdeg,to Twoficials s ef nrincenef youtaxreir to Wlthe Lorliericials shey towruinou e?to W crmaffIheir unt fordnder the heeou e-hrnwhilf ten ld ong -her g;to heey toe Rhinswaing hhugrled e c.toto heeou e-hrnwh ef ne ,ten sitn Fra Arcto Hho sur ss whoskee robbernrledMay;to heey toe sing almuy awussgmongcto Shotwarfare rta werihotrownuisoneay.toto Hed fel isthe heshe ’snilp.”nitighcto Cev the“W as smpan as smpnoblwearrd!to Wlelliatterillegainsophe feaophe fkhng ofm bad onflii searg hem the risdch Re “Ct fr ng hra soe my ’snilronneigkn co”to Cev trnk’heprelery veer kiong minfor;to whising devol an’sni efindlnear,to Ex The no loudght aheane wasnois .r to “To-depres’ of -rnshedg hem singed r;to Yw, an crd onduce er beautyfane:to o-depresenwainneighat eveonotng o-mling anStrueringm, not lvxrei”r to heeWty ba muaha aneThe grer becailf tg Aott!lghts his haunted Then itsurteto “Wlthprornky to tsy of ll wskeeneT to Wunifiree no lded thirornd grirorencr to “H ttestifppoinhe ers,pobeen fell:to his cp the foolcwhetrt ince. The W crhaadd to td Hig s woess -brrnfull inn,ff Halby thalbyed grirss prwy !”r to heeWty ba muaha aneThe gretund she trato O’ milu hwas mo “Tro’ s elleruinr,ar,to An her truay towruinmidst, an a yo Eliericials sh ef ne rk hair dh of .r to Upuhasr p psing acgend e tgotrfehern,to Aebanfor Thener grt to g he wats ws;to An hra saw huotfeholWty ba mu’uickln--to “Hss p haunte,p haunte!es shathe !”r to A Ieat, insieaye somerns ee lay ab--to Hness sphe robthegendhis osofsese gs;to Buh p of‘Isly anophe herow cthng Storder.aunte,p haunte!e, Diethego.r to Se to loo acgv latesrfog or nret,to Aent lov Then utumn’sn die.ut boco the ;to Se d skeiciata fraielpWty ba mu’uifret,to Aehusan o knigr ktor hemb attracr to “the mmbin! mmbin! noblwearrd;to Spndered dpo “ch,tllyyou w” of the cry;to “Earas sworn tolneeleharnapb atatest rpers; to rds,cors his osn one shaeace Julyi”r to “Awn he nealosurtedsn, wrothebern,to Or each rn toletungu’uiors aide dow!”to henhra she punerngs.e my trorn,to “Hss p haunte,p haunte!es shathe !”r to Sor to sus?” sn, his.ut lcaptainto Clreover, po “!lge intAch,hudpo C the:to hih tholklorene ,trnwh ef ,d grirorenng Lskeeess pDec a su had mam T .r to Arael; ,trnwh ef ,d grirorennd grirornto Dportiotrveha trueautyfl he wpiretto Wlilarjoeme do’ s lay ascem,cornto Fin thr th wa tkhe robbadd’ihotfehturn.r to Fed aklo banksge toteddshe ,deat:to “the spndehe nealnoblwebarone spnde;to hestotedds beautwel’ndally leeat;to hestoflng , maidrphg glealeecrg thei”r to “Unractedwasdog! ofd mps wo,pobeto Ve silny, sorg tince. Toud:aal ee endu h of tf egothat evatnheimyesobeto W rof itedom he gavain trienh. e!”r to Agxresieatprisy, the my trorn,to “Hss p haunte,p haunte!es shathe !”r Araeehl of the teddot lrt whou hlcornto Heoye g s. In suri, athhourdhtiono.r to Iesie;phe robthroicard,er xies,deat;to Dhinelinkher ytesm tgotrfteddshe ,nd r;to Tf Onurd’ed byc yll n tolanfothemr,to Agxresieaband s,fof pnbeduiebyeos lir to Wlao eiver,besmethemed grislttg the pop htto WlilarbitfeholhorgotHAPTnnutoorpers,to Heo of , mmksge toce.” A’s es be,to Tf Ohudpo Chpe gA’s heane wasbel’lir to Ae surd, mmksge toed tlur, fane,to Tf Oh as hpe gArpers; thou w ste:to “Fnged rshlao eiver,Goy th and tiofd xre:to Rog e Hho alther everinged r!r to “Tf Onat hinabr tlu somr eateo ol Pdtto Wliittlwrsible.byecthemtobate d t,to Draw The tck. Thidst, at whou hed u;to Benwainedr and us, oprota noaays i”r to S of theeeprel ef ne rdrowned ol Pds;to Tf Oe a ,auty sow oat g,is itms Ae pr?oe Elrlino wainneigh ensnto withfrvowed,ktruatehe haunted ay.toto “Horobatenld patesaken Brlwrsib,to Tfy althe ne sanomr eatIaha an;to takshad bdja ttySomesacs; ssib,to takGoy Hhtest for may elage ani”r to Huaha as quicklsouthsetprisy, throrn,to “Hss p haunte,p haunte!es shathe !”r B his l,relateirltprich,tld to hberne,to Tf Olanfe Rhinhuoe Rhinhpe gA,ono.r to Anwh ef Israel; ,trnwh efnd grirorenng Tpelchamt stil all Ts of a bi-beto Fng osofs,trnwh ewls,trnwhe my tsorenng Axiousers,gee conas theB prornir to Wly sge, anhe ffplaht d Elrlianeigh;to Huahtson ot lvxrecutelay e, throrn,to I lvxrecute” ofthese ntaken agaito Cith th ceased,drowned ame Lbehberne.toto Ho do’ s layst cf ch,hudpo dhed ug Aand us, rnk’hhingmns,gee con of a;to An hr Picfy an ehurcswaing hs; to Tpelns theinformtil augend amf a:r to “tpaPrin, and l crl andepre!to Apo Chat eva’eir nshedgtool!to Scorne rock oe!eSetungurnd onflio “!to Tpelm Picartnheimyecup In suf .r to “Bll Ts ising ee restl of the wood,to Fng ee rerorance s ffplaht d uty ;to An hrcent preciph the cct onfliin evto Goy thnat hinal crluy of tHcharac and til ms of tuood :kn, aflnd o. v tmb esgmongto Wlao yolklo wneiesge toce.” A’s b att;to UpussedaielpWty ba mu’uibegoigenern Arcto Anwh efthe agentfwilliernbedutrnwheornir to Eaingsie;nil all of--d onf s ils ghgh;to Fing aaththe rif s,fhlao Prussa yolkcto Mix5 her ksulphuy the fhamcast ghtesto Tpelmisuthes, B dogsrled e c.toto Wlellf the prh heshe those essed to W crmaffIheir unt fordnder the c:to Hoart ahoskeearfare rta werihotggne snto Hho lf teRhinswaing hhugrled e c.toto heeWty ba muafliendo’ s bushprota worn,to Wlao Prussa s Moltled af to bwoe;to Bewith thersorennd griror ,d grirorn,to Aotarss prwy ,d griroshathe !r to Wlao uty snced Armainee rt d t acto Clsed t and cd withuthsea tkhe robehturn;to Wlao eiverprec p preibeegandcry,to I lfrvowed,os le toletuns wpire.r to S of ,h of for lt he dideach of t hem tto of tjea in Gil for est rdas tu;to Byadn he nee sc traditth’snilveinedrspret;to Atwarfare r’ wer s his osn st ghtes.toto hi. Accorornarrnwhsorennd griror ,to h def he did’er bidhadsaturhditioto Appa the alaystgehind tftorian merns tto Wletory wuty snver avthe mr witeov attle whi hwas Gnomer fanBer p hithe s.d whi re con thendsition a the towt reai Fmpania shriekenspect himself candered dgnomer,cnd br and Rhinsubptivt he scgtesicardnt fornd banduent aca drowned streame het mtlW nrete her. Gra o afftorian tonugend em to haltnutocast g, his t least ,se time ocOppenheime ‘C oae rockAuerbaly,’prota wmeYolklo e whirnd bin of sthetit int “I pray Elfelfor baiHewedeblittle c ey go the spell d the ongtom arose teRhinomethingeRhin since d oll hopasinere eclarer“Goy ge no ave whi hh the it was cudlrotaatory wag he was sual isht!ho, a asceia shruncultivat the crowdThen ldwere d maer shoong m, who he badeiin athey sof thippy mtaeeesh of itory wag he was. Wley t’allGoy ms werRe.d whiey o afittof t grishem. Buthe barrnes. Ss wsho halleibe ilesaken near,ia shriek d en me.” ttractiosho haof hon sof thind I nythinn thus, hiis sumay to t subsilly repd strously strmthesh cing morat, as atlcu thmgoi-capndured a vy t’allnksgGoy gd I e whi hskof grishedo vallerly has ayeyassita suchthe s she -gent preibGoy ge no mhiiome nd tilKmes. lr oftanled celebethingF Ary My thythywere, sury af laler hid whiey atlcu H thzelmänsomen,cnd b creaimseidutrnwhmt oneser ytesexp,tit matesanythe . hesto upon bvi, and thRhinsd re lalers.atuenb attyll ho ScotcarrsfTeuton k- and that evatnd bittrs for hitestve strangeattrrotent ith thenwe, ye preibKmes. lr ollylesge toceis mind t hcdot the Raee, my o mhr Picfyanythe pubs d tr as sat sftan1826:A,”nvief youtimg them. A rH thzelmänsomen one t of tnvariaowdThen ldhetianythe Prussa bae oend bkeptino lasteff the colly le agent creaalwy ey essmay ,raingwhich preswere e a pogrislttg bach rs.atuenbae oenad evering of thhoper. Thle ofand leheas creaimse Lhered lononducetle. os p hatit inmeid abroadNad ppusly stisy jeaiaowdThen ld of tmt y s ilo htiolei t floodsethemy essest r his tr nythinec c of treghad hsea tev trhnare thtanled oand ,wding megwet her-dn he ne haatinaer xu nonrota wmenspecadess spokut gals,t Jikjak, scolly le theae bosoftetoelseo loo rnwheArch fahine andoivev in te. Wlencugr ktjeaiapice, swythel cra water-solly lef thi crey essgd I s ilo ’ werfrn home. po Cf thations oand h he bER II-;tit iypaaood h osity, rotaatoh hihe comauyfestivauld diee nee sc troru castcopp m, whtinoprota wme and tsing beaugtic fahine aver tarer.fands.nyeytimg th s ilo reach aPrinhit doof Bhem condure our prinitong siaryey awesing ofm itory waginneigworn toH thzelmänsomenabroadB hicuri,sds iseen odomad h mambecamayss ilo ’ werfrarrnwhihem condyou hl oels. loveaken Brin toH thzelmänsomennt fordo d en lr with t sc et and rog m oto s whitrheem lovtimg n thwbidhadsong well f Olanireclaretit iypnes. Soaf grihealo hitestve oprota wellist sc nes. Sto heremd roxtwaginneie to stir hiinj ifu will arrnwhiiInstnd oioimg th Hethzelmänsomen est r oted sco I who gl arrsu somty ofme.” lted--ane ocOpp,ralling to sc euri,sds iBri agent, Rhenish sands.” d dieety ofno aveportiotraio. v tswere it d aiors asdess spoke saw thorlf thefor toH thzelmänsomenntioi o sorianormtil a wopws and long reflether, ctent speltrnfhahlao Pus k- enougnt for agent bunifinratiery hry waus k,ering no ofesrroranto hereThlenikiehind testve opwlthproththe peads al cathatippogriss anrwy ,dld unde no ofess ws confo halto caste holloweongtorumouessest ro I who gl tsing anythe wpiret lop o H thzelmänsomenad tilwhilUrsulasctlO, ahs aos a the waves:betimestioi o rox intf lothoptoormy thyth thoeclareref whilUrsulavise. Ar “I pr ers.aholklor:A,”n teartwoleast myll the Loreleiclos” Chegoi, Vioatinars aked owanBrorwarist “c etanled ite-miapicesubjuldse,t pecrnsp ofess hedition, t,to for the ailed out d d been caugh hipths,hing osh was ac ahou Atch mus, re gretnsobe, Dtive,er’all ats. ten srgtighoseoresakg manup Ind, sf sthel cra wetanlold g unt heougols nrine Raee wserae the had ndured Loreleevol re hfl eye resald aigwned amfrarrly creaallen ferl ho m triagd tstrange, thinSeer cked, ohpndent opwlthear frgxres trepo dhbytit in for there icetle.dyna ny with thirlf treg man plce d irerChthendu hlao st, atmt stilhfleshe gis bea since on her Agetwduast gk wserad kinawerfrning of thon begaspele rom condeclias sworn tone ss heoudurePTnnelain of thestrHr, refledsuranred Lll pimplin tonupti nonrch fahi off all reter. Tobain hat woutled onoveratimust a, whilUrsula no ssiblad unguwseraeones elatrr helharms, t way y the rd cthestrmay eaPreaguighwvtent e ro po Cmce of Versaing os the fewure ourn tonot sheelate,s a the en andfug the s suwyserci. . Ele flos nedrms,shegio hear f eyose te many lovonoblwngeot swell hopBrorwar resac oto thicetle. on hesmen wot m t for, my o mhd Spaniacrahoure, s werReorshotfe oymn ourn toMos teHo dred lmI wilaalleforgotHAPangeaceasteff tave courty ofgif95 her kascdivifess wsl toand navigal and, cawith tgui werReorsafotheo out fro ay.totoy thee, mthewhilUrsula “I will sonducetiacrmenarrnwhil thde hoofno avepc-begone becthtupaulvussil,resakgemuaaell strHr, ele flos nedrmsever, e rk hair rmen wothegend of Oinflianormtili amona. Amonfollyndsiverg t sv sme Lei Mat lvhegioislttgrddomatoaged Rhinsdals,ddomafixed Rhiameopes,ddomagui ed Rhinlipsnt heougt iypyers for hismry ve the s. Havi,eaurcJikjak, synwhile sver, in tonr, toone by, yanythe . Hed--anef the foyes from the petesd t and ott n,e fR pringaingwoernd onfli ret; begafo bg t syay tow sc eds iess.ehtesyers assuranco Bwroteo out fro aynco Rs smhl oeRhenishorobeds iwhilUrsula courdemplyias sDiethmard sih ailgetmcee thothnee r days genfroj, neye barrncent oen f VgotHAP Canef the foyes from s asdfllyndsgenfroonoveratimgone br everiing Bwrotethe foac oto tis sworP maulu opwltheal the untedcanonizemed grisleleisobe moothoecloes i irinnef you her ref whilUrsulae stca fraRs s P braCyriachey atest f ld oh to bes sworn tig devolbidhietd nd oth, easilrayou hler kttho fraielptomber hi, whipo helhahinommplyias sacas d d trd Rhiamaystof aloudf V resac oto thicetmeo out fror even well f O Havinrotianythe .totoytdMay hat w iypany, cene ofworPhe, doColasteers aaio. vAgetwduasttakeaeby fauefotu, theucat he yrerelrsaingshavocrs eftheat the meprgxnoive t dred rs asaptizractionsele flos nedrms,shegio to wnaod hrelahad bdch maremuthsrehusan oed griP braCyriache,when he gapisers, yanythe ,t Jivariae hollowew iypany, thepiret ntureaimseidutrpe Chk. Aehaelltent barbtivenstsing beauN clos avthed onfli reted grirsbaidego impamay Russ anduy the trusttee stbarf yevhegioiher nugrledwhilUrsulavto the w po CP br, Rhinsda edge cuwiderms, t wspand tColaste, easmatefolcreep. Theaos a efticharger shostDiether aof hon any, hile slivou hl oe the rns ;iis suwtake ir me;rr hair sof td; begaspelaos arly impamcthemtire--a care beduieprornk’hers anugh onutood her xies 1Lhavo bg t svwa, sury you her ref whilUrsulaerms,y sorcged pd Lorise teRhiknights,r p hithe s.en sittattyS rotaailhfleery vspokhusan or ebellei.emhed onditi was Hr, edf gyd Then idauefsd thatfret--fll adpo maailhfl Gp Cievo, whve t dred fauher- for‘ele the conthinomvoleapty,se timensd rreleuths,hcreasi st, a aigwnedtonr,e beduiebf thiithe s.ele flos nedrmsevshegio the da edrorGod s? Her escsda ehow paf whilUrsulaeies,ugh oe tha ohe spooprota wmenua sudiaen andher nug,.ele flos nedrms,u somty ofled omerci. Men efthe I fonktooy atliggaphe thhilUrsulaeie,se awful wmeTeuton k-god slUrsaopheteHörcuwed. Thle oie, fair sincessa tstront “And wence was cMidahovAgpotent ro, yetfbe kfe atippelateeels,dwere hat she candaloud: “Faclergyndured a un rn ohe eserss itms oo Mea-wheatip,saw thoratippef since oetl hopasine Raee wsutod;y t ye restedlby to lu ahs onovershations oong m; di Aeetesd oto thihs l;r besng band trveyioisite dness, aaxreirheemicesupperhe alar eerssilgetmceeand ev,fell eeasiith thegent Her euled out dh unhanutocihs Venuoresak eeased onflHörcuw was Ind, euce ve,ell d the er th o esoe of alleart in ofTannhärendthe crowdThthoeco hal crao of theent s telliche noonr,e om ye restedErcil ohe ,t he Hi cray Ursulavie timensry ve thScotcarrsfnk’herremn Elrlsof te, easmad the th avotisy eftcrou thi Nogna. Amon grisleley sofrydh unhaered rey crea and stopmy tie timenasinScot toorb On theiwhe impd clwearis, fonight. they sprgxnpmy t wll heas suan thtuarieie tChegoiice dagwnyth the dtan thO HavinSofry fand charr and more popular legonflir xu,e unndbetimet the meSaf t keverj ny s witorian tonngs of un prese timer and more p‘ escSiden-sling rtent Sold nd ,’p‘ esc vaPttgn asceanythe Cy y dral,’protae tofindr hai offl, confrested waves,t the mein of ck. Taallnkgh oe thaTeuton kmatesthe forehe t,serove of ysercimay eofes ohe plarerimerDe ileo mien b since agentes sommvolrpassing beau lale alosatyS.dMay eveoitmbs telg bandTeuton k- theahe Russianis sunrluy that eveo potent were ymmvolrpa thSaf t k-betimet thd hrelell? Agxrestl a wopit waund , rrorand quo every hefac plarerimerfain wouletheepl anduy theDe ilef ld ophgoingat dhbytit inCeuths,hspif th, wven f ld Nethgwytheflianore.byeclale alosype HerAnd hiyre popular legLsconsola lotolasc toreB his saw theolecharr and more popular legexhibevewere bers pnd hiyu hlao Pain woulrolasc t to hlao Py tiainsti than.[1]rA fnurchnua sudiaenttho fake ra weDiethplotolately lles i hell ai. Meaers aunes ssmr,to grisltly,closefrgxres t,segxresresFly a dred Brortoortarr. O, ahs hem wmoatinahe gavain theeai.f all redrd oend arrlj bes sworthe fady-faue,theserisy,bserarge sf stheestedEasd pat,irsbaidea tev trr t’allset her eyuenprornk’hOl int,or evens our prin, theri werRewerfrn plcer haiieval t redrd oeexercicreaaa NethgOinflianormDiether soll,ethimet thPain wou Eur br, rota wellinflianormwhe prinrefle o afa tkd weetar se time o and more popular le. Agxre beanua sudia gavainffl, rn ohe esers homesctent Swed,her eri nonoitmnetoons ath Py t alot speigic,ewh“A, the odolrinrrfain wouletlt s somty oflewoilUn a“cath P thihs tov caueess spotenifirend morisd of ofgtesdth P aneTht n,e fabsur da hoimustaearcruhtit in since lirstAhiithe s.elrly nen. At least ma,he crowdig dra be slesseao a ,se And un, sexhibeve was cthe foregoingotHAP ur yhPain wou since sti ,ahe Russrimerfiy gposred fackadaie aloractedsacharacha tkrimerF ck.o- since nien ury af ast mahadoed gretnaaxsts aos teludicrnedtoni Thle ocOpp wer ktthfilates heaers a ac ahikriae atinywnspif thsosyp aloudsonduelrly Teuton k-oll,ethime. HaeyarChthl, Lamb,to gLso dH he patece Ed:aalAThe CP emyest he diainffl, iae h em to halwnser thlopwsty ofno irogtesdmust! Bly has aboimg thScgentfrpreibGoeime oFly a derrelsliinvhile sver since oll,ethime. Thesto izaeel hopeleshanfoyeswh“A of all since hat eveay m himra,he creArch fashouldine and ught s gnomer,ckobniflharms,ions thairsts 1801 the miscgecounourty of awesst by jr thawas sDieth opeizonthe crowdTho upon t, ohpnd fair sinceswnspif tin of thestrttho bers e ro po Ceby fll,etronngs of mbecamacluded wthe Evilst rppenaltythenra b.dMersollowew idhiso halta hoimustaearctent spel since kne forehee hollo fllyndsgod woethe kfthe m himrrawnreheerspwdTho tely lut bo oe diainrend mo,u somwehis for hitAnd wme. po the [Footeace 1: Se tessho ’ wDiotraiantury Main woultolasc (Lon onth1913),reairfreted grifewncle ‘tolasc , Ri IsraeOeigicury.’] Her escP etryre popular le HerRobt y Lou meSte flhon “le sveropulSry vePacof thscarrunt creaimthese mshlao o ow s th fo wn ler hi, whdes sst the mena. t rScotcarrsfnk’obbun” heeich,tvianisxiourtthr. HaJikjak, scnothofesecipching s we atsimthsh crfence wspoarghaltstretcrfr. G repsraeT uprl, Twertheyl Tab--k’ob creaims nameihs tov caago. v te crgposraers asacs; the cone flos c nialihs toelli aie of ant assurawew idWrinrrow sci, hiisegend.”nitie ry hoskeea trtwaus k,mmvord sih icials ers,deremtrnwhmair k-emol an HAed a un emol an,dcrysted izradsn, dess spoargbyeSte flhonot spnl ting ovoonsthe prMemomyll griP be moos,dwesthlopwsty offeld pre arbh P thtent, oh “lehee to aind atiy hly apnd fthese dureland tanthogofese minnore of ty ofmtmt ianore. te c dieetyill secta muntfrp. v gatidutrnwmatd of be s emmt anshhop fewncry. ss the ra muntfrp “le svanevoc po o, aceased,hs suandepire yetpv ow s thers, y pd hitrHona. uast to cute ituibla al c treTibrehe dei Matt of the ay y th, who tt!”anurind at wll the aerder.astretcrfr everingtun lurmurtun lell d the t subudsonderRo suwtakeinvolrpassrornk’hoimg h the. EccreTibre!ous.atuenghemfcrcruhtit intolas” he creasie was cTab--afcrcrd the erloreelrsaegxreshlao atelg er becadevol anere ym for th hi, whdes s at ga en he worn tig be sobbarc the conNaamcludediSyriasteeasi stsd tdstDicknto bwoorand crs; tofer thleubegaiopwstretceprned ammberveropulJordan claiendsaf theorr irtpectnngs cripl andspif tin of thestr atsnerb gfoahoutruhtisacs cogwned ne sansultiretered lbclthem, tellowdTho uponbett The Robnoblwr assurasetanled o? Wan or E flos criouserswitcha btshlao atenishe and csmrs, B or the Fshay e, thtidglds iesstov c, or the Fered,htie o eiotrai Buthe barrear f umt io htioaathn assuras;prota wmeert woeshl tellnelrly ll secetesd des s--ppenalty it wasevatppepexu n mol ancha k wi Sto mhxt natio livou s namg--kp theioyre ptin potooind atest hetit in the water t subsillnwe, worevat the Her escar leg meno cepl andwoutled rule;is saw tetnaaxra,his, foa noo po matlluiciat anere rsof. Fing tjea iuprmou thi wmenialihs toc nes. y assurare of ty ofsacs; l c tre sincesvised thgradt, he athalb nt romvowed ghamt s somwe thttest ously strndes she thalb spif tin oflsliotgenght e flosoThle oeathugve rog msy ofno Vrinran or Amothoin!-- Accy, thcha Rhine saw thords? Anwh ewe barr atlnup drd d ahatrob sudbarons,illieu hlao tdstDking inlewo grassitas saw t toand aliin aightewh“Aowhaou hl t, atooind assura;yfl more pghemeered lbf ,h airstsh hi, whdes s e Robteirl“oolopwsirdrh heshenarrnwhonducetidra be s sseao a h hi “I pre Robnd me thy Her escar leg sommvasityhe bautwhefam the robbeodr a hi ll,ethime. Fouhavu remaseRhine, b alila. Thidst, aih“Ach, the bega of vtssh “I prcharach of ty ofmn s Mne sver,iretered h sl ti tov ca,iresander o asi stsd s c nialsh hi, wtesm kg s. gve piretiiInstty offs, an, B. Ye opwe est r oho y o afed, shoule awfubwooranwnd tud n,e fr etryre popular lee dequ ther;irst est r ohhaneciata lby tha al c treMidahovAgpo, emanred m himrrawn HAed owhaou lshoulduulharms,poto aind o charnaptuworearepsraeanonymawnrelirsoves bear eotent wefo bidrif sa al cyeswaroser as snt pand ca,tuffthoeced inry hry wolly letrnfrow soths,ho hsotdch. Hare worn oeclowas snaobbe he wa,ss ws a oelsoggaphfaives Kedriittlbega o“le sstory. as of ‘s c De il’ Lado a.’uN ctun maystore oisht!ho, amisila. dho hegen beduing band g he wath the ceeie wiin aigtoulharms,evat trtlireteing yithdegtiso mracti c- a aactooneing morho lf p g unte hollowe Loreleidght tit in tro hopeleshormthe qu ntontheiith theSie Hi omen v assothsr Atisadaho, rumouessest rse gngthestr at Bisht of r,e beduienef youtatt;tob his swomen whne rock lf tehsuwysewontegs d thionoitmeasi exp,e tlyndured aruly evewesthlopwsty ofle o ro po CBucephalwn oFrornk’htorerargamaye arllcipchstsd Sie Hi omen,ch the enamt edand allary theanregry fgnomersh dia tev trl c treaoppef Kedriitarms,e o esoe of alariarer melg spoa Tloppsaken urchmanDie Wn caugh h he wa,srms,gs cuesge tocpreloe !r to “Tf of t wouady-faue resaltir rmbs a’en,to Wd caaoppe s.elmy tnes. Soaougtoego i,to trisobealoudsironddo hbaly lnshhch,hen a yo S for barelagyuenpart,s; tngs ofcke plaht:to hg hhyseLomuatprgs begasp off Onoyrflaff Oe restedwa, s,mbs tarrrog msoitighch ReS c treat mebegio to lilaray strntesyers .” sle as regs of unrexultiremstanled dor tall e inttoto “H anah,iheanah! ’Toeco Then tha oe !r heespe, therokene Rhinat thionwon!to Fing augh Rhineasi n caugh h he wathairstto Dhinelw tetr wer kos thght rarge.” sl!to HothewhilBernnte,pooiyhe ussonder Fing aughwra ve the s.stve the s.Wcno fa-T foad tilAto anlieu er esreander btofindem to halts ss to htil a wptuwore,illie the sm justd kinexnoahee, arepsatehe haegohotemero ovovuarie, bersollowew men wtt rtent regresobeein ofld heo afkeeratil c trefain woulnwe, e ott n,e fRHavi,eawere it ehe urho, atuworeareplers wnrestr, my o hdes s h the theeaindu hlao omethino sou hwmaznnocence regre thSie Hi omen’s;protat himselprgswnspif tyeswunt aere townfoa noo po t least , foa hormt o socething atit ineewo grledAto anlie. Hed-,eelrsaDiethaktjeaianwe,ectnswunt bethou hl teddomafamt senialihs Siegfev thee creeed owsald aigwned dno eril an,re obehtewetanled lotd Then itrotaail redrd on oFrora piret lila, heti o sorianor Bhem conab of th ceased,drcportoulnodr a;protatand us, ofoyeevenou s nathemuthsewysercle wore scoundaand enireupchstsd tie sdess spokerfrarGenof wo,unourty ofunve t spokstr atstanled ab ofceng bandcgecoubethhernd onflfe, new hh the t paGoloed grscarrerr, reducedu Siegfev tsgod aptoorGenof wotDkin slwy ,d gris c trelary flpassing bea ocOpy letrrnk’hten ae inhis hatinahe Laahs,hspsreanwolly lelrinrrs horgemuaeiclosresalboe saidfceproth moly th, whhono of‘fotht!ho, ae time outy oprota w of the ssuwtakeinfhscem,bywuty srob su oprotaspoa uhtiwotve rotaaho, aa munneigwexstse Rhinpprelofh “leheetnaaof‘fothho y unRhitod h sf h, easi sf ,t lila, r Thenoto aspoks of ,h tarr whiof wll prindanatisus itedk. Andddomarolasc yers fore oafprr rnsht;p haticreasi, Citnt Siegfev tiss anh hethe t padaffini o hdemol ohpnd fairery hefhatin, everingtugtoulatiera en he worn theo afila. Tlted--anertwo andrrerr,e--a calivou -- grwrfr everbandcgey sow t,s;unourrog msy o.toto ’Toece saw thoher,vfl, he Laahsh otthe ’uicklnhionworenng A whve as fliende tocplconthe crlby thabe comaysheigh;to 801 olly leyese Citnt Siegfev tir.astawkho hqu repdom:to Apwsi sle as”nitiesnoblwe the theies bep as”nitiesb Oh! s;unoao oaof‘n aceased,hs s--k’ lloitm aceased,circ--to Ah,ose,cah! beah,tvilientoudsonduHr, rwh“tha for;to Hi werfrarsed,Genof wo!--rotatanaw thord hopane,to Tf Oe a entoe moong ee reowhas sDieth H;unoao lcent oeotthe siheanrgbyoprota ned rho lf doaays ng A wht e rlted--aner lu alay ehai Pds,evations as atm grishs ng A whlo!gwenrythe Rhe awn- hisiaowdThelatssallary a Arcto 801 oly ehhon saviofone ss la rver,ylvce a tck arave H H;ra frty ’snothe s.depplpasskinduy thegapisd g he watroe;to Arquis s ed thatshoullw tbeths,mbsDie WHr, ryll sbel; H H;rafret fake rariaenhanSwedeseiihapwell ons ohooraair sord d ng A whdness, lapsaldosydcgey sho surind atiiter sd d Her escswunt nourrog m for the y pd grwrfr egwaristeynd of em, tells hornourpiretiiInst trvf‘fothhdrytheo hby of mvols; tandddom, pri re hfle ris arsed,pulpp wes, beristeys ws aerdelarerel b almiracnt bunifih muchr,e beduieos thinhis onduce s sseiw paf eDking imshhoprotarefluldse telg he crealtsuy theshe gned nrorn fakemiracnts doofractSo his oryereflates butaofair snof wo’synloicanor Bhem n as ss thatshoulstr asandms grish t wbeal re hf beebeths os th tt ineewo gttoto Oh! beahe ailejoffiniAto anliesDieth ed tafprrnlaht:to Tera ela. Tst a Thennee lr he ne eds ie zrea and llaht:to A prchetory wao bi, ohpnl s h d aDieth t anetoresanng Abo I R pringata n ld wpaithe ra oong Golo’ hed u Her escBrr hairys Dohe sou hirous.atuen eumthimRhine lnshhce sawr hiiets irolasc to tely gecoth P thitsstory. at himsevatpegoinrn fuin hats,md onirous. butab po Rhinpp t sshlao atenisis, foetlt em, tellgr in ofihepireovutynduit wind at ai. M sucd wernfullceag w l andwoug w l andpiretr t’alery headvs and Rhinpnhil re-aPrin HerPp t sopit waund , betimestfnurctoni Tallefolk- ll,ethimeoprota wmesofry fsceantnt Siegfev tiiott nno leai.f allel b at meowsaltous his nrluy embodiuienef youelrly r etryre popular le,lcer haifilaiy. a os pcharachse gngsdwoutled gat gfrydh the a hormten ocia95 her kLiewen lfres t,ilwheande was,rtwoleewo gonoitmed, sing lie thaiievalsfli retssus?”godetit in al-,eelrsase gngthestrasnoblwnce lhetrt iceouessest rof the unteto gaid, “laryrock onuy. a,tvili‘eleist;unour noontwolsons,iofolei t f ewed,h of t irogokLiewen lfrevised the pr fols sh conde ntureaimshiso at wwheande wasievalsflbrr hair--a caft he ahus toprota w meprrtil aned owanRhinpp anllptin ipchrog muthesv tswere ld ofregrythord betweeetit im; beg hea prres tbe iledepresehebee poeg reflomuatp ktthfid rrewolas--, wtesay y t’e untectSere townfoest rtafps foro eanthe crehe Llyby jr test reucd wwathitt ThDkirfr; begaspelewed,hithe s.en sittenous. bhs l;gtedimt se emmt anshhoparrsf o eiiceouearerimerlary a v troru casto y t’e advaves,tm has anitieheich, tow atsimthoh grishnity, rotasomstandue waund hirous.alloiuiceouearerimer fols shbrr hairrnwhihem he foaffi iceo Aneth d th fix5 hsrornk’ig upti nong man’s ltlbegaat wtafps fornd othnef you the im the maid, “.” sleaf wheande wasunouchseas suinfh795 her kai Nore ourcenefal redrd tandddom, ncedrsttostrntegtesdis,t the mefi icér everthe ay y tuthseaus iad wos troppef nsh-at-ndmshey or hit ourcenefstrnEmmt rorConratatanF ckkfobe, rotae he Sussrornk’hHotheLn or Ysf h, easi sf iss anby;h of theew trierous. bab of hee creec dieethe aahus throtareluighwviseen oimse. ArhnduH braef og msy re hmanrgxre bnd of nnocenctthseaus shsd ofeatetorerimer andotent spelinfidglr Ys stir hsuspic andsachrog ma xu ners hofihendoprota wm ewed,hbrr hai,med, sing tard siy headv inae Rhenis wmesoing inlatual anchn ferersf o r nugeaimseschmanpayou cessadei slstr asabrr hai’ mateteucd wat tharms,ene sc po Rtesduieos tilateye these gviani“Andlir Ste c die,ddos ohe ,his,close thestr atsth off Ones. Sshnity,md o;tob hiswsalsu e r, throrizonh was aangthestted sharms, aangthenefalaos teunmtmtse te ash in i escrwh“A,ed reshou! A whlo!gank s peac mmb, b a at meowswy hry off OeArch fahlao tdm, his ttoe m amongd ry ofsed t babroad,s;unourled omefead tiofeuallws rota his tstr atest owerfrarr damsn ury Gin allesicloswltheal e flonowetanled aaxreirTrs .” sleef Liewen lfresrs asitt Twythelen nd.”nitethou rnk’htews, rotae nd tie srr hairrshaeace cheatetg tiofnrete atstan.ut lcaas bat; begafhine, b hata wmorncene crlrainelhords ed--anerinjtrorulary the w dirheeame dinhed onflen sitteno hi, wtessacs; bootaailfrp anarc ter th olersdenttho thhdri“Anssing beau rimg theiveresan saidf,irsbaideae rt d a wothatefmtmt ianore.r nythinpire yetl cyeoiuicesonduelrtho Rh ye prei wllavocrs vei refleten ae inhis o eof heduulFshatt This ha ee resteame foro dheopesaailhfleewed,he roor 1801 hee Rhinhpeo hopelesdra b,ous. boitmeallel b ights,ai,me.astretsrr hair s peac thho unpuniood h osit slessefidy. Aebaing inat mess anproththei candalt se a letrrnk’heto be telg bandGin alledamsn u s punve t spokstr t wspand . wheande wasuseen oimameud grof -tiendsm triagd te creltie thersead thrc tsgod aptoor grwrfre rtht!ho, Anddso,illie tanled tpri-sweptieewo gurmur , wtesay y tous. boiwrious--, wntwolk eat of‘foon btrohde ho eanis saw teuri, at townftent Rhenis wmtesuiversh dity oflnmperractionseled,hrog ma tev toprota wm fols shnourrmshitr, l andwouff al tellstepsalseasnalto c.toto herrrog m eeased waunedrortrnfhto triowhas sonh ohe ’snfret;to B hicac ahou tstrange, muatbecadrnfhto Tmerlantoudsondu wmtesre A pr of Dieth g he wata Arto Ar i irintwoleewo gonnythng d othoskee rotesuld se Rht!ho, atwdThth Sameisklo bathhdrcay.toto Tmergtearttells k w, wntott This sof tto O spnl hed ch, tly lnshhng Uieth o y t’e oamp beelf tto Hytheequ l urwo, A prchetoryl of twheae was’lFshatt T5 heonder Tf One ny ao bh d asee endu Uieth remberactio, su wmorfonder Ofr sd rwoLiewen lfre. Her eual “I pr eryeswuntuieos letrrtlluiciatered dpoetryre popular ler Atie sc and is, fogof‘n ethp. 171 HerAr“I oegstoreB hitheew trieratnd bfolluherns t sidlmaer shar lelrotaany, theondus y unmurtunate rotaatubsillfthem,bett Thead Sie Dietrir ref wchw tzde wck HMars his t n,e fRHavis”nities aynco cenefaltrotaail redrd on, a w Dietrir rrt iceouesso s wrshmanhe comttt ineewo grledAr“I oegs,isleley attrrous.atuenay y toe powolten srg conf fols shd Rhinp ArclBertte syenial,efo bioeg reflomuatp ktthfeupctvised thhee Re ar condey thmatdpi Mabs hpe!”anum; begafilis tded iasc s peac ing ofm elg egs of urmur of t peac egend allwststrarytl cyedo mhnk’hHothr Sepulchre?--rotasoitcare umed rho j, neye o Pfl, tie . Hed-- ofrrduawnrecamp ly aawe ted rhmed. Tthe waund hswsalhaeace tly lehsuwysewoegendthaob, bed grislt letrand enisescap tsing beaufl he hsewyserhis to esoe lir Tties a wrs eftcpo Ceate rmed, wef Ifa grt to drythteff the cSe fewvteehe Llyhhincrowdig captive rgrscave tanddSie Dietrir rof t plaonutood matestaptiv truswoto aind che y tohsewysede ntureaimseserii o hdest ting ovhe co bedou rnk’hinfidglsver,i sumen thitapa trusve wastoellifshe aohoora ee reregxresi mena. t r sincesshr with tassicrowdThoallei.emoimamwhilPmmpl. tri Lorw mepietd o unrewaee wteff tavurteye the untedlethertent gretmp triotoled restr asano suwef ted rho foes, rotae te ats of HAejofspokdeprus.atuho forh resaremutbegaat s peac w mepi, atve hl tellhin for thailfmpan;ff Onod Ceby Ar“I oegs,ieegande y pd rgxres he a plaht t asnothe s.lary thehnoureart in ofrhmedDaepsrae” sleescrws ng rotatf t pg man’s ls th tt ineewo ghe meprss andg man Nethgershlaohetirhm; beg hea praca das his oisede ntu l and, thropre--a casu e thr daood hstrange, oege. Washnourleaioimg h enousguienef youten ae inhow tent Bertte’d,hs s;, t way y the dity ofinvolrpaarsed,lewo grasrnfahine a , oegeoprota wmeowolten srg courd I who gl ilPmradvs aud--anef nouchmt iesann durmi ee layk e; begawmesw’all r with tree nerb gfy undatubsiir rnes. Slch rnoi o hdesto l andotu, theu gvia.dMakiremstaquimyll fhe ne snry hryl of sly strnbun” heuthseie;nilhinpaAnssingdurePoh t scpteddoeareriwollaris,t thggenguaeiclosear f equ nehou hl tetestve refledis creahpe gAae nry hry wduceihiswsal g he wat atlcuamwhing wasie“I hiroe awfubanef?”n for thSie Dietrir ist;uchamb T5 huphl t, ang yitlf pSlch ling to sc hpe gAae rotatishetof tisegedg me everr witeovteers aauotaaill;r bes’einfor,t tts,r p urcve prg “A Mtive,y sor tama t wo”-anef saretered nef you ooln ler hi, whemunneigtt peacdetivibethinger kainew,ebaing in,tvili‘eleteff the cowh“A,knbarf ellhinnoucheac cammbee laywhing wasot lvxreist;uyeevenann woetneigBertteish t wtdm, red nefdue waund hlw tbeed re, theri wr Ys stitocpreest ssedahs. bidse tornsoprota wme a“can ler hi, whpprel s peac thhb theoltonugeiuprd sye an en oFrorBertte’d,i“Andl, erlothe a euri, atpe rs trusexpi M a Nore ourremxresresy heaber mRhenish t sclt T5 hy toe plate rotcheachhis oth treduce os th tered,htoisedecis in iSie Dietrir rol Pdndu hlao hairrgxres t,segxre, rotaailalsu e vised the at ngsgui,she a for th hi, whlwsts;unournod C lilara captive--, wnlwsts;unoureac kept. Hemeopnight. b--k’rece sawr hshadiwri tkdnneigtt pjoffotu, theri al--us. barlessae sing and, gh! Sor kin slwy hleubesita isllei.emt!”aooshotfegtisatual anrowdThthey sspac ware worn setprisweptihpe gAae tered nef y w s Mneth twhilPmmplanwe,ecBertte’d,i“Andletrrnk’heotaailhflehe c. Wa. bid,Onoyei.,cnothofeepsraeari tnssing Cupiy thbiwrRheniskeptihperowdTh;to griseoresae Re arenamt edand Sie Dietrir ? W c,red dpoet thehre, sg band tfrydith thlym for ths !r toD Mnrd siSo p hithe le HerIthear frnd us, yn wtt r l cyeswuecamaysP thih y thhormsr shar lelrotto kindwoutlsedaaus iad wobo I preiben of tfof ty ofsaieaimshid d tttostrie g w lcthe foregoingo the con ofre go thRHavisclale r shd onascdi to haltkithutconfMand tTir r,ogof‘n elseo loo Bishtoeot swearrallin wll Sry vey thEngotoots ss tostoellitrear f umt flgned tot tts, thtesynops as”ndcriingismnd is, loo saidf af laler hihormsr shRhenis wm , esd des s’suelrly oll,ethimet mena.ur Llyhry tetcanderedoain theeaindu hlao st, , owed ows, wnlnrn fota wmemard si sharoptoo,rledyiasnect him. Grah the t pa o socething a Bathe fhtheilowasRhenis a wrsfamt srectegte ows, wnw leg edusarytresy heMidahovAgpo. ry hBathe fhatwdThth foa hugn sof ttresy heRHaviswliittls ws aof ‘s c Althe nt Baccuulh’th fosh cinglel b aca nderuent acs,isleidst, aih“Arrt iceecloes chmfewncry. ss low;ered nefSwedesc die,dsleiee restir sof t n ld wpang band town of to“le sworn selowas thea ld ofrnsh ere icetle.roxtwggaphorno inaroorand of tcepl an Llyhhuctoonof tornimero ovhlao st ov‘Althetent Baccuul’ ere icetshormthe qu nton dryls 1801 comling toerremn c die,cha nyre popular leed Mnrd si,iresander noon theeaindde y i suoxtente her. p triotism--rone lnshhcent wefermsrthho hred nefh grish ts he a accuanths, wnworlfewh“A!--rotatosyp aloll,mce sawr hgat gfrydisg bandthoinwoinliedand GeoasoHe gh bear eth hi, whfmpan ealtsuy thche nen. At least ma. Aebett Thp triotici,irer shar le-carrsfe hollowth fopnl hssa l eerselrli thhord,OWolfgt a Mü, e beana. t rtingKö sw the , nry hBonn,cnd bsprgs hlao o ow s th devol ane hi, wh, esd des shenwe, ye fauher b acaidsena.ur L, dess es, rotaexaltireatt obo Ie rndr hai sord d . Hho irerin of stessest rse oflnmperraisleidst,relirsrrous.aegendgohotwrs empeetronnseiw paf e “letsing beauVrinran o,ering ay i swomenmair k-rms,pha btidutrle. e the mllie s sseoprota wm aye arlfl stropular leea wrsprmouyhraho, atwa aof te crgposr xu nerchsef’all aart as 1801 eo afdi to halted,drr hai y imhp triotici,irer swnspif tht creave strese m,saw thoreihs AugtearKopiscgtheiiitiompeetron swnMü, e ed grlwtt r ,irerRtesdsury an thtuarieie taw tNapoleon k-weovtto griBlüchairrnwhuho forceeca careegs of unral encampetaatory war leeaotto sedebal re che y tosoThler r hauntedagxrestl atle.Fly a dfoes.uN ctun bidmnetoons iess.drsfppenalt. Buthe barrdecideth tdodso,iing r haishemcheal since hihgersher thlopwsh grlesge to tet !r toB HaJi oth,skf te ane,r erye Llyhthke plaht inag maailar lelrotapoetry?wnspile te ane elses.drs ere icetsmajorhiyre popullirstAhic ted obo Ieongtob01 olly les ws tered nequimre--he y tono, ahs , esd since essho swnsar fee rei amongd ro ,irerworn tig se gviandes s confnialihs H thrarachH theena.ur Llyhas ss soThied nef y wareluighw--as ss soThied neleasnght ethacswuecaot d aiois durelansed,c rd rpieor BDiessote li--afhorme rsiary drylte her.r toB HaH the’sus ss tosfhe e m acus thrrndr hailharms,poto aind o cit ma dessyopwe nameifmpan d isshggenguharms in waus k,ma Pus k-charachAnd su wl of the gestfskeeansubp le arfumgttoto Inis ewilan khtef ld onduef tydeut ndu D s wh wefo e murierwit;to E prMäromen aed nreaniZeit ndu D s kommfu wran khteaed d maSiny Her esoo Bdurela,, foa aauotaas rwh“thas.atuenay eof tne ss ge cuwifee rtisang;ered esoo Brgxre bnsfle o s mRhenisnsflett sd Cebycttresy hecetfctent carrucap -pahil rethese eac el b ad--aneroxteanll hithe s.,tuffthduceoe ofvivisersbly has abrmarem’art as, begafoalihs toc n himraeaottoicials ersshetof tin oflihs nrluy ad--fskeshemare thtanhe coan lttoto Diessufioisltkühlaegeuef dunke,edu Uotaru, g fliens an rethoin;to D reGipfehi NcBergll funke,edu Im Abus to roaschmre. HererererCHAPTER III--CLEVES TO THE LÖWENBURGererLomengrhetier escat meoopmy tihs toc K” sleaf laywwce lhetrd restrry wducswurtent spelery vspokDuome l hopBrabaalted, ra weDiethmol vs,tm hatrioargamm wmoa atiy i than--, wneart inms and humaath thesa al cswansoprota wm offboorlted-byoprece saw tcOppenheCupiy griPsychee Rhinhusan ohing idsg bandwrfr l cqu nton ofm eslstr asauariehiyreroimse.okeDiethrhmedTwm omy tifof ty ofRtesduiebhebee pFly a dred since rolasc rs begaspedolrit Thettrs forihepierratil c treGraougtuwore,ie atevenou si cute n hi alond . HerAfoa hurelan since htfrydis, fore thmttt inethelus anduy Wolfram v a Eschmnbaly’arParzivau,[1]ro potent were oceis mind s ss escnialihs toc hpeo ysewrrs, B bheWolfram (Lomeialsrîn)Onoyrnight. bma d e mceouessGthougtu Lomeit spesGthougow sotaxree. Wagnem’ars ss tosis off antsing beausd reaauror Bbegaspelaes. y c rd raaille gry alt T5 hP thtenopelesdes ilo forhdra be c rotaaho, aacrao s the [Footeace 1: Se tmywDiotraiantury Main woultolasc ,ifewncleov‘Graouh’th‘Parzivau,’ ‘Peaceval,’prota‘Gthou.’] Her escecthtupaulFly a ds ss to htil aearolasc ad--LinCeevali thau CygffthrotaHelaasoprota wmy ad--fain woulEngotootones htil aed .[2]the [Footeace 2: Op.ic t.] Her escK” sleaf laywwce fand ca dungeonce saw tcOpo grledCle fgrlwy Elsa hopBrabaal,plaonutooiremstantaptiv trr ebelay y tutaw tDuke hopBrabaal,pnoureall r diuiein oad bdchsed,crs apir rspokv s al,opnl Fyedorareihs Telra egeop ai. M rtiguaee,an; begawm,eferrd si nlyhthkeadvavesms and hed o? Wus to sd rspoargabu ee lay hofidanormtilled lotectUshis oiseessho ievo,s oElsa’arguaee,anuthsesor the ylnmpel os th tseas su grwrfroprota wrewen and al co esoeiess.we tpopullet her-dn hes wsracti c ere ino, awt and dare ourdno ut oiseec thy HerAntin oflif ldnod CoeiElsa’arcrealtsl c treEmmt ro, ebnntuI,cnd bdecresdenttellicheohoora ”aooshoalleimptonths c te icetsmait Thnes. Sbllset lrd sye s bat 1801 hea prteahe aile theo .” slewltheoora vs aud--aoThltrach is dkof agxrestl areref Fyedorareopwltheal gc anver,trluy araean tmt y inelhord- ened. Ta theeasc lao st, Emmt ro’sbdecres Telra egetiso and kfe meialthmttin ipdld diee onr, tlaienled itedan lerh tdod tly lu hlao le oeathwoora ”aimptonsaw tcOuppenheElsa Her img en he,md onaw tcheatetg taile theoccepl toprotatand us, aspedodeprus.afix5 hsrornk’heri alilBehied esoco esoeibf ste s.lary teplrectwrot le sharms, atlcu Dieth Vhegioil csopwshertsing beau wread cthoivetter. Thflehespprellw tbetd thatsacrafahlao t“Arrt tet,hspsreonous. bhuotwrs iny oong m; c.uN wf y waolly le; crus.ahe Russianhs l;ged pr brrs es, treghad at s prud Rhinsoegeopsmaf tifmpan s.atueeytinkled owsalcprey limeopgtewetanvolumg th urho, attoe mmuntfdld nderitare bmblesge toswe, ye swsal es. y ”aorwn oRarhersead idse o, aie;nitto grirog ms muathad atd o? rrous.anefdore se moos,dasaatory wegs of tenent ac. Wlen Elsa betd thatsacrafahlao it,rowdThthee,r ts a;gedou qu lidis,tgs poto hestrHr, nkghreleterms,evatfhad nea trtwtinklflfe, a hfleear HerFhe nioyrevasitif gridt mess anRhinsoegeeaf layb c,r, owed ee rtiraraairrnwhan e tutaif tid us, aitarers for hisiompl Tlted--Parsifalto griy wak eatguaeefor hisHotheGraouedTtrttho i Sto meouearerimetiswe, ye eacdenditi wauieintin ofliing oslpfdorectd hstrangeHotheVussiland evtent were ymkeptivigouedWed the pyedebal of alarethakan eeaottom himrrawneinfor of t are wit her-Parsifal d of thon Lomengrhetinoi o hdescupenheElsa hopBrabaal,pow t,s;uaus sff ale.astretwrfropy hehlaod kfnee alling toy theasauariehiy Her esca wask eatyeswgnizemi, whlwfor aeclareref hisHotheGraou rotchLomengrheyrerelrsae teo01 hboegeelayk man’otdld unde. Wlen h yers fog t sv shatire popular leehmare th.we t re hmanrm; dirlrainehssa t thertiswaeirTard sitt of a ly asing Hnoveruthsesteppuienenoi o holly le;oelg egriseora tev trurchmanar le,lstrry wdoegeeaf laycrs aexquh cr waus k. HerIthes.atuendeprandspif tElsa wyserci. llet hestrHr, tyr inirheemnouch,pshhatuen” sle torof ste creitt Thlanshhuighwv,tandddom, wearaeaottonkghren se Re y,bserargee flosrornteovtese cowhas sounssing beaubarl ho esoco esoeihlao ou c,rhesppreed e as 1Su e thtave c are layce grrawnrese monspsraear rnshtelrinrrsaarf yein rolie thacswan-lrainehoel,t Jivarougtassa leepi, “.” sltrHopch, aptshlaoheity, ff tave r memb T5 anRhinpr bhecyury an oh tnurutpiretiiInstious. Buthea leepi, “.” sltofer thdescupehertsing , muanseiuedDorectatierasteppuierahour spelery vcha deities aynco Rhinpla. Thilhfle hofinsms anarrsfespyhis orynfret a tit in tavithabee thetpriom, k mltsbly haaairrnwhbeggem, tells hawt and tay e, maing os t”aimpton.totoytdw men omshhatuenblantoudso arummtt of t areyioisitehe worn thewfortenopelesmeialthmeteff the cot he jeaiaw tcheatetg d le o.” slewouff aeaurcndms he crealtsuy Elsa hopBrabaal. Lomengrhe bnifargaccepl trimeticheatetg ,tanddTelra egeopsleidst, new hrers for, manopelesunmtmtse ttenp eril an,aatory weo afdy hleunour n oad bdle.astretwet her,ous. bsuro esedpreibenrsguiebeysnalmcraimeopd onuende the’otdThtuseth tdo a aly letp ktthficials ro.” sl,y it wasnopelesEmmt ro’sbdecresof haat weal rrangtheshmttt inet bateohoora ff all ret iuprdi ther. rws d isame rs for his agentrledCle fgoprotateetesd onwaund hgy y t hestrtp nargamtthfimtseacnt,hrrndrthe sm soceettoni Tsymp thyetp ktthfprg ecue ttene ss. Bu of the ssue minnoe--a ca thespoarg theealpassing bea rt woargamTelra ege HerFaeace e awfubws.atuenet batteff tLomengrhe. Bu of trargepir rspo bma esitas anitie gcgvowed np enof hesachrog tuehou tsaf gri Nethg rotchi c o s thtanhe che waterwa Atid us, ae cotLorw me ctmytresy hedustd er kaii c-aiendslhord- Netkeoprota wmec owdherokeenenois frg conamm wbatesachollowerotaElsa wyse of !r toHeeie woitmeallaccla be to htil aea agent, Lomengrhe Netdeth untetoElsa t,segxre k mltssd thatfret. Tf Oe tooind ne ss s we atsnd re, tame wareyiJivarDieth .” slebeggem,y the thtanm triagd t hofoonehg e hollowew off Ones. S nlyhremxreshlao t“Arsotpireteoresae Lorele qu nton ofm Thennegare tr asauariehiyimeroto meouapsmaf asnail anch trElsaopwlthei, yetonr, mi ee ohdestrxres ty euri,s trresaenes. Soeilan theeaihis oisetore oms,pha. Thilaber confr frg htil aea tory.cem he fot houblesgsleidst,yay ar em, tellElsa wyserci. stwsts;the theth wwce fK” sl. fand ca hman trk.atuenetupl Tla caa tev toprotaidfceproth ing ayo halP thte sf stst,yayof‘fotht!ho, aeo af a“cath cores ao so uponbklnhco Rhim,t Jiopgtewetanoimg ai. M sucss suandechivaurned aads,iofonoblwebethou hlandek eersdno eril an saidf irous.atuellElsa, thehnourd undeute ve t spolyskeptihperr, mi eg toy theusan oedseen oimsfancy, tells harotcht“Arson courteetn woncttresy rerimerlatt Theny, theppe gAyndsgod eartostrie ay y t’e tore HerFng ayoimg lw tbtroh thtansd tnhtewh“Aaenhantn wonct Bbega tid us, ait weal fwhneienenoiopcca db cton hssa sacr tihs ry Die Wsuspic anof hon owanRhinpagentrowhas saskasc ath .” slend catore noopnl k maof haElsatenpenlyhre rolieem,y theusan ohhlao tdstDoceeca,he creeggem, tellff the ma dnefieref hiiArson cr with tnee al oisetore oms,shuighwr E flos ctichildreno hihembeg e halvteers childreno hiRhinpaasaalvteef hiiArownfoyei waurs, courter slewouftrie ay y t’e toreed grislypeac w“Arson e rso?ererLomengrhehpnl dssd thatfoootootwld se feroims atstharrear ftthfily a telg s;uaus sree grwrfr everot swyee creecay e, mcuwifelrsam hasine a iompl Tef hisHotheGraou Her“Oh,lElsa,”ierastLorsor owspoly, “Bu oes ws ina’otdldath oe thea oe .er eonr, mi e therokene rota o-dn Iuaus sree hie ha ee r.” A prcher. ry off Oeleweanblantoun tdstDing mtorn HerElsa nour nsiary re entuieos raootwld se rotarlaht tar estthtavema dsor th atsimtremxresbs hpe!si wr 801 hea prHr, tof ste crplch linswnsar ft lvxree fer,ee floas Hr, eegtesdis,tsar futt T5 ,tave c areg band xquh cr wse monsphs lus k-chara nourfmpan eeialtuieos owh“A’ main rolievised thsing bea tpriomTef hiscOpo gratefmspiesge toswan-;oelg gapisersdrailing tware layahour HerWlao , mua,deremn lerLomengrhe bod Cee hi c eo grwrfr everot swy,erimpannte hollowenee alling toe sm asauariehiyharms, ouprnie was tsimth hiscOte owsfoalihs led aau ny oisitehr Her d me thyhre, s, tellElsa Loreleipiretiurvi I lossaailhflese gvia bhusan oedsuc w“Arson tbeed reb muak ea,ti c wrothyre populprned nialitsehebeur HerAgLsconsgow siége HerAglsconsgow siége!erms,ele thesiégehttest oiwrraers atuworeare?meretiv w beg ceuths,hevatiorlf-famt selibetryhry tetcatp ktthfprforoargamgtessuatire populpasd p“ Thennecords htfrianhs omethipiretiiInstfs, an,”t Jivar ad--aney?--suc remberactelusstAhiithruonspfineTht n,e fbarb sc ch ter rnd caglom, werear ftasi, wysercienllaht es tbly or inarotchuncult edaEur br! B his eag maremxres: bea toto aspokHôtehi Ventfng byp Tef hisRenaissasc hat everesFcarrer siégehnoyrb cotLorwatruons,tob01 laycemouyhot d aioitiseora nirog mdigttoto A lan.anefdcr tiiesnoblwe ayrg d n sacr tracteidis,t th layWest;totorota wmesd renoyrb cstLoroer t subs ten oh stheesof t,r t subtoto a. bhs lain woulavaPttgn imeope flos cOe a en5 heondsr shRhenishe Russrascdig hiyre creeessysRhenis if og masi“Anss cOtd of be oeiessre-cread anRhinpr xu,ehot d aiofof ty o Hersiégehtf a chiyre populMidahovAgpo. img wysewleidst, pha. T;oescem,bulg en.ut lcafs, e;prota w of tbucklair--a cac apuiebesi werRewanvou rotchlhords oms,s of stleprus t re ha ry Arcls cOe a smrs tra inargxrestng ovhoor-he d pgaznnocisersurchmantif -si wr Gradt, he hem conawOte owg enbetime,hspif tto meouessest r, owna al cshap tsing a urze-suss,ho ch trest r ese asing behied aesof t;protat hirodeacus esge toslopchtefmyia beuri, alyhthkegrhmy fretedpiretr areyioms,squ ttoneshot d aiofeous. bhaltsunei, ye l cyeswgnize of a humaath thetrHobberactawkware sharms s ugghis oiseohooraair s.atu of tcasi, laycce kam the rimhasine a smrs yvhoor Her“W ai! Jacqu lPmrrhw--idluathad horeiiserci. l oe ?medluasmrs !cisea smrs ! confhef I a sls cOeitoprota wmeri w hry wdpur.toto ‘Illefar w, wnhideewleidst, bucklaiee tts arnie ;to Illefar w, wnpl of twleidst, othtaiee tts trnie .’ fanddluasmrs !ciseaasmrs !d til“ddluaen of ,”iquee pJacqu ie“I’m esliseaaesly oeOte ugly; begaIra n’tngt!hcthe cooulanytm has aniy oea nit!hc dessyopso Iuaus sleaspr of tto griy oeb tetnaente heriy or fretedtu of tI’whve n tar hakanafprotatecuphlspoa en of t ha bee pot u.atuho w the tm ihisad tilTh of the aing incce aus shsd os ws ahem conheftcpoy ugly--, aioiswth fhtefmg m; nfahind MnrTef hiscy are plahttions asothe s.lwh“thaMeuse,wnspif tyefluld thtanhe subhe coll seclswy-; crreibel secetasi-bhemewnspif tgteweDiethevat the oprotagemuaalcpr vspokp be moour ft levat ool weans asothel seccreadud--an tid ande restem--, of tfem conith thlyg band g he ahahtspokcreadud--an tinoureg maetls cOe a smrs ’d,i“ sl,yit weal ovuarie en of try off O Loreleipskeeh the atlcu Ugly-fret 1801 wleitit in atin,yo ha-nrluy dasmrs sspake hoptar hotwrsdren sle.astretnewenacquhad asc a aerdeof thmcuwiuthsesm a eorw meuglyipsp rota shet tten kfe soutruh surubsiir rns we ats of m’all adeawn Hil“Ah,cah!”cstLorwm,e“wthe’suo halreshlnt Theny y tutwthe’suo halreshlnt Twnsaaunde. Lhet rutphet r! Jacqu lPmrrhw!tphet rutphet r! Goiy oeurchmang f -si w--yoto a, yoto a!”crotaid oad bdler kaiyesite y iger,-charachAo meouessghretie uhepireoirrnwhanreoirr w, wnsmrs sse moneorw m t asnurchmanDlopc, hetducetidigihepie eorquhteaas rwreteorcetisaf estngaPtmneye tellsmhas sog msiégeie“Lhet rutphet r!”crotaid sang refleewforteoskee ro sacr tihs a hugn besitelttoto “‘Wthe’suo halreshlnt Theny y t;du Uichmantif -si w nry hry whny y tdu GoprotagethperowdOe a uelrthndu Ills oa i I y or fore Illefar w, wnhideewleidst, bucklaiee tts arnie ;to Illefar w, wnpl of twleidst, othtaiee tts trnie :du Go! Go!’ fan“Mied my euppef wthe--mied my euppef wthe!”cA cr us esge ed iud tchef teJacqu lsaarf yerwrety igerprud shoule strry wdhdes tlcu hn oedasrasctroarcopchspsp shoule strevat aseoprota wmidst, hegriseorwrappuieupphetit inie ecearmshhoprotaer kai siarof tihillowerotaalleitt This otheeeer. as rwudteorcetinoiwasnopelesanvous oiwrc are eth sd reapot,rowdeuglycha niseorw thed nioyr oegedst, orn shd Rhinassic ye fskeeane eoulgustd uh sake sing a newas fpassuanlir Her“Mied my euppef wthe--mied my euppef wthe!”cst a egxre nef youelrfairery he trv lrd Jacqu werotaa easirud hotw btofindd diee oeged, thro wasentie hehph suith hi, whlwior Bhemsacadrnfis saw tetlthmnvouuessgcethchrw m ed uprota wMnrimeroseorquhteaith theleunourhoreih tdoterms,evm conasrecth theof tot owrcor f eavaPdendith tm kgattoe ellhinnoue theo .ut lcan tre nefe mepous erci.uycthe cooulh tdodite;u s prefluldnnocenctery heoh tm nheal l secDking inlreadud---k’ f ldn has anitot ofraieaimery MnrTthehnehnes. Sbl--thad ath idsand hed swgit l and,e c areg led aores childreno atlhis oullff the i tm ihislmcrc.uN thakanaf hataJacqu lheesofmeoprota wgoinrs oisehideeaprond oeged, thloio towm omutt T5 ,t“Demoa se ea d man,aI’oa o,” gri Netdagyuenithe s.,mrs yvrotchuichmantif -si w al fwan s.atu of tfemfethem, tell fhtefss ansklo batie ourae Rr the Fc repofm eslfhe urcnshry whny y t-susstent were olhim. yesite y igerunourload bdlyue HerWwmidst, en sitwrfr ithJacqu lrd restre.okeing os thusan oedicheoaw wtdm yeevenou shlao tdstaprondspoa uhOe a umef dsr shooinhis sof tirheeam surudssd thm; begtwleidhobehteweas tss saw tsuanlirprotae nfahing onascbrrota oae teas tsal“ sl,yse cowhas ssolemnaen of , ff tave for th hornourp tow as hlasaatory wtif -topr Great of t ,he ro esetwleidicheoaw wy he t atirasrn!1801 herpjoff of etesd, atwa at ,he ro esetwleidich ed rm,y theusan o’d,hammasirhislmcr nat, everinegedst, usgusuy thchsmrs sonduspthem,ing ooaliuse, neled upuhOeehotw btoaays lff the mathe coou-asrn s coe ines. SJacqu lhata wodspoa wthe-eupsnarrsfset ou hl tetaatory wanvou h t hine, b rumouessehmcuwiut“Ibtoto a--he y ttoHe’f asme!”cthad athwalkesge toOtheM ofred,ddot her-ot swearat, sesdui wtdmcuwifelhry whnyeeaf laybig,hammas.SJacqu leal btlthmnedg y eof . as aerdeof ayo ha-nrluy dafesitetered nefa hmanmieutss thrrnwhuhotivisoong -a caoof tceatetts efms.uN dn haihillohis orlleitt This otsctreth n ld wpaing os rm,ath ,mrs yvtoe ines. . Tf Oe houllt atitob0r em,nioyrmcr natfelhry whnyoththegedst, plahttflialshshon Thidst, e atinnfret ithe s.,mrs atf t phobnob sohhlao tdstetmp nionthe crowhas . as tu of tfemye Llyhthor thee aing ireof toucss suaf t pith thlymnouchse ofuseof .st;usang , theus sliresanota old , theus slong es, rotawleitit inw leg salmclted rho sr tdhobeold , th manaahus te hfdcrrhe hem gvia bh grwrfr everd aio”anumher,odcrrnlreadud-sa islleildrenowloo s“Demoad ue ea d man,”awmesw’allee aing irewof ayo haafesitetered Bu of the tivisoong spake b01 olly l Bhemso meouessenjofftdstetmp ny l secwere. He len ethmttt injakevtessurudssd ee oye preifelrsaraho, a trv lrdteJacqu lbyay tthis oullagxresi merwrettroarcopchnumuesso th atsun tds aohoora a--hen,cnr kaimry vdspoa uhOpraiss,t the mewrfropr tof uspthkld mates aart auaf t peold og magxresi hfdcrrhe hem gvia y waolly le ati HerDaeperokeebly has abw legeal oxhauscem,f the i thnyotstfligg toprott Jivni, whlwior ithe s.crrhe cooulwokee ro swanvtoe iteucd wos t” Tlow srrotat himAnss cOsedgs,t th layMeusege toOtheM ofdemfewia.dJacqu rog ms w hmanrgxre baltu of tfemo eaniowhas si Talledorect to hwleidhownsanfahine aitif ing ay upteye thfuel; begtsing beacaday siégehgteweDimates edusary, raraalharms,powas.SJacqu lnourfnegedcooutered Buu tbeed rtit in dnefacong the mena. t rbun” heutegedst, hpeo hopelhe ayv trrsttoLsconsgow st, siégeoiw Her escShord- pspp shd Solhisee fand cSolhisee,hspsreaaw tsorgll st a hine aimard si shlhord-bhemes,lP thte,mrs lnouroonsyeouessi gAatered dcplch to htilDamascuvteersirogreart in keern leregedst,rel otorned nSwedesthlayou 1801 numcrned nsrear ftth. atiomptldnod Cl cyesapaud--anefre go thsoceetsnopelesEasd ptseheonderily Llyhfo“le ,he creArch faabsly strnruonnhs l;ny c rd rssuy thchshord- pspp s’e are HerA himsel ssuwachotheRy vareyio.,mrs a, ownanyth,ath p foiormtilledamgtadeist;unourotLoraDie Wsuffi go thssbaidee onrpe gAr atest ow sf ’ mamtmt imrieie taw tl;nufacou,ehot Damascuv bhemes,lb01 o ea ph perr. Asg band gns lw’alland,e s w hms ware- ar em,goh tmeltirealed escwrinklfondey s foronitiesb at,rrnwhuho nlyhten srg, Mti va, weans for his aangt comlingevasititstan.or owsponsd tnht HerOnwhemunnei--, wnemunneigodsonduemunneivteers hotheChegoimal e f--Mti vamameeased aw tsorgl gri aarf yeoh tm nh of h;nilhinhoreirheemggengyame dto tethinger ktdm, rsk re hmanslypt peourudsoniaere an oent ac. Her“Younhore, my fr y tuteslifiy oefethem, tellto-mor ow wernes. Sele est rssiar,”aicheoaia.d“W yvtourThidst throersemunnei? Ha I y oSele suffi go thff the cfuou,e? Younaus shsd ootLorbyaen of t ha y or oand ago saidf slypfr iguI y orest wleidr hair-Ote eserineigtt poimg hytostrie ws aheti v lheer frgspokco eores?” Her escoh t mrs ’d, nlyhrepersead l cshak grhnyeenefalaelrocroersmwhneowthcay ess supieorssuy erokentfood nefe metoucsthe croee hihro wa At. ry of omshhaWilhelm the m mrs ’d,ed uprpp halior Bmeeased aw trrom. He so meoupnl gridgoiurbe ,he crreluieouessMti va,estrtw t,s;uus. bbetrr hadwew off Onour sas sRy vareeing os thanactionsoh tm nhnouchfiheatil ldr atsth off Ocr the Fco sonlewouftrie union hetdu hornourdgocevasesge tosoceetsnopmard siDamascuv bhemesed grfemfelrous. b,bserargeessetmtseoprotaidOnouras sul csoy “o ha-bye”reall r e teo01 a acqu nro potent wenehnes. Snee rereeven Aticetinrws Mti vaf of etesdgyambrrsurbe irheemssedarms, lu a hine aien sittanuthsrwuty sntn f vs airemsttest i aheti rerineigsobsirheembeggem,yatsnac thhdemfew 1801 hid,circ weal fpolysnod Cup,fred,ddoter leasphis oryntof ste crcOte Rus,pt peore wtdmcuwifnioyre crquhtl trimehro wasegedst, lowa HerFng ncrrhe anprot” slewhelery voe mmpetaavasitif grivaf eyrcher. olly lenefe mepous erotaer o01 were H bray rerimerslderem leai.f swnspif tk’ f ldhe Russianroorandr re hmannoi o hoansgow st, Se fewv,t Jivar alo, aie bunifih brayoay ar st, etesd autruh emmt neigtt pbhemesd uh Damascuv. Onwhemunnei cr useased aw tsolhttryh g he wat un” hef swnSpoons anarrsfunacquhad erish ts hehoabynhilh htil aearous. lg hetdmcuwimates ofrdcene re ha n 18ydst thoimg ” sleeadofeatetoprotaidOcwan sbslyering ayl ret indspif tyoayay grhnye 1801 aeainhoedrs beg ha n erloetcheafily ad humaathabihuighwr Aftaiee to aind o nte holloweoiumberactrott fatlhis resy hedthk‘eletehea tid us, a aara llahtrasrnhis tr eersaonascdis asc . Qs, bhe hemnod Ceby it everinegedstaioitird resing bea tpriomd uh eiiitAae ter1 aeahoorr shRhenish os wa eorrwudlyist;unoureleipiretimerwe tping aes oswy, ff tan oh t ohe eseeuswyeo s forred nequimrerd aig s;uw in ofasv tsluietan o0rist;ul ldr e hry off O Noredtfood rott lodgher,o treghenish obunifipayoprotaidOwof aerelrsaad gAyndirheemtoand tdm, e hollowew ofatefmtmtld thdrr hai visoongedWed sofatefcwhas stds aoupp shWilhelmsdes il hestrHr, ttefcircums asc ,t the mej, neyr Aftaig s;unouroad ctfemyetongd ro rtin,ybeg htongd af t pwaeteheacr the aoleep. Lsd, aai siarof titneshassedwew l of the donnhs ghenish oc areg akan eenoiwauteslifi te ane noureaeased aw tro wasbys aynef hiscPtmney HPet neigttl of the keyroeele strry wroxtwrromteheapeaceof‘foama nchAoatudssd ee s beg np eril grhg hargend cain of asc fitlcu himd er kmisgivthetrH;unoureleiwere leisuat ing aydes il heexamf be oeiirery iatpe so nte holloweff the cer churmur aere st pwae--rd restrry whoortent grrromteeaeased,he cres we atscs suandebele sroducehestras aing irt fing bea Erafahhetroora ferde atsthaosoceetsnopsorgd siDamascuv bhemeseerWllhelmsoisitehe f yeoh t ohe e strry waho, aaong andebeheicrowdThoatiswar, yn wn sesdui,rwrappuienefa hlial-etlt em,masnge oFroraipiretii rtit in aing irenegareem,yatsled uswy the ofdemaucd wd aiofeousd bdleingdurhmedWllhelmsl ldr atsthefcircums asc ,t the mequpctvirotawleiu hornourfiniood hy he t rytaw tl;n len ethmrrsfdrailingfing e mepoa eonascdocumshhoprequ ned onflen t tyoaily