The Project Gutenberg eBook, Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, by Roget This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Index Author: Roget Release Date: April 19, 2004 [eBook #10681] Language: English Character set encoding: US-ASCII ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ROGET'S THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES*** These files were assembled by L. John Old, Napier University, Edinburgh, from MICRA's contributed eBook of Roget's Thesaurus (Project Gutenberg's #22). ROGET'S THESAURUS OF ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES Notes on the automatically-generated Index to Roget's Thesaurus, 1911 edition. Introduction A true Roget's Thesaurus (as opposed to an alphabetically-listed synonym dictionary) is composed of three parts: - a hierarchical classification structure (hierarchy or "Synopsis of Categories"); - a body, which lists the Categories (whose titles are sometimes referred to as "head words" or "headings"), under which are found the groups of semantically- or conceptually-related words and phrases (also called synonyms or entries); - and an Index that lists the entries alphabetically (along with the Category titles and numbers under which the entry may be found in the body). This document contains the complete Index to the 1911 (American) edition. It was generated from the entries (synonyms, phrases and word lists) contained in the Gutenburg/MICRA free E- text thesaurus 14a (plain text version). It is larger than the original 1911 Roget's Thesaurus Index, containing all text entries (i.e. excluding numbers, special characters and parenthetical information) up to 25 characters long (91,000+ entries). Index Entries This Index lacks the intelligence found in the original hand-edited Index, where common-sense aggregations occur. For example A B C and A.B.C. are found under a single Index entry in the original Index. Also, phrases are here listed alphabetically rather than "semantically." For example, in the original Index under the Index entry home there are phrases such as be at -, at - with, bring Ð to ("be at home," "at home with," " bring home to"). In this automatically-generated Index be at home is instead listed after the entry be at cross purposes with and before the entries be at home in, and be at home with; while bring home to is listed after bring i.e. none are listed under home. This Index includes archaic and obsolete words; foreign terms; Latin quotations; and many other such entries that the average thesaurus-user would never need, and were not included in the original Index. Foreign characters such as umlaut, circumflex, grave or acute may be found to encoded using ASCII characters e.g. flamb_ee, b=ete noire. A look-up for these codes is not provided. Pages: There are 565 pages in this document (including this page) in four-column format (one column in the plain text file). The 1911 Roget's Thesaurus (large print edition) begins at page 351 and ends at page 653 (302 pages) in four-column format. Header Page: I have included the original Roget's header page to the Index (with its explanatory note) for completeness. However the information it gives is not accurate for this automatically- generated Index i.e., for words or phrases that are both an Index entry and one of the Category names ("headings") listed beneath it, the reference number is not printed in bold-face type. L John Old Napier University Edinburgh March 2003 INDEX N.B. The numbers refer to the headings under which the words or phrases occur. When the same word or phrase may be used in various senses, several headings under which it, or its synonyms, will be found, according to those meanings, are indicated by the words printed in Italics. These words in Italics are not intended to explain the meaning of the word or phrase to which they are annexed, but only to assist in the required reference. When a number or word of reference is placed within parentheses, the actual word or phrase will not be found under the heading referred to, although it may sometimes be useful to consult the category thus indicated. When the word given in the Index is itself the title or heading of the category, the number of reference is printed in bold-face type, thus: abode 186. (Note to readers utililizing the plain .txt file: the formatting described here is available only in RTF or other non-plain text versions of this eBook.) A A 1 goodness 648 a being substantiality 3 a blue moon neverness 107 a bright thought intelligence, wisdom 498 a can of worms convolution 248 a catalectin poetry 597 a century diuturnity 110 a certain number plurality 100 a chip off the old block similarity 17 a coup sur certainty 474 a crowd is not company sociality 892 a cup too low dejection 837 a dagger of the mind fear 860 a Daniel come to judgment judge 967 judgment 480 a day after the fair untimeliness 135 a dead letter illegality 964 a deal greatness 31 a discretion will 600 a dog's obeyed in office government 737.a a face untaught to feign probity 939 a fair field and no favor probity 939 a far cry to distance 196 a few plurality 100 quantity 25 a fig for contempt 930 a fine frenzy imagination 515 a fond completeness 52 a fortiori superiority 33 reasoning 476 evidence 467 a full quantity 25 a gauche sinistrality 239 a gentleman and a scholar good man 948 a good hand at skill 698 a good turn benevolence 906 a good way off distance 196 a great way off distance 196 a hundred multitude 102 a la francaise fashion 852 a la mode fashion 852 a la parisienne fashion 852 a la sourdine concealment 528 a la tartufe falsehood 544 a length of time diuturnity 110 a little at a time degree 26 a little bird told me information 527 a little bit smallness 32 a long time diuturnity 110 a long time ago the past 122 a long way off distance 196 a long while the past 122 a man among men good man 948 a million multitude 102 a myriad multitude 102 a nonillion multitude 102 a number plurality 100 a number of times repetition 104 a outrance completeness 52 greatness 31 violence 173 a plague upon! malediction 908 a post master authority 737 a prey to pain 828 a prey to grief pain 828 a prey to melancholy dejection 837 a priori fact maxim 496 a priori reasoning reasoning 476 a quadrillion multitude 102 a quantity multitude 102 a quicksand of deceit deception 545 a Roland for an Oliver retaliation 718 barter 794 a sadder and a wiser man penitence 950 a schoolboy's tale transientness 111 a se irrelation 10 a short time ago newness 123 a shot in the locker means 632 a show of similarity 17 a slave to subjection 749 a soul as white as heaven purity 960 a span shortness 201 a stitch in time earliness 132 a stranger to ignorance 491 a thousand multitude 102 a thousand and one multitude 102 a thousand times no negation 536 a tort et a travers disagreement 24 resolution 604 a truce to! cessation 142 a wash equality 27 a wee bit smallness 32 a wilderness of sweets pleasure 827 a word and a blow contention 720 haste 684 irascibility 901 a word to the wise intelligibility 518 information 527 a world of multitude 102 A$ money 800 A,B,C,D,E,F teaching 537 A. B. mariner 269 A.B.C. teaching 537 A.C. time 106 A.D. time 106 a.m. morning 125 A.R. time 106 A.U.C. time 106 ab extra exteriority 220 ab intra interiority 221 abacist numeration 85 aback rear 235 abacus numeration 85 Abaddon satan 978 hell 982 abaft rear 235 abalienate transfer 783 abalienation transfer 783 abandon seclusion, exclusion 893 activity 682 artlessness 703 avoidance 623 departure 293 hopelessness 859 relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 abandon all hope hopelessness 859 abandon the hope of hopelessness 859 abandoned neglect 460 seclusion, exclusion 893 vice 945 abandonment hopelessness 859 relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 resignation 757 abase depression 308 humility 879 abased servility 886 abasement servility 886 humility 879 disrepute 874 depression 308 abash humility 879 fear 860 abashed humility 879 abate discount 813 nonincrease, decrease 36 abatement discount 813 nonincrease, decrease 36 abatement of differences compromise 774 abatis defense 717 abatjour opening 260 abattis defense 717 abattoir killing 361 abba paternity 166 abbacy churchdom 995 abbatial churchdom 995 abbatical churchdom 995 abbatis defense 717 abbe clergy 996 abbess clergy 996 abbey temple 1000 abbot clergy 996 abbreviate compendium 596 shortness 201 abbreviation compendium 596 shortness 201 abbreviature compendium 596 shortness 201 ABC beginning 66 letter 561 abdal clergy 996 heterodoxy 984 abdicant resignation 757 abdicate laxity 738 resignation 757 abdication laxity 738 resignation 757 abditory ambush 530 abdomen interiority 221 abdominal interiority 221 abdominoscope optical instruments 445 abdominoscopy optical instruments 445 abdominous expansion 194 abduce repulsion 289 abducent repulsion 289 abduct repulsion 289 stealing 791 taking 789 abductee prisoner 754 abduction experiment 463 reasoning 476 repulsion 289 taking 789 abductive repulsion 289 abductor thief 792 abecedarian letter 561 teacher 540 learner 541 abecedary letter 561 school 542 aberdevine animal 366 aberrant deviation 279 divergence 291 error 495 unconformity 83 aberration deviation 279 divergence 291 insanity 503 unconformity 83 variation 20.a abet aid 707 abettor auxiliary 711 abeyance expectation 507 inexistence 2 cessation 142 abeyant latency, implication 526 abhor dislike 867 hate 898 abhorrence dislike 867 abhorrent dislike 867 hate 898 painfulness 830 abide feeling 821 quiescence 265 inexcitability 826 permanence 141 presence 186 existence 1 diuturnity 110 continuance in action 143 expectation 507 abide by assent 488 observance 772 abide by arbitration compromise 774 abide with inexcitability 826 abigail servant 746 ability intellect 450 power 157 skill 698 abiogenesis production 161 abito conduit 350 abject improbity 940 servility 886 disrepute 874 abject fear cowardice 862 fear 860 abjection improbity 940 abjectness disrepute 874 abjunction disjunction 44 abjuration negation 536 resignation 757 tergiversation 607 abjure resignation 757 tergiversation 607 abjurement tergiversation 607 abkari price 812 ablation nonaddition, subtraction 38 taking 789 ablaze heat 382 light 420 able power 157 skill 698 able seaman mariner 269 able-bodied strength 159 ablegate deputy 759 displacement 185 ableness power 157 ablepsia blindness 442 ablepsy blindness 442 ablude difference 15 ablution cleanness 652 abnegation negation 536 refusal 764 temperance 953 abnormal unconformity 83 abnormal mind insanity 503 abnormality unconformity 83 abnormalize unconformity 83 abnormity unconformity 83 abnormous unconformity 83 aboard presence 186 ship 273 abode prediction 511 place 182 abode 189 abode of love love 897 abode of the blessed heaven 981 abodement prediction 511 aboding prediction 511 aboideau conduit 350 abolish abrogation 756 abolishment abrogation 756 abolition abrogation 756 destruction 162 abolitionist abrogation 756 Abolitionist Party politics 737.b abolitionize abrogation 756 abominable badness 649 hate 898 uncleanness 653 abominate dislike 867 hate 898 abomination badness 649 dislike 867 hate 898 uncleanness 653 abord courtesy 894 aboriginal beginning 66 cause 153 inhabitant 188 oldness 124 aborigines inhabitant 188 abort failure 732 abortion nonpreparation 674 failure 732 abortive failure 732 inutility 645 nonpreparation 674 abortive attempt failure 732 abortive efforts failure 732 abound sufficiency 639 abounding sufficiency 639 about circumjacence 227 nearness 197 relation 9 smallness 32 about it and about it diffuseness 573 about to futurity 121 about to be destiny 152 above height 206 above all importance 642 superiority 33 above all praise virtue 944 above board manifestation 525 above comprehension unintelligibility 519 above ground life 359 above par goodness 648 greatness 31 superiority 33 above price dearness 814 above suspicion innocence 946 above the mark superiority 33 above water safety 664 aboveboard artlessness 703 abovementioned precedence 62 priority 116 above-mentioned repetition 104 above-said repetition 104 abovestairs height 206 abra interval 198 abracadabra spell 993 abrade contraction 195 nonaddition, subtraction 38 pulverulence 330 abrasion nonaddition, subtraction 38 pulverulence 330 friction 331 abreast laterality 236 abreption taking 789 abridge compendium 596 conciseness 572 nonincrease, decrease 36 shortness 201 abridged compendium 596 abridger shortness 201 abridgment compendium 596 conciseness 572 nonincrease, decrease 36 shortness 201 abroach preparation 673 abroad distance 196 uncertainty 475 extraneousness 57 abrogate abrogation 756 inexistence 2 resignation 757 abrogated abrogation 756 abrogation abrogation 756 relinquishment 624 abrupt inelegance 579 instantaneity 113 violence 173 abruption disjunction 44 abruptly inexpectation 508 abruptness instantaneity 113 abscess disease 655 abscind nonaddition, subtraction 38 disjunction 44 abscission disjunction 44 nonaddition, subtraction 38 abscond avoidance 623 departure 293 absence absence 187 exemption 777.a inexistence 2 zero 101 absence d'esprit incogitancy 452 absence of aid opposition 708 absence of elasticity inelasticity 326 absence of intellect absence of Intellect 450.a absence of light darkness 421 absence of mind inattention 458 absence of motive absence of motive 615.a absence of preparation nonpreparation 674 absence of rule unskillfulness 699 absence of smell inodorousness 399 absence of solidity rarity 322 absence of time neverness 107 absence of voice aphony 581 absent absence 187 inattention 458 incogitancy 452 inexistence 2 absent oneself absence 187 absentee absence 187 absenteeism absence 187 absentminded inattention 458 absent-mindedly inattention 458 absinthe greenness 435 absolute severity 739 affirmation 535 certainty 474 completeness 52 dueness 924 existence 1 freedom 748 government 737.a greatness 31 release from engagement 768.a absolute establishment demonstration 478 absolute interest property 780 absolutely greatness 31 absoluteness authority 737 absolution acquittal 970 exemption 927.a forgiveness 918 liberation 750 absolutism authority 737 severity 739 absolve forgiveness 918 liberation 750 atonement 952 acquittal 970 exemption 927.a permission 760 absonant discord 414 intuition 477 absonous intuition 477 absorb combination 48 use 677 taking 789 excitation 824 reception 296 absorb the attention attention 457 absorb the mind attention 457 absorb the soul excitation 824 absorb the thoughts attention 457 absorbed attention 457 absorbent reception 296 absorbing excitation 824 feeling 821 requirement 630 absorption combination 48 reception 296 absorption of mind attention 457 inattention 458 abstain avoidance 623 disuse 678 temperance 953 abstain from doing inaction 681 abstain from voting absence of choice 609.a abstainer temperance 953 sobriety 958 abstemious temperance 953 abstemiousness temperance 953 abstention avoidance 623 absterge cleanness 652 abstergent cleanness 652 abstersion cleanness 652 abstersive remedy 662 abstinence avoidance 623 disuse 678 temperance 953 abstinence from action inaction 681 abstinent temperance 953 abstract compendium 596 taking 789 stealing 791 conciseness 572 disjunction 44 abstract application attention 457 abstract attention attention 457 abstract idea idea 453 abstract oneself inattention 458 abstract study attention 457 abstract thought attention 457 thought 451 abstracted inattention 458 abstractedly disjunction 44 abstractedness disjunction 44 abstraction disjunction 44 taking 789 stealing 791 inattention 458 nonaddition, subtraction 38 abstraction contemplation thought 451 abstruse unintelligibility 519 absurd absurdity 497 imbecility folly 499 impossibility 471 absurd story untruth 546 absurdity absurdity 497 ridiculousness 853 unmeaningness 517 absurdness absurdity 497 Abuna master 745 abundance greatness 31 sufficiency 639 abundant completeness 52 greatness 31 sufficiency 639 abundantly greatness 31 abuse threat 909 badness 649 deception 545 disapprobation 932 impurity 961 malediction 908 misuse 679 abuse like a pickpocket disapprobation 932 abuse of language neologism 563 abuse of terms misinterpretation 523 neologism 563 abusive detraction 934 detractor 936 disapprobation 932 discourtesy 895 threat 909 abut on contiguity 199 support 215 abutment support 215 contiguity 199 defense 717 abuttal contiguity 199 abutter contiguity 199 aby feeling 821 inexcitability 826 permanence 141 abysm interval 198 abysmal depth 208 abyss hell 982 interval 198 space 180 academic school 542 supposition 514 teaching 537 academical elegance 578 academician scholar 492 academist scholar 492 academy school 542 acanthus ornament 847 acari=atre irascibility 901 acarpous unproductiveness 169 accede assent 488 consent 762 accelerate earliness 132 haste 684 velocity 274 violence 173 acceleration haste 684 velocity 274 accelerometer impulse 276 accension calefaction 384 accent neologism 563 sound 402 voice 580 accentuate importance 642 voice 580 accentuation poetry 597 voice 580 accept taking 789 assent 488 consent 762 content 831 receiving 785 security 771 accepta receipt 810 acceptable expedience 646 pleasurableness 829 content 831 acceptance assent 488 consent 762 interpretation 522 receiving 785 security 771 acceptation interpretation 522 meaning 516 accepted fact maxim 496 accepted principle maxim 496 access approach 286 accessible possibility 470 facility 705 accession addition 37 commission 755 consent 762 government 737.a increase 35 accessory accompaniment 88 addition 37 adjunct 39 aid 707 auxiliary 711 accessory after the fact auxiliary 711 acciaccatura melody concord 413 accidence grammar 567 accident chance 156 eventuality 151 evil 619 extrinsicality 6 adversity 735 accidental chance 156 chance 621 extrinsicality 6 accidentally chance 156 accidentalness chance 156 accipient receiving 785 accipitres severity 739 acclaim approbation 931 acclamate approbation 931 acclamation assent 488 approbation 931 acclimatization habit 613 acclimatize habit 613 husbandry 370 acclivity ascent 305 obliquity 217 accloy redundancy 641 accolade courtesy 894 accommodate agreement 23 aid 707 equality 27 accommodate differences pacification 723 accommodate matters pacification 723 accommodate oneself to conformity 82 accommodate with lending 787 giving 784 accommodating benevolence 906 accommodation agreement 23 aid 707 lending 787 pacification 723 accommodation train vehicle 272 accompaniment accompaniment 88 addition 37 adjunct 39 music 415 accompanist musician 416 accompany accompaniment 88 synchronism 120 musician 416 accompanying accompaniment 88 accomplice auxiliary 711 accomplish completion 729 production 161 success 731 accomplished knowledge 490 skill 698 accomplishment skill 698 completion 729 accomplishments knowledge 490 accompts! accounts 811 accord melody concord 413 agreement 23 peace 721 permission 760 giving 784 assent 488 concord 714 accord with uniformity 16 accordance agreement 23 giving 784 permission 760 uniformity 16 accordant agreement 23 according as qualification 469 according to evidence 467 conformity 82 according to Cocker conformity 82 according to custom habit 613 according to Gunter conformity 82 according to Hoyle conformity 82 according to law legality 963 according to regulation conformity 82 according to routine habit 613 according to rule conformity 82 frequency 136 according to the occasion circumstance 8 according to use habit 613 accordingly circumstance 8 reasoning 476 accordion musical instruments 417 accordionist musician 416 accost allocution 586 accouchement production 161 account accounts 811 approbation 931 credit 805 debt 806 description 594 information 527 judgment 480 list 86 numeration 85 repute 873 account as belief 484 account book accounts 811 account current accounts 811 account for attribution 155 interpretation 522 account settled accounts 811 account with payment 807 accountability duty 926 accountable accounts 811 duty 926 accountableness duty 926 accountant accounts 811 numeration 85 treasurer 801 Accountant General treasurer 801 accounter clothing 225 accounting accounts 811 accounting firm accounts 811 accounting for attribution 155 accounting party accounts 811 accounts accounts 811 money 800 accouple junction 43 accouplement junction 43 accouter preparation 673 accouterment clothing 225 preparation 673 accouterments instrument 633 accoy moderation 174 accredit commission 755 repute 873 deputy 759 credit 805 accredited belief 484 credit 805 habit 613 accredited to deputy 759 accretion expansion 194 increase 35 accrimination accusation 938 accroach taking 789 accrue receiving 785 acquisition 775 addition 37 receipt 810 accrue from effect 154 accrust hardness 323 accubation horizontality 213 accueil courtesy 894 accultural improvement 658 accumbent horizontality 213 accumulate assemblage 72 store 636 accumulation assemblage 72 redundancy 641 store 636 accuracy care 459 truth 494 accurate care 459 truth 494 accurate knowledge knowledge 490 accurate recollection memory 505 accurse malediction 908 accursed badness 649 pain 828 vice 945 accusable accusation 938 accusation accusation 938 lawsuit 969 accusative accusation 938 accusatory accusation 938 accuse condemnation 971 lawsuit 969 detraction 934 accusation 938 disapprobation 932 accused accusation 938 accuser accusation 938 accusing accusation 938 accustom habit 613 accustomary habit 613 accustomed facility 705 habit 613 ace amusement 840 smallness 32 unity 87 aceite oil 356 Aceldama arena 728 killing 361 acephalous disorder 59 acequia conduit 350 acequiador conduit 350 acequiamadre conduit 350 acerb bitterness 392.b sourness 397 acerbate deterioration 659 acerbic asceticism 955 bitterness 392.b acerbity malevolence 907 resentment 900 unsavoriness 395 discourtesy 895 bitterness 392.b irascibility 901 acervate assemblage 72 acervation assemblage 72 acescent sourness 397 acetic sourness 397 acetic acid sourness 397 acetose sourness 397 acetous sourness 397 acetous fermentation sourness 397 achar condiment 393 acharne resentment 900 ache physical pain 378 pain 828 Acherontis pabulum bad man 949 achievable possibility 470 achieve action 680 completion 729 end 67 production 161 achievement action 680 completion 729 courage 861 production 161 record 551 achiever success 731 Achillean safety 664 resentment 900 aching pain 828 physical pain 378 aching heart pain 828 achromatic achromatism 429 achromatism achromatism 429 achromatize achromatism 429 acicular sharpness 253 acid calefaction 384 sourness 397 acid test experiment 463 acidify sourness 397 acidity sourness 397 acidulate sourness 397 acidulated sourness 397 acidulous sourness 397 aciform sharpness 253 acinaciform sharpness 253 acknowledge gratitude 916 reward 973 penitence 950 observance 772 evidence 467 disclosure 529 consent 762 assent 488 answer 462 affirmation 535 payment 807 acknowledged habit 613 acknowledgment gratitude 916 reward 973 penitence 950 payment 807 observance 772 disclosure 529 consent 762 assent 488 affirmation 535 answer 462 acme summit 210 acme of perfection perfection 650 acology remedy 662 acolothyst clergy 996 acolyte clergy 996 acolyth clergy 996 acomia ugliness 846 aconite bane 663 acoustic hearing 418 acoustic organs hearing 418 acoustics sound 402 acquaint information 527 acquaint oneself with learning 539 acquaint with information 527 acquaintance friend 890 friendship 888 information 527 knowledge 490 acquainted friendship 888 sociality 892 acquainted with knowledge 490 acquainting information 527 acquest property 780 acquiesce assent 488 consent 762 content 831 inexcitability 826 willingness 602 acquiescence assent 488 consent 762 observance 772 acquiescent assent 488 acquire receiving 785 receipt 810 production 161 acquisition 775 acquire a habit habit 613 acquire a trick habit 613 acquire currency publication 531 acquire honor repute 873 acquire knowledge learning 539 acquire one's liberty liberation 750 acquired acquisition 775 acquired knowledge learning 539 acquirement learning 539 skill 698 acquirements knowledge 490 acquiring acquisition 775 acquisition acquisition 775 receiving 785 acquisition of knowledge learning 539 acquisition of skill learning 539 acquisitions knowledge 490 acquisitive greed 817.a acquisitiveness greed 817.a acquit accounts 811 acquittal 970 exemption 927.a forgiveness 918 innocence 946 vindication 937 acquit oneself conduct 692 acquit oneself of payment 807 acquit oneself of a duty duty 926 acquit oneself well virtue 944 acquitment acquittal 970 acquittal acquittal 970 duty 926 liberation 750 observance 772 vindication 937 acquittance acquittal 970 liberation 750 observance 772 payment 807 security 771 acquitted acquittal 970 acreage space 180 acres land 342 property 780 space 180 acres and perches space 180 acrid acridity 401.a bitterness 392.b pungency 392 unsavoriness 395 acrid fumes acridity 401.a acridity acridity 401.a bitterness 392.b fetor 401 unsavoriness 395 acridness bitterness 392.b acrimonious unsavoriness 395 resentment 900 discourtesy 895 malevolence 907 pungency 392 acrimony bitterness 392.b discourtesy 895 hate 898 physical energy 171 pungency 392 resentment 900 unsavoriness 395 acritude physical energy 171 acroama! knowledge 490 acroamatic knowledge 490 unintelligibility 519 acroamatic knowledge knowledge 490 acroamatical unintelligibility 519 acroamatics! knowledge 490 acroatic knowledge knowledge 490 acrobat drama 599 humorist 844 proficient 700 strength 159 acropolis refuge 666 acrospire posterity 167 across opposition 708 across the counter barter 794 acrostic wit 842 act imitation 19 action 680 precept 697 representation 554 command 741 agency 170 business 625 drama 599 act a charity sometimes benevolence 906 act a part affectation 855 drama 599 falsehood 544 utility 644 act a part in action 680 act as a drag hindrance 706 dissuasion 616 act drop drama 599 act foolishly unskillfulness 699 act in concert cooperation 709 act of folly imbecility folly 499 unskillfulness 699 act of grace giving 784 act of indemnity forgiveness 918 act of smelling odor 398 act on principle motive 615 act on the defensive defense 717 act one's part virtue 944 business 625 duty 926 act up to observance 772 act upon action 680 agency 170 motive 615 act well virtue 944 act without authority laxity 738 act without instructions laxity 738 acted upon agency 170 acting action 680 agency 170 business 625 deputy 759 drama 599 acting a part affectation 855 acting corporal master 745 acting manager drama 599 actinic light 420 actinic rays light 420 actinism light 420 actinometer optical instruments 445 action action 680 agency 170 contention 720 lawsuit 969 action and reaction counteraction 179 action is eloquence action 680 speech 582 actionable illegality 964 active activity 682 velocity 274 physical energy 171 active application attention 457 active attention attention 457 active service warfare 722 active study attention 457 active thought attention 457 actively activity 682 activist politics 737.b activity activity 682 physical energy 171 actor agent 690 deceiver 548 action 680 drama 599 affectation 855 Acts Judeo-christian revelation 985 Acts of record 551 acts of kindness benevolence 906 actual the present time 118 truth 494 existence 1 actual existence existence 1 actual thing identity 13 actuality existence 1 actually existence 1 truth 494 actuary accounts 811 actuate motive 615 actum aiunt ne agas action 680 acuity sharpness 253 aculeate sharpness 253 aculeated sharpness 253 acumen intelligence, wisdom 498 acuminated sharpness 253 acumination sharpness 253 acupuncture opening 260 acute physical sensibility 375 violence 173 sharpness 253 physical energy 171 stridor 410 intelligence, wisdom 498 feeling 821 cunning 702 painfulness 830 acute angle angularity 244 acute ear hearing 418 acute note stridor 410 acutely greatness 31 acuteness intelligence, wisdom 498 discrimination 465 ad captandum affectation 855 ad infinitum infinity 105 ad interim time 106 ad lib nonpreparation 674 ad libitum permission 760 sufficiency 639 will 600 freedom 748 ad referendum inquiry 461 ad valorem price 812 ad. publication 531 adactylism blemish 848 adaga arms 727 adage maxim 496 adagio music 415 musician 416 slowness 275 Adam! vice 945 adamant strength 159 hardness 323 adamantean hardness 323 adamantine strength 159 hardness 323 Adam's needle sharpness 253 adapt agreement 23 equality 27 adapt itself to agreement 23 adapt oneself to conformity 82 adaptable utility 644 adaption agreement 23 add addition 37 numeration 85 add fuel to the fire aggravation 835 add fuel to the flame violence 173 resentment 900 aggravation 835 increase 35 calefaction 