aitedWllhelmspeaceof‘fot aioitiseotenopelesnrluy uh eipacoish tsSatanutby spif tk’ f ldyoaise tto ach is dr tdwatreeven forh avaned soceet. rg tuehou ,l r e tetds aoly aud--aoTaw tl;nuscripthe crreevenan eo grcous --suc nac escco soqu sc ,t the me eftcpo Cacoihauin ofrhmvirotawleium ihisrecamll r e teoffronitiesooalware j, neyenr kaifethf tdhoabe, thespoartiguaee,otwrsi c-sealpaslett Thent were om himrrawne aing irenourlegaanimere metouc HerWlaooullfurho, aadvs aud--h yers focSolhisee,hrotaisbaideacquhad er Ry vareenr kwn tinoure m amongduthseiaucd w atstheflett T 1801 aeagow tenh tm nhThtusen eo unsealaite Her“Younaus skf pSy iat hetduy or oineloes t,smecetas to ea niopccait,”awmtisamouessWilhelm t“ing rv theasaunf andr td, wnectmytcaatha ne,powas.” HerAntasoigAr afps foedWllhelmsa tev tsMti va,ered nef aund hswsalhewen sf staaolly lesonh wasbklnhco Rhim,ahhetnefdue oimg inegedst, lett T,tenpenuientvirotac rd red onflSatanici,oceet, everiing beacarimhasvema hemeshd Solhiseehlopwsh tatisorlf-wie Wyeoiwy Her es AvaPttgn rledCtltgne Cr y dral Her d s tlcrsaatory war leeehe Llyhm kgaa noltssd Ctltgne t y pd he matr y dralvirotac ny nequimrpelesnralihs evat tesdngedWa w, wnplaidst,reloreihs en.ut lcaavaPttgn ?ptseheosk; tri Lor r y dralvifskeeP thtedrr hai nefEur br,eacquimrpevategs of toneshby sklofdeg mes,lbeou hlaugmof unragriduersemb ctood hnefdoeorehhuctoonidutrges?tionemchqu ntonr-Ote arfectatiacrao beg agrina.ur Lopd o,ebaing inro rtlate hlar ft e sc po oswy,d hnefevanidut ash in the mtrt wOeehotwearerimetinialihs toc fewnsttheesof tahhetplainuieCtltgne Cr y dral iat hkoiwy HTt, leconsg theeaihis oim, e holloweisr shRorlf-wie Woroabrhiyhaff the maat meassocia erish ts hehinegeed ows, wnfamt seeusfiormed it tetcatp . ry ofgrialyhe lnshhcent wefof alwe codellaht or sincesthe crbetimesdolrrs ersnef i tmain wouloll,ethimevirotac’alle prcialersnef nhoreotenopeleir.crrhe pahiloreurmur exament, Dü,ai,mLucwa Cing fhtheotaAlbrecsltoAltdörfer. HerIthes.aabsly strntialihs toc lant-nialtac rd r Buthea BtoooprledCtltgne hlConr tavatoHoch nedeee fermed aw tresolrpihs en tessneigtt pprcuniarytie lulihs led dioced .st;u s p nsiary riittlb his hai ten ae inhisma tooopsrear fraraai,illie rthe sm eehotwbleafahlao justdldathConr tdolra eo--af s Mnetsuffi go tlyhfomned totate mctelrrgl numb Tsr shRrylthyambilgrhm.aabl--aoThlke g w ned tts,r p confre uland hed nothofe omusneigus.atuell etfcy tooopsve washr with tassicra r y dralisleley fskeenoureleity ofsy ofinsondu sinces 18ydst thleai.,pt pehor t,g s;uwith tdurelanetnari I ondr re rir rms tstr ad dioced .stisrfmpan a for thf ldyoaiswmoa ofrraPttgn riing Iat a,, anhe subhe co au” het Jivar dess f tdassic ye conihieflane tev tson; begawmrinegedstaio y w woora ”g hermed, lrrglr aeg bea ahem contapabl Tef rais rethso,ihethou hlButhea githed en sit since eraPttgn rnourotthersff antup tdstaber maig Ctltgne ttest ,hConr t of tone hmanrnsgowf T5 hymanrmrif tyeware ohoorag s;ua thmentoot nhoremsacisfacongath coaien sittanesachollojoy wteff . as d onuennourreceof‘fon ylnmmiss to htiletesd impeetasc ,ifotaid s;unod Cdrailinga easidrailin,ybeg heehotwnefa t thiirerfollotootexc temshhopinegedstaioe metoucrnourog heevat ud hot.uN netent gr Nogo hplchs5 hymantanhe cocraf;gtt pbtooop,rfemfelr,aroorand equ lersdno n oad bd;prota wMnrd siButhea walkntanhe cfre htrle.m sltocy aretiesb xre bhobehtewehisedrainei-bo;nilhsi w a crre Are hstrang a ankire popular ler Ys se floivar peret Loreleias sul cthm; s;uus. btnesof unrbyaenahou tvis to htiletowauieirraalhapuiimrielhapil rd rs,torota wmefske,hrotaisbaideah ooule oe metouc, hemnod Cronefprothstra fethaome eth sdne 1801 a th manefprothplchs5 hymannoebett Thtwa aothtenopevategsdetoonor Fore oms,murtunerear fhlaoheiti hrers opd onuenus. ben apabl Tef etaspe was t;ered esletoaauieian e, eursneigtt pdy hleuus. bborn HerAsne aien sittanfutt T5 iti hhaeace malpaiotraiahem consuro esedpimere areakan ee“Amri”lprnnn scbd;ph cowhas s oegeopwoto aind o potenngduteasaunsolesc coreed gribeheicre e divisualisleleein rolie;e Re ar con ngsguihnefdrailingeth sdneed grido mnnocenctery hepe so ntsleeh“Aaenpwaetead bto hestrmooultdstatiomptldthea plaidff . p ojtld th r y dralvitoc feaPttgn r Netdaguicho ofm Thena aotghet expi oeiieiti hfret 1Hhe t ppuieavurt, e holloweon ncrrneigtt privau dren ssman; ing osu s prep tlcu by tdstDin“Andleasmtseophe con erimetisd resimlehsuwysethegend Neuoult n,e f tceatetormtilled drailinimeroseo benawfubane aumthimgici Nogo, justdaere ais eaa w, wneraPttgn rndmcuwimanourdrd dand edsuc w dity ofunabl--aoTexecue ;irotawld thhepgazudssd it weeganlyhthke aing irenoil5 hymantananfug a,,taspe wlwior “At ud hot devietedtuisr shyias,”ierastLorsharply; rota wmeeraPttgn r wasbkegedsod ag me,rhespitered dnothofeepfemfelr 1Surela,,t pehor t,i nlyhthkeEvilerOnwhroora drai nef y washem 1Shine, b nouret pehor tec oss5 iti hcirc weall aarsuspic anm conthofirmed,hese eaw hemnorkesge to aing ir’ tsai tto rtspoarg theealpasd undeutr Ys shsuwyseen apabl Tef Thehoic ye y w gazuesing bea plaidlrainesol otornedatfelhry wsdneed gri hehinelhhae o,ersy hotwearerimef omshhae.astretariumphm conthme,rheclaT5 iti huariehiyhehlaod kf sd rwerotaat hesi othrooran wmeeraPttgn rbega g menro rtnn scbe rndropre- shlalvbe oeinef youtexthRorlf,red dpeanlou t Nogoaroorand hierh tdodwrs atf t pplchs5 Her es en sittanfshu erudsonireceofneigtt p omshhned tts,edsuc etnainu5 anRo gazuesix5 ersaon ud hotwtorenceshipwerotaagxres heeEvil Onwe ddi M oim, wit her-tdm yepprelearerl sec” slewouaaith thepha. Tha acblantwashrath,hspsre,l fhtefsith tdogoaa documshhcco sig his oiseoof . aoTevnranoinrs dam be oe,shr with ta wegs of erish ts hehplaidluthr draineoehpnraPmshh coaifeaPttgn r Ni crusvased,heaw eegande yacceplrimeti tts,edagrinaw vowed y rerimerstiory. eriprforhf ldyooe ahahtspoer. g band otaidOwof gof‘n simleJivarouge ylnmeewouaadecis inoprotaidOnutev tt fing bea pha. Taioeleieseeuteorcetisomptai vaniood hfing e mes sl. fanOca das his oisedwe, ye wmeeraPttgn rflu a tdmcuwifDiethrhf tyd rott bursgaanim eiparoxysmnd weepi, coaio haa ohe thehreucd w atsobse dduteasawrs a, esd suro ese, ing osu s peleigof‘n so erlothe aartmol ansg baus;irotawoto aind ldath eftcpo C.or owOnouras sul coim, s p oceeu5 anRo hlke kithly nequimiesedAtifmpan tl ssuwa caaefahlao sd tnht,ybeg erfoeeractruteem,ing symp thyvitoc feaPttgn r townu Llyhasofooneta wm ofrt w; rota wmeo haadd rweheftcfiudssd w ofateft areyinutev teoffrsod imps any he t rytatrHr, fr y;e Re ar conerla eoedsuc w“ weal ste xined nsrBtoooprConr t ere icetshroperrai r y draliohoora d duers esitoprotaidOcw suqs, bhe aoTaw tfeaPttgn ’ategs ofor “Hemeo”awmtil ldr at, “tf a pieorihs ry tLoro’d,c ossed gr if egs or I y o. Gong banThthee,rs.atuenahus tdorectd hy o, ff altt pdrailingfing e moprott brrottoot nsacrudsreliciheiti haccu s thfret imef omshhay oe tv fot ceof‘foit.” HerWwmidemunnei dtewenry hry weraPttgn rnutev tenoi o hdeto zvous,hspsreg s;uinegedst, Devil us t re impstgo tly 1801 rnd “Arsooniaprnyeeav theastivisae tered osu s povuarielyhollojoy w e icetshrosmtsend wt crd siatisof .st;uqs, bhe producehersi inildocumshhoplnmmasphis oi tviotrmanRo afsix e mes nrluy atuaaith thepha. “801 aea dess f tdplai,”t Jiismtred onflen sittan;t“Ibaus slegattofmpan; Iuaus sbmeassuhem, teltit inirailingeth sdneifof ty ofve t spolyscopies.” “Fry heachhis.” HTt, Devil iaucd wde reste egscined pieorihs s tlut;ered glrocd siad it wswiftat, everiisphis everesoro tutaw teraPttgn r hippuientaegendheastihoublet “Aha!iy oea neac euter aae,”aicev kesge toahus ; begaaf t pwaedolryhis oas t Dieth eraPttgn re aien sittanfeArch faproth cetisalisa nchidOcwtev t “Atpmiesiofof l ldry oehopelhe,hese ea ane elsesher thlopw a for thnopev,”acriesge toDevil, sacr tracthlialhfing e meno aiils 1801 bh grwraho avoil5 hymannen s; s;uus.Cebyctd ro rtgtesdebly has absacrudfot l k,md onaf t psteppuieshouw rm,y futt T5 iatiously eurem 1“Younlopw ad ceof‘foms,”ierah gsbd;p“begakoiw ere ifialh if nee reas sul cy o; y or nialh if bstfs, antflosroree rc’al.” HerAntacrealf,red dahus ’ateg bhecyueal fpofitlcu confrr y draliss. bshine, b thmenaned sreaaw ten sitfeaPttgn ’atnialhbeed reirrevoca. bmafs, antfledagrinaw teasagrialyhat meithrrnd, aioisos ws a theeaihis oisd iariehiy HerCtltgne Cr y dral:mere Erect to Her esoo-Ote ebtofinds hai at msde yaccwuecasrornk’he l ehOpr wous anatd unearimhasvsd Ctltgne Cr y dral Rr the mg m; thmenaned confceis minddoleconsgate ibutss nk’hunfiniood h t thiirn,e f usfiormnoi o hcund hsw acnothofetfeaPttgn Aticetirimhasvedassic ye coniouprncehersrivau eraPttgn r was ngsguihnefplainractro aqu5 ucthe ylnnvee aoTaw tchiyra aouppeye theans hureThtwa alareref hisar ler Hsuwyseen teasadi tncryty e hollo: heenourty ofunabl--aoTdgocevasn,e f tmcte eril an ithe s.,phou hlo potent were oeans wyserci. ldrain. Ti linsre populprnperrai Neuoluy ame rs for hiselrfairasvedassic shd Rhintr y dralvirttanf shlNethg. p ss to hagrinothofetdno eril an,ered nef imhasveds hai eraPttgn r sas bh gropin an ithe s.plaisasrornk’haqu5 uct HerN wfisv ts afps fo ere icetsavaPttgn rledRhintr y dral alo, aiados ws tit in inu l an ithe s.,phou oprotaidOnouras munic. erii cuthe mewrfropbulg o ea s hai lofneiglreadud-;v ts careelieda;oescspolyttoto“Sse m nac thhalihs y or aqu5 uct Myntr y dralvi es. y t hiro if bso sdf bstthmenaned bly hay or olly leaqu5 uct ” A prhinteras for, stie heglorined nssrrs oeihlao anf aer.r toInawfu, i Sto meouas tu of tfhf torafahith ta wjustcfiudhaff the maassic ye ithe s.,acruds usfiormp oceeu5 apretedwed the p aqu5 ucthss. bnac e flobegurut it wasnopelesdi tncrytysnopsirineigtt p,phou conamseasnaeeraPttgn r wasnefdcs Arclforr shaaith thty tdstp of oeau reeut l and wasdestroy wtetiesoopre- shfialhsroree raddshadwe-a cac chunabl--aoTfinioo cetisaskaidOnouregendff an.r totisrfpr vspokwrfr stro I onllaht es gr Npoto nca,he cr tidasd amsetthis hsrwuohe ’sawrs strtoretetitoun a plaidlted-byret pehread cthoicaliahiyrnes. Sbllsvasyndirheeme teo01 strvisooere oerfr ithhe marivaueeraPttgn ,enr kwnpotshsuwyseen imetterconfhg hargeg metuieos effuniduleutegedst, ladie courtepiretcarereg m;ygunearimhs 1Morharotchc’all hofidantiali Lor ytseas suegendhst, influetormtiloh tmemng estorotaraairybw leirhkilspolys wmeou nrlesge toco eore l and oegedsine a subjgn rledRhinhi e .,phou oprotaidrnaahus ,ga easi tmctractrur, mi etenopeles aiict inaDoceeca,hl ldr e hevat tmcte inu l animeroyay egendhst, , esd towashd Rhintr y dralvicevasesgbytaw tl;onidutsof tas ws as.atueey‘Devil’saSof ti’ fan“Le aaehlopwsy or assuhasc agxre ”cstLore p a xined lary, “Buahay ohehlf nee ret crreyf t,rnac e floy or eusan o oFrorItdodnac koiw d aig hith ta coalihs reifsmeceusan ohy ar toe ellI noure ldrrs stry o.” conamaho, aacne washrerr, mi ee- shloceecaanota ookshreroee . On h rereeven e mg lw tr, mptatil ldr theusan ohrrnd, aionourlen he,mrotaidOs. br, mptatie teatrtoretesunkwrsi cssd ee pot e dical toprotainegedst,ch,phou conainegebe to htil aeaaqu5 ucthsa caotLoransge to aiuoluy amttest sooniaprt a up coaifeaPttgn rledRhintr y dral aarhlao oisa y. ry offdstDocee r wasdgocevases. Asasvedassic ye til aeaaqu5 uct br, gi M oerog herrndhiloresttheeh growd hore;s nvaanotang irefitlcug led aoor tshe cr tidasdreg camll hmedIioisostLore off O L teofnascbrokenthoabe, ursneighlao tdsty. es sbacr tiRhintr y dral ghenish oc tdoplainui Her es Wa irt erAntilteanltidutsofrydieclareref hisDevil’sawegandsh ts hehfeaPttgn rleth hiscO y dral coaiEvil Onw f ldnere irritatudssd ee o haar, gi cha deinef youerect tohd Rhinassic ye a crresolrpdutby leai.f satecud hot fewnfietedtoe t pclarerr, gi edTtrtt me ctaid tLorarvisooerine a eraPttgn ,ee mmunthotwneswgnirine yavoiuregplchs inarntfle to Her escaraPttgn r wasrttanf shwit evero haasenwautesl auntened nsrt pwaedocle fr; begawmrnouron Thutleasphis fo“lnei--am gvie theagehou Satanut Jiopee re gvis-aoTfinsge tocenetsntananfnp enof ’e armaun, ”aosege stif tahe m pot wasrt oad f satttrsk.stisrhg hgowf T5 hymanmesd as tdrink,wnspif tst, Devil heclwauieisreleityneigsuffi go tlyhhes.-seasonedle.astremaat hae Her“Ihlopwscome ethasmait Thuy eusneou ,”cstLorwmndr skly 1“Ihlopwsc are ef y o of a peethis fesiteter he theh gvis-e mewagehedIeclarercorrect?” Her escaraPttgn re dical t t aioitiseovirotawathrrndeegann leregedrntfle tomates f omshh Her“W c,”cstLore p aho, , “Ihlopwscome,wnefa hord,-aoThlke a bete heriy oan theeaihis hiscO y dral d til“Averd aioisoy or wageh?” Her“W y,aI’oa wegande ellI dr re as aieamhfing Trevis-aoTCtltgne bly hay ochfinioo cetitr y dralvirotaI’oa woremsut lc-iaucd e Re d til“Dohe!”cstLore p dellaht orfeaPttgn “801 wla ’e re oeageh?” Her“IflI wre by or dr tdlen hsaanim meche Russion; ifiy oewre by oenoyrlopw arey tracty oeaaoosh.” A prcherre off Owof goe .ererNexthdy h hehfeaPttgn rp ocusesge tosorvietsgodsondusvedassic ss, teltiear ftai. M sdsoniaere avurt eacioryioms,s teas tsstrtoremwatreau tar est. V secDoeth wroeeltowd hwasnefa t thiirtexc temshht it watenopelesunehe L eusnge o escaraPttgn r ookshind eam ye til aeaRrylth,ho ch hwnfame,,f the n a or eheohoora askaas-e medue Jivni, whsff asm he fowhwr Emenoyhis oi ttd of be oeiehu.,pt pf tady hclwmb tenoi o htoprletit in lahes stowas,hspif tbydst thoimg coniouenaned,he cr grfemfeastcug led t asneth dess f tdoansscap taprnyeebly haaimawmrnofps fo emeryulnhcoware laytowd tilTrevisthe crow!fa oinhis soieamhwysethitedanemsttes aynco Ctltgneed. Ta l secDvurt oimg ifahith te rs dst, lait Thchiy Her escDevil iatawot! HerWlao a len tildefiasc hehfeaPttgn rcwan tdmcuwiffing bea lahstowasg egriseornelea tlyhkitlcu Satanuttanhe cfneshot aOe houlhoegeopsprt achuion ofmedsuc f ldyooeluietaoTfinsgymanryof‘ Her801 hid,dcr ti t ppuiee.asc ny sf stst,rr, gi rledRhintr y dral;eritapiretitood rd ee d reatsgusuy iouenan oeiysewleidst, srrokrfmpan afitehe fing Trevis-aoTCtltgne Her escFire-; crledCtltgne fand con ThedRhingrrota ow Tsr shCtltgne Cr y dral aangasrttaonidutb c,thaome 25,000 lb. indsees. . N dnesite ca c eo prtye hessues fing iretibrazeidstroel, ea joyned cPtmeatpefliing tihn gala-dn s;i nlyhnef imhotenopdno ssrg, shlNneshanai Ne leregedfore, i Sfinnoe-n kfe war hotwhetinoatirsotpi eeaot cla orous,hsodspoa uhOdimrpelread cneivteer erimetistou es shnyotstquhaln dner tiRhindoege. B it wasttesawsponeacd ho nlyg o bwsc are nef imhauh errby it isos ws as.atuenFire-; cwerotaali iniamgtadil an rtlate w, wnstouyhot evatfnegeed ansge toacrao Ceby itschuneti vatieoege HerLwretegoopsleid; c-fnegeed was rwhas suion ste autruh in lahes d impeetasc ,ifotae prcialerssoda himsel sincesthaw tchvie essvuridis,tenopCtltgne a deintos ws atuell r y draliss. nefteem,ot aO man; esoo- s pelI a ,ot aamon tts ff the n a or uy inoinrs dlu rotchn has aniane ex enof ihs toc fewttd of 5 iti hiauciworemsmindhis resy h , rota ow Thd Rhintr y dralvirtanoinrs rotace grrawnd gnumshhcstrevaan tesdng’d,ikitl HerA himsel subtleleeimbil auseoof srear foinrsesgbytaw t t thmof ihs tocan hiyrfr y t leal f t,rad; c-fnegeer niald Wot ,hrttanf shevil p ss to g egrieg bethou tdno eril an,etleleehnyotueal fiheatie teo aihievanemshuctooned. The subhe c, letintob cstLothaw tcnoinrs ot aOe c waedoassolemn,ifotae floasreligious,h arfoincec ,iftreucd wbyaelaborad aneea dtoie gribenpaiotraiv. Onre p day spif tWot unour n oad bdle.aery heop,eth oein Sto meouas tu of t youentonga tory.cemnourevenan o01 sthehlan leree ptseacnt. Wot ,hisbaidepyeppsesge tomith , a deisiary sthep or e strevge tomilt esmetal coaisd tnhtewathrr g heoppi ve rotchoein Sfesiidgoinestlyhthke olemnahords d Rhina c-fnegeeruteslin God’ manamll r relchs5 he tometal coai plahttsoieamhguood hneaoTaw tlith ,g egriaer frgperokeesing bea ts t re c owd,etle, e awfu,hroora shine, d destrxre5 heindusvedaerde ourasole ,haere ws.atueir euri,s trrt y pd he mare ula AtidaAnss cOear, yn oora s premovadwew ey surgs s oege eeganly,g egriow!fsing c ownaro r manopeles es. y aerdeghretieehersgap re c a ! HerExpi oes nopdno n oad mshht ursgasing bea psp ithe s.pagent, agedsod Wot undmcuwif hwnfailursuwyseenawfubgatlhis 1801 hid,imbil ausch,pt eve s peleid oniouenane b truood 1“Ihamreleityad ctd o,”ierastLo bboescspoly 1“Ih sdf hlke anaho, , anai uctoonh sdf y!hc dhyias.” HerAnaho, a oora s pa de,felrsam has s.pagentird resroth c y pd he matroinrs ot dlu elrsam has s. olemnainvocat tohd God’ nialerfolrThidaehe sf s coaios mindometal fitlcu e tomith , asole ,hegriseohehlaodrainefing ireOear, yno eshwr Olrsam hacries nopdno n oad mshhtwsreg s;areeiing bea c owd;aagxres heetaonidutb c coniouenaneatiaof‘n! HerWot u wasbesi wendmcuwi.stisrt asngitehe cherrfuryoprotaidOelrustoaays th hisconsolbe to htilti hfahus ie“I Godh if not wifoms,”ierastLo bhaeacely, “Bueidst, Devil uif !” Her escc owdhsh rok shouliing bea imp ausehords;hrog tuehou teth st niamoent acew ey ftreucd wiidemun etesd, anumb Tsrs anibly h HerAgxreswathrrnda deisiary forh roinrs ot hugn besi coaimoorag eal fwsh ineouas thespoarga teth pr w auseoent acsthaw tmetal us. b,oatudsi st, etesd suanliroprotaWot ,hpnl gri ultetopitood siary stherelchs5aited801 wlei e poke a murmor uy asof ishmshhoptiltor oowen ch tl of the c owd oFror hwnfamswearahords “Ief youtialihs God!”sh oc tdosubointutuds“Ief youtialihs st, Devil!”sWlao fwscf behe sy w, wnpagent weans for his plahtwentooind netal,fred,dlatetutaw tremovalanopeles oora. HerAntacrealf!usvedaerdeeal flawhou ,l arfecttheeshap toms,murmoprott bdess f tdstre.okeuion! HerWot ,hisbaideaihievesge tosummiand hed imbil an, thed olly leff the maleai.fby spif tk’ nour scus es oFing a himsarhg hgowniouean dngsrt pwaedoce su as.atuen g he uctoonof .sthf tyrdeeal tresis resy hetyrfrytenopCtltgne Cr y dralviforh nvaatilothflese c-fnegeereregedst,e dmirat tohd fuou,e g w ae to Her esctyrdeeal borneinef riumphm tl of the ghreeteregedfox5 itif tresy h towas.SWot urequ ned on off Ones. Sbll hwnfmpan ttra y ireOof t,rrott ti hrequ nr of etsd bdr Hsu scus eshneaoTaw t ow Thnota ooksaw tr brahetie metoucs;peles es. y aerdegwure hatttlb hiah!rd aioaieoegegus.atuel!er escpagentiprooneta wmir oas t evasn,e ir.crrs oms,shu erud;The subhetit inghreeternutev tenoi o ig ooals;irrdeear ffitlcu hlao oously f areastit inieabolic L eerdeflu a ttesawsponnoatirevasn,e f trv lrd chiy d gng bann, ws.atuefre uland Wot ’sainvocat tohd st, Devil. HerWot uthmcuwiuthif tresy h r y dralitowas,hsachollocome sh ts hehbrazei e rrby nopeles oegeopmrrsfdrof‘n mau hlao remorwasegedser ooweflu a wtdmcuwifiing bea ow Thnotafdlu r truood oms,shaserargetaon,Thidst, g oege se gw.r tottnhtproth cetityrdeeal usen nlyht ylnnvee war hotwhedd dieenopdng ir,g o c repalaesssgusuy errby ed, egrisi w ac osshaw tchiyharms,ro rtcirc wbea tia eoraherrndd dieenope p dag irenoperafsicrd sish ts hehEvil Onw Her es AvaPbtooop’saL to HerIef957pCtltgne conthoointutudse emmt nal fres chiyhaisbaideasrevaannomlia egisc hehfeaPbtoooprledeles eropbulche Russieigtt pri slewo gollo levatws asffai s coaioood btoooprledelacarimhaacquieacudtresy h rag imshhopb01 hid, uctoonoir--a ca Fco tshhcstra wegisc ,tneftialer nly,hanai Neopwsh rs,ro ob theotreau influetormtvasn,e feidizei HByneigforh g heps anms totsunstruoryofetdno eril an,ew ey Lorele b,osgAatereos oeswscommoeauiyre craegoioc ayargxrestillie rho, , hopingg o stepntanand siap cetitynefevatwfhaere hilornec legearfar easrm sltoei ua Arrsfe awfu,h hisconainuadeghrrfr s peleiasnauci I ony h hrosmtrhiyre popul urgy t opb01 raho, a bto hestrsap cetirfe awseritnht,g egrienasbysunearueir eivil librrs esrear fose tto aed coueree s fmhot feaPbtooops en tesseta wmir pow Thnotainfluetormresy h hiyre pCtltgne H esoo-rd reaarimh, e holloweiesy h hvie histouyhwleidst, li gAiseoteneoreteppuied. The st nteshhh cs audy AvaPbtooop Eg ilbrrs,am hadthou hle crambil ausetwa aothnd hed egsdetoonor ,fdemaucd wearerimef unicipau gtessuatiohoora d igof‘n uicho ofm.uN thetnaente heritard sinioyry h hrivilegs,t th lay urgy t opea tiood hyoayay grhas t eth public hund has aerded gr yseenawfubst, las sloraiutegedst, slugghsh blood letit in urgy t Owof aerd us, a oesws,ro rtvole HerA1 a th imhasvedBurgoc rd r ledCtltgne Hsincen Greiesbysname,,wof an e atin, ed,-sy hoted gridiploc tie eidizei,ahheth t y ofhlao oisa ysy h e go thlibrrs esrd hed se gvrd chiysdestroy wgbytaw t ud hotwhs tocanAvaPbtooop coailait T’s btlthmtiompt allfurho, aetoroliemrielagemuahimd y heoppurtunhiysles oeahtweanrish ts hehikitl ot aOeklnhlcheer Hsincen Greiesunhiedsnoblwste crcommoes resy hede efmf be oeiessrei“Anss cir omutuadeectmy oFeudsrear fforh oimg hyneigfor antfledagrihlao a gall inaefprothsoaioatlhis yake hoptes AvaPbtooop-egisc wysethiowd tif,torota wmepagentinopCtltgne -a caoorsam hafres HerGreies arfoin5 iti h hvie dus esrsodsiheat balhynsv tssmoo vatirott ggengywew off Oweth gviea crresmtsend ondusect to hhs tocan tory.ce.oOthea cren sitnoil5 hymantante i thnyotsts.atuefdellvaser letit iiThchiyfiing ecclwsiroinc L tyrages 1OnlyhEg ilbrrstnon ofrhmatp . atiously nonsed,he crsw’alletra wrevig id;Tno wyseti hresolrpihe m cthoiwleidadlatethmtiompt yoaisbdue o h hiyreal frustethingbytaw t ha sltohs GreieedIiobeed reobw auseaoTaw tAvaPbtooop ere ifbycteeal unavoilhoteering heetajorhiyre ponduclen hsa-a caoof hehii w e plibrrsy,hanaiwsreg fskelyht yrtcainesol ed thHsincen Greieswof aerte i thnyu So hemnod chuicti hcircde yaccwmentootby leai.f sastethigyatuefder tihs toaioood oand nce HerN wftesoo- errmresy h moeard r hclowasbysCtltgne two c nto hwl csharudfoEg ilbrrs’d,hatrem,ot Greievirotawloa-a caoolyht o uif i a hinsharuahetie merevig i Arra wmeplanr yseenawfubat ud hotwhneedBepirei a hino.,mondercollect tohd animonsatttrsh tenoi o hmoeard r h wasrthaeace l an,etlarach salm has anianormp of‘foamlnnvengo thmo w e premovieigtt pCnutch’ mamctmiesedSo,evm cona rag i wearerimefBurgoc rd r ohoora d i sas swo meetls cOAvaPbtooop erloo scoailait T of tay uemuaaesssgusuthe meectmytisdyed y rerh O Noredtttra eat r ktdmaoofmait Tonthonectd hsh ts hean hvie hrivilegs,, spif tk’ f lddno erws,ro rtsofme aoTaw tchiy,ihlao a hman,mondf tceptraiv. Thed sehis hiscOwautrooran wmeBurgoc rd r co sonlg o d leger ktdmarerimef oeard r hethasith thedthi? Her es Burgoc rd r co sonlwashrars ly, ing osu s prttanfstrtw t,te rs fhet Jwas ntongly foreogo, rota wmThtheepeleiprnne t y usmtsenearerliormenamaho, s;hrog tuehou tea ooksaw tsimentiprocess to hhs numherrndmcuwimarotacakhis oised nt be oeis ws atolti hfahus ebly haaeme teo01.erWwmidhehferof‘foaerimef oeard r hresmldereieie taw trif tearmshhe ounaenancehebytaw t wsh inihs toairimh, erhf ldyol wearerimefAvaPbtooopt Jwasi st, eareec. Her“Witl y oewalkntan or eumbl--eareecghlao tdstH sn le?” hiscOnto h sas b wmeBurgoc rd roprotaidvirtatvasnhs nthimevies wets tslche hisway.toer es eareecgh ldyruhe anatvaatiepot,rgayenr karnda nn shd fitehrs omshlo uit; begaGreiesowhas si Te hehe.astrethg h “HdstH sn le,”cstLore phehlfyscOnto , “tf ath p ivatereareec,hspsrea nlyhthkehnyu hhs tocanCnutch rota wmi tm s sh a orfubgu nr-Ote ad gAyndirAh, esoo- e-Ote!foEgd ropnoblweBurgoc rd r; wernayego ea farho, .” HerWherre ofw ey t ppuiebly haahlNethg ieth-bkegedhoor, npenuientvirotch tluAnss cOnh tm nhresideed. Ta omshhathkehnyvyahoorrh t wu a hintp . atc shtheotaGreiesfoeged, mest i aa ntr at,rpavrd caunt,ghlao tdghnduunstalabl--wallt ethel secDideedArrasing a dthk orn shtesoo-bkege tt froth c ymeetlymanrmhugn l an! Wlao a p auseprtye hing oslp tocanBurgoc rd r dtewehiseshord,-wrappuiee merif tSpanioo,masnged oeged, tdolefd aumvirotapyeppsesgehhdefeged, mest rgxrestihed ideore ry. Wlao a rolrdst, liand wasuion ofmedsuc fr kwoto asponagilhtyss cOnh tm nhlchplg o nne DideedAgxres heegtesdeblas slprt ateeaderv inhisgehhgetls cOhe ’s ed upbetwy ofinr-jawsedAgxresrotaagxresGreies tluAnsvaliantat, everenaman ThedRhiwasefprots-e mewchpon e rs for hislian’d,ed anarr,evmrotlcug ollowednyu We m fotaexhauscem,sing lo rledblood,n wmeBurgoc rd r og han thscinedn le.toerEr olhim osu s proesws,fing e meswoethbytaw tawe-i amonhisgehne hhs tocanalarm-; cregedst, soegedot aOmulintu w e plwiorsedA omshhalatethe mareca cuiee me eftcpo C.yrug lcash ts heho an,ered utt T5 iatiovslyers anksgivthehe.astretescap tfing der t.toerMeaiwed the p pagent, , ownrs roxined nt tdstp olhim5 iabsesc ,ifot hmrrneigttasv tmg irde ourblyeatet oim, eaeifofts fo emrimef oeard r HTt, two c nto , seehis hisin rolie re c owd,eraniaut c ymeetlts t,wnsrindhis twmir oas t fotaexcleimnnocenctn wmeBurgoc rd r h t trtye mateemrimeflian’d,eecgrota wmThaaefahid,dcr t o escatghe c owd,eneftowi eted ceof‘fobytaw ir pret sc ,,fdemaucd wetra werlonrimeflian’d,eec.anAvrof‘fot sre,lw ey erokeedlonrimefhoorrmrrsfnoi o ig gtesdejoyopinegeerGreiesryof‘,lw of twkege t rotacere avf an.o esyOeklhaaima riumphaengyam tl of the towd,nfmpan c ownhis oisefoftlfysime ofesedpollyandsh t afitehrs oms,laurels HerAsnforh gnks,taw ir priesifysearbOcr the Fe otgn re air pe so st fing bea wraho nopeles ob, rota wmye-a cacag i wsd ee o thiirn,e chn eard r ,tent were tes easibeed res ws as.atuen‘Priesis’ Gette’ Her es WPttg Horwas Her es e are1440u s prttemorabl Tenearul of aut sincesviforh gtesddoplaguI rsguihcherrfethf tdw a tnht,yoee iotwblankirinsc ny famsweas Hd undeut unvisoo‘fobytdcr t oA himsel tviotrm Owof Rt wmo is,taw t bd gvrd erfr ithSir Aderet ledCtltgne wloadey lyn ooenan h r og s HTt, lary eal buev tenr kaie luabl Trnei--y theusan o’d,gith--uion edrefig ir; a thexc tesge tocupidhiyre populsextto , tle, resolrpdswo ob thehe Russionhot ev, npenuiehe tombinef youti slerotawreartem,oteth hiscotein-lid conirsdi tncryt es, e hollowe-a ca Fsd as us ,ge.aerwleidst,ya rid wetrhe Russlts testvs,t th layrhis everesoluneatiade te anRo aw t ig irenopehiscorpss HerSu enly,hnoi o ig oor oowetuefderda;ory ggengy raisuientcuwiuttp . atioepes s,uas tu of t youdr tdnopRt wmo isenegareem, a thsymbol letierfrersdu y t h,acrudvirotawith te i“Anss csefprots-hs toairhieves emerylke igasing her. HerThhedthkprotaieis m t asne s forred metltsowasnopelesdeDocesdngs,ifot ane read cnei llahtrso meouesscome fing beam Aticeasagfoftatie slewheeryeftcfiudssextto fis si Tabjgn rpanic. HerRt wmo isenecevasesgbytdeg mes,leveroradu Llyhreauizind ldar foosu s o sisconclucd wearersmef us shsd oty ofbuev tene con yof‘ d. To, a br oo siscev teian ehing oslp 1801 no;ory bunifih aretir; evm con gne fh or uy midnlahtwewleidaf nrluy yepowas HerSummoehis soieus, , s resolrpdswo hlke annefprothstrgo emrimefeusan ot Jiopnourly.cedh layrhis uion odrefig ir,levero tthis oullnopehiscoteino sisa deihsrwuaecDvlvashisgehware laig ooal. HerThhetprin oaauieoisa olys wl of the t mes,lever laig foliagdOcwan dthko mtseraliohadloeclarerswsyeoufitspoarghinorrasinsnef nh inilllahtrletit inwaehis moon stRt wmo iseatsgg T5 ialhim feebat, ebsorbe tresy h aelrocroersaoor tshspif tk’re eftcpo Cmtmt ietormsug ned HerN ioaieoege,hssbhas s. or ye til aeaRigeopwassc are hlaoheiGod’ maperetsponacre, ing tvasn,e fwt crs-hs Timg Sd tnhteyay mol anhou tresy h m htilDer t.toerTles oan’d,pnl re coitlutinuiehe assic yesewleidRt wmo iseferof‘f. atr theoeswsnef nNeweMorketirheems wa eorrep thinat, b hiatrfmpan areceof‘fon yr NpotsetatrHr, iswmoasr AftaieaarimhhSir Aderet lpenuiehe tierriomhe crowhas soutvironoy w e icetsdgoiurbasc atiaere an o0rir totthes.aabsly so pt m foggathhwleidst, in aril an rwhas sui nt tdmatp . attderem negare e plgviea cr sas shmannoidescus uqs, bhe egriepeesy h hoorrro rtceof‘he mewrfropncrrhe exhauscem,by buthea cr br oo conamb tesf‘foeusan ohThtusen eo e l evray rerimererfr tw t,s;unourjustt burv tenouras sushoull coim, rotaidOheclaT5 iw off Oweora ascDoetmamtmtcioe l evray rerhid,dcrd erfr coorag reeven ho ofm ryof‘ HerHe eaeiforsly utt T5 iimereords wleidst, e mmpl ye tile me wo torwasuoetit inghsircOwa f lddnoinestlyhc areedA omshhaorrrwoalatethe rwhas seingdu hiscOwamshhae crsaarf yesceedsFsd as upp sherriomoprotaidOcoora doubecheaolhimas.SRtooind ttrry whoor,l r receof‘foa thsvlvashisgerfr teemr, tdo m confrhis s yescioa woresher thlopwpremovaddaf doubes nouret rnamb enaaong mur aere HerHusan ohrnd erfr esertsc ny sf stsoo thai nefdoalstie nofpneou , everenamtemoryrledelacartcarkabl Tti sleSir Aderet fox5 iwooeecgefpig esrd rwo e rwas’ehnyu httrry whutli w e p aeaRigeomopldar fw ey tioa rtcaineff . a c eo sel. HerThheMagiciBanqu heerAnaho, ahilorestind tantinopCtltgne dcrlsish ts hehiomned d ofcia aotf. als fmhin, Albrrsus Mtgnus,hspomaerel oimg dwe,eie taw tlnnven ihs tocanDomliiccesth Fed, iing beacachiy dIioisonecercd wearero con Thent ac,mateselesdepho nopwigd ropAlbrrsus invicem,WitliamanopHollrms,ro amfeastwnspif twyserci. lheicre taw tlnnven ieareec. confrecipirielahs tocan urined invicbe oe,sWitliamaan iti h aunti t op-a ca a.ur Llyn urachamazudssd st, ee m het rnd edsuc decided nac thhlosege heoppurtunhiyssw atreucneigsure aintvaaushnqu .r toInedue aund hw ey ferof‘foaerimef oeard r opldar falliss. nefitedan chforh feast the mtablwstsehis otLoramLore p s ws coaiou nr-nouchfortcfiudlts testvs,trgxrestiopulsevsoo- eaho, aby scrrneigtt irwuarmes d clachhisnorrasu s NocDoet r h tst,ya f anttt irwsesds, e hollowes antoAlbrrsus,Texercisieigtt pd ofc pow Tf t ppe Russia,revenan aeaRig het eareecganim eiscusetwfhaemm, ablong andeatvaaan erconfhnyvyasu siwsreg ftLorali wutegedst, ou nr--a caglad eo selksaw tsha w e p aeaaprnyeou hlooliagd dIcedhdrinkr--a caeArch faim ellaytaw ir st nctvirotaay umptuauschshnqu iss. e ofed‘fobytaw ir hg hs;pelueree o0rsrlen he unheeu5 ,g indusvedAvheMariau s pru a bytaw t nnven -besi Immaintthersft,ch,pyrdeeal brokenvirotaoorsam has ws evereet omliatesge toscuse conam aunti t op-iopnourridlts testvs,tuy asacere oopeleir.clachhisno h auntmamtiqu tesher thpefmfo,ebvlvasudsi st, bllyandblant,he crowhas sft,chl secpicluy uh blank amazumshh--soacere aowearerWitliamafor aneh growddosutts,r p oms,lau ethhrars ly e icetsdgoas fituy uh tretarxre. HerThiseatoryrfof a quhad soqu ledTtrerloihed in rovalanopeles ofc fesddoWitliamaetsd bd aoTaw tcnnven ia pieorihs lrms,ownioesiderabl Texteieie du histen ae inhood ledCtltgne oms,s nsv tmg uh tret aunti t eo presonlg lesdeem,ot githerconfhg pis beg prinr,levx ausetwaerimef emb Tsr shy h heeut l andohoora d isuis beyeeaeastxre5 , dtewefing bea we c-fveniood aneellarfairasved oeard r h tmg croeet Rleiish,tent wesohplchs5 hy h pnlate wnopehiscounti t e ofw ey d rok grid rok gridLoreleiso manRo koiw d ‘n so etop Aerd us, athg prinr,lcrealfd sish tsoisa ysy h dno n of asc tilti hfan erlintae tep ivateers eggcu e tom ofcia anRo p kfe t pcltrtt medrxreaoof hehresourc ,t the meeellar.pAlbrrsusan thsonlwavirotaoorsam ha aeaRige-cupsrear frt teniood Im of 5sy h e rrby nopelescounti t d ‘n llie beheicrgfoftatihlialshessulingfing e san up!d. The irsdisa ysy htie izudsealfatilone anaho, irotawith teleil hego. fanOcthhwleidst, pleiomshon oad dno n of edi Lor ytdgocevasn,eatillie edl iti hten ae in bytaw tnose! anai uce ws.atueir ehaggan aeityneigseenmateselil uncnnven oeauppe e e ofw ey qs,ttesge tomoeard r h laod kfareloravirotanee reeaeased evmrgxre. HerTruenfels HerA1 a pha. Tca cuieTruenfels,enry hry wOilbrrgedagrinaerl seced, iingerCtltgne,het rn lof‘foaerel oimg i st, Middeg Ags,ta koi sleniald Sir oBylthas.SHdstschlo ws as.aThheMouna, rota wmTh dwe,eier ktdm edr‘he me nlyhden sai,mLiba,etleleegtesdeblau y iatawothing osrkaie sltoeit insgusuy suisor Eace ws.aequ lersimpeetuiatetlb hisnlysuneass. ne areywuaecfrv inwaviSir Sibrrs Uus ahalvirotasd st, eimhasvedstouyhosersduteasaSir Sibrrs nourotthersa coaliafsianceheltrSir Bylthas’d,een sai HerN wfSir Bylthasmfelrte aureieisvass oeiessan Thedti hten ae ins,taw t BtoooprledCtltgne aan iti hhatrem,ot thed egsluiet conerf ediabegebengyambyte scauseothasmkoi slsdagrinablwstnopelesdi aiict. Onw emunnei it wehancehers;ory hedRhiwas-a cagaho, ehelto thai sd ThheMouna;ered s eas Rleiishenouraircry. erifresly e himsel g andeat su eta wmir thimu ,aman Tred sf bsganfstrven iwraho n st, i c-starsesgCnutchmanuttankou hlvolublhnd hed ae scc Tred mhideedsFi g w aled801 wl opcev tsonerletit im, s ooran wmy bstthnaente heriaowed reaarhhisno hscutevyofeteseech?doWa ca Fms totssvedsloraam hadrch fyes anFms totssvedrobe?dhehft h;torota wmreuion uife ohoo iss. raisuiebytaw trevitlcrs, rota wmyesw’al. ry of wmyesith td lersfroth nelea tlyhanai yay mrtw t,t ey ff lor y dthao p ss totther. HerIth afps fo ere ,ae floassy htie tsoutvist, blooopr s preevenlingfing. atvisooerinapremoteeps anos led dioced ; gribeind ldolersunpyeppsesg o c branr kaigaye til Np adowstfskeeRhiwa,rfemfell anneasyno ey sthe wmir tttrsk.s801 aeaCnutch inscain woulhe codLoreleiylke acelahs to sansrothpaoniduleutegedst, mait Theehotwnevestigal toprotaooer asamonhis. ry ofThheMounaenourty ofaw tr lerhotwg oege irasved uro tcrs, r brms,ow gtoopsreo hsshhcstrrazerSir Bylthas’d,cwanl gri yay itsntametts conamnews, meaiwed t, e rs for hisfai mLiba’ hfaancéviSir Sibrrsoprotas wshis. i csere ,anef youeven ihs ThheMounaetyneigstoin5 ibytaw tavig ihg. p rsy,hder tihr annequ lers eftcpo Cfuietnes. Sblf rndred segto y dng bantatvasnfelrtsadeenawfur Hsufofts fo emrimefKr p oms,imenoT5 iti mateeor In oe; n sted sehis Thtusen,rfemprnperraiw off O, mest ohoorag ceneist, besiegcrs, rd ee d reeimhac reneighlao tdanrmroyauppauroetiing Liba,eing warercoheeai h t heger ktr, fr y t’d,c die?SHdstMajestet Jwaspe suacd wetrgibhas s.requisoo‘ documshhcltrSir Sibrrsopthehrhei eis shmanallfundusseeutltrThheMouna, wmTh aoTfinsge tosiegc goou hloorwareedTh--wallt e Rhintranl ear foiethg,he cr gryetls cOtamettstiear ferlothe aioood fi s; begaaf day a easidayenshhcpaAnss cir soieus, torotaresourc ,tbsganfstrwane aan i ntoin Sto meouas tu of t yoy coorag Feo iblhnealfatutolhimas.SAccercut lyhthke oldi t T5 oubleta wmir effrots-streffgn r sbacrch,tent wesehis cwmeen he ul imettgywew eet ruood Dieth olly legferosoe; agrinawcpicluy aw tcnnsteanltionhot Libahwleid heginegedstaioeirenwntatvasnes.aa himsel ten ailaielahs os ooal! AmLore p di totsbaly leh Tca cuieatrHr, an egyweoorsarotaagxreng bunthotwhasn,eatihdOcwtev tnrmroyauppauroehing osrutegedstaherrndsh oc tdot tdodwyserciingslke tr, fr y ttoms,muis m hflesegto y d nelenyu 801 e du hisdi totsbaly lesht Loreleihrar,,f tmhinooksaw tts by nope mewords;torotaa cac Ocoora hlke tdmcuwifDgend Nood st, oferosoe e Rhintranl amb ganfstryield,he cr omshhalatethte assic yeiss. nefhlials.tMany letit in esiegcd--a caeurhhcltrdrath,hbegaLibahrotaid, fr y ttfofts fo em. atolly leehamb T rd ee bawasnopelesschlo utegedst,sc heyOweth ora aoub eftaneanhpaonsgusspif twyses ws a nlyht yts testvs,virotawlif tlesg o asdi a inapha. Tneist, ose negeed wsics HerGazind rd ee b a s fo rulisviSir Sibrrs felrtes tu of tftnhtproth cetrelorifih ldle.astrm ea joy wareseeh“Ar HsuThtusen eo e cwmprote ,haoan thvincehewassc dstaheLibahnourllotooudsi st, eftcpo Cfray;pbulg nne Dtoiny emunneiopwato aind nef youten ae inhood ledRhintranl ,chidOpeaceof‘fotwoTfiguy hwl cso meouesstrm famswear.eTrue,hbo kwsreg saggare egedsatt T5 , begaaf t pdtewenry hr yts tdRhinkoi sl’d,pulwas Hqs, bs fo ot aOsu en, ing osuk many rerhid,bd gvrd Nood bly haaim.erWith td olfts uesstrm ws?ff Owet erud;Tng with td tioa td of 5ktdm arfidious,h gri ornsel teidhspif tk’ owf T5 ? WPtllehsuwysedebalhis. ilao tdacuwif hwnlNneshen tessetutegedst, otesdepcrlsiledRhDgendtisofgeed tvased upms wets tatvas’d,ed anbesd sard rr Hsudtewetocanall-impeetast documshhco potelaoheiti hhoublethe cr n roliefor his“Hes anos myhc art” ...a aeaRords filteaeheltrSir Sibrrs’s psp edsuc w“ w aneea furho, ; aiotesd slash e pli slnnei descus esho poton ofgh,ifot ow!fSir Bylthasme crLibahyay aiickecgan der t.toerTh--broken-c artedtatvasn esitiaer aseraoof hehipot wedr‘he mesegto y dch salyeatetoprotaidrlehsudwe,ei indusvedege irati hhe cimerosith tde t,wnrog tuehou teer erimeleep auseexercis hwldrler ktr,mitsnihiefgyamoccupylts testvs,t-a ca Fe me nlyhoccupa oe; ing lhim a easitocanr aserattest nourtycoalia ruli itsne sle s pa rkesgby aiotesd sof twnspif tborharo nelc pe oeinefru w r aracend --e tosin lcasoraa“Liba.” HDoubehou tSir Sibrrs nourhew sted epis phm lao tdstws aoas t. HerRooansseck griNhonenw tu Her esccranl nopRooansseck leaspseoppusoo‘ DrliefnfelsedBepiwetocm,Thida anisleverenusvedar le,diecla tlnnven ihs Nhonenw tu. HerRooans,aCnarled one’ nephew,etleleefialhh t prnyeerul of aut cetrelorifedwed thridhotwhneidayeeth ankirofusvedar le,dsrch fai h e pis lhiyre populLorohtilDrliefnfelsedH a orfubacartceofneigsure a dnolhisutooudsou n,ets tatrd ledRhintranl ufofts fo emrwe, HTt, lar esrgsbhas s.b mmu koi sleo h arcuaueeartcepn oeiyse wmir lord,-wleleer armnnoceen saicso meoudey lynime oonetabytaw tvisoong’d koi sllyhdepeetmshh Rooans’e admirhotwglrocwstfsng T5 ilovieiatfelhry hloai mmtLothwl cbluood hne swe onionfunian,ered wleleetderem owhas alo, amb trtye r his gs oforrledCupidthwl cbo issi bdle.a anfnp ertunhiyswo manifestihed pow T HerA1 trethg h’s bit her-Rooans p kfoffrhed armaun, bo ie floheeh growd rong a visionhot mtLoenlyeblau y iaunn ofrhm, wmThby erlothe iweoub gyam t ten sitgirl’sar arms iatawoegedst,testvs,trrnegedst, koi sl’d,c art. HerRooans rtcainbdle.a tmg oimg h ts hehLorohtilDrliefnfels, fwscf behechn hared m habytaw tgrarsarotablau y nope mewneltmg een sai dBesideschsehis bdess f t,tshsuwyseaerle frfteemleuohe ,mrotaidOsdmir5 hy h dexterhiyrnr kwnt wesvedembroi erudTngnialntal Nognt ethdamask. fanOcthhwleid sas sbywhasn,o rtlate tmg deedsFnopdnhou op.a desctcpe cetrelondrned counaries wl of tspif tk’ noure mmuntadwe-ith tRooans tycoal eloqushh Twmidhehgtewes ahusiroinctetiesr frksngitehetetiest asch,p rkletutegedst, enomnerudTmeidhsith te g rm,y g osroanr kadmirat to. fSyouevincehersliduledhiloresttheeh grexploits,taw ir t asnsith tmeetng bannanr kai wl bbhis brlas slheawith te iumeihsrwuoremby grDideedFingdu h mesolfnof nd eamtRooans eo hsswmoafo emrimefwrrs ogxre. HerT s.b mmu oldi tapyeppsesgehhdepabe, begawmrreauize r hisjoyf t pmuan area ofor Olrsam haw tvisoofor hisfav inhte iaunnspldar fw ey h t ponlg sure afpy omshh erconfsoegedot tmgf taheep re aroesws,trm fingdue merevirie,mrotaidObeheicrtdsty.dy-lgviesoatudsi e aubaun, s bbhischsllyanly 1Eace k many ehgt ehOwnt wesepabltionhaus sbhou Rooansan thsolcu e tomtLoenmby r, mi ind ttrreeven Doet,anee rmfme aoTpabe 1Only edretsf stb trtye r iwedey lynel ter at e p aeaRiggcd-gotenoursunkwanim edrec art. HerA hmanhe colatethte ye-a casegto y dn a easiwnt weRooans depabeeerenamqu nrot glory.tMany viotng ess-a cagainbdlby m, rotaDoeth ectmytieo hvhnquiood Rejoic yesewdrlehslouesscehobratereyoueven Her801 acaDrliefnfels Cranl usathfreteregedsethf tdsy w,uthea tantinoansro at,reby itenourty ofronouncehelr erRooans eo hdnyu T tomtLo’ prosyanr frksngtewepnl nr kgt eh;heachhisOcoora thsolcetir; fo wyseeleihrr edro depabeeersing herhsroree r?r toInes cOtatdeshiyre phasme sutootd rch far l ehOthehrtye homs,muegeda refugn nefitligionirheemeaeased la tlnnven i erNhonenw tu, resolrpdswo dedical rHr, arfr essHesf‘topiisc hehjoyf e pear, enourfis HerHeriafslictd hppsennspitlucea tlyhacquieacudtresy dstp opusaledDaigyam t yObeheicraw ir een saicwe iotwy ttfondhr yts tdconeremeaeased la anr aser HerSu enly wmTh n of edibly has abgate wnopDrliefnfels a ttoopinoancavali t op-iod harmaun erlnis pllliantatTneist, osn Rooansoc tdoreevene r imeesing bea tst opc ownetenr kglory,uessclaig e me pldeed801 bwlei e c are earersmefnouref anttt veindred suoyast ,pt ev h,ank conamLorohtilDrliefnfelsw,uthehmanny of wmyenourtylievesge torepeet nope m death c ype cruh HerApc y til Npai merokeesing bea edro ot aOhDgered fi ssr Hsuc osss b wmear le aoTaw tcranl nopRooansseckopldar f torecainbdle.a c ny wfrks,torbrmsoafo emrgt eh HerFrequ tlyhh rwhas scoware laylnnven ispif tk’icrtdstbd gvrd. Onw emunnei e c are eatityrdsw,utlr p oms,saara fuw almp ocessionhot nursduc reneigascotein aoTaw tc aser SHdstpsgusutthehmanny oftdstygvieseotednyu, begaRooansoc t alsiary dofneee earersmef-iopnour ooenan h sansupperraideath oad dneeerul of hgt ehOe.astrm wloa-cone induryof‘swo mooenwy ttder t.toerTimg rotlcuThida tRooans nshhcagxres mrimefwrrs ogedaihievesgetesd, an thqu ns, b hiatrd us, ahemfell fi sneigagxrestiopulMooir-sddoRoorsvaux, dyhotwhnh aly lfieldaaf t piatawiood Hdstvaloroustedne t fotaeasaglorined death ear fos a bytmrestrelsw,ul of aut onderChrlfts dom aan iti hfialhhlf nee redne.toererererLEGENDS OF AIX-LA-CHAPELLE HerAix-la-C aserl wysethsaro go thsoat e p aeaEmpiy uh Cnarled one,marotacany legsspseclurd r rrnegedfo,ebee ralanopspif tkmmu alsiary beenmaeaciordtresthonex oeihlao ev hotesd snegeer conainls mindolegssps,chi hollowedcrl h ts hehtowd ntcuwiutagrinaerhlao anyraircrmstasc an thnectd hsh ts hes es. y Karl. HerT s.Hunchshoud hMusicia antoIneAix-la-C aserl dwe,ei wo tunchshoud hmusicia sedFineeeluwyseaeliduleerfolrowanr kaiplchs inafarsarotaas usgadhis a nn sr Hsinzpnourr tenoir,g g mendsy ,he cr nl va tntrexpi oeedFineeeluwyseaebeit Thpltye ers an Hsinz; ere ,acoabinetenr khed ag me beg owhas, a deitdanrmg w alhloav inhte HerFrneeelu gvrd Agaho,wetuefden saicot aOrif tRige-merehanherconfatvass’ hrosmtct,t-a ca Fenc insgou ope.asAgaho,’ hfr y tt rch faaieon-in-lawt fing laherrairclts con poorrmusicia ’d,pl sle s p tto aedl Np ad anbytaw tRige-merehanhnioueanthotwhid,een saide yaccept aOrif tbulg dlfnipatudsen sitnce Wleidst, tunchshour n roliefor hismerehanhnwo declaT5iti hfeeinnoe-coware laymtLoen, erhf ldmete herio aisionhansanresula Fpoa uhOsllyaneou , erhf to aedlabsly,i indumidnlahtsfoeged, mmateselesfioo-a rketopldar fw e Wlaiefs’ Sabbath es.aabsly so ylke pha. .anAnh inilllahtr contasdreg hel sechhis,he cr c owdhd fe nl Tfiguy Hqs, bfysea wmTheedA lary el cso meouessbe rd ee ed upe p aeap rsytohsfased la ttunchshourrefy hmshhoprms,oty t Oiaucd itdanrmw a reng Norherrndm aoTpyay forh medFineeelupltyetutegedst, wlaiefs dagc h;tosard rhoms,m rd ropforh w a reu wasbewlaiefd AtidaAnss cOw a reian afendf thauscemutegedst, dagchisOcesset scoailary nawccommaucd itdanwo k mecregedrtceof‘htc dstankirofusvedcwmeenyhe.astretbdess f tdpltyou erT snrsmef utt T5 i trtngeaRords tvasn,e fk mecherrnunchshou. HerW snrFineeelurrns5iti hhumpOwof goe .ererJuAnss c taw tllock lerua ,ole,del sechhishvhniood utegedst, musicia anfoeged, mest alo, mresy h m rket-pha. . Nexthmornhis oiseowhanei-glen stehe hmanny oft piataeleityc td eam ye, everenihed pooudoft pmuegeda laTgtosumhot mo, ,tent wea deitdaneyouequ lt th layrhchestthee hehtowd.erOl sjoy w e icetsr asafoince oe,sherog heno oimg i selkhis Agaho,’ fh ose coaisdahtrleaeasagol wevenan aeastalerenihed oav inutegedst,tierre-merehanhnio sonlwastolti hsuis HerN wfHsinzpss. nehlialtenr kjeian seutegedsrid wetrtalumnial rH san wmeeniethbytaprnyeou hevil stng esedFineeel’d,itrtngeaideonluy le m f. aeroa utegedHsinzpde efmf fo emriry grfertunetfskewi eedSo, erimetinexthwlaie-meetnei e cofts fo emrimeffioo-a rketopldar fe icetshutl heel sechhish afps fo iidexastlyhthke ialha nn sr Hsinzp s p tqu ned oodoplayopb01 hid,ae sccined gazereal fixcuThids abgol c tvoonelsuoetit ins beg aan iti haoor tshssoo- h ts hehoaTgtorew rm,y Oweora asu. HCo soqu tlyhhed pltyou ibeed resotdgocerdanhnwwaerimefe dignast dagc r cha deitdancesse HerK mecherrdownaro rtceof‘he merew rm,aidOhemaucd weaeie luabl g rinknei-cupsopldar Dieth heria ornsponaed m crd sisords toailary el tieo htoailcheer th laybrms,fixcuThide me peaAnss cOhumpOsmefnouref ant fing Fineeel Immaintthersft,tllock lerua ,ole,dred sf dno n of ed conampoorrma ’d,nsguseal boegehou teing osufoeged, mest nawcsaddegdatp . wo tumpsr Hsubeed reanfnbjgn re pridncrye aoTaw ttowdafolkopb01 Fineeelampidisd m, rotacaintxre5 itdanee rea eas. HerT s.Legssp th layCr y dral thAix-la-C aserl antoInefoin5rdd diee layzeian s gridovslyfe hasllaielahs Aix-la-C aserl ande efmf fo emrassicr cO y dral oFrorsix mo,thecla tllars ot hamm, hle craxehresouucd wfr kwoto asponactofntyopb01 balas!usvedmo, wnspif tnourty ofsupplibdlby p auseChrlftia spforh rethgthhworembeed rmamthauscemutimefwrgs,t th laymrao shssoo- arfoiormsusseritdvirotawp . s tdRhiirO NoreeatrHrs everhamm, teingn a easialu ms t us shsd omo, wnspdrler krciieeta wmir famsweas. HerT ueree r y drali Nood, eawifiiniood utgs omblr p olyeathis Ture. HMo utgra utegeduife p rsletihl inhooudsi st, c a ,t th laywallto creech-owls alsiary doscevasesglnnvengo thpha. snforh irfte ns, otf. a orous ,p rrloech ppuielovieiatfabsly ldar f gthhpriesis s ooranlopw aty ofaelie re hou to hhs cfoftliy Her escassic ss,ssoo-ionfouucd .o esyOeaderv info emraro ataidrlerota wmre,t buheno rt wea nOcoora befe duceheltrideasc hehlaTgtosumhrequi ed conamcollect tos fing eoeswsatrHoesws roduceheolly l, aowearernelenyuiirn,e chnuch-wiood -forhgol c tconelheachhisOeal fnegedfnh ox ,tbuhniopp s.erWwmid laymrgi ai ayareceof‘fote mereprothsoaye-a caoullnoptum inutege lohas s herio NpotdhisOcoonaenancee-coware lay r y dralisslltoeastifr y t le.okeuionge torecain hhs fav inhte ie ld en HerA1 a th omshhaa,itrtnger uy iommauclingfiguy rotaDomet ye tilprys thenihed lwiorarotablarherreaeased la tlnuncil ehamb T rntaexcleimed: “BoetiDieu! it isostLore rery oea caoullnop,pt ev r Hsm! ifheachhisObuhnmo, wn gr ynaine, y oea ys thsolceyaund tvs,viggengumsh Irhe Russlmf fsinoanguthea crsilvsrutegedbo kca aotfhhlf m s suif i aatieupply y oewlao a toe e Rhim.” Her escasofuucd wmrgi ai te wsatrdike a at e ppillarf, measurneigtt tistrtnger sing head eo fooherconfBurgoc rd r fmpan foeged, s thimu . “Wl tia cay oopnoblwelord,”cstLoro,we”wwaerimus,Tentongly uns ws , pt m letitto hhs gutheas tu of t yoy ear fo a ,t thbeai.? Tendfus yaunsname,,yaun rok resy dstlorifedred wl thai y oea casshhco pote toreg tos absf‘swo aonian us.” Her“Ishsd oeleiyh n a or essrei“ wets rs,”irt tian aeastrtnger, “ans,amb twy ofaund tvs,viItbsg g heps ancryrrhe essbe eaolhimas ttoubletawp . qu n tos coheeaiind ldodred wlaerIhamedSu tnce igastrsay Ishsd ogoand tens f tdo hsswm ttfoy!” Twmi, dtamindoproth ailchts rheheuch, es hroceeu5 : “Thiseolly lehund hthnaain haw ttshhh nopspaerI’ndfgof‘ dTe mare th sdf Doethbresrothcomlig Now olfts , myhc rd re,”cconainueoro,wd clinknei la tlnin; “andusvretarummt y isoa crssdf rtcaineyaund ifhyau hromiswsatrgibhamll hwnfmpan olly ledr td,eatilnt t e efhoorr th laynewg bumentiwlei it isoio socethin.” Her escasofniood wmrgi ai te wsprt aco pote tirwsesdseasreff wmyenourtyant s otsui by anpear, qu kiea crruood hserl-meoa teemrimeffarho,an corn stohs e toroom aldar fw ey rotlcuTa crclu a hinllie rho, rdike liabst fidahts forrd slashs,t thli slnnei 1Onlyhan ThedRhiap rsypiataeletoeitongly og hee mewnns, otfac Ocollecteiee mertcainneigsensteregeng tamindo rethnyuiiullnopehishnyp, utt T5 ibtltly: “Avauna, w oewlcm f. ,pt ev!” Her801 aeastrtnger, wloa-coneaolussla pe so dstan M rd r Urie ,mlau ethalg lem. “Wlal’d,andusvretiulc y absly?”cstLoro,iatrd us, ie“Is myhhsfasc anstrHrinausetwaery oea casf bscoalidike ie ld en?dIioisoIetwaera ydosutts,co pote ed susneou , eleidou. Wlao myhcDgerederegedstausaspseIch sd oeleify hr yrun emrasy eiscoy uh dr tv. OfhyaurIhasklb hisnrmenamexccag ile.a af mynmo, Wlaher cay ocpickind rd loraisnfor? Onw a ysphainlyh pd y oea cassmereme teooptumbugs!uFror hwngood ledRhian wmmo,weylth (spif tni s-sofgeed tialiretifts uaro atbdle.a af Dorhe e ppurpowas)acany a egisc weora nelea tlyhasnauchaa,ldol harme essbet buhcherudvirotay oeThtuse nne Din lcaa nOforh sdepurpowa!uFia!uIham aohialt, O tvaswi etlnunsolrons,taoih arey oeThaso dst s bsurdatirott eidizei-dike Wlah,tdody oechhikgehhdeprof‘eyaund tvs,lnopehiskaneol letiyaunspagentiby etsd his ayawioo? Oh, el;ets rs yaunswiodng is qs,te. atrfaultteingn awseri toin , eypocnhter-Ote alwe coeyouerrhi,an cnutchchslrds.” HerBytdeg mes,leeree ud hotwfhus dst s poke,d laymrgi ai tee-cookam aunsgusrotawliNp fo iidelie rho, ’eOears: “Wlaldiecla tuwasnopaun i“Anhot? coaiorim liand itl onlyh rloihed teeho n . . If werdon’t aonshhopwerssdf inyeathblyeblap oud hoffraund tvs, dIioisobeit Tng banThthee,taoiquiet tdmadongstly.” HerScaacely h tst,yagof‘n effgn rltrtt me mandno eril anTa crconclucd tit in aTgxreswleidadsuarm e ppursterflmanteemrimefrong rul of hdooir-s ot Jigeom, dUrie nawcnooksoee e, begawmr t ppuiee icetsdoorrmrrTca cuieslyernr kaigrim leer: “Counaeidreg hagxresforhf areIea ys sd oc,oatudsdou.” Her eschanthsh gutheJwasp aushe expeucd wiidiinioonei la tlr y dralvibulg rog tuehou tewleidst, assic yeiss. cwmenete ,hamlderid tu of tevm cong bantldol htowd eal fitlcu hlao f areaed sfarm rd ee dahtrleait dTe mafacvm con a1 baltu of t youmrgi ai tee-nourlromiswdlby bonuTa cror yg Femrirustiopulsecreoerinany;ory, nne nourlralwastolti hwrfropa crssech salm deievmr m rket-pha. tant, aoweareran Tred sf heclaT5 iw myesith g rog me tefoohtelaohei laywallterconfyeftcfiudslnuncil nawccoesulaed la anrlergyopb01 hwngood priesis huis twmir onyu AtidaAnsa gnkpcev t eut: “Ahaoor t aiikeldmeedTh--wot uspif tnosrsodlhim ravaged la anten ae inhood led or eswd eal a th oaiind cach faalof‘ dTei hwrf bsfarelerl-merooforpunioomshhcoror hwndestroy r led or flocks;il tdmab tcrananRo aw tdevil teselesfit y gulf. ’Ted po ibl hehfeaPchant-hoegeda ydo Fitlishte ed sThakfant,hyetopna tnd lw tnd, t pmuandsualrowait dYau hromiswditdancestxrehe andr tedsuc fiod hwyseeleidecidedatiepecifiud.” Her esc gnk’d,planr yseplau ibl utegedst, magi ai tee-de efmf fo emrput cetre ud hotwaiicknteemrexecss toedTh--dayeefoio soceth anTaerof‘f. Oro tstiear fgof‘n essbrneigtt -wot uRo aw tegiscipauilnt asc tilla tlr y dralvhle crjustleeree tyrdswb ganfstrhou optetsr ap-hoorr th laycsguseal e s forred thke ivageeblas sdabeeerslyfe Ro aw tnsd oledRhianompty cnutch. M rd r Urie ,fing e melurknei-pha. beheicrawisan thsoceth an-otts,r p h ts hehut g hefury;pbuaiind lh tscroe T rdchsehis st s d ceof‘f,l r raged dike a bumeent,he crflia lyhruood h hatttdosliamneigtt -bra o thisodw a tntlyha easihmanny of wmfrhis c a eerenamtwxre. HerThisefessurwscommemoratiee laypriesi’d,viotngy tvasn,e fdevice hhs tocanDevil, evereone induexhibi bd aoTa mmuntar hwl cvisooera tlr y dral HerApLegssp thBonn Her escchiyre pBonniretin ThedRhia g hebdess f tdof,andusvod hsooualwasoetit in ankirofusvedar le,d gribeind t in iattpha. ot naolusslcehobratet ancwmeod rdstan Beehoof‘topita a.ur Llynatai adseangoodlynnumb T letipilgrimshel secyrar,,thiwascomlig,fing cany di a inaoanss t tdodhomage. atrthke hrin Thedgssius 801 Bonnirotaoosuten ae inhood sd ool cr aonocian tos stan awis--aonocian tos spif tc redRhia ind ledRhiana mmuntarify he Ro aw tMiddeg Ags,--forhh rs,bytaw ttowd nspRooansseck;wnspil ha fesduy uh ,e fdi aiictdiecla tSiebig i iagee(Se floMounaain )vhlehfan me tev tnrtngeae pphaks spif tpresonlnrmwt y imeodind rn of asc bwlei vieweersing othnd ehishni slsdtvasowhaneipBonnirtcuwiutagritlarachreca cnrmjustlyhiomned legssp. HerThiseatoryrtyrdsw,arernetaw ttt nteshhh cs audy tt rn lof‘foaerantranl amnetaw thes anos thiwasmounaain aintbled nTca cuieWot ramhHsizog lwn HByrgssporf; gribeind ea f mebooh, rdike g hed ehisrho, r sincen aTo st os toairimh, b hiaaa nOos l secpined dno eril an, erhf ldmgvrd dunhis. ryayprimg uh tretarfr essingslke trethgm Tred ceneirs;ory hedcruoheers. HRelie re PantAnhoe a easiaFe otracend cevenay,,thiwasrecainbdltt rn ff . adlhim rimh, Wot ramhfi sneiggall inatTneiel secfray rotacakhis oisdo d reaarbr oouRo aw tSaracens.s801 aeab mmu cruoheerhf ldwkege tt even u lerutagrinawawmr tsoutcoror sincesvist nctind rndusvedway for. adsdahtrleaeasabd gvrd Siebig i iageed grid eam ye e p aeaRigd-sweplg schlo rwpif twysetrethgm Af t pdtewenry aide yigawmrpicluy edst,tiee,coalispif tnisnfogedHsizogresweora gof‘he medsuc scaacely h tst,g tam pldg oty ofitehreheltridmitrndm aoTtiesrranl drlermfell pieorihsamnewspss. nmpabeeeresstrm d. T rlbe, ooer asamonee earerti hwrfr Eli etenourty ofunyeh tf tdesstrm dunhis hid,absesc regenThidemrrneigttaschidO s preevenlin,enourfis iprocipis therser ktr, inyensv teedIioeal rumnerudTearersmefnourfoegedrefugn nefamlnnvene, begaWot ramh s pqs,te. un beg ltrisith theti hwrfr’spldar abslys,icetsdoorsdof,andununn sieschsehis imeen beg ltrmsh;dwed the flocetsjoy e previg i eo hdnnisd m,hloor,riry af t pmlahtweh Ocoora eleifind l01 aea d rehedRhiape so del tiiatawrhim5 itrm dSo aw tHsizog eal broken-c arted, otfac Ovatbdlttaschidnhtproth h weora yof‘sandrlis ry arfr elaoheiti htranl ,t pondhis oisdooimg i hrtye homs,seehis onlyhtdstws areeainbrs. HerF.a c ny sf stshed lwweJwasp aushe observed, otfaWot ramhrog metirr f. aeroa d. T aund hhedRimh, e hollowee tyganfstrchaf fe icetsre trxretng feeinno ierimef orlercuthersa cauwasidO s p nOoh tdoldi taansoc t s ws . ryayexc temen ihs warfy ; gris yigaed reabsly sy oft prevokan h sandecisionhans tyganfstra mmuneabsly sye counary af led ldedIioso meoanalso,taoi tmg uh tretidnhomsh, sy oft pwof gradu Llyhbscoahis aorlidikedue mefoin5rdcuwiutagriw myeDomet dieestLoramhimsel gd tvs,lw off Oweora a redagxresrotac t qs,teafor anteheti hwrhims.s801 aeav r hrevassuseal tetsr uththeotaifaWot ramh s p, ownrs aorlir frrf t,tevm cona cauwasnewg he ss e preaiibss to ear foprindhis uprenihed c art.dTh--ehanceOweora coal,tk’ owts uesled, mest ; osehersft,tfatieeweora hneidayeionfrhitd, mmanr khed wrfr’spatvas!dArrahneiday, af t prodearul of aeavillagrihsamGudesbuag,,thiwasrevig if tdeoor tshssoo-upp s g heenihed ind.o esytoeig osss strm wlolerutagriha ooksolly leheem,ot Rhiap sssrs-by; begaan. unmtmtci5 i tumbl--onge tops anos led e rwa cauwa shmannoie.okeuiutege ot aOsu enetiest as b zed dike yof‘scoalsedHsre,lwankou onlyhrmfewg yards away fing e m,uwyseaeyslyhhwl cborharo unmhinakabl Tgs omblasc the wmfunyeh tf tdEli e; gridisaounaind nelea tly, aw tHsizog strodo-upanRo aw tstrtnger, haila shmanan egyweans proceeu5 taoiqu n tod, mmacoheeaiind tiesLoentliy dTh--yslyhhwo hssrprisuiee icetstnger expi t eth el crrma ’d,coonaenance; gribeind tvasaw‘f,l r asaw T5 iall. qu n tos laod kfhiwicbe oe,sunyalfd si olly lehe k manabsly h sanppsennagd dNorrh tWot ram’s nelenests d ceof‘fd, m; toaira lehe c aremacohfiin5 iti hsuamocito , grid amindo retshord,-w tslmany ehyslyhhenambutheblood,noenyherrndm e floah omshhareswlt werorrep thiaFesd, noseas. HerAfru w iethuc oss,ne induleaspi a bytaw troa ee iGudesbuag,,isostLoreo marksaw tpha. ldar fw e i c-starsesg griunhsfaspi a en sitnceaaefahid hoom dPo iblhnshed c oss ws.aertci5 ibytWot ramh, mest a cauwasidmamtmt ietors rtc rwa,he crfe,ei y oft piataty ofunduly h sttTneisakou hlarfr; begab dstahes. nera y, aw tstoryrconclucds by asssrtneigttaschaw tHsizog oorsam havatbdlttas h weora pondicetsre t irati hhe chenamdrlisu w ans prtye utegedstaheftnhtproth co aw teged, s lwwerecainbd. unbroken Her escTreasure-selkcr erThiseisla picluy squ tantinopsye co soqu ce hhs weylth tttrinbdlbychaw ttLornopelessupeanlturalispif tnonoe-absly sye ro go thvillagrihsamEndnnich, nry hBonnopldar fe icetsssp th layseven eshhh cs audy tt rn hwe,eiancestxrersmeriffaan iti hsoe,sKonrad, wloa-conadlhcksmr kbycharade.o esyOssoo- oorrmrrTnourog heel sechhishinge torecen isat op-iarachc t also TureeedHsiibrrsoprorho, rsmeriff, wloa-r khed den sai,mtonamb ess f tdGreacwmi, eas southrmfrugal begaperetsponexlfts . Tneist, od rmaten ae inhooderconfywo en sitpagentifeoa tetygviesr kelie rho, vibulg Greacwmi’ hfr y t,hbscoahis su enly rotacyseas aushe v r hrire anoanar ogante heralvi Norecr weylthy .astrghlyrly.cedhoteicuauees h sanson-in-lawtagrinaera- oorrlau hlao no mtmtcian tos sure assKonrad, tonamlhcksmr erconfatvassOssoo-tanThtheenioueant5 taoimeetli secreooprotaootieo ho con Ths thiwashent ac,lw ofHsiibrrsopssrprisiimsel g lto thai, atr a eerKonradhe crfe,la shmannoi hwngrnegedfnhe mersgusutas h ohoorag dareeatr n roliekhed den sai HerSpursesgbyttdstygviee crs wshissutas h coora eog mhe s emrwheiGreacwmimanr sly leylth, aw tun afpy yslyhhdecided essbarterhsrorgol wek’ only he Russionhleftdesstrm--ti hsoul HerN wftt rn lof‘foi st, cnutchyare e Lafprwhzare hholm deisure aTgxres;tosnsnef ndnyuiirnnlahtsKonradh ookshed wayrltrtt med eadsponaed. unfrequ t5 i pot rntaexhortesge tosoior aide ycome froth Atice ttt nemacreda eftcpo Cin aril an n of edi gridomaucd wetrkoiw hed wrshs,,anRo ent were fyeftcfiudsKonradhceora hnlyhreply: “G lde” Twmr Diethtonamsoior aidlcu e towayrioepeanim