384 add to increase 35 add up to numeration 85 add water water 337 added addition 37 addendum adjunct 39 adder evil 913 addict oneself to habit 613 addicted to habit 613 addicted to drink drunkenness 959 addicted to the bottle drunkenness 959 addiction habit 613 adding machine numeration 85 additament adjunct 39 addition addition 37 adjunct 39 numeration 85 additional addition 37 adjunct 39 increase 35 additive addition 37 cooperation 709 preservation 670 additivity concurrence 178 cooperation 709 addle unproductiveness 169 noncompletion 730 failure 732 addle headed imbecility folly 499 addle the brain insanity 503 addle the wits insanity 503 uncertainty 475 addle-brained imbecility folly 499 addled unproductiveness 169 addlehead fool 501 addle-pated imbecility folly 499 address skill 698 abode 189 allocution 586 indication 550 request 765 address a petition request 765 address a prayer request 765 address a request request 765 address book list 86 address card indication 550 addressee inhabitant 188 addresses endearment 902 adduce attraction 288 evidence 467 adducent attraction 288 adduction attraction 288 adductive attraction 288 adeem! taking 789 adelomorphous unconformity 83 ademption taking 789 adenography texture 329 adeology texture 329 adept proficient 700 adequacy sufficiency 639 utility 644 adequate imperfection 651 power 157 sufficiency 639 utility 644 adespotic laxity 738 adhere coherence 46 contiguity 199 adhere like a remora coherence 46 adhere to habit 613 observance 772 perseverance 604.a adhere to a duty duty 926 adhere to an obligation duty 926 adherence coherence 46 adherent auxiliary 711 adhering coherence 46 adhesion coherence 46 contiguity 199 observance 772 adhesive coherence 46 adhesiveness coherence 46 semiliquidity 352 adhibit use 677 adhibition use 677 adhortation advice 695 adiaphanous opacity 426 adiathermancy heat 382 adieu departure 293 adieu to loss 776 adieu! departure 293 adipocere oil 356 adipose unctuousness 355 adit conduit 350 method 627 opening 260 adjacency nearness 197 adjacent nearness 197 adjection addition 37 adjectitious addition 37 adjective adjunct 39 adjective jerker book 593 adjoin contiguity 199 nearness 197 adjoining nearness 197 adjourn lateness 133 adjournment lateness 133 adjudge judge 967 judgment 480 adjudicate judgment 480 lawsuit 969 adjudication judgment 480 adjunct auxiliary 711 aid 707 adjunct 39 accompaniment 88 adjuration affirmation 535 adjure affirmation 535 promise 768 request 765 adjust agreement 23 compromise 774 equality 27 order 58 preparation 673 adjustment consent 762 preparation 673 equality 27 compromise 774 agreement 23 pacification 723 adjutage conduit 350 opening 260 adjutant auxiliary 711 master 745 adjuvant aid 707 auxiliary 711 admeasurement measurement 466 administer apportionment 786 direction 693 government 737.a administer an oath promise 768 administer correction punishment 972 administer holy penance rite 998 administer the lash punishment 972 administer the sacrament rite 998 administer to aid 707 giving 784 administration apportionment 786 direction 693 government 737.a administration of justice jurisdiction 965 administrative government 737.a jurisdiction 965 administrative court tribunal 966 administrative law legality 963 admirable goodness 648 virtue 944 admirable Crichton perfection 650 proficient 700 scholar 492 admiral master 745 admiralty master 745 admiration approbation 931 love 897 respect 928 wonder 870 admire approbation 931 wonder 870 admirer love 897 admissable reception 296 admissibility agreement 23 admissible agreement 23 imperfection 651 admissible in society fashion 852 admission evidence 467 reception 296 receiving 785 permission 760 inclusion 76 composition 54 assent 488 ingress 294 admit permission 760 assent 488 reception 296 receiving 785 inclusion 76 disclosure 529 composition 54 consent 762 admit exceptions qualification 469 admit of possibility 470 admittance reception 296 admitted habit 613 reception 296 admitted in society fashion 852 admitted maxim maxim 496 admitting reception 296 qualification 469 admixture mixture 41 admonish advice 695 disapprobation 932 warning 668 admonition advice 695 disapprobation 932 warning 668 admonitive warning 668 admonitory advice 695 dissuasion 616 warning 668 ado activity 682 difficulty 704 exertion 686 adobe materials 635 adolescence adolescence 131 adolescent adolescence 131 Adonis beauty 845 adonize ornament 847 adopt borrowing 788 choice 609 location 184 adopt a belief belief 484 adopt a course conduct 692 adopt an opinion belief 484 adopt the cause of aid 707 adopted piety 987 adoption choice 609 piety 987 adorable love 897 adoration love 897 worship 990 adore love 897 worship 990 adorer love 897 adorn ornament 847 adornment ornament 847 adown lowness 207 adrift disjunction 44 unskillfulness 699 uncertainty 475 irrelation 10 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 adroit skill 698 adroitness skill 698 adrolepsy! taking 789 adscititious addition 37 extrinsicality 6 redundancy 641 adulation flattery 933 adulator flatterer 935 adulatory flattery 933 adult adolescence 131 adulterate mixture 41 deterioration 659 adulterated deception 545 adulteration deterioration 659 mixture 41 adulterer libertine 962 adulteress libertine 962 adulterous impurity 961 adultery impurity 961 sexuality 374.a adultism adolescence 131 adultness adolescence 131 adumbrate metaphor 521 representation 554 darkness 421 adumbration darkness 421 latency, implication 526 metaphor 521 copy 21 aduncated curvature 245 aduncity angularity 244 aduncous angularity 244 adust calefaction 384 dryness 340 adustion calefaction 384 advance lending 787 success 731 increase 35 improvement 658 course 109 aid 707 affirmation 535 progression 282 advance against attack 716 advance expedite aid 707 advance of learning knowledge 490 advance of science knowledge 490 advance work defense 717 advanced progression 282 advanced age age 128 advanced guard front 234 warning 668 advanced in life age 128 advanced in years age 128 advancement progression 282 improvement 658 advancing progression 282 yellowness 436 advantage expedience 646 good 618 superiority 33 advantage over success 731 advantageous acquisition 775 goodness 648 utility 644 advene addition 37 advent approach 286 rite 998 eventuality 151 arrival 292 Adventism heterodoxy 984 Adventist heterodoxy 984 adventitious chance 156 circumstance 8 extrinsicality 6 adventure chance 156 undertaking 676 pursuit 622 eventuality 151 danger 665 essay 675 adventure film drama 599 adventurer experiment 463 rashness 863 traveler 268 deceiver 548 chance 621 commonality 876 adventures description 594 adventurous courage 861 danger 665 rashness 863 adversary opponent 710 adverse unwillingness 603 adversity 735 dislike 867 opposition 708 adverse luck adversity 735 adverse necessity necessity 601 adverse party opponent 710 adversity adversity 735 evil 619 advert to attention 457 advertence attention 457 advertency attention 457 advertise publication 531 advertisement indication 550 publication 531 advice motive 615 news 532 information 527 advice 695 advisable expedience 646 advise advice 695 information 527 motive 615 prediction 511 teaching 537 advise with advice 695 advise with one's pillow thought 451 advised intention 620 predetermination 611 advisedly intention 620 predetermination 611 advisement advice 695 adviser director 694 advice 695 advocacy advice 695 aid 707 approbation 931 motive 615 advocate pity 914 vindication 937 motive 615 lawyer 968 consignee 758 auxiliary 711 aid 707 advice 695 friend 890 advocation pretext 617 advoutress libertine 962 advoutry impurity 961 advowson churchdom 995 adynamic weakness 160 adynamy weakness 160 adytum ambush 530 prediction 511 receptacle 191 adze sharpness 253 adzooks! wonder 870 aedile director 694 jurisdiction 965 aegis defense 717 aeon deity 976 aeration gaseity 334 aerial air 338 gaseity 334 height 206 navigation 267 aerial ladder insulation, fire extinction 388.a aerial navigator mariner 269 aerial perspective color 428 aerial water bombardment insulation, fire extinction 388.a aerie abode 189 aerification gaseity 334 aeriform gaseity 334 air 338 aerobe life 359 aerodrome ship 273 aerodynamics gaseity 334 wind 349 aerography air 338 aerolite world 318 aerology air 338 Aeromancy prediction 511 aerometer air 338 aerometry air 338 aeronaut air 338 mariner 269 aeronautic navigation 267 aeronautics navigation 267 air 338 aeroplane ship 273 aeroplanist mariner 269 aeroscope air 338 aeroscopy air 338 aerosphere air 338 aerostat ship 273 aerostatic navigation 267 aerostatics gaseity 334 navigation 267 aerostation air 338 navigation 267 Aesculapius remedy 662 Aesop ugliness 846 aesthetic beauty 845 physical sensibility 375 taste 850 aesthetics beauty 845 physical sensibility 375 taste 850 aetiology knowledge 490 afar distance 196 afar off distance 196 afeard fear 860 affability courtesy 894 humility 879 affable courtesy 894 humility 879 affair eventuality 151 topic 454 business 625 contention 720 affair of honor contention 720 affaire flamb_ee failure 732 affairs in general eventuality 151 affect affectation 855 affections 820 desire 865 excitation 824 falsehood 544 love 897 relation 9 tendency 176 affect the soul excitation 824 affectation affectation 855 affected affections 820 falsehood 544 inelegance 579 stammering 583 vulgarity 851 affectation 855 affected manner vanity 880 affected with feeling 821 affected with illness disease 655 affectedness affectation 855 affectibility sensibility 822 affecting painfulness 830 affection feeling 821 love 897 friendship 888 affectionate love 897 affections affections 820 affective affections 820 affective disorder insanity 503 affector affectation 855 affettuoso music 415 affiance hope 858 marriage 903 promise 768 affianced promise 768 love 897 marriage 903 affiche publication 531 affidation compact 769 affidavit affirmation 535 lawsuit 969 record 551 affiliated consanguinity 11 relation 9 affiliation attribution 155 consanguinity 11 affinity relation 9 similarity 17 affirm affirmation 535 assent 488 affirmance assent 488 affirmation 535 affirmation assent 488 affirmation 535 affirmative affirmation 535 assent 488 affirmatively affirmation 535 assent 488 affix addition 37 adjunct 39 junction 43 letter 561 affix numbers to numeration 85 afflation wind 349 afflatus wind 349 Judeo-christian revelation 985 afflict painfulness 830 afflicted pain 828 afflicted with illness disease 655 afflicting painfulness 830 affliction adversity 735 dejection 837 pain 828 painfulness 830 afflictive painfulness 830 affluence prosperity 734 sufficiency 639 wealth 803 affluent sufficiency 639 wealth 803 approach 286 river 348 afflux approach 286 affluxion approach 286 afford giving 784 price 812 receipt 810 wealth 803 afford aid aid 707 afford consolation condolence 915 afford foundations support 215 afford pleasure pleasurableness 829 afford support support 215 affranchise liberation 750 freedom 748 affranchisement freedom 748 liberation 750 affray contention 720 affrayment contention 720 affriction friction 331 affright fear 860 affrightment fear 860 affront disrespect 929 malevolence 907 painfulness 830 resentment 900 affront danger courage 861 affuse water 337 affusion water 337 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 afield presence 186 afire heat 382 afloat changeableness 149 eventuality 151 existence 1 navigation 267 news 532 ocean 341 preparation 673 ship 273 afoot existence 1 preparation 673 business 625 activity 682 eventuality 151 afore priority 116 aforehand priority 116 aforementioned precedence 62 priority 116 aforenamed repetition 104 aforesaid repetition 104 precedence 62 priority 116 aforethought predetermination 611 afraid fear 860 afraid of one's shadow fear 860 afraid to say uncertainty 475 afreet demon 980 afresh newness 123 repetition 104 Afric heat heat 382 Africander extraneousness 57 aft rear 235 after posteriority 117 pursuit 622 rear 235 sequence 281 sequence 63 after a fashion smallness 32 after a time futurity 121 posteriority 117 after a while posteriority 117 futurity 121 after acceptation meaning 516 after age futurity 121 after ages futurity 121 after all qualification 469 reasoning 476 after days futurity 121 after death the doctor untimeliness 135 after hours futurity 121 after life destiny 152 futurity 121 after meat mustard untimeliness 135 after one's fancy love 897 taste 850 after one's mind love 897 after one's own heart love 897 after one's taste love 897 after the deadline lateness 133 after this fashion method 627 after thought thought 451 after time futurity 121 lateness 133 after years futurity 121 after-age oldness 124 afterbirth sequence 63 afterburden sequence 63 afterclap disappointment 509 aftercome effect 154 sequel 65 aftercourse sequel 65 aftercrop productiveness 168 afterdinner posteriority 117 aftergame sequel 65 afterglow decrement 40.a aftergrowth effect 154 productiveness 168 sequel 65 aftermath acquisition 775 productiveness 168 afternoon evening 126 afternoon farmer inactivity 683 afternoon party sociality 892 afterpart rear 235 sequel 65 afterpiece drama 599 sequel 65 after-shave lotion fragrance 400 aftertaste taste 390 afterthought memory 505 sequel 65 tergiversation 607 afterwards posteriority 117 aga master 745 agacerie motive 615 again duplication 90 repetition 104 again and again frequency 136 repetition 104 against contraposition 237 preparation 673 counteraction 179 opposition 708 against all expectation inexpectation 508 against expectation inexpectation 508 against long odds difficulty 704 against one's will compulsion 744 unwillingness 603 against one's wishes unwillingness 603 against the current opposition 708 against the grain difficulty 704 opposition 708 roughness 256 unwillingness 603 against the stream difficulty 704 opposition 708 against the tide opposition 708 against the time when foresight 510 against the wind direction 278 opposition 708 agalloch fragrance 400 agallochium fragrance 400 agamist celibacy 904 agape curiosity 455 expectation 507 rite 998 wonder 870 Agapemone pleasure 827 love 897 agate jewelry 847.a age oldness 124 period 108 the present time 118 time 106 age 128 aged age 128 agelessness perpetuity 112 agency use 677 action 680 agency 170 commission 755 direction 693 instrumentality 631 agendum business 625 agent agent 690 cause 153 commission 755 consignee 758 director 694 servant 746 agent provocateur motive 615 agentship commission 755 ages ago the past 122 agglomerate assemblage 72 coherence 46 agglomeration coherence 46 assemblage 72 agglutinate coherence 46 agglutination coherence 46 aggrandize expansion 194 increase 35 repute 873 aggrandizement expansion 194 increase 35 repute 873 aggravable aggravation 835 aggravate violence 173 aggravation 835 deterioration 659 exaggeration 549 increase 35 resentment 900 aggravated aggravation 835 aggravating aggravation 835 painfulness 830 aggravation aggravation 835 exaggeration 549 increase 35 aggregate assemblage 72 whole 50 aggregation assemblage 72 coherence 46 aggression attack 716 aggressive attack 716 aggressor attack 716 aggrieve badness 649 painfulness 830 aggroup assemblage 72 aghast disappointment 509 fear 860 wonder 870 agile activity 682 velocity 274 agility activity 682 agio discount 813 agiotage barter 794 agitate activity 682 agitation 315 excitation 824 inquiry 461 agitate a question reasoning 476 agitated insanity 503 changeableness 149 agitated tremulous agitation 315 agitation agitation 315 changeableness 149 excitability 825 excitation 824 feeling 821 physical energy 171 agitator director 694 agitprop misteaching 538 aglet representation 554 aglow light 420 heat 382 agnate consanguinity 11 agnation consanguinity 11 agnition consent 762 agnize consent 762 agnomen nomenclature 564 agnostic irreligion 989 agnosticism irreligion 989 ago the past 122 agog desire 865 agoing activity 682 beginning 66 agonies of death death 360 agonism contention 720 agonize physical pain 378 painfulness 830 agonizing painfulness 830 excitation 824 agony excitability 825 pain 828 physical pain 378 agostadero plain 344 agrarian agriculture 371 agree agreement 23 concurrence 178 concord 714 assent 488 compromise 774 agree for compact 769 agree in opinion assent 488 agree to consent 762 agree with salubrity 656 agreeable prosperity 734 physical pleasure 377 pleasurableness 829 agreeableness pleasurableness 829 agreeably to conformity 82 agreed assent 488 compact 769 consent 762 agreed on all hands assent 488 agreeing agreement 23 concord 714 agreement conformity 82 uniformity 16 similarity 17 agreement 23 consent 762 concord 714 assent 488 compact 769 concurrence 178 agrestic agriculture 371 agricultor agriculture 371 agricultural agriculture 371 agriculture agriculture 371 government 737.a agriculturist agriculture 371 agronomy agriculture 371 aground difficulty 704 failure 732 stability 150 aguardiente drunkenness 959 ague disease 655 ague fit fear 860 agueweed remedy 662 aguish cold 383 ah me! lamentation 839 aha! discovery 480.a rejoicing 838 ahead progression 282 transcursion 303 front 234 precession 280 ahead of his time precession 280 Ahriman demon 980 satan 978 aid aid 707 benevolence 906 instrumentality 631 means 632 support 215 aidance aid 707 aide-de-camp auxiliary 711 master 745 aiding aid 707 aidless weakness 160 aigrette ornament 847 aiguille sharpness 253 aigulet ornament 847 ail disease 655 pain 828 aileron navigation 267 ailing disease 655 ailment disease 655 aim direction 278 essay 675 intention 620 aim a blow at attack 716 aim at direction 278 intention 620 pursuit 622 attack 716 aimless absence of motive 615.a chance 621 disorder 59 aimlessness absence of motive 615.a air refreshment 689 unsubstantiality 4 music 415 life 359 levity 320 fashion 852 beginning 66 appearance 448 air 338 wind 349 gaseity 334 air balloon ship 273 air bladder gaseity 334 air blower wind 349 air conditioner refrigeration 385 air conditioning refrigeration 385 air drawn imagination 515 air drawn dagger imagination 515 air engine instrument 633 air escaping from tires sibilation 409 air gun arms 727 air line direction 278 air pipe opening 260 airpipe 351 air pump wind 349 air speed gauge velocity 274 air tight closure 261 air tube airpipe 351 air valve sibilation 409 airbag refuge 666 airbubble convexity 250 airbuilt imagination 515 aircraft carrier combatant 726 ship 273 airhole airpipe 351 airing journey 266 airlift navigation 267 airline ship 273 airman mariner 269 airmanship navigation 267 skill 698 airpipe egress 295 airplane journey 266 airplane radio hearing 418 airport arrival 292 departure 293 airs affectation 855 insolence 885 vanity 880 airship ship 273 airwind height 206 airy air 338 unsubstantiality 4 unimportance 643 cheerfulness 836 gaseity 334 levity 320 airy hopes hope 858 hopelessness 859 aisle method 627 opening 260 temple 1000 ait island 346 aitchbone rear 235 ajar discord 713 opening 260 ajutage conduit 350 opening 260 akimbo angularity 244 akin consanguinity 11 akin to similarity 17 Al Capone thief 792 al fresco air 338 exteriority 220 alabaster whiteness 430 alack a day! lamentation 839 alack! lamentation 839 alacran evil 913 alacrity willingness 602 activity 682 cheerfulness 836 alameda abode 189 alarm alarm 669 danger 665 fear 860 indication 550 warning 668 alarm bell alarm 669 alarm clock chronometry 114 alarming alarm 669 danger 665 fear 860 alarmist cowardice 862 fear 860 alarum alarm 669 indication 550 alas the day! lamentation 839 alas! lamentation 839 regret 833 alate adjunct 39 alated adjunct 39 alb canonicals 999 alba canonicals 999 Albany hemp bane 663 albata deception 545 whiteness 430 albeit compensation 30 alberca gulf, lake 343 albification whiteness 430 albino dimsightedness 443 album compendium 596 book 593 albumen organization 357 production 161 semiliquidity 352 albuminous semiliquidity 352 Alcaic poetry 597 alcaid master 745 alcalde master 745 alchemy conversion 144 alcohol drunkenness 959 fuel 388 alcohol thermometer thermometer 389 alcoholic drinks drunkenness 959 alcoholism drunkenness 959 alcove receptacle 191 concavity 252 Aldebaran luminary 423 alderman council 696 master 745 ale food 298 Alecto violence 173 Alectromancy prediction 511 Alectryomancy prediction 511 alembic conversion 144 furnace 386 receptacle 191 workshop 691 alert activity 682 care 459 attention 457 alertness attention 457 care 459 alerts alarm 669 Aleuromancy prediction 511 Alexandrine ornament 577 poetry 597 alexandrite jewelry 847.a alexipharmic remedy 662 alexiteric remedy 662 alfalfa vegetable 367 Alfardaws heaven 981 alfilaria vegetable 367 algebra numeration 85 algebraic numeration 85 algebraist numeration 85 algebraize numeration 85 algid cold 383 algology botany 369 algorism numeration 85 algorithm numeration 85 alguazil jurisdiction 965 alias misnomer 565 alibi absence 187 alien transfer 783 irreligion 989 irrelation 10 extraneousness 57 alienable transfer 783 alienage extraneousness 57 alienate enmity 889 hate 898 transfer 783 alienated enmity 889 alienation enmity 889 hate 898 transfer 783 aliene insanity 503 alienism extraneousness 57 alight descent 306 quiescence 265 heat 382 arrival 292 navigation 267 align one's march direction 278 aligned direction 278 alignment direction 278 alike similarity 17 aliment food 298 alimentary food 298 remedy 662 alimentation aid 707 alimony property 780 receipt 810 wealth 803 aliped velocity 274 aliquot part 51 number 84 aliquot part number 84 alive activity 682 intelligence, wisdom 498 life 359 alive and kicking activity 682 alive to attention 457 intelligence, wisdom 498 knowledge 490 sensibility 822 skill 698 aljibar store 636 alkahest liquefaction 335 alkali bitterness 392.b calefaction 384 alkali flat plain 344 alkaloids bitterness 392.b all completeness 52 generality 78 whole 50 all aboard! departure 293 all agog desire 865 expectation 507 wonder 870 all alive cheerfulness 836 all alive and kicking life 359 all along time 106 all along of effect 154 all at once instantaneity 113 haste 684 all but smallness 32 all decked out ostentation 882 all for the best content 831 good 618 prosperity 734 all Hail! arrival 292 celebration 883 courtesy 894 repute 873 respect 928 all hands generality 78 all hell broke loose disorder 59 all his geese are swans overestimation 482 all in fatigue 688 all in all whole 50 all in good time destiny 152 occasion 134 all in one's day's work business 625 all in the wrong error 495 all is for the best hope 858 all is lost failure 732 all kinds of difference 15 nonuniformity 16.a all manner of difference 15 multiformity 81 nonuniformity 16.a all manner of ways deviation 279 distortion 243 all of quantity 25 all of a heap assemblage 72 all of a twitter agitation 315 excitation 824 all one equality 27 all one to indifference 866 all out completeness 52 error 495 all over generality 78 space 180 all over the town news 532 all possessed insanity 503 all powerful strength 159 all put together whole 50 all quiet on the Potomac peace 721 all right assent 488 content 831 all right! right 922 all round circumjacence 227 All SAint's DAy rite 998 All Saints' Day regularity of recurrence 138 all searching inquiry 461 all sorts generality 78 mixture 41 all sorts of nonuniformity 16.a All Souls' regularity of recurrence 138 All Souls' Day regularity of recurrence 138 rite 998 all straight payment 807 wealth 803 all sufficient strength 159 all talk unsubstantiality 4 all talk and no cider loquacity 584 all the better content 831 all the better for improvement 658 all the day long diuturnity 110 all the fat in the fire disorder 59 violence 173 all the go! fashion 852 all the rage fashion 852 all the same equality 27 all the time time 106 all the world over space 180 all the worse for deterioration 659 all the year round diuturnity 110 all things considered imperfection 651 judgment 480 predetermination 611 thought 451 all up with failure 732 all-absorbing importance 642 Allah deity 976 Jupiter 979 allay relief 834 moderation 174 pacification 723 allay one's excitability inexcitability 826 all-destroying destruction 162 all-devouring destruction 162 allectation motive 615 allective motive 615 allegation affirmation 535 pretext 617 allege affirmation 535 evidence 467 pretext 617 alleged pretext 617 allegiance duty 926 obedience 743 allegorical metaphor 521 allegorize metaphor 521 allegory metaphor 521 comparison 464 allegresse cheerfulness 836 allegretto music 415 allegro cheerfulness 836 music 415 allelujah worship 990 allelujah! worship 990 all-engulfing destruction 162 alleviate moderation 174 relief 834 alleviation relief 834 alley method 627 opening 260 abode 189 allfours amusement 840 Allhallowmas regularity of recurrence 138 Allhallows regularity of recurrence 138 alliance concord 714 concurrence 178 consanguinity 11 cooperation 709 party 712 relation 9 allied concord 714 consanguinity 11 allied to similarity 17 relation 9 alligation junction 43 alligator evil 913 animal 366 alligator pear food 298 allign one's march direction 278 allignment direction 278 alliteration ornament 577 similarity 17 alliterative ornament 577 all-knowing deity 976 allness completeness 52 allocate apportionment 786 allocation apportionment 786 arrangement 60 allocution allocution 586 speech 582 allodial freedom 748 property 780 allodium freedom 748 property 780 allopathic remedy 662 allopathy remedy 662 alloquy allocution 586 allot dueness 924 apportionment 786 arrangement 60 allotment apportionment 786 arrangement 60 allow giving 784 consent 762 permission 760 disclosure 529 assent 488 discount 813 allow due weight to discrimination 465 allow for forgiveness 918 qualification 469 allow scope freedom 748 allow some weight to belief 484 allowable dueness 924 giving 784 permission 760 allowance qualification 469 apportionment 786 vindication 937 reward 973 discount 813 giving 784 permission 760 allowance to be made vindication 937 allowed dueness 924 giving 784 alloy combination 48 deterioration 659 mixture 41 alloyage mixture 41 all's well safety 664 all-seeing deity 976 all-sided completeness 52 allspice condiment 393 allude to latency, implication 526 meaning 516 metaphor 521 supposition 514 information 527 allure desire 865 motive 615 pleasurableness 829 allurement desire 865 motive 615 alluring pleasurableness 829 allusion latency, implication 526 metaphor 521 meaning 516 allusive latency, implication 526 meaning 516 metaphor 521 relation 9 supposition 514 alluvial horizontality 213 land 342 plain 344 alluvion land 342 alluvium uncleanness 653 land 342 remainder 40 all-wise deity 976 ally auxiliary 711 friend 890 marriage 903 aid 707 alma mater school 542 almanac chronometry 114 list 86 record 551 Almanach de Gotha list 86 almanack record 551 almightiness power 157 almighty deity 976 power 157 almighty dollar money 800 almoner treasurer 801 clergy 996 almost imperfection 651 smallness 32 almost all whole 50 almost immediately earliness 132 almost unheard of infrequency 137 alms giving 784 almsgiving benevolence 906 giving 784 almshouse abode 189 refuge 666 almsman receiving 785 aloes unsavoriness 395 aloes wood fragrance 400 aloft height 206 alogy absurdity 497 aloha departure 293 alone hindrance 706 unity 87 along length 200 along with accompaniment 88 addition 37 instrumentality 631 alongside laterality 236 nearness 197 parallelism 216 aloof height 206 incuriosity 456 indifference 866 distance 196 aloofness seclusion, exclusion 893 aloud loudness 404 Alp height 206 alpenstock support 215 alpha beginning 66 Alpha and Omega whole 50 alpha particles calefaction 384 alphabet beginning 66 letter 561 alphabetarian learner 541 alphabetical letter 561 Alphitomancy prediction 511 alpine height 206 Alpine Club traveler 268 ascent 305 already priority 116 the past 122 the present time 118 Alsatia stealing 791 Alsatian den vice 945 also addition 37 also-ran politics 737.b altar temple 1000 altar boy clergy 996 altazimuth mount optical instruments 445 alter change 140 impotence 158 alter ego auxiliary 711 deputy 759 friend 890 similarity 17 alter one's course deviation 279 alter the case counter evidence 468 alterable changeableness 149 alterant remedy 662 alteration change 140 difference 15 variation 20.a alterative remedy 662 change 140 altercation discord 713 altered fatigue 688 deterioration 659 altered for the worse deterioration 659 alternate changeableness 149 correlation 12 discontinuity 70 irresolution 605 oscillation 314 regularity of recurrence 138 sequence 63 variation 20.a alternately regularity of recurrence 138 alternateness regularity of recurrence 138 alternating changeableness 149 alternating double bonds resonance 408 alternation changeableness 149 discontinuity 70 interchange 148 irresolution 605 oscillation 314 regularity of recurrence 138 reversion 145 alternative choice 609 plan 626 substitution 147 alternativeness regularity of recurrence 138 alternity regularity of recurrence 138 althorn musical instruments 417 although qualification 469 compensation 30 counteraction 179 altiloquence ornament 577 altiloquent ornament 577 altimetry angularity 244 height 206 measurement 466 altitude height 206 altitude and azimuth measurement 466 alto stridor 410 altogether completeness 52 whole 50 altorilievo sculpture 557 altorivievo convexity 250 altruism disinterestedness 942 altruist benevolence 906 ALU intellect 450 alum sourness 397 alumina softness 324 aluminous softness 324 alumnus learner 541 alveary husbandry 370 workshop 691 alveolar sponge 252.a alveolate concavity 252 alveolus concavity 252 always habit 613 uniformity 16 perpetuity 112 generality 78 time 106 amability courtesy 894 amadou fuel 388 amah servant 746 amain haste 684 violence 173 amalgam combination 48 mixture 41 amalgamate combination 48 mixture 41 amalgamation combination 48 amanuensis writing 590 recorder 553 amaranthine perpetuity 112 amaritude unsavoriness 395 amass assemblage 72 store 636 whole 50 amateur bungler 701 desire 865 ignoramus 493 learner 541 taste 850 amateur radio hearing 418 amatory love 897 amaurosis blindness 442 amaze wonder 870 amazedness wonder 870 amazement wonder 870 amazingly greatness 31 Amazon combatant 726 courage 861 ambages circuit 629 convolution 248 diffuseness 573 ambagious diffuseness 573 ambassador consignee 758 messenger 534 amber resin 356.a amber-colored yellowness 436 ambergris resin 356.a Amberlite resin 356.a ambidexter tergiversation 607 ambidexterity skill 698 ambidextral dextrality 238 ambidextrous dextrality 238 skill 698 tergiversation 607 ambidextrousness skill 698 ambient circumjacence 227 ambigu mixture 41 ambiguity unintelligibility 519 equivocalness 520 obscurity 571 uncertainty 475 ambiguous unintelligibility 519 equivocalness 520 uncertainty 475 ambilogy equivocalness 520 ambiloquy equivocalness 520 ambit outline 230 ambition desire 865 intention 620 ambitious desire 865 amble journey 266 velocity 274 ambo school 542 temple 1000 ambrosia savoriness 394 food 298 ambrosial savoriness 394 fragrance 400 ambulance remedy 662 vehicle 272 ambulation journey 266 ambulatory journey 266 ambuscade ambush 530 ambush ambush 530 deception 545 pitfall 667 ambustion calefaction 384 ameer nobility 875 ameliorate improvement 658 amelioration improvement 658 amen submission 725 assent 488 content 831 amen to assent 488 amenability duty 926 amenable duty 926 amend improvement 658 amende honorable atonement 952 amendment improvement 658 amends atonement 952 compensation 30 reward 973 amenity courtesy 894 pleasurableness 829 amentia insanity 503 amerce penalty 974 amercement penalty 974 American inhabitant 188 American bowls amusement 840 American organ musical instruments 417 Americanism neologism 563 Americanize neologism 563 amethyst jewelry 847.a purple 437 amiability benevolence 906 courtesy 894 pleasurableness 829 amiable love 897 benevolence 906 amianth insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 amianthus insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 amicable aid 707 friendship 888 amicably friendship 888 amical friendship 888 amice canonicals 999 amid interposition 228 mixture 41 amidships middle 68 amidst mixture 41 interposition 228 amity peace 721 friendship 888 concord 714 ammeter measurement 466 ammonia gaseity 334 ammoniacal gas gaseity 334 ammonite convolution 248 ammunition arms 727 materials 635 amnesia oblivion 506 amnesty forgiveness 918 oblivion 506 pacification 723 amoebaeic poetry 597 amoebaeum poetry 597 amoebean sequence 63 amole oil 356 among interposition 228 mixture 41 among other things conformity 82 plurality 100 amongst interposition 228 mixture 41 amoret love 897 amorette love 897 amoroso drama 599 love 897 amorous love 897 amorous glances endearment 902 amorphism amorphism 241 amorphous amorphism 241 unconformity 83 amortization giving 784 amotion transference 270 amount degree 26 money 800 price 812 quantity 25 amount to whole 50 equality 27 money 800 numeration 85 price 812 amour impurity 961 love 897 amourette impurity 961 love 897 ampersand indication 550 amphetamines intemperance 954 amphibian animal 366 amphibious unconformity 83 amphibology equivocalness 520 amphibolous equivocalness 520 amphiboly equivocalness 520 Amphictyonic council council 696 amphigouri absurdity 497 amphitheater school 542 drama 599 arena 728 vision 441 Amphitryon friend 890 amphora receptacle 191 ample breadth, thickness 202 greatness 31 size 192 space 180 sufficiency 639 ampliation expansion 194 amplification diffuseness 573 expansion 194 amplify exaggeration 549 expansion 194 diffuseness 573 amplitude degree 26 quantity 25 size 192 sufficiency 639 breadth, thickness 202 amplitudinous size 192 amply sufficiency 639 amputate nonaddition, subtraction 38 amputation nonaddition, subtraction 38 amulet spell 993 amuse amusement 840 pleasurableness 829 amuse oneself amusement 840 amused rejoicing 838 amusement 840 amusement amusement 840 pleasurableness 829 pleasure 827 amusing amusement 840 wit 842 amylaceous semiliquidity 352 an supposition 514 an age diuturnity 110 an eternity diuturnity 110 an existence substantiality 3 Ana heterodoxy 984 description 594 anabaptism heterodoxy 984 anabolism organization 357 anachronism anachronism 115 untimeliness 135 anachronize anachronism 115 anacoluthon discontinuity 70 anaconda! evil 913 anacreontic poetry 597 anacrusis poetry 597 anaemia weakness 160 anaerobe life 359 anaesthesia numbness 381 physical insensibility 376 anaesthetic insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 inactivity 683 anaesthetic agent physical insensibility 376 anaesthetize insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 anaglyph representation 554 sculpture 557 anaglyptic sculpture 557 anagoge latency, implication 526 metaphor 521 anagogical metaphor 521 anagram wit 842 equivocalness 520 letter 561 neologism 563 secret 533 anagrammatism letter 561 anal fastidiousness 868 analecta compendium 596 analectic compendium 596 analeptic remedy 662 analgesic remedy 662 analog clock chronometry 114 analogical analogy 514.a similarity 17 analogical thinking analogy 514.a analogicalness similarity 17 analogous similarity 17 analogue similarity 17 analogy similarity 17 relation 9 comparison 464 analogy 514.a analysis arrangement 60 compendium 596 decomposition 49 experiment 463 inquiry 461 numeration 85 reasoning 476 remedy 662 analyst experiment 463 inquiry 461 analytic experiment 463 inquiry 461 numeration 85 analytical decomposition 49 analytical balance gravity 319 analytical geometry numeration 85 analytical instruments experiment 463 analyze decomposition 49 inquiry 461 analyzer experiment 463 anamorphosis dimsightedness 443 distortion 243 misrepresentation 555 anapest poetry 597 anapestic poetry 597 anaphrodisia moderation 174 indifference 866 anaphrodisiac indifference 866 moderation 174 anarchical disorder 59 laxity 738 anarchism disorder 59 anarchist disobedience 742 evil 913 anarchy disorder 59 laxity 738 anastatic printing engraving 558 anastomose crossing 219 anastomosis crossing 219 junction 43 anastrophe inversion 218 anastrophy inversion 218 anathema malediction 908 anathematize detraction 934 disapprobation 932 malediction 908 anatomic texture 329 anatomical texture 329 anatomize disjunction 44 inquiry 461 anatomy zoology 368 narrowness, thinness 203 organization 357 texture 329 anatriptic friction 331 ance leap 309 ancestor paternity 166 ancestral age 128 oldness 124 paternity 166 the past 122 ancestry continuity 69 paternity 166 the past 122 anchor quiescence 265 refuge 666 hope 858 connection 45 safety 664 location 184 anchorage refuge 666 abode 189 arrival 292 location 184 anchored stability 150 anchoret seclusion, exclusion 893 asceticism 955 anchorite asceticism 955 seclusion, exclusion 893 anchorman news 532 anchorwoman news 532 ancient oldness 124 indication 550 ancient flamen clergy 996 ancient times the past 122 anciently the past 122 ancillary aid 707 ancon land 342 and accompaniment 88 addition 37 and also addition 37 and eke addition 37 and heaven knows what multitude 102 and no mistake certainty 474 and shuffle the cards inexcitability 826 and so forth addition 37 and so on addition 37 and what not multitude 102 andante musician 416 music 415 andantino music 415 andiron furnace 386 androgen man 373 androgynal unconformity 83 androgynous unconformity 83 anecdote description 594 anecdotic description 594 anele rite 998 anemography wind 349 anemometer measurement 466 wind 349 anemone beauty 845 anemoscope wind 349 anent relation 9 aneroid air 338 anew newness 123 repetition 104 anfractuosity convolution 248 anfractuous convolution 248 angel angel 977 auxiliary 711 drama 599 good man 948 love 897 angel dust intemperance 954 angelic angel 977 virtue 944 angelus indication 550 anger excitability 825 resentment 900 angina physical pain 378 angiography texture 329 angle angularity 244 appearance 448 experiment 463 angle of 45 degrees angularity 244 angle rafter support 215 anglerfish luminary 423 Anglican heterodoxy 984 churchdom 995 generality 78 Anglicanism heterodoxy 984 Anglice neologism 563 Anglicism neologism 563 Anglicize neologism 563 angling pursuit 622 Angostura bitterness 392.b angrily resentment 900 angry irascibility 901 resentment 900 angry mood resentment 900 anguill convolution 248 anguilliform filament 205 anguish physical pain 378 pain 828 angular angularity 244 angular distance angularity 244 angular elevation angularity 244 angular measurement angularity 244 angular momentum rotation 312 angular velocity angularity 244 motion 264 rotation 312 angularity angularity 244 angularness angularity 244 angustation narrowness, thinness 203 anhedonia dejection 837 pain 828 anhelation fatigue 688 anhelose fatigue 688 anhydrous dryness 340 anile age 128 imbecility folly 499 aniline dyes purple 437 anility age 128 imbecility folly 499 animadversion disapprobation 932 animadvert thought 451 animadvert to attention 457 animadvert upon disapprobation 932 animal animal 366 life 359 animal ecology life 359 animal gratification physical pleasure 377 animal kingdom animal 366 animal life animality 364 animal magnetism sorcery 992 animal oil oil 356 animal physiology zoology 368 animal spirits cheerfulness 836 animalcule animal 366 littleness 193 smallness 32 animalism intemperance 954 animality animality 364 animalization animality 364 animalness animality 364 animastic intellect 450 animate motive 615 excitation 824 cheerfulness 836 animated activity 682 cheerfulness 836 life 359 animated nature organization 357 animation activity 682 animality 364 cheerfulness 836 excitation 824 life 359 animative life 359 animosity enmity 889 hate 898 dislike 867 resentment 900 animus desire 865 intention 620 willingness 602 anion exchange resin resin 356.a ankle angularity 244 ankle deep depth 208 shallowness 209 anklet jewelry 847.a ankus motive 615 ankylosis stability 150 annalist recorder 553 chronometry 114 annals record 551 description 594 chronometry 114 annatto redness 434 anneal preparation 673 annex addition 37 adjunct 39 annexation addition 37 junction 43 annexationist junction 43 annexe adjunct 39 annexion junction 43 annexment junction 43 annihilate inexistence 2 destruction 162 annihilated inexistence 2 annihilation inexistence 2 destruction 162 anniversary regularity of recurrence 138 anno Domini time 106 annotate interpretation 522 annotation indication 550 interpretation 522 annotator interpreter 524 annotto redness 434 announce affirmation 535 information 527 prediction 511 announce one's candidacy politics 737.b announcement prediction 511 information 527 annoy malevolence 907 painfulness 830 violence 173 annoyance badness 649 pain 828 painfulness 830 annoying painfulness 830 annual vegetable 367 book 593 destruction 162 period 108 regularity of recurrence 138 annuity receipt 810 annul abrogation 756 annular circularity 247 annulet circularity 247 annulment abrogation 756 divorce 905 annulus circularity 247 annunciate information 527 annunciation information 527 anodize covering 223 anodyne moderation 174 relief 834 remedy 662 anoint covering 223 rite 998 anointed deity 976 anointed king master 745 anointing covering 223 anointment lubrication 332 unctuousness 355 anomalistic unconformity 83 anomalous disorder 59 unconformity 83 anomalousness unconformity 83 anomaly disorder 59 unconformity 83 anon earliness 132 anonymous misnomer 565 anorexia indifference 866 anorexy indifference 866 another difference 15 repetition 104 another pair of shoes difference 15 answer acquisition 775 answer 462 confutation 479 interpretation 522 lawsuit 969 success 731 utility 644 answer a purpose utility 644 answer for deputy 759 promise 768 debt 806 answer the helm obedience 743 answer the purpose success 731 answer to relation 9 answerable disapprobation 932 duty 926 liability 177 answerable for debt 806 answering answer 462 ant agent 690 animal 366 Antaeus size 192 strength 159 antagonism contrariety 14 counteraction 179 opposition 708 antagonist enemy 891 opponent 710 antagonistic contrariety 14 counteraction 179 disagreement 24 opposition 708 antagonize contrariety 14 counteraction 179 opposition 708 antaphrodisiac indifference 866 antarctic contraposition 237 ante chance 621 expenditure 809 ante chamber receptacle 191 ante Christum time 106 ante room receptacle 191 ante up expenditure 809 antebellum oldness 124 the past 122 antecedence precedence 62 priority 116 antecedency precedence 62 antecedent precedence 62 precursor 64 priority 116 antedate anachronism 115 antediluvian oldness 124 the past 122 antelope velocity 274 antemundane oldness 124 antenna touch 379 antepast foresight 510 anteposition precedence 62 anterior front 234 precedence 62 priority 116 anterior to reason intuition 477 anteriority front 234 precedence 62 priority 116 antevert hindrance 706 anthelion luminary 423 anthelmintic remedy 662 anthem worship 990 anthemion ornament 847 antherozoid organization 357 anthology compendium 596 poetry 597 Anthony dollar money 800 anthracite fuel 388 anthrax disease 655 anthropogeny mankind 372 anthropography mankind 372 anthropoid mankind 372 anthropology mankind 372 zoology 368 Anthropomancy prediction 511 anthropomorphism heterodoxy 984 anthropophagist! evil 913 anthropophagus! evil 913 Anthroposcopy prediction 511 anthroposophy mankind 372 antibiotic remedy 662 antibiotics preservation 670 antic amusement 840 antichrist heterodoxy 984 antichristian heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 antichristianity irreligion 989 antichronism anachronism 115 anticipate anachronism 115 earliness 132 expectation 507 foresight 510 futurity 121 hope 858 preparation 673 priority 116 anticipation hope 858 preparation 673 foresight 510 earliness 132 anachronism 115 expectation 507 anticipatory earliness 132 anticlimax ridiculousness 853 absurdity 497 disappointment 509 nonincrease, decrease 36 anticyclone wind 349 anticyclone! quiescence 265 antidote remedy 662 antifebrile remedy 662 antifungal remedy 662 antifungals preservation 670 antigravity repulsion 289 antigropelos clothing 225 antiinflammatory remedy 662 antilock brakes refuge 666 antilogarithm number 84 antilogy intuition 477 antiluetic remedy 662 antimacassar covering 223 antimony bane 663 Antinomian heterodoxy 984 antinomy illegality 964 Antionous beauty 845 antiorgastic moderation 174 antipathy dislike 867 hate 898 antiphon music 415 worship 990 answer 462 antiphony music 415 worship 990 answer 462 antiphrasis neologism 563 antipodal contraposition 237 antipodean contrariety 14 distance 196 antipodes contraposition 237 distance 196 antipoison remedy 662 antiquarian scholar 492 the past 122 antiquarianism the past 122 antiquary the past 122 scholar 492 recorder 553 antiquated age 128 oldness 124 antique oldness 124 antiqueness the past 122 antiques store mart 799 antiquity oldness 124 the past 122 antiscriptural heterodoxy 984 antiseptic remedy 662 antiskid tires refuge 666 antisocial misanthropy 911 antispasmodic moderation 174 remedy 662 antispast poetry 597 antistrophe poetry 597 antithesis contrariety 14 elegance 578 ornament 577 vigor 574 antithetical contrariety 14 ornament 577 vigor 574 antitoxin remedy 662 antitussive remedy 662 antitype prototype 22 antiviral remedy 662 antler sharpness 253 antonomasia nomenclature 564 antonym contraposition 237 nomenclature 564 anvil support 215 anxiety care 459 desire 865 fear 860 pain 828 anxious desire 865 anxious expectation expectation 507 anxious meeting worship 990 anxious to go excitation 824 anxious-bench temple 1000 anxious-seat temple 1000 any part 51 quantity 25 absence of choice 609.a any port in a storm arrival 292 refuge 666 anybody generality 78 anyhow method 627 neglect 460 anything is possible possibility 470 anything will do indifference 866 anytime leisure 685 anytime you're ready assent 488 aorist different time 119 course 109 aoristic different time 119 course 109 aorta conduit 350 AP news 532 apace earliness 132 haste 684 velocity 274 Apache evil 913 killing 361 aparejo support 215 apart disjunction 44 distance 196 unity 87 apartment abode 189 receptacle 191 apartment house abode 189 apartments to let imbecility folly 499 apathetic insensibility 823 apathy indifference 866 insensibility 823 apaulette ornament 847 ape absence of Intellect 450.a imitation 19 Apelles artist 559 apercu compendium 596 aperient cleanness 652 opening 260 remedy 662 aperitif sweetness 396 apertion opening 260 apertness opening 260 aperture opening 260 apex summit 210 aphelion distance 196 aphid deterioration 659 Aphis deterioration 659 aphonia aphony 581 aphonous aphony 581 aphony aphony 581 aphorism maxim 496 aphoristic maxim 496 aphrodisia violence 173 Aphrodite beauty 845 apiarian husbandry 370 apiarist husbandry 370 apiary husbandry 370 Apicius gluttony 957 apiculate sharpness 253 apiculated sharpness 253 apiece speciality 79 aping absence of Intellect 450.a imitation 19 apish imbecility folly 499 imitation 19 aplanatic achromatism 429 aplomb stability 150 resolution 604 intelligence, wisdom 498 Apocalypse Judeo-christian revelation 985 apocalyptic Judeo-christian revelation 985 Apocrypha Judeo-christian revelation 985 apocryphal error 495 heterodoxy 984 uncertainty 475 apodeictic demonstration 478 apodeictical demonstration 478 apodeixis demonstration 478 apodictic demonstration 478 apodixis demonstration 478 apograph copy 21 Apollo beauty 845 world 318 luminary 423 musician 416 Apollyon satan 978 apologetic pretext 617 vindication 937 apologist vindication 937 apologize atonement 952 vindication 937 apologue description 594 metaphor 521 teaching 537 apology vindication 937 atonement 952 penitence 950 apophthegm maxim 496 apophysis convexity 250 apoplexy impotence 158 apostasy heterodoxy 984 improbity 940 tergiversation 607 apostate conversion 144 heterodoxy 984 tergiversation 607 apostatize tergiversation 607 apostle Judeo-christian revelation 985 learner 541 teacher 540 Apostles' Creed orthodoxy 983.a apostleship churchdom 995 apostolic Judeo-christian revelation 985 churchdom 995 Apostolic Church orthodoxy 983.a apostolical Judeo-christian revelation 985 apostrophe allocution 586 indication 550 request 765 soliloquy 589 apostrophize allocution 586 soliloquy 589 apothecaries' weight gravity 319 apothecary remedy 662 apothegm maxim 496 apotheosis heaven 981 reproduction 163 idolatry 991 apozem calefaction 384 liquefaction 335 appal painfulness 830 appall fear 860 painfulness 830 appalling painfulness 830 appanage giving 784 property 780 apparatus instrument 633 apparel clothing 225 apparent extrinsicality 6 visibility 446 manifestation 525 appearance 448 probability 472 apparently appearance 448 probability 472 apparition demon 980 dimsightedness 443 apparitor messenger 534 appeach accusation 938 appeachment accusation 938 appeal allocution 586 lawsuit 969 request 765 appeal motion lawsuit 969 appeal to allocution 586 request 765 evidence 467 appeal to arms contention 720 warfare 722 appeal to authority conformity 82 appeal to for dueness 924 appeal to the law lawsuit 969 appeal to the sword warfare 722 appear appearance 448 beginning 66 eventuality 151 manifestation 525 visibility 446 appear for deputy 759 appear in print printing 591 appear to one's eyes visibility 446 appearance appearance 448 extrinsicality 6 visibility 446 appease inexcitability 826 moderation 174 appelation nomenclature 564 appelative nomenclature 564 appelidage adjunct 39 appellant accusation 938 dueness 924 appellate tribunal 966 append addition 37 sequence 63 pendency 214 appendage accompaniment 88 sequel 65 appendicitis disease 655 appendix sequel 65 apperception identification 465.b appertain to component 56 possession 777 property 780 relation 9 appetence desire 865 appetency desire 865 appetible desire 865 appetite desire 865 appetition desire 865 appetize desire 865 appetizer condiment 393 food 298 savoriness 394 appetizing desire 865 excitation 824 pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 applaud approbation 931 applaud to the echo approbation 931 applaud to the very echo approbation 931 applause approbation 931 apple food 298 apple brandy drunkenness 959 apple butter sweetness 396 apple green greenness 435 apple of discord discord 713 apple of one's eye favorite 899 apple off another tree difference 15 apple slump food 298 applejack drunkenness 959 appliance use 677 appliances means 632 instrument 633 applicability utility 644 agreement 23 tendency 176 applicable utility 644 relation 9 agreement 23 expedience 646 applicant desire 865 petitioner 767 application metaphor 521 request 765 thought 451 use 677 apply borrowing 788 metaphor 521 use 677 apply a remedy remedy 662 apply the attention to attention 457 apply the brake slowness 275 apply the compass measurement 466 apply the eye to attention 457 apply the match to calefaction 384 apply the mind thought 451 apply the mind to attention 457 apply the sponge nonpayment 808 obliteration 552 apply the torch excitation 824 apply the torch to calefaction 384 apply to request 765 appoggiato melody concord 413 appoggiatura melody concord 413 appoint apportionment 786 command 741 commission 755 appointment apportionment 786 command 741 commission 755 sociality 892 appointments instrument 633 apportion apportionment 786 arrangement 60 disjunction 44 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 apportioning apportionment 786 apportionment disjunction 44 apportionment 786 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 arrangement 60 apposite agreement 23 apposition agreement 23 contiguity 199 interpretation 522 appprove assent 488 appraisal value 812.a appraise measurement 466 price 812 value 812.a appraisement measurement 466 value 812.a appreciable measurement 466 appreciate intellect 450 value 812.a thought 451 taste 850 measurement 466 judgment 480 approbation 931 knowledge 490 appreciation approbation 931 judgment 480 knowledge 490 apprehend belief 484 fear 860 knowledge 490 lawsuit 969 apprehension danger 665 taking 789 lawsuit 969 fear 860 idea 453 knowledge 490 apprehensive fear 860 apprehensiveness fear 860 apprentice learner 541 apprentice oneself to undertaking 676 apprenticeship learning 539 apprise information 527 apprized of knowledge 490 approach futurity 121 method 627 destiny 152 approach 286 nearness 197 approach of time advent futurity 121 approach! approach 286 approaching approach 286 approaching age futurity 121 approaching ages futurity 121 approaching days futurity 121 approaching hours futurity 121 approaching life futurity 121 approaching time futurity 121 approaching years futurity 121 approbate approbation 931 approbation respect 928 repute 873 approbation 931 appropinquate approach 286 appropinquation approach 286 appropriate agreement 23 apportionment 786 borrowing 788 speciality 79 stealing 791 taking 789 appropriation apportionment 786 stealing 791 taking 789 approval approbation 931 assent 488 consent 762 approve approbation 931 approved approbation 931 approvement approbation 931 approving approbation 931 approximate approach 286 nearness 197 similarity 17 approximately nearness 197 qualification 469 approximating relation 9 approximation numeration 85 supposition 514 approach 286 similarity 17 relation 9 approximative approach 286 relation 9 approximatively nearness 197 appulse approach 286 contiguity 199 convergence 290 impulse 276 appurtenance accompaniment 88 component 56 appurtenances property 780 appurtenant to relation 9 apricot-colored orange 439 April fool laughingstock 857 dupe 547 April showers changeableness 149 apron canonicals 999 clothing 225 defense 717 aprotype printing 591 apse temple 1000 apt agreement 23 learning 539 skill 698 apt to liability 177 aptitude learning 539 willingness 602 tendency 176 agreement 23 skill 698 aptness agreement 23 skill 698 tendency 176 aqua water 337 aqua regia calefaction 384 aquamarine greenness 435 aquarium husbandry 370 aquatic water 337 aquatics navigation 267 amusement 840 aquatint engraving 558 aquatinta engraving 558 aqueduct conduit 350 aqueous water 337 aquiline angularity 244 Arab carrier 271 traveler 268 araba vehicle 272 arabesque ornament 847 Arabian nights imagination 515 arable agriculture 371 arado property 780 arbiter judgment 480 judge 967 director 694 advice 695 arbiter elegantiarum fashion 852 arbitrager stock market 799.a arbitrageur stock market 799.a arbitrament judgment 480 arbitrament of the sword warfare 722 arbitrariness absence of choice 609.a illegality 964 arbitrary irrelation 10 unconformity 83 obstinacy 606 severity 739 illegality 964 caprice 608 authority 737 insolence 885 arbitrary power severity 739 arbitrate mediation 724 judgment 480 arbitration judgment 480 mediation 724 arbitrator consignee 758 judge 967 judgment 480 mediation 724 arbitrement judgment 480 arbor rotation 312 support 215 amusement 840 abode 189 receptacle 191 Arbor Day amusement 840 arbor vitae symmetry 242 arborary vegetable 367 arboreous vegetable 367 arborescence roughness 256 symmetry 242 arborescent symmetry 242 vegetable 367 roughness 256 arboretum agriculture 371 vegetable 367 arborical vegetable 367 arboriculture agriculture 371 arboriform symmetry 242 arc curvature 245 arc light luminary 423 arcade abode 189 curvature 245 opening 260 Arcades ambo similarity 17 bad man 949 Arcadia heaven 981 pleasure 827 Arcadian artlessness 703 innocence 946 arcanum secret 533 arch greatness 31 concavity 252 intelligence, wisdom 498 support 215 convexity 250 cunning 702 curvature 245 arch over curvature 245 archaebacteria life 359 archaeo- the past 122 archaeological the past 122 archaeologist scholar 492 archaeology the past 122 archaic neologism 563 oldness 124 archaism oldness 124 the past 122 neologism 563 archangel angel 977 archbishop clergy 996 archbishopric churchdom 995 archdeacon clergy 996 archduchy government 737.a archduke master 745 archdukedom government 737.a archebiosis production 161 arched concavity 252 convexity 250 curvature 245 arched ceiling curvature 245 arched roof curvature 245 archegenesis production 161 organization 357 Archeozoic oldness 124 archer amusement 840 combatant 726 propulsion 284 archery amusement 840 propulsion 284 archery ground amusement 840 archetype idea 453 prototype 22 Archeus life 359 archiater advice 695 archiepiscopacy churchdom 995 archiepiscopal churchdom 995 archipelagic island 346 archipelago island 346 architect agent 690 producer 164 architectonic production 161 architecture arrangement 60 ornament 847 production 161 texture 329 architrave summit 210 archive record 551 archlute musical instruments 417 archmologist the past 122 archon master 745 judge 967 deputy 759 archtraitor knave 941 arclike curvature 245 arctic cold 383 contraposition 237 arctics clothing 225 arcuate curvature 245 arcuation curvature 245 ardent desire 865 feeling 821 heat 382 love 897 ardent expectation expectation 507 ardent friendship friendship 888 ardent imagination imagination 515 ardor activity 682 desire 865 feeling 821 arduous difficulty 704 area place 182 region 181 area defense defense 717 arefaction dryness 340 arena vision 441 arena 728 region 181 space 180 arenaceous pulverulence 330 arenarious pulverulence 330 arenose pulverulence 330 areola circularity 247 areolar crossing 219 areometer density 321 Areopagus tribunal 966 ares space 180 arescent dryness 340 aretology duty 926 Argand luminary 423 argent whiteness 430 argentine whiteness 430 argil softness 324 argillaceous softness 324 argol uncleanness 653 