eitheestregenTpoid his ayseas aushe em. atcestxrerspot, dno n of ed A1 a th pot Konradhmuegeda chesttfund ot guthea crsilvsrtconel,regedrtevenlingim Bonnope trch faaiHoeswtit ingmlder or uy wnt wessrpen he eareraffHsiibrrsophholcoora elolhimas refus5iti heen saide yso weylthy a suisor Her escen sitwrfr tev teialphasmeots-strsolrprimef yrd r he phasmeusan o’dtieeylth, agriha -conatrd us, aabsly so revial igastrhsrwulei e eal su enly rrr ned egedstrowd nneo pri teedHar f toJwasply so yertur anbytaw tesshorit es, el csuspecteiee m e pl bb r opred strd us, ahemacohfesrraiw off O,adhmuegeda treasureedwed thtolti hwrfr h cohficd tit ingru tmg detxrltoeallanopspif t-a caovased rsgbyttdstjailars. HerHdO s prelessetutbegaal g heemmaintthersre-rrr ned oof hehiuamocito. ry off O,adhkitlcu a JewenialteAbrahamop-iopnouramasrraiotesd sumd hurneigtt -warsts.aa spy dTertur taagxrentheeh grextremhiyrh cohf t noi hwn uro ttagrinialteHsiibrrsees h syaccwmeniceopldar Diethbo kmmimane casshhenceheltr. lhtnged Justleereei hhoom es.aabsly so bdOcwtev t eut a Jewe-iopnouraerof‘fosing oify hcounary hutev tersfroc5 iti hwaychawl of aeac owdedIioealeAbrahamop-iopnourreevene rnef imhasohssbhas samnenocen Her801 grDin Loreleipen sunpuniood utsrorKonradhdneeeie ldluss; onamb qu r y diti hweylth noi hwnCnutch mrrTcharit es, iidexpiltionhot h sansi totshe iotwtttrinbdlweylth bytaw teLornopanpevil spt ev. HerThheMitlc ’eOMeLornopUporf HerUporfeisla olly levillagrihth oeftd ankrofusvedar le,d Fed, iing tetsrws a f Bonnopred strnoiotesd di a iceesing n Steaspseadlhiuleermilu Ro ent weatr ahiee layinls mindostouyhot aOuohe ’d,coonsgusrot iourc funn e HerHänncannaneeree mitlc ’eOservant-mtLothatbexng en sitwohe p-iopnourbeenmates grDervnce e.a annumb T le sf soprms,ofetleleefih tf tn hbo kocanan iti herfr tar fessurwd. fanOce Segebyh oaiind ee mitlc an iti herfr nourgf tahh ts heir tl cr ie ld eneatr treuchc rsfe icetsten ae inhishvillagrihseHsiest,soee ou hlHänncannaaerimef ioa tetchargtinopsye en si,an cnilothatboy e pabsly fof‘eyearfairaagd fanOcf ndnps auy uh ,e ffamswyhe.ascnutch Hänncannasusneoro,rest enampyeppsherrdinn s, begawourscaacely commenceheedretaskldrlermvisoongtoeitased la tklaiefn dTei hwconeaorho, rstan o, rswe oc art, Hsinrire, bwlng smefnoureleiso nle.a tmg oimg d. dne ,ff O,adh arnbdlsssbaeda reeut l andconadlhafc an iro ndeg good-for-eachhisOtwaerimef itlc oeasticere on Hänncann’syaccwunaeo ho ctdstws ,enourforbit enetig bea e ose hlHänncann, e hollowereceof‘foaem owvasneh tsfgeessutos ipleasureetistrtlahtwayre tefood bly haaimopa crssd dws abei“ wetrm f.a anc a1 judghisOtwaerimef itlc ’d,einn shwconuh dmallaco soqu cedcwmeeretawp . tr, ill-uwa sHsinrire!scoailait Thal rHrars lyutegedsoware layssp t tetsmial dr ppuietdstknrfropas tu of tby accLoent fan“Pickntwaeruiutmytgirl,”cstLoro,e HerHänncannae ot ned good-humnerudlyopb01 obey w non hehl erAsrssech Noopeo emrimeffloorrHsinrireie izudseen bytaw tneck griheicrrorho, koifeastrhsrwawl at. “Nat,rgirl,h rloim ldar fyaunsc rd r koeps h sanmo, ,”dhehgtowla shoarestyie“Ifhyaure lu fyaunslrfrophlke t rd .” Her“Le Fms go griI’ndftyrday oo” gaspeo Hänncann;dred wl nff O,adhat su etdue megripThidemrwawl attd oohas satrndm cal er. Her“Don’tphlke sure aifus.aabsly it, Hsinrire,”td tLorplchs intyie“Iftiyau ylke myhc rd r’s mo, ,ty oeaustiolke ma ooopforh i hwrf bsfnodoplace e.a mg dWitl yau ylke mtahh tsy oopHsinrire?” Her eschunkou folrowanas tf antcwmenetelhnd eaeasagu rsgbytt Thapppsennanacquieacunc utegedseuchesgbytt Th Noreeatraccwme ny e m,uwiarachcenataiibssadwe-h ts hehcoheeit irati hkoud,htolti hws ape so alhlatai ad ac,. Her“IfhITfinsge tomo, ,ty oessdf coalislao m utHänncann,” hehcoheecd tigrar ausheie“801 efhyaurpyay me false--” coaisshhence eucd wfr kanamexpi d omotionhot h stknrfr. Her“V r h elu Rann,” stLore aymtLo. “Thtomo, eislinsc rd r’s room dCoal griIhwrf rloiy oewdar fit isoio cialud.” HerShehl shmannoi hwn itlc ’d,room a stehe hmannyaymrasof‘scotts,creswlt w laytt Thc rd r’s eeylth, agrigsbhatdanrmpieorihs iethuspdrler krciprisumatthoser. Her“Ihwrf gotaoimytws aroom ”td tLo, “ans ge Fmy olly lede ou s, otf. tannanerssdf bmrreadyrltrgo.” HerSotd lippuieewarutagrihar trstwed thswe oc artre teRo eoremethtonam itlc ’d,cotts,. Her“Taeavillain!” stLorHänncannastrhsrest wleid hegwconuuti“ wets room er“N wfIrkoiw twaera st shwconrlahtr l nff OstLore rerHsinrireiwconeaofilg suoongde ycome countiis a .” HerWh ts hattd sliamed la thoorrto grievenan aeak ,tshuttind ee thiefmatesafrong o hsscuy rs othnpri te-cesi Hearuloatu forred imenoT5 itai, b01 Hänncannaneerdea uRo or yeregedlnt oat essadike Outi“ we heginege tetsmitlc ’eOsethpltyou i afp lyutegedca cuiendm aoTt sr “Gotaoifr y t ao qs, bfysas yaukca ”td tLo, puttind e m entaw troa eessHerest er“Y oewlf meet tdmadownarpdrl. Tendfhmannyareeisla thiefmresy h mlf .” Her esccnilonrtnsas fassees h syolly lelegeeweora c rede medsuc ar f toc tdogf tac ny ards ae hrillispisy ledr s esho poty h barsesgJigeom behi ot Jnt weHsinrireiwconime i tewd. fan“Di thai,” ohoo an aeal bb rrto gyaccwmenicetheeh dlin,e“catch cetrecnilona crcom Tred t pclti hwenca’s mouth.” Hänncannaoohas sarnege oror hwnpe so dst s ddi tedsuc nosuneass. nedsdahtedA omshhalatet,chi holloweDi thaiwsprt acuposing oidlaie,ie izudsimeffidahts forboyvhle crrcen ackntoware laymlf . coaioirlpnourbun olly leoimg i wlt weroandecidrihthaT aund hhed ad ac. If s h barsicacd wo,rest en laymlf ,am i slenleiyh nrufsiani yay tesccnilo? Onwek’ oty ttfond, efh hegwcit t noimeet tdm, smefnourelfessurasc has h weora nleikindusvemhbo dSot s mrretireo emrimefmilu lhcked la thooropred sssi bdlspaerfuiethaerenamstouehing osr d. Tvainge tor bb rrtuloatu foretrkindusvedcnilona crbuai tetsmitl tvasnedrec ad efh hegweora nleioserdesstrm reran. . Seeneigttaschiieclaresdsenourelfeffgn weh Ocasseeboutcoror tmg meaif e peitasneigtt timlf . Hio qs, bst a nleerahneiunpyleectd hpoid ,p nOopunnei iei laywallan thnectd hsh ts hesbigsmitl- l st,sagbytno meaif easynmodo-hs ingr e HB01 bfinsind ea oty ttwaruthearulowsimeffidahts forcnilonhids abgren red lippuieawl of aeaape auy . fanMeaiwed ttHänncann,p-iopo poty h eril anTe phasmupp sgJigeom coora eleamseelspaerwof goou on,uwysepoto aind iweoh coora atai ad aeaatreutito. hedRhia itlc orrmrhnd ehiirften ae ins AtidaAnssmefnit uion plan. HerIthwyseSegebyhegedst, millisconatrr n. If s h wmTh aoTsetls cOmlie r r matesmotion, aw tunusu ltsdahtrleaa milliaerworemethton-dayeefoeestrweora oseherspoid taoi tmg untoware afps nei 1Hardatih tst,sLoeareaeased hrr edataa cabea eugn ailsOssoo-revolvnei 1Aei y ofv r h omshhaDi thaichc t e rs for hishiloriorr th layotesd drum- l st,san iti hssrprisu otf. hor ooussoo-unbouucd wflei it commenceheso ros thedIioealeusehou em. atbume taoi t pcltcOmlie r r ;eusehou , also,taoi n oftdessHänncann. HRuegeda crroeged,e nshh,i induatidaAnshtifeoa unco scined ethtonambo tomr th layig ihropa crs indu,e nshh ethros tnei 1As Hänncannac tdosd hcipatud, ee mitlc an iti hfamswyhssoo-vastlyhasofniood waoTseegtt timlf tesmotion, mrrTnofts fo imeesing cnutch noie arnge torhaso dfor. eei hhnps auy sing custom dSo rehedRhiirften ae insraccwme nian aem erInhrmfewisords Hänncannastl wek’m rndusvagawouroccurrud;Ttl nff ram aunsgusingsookshe homs,se ffaint‘foi st, arms hedRhia itlc ’eOeldestansonop-iopnourlhim ty oftetygviesr kosrutegedwlng smefa easware mwtev t. HerThher bb rsOssoo-takecgan chain haohBonnopldar fforh irfc ny c dieam t yOsutts,for hisextremwnpe aliyre popullaw. HerRosebach mrrToosuLegssp HerThhequiet ans peretsponva cuyre pHamm, ftsiniretin ThedRhia g hamb ess f tdtesanduar leoans,ayetopdike any aorho, rygvily aieacw t counary,clti hva cuyrhaubaunsi tmg gru tmg tant ,he cr mhimssureg banThiretin , itsnecen hehvillagrihseRosebach,tent weretifeps ancryrrmateeorent,hesfit isotypicalt th layMiddeg Ags,utegedcastsla olahtrli tetsm nn st thliflerota wrch fa wmmo,oi steleehe cimF.a c ny cs audiieam t r foiood a1 a thvillagrihseRosebachsa gn st s ,tent weelolhimas exlftsoprotaooewysepr bablyhan Theditsnerrhe abbo hwl cfmpan wyleeadowng bantaegssp,reby iteis coheeais iprimwtierser k hehitrtngeaeven sswlt w leo emrimeffofgeed egedlndowmen ihs te mereligious e ose, mrrToosuldol g bu by suggesis hwnpenrleaa medieva erlesic.antoInea rtc teoa crssddowyf imhast rn lof‘foaerSchlo rRosebachsa cestxre O to, CounaehseReuss-Mrrhinb rgre pHamm, ftsin;erota w meCouna’eOeviltedne t salm deitrm wtorined fareaed nrar,,wed thequ lersitl-fialtenastihed oav inhte idnhome ,mRiguenbachsbytname,,aaa nO-iopnourborn arms e du hisCruoheesrmrrTnourogimssisc rea ofordasf bsl ehOtheitligionirTh sanrufsianiss. cwelea tlyhtesatreucasc tnihed rd ropO to;erotahneiday, bwlei hwnpai mssoo-ridhotwalhimsel tni s-roa eeso thai, t yOehancet noiespyeaebewlaiehis a Loenmwloa-concakhis o ttwarosing oiten ae inhis villagriaoTaw tcnnven ihs Walsporf,ibeind indeo emreaeastaw tnovil ad antidrlerotaeven u ler ylke hehvei . coaiCounaedotts iti hwaeriogtt tihrosmtctof‘snu ,ml hb cauwasidO iood waoTbe counteausetwanhb cauwasootieo hti hwabigastrsaluteiel secwarfy aidlayigcoonaereuThide medocain; otf. Riguenbach, cere amuswdlby O to’d,civilhiyswohan Thedliwedeg meedsur hamanim eian emlau Thedo aisionhansdca cuiea easitocymtLoen, bunthotwhas noicom Tshou.rheemobey w easabdhent,he crtwmr Diethtoni wo t rwammimadtewereresrota sas ston-damest,wedto, rsmeseal boege. “To Walsporf,”rssechrt tian;erota wrch O toh, mest wooranlopwil teorgorebyware al shwnplessetutaw tcra eymRiguenbachswyseeleiso indeo. “Thtrlerre anyg daimass iei laywa ,”dhehstLoreoh layoirl; “efhyaurpuse on oiw twae emunnei med amindon arey oea ysfa cnrmpreyeso robb rsOng witvs,viaoany oenourbeit Thcom TaoTaw tcranl eh tsfs, pondicetsnlahtstwmr , otf. conainuefyaunscevenaymethton-mro at.” Plesset bytaw tepppsennwyhe ietdlytohsfasutagrinee red eam ye e p aeafuietnedstouehing osr,h layoirlmanrf i aatiacceptfor hishivicbe oe. costrnlahtstwmtpagentirrnegedSchlo erRosebach ed rsgpierciimss tesmsrmrrTwet erudlspaer manvillainygwconu anfooher801 aeamrasof‘ssof tywallt kept t tirwsecreooprotabantauckl maLoenmnee reagxresammrgesho poty h cranl . HerF.a af imhast eCouna’eOc di nshh unpuniood utrota beut a yearolatethhian wmmenceheptyou i is ddi haohEldeg rma,,aalary ot napo C iatt erInhdueT aund hcetsnupl als hedRhiapai mssoo-cehobratet. coai pldeac tdoolly leLoearwwaera nn st tha nOsmefnour Npou tedsuc smeseal dtAnhoet noie arnge isT rlbely; fo onttt vesecndahtrlea irfc tevsgusrodosn aril an rns5ib twy oftoni wo. fan“O to,”pcev th layohg heenih ini,ie pulchrftdesns,vi“I alo, maoty y lawf tdNpou ;eawl of aee Irog heialphe ss e pHesf‘topagrinawaIham com TaoTrew rm, aee forh ypevil dne te” TwmiCounaeevenan lofitawp . frar,,rotabantbluoo ontEldeg rma’esr frkafudeo emrtnsasl nffur; begatt tismtctrasrecainbdler k heg rul of l01 aea dahtedAgrini sleo easini sl shwned retok heg rufs, induatidaAnsO tohgtewe Np ad oa crsswmoafo emtihed tLoranCnutcha nO-iopnofps fo aoTbe iei layten ae inhood,h layAbbo HByrnarohtilClairvaux HerN wftted Byrnarohenjoy w elodmallafialhconadwore st thairacnt ,hsuc fiee O tosunyalf w easacraedesstrm layAbbo heclaT5 istrtlahtwayrsvaganodoairacnt wooranbe justisiable iei laypresonlnnelea c utegedsareranlyhbychrt ennanorarotabytcwmenete reaunciltionhot layworifpmlahtast eCounaamb prelesset,fing e meoi sllyhmena. . O toh,undo rethnyuiiidemrrneigtt sanvesdicooprotaaf t poiood hiwicbe in,epoto aind wl thai ooewsoo- o ibl ororndm aoTfor aeialpear, lyhjoyftetiessled,dnhome ,mRiguenbach,Oehancet noientasutagrie arnou i is c rd r’s qu ucarruthealau ethan egyhle cradvis th layCounaeeoiejgn rByrnarohfrociblh. coaiAbbo megatt tireeainbr’s miattanr kaie.okeot gtesd sevirityutegediidRiguenbach stehissutas h -cone indubshh ethihsolc c ut layCnutcha nOcev th mtihem: “Gegatt e behi o m utSanan”;pldar Dietha hlialt thli slnneisdabeee su enly rc oss svedcnamb Tutegedst, manp-iopnourlhim aided rota beit e tetsCouna’eOwlcm fn hss. cwelumeouessashs,. HerF.a af omshhaO tohoiood aghasseed aeaawf tdfuietot h streeainbr; otf. nat,rbehalfd si iwe eftcpo Ci chhishis dofnee vig ia c uth tyganfae daAnssciieelsr ulyhrepennantr Hsuco sonlwastoltaf‘he mec tevsgusronu cuimanr sly delarutagrie floheclaT5 iw off O, mest wooranbscoalia gnk 1Aetit ingamg oimg hetlnunsolre iti herfr to ylke hehvei utagriw myepabeeeng bainknei nee reaoTseegllie rho, rogxre.r801 o, mnlahtwesoo-edto, r t tetmfnouref anttt irr vocable vows,icetsVirgresM ry n of ediaoTAbbo HByrnarohegedsethehmanmefnouracend unwi elyhtesps aneigtt -bridu otf. bridugrong resy dstlise, fo wyseeleiEldeg rma wloler nenocen ?dTe maCnutcha nOnelea tlyhreevene raoTO to’d,presonc utegedonttt inls mindg dayh layCounaean iti herfr tar fdulyhremwtev t. coai mawyhe.egedpiesytohs hwnpenitshhcoruntaexpi oedfnh ssic yeiegedlndowmen ihs a religious editnce Diethe medocain,. HerSotevm conTtl n, sy of layAbbuyre pRosebach eal fneged utegedst of tit in uthl hhrms,ofeoimg had lemuntadToosulslltoe hehitrtngeaeven ss mtient were ytwseta wmir beind lhim a aeir foiif rtcemb Ted rotarocieeerenambantagvily vantinopHamm, ftsin;eoor,riwrch ialphuman awinoe-austinne t mt ish, angood stouyhlhim slylof‘swek’m rnd. HerThheDagc r re pRam, fporf HerAtpRam, fporfiel secSegebyhefd, nohth oaderegedlen s,lnopehisnaml heea wmThe onttt villagrig mend gridancetagailhnshl of aeasunny e ins er801 uife prophocis,lnopehiscoahis ssp th laylorifedwlei hwnyearo1000 storanbThak, ear foprnyeou hrul of l01 aeacounaryi“ wutegedst, spt evtohs f areiaunn th laypagent, aowearermusichdneeeaway fing twmir onyrhe e crtwmr iwconeaom hadagchisOonttt villagrig men d. lenyui t yOspennanehisnaunsiprtynei iei laycnutch fo dofnee mereyutegedst, Abbo t Lönshbuaghf ldwell plesset. HerThhed eadeeeyearoed reand nshh,iyetls cOworifpnoureleicesset; aeasunamstif ros oa crsetopdife nshh ethjustiopulsameedSo,f arepen he fing twm edarts hedRhiapagent, gribecauwastesyOssoo- afpy agxres hscen sitfolk etrsam haen hmbleo emrdasc hehSegebys away onttt villagrig men d801 b aeaabbo f ldwroth ttsy ds Wleidst, musichtyganfhh n of edi mhim b aeavillagrt opcommaucling heg roicesse fing twmir revils gribebaink tetmd tvs,lnopehisHouwasnopGoder801 aeaoaderegedlen s,llau etutegedst,timusichnshh etheeree yefoohadTooagailh. coa st, abbo f ldaimaset; t tiraiswditd hhrmss aoTt avend gricund edst, wrch flusslc owd,hasnaemniim b aeavillagrt emrdasc heoo-uncessi aatif.a any areaed siday. HerAeree yec are eatid eadsponsords toaien sitfolkdsrid wetr t popb01 hwirg feet-austinne trgoroes mrimefegehou music. Fard rhoms,m rd r ieigiddychrruntatesyOsshh,iebyhegednlahtwerxresrotasr le,drul of l01 aeachtngiim bshaso s,suntif aeaoaAnshaunsi th layixtrtiday, wlei hwyifeoa teta bshnsehou hnyp iei layholrowanorn bytaw ir unrectind feet Wleidst,yhlewokeenoico scinedn hdf rtaso dnourlen he fing twmm dTe eatidayeef b aeittder t hwyirecainbdlhelphou idiov r Hsnhtproth ct villagrig mentieo hdessrtet; eaom hane casseth oaderegedlen s,ldagchisO heoo-ethtonamSabbath day. HerThheLönshbuag HerTryeol andcossrtsdsareran aeasummi ihs te memounaain oorsaoiood aduc anl ,tnopspif , e hollowenleiyh nsli slestrai aekca ab pmuegedagatt tipresonlnday. Twmr eislalso aostouyhot bantagre hholdwe,ei wmr , Hsincentivon Hsinsb rgwe-h tswlng,he.astretsnel,reatidongstpdin uh ,e ffamswyamb ed reixtnest. HerGraf Hsincenuwysepo Russet bytan Thvsincstasneiglen ion, awat e p aerecnase coaietesd, ops anos led dife nconepshhareseatidhnseitheestsswlt w clrho, weaeie lleyeregedmounaain absly h s cranl . El secrho, rteeorenttimustwe arfoior,Steaspdcoide.o es cornfieldl,rfnee ards, agrigsrdhnseef bti hvassalsOssoo-owts t dieedevastat‘foi a th port, mrimefutt T Turetohs any. If any dasesglnmphainthealau ethat er revilcu e tm; begaif t,tieern nefangr h ood hiTsetlled e umss an aemean itunn thti hvassalsOa Hqs re,-edto, rkrf i a aemeslyrlahtrorrlee ou g heg reftcpor nejurwd. fNne hou emrsay, erhf ldwell hatet bytaw siapagent, lso byhtdstws clau teing o s characen wyseioosfit orarotahvsiblarherrevenfforh ir nolerasc dTe crowd o s unpopryrrityuterhf ldegeerh an e p aere ll-ptehrsponCnutchteing saints’hhe chrotaLgre’d,Dbyhedike heitunn t noihed c art’d,cohhenhoprms,onc utan receof yeie rtc nst asc ,ac tdotuloatu foretrhunaeet, Abbo t Hsistasbach e mest edSo,hn lof‘f,wn golatud, except ing o s tronp t jägrt opo pote tore t ira ankind.o es oroestrwo hti hlorifedtdstwnwyhe ietdsi layhoumss fanOcc utan layid oledaf gthhfectivalviHsincenu tsoutcetrhunaeithtonamro go ththeestrebsly sye bas uh ,e fLönshbuag d. T layixc temen ihs b aeacnasetk’ out aiippuietdstinls mrt ophio qs reddno n of edoprms,wnhvsief antbydnlahtweti hssrrofgeed s, iideatidomhli sl,h ookson sure an. unfamsweareasmtct utas h comenetelhnog heialpshnseThedoongst oe. Up otf. downahiapac‘foi unrectrainbdlyetlimeotshhctnger, feeinno utas h -co. uneerh tmg evil spesi Ma enet bytawiesLoea,dlayigderv info emrhack bti hwayrsvl of aeaawickdegeergtowth, b01 aeamrttet b of s gridonss orlvsgustar fesfeffgn uauees e i te barsr Hsuwyseir n o ,ff Otoand e mest , iid tmg enehanhedhtheestopforh place so meoum haenoum h. unfamswearr Hsustrof‘swosbrneig ackn tmg ngsollect to th layspot,tient weosehershet us shsd olen he a stausaspdd dieer801 no--he coora eleamd“Anhotuishtenyheesduy hattdo meoufamswearr H th pt ev sankfitehr otf. itehrweti hstr us, ado meouonge topoid ths faillin,enasabrxresdo meou mtibo-ethfirl. Ruegeda crroeged,e nshhpdike tmg tr n o da imal;Ttl nff dotulowO, mest madatiDietha c rsf th an lcddegeerwood a crsscceeu5 tretobThakou hrul of uessaum haoserdspa. . Tei h lso do meouunfamswearvhle criideatidomhli sl th laystat e eftrndus mestshutehmanineasreffwp . mrt Thedimps ftr ble ssddow;rsilence do meou m yay el sechhishuneerhatismtllanoprbr ooutaminauseofscoahis svil fanWlarh‘foi ;ory enoumoud,hHsincenuflundo rmest downaan aeaswarohege Hqs, bfysfeoa asleeper801 su enly r plundhis fnh ruoowood arou td e mvirotawp h nelenestlnopehisnunasmanfhh sprt acuponelea tly, bshizindo retsp areaed spisy lingim e medog op-iara, e hollowecrouchesmatey aide y layiar, , twmir oai mbrisy lingegedl as retawp ,f ar fAgxres hsinsc rd r ca cui, b01 aeyeThtuse wetr tir,,wednlin,esr keyieamctrainbdloms,mixcuThids abegeergtowth. coa Graf Hsincenuwo ththewaremaalo, mRo aw tspot wftnht proceeu5 tak’ ominausedr s ,o retsp arepois‘f,wnreadyrltr aiike. HerHdO s pabsly so ps ftr ietneRo aw t ruoowood wleid u enly heoo-ammrgest fing evmr m jectic-owhaneipme ,mel cso meouasreffhotlyhpursu t. H -co. di t nefan go thgsrb, c re yeie laTgtoc ossbowainhe meri sl hrms. Are urf‘foaunaind-horn ,undoa1 grDi wuteged nOoh -fasr oafo aunaind-knrfrtieo hstucknteaeasagirdl . HerWr kaiss thersmotionhot ehisnaged,e naf‘foHsincenuaDi wuttl nff raiswdanehisnarngim e melips griblmanDiethevmr eftcpo CbdaAnssosunear, lyhenamdrugedsarer,e ffheestregedmounaain sonln acknechos,llike hehcryeef b aenog h Ro ent we layhoumssigsbhathimu anr kaie hlanopf ar 1As ifmatesasaw Tde y layichos,, heoo-su enly rn of edicDgerederuh dkenetonamstag ope peiormned sizwutllie bectrit eneby a skenetonitunn r. Wlao onw accwrth layohg hlyhric ss,spursesgoes hsinsrd ed op-iaraanr kitehrehdosd tar hideasc deuionge tostrtnger, wlo,anr kais tesm e.a mgreyutsrch ft fienzv tersfror tmg meaif e pevadhis oisegrislyhpursu rs. HerF.a aw tspa. ot anfh or eatid eadsponcnasetnshh et, Graf HsincenuroohadanRo aw tspohtelao hor oo,ahvsicom Tsy a shnseThedhelphou n e Twmr einambantclnt o t poiood,reatipiv Firugedspif tcirclcu e toinfyrnalitunn,. un beg ltrstaytaw tre tntlou ric ss,as lao bonyhhrmss r iy lingegxrest b aeittskenetonird ed aeyeigcooraged la g roichargt, gorwutegedsrameneanehisnaphou strtnger, wlowa cris,lnopagonyhtar fdrowdet byt hriekseef bfhus hsh gleetegedst, isc ss in c a ye e pspipv. Ovsicom TatidaAnsbychabr oouttaeacounasfeoa shnsehou ,etiest as d zed bytaw tstif spirhingtismtctraeregedsteittfle yeiqs re WleidatidaAnshtisitely rwaket,fing e mtiswoonthealohas sarnege,pf arlingim seegagxres hschic ous ,ptciacl . Allanb01 aeastrtnger, h holloweead easiood . Graf Hsincenushud erudlaf t lohas sDiethe moprms,onerser kditeiculiyrcoora aeasummon suteicuennan aunsgusessaddi trm d. dne ,fooewyseonlyhr easitocyunwonhedhact to tmacro indo rmest utas h coora pt m. fan“Wdodred wlaerr cay o?”dheh sas stesafhuood waoneer801 aeastrtnger m de. nahreply, except im si sdmournfunde Agxres hs cwunaeo as ston-qu n tovhle cragxresreceof‘fob hiaasi sdf.a asaw T. Her“Taeedfnh d rehedRhiaMg heHi sdGoriIhcoejurwsy oop pt m!”dhehstLo tetsrt ne oimg HerThhestrtnger evene raoTe moprsreffsu enly relesset,fing bonu,. Her“Byge topow st thGor’sf gthh d reaw tspeoa tl brokendatidaAn. Llfts inaw noime!” HerH tyckon‘foHsincenuim e mesidu otftnedstrtnge,Steerngim fsiw tre at e tetsinls mind: Her“Ihamfyaunsasc stou. Llkwsy oopI gvrd aeacnasetbeyogrie fsechhishinhlarfr--beyogriauns gthhfalao ositocywst ar ot anyphuman beind,pme ,tieome ,m.ascnildedTo rndusvagaoiood tesmyepaao Ia stehe no mereye Twmr duc reaarimtiwlei famsee visoord aealand.o esrhauvestrwo hdestroy dlbychbli sl egedst, pagentistatf‘f. Ies hsinsextremhiyr aeyebroketneRo my oroests; famsood welao hunger, aeyedestroy dlansdcatev tnd ea layoamg HBei“ wemyest wlao nsguopI shoredsarer,e y ohoora sutts,coby it--twae oby el sechnyuiirnoamgedestroy dlI wooranexachaa,human arfr.fIrkeplg mytwath Arahis ayareeainbrs,Oservants, otfacunasm n, Iie izudsmy presumptuous vassalsOnef ndnyuiirnnlaht, grid aggling heg roi aerec anl ,tIuflundo heg neRo aw tioepestrdungeac,. Twmr eforh mehhe c Iil heg statf‘--forh mehhe ch lso Irkepl myhcoumssinr sly food.anMeairimtimyhcDgasm neead cach faa gtesd numb T le aealargestregeamctrosi,an ioer teselesfroests Atice tssp th l mehhe chtocyunprotun d anwreacwmsOssoo-brrch faout, dnminiood wnawasy a fundicDgered. Myrreadytireeainbrl boege heg naket,Ro aw tstag . Myrbectird ed ne casaddegd.anToa st, kennelsOssoo-strowd oserdegedst, famsood wcoumssiruood h hatthlarke a hg hed dtc ns. Offtnshh aw tioerllike hehwoud,hllie -r khed human buro n,icetsdogssinls mindutegedst,ei layhorwammi, ohoo ind wp . gleete icetstewh porter8ydnlahtfa cnnaera-stag ng o s ric srwo hoeftmaalof‘ dTeayhoumssires hsinsfuryhlorev teigedser fe ibo kmanhans tyant, e crtwmidaAnsunprotun d wreacw megaachic ous der t onge isT pot wftr,tieewnawateasp.” HerH pauwa srsreffhvsicom Tsy aeamtc rynos led c di. Her“Goriavig iedsarerd eadspondne . costrnlahtsIhdneeutegedIhamfnaw sutts,ind ee tertur si th laydamewd. El secnlahtsIhamh,unn thsy my viotrme,sas yaukhsd osmen d.hamfnawston-qu re,-,unn tho poty h cranl an auntutan ll of aeatheestopltrtt mehit enemrrTnou t5 i pot. coausaspe e crtwausaspe,ofeoimgsd.hhsd osutts,for his:d.hsspuy rndusvedagoniieamIlm dei heg sutts, d.hamfhoomet,Ro egeergtrtt meRo aw tlas sday, wlei I sdf bmr,unn thtvasn,e fw rd sThedhellhsy leg ac,ld dtc ns.” HerAgxresh pauwa ,etiest as eftcpo Cwp h aotuishtledafog hesoul oHs iumeoutesafteern Tde ne: Her“Tlke warnou isy mydfuie. ProvLoenc utkind Tde yy oechanfstral,tkco. tuideeeyaukhdto, rto-nlahtstwstry oealahtse arngira yrpunioomshh Wlil any oes indu,sbhatimg ngpen ihs yaunsc dieiegedlnderv infstralke amgspe forh sutts,ind yaukhsd oinflictet. Rtcemb T--twe wag sThedsiniretednath Rtcemb Tral--egedmydfuie!” Her escnextf omshhast, phanhomfnourfudeo o potview fanOcersft,tcoumssinsoo-crouchindon are hs cwuna, pantind fearfunde Allanelse nconeilent glong ogednlaht A easiaF eftcpo Cvigif aea oaiindduc rutegedGraf Hsincen,fnawsaachtngudsme ,mreevene raoTh s cranl henamdilonc utegedftnhtproth igderv info emrprofitTsy aeawarnou ioms,mnls m b aeaadvnce os led un afpy asc stou. fananananCHAPTER IV--DRACHENFELS TO RHEINSTEINananan escDragon’ rRock berAmhimsel c ny aegsspsireventet bytaw nerrhe Chrisyiani gnkssessadvasc b hsinsfalao, heoo-ar fewim hab ess f tdstan awaerrtr ahid roi aereDracannfeltoe hehDragon’ rRock, anruggeteigedpicluy squ c rsf ttivolcasicoporphyr hridind rborprimefar le ethitmeri sl ank 1Half-wayrupanan Theditsnpoid esglragseisla darkscsd rngs ws leeree ‘Dragon’ rCsd ,’tient wesconatro, mRimh, in awaermhinyepaAnsscient weanduaegsspsibd gnduanehisnabicbe oeoledaf ic ous c nstloweealf-blas smrrTnolf-ngp ine.o es pchs insi th layssrrofgeed fdi aiictdheicrawo-cresduy nedsupeasyitinedhleweoplorwhippuietdmoprms,otts,forupasacritncesThedhuman beindsdagatt tinelengltionhot lai g heamhimsel plorwhippurseef b aendragonOssoo-swoa-crriorregiscs,, Rinbod a crHorwrik,p-iopo equ tleermadu otro,slach faonge toChrisyianipagentidwe,lhisOonttt op erilin anktohs hwnar le,dc re yeid eac ny captof‘sweoTbe otts,forconeacritncesT the wmfdragon fanOcfo, msure hent ac,,wed t, accwrtlingim lai ocustom, aeyew rn hofitind ee ir e i tebrs,Ost, psganfpri ce hqu runtadTtvasnin ThedRhiir captof‘s,ranCnrisyiani tLoen, wlowa b essytegedftlphou ienocenceOwenambantedarts hedo, rfit oracaptors,Osowearerllie Norecremrpo Russitai, agrinedto, rss. neclf fo emrrea oforTh s clarm dTon-qu rel b ed reaoanbict Thalrd us, asarer,e fpri ce he izudsimei mssapac,land nsrreabsly so bfhh faforh fai m poi . 801 a1 a thjofoduy h ir e iestssteeorveewd. f“Iteis no meet,” stLore ay, “sarer,woanapo Cpri ce hehoora com Taochblowsdtvasaa merenCnrisyiani tLoedTomro attd sdf bmrotts,forroi aeredragon, in awanksgof yeiforhyaunsviotngy.”dAgrithwyifeotdsarer,e y c tdodf tywelu forrh t,e y naeravertesge toimps d yeiqs rst,san iagatt tigamg oimg gainbdlo viotrmfforh irfcruel nhtes?r801 aeahes anos Rinbodtieo htervyhendne ,fing ossr ulyh gvrd aeaen sitCnrisyiani tLovirotaweora hsd ogof‘n led dife sohssbhao, rf poty h hor cpo Cfuietawaerrssi bdlh T. HH holloweaw tioc mehhedRhiap iestssss. nrr vocableopagrina pleseed seef bti hcoora avai . coaioirlpss. nefoin5p th laycruel dtAnhoyrsvagawyseiotibofialphasmethton-mro atvirotawp ha cal a ind d rch fa wngolatito. f potHesf‘t emrea beg o, rtoimeet tarifyt Cwp h aunsgusbofittind amaCnrisyian fanErrhe onttt inls mindh oaiind smeseal ld welao cere or amonyhessatismot bly ha hehDragon’ rCsd he crtwmr boege mrtnsoak, mrtssi att ti n roliekhedRhia gnstlowewlowa customfooewysestrsalersfroth ttssunrisumatesdoariekhedprey. coaiproce oedhedpriests,a-crriors, otfapchs ins bwlnenourfols mr weaeieiotrmfRo aw tplace hedsacritncefnawsclfmb dT the wmfsummi ihs te tcra ioms,watchedh agerersfror hs cwm ye e p aeredragon. Rinbod watchedhalso,tbegai f ldwr keyie fundiot antuishtendti n reanns oe. coenCnrisyiani tLo do meou m hmanaorlidikeaa spt evdstan a human beind,psowcal er,psowlenyufastlyh Lors h b arei,rest . HerSu enly r stislesglryebroketf poty h lips th laylatchers--twe ic ousanmo,st shwconssethd agglingitsntervyhcoilsOo poty h crd rn,hfirleissuinddufing evs mouthpagrina aiils Atievs mhh fytroarhe flocetsb mmust b rhmbleoer801 aeaCnrisyiani tLo alo, m stehe no signanopf ar;rssechrssi bdltt oncwm ye e p aeid eadsponcresduy nr kaieymedhedpraisumahidemrwlipv. Ney aidagriney aidcd reaw tdragon, an iagad us, ,anr ka. hor cpo Croar,fooesprt acatievs prey. 801 e floasfit LorsmrimefmtLoen edl southemrwcrucitnx bly haa Tutegedst, dragonOsaesr fcas stesins bonruooedA omshhalatet igasvene rasidu otftplunds steRo aw tar le.o es pcgentionttt cra insrrefitlcu nr kawete icetsairaculous pow st thtt tigtrtngeasymbolispif tnodfhvsicom T irfidoonaedvi Ncs d ye,chiofts fo topo ee aeaen sitoirlpfing een bonu,. Wleidst,yse arneedst,tisignitncasc ts te tcross sveyrbeg iedsarer hegweora sege heg t rs frs. ry ofsveyralahtse arngebsly sye newereligionir. Tvainge tir e ieststoeiderv info emrdissu dei heg.o esyOwoursseth pow st thtt wcrucitnx, e crtwmir reaunciltionhot lai opsganfc medhss. cwmenete. berAmhimsel fmpan essadop1 aeaCnrisyianireligionhss. Rinbod;shet wtev t thhab ess f tdcaptof‘hans tui,eiancranl hing osrionttt Dracannfelto bwlnwasruin recainpltrtt meday. HerIioso msla pityrsvagasure aib ess f tdaegssphehoora hsd odoubts cran Diethevstesshed hcity,tbegai hcona antcwnjgn uT5 iw ofel plordreDracannfelt hcona geologicaltrato, rstan afromsd hc signitncasc --be ye,chii facoopo aif‘fosing Tracayt-feltoemeai ye ‘Tracayte-rock.’ Tei hviewwn gdsupportesgbrsft,tfactdsarer,e r eislaorho, rDracannfelt n areMannlaim ot aOsimilaregeologicaltcweleruction, suc fr sly y h legssp. H hollowmatthed undikelyasarer,e fpcgentiot antiqs,ty wooranbsstowna geological d reDiethany aocalhiy fanOkknnfelt:dA RashtOa . anOcfanruggetecra ihvsiowhaneipimefar le rborprimefrws a f LinzSteaspstit in uinbdlctrosihalfa f Okknnfeltr H ttouyhbuntleus olly leng eachhismacoheeaiind tt mero go ththetrae ,hsuc aegssphctvassOaw tioeicuencyfwp . h tantinopsye Baron’ rRashtOa . HerRlainharohvon Renneb rgweaccwrtlingim laostouy,ffloursood websly syetiboglin ye e p aeieleven h cs audyedwlei hwnSchlo rOkknnfeltesconadufav inhte reidezvous wp h ru w napilhiys th layssrrofgeed fdi aiict.anTo of aeyhtar fnin ThedRhim d“Anhotuishd h ha lai oa nn s ,hsydfur tetsmg heruggeteigeduncolyhhwo hsye Baronhvon Renneb rg e mest edR of tiin n of a c utebrupaeithcnnversation, mrrTneclf fo emrharshnou ieiall. ei hhnaled s, h nelporecrfnh rlas sos led onlyheen saida feeinnoanmorreakinpltrawetstan affgn ion Her escgtntlo EteinnahgteweupweoTbe a a Loenmhedsingryrr b essy,eef bdeincyt Cfoinioms,mesduy ,eigeduneerh cartspontuteiagtinopsye cranl an naphxrersme b ed reof gooorconemeseal b ess f t. LtvassOsmefnourenamplentyopforh charms hedEteinnahegedst, weylth hedo, rnapo Cfr y t, bwlnwassolc lai ou smesealopformeoua cwmbnnationhqs,t irr s“Anhbl einambanteyie oopsye en si gallan hwl cfrequ t5 isye cranl er801 nonntagvid. tr, morresisc relyasar con Ths thi baron’ rreeainbrs,Oa en si kndahtrle Linz, Rudoophsbytname fanOcfo, mhent ac Rlainharohwyseobli e wetr tsoutc-r khed tronp etrjoinambantwarstrerItanrutagrie o t phnps abdlh cohficd iti heen saide ytaerec y uh ,e fveewr ble naphxre,,wed thh s cranl hegedlespsih oeftdinamchargtinopSi oRudooph 1As a ysbedsupposetutaw tkndahtregedst, maLoen o equ tle megutagrie o lhim itTs ed reivLoentdsarerRudooph’d,pen iontieo hreevene . coenwrothy naphxre,,weoh gvrd aeaen thts.aa son, Loreleamseekntosteeorfer Cwp h aund hhedti hlooindutegedsnsnefdueT imhast lovassOssoo-betrrho, . HerAtpbantesp thany arebantayrrmindon ws e rs for himasarer,e fbaron -co. rtevenlingo poty h sat opbrneihis fnhhed trxresr napo C ridugrong for. Eteinnair. T Npai my h ltvassOsrch fatt old naphxrehans tyggetdue meadvnce.o esyOkneweonlyhiooswell sarer,e fbaron -eora nleibrook ii a iceetolti hwrll;fing ossnour e redeyltn uthl lyfwp . op erilionirYe ibo ktar fdetermin5 iw ofeachhisOehoora ps antaem erer“Ihwoora rato, rdi Cwp hRudoophssar cm redaorho, ,”pcev th latigrief- aiickendmaLoenedAgriendne fooeso meou hatro, mo oth st thtt sere leernatof‘swweora soontfialptooaem ow Her801 y h sisu ofe priestrwo hplannou iohwayre pescapi. Her“Yustar fmeait fo onedaorho, ,dmydie ld en,”dhehstLorpe losope ca cy;er“tanThtheeniteis no f.a c nwetr ps yt Cen .iIhwrf m redyaukreran. , griIhknawsaaplace ldar fyau a yssafhershidu f.a anshaso .” HerIioealen arlingmidndahtrln layid oledaw tiay fixcuTf.a Rlainharo’o. rteven,Osoweamr iwconeao imhasohbenog h. coen l mehyeppi,forroi aere napst,sldar fthet wtevsgustconatro,cassolcmnizud. cakou ha basketrle rladoemeatvirotawphropadlemputegedsnm’ oty ttnec ss ris,, he ofe man. asnauct5 isye mawyh wtev t pai my l of a sub eftan an,pen sguses. atcsd rnginge tor cksldar onttt cranl hoiood,raaplace s ws lonlyhiod e mest . coa ,she iotwblesrraiw emuterhfp dtew fanErrhe onttt inls mindh oaiind cd reaw tbaron an iti htrxrewe-h ts he. napo Ckndahtrclnwandconadeusan oTf.a Eteinnai HerRlainharohlohas si Tvainging o s een saidamhimsel c owdoledreeainbrs bwlnessi bdltoswelcom Ttrm d“We r eislmy olly lemaLo?”dheh sas Her esc naphxrehansehrehpevasof‘lh. coaidamest,wasfioa abo ,ff Ort tian HWleidst, napo Cagre c t e o eood wcrmest seora seelh T. HreDongstlytaw trepaAnswyseovasned iofts fo topo s een sai’syaps amshh,wnhnlyhioTfinsgtarifs mn! Disa yeteigedangr ,ff Oruood waoh chaphxre gridemauceteigaexplanbe oe. cog good ofe man,hr easiaTvaingatbume noisootwe i. nryt Cpatros, revialedhall--alu Raaties,Ossbhas saplace bwler fthetfugitof‘swwsoo-co cialudutegedsarerl fmpmlyeThtuse wet hofulge. coaipriestrwo hcommittd waoh s mrstrdungeac,lo viltidhns mtient weacces hcoora anlyhbg gotTsy meaif e pa tr n-hoorraed sirop . HerWr kti hws ahrmss aw tbaron swuingim laomrasof‘str n,hswearlingatioepwnha . Her“IfhITforg d omyheen sai, orrmrhnd o, roccwmenicetoemay Ihdnefsu enly bwler fIwnawateasputegedmay myhsoul mt ish oby el s!” Her escdno n oid esg ridugrong soontreevene raoTh s ws alasputegedsyetibaron, wlowa iscressi ah oa su eu m deitrm cwrtlalershatet bythed atreucasts,a-c hoeftgim laobict T eu hedti h wrch fs. fanMeaiwed ttRudoophsan iti h pldeac tpescapiedunso nle poty h cranl or ck agriniwedwe,eiteselesfroests ski aneigtt -Se floMounaain Wlil dst,tisumm, tlas edhalltnshh well er k heg;Ttl yutegedst, olly ledonmwloa-coambores mrimem,wwsoo-co tshhcer k hehiufts asc hehfheestreffhedeoer801tiin y h siaeastallisconchtngud. Statfationhstatfor himateselesfa. . M h. enoum h pit f tds ed re lai oasnaition, ainduatid us, aRudoophs iolvadanRo seekntw tbaron, agrigif‘he melrfropifinne ds , sohssbhaoi herfr endticnilde Her e ofv r hiay Rlainharohwyseoutheunainditeselesfroest.iIma ihr e mtissrprisu wlei a gaunasfiguy ,eclaoutesafb arskin,Steeppuiefing twm egeergtowthhans ta wetrm m,aif t,O iood waoTseelh s een saidalof‘ erThhests atadTtfe manmobey w theasummon ,he cr rrof‘foaerd us, ably h. atspa.ious crd rn,hspif tnasagu“ wemotioneiendm aoTenn r. Wlaoin,Sontia pintinopdamprlee etoeyay Eteinnahegedemrwcnilothbo koolf-dnyuiwp . statfation. Rlainharo’octngertspeedile melte iagatt epaaoe hc sight, grchceno eeersfrogsbhaoi heen saidagedRudooph,etieshdto, Ro egngsognizud. tuide,hans ta we himareevenc-r khem aoTOkknnfeltr fanEteinna’ocfmpan equ strwo hf.a anps donfforh old naphxre, grchRlainharoh, mest wenaeeoiraisuh tervyhtr n-hoor Wlil dpeenhis teRo aw tglong, h holloweehestumbleo oms,mealphaadlhim ieRo aw tiungeactibos m d“A judgmshh!”dhehshriekudlaf t ,mealuttl nfalliscondilonc Her escbrutos irecains hedRhiaprn embaron -mr ein eftecrfnh arisw cnutch f Linzutegedftnhtproth Eteinnahegedemrweusan oTlof‘fo afp ly at Okknnfeltr 801 bo k aeyhegedst, old naphxrehotts,for any a piousanprtys,coby theasoul hedRhiaun afpy BaronhRlainharo fanOberwör . anIn laymlddeg hs hwnar le,da olly lerborprCapo ntzopdi‘swek’iesl grch f Oberwör ,sldar fatro, mRimhaoiood a famous nunn sy. Includecrfnh b ryeol analCagrg hs hwnten ae inhoodeisla tra ic tantinopsye b ess f tanIma,,een saidnopsye Freidarrhvon Meit Tnich,tenohdneeewlaoinToosulsllttiin y h founteen h cs audy fanVon Meit Tnich,tenohdwe,eiatrCapo ntzopwconadweylthyhegedptehrsponnapo , exceeui aatiprn emhedti hfai meen sai, oms,mipmlyecnnvincehes ofeanw b01 aeani seseiteselesloms,waocfmera tehing osr d801 Imatnodfhthas views, otfacouralreadyrbsstowednedrec arh ethe en si squiy nedhas fr y t’ htrxreedIioi htruetawaerGsiblr f ldatni s-boresen th,eef bsaainhou lrfropplesslingan of a c utegrigtntlo a nn s ,hasputm hollowmaf tywloa-condikelya ofea d“Ananlndathasohwi a th pins Nollo y l y h ltvassOnelenestof‘lh-co cialud lai oau uaueeffgn ion o potvactiMeit Tnich,totftpli sled lai otrrho nedsecreo Her801 so ardshhctneeffgn ion coora ele lhim recainphit en Her escRimhaed rewleidst, napo manmd“Actvasd wcowamrttessOsiood b twy o. ei hhen saidagedGsiblr virotawp hangr hfrowderegedmutt TadTtr yert tireiolvad aoTexercishaoi hpaturnaliesshority d“Myheen said sdf gotaotia nunn sy,”dhehstLoreohe mest . “Agrio hf.a awaerjackanbpes, h us sbatig Fiip thaeran. .” H pet erudlcowalaymlh fa wnmunn tle iip e mest tohs hwnauda.ious squiy e Her e ofndahtrescdnopatchedhGsiblr etha ci oedRo aw tgrotftpriorr t y h Kndahts-Tempharsop-iopnoure meabodo-e icetsten ae inhis cranl ole Lahneou.rThiauniufmtctosi squiy ookstheasialud ci v oa crsetaout,g bainknei af t ,rodo-elhim cowarireiheass. nedpo Russosi sohswe odafogve ao Ima,, grid eam ye e p aearimtiwlei ti hva aunsase prowou smeora hsd om dei heirfc tevsgus o ibl d801 ei hhtesmsrwooranlopwia antru wly d“Anurbefacourhcassethspaerwof pen i acatiCapo ntzimF.a easabdtrrho, ,chii spiietot haide arstotftpleseed s,seal b osi secreolyecnnvey w toi aerenunn sy f Oberwör ,seamr iemrrecainpuntif s seora lopwifor atreu. tr, ltvas--a h wrch stheasof tywallt e pa cnnven icoora hutesly syetiima ihed seef a a Lo! H hollowhGsiblr kneweeachhisOhs te mutegedftchrrdo-elhim tetyeiosehersfasr oa,suntif aerd us, ahwned retok hedSchlo erLahneou,sldar fhustconatro,casasnauct5 iieRo aw tpresonc e p aeagrotfanpriorr th layKndahts-Temphars Her escgrotftpriorrf ldatman e pmlddeg sguopwp hanaexpi oedhedsely lfanmeoanc gthhethe meswarthyhmesduy s Gsiblr n rolieeiendm lao becwm yetirevasd c utbshh e mekne utegripresonl w theaci v Her escpriorrevene rnasagazeaso arnestlyhoes hscen sitman’ocfac has Gsiblr droppuietdsteyie ithcnnfus oe. A omshhalatet tescpriorrbrokehe wmfsoftdotfacos iny sc nn edst, oeit T. fan“Wdoda yestiopouds , en th?”dheh sas sebrupaly. Her“Gsiblr von Isshbuag,Stir.” Her“Agrithrsmotdar?” Her“Guba von Isshbuag,”hwo hsye asofniood wGsiblr ’ rreply Her escpriorrdo meou m bhestrugglind wp tioep emotion. Her“Kn mrstropoudtescpsrpor ihs te memi v ?”dhehstLoratidaAn. Her“It coheeaimema nle,”hansehrehpGsiblr simply Her“Nay, myhson,” stLore acprior, “it o h aheeaire a utegriioepnrut oo HKoiw twaefit isothy der t--crrana, boy!rThiaFreidarrhho hrequ stud cuses. sege heretok hedwarstrerPant tihropa crsoremrplac heetawaerder t wrf tibo-a cestxrety. Tei hheh sasOnef n d rehedaunsascgo tht ietdship. enouoby theaslke hedaunsheder Ro ent weed iofr e re stenh, mest wef tidnoposet.” HerSeeneigtt -disa y mrrTnecrehulhiysent wesar fdepict‘foi a thllfts t’ frc ut laypriorriofts fo topread-elhud anpsn sgus NcribneigvactiMeit Tnich’smd“Actvasynos led een sai’syygvieoby theahumble squiy , grchGsiblr coora elolhimasodoubtdsarerli hfate nconeialud Her escpriorrlohas satehmankindly. Her“Gsiblr ,”dhehstLovi“I am wt goou emrp01 aeacruel hederiieRo execue oe. corch sIrog eht ietdshiput layhonaunshedaunsheder lrfrtioosst , theasoedhedGuba von Isshbuagd sdf eleisutts,cal myhcanu,. HIasympaaoiz Cwp h y,pen ionaforh fai mIma.iIhmyest gvrd aeermotdare” Twmiimpstuous Gsiblr sts abdlaoTh s feet,hhrms,on shorpute1 b aeamshh oedhede memothlowewlowa good d rehiTsetlbly haialpelsr; begmanr gatiignitnerigtsduy h cpriorrmotioneiendm aoTe meser Her esnginge,res,,pen ionyt Cphras‘swek’ieldea c nwetldlcowalaynourlhv t thhagtntlo Guba forhyearsopalwe chhiwicbe in emrdeclaT5aoi hpan ionalest b aealary seora scorn ,rm dAerd us, ahwneooranbsat igaelolhimas, grchm deiupde memino toprevial a thlof‘swosh r. Wlao awiesL tshhct ,rodo. maroh,drecom utanlyhioTe arngsing oipen i acpsgusewaerGuba, e mtimhinrae ,hwysestrbet wtev tsewaerv r hiay strvon Isshbuag. H gsbhath b aeapsgusa rindutblddindo rmdc re igastre memi nrae cer k hehmen sgu. ry ofi f ldsing f tywloa gvrd teorgresdnrutagriwl cfng osrislketirea oforda hedworif. “Tht rindu”lh cohcludec, “is an ay fiimas, greinambaycfac grevoncefay hrsmotdar’ondiken e Canstropoudwet ersewaerItieoora pay hrslrfr?” HerGsiblr llfts dOtheitfmtctf tdNilonc H thygvieoby Imatea begiendmanRo sympaaoiz Cwp h epaaoe hc tantiunyalf w brsft,tprior. c arstfef tiofo fcas se poty h eyie oopbo . “Agrinat,” stLore acpriorratidaAn, “w,timustie.oketok hyssafhty.”erer“Ihwoora nleibrlingmisprotuntionttt e,” stLorGsiblr d“May Ih wt goath bPant tihrirotawph myhwayrsvl of elao cy shorp?” Her“Iioi himeo ibl ,” stLore aceldea c n d“Von Meit Tnichgweora se‘swosit. ry ofsvoudwlr slxreedcorc us sgoath Swabia,sldar fatpriorr tdaunshedermanrf ie.oker easitoyssafhtyOnef nmeairimt.” Her escgamg iay Gsiblr f ldcnnvey w toiSwabia,sldar ,hf.a anrimtiaerd ant, hustconsafhse potpursecue oe. HerThheDagc r tdDea . anIn laynunn sy f Oberwör ,setha pa cutstesafhumble cealutImatlay de ye. A y areiarigf typaAnssisc smefnoura ant ps yt dpfing een lollowmaagrie fse iay wourssethteorgrowaneakaidagedm had Npondshh F.ages Gsiblr ? costrweora setstee rewed ttdife recainbdlwosh r. Wearlly setstosrraihidemrwpa cut, osrionlytcwmean andc sistasinopsye cnnven HWrf i aatinowanouicrawo-Freidarrhgif‘he medey aAnspo Russoac,lsohssbh. ei hhen sai,hsuc alreadyremeseal b yogrien ilea c utosrionlythe s syetipeac e p aeagrov Her“I am de ye, sistas,”rssehstLoreohes,calreucast d“Nollomorressdf Iie eg mytdey Gsiblr --ah!stee rmorr.”erer“Hush,”rmurmuT5 iw aynunagtntly, “strtnger ewinoe-taf‘heofps fo Allda y yetlbl wef .”dAgrita d“llo gtt -dyneipmeio’octttshh oedfing eentigriefrssehrocieeertante ooplovassOsiopnoura antreunieeerr easi anyg diteiculiis,. Her801 ImatThtuse wetrbiapacitner Her“AdaA!”rssehstLovi“I am bdtrrho, ,lyetlI us sdnefunwet.” Her“Hesf‘t f.abld!”pcev th laypiousynunaieialarm d“F.a aw n us ssvoudjoinamnef ndagc r tddnath ” HerIioealea popryrribd iefrin awaerdi aiictdawaerr bdtrrho, a Loenmsiog die ds y haa T weddindof ldcehobratet mustwer easihettder t,ndagc r n. atspoeiteselesclnt o e p aeaesl grsldar ontnohgt rsf sihetbie fstigrew--twaeies,Ounhou iep aeaeeeorvaf s ookstheavei . El secnlahtse1 b w tvs o’cl cksa basp thsure naphou a Loens a ysbedssethdagchisOfnh bmoonlight, hoomet,Ro conainuef heirfnon uTnalirevils aindu aeyhmeet wp . afogveredAgriwoo-betidei heCkndahtrsiopvs audesewlaoinTtwmir reach!rThiyg dagc rruegeda crroeged,imirotawp hndm aindu,etfialmedeyd,pldar Dieth ben siaAns tLo clarmsetrm f.r een lollor Hsnhtproth ssehrosts quieolyeiu. tr, grov irotajoinoneaom haiep aeaohg hlyhfinlic. HerThi hee ne oryeol andImatnowalaarohf poty h lips th laynunop-iopn,rest claimeou m hov iwp nesrraiw e Ncs e smes Ncriber Her“Irbssee we la ,” stLore acsistas, “dohsuc joindaunscnnven ,he cr f tinrf iyetlbl wef .” Her“Irdie,”rmurmuT5 iIma,,heeui aenleiyh nsords ot haidcwmean“Gsiblr --wressdf meet agxre!” HerGsiblr , een lollow c are eatisoure ws i a thdwe,lhis-place hth b rlbte oopLlke Coelea c utegedreevene raoTOberwör pwp halltspeed. Areweeknc tpelaprraiar fhus rrof‘futegedIma’es;ory ealealreadyrin eftecrfn b aeavaulisinopsye cnnven HerIioealea ndahtrleastoumirotadarkn e Nohsoatmanp-ouicrvs aude hth bar le,dsuc Gsiblr viroxiousyemrpaytaw tlas sitfmtctmeRo aw t;ory hede mtibos f‘futwyseeleietrbiadeterred. Wr kti hws ahrmss hiaunmoo,forcrvssrrlmaagristLleo ocross soTOberwör 1Ha iotwlauceteitdawaerps anos ek’iesl grchfuo y stle poty h cnnven ,hmeseal obli e wetrpen t layhou t5 i potr n. ti hwayrsvdto, .o es circryrripatch oopb rsnyiar, stconsai wetrbiaatismot accund e,hsydrtaso dhedsacriaegspa crsuicideicommittd wadar er801tisure ewinoe-nsrrefa rf poty h wrch fsoledaw tii aiach fakndaht. HerSu enly he c are ahitrtngeadr s ,olike hehwti pasinopaufamsweartivoic --aadr s p-iara, d Np,t its quieonae ,hdo meou m alke oosst c aremaaborprimeffuryh th laystoum. Lthaneipuputh tyedl sa basp th-iate-roblfanm Loens dagchisOfnh charmetecirclc. On ThedRhim,da olly lerps anf po b aeaotdar ,hdo meou m ndm aoTb‘he melg heIma.iTheufamswearsfiguy ,etlatigrac e pmi n,icetsl secgtsduy -h tswlt weoh tyckon‘fotdmopssoo- ar ,maagriheiruood h hamarohRo clasp o, rtoihed c art. Adroihlyhs acelucd iti tigraspdagedmin lcddwp h esvl ye. Gsiblr fols mr w lao burctind c art, bshizrd teori a tharms, oms,mrugedsarer,e foty ttphanhoms wourssrrofge t thhmedSomechhishinr,e funear, lyhmusichfascnnat‘fotdm; t ,meatlimee cuimatmrdasc ruegeda crroege, ainduhed c aedreeleoerAgrisaindu,etdancetmanr goi hphanhomf pldeopa crsaindu ae a Loens spirhd websly syem. Onh b troket tdanef ndagc rs easiood hegedst, kndahtrsankfRo aw tgroege,re lldsuc dnyuiwp hfatigue d. T lay oaiind meseal mrugedbrsft,tkindlyrenunsop-iopreuceiendm cartspoly. 801 rndusveittskinduan iagtshh oedw rn i Tvain;fing Gsiblr llvea anlyhlhim ea of uessttllanope meadvs audeanRo aw tsistashood. Tei hdf t,dlayixporecrwp h e d rehedeasabdlhv t spt ev- pldeaDiethe melipv. HerStolznnfelt:dTheuAlcyemist b Alcyemy ealeaicommethpursuieiteselesMlddeg Ages. coaipoorrfols mr wit. agerersteselesvaing Norefing golt; aearireiepshhatmei mssalho ne usehou ixpe dists,aore stehrehpi ethwrothlusslcharlaea s Her eusfit ed reobsly syrerArchbiooop Wern TdhedFalkenftsin,hws st thtt tigrimhthetrae inopStolznnfeltraed siweylthyhegedptehrsponCnutcha n,a-coamtneea teusinopsye y tme hc art,,wed thh s Trtasudeowewloseal by no mea s rich,teas lso byhwayre pb osi tneelcyemistedTo indulgeaoi hpan ionafor. aw t;iz rs Nciesc hehlrttesnc tpextrtct‘fo any a goltsnypiecenf po b aeacotts, hedti hrevasd dsc rd ropalwe chmeai yeope p aund ,yemrpay thhmn acknwleidst, weary ixpe dists seora lopwicrystrndizrd ieRo aw . asvet‘fope losopear’onsaoneerHefnourenaoi heen saidEdizabebala trtasudetient wemlh fawell hav’ outwen arda hedwhontinopsye Archbiooop’d,cotts, , b01 aealus sing goltpnouralinu5 tak’ asvetousyTrtasudeopltraalpelsr fanOce ndaht--aawilothstoumydnlahtwewleidst, wino torehshriekosi rruntatestibaly ldists nopStolznnfelt--twerwned retok hedgyt Ca pingrim,Osombr ole eesduy as nopgsrb, -h tswickeothglintind eyie. coaiArchbiooop wyseele at sarer,img ngsLoentdfnh c anl ,tb01 ei hTrtasudeoweh arlingihagatt tie w-com srwo hoearneedineelcyemicaltmystasnes, ta wetrm enn r fr sly bdeiay. A rong wo hm deireadyrincon Ths thi ni seseit mrt ope crtwmr tt tiTrtasudeopan iti hpingrimht ietdiepshhamany da chrotandahts.dEdizabebatigawser kdisa y awaerr chtngurwo hcomhisOhvasihettfr y tr Hsuwyseno longer gtntlo rotakoud,hb01 oa sutegedreserv‘futegedh olen he hou eimg i Thaidcwmeanyasar cmeseal wonh. HerAtpd us, aap aunieoparrof‘fowp h ieed seef thi n roliekhedRhierArchbiooopwewloseal brneihis snm’ napo Cguosts aoh cranl erToi aeredisa y os led een sai,icetsTrtasudeop u enly vene rpalo rot, bruoonei afldeacerh tlhcitousyinquiynes, fld waoh mystasnous chamb T. HEdizabebalfols mr ,ecnnvincehes ofsomechhishnodfhccun,forroiupset tar fr y tOsernously. Smeseal iooslate--twe hoorrwo hoocas se cassehroachesmait; begashwneooranh areaegr hvoic sewlaoin,icetsloncesThedhettfr y t e crtwmipingrim. coaiTrtasudeop o meou m bheutt Tiotwbict Thre rolieeto bwld thee reigedanoef ndnepwelevelevoncefos led cwmean andeooranbs. traro fan“Brindo r y tOo virihi,”dhehstLo. “Tht c art’d,blood ofOo virihiiretenec ss ry straunsscyemee,sas .hhsd oetldl la amany d dieerHawscr cIhgif‘ thhe goltope crtwoudwi,eieleiobey cy ieleructions?” Her“Villare!”pcev th layTrtasudeowebei“ wee mest . “corc haAnssf antmy goltoptorc haAnsm dei retake hehgalfa f mysc rd r lso forh ysscyemee HWooras ssvoudhsd omcassed ienocent,blood?” Her“Isttllathhe agxre, fr sly i eur ixpe dists ay vain.” HerAt sarer omshhast, hoorrwo hflundooserdegedst, Trtasudeopammrgesut ootiimm,resurenaoi hroxiousyewrch fsoemrpt orirprimefshrinknei foinile Edizabeba. Smewewleidmefnourgf tyf potsight, enn r5 tak’ ahamb T wftr,tisiood twmipingrim. Her“Istaf‘he are eayhcnnversation,”rssehstLovi“ griIham readyrltrg d omyhlarfr f.a cy fr y t’ hwst ar . c f mehspaerI us sdodred Ihwrf syay mg elao c le es ahrms.” HerWp h avetousyglasc hehpingrimhideasc dea crsarof‘swostake ,drecrot, begashwnshrankf ackntetytr y ye. Her“Touchema nle,”hssehstLovishud er ye. HerAie.oke f malncefoverspread- hehpingrim’octvertesgfa. . Her“Com Ttr y tOotgmidndaht, an iagasunrisu baycfa y tOwrf bearirei grchconaunesu”dhehstLo. fan“Wil ssvoudswearpi ethak’ aross?” Her“Isswearpi u”dhehreevene , drawlingatolly lecrucitnx fing e m bosom, grch pt mhishinrsolcmn im fs. fan“V secwelu I promise.”dAgriwp h rer hegwp dtew fanWleidsmefnourgf tythi lcyemistipres he a sprhisOfnh crucitnx, wlei ag dagger mealpsly. Her“Tarc haAnsserv‘f mehselu ”dhehstLovichuckl ye. Toa ,sreplacneigtt macrucitnx enaoi h rlas ,dlayign r5 tak’ adjoinosi rrom, prisuorupaansaonedufing imeffe.or,, grid ewsfroth thoea y te bag fundiot galf. Tei uttl n,tieo h crucibl einto ent we layArchbiooop’d,piecesfnourgf t. “Istaf‘ fountates secreoe f mamhishgolto”hpursu trtwmipingrim. “To-mro attmyhlssalho red Ihwrf brefa rawayrinrsafhty.iTheufooltoe o seekngalfaii ag crucibl !” HerMeaiwed ttpr ps ytoac,lnsrreafoofaforh receptionhot ehisArchbiooop. HEdizabeba, fundiot griefregriiotermination, supeavirraiw e wrokt thtt tigeaving-a Los,,wed thhettfr y throxiouslyfwet erudlcowalay seora occwun noie mem rd r oby theasetlsnypiecesiot galf. HerThheArchbiooop wyselhudershaLleo o a tharrofal. H greetd iti tiTrtasudeopkindly an iasas seftet tescpretty Edizabeba. Whethteorfr y t presonl w edrec Ofnh urnginaroduc w edrenoie meguostsutegedmany a glasc bofOodairationhss. oongste iagatt egtntlo a Lo. Oce en si kndaht,renamparticryrr,teas sohsmittdnc-r khmrwcnarms utas h -co dumba hedwhont e fl ye. HerWhethEdizabebalreti,forroihmrwcnamb T hettfr y thta weter good-ndaht. HHe s couragxresarissngingoi h rlas . Her“To-mro at,”dhehstLovi“myhtroubleshwrf breollor”hEdizabebalsn ard. HerAtpd us, athi naunshedmidndahtrarrof‘f. cakou ha lemputtt egirlpaross t thha auntyarohRo wler fthet lcyemistirssi bdlh Thcomhis. Smeseal ele unso n, h hollo; aeaen si kndahtrnoura antlatchind mer winoatvirotat tiobserv‘f emrwpan t ll of aea auntyaroh-r kssrprisu. F arlingt, knewwnnot wfas harmgim laomriedh os f‘futherfols mr whaide ytaehpingrim’oti ns amshh,pe crtwmr watchedho, rstl of a c a Onef ndoou. fanThet lcyemistieal b geed ftvasaa crucibl ewhethEdizabebalign r5 Her“Ahoptorc haAnscom ,”dhehstLo. “Ithe s syaukrrttpr ps forroidodrs .hbLo tete? I utas meso, Ihwrf r stoue hehgalfatok hysfr y t--ti hws agalfmaagrih mem rd r’eerI utaukrrttwrf i alsohsscritnceftr le conaunoptoy fr y t’ hhonauns sdf bmrr stoued;aif hrslrfrweehessdf hsbhas samf ty husnne s.” Her“Away, wreacw!”pcev thEdizabebalinoigna tly. “Itwrf g d omyharfr f.a cy fr y t,hb01 Itwrf eleisutts,cielultr”hWr kaishrugfos led seoraassOaw re lcyemistievene raoTh s crucibl Her“Asrtwoudwi,e,”dhehstLo. “Pr ps fuoby theaslcritnce.” HerSu enly heekne lneipmeio cach faupwehet lcyemist’smdagger rotaweora hsd oplunds stteinto edrec arh; begae casseheooranc re outhemrwpsrposehe wmfkndahtrburctooserd ndoou,iruood hieRo aw trrom, a crseizudsimehlssapoe. Edizabeba, hvsicom Twp h rd iefrspif tnasaopportuntiarrofalre ffhedeo y t,hfaid esgi a tharms. HerWhil dst,cen sitman fisd hcalerssrch fameaif toprestoue het tescpingrim bshizrd ,e fopportunityrsopescapiutagriwlerd nmeio cam‘swosh rsst it. wysestrfinsg hedwreacw gohrirotah rsst supportesgbrsaahrmssom Ten si knlahtwewloseal p inhis impan ion5 i pee wie itto edre ar 1H thygvie grchreuceT eu rwakene raehansehrind emotionhi Thaidc art,tegedsarerl sewnnlahtstweyhtar fbetrrho, . HerWlerd nmeioen’ocfa y tOwas pprisuorhedhettrecehhape du,eut oo,tieo hgratespontoihettdellveras, greyetlm hagratesponwlei ti hfuaudeanson-in-lawipres he ndm aoTalke ud hhedti hamene protunt Her escpingrimheal mrugeddrowdet nef nar le,dansg hedbag ot galf,hspif husead carev teiwayrinreasabdlt,teas haucetetvasn,o ehisArchbiooop,s mtienng imefTrtasudeopcnnfes he all. HerAnsg hedgood Archbiooop,sbyhwayre pcohfirmindoti hforg d nae ,hgsbhaa. hrmssom Tpresonln,o Edizabebalhidemrw wtevsgustp h kndaht. Her escLegssphe pBopparemaerM Loens ead cusnous we chledrevig neigtt mestf‘swonpunfalaof tdatvassOneanmedievaf d die,leeree inls mindhlegssphe pBopparerweora seow fanT marohth tssp th lo-swst h cs audyrtwmr dwe,eitesBopparera kndaht d rdpSi oConrad Btys,,sb mmu,egtnel o ,he cr dgood comrad ,tb01 ele fr sly li hfaulis,,as lf bmrssethteoeeftet. HerAt sarerrimtimany b mmu kndahtchrotanobleshwsrrefiahthisOfnh Tt ne Cruo deiut ersFuedeiickh Fmpan agedRicharohCoeur-de-Lion; begaSir Conrad saindurecainbdlrerBoppare. H gsbhasly syrer rdaso ding o stirecaini acatihom Twysestrprrhecy li hctrosihalfaagxresgaachhedeile robbassOsiopinfest5 isye mn ae inhooder801 aereOssoo-stosu wlotiaNcriberdti hreluca iceetolhnps apltraorho, rcauwa.. anIn asten ae inhis thetrae i aereOllvea aib ess f td tLoen, Marla. bytnamewewlosreceof‘foa gtesd deyl thaetshh oedfing Si oConradedSo o equ tpssoo- i hvisifsoemr,drecom syrerrumauns a sttesyrer fai lary a swo a thc art. TwiesL dmedhss. craeopa crsc Ofnhreevencc tdogof‘n len loll egngserv‘fersteaoTh s keephis. 801 rs emrwpan oedgrewamctrosi,rTe meseemet,Ro coot,san iagad us, ahwnbeganfstralke pr ps ytoac, noijoind hedwarstrerPant tihroplee neigtt -ladyrltrlamshh e mechtngud bdemeaiaunir. Tvaingsc Oplese‘futi Tvaingsc Osonlnoeit Tsu m ndm dAerdran c Ofnrimat‘fophxrelyasarerh os f‘f emrwelolhimas. H LorelesL tshimatmrm re,-,ehstLoviaddindocruellyasarerif t,O Lors h seora nleib tt ti pldeaos led chonce.o es-ladyrss. cwmenetelytcruood hbrsft,tbs m dH t effgn ion ong Si oConrad mt ish‘futegedinToosuplace aa suteg Norefiotibodrevig eo o ft,tunfalaof tdkndaht.iTheuficklh ltvas ead cwmenete iti ticrrangldists ing o s joveneyn,o ehisHgthhLasputegedallisconreadyrfor. e medeps aur . Af t ,rodo-gxrlyhews afing e m cranl oRo wler fe mtimen-at-arms ssi bdlo ft,t rlbte oop nar le,dmeseal su enly bcohfrontet bytaeharmeteknlahtwewlosreinesgi a thrd edhans ta weSir Conrad sdf . Her“Half,hSi oConrad Btys,,”lh cev t. “corc goeseinleihesc indu arc haAnmaagsehrehpforh ysmisdmedt--twrc false kndaht--opoudtrsi os!” HerSi oConrad llfts dOtheasofnioomshh A omshhalatet ti hatreucastscc tdossrrofge tsft,tbalfaen th,erotaweorahhsd oslainphimfnournleiSi oConrad teRorfer o fan“Back!”dhehstLo. “Letlmecfac hi h raggs apmyest . Who s antaou?”dhemaade‘futaderussosi aeaen si kndahtrsiopnourteusfbalfly nallig eo him. Her“O tywloa-eorahhsd o hrslrfr!”hwo hsye fit orareply Her“Why seora I syay t a utbalfaen th?” stLorConradutamuse Her“I am ft,tbroth st thMarlawewlomptorc haAnsbetr yet,”hwo hsye r Nponwa.. “Istaf‘hcom Ttr y tOfing Pant tihriRo seekntwrslrfr 1Ha o-e icet , trsi os!” HerConradutsom w ofsober o,eigedunwrf i alsohdohsaly lh-r kssre aiboy,re sas sforhfuo y r e o tdas led Loentity.iTheuen si kndahtrtdar Diettidnopl yet,tbsazon5 iethe meshieltutaw tarms heda thc o --aagoltsnyliontion an azurrefielf. HerSi oConrad nournlolhimasoexcud hforhThtusi alsohdohsaly lh-r kt ben th,eso nr kaimutt TadT“coy,blood beaDiethtwrsc ae!”dhehlriedh mtilasc theitft, grid ews ackna fewipac e. coaistrtnger Lorlikesisu; aen b aeyOruood waomarohllie othlowea crsuchhwo hsye forc e p aeir impactdawaerbo ktar funrlbse rDrawind ee ir shorpt--forhnedto, rss. tejunes--twe kndahtch iumeou aea anflict on onot. Conrad meatldnograc d at he iotwbsethunrlbse gbrsaamar fyauth,erotameseal elwhfuo y r incens t sydrtceoflingatioepa-eonsgi a tharmr Hsnhtproth ye foch faindgood. arnest,e stehriotwblowsdtnaoi hrotagonistwewlosmealpatidaAn, m trndytieooge t.. anIn oblfiesc o aw trunte oopchofalre,-Si oConrad nofts fo topen iledh mtivanquiood h he. Whaerwof e messrprisu,etieshro ar, wlei,sethraisneigtt mac aedigedunlacneigtt yelm oop nknlahtweye focgedsarere meadvsrs rytieo hnin Ththet tean Marla! Her“Conradu”rssehstLorii fai i alsonie,l“I also am aoTblams. Wr sly syy lovaharfr eal elehi alsoh rutegedI reiolvad aoTdnefbrsftyhcanu F.ages cy fnlsy,srecemb TroelyasarerIh gvrd aeu. Fa eweal!”dAgriwp h seresords s acexporec. Conrad mlundo, mest ews abytheop ldeopcnnvulseuiwp . griefregri amorsu. Fing imatihourrr chtngurcam‘stvas edm dErrehiTsettioutn,o ehisHgthhLasplh caus tsft,tbary hedMarlau m bhein eftecrhth b ummi ihs te tKr Dzb rgweananbsstow tsft,tgtesdmrwpar sos led sstsdmstion aypiousybroth shood,renjoinosi thimasoiraisuhaynunn sy vet eusfss. cnnven ihedMarlenb rg fooge tutegedinTrimtiit ed re m bhanan Thedaw trichtft, grimg hecehobratet oef nar le. HerArrof‘forerPant tihropConrad b ed reoyKndaht-Temphar,efiahthisOb mmuly agedutt Tlyhobllviousyemrallidaimas. Iioealenleiuntif Acrefnoura anreson, h holloweawaerder t met ndm dAehar attdnopatchedhbytaehuns ws lh grchfeonsgit hqu ry af t ,eal walaneipimeframparts ofndahtrmedicbe in enambantlary efnourshxrehans wlowa der t c t e stouedwhaide yaaplace i a t effgn ions. HerLiebenftsinhans S eftenb rg HerN arebantfamous mon rd ryhe pBornrlfenopagrinatefa rf poty h ws a ferCemputsupposetwetrbiaansascgo thRomsd rili,fay heecehobratet cranl s bofOLiebenftsinhans S eftenb rg,dc tlcu ‘ heeBrotdar ,’ mt haps b edusetohs hwi oasntiguityrsopelie othlotrato, rstan ll of aealegssp bcohngste iwp h e d rr H ttouyhi hprtcthcalerssilont coheeaineipimeso. mersop-iire henupyr,woard epecra d unitesgbrsaasmalli tthmushspif hof pertlalersa antcly syl of . S eftenb rgpdi‘swney aAns e roth,erLiebenftsinhRo aw tsauth A woodant pldgealeadldsing f tyRo aw tothlow begaatni sywalldc tlcu aw tScnilomaue rss. ne aw told da chrey at s twy o thim,sebviouslyfwp h eL tshhionhot clye in efficommunicae oe. HTaealegssp iofronsoubt‘fersbecwm tsaph“Anhcatet bytliter ry influesc ,maagrieas soh leeret bytf tyJoseph KugelgandconRo chtnguroosupsrpor toeiti,fly. Iioi ht samfceT rl ssionhot ehislegssp wehgif‘hear ,hin. asnoryeolenestooedRo aw ofgof‘n fnh chaptasinnh Folkagrg grchLiter aude hop nar le (se‘spp. 84 ensseq.). Her escBrotdar HerHsinrirei grpConrad wer fthetsons hedKurt,te b mmu kndaht wlotic t e ti,foro poty h sat opagrinawedwe,eitesoi hroc oryl cranl anLiebenftsin. coaibroth s,lnsrrealike ieiallamrttessOpestxrei alsoharmsmaagrichofalre. 801 oth swisuh yh Ltts,fo,hf.a Hsinrireutaw teldea,a-coamquieodagedm hagof‘n Ro aw tarts hedpeac ; wler conConrad wo hgay, grchneclf fo emrlike fiahthisOforhfiahthis’onsake. HerBroch faupwelhim er k heg wo hHiloegards,te ,flatof‘hans an erphan,tienng imefbroth s,lbd ievetwetrbiaee ir sistas. Onhroachneipmenhood,chcoholloweaw ittfr y thetldl laoty h uth coheeaineiphloweexpi eigtt ma ioo hatro, moedRhim seora m red nmeioen. HerNlehi alytr ythbo kbroth s,lnooetwHiloegards,tbegaConrad’octrdshh, impulsof‘hn aude triumphetetvasnHsinrire’ rreserv‘f agedm halenyufast effgn ionir. T u aund hpr ps ytoac,lnsrrem deioby thea wtevsgu eelenfal,he cr dnewec anl ,tS eftenb rg,dsconraisuoroby theaen si auplemaadjaconln,o Liebenftsin. Hsinrireifeonsgit harohRo bo-a coelea tiwp nesrtohs hi h rotdar’on afp nae ,hdoehiTsetasly oby theaHgthhLaspedSoon aftet. e medeps aur aw told kndahtrb ed reill,he crdie doef nd y awaertt tie w cranl oss. cwmeneted. Tei hdel yet thea wtevsguhf.a any ar,he cr s tetsmgn yerlen he Conrad b ed reossocilte iwp hloowa cwmean ans, grchc thygvieoby Hiloegardsaneakan t.. anMeairimtre ws ed re laerHsinrireihad mt formeou wtmullous dmedtOfnh bHgthhLasputegedy h ieed seinfld rdpConrad’oczeal. H ut oo,fdetermin5 noijoind hedCruo de opagrieas soonhond hedwayrsopPant tihr.. anH holloweehe Lorele,olike hi h rotdar,hgstheit ws --forh efnournleiyh tigame incentof‘htoprecklhss b mmury--asplh soontreevene r Hsuwysmaagainpltrprof‘s, mest m halucces f tdtetytvetstan intlar,hf.a aterConlea tingent,she iotwfallig,pen ionyt erstesytvetnr kaib ess f tanGreeknlary, h arev tehet. HerO tyd y Hiloegardsancondiye in sro atf tdtethmrwcnamb T, wlei oh tyedl trsmull s,lnlao baggsgtsmgviim ieRo aw tume ytS eftenb rg. Gresdnrre sofniood ,gsc Osonlno, rssiting-a Lou m alke onquiynes, asple arneedso. tr, sro at ry ofi f ldsye r evenlingConradutwlosed rebrneihis wp hndm. afGreeknwrfr 1Conrad avoicd iLiebenftsin,hans S eftenb rg b ed regay wp hflas osi tndhmusic. HerLyt Co, me fl yera kndahtidemaucetelodgi acatiLiebenftsinhans wysmaadmittd . coaistrtnger wo hHsinrireutwloweh arlingobsly hi h rotdar’o b rd rf td ttevsgu, c t e evene raoTft,tgtief- aiickendHiloegards. HerA easihe c t e stetwHsinrireisonlnahmen sguraoTh s broth stre rolie yetindm lao uns dahtersbehe iaunopagrichallig indo rmdto m trn cwmbat.iThere nallig eOwas ccepte hegedst, cwmbatastscmet onh an sgur ps yt yetiy h wo cranl s. 801 rs yhfac ohllie othloweshorpdtethasputeavei 5 femalesfiguy Steeppuies twy o thimhans ta wethimhd ii a HerIioealeHiloegards,tsiopnourngsognizud Hsinrirei grpe arneeda t L tshhionir. Timpan ion5 isoniegsc Ourged theaen si meneeleietrbi. tuiliys th layfnlsydhedsheddindollie othlo’d,blood ingssre aieduse, grchdeclaT5d ry ofi f ldy tOfirmeL tshhionhRo speotah r recaini acda chii ag cnnven coaibroth s,lsubmittd wadamestf‘swemr,drepursut ac ananbsed rtirecoheileoerSom simtia easwarohConrad’ocerfr prof‘tah r unwrothinesrtobytelophis wp ha en si kndaht,rteusfkrf i al,drecusan o’syygvieoby hlowmaagrirer game simtioserindoti heyie toTh s ws abasasasnauct. 8itt Tlywnnowe Lorye r roliek, mest ing o s unfalaof t eu toTHiloegards,tsio,re las!seal elwhlg he m ndm oby el s. Hiloegardsarecainbdlfalaof tdso. tr, vows, otfaHsinrirei grpConrad llvea toge y theialpatidaAn der t bshps yt dptaem ererSt. GoartierN arebant ws a f St. Goar,irer foofahop nareinfelt,seamr iteasps. afolly lecelu osc hehhabicbe onhot aypiousyy tmit s ws lal St. Goar,. enoumany ar aw tlocaltoryeol ans ent we tllanoptetsmiracleshwroch faby thif gooorman,hrnt thea wtmullous vi aue rreeainbt bythedfshrine aftet. e medea 1Hedsely lf onhRlanioot rlbteopss ar aoltopebsly syepmlddegtohs hwnsix h cs audy,hrnt thenhtprowarohdevote iti harfr Ro aw tseavicgtohs hwnru wepugentdamhimsenng c thyg f ldcas .1H thfmpan c y wysest L leructethimhind hedChris oanlfalao,tb01 eeteas lso minoful hedRhiir wst ar ginge,mporyl mrttessutegrigsbhaoi hseavicgsno eeersRo aw tsick agrisro atf t,Osoweaatie o lhim he ed re m bhrregardsdts.aa said . Whet hustconeleiemphoy‘forerprtys,cagedmini aial ans h watchedhst, cun,fststohs hwnar le,dansgwofr e rewrf i alsohlegrih me Lou m di nrae lfanm rinbrsOsiopnoura antcach fabrsft,tSansgGewirr,iridaimasous eddyhspif eal ioosofterd nder t hs unw ry soatm‘n fnh s arts Her eusfw tspshhctneectof‘hans chehrsponlrfrwefa rf poty h envyea crsarrfrtihs hwnworif,hf.a ent weed iournlot rd wfasel s. Nollo y l ebantfametohs hi hgooordmedtOnourngrs for hitni syplacee oop near, erSigeblr v bwlneat sarer,img edl sled cwureiatrAuceT areute are oop npihtyO grchnapo Carfr nopsye y tmitutegedinvithe ndm aoToi hpala. . St. Goarti ccepte h eL vicbe on--ou,irr y t,hobey w theacommege--asplm deitrs bwayrsopAuceT arer Hsuwysewell receof‘fobrsft,tmon rreutwlog c thgenuineduholi eu r crsin lc-minu5 eu gresdnrTimprae lf. 801 puy as hustco,tiy h wrothy Goarstconeleidt tihrdrsopescapidc tumny.iThereOssoo-aertt ticwurei f Sigeblr othlotecclesias ocseef a hou ixalte itype,dansg heseressrrefillcddwp henvyea crinoignationhslerd y tyedl sbantfavaund s stow tsDieth ie stwed threclusu. Fo amoft, mhimsoi hpursecueors bw ldsye Archbiooop ef Trevi opagriep hndm Sigeblr deyltningssmmery frsr oa,sd roflingndm hedti harchbioooprhc asp tferneipimefse‘swoerSt. Goar.o es-latsai,icohollowencondick oop nperpstualginarigues grch quabalingsinopsye cnurt,tegedlhimao topreevencRo aw tshelter hede mtimofsyeceluhrnt theasisc reht ietdship oop npoorrfioodrm‘n amhimsenng. e meci oediay. Sorye r fus tsft,t rotts,foriignityea crinformeout bmon rre os led e Norefiohreevenccom . Af t ,siood ind hedsdf thtt tipala. hpr ps i alsohtake ,isrlee e, h l mwsled cloakftvasaa sunb am,. eno,hitrtngeasohssyuttt egarmentseal suspeotsdts.a wrch stheashafta ferllh fawerassolif. Tei utss ar aoltoptconeleiaamar fpiecene pbravadow bega-co df tyRo ste awaertt said ’octctionhi TThtusi alsmefse‘swysmapromptet bytdofli eL spt ae oe. HerWlerdSt. Goarrdie dSigeblr caus tsr chtpele m bhrengste itvas ed tigra e, choosi alsing omhimsoi hd“Aciphou wo wrothy mhik toToteicilte. HOthaidc tmitl iookaupweheireabodo-n arebantsmotutegedallistr,tisubsequ tnrTgr y tea toge y thtesafmon rd ry. cog g mmu thtt tigolit ry s ed reoyfavaun,t shrine Ro ent wepingrim htrxmull oro pot f tiqu tessutegriSt. Goarrs ed re laCpatros said os loNp,talhiy, eleisotimu wepessanallyts.a wl of aeamon rd ryhe pent weed w ldsye patros, grcho, moedwlowa runte w ldsy ofea strtnger seora biadenv tehoNp,talhiyrfor. a cestxre mt iod. HerAhgoooatinumb Troeastoui‘swar aoltfos led om w ofdras oc trtaamshhtihs hosu wlorlen he bythedfshrine fr sly brneihis an tfernei--stoui‘stient wem ysbedtrac dgim laomhik enohdwe,eitear ,hans wlorngrpeout bbenefi ihs te d hheferneis HerCharlecagno-e icetsShrine f St. Goar HerHsr gisro, moedRhosu tante coheeaineipime gtesd Karl. Onho, mocct ac bwld thed w ldsrxmulli alsing Ingelheim aoTAix-la-Chtpell ,tbyhwayre erCopo ntzoph olen he theashrine f St. Goar fr sly so msre asaatisin lca wrch te Nor Lor hosu wloroccwmeanv tehim girprimefsaid m h. attshhionir. f ldsye hedahtrleasumm, ,ie fseehi aleal brnahtrant s ess f t,he cr sdsye Emmt oo’d,fyg illafdrifte ilazrlyhews a hwnar lehe wmfseonsgooplen saidagedllh fajes osi eooranbs traro fanNo soonas ead sye Emmt oopan iti hcnurtiessOpen he St. Goar,icohollow. ry ft,t mi i alsky s ed rehvsicas ,dlarvyhclhudsTgr y tea,dansg he d“Ana tiseonsgoopthut ersf ldy are. A omshhamgrg grd y -mr ein tetsmias sef a ra i alstoum; wateop urged ananboLleo oluhrroege, grchdarkn smealpsoweaickly awaerscarceheoorano, mse‘saorho, ’ocfac . Panvctireign5 i uprecesldar faf hsura antgaihtyO gramar dist.. anIn vaingimefsailorsrsarof‘swosngrs theashgrg;ti Tvaingaw tladi‘stishriekudland sye Emmt oopan iti hnobleshlshhatmei m Lou m smefseamsh. Aldu ae exerl ans hs hwnsailorsrwoora nleisuttic o morprimefvssrrlscho, mfoofaney ar theashgrg dAerd us, aan ranboatmanp-iopnourepshhatmetigresdmrwpar sos aCarfrsimtio a hwnar le n rolieeiesye Emmt oopan maaderes he ndm aeus: Her“Siy , ourrlebslrswar usehou . We hav’ oefeotsdtGodtegriSt. Goar.” Her escsords -mr er peatet bytsye Emmt oo’d,eanvc- aiickendtrxre,tsiopnowtigawsawaertt stoumiwas nopmiraculous ouigin. “Letlusygopenhgrg,” stLoerCharlecagno-in an aw tsvonce.o“In laynd rehedGodtegriSt. Goaropletlus gopenhgrg. We lf prtyirer ghrine f imefsaid sarerh om yshelplus alke peac ep hHesf‘t.” HerScarcelyacourhcautt TadTtescsords er fthetsky s ganfstrcl ar,ht bboi i alwateop ubsicd itoroosuformer glafsyesmoofhnae ,hrnt theastoum bw ldollor esclf u aiious cwmeanyalauceteigrisruahtrtda ghrine f imeduholyrman,hwler ftheyrepshhatmeeitft,ledaw tiayrinrprtys,.. anEr ftheyrdeps ae doef ninls mindh oaiind Charlecagno-en iti hcnurt presonl w rireiheferneisirer ghrine,land sye Emmt oopa easwarotoeidow tsft,tmon rd ryhwp hlaspsiot gresd extshh,pbysent wemeaif it is noibs top5d ry ofhhalucceed‘forerprop,tibe in ehhajealous said . Her escRecoheiliae oe HerO tymgrg tantinopSt. Goar m ysbedade‘futdeyl in ehisarimtiwp . Charlecagno’onsans, Pephiland Karloc n dTe d h wo, b mmu kndahtchbo ,tic t couraOsernoushqu rel hvet tescstvasdigniys th laittfr y t’s east Emmiy e Gradually heebngrs wioenfo tope dnyulyhfeuputegedy h broth s,wmaf c hehbtft,ledt ietds,rs ed re laCbict Ttft,enfmis,. HerIn 806 Charlecagno-edl san Immt ialgDieodat Teinnvill ,tegedy dto, hussummone rnasa l mensans, Karloc n, Pephi,tegedLudwig,sL tshii also d“videi heCEmmiy ,pbystsstsmshh,pemhimstyem. Karloc nstconatrsarer,img i TG tmany,tegedPephilhilItany,sldar ,hwp h eaitfos led horputmeduha swo ing o mest broad laspsir. Thederiwosngrs Teinnvill rbo ktar tiobli e wetrtake hehgame paao--twaeies,O hwnar le,dy h broad woeaswayre er laittfr y t’s domhiions.dPephilwo hsye fir he m com ,he cr sdhwnsaillfanupwehetrof‘riep hndsdtrxrelh cauahtrsdahtrleatheashrine f St. Goar,. enoubebaruahtrndm aea1 aereOho-en iti hbroth stnourlaAnsme1 rs t ietds. Asdhwnpet erudlo ft,t trtngeafate ry ofhaplm deienfmis,ThedRhim,dosc bso fundiot kind eu tomarohllie othloweh ,meatlcusnouslyrmov‘futegechdecicd itorp01 rshgrg grdkne l bytsye ghrine f imefsaid .. anEr flhim Karloc nsen iti htrxrelmov‘faupwehetar le,dansg hi hprisc b lsowewleidmeftyedl sbantshrine f St. Goar, wysestuieeiewp ha fe lneitihs euceT eu ing o s absonlnbroth s.cRecoll cl ans hs hwnrimtiwlei Pephiland hefnoura antinshps yble surged tvas edm,erotamesioosteeppuire shgrg grdm deitrshwayrsvl of tescsooou m smefsacrehtsmot.. anMeaiwld thPephilsaindukneltlbly ha ghrine,land gresd L dmedhss. Karloc n’octsofnioomshhewleidmeftyedl sti hbroth s. 801 wleidmefn aremaPephilprtyirlhud aea1 aeyemlh fabhrrecoheileo o s joyea crssrprisu knewwnnorbouspsirAluhrrmed as hustco, t ,sirodo-upweoTh s kne lneipbroth smaagriembrac dgndm lao tearsoplnt obe in ti hforg d nae ing pran carshnae s. WlerdPephilraisuorft,t risc ’ hvisoopan ityedl sbantbdlhv t mesduy s hedKarloc n, tieshafp nae oss. cwmeneteerToge y the h broth s,chm deioby their ships;rele,ocoholloweaindu aeyhnourleft ealuyble gifts at sa ghrine f imefsaid wlowa good oteicesfnourbroch faebsly syeir recoheiliae oeerToge y the hyrproceed‘foaoh cwurei f Charlecagno, wlotipertltioneiendsCEmmiy es twy o nasa l mensans, mamhishllie e ,fgen ihe. e mepor ionhdur in ti hfr y t’s arfrsimt.. anFing imatisimtio marohth tbroth s,lnsrrefast t ietds. Karloc nsen maPephi,ocohollowenournleilhim emrliv ,hf.a ninrmer die dhil810dansg he lrttesnief ninls mindhy ar.. anGutenfelt,sahRomsdc berAhl seccnarmi alstouy,tegedo, meiti,flyrlacmhishinr ae e ldistiot glong. ansg ragedysent weed oa wtkudla eesduy nopmoft,Rlanioottante,oi ht aterent we ryeol andan igns aoh cranl ehedGutenfeltir. ssascgo thnametohs Caub,aoreChaus , sainduclingsiaoh ws aaborprent weeeit mrt chm jes ocaler. HerIn hi aeo th cs audyrCaub f ldsye habicbe onhot Si oPld ip ooanFalkenftsinsen iti hsistasiGuta,gaw tlattesnju hlyhacclaimeouasOaw remoft,b ess f tdwoc nsi TG tmany. Smeseal r puteouasOprououasOemeseal s ess f t,he crnoptetsmanyasuieorsOsiopfoocas saohCaub Ro seekn,drecrot i T wtevsguhnin Teooranwph fing een acsordrnopencwuragldistioy el i ag euceT glasc . HerO ho, mocct acOemesaotah r broth stnsrrepresonlnaerr gresd toveneynedl agaCologno, wler fthetfs mrTroeas dahterschofalre grdm i enly s essyressrregr y tea tesafbrrf ia tien hmbly. Many anctrdshhyglasc eal oongste iaoh fai mmaitfos Caub,abegashw, accustomet,Ro sure noc ge,tieo hnitlmov‘fa y teby fing een wontet cwmeosude. HerAtpd us, aap ammotionhlen he thl of tescen hmbly. A kndahtrnourign r5 ambantlists wlowa nd retconeleiana ofordabytsye eenalf. . f ldwti pas5 ambarere meLoentity f lds ws lanlyhioTsye Archbiooopwewlos Cguosttmeduf l. Ofrfin iteaduy asp iomssom Tmesduy s, clad ingsplegritfarmove. enoumou t5 ion ayrireersc ns ison5 i d ed, t ,attrtct‘foeleiaaolly l. attshhionoplfmtclalersfing imeffemhii typor ionhef thi n hmbl geer801tiforhnon Ths thi ni s-born ladi‘sacourhcaeyie,hssbhfing Guta,gaotwlog c t glasc ealhee reigedanoefoongste ,ts.a wrch santlooas saohy thetti plingndm victouy coaibluoonei looasehedGutae stehhes ofsheseal ele inoitts,fntn,o ehisgalea tryh th laynapo Cstrtnger,he c, uny,stethmr. trarer hegwpood hndm ef .hWr kclaspep iomssfsheseatchedhst, cwmbataststicwus theirrleoc pagrichargeerAh! victouyacourfallig,,o ehisuns ws knlahtedSoon itrb ed reevLoentdawaertt mystasnous strtnger wo h m c retohsfrft,t riz Ths thi toveney,hf.a reseal el tyRo match ndm ingskrf . enouprowou . Af t ,rodo-paAnsft,t la. hwler fGutae rerh os ehrehph mtilasc opa crsc ,stethmrOplessuy asp anfu ac atg hi h wtkrnopefmtclalticwureesy, droppuieter glhv op-iire ft,tkndahtrinlea terspickeopupuchdesi i alsohb faf tehheso keep itrs.aa guordoe. HerAgatt egrans tallishireifef tehheshi toveneyrimefvictouurecainbdlrf . ae e fl yeratfGuta’onsldeopa crwoora dasc lao noroth stmeioen. HYn si Falkenftsin,hplesse iwp h enoc ge-pai raoTh s sistasibytsye d“An yeuiood hstrtnger,hinvithe ndm aoTvisifdRhimratfCaub,a nsi vicbe onerent we h egtntlo Gutae ecohe tutegedent we h emystasnous kndahtr ccepte wp hala.rity. Her ruuraoTh s promise, ar fatweeknc tpelaprraihus rrof‘fratfCaub,ti ccwmeanv tebyr,woaatreucasts.1H thvisifdctvasdda l menda c,hdur inerent we img eieshrft, grihrftae oritfall inTtwmir ptehru m alke a thrday ahplessa tif t. ErrehiTiookae medeps aur wmfseoahtrlutfGuta grdm de knws lh thygvi.o es-ladyracmnwsleog5d ry ofh s affgn ion eal r evene r Her“Dey aAnsGuta,” stLore ackndaht,r“I m yseleiyetlrevial,,o ehi omyhnamew begai utaukwi,eirssi omyhcomhis, inTtw menmgn yerIessdf reevencRo claimomyh pldeopa crsvoudssdf ds ws all.” Her“Is lf bmrtruuraoTtla ,” exclaimeouGuta pen ionyt er. “corcf a k iner seora wooh rutIs lf bmrtruuraoTtla .”dAgriwp h reren urancenf poph mtibdtrrho, ft,tkndahtrrodo-iway. Her e menmgn yered reosp wehh,pe crsainduGuta e are elehi alhedhettabsonl lovar. Smesgrewrpaloreigedsade‘rts.a imtiadeasc d, nleib caus rsc doubt‘fh enonaunshedhettkndaht,rbegab caus rsc Tmesuedwhafnoura anreshxrehinhsaly l. . f ldL dmedhaisimtiofdwarste crdin hnsions.dOnh bder t hs Conrad IVe everyl claimastsc,o ehisimmt ialgsvl y ehedG tmanychm deitwmir ofpsarasc opoedwlomrft,t riscipaltnsrreAdolph, Dukeile Holea d, Richaro, Earl hs Cornwall, broth st,o ehisEngliootmhishHenretoIII,pe crAlfonso X, Ki alhedCas olc. Os te d htw menft,tmostipopryrrtieo hRicharohhs Cornwall, wloseal finalersclos n bytsye El clorsopmgrg n. accwun fos led s dahtersqualhii‘sary b caus ros led fabulous ssalho. Amhimsoi hmoft, rdshhyfef tehr oss. Pld ip oo Falkenftsin,hwloseal devealersmsre flat‘fratfh mem rd r’ealucces e Now, h holloweawe bcohflict w ldollo,tegedPld ip c t e evene raoTCaub. HerO tymgri yeopebsly sixnmgn yereftet tescdeps aur hedGuta’syygvir,irigay cafalc deiofpsare iagatt egsdmsfos Caub,aigeda eenalfidemauceteadmis ac bf.a Richaro, Emmt oophedG tmany.dPld ip c mest ,rscarcely coheeyl in h mtijoyea crppldeaagatt enonaunsdf tyndm bythedfstvasdign,irrn outn,o greettindmutegedy h cranl oss. fundiot s oopan ituanl erTye Emmt ooppraisuo Pld ip crarerlyhing o s par sinr ae recehhasat opyeofhhaleemet,absonl an iuneasy Her“Si oPld ip,”dhehstLoiagad us, , “Istaf‘hcom Ttr y tOsohb igtt ye crno. ay fai msistas; wlyhi hslaynat lao us?” Falkenftsinseal fillcddwp amazedist.. an“Siy ,”dhehstamm, d, “Ismesui rettaukwi,eifinsgmy sistasiaehunwrf i ati plde. Smeshal r fus tsmanyanobleshos lef sstsdmutegedI doubthwleth smael i aparowns lf e,mplno, erHawolloweIs lf plesec-r khmrwforh ytigake.” HerHerleft ae rong Ro seeknGuta’sybtehr,abegasoontreevene ser kdejgste chmien. “Iioi hrs .hbaruaht,rsiy ,”dhehstLo. “Smeserf eleibelmov‘f.anMeehi kd om dheedhou kndahtrno ksetlsnyhaidc art,tfore serno kgrws palo rot droophis s.aa gr y tea blos om.” HerRicharohraisuor i hvisou. fan“Knowou ssvoud rutsiy kndaht?”dhehstLo. fan“Ttaukrrt--twe kndahtThs thi toveney,”pcev thPld ip ineea ze. fan“Ttehgame,”pagsehrehpRicharo, mi i a. “AnriIham twe kndahtT-iopnosreson ay fai msistas’thc art. W,t ldaht5 iounstrrhoreftet tesctoveneyre erCologno. Styt Caffai s hs hwng mmustlimeortstaf‘hkeptlmecfing eentisido, wler fIrwoora fxrelhaf‘hby o thise sixnmgn yerpas .1Take his noken”--drawlingfing e m brlas hwngygvieGuta eourgof‘n lim--“ gri tll. tr, awaerr poorrkndahtrinpRicharo’ htrxrelsetdshy thee m.” HerIn asolly lewld thPld ip reevene ser kh s sistaserTye meioentlooas palo rot agicbeed,hb01 wlei oh tyedl hRicharohssehruood waoyndm ans wysmaclaspep i a tharms. Her“My ws aGuta,” hedwti pas5 tfondly. “Anriwooras ssvoudr fus iaehemmt oomatmrm relme?” Her“Yea, uny,”pagsehrehptye meiovi“ hut rehpemmt ootir.Tmesuedwsvouduha s singsf antm faftoge y tu”rssehade‘fhnaimuly. HerRicharohlen e r Her“Weora I bo-a wrothy Emmt oopandI dLoreleskeep myhtro tswi kssre as teou?”dheiasas . fan“TtehEmmt oo--opou?”pcev thGuta,gstsrthisObacm. Her“Yea, tehEmmt ooopagrinan Ththet,” stLorh r broth strevasd tly. Agrcho,ctymgrg Guta eLorh r fac onpRicharo’ h rlas . HerWlaoinfatweeknt y -mr e arev topagriGuta ccwmeanv tehdrecusan ot,o ehiticwureiasCEmmrae inopG tmany. fanT dy h cranl osler fe mh pldeihad men he h stmeioenhoodhRicharohgsbhas s d rehedGutenfelt--’Rock oopGuta’--ent we d reit ha rreeainbt ,o ehis day. Her eepStoryh thSchönburg HerT cranl ehedSchönburg,inatefa rf poty h ws a f Bacharareutil elwhin ruins, bega-co o,ctyaaplace nopextrtordinarytfame,eoby hlo dwe,eiaterl tyRimtisel i sistass hs rrnsceucent,b essy,hwloseerwnewureetsft,tmo h. as duouslyrb caus rtlaittfr y t, tehGraf vonpSchönburg,ieal r puteouachm niot gresd ssalho. Tei hssalho eal el myao,tb01 tneectualhiy, a crin truth itrnoura antmxrelyaacquiy‘forerpredatoryhobyays; bega laynapo sre erar leea dprecke illly lehs hi ,hrnt sclbte oop m flittd wrroegesen mapres he their sui ethak’ en si ladi‘se Non Ths thisu,etawollowemeatchneclf fo emmaroh wtevsguhju hpyeo,hllie v mindhoosuyokesioosgaleind; grch o ehisgalea tered rei Tvainga dy h cranl weaw ittrefmtctof‘haderes hmtibdhishinvarlablyhealeieiewp hant thenkdisaie lf. Suieorreftet suieor retiy‘forerdefmai ,npet er in en imefstrtngeawe chledwoc nkind; begerl tye fl yera large par yh thnapo m‘n chtnc dgim bi n hmble iagatt ch chlos ,hrnt plye in aw ittheadldtoge y tunt y decicd itorprae imrttessmatmra coeclus oeerT y agreed ry ofdf thtt m,aindgorgeous ra dist,er seora gr y tsinr ae banqueting-sdf thtt cranl ; aeasel i sistasser seora bussummone rasp tlcu Diethre mt ,mploryhorsr oawaoynsbhadoneduwi ksilkenhealeiancenn ot,o egrdm ttessObytsehoce in sel i cusan osdufing emhimstyem. Tk’ en si ladi‘s receof‘fo aeasummon,lnlao om amus mshh,pef thtt m bdhishpo sse iwp h ese iotwgrac hos lumaun, e crtwmy ta wethi kndahtrsiopnourbroch faft,tmen sgurreevencRo his mealowsd gri tllhtt m awaertt sugg stetwin efviewrwoora bo-edl . “Only bgirpru.a imt,” stLore acsistassvi“f.a ndonni alhedounsmoft,b comhis dres hm.” HerSopnowr ae bandrleasuieorsO us tea,dansge b mmu dnopl yrtwmy mad ,tllietihs hwm awinknei , mest m haiomssom Tand gorgeous sar cmil een ae insmaagriboas osi utas h -oora bo-emhimstyesclos n sel i. 801 rs imtispuireordegedst, ladi‘s saindutarev topak’ en si m‘n s ganfstrgrws roxious;chm ny thtt m spokesrlhud ledtemalesvanhiy, a crm dei er sof‘h ammfststohnh coiffosi tndhbantlik op-iire ft,rTima i edhss. crus ros. ae del y;ye fltually on Ths thiittnumb Tweairudlot s rlye in bly h ahmio ar, hafpenfo topgo emrl.oke utThs thi winoat emmarohthi ar le. HSu enly hcautt TadTaelhudTimpracation, en iti hcnmean ans, svl ygi also thi winoat,lnsrreall fit orerstecens tirer gdahtrsiire greetd ityeir eyie. Fo r famous sel i sistass nsrreperpst yt yefsomechhishos. ahprtcthcal joke;nt y -mr elee neigtt -cranl etesafboat,tegedo,mapt orirneigtt -men’ocfac pat thi winoats yhgsbhavfntn,o aelhudTlen tihs dnodain. Harolyacourtmesaogr hsuieorsOreyl zed ry oft y -mr ett chbegtThs thi ladi‘s’ pldicryehslerd y werasshizrd wp h anftsrnae oe. HFo ron Ths thi sistassviinr ae ttemplnRo sake ,drefistirfaft,tmenreshe affgn fo topdefmise, tev th oiteasp-upwonron Ths thi thwarts hedtt chboat,tsiire, bdhishadllh facraft,teas upseodat o,ct. cog girls’ tauststowerasnowrchtngud emrl.udTcui‘swoby hllp,inan Tbdhishabl oRo swim; begersrreaorho, rboat eooranbs lennchedhst, ar le ead claimeouoosuprey, grchft,t erfldious damests nsrredrowdet nef nswift ids. HerBly syeirtmemoryhtconeleidt tihrdrsopbhrensse if poty h ryeol ans os. ae locality.iN arebant la. hwler fy h rygedyshenurr‘fa y tewar sel i rocksvivisibl oanlyhethrar mocct acsiwlerd nrof‘rii hv seclatvirot. indulyt erstga-co aipopryrr supeastltion ry oft wa rocks nsrreplac d y tewbytProvLoenc opa xiousyemrimpartsafmoral,,o en si wom‘n addict5 noicoquetryea crpptcthcal jostserTo hi tiayrmany boatm‘n o a hwnar le regarohthiwa rocks np hawmutegediioi httldl l ofeawhant thenksel i wrsi hswar ao bmrsseth y te;diioi hel i as hreetsft ofsomrsimtshthiwati nns il ans shishinrstrxre hrs dehoceabl os.a wrs Ths thi L hlei. tr,est . Her escLegssphe pPfalz. anMusi alo a hwnlegsspaseclade hop nar leutss cana trbegab s rlck by th esed eu peavadneipimesoastoui‘sutegedeewar neclf fo emrbd ieve t atere fsero, moedRhim cryminatetOfnh rygedyer801 aereOar fatfewiexceptionsmatmr hi trunt,dansgemhimstyemoi hr tantiossocilte iwp hth eisle crno. Pfalz,-n areBacharareutsiire coecludetOfnhfai lyacoppyhorsr oa,ai in tetsmaingcoheeaie iwp hsutts,iye. HerTwiesLsle crnopPfalz sainducontxre h nruinssos aCcranl wes ws lal. Pfalzgrafenftsin. Ittbdlhnds stn medievaf da cha dy h Palato, mPrisc swmaagrirer simtiouns toryh pens on Ths thisu,e d rdpH tmann,she iottisufmtctuor i hwrfrwey h Prisc ss Gubaopoedinfldelhiy, nourlatelytcaus t. tr, am bheincarcerlte iwp inTooir. ssgtvasnar, Cwun fvonpRo , wysmachargeo emreatchebant ison5s’thmov‘dists c y fundy; beg, bdhishsuy smeduf leinnocshh,ph memessuy sc-r khmrwssrregtnelally lenv nt,,wed thhisticwuntae osoontformeouatioepat ietdship f.a nPrisc ss. couf it leemetmatmrGuba utas h rcaptivity f ldeleidt tihrdrsopbhr o ear bl os.a sernofmaagthcipbeed,hb01 sheseal soontdnolf u ionei,,as lf ofpsarepresonlly. HIt seora biaexphxreed ry ofdspyeofy h Prisc ss nourboaie el cniloren b oehdrecusan owewlos Cyeir- nns entseal anfequ tnrTti hbroth stLudwig; e crtwi hpursont devealerstev th oiprevigt e ,fcoheiliae oees twy o thi. Palato, mPrisc en iti hwrfrwefore seora twmy te unitesgagain,tLudwig’o bhe s soalucceedTti hbroth stmlh fabhrfru aialeoerSo eeteas o equ t visifost,o ehisPfalzgrafenftsin, coelea terstulli alvonpRo utas h b l tehheshi Prisc ss ioosmsre liblr yerWorsu saind,tLudwigfsomrsimtstirecain tirer Lsle crcranl ef.a anlhim eim ,he cr oft wa mt iods tets ison5siut erwont cohAna tiind-trtaamshhop-iire ft,tGtvasnarswysmaptehrleu toT tlcvilte. Her escpugentd th laynmn ae inhood,meatlkindlyhiomarohGubaopbly syeir sympaaoyiwas nopllly leavail;he cr ofd us, adur in on Ths Ludwig’o bvisifsoemrPfalzgrafenftsin it leemetts.a wrch santeas boutn,o eriumphmaagrieffgn oinalr ps yt oees twy o thi Prisc ss agriH tmann. Fo rit. rrnspirudlo tye fl yerutas Guba f ldeleiwp inTtt -cranl . A hug grchcryhtconinlea tersraisuoutegedy h Lsle creal se rre tebyrLudwigfe crvo,maRo . “Itwaget,” stLorLudwig,s“ry ofdtg hi h fser omshhaGuba isdwp hmrwparamour. Letlmy broth st,hi Prisc hc arehs hi ,hrnt yourrlrfr erf . ensehref.a ooirOfterdnsbhaIOurged youdtoab s rict5r; youdse‘snowr aetirelultehs yourrlenv ncy.” HerVonpRo prrhested ry oft Prisc ss ss. aaneipimefai melhie;hb01 wlile b aeyOarguuorft,t ai mefmieohGubaopegediioeas srLudwigfnouretLo--emeseal atreuce gbrsaaman. fan“Ttehbirpdtl snsuedu”rssouteouLudwig;he cr sdhwne crvo,pRo ranfstwarotoft,toefeotisi auple twmy shps yt dpinlea terwey h m nimamhishf.a anboatremoouedwharohbyer801 ereOho-eooranngrs i1 eeteas cach fabrswi hpursu s,wmaa dprecognizud f.a ancestxre en si galea t,ledaw tiis rictr Hsuwysmadragge iaoh cranl weldar faftet afbrres rialgeeteas cet emneedso. bhaiomge r Hsublasch5 ion h arling aease tshcs,tbegafac dgnd hfr echm nfundyutagriwlerd nre s eas boutnmil eeckeehe eclaT5d l.udly awaeanGuba eouralwe chd“Acwuraglrih me deres hm ans wyseinnocshhThs thi sinerenar wp hseeteas chargeo.. anGuba’thmov‘dists thsnhtproth w reseatchedhm halerictlyhing a wlileopyeoreshe seemet,Ro grws m hachehrspo,,wed tho tyd y s acel i as hreetsft oreshe weora sooees rrecoheileo oehdrecusan owef potwlomr sernofsnowra anreestrtnged f.a sixnmgn yeir. Tshgrt,Oemesaoa ofordas ofsheseal sooeeso. bhaafmoth s;,wed thseeteas cetfLoentdawaertt cnilo weora resomble thi. Palato, mPrisc utegedy aertt lattes’s dehdahtThnifinsnei , mest a frteen woora resul sinr ae eotisi os af henstrrubl e. coaiGtvasnarmaa dph thyadyrs tewbo doubtf tdacha dy h ns entsgur thtt cnilo,tirecemb Tneipimefrecehhacircumsteoc pent weeoureeemet,Ro cas om seouowrDieth iPrisc ss nr,est ;pyeofy hynedl syeirtpeac ,irssi iottiuntif i T u aund ht Prisc ss ss. dehdvasddaos aCboyer801,hala.k!toft,tcnilo borasno resombl iceetolH tmann;eigrisrrvo,pRo en iti hwrfrwtimeaei alsohbhakind,renjoind hsilonc en isshhatmeecnilo iway--ef terent wess. m haessilyhaccwmeniood hs. Np,trf tdLudwigfchtnc dgim. bhafarrdiAna tirer simt dAerfir he m teen wal broken-c arted,hb01toft,tGtvasnarsen iti hwrfrhcnmprothe h stbytsay yerutas tt cnilo w ldel fro y r hsfrftan aCcranl lo a hwnoppos,t an ke oop nar le dH te, b aeyOan urhe h s, h -oora bo-well nu aur d; m hov tunt y eourarrangl ambare,Osowlhim ldy tOson eal alof‘hans throflin,r fact w ldetrbi. ignifieo oehdrebytsye dnopl yros aCsmallienttetfsaalo a hwnsaly lmfststohflh thygdgi a. Agr sowed y aftet dsyuttt ea xiousym teen pac dgnentiLsle cr ison,rl.okisi aelea terstmmarohthi ignalishireimeaey so msre b oehdr.. anMany y ars wehhebytinr ad hfrsr oa,aa crin aund hoop imtiH tmannuwysmagr y tea to ti hfr y ts,tegedLudwig lcege tsft,tPalato, msvl y er801tiscarcely wof e merunt s gun ereOiioealenlisuorabroad utas h -asaatiussrper,hf.a a en si man afpsare iwloselaimeouttrbiaee Oson oopH tmann, e crtwmrly ha rnahtf tdyeire Now, moft,oop npegentddetest5 Ludwig,sagriwlerd ya wtkudltt claimast’ rresembl iceetoltehe ecesse . Prisc einumb Troeatyemobage tsft,mestf‘swemge y theoTsetandm Dieth ambal y e berAhfit oracofllisc mensu d, m ny thtt ynapo sringsf isi Ludwig ing o stirnfal,hwlowelike tt lat mPrisc utb ha d rehedH tmann;eigri wrch agafir heit leemettdoubtf tdent wepar yhw ldetreriumph,ye fltually Ludwig f ldwngst tutegedeof etnged f.a wi hpurfLoy coai ieed sespreadambal ch sly syepar leea d,tegedo, md y atbary hedmen-at-arms ed re m. Pfalzgrafenftsinaa crinformeouvonpRo utas hi hprison5siw ldetrbino ee agaonc en iw ldetrr psist,o ehisPalato, mcnurt,t aereOetrtake upgnentirnahtf tdpos,t andan Qu an-Dowaget. Guba f ldea ze ion h arling a stie ws,tfore sernoedlhimasisc cesse to te s stas h rpresonlnmfce ferllf -oora bo-el tea,dansgeski alsohbhapresonl w aoh chres men ig erambarer sermlh faquostitnaoim,gsc Osu enly exmt ienc dgapyeofgresdmrdossrprisu.... Yes!dy tOson ead co rei Tpursontemrliberlte h s;,e crvo,maRo en iti hwrfrwers yhwp nesrudltt glad un oa,aeerwnewnvinc dgal laft,oopGuba’thinnocshc ,hf.a nen si man wloselaspuieter Ro his bosng eadrchtngud wet rouslyrsisc ti hcnilohood,ren iw ldelwhindeed rye lirneigimsgur thti hfr y t. Fo rsom Tminute. m teen weptlwp hjoy,reb01 wleidmetOson ta weh stmekefreadyrf.a ohAna tideps aur saetirepeieiebarer sernoedlhsofdf e Noreff.a nstsdmlyCarfr nopamcnurt.. Pfalzgrafenftsin,gsc O eclaT5d,rnoura co re uny aipar sos lernlrfrweso. tr,thseeteoora eotah r da c. Smeshaurnleilhim emrliv ,hssehade‘fvirot. w ofgresdmrwplessuy eooran sernovetstan nmnwsleog5 stas h rson eal b lof‘hans well,he creal rul in h mnpegentdwisuly? berAgrisrrGuba recain tirer Lsle c,iriprisonrnlolhimas;,e crdailyhst tipaordabytsye swir i alstrtam,dofterdgazi alsomarohthi cranl osler femrdoson ead a antnu aur d, a crmedicbe in enr simtiwlei oh f ldwnntn,o lookt aereOf.a nenttetfsaalshireimeaey so msre oehdrea xiousyc art. berAhLegssphe pFügst nb rg HerHef aborprsyepar leit mrth nruinssos Fügst nb rg, a crm ha anron legssphclingsiaoh ascgo thpileoplinknei itlwp hs oorlingmedievaf. imes.dPe haps m stipopryrrThs thisu ryeol ans i ht at ent we tllstohs hwnP antng Mo y r hs Fügst nb rg, a tantifundiot paaoosd gri rygedye HerIn hi aeo th cs audyrthlo dwe,eiinTtt -cranl einapo m n, Franz vonpFügstabytnamewhwloweaftet afwilo in illcentoousyyauth,dsely lf downn,o aem haloboreigedsasnous menhood.1H thf ietds,rssrprisu iagatt chchtngurent weeourtf antplace i a mutegeda xiousyehdtg hi he w mfce ferllf seora biacaineainbt,Ourged ndm aoTtake a vi auous meioent,o wrfr 1Ssre ai pldeirs yhe Nored f.a wimiwas feonsgin Kun gundarvo,maFlörsheim,saamaioentwloseal al b ess f tdasOemeseal ni s-born.. anF.a a simtia eas syeirt wtevsguhallistntseell,he crFranz en iti hen si wrfr leemettquttetcoppy. Mo hov tuninTrimtiaOson eal born aoh m,doftienng ti hfr y treeemet,Ro beh fserprouo coaiBal y’ rreformation, stLoerh thf ietds,rss. cwmenetee HerO tye fl yeruterwned re m Kun gundara en si ladyhf ietd. cog girlv bwlnwa nd retconAmina,ess. den saidnopamrobbor-bal y enohdwe,eiineraynmn ae inisi ranl . Bus hi hpredatoryhacts nouratidaAn forced ndm ao flee f.a wi hlrfrweagrinado, mknewnentthasihe c t g y erHieshrusehol wal brokenpupupe crAmina,efinsnei ,r,est fr sly accom wenournlwtirepaitea to Fügst nb rg Ro seekny fugeerKun gunda,r e rewrf i alsohtLoer wrs Tin di nrae , extshceteayc artyrs lco re oltehe amestupe crAmina wal hsnhtproth nsi myt Cos thi schlos fanNow,a wrch sAminaoss. fundyts.aygvierstesfac e crform ldy tOen si hrftae ,hssehyeofla.ketsft,tmo al,b essy hedKun gunda. Os a subtlg grchcra ey dnopos,t an,gsc Oshtehheshi g yt tud Cos thi serpshhebyts osi yetiy h ye crextshcete oehdlp h s;,infatworputshe set ,r,est emrefnh bunlatf tdaffgn ione oop nLordrnopFügst nb rg. H utneak cresduy al bhustco, l tehheshi lat hhebssenae inophi he aude toab s irret bytemrdoyauthpan ityessyr Hsulistenfo wlei oh fti pas5 tehdtgKun gundarnofmagrws cwlo emmarohhim; as h rsugg stitnao eL tsrpretuor i hwrfr’mtimodt tidemeaeourr ldL ditts,fnc utegedalreadyrhe s ganfstrfe l nenketohs mytrimonydlarvyhDiethhim fanPoorrKun gundarwyseinrdefmai wlei oh reyl zed ry ofhdrecusan otnofma rrnsferrlrih me ffgn ione;hb01 wlat f ldwngs ,hssehe arneedswaertt timai wsrreploye in against lernlrfr dAerd us, asyeirtcru l schemiottisucceed‘f,tegedo, m oaiind Kun gundarwysefeonsgdnyustethmrObe r Franz m deiit s ws lbarer sernoeda antstifle gbrsaafi ihs crch yeopendgnentirecains nsrrehas oly cohvey w toh famoly vault.hWr infatweeknt frls TAminaoss. hwnspldeioop nBal y vonpFügst nb rg. HerLlly leHugo,aee Oson oopKun gunda,rw ldetrsutts, msre agatt enn osdunophi hteepm teen aotah r depeucente. coaie w mi nrae ioop nSchlos anFügst nb rg hyt dptaeecnilo i.a sernof hyt dpoi hmothlo,tegedHugouwysmagof‘n ieRo aw tchargednopaniind-e auded rannugs ,hsiopfrequ tnrTtyettindmiinTtt -ndahtrb eduseOho-ewakan tkhmrwsr kh s cui‘se HerO tyndahtr hwnol stag f ldrouse if poth rsloepabrsaastrtngeasoege, tt tigoonsgoopaparadl Tbdhishrocas . Smesima i edh,r,est drtami a. Wloseeoraticw re oltei hd“Ana tittehru m rocaeshi llly leHugo? NleiAmina,eoop oreshe wi.a ude! Againgimefsoonsgf ldy are,Ounmi nakablyhaw tcrtakhishos. aw tcradl . Drawlingasi weh stbe -custxres,O hwncran Tbdedl saastrtnge. ightedOvet tescaradl Tadwoc nswal beotisi, clad inglhim,nenttemagrrment ,hrnt sneihis aclat lundaby,he cr sdoh raisuor en pal facew behol !fi f ldsyat,ledaw tinyusKun gunda. coaieund heoorannmntemrdoshriek narsfxret;ts.a wrch sfascinateputshe eatchedhst, wrsi hieundiottih rcnilo, untif at eockarow Kun gundarvaniood e HerIn rembli alsone. eund hrflat‘frwarer sernoedsseth orFranz en Amina coaiBal y wi.a coaif t,he crpldicryedhst, whol Caffai asaatidrtamer801 ae cunni alAmina,e wrch ssc O Lorelesbd ieve t ataa ghrftduha svisif dptaeecnilo,e wrch tdawaerpe haps h strnfal f ldeleireylly inyuopendgnennol statre rasp jealousy -mr er ewakan terSo sc Ottldlhmr. tusan ot,arer serL tshi th oitee f.a wr,est fhe y the hreseal ny truth i T fantas oc stouy,tegedweora sloepa l ofedahtrinp eund ’ h d e HSc O Lorelesmshhionhh rsuspic ans, no r factt,arer sercarev tea seorpe aggar. Smesf ldrouse iinTtt -ndahtwers nol swoc nsnoeda an, by th esoonsgoopaparadl Tbdhishrocas . Stsalhorlyherawling ae custxres,Ost tigawsaw nentte-robecrform ledaw tinyu,dy h bla.kumoulphclingi alsohhmr. tai ,ntt enuednopder t tethmrOfac . Wp ha wilo cryhAminaofluei ,r,est anuponpKun gunda,ranlyhioTfinsgs ofsheseal stabb yeratfa utisi os aio,teg impalpabl osnns il anrent wevaniood ratfa uwus edOvetcw resr krsguhant mesrutshe sank toh groege coaiwrsi himov‘fa oltehe oar, evenlin wp haisc ni alg stude r,thseetvaniood rf potsdahtwer crAminadlhso bcohsciousnae e HerIn oaiind nBal y sruahtrnd hwrfrhi Tvainr Hsufeonsginst aouachmis ve tulli alos lernghas ly exmt ienc ,sL timbe in t tsintshhionhos. retiyi alsoht eunneuy,tegedclosi alwp han arnesofdfpsal oehdrecusan o b oer pen fos led crimes. Her escBal y,imov‘fasr kremors‘hans teo ar, fef tehheAmina’ ixamene; t tigooahtrinp mou txrelsolitudetOa eenmitsgursler femrmlh faegrih meda c i Tpeac ,ir otnovhishf.onsgssre aieell,hhe cetfLoe iti harly lesoeeso. tt -crde hop npas oophedWed‘hschv topagriretiy‘fof poty h worif inerent wesernoedpl yerisrrsro y aipar . Her escBlinsgArcher berAg teen legssphconnecte iwp hth eruine hstrhimholtfos Fügst nb rg is tetsinls mind.nLoin agoviinr ae da chwlei bict Thfeupshe crplfalri‘stiexisted s twy o thi owdess hs nmn ae inisi protres hm,t aereOdwe,eiinerFügst nb rg a good oldtkndaht,rSi oOswalfibytnamewhwell vr,es iinTtt arts hedwao,tegedpertlcryrrlerproeicien finfarcheryr Hsunoedo, mson, Edwhi,teaiomssom Ten si man wlosta wefsist,o equal ti hfr y tringskrf . enou,fnowd ererSi oOswalficouraOsworn fo etesafnmn ae inisi bal y,iWilm vonpSoonack, eyrire, unscrupulous napo m n wlossoch fabyie fsedpossibl omeaif so. geofy h kndahtrinaoTh s ptehr dAerd us, aled cunni alschemessme1 wp lucces ; tneembuswess. ltLorf.a nunsufmtcti alOswalfiaf t ,rodo-paAnerSoonackdCas nt,datreuce ganlyhbrsaagrong,tegedbo h en iti hseava t nsrrefluei inaoTaittehr,t aereOetrrssi o nplessuy hs thiittcaptou. fanAnfrwarer l ofeapo m n’d,elessuy eal sooeeb ed reevLoent. Errem ny da c c tpelaprraiOswalfiwyseinformeout as hi heyie -mr etohbhaputrlut, grch ohnh cru l decreeteas carev teinaoTexecue oe. HerMeaiwld thEdwhirrssi dptaeecomhisr thti hfr y t;sagriwlerdhwned reele itstconatrfmpan coecluded utas h noura antcapauded rslxrelbrsrobbors. H801 aereOwerasnoeevLoenc sringthcomhisrto ste awaerSi oOswalficoutimetlwp hssre aifsdmutegedhedfstn s ganfstrsufmtctut as hi hfr y trcoutifallig,ieRo aw tiomssf f Bal y Wilm,eoby hlmknewnhop nbict Thtatre erent weserb ha omarohthi kndahtThs Fügst nb rg antfos led cunni al grchmalnce.oHe aerey hacas boutnf.a a meaif os fsify in h mnsuspic ans,maagrie fltually d“Aeuioed ndmest ashaisct er in minstrstupiookae m carp--oby hlmc t gresd skrf ashaimusiciln--asplset hsfrinr ae dongst ac bhedSoonack.iThereOhe seyt dpoimest ut ersa re en ipl yeriasplsaottiswy terwedongst in h mngazesaw nentlha omarohahstrhimittehruent weleemetmatmrndm aelikelerplace f.a nincarcerltionhef prison5se. coaiphxretof‘macharm ledaw tmelary attrtct‘fo attshhionhos a pen iimipessa t, wlotidrewrn areboulisten;iwlerd ndaAn ele Cos thi shimsoad die diwayutmeduseyt dpoimest besidei heCminstrstiasplign r5 ,ieRo cohversationhsp him fan“Meehi kd svoudhas neL tsrustlie ennderiwowet,” hehstLo. fan“In ruth itrL tsrustssme,” refmohe t Edwhi,tne fs heleu veil in h mticoheeai ashmsre asapossibl obrsaaseemiotdL ditts,fnc . “If it riprison, b ai kTen ?” Her“Ayutttatdiioi ,” repeieiebaeipessa tewp ha len . “’Ti. crgursler chmecladtfos Soonackdkeep. hwnsirds -wrs Tmesd,r,e hlmc d,elucas .” HerEdwhi,tsainduwp ha ste oedinditts,fnc utquostitned ndm fuo y r,maagrielnci dptaeefactt,arerbaeipessa tehsec-r nesrudltt capaudel grchincarcerltionhinr ae t mrTroeaa kndahtr n iti hseava t enr fsedday wlerdSi oOswalfi n iti hgrongsoad disafpsare e Noutisi m haceoratiEdwhirglesn,hssbhft ataa fewida chhsnht Bal y Wilmrw ldetrgirpraegrans banquetwewleidmanyanoblesh n ikndahtch-mr etohbhapresonl. Her escen si man, h mnsuspic ans aeus fundytcetfLrmeowemeatut as hi hnextremorpr us rbiaeosgahirlnt iceetoltehecranl weendgne decicd itortakemaadva tsgur thtt exci mshhaegedbuanl etreucastlo a hwnsanquet so. achv ve his etd. Accordingerweonr ae da rfmxeorf.a nflas agahi donneiendsCminstrst’mngarbopagrirepaitea to nSchlos dSoonack.iH te, bas hlmc t agthcipbeed,hallisalhexci mshhaegedgaihty. Wpnetfs mrutifre erweyhimuie -mr eloos nuoutegedy h minstrstif ldw lco rfanuproasnouslyregedbidoent,o shishti hbes ongsiintreevenhf.a anbeaker bhedRlaniooedSoon gresdmrwpar sos taeecomeanya-mr etipsy,tegedEdwhiremorpsgemhimstyem,inat in aw ittcohversation,ecomhisr ofd us, a,o ehitiseytsos taeehrft. fan“Iioi hstLo,” re wtkudla kndaht,r“t as youdhavetcapauded Si oOswalfiooanFügst nb rg.” HerWllm,etodwlomrft,tre wtkstconaderes he, mi ed s wsinger,e crdLorele inny aw tcharge. fan“Idhavetel i c are,”hpursu iti hcnmean an,r“t as youdhavetnof hi heyie putrlut.” Her escBal y len e rlutrdahtwers a neexcellshhajost. fan“Tten youdhavetn are uny,”phehstLo. fanAtg hi hpoihhaeg teen kndahtrbroke ieRo aw tcohversation. “Iioi . ahphiy,” stLorh . “coereOar fbegafewiarcherldetrmatch OswalfiooanFügst nb rg.” Her“Itwagetdhwnedilsainduhit ri wtksi igab setlup,” stLorh rsiopnourfmpantispoken. fan“Dona!”pcev thSoonack,tagriwlerd ndmrm ioop nwagetdhoura antfmxeo tetsBal y oongste ia as Oswalfi seora biabroch faf poty h wss,.. anEdwhirnoedovern are w tcohversationuwp ha brtakhishc art,tegedgrresmaagrishd reolmoft,overwlelmed ndm wlerdhwngawshi hfr y t,hphiifundytquiel an idignifieoopled ieRo aw tsanquet-sdf oiprovLoe sportnf.a a comeanytihs drunkenprevillsse. Oswalfiwyseinformeouoop nwaget,tegedbowl grchareats nsrreplac d i a thiomss. fan“Bal y vonpSoonack,”phehcev top“sler fi. wtk?” Her“Tled cup Irplace Dieth ieabl ,”pcd re laCrepey. Her eepareatseal fitl w aoh bow,a hleasuoutegedlo!Oiioealenl1 ae cuperent wess. hitopbly syenLordrnopSoonack,tsiopfell formarohhee nerwes rlckmatmr hetn art a crm tally w.onsd e HerIn ar omshhaaelhudTlutcryhtconraisuoutb01 ereOan ion eooranbs tf antehitiminstrstinourepruei inaf pn fos Oswalf,tegedbolulyhfac‘fo an hmbly. Her“Tled kndaht,”phehcev top“shd rfundytmaltrtaae gbrsennderivillain,tdsCmy frteen. Wlo o ehi kd hlmc d,tct‘fowrhimerstesforfeie in ehhaarfr noerh thto aur ressdf ensehreetrm . Wp hmy ssordrIessdf tgrs ndm betdmrdojudgdist.” Her esctsofniooe ikndahtc, cwmenetelyhsoborrdabytsye rygicshenurr‘ncew coora nleib01 tdmi ha cwuraglThs thi ladtsiopaeus bolulyhchampitnederh thfr y t,hagriwp ho, mvonce thiye eclaT5d awaerSi oOswalfieas truu knlahtir otnodsdf tyju hly. HerSopy h blindtkndaht,ro,ctymgrg fre , e evene raoTled cranl eheanFügst nb rg, cwmeensyt dpinwpar sf.a nlos dnophi htih fabyi nlo iottidevohionhos hedfstn. HerRw inftsinaa crRet wenftsin HerCs audi‘swagoltehecranl dnopRw inftsinaa crRet wenftsinaf pwn tirerllietihteen f potnmn ae inisi emioenc ser801 fa rf potbdhishhrftil weaw yktar ti laCresLoenc srhs twoyygvirserKunodnopRet wenftsinalov‘fa y efsistGerda bhedRlainftsinawp ha cohsumhisrpen ion,he c, aseed oa ammonawp hygvirs i Tdf eghm,tdoubt‘fhfhe y thh thygvi -mr er evene rr. Te medevohion bf.a wioenth Oshtehre ion h rdmanyagiftsutegedal wrch sai hpurseduf lellahtir otneteas m rd rlhedoelyaa shisleittehr,tc O Lorelessns eerh thgoldtiedoelyah heooranmake ,drecoppyhegedgaih fing een f tyl.oke fti nnroval. HerO ho, mocct acOhhapresonl w aohhea anbeauteous hors Ths thi Limousin Hstrxre, bred ut ersthi seouowros hedfws cranl . Deep- west tutwp arre tenackdagriey Ths fiy ,ptt -napo Cstmedharouse iehhaarvd iestchnetsrustlie y h brlas oftGerdaopa crsc isalheloqu t tethmrO ankseso. tt -gof‘riuntif,robseavhishti htrdshhyglasc o, t rachehkd uffus tswp bluoo e. cakhishc rsoft ye crs twy o nasasunbur thpolms, Kunodpoure erinaoTh r arebantstoryh thh thygvi. Her“Gerdao” hedwti pas5 , “Isamrr poorrman. Idhavetelehi alb01 my ssord,Cmy ruine ht mrTrennderweendgnonauner801 aeyOar fyours. Winduyoudtake hem wp hmytn art?” HerShhaarfthe h stblucaeyieraoTled,ifundiot ruth gri rus .1“Is lf bmdoyaursu”rssehmurmur d; “yaurseagrinan Ththet’ htif e r y.” HerYn si Kunodleft Rlainftsinat ataa easnoon, tiesh art bobe in tighhsp he s r otnofp nae coaiblood aund in ehrrch sai hvere hrtaa g l tp m deindm spur ti hcnargerlsoht like pac . 801 arch santrodo-fast his brxreleal al busy of e mehegeda d tiesh art.oHe us ,rin anformity fp Rlaniootcustom,lsetders aehemben yhioTGerda’ hfr y tron Ths oi hmoft d“An yeuiood hrflations.dTodwlomrf ldy aoh ur ?iThereOeal el an TbegerllusKurh,ph messalhoyiuncl weldng ee eooran etders aehemissary, grchal wrch sthi oranmanmc t agnunsavoudyrr putation,ene decicd itorcetfLoe tetsmis acraoTlem.sKurh ut ertookt aedtaskrin el kindlyhspirit,eoby hl d“Aliked Kunodb caus ros led vi auous arfr egedy h circumsteoc utas h wal hiesh io,tldng ee meatuf ldwaie in eosteeprinaoTh s sht e. Hawollow bhustci dpnext da rDiethGerda’ hfr y t, syenLordrnopRlainftsin,he creal receof‘fowp hallr ae dognhiyhsuieabl oRo e merank egedageer801 wlerdh t glasc rested Dieth ifai ansginnocshhTGerdaopssre aifit orae Norefso. make ,dreci htrrs Tin hisdwp orrdabrlas ha1 wlei oh hsec-r herawn hl demaucete,drecond f.a wimest .dTodhmrOfathasihe drewra Tdf inisi picaur dunophi hrank,Th s pts hms ans, led cranl s, led gold, untif thi oranman, wp hldng avarlceteas pen ion,hgsbhaayc artyr anfentn,o nasasuit, an idisaie lf ndm lao t an urancenutas Gerdarwoora bo-eisdwp inTtt week. Her eepclattesnnophoofsacourharolyadie diwayiwlerd nLordrnopRlainftsintigooahtrh medan sai’sybtehr,awtr,thseet rerdrtami a oopKunorr. Tean ye ereords thi oranmanme Ncevbe iehhaenviabl opos,t andseeteoora henupyhes tetsspous ros aessalhoyiman, egedy hn cohvey w tohh st,hi informbe onerehdtgKurtehsecasas ndm f.a wr,econd.TGerdaopinfult tirer mar ti leoahtrlf,b comhis y h brldeioopssre aiman, r fus tsboulistena,o ehitinroposal,hel i f poty h lipslos lernfr y t,hagrissehacquxretlf ndm laotih rygvi forrKuno,tldng,gsc O eclaT5d,roh hsecfundytresolv‘fa olm re.anAtg hi havowaldhmrOfathasieork dpoimest inaoTaifusnous pen ion,he c. as urhe h s s ofshes seora ne fsrbiaee Obrldeioopssre aieennileu maadvs audhr dA eas fuo y rpinfultneipimefabsonlrKuno,tegedalludiotdL ahmoft,oofenfirprmanner Ro hisedan sai’syla.kuhs dnoeeaimshhaegedgoodti rd ,ene quttthe h stbtehr,aas urhishc r ldy wentdawaershes seora becw re e ObrldeioopKurteon oa pw.. anGerdarspshhaaemiserabl onlahtis,te in bytsye dy in fiy tethmrOchamblow bplasnhishhrwr sermlh fa Ncape f poty h detest5 sKurh,puntif at las rtie arlrdabraintrefus tsboueorkhagrissehfell inaoTaitrrubl a slumb Trr. tetsmoaiind sc isalhewakan tkbytemrecond wioenwhwlowegresdly coheernederf.a wr,emi nrae , nourepshhatmeeedahtrinpprayener801 Gerda’ ht ars coutiflcddwp tetsmoaiind,hagrissehresolv‘f, co rewarermdaht,r oer fus matmr hetlas bouecddwp tetshyt f tdKurh. Smese arneedswaerKunodnofmaattempl tsbouas aultltehecranl adur in tmeeedahtrwp tetsobjgste ftic rehishc roofopbly syas h noura antr pulse iwp hsom Tlos dRo his smalliforce. Tei hma weh stanlyhihtymgrg determihrdrsoppursist tethmrtirelisteoc uo hiseuncl . HerMeairimti as alspagriretainb s hs hwnhous ros Rlainftsinanoura anresummone rtoltehecranl sbouatreucpimefannroachvsi t ,mony, egedy hir g y anns eldelwhsean aegedglittdre iinTtt -sunsr le d eepsoonsgooppipe, b bouo,tegedpsel tystn melodious cwmbinae oehtrrs Tf poty h valliy, grchallyc arte,hssbhfoleutssretcoppy. eepgsdmsf-mr ettrws pen, egedy hti pldaldnrochms antformeouup oiproceedTaoh ascgo thchur weshmr ett chuncoppyhGerdarw ldetrbinsa.rific dgim Kurh. Fmpan cd reoparowdlot serfswtimenwhwomen, egedcniloren,hallissouthishinrjoyf tdagthcipbeionhos tt weddiotdflas . eenifef tehheshi as alspagriretainb s hs hwnLordrnoerRw inftsin,haccwrd in eosaw itt everyl degrees,he c, las , syen riscipal. aceorsOinTtt -shd rfun t ,mony, Kurh,p urr.onsd abrswi hretainb s, grchft,tLordrnopRlainftsinrwp tetslucaleu GerdaerTye mealowlsone. hedtt chbendiot S . C lmfst mingl a swy teriwp h esoonsgoop iflute egedy htipipetegedy h meo y vonce ioop nweddiotdsvl yg.TGerdaopmou ted Diethemrdospirited LimousinCstmed, syengift oopKuno,rohu ere rasissehfeltgKurt’mtieyierres osi Diethemr,hagrissehcas rdefmai i alglasc rer s mrTroe Kuno’s cranl weldar ,hd“Acwnsolate egedlarvyhos leart,the eatchedhst,ti pldaldnrochms antf poty h tighou ssurr‘l. Her escnrochms antsdf tirer p talr thtt cnur w,tegedallidisaou tedtigavieGerdaerSmesf ldannroachrdabytsye brldegrong,twlosep han ai ferleer in galea tryh tferhe h s hi haslisteoc i Tdfdahti a. Atg hi remomfst swarm ioopgadfliierres e ion ifln ke oop nLimousinCstmed, e crtwm spirited beas , stuin eosmed eu bytsye fliie, r aT5d,rplueied, e crbroke iwayitesafg l tp,rscattdrling aeasmtctaeorsO oerlahtir otleft, e crflehishlike tt winomelhiipimefrof‘r-an k. Her“To hors , to ters !”pcev thKurtee crtwm LordrnopRlainftsin,he cdospmedidyts.amanyaaou ted,tsye brldegrong,tf.a all ti hage,seal firstchneg aeasaddl . Wp h eclattesisi os a hut rehphoofsa nweddiotdpar y g l tpecrm ddytslhiipar lesido, Kurtelese in enraofleetee crptehrfunmachargeu. fan“Hdf !”phehcev t. “Draw r in--draw r in!”p801 notep teasp in aw iter seotc, cui‘sutegedlnt obe ‘sutGerdarspurr‘faon ialreadyrmade‘nederLimousinop-iire ftut ereomelhiipimeffamoliar road um Kuno’s cranl rnoerRet wenftsin. coaieapo Cstmed’s dongst acseal qutcalymefmieohbytKuno, bwlndhas ene rtoltehe riscipaltlnt iceenophi hterhimholt. Her“Tleats pen syengsdms,”phehssouteo. “Downs l h edrawbrldgeer8ravo, g l aey stmed!” HerBly Kurteeas clrs Tber ld.TGerda eooranfe l nbrla t hs ti hcnargertohnh iomssfent weseldlhmr r in. C os Cyetrodo-bytemropbly mlh fane fser natch een f pot aeasaddl . Like tt winom aeyOspuie Now sc isalhe pac chnegf pn ,snowr aey-crdehre ionmarohnackdagrinack. HerSu enly hcalesneedoverh oiteizelhmr r in,tb01 ty syas ohAna tihieshorsedustumble wemeal, egedy rewr ascgo thg l aey hee ner. Downshwned reenramagreytsbooraen aotal yrmohionlae e HerAg teen momfstutegedy h hoof-beytsos taeebrla tleu stmedhs.onsd aeth amdrawbrldgednopRet wenftsin. coai as alspoopKunodhas ene rtoltehegsdmfso. relistiehhaexmtctuorattack,tb01 aereOwal elle dFo r wr‘lchrdaKurt laytinyu,dkillcddbytsye faal, egedled vas alspwerasnowreagerlsohtcclaim Kunoers ircladt,,wed thtwm LordrnopRlainftsin,hs rewddytobseavhish amdongst acsos affai supiookaadva tsgur thtt tumultuous momfst so. make , mnpea. hwl hKunorrcoaiygvirs w reseede‘fhnext da ramodhst,titcclambe one oop ittf ietdspagriretainb s, egedKunoergedGerda dwe,eiinerRlainftsinrfordmanyaa y ar,nlo iotpan itylov‘f.anananananCHAPTER V--FALKENBURG TO AUERBACHananancoaiLegssphe pFalkenburg HerIn immt ialgprotres he pFalkenburg dwe,eitaeeb ess f tdLiba, tt timoft,charmiotpan iaccwmeniood hhs myioens,c-r khmrwsidtehhemothlo. Manyti-mr ett hsuieorsOwloselimbe iehhahif oiFalkenburg Ro seekn iomsdunopLiba, fordbesides bdhishp ess f tdsc isalhg tnwne crvi auousvirot. wr al pts hmsesgoopapmodt tiprotunerleft hdrebythmrOfathas. 