argosy ship 273 argot neologism 563 argue evidence 467 indication 550 reasoning 476 arguementum baculinum compulsion 744 arguer reasoning 476 argufy reasoning 476 argument demonstration 478 meaning 516 reasoning 476 topic 454 argumentation reasoning 476 argumentative reasoning 476 arguments reasoning 476 Argus vision 441 Argus-eyed care 459 vision 441 argute intelligence, wisdom 498 aria music 415 Arianism heterodoxy 984 arid dryness 340 unproductiveness 169 weariness 841 aridity dryness 340 Ariel messenger 534 traveler 268 Jupiter 979 velocity 274 arietation impulse 276 arietta music 415 aright good 618 ariolation prediction 511 ariose melody concord 413 arise ascent 305 beginning 66 effect 154 eventuality 151 existence 1 visibility 446 Aristarchus taste 850 aristarchy government 737.a aristate sharpness 253 Aristides good man 948 aristocracy government 737.a nobility 875 aristocrat nobility 875 aristocratic government 737.a nobility 875 Aristotelian reasoning 476 Arithmancy prediction 511 arithmetic numeration 85 arithmetical numeration 85 arithmetical progression number 84 arithmetically numeration 85 arithmetician numeration 85 ark ship 273 abode 189 refuge 666 arm arms 727 instrument 633 part 51 power 157 preparation 673 provision 637 warfare 722 arm chair support 215 arm in arm accompaniment 88 friendship 888 sociality 892 arm of the law legality 963 arm of the sea gulf, lake 343 armada combatant 726 Armageddon contention 720 armament arms 727 preparation 673 armaments arms 727 armature arms 727 armchair general judgment 480 armed defense 717 warfare 722 armed at all points defense 717 preparation 673 armed cap a pie preparation 673 armed cap-a-pie defense 717 warfare 722 armed force combatant 726 armed to the teeth defense 717 preparation 673 warfare 722 armed with patience inexcitability 826 armet defense 717 armful quantity 25 armiger nobility 875 armigerent combatant 726 armigerous warfare 722 armillary sphere measurement 466 armistice pacification 723 armless impotence 158 armlet circularity 247 gulf, lake 343 armor arms 727 defense 717 armor plated covering 223 armored defense 717 armored cruiser combatant 726 armored vest defense 717 armorial indication 550 armorial bearings indication 550 armory arms 727 store 636 workshop 691 arms indication 550 warfare 722 instrument 633 arms 727 title 877 Armstrong gun arms 727 army assemblage 72 combatant 726 multitude 102 army list list 86 army-navy surplus store mart 799 arnica remedy 662 aroma fragrance 400 aromatic fragrance 400 aromatic bitters bitterness 392.b aromatic perfume fragrance 400 aromaticity resonance 408 around circumjacence 227 around the corner expectation 507 arousal sexuality 374.a arouse excitation 824 motive 615 arouse oneself activity 682 aroynt! ejection 297 malediction 908 arpent length 200 arpents space 180 arquebus arms 727 arquebusade remedy 662 arraign lawsuit 969 accusation 938 arraignment accusation 938 lawsuit 969 arrange arrangement 60 compromise 774 musician 416 plan 626 arrange in a series continuity 69 arrange in words phrase 566 arrange itself order 58 arrange matters pacification 723 arrange with inclusion 76 arranged order 58 arrangement 60 arrangement preparation 673 payment 807 arrangement 60 order 58 pacification 723 arrant badness 649 greatness 31 improbity 940 manifestation 525 publication 531 arras ornament 847 arrastra pulverulence 330 array multitude 102 preparation 673 ostentation 882 order 58 continuity 69 clothing 225 assemblage 72 ornament 847 arrears debt 806 arrest cessation 142 lawsuit 969 restraint 751 arrest the attention attention 457 arrest the mind attention 457 arrest the thoughts attention 457 arrestation restraint 751 arriero director 694 arrish productiveness 168 arrival arrival 292 cessation 142 arrive arrival 292 cessation 142 eventuality 151 arrive at a conclusion judgment 480 arrive at the truth discovery 480.a arrive on time punctuality 132.a arriving arrival 292 arroba gravity 319 arrogance insolence 885 pride 878 severity 739 arrogant insolence 885 vanity 880 pride 878 severity 739 arrogate dueness 924 insolence 885 severity 739 undueness 925 arrogate to oneself undueness 925 arrosion friction 331 arrow arms 727 propulsion 284 velocity 274 arrow of time time 106 arrowhead writing 590 arrowheaded sharpness 253 arrows indication 550 arrowy sharpness 253 arroyo conduit 350 arsenal store 636 arsenic bane 663 arsenious acid bane 663 arsenious oxide bane 663 arson calefaction 384 arsonist bad man 949 art skill 698 business 625 cunning 702 representation 554 art of memory memory 505 art of reasoning reasoning 476 art of war warfare 722 art school school 542 arteriosclerosis disease 655 artery conduit 350 method 627 artesian well gulf, lake 343 river 348 artful courtesy 894 cunning 702 falsehood 544 artful dodge deception 545 cunning 702 artful dodger thief 792 artfulness falsehood 544 arthropod animal 366 artichoke food 298 article book 593 dissertation 595 materiality 316 merchandise 798 part 51 record 551 substantiality 3 article of faith belief 484 theology 983 articled clerk learner 541 articles belief 484 conditions 770 articles of agreement conditions 770 articulate voice 580 articulate sound voice 580 articulated vehicle vehicle 272 articulation junction 43 voice 580 artifice cunning 702 plan 626 artificer agent 690 artificial falsehood 544 inelegance 579 ornament 577 cunning 702 affectation 855 deception 545 artificial intelligence life 359 artificial life life 359 artificial memory memory 505 artificial resin resin 356.a artificial respirator life 359 artificial sweetener sweetness 396 artificiality cunning 702 artillery arms 727 combatant 726 loudness 404 artilleryman combatant 726 artisan agent 690 artist artist 559 plan 626 agent 690 artiste musician 416 artistic beauty 845 elegance 578 skill 698 taste 850 artistical beauty 845 artistically skill 698 artists drama 599 artless artlessness 703 discourtesy 895 artlessness artlessness 703 aruspex oracle 513 aruspice oracle 513 Aruspicy prediction 511 as motive 615 as a as can be completeness 52 as a body whole 50 as a consequence effect 154 as a matter of course certainty 474 conformity 82 demonstration 478 expectance 871 as a rule habit 613 as a whole whole 50 as bad as bad can be badness 649 as bad would have it chance 156 as boundless as the sea infinity 105 as broad as long equality 27 as chance would have it chance 156 destiny 152 as compared with comparison 464 as far as relation 9 time 106 as far as possible completeness 52 as for relation 9 as full as a vetch completeness 52 as God is my witness affirmation 535 as good as equality 27 nearness 197 as good as one's word observance 772 veracity 543 probity 939 as good would have it chance 156 as Greek to one unintelligibility 519 as if similarity 17 supposition 514 as if it were similarity 17 as ill luck would have it untimeliness 135 as ill-luck would have it chance 156 as in duty duty 926 as is one's wont habit 613 as it may be chance 156 circumstance 8 as it may chance chance 156 as it may happen circumstance 8 chance 156 chance 621 as it may turn out circumstance 8 eventuality 151 as it may turn up chance 156 as it ought to be right 922 as it seems appearance 448 as it seems good to will 600 as it should be right 922 as it were metaphor 521 similarity 17 as lief willingness 602 as like a dock as a daisy dissimilarity 18 as like as it can stare similarity 17 as little as may be smallness 32 as long as my arm length 200 as luck may have it possibility 470 as luck would have it chance 156 as matters stand circumstance 8 as much again duplication 90 as one cooperation 709 melody concord 413 synchronism 120 as one goes transference 270 as one man assent 488 as one thinks proper will 600 as opposite as the poles contrariety 14 as poles asunder contraposition 237 as regards relation 9 as relates to relation 9 as respects relation 9 as soon as synchronism 120 as the case may be chance 156 circumstance 8 as the crow flies direction 278 as the day is long diuturnity 110 as the dial to the sun veracity 543 as the matter stands state 7 as the needle to the pole veracity 543 as the saying goes maxim 496 as the saying is maxim 496 as the sparks fly upwards habit 613 as the story goes news 532 as the story runs news 532 as the tree falls eventuality 151 as the wind blows circumstance 8 as the world goes eventuality 151 habit 613 as they say maxim 496 news 532 as thick as hops assemblage 72 as things eventuality 151 as things are state 7 as things go circumstance 8 habit 613 as times go circumstance 8 as to relation 9 as usual conformity 82 habit 613 as well as addition 37 as you please consent 762 obedience 743 as you were regression 283 restoration 660 as you wish obedience 743 asbestos insulation, fire extinction 388.a ascend ascent 305 greatness 31 improvement 658 increase 35 navigation 267 ascend the throne government 737.a ascendancy success 731 ascendency influence 175 power 157 ascension ascent 305 Ascension Day rite 998 ascent ascent 305 improvement 658 increase 35 obliquity 217 repute 873 ascertain judgment 480 stability 150 ascertain one's direction direction 278 ascertained certainty 474 knowledge 490 ascertainment discovery 480.a ascetic asceticism 955 asceticism asceticism 955 ascititious addition 37 completeness 52 extrinsicality 6 ascribe importance to importance 642 ascribe to attribution 155 ascription attribution 155 asessor judgment 480 ash calefaction 384 Ash Wednesday regularity of recurrence 138 rite 998 ashame humility 879 ashamed humility 879 ashcake food 298 ash-colored gray 432 ashdrop furnace 386 ashen achromatism 429 gray 432 ashes uncleanness 653 corpse 362 ashore land 342 ashpan furnace 386 ashy achromatism 429 gray 432 Asian mystery secret 533 Asiatic cholera disease 655 aside soliloquy 589 laterality 236 concealment 528 faintness 405 aside from the purpose irrelation 10 asinine carrier 271 imbecility folly 499 ask barter 794 inquiry 461 price 812 request 765 ask about inquiry 461 ask for mercy pity 914 ask leave permission 760 ask one for request 765 ask pardon forgiveness 918 ask permission permission 760 ask trouble request 765 askant askance dimsightedness 443 askew distortion 243 asking request 765 asleep inactivity 683 Asmodeus demon 980 asomatous immateriality 317 asp animal 366 evil 913 aspartame sweetness 396 Aspasia libertine 962 aspect appearance 448 situation 183 state 7 aspects intrinsicality 5 asperges rite 998 asperity discourtesy 895 irascibility 901 resentment 900 roughness 256 asperous roughness 256 asperse detraction 934 aspersion detraction 934 malediction 908 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 rite 998 asphalt resin 356.a smoothness 255 asphaltic resin 356.a asphaltite resin 356.a asphaltum resin 356.a asphodel beauty 845 asphyxia death 360 disease 655 asphyxiate killing 361 aspick animal 366 aspirant desire 865 petitioner 767 politics 737.b aspirate voice 580 sound 402 aspiration worship 990 desire 865 hope 858 aspire ascent 305 worship 990 aspire after desire 865 intention 620 aspire at intention 620 aspiring desire 865 asportation transference 270 ass carrier 271 fool 501 ass in lion's skin deceiver 548 bungler 701 assafoetida fetor 401 assagai arms 727 assail attack 716 detraction 934 painfulness 830 assailant attack 716 combatant 726 opponent 710 Assama heaven 981 assassin destroyer 165 killing 361 assassinate killing 361 assassination killing 361 assault attack 716 assault and battery attack 716 assault rifle arms 727 assay experiment 463 measurement 466 assayist experiment 463 assegai arms 727 assemblage assemblage 72 convergence 290 council 696 junction 43 assemble assemblage 72 council 696 assembled assemblage 72 assembly council 696 laity 997 sociality 892 assemblage 72 assembly room abode 189 assemblyman council 696 government 737.a assemblyroom amusement 840 assemblywoman government 737.a assent assent 488 belief 484 concord 714 consent 762 content 831 assenting assent 488 assentment assent 488 assert affirmation 535 dueness 924 assert positively affirmation 535 assert roundly affirmation 535 asserting affirmation 535 assertion affirmation 535 asses' bridge unintelligibility 519 assess judgment 480 measurement 466 price 812 value 812.a assessment value 812.a judgment 480 measurement 466 price 812 assessor judge 967 asset willingness 602 assets accounts 811 money 800 property 780 asseverate affirmation 535 asseveration affirmation 535 asshole ignoramus 493 assiduity activity 682 assiduous activity 682 assiduousness activity 682 assify insensibility 823 assign commission 755 transfer 783 duty 926 apportionment 786 giving 784 assign as cause attribution 155 assign dower giving 784 assign places to arrangement 60 assign the parts arrangement 60 assignat money 800 assignation sociality 892 assignee receiving 785 assignment transfer 783 apportionment 786 commission 755 assimilate uniformity 16 similarity 17 salubrity 656 agreement 23 assimilate to conversion 144 assimilation agreement 23 conversion 144 identification 465.b imitation 19 production 161 assist aid 707 assistance aid 707 assistant auxiliary 711 assistant judge judge 967 assistant secretary servant 746 assister presence 186 assize measurement 466 tribunal 966 ass-kisser flatterer 935 associate accompaniment 88 assemblage 72 auxiliary 711 friend 890 junction 43 party 712 relation 9 Associate Justice judge 967 associate with sociality 892 accompaniment 88 mixture 41 associated relation 9 Associated Press news 532 associated with accompaniment 88 association accompaniment 88 analogy 514.a assemblage 72 cooperation 709 correlation 12 intuition 477 metaphor 521 party 712 relation 9 association of ideas intellect 450 thought 451 metaphor 521 analogy 514.a supposition 514 association of thought thought 451 assoil acquittal 970 assonance poetry 597 assonant melody concord 413 assort arrangement 60 assorted multiformity 81 assortment arrangement 60 assemblage 72 class 75 assuage moderation 174 relief 834 assuagement moderation 174 assuaging relief 834 assuasive relief 834 assuefaction habit 613 assuetude habit 613 assume belief 484 dueness 924 falsehood 544 insolence 885 intuition 477 severity 739 supposition 514 taking 789 assume a character representation 554 assume a lofty bearing insolence 885 assume a name misnomer 565 assume a new phase conversion 144 assume authority government 737.a assume command government 737.a assume the appearance appearance 448 assume the character of conversion 144 assume the command command 741 assume the conclusion intuition 477 assume the form of conversion 144 assume the nature of conversion 144 assume the offensive attack 716 assume the semblance of appearance 448 assume the shape of conversion 144 assume the state of conversion 144 assumed supposition 514 assumed name misnomer 565 assumed position supposition 514 assumed title misnomer 565 assuming insolence 885 assumption maxim 496 undueness 925 supposition 514 misjudgment 481 insolence 885 hope 858 conversion 144 severity 739 assurance affirmation 535 insolence 885 security 771 vanity 880 promise 768 hope 858 expectation 507 chance 156 belief 484 certainty 474 assure security 771 affirmation 535 belief 484 certainty 474 hope 858 promise 768 assure oneself belief 484 assured belief 484 certainty 474 assuredly assent 488 astatic levity 320 asteism ridicule 856 asterisk indication 550 astern rear 235 asteroids world 318 Asteroth Jupiter 979 asthenia weakness 160 asthenic weakness 160 astigmatic dimsightedness 443 astigmatic sight dimsightedness 443 astigmatism dimsightedness 443 astir excitation 824 activity 682 astonish inexpectation 508 wonder 870 astonished at nothing expectance 871 astonishing greatness 31 astonishingly greatness 31 astonishment wonder 870 astound excitation 824 fear 860 wonder 870 Astraea right 922 astragal ornament 847 astral world 318 astral body immateriality 317 astral influence necessity 601 astral plane immateriality 317 astray error 495 uncertainty 475 astray from deviation 279 astriction junction 43 astride on support 215 astringency acridity 401.a contraction 195 astringent acridity 401.a contraction 195 astringent bitters bitterness 392.b astringents contraction 195 astrolabe measurement 466 astrologer oracle 513 astrology intuition 477 prediction 511 astronaut mariner 269 astronautics navigation 267 astronomer world 318 astronomical telescope optical instruments 445 astronomical unit length 200 astronomy world 318 astute cunning 702 intelligence, wisdom 498 asunder distance 196 disjunction 44 asylum refuge 666 defense 717 asymmetric distortion 243 unconformity 83 asymmetry distortion 243 asymptote convergence 290 asymptotic convergence 290 asymptotical convergence 290 at sociality 892 at a different time different time 119 at a disadvantage inferiority 34 at a discount disrepute 874 disapprobation 932 discount 813 at a foots pace slowness 275 at a funeral pace slowness 275 at a glacial pace slowness 275 at a glance vision 441 at a great rate velocity 274 at a later date posteriority 117 at a later period posteriority 117 at a loose end leisure 685 at a loss difficulty 704 irresolution 605 uncertainty 475 at a loss for desire 865 at a low ebb inferiority 34 smallness 32 waste 638 deterioration 659 depression 308 lowness 207 insufficiency 640 at a nonplus difficulty 704 uncertainty 475 at a pinch difficulty 704 at a premium dearness 814 at a reduction cheapness 815 at a snail's pace slowness 275 at a stand inaction 681 permanence 141 quiescence 265 at a standstill difficulty 704 permanence 141 quiescence 265 at a stretch continuity 69 at a stroke instantaneity 113 at a subsequent posteriority 117 at a venture chance 621 essay 675 at all events certainty 474 compensation 30 qualification 469 resolution 604 truth 494 at all hazards resolution 604 at all points completeness 52 at all risks resolution 604 at all times frequency 136 at an end end 67 at anchor location 184 quiescence 265 safety 664 stability 150 at another time different time 119 at any cost resolution 604 at any hazard resolution 604 at any price perseverance 604.a resolution 604 at any rate truth 494 certainty 474 compensation 30 resolution 604 at any risk resolution 604 at any sacrifice resolution 604 at any time different time 119 at arm's length distance 196 at bay danger 665 defense 717 difficulty 704 at beat of drum command 741 at bottom intrinsicality 5 at call activity 682 at close quarters nearness 197 at cost cheapness 815 at cost price cheapness 815 at cross purposes opposition 708 error 495 contrariety 14 difficulty 704 discord 713 at cross-purposes disorder 59 at daggers drawn discord 713 enmity 889 hate 898 opposition 708 at death's door death 360 at ease physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 facility 705 content 831 freedom 748 at enmity enmity 889 at established periods regularity of recurrence 138 at fault ignorance 491 uncertainty 475 guilt 947 failure 732 unskillfulness 699 at feud discord 713 at first blush manifestation 525 at first sight appearance 448 vision 441 at fixed established regularity of recurrence 138 at full speed velocity 274 at great cost dearness 814 at half speed moderation 174 slowness 275 at hand destiny 152 nearness 197 the present time 118 utility 644 at haphazard chance 621 at harness preparation 673 at heart affections 820 feeling 821 at high words discord 713 at home assemblage 72 presence 186 content 831 agreement 23 interiority 221 at home in habit 613 knowledge 490 skill 698 at home with facility 705 friendship 888 at intervals discontinuity 70 interval 198 at issue contention 720 discord 713 eventuality 151 opposition 708 at issue upon negation 536 at issue with dissent 489 at its height greatness 31 superiority 33 at large diffuseness 573 freedom 748 at last lateness 133 at least smallness 32 at leisure inactivity 683 leisure 685 at length lateness 133 length 200 at liberty exemption 927.a at loggerheads discord 713 hate 898 contention 720 at long odds difficulty 704 at loose ends leisure 685 at most smallness 32 at no great distance nearness 197 at no hand smallness 32 at no period neverness 107 at no time negation 536 neverness 107 at odds discord 713 at odds with disagreement 24 at once earliness 132 instantaneity 113 at one fell swoop taking 789 violence 173 instantaneity 113 at one jump instantaneity 113 at one with agreement 23 assent 488 concord 714 concurrence 178 at one's beck aid 707 at one's beck and call aid 707 obedience 743 subjection 749 at one's books learning 539 at one's call obedience 743 servant 746 at one's command authority 737 obedience 743 possession 777 at one's disposal possession 777 at one's door nearness 197 at one's ease content 831 freedom 748 leisure 685 physical pleasure 377 prosperity 734 at one's elbow nearness 197 at one's feet nearness 197 at one's finger's end nearness 197 at one's last gasp hopelessness 859 at one's leisure lateness 133 at one's orders obedience 743 at one's own risk duty 926 at one's pleasure authority 737 at one's post preparation 673 at one's side nearness 197 at one's wit's end difficulty 704 uncertainty 475 at one's word belief 484 at open war with enmity 889 at peace concord 714 at play amusement 840 at pleasure choice 609 will 600 at present the present time 118 at prime cost cheapness 815 at railway speed velocity 274 at random chance 621 at regular intervals regularity of recurrence 138 at rest content 831 repose 687 at rest at a stand quiescence 265 at right angles verticality 212 at sea ignorance 491 ocean 341 uncertainty 475 at short notice earliness 132 haste 684 transientness 111 at sight earliness 132 at sixes and sevens disorder 59 discord 713 at some other time different time 119 at stake danger 665 intention 620 at stated periods order 58 at stated times regularity of recurrence 138 at sunrise morning 125 at sunset lateness 133 at that instant different time 119 at that moment different time 119 at that point time 106 at that point in time time 106 at that time different time 119 at the back of rear 235 at the bar lawyer 968 at the beginning beginning 66 at the bottom of cause 153 at the breast infant 129 at the deadline punctuality 132.a at the eleventh hour lateness 133 occasion 134 at the end of his tether ignorance 491 at the end of one's rope difficulty 704 at the feet of subjection 749 at the first blush appearance 448 vision 441 at the foot of lowness 207 at the halt quiescence 265 at the head precession 280 authority 737 at the head of direction 693 repute 873 at the heels of nearness 197 rear 235 at the helm direction 693 at the last end 67 at the last extremity danger 665 at the last gasp death 360 at the least smallness 32 at the mercy of liability 177 subjection 749 at the most smallness 32 at the office workshop 691 at the point of nearness 197 at the point of death death 360 at the point of the sword compulsion 744 severity 739 violence 173 at the present time the present time 118 at the same instant instantaneity 113 at the same time compensation 30 synchronism 120 at the shop workshop 691 at the sword's point warfare 722 at the tail of rear 235 at the threshold nearness 197 at the top of one's lungs loudness 404 at the top of one's speed velocity 274 at the top of one's voice loudness 404 at the top of the scale superiority 33 at the top of the tree repute 873 summit 210 at the very moment synchronism 120 at this moment the present time 118 at this time the present time 118 at this time of day the present time 118 at times frequency 136 at variance opposition 708 disagreement 24 discord 713 dissent 489 enmity 889 at variance with disagreement 24 at various times different time 119 at war contention 720 disagreement 24 at war with opposition 708 warfare 722 at which time different time 119 at wholesale discount 813 at will will 600 at work activity 682 agency 170 workshop 691 at your peril! threat 909 at your service aid 707 ataghan arms 727 atajo assemblage 72 atavism reversion 145 atelier painting 556 workshop 691 athanasia perpetuity 112 Athanasian Creed orthodoxy 983.a athanor furnace 386 atheism heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 atheist irreligion 989 atheistic irreligion 989 atheling nobility 875 atherosclerosis disease 655 athirst desire 865 athlete combatant 726 strength 159 athletic strength 159 athletic sports amusement 840 contention 720 athletic supporter clothing 225 athleticism strength 159 athletics contention 720 strength 159 athwart crossing 219 opposition 708 Atlantean strength 159 Atlantes support 215 Atlantis imagination 515 Atlas support 215 strength 159 arrangement 60 representation 554 list 86 atmosphere air 338 circumjacence 227 atmospheric air 338 blueness 438 atmospheric air air 338 atole food 298 atoll island 346 atom inextension 180.a littleness 193 smallness 32 atomic littleness 193 unity 87 smallness 32 tenacity 327 atomic clock chronometry 114 atomic explosion snap 406 atomic power power 157 atomic submarine ship 273 atomize destruction 162 atomy littleness 193 atone atonement 952 deity 976 reward 973 atone for atonement 952 atonement atonement 952 reward 973 restitution 790 deity 976 atony weakness 160 atop summit 210 atrabilious dejection 837 atramentous blackness 431 atrium receptacle 191 atrocious malevolence 907 vice 945 atrocity guilt 947 malevolence 907 vice 945 atrophy contraction 195 deterioration 659 disease 655 attaboy! continuance in action 143 attach junction 43 lawsuit 969 love 897 attach importance to importance 642 attach some weight to belief 484 attache consignee 758 servant 746 attached to love 897 attachment love 897 junction 43 attack disease 655 attack 716 detraction 934 attack tooth and nail attack 716 attacking attack 716 attaghan arms 727 attain arrival 292 attain a point success 731 attain majority adolescence 131 attain the goal completion 729 attainable possibility 470 attainder condemnation 971 imperfection 651 attainment learning 539 skill 698 attainments knowledge 490 attaint condemnation 971 attaintment condemnation 971 attainture condemnation 971 attar fragrance 400 attemper mixture 41 moderation 174 attempered affections 820 attempt essay 675 attempt impossibilities impossibility 471 attend presence 186 remedy 662 sequence 281 attention 457 aid 707 accompaniment 88 attend mass worship 990 rite 998 attend service worship 990 attend services rite 998 attend the sacrament rite 998 attend to business business 625 attend to one's work business 625 attend to orders obedience 743 attend upon servant 746 attendance presence 186 attendant servant 746 accompaniment 88 sequence 281 attention respect 928 attention 457 care 459 attention to detail attention 457 care 459 attention! attention 457 hearing 418 attentive attention 457 attenuate contraction 195 nonincrease, decrease 36 pulverulence 330 attenuated narrowness, thinness 203 attenuation pulverulence 330 contraction 195 attest promise 768 indication 550 affirmation 535 evidence 467 attestation evidence 467 indication 550 attested copy security 771 Attic elegance 578 receptacle 191 summit 210 taste 850 wit 842 attic fan refrigeration 385 attic salt wit 842 attic wit wit 842 atticism wit 842 elegance 578 Attila evil 913 attire clothing 225 attitude circumstance 8 form 240 situation 183 attitudinarian ostentation 882 attitudinize affectation 855 attogram gravity 319 attollent elevation 307 attorney consignee 758 lawyer 968 legality 963 attorney at law lawyer 968 attract pleasurableness 829 motive 615 attraction 288 love 897 desire 865 attract attention ostentation 882 attract notice attention 457 attract the attention attention 457 visibility 446 attract the mind attention 457 attract the thoughts attention 457 attractability motive 615 pleasurableness 829 attracting attraction 288 attraction attraction 288 power 157 pleasurableness 829 desire 865 motive 615 attraction of gravitation attraction 288 attractive attraction 288 beauty 845 love 897 motive 615 pleasurableness 829 attractiveness attraction 288 sexuality 374.a pleasurableness 829 love 897 motive 615 attractivity attraction 288 attrahent attraction 288 attributable attribution 155 attribute accompaniment 88 power 157 attribute to attribution 155 attributed attribution 155 attribution attribution 155 circumstance 8 attrite friction 331 pulverulence 330 attrition friction 331 attroupement assemblage 72 attune preparation 673 music 415 attuned to habit 613 AU length 200 au bout de son Latin difficulty 704 ignorance 491 intuition 477 au courant knowledge 490 au fait skill 698 au fait with knowledge 490 au fond intrinsicality 5 auburn brown 433 auction mart 799 sale 796 auctioneer consignee 758 sale 796 audacious courage 861 insolence 885 audacity courage 861 insolence 885 rashness 863 audibility hearing 418 sound 402 audible sound 