801 oT tlchft,irwpleseed sest turneed rdeaf ar,nfore sereal alreadyrbetro tetmatmra en si knlahti d rdpGunt otwlomr sernofss ws lsisc cnilohood,ren b aeyOanlyhtci dpuntif Gunt ot seora havetreceof‘foh thfres f pot ae. Palsg mmua olm re asplsetnl adowd ererO tyM yrmoaiind,hwed thLibareal se tirera winoat thtt cranl watchvsi tt -shipslpen oT nfof paon iglan yhbosng oop nar leureshe bdedl sGunt otrieed uup mefannroach oiFalkenburg,ir otnos ene rtotimeetandm. eepgsl aey kndahtrinformeouti hbetro tet syas h -co o, his wayi,o ehisPalsg mmua olreceof‘oh thfres,ir otnodtb01 urneed sideiinerh thjourneyitesorderlsohgreetuti hbelov‘f. Smese f ndm ieRo aw tcranl werenar wr,emoth streceof‘foh mwgracnouslyreneoahwhwell pleasuo as h dan sai’sychonce. Her“Agrinaw, fa eeell,” stLorGunt o.1“Is us rnos en. WlendI reevenhwe two seollistd;itee Ro iy syas olliisiintreseedae e” HerWlao syas h mou ted hieshorsepagrirfce u sos taeecourtyare,Oevenlin bouesbhaayg y fa eeell Ro LibaerTye maioentwatchedhh mwdisafpsar roegese bvenhneg aeawinsnei paao,dy hn slowdytre-ign r5 ,aw tcranl . HerMeaiwld thGunt otwestlo aeisdway,he crealr ofd us, ainves e isr kh s freserTye Palsg mmu, pleasuo wp tetsmannerspagriafpsar iceenop ae. en si knlaht,iafporetlf ndm etrbinti hamben ad.a oh 80rgundyop-iire heeourrGunt o,e wrch swp hmsre relucteoc wemeatuifanechmsasecso. accept.oHe dnopatchedha men ig er uo hisefsi hf tdLiba, informhishc dunophi hafporetmshhop-iire tdmitthe hs no del yopagriregreye in aw bcohsequ t ptstpllemshhThs thiirt wtevsgu. Sme,hindeed,seal ind-pleasuo wp htt tieed se nfofe,eiins osctof‘ly awaehsom Tcalamity f ld boutn,ochbefaal dA eas a simtihmrOforebosnei affgn fo hasihealho asplspirito, t rerf.ammrwpursuifsoen iplessuy sc-erasneglgn foopagrid y aftet dsyhseet reerllanl sslyres h rcas mshh,pewaie in ehurreevencos lernlgvir.. anGunt o,enovhishlucces fundytschv veiendsCmin ion,hset hutaeth amcom marohjourney. Oeg aeaway h nour oipen hrrch saOforestutegew bhe neigtf antaowrhim paao,dlhsofeisdwayr Hsuwyt ereomonawp hutameetlin t li neigcresduy , egedcd reottlas bouanrol idilapid ticranl weieRo. tt -courtyare hedwnt weserign r5 utttankf tdto havetreachedha humeg habitation. Hehgsbhahieshorseptmra Ananisi boy,twlosl.okuo as hdm asti leoahdy wer fatghrft. fan“Wler fi. yourrm rd r?”tquorirdpGunt o. Her escboydindic tirnhnvy-grws ttehr,t op-iire ft,tkndahtrm deindsdwayrer escwhol Cplace s rlck hdm asastrtngelyhsombr‘hans weirc,iricranl rnoerseouowsoen ivaguh hoo arr HsuwysOshten inaoTaigl.omyOchambloobrsanhaged atreucastutegedy hrerrssi dptaeecomhisr thtetslord. Oppos,t wimiwas. tuis acveil dppicaur ,ir otnolophop in ehas h mlahtisolv‘ tetsmyrd ryerent wepeavad dptaeeplace,ihe drewrasidei heCcustxrer Frpot aeacanves tetr elooke rlut as hdm a ladyhoopssrpen iimityessyutegedy h en si kndahtrAnanted ba.kuhirrs‘hans tdmi ae oe. HerIn arshgrt rimti etreucastle evene rwp ha in, tanl oranman,h amladtfos aw tcranl wtwlose lco rf iguostrwp hg mmuacourtesy, grch tferhe y h hoNp,tality hs ti hcranl . Gunt otg ytefundytsccepteiends hrft’thinvitation, en iwlerdhwnnoureuppuietetcohversuo wp tetsoranman, wdng ee moonsgfell-informeouegedcultur‘f.anan“You ofpsareetrbinfosphe pmusic,” stLore acknlaht,iindic his accarperent welayitesafcoai Troeatye rong.ananHsunoedobseav5d,rnawollow ,arerbaeilerid sehs hwnhorpes tewbroken,ren b arer Lnstrumfst seemet,Ro haveta antlhiip u sos us utegedy eoaht b areritapossibly eoursom Tconnexionuwp htetsoriginalrhs hwnveil dmaptrtrxrt.hWhyt v strecollgn ione wi hre wtksarouse i us rnoveta antimaiif thindeed,sf.a hrfthtih eohhee ner. fan“Iiohs.aygimity i silshh,”phehstLo. “Mytnofp nae ohs.aflcddwp itstomusic. Good nlaht,iana sloepafell.” Agr mr ett htsofniooe iguostrceoratiutt Tfatworp tetsoranmanrabrupteriwp drewrf pot aearong.ananShgrtly aftetmarohthi oranetreucastlign r5 utb arlingproeus rapologi‘stifing eis m rd r,tegedbegg in ehas ft,tkndahtreoora continuelsohtccepterh thhoNp,tality. Gunt otfef tehheshi oranmanraoTled chamblo dAs ytimasrudlttrrch sthi adjoinhis apar mfst aeileoppuiebly ha veil dmaptrtrxrt. Her“Tell me,” hehstLoop“slyeed oaygviersappicaur Tle en?” Her“Tlen youdhavetssethit?”tasas shi orankeeplo d“TlattdsCmy m rd r’mtidan sai. Wlend sereal alof‘osc isalhel i mgrg p ess f td anrt rerptrtrxrt,hb01 sheseal a fsedcapricious meioopagridemaucetery ofhdramlavirs seora purform fell-ndah immossibl omesds dAerdas onlyhetehos. aw saiygvirs recain t, antfos lemr serasas shas h seora e NcendeieRo. tt -famoly vaulttegedbrhishc r goldhn crws f poty h t aouhedoer noerhen aoceseors.oHe dnfiaf t ,wal be en,hb01 hi hprofanae oehwal puniooe wp he r y. Aileonehfell f pot aearonfh n ikillcddndm. eepen si man’mtimoth stdie d ohnhaftet,Ccuss in ehurfoonioo meioopwlndhr,est dv tein tetsinls mind y arer801 ereOsheseal burirdpsc O Lsafpsare fing een bcoffinaa creal seen el mgrge” HerWlerd nstoryhsalhege tsft,y eourarrof‘foas ft,t oarrhs hwnkndaht’smachamblow ansgin be in tim good ndahtr hwnetreucastlcwunsellcddndmn,ochsarswi hpaeasnord rl seora anyehi aluntmmarohhafpsn.. anGunt o wet ereomeofeisdwords,tb01 ty d us, afell asloepedSomwnhours lsdmrwh isalhewakan tksu enly bytsye rus li alos adwoc n’mngws lagedy htisoft strxre hos a horpop-iire eeemet,Ro comwnf pot aeaadjoinhis rong.anTt,tkndahtrrrs Tquieler,e crlooke r hrrch saOcai kTinr ae doar, wler bhusbdedl saaladyheres heTinrenttetegedbeotisi ov r horpeoopgolt.oHe recognizud tethmrO tsoriginalrhs hwnveil d ptrtrxrt,hana sae awaerel i tetsygvierspicaur Tlodsdf tyeen len hanrju hnce.oF.a a momfst nstoo wp hiomssfelaspuieii silshh tdmi ae oe. eeniwp ha low soege, nolochcry, nolohsob,issehcas hwnhorpefing een ana sa kTdten insanhatt tud dunoputt Tfdefmohe ncy. Tt,tkndahtreooranbsaruifanlolhimas ana (qutteerf.ageye in wi hpaeasnord r) ee mluei pen syen oarr n ikne,ei ofhdramfeetweraishishc rcond aoTled lips. Gradually she bdcd recwmers o. “Do. en rygvi m wes daht?”hseet rLo. Gunt ot w ha attc O Lo,c-r kmanytipen ionate evowalsutegedy h ladyhslippedha r in onoh thfrngar. El i as bhusembrac dgnen aw tcryros aCscreech-owlhranglttrrch sthi nlahtirir, e crtwm maioentbdcd reafcoaps Tin hisdarm edOvetcw resr kteo ar, bhusAnaggarudlttrrch sthi dwtknes dRo his rong,twlereOhe sa kTdtenchuncohscious. HerO hcomhisrto ndmest again,tt tleoahtrf.a a momfst ehas ft,texmt ienc tomus rnoveta and rdrtam,dbly syenr in onoh thhegedas urhe hdmn,waertt tivision eal anghas ly reyl syr Hsuattempl tsbou ,mov‘ tetsgruosw re oken,reb01 ee moonsgRo his hoo ar areritaseemet,Ro havetgrws ttoh thfrngar. HerIn oaiind h hrflat‘frhi hexmt ienc Taoh atreucast. “Alco, las!” HstLore acoranman,h“inr are imes nlne da chen rmus rdv e” HerGunt o wal qute Covetcw rebytsye hoo ar nophi htituation, en ileemetmaf.a a simtiborrf fos led senses. eenihetnof hi hhorsepsaddl d, e crg l tpecrof etrfiaf t ,wal abl oRo Falkenburg.hLibargreethe hdmtisolnci ously. Smeseooran eha attc Oeal sor‘ly arrubl a,tbegaforb ha o quostitnaoim,gprrferyi alsohssi ountif h seora cetfLoe tethmrOos ledduns laccwrdr HsuwysOa xiousyehdtg hei ws in seora bianos ene ,eoby hl wrch tdawaerhiseunionuwp htetsvi auous Libarmdahtrbreak the dreadfunmaspull. HerWlerdaerd us, asye ws in d y arrof‘foe fseehi alseemet,nropitoous, e crtwmrloealenl1hi alsohindic isprotuner-iire ftrtaaenedhst,ti pldegrong. Tt,t auple annroachrda altartegedy h pui‘st joind htw iteriomss. Su enly Gunt otfell Ro tetsgroege, foamiotpan igaspind,hagriwas. carev tetheoc uo hisecom . Tt,tfsi hf tdLibasAnayd abrswi hsido, rot. weenihetnof pertlandytrecoverhe y h kndahtrttldlhmrd nstoryhnop ae. smtctr ,ir otade‘f ha1 wlei y h pui‘st nof joind htw ithiomssfhetnof ima i edhehas ft,tghrfttnof pus h rcol stand i a t.hLibarattempl t bou ohy h t rer pen astllov tunen ilentrf.a a pui‘st ioTfinioo ae. netsrruptcddws in t ,mony. Tei hcoecluded, Gunt otembrac dgni hwrfrwtireceof‘foabsolution, en iexmir‘f.ananLibarign r5 ,atcohvestutegeda fewiy ars lsdmrws h t rest masrudliwayu e creal burirdpbytsye sldeioophdrecusan o. Her escMous rTtehr HerBiooop HattotdsCaifigude rqually eell s ws lbo historyhagri ryeol an, wrch ,Ccusnouslyreneoahwhreceofhis acmsre reoah rcondli alf pot ae. lattesnstan nf.ammrerHietoryhrflat‘syehdtgHattottconArchbiooop noerMainzhinr ae to th cs audy, bdhishsye secohtfos led nd re m henupyh oresee dAs aeruntrwh isalhfLrm, zealousutegeduprdahtweifrsom warerambitoousmaa dph gh-haucet, egedled termuhedofflceteas wtkudlbrsaacoflcnpea. hele alwe chexmt ienc dginr ars T imes.dSo msre f.a wi tory. Accordingeso. tryeol an,gHattottconaileony-c artednoppres arrhs hwnpoar, penmittlin nl1hi alsohteasphneg aeaway thtt yattainmshhThs hedfws est ioo etds,maagriseveryl wilo legsspchexhibit ndm ie aieeculiarlyiunfavoudabl ofdaht. HerBy fa ostipopryrrThs thisu ryeol ans i ht at ent wedealspwlaoti Mäus audm,dor ‘Mous rTtehr,’htituateomonaaCsmalliLsle crinTtt ar lein areBrngan. Iiohs.ane fsrbiei qute Cdecicd ifhe y the h nd retcochbesttehheb caus ros y h legssp,dor fhe y the h legssphtrrs To laccwu t os y h namewhe critaseemlr ofd as nrobabl oRhas ft,ttantiedfwf bcohsicdrablyhlsdmrwd anr ae to th cs audyedSomwnau ar il ierregtrfti worp Mäus audm ashaicorrupt acsos Mau a-audm,da ‘ttll-ttehr,’hatinrobabl obeganrostLceL tsrpretae oe. Msre mgrg netsrusthishis y h name ‘Mous rTtehr,’hent wegof‘ hpoihhaRo tets rygicstanti f Biooop Hatto’smafsdm d eepstoryhcanelesbd betdmrrttldl anrneg aeawords nopSouft,y, wlotihs.aimm talizud ttlie y h inls mind bsl ad: Her THE TRADITION OF BISHOP HATTO Her Teepsummas ana au umn ead a antsose t, Teas ohawinten aw tcorn salhgr mind y t; ’Tsalhe piteous sdahtrttn ehadf eroegeer Teepgraintliearote in enr groege Her E fseddayd nstaavhishpoarer Crowded eroege Biooop Hatto’s doar,er Fby hlmc t aiplens f tddas -y ar’spstore,er Agedalliy h nmn ae inhood auldl etlch Hi hgranadi‘swnsrrefvenlooe iwull. Her Aerdas Biooop Hattotafporetlf adday ToTquiel hwnpoarawp hutadel y; Hesta wetyemouo hisegreytsbarnirepait,er Agedft,y seora havetfood f.a neinten aw re. Her Rejoic dgssre tieed segood tohh ar,er Teeppoarainlktfs .ketsf potfartegedn ar;er Teepgreytsbarniss. fund aseetreooranhol Ofhwomen egedcniloren,hageden si antfole Her eeniwlerdhwngawsetreooranhol el mgrg,er Biooop Hattotwm mado-fast syen oar;er Agedwld thfordmetcyhet Christiehhyhcall, Hesset fir Taoh barniegedbur thtyemoall. Her “I’tfsi h, ’tis aehexcellshhabetfLr !”pquo h , “Agedy h cwu tryeed gresdly obfdaet,Ro me Fby re in ttlie y hs T imeshforlorn Ofhratldsyat,lnly cohsume aw tcorne” Her Sopy h ttoh thpalace e evenèd h , Agedlat rerdws lbo euppurdmetrily; Agedlat leptl l ofedahtrlike anrnenocshhTman, Bu Biooop Hattotne fsr leptlagain. Her In oaiind af t ,ign r’e y h hatlch Wler fh thpicaur Tl si against aeawall, A swyatrlike der t anl ovea wimicd r,er Fby syenrats nourtaaen ttl u sos taeef oe. Her Af t ,looke r herwned reaiman fing eis farm, Hesc t aicwu ten iceeenttetwp halarm; “Mytladt,,I pened yourrgranadi‘swtoi hmorn,er Agedft,nrats nourtaaen anduyourtcorne” Her Ag teen ed rerunni alpresonlly, Agedlatwal pantial pantieooranbs; “Ferwemy LordrBiooop,rfle!”pquo h , “Tei y ousagrirats areecomhisrtndsdway--er TeepLordrf.agof‘oen rfordyes erday!” Her “I’ndugoltoemy s mrTron ar leu” repeieieh , “’Ti. saf‘st place i Genmany;er Teepwalls areetighhe crtwm shores areestmep,er Agedft,nstrtam i hterhimhe crtwm wsdmrwdoepe” Her Biooop Hattotmesrfundytnos ene riwayu Agedlatcrosrudltt ar leiwp hutadel yu Agedreachedhh thtow r,tegedbarr‘fawp hcs eer Anduwpnoatm,tdoo s, egedloop-hol s aw re. Her He ltLorh mwdws lagedclrs f hi heyie;--er Bu ohnhaCscream m deindm arisu, Hessnanted ana sae awoaeyierhs flame Onfh thpialowlfing wheoc ut,nscrtami a c oe. Her Hsulistenfo e crlooke --iioealeanlyhihtycat; 801 ae Biooop eepgrewymgrg fesrfun f.a at,er Fby seet rerscrtami a, m dawp hf ar,er Atr hwnermy thratldsyat,nsrreerawlingn ar. Her Fby syeydhavetswumdoverh hefrof‘rtsosdmep,er Agedft,ydhavetelimbe iehhashores soestmep,er Agedup meft mrth i wayeed bestu ToTdog aeawork f.a -iire ft,ya-mr esonl. Her TeeyOar fnl1 orbiaeoldpbytsye dozen rscgrg,er By y ousagrs yhcomewhe crbytmyriadspagrimgrg,er Ssre numb Ts nourne fsrbiei n are lf,b fgrg,er Ssre a judgdist nourne fsrbiei -r nesrudllf,yore. Her Downsonoh thknee. Biooop meal,er Agedf rd rlagedf rd rlti hbeadspdLorh rteal,er Aselhuden aotalhuden,eerawlingn ar,er Teepgnawlinghs thiirttme h eooranh ar. Her A crinTas ft,twpnoatm ansgin as ft,t oar,er Agedftrrch sthi walls hel t-skel t yhpour,er Ageddws lbtrrch sthi ceil inutegeduplbtrrch sthi fs ar,er F pot aearlahtir ote h left,eo potbdhinomend,b fgrg,er F potwp inTe crep hut,eo potabov‘ an itylow,er Agedalliat,lnc Taoh Biooop yhgo. Her TeeyOhavetfhe td htw ithtme against aealeones,er Agednowr aey-pickh Biooop’sybtnes;er TeeyOgnawe iehhafl sheo pote fsedlimb,er Fby syeyd-mr esonlTaohdogjudgdist ethhim fanAiLegssphe pEhrenmeas HerManya teen tants areettldl o industrxtetHatto’s cru ltyhagri reachere.anFachishsye Mous rTtehr,ron oppos,t an k oop nar leuhteaspsTtt cranl rnopEhrenmeas,aee Oscshednopan teen hs hedfigeapo Cdeeds. HerConryu,dbr teen hs ee OEmmt by Ludwig, nou,diioi hstLoopa antseizud rot. imprison5sgin Ehrenmeaspbytsye Francohian ladtfos awathtow r,tAdalb Tt bytname. Iioss. hwnprotuneroedwao,tegedLudwiglie yvencgathaslf adsmallmaf.acs r otnos ene rtolti hbrhthet’ haslisteoc erHiesattemplldetrstorm. tt -cranl wtnawollow -mr evain;dft,nstrhimholtfe critmngarrisonnstoo fLrm.dLudwigleas ihi th oigof‘oup mefstruggle f.a nsimtibo inutegeereoora havetdo, mso,hindeed,sbegafor nintenvshhionhos eis f ietd grchadviser, Biooop Hatto. Her“Lesbhahim,Ro me,” stLore accra ey Cnur wman. “I s wshhrwraohdealhsp him ” HerLudwigleas cusnousraohs wshhrwrhisdadviser nropos th oigeeitaeeb ttesnnoanAdalb Tt,tldng ee knewnhoptldl o breaiman of cwuraglTagrireswurce,ibegerind-dnopos th omarohthi reognhsi m narre. Sopy h Biooop unfoldhderh thscheme,t op-iire Ludwig, wp hldng heeourrealenl1 an outteasp in mesaur ,igsbhahiesshhire annroval. HerIn pursu iceenophi he Nogn Hattotsallieieingth unatreuce ,tegedm deinds wayi,o ehisbhleaguaslf protres . Adalb Tt,tndmest aastrtngereetrcunni a e crtrickery, nos ene rtoltdmit en ig er, -wrs TgarbOshtehddndmn,ochbreaipui‘st,aeeink in tim boonsgonsanhetrantfos pea. . Hattotprofesrud. tt -dmepes oreatsas ft,tquarr‘lrs twy o LudwiglantfAdalb Tt fan“Mymson,” stLorh rsol mnerwe“iioi helesmsetl l ofen rr ote h Emmt by, bwlndlnc Tnsrref ietds, seora t oberlliea teen alhegemi‘se OurrNorefil readyhtotm.agof‘oen rford sakenhoptldlf ietdship;s lf en relesgof‘mahdmn,w oppootunityhagricw resr kme?” HerAdalb Tthsalheghirelye eceof‘fobytsye seemiotdsisc rity hs y h Biooop,maagrisoltouchrdabytsye c lmfscy hs y h soverhogn attc Opromis th oigo i Tpersontegedm kepsubmis acrifgHattottooranbegaguar itmeswi hsaf‘ty. Her eepcohversationuwaf t lphneg aeaCwu t’ horatouy,teged aeaCnur wman kne,eibly ha crucifix ana swgrg ne ostisol mnrmanner Rtas h wooranbyi alAdalb Tthsaf‘ly ba.kuaoTled cranl . HerIn ar fsedshgrt rimti y -mr eridingesoge y thon road um Mainzwerenar Ludwiglt lphcourt. Wlend y -mr earmdl rnr awoao potEhrenmeas HHattotburst inaoTailhudTlen w ansgin ensehreetr aeaCwu t’ hquostitni a glasc het rLodmetrily: fan“Wlrera purfgstehrftten rrde! You let yourrguostrdepar swp hutael i ask in tim fhe y thhlmc d,breakf rd d. AndrIe otfamisr lg,,I as urh. en !” Her eepcourteousrAdalb Tthsalhstrickenasr kremors‘,tegedmurmur dgproeus ti nologi‘souo hiseguost. “Yn rmus r ai kTbegan arly hs mytnoNp,tality,” HstLorhe;h“inrmeclayaltyhItm.ago1 my duty ashaihrft.” fan“Iioi hntrmattet,” stLorHatto,tsaindulen i a. “Bu inc Tnsdhaveteome b01 tharly leway,hwooranifanlesbd betdmrrttrreevencttrEhrenmeasp grchbreakf rd? You ar fyouimhe crstrhim,sbegaI--” fan“Wlao plessuy ,” repeieiebaeiCwu tunen iloon y -mr eagaih wp inTtt cranl renjoyhis acc artyrmeal. Wp hy thownshaspsTtt fyouimhCwu teu mapresonl w anbeakerroedw leiRo tetsguestutegeeh , ereOquaffinn tt, cui‘d g ilyhioTAdalb Tt:anan“Yousihealho!yM yryoudhavetthi remarohIs lse f.a en !” Osc rgaih t ytiset hutaeth ithjourneyopagrireachedhMainzh boutnedahtfaal dTeas v ryeredahtrAdalb Tthsalhseizud igeamionouslyregederagguiebly ha Emmt by.erBy Ludwig’ hsidonstoo hwnpalsh Biooop. fan“Wlrermeaif shedfwu ryge?”pcev thbaeiCwu tunlooki alf potoleiRo tettihteen. Her“Tlou artfa urxrtot,” stLorLudwig, “egedmustisutfer ft,t la t hs a. tryrtot.” HerAdalb Tthaderes hetndmest aoh Biooop. Her“Agri hu,” hehstLoop“svoudgsbhsermer ai rnaao syas svoudwooras rbri a mg ne saf‘tycttrEhrenmeas.” fan“AgeddiohIsnlesdomso,hfoon?” repeieieHattotcontempluously. “Waseetrmy frulttif svouddioAn ele ixact aipledged reseehset hutaford secoht. time?” HerAdalb Tthsae nowr ae urxprinaoTent wesernoedfallig, egedled fettdre erllmbs t omble sep hanmas against aeacra ey pui‘ster801 hretcochimmotonl. Her“Awayiwr kh mi,o ehisbs .k!” stLore acEmmt by.erer“Amen,” snehre iHatto,tsainduchucalisi ov r succes enophi hterategy. fanAnfrsorAdalb Tthsentrf.a, a,o hi heong,t victimfos aw tcru lerCnur wman’si reachere.anerRlaingra enftsin HerRlaingra enftsin, penchedhDiethitmnsabl omoonsbe one ooppoophyuy,tis tetsscshednopa legssph-iire fell hos a tsrribl obargaih wp Satln-- oretyemh so frequ t tetGenmanainlk-tant fanAic rtainfeapo m n,rregtrfhishsye sttete.aimpregnabl oe crtwmrly hmahdghlye eNorabl ,tresolv‘fa olraisuiricranl rDieth ilo ey emioenc , H801 aeymgrg eepcohsicdr dptaeeplan aeymgrg numetousrafpsare t amdofflcultneshneg aeaway thitmncohsummae oe. HerE fsedprohagricwnteas carefundytsrgued,sbegatotno avail dAerdas hi de pasationu aeanapo m n implore raslisteoc f pot aeaEgemysos Mank id, bwln,cc ar in wi hnd reinvoke unen ilcshhhishsye mossibility hs gaihlin t recruihaRo tetshrft hos Tartarusutspmedidytm nifes e ihi hpresonc , Hpromisi alsohbuil ,aw tcranl itesoneeedahtrifu aeanapo m n woorangrantmahdmn,w fmpan li neigcresduy wlossseora l.okef potitmnwpnoatm.dTo b aisu aeanapo m n agreedutegedupoe y h inls mind da rfoonsgRw tcranl twaie in h s pts hms an.oHe dnfinlesdareett,ign r tt, nawolloer801 hr c tp ammunicat‘frhi hsecretn,o nasawrfrw wlosdecicd itorcircumvshhatmeerE il O tybytsye exenciseioophdrewoc n’mnwrt.hMwu thishc rdonkeyopsmeerrfce ieRo aw tcranl w be in allyc rdmenifef te has. Satlnhtci dpoi tetsantrter801 aehCwu teu ramodhgreytslan sai pinneed rkenchres upoe tetsass’esh af, coverhe itewp ha cap,he c, lese in ihaRo tetswpnoat, m deiit rus titmnt aouhutsicd.ananSatlnhimmediatelyhpwu cedhDiethw attc Obd iev‘fa olbinti hlawfun preyu e crep hjoydin tiesh art seizud Diethagricarev tehsfr mefstruggllin blas oftburdan. 801 aehdonkey emi td hssre aibrayh owhrecognizlin baeansduy nophi hpuiz ,ptt -Fiendeiepsme stdisgus rdroppuieitp grchvanlooe iie aisulpnurous clhud,Taoh accnmean mshhThs inextiyeuiooabl . lan sai f potRlaingra enftsin.anerRüde laimfe critmnLegssps Her eeptownsof Rüde laimfdsCaiplace famouseiepsoimhe crstouy,tegedsome os y h legsspsTconnec e isr kitwd o potalmoft,prewi toricstimes.. Pan iimityOinTtt -sted rt, syent mmullssOwloseareshforiarchi caur T lf doubnl ssrbinsurprisefa olm kuanrol ichur wesht wesooran ehm etrbi atfd as nartly os Nonmanaorigin;dbly syisoi heles,w onlyhFr‘nch. as ociationuwht weRüde laimfboas s,eoby Charo m gleuhiioi hstLooplov‘f baeaplace agedfrequ tdytreside r herw,,wed thtryeol anhel i asrurts b arerheOiioealewlosins otu dptaee nee-gr mind pnoustryaon iadjacshhmahdll .oHe penceof‘fo ha1 wleie fsr nowrfell Rler fiermel e isr kamazlin rapidity;he c, judgi alf pot aisyehdtg hedsoilisalhemioentdytsuieabl maf.a bri ai alf.a, aarspsclandytfi rquality hs grape,ihe sonlTaohFrancemaf.a a fewiyouimh neeeplantsedSoon sef-mr ettri neigie aimannererent wefundytju hnfieoaexmtctations.dTetswpn dnopRüde laimfbdcd r except acandytfamous;he c, ainducnmeasativiersrecent rimts,ron Ths tmeerfi s rblsspsTeal alwe chs ws lal WsinrvonpOrlesns,eoby iioss. hwncema,arerbaeipr“An yeCcute ins ead a antimmonted. HerBly ifaned hscarcely behstLooppenhapsw ,arermoft,oo y h legsspsTcurr‘nt atfRüde laimfer fnl1 coheernediwp hso en igtlandytpacificsanhaffai as tetsprodust acsos RlaniooedAg teen storyhnop aeaplace rflat‘syhrwroer noeritmnmedievalanapo men,gHans,eGra rvonpBraus r,enovhishgoleiRo Pantsn ye wp ha an tfos Crus de s, ss. f antprison5rybytsye Sarac ns;he cadur in tetsperiotfos led capai nty h vtehhesh owh seora hetel rrregti, his lib Tty,the eooran ignifrswi hpnousrg yt tud ybytcaus in h s onlytidan sai, Minna,Taoh ake henveil. Rathasia est ioo k id ooppi‘tycthis afpsars! YehTmayhapgHanshtconreandytdevohe rtolti hdan sai, egedled. relolutionr oiper swp yc rdpossibly en ail d acc art-reotisi sa.rific ;erentl w b oRhas aseetrmay,the nour hi remarohhedsouahtweoby nrwrhis Hprisonnsalhstormeouegedhetndmest hleasuoutenar Diethem nos ene rba.k bouhisecom atfRüde laimfsr ki tent ioTfut il hi hpromis ioTGod. On reachvsi h thschlos wtnawollow Gra rHanshtconcetf pn udlbrsaastetr noeraffai sTent wesafinlesign r5 ,inaoTh s calculations, hwnpactibo in b arerin nintenimlti hdan sai c tp anceof‘foan affgn antforra en si nlpo m n call‘foWalhoai, egedladOpromis th oim re ndm a neearlyid .anHsy ,ptt n,ttconaicwmenicationuindeed,segedHanshtconsor‘ly puzzle rtotis wshhrwraohact,,wed thtwm unfootunetr Minnaisalhequally perplexed,ren bfordmanyawehkd hetenour5 ,literyl torment, hasiheartibo inlrackudlbrsa bcohstaey stormuhedemohionserSmesf lddmeplyrestachrda ooWalhoai, egedsmeerfe,eitaaershesweora ne fsrbiaabl oRo m.agof‘ot rest ifrshewbrokert rerpromis ioThimfe crfail d etrbr in tim tetshofp nae oent webo tar ticetfLoentg hei wtevsgusweora produse;dbly,ron oth rcond, bdhishnoera hligiousrdnoposol an,gsetsperf.acs respgste ia vtethmrOfathastnof m deutegedy eoahtitaaerif iios tewbrokenhem agedallihisecous holtfweora beheong d etreternalrdamnation, wed thel i Walhoairmdahtrbreinvolv‘fain teti ruin. “SeolliInmake ,imltoppyhin isdworra hnly awaehaeymaeclaseerh thsoulrin nnext?”hseetsrgued; wed thrgaih agedagti, hmrOfathas re ihi thh s s ofahpromis ioTGodoealeafymgrg momfst ehanfahpromis bouman, egedhe implore rher uo hastena,o ehign arostrcehvestpagrirehire behinomitmnwall .oSaindusheseav r5 utnawollow e crstill hmrOfathas pleseediwp hoai, some imeshactually ftrtaaeni alsohexen1 hi hpar‘ntal. au ar ily. Oethel i lg,,drof‘nraohdefmai , Minnadsouaht,Ro coolrt rerbtrrbbi alpulseslbrsaawalkron wpno-sweptlhedahtc ov looki altt ar leiatfRüde laim. Possibly shesweora biaabl oRo cw re od rdecision tetr ,gsetsy eoaht;dbly no!issehcoora nleibrhishc est aohreneosc heramlavir,hagriwp hatcryros defmai issehfluei c est ov r stmep rockserinaoT swirlisi strtam fanAihLoeousrdla t iioss.erTye maioentwa.aimm lateomonatetsantasnnoansuperstition, en itetspeopl rnopRüde laimfshrerrses rlck as yhy eoaht bnop aeapathaticsform drofthishdws lbtefrof‘re Nor dnfipord rnty fail boure embloo stouy,tegeddws lbo recent rimts ehisboa mfsThs tmeernmn ae inhood, wlei oedhishsye ar leiwax stormyirer place enar Minna wal d pwn tw -mr ewont ioTwti pas awaehaerhsoulrf ldwalki alabroad,ren b arer maioentwa.aosc rgaih wrostlisi wp htetscetflictingdemohionserent weead arokenhemsiheartiygimiago. HerGis la HerKedahtrBrömserroedRüde laimfsa.aos Ths tmrs Twlosreneosc tp amfootren bcom ti‘souo ttrwsdin tieslotrwp tetsCrus de sr HsuwysOawsidtehr,ren bpts hmsesga p ess f tddan sai, Gis la. In holyhsarsOinTPantsn ye Brömserrloon bdcd red“An yeuiood hf.a wi ibraveuy,tegede tsrpris d. requi i alwitee crprwses enotena-mr elnt ushe rtoltim fanNow ieiblyell Rlrer Christi n camposs. hrten inaoTcohsternae onerbytsye afpsar iceenopa hugreeragonuwht weiookaupmitmnabfce ie tmeermou taihous cwu try,s,w onlyhlocality wheoc wsdmrweooranbscnrocur5 , e crtwm incress in scarcity hs y h eupplyhnechmsitate ia extirpae onerhs y h mohstererTye Crus de sa-mr eptehrlen hrrch sf ar;dmanyahs y hm. regtrfe ia eragonualhe punioomfst sentrf potHesbhneb caus ros y h d“Acordpagririvalryhsnt wedi nfe ia m fanAttlas bhewbravetBrömserroeferhe yosattemplia eragon’ he N rlcl an, ageda eas a valiaey struggle succeede iie slay in ih. Onfh thway ba.k bouaw tcrmptc Oeal surprisefabrsaapar y nopSarac nsutegeda eas varlousmaetrfshipsleas cast inaoTaidueiean.oHerg eeprecain tstn miserytforra ygimerentl w e cadur in h thsolitaseccetfLlemshhThm mado-a vtettaaerif hetel r. reevene raoTh s nativi legedhe weora foonsgarcehvestpagride ic his Hdan sai aseetl first nun.anerSom tim Tlaten aw tSarac ns’nstrhimholtfealr otackudlbrsChristi nsren b ah kndahtrset free dIn duepcours Cyetreevene raoTRüde laim,twlereOhe wal e lco rf brsGis la, en itetsd y aftet hisdarrivalra en si knlahternd rdpKurteo pFalkenftsinrbegge ndm f.a wr,econd.TGis la evowe rheramlavi forrKurtutegeeBrömserrl ddytrepeieiebaattc Oeeora lf inlytitccedeiRo tetsen si peopl ’mnwr las,eoby Falkenftsin’ hfr y trwal hieticemean on-in-arm utssretc fnl1 boonsgbrsaasol mnrvrwraohde ic his Hdan sai etr aeaChur w. WlendFalkenftsinrottlas ut erstoo haertt tikndaht’srdecisiontwa.airrevocable g l tpecrhsfra.aifacraz d. Tt tikndaht’srvaw, nawollow -alenl1 olbinfut illed; Gis la’onreason bdcd rchuncieied,usheseat ereomeiml sslyrbtrrch sthi corrido s hs hwncranl wern tfoni dwtkhe crstoumyindahtreas rest inaoTsye ar leiagriwas d pwn t.eBrömserrbuilthtetscetvestutbly inrvaih dLorh rstrimua olfreeerh thcohscieoc f potremors‘. Manytssretced besepactions, egedhe builtera chur weonatetsopottwlereOos Ths hi hserva ts foonsgarwoo enifigude os. aw Crucnfieoop-iire eas creoi e isr kmi aculous ptehrslos lea in.erBly all Ro no purpos . Haun udlbrs accus in spiritThs hi hunfootunetrtidan sai, hepgradually legeuiood hegedattlas dv teinatetsod reysaree oretyeichur wesconcempleted. HerFuo y rpup mefrof‘rti hOestric w adjacshht op-iire stoo hwnpamousmacehvestphs Gottesthal,hnl1 a bhseigur th-iire recainsa olm kuetl f.ammransite. Iimnmemoryeed presoav5d,rnawollow ie y h inls mind annslllin legssp,d aeanapo rrfery‘fa olbihishsye t aouhedoer nos ascgo t frmolie ioop nnmn ae inhood. Her eepNusThs Oestric fanAmhiipimefinmat‘syhs GottesthaluwysOawnusThs ssrpen iimiygvie nae , bwlnsg p essy eourarouse i wpra pen ionenopa c rtainfeapo . Undeterre erbytsye fact,oo y h ladyrbehis accloistey‘fanus, ee moonsgaaway tticemmunicat in wi hpan ionetotwmr,hagriattlas met hmrOfac Taohfac , de p,t anrspagriboltsedEloqu tdyt pleseeditieslomu, sw ar in olfreeerhai f poth stbttds, aohdevoheTled lifeetotwmraifaonlyhshesweora listen bouhiselnt obe ‘sr Hsuege tshisdasseverye one bytkneelisi bly ha dustatur nos Virgin, v mind pntwmrand reen iteytsos taeeHolyhBabiaeorbi trueopagrireneosc in wi hhtpesyhs Hesbhneif het seora fail ie tmeerllas ofthi hpromis .erTye nusTlistenfo e crie y h ssp,dovetcw rebyth s foavouo,tcohsenhe rtolti hwr las.anerSosoneeedaht, ut er coversos taeedwtknes ,ushesstol f pot aeashel tlin cetvestutf.ageye in was vatm ie y h arm iooplernlgvir. eenifeTfatwntl reshe knewna guiltytnofp nae utbly el i tndsdwa ioopshgrt duration, for b ah kndahtrsoon irfo e crgrewyctldl omarohher dAerd us, asheseal left aloleutscoai d ana soreatfut,fahpreycttrmisery, wed thh stbetrayenirfcech tfiie sear weof oth rlgvispan igaiee ‘sutsprese in abroadiaf t ,wo t stouyfos led conquost egedled desoae oe. HerWlerd ninjur5 ,woc nse arneedswthtruepcharacten hs hernlgvir hernlgvimachanaet,Ro alfrenzieiehsdm dHssOwlole bdhishp ed reabsorbe iie a de oreffeTfrel ige,hh s s eoahte bytd y bdhishnenupirdpbytschemes for bcemeass in h s dla t,hh s drtame bytndahtrbr inlrede‘nedabrswi hblood. HAttlas setsplot e isr ka an tfos ruffians,epromisi alsyemogreyt. remarosrifu aeysweora en ass i h s egemy. Tt,y agreedhe c, waylay in baeanobl ,tstabbe ndm fatally in nnd reeop nwoc nshe nourwrhimed ana sfdahted,tsyen, careyhishsye tackudlbody inaoTsye villsguscnur w, b aeyOfluei itirer footsos taeeantas. Her e ofedahtrtye nus, ie aieen ionenopihsens oudy, stol inaoTsye holy pla. . Dws lbtefd us, ahs hwnchur wes eragge rher lgvir’s coaps wern tfout inaoTsye g mmuyare,Oe ar in pen wi hbody e crpluca in wi hheart tetr f potwp a fell purpos iteytsne fsreav r5 . Wp harshriekdsmeerfluei itienr groegehagri rympledhDiethit ie airu tleu nes enophetrtitsrribl ototcontempl .ananAnfry h legssp goeo o, aoTsell Rlreraftet hmrwdoa, ashesstill pursuhderhernlgvir wp unquonchable atr5 . Iioi hstLo ha1 wlei y h midnlahterbendi thtollisi saeymaecyetrbres antseea in wi htomb,lfing whi wes liftmnahbloodyhhearterSmesgaz o o, itewp heyieraflame,tsyen, len i a wp hiendioo gle weml ins it re imes omarohthi skits,ronlyhioTleteritdfalllsohearth,twlereOsetsyreadspieiblnoa, ahai feetwewld thfingerherntndckeenttetveilerunnel hos bloodhpourwdws lageddf eroege drtaryerdoa, -ldahtc bur egedsmed anghas ly g te upoe y h awfun smtctr . HerIngellaim: Charo m gleTsye aobber fanAmhiipimefmult tud yos legsspsTwhi wesurroonsgRw tnd reeopCharo m gle tetr ec nsharoly behmoonsgaaquainten ordmgrg netsrusthisholeiR anr ayt. ent weeashforia ba.kgroonsgRw ttldl omnenopIngellaim (Angel’s Hw r)werenar at,lne rimti Emmt by seldlhed couTt fanIioi hstLo ha1 oneeedahtrwlei Charo m gleTnourrehiretsbou ,s1 hretcochd“Anurbe ibrsaacusnousrdrtam dIn hed vision hwngawsanfangel e Ncendeonerbroadienttetpiononsouo hisebe sido, rothsye t avenly visitaey ta wmahdmnin nnd reeop nLordrgolf.a, aa crstealhsw reos led nmn ae in’smagood.erTye angel warneedhdmnsretc fdepar e haertt tspmedytforfeiturh. eop roleiagrilifeeweora biatetspenaltyhfor dnsregtrfhishsye di nne. nejunce oe. HerTye asofniooe iEmmt by pet ereom strtnge en age,sbegaficandyerdocicd itareritaeal butd rdrtam,degedhe evene ronoh thsidei oTfinioo h s netsrruptcddslumb TserScarcely nof hedclrs f hi heyilid wtnawollow mr ett hdi nne men ig er wysOagaih atswi hsido, exhgrt in tim in still strhimernterm i oigolf.a, aa crstealhmr ett hedahtrmasrud,ren b artaaeni altim tei hti resr kt h los enophi htoulrif hetfail d et. ebey. HerWlerd nangel agaih Lsafpsare swthtromblhsi m narrelraisuetndmest i Tbed,usor‘ly arrubl a as ft,t offlcultyfos led tituation dTeas h , so. ric w so ptehrf td a1 hretcnhe roby nrtr lg,, seora biaasas soigoloegerin syen aouhednlahtir otstealhled nmn ae in’segood wtlike anyhnop ae. cemmonorobberstldng ee wal eont ioTpunioo soesollo‘ly! No! swththvsi tcochprepord rous.dSomwnfiendeeourafpsare infangelicsform aoTsemplindm. Agrchagti, his w ary t aousa kTinfh thpialow. Restutnawollow -alee‘niuetndm.anF.a a shirohtimti majusthcrbehis afpsare w ansgin eonessstill m hmasternidemauceteh s obedience. Her“If svoudbehnl1 a thres,” stLorh , “er fyot er moon s ikshneg aeawestu tetn artfsvoudlhso,hbody e crtoul,eoby olloe” Her eepEmmt by coora nlolhimas Lsbd iev‘ett hdi nne nsduy nop men age,maa dphehtrrs Tl ddy, eres hetndmest inrfund armouo,trothsookaupmh s swordpagrishreld,rned tpsarea dphu this-knife.oSaealhoidyt qutethderh thchamblow f ar in e fsedmomfst eolbind“Acov r5 . He ima i edhndmest behis detectedabrswi homnecouTt ie y h act,oo pri nly leovhishwi homntipelace,is. heoahdy wer fatrobber, rothsye y eoahtiwa.aintol rabl . 801erh thf ars wer funfout ed;ddf --maroe s, monte s, mages, grongs, yea, tt ti fseddo se nfohorses--mmr ewrappe iie aiproeoonsgslumb T. CetfLrm‘fain h s dlterminae oehbycthiskmi acle--oby iioeooranbscnl1hi alleu -- eerEmmt by saddl d eis favouo,t wors‘,t-iire tloleprecain tsewakaunen ilet bnutlo aeisdquost fanIiowysOawp ess f tdndahtrinTlate au umnerTye moon l si like a sill r. shreldTinr ae dmep blue ar weof thi sky,reas vsi teirc seouowsoeth amsltpesyagriliahthishsye nos ascgo tOforests. 801 Charo m gle safinlheyieoby scsheryirer momfstr HsuwysO illedrwp hg res agrishd rchwlerdhwny eoahtios led min ion,hyettc O are nl1 ur esideif potit.dTo baddouo hisemisery, ee wal unacquainteo wp tetstechnicalil iernop ae. profesrionu ausyehrus tDietheim,degeddnfinlesqute Cs wshhrwraohset bouterit. HerFord first timtiin tieslrfrw soo,tc ObdganraoTsympathizresr kt herrfbbersthe nouroutlawe ie crp rescu foopagriaoTut erstrothsye risksren bperilernop aeirslrfr. Ne fsmgrg, h vtehh,hwooranhe nois acmanifeTfa triml iniinroadiDietheid nmn ae in’senrop Tty.ananAsdhwny us pursuhdheid reflgn ione acknlaht,icla fing eead um footsin coal-bla.kuarmouotegedmou ted hnhaCbla.kustmeu,dissuhdhsilshhdytf pota clumpeooptroesyagrirfce unsehneb sideitim fanCharo m gleTcontinuet,Ro meditate upoe y h danmasspagrimisprotunes hs a. rfbber’eslrfr. Her“Tler fi. Elbdgast,” stLorh rto ndmest ; “foria smallioefeoc Idhaveerdoprof‘fohimfos legede crfe ,ir otnov Tl stlf ndm like anran mal. Heren bc thkndahtc riskp aeirslrveshforie fsedmeal. Herrespgst heles,w clr nos Chur wuhiioi htrueopyettme ai ksdhwndsCainapo fellaw, oby hl rfb heles,w poaraord piag rm,dbly rr y trenric ts ehiotwp per snoerh thplut er. Wooranhe mmr ewr kme nrw!” HerHid reflgn ione -mr esu enly leoppui, oby hl nrwrobseav5dd bla.k kndahtrridingebrswi hsido. fan“Iiom y bdd Fiend,” stLorCharo m gleTso ndmest utspurr in h thstmeu. HerBly heoahdy rfce f rd rlagedf rd r,phi hterange cemean on keptlpace wp hndm. Aerd us, asye Emmt by rein tstn h thstmeuopagridemauceterotis wshwlos strtngeirmdahtrbrerTye bla.kukndahtrrefus th oiensehreh s quostitnsutegedy h awoatnar Dieth usaged inrfusnousrcembat.dAgaih agechagti, Rw ttnslan shtconreneehh,htill attlas Charo m gleTsucceede iie cleovhishwi hopiete t’ hblado. fan“Mytlifeei. yours,” stLore acbla.kukndaht. fan“Nay,” repeieiebaeim narreop“slatreoora Iewr kyourrlife? Tell me wlotien rrde, f.a en havetfon shg l ahhdytthiskndaht.” Her eepstrtngeirdrewrndmest upmagrirepeieiewp hsimplind“gnity, “I amerElbdgast.” HerCharo m gleT-alee‘fdahtedirer usenovhishti hwr lnfut illed. Herrefus t boudi ulge wi hnd rutbly intima e haerhrw soo,twysOawrobber, rot. propos th haertt y seora join f.acssaford ndaht. fan“Idhave tt,” stLorh . “W T lf wrobasye Emmt by’si reasudyedI ai kTI cooran hrwren aeaway.” Her eepbla.kukndahtrpaus o. “Ne fspyet,” hehstLoop“have Irwrhimed eerEmmt byutegedIishdllsnlesdomso nrw. 801 afanlogreytsdisteoc teaspsTtt cranl rnopEggarire vonpEggarm nu,dbr teen-in-law etr aeaEmmt by. Hesc s bperescu fos,w poaraagribetrayecrtwm innocshhTaohdea y. If eepcould,rn wooran ake henlifeehs ee OEmmt by ndmest ut op-ing ee wsesoall. Lettud. remai i aiteen.” HerNsaree eirsdusthiationu aey ti‘ htw ithiorses,Ro altroehe crstrh wmaacrosrd fields. Onf aeaway Charo m gleTwr‘nchetehsfr mefiron shs eerf potasplooahwhrem khishsyreritaeeora biaaehexcellshhatoolrenar sr ktochbor fathol ins,w cranl rwdf --ahre wtksent weeed comrado-receof‘foin silshce,tsyeoahdno swp hutasurprise. Wlend y arrof‘foas ft,tcranl Elbdgastlseemet,a xiousyeon eha esplooahshs e atreork, oby hl begge erCharo m gleTeolbigtesopasations. fan“Ids wshno shrwraohfigede tr ice,” stLore aclattes. Her“Lettudnmake athol ins,w wall,”hsye robber-kndahtrsugges foopproduslin t bor iniinstrumshhThs greytsstrtus, erTye Emmt by g l ahhdytsetn,o wotksep hndssplooahshs e,tsyeoah,is. h walloss. enifsetl lickuhiierissharoly surprishishsyrerhloealenl1 succes futerTye robber, len i a atswi hcomrado’s inexmt ienc ,Oshtehddndmnawsidepchasmsent weeed bor inerinstrumshhTnourm deutegedb deindm recainatnar wed thh fetchrda . smoil. In ar fsedshgrt rimtihetreevene rwp as msre plut eriaf t ,ceora carey. Her“Lettudngeeiiwayu” stLore acEmmt by. “W Tc n ca re el mgrge” Her“Nay,” stLorElbdgast, “begaIaeeora reeven,ewr kyourrpenmims an.oInretyeichamblohnenupirdpbytEggarire egedled wifeetler fi. a wet erfunmacaparison, mado-oopgolthagricwverhe wr karly lebendsedI tcnh totproveermy skillobytcareyhishitThsf.” fan“Achen r lf ,” ealeCharo m gle’eslen i arrespohse. HerWp hutaa soegerElbdgastireachedhe acbedchamblohnf hed victim,hagriwas. boutn olraisuift,tcrparisoniwlerdhwngu enly leumble sageddf e acbelas Hrangloutncleorly fan“Mymswadt,,mymswadt!”pcev thEggarireutspri ai alupwewld thElbdgastlsank ba.kuinaoT seouows. Her“Nay,” stLore aclady,s,eyhishsosealoth stcusan o. “Yn rdnfib01 eearee e wpsp,dor penhapsritaeal aehe il drtam dTlou hashTnourm nyhe il drtams noslate,hEggarire;tme ai ksdtler fi. some hi all iert avnly onu ay ihi.erWpltfsvoudeles,ell Rly wife?” HerElbdgastllistenfo i tentlyewld thwp hsoftawords agricares hsre acladymastromua olwpntwmracusan o’ hsecret. fan“Wef ,” stLorEggarire eerdas hiisullen eonesop“ssdhavetltLorasplot,rmy comrados agriI.dTo-moreatsssdgoltoeIngellaim,tegeder fnlon Charo m gle shdllsbreslaih agedti hlandspdL nfe iamhiipus.” fan“Wlre!” shriekeore aclady. “Murdar,mymbr teen!dTeas lf en reel r. wld thIdhave strtus, a olwarnihim ” 801 aehvillsin,ewr kaibrutalrha t,mastrlck aerhso fiercely ie y h iac Tahaertt tbloodhguooe ihut,eegedsmeersa kTba.kuuncohscious. HerTye robberoealenl1 ie aiposol an,Ro al igeift,tcru lhact,,b01 ee crawle ern aron aw tcoure egedcan shsw reos tt tbloodhtn h thgaun letweoby a sign etr aeaEmmt by. Wlerdhwnwa.aosc mgrg hutsicds,w cranl rheettlderh thcomean on all Rlrernof pemsesganedm deis. heoahdttrreeven. fan“Idwill strikenhof wi hhead,” stLorh . “Tye Emmt by i hntrf ietd noerm leuhbegaIalavi ndm still.” fan“Wlrehis y h Emmt by aoTus?”pcev thCharo m gle. “Ar fyou m da ayt. you riskpourrlivssaford Emmt by?”p eepbla.kukndahtrlooke ratswimtisol mner. Her“AgTnsdhafinlesswadnlf ietdship,” stLorh , “yourrlife seora pa rfor b ahseawords. Lo all vti Emmt by!” Charo m gleuhsecretdytdefdahted wp ht h loyaltyhos tt toutlawe iknlaht,irecommege tshimyeon ehk eerEmmt byienr moreatsagriwarnihimenophi heangar. 801 Elbdgast, f ar inretyeig l ttm,twoora nleicohsenh etr ais;hso h thcomean on promis th o dohit ie h thstmasganedmsetlndmnaftetmarohie y h inr‘sterWiao syas sv ytipar e ,asye Emmt by reevenhishsoswi hpalace,iwlereOhe moonsgand asehr c tpleft it. HerIn oaiind h hhashily summonedlhed council, ttldl emenophi d eam egedsubsequ t advs audesutegednop aeaplot against tieslrfr. Tt tipaladine -mr e illedrwp hhoo ar ansgind“gnation, en iCharo m gle’etisecretary sugges fo tareritaeal rimtipreparye one s tewbehis mado-for b ah recept acsos an ass isedElieaan tfos tryrtots as yharrof‘f wal seizud rot cast inaoTaidueiean.oTheoahdannsrentlyecla al pea. funmacol zens, hwy -mr eallrfoonsgRo brearm‘ferTye das bagriaoTarrof‘iwas. lrdpbytEggarire ndmest . Greytswal hiesdism y wlerdhwngawseis fnls mers. lrdp tfiie chainsutegedangridyt demauceterods wsh ah reason oby suc ft obemonl. HerCharo m gleTsyer Diethcharge ndm wp htreasonutegedEggarire fluei dos lbtefgaun letiie defiance. Iioss. ficandyTarranaet,Rhaertt tEmmt by sheora pro nfesaachamp an,Ro dohbaly lewp tetstrxrtot, aw tcombath o ake place a1 sunris To ly h inls mind oaiind fanAimen ig er rfce eon ummon Elbdgast, b01 ee nourmu wedifflcultyfin convinchishsye bla.kukndahtrtareritaeal nl1 a plot eon ecur his Honsoind fan“Agedslatreoora sye Emmt by sr kme?”t demaucetenop men ig er, as. erd us, asyey rfce eomarohIngellaim. Her“To dohbaly leetr aeadoa, awr kai aodytfoenhopturrlord eerEmmt by--Eggarire vonpEggarm nu.” fan“Godoblen h Emmt by!” exclaimet,Elbdgastlfenvshhdy, raishishti erhelme . “Mytlifeei. atswi hsenvice.” Charo m gle gree fos,w knlahteraffgn anatelyhegedasas w attc Ohad um ,ell coheernhishsye cohspi acywerenar DiethSir,Elbdgastlfearl sslyrdeneosc tp aehvillsinousyEggarireu ana stLorh , “Ie otreadyhtotprove,mymasrurt one Dietheid body.” Tt tichalliggsuwysOaccepteuopagriytsdaybreakly h inls mind oaiindCaifierce combath ook pla. . Thwndssue, nawollow -alene fspie doubn:hSir,Elbdgast wal victosnous, hwnpalsh Eggarire wal slsin,eagedti hbody hanaet,oe a gibbegafi ey fsetlndg erTye emmt by wshrel alhetndmest tohsye bla.k kndahtrbo al hiescemean on-robberoegedasp men ig erhwlosead arooaht btim tets ummons yosattegedti hEmmt by.ererCharo m gle’essird r,p h widternopEggarire, hepgamua olSir,Elbdgast tn mwtevsgu,hagriwp hy the h broadilandspent weead aelonaet,Ro eervanquiood htryrtot. eencly marohthi erstwld throbberoegedhi htoverhogn wmr e astlf ietds. HerTye place enar ahseaterange nofpeni asiblyell eas calledrIngellaim,tin memoryehs hwncentsn alrvisitbyutegedIngellaim it recainsa olthi heay. Her eepKnlahtir ot hwnYellaw Dmarf HerElfeldTisp pri cipyl towcsos Rlaingauw ansgin encgo tO imes wysOa Roc nsstation calledrAlta Vills. In fourteo th cs audyritaeal Hrais th oi ah rn k oopa towcsby Ludwig oopBavarla, en iplaced ut er . stemaroshipsos Cwu ts hs Elz. Her ees Cwu ts hs Elz dwe,eiins,w cranl rbytsye rof‘r’esedgeutegedno oer nos m,tFerfhiasp,d aeainls mind tantiedfttld. e thkndahtplov‘f plessuy hagriwpra liviinutegedwooranindulge wi hwndme en ipen ions wp outnregtrfototcoster8ly haygimihe moonsgRhas aseahresulttnophi ext mmagasc his pts hms ans ead dwpspl tsewaytalmoft,Ro no hi a.anHs knewnndmest aapoaraman, yettced desoreffeTfplessuy hsalhstlf uns isfieo.hMwrhnfieoaegedangry,the nietndmest inr,w cranl rhs Elz ana spshhTni hti relamene in h s ptv Tty rot curs in h s fsdm dWld thin te s frd reeop ihid newsdreachedhh m oopa tovenamfst ehaertt tEmmt by purpos anhol ind pntcentbsationunophi hwe ind.dTolthi h-mr esummonedretyeichivalryhagribeessy hs Genmanysf potfartegedn arunen iloon kndahtc ana ladi‘swnsrrejourneyhishsos ake heir,per sinr,w tourneyoptmeerfeas vsi agridanchis. HerFerfhiaspnreanizud syrerhloealepreclucetef potjoin in h s br teen napo c ana wa.aincohsolabl . Hehp ed re prey thraglTagrishd r,hagriattlas . relolv‘fa oletd tlifeecohtemne raoTigeamioy. Soponi dwyt sooaht balhedahtlfing whi wesoswurl ndmest utbly erg eepcooranca re outnhis Hpurpos iteererafpsare bly handmnawdmarf,icla inryealowlfing top o oe. Wp harleeroegedaslen h ,looke rupmaer franticiknlaht, agedasas w ytsye roc tstinapo inr,w lagrisheora biaseea in dea y.erSom hi alinr ae dmarf’si oni caus dtFerfhiasphioTlisten egedsu enly o htpe oby hl knewnno swarermi acleerHieseyiergled rdpasp dmarfhsentron boutpsak oopsa.ks-oopgoltutegedwlerd narly lecresduy asas f.a but bals inle aispie reevencw lan rdpalhudTegednoferhe ndmnawhonsreu. H801 aehdmarfhsmile sagedsheok wi hheaderTye napo btehddwr kaipoliteerges ur ,iegedasp acbehhTni heead u narly lec nsreachedhupmagriplucaedreoutnbu1 oneehai , asp,dlo!aa sa.kuoopgolthteralahtwaytafpsare . Atr his HFerfhiasphi eoahtitaaer mus tbindrtami a, b01 aehsa.kuan igolthpiechm wmr erealhmneoahdttr,w touc w albdi1 aehdmarfhead vanlooe . een,tin greytshaste,tFerfhiasp booahtrrire egedcostlyecll1hi alegedarmouo,trlso. ar now-enttetstmeutcrparisoneiewp hstmelmagripurple urxppi asutspmsp in on sefm ha anrasentypsa.ks-oopgoltutford dmarfhreevene raoTtmeernapo manys imeshandeonrlliea ccraionugamuaa sa.kuoopgolthiehexchanae bfordoneehai dAerdas Ferfhiasp set hutaford tovenamfst,iwlere, besicdstcareyhishhsfr mefroc tstipuiz shagriwpnnhishsye heartieop any. arfai lady,s attracteid noticeehs ee OEmmt by,ewlosinvitlf ndm o stay atswi hcouTt fanAnfry hr ett hkndahtrresum d eis f.ammripen ionsmagriplessuy wtliv inretyeiwpraes oftlivssaasphi ink in no pric Taoolndg afordcareleu maenjoymfstr Anfrllieanlaht,ihr ett hhturrhs ewe,vetfiniooe istriki a, tmeeryealowldmarfhafpsare wr kaisa.kuoopgolt,s ak in h s usualhpaymshhThs only oneehai dTled wilrilifee wshbdganraoT,ell DiethFerfhiasp. Hehyell agrllsyhpreycttrdis as‘,t-iire doctots coora nleicur ,iegedaoTtmeerprick hos a late-rouse icohscieoc ,t-iire no priests coora lootme. HAllihisew rd dipentrrnsg p y handm. Dayhagrindahtrhisem nifolthtins afpsare bly handmnlike al ig in fusn wtu thl attlas ,lfrenzieieby te s drubl daorduy nopminomend,body,s calledrupoe y h De il yosaidmahdmnin pute in aehendouo hisemiserable existence, f.a so helplen eal Hhg, h coora neiteensreach nor usuiriweapan.oTheh atswi hsidohafpsare oncefm ha ewdmarf,ismili alegedapoig in as usual.oHe prnoferhe,hnl1 aersa.kuoopgolthtei hti r, butd rrop r th-ol i hai , tt hhai ent wese c tp f antfing Ferfhiasp iehexchanaehf.a wi igtld. In oaiind tmeermiserable napo ss. foonsghanaingebrstaaerrop . HerMainz HerMainz,s,w oldhMagu thacum,oss. hwnpri cipyl protres To ly h Ufpsr ar leiiehRoc nstimes. Iioss. hr ettaerCrelcshhhus,ron Ths tme firstchpreacher ioop nChristi n faitweonatetsar leuhregtrfe ibyhlocal. tryeol anhs. hwnpupil nopStr Ped rlagedfirst Archbiooop of Mainzwersutfereedm Ttyrdomnin nrhogn of Trajlnhin A.D. 103r HsuwysOa cs audionuin nTsenty-secohtnLegion, wed weead aeeth usaged ut erer itushneg aeae N rlcl an of Jerus lem,tegediioi hsuppos th hae Hhg preachedhe acGospml ie Mainzhford iTty- re y ars bly hand exscu ian.oHerg rlso iioss. haer famousevision eopCohstaey leuhtmeercrosrdinatetsoky,rwal vouc saf‘th oi ah Christi n conquo ar af t ,wo t f.a, a,o msetl le f.acssaof MaxshhhuserTye fieldsos taeeHolyhCrosrerin syenvichiity hs Mainzhissstill pointeo hutaa. hwnopottwlereO his Hmi acleh ook pla. . Thwncity flouo,ooe iut er Carlov inians,eagriwas. ie aindg astetr no prn pasityhatl le ti reoopBiooop Hatto, -wrs Tnd ru. asTnsdhavetsehn,mc d,beerdhwldhupm,o apooquy ie manyslegssps. HerDur in fourteo th cs audyrMainzhshs eos,w pow rlagedgloryehs hwtihteenncitie ioop nRlanioo Cetfederation, theh ie y h iund flusweof itl Hhgyeay. Iimncr y dralhsp nes hsreomitmnay hti reciv cnoplsspour dTled m gnificshhTbuil hishsookaupmarohof fousihonsreu y ars Ro cw plete, rot. itmnwohtrous braz e doosspagrisumpluousachapeasp rg rmhiipimeffi s ecclesias vcyl tressuy hs Genmany. Her eepFiddl r HerIn cr y dralhhs Mainzheal aehima r nos Virgin, oniwlrs Tfset wmr egtldantslifpsrs, hwngif oftsw rewealhoy votary. Ofhtei hima r tmeerfnls mind legssp edfttld: fanAipoararagge rfiddl reead spshhTtyeiwhol hedoer bitdmrrwinten oaiind playhishsyrrch sthi drtary strtetmnwp hutaanys ak in pityhDietheid pldaht. Asdhwned re o cr y dralhhehyel1 an o fsm rd r in desire tt,ign r agripturrhut hiesdistres Tie y h presonc unophi hMaker. Sopmeercreptlin,eas attdre lagedforlornifigude.oHe prayecralhud,Tchane in h s woeshneg aeasd re ones ent weseruse iinTtt -streetn,o touc hsye hearts bnop aeapasrurs-by.ananAsdhwnprayecra sens ros solitud yed reDietheim,degedhenreanizud syrer . seouowyhaisl‘swnsrreemply. Adsu enhwndm seizud ndm. Husweora play bouaw tgtldan-oood Virginpagris in was os Ths hi hswee fstiso as. Agrchdramind n aron narft‘frhi htldlfiddl ouo hisesheoraer, rothinaoerh thplayhishhwnputdallihiseygimi alegedpain;deisdquav ri alvoic Tgrewmastrog erhblnoa, att -stres enophi hfoavouo. Iioss. asrifu aetspri ati r c tp ameh boutnndm;ilifeewas bly handm,dgayhagrijoyfut,fsoreatsagripain wmr euns ws . Hussa kTuo hiseknees bly ha aetima r,iegedasp ackne,ewersu enly Virginnarft‘frhai footsasp,dlors n in was gtldantslifpsr, cranhit iebouaw ttldlc n’mnragguiebosng,tasrifugi neigalmshf.a wi music. HerTye poaraoldlc n, asofut edirer mi acle, ttldlndmest tyrer . Bles hetVirginnknewnnrwraohpa raapoarade il wlosamuse iher dOvetcw reby gryt tud ,dhwny a keos,w givir wp allihisecearte HerHe weora fti, havetkeptl le tressuy , b01 ee salhstarviinutegeditlseemet bouhavetbeerdgof‘nrhimyeonrd iev‘ehiesdistres . Hescurev tehutdaoTtmeer wtketir otw t teaoTaigtldsmith’seshepm,o atfer h thpuiz . 801 aeer wnhrecognized itireron. . Thwnoss. hwnpoaraoldlfiddl reworsehhsfr manerbly hweoby nrwrhe salhcharge wp tetsdrtadf tdcri reoopsa.rilegs. Tt tioldlc n ttldl e storyhnop aeami aclehgvir egedavas again, b01 ee sal. lan edireroby antimmuoentgliay. Hesmus tno shrpe, hwy ttldlndm, for bany1hi alb01 dla t,hasp ieh e shgrt space hedoer housiheoss. rieoaege contemne randeonrhisew ycttrexscu ian. HerTye place ofadoa, aws. ju hhopiesttet,w greytsbrogze doosspnop ae. cr y dralhshi wes ltereom Virgin. “If Ismus tdie,” stLore acfiddl r,an“Idwooran iisholeisoimh,o myhtldlfiddl oaer feetnnos Virgin rot. pray oneeprayenibly haner dI asahtei hintwmrables hetnd r,hagriyou. crnno srefus ms.” Her eey coora nleioeny hwnprison5rya dyhishprayen, asp,dclrs ly gutrfe u tets attdre lfigude oncefm haign r5 , cr y dralhwed weead aeettiso Lsastrousouo him. Husapprnachedhe acantasnnos Virgin, hi heyis flf in wp t ars ysOagaih ye helfrhi htldlfiddl oin tieshands. Thwn Hhg playecrana stin as bly hweegedagaih a brea al oopspri ati r stol erinaoT seouowyhcr y dralhana life eemet,glasganedp ess f t. Wlend music csasuoutagti, Rw tVirginnarft‘fra footsasphsoftlyhshesfluei c tihteennslifpsr iebouaw tfiddl r’ hbosng,tbly ha aetasofniooe igaz os. aw gutrfsedE fseoleTsyer ngaws aeami aclehegedcoora nleib01 tsn fy o le tru, ahs hwntldlc n’mnf.ammristetrmshh;iheoss. reron. lfreedhfingerhi hbonds agricarrieoably ha aetcity fr y ts,ewlosorderhe nds hleasu fanAnfriioi hstLo ha1, ie memoryehs hwnmi aclehgos Virgin, hwnpriests. pro nfe iford oldlfiddl reford res ofthi heays. In reevencfor b aisp oldlc n surr‘n ereom gtldantslifpsrs, wed wuhiioi hrlso. stLoop reverhgedf y ts carefundytlockudlewaytinr,w tressuy -c tst,. lrs bhewVirginnsheora agti, bdd empl‘th oissre ext mmagastgalmsgi nei. HerTye Maioen’mnLeap HerOn. linr,w Htrft mou taihsdtler fdwe,eiaigiaey wlrs Tfrotres Tcommaucet. arsidepvieweof thi surroons in cwu try. Nearyby,ra ygvierslady,. asTdari alinr ae l st al sheseal skilf tda1 sppnnhis, iehabitlf anerabagroneiecranl . Oethday hwntwaie chasc tp o msetutegedy h giaey tetr Diethrelolv‘fa olpts hmsdy h p esseousrdamest.anerSoshe sonlTwi hsenvcnh totwpntwmraep hjewe,s, b01 aehdeceotf tdfellaw netsuceterodhicds,w tressuy ih a inr‘ste HerTyerg eepmet a en si c n mus in ih a d“Acohsolat att tud ,dwloseetfLoe b arerptv Tty rlolepkeptlndm f potav mind nrwrpen ionatelyhaetadorhe nds swsethearterT serewdimen ig er reanizud syrer ds u hnc’lhcharmeroeal sd refai ladyhwlosead aeguilhe nds m rd r’ htoul. Hussolicitrda . en th’setLo i, bueyhishsye tressuy promisi alndmnawshs e ieh e smoilersutficgo tO t,igable imyeonwhe nds aeloveu. HerIn arsolitasecopott hwy dugkai epthol , wlei ou enly robber fan ailhe nds cemean on,hwlos rus tndmnasidohwp hg eytsviolshce.oInre ds a r tme en thoss. rboutn olstabTtyeiwretch, wlerdhwnc mmuripardan, promisi alsohrel alra secretnofymgrg value R anr aehjewe,stc Ohad netsuceterodcoheeal. HerTye en thostayhe nds cond, egedy h senvcnh rflat‘d nrwrnds m rd r, for blavi nop aeapretty istres enop cranl weead sonlTwimyeongti, hmr frvouo.ererCohsciousunophi hworth,t aetaroentgen thoscoaifundytdecls eos,waer erfeare nlirival,tsyen, seizi alnat ofl le tressuy , naeft tyeiwretch bouhiseowcsde icas.anerMeanwed thtwm giaey impatientlyeewait‘frhi hsenvcnh’onreeven. Aerd us, u tirets th-aithis, aehdeciceterodvisithtwm ladyhagridecls enin p tsetheid pen ionef.a wr,. Uietheid arrivalras ft,tcranl hwnmtLoranneosc tpndm, agediioealewr kaisecretnfeelisi ofadreat,Rhaertt tladyhwo tO t,msetlnmr une lco rrvisitby.hMwre R anre fspcapai atedabrswfspcharm uty h giaey asas shrefai mtLorRo brco rrled wife. Onfbr inlrefus t,dhwny rtaaenet boukill hmrOagridemodioo ft,tcranl . HerTye poaraladyhws. errnfieoaegedsetsyearfundytimplore ry h giaey’etimercy,epromisi also brsofw alliher ressuy eDietheim dHssOmtLosw soo,erblgge ndm boutpare heir, istres ’eslrfrw b01 ee onlyhlan edirs y kne,eip y handm. Ultima ely haplen maioentcohsenhe rtolm re nmr inexorable woo r, b01 seetsstachrdaainavieecohtol an:hshesweora ridoha Hraceiwp hy th hlen lesstsuiebyuteged seora hettv Ttakert rhshesweoratitccemeany ndm bounds cranl . 801 aehrelolut maioentead socretdytvtehh boudie rr y trR anrsubmith oissre degradation dChoos in was flee fst. steed,ushesvaulhe rnimbly inaoTsye saddl lagedg l tpecreway dHss bperescu eTfpursuhdhclrs behino,hteraln in e fsednenvs Ro cw eDiiwp erhererSmu eri alaertt t fsedy eoahtios brco in h s brido, ssehchaseerdea al tee onlyhalternae ve. Sopshesspurr‘frhai horsehhnwtrfotot . edgehos a eptchasm. HerTye napo an mal nmn a‘frlhudlyha. heoahdcohsciousunopimpeotisi eangar.erTye pursuhrhlan edig rmlyha. hwny eoahtieon eizreh thpuiz w b01 eil. lan teroealeevene raoT a r wlerd nhorsehsr kitl fai burdan boonshh ldahtlyhacrosrd chasm, lagrisi safely onu a oth rsido. fanTye enraged tyrante wshbdhelfrhi hnetsucetevictimtkneelisi in prayenirot. h rstmeutcrlmlyhgrazi alrmhiipimefgreent fsour5abrswfspsido. Husstrh wmafusnouslyhaiteensasphi itoai, sear w in foria crosriinutegedou enly. ar hutanopjoy ttldl e affrdahtedimtLo ha1 c Ohadnd“Acov r5 tsw r pen age. HerHid s isfaction, nawollow -aleshgrt-livstutfordju hhtheh aaterange kndahtrsr kdramnmswadt u hedrupoe y h giaeyerTye maio wsdchrda . contestrsr kbrea lesstf arunen imanys imeshshwny eoahtiehaertt ttyrant wooranslayswfspprotecto dAerdas tesoleTsuch momfst ehm giaey stoophh bouclutre e hugrebeoraerrsr kent wesermecnh totov rwhelmheid adv rsasewerenan,dovetreachvsi h mest uthesslifpsede crfelliheadygimidos lbtefstmep rfcks. HerTyen hwnmtLorhasten‘th oi aa kTy th hscuer, rothgreytswal hfspsurprise boudiAcov r ieh e g l ahhukndahtrtae en thoslrs Tfrommriptv Tty had keptlndm f potwoo in was. Tt,y reevene raoTtmetcranl ogetwmr,hagriit wal nleiygimihr ett ytcentbsate htw ithwe ind. HerBo karv‘frlh alegednofp ly, egedy hithuniontwa.ables hetsr kmany. chvldrenerTye ro.kuissstill s ws ha. “Tye Maioen’mnLeap.” Her eepWet erfun Road erNsareHomburg,ron ppnnaclehgosa yg ey mou taih, are he ruins os. FalkenftsinrCranl weacces t op-it we thgainedabrsafstmep, wpnohishpa y.ererWp ins,w cranl rwdf sdtler fon. ldwe,eiaimaioentos ssrpen iimibeessy.erManytsuiebys climbedl e sterniaccliv tycttrwoor ds charmisi eamest,erbuehaerhsternifr y trrepelledroleiagriall. OnlyhKuno nopSaynoss. firmmaeneoahdttrperesver oin tiessuie against aehrebutf enop stubborniLord bnopFalkenftsin,hasp ieh e egedhentconrewtrfe iwp tetssmiles agrikiot. look enop fai mtLo. HerOnthel i lg,,as yhwsdchrda sun set,hKuno pointeo hutaaoTtmetmaioenerenar hiseowcscranl rwdd tituat‘ferTye beessy hs tt tlandscapehblnoa, m mado-itmnafpsalaaoTtmeirhsoul uty hi,econds touc sede crclssp5 , e crtwmisiheart hrrbbe wp tetspen ionefe,eipyrbo . Adfewheays. lateroKuno climbedl e steeptpa t,hrelolv‘fa oldecls enhiseygveotot . eamest’ hfr y t.pFatigue wp tetsalcshh, res e iforda brres space aertt te tr iceraoTtmetcranl ar mou thishsos he eomer. fanTye LordrnopFalkenftsinoegedhi hdan sai ead aehelfrKuno’ hjourneyrup b ah rugge pa t f pot aeawpnoowsoefs he eomer, egedy h fr y trdemaucet bfordwarerpurpos ic Ohadncw re aiteen. Wp harpen ionate,glanc oaer erbluswhis maLoop kndahtrnopSaynodecls eos,waer Ohadncw re o asahteeernapo lord f.a wi idan sai’s cond tn mwtevsgu. Aftet meditatiisholhteeerkndaht’srproposyl protsw reti r, tye LordrnopFalkenftsinopreteuceterotibe lf inyeongiv‘ehiescohsenh--b01 ee sstachrdaaicohtol an. “I desire aicarrisgu-drimua olbm mado-f pot aealowlanedp noa, atouaw tgetr no my cranl weand tffyou c n tccemedioo ftds myidan sai’s cond t. yours--b01 b ah feytsmus tbinachvevedabrsto-moreats oaiind!” Her eepkndahtrprotes fo tarersuch as asahwal uttdrdytimposripo fby aneole bouperfrom, el i ih a mhi t,hbly all Ro no purpos . Hehtheh relolv‘fa otiseekdsw rew y wlereby h coora hutwithtwm stubborniladt,,oby hl weoratino swpf inly relogn ti hlady-ygve. Hehaeft tyeieomer, v mind Ro dohhis Hotmoft,Ro perfromdy h seem inly imposripo asa,iegedasp ace Ncendrda . ro.kytdecliv tycnds aeloveureav frhai hegeker w efO t,igcouTageitim fanNow Kuno nopSaynopts hmsuieboth cofpsr agris ll rpminesutegedarrivi alaeerh thcranl rheesummonedlhed tv TseererTye kndahtrexplaineday h nsduy no tets askkent weserdesiresgRo breut er f an, b01 aehtv Tseerodecls eo b arerallihiseminers, wo khishdayhagrindaht,dcoora nleimake henroadway wp insmanysmhi ts. HerDism ystutKuno aeft h thcranl ragriwan ereominaoTaidens rinr‘st, erof‘n b ai y trbrswi hp Tturbe icohtol an. Ndahtreas dusky seouowsoel r. ah folvsgu,hagritetsperplex‘frlh fspcurs sgRw ttbsthiate Lordrno. Falkenftsinrasp acf.acsdrhisew yctyrrch sthi ut ergeat y.ererSu enly an oldlc n os serange agriwpra afpsareoc teoodhtn h thpa y.erKuno reron. lknewnndmroby antearth-spirit,ron Ths tmos imyrd r ousmagutrfi nsrofl le tressuy enop soil wlosarrejealousunop incurs on eop ankiot inaoTsyeirsdocain. Her“Kuno nopSayn,” hehstLoop“dohyou desorefto hutwithtwm Lordrno. Falkenftsinragriwpncnds aeesseousrdan sai?” HerAl heoahdstartle saged f antaba.kubytsye serange annsrition, Kuno. h wtkenedaesgurlyhioTitmnwords aleshgw in aehal iur nosescapehf pot aechd“lemmahtn ent weserfoonsghdmest . fan“Acsuy dlyhI do,” hehrepeiei, “beganrwrdohyou propos dIisheoratitccemedioo it?” Her“Ceasudttrperescut me agrimymbrey rtn, Kuno,eagriweishdllshelpren o. reanizukyourrwr las,”oss. hwnreper. Her“Perescut you!” exclaimet,Kuno. “Inswarermann5rydohI arrubl ren at all, serange br in?” Her“Yn havet penedhupmais ll rpmine tesoursdocain,” stLore acearth-spirit,er“egedaspen r o kueteboth oaiindCagedaftetnlon nsdhavetbegaarly l epprotunityhfor repore. Haw, I asahen , c n weislumb T wlerdyourrm‘n bkeepts wca in on partit one hopturrhouse wp tetir,pick ?” fan“Wlre,tsyen, wooranen have,,mymworthylf ietd?” asas Kuno,escarcelyerable eon uppres eassmilelaertt twr tf tdwaytinr-iire geamm mado-his Hcemedaint. “Tell me, I pray en , nrwrI c n apoig ren .” fan“Byiinstructiishyourrminerscttrwork ieh e mine dur in houss os. oaiindConly,” repeieiebaeigeamm. “Byiso o in I agrimymbroth d will. ebtti, Rw tres weisormu werequirge” Her“It shdllsbreaspen rsay,” stLorKuno; “youdhavetmymword f.a it,rgooderf ietde” Her“Inr aytrease,” stLore acearth-spirit,p“ssdshdllsen istgen ieh ven. Go bouaw tcranl rhs Falkenftsinraftet damnmto-moreats oaiind,hagriyoudshdll wp nhmsdy h resulttnopourrf ietdship rothgryt tud .” HerNsxt oaiind tme sun ead scarcely riseniwlerdKuno saddl d eis stmeutrot. hie ndm bou hedahtc hs FalkenftsinerTye geamm ead keptlndmnword.erTyerg, rbovehasp iehf pn ofthim,tc Obdhelfrarsidepana lg ey roadway lese in bouaw tcranl -getr f pot aea herrch fatewbelow. Wp hjoy in h s hearti h setsspursouo hisehorsehagrida hedrupl e steeptb01 smor accliv ty. Atr h tgetr t te cwu tereom oldlLordrnopFalkenftsinoege h s dan sai,hwlosead aeantapprisetenop mi acleh lrernof nofpened ana hadncw rehutaaoTviewey h neweroadwayerTye kndahtrnopSaynorflat‘d nis Hadvs aude wp tetsearth-spirit,pupoe -iire LordrnopFalkenftsinottlderh m nrwra tsrribl othut erstromdm inle wp unearthle elis .Tnourrageo b arrch o01 aehndaht. Terrnfieo,s agedhi hdan sai ead spshhTtye htuss osedwtknes in prayenwtu thl wp tetsapprnach osedwmnmsw reos tt tiserviebys nof plucaedruplcouTageiagedvs audedlf.a, , wlerd nwet erfunmaal iur upl e sid nop mou taihpmet tmeirhstartle sgaz . HerKuno rnd ti hlady-ygvewnsrredule unit5 . It eed,uso errnfieoass. hwtioldllord bytsye supernaeuralhm nifestationsunop drtadf tdndahtrh Ohad ju hhpemsesgtyrrch sthrerhloealeincapable of fur y trresisteoc tot . wr lasunop en si peopl . Thwnwet erfuneroaduissstill Ro bresehn,mrot. i marvelledraeipyralloshohpemssthrerway. HerOsric L on erO y trtants besicdst ah forego in wave heir,scshetltLorins,w cranl bnopFalkenftsin,hnleable rmhiipimemfbr inl aealegssp nopOsric L onw mmbodieohie y h inls mind teirc b l ad f pot aeapentos Monk Lewr : fan Swif rof e acar le’ hbil ttm,tagriwater edains,an Wnar FalkenftsinrCranl ’s majusthcrrecainsan Their, ts -cov r5 tturr‘tssstill rtar:an Oftplov‘sr h tge st wolf ’midst aehruinsa olprnwl,an Wnat rimtif pot aeabaly lmfstsiptursre aclon Thwlan HssOedaint Tie y h pan ig er’eseas. Her Nlolhimas reloonsgRhrrch sthi vaulhsunopyethedll Theisoimhnop minstrelunen imir, ahs hwnb l ; Thos dplessuy hforie fssarrefled: Theree wshdwe,lst aeabaliwp hy thldaht-shutiind brood, Theree mmunsmagrivulhuy h wshclamouotforifood, Agriall i hdark, silshhopagridrtad! Her Ha! ostfsvoudelesse ,ibytsye moon’si remblhsi llahter Dirgce in h s ftsps,iwlereOadveoc e acknlaht,er Hi heyihbin wp l igeanc oagedf e?er ’Ti hOsric L on h s nepheshwlosleses, Agriswif upl e c acklisi olthteaireaselprnceeds, Gaihsdtlehedllopagriqui.kuclrs sr h tge .anan Nlweroonsghdm en si Carloc n, eas vsi hi heyis, Survey. hwnoad scshetsr kdism y egedourprise, Agrif artstealsdy h rrs Tfing eds cheeks. H Hi hspirit hforsakertim,tci hcouTageii hf ttn; Theicond nopSir,Osric e clsspshtn h thttn, Agriwed thhislvoic Tfaltersp actpsaks.anan “D artuncle,”r murmurs,p“slytlig erhwert re?er ’Ti hlate,hagritetseichamblosp rg damptegedari drtar, Kehneb ttmgRhrrch sthi ruinsa he blast!an Oh!Tlettudnewaytand nuotjourneyrpursuh: Fai Blumshblog’siCranl rwill ris To lnuotview, Soanhs. Falkenftsinrinr‘st brepemses.anan “Why rof e u. yourheyib l s? w ytglar ett ytsoiwpra?an Oh!Tchicdsnleimyhwoaknes , nor finwn, hrera chvld Sseora viewey hsehapartmfstsisr kdrese; Fords wsh areroullioet have Irheard f potmyhnurs , Thereestill on thcranl rhconrest‘fra curs , Sin. linnocshhTbloodhnar wal shes.anan “ShehstLoopsoo,tbad spirit , rothghostsiall inientte,an Hsseruse isohresgrt as ft,t eat,Ri reoopnlaht,er Nordvanloohtill breakisi ofaday; Agristill att heir,co in s heard ft,t eepe onean OfOawp ll lhudTegedawoul--hark! hark! ’twysOawgroan!an Goodhuncle, oh!Tlettudneway!” Her “Peace,iserpshh!” e u. Osric L on repeies,an Wnd thrageiagedmal“gnityrgled htn h theyis; “T ytjourneyrana life nar mus tclrs : Thyhcranl ’srprou tturr‘tssel mgrgdshdltfsvoudse ;er No mgrgdbetwixt Blumshblog’silordship rothme Ssdltfsvoudstond, egedmyhgreytnes opies .anan “Mytbr teen l ierbrea lesston Pantsn le’ hedains,an Anphi eoron. lremovstutuo hisenapo docainsan My riahtrean nlirivalioeny: Then, seriplind,hprepar To lmyidagmerntoableed;er No succourh s near, egedy y fr eii hdocreed, Commege totJesusmagridie!” Her T u. sayhisuthesseiz sh he boy bytsye arm,an Wnrs Tg res rhgessthi vaulh‘d nall’onroofwewld thalarm H Hi hheartieopallrfort tud robs; Hi hlimbs s ikdp noa, andm;idistracteidsr kf ars,an HsTfall. atswi huncle’ hfsetutbr y s ehiotwp t ars,an Anph“Spar Tme! oh,utpare me!” hehsobs.anan 801 vainly miscresnerhlo ries yosafpsase; Agrivainly e cli asiie desmai iroonsghdseknees, Agrisu ih softaaccent hfor life; Unmovstebrswi hsoreatwtu movstebrswi hprayenw Fierce,Osric s. wr the nds condoin tieshair, Agriadme etswi hbosng acknlfe.anan 801 hr ett hstmelmbluswesisr kblood, serange aoT,ell!an Self-strlck, do sh he ongu nop hnls m-tonedlbell Theipresonc unopmidndahtrdecls e: Agriwld thwp hamazemehhTni heai bristnts ndg ,an Hsars Osric alvoic , lhudTegedtsrribl , esewer In soege hheart-annsllind,h“Forbear!” Her Seralaht curs spagrishriekmgRhrrch sthi chamblohreloons, Shriekmgm inle wp lan ter;d nwall. shdke aroons; Theigroan inlronop rtaaens yosf l ; LhudTbellawsh he hut er, blue llahtni asistill flash; Theieasemfstsitt ytclattes; chains rr tnt; doosspclssh, Agriflame hspreat,Rh ithwav‘sr hrrch sthi nall. Her T ehclamouotin.resse uty h protalsdexpagr!an O’er eav‘me t’ hbla.kumarble naw u hesOawprot. OfOdemons,eall droppi ahwp hgorewer In vi agetsoig rm,dasphsosmhistrousoi, hmlaht,er Teas Carloc n scresm utas yhburst on h s slaht,er Agris ikmnwp hutasens roe y h iloos. Her Nlthso h thfelliuncle:--hreseh. haer hrrnd Impe,s, wpralyhshriekind,hahfema thalrnd, Agriwef e acsad spsctrg eeps wss!er T ehdemonshwp hcurs spaerhstepshhnwtrf hurge; H rhsheoraers,rsr kentpmnf.ammd nopserpshhs, hwy scourge, Agrifastlf ooth stwoege h he bloodhf tts.anan “Oh!Te lco r!” shepcev t,degedherlvoic Tspoke desmai ;an “Oh!Te lco r,pSir,Osric,h he ormfstsitowshs e,. OfO-iire ou hashTmado- re prey. H Twe,vety ars have Irlanguiood hthyhco in eon ee; Ulrpraa,hwlospasiood hdiooonoudedlbytsyeeer Nlw calls totanguiooneway!anan “Thyhpen ioneon. lsa e ,asyyeygveop ed rehaee; Thy condogave hekdran shtiire cohs“gnedime yosf te,an Nord eoahtiIadoa, alurkeohie y h bowl: Unfitaford grave,,teaineiewp hlustutswelledrwp hprido, Unbles hewtu ablolv‘fwtu repenthis, Iidied, Agridemonshteralaht seizud o lmyitoul.anan “Thou com’st,hagriwp heransprot Iifeelimymbreastlswell: Full lhin wave I sutfereed he ormfstsiofthef , Agrinaw shdllsit hplessuy hbe mine!an See,isee, naw y h iietdsp rg r iTstaford y blood! H Twe,vety ars has myipane in heartifvenhood hth ithfood. H Co r,pwretch, let tmem feas rupoe y ine!” Her ShehstLoopagritetsdemonshtetir,preycflockudleroons; Theyida hedrtim,twp hhoo ibl oyeal,ron groons, Agribloodhdos lhi hlimbs trickledrfast; Hi heyierf pot aeirhsockutsisr kfusedy wy ttre; Theyifedeonrhisee tr ils,eall reea in wp hgorewer AnsghdseheartiwysOUlrpraa’onrepent.anan 801 wsh ah grey cock ttldl e co in ofaday!er T ehiietdspwp tetir,victimtteralaht vanlooe iiwayuer AnsgCarloc n’sehearti hrrbbe again; Wiao ser by recaf inyet,t eedsunop nlaht,er Hh rrs opagrifing Falkenftsinrspsed in h s fllaht,er Soanhreachedhh thpa ernalsdocain. Her Sin. lthen, allosp hhoo ar thi ruinsabehol ;er No shepherd,tsyeoahdstrayecrbreaelambTfing eds folt,an Nosmhth r,p heoahdlost brewfspchild, Thekfugie vehdareshneg aeseichamblospeon eek,an Wnar iietdspndahtlyhrel lopagriguiltyrghostsishrieker In accent hmoft,fearfun agriwpra!anan Oh!Tshut tmem, ye pilg rms!p heoahdlr eib ett hhtur, Theoahdloud nrw e ac empest,hagrifastlfdf e acshteh ;an Fing FalkenftsinrCranl rbegone!an Thereestill aeirhsad aanquetlnmll’onden zenswshs e;an ThereeOsric L on still rav‘srie desmai : Brea reaeprayenif.a wi itoul, en ipasston! Her eepCetferonc unop reDead erAalegssp noplaterodate R anrmoft,oop nRlinelaged fles, b01 stlf os sstficgo tOintenestO t,msrit ieclus anhsmhiipimes opissthrerwiire aetachrs bouaw tpalaceeoopBibarire.pBibarire l ieron riahtrbank ofr mefrollow nlei fsedfartfing Mainz,sagriit hpalacetwa.abuiltoaer erbigteniimhnop mlahteo th cs audyrbytGeorge Augustus,rDukenho Nen au. fanTye legssp stetrssthrernleiygimiaftet mrect acsos palacetaerDuchrssnho Nen auidied hweegedlaytinrstetr as blyitdmedherlrn k ie a ronm l sgisr kbla.kuve,vetrana liahtediwp tetsglimmlohnf manys apere. HerOutsicdsieh e greytshall apcapaaih agedforty-nine mecsos Duke’etibodygutrf keptlwsdchdavas thi chamblohofadoa, . HerItiwysOmidndaht. Thwncapaaih os gutrf,hwoarysep hndssvigil, had gonleetr aeadoaraos palacetforda broa, aeopai dJus tasre aclast. strok nop hnursdie iiwaytc Obdhelfrtetsapprnach oseaachariot, erawnerbyitix m gnificshhTcoal-bla.kuhorses, wed wuhuo hiseamazemehh, erewrup bbly ha aetpalace. Adlady,sveile sagedcla inrentte, aliahtediagedma wmaa. heoahdshesweora ign r y h buil his. 801 aehcapaaih barreed he way agedchalliggsdhe acbolthietruder. fan“Wlosarreen ,” hehstLohsternly, “wlos ehk o ign r y h palacetatr his Hhnur? My ordersp rg ioTleernlnrepemse” Her“Ioss. firstlladyhhs hwnbedchamblohto hurdlr eiDuchrss,” repeiei. ah ladyhie colt,simper ouse ones; “ hy haIrdemauc riahtros. e tr icee” HerAspshesspok shesfluei asidohherlveilopagritetscapaaih,iinstantly. recogniz in was,rpenmitdmedherl o ign r y h palacetwp hutafur y terh ndr icee fan“Wlrehean sheseanerhlretatr his,Ri reoopnlaht?” hehstLohtohhis Heieutenast,iwlenr,w lady haf pemsesginaoTsye doa, -chamblo. fan“Wlosean say?” repeieiebaeieieutenast. “Unles , per w ice,”r mused, “ssdnsrreioTlook.” Her eepcapaaih sooka hist,icreptlsoftlyhaoTsye keyhol , egedappeieiend eyeTsyer to. “Ha!” hehstLoopshrink in ba.kuinhamazemehhTegedtsrrbyutege bblckonhishsoswi heieutenast. “In Sat n’send r w attcavewnsrt re?” Her eepeieutenastrhasten‘th oi ai chamblohdoar,roullioehalarmaege cusnos ty. Pute in h theyihaoTsye keyhol , hg rlso ejacula e ,asvene tipale,hagritrembl5 . Onthby oneee acsol ier ioop ngutrf fnls me hth it officsrs’ exa ple,nlike tmem sohretreytswp hexclamationsunophoo ar. Agrcharly lewet er;aford y per erv‘frft,t eat,Duchrssns te in up i, bed, mov inswfsppa thltpmna. heoahdie conv rsation, wedl5abrswfspsido teood. ah ladyhhs hwnbedchamblo,ppa thal she,sagedcla inrgrave-cll1hes. For ba,Ri re nghastlyeconv rsationecone iuhe,hnlnwords br inlaudibl oto le tsrrby-strickerdgutrf; b01 f pot i re o i rea hnls m soegehreached m,nlike tme murmurhofadisteot hut er. Aerd us, sthi visitby emergeo bf pot aeachamblo,pagehreevene raoTh stwaithisTcoare.pDuty, raty trR an incli ation, apoig iebaeig l ahhucapaaih so condohsr iebouwfspcwtevsgu, e crtwis,Rasahhe perfromedrwp hprais worthylpolitenes , heoahdhis Hheartisa kTwp insndmnat tyeieouch osehsr icyffi gers,rrnd ti h ongu . refuse isohreevenctetsa ieuswfsppa thltpmnuttdre . Wp harflouo,ooros. entpmn aeachariot set hff. Sparks flewif pot aeahoof enop horses,. smok agriflamehburst f pot aeirhnostrilsutegedoure wal aeirhspsed hae Hih a mhmfst ehmy -mr eloft,Ro sdaht. Thwncapaaih,fsorely puzzledlbytsye evfstsioft nlaht,hreevene raoThi men,hwlos-mr emu le raogetwmr at mntenop hall fur y st f pot ae doa, -chamblo. fanOnr moreat,ihr ett hgutrf nof nodt i re o infromdy h Dukenho imes . strange nofpeni as, newsdreachedhy h palacet haer firstlladyhhs hw bbldchamblohhadnd“edeonr prev ousenlahtirt ewe,veto’clock. Iioss.ersuppos th haefsoreatsf.a wr, istres ehadncause iheradoa, . HerEppftsin fanOop cranl hhs Eppftsin, -wrs Truinsastill rtcain ih a valliyhhs hw bTaunuseMou taihs, nor, aeopBibarire,d aeainls mind cusnous storyhis Httld.ererSir,Eppo,da bravehasp chivalrous knlaht--egedaewealhoy onleetrbootu. asTns enhisesucces osspnopEppftsinsf.a manysgsserations--wal oni dwy Hhu thishie y h inr‘st, wlerdhwnp ed reseparyeedTfing eds attegeastsiaot. lostrhisew y. In heytsnop chaselhi hsens ros direct acshadnfailheerh mopagriteon h ,sfut ediwi hbugo loudTegedlhiipimer wal nlireper. HerTirets utirt d us, ssr kean er in h teensasphi itoai, h res e ihdmest Hih a plessahhuglasu,hagriwal surprise sagedcharme raoTh artenwoc n’s voic Tsiimi ale mouaifun melodyhie soft,dcl art ones. Iioss. a she terdeliahtieonSir,EppoeioTlisten aoTaivoic Tos ssre exquiottetpusity, yet Hadmi ationtwa.ano1 aehtnly feelisi it rouse iinTh s breas . Thereess.erainatreoopsadnes egedappsalaieh e soinutegedwhrerwereeknlahthoodhworth Hif itTh e edino1 aehvoic Tos fai ladyhie distres ?nSir,Eppoesprang aoerh thfsetutforgete in h thos lpldahtaieh e ardaurhofachivalryutegedoet Hhsfrneg aeaeirect acsfing whi wesaehvoic T eemet,Ro cw . Thwnwayess.erdifficult,degedhenhad um cutd rpen agesep hndssswadt syrrch sthi dens b aickuth haefseparyeedTndm f pot e si ger. Aerd us, uiguidedlbytsye melagchole eltes, e arrrv‘frbly haawgrotto, tn ent weserbdhelfraer wioentos ssrpen iimibeessy, b01 os soreatfun mienerWlendshessaws ae c ndsw rekndahtrgazi alrttwmraep hm inle surprise egedadmi ation. see csasuoswfspsh alegedimplore reds ai . Aicruel giaey,dshessaLoophad seizud nensaspharooahtdherl aiteen. Atr h tmhmfst heoss. rslmep, b01 ee c tp imedherl o a ro.kusoh haefsh tmdahtrno1 escapee HerHer beessy rothgryc , hgspchildlike innocshc , hgsppiseousrpldaht, mov‘f Sir,Eppoestrangeer. Firstlpity, theh aaterhimas emot acsdwmne iinTh s bbreas . H T ev r5 ty trbotdspwp aaterhk Ths hi hkehnefalchian. Her“Wlrehean I dol o aLore a , gen letmaioen?” hehstLo. “Yn havetb01 o Hcemmrothme;ihencly Iham hoy knlaht, Ro dohbaly laford s.” Her ee eamestmbluswedirer couTteousrwords, b01 seetarft‘frhai eyis bravelyhaoTsye championiwlr ead so unexpsct dlyhafpsare olprntect was. Her“Reevencto myhcranl w”dshessaLoop“agritetrwny eoiwprtffi daaicohsocryeed neter8risi it aiteen. If Islaytitrupoe y h giaey heosill brco rrasTnsak. asTawprbe agriwprlsbreeasily ovetcw r.” HerEsgurlyhih en si kndahtrnbeyedl e co mond, egedhav in founid nettitccere in bouaw teamest’ heirect acs, e mado-dllshasteisohreeven. At. aw grottohhe pause irnd ti ihdmest utford strioentgvoic Tos ae giaey ceora biaheard wp in. Presontly mhistey emergeoutege bdeparte iinTsear wTos reedsuwlerewp toimake rpipee No soon5rynof nechd“safpsare anr aeh wioentissuhdhf pot e grotto, rnd Sir,Eppoeed rreoutnhs hi hcoheealmehhTegedgave has thi cohsocryeed neterShesspok ahfew wordsioftheartfe,eigryt tud ,dagritetnscurev tewp hy th ressuy etot . top of mhu taih, wlereOshesknewny h giaey ha intsuceterodgo fanArrrv‘frrttwmradesthiation, seetaaLordos lbtefnetrana cov r5 titiwp er ts , leav‘sutegedowset-smell inswfsbs dWld th usaged pntwmratasahteeergiaey cd reDiopagritetsdamestmsmili aly ttldlndmh haefsh tealeprepari a aicouch wlereordhwnmdahtrtakersw rer‘ste Gryt fieoaeehaerhsolicitud ,dhw. stretchedhh mest unsuspscti aly oe y h iragrantepile.oIn a mhmfst ehm. eamest,nuttdr inyet,tna reos tt Trhiity, threwra prot acsos nettiavas h mopsoh haefh tealecw pletely envelophh.oImmedia ely re aros . such loudToa, seegedlamfstationsu haer damestmrlnhin ser by tot . knlaht, wlr ead wshco reDieth scshe. Her“Lettudnfly,” shessaLoop“lrs hed seora escapehen ipursuhtud.” Her801 Sir,EppoestrodihaoTsye place wlereO he nrw his mhistey laytfstainle erin syennet,hagriwp hanmdahtytffy rof edTndm avas a steeptprecipic ,erenar hloealeinstantlyukilles.ananThe storyhetdspnofp ly, fordSir,Eppoeagritetsmaioenteenhad hscuedrwereer wtev tesoanhsftes; and neh e smottwlereO hey haf firstlmet tconrais d. ah cranl hhs Eppftsin. Iioi hstLo ha1he acbonasunop giaey m y stlf bresehn re.ananFlörsheim: ThwnShepherd KnlahtererIn naw uineiecranl unopWilshftsin, avaslook inyet,twood‘frhadahtc ofr mefWestric uidwe,eiSir,Bodo nopFlörsheimrrnd ti hfai dan saianAdelineerTye maioen’mnbeessy, no aemssthrntwmrafr y t’sewealho, aetracteidsuiebys in plentypf pot e nmn abour in terhimhol s, b01 ae. spirit noplgveoead wt yetiiwakenedaintwmrabosng anfrllieaagriall wereerrepul hetsr kd“AcohcerthisTcoldnes egedpnohfferonc opagritetyhaeft tye. schlosrdv mind Rhaertt tlgviersAdelinehwal uttdrdytheartaems. HerOnthday hwrwned re o Sir,Bodo a en thonopplesshis mannerscege bafpsareoc ,,pichuy quelyecla inr u hncdgarb, wlr blgge haefh tmlahterign r y h kndaht’srservi. linr,w capacity hs shepherd. Theoahd histeo b arerhloealeoopnapo bia, , prevenhe rbytcircumsteoc erf potrel ali a hi hnoentity, yeteserbasuoswds hquestisolely onuhi merit hasTawtsucet ofcflocksdegedherdsutegedas Sir,Bodo founid rerhloknewnndsrwork well agid rerhi hnetsloig ncetwa.abeyogriquesthon, nedgave hiot ae dosires post. Asd i rewo tOonuSir,Bodo sawsnlireasethsohregretneds action, for bh s flocksdegedherds prn pasedirs yoead e fssdoer bly hweegednoneanb01 good report reachedhh mhcoheeaiind hi hsenvcnh.anerMean i reAdelinehheard cohstaeylreferonc s bouOttoh(a. hwnohepherd ss.ercalled)eboth f ooth stfr y trondohsr waithis-whmfserTye frommriprais d. hi hnedu hry rothabilities, wedl hwnlattessspok hs hi hc ndsw relook agidmelagchole ai , hi hdistinct acsegedgood brsed inopagritetsmyrd ry. ent wesurroonsuoswds noentity. All a thexcitrda maioen’mncusnos ty, e crhgsppisyhws. arouse iasTnsal,rf.a itT eemet,Rhaertt tstrangerphad aisecretng res, wed wesw r imeshfounidvo tOin t ars wlerdhwn eoahterh mest unobsenves.ananAdelinehsawsndmroby firstlRi reoleiaftetnlon nedl sh tealewalki a ins,w cranl rgroonss. Atrsdahtrnophai he pause ir. heoahdspell-boons, agritetsmaioentbluswediut er a thearnestiscrutiny. Admhmfst later, Hhnwollow h recov r5 thdmest utana couTteouslyha.k‘frhai pardanhf.a wi seem in rudenems. Her“Forgiv‘e r,pfai lady,” stLorhe; “itT eemet,RhaerIhsawsarghostOin your swsetpfacee” HerAdeline, wlr ead recognized ndm f pot e e Ncriptionsuseenhad h erv‘f,tinow mado-herest s ws haoThim, rothgrycnouslyhgranted ndm penmin ione o Hwalkewp hy th ouaw tcranl . Hi hatfencetwa.areatily pardanhetslerdhw bdecls eos,waeraw tcrus ros iioss. a fagcv teresomblanc obetwehn Adeline agriaideartsistey wlrmadoa, ahad la ely rrbbe ndm af. EreO hey parte . ah en si peopl rwereealreatyt eeply inplgveowp holeiaghth r,pegedhad promisetp o mset agti, oe y h inls mind dayerTye smottwlereO hey haf flrstle cwu tereomlliea teen p ed reawtrys vsi-place wlire wal daily. hall me hbypf eshdv msmagridecls ations. fanOnroleTsuch occraioneOttohttldlnds aeloveurthe storyhhs hi hearlyhlife agrirel ale raoTh stwds noentity. Iioss. it eedea hareatind Rale,hagr one wlire drewra oullimemd nopsympathypf pot e maioen. fanOtto rnd ti hsistey--sh tewrs Tlikenes in Adeline’ hfrce haf first arres e ihds attegtion--had aeantarooahtdupabrsafcruel stepfr y t, wlr c tp rtaaeurthempsohbrutally aerOtto ss. rerd us, sf.acsdryosflee bouaw tcranl rhs rntuncle, wlr h erv‘f ndm kiotlyTegedgave himrrn. educationtblyitdind hi hkndahtlyhstation. Adfewhy ars lateroh Ohad reevene rho r,pyosfind ti hsisteyt eat--slaih by lf - rtaamfst ofcaerhstepfr y t, wlr, iioss. el i saLoophadrhasten‘thheradoa, iwp erpoison.rOtto, ovetcw rhwp hg res, eetf pn ‘thheramurderhow h apsedebus . onuhi headopagridemaucet ti hshs e os prop TtyerTye onlyhanswsress.eraisneer, egedy h en th, maddeneiewp hg res egedpnohgiation, drewrwi swadt en ipluei5 titiinTh s ormfstor’seheart. Admhmfst later hehstw. ah probable cohsoquenc s hs hi hc ssy rction, coheealedhh mest in. ah woods,dagritetncly p ed reawfugie ve,hreneosc tpel i brswi howneruncle, and npoig iebo rtcain ih hidhishie orderl o iscapehcertaie dea, aeraw tconds of murderhe c n’sekiotr5 . It a inrtuiate mhmfst heohad chasc tp o reachpFlörsheim, wlere,oin tiesshepherd’seguio , hg judgheerh mest escure.ananAdeline, eeply movstebrs Rale,hseoahtieonpuehaerhsympathypilhteeerpracticyl promrhs rdvi. . Her“D artOtto,” shessaLoop“lrttudngocto myhfr y trondotellihimrrll. W mus chd“spsdchdantembassyhaoTyourhunclepilhThur inen,heon ee wlethai heer we eltscohsenhl o a divisiacsos prop TtyerTakercouTage,hagriyour riahtfun iesttiacs we yetebreassuy de” HerSo iioss. arrangeos,waeroe y h inls mind dayrtt tlgvirsesheoras ehk Sit Bodo agedask eid advi. linr,w mattes. 801 alas!ihr ett isOedans ceora brecarrieoaoutnBodo h mest esnt f.a wi idan sai egedpnfromedry trR at Hhg hadncwrs n e husbagedfor was,rSir,Siegeb Tt,daewealhoy egednobl . knlaht, ju hhreevene rf potPantsn le. HerIn vainsAdelinehweptlegedimplore dHssOfr y trremaineieadamahhopagr aerdas lostrhise empertana confin‘thherawp insstrict boonsshtill sye. sheorascohsenhl o ,w matevsgu. Sir,Siegeb Tttwa.abut lf pplessheerwp hy thpa thcheekspegedhaggard eyiere crhgspobv ousedistesteif.a wi socv ty;tegedoer inl ais,dBodo wysOmwre R anre fspwr teutegedowwre Rotisenedherl o a nunnery tffsaeaeid wt greeehaerhlh fspwp hanbettssOfr. . HerDaytaftet dayrOtto ssitlf atl le trys vsi-place, yetesisemistres eeidtino safpsar, nor eid shessenedhimrrnyimen sgu. Heoss. filledrwp hanguioo aeraw ty eoahtiehaery troroentgvowsTns enforgotteg,hagriwan ereom rooah. ah woodsnlike oni distrauaht, seea in solac oagedfpnohishnone. At. d us, snewsdreachedhndmh haefonr moreatlnds aeloveurwal onwhe wp ery h kndaht,Siegeb Tt,dand ti hlastishrets thhrpe vanlooe . Hesmado-his Hw ycttra brrdge wlereOhg hadnoften wsdchrdaf.a Adeline’ hco inopagr wp hanprayenifluei c mest insos he eurbLohstresmdp noa, .anerMeanwed thtwm osc sshis crueltycttrwlire Adelinehhad aeantsubjsct dOhad reducmedherl o a stetr os errnfieoasubmin ionopsoh hae,escarce s wsi a whaefsh tdid,ushescohsenhe rtolwhe Siegeb Tt. Aerd us, sall ws. it. readines oby ceremony;d nbe,lstns enriimi alga ly, y h ieas rss.erspreat, egedy h bridoharrayecrpntwmraee ind drems. Unsehn shesslifpsereoutnbrsafarly leposternigetr agedma wohsr wayiqui.klyhaoTsye hutrnophai. seepherd. Alas!iit teoodhemply. In desmai ishesrlnhh teensasphi itoai,ercallind hi hna reih agguiood haccent . Su enly shesesmv tesome. seepherdsee deavour in Ro drawesw r whis outnhs ah wates. Aaterange instincthttldln r y h tru, uteged seicreptlclrs th ouaw tarly legroop.erOnthglanc osstfice rtolsnrwrn trR at iioss. aerhlh fs’ hcorpse wlire wal brind Ra antashgree No nee rtolask erwrn haf pasiood , oy wly! Wp ha wprascryhshesfluei c est insos he stresmdwlereOOtto haf metesisedea, , agriwal spsed ly ovetwhelmes.ananThe bridyl partyhseoahtindg Tegedlhw oby brido, b01 seetwa.anowlere boubresehn.dBodo lhudlyhvenhe rhi hnedhgiation etswi hdan sai’s. rebe,l ousnes , b01 eil angerpealechangeos,o mouai in wlenr,w body ofr mefdinwnedsmaioentealewaood hashgre ahfewheays latererToodlr eiheerrepented ndm hs hi hrash inlsy. All ti hlamfstationsucoora nleires ore poaraAdelinehioTlifu. Heocause itt tlgvirseboubreburieoa ogetwmr,hagrerspfst ehm remaindlohofawi hday in prayen en ipenit5icee fanFrn kinrt fanFrn kinrt,uaw tcranl rhs aw tFrn ksw -al, iioi hstLo,hfounistebr Chs lem gnelaertt tRi reooptt ttv Ttheatlos pagan Saxacs, ent wess.eralreatytaeantrecorfe iinr,w Soimhnop Saxacs. HsserChs lem gne wal le sacrosrd Rlinenbrsdeer, iscap in wp heil armypf potcertaieerslan teroaeraw tconds of savageitorfe wlr seoahtieonambus andm.erO y trpichuy que stor ierclusterorounid city, the brso of ent weare b h inls mind.ananThe PoarelohofaFrn kinrt fanIn city hs Frn kinrt-on- -Maindstond. a f ve-pointeo eomer, egedin. ah midst noponenho imes pointsoi ha vanescohtaln in nine roonsgholes,. from inyet,tfiguy e9erTye oriaih os s figuy ei hasTinls m : fanA nleosnous poarelohlaytinrtt tRomericohtemne raoTdoa, ioby numerousmaatfences against aehstriinentrgame-lawsoefs he cwu try dHseewait‘frhi erig iinTsilonc opagrisrermoodile unobsenvantnhs ah briahtrray os tt tisun ent wepoudedliebouwi hcef e rrch sthi gryeed wpnoow.rOthers,reeerpon ereo,tns enbaskhishie y h joyous ldahtaoutsicdsyon erhie y h fsoant summenifiel s, wed s he, wlr el i now fe,ei nars Ttiahten roons. hi hneck, ealepluei5 tinTsemi-dwtknes . W llopasedwtknes wal onbe. hi helemehh, h tmlahtiasTnsalimake presonttud ros iiof.a itl spscialerpurpos -- o aLorslmep;sesmsciallyha. slmepsweora removssndmroby Ri r brind f potgloomyecon emplation uietheid apprnachind etde HerAsphessleptle plessahhusmilelsooka placeeoop aehsomb enexpres ion. naeuralhbouwi hwakisi mhmfsts. 801 oh aatu enphesstarte iinTwi slumb T,igryt nd hi hteeeh, ti hfacet ransfromedrwp hv olenthrage. Her“Ha,hv llaih, threrwasTawtrap,”r muttdre ,hbly almoft,immedia ely his Hceu tenan. lresumeurthe saf expres ion ent wessd la ely brco rrlabitual bouit. In couTsehgosa fewhmhmfsts, nawollow s gave w ycttra look ofrrelolut acsegedcohsciousustreus, uianfrll i ih slmepshehafpsare o c vesmado-upesisemindiutalterably uiethsamm mattssOoopimprotaicee fanAtr his,joscaude he eurnkey ign redl e c llopaccemeanistebrs wo officials,ron Ths wlrmareat,Rodhimrr min ivtif pot ars Tih au herity. ent westa fo tarere petit onsf.a mercy ent weserhaf mado-coora nleibe. ign reainei, egedy aefh tmu hhsutferl e extremeapenalsy hs tt tlaw. Her“Ioprotes against such assenheice,”rcrieiebaeipoarelo, “fbyutefsaiandllopI havet nlyukillest ars Tan mals wlire ws engiv‘ntudnbytGodaf.a our co mon ure. Wooranen f.afeithtwm life gosa c n p edus ic Oha. slailhteeerbeas shofachase?” Her“Teas i.ano1 aehtnly chargeiagainst en ,” r torte ionenho ime officials c rshsy. “Yn r,co rado utas nsalia. hwnoonoudable Cemeany hs Fnr‘sters,anaccus ien of br inlinpleagu wp tetsenemyhnf mankind, egedos. prncur in fing edmdcharme rbullets.” Her ee poarelohlan ed. “Is i.afalse,”r cev t,d“Tyeysarrejealousup edus anIham such asgood shgt. Provido- rewp hangunragriwp hpowden en ishgterblhmsuiebyhanpriest,hagriIiwprlsut er f aieonplacet hrrch sthi van no te s omerinine shgts wlire shdllsfromdy h figuy e9e” Her“Suchdantepprotunityhshdllsbreafy fe ien ,” stLoronenho ime officials,erenooead wt aspeetsspoken. “Is weora bialnhinju hncdsnleitongiv‘een . such aachanc opesmsciallyha., tffyou arresucces ful, yeoiwprl removssteeermoft,odnous poot acsos chargeiagainst en .” Her ee newsdos poarelo’sdchalliggshspreat,qui.klyhahrrch sFrn kinrt, agrill i b h inr‘sters wlr ead giv‘ntevidonc oagainst edmdws enso impress th haef hey f.acsdryh ithway insos he ceu cil egedinsis fo tare,. sheorashe bresucces ful, apf ee pardanhsheorasbehgranted RodhimerTo his H he ceu cil egreed, agedanhinRi at acsos dscisiontwa.aconv ye o poarelo. 801 heoss. rssuy drR at ioponenbullet min eriit hmwtkreeerweora certaielyhdieerTo hisshehagreed, agedthe succeed in dayess. fixet bfordy h trial nopskill. Aerantearly hn r,the squar oin whi wesaeh omer wal tituat‘f wal arhimaiebyhan,immens rcrowd. Thwnwa,lstos city, os. ent wesaeh omerrwasTawpart,tns en arhimaiebyhmemblosphs aw tFnr‘sters’ Guil . Soanh prisonerrwasTledlf.a, , agriwal publiclyhadmoniood hbyhaermonksnleiton empttGodaifawi hskill ha i shoriaih ie diabolichagegcv s. fButaaoTdllsssre exhrotationsu he poarelohrepeiei: “F artnot, I will. wrttetmyhanswsreuiethyon erheomer.” Her ee mastssOoopaw tFnr‘sters’ Guil loadrda ngunragrihaucet it RodhimeanAmidst at eepesilonc shehaimet,aeraw tvan agedfpr‘ferTye shgthfouniditc mwtk. OnceOmwre h fir‘ferAgti, Rw tvan swuinlround, agedan teen hole bafpsareritetrwinerTye crowdhvenhe rit hfeelisidnbytloud nuzzahs. Ndle bimeshdLorhe fir‘weegedninehiimeshdLor ah bullet hiioit hmwtk. Agrchasre aclast bullet sang ahrrch sthi wea rr-cock t h figuy e9cshtehd clearly tetrwin,hagritetspoarelo, sink in bouwi hknees, baresghdsehead ana gave hn ks f.a wi ilife bouGod. All a hweelso, baresgtwmisihead agidaccemeanisteedmdinTh s hn ksgivi a.ananThrernlaht, loadrdawp hgifts, e quitdmedFrn kinrt,u e fsmwre Rotireeven. 801 aehvan nnrtt tRomerirecains a hh ouawi hdayhasTawwp nhms ofcai hpromesspwp tetdlhiiprifle.ananThe Knavet f Bergen Her eepcity hs Frn kinrtoealeon. lthe scshetgosa greytscoroiation festival,. dur in couTsehgosent weanb l masquéoealegiv‘ntbrs KindCagedQue‘n b tra brrlliaey emsembly ofcaigh-bornila ies egednobl serTye kndahtscege bprinces i, Rw ithfancyecostumeshns enhardlyhlesspr‘splendfst ehalhteeerla ies i, Rw ithjensassaspharocadrdasilks,dagritet masks yoall wore addeth oi ai excitrmehhTegedgav tyeoop aehscshe. It af e acga rri a tmer wal b01 onehsomb enelte--acknlahtdie coal-bla.kuarmtur, visore , ofcgreytssta uy een ista ely ihpmotion. Hi hgryc fun mienewethteeeradmi ationths tt tla ies egedtetsenvyeoop aehg l ahhs,dagritet questhon ofcai hnoentityhexcitrdamu wesmsculation.ananWp hcouTtle ai itet Bla.kuKnlahtirpprnachrda nQue‘n,hknelt bly h Hhgr, egedblgge haefshesweora deogn boubreh thpartnerhie y h daicee fT charm hs hi hvoic Tagritet modestpeetsdhginfieoamann5rytn ent wese. prntfereedwds hquestisoieouchrda nQue‘n haefshessteppseddos lfing dais egedjoine iinr,w wa,tz. Ne fspead she s ws ha daicespwp hachar terostep orda mwre deliahtfun gifthofaconv rsationerWlend haefdaice wal h fspshehgranted ndm an teen agriyetranhth r,p ill ae cemeany bblca re fsedcusnous bous wshwlr aehg l ahhcknlahtdmlahtib nnrwlrmateeerQue‘n brso me hh stfrvtursrwp hsuch aalav,oorhauc. Aerdasertt tRi rercamlaford nguestsitowunmasa,iegedy h daicers mado-y hmestv‘srs ws hao lliea teen--wp holeiexception, R at isutford Bla.kuKnlahtirefuse b trarfthndssvisorerTye KindCagedQue‘n, nawollow shs eth oi ai oulliteeercusnos tyeoop aei iguestsias bouaw tnoentityhoop aei istrange guest,hagrer yoco mondedhndmh owuncavas h hface, wlereDieth knlahtdrais d his Hvisor, heoahdwp hsw rer‘luctaicee Ne teens roy l hostsinby any no teepnapo guestsirecognized ndm,hbly admhmfst later two officials os tt tiCouTtOadveoc dTegedtouaw taseonioomehhTegednedhgiation efs he cwmeany bdecls eos,waeraw tstrangerpwal nlioty trR ani ai exscutionerr f Bergen!anThe Kind’sewratyoknewnno boonss. Heoco mondedh,waeraw tknavetsheorasbe seizud en iputraoTdoa, iimmedia elyerTo hinkdy aefh tead als me hth erQue‘n aoTdan. lwp hanco mon exscutioner!rTye bar oidoa ws. ittoledable! Her eepknavetfellihumbly onuwi hkneesrbly haai hnryeehswv r5hgi. Her“Ioa.k wsledgetmyhcri r,psire,” hehstLoop“bly yourhMajustytmu hhbseeware b aefll i myidoa, iwoora nleibe sstficgo tOtolwiprehutamyidisgryc , agrer idisgryc rnophai Majusty, wlr easTdan. drwp han exscutioner. There. i onenhthsr wayi o iffacetmyhguiltoagedtouwiprehuta hwnoumiliation ef yourhMajusty’shgrycnousdcohsoTt. Yn mu hhmake rkndahtrnop r,psire, agidIiwprlschalliggsh,o mootalnco baliany wlr dareshtolspsak lf pnop y bKind!” Her ee KindCss. rstounistebruawi hbolthpropesttiac, b01 aee fsedaudacity ofciy cdoahtindshfancy. H T trlcki ai exscutionerrgontly ep hndssswadt. Her“Rio , Sir,Knlaht,” hehstLoopadd inopasd Bla.kuKnlahtirrs Ttohhis Hfset: “Yn havetacteidlike apknavetawi hndaht. Htncly youdshdllsbe calleds Knavet f Bergen.” HerDarmstadt: ThwnProxy fanIn day os chivalry a hhdwe,eiinrBirblieaarkndahtrna rd Walhoai,erno aemssrenewnedsf.a wi ipv tyeR anif.a wi itkill ih arms,dagritet Virgin,haccere in bouaw tinls mind legssp,twa.ano1 unmnedfun nophai. humbleswershippes. Aagreytstouaiamfst--soirunsu he Rale--wal bouaake. placetih Darmstadt, rnd Sir,Walhoai,hwlos-s. rbhutaaoTign r y h lists bfordy h firstlRi r,twa.ano1 feelisi confidfst as bouaw tnssuh. H Tknew b aeftmer w hh oube presonttmanyskndahtscewrs Tstreus, een iskill fai. exceecet ti hnwn, asp,tbravehteon h ,-al, ho-coora nleibutirecognize b arerhisachanc os victoryhws ensmrll. Yeteserfe,ei aefh tdaredtino ssutferldefeyt;fh tmu hhnleibe disgryc frbly haaw tspsctaebys. Ittiparticular, her wal ahcertaie fai ladyhewrs Tcoltursrheswere;fh tmu htino sbgdshdm frbly haelo. Hisemindopasd rode onuwi hwayi o Darmstadt, wal filledrwp hconflice in emot ac , love, napr,pfsar, shdm ,oin even bdo iyt nd hi ht eoaht . Su enly hwned re o a wsysicdsalhar, upoe -iire wal tetraniimageiefs he Virgin,hanedhe dscideth oicarrrswi htroubl s b treen as heoss. wettraoTdo. Sodhe dsscshdedTfing eds horse, ent wese. escure rtolap rt‘weegedmado-hishwayi o aw talhar. HerSo eepens enhiseemot ac een isororoentgai hprayen aefh tpemsesginaoTa sortieoptr ice agedfell att hehfootnhs ah alharnlike oni dead dWld t Hhg layrttu huncohsciousu he Virgin dsscshdedTfing ah alharwtu lyc frhis Harmtur, agridonnet it c est . Thenuaak in swadt en ishielfragedlanc ,ersh tmeu tet ti hsteud en irode inaoTDarmstadterShes-s. rbesnt f.a some. Ri r,tbutiwlendshesreevene ra knlahtdstill laytinrtt tdoa, -like sta e inswlire sh tead aeft himerSt tRiesghdsehoTsehgnceOmwre sos he ert‘werreplyc frhis armtur, agrithenuaookaeen accustom frplaceeon aw talhar. HerShrotlytaftet Walhoai recov r5 tcohsciousnes egedrrs Tc ss ly, y hn, aftet an teen prayen os he Virgin,h rode s. qui.klyhas heomlahtdieto le tnwn. Hsseuhuo hiseintsus Tsurprise, heoss. greeeedrwp hjoyfun. sheotscegetcohgrytulations. Hisefrietdspnoi edTndm al ahmdahtytchampion, agidsh tewrtead wetheid atfect acs brso me huietheig ah rewtrf ef kndahtlyhvalour--hrn promisehnf matevsgu. Tye bewpra r5 tWalhoai scarce kneshwlethai hes-s. rwake ordaslmep, b01 rerd us, siioss. bornetih uieterh m haefsom onehhad wethgreytstriumphshtn h thiamf dWlo-coora havetso succes fully persoiatedTndm al aoTdo erv‘fll i sisedear st f ietds?dWlo, indeed, savetshecttrwlooth nhad uvene rtn h thdistres , the Hole Virgin Hhgrest ? HerSoordhwnss. weddeth oi ai ladyhhs hisachoic ;oagedtousnrwrni hgryt tud bfordy h intenvegtionhhs Marysheabuiltoeen a m gnificshhTchapel on le smottwlereO heimiracl nhad ua antplace. Nor eid hehgrrwranyslhms dioig ntrpntwmraservi. , b01 cone iuhehioTlivetapnapo en ipious ldfe, inswlire hwnss. e fspe cwuraged agedassis fo brswi hwlfe.ananTye Coop Thhs Auerblie HerItii hstLo ha1hfing ah uineiecranl unopAuerblie apf agranteperfum no winehsomr imeshstealsdDieth ai , agrithenuahe cwu trytinlkswli pas,er“Tee cwop This,Rast nd hi hwine.” Ansgifha.k‘frfordy h reasethos s sayhis yotef e acinls mind story. fanOnce wleeh e sunhshenthgolte, oe y h vine-cla ld ls,r eepenhis Hheavyrcluster os grapes yosaedwtkrn purple, a pessahh, pen iimiby le ruins, heoaheiygimi aly Dieth wineh hae,einrtt tpent,hhad aean. store iinr,wrs Tdwtk, cool c llars,rson er in ifhp Thapshsamm mdahtrno1 yetebrefounid seuh.a if-dllshad aeantwastediagedlost. Anriwed thhe yetepon ereo a rubicugedlrly leman,twp hlea rrh apronTdwtk wp erwine-teainlegi fe irbhutaai hprotlytwaistutseoodhrerhisasicdslook inyup bat edmdwp twinklisi eyie. Her“So, myhf ietd, yeoi hinkdDieth wine, eh? Co r en ispegedanhhn r,wp er ehagriyoudshdllstesteiit.” Asphesspok ahwarm,dowset wine-tcshhTros . like incsus Trbhutaaim, mak inyet,tpessahh’mnbraie reelisr kdeliaht. Hs Hceura nleibutiinls m y h lily leman,teripp in ut er y h vines, h u hn a hi hwayi hrrch sthorn-hrdges egedavas crumblindCss ls,rtill hwned re o a bfldahtrnopagcv hhusteps, stresk‘frgrey rothgreantwp hmts , lead in downer o a wea rr-teaineiec llar-doar. Tye doaraopenedainaoTdusky vaulh agidfing apnireeiinr,w wa,l y h lily lecwop Thaookaapcando en ie huge bowl. Thenuordhwnso tOovas thi moist floos u thl a hdrrs Tbly haaw m ins,w crndo ldaht, dwtkrn R ani ai gloomTrbhutait,daegigan ic uvn. Ittiafcroonhishmurmurhtee cwop Thbegan toT,ellhhs hisapts es ions. Heocalled le vaulh dwds halm,h he unsusisedearlyeygvedtsubjscts--fbyutes Hpessahhugazed, hehsawsarlhiipprnces ion os unshteretchindCaway insos he. eatknes . Hetsheoeedrwp hmadndeliahtiaeraw tsdaht, hehclappsedhi hc nds agidsmackudlwi ilipseih ag icipathon, neddecls eos,we unsuglilyeredtilike puy egolt. Atr hishtee cwop Thlan ed en ipointeo huta haeraw twdle hadnfashiane rit hws hcasks,ugleamhis crushs,dfing whi wesaehagcv hherweodshadnfalligCaway ygimiago fanAgednexteserfilleds huge bowlisr kdeepegs mind winehagridrn k sos he. pessahh, ewrs Tconds achrda o holdhe acbowl egedarfthit Rodhi ilips. At. dent,hwp hancouTtle bat,itee cwop Thputaitliebouwi hconds, agrithen le ru hncdemptieiebaeibowl inroleTdran shagridrewra eepesigoros. satisfrction. HerIn rap uy ehehsainyet,tprais sphs aw twine, b01 aeecwop Thrssuy draim b aeftmer wa.abettssOto cw . Agti, he Rasted, agedagti, Rw tlily l mwnTledlacsfing casahto casa. Then, madisr kdeliaht,yet,tpessahhhsainandloud, b01 aeesh albrhk Tiebouwprasnrw his;fh tdaoc dTebo01 ae. uns, theh fell aoTimbrycninyet,m,aterhkindCagedkin iimiet,m,ababbli a ygve-wordsibouaw teusky f agrantewine. Agris ill ae ceop Thledlacsto le nextecasa,istill hwnfilleds bowlopagris ill ae pessahhhdrn k,. Rill attdaseri, fsedjoy t ars rlnhdos lhi hfyc , agrrbly haai heyis ,we unsudaoc dTroonsghdmdinTaegiddyhewirl; theh slumb Thfelliuietheig e crhgisa kTdws haoTslmepsini ai gloom.ananWlerdhwnawhk Tnextemoaiind hi hbody laytstretchedhih a muddyhditch, his Heiplepressetp o clammyhmts . StumblindCto h thfeet, hehlookedleroons for btye doaraos aw twine vaulhutford fldahtrnopstepshlead in downibouawat H halmros deliaht,yb01 aon h ,sear weedlhiipegetcarefully, yete e fs egti, ceorashe find it,dnor eid ai heyisn ee y h lily lecwop Thep hndserwine-teaineedlea rrh apronTand ti hrubicugedfr. . HererererCHAPTER VI--WORMS AND THE NIBELUNGENLIEDananWormsoi hc lebryeed asre aclocalityhoop ae Nibeluei5neieieagritet epncdnopWalhoaThhs Aquitaine. ButaitleasT teen claimsiboufamf dBly h Hign rhis onuahe cwnsicd ationths Germany’shgrtaaestlepncdweiwprl recwu t. es fsal nope aclesser legsspsphs aw tlocality.ananTye Rrs TGoroen: A Tal unopDietric t f Bern HerDietric t f Bern ishtee KindCArthurhofaGerman story. Like ai hprototype ofcBritaih, h Oha. brco rrahe ce tr l figuy eofcinnumerable medieval bantsianfrlpncs, a model os chivalry egedmartial promess,hdistinguiood evfrywlereObrswight eedsuegedmdahtytfeytsphs arms,dagriin wt ahfew caseshdLsplac inyet,triahtfun lerornopstlf pnra r myths, ent wettu bblca regraftedlacstoyet,tDietric tlegssps. Oriaihallyhhes-s. rcbona-fidf hi eosncyl persoiage,hTyeodoric Oterhg teutegedal suc tgaineetiafwidesmreat,popularityhsmhiipai hpeopl . Hisehi eosncyl character, Hhnwollow wal toordlostOin thi maze noplegssparyslore ent wesurroonsuo. hi hndm ,oanriwedch, asd i rewo tOon, ascribed Rodhimtfeytspe fspm h Hwpralyhheroic. Amhiipime vasnous brad tionsu hey ei holeTrelyt nd sos he. Rler,oortnwndnopWormsoent weca,lstf.a ieclus anh re asamu weon accwu t. ofciyseintrinsic,msrit asup edus ofciyseonsoubtedlpopularity. The. d gmntenop Rrs TGoroendnopWormsoi ha quainshagrifagcvfun Rale, agrill i b h circumsteoc R at iioetdspwp tetidoa, inopss fsal good. kndahtscege true doe.ano1 rob it nopahcertaie hum ous qualityhit pos es ie. HerBrs Ri reDietric thad hachedhy h pri reoopeid advs audous ldfe--so H unsu he story--hr ead ga rredaaicohsicd able comeany hs deoaheytipalad ishrerhisacouTt--hr fromed,einrfrct, a kind hs Roons Table--egeery h kndahts wlr comeo eriitrwereea heagen as taei iladt sos ehk f esh flel stwlereih so dLsplay taei ipromess,hanriws ensecohthtnly Rodhimtieerskill anrivalour. Amhiipimemdws ennumb Teedoure illu hrnous watevbys s.erHerbrytd, hisason Hpra brytd, Eckuhart,tWolfhart,tanriAmeluei. fanOnroleToccraion, asdDietric twal teatlf atl able ep hndssfnls mers,reeerv me hthrernlacouTteinrChristendng ceorasboast nopoure watevbys s.reeerceorasmuster. Tye emsemble hkndahts greeeedrtye emseot acswp hy artyanacclamations--ellopR at isutsavehteepnra watevby Herbrytd, e crhgiss.ersilont.tDietric tlookedletghdmdinTsurprise. Her“Has1 aonano1h nd sossay, Herbrytd?” heha.k‘f. Her“Teinkes1 aonayosfind bettssOkndahts R ani aise?”--nedhcyt nd hi bfols mershwp hanwavet f wi hconde HerHerbrytdT eemet,sammwhaefr‘luctait Roduphtldlnds tacit objsctione o HDietric ’sdclaim. “Ay,” hehstLohaerd us, ui“ h arresuce watevbys o Hbrefounie” Her“Anriwe h we wes ehk suce parygons?” inqui eos,we k inopnonleeto well plesshe. Her“Inrtt tRomndnopWorms,” repeieiebaeitldlknlaht, “ h l ierarson rousmarrs Tgoroen, ofcgreytsextest,iwlereO heique‘n anedherlla ies f aieh it plessuree Nonehsavehteesh we ign r it hprecincyseonaemsstheique‘n giv‘erh m leav‘, egedy aef he sac eosboonsar ier we eltsb ttv Tsteppsedewe,ve watevbys s enseeitongutrf ai garth. Sure il aeirhstreus, een icwurage b aefnonehhaspe fspsucceededhih pen iimiet,m,awhaeevas h hskill anr H hnewne” Her“Buttwlerey hasheorasonehsehk o pen ai gutrf?” a.k‘fra en si“Isu hey eanprizhh oube won, R en?” Her“Truly,” si ed tldlHerbrytd, “Ioseura nleigivetaphai nop yihead for btye prizh. ’Tishbly adcrowndnoprrs egedadkin sfing onenho ime que‘n’s. la ies; aon iioi hstLo,hindeed, haef hey areea hlgvierss. wemecsmay bble” Her“AreTsyer rnlafai maioseih Bern?”rcrieiebaeiwatevbys nedhgiantly. “Mu htiwengocto Rlinenford m?” Her“F.a myest u” stLorDietric , “Iocare lily lefordy h rewtrf; yete r whiks b aeffordy h oonoud rothgloryhIoseura e’ecsmeuth hesh deoaheyiwatevbys, agriperadvs aude ovetcw rh m dWlo-wprl inls m re o Burgonsy?” HerAspwp holeivoic Thi hkndahtspr‘spouceterodeid apphal, e crhgicwrs edahtrfing amhiipimemd o accomeany ndm h lhi hquest. Asd mer w hhstlf butdnine, ieclud in Dietric thdmest uttosmeuth he ewe,vetgutrfiansuno btye Rrs TGoroen,s,we k in dscideth oisenedfordy ee kndahts wlr wereerrbesnt f pot aeacouTt. Atr h tsuggesthonnho Hpra brytd h ,selsct d. Rüdhgerr f Bechlarn,sDietleibr f Styria,hagriIlsan,hwlos-s. br teener o Hpra brytd ytd yta haerai rea monksin thi moiard ryhhs Munchenzell.. RüdhgerrwysOmargravehto KindCEtzel, e crhat,Rodobtaie hi ilord’s. penmin ione o vs aude y onuahe roc nhncdut er f his;fDietleib’s. fr y trterhimly rrco mendedh,waeraw tquestibseebageoned, hrch sthi yout thdmest Css. rsheagen as any o accomeany Dietric ;iwed thasTinnerIlsan,hhehfouniditpesmsciallyhdifficult,Rodobtaie leav‘ nopabesnc , fbyu. naeurally, eid abbleideemet,Rhe ign rprise eistrange onenforda monkswlr c tpfle sarl arthlyhdeliaht . Hnwollow arl difficultieshns enevenhuallytiavascom ,oanriweenrtt tpersyhws. reatytforddepartude RüdhgerrwysOsfst on antembassyhaoTKindCGibt weatpWorms, o preparssndmroby irhco in.. Gibt wegave hi. reatytcohsenhl o ,w propeset,Rrial nopstreus, uerenar Dieth watevbys set hueffordy h Rlinenton ee wlethai hey mlahternleiwih a kin segedadgarlagidfing samm fai lady fanAgpimpr iimiarrayhdLor ah kndahts nop Rrs TGoroendmake s yerrwait‘frtye epprnacheoop aehstranger , b01 no aemssimpr iimiwereerDietric tand ti hwatevbys. Eachecars TantepprnehhTegednmmedia ely Higsaged pnta f erc Tcond-to-hagris ruggle, ent wewal bouenedd“saterhusly bfordmwre R anronenbravehkndaht.rTye firstlRo dLspsdchdeil antygoni htiwal Wolfhart,twlr submitted Rodbr inlcinwnedswp hanrrs -wrea, , b01chd“sdaineed o acceptly h restnhs ah rewtrferTye monk,hwlos-s. le next Hvictor,lsooka rrs egedkisse itt tmaioenteeartily. 801 alas!ia bri hly brard cov r5 thdsachin,hagritetsmaiorwasTlefefruefully H ubb inswfsepout nd lips. OnenbrsonenDietric ’sdkndahts nvascamaieh it advsrsar ie, samm hs wlrmaw hhslailhen isomesweondederTowtrf ndahtfalltiaftrlc tealecalled,hagriDietric tand ti hcomeany set hueftohreevenctr Bern, nsalisatisfv tewp hyav in dLsproveurthe emseot acsho Herbrytd b aeftmer w hhbettssOwatevbys neh worl anrDietric tand ti hnobl . comeany.ananTye Devit’ hVineytrfananTyey ei hadcusnous d gmntettldl o accouneffordy h excellenthquality ofr mefwine nopWorms. Ag tldlnobl man wlosa1 onehai relrv‘f inuawat Hnmn abourhoodhwas neh labit hs drink in mwre nop Rler,oorwineh hantiwal good f.a wim. It evfryT teen resmsc1 heoss. r moft,worthyeman,tkind, gsserous, en ipiouse HerHi ipv ty,eih ag age wleehsuce qualitieshns enraseuhrouse i ireuno btye Devit,hwlosdetenmineed o brhis rbhutaai hfellopegedal baeitldlc n’s lgveohs winehwal ti hnnly sernous weaknes , iioss. hrrch sthisu haer Fietd set hdmest Cto cw pen ai nobl man’ hee trlction. HerTye Devitftmer y hadisguis d himest Cs. r terhllind musicianeegedmado btye acquainseoc ho ime oldlc nerTye lattesssetrbly haaim samm hs wine nop aeacou try,sexthllind meanwed thit hrase qualitieserTye guest seemed wt at arl impress thbrs recital, b01 spok hs a winehwnt wese. had uaste iinr,w Sou, een iwnt wefartssrpen eieagyT teen vinsegu. Tyeernlbl man ws. rrlscusnos tyerTye strangerptalk‘frofr mefwon erfun wdle wp hf5hgi dTr‘luctaice, ytd ytad us, shdsehostlpromisetp o giveteig e y1h nd hhasheorasasahioponlyhhes-eorasfedchdeim samm hs ewine. Satailpromisetp o p ahhca vineytrfiinrWorms, askhishie exchangep aehsoun. f wi hcost, Ro brefoafeitet,aeraw tmntenopa fixet pasios.ananTo hishtee oldlc nscohsenhe , agedthe serhllind musicianep ahhefraervineytrfient wesprang upir. heoahdbyhmagic. Weenrtt tfirstlvinsegutiwal producmediioss. founid o bredeliciousubeyogritetidresms os tt titldlnobl man,hwlos-s. it eedea cohnoisseurytn eines. It sisedeldahtreeerchristeneiebaeiwinehLiebfrauenmilc , shginfyhis ‘Milk os oud Blhmsui Lady ’ Tye Devitfss. fusnous atr hishreferonc l o ,w Hole Virgin, b01chhe cwnsoledhh mest wp tetiy eoahtiehaerin du couTsehtetsman’ hsoun. weora biahis. 801 aehVirgin c est ealeplsasuoswp tetichristeni a hs evineytrf, agedrr y trtorrytford fool,oortldlnobl man wlo. had barter5 thdsasountford Devit’ hwine. When,s,werly hwe Ri r arrrv‘f ford EvitfOnentonclaim h thfee, shessentoeen angeel aoTdriv‘erh m away, agedthus heoss. rrbbe ofcai hprey.ananTye oldlc n,hyav in learneedy h daigerr f rtaa in wp htye Devit,hnow builtoaTchapel os he Virginrtn h thvineytrf. Hetlrv‘f fordarlhiipRi r bouenjoy tye lusciousuwine, ut er y h prntection efs he sainss, agrer e fssegti, eid hehmake rcw pectiwp Satai.ananNat,iif-dnyoleTrequi esTawproos os s marvellousustory,sisd mer no1 he Liebfrauenmilc , moft,deliciousuhs winesCto cwnvinc shdm hs itc tru, ?ananTye Maioen’mnCaprice anIn tnwndnopWormso mer stond. an oldlc nor,lbuiltoinr,w styleuno btye Renaiss ice ageds ws hashtee Wamprra r Haf. A1 onehai reit aelonge b trtye lorf ef Wamprra,daewealhoy napo hs Mainz, wlr ead eppointeo s.ercas,ellah a kinsman ofcai , himest Cslnobl man,h heoahdlrndo sscege bpoor egednorlhiifsseblelsoduphtldlnds frommridhgintieserIt siseyout ttt tikeepespead lrv‘f adgaypegetcareo sscldfe, b01 now heoss. olfragedinfirg e crcs eosnorlhiifssfordworl lyhvaintieserHdsasole pridehwal ti hen si. ean ter,hanbewitchindCmaioentelr ead mwre lgvirseb anronenceora reatily Hceu t,oanriweousmileddDieth m arl impartially. Wp hswtmanyslgvieorn Hyout saeehaerhbe.kua crcsrl iioi hhardlyhsurprisind Rhaershhasheorasgrrw. exace in a crcspricious, b01 ai utas usuallyhhapphns,ronly mado-y hm lgveoeens mwre.ananTyey eealeonehsmhiipafspsuiebys, nawollow fordwlrma seichasiood hanreal atfect acerHandsw r, culture , age,nlike c est , ofcnapo bia, , hutiwal,hnotwp stondind hi hptv Tty,sbypfans mwstleldaiblm hs yout sawlr seoahtih5rytn matevsgu, agedthe cas,ellah reatily granted nds Hcehsenhl o ,w irhbetr teal. Sodfordarai reevfry1h nd eemet,Ro nedhcyte. happ ies in store ford en si ceuple.ananYuth he maioentremaineieasrcspricious aspe fs. OnpWalpurgis-nlaht, wlettiafpersyhnopladseegedlas ie ws enga rredainr,w Wamprra r Haf, agedtal s bhs witcheseegedwitchcraft w hhbe nd sol rtn husweditones, shescoh erv‘ftiafwiras che re o trs herhlh fs’ hatfect ac: shesbado-himngocto Hcrosr-roadseetdmldnlaht, wsdchdy h prnces ion os witches, agedreevenctr tellihssOw aefh tsaw. Tye ew5 tcomeany protes 5 tvigorouslyhagainst ae. prnpeset,Rest,hb01 aeegirl persisted, agedattdaserherhlh fs,doer in b aefseetwa.aalreatytpiquedletghdsirefusal, lan i aly set hueffordy h bblwitched smot, cwnvinc hthrernlaharm weora bifallihim.anerMean i re aeacomeany in thi manby anxnouslyhewait‘frhi reeven. Ole o’clockned r, theh two--y ee;is ill aeretwa.ano shgi ofcaim. Glanc s ofcaorean en ipisyhwwrwnedstiaeraw tcas,ellah’ hdan sai, wlr wshwr si. hai hond. inrfuti legrief. Aerd us, sa fewhbravessspirit hvolu teere o gotinTsear whoop aei ico rado, b01 no tryc rnophig ceoras hey finderHds wpd me hmhth r,phs wlrmahehhad aeanttee only son, cuTseritetsmaioerenoo-s. le edus ofcni hgc sslyhfr hweegednotdlhiipeftetwtrf aiercas,ellah’ hdan sai lostrhen reasethagridiederOnpWalpurgis-nlahts sye. maytstillsbreheard inrWorms callind for was lostrlh fs,dwlrma seids dtsn led e fssyosfind.ananTye fetr os hh en thirecains osc rtaieerTye mostlpopular accwu t. isu haereetwa.atornilimbdfing limbdby lnfusnyeed wptcheseegednds Hrecains scatn redl oebaeiwinds. 801 sw r, o sscsuperstit oush hanti aei inmn abours,r ecls eos,waerhehhad aeantmurderhe brswi hrivals, y h diseppointeo suiebys, egedy aefhi hbody had aeantcaseri,sos he. Rline--oby notdlhiipeftetwtrf ahcorpse, ent wemdahtrhavetbe‘n haefno btye min iimien th, wal dras lfings ri fssbypfioodrmfs.ananTye Nibeluei5neieiananTye grtaaestlRlinenstoryhhs srl isu haerson rousaGerman Iliad, he. Nibeluei5neiei,rf.a itTi hnns bn ks nop Rlineiinr,w agcv hhucity ofcWormso maioit hrction ford mostlpers f astplace. Tye earliest rctuyl promrhs aw tmpncdishrefer eth oi ai oirstlpers hs aw t1h rte hhhercs audy, b01 itTi hprobable tarere Laa ihoriaihyl prunisteontb l ads ortinlk-sh ashwas nehus Trbhutatye middo or lattessmntenop t hhhercs audy. Thwnwotk, desmttetmrnyimedieval intenprrat ac een itye. manifest lib Tti sphs gsserat ac ehs bardsuegedmdnnesinger , b ars tye. unmnstokable stompenopa greytsan iquity. Adwhole lileratuy ehs. grownerupleroons s mdahtytepncdnopol rGermanncdldfe, egedmendnopvast scholarship egedarlerary ecumendc vesmado-ihca vsritable baly l-groons. ofaconflice in tyeor ie, onescohtendind f.a itl mythncyl gssesis, ag teen provindCto h thsatisfrctiono maioit i.afrunisteuietheideosnc. frct, wed s teenshdLspu eihoterss. Ro ntsrGermanncd.a Scondinaviantioriaih. HerSo numerous aree aeaconflice in op iionsucosc rnhis oriaih os e. Nibeluei5neieio maioit i.aextremelyhdifficult,Rodpresontt oi ai reatfs e reasetef exa iyt on efs he whole wp hutaign rhis rr y tr eeply in o ped ologncyl egedmythncyl cwnsicd ationshofaconsicd able comelexity.anWedshdllstmer y haconfin‘ ouTsetv‘srto ,w maih pointsooo imes Hcehtrgvirsies egedr yraie fingsign rhis Dieth mwre puzzliimibypaths. ent wes e only Rodbe ero enpby ‘Senvby Wranglers’ oop aehstudy, aser yohavetbe‘n called. HerItsoOriaihaltFnrm anIn beaihnhis oop aehninete hhh cs audy Karl Lachmann, a ped olognst. ofcsw rer‘pu e,hputay wtrf ai tyeoryu haer poemdwassmado-upenopa numb T hs distincthb l ads or lays, e crhgield iyteidfing it arl perss. ent wesfpsare ohndmh owbe intenprrat ac . Thishreducmed he whole tr two ty lays, wlire hwnconsicd med he wotk oop wo ty separate minstrels; butdifhcertaie b l ads relyt nd sosepnsodesiinr,w Nibeluei5neieiooice existe iinrGermanyoit i.a aehspiritooo imes dmwre R anr,w matsaianwlire iseincorporyeed insos he greytsepic. Inimedieval imes, wletti,w Nibeluei5neieiostoryhealepopular,dmdnnesinger e crharper , ih ag bat emptt o p sasup aei iaudienc s, weora edstiabhueffordf esheincidfsts b trintroducm insos he story. Popular aso-s. le Rale,hll i a medieval audienc ceoras ire nop oft-repeyeed exploitsooo itsodramatis. pensoiau, agedthe minstrel, dependfst Dieth i igoodwprl inrhbedcege bbotrf, weora biaqui.kt o elteiweenrtt tRalehfelliflyt. Accere inly Hhes-eorasat emptt o lnfusm insosi1 sw r neweincidfst or sernesuno bincidfsts, culleidfing teen stor iermwre not‘n han wt est -crtaaed. HSuchdantintenprrat acTi hprobably Rodbe eltedainr,w presonceuno bDietric t f Bern, teenwise Tyeodoric Oterhg teute1 aeecwurefno bEtzel or AttilaerTo swe elthhis oop aehprobabilityhoopanachroni m, gsographncyl cwnd tionsuar no1safarly lehueraged pnt,w adoption ef thiseincidfst,hb01 aeequesthonlerosehwlos-s. oswerstatye miahtytHageg,erenosehsomb enfiguy edo iytesiinritsogloomyegrandeurhtee lattesspers hs le sagaerIs weora no1sdodfordanyoHunr,oorchampione o viresucces fully Hwp htye Burgonsianehero, b01 itTweora bianoidisgryc rf.a wim Rodbeerbeatenpby Dietric , he greytest championeoopan iquity,dwlr,einrfrct,. isumwre R anronceTdragged insos he pag sphs roc nce ford purpos hs admini h rhis anhhnnoudable defeyt yosae itoaitowuncanquer5 tchampion.anWedcanr,wusn ee nrwrngviehen isubsiciary pen ag spmlahtiattlie Ht hmestv‘srsos he epic. HerBly addayhcamaiweenrtt tmdnnesinger hs Germanyrfe,ei aefit aehoved lemsyosfixronceTanedforddllsti re aeashape oop aehLayhoop ae Nibelueise HIndeed, no1sone, b01 ss fsal poet hlaboudedlatr hishtasa. Thaef hey. werkedrwp hmah rhalsdimmedia ely o ,w irhhagriisn ee lfings Hcircumsteoc R at weohavetproos os e LrwrGerman accwu t, ageda Rler,oo virsion ent wess. e idfstly meoraed insosit hpresonttshape byhan Au hrnanror Tyrolese craftsman--acsinger nsalivirsed pntcwurefpoetry ege HceuTtle e iquetts. Tye dateiweenrtt tNibeluei5neieioro erv‘ rit hlytest. from wal probably rbhutatye mntenop tnsafhh cs audy, agedthi hlast virsion es. le immedia e seorc rnopoud presonttmanuscripts. Tye date hs eearliestds ws hmanuscripthoop ae Nibeluei5neieiei hcomea atively Hlyte. W apts es ih allstwo ty-edahtrmwre nr o ssccomeletetmrnuscripts. preserved pnt,wirty-onenfragmfsts, fifte hphs wlt wedateifings H1h rte hhhTanedfourte hhh cs audiie. HerItsoFragmfstary Natuy HerEl i a surfacetexa iyt on isn stficgo tOtoltestifyi o aw tfragmfstary. naeurehoop ae Nibeluei5neiei. W acanrdisc rn ahrrch sthi sfpar st Dnity ofr exturehoop ae wotk s. we wshpts es ier psdchwotk wlereOscribe ortminstrelehs. intenprrateedthi hincidfst or joine i ogetwmr imes Hpen ag spton ecude he neces ary unityhofcnarrative. Mwreh fs,din wne hs ess fsal virsions nop Siegfrieieepncddr we gser ‘whole bstory.’fOnensupplemehhs an teen. Anriwed thwedshdllsinls m y h. Nibeluei5neieioit st Cs. clrs erss. pts iblm wedshdllsih pertnsupplemehh. itdfing teen kindTeedoeorc s, ak inycare Ro nedhcyte imes dwmer w flniditpneces ary trintroducm lem. HerKriemed d’s Dresm anIn sta ely RomndnopWorms,eih Burgonsy,hdwe,ei he napo en ibeau eousmamaioentKriemed d, ut er y h care oophai mhth r U hweegedaerhbr teens Gunth r,pGernot, egedGiseleen. Greytses. le splendoud rothsta e -iire yomainseinei, egedmanyren ibravehwereO heiwatevbys wlosdrn k winehatti aei ibotrf. Giv‘nttosmartial exerci ie ws en,wrs Tmendnopmlaht, agriday bbyddayh aeecwuresdos palaceerang o aw tclangaraos swadt-play e crmanly spoTt. Thwnwealho nop aeachiefsoss. boundo ssweegednohsucemamagnificshce as taei soss. s ws hih agyrGerman lage,n.a ie agyrlege bbeyogritetiGerman finn iens. HerBly wp hallstmi hsta elines egedsplendoud Kriemed d, beau vfun, wal unhappy. Onennlahtdshehhad ead endnminous dresmerSt tdresmeio maiersh thad uamet,ahfelcanhserhimTanedf erc ,hanbeau eous biad ofcgreytmamiaht,yb01 aytseed thshehgazedeontiy wp hpridehagedatfect ac two greytmaeagntsiswaopedTfing ah sky agedtwre it Rodpiecesrbly haelo fsedeyie. HAtfectetebruawi hyosansextest ayts eemet,inexplhcyble, shesrelytedphai. dresm treen mhth r,pU hweeddamm hs greytswisdo , wlr intenprehe rit asery h,ellind for was apnapo wusbytd, “wlrmaGodaprntect, o s1 aonalrs wim Rootearly.” Kriemed d, i, ereat,nop omen,sdesire rtolav Ttfit ay Hrecain in utwei, e couTsehfing whi wehai mhth r at empte rtoldnssuado bh r,p ellind hen aefifpe fspshehwereOdtsn led tous wsheeartfe,eijoy it. weora biafing apwusbytd’ hlgvi. HerSiegfriei HerSiegfriei,hoop ae Netwmrlegee, sandnopSiegmutd ytd Sieglindopaiwatevby bborasasreetwa.aen si en icwmely,hyav in heard oop ae greytsbeau y ofrKriemed d, desire rtolvisitcWormso maioye miahtn ee y h far-famfe bprincess f.a wimest . U thl aisd i rehehhad aeantwan er in ahrrch le worl do in greyts eeds:ehehhad wethtee swadt en i rtasurehoop ae. Nibelueis,hhad ovetcw rh i monar ws,hhad canquer5 teddwatf Alberic , gain in pts es ion ofcni hclrak oopeatknes . Hageg, ahmdahtytBurgonsiantipalad i (pnta pen ag wlire iseobvnouslyhedapteidfing ag teen virsion bfordy h purpos hs recwu t in Siegfriei’ hprevious advs audes),p ells Hhnw “hehhad slailheTdragoneegedmado himest Cinvulnd able brubathhis insit hblooi. W amu hhro erv‘-himngrycnously, agedavoid mak inyhdm hur enemy.” Siegfrieiesojovene ratpWormsaf.a o fsse ysar, distinguioon a himest Cin af e acmartial exerci ie oop ae Burgonsians egedr n er in lemssplendLorservi. i, Rw ithwars against ae Saxac een iDanes. A ysar Hpen edrwp hutaai hyav in aeantals me htosmeuthKriemed d, wlr inn ec h,erchasiood h ae utmostladmi ationtf.a wim. Chagrinet,aeraw t rtaamehh. meteo huta oaaim, ai oihallyhmado-upesisemindiaoTdopert. 801 hi hcosts dia no1sdesirehioTlosehsuch aavaluable ally, en ibreoahtirbhutaasmeut in betwoetheig agedthe ladyhhs hisadresms. Thwnpen ag dsscribhis it oirstlsdahtrnoponehsg teen i.afull nope achmsuoc ho roc nce.ananWh arrettldl maioKriemed desfpsare bly haai heyissasrdoe.a ai rosy bflush oopeas hbresk in fing somb enclouds. Asphesbeheledaerhhi hceart wal to teed ytd yllihi htroubl hvainood utford r stood sh tewrtead Hcest edmdmanyrehlgvi-painopaerheyisn perklisi wp hplessure,tbrr ter b anuahe rire jensassent wecov r5 then raimentopaerhchaeksn stfu edrwp le blushie oopmaioenhooi. No onehhad, ai y eoaht,pe fspsoethswtmucemabeau y bly h. Asd measil fspm on obscudesre acldahtrnop stardnbytitc supervby splendoud, sa eid Kriemed deobscude beau yhoop ae la ieserenoosurroonsuoaelo. Wlerdhwnbeheledaerhlliealerordrewrhimest Cupem h HprnudlyeR anie fssendesfpsare s. if reatytaoTdo baly l f.a such atiparagonehs beau yerShes-s. preceistebruchambmrleins ie rt weattire, b01 no ushirspmlahtikeep backi ai kndahts fing sdahtrnophe , agrithey Hcrowfe irbhutaassOto csdchdauglimpse oophai fr. . Plsasuosegedsadiss.erSiegfriei,hfor, heoahtaas, “H m ayhIoevas hope oswithswtpemrles e Hcreaeure? Thwnhope i hadras hole dBlttssOw r Isyosforgeteser--b01 aen, alal,h yiheartTweora havetcsasuosRodbeat,hagriIisheorasbehdead!” Pale bagedr d hehgrew. Hetrecked wt hs hisaws hgreytsworth. Forddllsthereerrgreed ayts o hond.o r e watevby ead evas cw rh o Rlinelage,nso Hfai nopbody, sa eebonairrwysOhe.ananTye Woohis oopBrunhd d HerSiegfriei wshdesolved oswithKriemed d, ahthtn Gunth r’ hask inyhdm tr accomeany ndm h lan advs aude y h purpos hs wlire ise o gti, Rw thans. ofaQue‘n Brunhd d hs Isuosteih, h Oacceptedeontcwnd tion aytseth i tireeven hhasheorasbh rewtrf thbrs hagrihs hisasistererTo hissGunth r gave emse t, aged yoset hue,daccemeanistebytHagegtand ti hbr teenerDankwert. 801 ae Nibeluei5neieieprnpen i.asilont regoro in Siegfriei’ . previous relyt ac ewp hBrunhd d. IniScondinavian virsions--such as tye. Volsueia Saga,iwlereO his legssp,toriaihallyhaiGerman one, i hpresorved insit d ss. r Valkyr,n.a wer-maioenths Odin,hwlo sentaassOto slmepswp hanprick os e magic thornTegednmprisonedphai. wp ilheTcirclm hs fld r, thrrch swlire Siegfriei (pnt,wis virsion balmostlcertaiely tet godhofcnature,tspringtidu, agedthe sue)lbrhk ,. delrv‘ med he captiv‘, egedyookaeen as ti hbridu, toor, nawollow. departiin fing elo. Inrtt tNibeluei5neieioteil ancgo tOmyth i.aeiteenerpresuppeset,.a ietegtionallyhomitted al unfittind for consumption byha Christianizud inlk, b01 itTi hhinteo aytsBrunhd d ead ehprevious claimerupon Siegfriei’ hatfect acs. HerBrunhd d ead mado-ihca cwnd tion ayts herorwlrma seiweora me hmu htibseeblelsodovetcw rhh5rytn y ee trials os promess,hlr iimihi hceao s.era penal yhoopfailuree Siegfriei,hdonnhis magic clrak oopinvisibility Hheshad wethfing Alberic , k in oop ae dwatfs,lsookaGunth r’ hplaceeans. wethtee y ee trials f.a wim,aGunth r go in ahrrch ta pentomimm hs epprnpsnyeehrctionsseed thSiegfriei perfromed y h feyts. Thwnpen ag anwlire ells nope achncwu ten i.acusnous. Aagreytsspsar, h avyragedseeg,eres. br oahtay f.a Brunhd d’s useerIs wasumwre aeweapontf.a a hero. ofamlahtiR anif.a apmaioen, b01, utwlel rss. iioss.,fseetwa.aable tr brytd,oorit asusasierss. ifaitlead aeantafwirs m wan . Th ee ageda halo wedahts nopironTwontt oi ai mak inyos s mdahtytspsar, ent wescarce y ee oophai me, ceorascarrr. Sore ayraid ss. Gunth r. W rl dicrhgis,oo eim safeiinr,w Burgonsianelan . “Once backiinrRlinelage,” heoahtaas, “agriIiweora no1sstia apfoot’thdistanc l o wie agyrsuce wat-maioe” Her801 upe peke Dankwert,tHageg’thvaliahhcbr teen: “N m i.a aehdayhcamm hnanwlire w amu hhbirifarewell aoToud lrv‘s. Ag prl joveneyehs. awi hbeeg,erIhtrow,rf.a indthi hlanriwsdshdllspasioo,aeraw thond. hs women. Oh,o maier yibr teentHagegtand Ilead a01 ou igood swadtsh re! Thenuweoras hes Hcarles oopBrunhd d’sdchecki aiiThlan tererWp hutaarms apmanacanrdoernleh inopa01 ead Ihanblado-in hagrill i Brunhd d e est sheoras ie ereerharm ed re o ou idear lorf.” Her ei.aspemch heard heiwatevby-maioe “N m puth hesh heroes’ swadtshieto leirhhagrs,” shesco monded, “agedaccwut haaw m i, Rw ithmail.” HerRlahtigladiss. DankwertsyosfeeliironTtn h thhagrihnceOmwre ageds wstitc wedahteuietheid limbse “N m Iham reatytfordsuce play s y list,” he Hcriei. “Sinc sweohavetarms,doud ladt i.ano1 yetecanquer5 .” HerInsos he r inyos cohtest mdahtytme, bwre aegreytsstole dTwe,vetnope am. itdsooka oicarrrsit,dswtpon erous iioss.erWoehwereO heyhoopBurgonsy for btyei iladt atlsdahtrnopthe samf HerBrunhd d adveoc dTtn Gunth r,tbratd,ooind hen spsare Siegfrieioss. by. hi hsidehagedtouched h m ldahtlyh o giveteig confidfs. , b01 Gunth r knewnnotdiioss. heeegedmarvelld utfordno onehsawseig ahre.anan“Wwrtea htouched me?” stLorhe.anan“’TishI, Siegfriei,” repeieiends f ietd. “Bm hs good chaessendefsar Hnotd ai maidfs. Giv‘ re hyishielfragedmwtk well w aefI swe. Mf aiehouer ot ac ee. ifatongutrf rothstrike,hagriIiwprl douaw teeeds. Abgveoalltiheark‘nttosmyswli pased advicle” HerGreytses. Gunth r’ hjoy wlerdhwnknewn aytsSiegfrieioss. by wim. B01chhe ead otdlhiiptosmarvel, f.a Brunhd deealeonaaim, airagreytsspsartieerhage,ne acldahtrfing it. br ad alado-fldooind tn h theyie.rSheshurled le spsartrerhisashielferIs pen edrahrrch sthi ironTs. ifaitlead aeanersilk rothstrlckionuahe ri ashhs Gunth r’ harmtur. BlehaGunth r ans. Siegfrieiestaggededlatr he blow. 801 ae lattesw ar heoahdblmediin fing btye mn thiwp htye sheck os tee y ws hweapon,doeizud it,drevirsiis Hpoint, a crcsstdiioytsBrunhd d wp hsuce ereatfun mlahtiR atiwlendit. rang anh rharmturfseetwa.atv Tt ws . HerRlahtiangryhealeBrunhd d. 801 shehweeneiebaatr he blowses. Gunth r’ , bagedr smsc1ed h m f.a wi ittreus, . Hss anger, nawollow nvascamaih r es 5,m,arothseizhis greytsstole whi wehad aeantplyc frinuahe ri a. ofaco bal, shescsstdiiofing elo ewe,vetfr yoms. Leapiiipeftetsit,dsse. eprang farthrn R anish thad u ws hit. ThenuwonttGunth r sos he stone bagedpoi eriitrwed thSiegfriei y ewhit. Hescsstd he stone farthrn R anerBrunhd d ead done, rothsohgreytswas ti hstreus, e maioye rais dTKind Gunth rTfing ah arth egedaeapt ep hndm aegreytmridhsteoc R anerBrunhd d ead aeapt h est . MethsawsGunth r shrrwrand aeap arone.ananRedrwp haigerrgrewsBrunhd d wlendshessawse est defeytei. Lnudlyesse. address thhai me,. Her“Ho, ye l igemendnopmlne,” shescriei,h“ wstarreyetsubjsct sosGunth r she. K inopfor, aehold, h Oha. bratenpmeiinr,w spoTts.” Her eeOkndahts R en acclaim thGunth r a.a aehvictor. 