402 audience hearing 418 allocution 586 conversation 588 audience chamber council 696 audit inquiry 461 numeration 85 accounts 811 auditing firm accounts 811 audition experiment 463 hearing 418 auditor accounts 811 hearing 418 learner 541 numeration 85 auditorium drama 599 school 542 auditory hearing 418 drama 599 auditory apparatus hearing 418 Augean stable uncleanness 653 Augean task difficulty 704 auger perforator 262 aught part 51 quantity 25 augment addition 37 adjunct 39 increase 35 augmentation adjunct 39 expansion 194 increase 35 augur prediction 511 rotation 312 oracle 513 augur well hope 858 augural prediction 511 augurate prediction 511 auguration prediction 511 augurial prediction 511 augurous prediction 511 augury omen 512 prediction 511 august greatness 31 repute 873 Augustinian clergy 996 auld lang syne the past 122 Aum spell 993 aumbry temple 1000 aunt consanguinity 11 aura wind 349 sensations of touch 380 aureate yellowness 436 aurelia infant 129 aureola light 420 aureole repute 873 aureolin yellowness 436 auricle hearing 418 auricomous yellowness 436 auricular concealment 528 hearing 418 auricular confession rite 998 aurist remedy 662 aurora morning 125 luminary 423 dimness 422 light 420 aurora australis luminary 423 aurora borealis luminary 423 auscultation hearing 418 auspice omen 512 auspices expectation 507 influence 175 prediction 511 safety 664 auspicial prediction 511 auspicious hope 858 prosperity 734 prediction 511 occasion 134 austere asceticism 955 discourtesy 895 severity 739 austerity asceticism 955 discourtesy 895 impiety 988 severity 739 unsavoriness 395 Austin Friars clergy 996 Austral contraposition 237 Austromancy prediction 511 authentic certainty 474 existence 1 truth 494 authenticate evidence 467 authentication evidence 467 security 771 authenticity truth 494 author book 593 cause 153 producer 164 Author of all things deity 976 Author of our being deity 976 authoritative government 737.a certainty 474 command 741 authoritativeness authority 737 authority authority 737 dueness 924 evidence 467 government 737.a influence 175 information 527 permission 760 power 157 sage 500 authorization permission 760 authorize dueness 924 permission 760 commission 755 authority 737 authorized government 737.a dueness 924 author's proof printing 591 authorship production 161 style 569 writing 590 auto vehicle 272 auto da fe killing 361 auto dealer mart 799 auto repair shop mart 799 autobiography description 594 autobus journey 266 autochthonal inhabitant 188 autochthones inhabitant 188 autochthonous inhabitant 188 autocracy government 737.a severity 739 autocrat master 745 autocratic government 737.a will 600 autoeroticism sexuality 374.a autograph indication 550 writing 590 autography indication 550 Autolycus merchant 797 thief 792 automaniac madman 504 automatic necessity 601 automatic gun arms 727 automatic pistol arms 727 automaton necessity 601 automobile journey 266 vehicle 272 autonomasia! metaphor 521 autonomous freedom 748 autonomy freedom 748 government 737.a autoplagiarism stealing 791 autopsy interment 363 vision 441 autoptical manifestation 525 visibility 446 autoradiography representation 554 autotype engraving 558 autumn evening 126 autumnal evening 126 autumnal equinox evening 126 aux absents les os absence 187 aux aguets ambush 530 expectation 507 auxiliary aid 707 auxiliary 711 benefactor 912 combatant 726 auxiliary forces combatant 726 avail utility 644 success 731 use 677 avail oneself of use 677 available utility 644 avails acquisition 775 receipt 810 avalanche descent 306 redundancy 641 avant-courier precursor 64 avant-garde precursor 64 avarice parsimony 819 gluttony 957 greed 817.a avaricious parsimony 819 greed 817.a gluttony 957 avast! cessation 142 prohibition 761 quiescence 265 relinquishment 624 avatar change 140 deity 976 idolatry 991 avaunt disappearance 449 avaunt! disappearance 449 ejection 297 Ave Maria worship 990 ave! courtesy 894 repute 873 avenge revenge 919 avengeance revenge 919 avengement revenge 919 avenger revenge 919 avenging revenge 919 avenue agriculture 371 method 627 aver affirmation 535 average imperfection 651 mean 29 middle 68 average circumstances mediocrity 736 averment affirmation 535 averruncate extraction 301 aversation dislike 867 unwillingness 603 averse dissuasion 616 unwillingness 603 averse from dislike 867 hate 898 averseness dislike 867 unwillingness 603 aversion dislike 867 hate 898 avert hindrance 706 avert the eyes blindness 442 averuncate ejection 297 Avesta pseudo-revelation 986 aviary husbandry 370 abode 189 aviate navigation 267 aviation navigation 267 aviator mariner 269 aviatrix mariner 269 avid desire 865 avidity greed 817.a avile detraction 934 disapprobation 932 avocado food 298 avocation business 625 avoid avoidance 623 unwillingness 603 dislike 867 avoidance avoidance 623 avoiding avoidance 623 avoidless certainty 474 necessity 601 avoirdupois weight gravity 319 avolation avoidance 623 escape 671 avouch affirmation 535 avouchment affirmation 535 avow disclosure 529 affirmation 535 assent 488 avowal assent 488 disclosure 529 avulsion disjunction 44 extraction 301 AWACS warning 668 await destiny 152 expectation 507 futurity 121 lateness 133 awake activity 682 care 459 excitation 824 intelligence, wisdom 498 awake a doubt unbelief doubt 485 awake to attention 457 awaken excitation 824 information 527 awaken the attention attention 457 awaken the echoes loudness 404 awaken the memory memory 505 awaken the mind attention 457 awaken the thoughts attention 457 awaken to information 527 awakened conscience penitence 950 award giving 784 judgment 480 trophy 733 aware of knowledge 490 away absence 187 distance 196 away from the purpose irrelation 10 away with melancholy! cheerfulness 836 away with! abrogation 756 contempt 930 disapprobation 932 ejection 297 relinquishment 782 awe fear 860 respect 928 wonder 870 awe-inspiring fear 860 aweless insolence 885 disrespect 929 courage 861 awe-stricken fear 860 awestruck fear 860 wonder 870 awful fear 860 silence 403 awful silence silence 403 awfully greatness 31 awhile transientness 111 awkward ridiculousness 853 vulgarity 851 ugliness 846 unskillfulness 699 inexpedience 647 inelegance 579 difficulty 704 painfulness 830 awkward squad bungler 701 awkwardness vulgarity 851 difficulty 704 awl perforator 262 sharpness 253 awl-shaped sharpness 253 awn sharpness 253 awned sharpness 253 awning covering 223 shade 424 awny sharpness 253 awry evil 619 distortion 243 ax arms 727 impulse 276 scourge 975 sharpness 253 axial centrality 222 Axinomancy prediction 511 axiom maxim 496 axiomatic certainty 474 maxim 496 axis rotation 312 support 215 axis of rotation rotation 312 axle rotation 312 support 215 axle shaft rotation 312 axletree support 215 ay assent 488 ay there's the rub difficulty 704 ayah keeper 753 servant 746 ayatollah clergy 996 aye assent 488 perpetuity 112 ayudante auxiliary 711 azimuth direction 278 horizontality 213 azimuth circle verticality 212 azoic inorganization 358 azote bane 663 scourge 975 azotic insalubrity 657 azure blueness 438 azygous centrality 222 unity 87 B B.C. time 106 B.T.U. heat 382 b=ete noire hate 898 baa ululation 412 Baal pseudo-revelation 986 idolatry 991 Jupiter 979 babble unmeaningness 517 river 348 loquacity 584 conversation 588 faintness 405 babblement conversation 588 babbler fool 501 loquacity 584 babbling imbecility folly 499 babe infant 129 babe in arms infant 129 Bab-ed-Din pseudo-revelation 986 Babel disorder 59 neologism 563 discord 414 loquacity 584 language 560 babish imbecility folly 499 Babism heterodoxy 984 Babist heterodoxy 984 baboon ugliness 846 babu recorder 553 babu English neologism 563 babushka clothing 225 baby fool 501 infant 129 baby food pulpiness 354 baby linen clothing 225 baby scale gravity 319 babyhood youth 127 imbecility folly 499 babyish imbecility folly 499 infant 129 babysitter keeper 753 baccalaureate repute 873 baccarat amusement 840 baccate pulpiness 354 Bacchal drunkenness 959 Bacchanal drunkenness 959 bacchanalia drunkenness 959 Bacchanalian drunkenness 959 bacchanals drunkenness 959 Bacchante drunkenness 959 bachelor celibacy 904 bachelor girl celibacy 904 woman 374 bachelorhood celibacy 904 bachelorship celibacy 904 back aid 707 convexity 250 money 800 rear 235 regression 283 back away recession 287 back down regression 283 back friend enemy 891 back lot drama 599 back off recession 287 back out regression 283 back out of tergiversation 607 relinquishment 624 back stairs ambush 530 back to back rear 235 back up aid 707 support 215 backbite detraction 934 disapprobation 932 backbiter detractor 936 backbiting detraction 934 backbone centrality 222 support 215 resolution 604 perseverance 604.a courage 861 interiority 221 affections 820 intrinsicality 5 backdate anachronism 115 back-dated check money 800 back-door method 627 backdown submission 725 backer auxiliary 711 drama 599 politics 737.b backfire insulation, fire extinction 388.a backform neologism 563 back-formation neologism 563 backgammon amusement 840 background distance 196 rear 235 background information concealment 528 background radiation calefaction 384 background session concealment 528 backgrounder concealment 528 backhanded circuit 629 backhoe vehicle 272 backlog furnace 386 backpacker traveler 268 backplate defense 717 backset adversity 735 backsettler inhabitant 188 backside scut rear 235 backslider tergiversation 607 backsliding heterodoxy 984 impiety 988 regression 283 relapse 661 tergiversation 607 vice 945 back-stairs method 627 backstairs influence cunning 702 backtrack regression 283 backward unwillingness 603 lateness 133 backward movement regression 283 backward slash indication 550 backwardation discount 813 backwardness dislike 867 unwillingness 603 backwards regression 283 backwards and forwards interchange 148 oscillation 314 backwater regression 283 backwoods limit 233 backwoodsman agriculture 371 inhabitant 188 Baconian method inquiry 461 bacteria disease 655 littleness 193 bacteriology organization 357 bacterium disease 655 bad badness 649 disapprobation 932 evil 619 fetor 401 uncleanness 653 wrong 923 bad blood hate 898 malevolence 907 bad business hopelessness 859 bad case intuition 477 bad chance improbability 473 bad circumstances poverty 804 bad compliment disapprobation 932 bad debt debt 806 bad example bad man 949 bad fairy demon 980 bad faith improbity 940 nonobservance 773 bad favor disrepute 874 bad grammar solecism 568 bad habit habit 613 bad hand bungler 701 writing 590 bad humor resentment 900 sullenness 901.a bad intent malevolence 907 bad intention malevolence 907 bad job evil 619 hopelessness 859 unskillfulness 699 bad joke vulgarity 851 bad language disapprobation 932 malediction 908 bad likeness misrepresentation 555 bad luck adversity 735 bad man bad man 949 illegality 964 knave 941 bad manners discourtesy 895 bad money money 800 bad name disrepute 874 bad odor fetor 401 disrepute 874 bad repute disrepute 874 bad spirit demon 980 bad spirits dejection 837 bad taste vulgarity 851 bad temper irascibility 901 resentment 900 sullenness 901.a bad time untimeliness 135 bad times adversity 735 bad turn malevolence 907 evil 619 bad woman bad man 949 badaud fool 501 badge indication 550 badge of authority scepter 747 badge of infamy disrepute 874 badge of slavery servant 746 badger painfulness 830 stealing 791 thief 792 badger dog animal 366 badger game stealing 791 badinage ridicule 856 wit 842 badli deputy 759 substitute 634 badly badness 649 badly off adversity 735 poverty 804 badness badness 649 evil 619 bad-tempered irascibility 901 Baedeker journey 266 baffle hindrance 706 success 731 baffle all description unconformity 83 baffle description wonder 870 bag receptacle 191 stealing 791 acquisition 775 taking 789 location 184 bag and baggage property 780 bagatelle amusement 840 unimportance 643 baggage libertine 962 materials 635 property 780 baggage car vehicle 272 baggala ship 273 baggy incoherence 47 bagman petitioner 767 consignee 758 bagnio impurity 961 bagpipes musical instruments 417 bah! contempt 930 bail receptacle 191 security 771 bail one's own boat conduct 692 bail up stealing 791 bailiff consignee 758 director 694 jurisdiction 965 servant 746 bailiwick government 737.a jurisdiction 965 politics 737.b Bairam amusement 840 rite 998 bait attack 716 deception 545 food 298 giving 784 malevolence 907 motive 615 painfulness 830 refreshment 689 bait the hook deception 545 motive 615 bait with a silver hook motive 615 baited trap deception 545 bake calefaction 384 bakehouse furnace 386 baker's dozen five, &c 98 bakery mart 799 bakeshop mart 799 baking heat 382 bakshish giving 784 bal amusement 840 bal costume amusement 840 bal masque amusement 840 balais jewelry 847.a balance irresolution 605 money 800 numeration 85 measurement 466 mean 29 equality 27 compensation 30 remainder 40 comparison 464 accounts 811 gravity 319 balance accounts accounts 811 balance accounts with payment 807 balance sheet accounts 811 money 800 balanced stability 150 symmetry 242 balbucinate stammering 583 balbutiate stammering 583 balcony convexity 250 bald feebleness 575 simplicity 849 ugliness 846 weariness 841 divestment 226 bald as a coot divestment 226 baldacchino temple 1000 baldachin covering 223 temple 1000 baldachino covering 223 baldaquin covering 223 balderdash unmeaningness 517 baldric circularity 247 outline 230 bale assemblage 72 contents 190 evil 619 bale out ejection 297 baleen elasticity 325 bale-fire indication 550 baleful badness 649 balista arms 727 balister arms 727 balistraria defense 717 balize indication 550 balk disappointment 509 hindrance 706 deception 545 regression 283 balk one's hope disappointment 509 balky obstinacy 606 regression 283 ball allocution 586 amusement 840 arms 727 propulsion 284 rotundity 249 sociality 892 ball cartridge arms 727 ball dress ostentation 882 ball lightning luminary 423 ballad poetry 597 music 415 ballad monger poetry 597 ballast compensation 30 gravity 319 intelligence, wisdom 498 refuge 666 ballet amusement 840 drama 599 ballet dancer drama 599 ballet girl drama 599 ballista arms 727 propulsion 284 ballistics arms 727 propulsion 284 warfare 722 balloon levity 320 navigation 267 ship 273 balloonery navigation 267 ballooning navigation 267 balloonist mariner 269 ballot politics 737.b ballproof! defense 717 ballroom amusement 840 ballroom dance amusement 840 balm fragrance 400 moderation 174 remedy 662 condiment 393 balm in Gilead hope 858 relief 834 Balmoral clothing 225 balmy fragrance 400 inactivity 683 relief 834 balmy sleep inactivity 683 balneal water 337 balneation water 337 balourdise unskillfulness 699 balsam remedy 662 balsamic relief 834 remedy 662 baluster support 215 balustrade inclosure 232 support 215 bam falsehood 544 bambino infant 129 bamboozle concealment 528 deception 545 ban malediction 908 prohibition 761 banana food 298 band musical instruments 417 prison 752 musician 416 outline 230 party 712 filament 205 circularity 247 assemblage 72 music 415 band of hope sobriety 958 band ribband connection 45 band together cooperation 709 bandage support 215 connection 45 covering 223 junction 43 prison 752 remedy 662 band-box receptacle 191 banded together concurrence 178 party 712 concord 714 banderole indication 550 bandit thief 792 bandog safety 664 warning 668 bandolier store 636 bandrol indication 550 bands canonicals 999 bandura musical instruments 417 bandurria musical instruments 417 bandwagon fashion 852 bandy agitation 315 distortion 243 interchange 148 bandy about publication 531 bandy arguments reasoning 476 bandy legged distortion 243 bandy with contention 720 bandy words reasoning 476 conversation 588 bane evil 913 evil 619 badness 649 bane 663 baneful badness 649 bane 663 banewort bane 663 bang snap 406 ship 273 punishment 972 impulse 276 loudness 404 banger arms 727 banish ejection 297 exclusion 55 punishment 972 seclusion, exclusion 893 banished seclusion, exclusion 893 banishment ejection 297 punishment 972 seclusion, exclusion 893 banister support 215 banjo musical instruments 417 bank defense 717 land 342 obliquity 217 pitfall 667 store 636 treasury 802 bank account money 800 Bank holiday amusement 840 bank note money 800 Bank of Elegance money 800 bank up preservation 670 bank vault treasury 802 banker amusement 840 merchant 797 treasurer 801 bankrupt failure 732 nonpayment 808 bankruptcy failure 732 nonpayment 808 banlieue circumjacence 227 nearness 197 banner indication 550 banneret indication 550 nobility 875 bannerol indication 550 banquet amusement 840 food 298 banquette defense 717 banshee Jupiter 979 demon 980 bantam-cock blusterer 887 banter ridicule 856 wit 842 bantling infant 129 posterity 167 banyan vegetable 367 banyan day fasting 956 insufficiency 640 baptism nomenclature 564 rite 998 baptismal rite 998 baptismal regeneration rite 998 Baptist heterodoxy 984 baptistery temple 1000 baptize rite 998 nomenclature 564 bar abode 189 closure 261 exclusion 55 hindrance 706 lawyer 968 length 200 melody concord 413 prison 752 prohibition 761 support 215 bar association lawyer 968 Bar Mitzvah rite 998 bar of justice tribunal 966 bar out exclusion 55 bar room abode 189 bar shot arms 727 bar sinister disrepute 874 illegality 964 imperfection 651 bar the way hindrance 706 bara food 298 bara khana food 298 barachois gulf, lake 343 baragouin unmeaningness 517 barb sharpness 253 carrier 271 barb the dart painfulness 830 barbacan defense 717 Barbados tar oil 356 barbaresque commonality 876 barbarian commonality 876 evil 913 barbaric commonality 876 malevolence 907 vulgarity 851 barbarism commonality 876 inelegance 579 neologism 563 solecism 568 vulgarity 851 barbarity discourtesy 895 malevolence 907 barbarous amorphism 241 commonality 876 inelegance 579 malevolence 907 vulgarity 851 barbarousness commonality 876 barbe clothing 225 barbecue food 298 preparation 673 barbed clothing 225 sharpness 253 barbed wire fence prison 752 barber wind 349 barbican defense 717 barbiturates intemperance 954 barbouillage writing 590 bard musician 416 poetry 597 barde instrument 633 barded clothing 225 bare disclosure 529 divestment 226 insufficiency 640 manifestation 525 simplicity 849 smallness 32 bare facts eventuality 151 bare possibility improbability 473 bare subsistence insufficiency 640 bare supposition supposition 514 bareback divestment 226 barebacked divestment 226 barebone narrowness, thinness 203 barefaced manifestation 525 barefaced- insolence 885 barefoot divestment 226 bare-footed poverty 804 bareheaded respect 928 barely difficulty 704 smallness 32 barely pass muster imperfection 651 barely possible possibility 470 bareness divestment 226 barf ejection 297 cold 383 bargain barter 794 cheapness 815 compact 769 discount 813 mediation 724 bargain and sale barter 794 transfer 783 bargain by inch of candle compact 769 bargain for expectation 507 barge ship 273 bargee mariner 269 bargeman mariner 269 barghest demon 980 baritone resonance 408 barium sulphate whiteness 430 bark covering 223 cry 411 ship 273 threat 909 ululation 412 bark at disapprobation 932 bark up the wrong tree unskillfulness 699 barkantine ship 273 barkbound restraint 751 barkeeper servant 746 barleycorn littleness 193 barm bubble; cloud 353 levity 320 barmaster judge 967 Barmecide feast fasting 956 barmote tribunal 966 barn abode 189 barn door fowl animal 366 barn raising sociality 892 barnacles optical instruments 445 barney discord 713 barometer air 338 measurement 466 baron nobility 875 judge 967 marriage 903 Baron Munchausen exaggeration 549 Baron of the Exchequer judge 967 baronet nobility 875 baronetcy nobility 875 baronial pride 878 baroque ridiculousness 853 vulgarity 851 baroscope air 338 barouche vehicle 272 barque ship 273 barrack abode 189 disrespect 929 barracker detractor 936 barracoon defense 717 barranca interval 198 barranco interval 198 barrater knave 941 barrator knave 941 barratrous improbity 940 barratry improbity 940 barred crossing 219 variegation 440 barrel optical instruments 445 velocity 274 receptacle 191 rotundity 249 barrel along haste 684 velocity 274 barrel organ musical instruments 417 barrel plating covering 223 barren absence 187 unproductiveness 169 barricade defense 717 hindrance 706 inclosure 232 prison 752 barrier defense 717 hindrance 706 inclosure 232 prison 752 refuge 666 barring exclusion 55 nonaddition, subtraction 38 barring out disobedience 742 resistance 719 barrister lawyer 968 barrister at law lawyer 968 barrow height 206 interment 363 vehicle 272 bartender servant 746 barter interchange 148 transfer 783 correlation 12 barter 794 barway ingress 294 barytone resonance 408 base number 84 badness 649 support 215 vice 945 servility 886 cowardice 862 base 211 commonality 876 improbity 940 base coin money 800 base note resonance 408 base of operations attack 716 plan 626 base viol musical instruments 417 baseball amusement 840 baseball cap clothing 225 baseboard base 211 baseborn commonality 876 based on base 211 evidence 467 baselard arms 727 baseless inexistence 2 unsubstantiality 4 basement base 211 receptacle 191 basement floor lowness 207 base-minded improbity 940 baseness cowardice 862 disrepute 874 improbity 940 bashaw severity 739 master 745 bashful modesty 881 bashfulness modesty 881 bashi-bazouk combatant 726 basilica temple 1000 basilisk arms 727 bad man 949 vision 441 basin abode 189 concavity 252 plain 344 receptacle 191 basis support 215 base 211 bask heat 382 bask in physical pleasure 377 bask in the sunshine physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 prosperity 734 basket receptacle 191 basket of contents 190 basketball amusement 840 basophobia journey 266 bass animal 366 music 415 musical instruments 417 resonance 408 bass clarinet musical instruments 417 bass note resonance 408 bass viol musical instruments 417 basset visibility 446 basset horn musical instruments 417 bassetting visibility 446 bassinet defense 717 receptacle 191 basso resonance 408 bassoon musical instruments 417 bassorilievo convexity 250 sculpture 557 basta! satiety 869 bastard undueness 925 baste impulse 276 punishment 972 ship 273 Bastille prison 752 bastinado punishment 972 bastion defense 717 bat arms 727 impulse 276 batch assemblage 72 quantity 25 batching preparation 673 bate discount 813 nonaddition, subtraction 38 nonincrease, decrease 36 bateau battery ship 273 bath water 337 insertion 300 Bath chair vehicle 272 bath room receptacle 191 Bathala Jupiter 979 bathe insertion 300 plunge 310 water 337 bathed in tears lamentation 839 bathometer depth 208 measurement 466 bathos absurdity 497 ridiculousness 853 bathroom receptacle 191 bathybic ocean 341 bathycolpian depth 208 bathymetry depth 208 bating exclusion 55 batman provision 637 baton scepter 747 support 215 batophobia fear 860 height 206 batta reward 973 battalia combatant 726 battalion combatant 726 batten upon food 298 batter ship 273 impulse 276 batter to pieces destruction 162 battered deterioration 659 fatigue 688 battering ram arms 727 impulse 276 battering train arms 727 battery arms 727 combatant 726 battle contention 720 warfare 722 battle array warfare 722 battle cry indication 550 warfare 722 battle ground discord 713 battle of life activity 682 battle royal contention 720 battle wagon combatant 726 battle with warfare 722 battle-ax arms 727 battled warfare 722 battlefield warfare 722 battle-field arena 728 battle-ground arena 728 battlement defense 717 notch 257 battleship combatant 726 battologize repetition 104 diffuseness 573 battology repetition 104 diffuseness 573 battue attack 716 killing 361 pursuit 622 bauble amusement 840 unimportance 643 bavardage loquacity 584 baverdage unmeaningness 517 bavin fuel 388 bawarchi-khana receptacle 191 bawcock sociality 892 bawd libertine 962 bawdry impurity 961 bawdy impurity 961 bawdyhouse impurity 961 bawl cry 411 bawn abode 189 bay brown 433 concavity 252 gulf, lake 343 ululation 412 bay at the moon ululation 412 bay leaves condiment 393 bay rum fragrance 400 bay salt vaporization 336 bay the moon inutility 645 bay window opening 260 curvature 245 bayadere amusement 840 bayard carrier 271 bayonet arms 727 attack 716 killing 361 bayou river 348 bays title 877 trophy 733 bazaar mart 799 be belief 484 existence 1 be a candidate offer 763 be a citizen of government 737.a be a component component 56 be a coward cowardice 862 be a football subjection 749 be a liar falsehood 544 be a mere machine subjection 749 be a participator in action 680 be a party to action 680 cooperation 709 be a puppet subjection 749 be a reproach disrepute 874 be a role model prototype 22 be a spectator of vision 441 be a subject of government 737.a be able power 157 be about activity 682 business 625 be abrogated abrogation 756 be absent absence 187 be absurd absurdity 497 be accordant agreement 23 be accredited commission 755 be acquainted sociality 892 be acquainted with friendship 888 be active activity 682 be advised by advice 695 be affected affections 820 be affected with disease 655 be afraid irresolution 605 fear 860 be after intention 620 pursuit 622 be aged age 128 be agitated agitation 315 feeling 821 be alive activity 682 life 359 be all and end all whole 50 be all ears hearing 418 be all over adversity 735 destruction 162 end 67 be all over with failure 732 be all over with one death 360 be all things to all men courtesy 894 be all up destruction 162 be all up with failure 732 be all with destruction 162 be alone unity 87 be an actor action 680 be an example prototype 22 be an excuse for vindication 937 be an idle man leisure 685 be an object importance 642 be answerable for promise 768 be artless artlessness 703 be as good as one's word completion 729 probity 939 be asked in church marriage 903 be asleep inactivity 683 be assured belief 484 affirmation 535 be at intention 620 be at a stand quiescence 265 be at an end cessation 142 be at cross purposes error 495 misinterpretation 523 opposition 708 be at home sociality 892 be at home in facility 705 be at home with sociality 892 be at issue reasoning 476 be at loggerheads enmity 889 be at one with assent 488 be at one's feet submission 725 be at one's post duty 926 be at one's service offer 763 be at peace peace 721 be at right angles to perpendicularity 216.a be at sea unintelligibility 519 be at the head of authority 737 be at the helm direction 693 be at the mercy of subjection 749 be at work action 680 be at work on business 625 be attentive attention 457 be au courant knowledge 490 be aware of knowledge 490 be banded together cooperation 709 be based on support 215 be beautiful beauty 845 be become visible visibility 446 be beforehand earliness 132 foresight 510 priority 116 be behind rear 235 be beneficial goodness 648 be benevolent benevolence 906 be bent upon desire 865 be better improvement 658 be black blackness 431 be blind blindness 442 be blind to blindness 442 ignorance 491 be blunt bluntness 254 be born life 359 be born so intrinsicality 5 be borne inexcitability 826 be bound for direction 278 be bound to duty 926 be bright light 420 be brittle brittleness 328 be broad breadth, thickness 202 be brought to bed of production 161 be buoyed up levity 320 be busy untimeliness 135 activity 682 be called nomenclature 564 be called to the bar lawyer 968 be called within the bar lawyer 968 be capricious caprice 608 be careful care 459 be caught napping dullness 843 neglect 460 be cautious caution 864 be censorious disapprobation 932 be central centrality 222 be certain certainty 474 be cheap cheapness 815 be cheerful cheerfulness 836 be clean cleanness 652 be closeted with conversation 588 advice 695 be cloud concealment 528 be cold cold 383 be commissioned commission 755 be complete completeness 52 be composed inexcitability 826 be composed of composition 54 be comprised in existence 1 be concave concavity 252 be concealed concealment 528 be concise conciseness 572 be concordant concord 714 be confuted confutation 479 be conscious of intellect 450 be conscious of disgrace humility 879 disrepute 874 be conscious of glory repute 873 be conscious of shame humility 879 be constituted by existence 1 be contained in existence 1 be content content 831 be contiguous contiguity 199 be contingent on qualification 469 be contrary contrariety 14 be converted piety 987 be converted into conversion 144 be convoluted convolution 248 be courageous courage 861 be courteous courtesy 894 be cowardly cowardice 862 be credulous credulity 486 be cunning cunning 702 be curious curiosity 455 be current belief 484 be curved curvature 245 be dark darkness 421 be deaf deafness 419 be deaf to refusal 764 be dear dearness 814 be deceived error 495 deception 545 dupe 547 be deep depth 208 be deeply