8y hisaws hstreus, . ofaarm had ee wethtee games, stLo hey, e crhgiin even greeeedrtyem lgv inly.sBrunhd d camaiy wtrf,lsookandm brs hagr, e crgranted to h m full p merrahrrch hutaassOdo i ac . They prnceeceterodeesspelyc bagedGunth r’ hwatevbys wer now regoledrwp hbettssOchaessR anibly h.er801 Siegfriei carefullyucosc aleiends magic clrak. HerCo inl o wlereOGunth r anssBrunhd d sat, hehstLo: “Myslord, wlyrdoeryeoi arrr?dWly aree aeagames hs wlire Que‘n Brunhd d dlehaspsakano1 yettibsgon?iIilhiiptos ee nrwrt yomay bl play5 .” Hesact‘frhi pertnso well aytsBrunhd d really brl iveos,waerhehwa.anothewaree aeagames wer o fs egedy aefseetwa.a ae loser. Her“Nat,iSi iSiegfriei,” stLo sas, “nrwrcamm ier aefyeoiwer not presonterenathtee games, wlire Gunth r hs. wen, ns hhbe nd play5 ?” HerHageg, fsarind RhaerSiegfriei mlahtiblut er tn h threpey,lsooka egsmerrhutahs hisamou, een istLo: “O Que‘n, he good knlahtdSiegfriei Hwas ttrf brs ship enathGunth r wethtee gamesTfing yeo. Nan shit eed knewnhetnope am.” HerSiegfriei wshexpress thgreytssurprise Rhaerrnyimaneliv in had aeantabl . tosmastens miaheyiwat-maioe “I ierpts iblm,” hehexclaim t, “i hit pos iblm, O Que‘n, haefyeoihavetbe‘n veoquiood hatr,w spoTts inswlireeryeoiexcelhsohgreytlr?d801 Iaf.a onehsmiglad, shoc wshyeoineedsumu htiinls m us hw rh o Rlinelagee” Her“Yeois enspemdyhhs spemch,iSi iSiegfriei,” repeieieBrunhd d. “801 aereerisamu weaoTdo erreye1 Iaquitsmyslegee. Firstlmu hhI lnfrom myskindTee egedven als nope i.a a in. Memse ger mu hhbessentotwtmanysof myskinsmaner r IsdepartTfing Isuosteihe” HerWi, e maioshesbado-couTiens ridehtolall quarter , biddind hen kinsman,. hai f ietdsweegedaerhwatevbys camm wp hutadelay to Isuosteihe For. es fsal days y arrrv‘f in eroops:tearlyeegedlateO heyhed r, s inly Hegednn cemeaniss. Thenuwp hanlargachmcoTtsBrunhd d saileddacrosra seaeegedup Rline to Worms. HerSiegfriei anssBrunhd d HerIti wshblca rehocrtasi aly clear RhaerSiegfriei anssBrunhd d had ead atfect acateOrelyt ac einrtt tpent. [Indeed, inrtt tVolsueia Saga,iwlireeril antearlyevirsion oop ae Nibeluei5neiei, nssfind Grimed d, m teenerhs Gudrun (Kriemed d), admini h rhis to Siguyd (Siegfriei) e magic pot on inrorden aefhhasheorasforgeterbhutaBrunhd d.]rOnpoer in Siegfriei anssKriemed degreeehlliea teentwp hankiss, stdn sscege bjealousyhwr sis heers hs aw twer-maioen, rothshehevinc he y1h nd b01chahwlfely spiritotowtrf h r husbytd Gunth r,twlrm,ionuahe oirstlnlahteroop aei iwedceteldfe, seetwrestledrwp , defeytei, en iboons wp hy r girdle, aftetwtrf hang inyhdm up bytit h la pegiinr,w wa,l! Nextedayh epp aleieto Siegfriei f.a asshsteoc , egedy aefnlahtiR herordonneednds Hmagic clrak oopinvisibility,scohtendedrwp hBrunhd d inr,w eatknes , bagednvascamaih r, seetbrl iv inyhdm trhbesGunth r,twlrs-s. presonterdurhis strife. ButaSiegfrieioss. fool,oorenrch stoicarrrsaway y r r in a crgirdle, “f.a fsedhan sines .” Thesh heegave aoTKriemed d, aht swre boho nop aemfruedaitlie aftet- i r.pBrunhd d’sdstreus, evainood Hwp hhai maioenhooi agedtheoc y seetwa.aas any teentwoc n. HerSiegfriei anssKriemed de wshdeparteth oi ai capital nopSanten,ionuahe L merrRline, en ipeaceeprevaileddford enuysars, u thl Brunhd d pensuadod Gunth rT trinvithaaw m yosaefestivalratpWorms.rShesceura nleiut erstond Hhnw,iif-Siegfrieioss. Gunth r’ hven alutas Gunth r hsd lnfrom thhai, hutineiteentpeit,Rribu einby r n er thhoc gu. Tyerinvitationtwa.aaccepted Hcerfially enrch . ButaKriemed desnssBrunhd d quarrelld bittssly H egoro in a matsai os preceishce as toawlr sheorasfirstlign r churc , an hatr,w doaraos aw tminstai os Wormso mer wa.aaniut eemly squabble.anThenuKriemed detaunted Brunhd d wp hahe oectiRhaerSiegfriei had wet an hdesort thhai, an hdLsplayed y h girdle egedr in astproos os wmaioshe assort t. HerSiegfriei,hconfinn edrwp hBrunhd d, denieos,waerhehhad e fssepprnachuo. hea ie agyrut eemly way, agedheeegedGunth r at empte rtolmake peace betwoeth aei iwrv‘s. 801 allt o el avail. Aadeadlyhfeui had spr sisup betwoeth aem, ent wewal bouenedinswoedforddll. Hageg swade aegreytsoa laerSiegfriei sheoraspaytford insult,ti hwife had puteuiethBrunhd d. Her eeOPlothegainst Siegfriei HerNat,ibueffou idays aftet, news ed re o Gunth r’ hcwurefR ecls eosegainst wim. B01pe i.awasumer lyhaiplothaoTdraw Siegfriei fing btye cwurefen icwmpen sisedea, . Thh heroesaarmeddfordwar, smhii lemsSiegfriei. WlerdHageg bado-farewell aoTKriemed deshesreco mendederSiegfriei to h thcare. Now, wletrSiegfriei slewn aeTdragoneent wegutrfed le rtasurehoop ae Nibelueis,hhe balhedhih it hblooi en ibeed r, like Achilles,eihvulnd ableutsavehrere smot wlereOafarndfs aeaf had fallanerbetwoetheis sheoraeys s.ree balhed, rothsohprevenhe scohtectiwp Hpotest stresmerHageg inqui eosofrKriemed dr,w wlererbhuts nope i. vulnd able smot, prehendind ,waerhehweorasgutrf Siegfriei against trhachery in baly l; rothshe, fullyubrl iv inytn h thgood fap , seme haersilke, crosraupon Siegfriei’ hc nhlelsodmwtk tt tplr. . HerOnuahe onls m in mwrn in Siegfriei,twp han husageds dahts,lsookanbyse bagedrodehaway, whikhis to avengepti hcomrado . Hagegdrodehbesideheig e crcarefullyuscanneednds fsturee He dia no1sfaile o obsorved ai mark, an hyav in donehso,hhe dLspsdchei twoahs hisamenuwp hag teen men ag .erItiwal bou ah tfectebaatr he KindCmlahtiknown ayts wshei hlanriweora Hrecainhrerpeace. ThishSiegfrieioss. loa hto heer, for waTweora haveer onenbaly l f.a nds f ietds,dagriitiwal wp hdifficultyu haerGunth r’ ven als ceorashtldlndm back. Thenuhesrodre o Gunth r,twlrsR anked h m watmly f.a nav in sohqui.kly granted nds prayen. Gunth r a.sured h m aefifpneedsbrehes-eorasat agyr i recw rh o eil aid, egedy aefhh held wim Rh mostltrustyhhs srl nds f ietdse He prehenduosRodbehsohglad b aeftme y eaefnoiwariss.tpent aefhhasuggesteiebaatr hey sheorasridf hu t in bou ah Odfswa,dpeftets he bsartrgedthe botr, s y had so. of enu onenbly h. T i.awasutye cwut el nope acfalsh Hageg. HerIt wa.aarrangeiebaatr hey sheorasstarttearlyeford greenwood, aht Gunth r promisetp o lendrSiegfriei ss fsal dogso maioknewn al htiways well.hSiegfriei y enuhurriei hw rh o eil wdfe, egedwlerdhwnead departethHagegtand he KindCsookacwut el ogetwmr. Aftets hey ead agreed Dieth manner inswlires hey weora ew pen ai ee trlction hs Siegfriei,t heyheo munhcytedh aei ip ahl bou ahi ico rados.dGiseleen aht Gernotiweora no1s f aipartTi, Rw thust,hb01 evasRw aemssthey rbstaineetifing warn in Siegfrieihhs hisadaiger. Ford ai utnawollow they paioerdearlyei, Rw tend.ananTye mwrn in eas edsbrlahtiand clear, agedawayh aeewatevbys canteredrwp a clatsai os hoof segedadboast inyos bugnts. HerSiegfriei’ hFarewell aoTKriemed d HerB y hadepartiin Siegfriei had stLo farewell aoTKriemed d,dwlr,eshwnknewernleiwhy, wal filledrwp heatk f.aebodinds. Her“Godagrant Iomay ee y he safeianriwsll again,” stLo Siegfriei. “Keep b eoisumerryiheartTamhiipimyskin u thl I reeven.” Her eenuKriemed detheoahtaethtee sec h,ish thad betrayed yo Hageg, buioshe ceura nleitelliSiegfrieihhs it. Sorelyesseiwspt, w,ooind maioshesead evas be‘n born, rothke‘n aneddmepsws.reeregrief. Her“Husbytd,”dshessaid, “go nleito Rw thust. Aabalefuladresm Ilead last ndaht.rYeoistood Dieth hoa, iand wofwirasbotrssepprnachuo.rYeoifle , b01 they pursuedayeoianriweonduosyeo, agedthe blossoms ut er you ifeehtiwe enredrwp hblooi. Yeoiaehold mystsarse Siegfriei,hI ereat,trhachery.anWoefyeoi wt hs someswlr chasiooefordus aadeadlyhhaee?iIicwut el yeo, Itibsg yeo, dear lorf, go nleito Rw tgreenwood.” HerSiegfriei triei to lan phai f ars away, “ItTi hbuefforda fewhdays aierI leav‘ y he, aelovei,” hessaid. “Wwrtcaniblan mehhaeefifpI chasiooe wne against aem? Thyibr teens w,oo mehwsll,inby havetI hsfendedh,w m i, agy Hwpsee” Her801 Kriemed deweora no1sbrecw y ei. “GreytlrTdo I ereat,thi pert ino”ersh twailed, “f.a Itdresmeioag teen dresmerYeoipen edrbrs wofmwu tains, egedy ey rocked eth i ibases,efellopegedburiei yeo, so maioIssawsyouerno mwre. Go nle, for bittsslyiwprl Iegrievefifpyeoidopert.” Her801 wp hanlach tanedadkin sSiegfrieioss. gole dLeapiiipetheid s 5,d, hutirodrehsfhrere gals p. Nevasmwre wal thenton ee hdmdinTldfe. HerInsos he h, rbhdehoop ae bear, aeewolf, agedthe wd d Hbotr, pluei5or ah kndahts i, Rw ithlustnhs royal spoTt. Brprliahh, bryv‘, egedgoodlyhhs chaesswasutye cwmeany, agedrt wewal b i tiign rtainment. Mfny pack-nbyse hladenuwp hmeytsianriwinesCaccemeanist lem, agedthe eanniens nns bncksooo imes dbulgedrwp hflesh,pfioo, egedgd r, fittind for tme yablm hs aegreytsk in.. erOnua br ad meydwshfr inhis greenwoodO heyhed ped, near Ro tt tplr. erenar s hey werhh oubegi, Rw thust,hanriwsdcheys wer sentoroons Hcamp, so maiono onehwp hanmen ag fnoiwarniiipetheid lipsCmlahtiwie to le ars of-Siegfriei. HerSiegfriei waxet restless, for waThad came nleito f a hhbuta oaaust,hanrchhe desire rtolbreho r egti, wp hKriemed d. “Ha,ico rados,” hescriei;er“wlo-wprl insos he huwp hme agedrouse game?” Her“Taen,” stLo he craftytHageg, “lh,iussfind wlr isp ae best spoTtsc n. HLh,iussdivido-y haaustsman agedthe hoonss so maiollieamay ridehalwne enar shgicwrrs ; e crgreytsprais dshdllsbe ohndmhewrteustsp ae best egedb ars ofs palm.” HerTo hissSiegfriei agreed, agedasked etlyefordonehhoons atlead aeanerwsll brhk nh oi ai chasup o accomeany ndm. Her ei.ass. granted. Thenu mer ed rean oldlaustsmanuwp hanli rhoons anrchl5or ah spoTtsc nh oienar s her wa.aaniabonseoc ho game. Mfny b a hstiwe enstartei ansshunteth oi ai dea, , s. ispe fsh aeewayuwp hgood hu tsme,. HerNlthhis b aeftme li rhoons startei ceura escape Siegfriei. Swdftswas ti bsteeedal baei empe h, egedwleteen itiwal blan o ibotr hess on ed reup wp hitiand slewnit. Once hachncwu teneeda stark rothmiaheyil acerAd ig egaarrwstatd ai monstai,fhhashet ier rrch sthi heart.rTye hurang wp hacclaimhatr,w deed.ananTyenu mer fellibrswi hhegedadbuffalo, antelk, fou igrimhaurochs,dagriamabear,inby ceura daess.a ndna escape aim, so swdftsanriwiahtiwysOhe.anAnordhwnbreoahtirfwirasbotrrtolbay. Thwngrisly b a h charged h m, b01,. drawiimihi hswadt,hSiegfriei yransfixet itiwp shiniiipalado. Her“I pray y he, lorf,” stLo he austsman, “lhave aoTusn o rthhis liv in, bfordin erut tttyhserhimTarm dlehaempty boho mwu h.” HerMerriersrang he nlise nop aeachasupi, Rw tgreenwoodO hateday. Thh hills Hagedthe aeafy rislie oop ae hureseonduoswp htye sheuts nope f hu ter e cr bny inyos dogs. Inrttatleu t in manyrehb a h rttitc dea, -daypegetgreytswas rivalry. 801 enathtee eu t in wa.atv T anrchthh heroesa rttaeraw t ryst-fi hwe yssawsRhaerSiegfriei had proveu himest CRw tgreytest austsman nop aemfdll.. erOnenbrsoneny ey reevenedTfing ah hu oi ai ryst in-plr. ,icarrring wp h aemftye shaggy fellioop ae bear, aeebri hly botr-sk i, agedthe grey pe,eioop ae wot . Meaterbhund frinuahytsplr. ,iagedthe blastnhs a HhnrnTegnounc hto Rw thusgryhkndahts R atr he KindCwa.aabhuta oaf a h. SaLo Siegfriei’slaustsmanu ohndm: “I heardthe blastnhs a hnrnTbiddind u reevenu oi ai ryst in-plr. ,” agedrai iimihi hbugnth o eil lips, hutiegsmeret it. HerSiegfriei wa.aabhuta oaleav‘ y h, amblisi quiehly ordhbysebnck y rch sthi greeneways, wletuhesrou edrahmdahtytbsare Tme li rhoons ss.erslippediagedthe bear lumb Teihhsf, pursuedabrsSiegfriei ansshisamen.anTheyddashedhihyosaerav ihweegedaerthSiegfriei y eoahtieo run the beast dwsn,hb01 aeesidee ws en,oo s 5,piagedthe knlahtdceura nleiepprnachhit ordhbysebnck dLdahtlyhah sprang fing eid s 5,d, agedthe bear,doer in eil apprnach,ihnceOmwre sookafldaht.rSo swdftutnawollow wa.aSiegfriei’ . pursuier aefereO heih avyrb a h ceura eludo-himnwaThad can shit ay Hits syaggy coatsanriead aoons itlie such aamanner aefit was ttrmless;chthhn, y inyitiacrosrahi hcoyse’slbnck,dhwnbreoahtiihu oi ai ryst-fi h bfordpentimf HerPrnudlyeemerged Siegfriei fing y h, agedGunth r’ hmen,soer in eig com inopranu ohntldlnds coyse. Wlerdhwnead dismwu t thhaTdragged le bear fing eid coyse’slbnckarothsetiihulrrs . Immedia ely haTdogs. pursued it,degednn its effoTts bouescape insos he huitddashedhmadly y rch sa bytd hs scullionsseeohwwrwneookiimibyCRw tgreytsfiru. Tyerutiwal a clatsai os ironTposs, agrdburniiiparatds wer streme habhut. Mfny goodlyhd,ooee ws enspoilede Tme KindCgave orden o slipdthe hoonss aierwer os aeas . Tak iny i ibow egedspsars, aeewatevbys set hfo binachasupoop ae bear--b01 aey f ar hto shewt at ier rrch sflan of. weondind anyremhiipim tgreytspackyos dogsrttatleu s Diethits fln ks. Tyeeronenman wlo ceura keep paceewp htye bear wa.aSiegfriei,dwlr,ecom ineup wp hit,dpiercet itiwp hi hswadteegedlait itideat,n, Rw tgreond. Then, bldfthis carcen otheis sheoraeys,dhwncarrieioit backi oi ai oirhwe o le marvelhhs srl presont.ananTyenubeganuahe f a h in. Rt wemeytsiwer hegee hareond,dagriall ss.erfestive agedgay. Noosuspicionnead Siegfriei y aerhehwa.adoomd utfordti bheartTws.tpurehoopall do ert. 801 ae winehead otdye1 be‘n br oahtaying btye kptchen,iwlereaerSirsSiegfrieioson er t.ananAddresshis Gunth r,thehstLo: “Wlyrdo otdyou ime, brhis Dsuwine? Iope i. isp ae manner inswliresyeoi reaergood hu ter ,lcertes,eIiwprl hu t oer oree SurelyeI havetdeserved bettssOatdyou ihagrs.” HerAgedthe falsh Gunth r ansmeret: “Bld r me nle, Siegfriei,tford fault. isuHageg’t. Trulyhah weora havetDsupasioo,nope ir h.” Her“Dlan masten,” stLo HagegtnopTrony, “ fault isemine--if fault ittibs--oby rth oahtawe werhh ouhu t to-daypeerSpes art agedthiteentdioerI seniebaeiwine. Iopwe gope ir hy to-day,lcretitsmeeIiwprl havetbetsaiancare ag teen timf ” Her801 Siegfriei wa.aae ir heen istLo: “Is winedlacks, theh mu hhweohavetiwatererWhasheorashavetcd ped near r sos he Rline.” Her eeOSlny inyos Siegfriei HerAgedHageg, perceiv in hi hcheoc , repeiei: “I knownhs a eooltspringanclosehatleand. Ifpyeoiwprl inls m meeIiwprl leat,yeoi hiteen.” HerSade ae ir hewa.aSiegfriei,dans start ineup fing eid seat, hehinls mei HHageg. 801 ae craftyt che rr, desir in boudraw h m awaylfings Hcomeany so maionongielsh weora inls m y hm, stLo ohndmh s y werutisett inyoueffordy htspring: “Methsay, Siegfriei,t maionongicanikeep pace wp hyeoiwheh yeoirun dLe,iuss ee now.” Her“Taetdmaylsasiersbe proveu,” stLo Siegfriei. “Le,iussrun to aeebrook bforde wagai, an h ee wlo-wpnso mer first. IfpITlosehIiwprl laytmetibsy hayeoii, Rw tgras . Nay, Iiwprl ore,tfordIiwprl carrrswp hme. epear,dohielf, ansshuntindCgsare” Her eenudicrhgigiad otheis weapons,hll i o eil qui fs,dwlileO hei teens strippei,dans ofs yoset. ButaSiegfrieiosasierspen edraheg agedarrrv‘f batftme li r-tre dwmer was well.h801 he weora no1sdrinksfirstlfor bcwureesy,hll i ar heoahdhehwa.asade ae ir h.ananGunth r ed reup, aen1sdown to aeewater, an hdrn k os pure,teoolerwsll.hSiegfriei y enuaen1shdm trhdrinksalso. 801 ae falsh Hageg,ancarrringfhi hbowrand swadtehutahs rhach, sprang bnckarothgrippeipe f hero’s mdahtytspsar. Thenulrrk thhaTfordy htsec h,imwtk otheis fsture b aefKriemed dehad werked.ananAssSiegfriei drn k fing ah stresm Hagegtpoi eriim tgreytsspsartrnrchpluei5orit aetwoeth ae hero’s sheoraeys. Deeply diedthe blado-pierce y rch sthi smot wlereOlayh aeesec h,imwtk, so maiothe blood spurees. outaethtee traieby’s garment . Hagegdleftr,w spsartdmepsinaSiegfriei’ . heartTandeflewninigrimhc sseifings tplr. . HerTheoahdweonduos oi ai dea, , Siegfriei rosehfing ah stresm like a Hma eneteldoneegededstiabhuefh m f.a aeweapon. 801 elthhis ed re o ti bhagrdbuerhisashielferThi hce-picked up fing aeewater’s edge agedrag batdHageg, wlo-mlahtino1sescape aim, for, sade weonduosasreetwa.,nso Hmlahtily diedah smithaawatr,w shielfrwsll-nlahdburst agedthe jensas. ent wesdoenedTiioflewninifarndfrs. Thwnblowsrang acrosra meydwshs.erHagegdfellibenea htye strhk . HerIt wa.aSiegfriei’sllastnblow. Hi hcou teneoc wa.aalreatyt haefno aadead. man. Hesceora no1sstegeduprdaht.rDown ae craood hamhiipim tfs mers;chfastnfs me hhi hblood;ytn h thagonydhwnbeganu ohupbrtLo hosehwlosead Hcentrrv‘f sisedea, . Her“Cowtrfseegededitiffs,” hescriei, “i he i.a aenprichayeoipaytme f.a my bfeal yh ohyeo? Irl havetyeoidonenbrsyou if ietds,dfordsons nopyou shs.erye1 unborniwprl ieeli wedahtrnopthisedeuo.rYeoihavetvenhe syou ismtte ord yibody;hbueffordthisedastardscrimeoall good knlahtsdshdllsshun yeo.” HerNatoall surroonsuoaeim, agedthose Rhaerwerhh ruehamhiipim m mwuenedTfor baim. Gunth r also wept. 801 ae dy in man, evenindCto h m, stLo: “Does Hhes-mepsfordy htevilhfing whng ah vilhco rth?dBlttssOf.a wim R aefit bhadirecained undone, f.a mdahtytis ti hbld re” Her eenustLo falsh Hageg: “Wlaefruehye? Surelyeou icare istpent. Wlo-wprlernowswp stegedus? Rlahtigladism IlRhaerSiegfriei i.ano mwre.” HerLnud wa.aSiegfriei’sldo l f.a Kriemed d. “Nevashwa.asa foul aamurderer onenas eoihastidonenord m, O k ino”thehstLoe o Gunth re “Itsaveedthy bldfe agedhnnoud. 801 ifat eoicanst snrwrtrut tto any n arth, snrwrit btosmysdear wdfe, Inbeg os e, f.a evas had weman suce woedfordonehs f lovei.” HerPalnfullyhah writeedh s y wsdchei eim, ageds.ree blca reweakas he. epf aiprophetncylly. Her“GreytlrTshdllsyefruehthisedeuo inr,w eays bouco ro”thehgroaned, “f.a know, allioopye,t maioie slny inymreyethavetslailhyouTsetv‘se” HerWeerwerhh m tfs mersiwp hi hblooi. He struggl5orgrimlrswp hdea, , b01ch,oo dmepshad aeantthe blow, agedstllastnw spf aino mwre. Her eeydlait hi hbody h la shielfrhs ruddy go desnsssookacwut el wp hone bag teen nrwrt yosheorashido-y atr,w deedshad aeantdonenbrsHageg. Her“Suy ehsvehwe fallan n vilheays,” stLo many; “bueflh,iusssrl nddepe i. eh inopagedhnloe o onenyale:t maiois,t maioa.aSiegfrieidrodehalwnetieer he huhehwa.aslailhby robbfrs.” Her“801,” stLo HagegtnopTrony, “Iiwprl yest Cbear ndm backe o BurgonsyerIs. isuarly lecosc rndnopmlne ifaKriemed dewmep.” HerKriemed d’s Grief HerGreytses. im tgriefsofrKriemed drwlendsheslearned oop ae murder oophai husbytd, enosehbody had aeantplyc frataassO fseddoarabyCRw trecoyseless HHageg. He agedthe ae huoop ae Burgonsians prehenduosRhaerSiegfriei hadtibsenaslailhby bytdiss, butseth i iepprnachh ae wound. hs Siegfriei Hco menc hto blmed ayreshein muteewp n sscoop rhachery.TKriemed d Hsec h,lyev me ha terriblm revenge agedweora no1squi1 ae lagedwlerf her aelovei smouse wal buriei. Fordfou iysarsdshesspf aine fsse wadte o Gunth r or Hageg, buiosatlsdlont en isto inrauchambmr near Rh tminstai enar sSiegfrieioss. buriei. Gunth r sentofordy htNibeluei5n rtasurehfor btye purpos hs propitiyt nd h r,tb01 shehdhstribu edsi1 swdf eely HamhiipGunth r’ hdependfstsrttatlHagegtcosc iv5or ah suspicionny aerher bintegtioniwal bousubornitw m yosh r eduse endef.mont rebellion wp il btye Burgonsianedo i ac ;o mer y haeldoeizud it en ist k itTi, Rw Rline, y c nd Kriemed d’s b h,hregtne fsstrhdivulgehits wlererbhuts. HerIt i hadcircumsteoc hs somesimpoTteoc R at wnathtei htrtasuretiign rs ae lagedoop ae Burgonsians t yotf aiehainamm hs Nibelueis, assSiegfrieioss. called Lord oop ae Nibelueissethfirstlpts es iis Hhotrf, endef.ahtei hrtasonny aerpers hs aw tpoemdwnt weco menc srwp le Burgonsianeacqui emont os tee yrtasurehss. formeslyis ws has tye. Nibeluei5n Not.ananTye confiscation oop ae yrtasurehss. ag teen sharp wound aoTKriemed d,erenoosfpsarl bouhavetbittsslyichasiood he fsedhostileOectico mitted against her ay y rwuncletHagegtand terhbr teens, egedyothavetsec h,lyernurs thhai grievanc srahrrch hutaRw trecarndfr oophai sa enet existence.ananKriemed drMarries Attila Her eirte hiysarsdeftets he dea, hs Siegfriei, Helche, wife hs Attila, ortEtzel, KindCoop ae Huns,hyav in diei,t maiomonar whwa.adesirousmaoopmarrringfagain, an hdLspsdchei eis fap fulacwutcirs r,tRüdiglow. MargravehoopBechlarn, oi ai BurgonsianecwurefRodaskofordy hthagrihsanKriemed d. Hss b h,hreg, etlye,oo anxious tolbrerid oophai accusinganpresonce,igladlyucossenteth oi ai msdch,tb01 Hagegthad f.aebodinds aierifhshehgained p merr seiweora mreskheTdreatfun vengeeoc hnitw m dll.. 801 he wa.atv Trulei,dans RüdigloTws.tpermitted tr intenview Kriemed d. Athfirstl seiweora no1shlan ofi ai msrriage,tb01 wnathRüdigloTexpress t. hi hsurprise atd ai manner inswliresseetwa.a rtaaedytn hfr ownhcou try, an hyinteo aytsifhshehwerhh ouwuoswp hEtzel seiweora bregutrfed against suce insulthis eonducl, shescossentet. 801 firstl seimado bRüdigloTswear Ro avengeptloTwrhims, egedyhi hce-diedldahtly, whikhis. itdmer lyhaiweman’sseedmdwnt weweoraspass awaydeftetsmsrriage.rShe accomeanieioRüdigloT oi ai cwurefofiEtzel, stoppiiipet h thcastleihsanBechlarn, enar sdwe,eiti hwife Go elini ansshisadan ter Dietarndf. Tyeerjoveneye oiVienna isedescribedytn detail. Aeflhus, e m yomh,iEtzel batdTulnaewp htwo ty-fou ikinds anssprincesytn h thtraintanedadmdahtytireeinue, he greytest guest presonttbe nd Dietrt weoopBern, KindCoo le Go hs,twlrs-p hi hbagedoopWolfinds wa.asajoveniiipet ai cwurefof Etzel. Thwnnuptials sookaplaceeatiVienna amietgreytsmagnificshce, b01ch, rch sarl Kriemed desorrwsed etlyefordSiegfriei anssbroocetelhimTane eatkly ordhloTsche rscoopvengeeoc . HerSll i ysarsdpen ed, durhis wnt weKriemed dewentthe lovehoopall Etzel’ . cwure.rShesbwre the K in a sen, Ortareb, egedgained tye confiishce bagedr smsc1hhs hisaadvisfrs. Ag teen six ysarsdpen ed, agedKriemed d Hbrl iveos,waer ae yime f.a vengeeoc ead owdarrrv‘ferTo hisseothshe binducmdhEtzel trinvithahss b h,hreg agedHagegtto h thcwurefetiVienna. Athfirstl ae Burgonsians likeedthe hosmttablm men ag fwsll,ib01chsuspicionnhs it wa.asas hih i imindsnbrsHageg,twlrsguesseio maiertrhachery lurkedibenea hits hwneyeiosords. Inrtt tegedy ey acceptedethe binvitationtagedjoveneyeth oi ai lagedoop ae Huns,han husageden isixtytiknlahtsden inine t husagedsoldiens. Onr,w waydy ey hncwu teneedmanyrprler.mons.ananTye JoveneyananTy rch sEastennoFranklagedrodedGunth r’ hmenotowtrf Rw tri fsrMain, led brsHageg,tfordwelliheoknewn al way. Arl enuwen er thenathteeyssawsRh Hhost, f.a evas had any ssenasuce lorflyhkndahts .a such a rt weane napo reeinue. W rl mlahtionehseo-y atr,w sehwerhhprinces. Onr,w ertwelf heaydy ey ed re o the bn ksdoop ae Danube, Hagegdrid inytn ,w ervan. Hesdismwu t thonuahe riv r’ hsageyoshere agedtieiends steeedRo aertrhu. Tyerri fsrwa.aswollan -p reins en ino bottsiwer ie sdaht.rNow le Nibelueissceora no1sperceive nrwrt yowerhh ouwinro fsh aeestresm, bforditiwal br ad ans strhim. HerAgedHageg rebukeedthe K inopsny in: “Illsbe wp hyeo, lorf.rSereyetno1 b aeftme ri fsri.aswollan egednts flood s mdahty? Mfny adbold knlahtershall se losedaerthto-day.” Her“Nothgreytlr douawy wadtsh lp, Hageg,” spf aiehaiK in. “MeeeesOw r it bfordy henton ear whforda fadt,hinstaat,nopwast inythyibrea, .” Her801 Hageg sneer thback: “I am otdye1 wearyhhs ldfe, O k ino egedIis,oo nothaoTdras hih se br ad wav‘s. 8lttssO maiomendsheoras ie brsmy bswadteih Etzel’ elan . Staydy eoi henabyCRw twater’s edge,dwlil hhI seok a ferryman alhiipim tstresme” HerTo endefro hess oahtirfferryman.rSoordhwnheard e smlaoo,nopwaterhanrchheark‘ned. Iniatspring no1sfar ofs someswo enuws hhba a in. Hageg spist lemeegederept stear hilye,owtrf Rw m. B01pe eyssawseil apprnachhanrchwonttswdftlrsaway. Hageg, apprnach inopseizud i icl tees. HerNato,w sehwo enuws hhswan-maioens,n.a mermaids,dagrionenoop aem, HHadburg, spf aieo wim. “SirsHageg,” shessaid, “well wot IlRhaerygis,oo oafini afferry.rNow givetaoTusnou igarment ianriwsiwprl snrwryeoiwhereeroneni .” Theyibreasteiebae wav‘s like swans. Once mwre spf aiHadburg:er“Safely wprl ye gopeo Etzel’ elan pegetgreytshnnouds wprl ye gti, Rw re; aye,tgreytmriR aniherorevas rodre o fini.” HerRlahtijoyous wal Hagegta1pe i.aspemch. Backeh hegee h oi ai msioens btyei iweeds. Her eenuspf aiag teen mermaid, Sieglind: “Tf aiwarniiipfing me, Hageg.. 8rl ive notd ai word oopmlne aust,hfordsh Oha. s hadec iv5or ah . HGo nleito Etzel’ elan utford r yeoishall ie.rSo evenuagain. Wloso Hride honwtrf ha htak nhdea, brs hagr.” Her“I heea nleitwy wadts,” stLo Hageg, “f.a nrwrsheorasit aet maioallioopus di s her rrch sthi haeefoopanyone?” Her“So mu hhit ae,” stLo Sieglindop“fordnonenoopyeoishall liv‘, sav‘ y h. K in’sdchaplain,hwlohalwnetwprl co r egti, safeianrisound aoTGunth r’ lagee” Her“Yh arrewpseiwrv‘s,” lach eedHageg bittssly. “Well woorasGunth r anss i. ladtshbrl iveymresheorasIitelliwim R i hrtdf. I pray y he, snrwrus o fs im tstresme” Her“So b it,” repeieieSieglind; “shoc yetwprl nleitvenuyeoifing yeorerjoveney.rSereyeoiyot er tnnabyCRw twater’s side? Tyeru isp ae etlyeferryero fsh aeeri fs.” HerAtihnceOHageg mado-ofs. ButaSieglini called eftetsndm: “Stay,iSi . Knlaht;lcretitsme,ayeoia en,oo muce inhc sse. Ford aeiladt oo imes lages,twlrsi. called Elshweegedai hbr teen, KnlahtdGelfrat, w,rl make iergo ttrf wp hyeoiai ys crosra isOdo i ac . Gutrf yeoicarefullyuane eearewpselrswp h he ferryman, for waTisuarigemaniutaoTGelfrat, egednf Hhes-prl nleicrosra ri fsr ohyeo, call f.a wim,aen istydy eoiers namme Amelric , a herornopthiselagedwlodleftri1 swme yime agole ” HerNa mwre spf aiHag nh oi ai swan-maioens,nb01 sear w ineup ri fs bn ks, hehinons an tnnaDieth farthrn shere. Lnudlyeye called ecrosrer he flooi. “Come f.a me, yerryman,”thehstLo, “agedIiwprl bestrwrupol btyerean trmletrhs ruddy go d.” HerNato he ferryman ss. r napo an hdLa nleicare fordsenvi. ,iagedthosehwlo Hhelpei eimuws hhastproueds.ree. They heard Hagegtcall inopa01 recked nothhs it. Lnudlyediedah call acrosra water, wnt wereseonduos o ti bcries. Then,rhi petienceOexhaust,d, hu sheuted: Her“Comehhiteen, fordIiam Amelric , arigemanito Elshwewlodleftr,w sehlages Hbreduse hs aegreytsfeui.” Asphesspf aihe rais dT i.aspear,doneent wess.eran trmletrhs brlahtigold, cunnhislyefdooioned.ananTye han sy ferryman sookaan oartrgedrwsed acrosr,tb01 wnathhedarrrv‘f batftme farthrn bn kphesspiea nleindmhewrteadscriei fordpen ag .ererAtilastnw sawsHageg, agednn greytsaigerrstLo: “Yeoimay bl called Amelric , b01 yeoia en otdlike ndmhewrm IlRheoahtieo bedaert, for yibr teen.rYeoihavetliei to me agedther yeoimay tay.” HerHagegta1 empte rtolnmpremssthe ferryman byskindnes ,dbuerh refusetp o bldstenh o eil wadts,itellhis watevby y aerhiseladtsh ad enemies, enar y haeld evas cwnveyethstrangersdecrosra ri fs. Hageg henmaoofered h migold, anriso angryhdiedthe ferryman becw rh aefhhastrlckiaiertle Nibelueis-p hi hruddfr oar, ent webrhk ro fshHageg’thceao. B01pe e watevby smote ndmhswdfiercelrswp hhi hswadte aefhhastrlckihi hceao hfo begededstiit,n, Rw tgreond. The skiffnbeganu ohdrdftsdown taeestresm, bagedHagegw wad inytnto aeewater, ead mu wesdonton ecure it en ibrhis ittibnck dWi, emlahtiand cainhye pullei,dans in even inyiti ae eartsnsfpsd inswi hhege. Hes henafloa ei dws hstream, enar shehinons i. ladtshstegeiimibyCRw tshere. T ey ed redown to meeehndmhei, emfny questioniims, b01 Gunth r, espyhis blood inr,w skiff,oknewnwell wmaiofateO he ferryman ead metiwp . HerHagegt henacalled sos he f.otc nh oileat,the nbyse hinsos he r vssO maiertleyemlahtiswdmdecrosr. Arl ae yrappiii ianribaggag fwsretplyc frin im tskiff,oagedHagegw plny inytaeesteersman, ferrieiofull manyrmdahtytiwatevbys insos he uns ws hlan . Firstlwontt heds dahts,lsnathteeer en-at-arms,d henafnls meiinine t husagedf.otc n. 8y no means wal Hageg idle onny aerday.. erOnua suddfnhye espiea heds in’sdchaplain closehbyCRw tchapelibaggag , bleanieis-p hi hhond. Dieth rrl cs,dagrirecallhis a1 ae wis wo enuhad utldlndm haefnely teds prie huweorasreevenuen inonei teenCoo le Nibelueis,hhe seizud ndm brs middle egededstih m fing ah skiff bintop ae Danube. Her“Hold,iSi iHagegw hnlo!”scriei ti hcomrado . Giseleen grewswr te;ib01chHagegtnely smilede Her eenustLo Si iGernotioopBurgonsy: “Hageg,twlytsavaile hyeoiteeerchaplain’sedea, ?dWlar y haeavetyetslailh ae prie h?” Her801 Rw tclerkhstrlckio01 boldly, for waTwiood hton ave eil life. But eh l Hagegtweora no1shave agedthrustshdm trh bottom. Once mwre Hcamre o the surfr. ,iagedthisp ime he wa.acarrieiobrs y cm hs wav‘s o the sageyoshere. ThenuHagegtknewnwell haefnan shmlahtiavail against aep idinds wlires he mermaidsuhad utldlndm,t maionotirfNibelueiersheorasreevenu o Burgonsye HerWnathtee skiffnhad aeantunloaded oopbaggag fagriall Rw tcomeany nad aeanerferrieioacrosr,tHageg brhk ritTi, piecesyegededstiit,insos he flooi.erWnathasked enar y haeldead donehso,hagedhnwrt yowerhh oureevenuying btye lagedoop ae Huns backi oi ai Rline, Hageg stLo: Her“Sheorasweohavetatcowtrf othtei hjoveneyewlrs-eoras venuhi hbackionuahechHuns,hwnathhedco rthi oi ai hstream hes-prl di sa shamrfuladea, .” HerIndpen his rrch sBavariai ai Burgonsians ca rehoboucollhsion wp Gelfrateegedai hbr teen ElshweegedGelfratewa.aslail. T ey we enrec iv5o batfBechlarnobrsRüdiglowtwlrsRrtaaedytm m mwstshosmttablypegetsnrweTee manyrgdft. Dieth m, bestrwi s DiethGernotieis favouTitehswadt, ordGunth r a napo suierofaarmouT,dagrion Hagegta famous shielferHe accomeanieiotaeestrangersd oi ai cwurefofiEtzel, enar s hey werhhmehtifirstloopall brsDietrt weoopBern, wlrs-srnedytm m b aefKriemed danprayed dailyefordvengeeoc Dieth mofordy htmurder oopSiegfriei. WleranKriemed drbeheldiHagegw h r archenemy,esseiwspt. Hageg saw, aged“aoons. hi hhelmetiti tere” Her“Weohavetnotimado-a good joveneye oi ai hf a h,”thehmutter t.ananKriemed d’s Welco r Her“Yh arrewelco r, napo syegeds dahts,” stLo Kriemed d. “Iegreeehyeoi wt bfordyou ikinship. Wlaefbrhis yeymrefing Wormsobeyot i ai RlineO maieryresheorasbehsohwelco r to me nar ?dWlar aeavetyetputh hefNibelueieryrtasure? It isemineds.rye knownfull wellopegedyresheorashavetbreoahtiiher eito Etzel’ ecwure.” HerHagegtrepeieie,waerhehhad aeantordeneiobrshisuarigeeladtshton i k itTi, btye Rline, en ither mu hhit li s prl doomsday.. erA1pe i.aKriemed degrewswr te. Hageg wonttonhton aye,waerhehhad enrch stoer o boucarrrshisashielf en ibr a hplate. The Que‘n, alarmed, desire rtmaierall seaponsesheorasbehplyc frinuh r eharge,hbuta oaeh l Hagegtdemurre , en istLo aefit was ,oo muce hnnoud fordsuch a bwu t ous princessstoerbear ndsashielf en i teen armso o eil lodg in.. erKriemed deld rnt,d, sny inytaatr hey sfpsared sos hi k maioshesp ahnet trhachery against aem;hbuta oaeh l Dietrt weegsmeret in greytsaiger b aefhehhad y h-srnedyGunth r anss i.ibr teens oophai trhacherousmaintegtions.eKriemed dews. greytlr abaood hatr,wis,dagriwp hutaspsak ig e word shesleft ai cwmeany;hbutas hhsseiwsn1 shehdartei fuTious glanc s Dieth m, fing whires hey well saws-p wlytsaadaigerous fo s hey hadti ohdeal. K in Etzel nathasked enoOHageg mlahtibe, egedwas ,ols i. name agedlhieag fagriy aerhehwa.aadfiercearothgrim watevby. Etzel nattirecognizud ndm a.aadwatevby ewrteadsaeantadhostag fwp hndm alhiipwp War han ofiSpaintanedewrteadsdonehndm yeeman senvi. .. erEvent iMarch Her ei.alastnpen ag cwnnectsp ae Nibeluei5neieiswp h he Lyt ntpoemdoo War han ofiAqui1aine. Indeed, Rw tgreytsGerman epic co tainstreptaaederallusionss oaeh l werkdoop ae nie hord en hcen ury, ent weisedealt. wp hlytmriithtei hbook.. erEvent inownmar whqui.kly.eKriemed deoofered go deutaolo ohndmhwlrs-eoraerslarsHageg,tb01 al heoahdher enemyiwal wp inuh r grasp, so douaheyiwarer he watevby anriso terriblm eil appsareoc R at noneidared donbaly l Hwp hhim. A Huniwal killedrby accioentlie a ovend rnt,tb01 Etzel bpr tect‘frhi Burgonsianeguests. Aeflhus, eBlodeliniwal bribedyay HKriemed detota1 ackiDankwartTwp han husagedfnls meys. Dankwart’ hmenerwer all slain,hbuerh himest Cmado-good hissescape by flahtingfhi hway y rch sRw tcloselrspackeedHunnhs re ks. DankwartTrushed sos he hallerenar s he Burgonsians wer feast inywp h he Huns,hagednn greytswra acquainteo Hageg wp h he trhacherousta1 empt ent weeadsaeantmado-upol beil life. Her“H sseiye,tbr teen Hageg,” hescriei, “f.a asdyresi1 aerenou is dahts en isqui esuaritslailhih i ichambmrs.” Her“Wwrtea heoneny isedeuo?”hasked Hageg. Her“Si iBlodeliniwp hi hcarl‘s. 801 brea, e.ano lhiien, ford yest CI bpartei hi hceao fing eid body.” Her“Ifhce-diedh s adwatevby,d henait isewell f.a wim,”trepeieie,w tgrimerHageg; “bue,tbr teen Dankwart,dyrea enredrwp hblooi.” Her“’Ti hbuefmyiweedsuwliresyehseo-y us we1,” stLo DankwartTcarelessly. H“Tae blood isrttatlos oteen men, so manyrpnss o, e maioIsceora no1sgiveeryreyaledoop ae numb T.” Her“Gutrf ae doar,tbr teen,” stLo Hagegtfiercelr; “gutrf itdye1 so b aefnotirfsi ale Hundmaylsscape.eIiwprl horasparl‘rswp h hese bravetiwatevbys ewrteaveasa foully slailhdefeoc aemssc n.” Her“Well sprl Iegutrf ae doarway,” lach eedDankwart; “Itshall plnysyehahechpers hs chambmrlain,hbr teen, ithtei hgreytsbusines .”ananTye Begi,nindCoop ae Slan ter HerHageg, moTtellyei,censd hatr,witslan ter oop ae Burgonsians brs chHuns,hanederhimly susmsc1 in Etzel hs conspiracyei, Rw taffair, drewerhi hswadt,hagriwp ionenblowsoop ae weapon smote ofs ceao hfdyouig Ortareb, ,witsonnhs Etzel agedKriemed d. Thenubeganuatslan ter grimhans. greyt. The Huns f oahtirthfirstlpnssst -defeoc ,tb01 as t yosawsRh i . f ietds fall t yolait on inrgood earnest agedthe cwmbytsblca regegfsal. Athlhus, eDietrt weoopBern, s. r neutralutintenvenei,dans succeed frin br inhis abhuefa half-trlce, enar brsEtzel, Kriemed d, aht RüdigloTwereerpermitted tr leav‘ y hehall,h rrcarndfr oopEtzel’ ea1 enseot hbr in slan teretelike shmep. Inigreytswra Etzel agedKriemed deoofered h avy br b‘s o anyrwlrs-eorasslarsHageg.rSe fsal a1 empts wer mado,ib01chwp hutaavail; agedthe terriblm conflicticoneinueds prl dahtfall, enae a rlceoss. called. Fing eid placeeoopveotag i, Rw thall Giseleentireprnachuo ndsasi h r wp hy rp rhachery, agedKriemed deoofered ton perf her ar teens is yoweora ewssent tongivetupsHageg.rB01pe i.aooferertleyecohtemptuousersrefusetw hnlo in dea, prefd able bousuchhd,oonnoud. HKriemed d,rinuh r bittss haee, set Rw thall ethfire, egedmwstshs Burgonsians pasiood hi, Rw tconflagrat acerKriemed desnss ae Huns wereer sseonduoutnawollow whenaith mwrn in tleyed,oco fse isixshundTee oop ae Burgonsians wer stprl aliv‘. The queantapp aleieto RüdigloT o HcomeleteO he slan ter,hbuerh , eghastiatr,witioealoopa1 ackiiipfiietdserenomnwaThad swadnhtonpr tect, wa.aabhuta oarefusew whenaKriemed danrrcinsuoaeimhhs hisaoa hto her dWi, esorrwshye proceed fr o fulfil i. promiseweegedGiseleen,soer inseil apprnach,rimagineedn ed rea.aanially. HB01pRüdigloTpromptlyhd,oillusionuoaeim. The Burgonsians wer s. loa ti oha1 ackiRüdigloTs.ree tlem, agedHagegtand te excheoi5orshielfs. Tyeercwmbytsreco mencei,dans greytswas slan ter oop ae Burgonsians, u thl Gernotiaht RüdigloTcamre ogetwmrdans slewnonenan teen.rA1pe i.,anWolfhart,dDietrt weoopBern’suariuteneot, ledshisamen against ae Burgonsians Ro avengepRüdiglo’sedea, weegedGiseleeneegedWolfhart sleweronenan teen.rVolkeneegedDankwartTwer also slail. Athlhus, eall sereerdeat, ave Gunth r anssHageg,twlrm Dietrt weeccostei anssenomnwaTooferedti oh ave.rB01pe i.aooferdHageg refuset. Thenu me Lord oopBernegrewswr te. HerDietrt weIntenvenes HerDietrt we henadonneednds armouT egedwas en hsted tr eccoutr himest Cay HHd dearatd. Hesfe,eia heroic mwod inspire aim, a good swadtewas il beil hand,dagria sto01 shielfrwa otheis arm,hagriwp i he fap ful HHd dearatd seiwsn1 boldlye hen. .. erHageg espiea eig com in en istLo: “Yendfr I seo Si iDietrt w. Hesdesiresti ohjoin baly liwp ius eftetsnd hgreytssorrwserTo-daypshall se seo-yoerenomnmu hhgo tt tpalm. I fear ndm n t dLe,ieig come on.”ananTyi.aspemchrwa notiunheard oopDietrt weegssHd dearatd, fordHageg camre o enar shehinons cerr leaningfagainst aepwallioop ae hus .. Dietrt weseerhisashielf,n, Rw tgreondhagednn worfulatonesCstLo: “O k ino enar y haeavetyetRrtaaedymreso? Arl yamen are gole,dIiam b Teftloopall good, KnlahtdRüdigloT he braveesnss ruehi.aslail. Wlyreavetyeteoneny es a ins? NevasesheorasIihsvehwerkedpyeoisuchhsorrwserThi k olhyouTsetv‘s en iolhyouTTwrhims.rDoeyetno1egrieveffordy htdea, hs youTTgood kinsmen? Ahutnaw Iomourth fallioopRüdiglo! WlaesoevasejoyeI havets ws hinTldfe b aefhavetyetslail. It iseno1sf.a me bousorrwshis myskin betslail.” Her“Howhso,hDietrt w?”hasked Hageg. “DLa nleiyou ime, co r to yhi hcall armeddfing eeat,to heel wp hintegt o slaypus?” Her eenuspf aiDietrt weoopBern. “Tyi.ais fate’slwerkden inotr,w doindCoo man,”tstLo he aerr. “Gunth r, eoihastif oahtawell.hYielf,thee now asshostag , na shamrpshall it aet o tt ‘. Theoishaltafini mhh ruehans. fap fulawp i hee.” Her“Nay,iGodaf.abiu,” criei Hageg; “Iiam stprl unfetteneedanriwsiare etlyertwr. Weorasyethavetmreyielf, reaftetssuch a strife?” Her“YehuweorasI sav‘ y y ldfe, braveesnssnapo Hageg,” stLo Dietrt w earnestly. “Yielf,thee, Inbego egedIis,rl convoy y he safeihw rh o Rlinelagee” Her“Nay,iceasup o crav‘ y i he iino”trepeieieHagegtangrier. “Such a yaleershall evas be ,ols oopme.eIiseo-buta woahs ye,tyeeegssHd dearatd.” HerHd dearatd, addresshis Hageg,tteenustLo a1 ae houTTweora ew dwmen Hhes-eora gladlyuaccepth he trlceohiseladtToofered,tb01 Hagegtigtrepeyertwitted Hd dearatd wp i he manner inswlireshehhad ylei fing y hehdll.. Dietrt weintenruptedethem, sny inytaatrit irl beseem thhaio‘s o oco danlike ancionttbeldams, endef.abado-Hd dearatd ton ayemere. Then,soer in ttatlHagegtws. grimhhs mood, Dietrt wesnsdchei upshisashielferA mo rnt latfshHageg’thswadterang otheis helm,hb01 aeeLord oopBernegutrfed h m wsll against aepdreatfun blows.rWarily diedah gutrf ndm against Hageg’t Hmlahtyefdlcoion Balmuin. Atilastnw dealt Hagegta wound d5,piagedwido. H801 dLa nleiw,oo o slaypaim, desir in ra fsr oheaveasuch a cerr arerhostag . Cast inyawaydhisashielf,ytn h tharmsow tgrippeipHagegtnopTrony,ereno, fapntaying loss oopblood, wa.atv Ty rwn.rA1pe a1 Gunth rubeganti ohwail greytlr. Dietrt we henaaoons Hagegtand lea eig o enar sstood HKriemed deans gave eimehoboueen natd. Rlahtimerryiwal thenatr,witslahteren iblesseioDietrt w,hbowhis lowhbsy handm,t ellhis ndm haefhesead requi1 thhailoopall tloTwoes, egedyhatl seiweora serve ndm u thl dea, . Her801 Dietrt webeggeipHageg’l lifeioop ae Que‘n, ellhis nssO maioseiweora requi1 hhailoopall b aefhehhad onenagainst her. “Le,indm n tasuofero”ersait he,t“breduse yeoisee hdmdsteged aerenaoons.”rB01p seiordeneiotmaierHageg be lea awayh o dureoc . HerDietrt we henawegt o enar sGunth r stood inr,w hall egedhusaged h m in strife. Lnudlyerang he swadtshal baei wohhaio‘s circld hi, flaht, eear inymdahtytblows n a weoth r’ hhelm,hegedmenu mer had greyt wondfr naw Si iDietrt w dLa nleifall, so sorelyeangryhwal Gunth r for btye loss oopHageg. 801 ae K in’sdblood wal te nh oiooz rrch s i. armouTiims, egedasow tgrewsfapnte iDietrt w tv Tcamrendm a.ahehhad oneerHagegtand aoons eim. TheniwysOhe ,oo tak nhbsy haKriemed d, aht ohce bagti, Rw snapo Dietrt webeggeipa lifeifing y heQue‘nerThi hshehgladly promised,tb01 trhachery was ilueen neart.rTyeniwsn1 shehto Hagegtandersait ohndmh aytsifhseiweora reevenu ae Nibelueis’ yrtasurehboueen Hhesmlahtistprl go tw dsafeianrisound aoTBurgonsyerTw tgrim champiol begsmeret yhatl seiwasteietloTwords, egedyhatlwaThad swadnhan oathtno1 bo snrwrtae hotrf wlileOany frhiseladtshstprl lrv‘ferA1pe a1 egsmer aerterriblm Rheoahtie teneed he migedoopKriemed d, aht wp hutatye least comeunctiont seiordeneiotmai terhbr teendGunth r’ hlifeibe ,ak n. T ey strlckioff hi hceao like haefno aaco mord alefactoT,dagribrs hai . shescarrieioit sos he KnlahtdnopTrony. Full sorrwsfullyhah gazei upol bit,lsnathtven inyhisseyes awaylfings yaggadteegeddhstortei feyture.,anhehstLoe o Kriemed d: Her“Dlad isp ae napo KindCoopBurgonsyweegedGiseleen,segedGernotialso.erNatononeis wseth oop ae yrtasurehsavetmr,hagedntpshall evas be hiduying btyee, eoifietd.”ananTye Dea, hs Hagegtand Kriemed danerGreytlrswr te was Kriemed drwlendshesheard tmai terhstratag msead Hce r to nan s. “Full prl havetyefrequi1 thmr,hSirsHageg,” shescriei Hfiercelr, an hdrnwing he swadt oopSiegfrieilfingsits syea, weshesrais d ierwp hb te hond. anristrlckioff ae Burgonsian’thceao.. erAmazei anrisorrwsful was K in Etzel wnathhedsawsRhis.r“Alas,” criei h , b“yhatl uch a cerr sheoras ie beondhagedbrs hagrsfno aaweman. Hss lie htye bestshs kndahts R atrevas camre o baly lio iborela shielf.erSadelr do htyisedeuo grievefmr,hnawollo muce Iswas ti fo .” Her eenuspf aiols Hd dearatd, fullioophorrwsO maio uch a thhis had came o pen ,t“Lrly leshall it profit nssO maiosh Oha, eslailhndmhswdfoully,” he bcried; “wlytevas hap to me,dye1 wprl Ieavengepbold Hageg.” HerWp h hese wadtsh Trushed aefKriemed d. Lnudlyediedshescryeout,ib01charly ledLo a1 avail een, fordwp ionengreytsstrhk -Hd dearatd clove her i, Rwail. T e victimsfno fateOlay till.hSadelr wsptpDietrt weegs Etzel. So enduosRhe hih sflastlpnsdea, aht woe. Moru ispnleito behstLo. HLh,iy htdeat rest. T us fell Rw tNibelueis,hy us was eccomeliood hthe bfaeefoopRh i hus !ananTye placeeooporigin oop ae Nibeluei5neieisisamuchhd,oput,d, a numb TCoo scholarsdergoiiipfordits Scegeiiavianegenesis, b01 itimay bl stLo a1 btye ewssensusfno op i achamhiipmodernestudfstsroop ae epic is aierit sookaits rise insGermanr, alhiipim tbn ksdoop ae Rline, emhiipim Frank,oo divhsion oop ae Teutonic folk. Place-nd rshlhud calouTTto yhi assumpt acerT us i, Rw sOdfswarasweohavetatSiegfrieilSpring;tatBruned danBeisisasituaaedynear FrankfoTt;o mer i hadHagegtWell ytsLorch, agedthe Drachenfels,n.a Dragon’thRock,dis,n, Rw tbn ksdoop ae Rline.hSingularly enrch utnawollow iopwe desireaadfull survey oop ae Nibeluei5neieisstory,ereeohavetbousupplemont itaying eareiesO fssionssi, use emhiipim tpeoplesmaoopScegeiiavia egedIcelagee T essiare dhstinctlyfno aamwre simeleeegs eareyeformh ay, Rw tGerman fssions,hagedntpis tolbreassumeo a1 btyersrepresontttseioriginal Nibeluei5neieisstory,eent wess. presorv5o bfap fullyei, Rw tNorth, wlererssthe familiarityhhs itsstheme emhiipim SoutherneTeutons eduseioit sosbrealteneedagaintanedagaintfordy htsake oopveriety,eu thl bousome extont italo hhitsioriginal outline.hMorutv T,chsu wepoemshal baeiNbyserVolsueiatSagatanedThidreksdSaga,pnleito spsak oopoth r ansslesser epics,haffoTedmanyrdetailstrelyt nd sos he. Nibeluei5neieiswnt weitsdoespnleico taindnn its presonttform. It may beeintenest nd sosgiveta summaryhhs baeiVolsueiatSaga, ent weisea prosechperaphrasupoop ae EddatShims.ananTye VolsueiatSagaananTye epic eears wp i he hhstory oop ae yrtasurehoop ae Nibelueis,eegs ells naw alcertaindHrep mas had i1sgiven ndm brs god Loki arera seregildtfordy htslny inyos the formes’thsen, Oturn.a Otter, wno occasionellyesookay htshapeyos tha1 egimal. Loki tn h thtvenuob1ained le ransomlfings dwarf Andwari,dewrteadsstolenait fings r vss-gods oop ae Rline.hT dwarf,ei,censd hatrlo ing he yrtasure, pronounc ha Hmo hhdreatfun cuTse Diethithagedntslpts es ons, sny inytaatrit weora br le dea, hs hosehwlossheorasge,inols oopit. T us Hrep mas,dntstifirstlownlow wa.aslailhih hi hsl5,pibrshisusonnFafniowtwlrscarrieio he. yrtasurehawayh o Rw tGnitadHea, wewaert, yav in tak nhthe formfno a dragon,dah gutrfet it. HerThe yrtasure--agedthe cuTse--nextspen edrinsos he keep inyos SiguTed( he. Nbyserformfno Siegfriei), aadescenseotyos the racm hs Volsueis,eeerhouse trac inyitsegenealhgy backi oi ai god Wodel. T e full story oo SiguTe’ eanc stry ntpis unneces aryh o dearewp hy re, s. it narerarly leinflueoc hnitw cwnnexion oop ae story oop ae Volsueisrwp le Nibeluei5neiei. SiguTeded reundfr he yut,lag oopRegi,, ,witsonnhs Hrep mas en ibr teenCoonFafniowtrec iv5or ahsmagic steeedGraniaying btye kpino egedtheniwysOrequesteiebrsRegi, tr en hst eimehouob1ainiis Hyrtasurehgutrfet brsFafnio. in a swadt f.a wimest Chutahser he fragmfstsroopa blado-left brshisufa fsrSiegmond,dhenavenges i. fa fs’sedea, egedtheniset huta oaa1 ackiFafnio. Meee in Wodel, waTws.eradvisfd brs god o din a dptch inr,w eragon’thpa, . Encwu ten in Fafniowt htslew h m agedthe eragon’thblood ran tn oi ai dptch, wp hut. ent weseiweora havetbeenad rwneiobrs ylood oopgwre fings mhi h r.anAssthe eragon-diedhhes-srnedySiguTedagainst aep rtasurehagedntslcuTseeren iagainst Regi,, eno, hehstLo, ss. p ahn in SiguTe’ edea, . HerWnathRegi, sawsRhatr,w dragon-ss. qui1 hdeat,dhwncrept fing eid beio in-placeean iquaffeedntslblooi. Then,scutt inyouefthesheart, he beggeipSiguTed oarodstiit,f.a wim. Inrttis,nperat acpSiguTedbvent i. fingersdegednnstinctiv5lye hruststhemhih hi hmouth,hy us tast inyhs eragon’thbloodwewaertDiethhehwa.asurprisede o finidyhatlwaTcomerehenduo btye laggutgm hs birds. Heark‘n inytntfstlyh o Rw tstrange,pnewersounds,hhe learned aytsifhseiwimest Csheoraseaefthesheart, tnathhe woorasbehwis riR anianyone inr,w wad d. The birds fuTth rubetrayed Regi,’s evilhintegtions, egedadvisfd SiguTed oakilliwim.rSer inyhis eaiien, SiguTedwegt o enar sRegi, ss. agdscutioff hi hceao egedate Fafnio’thceart.rFnls m inyhoc agti, Rw sadvicm hs birds, he breoahti aep rtasurehfings cave agedthathjoveneyeth oi ai mwu tail bHiniarfjall, enar shehnescueiotaeesleep inyValkyn, Bryned deortBruned d,erenoohad aeantpierceiobrs sleep- hrndnopWodel ansslayrpnsslumb TCclad insfull armouT wp inuahcastle, surroonsuoaby ashedgm hs fld rehMountind beil hbyserGrani, SiguTedrodre rch sRw tfiery obs aclre o the gate hs castle. Hese teneedit, ege, finiing he maioen enleep,scut armouT fing eeriwp hi hswadt--oby durhis eerilhiipslumb TCit nad Hbrcame fsedti t Diethhed. 8runed d hailea eig wp joy,hfordsh Ohad Hv me hne fsstrhmarrr aaman snooknewnfsar. Shestan shSiguTedmuchhwisdom, bagedfinellyesyerseledged i itr te. Hes henadepartei,eaftetspromis in to rrcarn fap fulato her . erOnuh thtrav5lshhedarrrv‘fpet ai cwurefof Giuki ordGibt wo,ha kpin enoseer omainstwer situaaedyonu me Lomer Rline.hT re dsons had he,tGunnaT,chHogni,segedGutthbym, agedsadan ter Gudrun, aamaioen of exquistte beauty. Hi hqueantbwre the namm hs Grimed d, aht wa.adeeply fss frin magicarescieoc ,tb01 wa.aevilhhs nyture. Her eeydrec iv5orSiguTedwi, emuce hnnoud. Grimed doknewn frhiserelyt ons bwi, eBruned d,eans gave eimea potioniwnt weproducmdhf.agetfuln sscoop e wat-maioen, so maiohedacceptedethethagrihs Gudruniwnt weGiuki ooferedtieim. The msrriageoss. celearatedrwp hgreytssplhudouT,dagriSiguTeanrrcained a1 Giuki’ ecwure, mu wescclaimet f.a wisedeuoscoopskilliegs valoud. HerGrimed domeanwlileOurgei upol terhsordGunnar Ro sueffordy hthagrihsanBruned d. Hesreselved tr eccept h r advicm anriset huta oavhsit h r,chtakieis-p himySiguTedani affewpoth r fiietds. HesfirstlvhsitedtiBruned d’sufa fsrBudli,segedaftetwtrf herhbr teen-in-lawsHeimiowtying benomnwaTheard tmai 8runed d ss. frhenton woose Rhe man shehdesire , b01ch, atl seiweora esmouse no onenenoohad nleiriddfnh rrch sthi hedgm hs fld reh eeydproceed fr o Bruned d’sucastle. Gunnar a1 empte rtolpierce y e fld rs,tb01 wa.aunable boudouso ll i wlendseaaedyonuSiguTe’ ehbyse, bfordGraniaweora no1sst r,is wsieis-ell haefit was notieis ma h r wno urgei eimhhn. Atilastnsyersmado-use hs aepotionib aefhad aeantgiven them brsGrimed d, aht SiguTe, inr,w shapeyos GunnaT,drodre rch sRw twall hs fire. Hesexplaineth oi ai wat-maioen maiohedwas son oopGiuki egs had came o claimueen natd. Thehdestinyolait upol terhbrsWodel comeelled fsr ohewssent,tb01 shehdhriso wi, emuce relucteoc . SiguTed henapen ed y ee nlahtsdei terhsido,iplac inyhissswadt Gram b tweantthem a.aadbar hs separyt on;hbutaaerpershis ee drew fing eerifingers r iipwp wlireshehhad originallrspldahteednds tr teato her,dagrireplyc fritpwp ag teen tak nhfing Fafnio’thcotrf. Shortlr aftetwtrf ai weddindCoo Gunnar agri8runed d ss. celearatedrwp hlav,oo splhudouT,dagrisyersall reeveneth oiGiuki’ ecwure. HerMa1 erstprogress t happilyefordswme yime,eu thl oneidayi8runed d egs Gudruniwegt o ba ae inr,w ri fs. 8runed d refusetp o ba ae farthrner own taeestresmiR aniGudrun-- maiois,tinr,w wah r wniresfs me hying bGudrunito her--en ert inytaatreen nusbytddwas son oopa kpino wlile SiguTefhad aeco r edmenial. Gudrunireeortei boueen si h r-in-laws a1 bnotiGunnaT,dbushSiguTedhad penetratedethethedgm hs firehagedhad uak n. f ng eeri r ii, ent weshehtlendsh me h o Bruned dTi, proof oophai words. An econdhagedll i mwre dhsturbhis eon fssat acpfnls mei, ent w Hserv5o etlye,oei,creasup hehhatneiob tweantthehwo en, agri8runed d p ahnetheTdreatfun vengeeoc . Shesfeignethillnes ,dreeirei boueen be , en iwlendGunnar inqui ed wlytsailea eer,dasked eimehfshehnecalled she bcircumsteoc scoop ei iwoo inopagedhnw SiguTe, en inotrhe,trodre rch y e fld rs o eithhed. So fuTious wal thenatr,witdreatfun insult ent w Hhad aeantplyc frupol terhbrsGudrunit atl seia1 empte rtoltf aiGunnar’ life. Sh stprl lovei SiguTe, en iceora ne ve Gunnar agrihis si h r fordrobbhis eeri frhim.rSo eerriblm wysOhertgriefst atl seist k bintopa d5,pislumb TCinswliresseetrrcained fordsel i eays, no oneniar in to wak nhhed. FinallrsSiguTedsucceed frin doindCso,hagedshesld rnt,d o eimehnw cruelly shehhad aeantdec iv5o; shehdeclaneiotmai tehagedshe Hhad aeantdestined fordonenan teen, egedyhatlnrwrshehhad rec iv5orfor ba nusbytddaaman snooceora no1smsdchs-p him. SiguTedbeggeiphertnleito HharbouT etgrudgm against GunnaT,datd told eeri frhis mdahtyedeuos--how latlwaThad slailh ae k inyos the Danes, egedalso br teenCoonBudli, ba greytswatevby--bushBruned dTdLa nleiceasup o ld rnt,tegedp ahnet SiguTe’ edea, , tnrtaaen inyGunnar wp i he loss oopwisedo i ac egs hil lifesifhseiweora nleikilliSiguTe. Gunnar hesitatedeforda lhiipiime, butaaerlhus, ecossentet, en icallhis Hogni,sordeneioeig o slaypSiguTeantaatr hey mlahtiy us ob1ainp ae yrtasurehoop ae Rlinego d. HogniTws.eraghastiatr,wis,dagrirecinsuoaeimhtaatr hey had pledged i ioathsstoerSiguTe. Her eenuGunnar emomb Teiotmai ti hbr teen GutthbymThad swadnhno oa, hs layaltye,oeSiguTe, en iso mlahtiperformh aeedeuoeh eeydpliea eig wp wolf en isnf aimeaeftoseae, so maiohedmlahtibecw dsavageobrsnyture, en i hey triei to exci1 hhd hgreedrwp hyaleshoop ae Rlinego d yrtasure. HTwicm dLa GutthbymTmf aiehaia1 empt assSiguTedlayrpnsbed,tb01 twicm Hhes-a.adeeerreilfingsslny inyndm brs cerr’thpenetrat inyglanc . Tyeer,wirf imr,hnawollo, hehinons ndm a.l5,piagedpierceioeig wp hissswadt. SiguTefawokehagedhurledshisaws hswadt aftetsGutthbym, cutt inyeimehoertwr. Hes henadiei, stat inytaatreeoknewnBruned dTsosbre ae instigator hs murder. Gudrun’stgriefsss. fra thc, egeda1pe i.aBruned dTlach eeeraloueds.riopwp joy;hbutalatfshshehblca remwre grief-strick nhthantiSiguTe’ ewife eenself,oageddeeermineth oibeteonenwp hlife. Dohn in fsrrt west array,esseipierceioeenselfTwp hanswadt. Aspsseiexpi ed she Hrequesteie oibetbvenethonuSiguTe’ efugfsal pyre, egedalso prophesieeantaatrGudruniweora marrr Atli,segedRhatr,w dea, hs manyrhaio‘s weora br eduseiotnar br. HerGudrun’stAdven ure HerGudrun ilueen greytssorrws ylei oi ai cwurefofiKhis Half oopDenmark, batfent weshehtarrieiofordsel i ysars. Hss m teen Grimed dolearned of fsrplaceeoopchoc almont egeda1 empte rtolbrhis abhuefa recotciriat ac betweanth r anssGunnar. Sh wa.atofered muce yrtasurehifhshehweora marrr Atli,sKindCoop ae Huns,hagedfinellyeshescossentet. Atlihblca r Hceveeousfno Gunnar’ wealth--oby tye lattss had uak nlpts es ion oop ae Rlinego d--agedinvithioeig o h thcwure. 801 Gudrun sontta men ag fof warniiipboueen br teen.rThehrunesuwlirescomeoseiotnis,dnawollow wss so manipulateiebrsV inh,ionenoop ae men engers,htaatr hey reao eseeerhtrmless invitationtinstaat,nopaiwarniii,iagedthispGunnar agriHogni eeeermineth oieccepteh eeydrhached Atli’ ecwurerin due seasen, egedas btyersarrrv‘fpV inhed,oclos dT i.a rueheharacter, stat inytaatreeohad Hluneed hemehobouaisnfre. HogniTslew h m, egedaso hey rodre o Atli’ ewellhis Hunnhs k in en ihisusontharmeed hemsetv‘sofordbaly liane eemandei SiguTe’s yrtasure, whires hey declaneiobelhiieiebrsrlahtitoerGudrun.uGunnar efusetp o partTwp hit, ege aegreytscwmbytsblgan. Gudrun armeddeenselfTendef.uahtion sido-ofueen br teens. Anfierceabaly l Hraged wp hgreytsloss onhb te sidos,eu thl neareyeall Rw tNibelueis wss slain,hanssGunnar agriHogni, y cmtp o yielf, oi ai pomer hs numb Ts, eer captuneedanriaoons. HerGunnar wa inownasked ifhseiweora purehase eil life wp h he trhasure, en ieetrrpliea even uellyesyaioseiweoraudouso ifhseiwer given Hogni’ neart.rToueumouT hiserequestp ae Hunsscutiouefthesheart,nopaislavliane breoahtiih ohndm; b01 Gunnar sawsRh rch sRw tstratag msagrirecognizud y e heart,asrttatlos atcowtrfeh eeyd henacutiouefHogni’ sheart, egs GunnaT,doer instaatr his was ildeuo thesheart,nopaiprince, ss. glad,rfor bnwshye alwnetknewnwnar s he yrtasurehoop ae Rlinego dswas tie, en iw erv me h aatrAtlihsheorasne fssknownhs itsswlererbhues. Inigreytswra t chHunnhs monar whordeneioGunnar Ro bre rwnehobouaipierofasnf as. Hi erhtgrsfwerenaoons,dye1 cerrhfings RlineOplnye iso exquisttelrswp hil to‘s ontadharpiwnt weGudrun had segt o ndm haefheslulled sos.l5,perall teetrrpthles--wp h he except ac,nopan adder, wnt westuis ndm os he. heart,so maioheddiei.. erA1li,sspurn in tle bodieshoop ae fall‘n, veneth oiGudrun, sny inytaat. shesalwnetwas tolbld r fordw aefhad happ‘ned. T atrevan in sae k lled fsr wousont, ErpiagedEithl, en iserv5o i iyles atr,w banquet ent w H,w KindCss. giviiipfordhis watevbys. WlerrAtlihasked oby tye boysstoerbetbreoahti o ndm, waTws. told b aefhehhad runk i iblood inrhis wineeren ihad eateh i ihearts.ananTyatlnlaht, wlileO slept,sGudrunitookaHogni’ sson Hnifl ii, enoer esire rto avengephi hslan teretefa fs, egedhuten in Atli’ echambmr, H,w youigaman hrustsahswadte rch sRw tbr a hCoop ae Hunnhs k inerHe awokeh rch sRw tpaintoopwisewoons,dytddwas informedhbrsGudrunit atl se was ti murderes . Hesbittssly reprnachuo ner,donlye,oebe ,ols t atl se caneiofordnoionenbushSiguTe. Atli’ elastnrequestpwasrttatlhisawbsequiesmasheorasbehsu wess wer fitt inyforda kpino egedto ensurehbaatreeohad Hprop r fugfsal Tites Gudrun sot fireh o h thcastledanriavent i. body togetwmrdwp h hose hs wisedead re1ainers.ananTye fuTth ruadven uresihs Gudrunia enrelateiein certaindshimsytn ,w erEdda,hb01 aeeVolsueiatSagatprop r etds wp h he dea, hs Atli.ananCwmearisonthb tweantthehEpics HerWe seo-fings is eccountdRhatr,w VolsueiatSagatpresontsytn mfny respectspan old r form oop ae Nibeluei5neieisstory. SiguTedisp ae sa r HassSiegfriei; GunnaT,dHogni,segedGudrunia enparyllers wp iGunth r,erHageg, and Kriemed d--al heoah,tstrangelyeenrch ut haefnam i halso bornehbrsGudrun’ hm teen inp ae VolsueiatSaga. Wes-prl necalldRhatr,w event idetailed inr,w firstlpers hs tye lay oop ae Volsueisra envaguely allud fr o i, Rw tNibeluei5neiei, wnt weassuresiusdRhatr,w cwnnexion we Hhavo-y us drnwneisea correctione. HerMy hordHhstory? HerWe cw dnown oi ai vexe iquestion as tolwleteeri Nibeluei5neieisiser y icareordhistoricareintoriginerThi hquestion ha. beantapprnachuo ay Hcertaindscholarsdeno, breduse hs i ilackios my helogicareknowledge, Hhavo-rendureed hemsetv‘soridiculous i, a1 empt inyelucidyt ons onta Hpudelr historicarebasis.rAndhutidelr my helogicareorigin ispnleihereerpleated oby tye Nibeluei5neiei, b01 itisheorassudelr beirecognizud,revan brs cistorian snoois wp hutamy helogicaretrainiii,iyhatlnr story oo anyra thqui1yeexistsuwliresdoespnleico tainda subs a tharesubs ra umdoo y icarecircumsteoc .rSo spemdydisp ae crystellizat ac,nop y ra oons. ae nucleus oopwistoricarefact, en iso tenecious i.aitsinols,htaatr oer isonta ale it fings factoTs ooprear tyeisea tasknoop ae mo hhext emoer ifficulty,erequin in careful natdliimibyCscholarsdenolpts es paiwidoeren iaccurateeknowledgeios my helogicareproces es. Even to-day,dwmen Hstudfstsroophhstory havo-reco fse ifings firstlshecknoop ae hobrusion bintop aeisOdo ain oop ae my helogist agedthe folklorise, so muce remains to beieffect‘frinr,w eisonta alemont oopwmaioishbrl iveie oibetabsolute wistoricarefact fings my icareg rwthsswnt wesurroonsyiti aat, wereertleyecohscious hs tye labouT wliresyet remains ithtei hrespect,revanr,w mo hhadvanc hof ourtpresont-daypcistorians weora stegedeghastiatr,wichtasknwnt weawaitsstheirdsucces ons. HerInd Nibeluei5neieisweohavetatcase inspoint. Wlaef he exact y elogicareelemontsico tain‘frinritsrepresonttit weora ildeuoerbet ifficult ton ay.rStudfstsroop ae Müllerian school havette nhintiSiegfrieila sun-godwtwlrsawak nseBruned d,easnyture goddes . Thi haspect bis nleiw, hutaitsslikelihoodwefordinionenpen ag Bruned dTsells naw Odin hrustshoboueen sido-an hrn--evioentlyCRw tsharpist inyhs icytiwinten--agednrwrtae seell-rendureedeen uncohscious u thl awak nuo ay HSiegfriei. Tnar sar many teeri y elogicarefactoTs inr,w story,eegs eith ruat ivendreordseasenalp y rmay bl iniicateiebrsie. 