impressed with memory 505 be defeated failure 732 be dejected dejection 837 be dense density 321 be deputy deputy 759 be desirous desire 865 be destined necessity 601 be destroyed destruction 162 be deteriorated deterioration 659 be different difference 15 be difficult difficulty 704 be diffuse diffuseness 573 be diffused presence 186 be dim dimness 422 be dimsighted dimsightedness 443 be disappointed disappointment 509 be disclosed disclosure 529 be discontented discontent 832 be discontinuous discontinuity 70 be discordant discord 414 discord 713 be discourteous disrespect 929 be dishonest improbity 940 be disintegrated pulverulence 330 be disinterested disinterestedness 942 be disjoined disjunction 44 be dismissed learning 539 be disorderly disorder 59 be disrespectful disrespect 929 be disseminated presence 186 be distant distance 196 be distinguished repute 873 be doing business 625 be doomed necessity 601 be doubtful unbelief doubt 485 be down upon attack 716 severity 739 be drunk drunkenness 959 be dry dryness 340 be due dueness 924 be due to effect 154 be dull dullness 843 be early earliness 132 be easy facility 705 be economical economy 817 be effaced obliteration 552 be elastic elasticity 325 be electrocuted punishment 972 be eloquent speech 582 be employed in business 625 be endured inexcitability 826 be engaged in business 625 be entangled with mixture 41 be entitled to dueness 924 be equal equality 27 be equivocal equivocalness 520 be erroneous error 495 be even with payment 807 retaliation 718 be evidence evidence 467 be excited excitation 824 feeling 821 be excluded from exclusion 55 be executed punishment 972 be exempt exemption 927.a be expedient expedience 646 be exposed to eventuality 151 be exposed to danger danger 665 be exterior exteriority 220 be extinct inexistence 2 be faithful to observance 772 be false falsehood 544 be fashionable fashion 852 be fastidious fastidiousness 868 be fatigued fatigue 688 be few fewness 103 be fine dryness 340 be firm stability 150 be flogged punishment 972 be fluid fluidity 333 be forgetful oblivion 506 be formed of composition 54 be fragrant fragrance 400 be free freedom 748 be free with one artlessness 703 be friendly friendship 888 be friends friendship 888 be gazetted nonpayment 808 be general generality 78 be given to understand interpretation 522 be going about generality 78 be gone departure 293 disappearance 449 be good goodness 648 be good enough request 765 be governed by government 737.a be grateful gratitude 916 be grave dejection 837 be great greatness 31 be guided by conformity 82 be habitual habit 613 be hanged punishment 972 be hard upon attack 716 severity 739 be harmonious melody concord 413 be hateful hate 898 be heard hearing 418 be heavy gravity 319 be hidden invisibility 447 be high height 206 be hoarse with talking loquacity 584 be honorable probity 939 be hopeful hope 858 be horizontal horizontality 213 be hot heat 382 be humble humility 879 be hungry desire 865 be hurtful badness 649 be identical identity 13 be ignoble commonality 876 be ignorant ignorance 491 be ill disease 655 be ill off adversity 735 be ill timed untimeliness 135 be impatient excitability 825 be impenitent impenitence 951 be imperfect imperfection 651 be impious impiety 988 be implicated in component 56 be important importance 642 be impossible difficulty 704 impossibility 471 be impotent impotence 158 be impressed with feeling 821 be imprisoned prisoner 754 be improbable improbability 473 be improved by improvement 658 be impure impurity 961 be in undertaking 676 be in a daze fear 860 be in a fair way hope 858 be in a hurry haste 684 be in a state state 7 be in a stew excitability 825 be in a taking pain 828 be in action action 680 agency 170 be in at the death arrival 292 completion 729 perseverance 604.a be in business barter 794 be in charge of direction 693 be in circulation money 800 be in clover pleasure 827 be in danger danger 665 be in debt debt 806 be in deep trouble danger 665 be in difficulty difficulty 704 be in elysium pleasure 827 be in error error 495 be in every mouth assent 488 be in fashion assent 488 be in favor of approbation 931 be in favor with approbation 931 be in front front 234 be in haste haste 684 be in health health 654 be in high favor with approbation 931 be in league with cooperation 709 be in love with love 897 be in motion motion 264 be in office authority 737 be in one's mind memory 505 be in one's possession possession 777 be in one's power power 157 be in one's thoughts memory 505 be in orbit height 206 be in order order 58 be in question inquiry 461 be in the ascendant importance 642 be in the blood intrinsicality 5 be in the chair direction 693 be in the city barter 794 be in the hands of business 625 be in the nick of time punctuality 132.a be in the power of government 737.a be in the rear of sequence 281 be in the same boat cooperation 709 be in the trail of sequence 281 be in the vanguard precedence 62 be in the wake of sequence 281 be in the way of difficulty 704 hindrance 706 be in the wrong error 495 be in the wrong box error 495 unskillfulness 699 be in time punctuality 132.a be in trouble evil 619 be in two places at once impossibility 471 be in want insufficiency 640 be inactive inaction 681 inactivity 683 be inattentive inattention 458 be included in inclusion 76 be incomplete incompleteness 53 be incredulous incredulity 487 be incumbent duty 926 be incurious incuriosity 456 be indifferent indifference 866 be inelegant inelegance 579 be inequitable wrong 923 be inert physical inertness 172 be inexpedient inexpedience 647 be inferior inferiority 34 be infinite infinity 105 be influential influence 175 be informed learning 539 be informed of information 527 be inglorious disrepute 874 be inimical enmity 889 be innocent innocence 946 be inodorous inodorousness 399 be insane insanity 503 be insensible insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 be inside interiority 221 be insolent insolence 885 be instantaneous instantaneity 113 be instrumental instrumentality 631 be insufficient insufficiency 640 be intelligent intelligence, wisdom 498 be intelligible intelligibility 518 be intemperate intemperance 954 be interested in benevolence 906 be intrinsic intrinsicality 5 be introduced to friendship 888 be inverted inversion 218 be invisible invisibility 447 be irascible irascibility 901 be irreligious irreligion 989 be irresolute irresolution 605 be it so assent 488 consent 762 be jealous jealousy 920 be joined junction 43 be justified by the event vindication 937 be kept waiting lateness 133 be known by the name of nomenclature 564 be large size 192 be larger than expansion 194 be late lateness 133 be latent latency, implication 526 be lax laxity 738 be left remainder 40 be lenient lenity 740 be let out ejection 297 be liable liability 177 be liberal liberality 816 be light levity 320 be listened to influence 175 be little littleness 193 be little more or less smallness 32 be long length 200 be loquacious loquacity 584 be lost loss 776 be lost to view disappearance 449 be loud loudness 404 be low lowness 207 be made of composition 54 be made up of composition 54 be malevolent malevolence 907 be manifest manifestation 525 be married marriage 903 be mask concealment 528 be master authority 737 be master of knowledge 490 skill 698 be master of one's time leisure 685 be merged in component 56 be mistaken error 495 be mixed mixture 41 be moderate moderation 174 be modest modesty 881 be moist moisture 339 be narrow narrowness, thinness 203 be near nearness 197 be near the truth discovery 480.a be necessary requirement 630 be negligent neglect 460 be neutral absence of choice 609.a be no more death 360 inexistence 2 be noble nobility 875 be nobody commonality 876 be null and void inexistence 2 be numerous multitude 102 be obedient obedience 743 be obstinate obstinacy 606 be occupied untimeliness 135 be occupied with business 625 be of a character affections 820 be of good cheer hope 858 be of good heart hope 858 be of opinion belief 484 be of use benevolence 906 be of use to aid 707 be off departure 293 nonobservance 773 be off like a shot avoidance 623 be off! ejection 297 be OK content 831 be old oldness 124 be on a footing state 7 be on a level with equality 27 be on active service warfare 722 be on foot eventuality 151 be on one side laterality 236 be on one's best behavior virtue 944 be on one's good behavior duty 926 virtue 944 be on one's guard caution 864 be on one's legs speech 582 be on pins and needles pain 828 be on service warfare 722 be on the anvil business 625 be on the fence tergiversation 607 be on the safe side caution 864 be on the stocks business 625 be on thorns for desire 865 be on time punctuality 132.a be one unity 87 be one of the guys assent 488 be one's chance eventuality 151 be one's fate chance 156 necessity 601 be one's fortune eventuality 151 be one's lot eventuality 151 be one's property property 780 be oneself again restoration 660 be opaque opacity 426 be opposite contraposition 237 be ordered command 741 be orthogonal perpendicularity 216.a be ostentatious ostentation 882 be out of all patience excitability 825 be out of circulation money 800 be outspoken disapprobation 932 be owing to effect 154 be pacified concord 714 pacification 723 be parsimonious parsimony 819 be part of component 56 be part of the group assent 488 be partial to love 897 be past course 109 the past 122 be pendent pendency 214 be penitent penitence 950 be perfect perfection 650 be perpendicular perpendicularity 216.a be persuaded choice 609 motive 615 be pious piety 987 be pleased pleasure 827 be pleased with pleasure 827 be poor poverty 804 be possessed of possession 777 be possible possibility 470 be powerful power 157 be praised approbation 931 be precipitate haste 684 be prepared preparation 673 be present presence 186 be present to the mind attention 457 be probable probability 472 be prodigal prodigality 818 be profitable acquisition 775 be prominent convexity 250 be prompt punctuality 132.a be proof against resistance 719 be prosperous prosperity 734 be proud pride 878 be proud of pride 878 repute 873 be public publication 531 be published publication 531 be pungent pungency 392 be put to one's shifts difficulty 704 be quiescent quiescence 265 be quiet! silence 403 be quit of relinquishment 782 be quits retaliation 718 be quits with payment 807 be rare infrequency 137 be rash rashness 863 be ready preparation 673 be received belief 484 receiving 785 be recognized influence 175 be reconciled to content 831 be rectangular perpendicularity 216.a be red redness 434 be reduced to powder pulverulence 330 be regular conformity 82 be regulated by conformity 82 be related relation 9 be related to consanguinity 11 be relieved relief 834 be resolved resolution 604 be resolved into composition 54 be responsible duty 926 be rich wealth 803 be rid of deliverance 672 relinquishment 782 be ridiculous ridiculousness 853 be rife influence 175 be right right 922 be rightly served punishment 972 be rough roughness 256 be rude discourtesy 895 be run after repute 873 be safe preservation 670 safety 664 be salubrious salubrity 656 be sane sanity 502 be satiated satiety 869 be savory savoriness 394 be scandalized at disapprobation 932 be seated on the throne government 737.a be secluded seclusion, exclusion 893 be seized in common participation 778 be selfish selfishness 943 be sensible sensibility 822 be sensible of physical sensibility 375 be severe severity 739 be sharp sharpness 253 be short shortness 201 be sick ejection 297 be sick of weariness 841 be silent silence 403 taciturnity 585 be silent! silence 403 be similar similarity 17 be simple simplicity 849 be situate situation 183 be situated situation 183 be skeptical as to unbelief doubt 485 be skillful skill 698 be slow to noncompletion 730 refusal 764 be small smallness 32 be smaller than contraction 195 be so good as request 765 be sociable sociality 892 be somebody importance 642 be something importance 642 be sorry for penitence 950 pity 914 be sour sourness 397 be sovereign government 737.a be spared life 359 be spliced marriage 903 be sponsor for duty 926 be still! silence 403 be straight straightness 246 be strong strength 159 be stronger strength 159 be studious learning 539 be subject subjection 749 be subjected to eventuality 151 be successful success 731 be sufficient sufficiency 639 be sullen sullenness 901.a be superior superiority 33 be supported support 215 be surprised wonder 870 be sweet sweetness 396 be sweet upon endearment 902 be sworn affirmation 535 be taken death 360 be taken by surprise inexpectation 508 be tasteless insipidity 391 be taught learning 539 be temperate temperance 953 be tenacious tenacity 327 be that as it may compensation 30 be the aggressor attack 716 be the case existence 1 truth 494 be the cause of cause 153 be the death of one amusement 840 be the due dueness 924 be the dupe of dupe 547 be the duty of duty 926 be the effect of effect 154 be the making of aid 707 goodness 648 be the possessor of property 780 be the precursor prediction 511 be the rage fashion 852 be the same smallness 32 be the sign indication 550 be the victim of pain 828 be the worse for deterioration 659 be there presence 186 be through presence 186 be tired of weariness 841 be tired with weariness 841 be tolerated content 831 be transient transientness 111 be transparent transparency 425 be triumphant success 731 be true truth 494 be ugly ugliness 846 be unaccustomed desuetude 614 be uncertain uncertainty 475 be unclean uncleanness 653 be uncomformable unconformity 83 be under a cloud disapprobation 932 be under an obligation duty 926 gratitude 916 be under consideration attention 457 be under fire warfare 722 be undue undueness 925 be unequal inequality 28 be unexpected inexpectation 508 be ungrateful ingratitude 917 be uniform uniformity 16 be unimportant unimportance 643 be unintelligible unintelligibility 519 be unlike dissimilarity 18 be unmeaning unmeaningness 517 be unpalatable unsavoriness 395 be unprepared nonpreparation 674 be unproductive unproductiveness 169 be unskillful unskillfulness 699 be unsuccessful failure 732 be unwilling unwillingness 603 be up with adversity 735 be uppermost in the mind attention 457 thought 451 be upstaged inferiority 34 be useful utility 644 be useless inutility 645 be vain vanity 880 be vain of repute 873 vanity 880 be variegated variegation 440 be vertical verticality 212 be vicious vice 945 be violent violence 173 be virtuous virtue 944 be visible appearance 448 be vulgar vulgarity 851 be wafted navigation 267 be warm discovery 480.a be watery water 337 be weak weakness 160 be wedded to love 897 be wedded to an opinion obstinacy 606 be white whiteness 430 be willing willingness 602 be without exemption 777.a loss 776 be wonderful wonder 870 be wont habit 613 be worse deterioration 659 be worthy of dueness 924 be worthy of notice importance 642 be worthy of regard importance 642 be wrong wrong 923 beach land 342 beach comber traveler 268 river 348 beach umbrella shade 424 beacon warning 668 indication 550 beacon-fire indication 550 bead direction 693 ornament 847 bead roll list 86 beading ornament 847 beadle clergy 996 jurisdiction 965 stopper 263 beadledom government 737.a bead-like rotundity 249 beadroll worship 990 beads rite 998 beadsman servant 746 clergy 996 beagle animal 366 beak convexity 250 front 234 judge 967 beaked curvature 245 beaker receptacle 191 beam beauty 845 gravity 319 laterality 236 light 420 support 215 beam of hope hope 858 beam splitter optical instruments 445 beaming beauty 845 beamy beauty 845 light 420 bean counter accounts 811 bean feast amusement 840 bean the name of nomenclature 564 bear transference 270 discourtesy 895 feeling 821 merchant 797 possibility 470 production 161 stock market 799.a support 215 bear a charmed life safety 664 prosperity 734 bear a grudge hate 898 malevolence 907 bear a hand action 680 bear a heavy hand on severity 739 bear a helping hand aid 707 bear a price price 812 bear a sense meaning 516 bear away taking 789 bear away the bell goodness 648 success 731 bear company accompaniment 88 bear date chronometry 114 bear down insolence 885 violence 173 bear down upon attack 716 bear false witness falsehood 544 bear fruit production 161 prosperity 734 success 731 utility 644 bear garden arena 728 discord 713 disorder 59 bear good will benevolence 906 friendship 888 bear hard upon badness 649 bear harmless defense 717 bear ill excitability 825 bear in mind attention 457 thought 451 bear in the memory memory 505 bear in the mind memory 505 bear in the thoughts memory 505 bear leader teacher 540 bear love to love 897 bear malice enmity 889 hate 898 malevolence 907 resentment 900 revenge 919 bear no resemblance to dissimilarity 18 bear obedience to obedience 743 bear off taking 789 deviation 279 bear on support 215 bear one company sociality 892 bear oneself conduct 692 bear out evidence 467 vindication 937 bear pain pain 828 bear part in cooperation 709 bear pit husbandry 370 bear resemblance similarity 17 bear respect for respect 928 bear spleen malevolence 907 hate 898 bear the appearance of appearance 448 bear the bell repute 873 bear the brunt defense 717 difficulty 704 inexcitability 826 bear the brunt of feeling 821 bear the burden business 625 bear the cross pain 828 bear the impress indication 550 bear the palm superiority 33 repute 873 bear the semblance of appearance 448 bear through aid 707 bear up approach 286 relief 834 perseverance 604.a cheerfulness 836 courage 861 bear up against courage 861 resistance 719 bear up under resistance 719 bear upon influence 175 relation 9 bear well inexcitability 826 bear with forgiveness 918 inexcitability 826 lenity 740 permission 760 bear witness evidence 467 bearable imperfection 651 beard defiance 715 filament 205 insolence 885 roughness 256 sharpness 253 courage 861 beard the lion in his den courage 861 bearded roughness 256 sharpness 253 beardless youth 127 bearer carrier 271 servant 746 bearer bond securities 799.b bearing support 215 relation 9 meaning 516 conduct 692 direction 278 bearing rein prison 752 bearing upon agreement 23 bearing with inexcitability 826 bearings circumstance 8 situation 183 bearish discourtesy 895 bearskin clothing 225 defense 717 beast discourtesy 895 carrier 271 animal 366 uncleanness 653 beast of burden agent 690 carrier 271 beastly uncleanness 653 beasts of the field animal 366 beat region 181 transcursion 303 superiority 33 success 731 ship 273 servility 886 regularity of recurrence 138 agitation 315 punishment 972 pulverulence 330 oscillation 314 method 627 impulse 276 business 625 roll 407 beat a retreat submission 725 avoidance 623 regression 283 beat about for experiment 463 beat about the bush intuition 477 circuit 629 diffuseness 573 falsehood 544 beat against opposition 708 counteraction 179 beat all others superiority 33 beat an alarm alarm 669 beat back defense 717 beat black and blue punishment 972 beat down barter 794 destruction 162 insolence 885 parsimony 819 beat hollow success 731 superiority 33 transcursion 303 beat into teaching 537 beat into the head teaching 537 beat it velocity 274 beat of drum alarm 669 command 741 warfare 722 beat off defense 717 beat one's brains thought 451 beat one's breast lamentation 839 beat one's chest defiance 715 beat the air inutility 645 beat the alarm alarm 669 beat the bushes experiment 463 beat the drum indication 550 musician 416 beat the war drums defiance 715 beat time musician 416 chronometry 114 beat to a jelly punishment 972 beat to a mummy punishment 972 beat up semiliquidity 352 beat up against opposition 708 beat up for provision 637 beat up for recruits aid 707 preparation 673 beat up one's quarters inquiry 461 sociality 892 beaten ground habit 613 beaten path method 627 habit 613 beaten track habit 613 method 627 beatic pleasurableness 829 pleasure 827 beatific heaven 981 pleasurableness 829 beatification piety 987 beatified pleasure 827 beatify piety 987 pleasurableness 829 beating failure 732 impulse 276 punishment 972 beatitude pleasure 827 beau fop 854 man 373 love 897 beau ideal perfection 650 beaucatcher roughness 256 beauteous beauty 845 beautification pleasure 827 beautified ornament 577 ornament 847 beautiful beauty 845 symmetry 242 beautify beauty 845 ornament 847 beautifying beauty 845 beautiless ugliness 846 beauty beauty 845 symmetry 242 beauty is only skin deep pleasurableness 829 beauty of holiness piety 987 beauty parlor workshop 691 beauty unadorned beauty 845 beaver dam hindrance 706 beaver hat clothing 225 becalm quiescence 265 becalmed quiescence 265 because answer 462 attribution 155 cause 153 motive 615 reasoning 476 bechance eventuality 151 becharm pleasurableness 829 beck command 741 indication 550 river 348 beckon command 741 indication 550 motive 615 become conversion 144 duty 926 existence 1 ornament 847 become a habit habit 613 become added addition 37 become alive information 527 become aroused sexuality 374.a become audible hearing 418 become awake to information 527 become bankrupt nonpayment 808 become better improvement 658 become bound to duty 926 promise 768 become broad breadth, thickness 202 become colorless achromatism 429 become deteriorated deterioration 659 become enamored love 897 become extinct inexistence 2 become friendly friendship 888 become high height 206 become in order order 58 become insane insanity 503 become insolvent nonpayment 808 become known disclosure 529 become large size 192 become larger expansion 194 superiority 33 become of eventuality 151 become old oldness 124 become one agreement 23 beauty 845 become public publication 531 become red redness 434 become rich wealth 803 become sane sanity 502 become small littleness 193 contraction 195 become smaller contraction 195 inferiority 34 become solid density 321 become sponsor for duty 926 promise 768 become the aggressor attack 716 become unclean uncleanness 653 become uniform uniformity 16 become visible appearance 448 become worse deterioration 659 becoming expedience 646 dueness 924 beauty 845 agreement 23 ornament 847 becripple impotence 158 bed agriculture 371 layer 204 marriage 903 receptacle 191 support 215 bed of downs physical pleasure 377 bed of roses physical pleasure 377 prosperity 734 bedarken darkness 421 bedaub covering 223 bedazzle light 420 bedding support 215 bedeck ornament 847 bedel jurisdiction 965 bedesman servant 746 bedevil derangement 61 sorcery 992 bedevilment sorcery 992 bedew moisture 339 bedfellow friend 890 bedgown clothing 225 bedight ornament 847 bedim darkness 421 dimness 422 bedizen color 428 ornament 847 bedizened vulgarity 851 Bedlam disorder 59 bedlamite madman 504 bedmaker servant 746 bedmate friend 890 Bedouin! thief 792 bedridden disease 655 bedrock base 211 bedroom receptacle 191 bedstead support 215 bedtime evening 126 bedwarf contraction 195 bee animal 366 sibilation 409 agent 690 sociality 892 bee in one's bonnet insanity 503 beef food 298 beef headed imbecility folly 499 beefcake sexuality 374.a beefeater combatant 726 beefsteak food 298 beehive husbandry 370 workshop 691 beeline direction 278 Beelzebub satan 978 beer drunkenness 959 food 298 beery drunkenness 959 beeswax semiliquidity 352 beet root food 298 beet sugar sweetness 396 beetle convexity 250 height 206 pendency 214 beetle headed imbecility folly 499 beetlebrain fool 501 beetlehead fool 501 beetling height 206 pendency 214 befall eventuality 151 befated necessity 601 befit expedience 646 agreement 23 duty 926 befit the occasion expedience 646 befit the season expedience 646 befit the time expedience 646 befitting dueness 924 expedience 646 befog concealment 528 befool deception 545 insanity 503 befooled failure 732 before presence 186 precession 280 priority 116 front 234 choice 609 precedence 62 before an audience drama 599 before Christ time 106 before its time earliness 132 before long earliness 132 before now priority 116 the past 122 before one visibility 446 before one's eyes front 234 manifestation 525 visibility 446 before one's face front 234 before one's time earliness 132 before the floats drama 599 before the ink is dry earliness 132 before the wind direction 278 before then priority 116 beforehand earliness 132 priority 116 beforementioned precedence 62 before-mentioned priority 116 befoul uncleanness 653 befriend aid 707 friendship 888 befringed roughness 256 befuddle drunkenness 959 beg request 765 master 745 beg a boon request 765 beg from door to door request 765 beg hard request 765 beg leave permission 760 request 765 beg one's bread poverty 804 request 765 beg one's life pity 914 beg pardon atonement 952 forgiveness 918 penitence 950 beg permission permission 760 beg the question intuition 477 begawd ornament 847 beget production 161 beggar disrepute 874 petitioner 767 poverty 804 commonality 876 beggar all description unconformity 83 beggar description wonder 870 beggar on horseback insolence 885 beggar the imagination wonder 870 beggar'd all description nomenclature 564 beggared nonpayment 808 poverty 804 beggarly poverty 804 servility 886 commonality 876 unimportance 643 disrepute 874 beggar-my-neighbor amusement 840 beggar's lice sharpness 253 beggary poverty 804 begging request 765 begging letter request 765 begilt ornament 847 begin beginning 66 begin a new phase conversion 144 begin again beginning 66 repetition 104 begin at the beginning beginning 66 begin at the wrong end unskillfulness 699 begin de novo beginning 66 begin one's undertaking 676 beginner learner 541 beginning beginning 66 beginning of the end destruction 162 begird circumjacence 227 begirt circumscription 229 beglerbeg master 745 begone dull care! cheerfulness 836 begone! departure 293 ejection 297 abrogation 756 begonia beauty 845 begrease uncleanness 653 begrime uncleanness 653 begrudge unwillingness 603 refusal 764 parsimony 819 beguile content 831 deception 545 error 495 beguile the time amusement 840 inaction 681 begum nobility 875 begun beginning 66 behalf good 618 behave oneself conduct 692 courtesy 894 fashion 852 behavior conduct 692 behead killing 361 punishment 972 behemoth size 192 behest command 741 behind rear 235 sequence 281 sequence 63 behind a screen concealment 528 behind in payments nonpayment 808 behind one's back absence 187 concealment 528 latency, implication 526 rear 235 behind the age oldness 124 ignorance 491 behind the curtain knowledge 490 invisibility 447 concealment 528 behind the scenes cause 153 concealment 528 drama 599 invisibility 447 knowledge 490 latency, implication 526 behind the veil concealment 528 behind time lateness 133 behindhand shortcoming 304 adversity 735 lateness 133 nonpayment 808 behold spectator 444 vision 441 behold! attention 457 beholden gratitude 916 beholden to duty 926 beholder spectator 444 behoof good 618 behoove duty 926 behooving duty 926 being existence 1 substantiality 3 being at fault oblivion 506 being in fault oblivion 506 bejeweled jewelry 847.a Bel Jupiter 979 bel esprit humorist 844 belabor impulse 276 punishment 972 ship 273 belated ignorance 491 lateness 133 belaud approbation 931 belay hindrance 706 junction 43 belch out ejection 297 beldam evil 913 beldame violence 173 belduque sharpness 253 beleaguer attack 716 belfry temple 1000 Belial demon 980 satan 978 belie falsehood 544 negation 536 opposition 708 belief belief 484 believe belief 484 piety 987 supposition 514 believe in belief 484 believed belief 484 believer piety 987 believing belief 484 piety 987 belike probability 472 belittle detraction 934 underestimation 483 bell indication 550 musical instruments 417 resonance 408 bell book and candle spell 993 bell boy servant 746 bell pepper condiment 393 bell shape rotundity 249 bell shaped rotundity 249 concavity 252 curvature 245 bell the cat courage 861 belladonna bane 663 belle tournure beauty 845 bellicose contention 720 warfare 722 bellied convexity 250 belligerency contention 720 belligerent combatant 726 contention 720 warfare 722 belling ululation 412 bellman messenger 534 bellmare precursor 64 Bellona warfare 722 bellow cry 411 loudness 404 ululation 412 bellow like a bull lamentation 839 bellows voice 580 wind 349 bellwether director 694 precursor 64 belly interiority 221 convexity 250 belly god gluttony 957 belly laugh amusement 840 belly out convexity 250 belly timber food 298 bellyful completeness 52 Belomancy prediction 511 belong to power 157 component 56 relation 9 property 780 possession 777 inclusion 76 dueness 924 duty 926 belonging to relation 9 belongings property 780 beloved well beloved love 897 below lowness 207 below its full complement imperfection 651 below its full strength imperfection 651 below par inferiority 34 smallness 32 lowness 207 badness 649 commonality 876 discount 813 imperfection 651 below stairs lowness 207 below the mark inferiority 34 smallness 32 below the salt commonality 876 belt circularity 247 circumjacence 227 gulf, lake 343 outline 230 Belus Jupiter 979 belvedere vision 441 bemingle mixture 41 bemire uncleanness 653 bemoan lamentation 839 bemused inattention 458 bench council 696 support 215 tribunal 966 bench centrifuge rotation 312 bencher lawyer 968 bend curvature 245 softness 324 obliquity 217 submission 725 direction 278 circuition 311 angularity 244 deviation 279 depression 308 bend an ear hearing 418 bend backwards rear 235 bend before the storm submission 725 bend down submission 725 bend forwards front 234 bend one's course direction 278 journey 266 bend one's looks upon vision 441 bend one's mind to attention 457 bend one's steps journey 266 pursuit 622 bend one's steps towards direction 278 bend over convexity 250 bend sinister disrepute 874 bend the attention to attention 457 bend the bow exertion 686 bend the brows disapprobation 932 bend the eye to attention 457 bend the head depression 308 bend the knee worship 990 courtesy 894 depression 308 servility 886 submission 725 bend the knee to respect 928 bend the mind thought 451 bend the mind to attention 457 bend the neck submission 725 bend to tendency 176 bend to one's will authority 737 bend to one's yoke submission 725 bend to the rules conformity 82 bend towards direction 278 bending curvature 245 direction 278 beneath lowness 207 beneath consideration unimportance 643 beneath notice unimportance 643 beneath one improbity 940 beneath one's dignity improbity 940 beneath regard unimportance 643 beneath the sod interment 363 Benedict marriage 903 Benedictine clergy 996 benediction approbation 931 gratitude 916 worship 990 benedictory approbation 931 benefaction giving 784 benefactor benefactor 912 good man 948 benefice churchdom 995 beneficence goodness 648 benevolence 906 beneficent benevolence 906 beneficial good 618 goodness 648 beneficial interest property 780 beneficially goodness 648 beneficiary clergy 996 possessor 779 receiving 785 benefit good 618 utility 644 use 677 goodness 648 benevolence 906 aid 707 acquisition 775 property 780 benefits forgot ingratitude 917 benevolence benevolence 906 disinterestedness 942 love 897 price 812 benevolent benevolence 906 Bengal heat heat 382 benighted darkness 421 ignorance 491 benign salubrity 656 benignant benevolence 906 benignity benevolence 906 benison approbation 931 Benjamin's mess superiority 33 whole 50 benolin cleanness 652 benshie Jupiter 979 bent affections 820 angularity 244 desire 865 inclosure 232 tendency 176 willingness 602 bent on desire 865 bent upon desire 865 willingness 602 intention 620 resolution 604 benthal depth 208 Benthamite philanthropy 910 benthopelagic depth 208 benumb insensibility 823 numbness 381 physical insensibility 376 refrigeration 385 benumbed numbness 381 benzene cleanness 652 benzine benzol cleanness 652 benzoin remedy 662 beplaster flattery 933 bepraise approbation 931 bequeath giving 784 bequest giving 784 berate disapprobation 932 bereave taking 789 bereaved loss 776 poverty 804 bereavement death 360 loss 776 taking 789 bereft loss 776 poverty 804 taking 789 bereft of insufficiency 640 bereft of reason insanity 503 bergamot fragrance 400 berlin vehicle 272 berloque roll 407 Bernardine clergy 996 bersagliere combatant 726 berserk insanity 503 violence 173 berserker violence 173 berth abode 189 business 625 support 215 beryl greenness 435 jewelry 847.a beseech request 765 worship 990 beseem duty 926 beset circumjacence 227 painfulness 830 request 765 sequence 281 beset with difficulties difficulty 704 besetting generality 78 habit 613 besetting sin vice 945 beshrew malediction 908 beshrew! malediction 908 beside nearness 197 unconformity 83 laterality 236 beside oneself insanity 503 excitation 824 beside the mark error 495 irrelation 10 beside the point irrelation 10 beside the purpose irrelation 10 beside the question irrelation 10 beside the transaction irrelation 10 besides addition 37 besiege attack 716 request 765 besique amusement 840 beslaver flattery 933 beslime uncleanness 653 beslubber flattery 933 besmear covering 223 uncleanness 653 besom cleanness 652 besot drunkenness 959 besotted misjudgment 481 bespangle ornament 847 bespatter detraction 934 disapprobation 932 flattery 933 bespeak evidence 467 meaning 516 request 765 commission 755 caution 864 earliness 132 bespeckle variegation 440 bespot variegation 440 besprinkle variegation 440 mixture 41 best goodness 648 perfection 650 best friend friend 890 best love courtesy 894 best man friend 890 marriage 903 best part greatness 31 whole 50 best room receptacle 191 best seller approbation 931 best wishes congratulation 896 bestead utility 644 bestial impurity 961 bestir oneself activity 682 haste 684 bestow giving 784 bestow consideration upon thought 451 bestow one's hand upon marriage 903 bestow thought upon thought 451 bestowal giving 784 bestowment giving 784 bestraddle support 215 bestrew nonassemblage, dispersion 73 bestride height 206 support 215 bet chance 621 beta rays calefaction 384 betacism language 560 betake oneself to business 625 journey 266 undertaking 676 bethel temple 1000 bethink oneself memory 505 thought 451 bethral restraint 751 bethrall restraint 751 subjection 749 betide eventuality 151 betimes earliness 132 betoken evidence 467 indication 550 prediction 511 betongue disapprobation 932 betray deception 545 disclosure 529 improbity 940 betray itself visibility 446 betray the cloven foot malevolence 907 betrayal improbity 940 betrayer knave 941 betrim preparation 673 betroth marriage 903 promise 768 betrothal promise 768 betrothed love 897 marriage 903 betrothment marriage 903 promise 768 better goodness 648 improvement 658 better advised improvement 658 better for improvement 658 better half marriage 903 better off improvement 658 better sort magnates nobility 875 betterment improvement 658 betting chance 621 betting house chance 621 betting ring chance 621 betty woman 374 between interposition 228 between cup and lip transientness 111 between hawk and buzzard pain 828 between ourselves concealment 528 between the lines latency, implication 526 between the teeth faintness 405 between two fires danger 665 between two stools difficulty 704 between you and me concealment 528 betwixt interposition 228 betwixt and between interposition 228 bevel obliquity 217 bever food 298 beverage food 298 bevy assemblage 72 multitude 102 bewail lamentation 839 regret 833 beware warning 668 beware! warning 668 bewilder inattention 458 misteaching 538 uncertainty 475 wonder 870 bewildered insanity 503 imbecility folly 499 bewilderment wonder 870 uncertainty 475 ignorance 491 bewitch love 897 motive 615 pleasurableness 829 sorcery 992 bewitchery motive 615 sorcery 992 bewitching love 897 pleasurableness 829 bewitchment motive 615 bey master 745 beyond distance 196 superiority 33 beyond a doubt certainty 474 beyond all bounds greatness 31 beyond all dispute certainty 474 beyond all hope prosperity 734 success 731 beyond all praise approbation 931 perfection 650 virtue 944 beyond all question certainty 474 beyond compare greatness 31 superiority 33 beyond comparison greatness 31 superiority 33 beyond comprehension unintelligibility 519 beyond control impossibility 471 beyond expectation inexpectation 508 beyond expression greatness 31 beyond measure greatness 31 redundancy 641 beyond mortal ken concealment 528 beyond one's depth depth 208 impossibility 471 unintelligibility 519 beyond one's grasp impossibility 471 beyond one's power impossibility 471 beyond one's reach impossibility 471 beyond price dearness 814 beyond question certainty 474 beyond remedy hopelessness 859 beyond saving deterioration 659 beyond seas extraneousness 57 beyond the grave concealment 528 beyond the mark transcursion 303 redundancy 641 beyond the pale prohibition 761 beyond the pale of unconformity 83 beyond the veil concealment 528 bezonian commonality 876 bhang bane 663 intemperance 954 bhisti river 348 bias imbecility folly 499 wrong 923 tendency 176 obliquity 217 motive 615 misjudgment 481 error 495 affections 820 inequality 28 biased inequality 28 bib clothing 225 drunkenness 959 bibacious drunkenness 959 bibacity drunkenness 959 bibber drunkenness 959 lamentation 839 bibble-babble loquacity 584 Bible Christian heterodoxy 984 biblical Judeo-christian revelation 985 biblioclasm destruction 162 biblioclast destroyer 165 bibliography book 593 bibliolatry heterodoxy 984 idolatry 991 knowledge 490 Bibliomancy prediction 511 bibliomania knowledge 490 bibliomaniac scholar 492 bibliophile scholar 492 bibliopole book 593 bibliopolist book 593 bibliotheca book 593 bibulous food 298 bice blueness 438 bicentennial regularity of recurrence 138 bicephalous duplication 90 bichhona support 215 bichloride of mercury bane 663 bicipital duplication 90 bicker agitation 315 discord 713 bickering disagreement 24 bicolor variegation 440 biconjugate bisection 91 bicorn curvature 245 bicornuous curvature 245 bicornute curvature 245 bicuspid bisection 91 bicycle vehicle 272 bid command 741 offer 763 bid a long farewell relinquishment 624 bid defiance to defiance 715 bid fair hope 858 prediction 511 probability 472 bid fair to tendency 176 bid for request 765 barter 794 intention 620 offer 763 bid Godspeed courtesy 894 bid goodbye departure 293 bid the banns marriage 903 bid welcome courtesy 894 bidder petitioner 767 bidding command 741 biddy servant 746 bide inexcitability 826 lateness 133 permanence 141 bide one's time expectation 507 inaction 681 lateness 133 bidental duplication 90 bidet carrier 271 biduous duality 89 biennial regularity of recurrence 138 vegetable 367 bienseance courtesy 894 bier interment 363 bifacial duplication 90 bifarious duplication 90 bifid bisection 91 bifocals optical instruments 445 bifold duplication 90 biform duplication 90 biformity duality 89 bifurcate bisection 91 angularity 244 bifurcated bisection 91 bifurcation angularity 244 bisection 91 bifurcous bisection 91 big expansion 194 greatness 31 size 192 big bang expansion 194 big bug nobility 875 Big Dipper world 318 big gin receptacle 191 big gun nobility 875 big with sufficiency 639 production 161 bigamy marriage 903 bighead disease 655 bight gulf, lake 343 bigot certainty 474 heterodoxy 984 impiety 988 obstinacy 606 bigoted heterodoxy 984 imbecility folly 499 impiety 988 misjudgment 481 obstinacy 606 bigotry impiety 988 wrong 923 misjudgment 481 credulity 486 obstinacy 606 heterodoxy 984 big-sounding affectation 855 loudness 404 ornament 577 big-sounding words ornament 577 bigswoln expansion 194 bigwig nobility 875 sage 500 scholar 492 bijou jewelry 847.a beauty 845 goodness 648 bijoutry! jewelry 847.a bike vehicle 272 bilabiate duplication 90 bilander ship 273 bilateral duplication 90 laterality 236 bilateral symmetry symmetry 242 bilayer layer 204 bilbo arms 727 bilboes prison 752 bile resentment 900 bilge opening 260 base 211 convexity 250 lowness 207 bilgewater uncleanness 653 biliary calculus disease 655 bilingual language 560 bilious dejection 837 bilk deception 545 disappointment 509 stealing 791 bill list 86 security 771 publication 531 price 812 money 800 indication 550 debt 806 book 593 arms 727 accounts 811 plan 626 lawsuit 969 bill and coo endearment 902 bill of costs list 86 bill of exchange security 771 money 800 bill of fare food 298 list 86 plan 626 bill of indemnity forgiveness 918 bill of indictment accusation 938 bill of lading list 86 bill of right lawsuit 969 bill of sale security 771 Bill Sikes thief 792 billet apportionment 786 correspondence 592 indication 550 billet on location 184 billet-doux correspondence 592 endearment 902 billhook sharpness 253 billiard room receptacle 191 billiard table horizontality 213 billiards amusement 840 billing and cooing endearment 902 billingsgate malediction 908 neologism 563 billion five, &c 98 billow river 348 billows ocean 341 bills of mortality death 360 billy arms 727 receptacle 191 Billy goat man 373 billycock clothing 225 bimonthly regularity of recurrence 138 bin receptacle 191 bina musical instruments 417 binary duality 89 binary number number 84 binate duality 89 bind compulsion 744 conditions 770 covering 223 duty 926 junction 43 bind hand and foot restraint 751 bind oneself promise 768 bind over compulsion 744 duty 926 bind up together together junction 43 bind up wounds restoration 660 bindery workshop 691 binding book 593 duty 926 bindle stiff petitioner 767 bine vegetable 367 bing assemblage 72 binocular optical instruments 445 binoculars optical instruments 445 binomial duality 89 biocide preservation 670 biogenesis production 161 biogeny production 161 biograph appearance 448 biographer description 594 recorder 553 biography record 551 description 594 biology organization 357 life 359 bioplasm organization 357 biopsy remedy 662 biosphere abode 189 region 181 biotaxy organization 357 biparous duality 89 bipartite bisection 91 bipartition bisection 91 biped animal 366 biplane ship 273 biplicity duality 89 biquadrate quadruplication 96 birch punishment 972 scourge 975 birch bark canoe ship 273 birch rod scourge 975 bird animal 366 bird cage husbandry 370 bird in hand possession 777 retention 781 bird of bad omen hopelessness 859 bird of ill omen hopelessness 859 omen 512 warning 668 bird of passage traveler 268 birdlime deception 545 connection 45 birdman mariner 269 bird's eye view vision 441 birds of a feather similarity 17 birds of prey severity 739 bird's-eye view appearance 448 bird-witted inattention 458 biretta canonicals 999 birth beginning 66 nobility 875 paternity 166 production 161 birthday regularity of recurrence 138 birthday party sociality 892 birthmark blemish 848 birthplace cause 153 birthright dueness 924 birth-throe production 161 bis repetition 104 bis! approbation 931 bise wind 349 bisect bisection 91 bisected bisection 91 bisection bisection 91 middle 68 bisexual sexuality 374.a unconformity 83 bisexuality sexuality 374.a bishop food 298 clergy 996 bishopdom churchdom 995 bishopric churchdom 995 bishop's palace temple 1000 bishop's purple purple 437 bison animal 366 bisquit food 298 bissextile regularity of recurrence 138 bister brown 433 bistoury sharpness 253 bisulcate furrow 259 bisulcated furrow 259 bisulcous furrow 259 bit information 527 prison 752 smallness 32 bit by bit speciality 79 degree 26 part 51 slowness 275 bit cut part 51 bit of blue sky hope 858 bit of waste paper impotence 158 bit with the fate of prediction 511 bitartrate of potash remedy 662 bitch libertine 962 unskillfulness 699 woman 374 bitch it failure 732 bite painfulness 830 refrigeration 385 physical pain 378 acridity 401.a engraving 558 deception 545 food 298 dupe 547 bite in engraving 558 furrow 259 bite one's thumb resentment 900 bite one's tongue taciturnity 585 bite the dust failure 732 submission 725 bite the thumb disrespect 929 bite the tongue pungency 392 biting acridity 401.a pungency 392 painfulness 830 discourtesy 895 cold 383 disapprobation 932 bito conduit 350 bit-player drama 599 bitten love 897 bitter hate 898 resentment 900 pungency 392 unsavoriness 395 malevolence 907 cold 383 bitterness 392.b acridity 401.a painfulness 830 discourtesy 895 bitter as gall bitterness 392.b unsavoriness 395 bitter disappointment disappointment 509 bitter draught painfulness 830 bitter enemy enemy 891 bitter pill adversity 735 hate 898 painfulness 830 bitter pill to take bitterness 392.b bitter resentment resentment 900 bitter words disapprobation 932 bitterish bitterness 392.b bitterly cold 383 greatness 31 bitterness bitterness 392.b enmity 889 pain 828 regret 833 resentment 900 bitterness of feeling hate 898 bitters bitterness 392.b bittersweet pleasurableness 829 bitumen resin 356.a bituminous resin 356.a bituminous coal fuel 388 bivalve duplication 90 bivalvular duplication 90 bivouac abode 189 location 184 quiescence 265 warning 668 biweekly regularity of recurrence 138 bizarre improbability 473 ridiculousness 853 ugliness 846 unconformity 83 bizarrerie unconformity 83 blab disclosure 529 blabber loquacity 584 black darkness 421 gray 432 vice 945 blackness 431 black and white achromatism 429 light 420 black as a shoe blackness 431 black as a tinker's pot blackness 431 black as jet blackness 431 black as midnight blackness 431 black as my hat blackness 431 black as November blackness 431 black as thunder blackness 431 black body darkness 421 black coat clergy 996 black death disease 655 Black Friars clergy 996 black game animal 366 black grouse animal 366 black hole darkness 421 prison 752 black hole of Calcutta assemblage 72 black in the face excitation 824 black lead painting 556 black letter neologism 563 printing 591 black list disapprobation 932 black look disapprobation 932 black looks discourtesy 895 sullenness 901.a black Maria vehicle 272 black pepper condiment 393 black sheep bad man 949 unconformity 83 black squall wind 349 black swan unconformity 83 blackamoor blackness 431 blackball exclusion 55 seclusion, exclusion 893 blackberry food 298 blackboard writing 590 black-browed malevolence 907 blackcock animal 366 blacken detraction 934 blackness 431 blackguard bad man 949 discourtesy 895 improbity 940 knave 941 vulgarity 851 blackguardism discourtesy 895 vulgarity 851 black-hearted malevolence 907 blackjack amusement 840 arms 727 blackleg tergiversation 607 thief 792 disease 655 black-letter oldness 124 blacklist disapprobation 932 blackmail booty 793 reward 973 stealing 791 black-mouthed detractor 936 blackness blackness 431 darkness 421 blackquarter disease 655 blacksmith agent 690 blacksnake scourge 975 bladder receptacle 191 blade sharpness 253 fop 854 arms 727 instrument 633 man 373 blague boasting 884 falsehood 544 blain blemish 848 convexity 250 blame attribution 155 disapprobation 932 blameless innocence 946 blameworthy disapprobation 932 guilt 947 vice 945 blanc-bec bungler 701 blanch achromatism 429 whiteness 430 blanched whiteness 430 blancmange food 298 bland courtesy 894 feebleness 575 insipidity 391 moderation 174 blandiloquence flattery 933 blandiloquent flattery 933 blandiment endearment 902 blandishment endearment 902 flattery 933 motive 615 blandness insipidity 391 blank unsubstantiality 4 inexistence 2 impotence 158 blank cartridge impotence 158 blank despondency dejection 837 blank verse poetry 597 blanket calefaction 384 covering 223 blanket cloth covering 223 blare loudness 404 ululation 412 blarney flattery 933 blase weariness 841 expectance 871 satiety 869 blaspheme impiety 988 blasphemer impiety 988 blasphemous impiety 988 blasphemy impiety 988 blast adversity 735 attack 716 destruction 162 loudness 404 snap 406 violence 173 wind 349 blast off navigation 267 blast! malediction 908 blatant loudness 404 ululation 412 imbecility folly 499 blather loquacity 584 blatter loquacity 584 ululation 412 blaze calefaction 384 heat 382 indication 550 light 420 blaze about publication 531 blaze abroad publication 531 blaze of glory repute 873 blazing heat 382 light 420 blazing star luminary 423 blazon publication 531 repute 873 blazon forth ostentation 882 bleach achromatism 429 whiteness 430 bleaching powder cleanness 652 bleak cold 383 blear dimness 422 blearedness dimsightedness 443 blear-eyed dimsightedness 443 bleat ululation 412 bleb convexity 250 bleed physical pain 378 pain 828 expenditure 809 dearness 814 remedy 662 bleed freely liberality 816 bleeding excretion 299 remedy 662 bleeding heart pain 828 blemish amorphism 241 blemish 848 deterioration 659 imperfection 651 ugliness 846 blench avoidance 623 fear 860 blend combination 48 mixture 41 blend in ambush 530 blend into the background ambush 530 blending combination 48 blennorrhagia disease 655 blennorrhoea disease 655 bless approbation 931 deity 976 pleasurableness 829 worship 990 bless my heart! wonder 870 bless one's stars gratitude 916 rejoicing 838 bless the mark! wonder 870 bless us wonder 870 blessed pleasure 827 blessing good 618 approbation 931 blessings prosperity 734 blest pleasure 827 blest with possession 777 blether loquacity 584 Bletonism prediction 511 blight adversity 735 deterioration 659 blight one's hope disappointment 509 blighted deterioration 659 blighted hope disappointment 509 blind blindness 442 shade 424 pretext 617 necessity 601 inattention 458 concealment 528 ambush 530 deception 545 blind a trail deception 545 blind alley closure 261 blind as a bat blindness 442 dimsightedness 443 blind as a beetle blindness 442 blind as a buzzard blindness 442 blind as a mole blindness 442 blind as an owl blindness 442 blind bargain uncertainty 475 rashness 863 chance 621 blind coal fuel 388 blind corner closure 261 blind experiment experiment 463 blind hookey amusement 840 blind impulse necessity 601 blind man's holiday darkness 421 blind of one eye dimsightedness 443 blind one's eyes deception 545 blind orifice opening 260 blind poker amusement 840 blind side obstinacy 606 misjudgment 481 blind the eyes concealment 528 blind to insensibility 823 blinded blindness 442 ignorance 491 blindfold blindness 442 concealment 528 deception 545 blindfolded blindness 442 ignorance 491 blindly blindness 442 blindman's bluff amusement 840 blindness ignorance 491 blindness 442 blink neglect 460 irresolution 605 dimsightedness 443 avoidance 623 blink at blindness 442 blinkard dimsightedness 443 blinker ambush 530 dimsightedness 443 bliss pleasure 827 blissful pleasure 827 blister convexity 250 heat 382 blithe cheerfulness 836 blithesome cheerfulness 836 blitz instantaneity 113 blizzard wind 349 bloated convexity 250 distortion 243 expansion 194 bloated with pride pride 878 bloater food 298 blob convexity 250 blobber lip blemish 848 blobber-lipped blemish 848 block hindrance 706 scourge 975 size 192 fool 501 support 215 density 321 counteraction 179 hardness 323 block of buildings abode 189 block out preparation 673 form 240 block printing printing 591 block the way hindrance 706 block up closure 261 hindrance 706 blockade closure 261 hindrance 706 restraint 751 blockhead fool 501 blockhouse defense 717 blockish imbecility folly 499 blocks of ice refrigerator 387 blond achromatism 429 whiteness 430 blood fop 854 killing 361 fluidity 333 consanguinity 11 nobility 875 blood boiling excitability 825 blood heat heat 382 blood horse carrier 271 blood hot heat 382 blood hound animal 366 blood poisoning disease 655 blood shed killing 361 blood stained killing 361 blood thirsty killing 361 blood warm heat 382 bloodhound odor 398 blood-hound evil 913 bloodless innocence 946 peace 721 bloodlessness weakness 160 bloodletting ejection 297 remedy 662 bloodshed warfare 722 bloodshot blemish 848 bloodstone jewelry 847.a bloodstroke disease 655 bloodsucker evil 913 bloodthirsty malevolence 907 bloody killing 361 uncleanness 653 bloody flux disease 655 excretion 299 bloody minded killing 361 bloodyminded malevolence 907 bloom youth 127 beauty 845 blueness 438 health 654 prosperity 734 bloomer clothing 225 bloomers clothing 225 blooming beauty 845 blossom prosperity 734 vegetable 367 blot blackness 431 blemish 848 disrepute 874 error 495 guilt 947 obliteration 552 uncleanness 653 blot in one's escutcheon disrepute 874 blot out destruction 162 obliteration 552 blot sully disrepute 874 blotch blackness 431 blemish 848 blotter cleanness 652 blouse clothing 225 blow pain 828 vegetable 367 stream 347 snap 406 ship 273 punishment 972 prosperity 734 wind 349 painfulness 830 impulse 276 fatigue 688 failure 732 evil 619 ejection 297 disappointment 509 boasting 884 action 680 prodigality 818 inexpectation 508 blow a hurricane wind 349 blow a kiss endearment 902 blow about publication 531 blow down destruction 162 blow dry dryness 340 blow for blow retaliation 718 blow great guns wind 349 blow hard wind 349 blow hot and cold caprice 608 falsehood 544 intuition 477 irresolution 605 tergiversation 607 blow in prodigality 818 blow off nonassemblage, dispersion 73 blow one's brains out killing 361 blow one's cool violence 173 blow one's horn repute 873 blow one's top violence 173 blow open opening 260 blow out darkness 421 gluttony 957 insulation, fire extinction 388.a cessation 142 blow out one's brains killing 361 blow over the past 122 blow the coals excitation 824 blow the fire calefaction 384 blow the horn musician 416 blow the trumpet repute 873 blow to smithereens destruction 162 blow up disapprobation 932 violence 173 wind 349 snap 406 excitation 824 destruction 162 expansion 194 blow upon accusation 938 detraction 934 blow valve safety 664 blow with the wind assent 488 changeableness 149 conformity 82 blowed redness 434 blowhole airpipe 351 blowing wind 349 blown fatigue 688 pride 878 blown over the past 122 blown upon disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 blow-off valve refuge 666 blowout cessation 142 food 298 blowpipe airpipe 351 wind 349 blowth vegetable 367 blowzy expansion 194 redness 434 blubber oil 356 lamentation 839 blubber lip blemish 848 Blucher boot clothing 225 bludgeon arms 727 bludgeon man combatant 726 evil 913 blue blueness 438 knowledge 490 blue and red purple 437 blue and yellow greenness 435 blue blood of Castile nobility 875 Blue book list 86 record 551 blue devils dejection 837 blue jeans clothing 225 blue laws impiety 988 blue light indication 550 blue lights alarm 669 blue moon diuturnity 110 blue Peter indication 550 blue ribbon title 877 blue ruin drunkenness 959 blue sky air 338 blue sky hypothesis supposition 514 blue stocking affectation 855 Bluebeard libertine 962 marriage 903 blueblack blackness 431 bluejacket mariner 269 blueness blueness 438 blues dejection 837 bluestocking scholar 492 bluff bluntness 254 boasting 884 deception 545 discourtesy 895 height 206 insolence 885 violence 173 amusement 840 bluff off deception 545 bluffer boasting 884 bluish blueness 438 bluishness blueness 438 blunder unskillfulness 699 failure 732 error 495 absurdity 497 blunder headed imbecility folly 499 blunderbuss arms 727 blunderer bungler 701 blunderhead bungler 701 blunt physical inertness 172 physical insensibility 376 moderation 174 insensibility 823 dissuasion 616 discourtesy 895 artlessness 703 bluntness 254 imbecility folly 499 blunt the edge of weakness 160 blunt tool inutility 645 blunt! money 800 bluntness bluntness 254 blunt-witted imbecility folly 499 blur disrepute 874 uncleanness 653 blemish 848 blurred invisibility 447 blurt out disclosure 529 information 527 blush ornament 847 feeling 821 redness 434 humility 879 modesty 881 blush for humility 879 blush up to the eves humility 879 blushing modesty 881 redness 434 blushing honors modesty 881 repute 873 bluster violence 173 defiance 715 insolence 885 threat 909 blusterer blusterer 887 boasting 884 blustering insolence 885 violence 173 wind 349 bo petitioner 767 boa clothing 225 boar animal 366 man 373 board journey 266 stock market 799.a support 215 layer 204 food 298 director 694 tribunal 966 council 696 attack 716 hardness 323 board of control council 696 direction 693 Board of Education school 542 board of green cloth tribunal 966 Board of Studies school 542 board of works council 696 Board school school 542 board walk abode 189 boarder inhabitant 188 boarding attack 716 boarding school school 542 boards arena 728 boast affectation 855 boasting 884 pride 878 vanity 880 boaster boasting 884 boastful boasting 884 boasting boasting 884 affectation 855 boaston amusement 840 boat ship 273 boat race contention 720 boat shaped curvature 245 boating navigation 267 boatman mariner 269 boatswain mariner 269 bob agitation 315 depression 308 leap 309 oscillation 314 vehicle 272 bob a courtesy courtesy 894 bob a curtsy courtesy 894 Bob Acres cowardice 862 bob and weave cunning 702 bob for experiment 463 bob up and down oscillation 314 bobbery loudness 404 bobbin rotation 312 bobbing fuel 388 bobsled vehicle 272 bobsleigh vehicle 272 bocage vegetable 367 bock beer food 298 bode prediction 511 bodement prediction 511 bodice clothing 225 bodily materiality 316 substantiality 3 bodily enjoyment physical pleasure 377 bodily pain physical pain 378 bodily suffering physical pain 378 bodily! whole 50 bodkin sharpness 253 perforator 262 bodkin! interposition 228 body assemblage 72 mankind 372 materiality 316 party 712 substantiality 3 whole 50 Body and Blood of Christ piety 987 body clothes clothing 225 body color painting 556 body forth representation 554 body of Christ orthodoxy 983.a body of doctrine knowledge 490 body of knowledge knowledge 490 body of water river 348 body pain physical pain 378 body politic government 737.a mankind 372 bodyguard defense 717 keeper 753 boeotia