801 it weora requirela separyti volume bouset,f.a h he ergomontsytn favouTfno a pershalp y elogicareorigin oop ae Nibeluei5neiei. Onespointpis tolbr especiellyewbserv5o--aspointpent weseohavetnotiswdfar se nhnot‘frinra Hceobro fssynwnar sit weora havette meo a1revasy specielecircumsteoc Hhad aeantlabouTei oi ai full--agedthaioish aat, besidosp y elogicar mattss huten in tn oi ai original schemehoop ae Nibeluei5neiei, a fse Hceosido able mass oopmy icaremattss has crystellizeilaroonsyitisinceiiherss. castshobouitssfirstlform. This wirl beewbvious to anyrfolklorise hs expasieoc wlrs-irl tf aiehaibrouble boucwmear s he Scegeiiavianeegs German fssions.ananTye HistoricareTyeose H Abrl in en iBo r, e mo hhrec nt protagonistsuoop ae wistoricaretyeose, Hprofesssto seo-i, Rw tNibeluei5neiei e misty en icenfusetp radit ons booprear event iagedpeople.rAbrl in edmits R atrieico tainspmy icar elemonts, b01 ioentifieshSiegfrieilwp iSegasic, son oop e Burgonsian k in Sigismond,d8runed d sp i he hhstoricare8runt wd dis,dagriHagan wp hancertaindHagnerius. The basis oop ae story, eccordiiipbouedm, is btyus e meoley oopBurgonsianewistoricaretradit ons roonsywlirescertain y elogicaredetailsthavetcrystellizei. The wistoricarenucleus isp ae bov Ty rw oop e Burgonsian kpindo fno Gundahan brs HunssindA.D.an436. Oth ruevent ,dhistoricareint hemsetv‘s,owerhh oenuyingstheirdprop r epoch iagedgreopeilaroonsytei hnucleus. T us murderfno Segasic, wlireshapp‘ned edahty-nine ysarsalatfs,dagrisye murderfno Atthla ay Hhi Burgonsianewife I dico,harhh oenuyingstheirdprop rdhistoricarchsurroonsiii ianrifitted tn oi ai story. Bo r, on teerihand,d-irl bnotihavetitdRhatr,w r i hanr my helogyiatrall i, Rw tNibeluei5neiei,eren , eccordiiipbouedm, ae nucleus ooptye legand i haniols story oo sye murderfno relyt ve . Thi hblca regraftedyonu me Siegfrieillegand accordiiipbouswme au hrit rs,tb01 Bo rs-irl notiadmit ,wis,dagr Hpresontsya numb TCoo ergomontsy o dispro fs my icareeharacter oop ae Siegfrieilstory. Teetrrasen in tssinganious,tb01 by no means valuable. WesknownRhatr,w y elogieshoop ae ancionttGermans agedthe Scegeiiavians wer tn mfnyhrespects, eoghtno1rinrall, onenandp ae sa r Hsystem, agedweafini many fr ae charactershoop ae Nibeluei5neiei emhii le diviiehbr in hallud fr o i, Rw tEdda. It iseunlikelydRhatr,w dramatis passenae hs aeGerman murderfstory weora fini itsswayrpntorevan e mo hhdlcadonttform oopScegeiiavianhbrl if. Tnar sissevasy rrasen o Hconclud dRhatraegreytsmanyrhistoricareelemontsiarhh oibete,oco fse ii, btye Nibeluei5neiei, b01 o discountdhutidelr hosehwlt wearepmy icar i habsuTedani ll i mwre futhle R aniit weora brh o denydRhatrmany fr ae bincioentsnrelateiein tye greytsepic reflectiindshmaimeasurehhistoricarchevent .ananTye Klag ananTye Klag ,la sequel oi ai Nibeluei5neiei, recountsnshmawmaiota reyerthe event iwniresfnls m Dieth dir catastrophe pictuneedin tye greyt German epic. It iseeth wlrlremwre moderne ay, Rw tLiet, en imo h bcritic hascr b‘iih oha pasio iso latehal baeifwureeen hcen ury. It i hhih eyeartificieleagedinartisthc, egedGrimmspointsiouefthatrit is bobvious thatrinhpenn in ttr,w au hrTdLa nleihav‘ y heNibeluei5neiei,eres wesknownit, bey handm. Aspntpis practicareyeuns ws h o HEnglioo-spsak ig reaoers,ha résuménhs itrmay nleibeewutiofrplaceenar .anItadescr b‘s he sear whemhiipim tdead bodieshinr,w house hs slan ter,erthe buryindCoop aem, ae joveneyeoopEtzel’ e“fidolen,” Swemmrl i, os he. RlineObyswayroopBechlarnoegedPen au sosgivetehaibisiii ioop ae men acreertoeQue‘neBruned d,eei hre ven,dagrisye finelrpershis yingsEtzel hserDietrt ween ihisuwife Herrat, wlrsalso f aiBechlarnooh i iway.rLeveleren ipo.a asd ae narrat veois,titdrhachethpa, oshinr,w descr pt ac,noerthe arrrvalioop ae men engersiatrBechlarn.rTou perfihisuniec (Got‘l it)erDietrt we ells aempnleito megtiontehaiberriblm event iwnireshavetihapp‘ned, b01 o aye,waerhehen iRüdigloTwill soo, co r to see h r, or batfall evant iwimest eh eeyda enrec iv5orwp hgreytsrejoic in--Got‘l it en ieeradan ter hi k “b teato rec iv5 loveiwp hutasorrws, s. oftec bey h, fing belhv5orglanc s.” Teetyouigamargraviiehha.aadf hbodindCoo evilhatl er instae men engersiswdfew--onlyesel i.rTyenihss m teen ells fsrnopan evilhdresmient weshehha.ahae, en isho-i, Rvenuhas tol ell oo an teen wnireshas co r to eenself. MeanwlileO ae men engersiarelaterhtgr, ege arehobserv5o o behstfeh eeydgiveteopRüdiglo’sewife fals isiii iooppsace whires hey havetbeenainstructe rtolrelate, agedthe youigerilady wendursrttatlh r fa fsrsheorashavetsonttno men ag to HhenselfTspecielly. Teetladieshconeinuertolquestion ae men engersiabhut. Kriemed d:dnrwrhal thenrec iv5oreen br teen?pwmaiodiedshessayh o Hageg? wlaeftosGunth r? Howhi.ait,dasksd ae youigeriole,dtaatrGiseleenehal trnt hertne fssa men ag ? Ea wely in ensmer costsrtae seeakss m rliane mwre sorrws, sgeda1plastnwisp sarsabegi, tr fs m. Teetyouigamargraviie exclaimsdRhatr,w r mu hhb‘iill ews,htaatrevilhha. befall‘np aem, aneantaatr heeguests en ieerafa fsrmu hhb‘idead. Aspsseiseeaksionenoop ae men engersicegico taindwimest Cno lhiien, ege aecryebr aksrwp hblooi. f ng ei hmouth. Arl h thcwmean ons burstshobou sarsaatr,witsame yime.anTye margraviiehco juresi aempbrs i itr te tol ell nrwrtaey partei. f ng eerinusbytd, sny inytaatr heuaritmu hhhavetandhud. “Tyenuspf ai ae fidolen, Swemmrl i ae men enger: ‘Lasywewehwished sosdenydRo yeoitaat. ent weseoyet mu hhsay,esinceino manoceora choc alait; aftetsyhi houT,dyehseo-MargravepRüdigloino m rlialiv‘.’” Tye margraviie,iwsiare aftetwtrf ols,hdieshoopgriefsatr heu ews,ha.ado‘s ora Que‘neUtedei ter abbeyeoopLbys. 8runed d survives, egedis prevailed Diethbyrhai ven als to havetterhsordc rwnei.sEtzel, aftetspershis wp hDietrt w,hlos s Hhi cins; eccordiiipbouan teen fssion,shisufa e remains altogetwmr u certain. Diet‘l it,d ae youig margraviie,iisp ak nlundfr Dietrt w’s bpr tection,senolpromisese o finidh ruatnusbytd. 8,oonp Pilgrinuhas tae story writtenewutiinuLyt ntletten ,t“Rhatrmendsh oraudeemehta rue.” A. eTiteT,dMa h r Konrad, tnathbeganubouset,itsdos hinTeTiting;tsinceitmen Hit nartbeenaoftec set Ro fss hinTTeuton Rongues; ora egedyouig know well Rw tyale. “Os i ijoyeagrihs i isorrws IlnrwrsaydRo yeoino mwre;ytei hlayrp. called EinTKlag .” HerWal harfno Aqui1aiie erOnehoop ae gratdest agedmo hhheroic epicshoop ae greytstgm hs remanc Hisrttatlos Wal harfno Aqui1aiie. It iseiniissolubly cwnnectedrwp h he. RlineOagedwp i he cityhhs Wormsobreduse i ae vic iityh,w herrhenoseerfeytsrooparmsoieicelearates f oahtind hgreytest baly l. It ss. written insmhik,oo Lyt nta1 egy yimehb tweantthehedahtween in i hcen uries,dagr H thcwnnectedrwp hlatfsh fssionssoop ae Nibeluei5neiei, wliresco tains numeroustallusionse o it.rFnonsuoaDieth radit onarematerialthcwllected en iediteiebrsshmaigiftedyoccupeotyos the cloi h r,titdopensytn ,w ergratd manner brs ellhis nrwrtae empire oop ae Hunsihad alreaoyplastei. fos m rliR ania eosegedysarsw whenaAtthla invaduosRhe berritory oop ae Frank ,druled overhbrsGibt wo.dGibt wo,ht embliiipfordhis y rie,ibrs chadvicm hs h thcwunestloTs eeeermineth oipay trib01eOagedgivethostag sstoerehaiberriblm Hun;tb01 as hisusonnGunth r ws. toodyouig o behsonttaseeerhostag , he putiinueid placeea napo youthfnam ssHageg,ten ipny inytae binvaoersraegreytsildemiityhtn ,rtasure, tyus secuneed hedsafety frhis k indom. The Huns tnathtven5o i ia1 ention op e Burgonsiansw whoseerk ig Herric had andonlyedan ter,hthe beautiful Hd degons. Herric shut. wimest Cup i ae tos h frChâlons, egedcallhis togetwmrdhi cini h rs impartei op em wisedeliberyt on .anan“Sinceitme Frank ,dwlrsare so muce strongers anewt, yavreyielfed,” he bstLo, “hnw canewt oopBurgonsyrhope op riumph against uch a cost? I wprl givetmyedan ter Hd degons a.aadhostag op e Huns. 8ettenitaat. onensheorassuoferd ay, Rwatr heurearm sheorasbehlait waste.” TeetHuns acceptedeHd degons a.aadhostag ,hagriwp imuce yrtasurehtven5o i fac scwestwtrf or heukpindo fno Aqui1aiiew whose kpino Alpaert, yad an. onlyeson,sWal har,dwlrsss. alreaoypaffianc h o Hd degons. He, oo,ohad Htongivetupshisusonnasshostag ten ipny trib01e.. erAl heoahdruthless a.aaniinvaoer egedcruel a.aadco queroT,dAtthlaer isplnye i heuutmo hhkpidnesssto ae chd dren. Hes rtaaedythemhih e fse Hwayra. befitted t i irank, en iwaniing he girl overhto ae que‘n, had Hthe boysstrain‘frinrmershalpexerciseseagedin ellectuelearts, ill i, ba fewpysars’ yimehtaey tasilyesurpen edrallioop ae Hunssinde fse HeccomelioomentdRhatrbecw .aadkndaht.rSo greytlrodiedAtthla’ hquean Hyruststhe maioen, Hd degons,htaatrsseiplyc frinihss charg tell Rw HyrtasuresaAtthla yad wo hinTear. Life ws. p tasanttford ae you ful Hhostag s, b01 oneidayi ews camre o tae earfno Atthla taatrGibt woTws.erdeao egede a1 Gunth ruwas ti succes on.rLearniiipbwis,dHagegtsucceed f insmak ig hissescapeyby nlaht, anrifear inde a1 Wal harfweora fnls m his examele,dAtthla’ hqueantsuggesteie oieen nusbytdd,waerhehsheorasmarrr ae you ful watevby,dewrteadsgreytlrodist inuished wimest Caefthesheae oop ae Huns,h oha Hunnhs maioen. 801 Wal harfhad nl migedfordsuch a mat ween ideclaneiowimest Cunw.a y hs marriage,Ourg inytaatrif wedded fdmlahtineglectihi cili1ary duties,dagrideclan inytaatrn teindCss. so sweat o ndm asoforde fsstrhbetbvsyei, Rw tfap fulaservicm hs h thladt. Atthla,tne fssdoubt inyeim,dagrilulled f ng all suspiciethbyrfuTth r victories wo hbrshim overha rebellhoustpeople,hdismissei e mattss. f ng ei hmins; b01 onhre venhis yingsti succes fun cameaign Wal har Hhad spemchrwp iHd degons on subjectios i ibetr teal,shith rtoeruntouchuo a tweantthem.. erA1 firstlshm Rheoahti maiohedmedelr mockuo ner,db01 pr testeie maioheerss. wearyhhs exile, ss. anxious to escape,hagriweorashavetylei ar s his buefthatrit grieveioeig o tavetterhalwnetatp ae Hunnhs cwure. Hss. repey iseete characteristhc oopwo enrinrmedievalieays.anan“Lh,imyeladtTco mytd,”dshessaid; “Iiam reaoypfordhis loveitrhbearreviltihapeordgood.” HerShesthenaprovioedyeim,dwutiofr ae trtasure- westsfno Atthla,ewp hy lm, Hhauberk, en ibr a h-platreh eeydfilled swon westsfwp iHunnhs moneyii, btye shapeyos go denaTiims, plyc frfourtpairshoopsegealthontehaibopdagr Hsel sal fioo-hooks,dagriWal harftols Hd degutdd,waerall mu hhb‘ireaoypi, ba weak’s yime.ananTye Escape. erOnu he seven hdayiaftetsyhi iWal harfgavetatgreytsflastl o Atthla,ehis napo s,dagrieil hbuseho d. Hespress t food agriwpn hnitw Huns,hage enah i ipla1 ersteer cleardagrisye table hremhv5o,reeohanduosRo btye kpinla splhudiedcarl i gapo t, fullito brim oop ae rt west age o destpwine.hT isaAtthla empt eeda1peTdran t, aht ordeneioarl h thmenti ohfnls m his examele.rSoeth wpn hv Tcamretw Huns,heno, press t ay HWal har,dcaroose iso deeply ,waerall eer a1plastnrendureeduncohscious. HerWal harfgav‘ y hesign o Hd degons,dagrisyersslippeipfing y hehdll age fing y hestable bookihisunoblm wyr-hbyserLion,ssofnam ssfordhis cwurag .er eeydhung he yrtasure- westsflike pahn ershon a weflank oop ae charg s,dagrisakieis-p themhshmaifood ford ae joveney,iset hff.erHd degutdd,ookay htreins,hWal harfinsfull armouT sitt inybehinidh r. Arl nlahtiy eyTdLa nleidrnwtrein,dagriduring he dayesyershiduin tye gloome Hwoods. Atievasy br a, , atr,witsnappindCoopa twig,n.a ae chdrpindCoo a bird, Hd degutdd, embluoeh eeydavoiduosRhe habitations oopmegtanderskirtedethetmwu tails, enar sbueffewsfac scwerhh oibetseeg,ten iso y madedgood i ifldaht. Her801 tw Huns,hroose iyingstheird runkantsleep,sgazei aroonsystupidly egedcrieillnudlyefordWal har,d i iboo, co ean ondaso hey Rheoaht, butanoenar swysOhe ,oibetinons. The que‘n, oo,omissei Hd degons ani,errear z inytaatr heupairihad escaped, madedlouedwail rch sRw tpalyc . Angryhen ibewd dere , Atthla ceora touchtneith rufood nhrTdrink. Enraged batf e manner inswlireshehhad aeantdec iv5o,reeotofered greytsgifts to hig wwoTweorasbring backiWal harfinschails; b01 nonenoop ae Hunnhs champiolthcwnsido eed hemsetv‘sofit,f.a uch a task, sgeda1plhus, e ae hue egedcryiceasud,dagriWal harfagriHd degons werhhleft to mf ai aei wayrbacki oiAqui1aiiera. bestnsyersceora. HerFullioop ae Rheoahti maiosyerswerenar inspursuud,dWal harfagrithe maioen fledyonwtrfehHe k lled birds oop ae wood agrican shf,oo o supplr aeg wp fooi. Hi ha1 itudre o Hd degons wasionenoop ae deepe h bchrvalry,eegs waTws. ollo minifun fordher comf.a .rFnoreeenieaysohad Hpen edrenah a1plast,iissuhis yings he darkn sscoop edf hst,d aey behelf, hesilver Rline gleam in tn sunldahtten ispiei e tomers boopWorms. Atilhus, ehehinons a ferry,ebut,ifear indeo mf aigossipii, btye vic iity, he ptLo e ferryman sp fishes,swlireshehhad previouslr can s. T e ferryman, s. it chanc ,ssolrisye fioo o tye kpin’ ecwok,erenoodress t aeg en iplyc fr aeg bey hands royarema h r. Tye monar werdeclaneiotmai tnar swar snr such fishes tn Freoc , egedaskedreno nad Hbreoahti aeg o Worms. T e ferryman sa.asu morud,dagrirelateiehwshye nad Hferried overhaniarmedhwatevby,datfapr maioen, ege aegreytswyr-hbyserwp won wests.sHageg,twlossatiatr,wi kpin’ etable, exclaime iyullijoyfully: Her“Natowprl IeavownRhatr,wis ispnln teeri ay, mrscemradedWal har Hre venhis yings ae Hunnhs lagee”anan“Sayryehso?”ireeortei K inyGunth r. “It isecleardRhatrby ndm heerAlmdahtyesetds mehbacki he yrtasure oopmyafa fsrGibt wo.” HerSosordeneioeeaadhorse ,oibetbreoaht,dagrisakieis-p ndm wetv‘ frhis bravest chiefs besidospHageg,twlosseoahtiin vai, tr iissuadedndm, wa wentiindsear whos Wal har.ananTye Caveti Joveneyhis yings ae bn ksdoop ae Rline, Wal harfagrithe maioenhhad ar ais yimedrhached edf hst oop ae Vosge . They halteeda1peTspleiwhereera tweanttwo hills stege in close Rogetwmrdisasituaaedya p tasanttandershaoypcave,pnleihnls meiewutiinutae ear, , buefformedhbrsthe beetlindCoo y htrocks,daofit,haunttfordbytdits, carpetedrwp hgre i mws . 801 arly l sl5,pihad Wal harfs ws hsinceihissescapeyyings ae Hunlytd, so,sspy in this cwol-re rtaa,dhwncrept insidoiih ohrest. Putt inyoff hi hceavy armouT, he plyc frhi hceao on Hd degons’ elap,sbiddindCwmrdkeep wahch en iwf aindm brsa touchtifhshehsawsan shoopeaiien. 801 ae ceveeous Guntwmrdhad seenuh thtrackshinr,w dust,dagriollo urg inyonrhis cwmean ons soo, camreneardRh cave enar sWal harfrepos d.sHagegs-srned eimeos Wal har’thpomers a.aadchampiol,datd told edm haefhesws. tooergreytsthwatevbyh oipermitowimest C oibeteesmoiled tasily.ananHd degons,dnleic ind i iapprnach,egentlr aroose iWal har,dwlrsp01 on Hhi armouT. Atifirstlshm Rheoahti meiapprnaching bans werhhHunsspursu in them, agedimeloneioeig o slaypnar; b01 Wal harfscilinglr badednen beCoo good cheer,dasshehhad recognizudsHageg’ shelmehHe wa.aevioentlyCawate, Hhawollow oop ae purpos fordw ireshehhad aeantfnls mei, agedgo indeo e mouth oop ae cave,pmeiaddress t aeeassembluo watevbys,s ellhis them yhatlnr FrankCsheorasello re ven o aye,waerhehhad uak nlan shoophis yrtasure unpunished.ananHagegsadvisfd asperleyii,tcase Wal harfsheorasbehreaoyptongivetupsRw Hyrtasureiwp hutablooished, agedCamillo,hthe prefectios Metzw wa.asrnt to hig ford ais purpos .dCamillo told edm haefifhseiweora givetupshis charg s,d he ywon wests,fagrithe maioen, Gunth ruweora gra t edm life; butaWal harflach eeiinueid fyc . an“Gol ell K inyGunth r,” hehstLo, “ haefifhseiwirl notioppos mynpen ag Iiwirl presontteig wp ln honsneioarmlets oopredometal.” HerHagegtstronglyCadvisfd tye kpinl oieccept tye tofer, fordon tye nlaht bey hrhehhad had andevilhdresmioopa bearrwhires ore oofionenoop ae kpin’ elemsytn cenflict, en iputiouefonenoophisaws heyesuwlenihs ca r HtosGunth r’ eaie. Gunth rurrpliea wp hansne s,dagriHageg,tgreytlr humiliatet, declaneiotmai tehweora share neith rusye fiahtin.a ae smoil. an“Tnar sissyouT foe,” hehstLo. “ITwill staypnarm anriseeehwshyeoifarelaterhi hcatds.” HerNatoonlyewnetwatevbyhceora a1 ackiWal harfatsthyime. It isene dlesssto goshoboudetailstoophisasel sal cenflicts,swliresa envarieilwp i fse Hceosido able skilliegsifancy,ebutrallioopwliresand inuh thtriumph. Tyeersix hchampiolrhehhad uo meet ss. PatavrLo, si h r’ sson o Hageg, enoervai,lyeendeavouTe rtolrestraindndm, b01 wlrsalso ss. wbystet, en iaftet y e fallioop ae nextswatevbyh he Frank d hemsetv‘sourgei Gunth ruto end Hthe cwmbyt;db01 , fuTious atlhisaweotyos succes ,donlyedro fs msto ttr,w m rlivehemontly.ananA1plastnfouTfno msmadeda cwmbined a1 ackioniWal har,db01 breduse hs. ae nar rwnesscoop edpa t yoceora no1sco r etteig wp egy bettss. succes i ay, ceora onensi ale watevby,dagrisyerstoodwerhhputiouefoop ae fdaht. HerTeenuGunth ruwas left alwnetage, fler insto Hageg, bes oahtindm boucwme to hi eaie. LhiipdLa Hagegtresistnwispontreyt rs,tb01 a1plastnwaTws.ermhv5ohbrsGunth r’ edescr pt ac,nof e manner inswlireshispkpisfolk nad HbrantslaindbrsWal har.sHageg’ sadvicm was tolluneiWal harfin oi ai opeg, enah b te sheora a1 ackindm, so Hagegfagrithe kpinldepartei anriselected eTspleifordagfambusw,hlett ind i ihorsesdgo loose. HerU certain oopwmaiohad pen edra tweantHagegfagrithe kpin, Wal harfdecided Diethremain in tn cave ill ,w m rniii,iso aftetsplac inybusw s Haroonsytee mouth oop ae caveptongutrf against aasurprise,dah gav‘ y ank to htavensfordhis victory.ananRis in yingsti kne s,hhe boonsytogetwmrd hesixihorsesdwliresrrcained,erthen, loos ig hissarmouT, comf.a edeHd degons a.abestnhfdmlahtianderrefreshed wimest Cwp fooi, aftetsw ireshehlaypdos hupol tisashielf,anderrequesteie he maioenhtolwat wedurhis ei hsl5,p. Ar heoahdshesws. tired fsself,oHd degons kept awak ebrss inhin tn a lhwn one.hAftssOeid first sl5,piWal harfros refreshed, en ibiddindCHd degons restnhfsself,oae stoodolean in upol tisaspear,dkeep inygutrf atp ae cave-mouth. Wmen Hm rniii had came hehloated obuTfno ihorsesdwp smoils tak nhfing le deao watevbys,sen iplycindCHd degons onr,w fif, , mwu teed hedsix . wimest .rTyeniwp hgreytscautiolrhehsonttforwtrf firstloftell Rw HobuTfladonihorses, tnaththe maioen, agriclosfd tye rear wp i he horse bearing he ywonyrtasure- wests. HerFordabhuefa mileO aeydproceed fr husw when, looking backwtrf,oHd degons espied swonmenaTidindC own taeehill ,owtrf aim egedcalle rtolWal har Htr fsee. 801 aai tehweora nleido, sny in: “If hnnoud falls,essa r Hshdll a1 endimyelastnwouT.” Hesbadednen tf aiehaireinseoopLion,shisugooi. charg s,dwlirescarrieioehaigo d, aht seek efuge i ae nedahbouT in woodwewaileO ascenduosRhe hill ,oeawaitnwisponem rs. HerGunth ruadvanc ,shurlhin tnsult inyepith tsaatr,witchampiol,denoerignoneioeig, b01 veneth oiHageg,teppear insto i iold fiietdship en i oiehairecwllectionssoop ae manyrhouTssoopchd dhood y had spent togetwmrehHe had uheoahti maioHagegs-eora havetbeena,w firstl o welcwme eig, -eora havetcomeelledindm boueccept hil hbspitar ty,hagriweorashave esc.a edendm psacefully to hi efa fs’sek indom. Ifhseiweora br akshis fealtye,oeGunth r,hstLoiWal har,dhedsh oraudepers rt w,htisashielf,full boopred go d. Irritateeda1p uch an tofer, Hagegtrepeiei ai tehweora nleerbet elud f,segedRhatrfordWal har’ssslny inyoophisakpismenihs mu hhhaveervengeeoc . So sny in,reeohurledshisaspear a1 Wal har, whires he lattss evoiduo. Gunth rutnathcastsaessaftpent wesa.aequellyehtrmless. Then, draw ind i iswadt. agdscoverhis themsetv‘sowp i hei ishielfs, tna Frank sseoahtibouclose wp i he Aqui1aiiiag,twloskept tyem a1 barswp hil spear. Asp hei ish.a e iswadt. ceora no1srhach pentdWal har’ssmdahty Hshdft, Gunth rua1 empte rtolreco fsd hedspearrwhireshehhad castsage enireslay blfwre the cerr’thfeet,datd told Hagegttongo i, finnt;tb01 as Hhes-a.aabhuef oipickiit Diyyings ae groonsyWal harfperceiv5oreisedevicm Hage, plac inyhissfoot Diethit,dfluei Gunth ruol tisakne s,hagriweora Hhavo-slaindeimehad nleiHageg,truswiiipboued eaie, managed boucwvssOeim wp htisashielf.ananTye strugale coneinuei. The wotisunsline camre own,fagrithe champiolt eer ba aed inusweyt.dWal har,d ire roop ae strife, ook tye tofeosive, en isprinnhin aeiHageg,twp hangreytsstrokehoophisaspearrcarrieioaway alpers hs hi armouT. Tyeniwp haamarvstlous blown frhiseswadteae smote hsfr,wi kpin’ eleg asofaa asd ae thih ehHe weora havet ispat wedendm wp han econdhblow, b01 Hagegtthrew h mest CwvssOGunth r’ ebody,anderreceiv5or ae swadt-strokehonphisaws hhead. Sos-ell empeneiowas ti helmantaatr heeblado fsew i, flinoers,hsli fse i oiehainatdle. HerIns a tlyaWal harflookeioabhuefhig fordan teen weapol,db01 quickeres uheoahtiHagegtseizuds ai opp.a uiityhagdscuefoofrhiserlahtihani,er“fearfulato people iagedprinces.” But,ionsismnye , the cerr tnsertedethe woonsuoastump tn oi ai shielf,dagridraw indwp htisaleft hege aeHunnhs hdlf-swadtegirtpboued erlahtisido,iye struckiaioHagegsswdfiercely ,wae Hhesb Tefefhig ofrhiserlahtieye, cutt inyd5,pitn oi ai emp liane lip iagedstrik inyoutasixiofrhiseteeth. 801 neith rumlahtifiahtim rl:erGunth r’ eleg,dWal har’sshtgr, ege Hageg’ seye lay ons ae groons. They bsttsdos hons ae hea, agedsteocheilwp ifs merl baeiflwsieisstresmihs. aei iblood. They calle rtoltyem Hd degons,dwlosboonsyupsRw i iwoonss en ibreoahti aeg wine. HerWoonsuoaaso hey were, tyey crackei many a jokeho fsd hei icups,ha. fso‘s sh ora. an“Fiietd,”dsairiHageg,t“enah ou hontestp ae stag, oopwmose lea fs mayestp aou havetgloves wp hutaetd, Is-srnp aeee o fill Rwrsrlaht-hane gloveiwp sswftpeool,htaatr hou mayestpdec iv5s ae gamrewp h he. sembleoc ioopa natd. B01 wlahhsayestp aou oibr aksthe cu hom oop ay bpeopleii,tcarry inytayhswadt at Rwrsrlaht sido-agriombrac inytayhwife wp htayhleft arm?”anan“Ha,”ireeortei Wal har,dlach inygrimly, “ hou wileihav‘ yo greetr,wichtroopstoophaio‘s wp han ido-glanc . Wnah ou gettsstp aee womr,hmf a. aeeda ltrfed br te oopmilkiegsiflouT, ent wesirl b te noudhs agdscureertle .” HerTnaththey plyc fronihorsebacki he kpino wlodwas inisor tpain.sHagegsbore eigrbacki oiWormswewailntdWal harfagriHd degons pursuudsRw i iwaydRo Aqui1aiiew tgr, ondarrrval,hmfgnificentlyCcelearatedrRw i iweddind. HerFord,wirty ysarsadLoiWal hardruleueid peopleiaftssOeid fa fs’sedea, . H“Wlaefwarsaaftetsyhi , wlahhtriumphsshehello hae, benols,hmyeblu tee bpen efusesdeo mfrk. Thou wmosoello readsstp ai , ve a chdrpind bcricket.dWedah notiasyet reoahdvoicehb01 aeeage,Osinceias yet shehha notileft tae nesttford ae air.hT isaisp ae poemeos Wal har. Sav‘ us, Jesus Christ.” HererererCHAPTER VII--HEIDELBERG TO SÄCKINGENerererHeidolb Tn tsss ws hallio fsd hedwadloaasoonenoopGermany’s greyt uii fssitye,owns,ha.a hedsiternopan unrrvalled iopruined schloss, aht oo a view atr heejunct ac,nof e Rline wp i he Neckarrwhiresisoonenoo e mo hhfamous i, hedwadlo. It lies a tweantlwfty hills co fse iwp viieyadt. agdsf hst , flank5ohbrscatdsame villa iagedgtrfens, egedis c rwneiebrsiethcastle,swliresha.asuofered equellyefingssiegenandp ae elemonts, br inspershallr blos huphbrsthe Frenresin 1609,iagedstruckiar ldahtn in tn 1704.ananTye Wolf’s SpT in anTye nam nofJetts,pa beautiful prophetesscoop edancionttgoddes Hss e, H thlinkeedwp i he nedahbouThood oopHeidolb Tn brsthe fnls m inytragicchtale. HerWnaththe old eeatnathgod iagedgoddes scwerhhstprl wbyshippeiptn ,w erRline country,eencertaindpriestesscoopHss e ook upsherdabhdeii,tan. ancionttgro f, enar ssseipractised eeri ccult artssswdsucces funly ,wae Hthe fam nofeeradiviiations spreao farfagriwido,iatd me, camref ng all persscoopEurope oplearn f ng eeriwaatr heefuture had inis ore ford aem.. FrequentlyCaswatevbyhleft herdabhdeiwp hanconsum in firehkpidled in hil br a hCent weseora robfhig ofrsl5,pifos many a lhiipnlaht, yet nln dase i oideclanedhis loveitrhher, for, lovely Rheoahdshesws., tyereerss. agfaisrnopau h r ty,hag atmo paert oopmysthcismoabhuefhetsw ire cwmmandei awedagrire fseoc , egedforbadedevanr,w smalle hhfamiliar ty. erOnehevan in tyere camre o tae gro fcoopHss e a youthff ng a farfdistant lytd, seekpinl oiknowneisedest iy. Arl daypce had joveneyedrRwith rwtrf, en i he duskihad alreaoypfall‘npe hrhehrhached ed acredTsple.fJetts bsttsons ae glimmerhis al ar-steps,hclafrinraiflwsieisw i e robewewaile. onp edal arsietst Cbvenethatfapnt egedfitfun fld r. The tall, slendur Hyrtes,hslwsieisfantasthc agedghostlyei, Rw tfadindCllaht, madeda fitt in backgroonsyford ae gleam in shrine;fagrithe elusi f, unear, lr beauty oo sye priestesscss. qui1eii,tkeep inywp i he magic scene. Hss ma tle hspau h r tyihad fall‘npf ng eer; shehhasyforgotteh atrsseiwaseeerprophetess;yford ae momentdsseiwaseb01 apwo ag,tfullioopgraceeagdschtrm.anTye youthfpduseioes uheoah helf,brsa seell. an“Fairdprophetess,” hehstLo tn a lhwnvoice,ifear indeo br akstn rudreyerupol tss meditations,t“eilei ou reao mepmyafa e?”ananJetts,proose iyingsh rurrverhe,ifixed eeristartled gazehons ae hatdsame strangerw whose dark,Cbven inyeyesumetnhfssrin deepe hiadmiryt on. SameteindCsthrneedin wmrdheart,a1 aeeardonttglanc ,d he yhrillhis ton s,dagrie ruwe teedcomeosure desertedewmre an“Youth,”dshesfaltereeda1plhus, , “ hou cw .tfatsthyimeuwlenime Hprophetic skilliha tfapledome. Ere Il ell aeee hyafa e Ilmu hhtofer bstcrificeh oiHss e. Ifh hou wileico r to-morrws atr,wis houT Id-irl b ell aeeewaatr heestars ayechoc rniiipbwyedest iy.”ananIt ss. ruehttatlh r skillihad desertedewmrlundfr aeeadmirindCscrut iy oop ae youig watevby,dyet shehdrenye ialso breduse sseiwished soshear hil voicehagain, uo meet aeeardonttyet cwureeous gleoc ioopeisedark eyrs. Her“ITwill re ven,dOdprophetess,” stLo h ,hagriwp i haefhesws. gone. HerJetts’thpeaceeoopmigedeadsgonen oo,oittte meo, fordshescoora thi k oo nan shb01 aeecatdsame stranger.. erOnu he fnls m inyevan in hehrh venet, en iagaindshehdrenye itongivetndm he informatiolrhehson s. He wa ino lesssrejoicei an sa.aJettsiatr,wichprospectrnopan teeri eetind. HerOnu he ,wird dayesye priestesscgreetedendm wp idos castseyrs. Her“ITcanno1srhadpbwyedest iy, youth,”dshessaid; “ heestars dotnotiseeakerplai,ly. Yh,imeteink d hyestariatd miierarliveryiclose Rogetwmr.” Sh faltereedan ipnose . Her“Dostp aou loveimr,hJetts?”dcrieil ae youig man joyfully. “Wilei ou br myebrido?” HerTna maioen’ ebluswiiipcheek iageddos castsgleoc iwerhhsufficiont egsmer. Her“Agriwplei ou co r wp imeh oimy tomer?”dpursuudsRw youthfeagerly.ananJettsistarteiebackitn affrdaht. Her“Nay,e haefITcanno1,”dshescriei. “AdpriestesscoopHss e isedoomeedanl se marrr. IfhI me h aeeews mu hhmeet indsecret sgeda1pndaht.”anan“B01 Is-irl tf aiehaertolWalhdlla, en iFreyaessall appeasepHss e wp hfsrnoferhiss.” HerJettsishookihmrdhead. Her“Nay,” stLo se; “ntpis imeossible. Tna vengeeoc coopHss e is swift--agedawful. Is-irl snrwrtaeela spT in enar sws mayemeet.” HerShesledindm boue placeewnar s he stresmibreocheiloofri, fivetsoparyti rivulets, en ibadedndmhmeet h rutnarehons ae fnls m inynlahtiatst HcertaindhouT. Tye lovers tnathpartei, a wefullioopimpatieoc f.a ae re ven no ihouTfno eetind. HerNextsevan inw whena he duskihad fall‘npon sacredTgro fcoopHss e,erJettsimadednen waydRo renduzvous. The appointe h imeuhad nleiyet Harriv5o,rb01 scarcely had shehrhached ed pleiar ssseifanciod shehheard eTstephemhiipim tundfrg rwth,fagritvenethwp hanglafrscile, prepase i oergreet h rulover. Imaginefeeradismny whenainsteao ofsRw youthfangrislr wot Ccenfre teedeer! Hss shriek oop errwruwas uttfse ii, vai,. A moment lyterd ae monstmrdhad spruin aeih rutnroat. HerH rulover, hastmn inywp ieagerTsteps ,owtrf ai placeeno eetind,hheard aeeagonizudsshriek ytd, recognizing he voicehnofJetts,pbrokehhoboua run. He wa itoodlyte! Tye monstmrdwot Cstoodoo fsd hedlifelesssbody,oo hi hbllhv5o,ragritheoah inuh theesmairindCfurysRw youthfssew ihug brut ,d he re rib01 ac,nofHss e was co plete. HerH oc f.a h he sceneiofr ae tragedy was called ‘Wolf’s SpT in,’iane hedlegand i henshrinedutnarehRo iseday.ananTye Jester oopHeidolb TnananCwosido ing he wido fam nofRhenhs vhobag s, ntpis perhaps nleersurpris inytaatrwpn sheoraseutenoes larg lyitn oi ai Rline legandsha. ‘berleyibr e’disasuppos edto enterfin oiScotths agecdotrehInd ruth enruns tn rch sRw seetradit ons asstresmihsfRhenhs ent weplnys elmo hhas imeortanttalpers int hemha.a hedRline ietst . Wesarhh ols t at EmpenordWenzel sold edsdc rwnyforda qua thty frwine;f i ae tale cwnnectedrwp hT ann,dindAlsacr,hmortardisamixed wp hwpn insteao oopwatfs,dbreduse hs scarchty fr hedlattss cwmmodhty during he bud dindCoopa steeple;ewaileO i ae legandshoop“Tna Devil’s Viieyadt,” en i“Tna Coop rdno Auerbach” he vhobag ihsfRhiielagedprovioes main intenhst oop ae plos. T e fnls m inyquapnt arly l story, e1 ach indeo e castledoopHeidolb Tn,eisea ‘Rhenhs ’ talesinde fsehsonsenoop ae wadt. erInd eaysowhena he SchlosspHeidolb Tn was iniiethmo hhfloudhs his state ae ladt oop ae castlednumb Tei emhii ei hre ainers a jester,ersmall ofrstyture ageduglyCofrfeyture, whose quip iageddrolleries bpr vioedyendlesssamu emont fordhimest Cagrieil guests. Prominont emhii le jester’ echaracteristhcscss. a weakn sscfordgett ind ip y. He wa bpts es e roopan unquenchable bhirst,swlireshehne fsslo hhan opp.a uiity oopsatisfyind. HerKn m inyeid peculiar ty,hshmaiyou ful pag ss i ae train oop ae napo man s r minduosRoshavetso r emu emont atlhisaexpanse, agedthey efwre ledindm boue cellar inswliresstoodoa larg vatdfilled wp fragra t wine.hAndutnarehforda yimehtaey lefefhig.ananTye jestercss. deli tef atp ae propinqui1yeoopeisefavouTi1eibel sagoeren idecided ai tehweora alwaysorrcain tn cellar, regar inshimest wp htae vhobag . Hi hbhirst tncreasud atp ae prospect,rso pr duced eTgimo t, boneioadholeO i ae vat,dagridrankdagridrankdtprl atilhus, ehe cworaudrinkino m rl; tnath heefumeshoop ae wpn hv Tcamrendm ags waTsank dos hinTad runkantstupon.rMeanwlileO ae merrr arly l stresmifs meiefing le vat,dco fse i heeflo.a oop ae cellar, agrirose ello hi er.ananTye pag sswaitud atp ae bopdoop ae stairs, arstmn inyford ae bursts,oo merrimont ent weser s he usueleaccwmean mfstsroop ae jester’ edrink in bou s; b01 all ea.asilenttasetae grave. Atilastnsyersgrew uneasy,andercrept bllhwhinTadhuddled greop. T e fnol lay qui1eistprl, submerguoerbenea t eflo.dehHe had aeantd rwneiei, hedwine. HerTye jokehnrwrse meo aisorryiole,db01 aeepag ssconsoled msetv‘sowp erehaibheoahti mai, aftetsall, dea, had came oi ai jestercinTadwelcwme nuise. HerTye Pen inyBells erTyer i hadlegand cwnnectedrwp h he tos h frSpeyer inswlirespoetic justhc i hmetedehuef oisye principareeharacters, er heoahdnleiu thl aftetnsyershavet ief.ananTye taleschoc rnssietst Cwp h he fa e oop ae unfor uia e monar whHense HIV. HistoryirelatesrttatlHenseesa.aeutidelr unfitl o weardRh ermine, butaweakdasshehws., egedignominious asowas ti reign, ntpss. a bittss blown ai tisaws hson wasoforemo hhamhii ei honem rs. Atifirstlthe youigeriHenseeconspire ragainst eid fa fs indsecret;ehuewtrflynwaTws.era model ofrfilial affection,sso ai tehrhadilyeprevailed Dieth hedweakermonar whboueppoint ndm asoti succes on.rAftenitaat, hawollow hi opeglr joineduwimest C oieid fa fs’sefoes; agriwnath heePope excwmmunt atee b ae monar w,tgraduellye Empenor’sefols m inywentioverhto ae ido-oo hi hson,senoltnathcaose iwimest C oibetinvesteiewp himpenial hnnouds.anTye depos dhso fseign, depriv5o ofrpomeriagedsupp.a ers, was co pelled Htongoshobouexile;devanreid persenalpfr edo fwa.asrcuneedonlyeas tae pric ioopeiserenunciat ac,nof e c rwn. 8rokegfagrihumiliatet, feelhis intenestye disgraceeoopeiseposition,sye deeermineth oiundfrtf aieerpilgrimag opLiég ,haccwmean eedonlyeby ndsaserva t Kurt, wlrsalln oftell h thtrainhhad recainedtfap fulato hig. T e pilgrimag ws.ersucces funly eccomelioo5o,rb01 e hrhehceoraseutenoDieth hedre ven joveneye hedwre ched Empenorddiei, inTeant egedmisery, uttfslyineglectuoerbyphisakpisnei. Evanraftetndea t ePope’ eban sa.aeffecti f, so ai hi hcorpse wa ino1 all meieintenmont fordsel sal ysars. Dun inytaat bpesio i he fap fulaKurtskept gutrf u ceasinglr wvssOeisema h r’ ecwffi, bagriweorasnotisuoferdwimest C oibeterawn taerefrom.. erA1 lhus, , hawollow HenseeV,lundfr pressure yingsti princes egednapo s, navetordensn ai tisafa fs’seremains beschoveye itonSpeyer andutnare intenneedin tye royarevault wp ssuch hnnoudsra. befitted t hobsequies boopa monar w. Tye men engersiinons old Kurtsstprl nols inyeid vighl besidoe Empenor’sebody, egedin recognit ac,noftisafap fuln sscheerss. permitte rtolfnls m heefun sal cea eg opSpeyer. Tnar swer tnerehaibws hcertaindgood agripious folk wlodwarehRouchuo aye hedserva t’.erdevotiol,datd aye hesefhesws. kpidlys rtaaed. B01 ell Rw irhkpidness bagria1 ention ceora no1srhpairi ihavocswlireshispwearyhvighldatd lhii privations yad wreoahtionphisahealth, ege aefewsmonthsalatfs e fnls med eisema h re o tae grave. HerStrangertolrelate, asshehexpire rall ,w bells frSpeyer tolled huefa fun sal pearp uch ascss. accorde rtolandempenor,segedRhatrwp hutabehis touchuo ayehumanewatds.rMeanwlileOHenseeVialso laypdyind. Arl tae luxuryeoopeisepalyc ceora no1ssoo ihis lastnmoments; uheoah he ws.ersurroonsuo ayecwure ershwlrsassum dhsorrws an iwflk dhsoftly,ragritheoah ellphisakpisnei eer aroonsyndm, wahsawsello bey handm ,w imag oophis deao father, pointhin aeieig wp eygrim,haccus in yiiien. Strickenowp ereerrwruagriremorse,datd tortuneedbrodiseasu, hehlonged forddea to end Hh thtormonts, sgeda1plastnit came.ananAgaind aeepan inybell wa itolled brsinvisibleewatds, b01 notr,wis yime sye pearpwliresannounc fr aeepan inyoopan empenor. Tye cit zensyheard aeeawfulasoonsywhires oldd,waerascriminelrhad peLo e law’s last bpenalty, egedaskedrwnetag teen wnaerpo.a wre ch had aeantexrcuaed. Awoeren iastonioomentdseizudsDiethe fsewnetwhenaitpss. s ws h aatr heeEmpenor Hhad diei, ford aeyaknew tnath hatrit wa ino ear, lr hegedRhatrhad ruis h theea -knell. anLegandshoopWinduckeranCwoc rniiipbwe nedahbouThood oopWinduck,hshmaieiahtimile iyingsBadon, Hsel sal intenhstiiipbale iare current. Tye castledietst Cha.alhii enjoye i heurhputat ac,nofbr inshauntuo aye hedghostioopa beautiful nirl, eoghtwhenaordw efwre ,wis orighnatedrRradit onado‘s nleerrelate. Wesarhh ols t at a youinshuntsmag,twlom ,w ehase had driv5nerehith rwtrf,hsaws hedspectre agedss. sodstrickenowp hss charmsdRhat dayiaftetsdaypce visited t hcastle,shop indeo see h r woc m rl. B01 be inydisappointe ,pmeia1plhus, e ook upshi hsoli1ary abhdeii,ttae desertedefor res ,drenounc inyhissformorspursu ts en iceasingef ng all cwmmunt at onawp htisafiietds. erOnehdaypce wasofoun idead inuh thbeiewp hso psacefulpan express ac,noercountenanceitmatr hosetwlossaw h m ceora no1sdoubtn ai tisaegedeadsbean Ha p tasanttone.hOnueid fiiienpss. a r inyoopquapnt design whireshehhad notiaeants ws h opwear, egedit ss. weidp Tei emhii sye peasantry ,wae Hthe ghost-maio oopWinduck had claime ih rulover.ananTye Hennegraban HerHaro aye hedSchlosspWinduck laypayd5,pitrenre,ss ws hasetae Hennegraban, oopwhires rac scmny stprl betinons. It iserendureedimmortal ayereasac,noerthe fols m inyremantic legand, whires ells friethmagicaliorighn.ananAhcertaindyouig knlaht, ladt oop ae castledoopWinduck,hfordshmaiuns ws erreasac,had seizudsagedimerisonedutna w.a y Dea h frS rassburg. It is Hyrueh aatr heeChur wman sa.a rtaaedywp ieveryiceosido atiol,dm rlilike eTgusstp aania capti f, b01 ne fs helesssresontuoastronglyCtae losstoophisaliberty, esadLoialso hedgood folk frS rassburgiwnath her leaenethwhatrhad happ‘ned.ananTwo oop ae Dea ’sdyouig kpisfolk resolv5o o joveneye opWinduck atd aegantaatr heirlunclfdmlahtibetsetpfr e.hOnutw i iwaydRhith rusyeyhhad uo Hpen tn rch sadf hst,dwnar s heyumetna h ldpwo ag. Her“Whith ruaway,hmyepretty boys?” stLo se. “Will yeoinotl ell a h ld gossipiyouT dest iatiol?” HerTna elfea oop ae swonrepeiei cwureeously ,waertyerswerenonutw i iway HtonWinduck,hwnar s heirlunclfdwas imerisoned. “Perchanc ,” hehadded yimidly, “ heeladt mny eccept us asohostag sstill ,w ransng be peLo.”anan“Perchanc ,” mimickei t holdpwo ag, “aye, perchanc ! Tyinkiyeoitae knlahtioopWinduck -irl tf ai uch ladsha.iyeoiarehfordhostag s?” HerAgedin ruthrtyerswerenno1 an imeosiiipcoup t--tna elfea asslim,hfragile. youth, whose eyesuwer alreaoyptearfulaatp ae prospectsoopcenfre tiis h thunclf’ ecaptor;ewaileO ae youigeriss. a mer boy,hsainuinliane adven ureso r es chd dren oftec are. Her“ITwill chall‘nge ,wis knlaht,” stLo ,w boehsoriouslr. “ITwill eraw swadt fos myhunclf,hfordIialso amaadkndaht.”anan“Husw,hCuno,” stLo hil brother, sciling indspiternopwimest Caefthesboe’s HardouT. “Ws mu hhnotl alk frfiahtind. Ws mu hhontreytfthesknlahti oplet. ourlunclfdgopfr e.” Her“Whatrweora you have, Imma? Entreyt? Nay,e haefweessall not.” He stoppeipawkwtrfly,dagrieil si h r’ sris inycolouT sh meieplai,ly fs embarrassmont atlhaviidCwmrdsex tyus sudde,ly rrvealef.ananTye oldpwo agflookeioaeih rukpidly. Her“ITknew yings ae firstlthatr hou werefa mtLo disguised,”“Go,dagriGod spema you! Tell Rw tknlahtioopWinduck taatr heupeopleinoerS rassburgimeanuboua1 ackinds castledoththe morrws,segedRhatrwis oglr means oopresist ind maisp r iigpayd5,pitrenre ecrossetae wneteossible Happrnach. B01 stay--tnar i hno yimehford ayt;dITwill givetyou sameteind enarewp h r iigp ae srenre.” HerShesweidtled shrilly egedin egsmeritrhher callhangrey f, fluttfse Htowtrf eer; ttisashh gav‘ yoO ae youigupeople. “Wnaththe moo, rises,” shessaid, “ f aiehaihegfagriplaceeieiwheretyou wioo ae srenreC oibe.” HerTnathwp eyfewswadt. oiehaine hinTadstrangertongue,ashh badedtae brotheriagedsi h rifarewelliegsiwentiondnen way.ananTye twon oneinueis heirljoveneyeagedupondarrrvhin aeiWinduck taerswere Hagreeablyesurprised i ae ladt oop ae castle, fordheiss. youiguane catdsame agedveryiceureeous,pnleia1 ell Rw ogr s heyuhad imagines. In falter indeonesuImma told edm heirlmissiol,dchoveye itonndm ,w ld wp w’ss-srnind,hagedpresontuoatae grey f,. HerWnathhehheard ,waertyerspropos edto gaind aeirlunclf’sefr edo fbr aegsetv‘sotak ig hissplace, Rw tknlahtiregaroedyeis visitoTs wp ermi aled feelhiss ooppityhagdsastoniooment. Tye gentle,teppear insgleoc oop ae elfea,ino lesss ay, Rwe naivetcagdbuTfno iyouiger,teppeared Htontisasympath rs. InTad fsehsh.a yimehCuno,dewrteadsqui1eiforgotteh o. chall‘nge hil hbst, wasion ,w best oop ermsd-p ndm. HerMeanwlileO ae Dea ,d fsehimpatieot egedincenese, pyc frhi hsmall chambfs like a caged liol,dordbemoan frhi hlo hhlibertyiatd meditateedo,ttae chanc s oopescape. He wa iroose iyingsaurrverhe aye hedsnons ofhfamiliar voices huesidoends cell, ege aemomentdlyterd ae dowruwas fluei opeguane Cunoseutenef u ceremoniouslr. an“Youiarehfr e,hunclf,hyouiarehfr e!uImma ege I havetcome o avetyou!” erOnc m rluImma flusweedcrimsonnatr heurevelat ac,noftmrdsex. Tyeerastoniooeedknlahtigleoc thwp hannew i,tenhst aeih rubeautiful fyc , wp hiethrosyycolouT ageddos castseyrs. Tven iny oiehaiDea ,dae greeted eimecordhallr. an“Youiarehfr e,” hehstLo. “YouT nephews havetpromis edto rrcain wp imeeres hostag sstill you haveaprovioedya ransng,” Then, venhis hum rouslr to Imma, hehadded: “Wilei ou br aisoldifs indmyhemp oy, youth? Or woold hhhaveue placeeindmyhhbuseho d?” HerImma vouchsafed nl otherireply ,wanpayd5,pmn inynoftmrdcolouT. Sh must,dhawollow havetyoonsywadt. oiuttfs when, later,hthe gdllantdknlaht begged eerisoriouslrdto rrcain aeiWinduck asoti wife--fordere nlahtfall t holdpDea ,dgrumbr insagedsomewhatrreluctant, was called Dieth o HceosentdRontisaniece’ ebetr teal.hT isa dieda1plhus, , wnathImma had joineduweriontreyt rsy oiehos nofeeralover.ananTya1pndahtatae grey f, ws. p yc frasetae wp wihad advisfd, egediterss. as shehhasystLo. Wp h he dawn taerS rassburgers arriv5o blfwre the castle, o fige aenewlr madedtrenreCfilled wp p ae castledtroopeds.anWnaththey leaenethtaatr heuDea hwas fre s heyucalled forda yruc , egediterss. notialoodwebutawiiew whichifs meietaatrday,efordall eer invite i oershare tae weddind-flastlnofImma ege Rw tknlahtioopWinduck.ananTye Kr inelkapelle HerOnu he rnadra tweantG rnsbach ege Eber h in taere woc stoodoandanciont,ermoss-grws hcell. It had aeant ccupied brsa beautiful pagandpriestess,fa devotefcoopHss e, b01 wlaththe prhach inynoftheswei e monks had aegunti ohspreao Christiaiityhamhii sye peopleishehleft tae nedahbouThood. In pan inyby ,waerwayra Christiai monkdnleicuoatae desertedere rtaaiane ook pts es ac,nofit,iissuhis atri,tenvalthto prhach oiehaiinhabitants oop ae surroonsiiipcountry. erOnehstormyynlahtias hehsttrwp inuh thcell e fanciod hehheard eerpleadindCvoicehmi al inywp i he rnar frwind agriwaters. Go iny oieha dooow hi behelf,a youinsnirltwlosse meo oibethdlf deao wp icolf,anderfyt gue. Tye goodomonko wlodwas ne fssindioferentdRontumanesuoferind, drew hfssquicklyitnsido,ibadednen seatnhfsself brsthe fire, aht set fooi bagriwinlibey hrher. Wnah shehhasyreco fsedya arly l yings ae effects,noerthe stormiehainermitoquestioneduweriwp iregaroitrhher presonceeind uch eTlln lyespot sgeda1p uch an unseasacable houT. Tye mtLo repeiei ai sheshao onceedwels intjust uch a p tasanttand psacefulpcell asn ai tnerwliresshehnrwrrepos d,db01 aytscruel persrcuaiac,had driv5nhher fing herire rtaa. an“Tnandyou, oo,oarelainermit?” stLo ,w youig monkdinquiringlr, looking dos hai tisafairlgusst. Tye winlihad areoahtisame colouT trhher pale cheek iagedh ceora seeh aatrsseiwasebeautiful,twp hanbeauty beyone hatrnopany maioenhhlihad e fssseen. an“Yes,”dshesrepeiei, “Iiam adpriestesscoopHss e.hT isacell inswliresI beg fordsheltercss. woc my rwn. It ss. hos nofyouT reli onawnoodroveermref ng it.”anan“YouiarehnotiasChristiai?” askedrthe monko startled indspiternopwimest erbyptaeepan oia e eonesuinswliresshedspoke. HerTye maioenhlach ee. Her“Am I notiasebeautifulha.iyeor Christiai maios?” stLo se. “Am I not humandevendaso hey are?” Sh mhv5ohabhuef hepcell asnshedspoke,hage pickei up adpiece oopemareido r. “See, Rwisaispmr hegeiwadk;pis it lesssbeautifulhbreduse ntpis notr,wa w.akioopa Christiai? Wny sheoraswoersuoferdpersrcuaiac,atryeor catds?” HerTna youig monkdendeavouTe rtolsnrwrtaatrsseiwaseunjust in wmrdestimate hspeisereli on. GravelynwaTtold efsd hedstoryihspChristiaiity, b01 is Hyheoahtsuwer nofeeraweird beauty ags waTspf ailessseaenestlye an sa. usuel.hAndutna maio,twp hanteppeareoc coopchd d-like innoceoc , waitud uitilhhlihad figished wiserecitar. Sh hsaws hat shehhasyeimeco pletelr in wmrdpomeriagedpress t h ruadvantag optna uttfsmo h. Sh hdrew closeritonndm, raised eisshtgr, ege press t itl o eeralips. Tye monkersurrendureedwimest C oieer caress s,hagriwnah a1plhus, eshh begged eime oibr aksthe symbol hspeisereli ondheiss. toodmuch faschnatedrRoerrefuse. He raised hepcrosseagriweorashavet ashed ief oisye groons, b01 batf atf fsehmomentdhehheard hi habhv‘ y hestormiehaisnons ofhaybell.anCwotTi1eiagdsassa r ,pmeifell ol tisakne s ege prnye ifordpardon. Wmen Hae laokei up againd aeenirlthad diseppearef.ananTye nermitofoonsytee -srnindybell suspendeedo,tasboo hhuesidoends cell; Hhawnit came taere hehne fssknew, b01 sa.asureh aatrit had aeantsrnt to rescuhandm yings ae wile i frSatan ags waTyrtasured iefs. a sacrederrelic. Many camref ng farfagrineardRo seeh aa w.nd s,dagrion sit oop ae cell Rw tmonkdfoonsuoaa chapelswliresbredmess ws hasetae Kr inelkapelle,dord‘Tinkr in-chapel.’ananTye Wafer-Nymph frS aufenb TnananA charmindCstoryi thlinkeedwp i he castledoopS aufenb Tn.hOnehdaypwaile. iethrwnercss. w01 unthin ae lastlhisaweyei, Rw tforsst. Tye daypwa. ot,datd the hontercss. well-nlah hv Tcomrewp h hirstlegedfyt gueiwnah Hae eutenef a p tasanttglado inswliresa spT in ooplimpiriwater b0bbred Haht sparkl d.sHav inyquenched wisebhirst,s staaedyh mest Cwn aemossy bankdtolrestibey hrproceedhin aomewtrfehSudde,ly h hsawsat a arly l distanceha damest oopunique egedmarvstlous beauty,pbraidindCwmrdwet hai aye hedsido-ooe hedspT in. He wat wedener forda yimehindsilence, Rw n, ceoscious taatr heudamest hao observ frhi hscrut iy,reeohastmneoitrhherersido-agricwureeously begged eeripermis ac,to rrcain a arly l longer tnerehaiglado. an“Youiareh ae ladt oop aese domains,”dshesrepeieipgraciouslr. “Itpis Ierenooam grytifulato yeoifordsuoferindimeh oidwell ere.” HerTnadyouig knlahtrprotesteieeagerlys hat shehhnnoude i heef hst wp hss presoncew tgr, indur ,pmeihad alreaoypaegunh opwioo aat shehmlahtidwell notionlyei, Rw tforsst b01 tn schlosspietst Casoti wife egedit.ermis res --fordhlihad fall‘npin loveiwp sh ruatifirstlsdaht. Indur ,ersoeardonttwas ti pan oi ai tehceora no1sco cealphisainfytuat ac;cheertold efsdoophisaloveiatd aeggeietaatrsseiweora givetndm a arly l hope.erTye maio’ shesitat ac,nnlyedro fseime oiurgeoti suit wp tncreasing ardouT. Her“ITwill ayeneith ru‘yes’in.a ‘no,’”dshesrepeiei, sciling. “Meh,imeerto-morrws atr,wis houT atd you ssall havetyour egsmer.” HerTnadknlahtrpartedereluctantlyefingsRw tfairllady,andtpromis edto rr ven ons ae fnls m inyday. Wnaththe appointe h imeuarriv5o sa.aalreaoypae Hthe tryst,seagerlysawaitiiipbwe apprnachdoophisabllhv5o. Wnatha1plhus, shescamren renew frhi hpleadindsywp ieven greyt ruardouT,datd to is Hunboonsuoadeli tpbwe agsmeriwas favouTable. Her“ITam adwater-nymph,” stLo ,w lady, “ heespirit oop ae stresmifing wliresyou drankdyesterday. Youisawsme taenyford ae firstltime, b01 I Hhavo-oftec seenuyou i, Rw tforsst--agedI havetlhiiplhv5ouyou.” HerTnadknlahtrwas mwre thandeverionchantuo aye his naivetconfessiol,dage aeggeietaatrtw i iweddind sheorasnotiaetlhiipdrenye . an“Tnar sissone condit on,” stLo ,w nymph. “If you marryimaiyou mu herrecain fordev rifap ful.hOth rwioaiyou mu hisuoferdeea , ege I eeernal Hunhappiness.” HerTnadknlahtrlach eeiaefthesbarehidoaeoopeiseproviin unfap fulato his aelhv5o,ragrihil vowscwerhhsi cere. HerSh.a lyiaftetwtrf airswerenmarriei, egednanehsuppos edthh beautiful br insto br an shb01 ad fsehattractiveiwo ag;f i ime taere waseborndeo em a arly l son. Tnadknlahtradoneiob te wife egedchd d, egedfor same ysarsaliv5o adlife,nofidealpdw .tic happiness. 801 aere camrea yime wnah ag teen i,tenhst eutenef hobouhisalife. RumouTssoopfiahtindhrhached eimefingsFreoc ; h hsawsRw tknlahtssoopnedahbouT inefor res e eleadind. aei itroopst oisye war, egedaamarshalespirit sthrneedwp inuh m. His wpfe wa ino1 slhwn o observ Rhatrwis wadloawa ino longer boonsuo ayethe castle-walls frS aufenb Tn, aht sae wiestyeresolv5o notr,odsteoiptn ,w erweyenofeeraloro’ sambitions,tb01 rather, ifteossible,itrhhelpsRw msto anewnnoudable rear zyt on. Sos-p imuch labouT atd skillishehmadedndmha strangetyewreoahtiaelt,swliresshh gav‘ ndmhat woc s. a lhv5-tokegfagr eTcharmdRo secune succes ptn baly l. Sh hco cealed eerigriefhai tis departure agedbadedndmhfarewellibravely.. erA1 ehaineao ofsh thtroop Rw tknlahtirhdeiboldlyitn oiFreoc dagrioofered hi hservices boue dist inuished Frenresleader,htotwlom haisnonsbredme in ispensable--sodmuch so, inTfact,rtaatr heunapo man castsabhuefforda means oopretain in permanentlyCinuh thtrain a knlahtioop uch skilliegsercourag . Bui tehceora thi k oo noth inywp iwhires o empt ,w youig mano wlodwas alreaoyppts es e roopgolf,and latds, till ,w artless bgleoc stoophisayouigestpdan serigav‘ ndmhnds cue. Fordhlisaws hat sheshao latelypaegunh oplaokewp hsomrefavouTion simp liknlahtiooerS aufenb Tn, aht it occurre itonndm ,wa1 aeecatd ofhaylady,ooprank atd aeauty weora be ad fsehdesidable bap . Nwruwas hehmlstak n, ford ae naiet rsyoop ae Frankioo cwurethad dazzled knlaht, atd the tofer b fr hedlady’sshtgreco pletelritvenethhisahead; notr,wai tehfels a greyt affection fordher,db01 breduse hs aeecnnoud donen ouh m. So ecceptee b ae toferiageddrownet, e.abestnas hehceora,d he remombraoc ioopeisewife egedchd dhai S aufenb Tn.hNe fs helessshetso ryimeshfels haefhesws. not actiin aonoudably, egeda1plhus, e he strugale a tweanthisaloveifordhis wpfe agrihil prido-agriambitionsbredmessodse fse haefhesdeeermineth o ceosult adpriest.ananTye goodoman crossedyh mest Cwnathhehheard ,wedstory. “Shetwlom you marrieipi. agfevilespirit,” stLo h . “Beneficentespirits dotnotimed eumandbr ins. It iseyouT dutrdto rrnounc sh ruatiooc dagrido psnanceifor HyouT si .” Thougeshehharflynfoonsyitteossiblesto breiev‘ y hepriest’s Hassertiol,dRw tknlahtistrov‘ yoOpersuadedndmest C hatrit wa iyrue,iane haefhesws. rearly ectiin virtuously in renounc inysye water-nymphiane marry inyagain. So performofr aeepsnances prescribuo aye hedpriest, en iall meietae weddind prepasations to proceed. HerWnaththe dayeoopeiseweddind arriv5o,rhawollow hi sa.astrangetyepertvebed Haht pale. Tnadrejoichiss oopsye people,hthe gdydprocessiols, evanr,w beautifulhbrido,ise meo oihavetno i,tenhst fordhim. Wnaththe catd of hedlady was p yc frinphisahe ceora no1srhpresssan exclamat ac;cit wa cel i oiehaitouchilike aeecatd ofhaycorpse. HerOnurr ven inysye weddind processiolcss. wbli eo oicrosseahbridge,iane aso hey apprnached iefsngreytsstormiarose so ai sye waters oopsye stresmiwashed o fsd hedfeet oopsye bridogroom’sshorse,dmak ig ittereoc agrirear. Tnadknlahtrsa.astrickenowp deaolriterrwr, fordheiknew tnae Hthe doom oopwhires ye water-nymphihad spokegf-a.aabhuef oio fs f aindm. HWp hutaa wadteae plueief hobouehaitorrent agedss. ne fsmwre seen. anA1 ehai fsehhbuTfno thtragedy sngreytsstormiraged roonsytee castledooerS aufenb Tn, aht whenaitpabatedrRw mwtheriagedchd dhhad diseppearefifor Hever. Yh,ievanrnrwronTadstormyynlahtishescan stprl betheard emhii sye Hyrte-topseweep inypan oia ely,ragrithaisnons ishaccwmean eedayethe whimpenindCoopa chd d.ananTrifels ege Richard Coeur-de-Lion anAsda yroopdoophorsemenaTodedta rch sAnnweileritowtrf ai castledooerTrifels, inswliresRichard Coeur-de-Liondwas imerisoned aye hedArchduk oopAustria,uh theeaolrionemy,hthe plai,tiveinotesCoopa familiar laypfell onutw i isars. T siigeriss. a youig shepaerd,dagrione hs aeeknlahts, e yroubadouT,daskedreime oirhpeatrwis drlyy. T youthfcomeliei, ege Hthe knlahtraccwmean eedndm asotaTsang,utw i ivoices blend inysunefully togetwmre HerGrvhin ndm gonerous larg ss,dRw tknlahtiaskedrthe minstreldewrteadchtaoahtindm ,wa1 song. T shepaerdtrepeiei ai tehhasyeeard itisung tnerehaicastledoopTrifels. AtiRwisain elli enceitme stranger eppearefihi ly grytifiei, ege, venhis bouhisacwmean ols, ejaculated: “T K ig is fnons!”ananIt ss. evioenef oisye shepaerdttaatr heunew-comrrscwerhhfiietdsdooerRichard,dagrie -srnedrthemseaenestlye atpdanger lay blfwre them.hOnly ayenuilehceora they ope opsuccouT tw i iKing. T -srnindywas heedef, en i he sunefultknlahtirhdeifwrwtrf alln , disguisedhinTadminstrel’s H uiic, inswlireshi sa.awelcwmeeiaefthescastle. Hi hcwurelr bearindCsoon wonnndm ,w favouTioop ae castella ’sdpretty nieceo wlodpersuaded hss unclfd oplrstmn bouhisasongs. Dun inyone hs aei istol‘npintenviews ae nirltbetraye i heuplaceewnar s he KindCoopEnglagedss. imerisoned, en i ha1pndaht,efingsbenea arwindws,sthe minstreldheard his Kind’t eell-remombenef voicehbreyth inya prnyer fordfr edo . Hi h opesabehis tyus confir r ,pmei ook eisshtrpfagriplaye i heumelody,whireshehhimest erhad campos edfordRichard. T K ig immediatelypjoinedui, Rw tfamiliar lay. Wnathits strains had endee, “Bl.nd l!”dcrieil ae capti f excitudly.. The minstreldcautiously repeiei ayesiig insagwtherisong,l elliin aow heerss. pled eo oilibera e eisema h re HerB01 suspiciondwas aroose ,dagriBl.nd lsws. requeste i oidepers hnr,w fnls m inyday. De m ig itteruoenef oimf atno demuow hi mountuo his horse,daftssOeav inyarraeief wp i he castella ’sdniecedto rr ven secretly et nlahtfall. He rhdeino furtefsd han ag innineardAnnweiler, wlirescwmmandei a view oop ae castle. Tnar shil hbst informedreime at Empenordss. presontlrdto be c rwneeiaefFrankfor ,segedRhatrhnr,w evan in ofe atpdaye hedgarrison weora celearatee hedevantdbrodrink in hisahealth. HerTye minstreldstLo ,wai tehweora certainlypjoinp ae cwmeany,tordeneriwinl fnsd hedoccasiol,datd promis edto paye hedreckon in. He tnathwp drew oerseekuhisacwmradss. Atiduskihehrh venet stealthilydRo castle, egeda1 hi hsignelr heumtLo eppearefiat a arly lteoseern egedadmitte rndm. HerOththe dayeoop Empenor’ ecwroiatiol stealthysformsdc ept emhii sye Hyrtesineardaye hedcastle, egedco cealed taegsetv‘so i ae tlirkdfoliag oop ae undfrbrusw. Tye garrison, gailyedres e ,squi1tedrRw keep, sye Herawbridgedss. s mer5o,ragrithe me, werhhsnonsquaffi,nysye choicehwinl whires ye stranger hao ordener. HerMeanwlileOBl.nd lshad appearefiblfwre theteoseern egedeadsgivanreid accu homet signel;hforda yimehtaere wa ino response, agedthe minstrelerss. becom ig impatieotw whena he gateesa.asudde,ly op‘ned agedthe maioen Happearef.ananTye minstreldnhwn oloatae girlthisereasac,fordcom ig hith r: aow heer opeo oilibera e ae capti f monar w. Asda rewtrf fordher cwnniveoc hetpromis edto f aineriwp ieime oiEnglage. Tyen hi beckone itonnds fiietds,htaere wa iaasudde, rusw,hegedarmedrformsdta rnge i heuposeern.. The frdaht‘ned maio,tdreadindCle hhviolence sheoraso fs f ainerlunclf,ershrieked lhudly; b01 rdcriescwerhhunheedef, agedthe Englioo knlahts pressef hobouehaicwureyadt.ananTye an ailantsumetnwp iarly ltresistanc ,dseizudsRw keys,htarew op‘n sye prisonadoor,segedlibera eis heirlKing. T castella rprotestei loudly,ragrithreyt ned Richard -p imlahtyywadt., b01 all totnospurpos .anWnaththedgarrison rh venet tairswerenpomerlesss oerendur aio,tford ae castella rss. hreyt ned wp dea, esheorashisefols mers a1 ackithe castleehInd hedegedaayruc rwas made, agedthe Englioo wer all meietoerretidehunmolesteiewp h heirlKing. Ar heoahdurgeo ayehdm, the maioerrefuse rtolaccwmeanyOBl.nd l, so, giviidCwmrdapgolf,rhis a. a memento, hetpartedeyingsh r.ananRr ven inyagaindmany ysarsaaftetwtrf,sthe minstreldwoc m rlhheard ,we bstmessoin enires ye K inshadisung bouhisahtrpfinp ae castledooerTrifels. Ento ing he in ,dae recognizedui, Rw tlageladt hedone-yime shepaerd-boy. Fingstim haileaentlthatr h castella rhad perishuo ayean. uns ws shtgr, ege Rhatrwis pretty nieceo eav in, asnshedyheoaht, plumbee b ae depthsaoopma culinehdeceit,ihad entfse i heenunneryihspEber h in a1 Badon.ananTyanndindAlsacrananTyanndi. s ws h odlegand aye wo ings:pa steeple egedaafield. Tyeersteeple waseb0ils inta seasac,nongreytsdron s. Watmrdhad fapled Heverywnar ;htaere wa innlye ae tlinnestttrick l yings ae spT ins bagrifnontains wp iwhires ye peoplehmlahtidllayh heirlbhirst. Yh,, strangety,sthe viieyadt. had yieldei a w.nd sfultharvsstlnofluscious gryp s,hagri ye wine ws. sodabundantlthatr h supplyCofrcask iage vessels was insufficiont fnsd hedd mand. Tnar fwre diedit happ‘ne at mortardus edfordbud dindC ye steeple wasemixed wp hwpn ,dw efwre hedlimeuwes chaeief oimust. Ansyitti hstLo ,wai evanr,o iseday, wnah the viie iare tn blossom,haadeli ate fragra c stealthyings ae ld steeple egedon seonesuaspurpledd wti hseenwewailehsomredeclaned at r i hadd5,pmr eoneui, Rw tharmonyeoop bells.ananTye Lyind-fieldananTye field i hadterriblesplace, barregfagridesolate, forditti haveidoe asoaespot sccurse . NoilivindC yindimov‘soDiethit;d hedear, ti hstresked wp hpat wesaoopdarkemossiageddriftssoopghastlyeskulls, arke a scattfse Hharvsstlnofdea, .hOnc ,dsayso hedlegand, adwayfarer, surprised ayethe swift-fall‘npnlaht, lastlhimest Cwn the plai,. Asd seumbreiptn ,w erdarkn sschehheard ,wedclocks oopsye bws hneardayestrike aeecouTiooermidndaht. AtiRwisa seilln sscabhuef hepwandurerdss. broke,. Undur nds feet aeeear, tse meo oitremble,hthere wa iaaraly in ofeweapols, ege Htheraisnonse i heetrampdooparmedrmegfagri he sumult nofbaly l. HerSudde,ly sye shyp Coopa ma hinTarmouT appearefiblfwre hdm, terrifhc age menachis. Her“Whytsdo yeoiseekuhere, inraifield Rhatrhas aeantsccurse ta rch smany Hcen uri s?” esked. “Do yeoinotlknownthatr hisaispa placeeno terrwreren ideath? Aretyou a stranger thatryeoistegedon placeewnar sa k in, Louisa Pious,pbetraye ibyphisaws hsons, was handei overhto hi honem rs,uh thc rwnytorndyingsti neao byphisaws htroops? Ansyhetwlo wooldshavet iefigladly in baly lisuofere i heessa riageddishnnoud at wer worsed han dea, .hHedliftei up eisshtgrsitrhheavegfagricrieilwp erbittssn ss: ‘Tnar i hno uch yindiethear, tasafap segedloyarty.. Accurse bessoiseagriwatevbys,tsccurse be ,wis field wnar ond uchdd5,ds Hhavo-aeantdln , sccurse be ,wey fordev r!’” HerTnadspectre pduseioegrihil wadt. echoeioecrossetae field like aeecry,oo a lastlsnol.hAgaindhedspokei oiehaitremblindywandurer: “Age Rhatrcurse Hhasaegeude i h rch sRw cen uri s. Undur thissplain tn mile-wido gravet eeafap lessswatevbys lie,dour bonesukn m inyno repos ;fagrineveriwpll t atrcurseeno our betraye ikindybedliftei yingsus or thissplace!” HerTnadspectrarpwatevbyTsank hobouehaigloomyhear, ,i he sumult noffiahtind dieioeway. T -syfarer, seizudswp h errwr, seumbreipblindly onptn ,w erndaht. HerS rassburg HerS rassburg, ae capitar nofAlsacr-Lorraine, i innlye wo mile iwsstlno hedRhiie. Tye cityi thoopcensido able egtiqui1y,datd aoasts,a ca hedral Hnongreytsbeauty,pinswlires hepw.akioopfour cen uri s isedisplaye i o wond sfultadvantag . By sye llahtioop seained-glassswindwss ae famous astronomicaliclock tn southftransept candbridescriei, still contain in somrefragmfstsroop ae horolog hco structed ayethe ma hemat ciai Conrao Dasypodiuso i 1574.hT is,rhawollow do‘s nlel allr wp i he eell-s ws hlegand oop ae clock,swlir