commonality 876 Boeotian vulgarity 851 Boeotic imbecility folly 499 bog marsh 345 uncleanness 653 bogeyman demon 980 boggart demon 980 boggle irresolution 605 difficulty 704 amusement 840 unskillfulness 699 boggy marsh 345 bogie demon 980 bogle demon 980 bog-trotter commonality 876 bogus deception 545 bogus check nonpayment 808 bogus cheque nonpayment 808 bogus money money 800 Bohemian vulgarity 851 traveler 268 boil excitation 824 violence 173 vaporization 336 resentment 900 bubble; cloud 353 heat 382 excitability 825 disease 655 calefaction 384 agitation 315 convexity 250 boil down contraction 195 boil over agitation 315 excitability 825 resentment 900 violence 173 boil with indignation resentment 900 boil with rage resentment 900 boiler furnace 386 boilerplate unmeaningness 517 boiling calefaction 384 resentment 900 vaporization 336 boiling imagination imagination 515 boiling over excitability 825 excitation 824 feeling 821 resentment 900 boisterous violence 173 wind 349 haste 684 excitability 825 boisterousness violence 173 excitability 825 bold convexity 250 courage 861 vigor 574 bold as a lion courage 861 bold as brass courage 861 bold font indication 550 bold hand writing 590 bold imagination imagination 515 bold stroke courage 861 plan 626 bold the scales even right 922 bold up to execration malediction 908 boldfaced- insolence 885 boldness courage 861 vigor 574 bold-spirited courage 861 bole whole 50 bolero amusement 840 bolster aid 707 support 215 bolster up improvement 658 support 215 vindication 937 bolt junction 43 velocity 274 simpleness 42 closure 261 propulsion 284 verticality 212 prison 752 hindrance 706 gluttony 957 connection 45 avoidance 623 arms 727 food 298 bolt in restraint 751 bolt out of the blue inexpectation 508 bolt the door prohibition 761 bolthead receptacle 191 bolus food 298 remedy 662 bomb arms 727 attack 716 destruction 162 wit 842 bomb burst snap 406 bomb calorimeter thermometer 389 bomb vessel combatant 726 bombard attack 716 bombardier combatant 726 bombardment attack 716 bombardon tuba musical instruments 417 bombast ornament 577 ridiculousness 853 boasting 884 unmeaningness 517 Bombastes Furioso blusterer 887 bombastic exaggeration 549 ornament 577 ridiculousness 853 bombed drunkenness 959 bomber ship 273 bombilation loudness 404 bombinate roll 407 bombination roll 407 bon ton! fashion 852 bon vivant gluttony 957 bon voyage navigation 267 bon voyage! departure 293 bona fide veracity 543 probity 939 bonanza redundancy 641 wealth 803 bonbon sweetness 396 bond compact 769 connection 45 dueness 924 lending 787 money 800 prison 752 retention 781 security 771 bond coupon securities 799.b bond holder stock market 799.a bond of union relation 9 connection 45 bondage subjection 749 bonded together party 712 bonds securities 799.b servant 746 treasury 802 bonds of harmony concord 714 bondslave servant 746 bondsman servant 746 bondswoman servant 746 bone strength 159 density 321 hardness 323 bone house interment 363 bone of contention contention 720 discord 713 inquiry 461 bone to pick difficulty 704 discord 713 resentment 900 boner sexuality 374.a bones corpse 362 musical instruments 417 boneset remedy 662 bonesetter remedy 662 bonfire celebration 883 heat 382 amusement 840 bonhomie benevolence 906 artlessness 703 Boniface friend 890 Bonjour clothing 225 bon-mot wit 842 bonnet clothing 225 bonnet rouge disobedience 742 bonny cheerfulness 836 bonus giving 784 receipt 810 redundancy 641 reward 973 bony hardness 323 bonze clergy 996 boo disrespect 929 boob convexity 250 booby fool 501 boodle giving 784 book accounts 811 list 86 record 551 teaching 537 book exercise teaching 537 book learning book 593 knowledge 490 book madness knowledge 490 book of fate necessity 601 Book of Mormon pseudo-revelation 986 bookcase receptacle 191 booked death 360 booking record 551 bookish knowledge 490 bookishness knowledge 490 bookkeeper accounts 811 recorder 553 bookkeeping accounts 811 book-learned knowledge 490 bookless ignoramus 493 booklet book 593 bookmaking chance 156 books accounts 811 bookseller book 593 bookseller's shop book 593 bookshop book 593 bookstore book 593 mart 799 bookworm scholar 492 booly traveler 268 boom defense 717 hindrance 706 impulse 276 loudness 404 navigation 267 snap 406 support 215 velocity 274 boomerang arms 727 recoil 277 booming resonance 408 impulse 276 boon giving 784 good 618 boon companion friend 890 boor commonality 876 boorish commonality 876 discourtesy 895 vulgarity 851 boorishness vulgarity 851 booster remedy 662 boot receptacle 191 importance 642 good 618 clothing 225 scourge 975 booted and spurred preparation 673 bootee clothing 225 booth abode 189 mart 799 bootikin clothing 225 bootless failure 732 inutility 645 boots servant 746 booty booty 793 booze drunkenness 959 boozy drunkenness 959 bordel impurity 961 bordello impurity 961 border beginning 66 circumjacence 227 edge 231 ornament 847 agriculture 371 border upon nearness 197 borderer nearness 197 bordering limit 233 bordering upon nearness 197 borderland contiguity 199 nearness 197 bore pain 828 satiety 869 weariness 841 opening 260 breadth, thickness 202 river 348 painfulness 830 bore out of all patience weariness 841 bore out of one's life weariness 841 bore out of one's skull weariness 841 bore to death weariness 841 boreal cold 383 contraposition 237 Boreas wind 349 boredom incuriosity 456 weariness 841 borer instrument 633 perforator 262 boring frequency 136 dullness 843 born under a lucky star prosperity 734 born under an evil star adversity 735 borne imbecility folly 499 borne down dejection 837 failure 732 borough abode 189 borrow borrowing 788 debt 806 borrowed plumes borrowing 788 deception 545 borrower debt 806 borrowing borrowing 788 boscage vegetable 367 bosh unmeaningness 517 untruth 546 bosh! unimportance 643 bosk vegetable 367 bosom affections 820 intellect 450 interiority 221 bosom buddy friend 890 bosom friend friend 890 bosom friendship friendship 888 boss director 694 master 745 convexity 250 direction 693 boss one around direction 693 bossed convexity 250 bossy convexity 250 boston amusement 840 botanic vegetable 367 botany 369 botanic garden agriculture 371 botany 369 botanical botany 369 botanist botany 369 botanize botany 369 Botanomancy prediction 511 botany organization 357 botany 369 botch unskillfulness 699 restoration 660 botchery error 495 failure 732 unskillfulness 699 both duality 89 bother activity 682 difficulty 704 pain 828 painfulness 830 uncertainty 475 botheration pain 828 bothering painfulness 830 bothy abode 189 bottle preservation 670 receptacle 191 bottle green greenness 435 bottle up concealment 528 restraint 751 bottle up in the memory memory 505 bottle-holder auxiliary 711 bottom base 211 concavity 252 courage 861 perseverance 604.a ship 273 support 215 bottom dollar end 67 money 800 bottom of one's heart affections 820 bottom of Pandora's box hope 858 bottom upwards inversion 218 bottomless depth 208 bottomless pit hell 982 botttomless pit depth 208 boudoir receptacle 191 bough curvature 245 part 51 vegetable 367 bought curvature 245 bouilli food 298 bouillon food 298 boulder rotundity 249 boulebards circumjacence 227 bouleverse excitation 824 bouleversement revolution 146 bounce elasticity 325 insolence 885 leap 309 recoil 277 untruth 546 violence 173 boasting 884 bounce back recoil 277 bounce upon arrival 292 bounce upon one inexpectation 508 bouncing size 192 bound certainty 474 velocity 274 promise 768 circumscription 229 duty 926 leap 309 bound back recoil 277 bound by duty 926 bound for direction 278 intention 620 bound to duty 926 boundary limit 233 boundary line limit 233 bounden duty duty 926 boundless infinity 105 space 180 boundlessness infinity 105 bounds limit 233 outline 230 bounteous benevolence 906 liberality 816 bounteousness liberality 816 bountiful benevolence 906 liberality 816 bountifulness liberality 816 bounty benevolence 906 giving 784 liberality 816 bouquet fragrance 400 ornament 847 bourdon music 415 support 215 bourgeois commonality 876 printing 591 bourgeoisie commonality 876 bourn limit 233 bourse mart 799 stock market 799.a bout amusement 840 regularity of recurrence 138 contention 720 action 680 irreligion 989 bovine imbecility folly 499 animal 366 bow front 234 respect 928 servility 886 ornament 847 musical instruments 417 depression 308 curvature 245 courtesy 894 arms 727 convexity 250 bow down and worship worship 990 bow kneed distortion 243 bow legged distortion 243 bow out ejection 297 bow shot nearness 197 bow submission submission 725 bow the head depression 308 bow the knee courtesy 894 depression 308 worship 990 bow to respect 928 submission 725 bow window curvature 245 opening 260 bowed convexity 250 curvature 245 bowed down humility 879 dejection 837 bowelless pitilessness 914.a bowels pity 914 interiority 221 bowels of the earth depth 208 bower abode 189 amusement 840 receptacle 191 bowers of bliss heaven 981 bowie knife arms 727 sharpness 253 bowing and scraping courtesy 894 bowl receptacle 191 rotation 312 bowl along velocity 274 journey 266 bowlder rotundity 249 bow-legged curvature 245 bowling alley amusement 840 bowling green horizontality 213 smoothness 255 bowls amusement 840 bowman combatant 726 propulsion 284 bowstring killing 361 punishment 972 scourge 975 bowwow ululation 412 bow-wow ululation 412 box abode 189 contention 720 receptacle 191 box car vehicle 272 box on the ear punishment 972 resentment 900 box the compass direction 278 rotation 312 tergiversation 607 box the ears punishment 972 box up restraint 751 box wagon vehicle 272 boxer combatant 726 boxer shorts clothing 225 boxes drama 599 boxing contention 720 boxing ring arena 728 boy man 373 servant 746 infant 129 boyar nobility 875 boycott ejection 297 boyhood youth 127 boyish infant 129 brabble contention 720 discord 713 brabbler irascibility 901 brace duality 89 strength 159 refreshment 689 junction 43 deception 545 connection 45 carrier 271 melody concord 413 brace up one's loins strength 159 bracelet circularity 247 jewelry 847.a bracer remedy 662 braces indication 550 brachial instrument 633 brachygraphy writing 590 bracing refreshment 689 salubrity 656 bracken vegetable 367 bracket support 215 junction 43 duality 89 connection 45 brackets indication 550 brackish saltiness 392.a brad connection 45 bradawl perforator 262 Bradshaw journey 266 brae height 206 brag amusement 840 boasting 884 braggadocio boasting 884 braggardism boasting 884 braggart blusterer 887 boasting 884 Brahm Jupiter 979 Brahma Jupiter 979 Brahman heterodoxy 984 Brahmi writing 590 brahmin clergy 996 heterodoxy 984 Brahminical heterodoxy 984 Brahminism heterodoxy 984 braid connection 45 crossing 219 junction 43 variegation 440 Braille blindness 442 Braille-type blindness 442 brain intellect 450 killing 361 brain dead absence of Intellect 450.a brain storm! insanity 503 brain work thought 451 brainless imbecility folly 499 absence of Intellect 450.a brainpan intellect 450 brains intelligence, wisdom 498 intellect 450 brainsick inattention 458 brainstorm imagination 515 brainy intellect 450 intelligence, wisdom 498 brake vegetable 367 prison 752 bramble sharpness 253 bane 663 bran pulverulence 330 brancard vehicle 272 branch part 51 posterity 167 vegetable 367 branch off divergence 291 bisection 91 branch office bureau workshop 691 branch out diffuseness 573 branchiae wind 349 branching bisection 91 symmetry 242 brand fuel 388 arms 727 luminary 423 indication 550 disapprobation 932 detraction 934 calefaction 384 disrepute 874 brand of discord discord 713 brand with reproach accusation 938 brandish agitation 315 oscillation 314 ostentation 882 brand-new newness 123 brandy drunkenness 959 brangle discord 713 brangler opponent 710 brank scourge 975 branny pulverulence 330 brash disease 655 brasier furnace 386 brass insolence 885 mixture 41 brass farthing unimportance 643 brass-band musical instruments 417 brass-colored orange 439 brassiere clothing 225 brat infant 129 bratling infant 129 bravado boasting 884 brave feeling 821 inexcitability 826 health 654 defiance 715 combatant 726 courage 861 brave a thousand years diuturnity 110 brave danger courage 861 bravery courage 861 bravissimo! approbation 931 bravo killing 361 rashness 863 bravo! approbation 931 bravura music 415 brawl disorder 59 amusement 840 cry 411 discord 713 brawler opponent 710 blusterer 887 disobedience 742 brawny size 192 strength 159 bray pulverulence 330 ululation 412 braze junction 43 brazen insolence 885 brazen out insolence 885 brazen-faced insolence 885 brazier receptacle 191 Brazil tea food 298 breach discord 713 undueness 925 unconformity 83 interval 198 disjunction 44 breach of faith improbity 940 breach of law illegality 964 breach of promise improbity 940 breach of the peace discord 713 breach of trust improbity 940 breach-loader arms 727 breachy disobedience 742 interval 198 bread food 298 bread and cheese food 298 bread of life piety 987 bread stuffs food 298 breadbasket receptacle 191 breadfruit food 298 breadth breadth, thickness 202 light 420 break incompleteness 53 teaching 537 refreshment 689 change 140 part 51 vehicle 272 nonpayment 808 nonobservance 773 interval 198 disjunction 44 discontinuity 70 disclosure 529 confutation 479 brittleness 328 abrogation 756 dereliction of duty 927 guilt 947 break a custom unconformity 83 break a habit unconformity 83 break a lance with attack 716 warfare 722 break a law unconformity 83 break a usage unconformity 83 break away avoidance 623 escape 671 break bread food 298 break bulk ejection 297 break cover beginning 66 break dancing amusement 840 break down destruction 162 deterioration 659 failure 732 shortcoming 304 break for taller timber refuge 666 break forth egress 295 break ground beginning 66 break in teaching 537 subjection 749 ingress 294 husbandry 370 break in upon derangement 61 discontinuity 70 hindrance 706 ingress 294 untimeliness 135 break into ingress 294 break jail escape 671 break loose escape 671 liberation 750 break loose from prison escape 671 break no bones goodness 648 break of restoration 660 break of day morning 125 dimness 422 break off abrogation 756 cessation 142 discontinuity 70 relinquishment 624 break off a custom desuetude 614 break off a habit desuetude 614 break off a usage desuetude 614 break on the wheel punishment 972 painfulness 830 physical pain 378 break one's back failure 732 break one's faith improbity 940 break one's fast food 298 break one's heart dejection 837 pain 828 break one's neck death 360 break one's promise improbity 940 break one's word improbity 940 break open violence 173 break out excitability 825 violence 173 disease 655 beginning 66 escape 671 break Priscian's head solecism 568 break prison liberation 750 break short brittleness 328 break silence speech 582 break squares with discord 713 break the back impotence 158 break the back of success 731 break the heart painfulness 830 break the ice beginning 66 break the law illegality 964 break the lee friendship 888 break the neck impotence 158 break the neck of success 731 break the peace contention 720 violence 173 break the ranks derangement 61 break the record superiority 33 break the seal disclosure 529 break the thread discontinuity 70 break through dereliction of duty 927 break through a custom desuetude 614 break through a habit desuetude 614 break through a usage desuetude 614 break through the clouds disclosure 529 visibility 446 break up destruction 162 revolution 146 end 67 deterioration 659 decomposition 49 disjunction 44 break up of the system death 360 disease 655 break with discord 713 break with the past revolution 146 breakable brittleness 328 breakbone fever disease 655 breakdown amusement 840 failure 732 breaker traveler 268 island 346 breakers river 348 pitfall 667 breakers ahead danger 665 pitfall 667 breakfast food 298 breaking out disease 655 excitability 825 breaking up destruction 162 breakneck rashness 863 breakup divorce 905 breakwater refuge 666 breast intellect 450 interiority 221 convexity 250 affections 820 opposition 708 breast high height 206 breast the current resistance 719 breast the tide opposition 708 breast the wave resistance 719 breastplate defense 717 breastwork defense 717 breath faintness 405 instantaneity 113 wind 349 animality 364 breath of air wind 349 breath of life life 359 breath of one's nostrils importance 642 life 359 breathe affections 820 disclosure 529 ejection 297 evidence 467 existence 1 faintness 405 information 527 life 359 meaning 516 refreshment 689 speech 582 voice 580 wind 349 breathe freely pleasure 827 breathe in reception 296 breathe more freely relief 834 breathe one's last death 360 breathe revenge resentment 900 revenge 919 breathe vengeance revenge 919 breathing life 359 breathing rate life 359 breathing time pacification 723 repose 687 breathinghole airpipe 351 breathless desire 865 wonder 870 haste 684 feeling 821 fear 860 attention 457 aphony 581 fatigue 688 breathless expectation expectation 507 breathless impatience desire 865 bred in the bone intrinsicality 5 bred in the lap of luxury intemperance 954 breech rear 235 breeches clothing 225 breeches pocket money 800 treasury 802 breechesmaker clothing 225 breed preparation 673 teaching 537 production 161 class 75 posterity 167 consanguinity 11 husbandry 370 breeder husbandry 370 breeding courtesy 894 fashion 852 husbandry 370 breeze discord 713 wind 349 breezeway receptacle 191 breezy wind 349 cheerfulness 836 brethren laity 997 brett vehicle 272 breve melody concord 413 brevet command 741 commission 755 permission 760 brevet rank repute 873 brevier printing 591 brevipennate littleness 193 brevity conciseness 572 shortness 201 brew mixture 41 preparation 673 brewing destiny 152 preparation 673 Briarean multitude 102 briary sharpness 253 bribe compensation 30 expenditure 809 giving 784 motive 615 offer 763 purchase 795 reward 973 bribery improbity 940 purchase 795 bribery and corruption motive 615 brick probity 939 hardness 323 good man 948 calefaction 384 brick crockery materials 635 brickbat arms 727 propulsion 284 brick-colored redness 434 bricklayer agent 690 bricks and mortar materials 635 bridal marriage 903 bride marriage 903 bridegroom marriage 903 bridesmaid marriage 903 bridesman marriage 903 bridewell prison 752 bridge connection 45 method 627 amusement 840 bridge over compromise 774 connection 45 facility 705 junction 43 pacification 723 bridge party sociality 892 bridge whist amusement 840 bridle restraint 751 prison 752 pride 878 husbandry 370 bridle one's tongue caution 864 bridle path method 627 bridle road method 627 bridle track method 627 bridle up resentment 900 brief compendium 596 conciseness 572 description 594 shortness 201 transientness 111 briefly earliness 132 transientness 111 conciseness 572 briefly thyself remember memory 505 brier bane 663 sharpness 253 brig ship 273 brigade combatant 726 brigade major master 745 brigadier master 745 brigand thief 792 brigandage stealing 791 brigandine defense 717 brigantine ship 273 bright intelligence, wisdom 498 light 420 hope 858 cheerfulness 836 beauty 845 repute 873 color 428 bright as day light 420 bright as noonday light 420 bright as silver light 420 bright days prosperity 734 bright eyed beauty 845 bright idea plan 626 bright prospect hope 858 bright side pleasurableness 829 bright thought wit 842 plan 626 brighten light 420 brighten up improvement 658 cheerfulness 836 brightness light 420 brigue contention 720 party 712 brilliancy beauty 845 light 420 brilliant beauty 845 goodness 648 jewelry 847.a repute 873 brilliant idea wit 842 brim edge 231 brim over redundancy 641 brimful completeness 52 brimmer completeness 52 brimming completeness 52 brimstone fuel 388 brinded variegation 440 brindled variegation 440 brine ocean 341 pungency 392 saltiness 392.a bring transference 270 bring about cause 153 completion 729 bring aid aid 707 bring an action against lawsuit 969 accusation 938 bring back restitution 790 bring back to the memory memory 505 bring before the public publication 531 bring forth manifestation 525 production 161 bring forward attention 457 evidence 467 improvement 658 manifestation 525 teaching 537 bring grist to the mill acquisition 775 utility 644 bring home acquisition 775 bring home to attribution 155 evidence 467 condemnation 971 accusation 938 belief 484 bring in price 812 receipt 810 reception 296 unbelief doubt 485 bring in a verdict judgment 480 bring in danger danger 665 bring in its train accompaniment 88 motive 615 bring in question inquiry 461 negation 536 bring in the fashion fashion 852 bring into a focus assemblage 72 convergence 290 bring into being production 161 bring into court evidence 467 bring into disorder derangement 61 bring into existence existence 1 production 161 bring into notice manifestation 525 bring into order arrangement 60 bring into play use 677 bring into question inquiry 461 bring into relation with relation 9 bring into trouble badness 649 bring into view manifestation 525 bring low depression 308 disrepute 874 bring near nearness 197 similarity 17 bring new blood excitation 824 bring off deliverance 672 bring on cause 153 improvement 658 bring out discovery 480.a manifestation 525 printing 591 bring over belief 484 bring pain painfulness 830 bring round restoration 660 belief 484 bring through completion 729 deliverance 672 bring to conversion 144 quiescence 265 bring to a close completion 729 bring to a crisis resolution 604 bring to a deadlock difficulty 704 bring to a focus centrality 222 focus 74 bring to a head completion 729 bring to a point focus 74 bring to a stand cessation 142 bring to a standstill cessation 142 bring to account disapprobation 932 bring to an end end 67 bring to an issue focus 74 bring to bay attack 716 bring to bear completion 729 bring to bear upon agency 170 relation 9 use 677 bring to book accounts 811 disapprobation 932 evidence 467 bring to bring pass cause 153 bring to justice lawsuit 969 bring to life life 359 bring to light discovery 480.a manifestation 525 disclosure 529 bring to market sale 796 bring to maturity completion 729 preparation 673 bring to mind memory 505 bring to naught failure 732 bring to one's senses motive 615 sanity 502 bring to pass completion 729 bring to perfection completion 729 perfection 650 bring to remembrance memory 505 bring to terms pacification 723 bring to the bar lawsuit 969 bring to the block punishment 972 bring to the front manifestation 525 bring to the gallows punishment 972 bring to the hammer sale 796 bring to the parish poverty 804 bring to the test experiment 463 bring to trial lawsuit 969 bring together assemblage 72 bring together evidence evidence 467 bring under one's notice attention 457 bring under the hammer sale 796 bring up ejection 297 production 161 teaching 537 bring up the rear rear 235 bring up to teaching 537 bringing forth production 161 bringword information 527 brink edge 231 briny saltiness 392.a Bris rite 998 brisk activity 682 physical energy 171 transientness 111 brisk as a bee activity 682 cheerfulness 836 brisk as a lark activity 682 briskness activity 682 bristle sharpness 253 bristle up convexity 250 resentment 900 bristle with sharpness 253 sufficiency 639 redundancy 641 bristling sharpness 253 bristling with arms warfare 722 Britannia metal deception 545 Briticism neologism 563 British inhabitant 188 British lion resolution 604 British Thermal Unit heat 382 brittle brittleness 328 brittle as glass brittleness 328 brittleness brittleness 328 britzka vehicle 272 broach beginning 66 cause 153 ejection 297 jewelry 847.a publication 531 affirmation 535 broach one's undertaking 676 broad affirmation 535 breadth, thickness 202 generality 78 gulf, lake 343 impurity 961 broad accent voice 580 broad awake activity 682 care 459 Broad Church heterodoxy 984 broad daylight light 420 broad farce wit 842 broad grin rejoicing 838 broad highway method 627 broad hint information 527 broad humor wit 842 broad meaning meaning 516 broadcast nonassemblage, dispersion 73 broad-hearted benevolence 906 broadhorn ship 273 broad-minded disinterestedness 942 broadsheet book 593 broad-shouldered strength 159 broadside publication 531 attack 716 laterality 236 broadside on laterality 236 broadsword arms 727 Brobdingnagian size 192 brocade ornament 847 brocatelle ornament 847 brochure book 593 broder exaggeration 549 brogan clothing 225 brogue stammering 583 clothing 225 neologism 563 broil heat 382 discord 713 contention 720 broiling sun heat 382 broke deterioration 659 broken deterioration 659 discontinuity 70 failure 732 weakness 160 broken accents stammering 583 broken color color 428 broken down dejection 837 deterioration 659 failure 732 broken English neologism 563 broken fortune poverty 804 broken fortunes adversity 735 broken heart dejection 837 pain 828 broken hearted hopelessness 859 broken meat inutility 645 broken sentences stammering 583 broken thread discontinuity 70 broken voice stammering 583 broken winded fatigue 688 broken-hearted dejection 837 pain 828 broken-winded disease 655 broker consignee 758 stock market 799.a merchant 797 brokerage price 812 brokery barter 794 bronchia airpipe 351 broncho carrier 271 bronchocele disease 655 bronchus airpipe 351 bronco carrier 271 bronze brown 433 sculpture 557 brood multitude 102 posterity 167 brood over dejection 837 thought 451 brooding preparation 673 brook inexcitability 826 river 348 brooklet river 348 broom cleanness 652 broth food 298 brothel impurity 961 vice 945 brother consanguinity 11 equality 27 similarity 17 Brother Jonathan inhabitant 188 brotherhood friendship 888 party 712 assemblage 72 similarity 17 consanguinity 11 brotherly benevolence 906 friendship 888 brotherly love benevolence 906 love 897 brougham vehicle 272 brought to bed of production 161 brow edge 231 front 234 summit 210 browbeat fear 860 insolence 885 disrespect 929 browbeaten humility 879 brown brown 433 brown as a berry brown 433 brown as mahogany brown 433 brown as the oak leaves brown 433 Brown Bess arms 727 Brown Jones and Robinson commonality 876 brown stone materials 635 brown study inattention 458 thought 451 Brownian heterodoxy 984 brownie demon 980 brown-noser flatterer 935 browse food 298 bruin discourtesy 895 bruise badness 649 evil 619 pulverulence 330 bruiser combatant 726 bruit news 532 publication 531 bruit about publication 531 brumal cold 383 Brummagem deception 545 brunch word conciseness 572 brunette brown 433 brunt difficulty 704 impulse 276 beginning 66 brush contention 720 painting 556 roughness 256 velocity 274 cleanness 652 brush away abrogation 756 ejection 297 brush off ejection 297 brush up cleanness 652 improvement 658 preparation 673 brushwood vegetable 367 brusque violence 173 haste 684 discourtesy 895 brusquerie haste 684 discourtesy 895 brustle snap 406 brutal discourtesy 895 malevolence 907 brutality absence of Intellect 450.a discourtesy 895 malevolence 907 vice 945 vulgarity 851 brutalize insensibility 823 vice 945 discourtesy 895 deterioration 659 brute discourtesy 895 evil 913 animal 366 brute creation animal 366 brute force compulsion 744 violence 173 strength 159 illegality 964 absence of Intellect 450.a severity 739 brute instinct absence of Intellect 450.a brute matter inorganization 358 materiality 316 brute memory teaching 537 brute strength severity 739 brutify insensibility 823 discourtesy 895 brutish commonality 876 intemperance 954 malevolence 907 vulgarity 851 brutum fulmen failure 732 Bryanite heterodoxy 984 bubble river 348 vaporization 336 transientness 111 littleness 193 error 495 deception 545 bubble; cloud 353 unsubstantiality 4 levity 320 bubble up agitation 315 ascent 305 bubbling bubble; cloud 353 bubbly vaporization 336 bubonic plague disease 655 buccaneer thief 792 buccaneering stealing 791 buccanier! thief 792 Bucephalus carrier 271 buck blackness 431 man 373 leap 309 fop 854 animal 366 cleanness 652 buck fever excitability 825 buck jump leap 309 buck-basket receptacle 191 bucket insulation, fire extinction 388.a receptacle 191 bucket shop chance 621 buckjumper leap 309 buckle convolution 248 junction 43 connection 45 buckle on one's armor preparation 673 buckle to exertion 686 resolution 604 buckle with contention 720 buckled convolution 248 buckler defense 717 buckram affectation 855 bucolic husbandry 370 poetry 597 bud expansion 194 insertion 300 beginning 66 cause 153 effect 154 bud from effect 154 Buddha Jupiter 979 pseudo-revelation 986 Buddhism heterodoxy 984 Buddhist heterodoxy 984 budding expansion 194 youth 127 buddy accompaniment 88 auxiliary 711 friend 890 budge motion 264 budget store 636 receptacle 191 accounts 811 assemblage 72 budget of information news 532 budget of news news 532 budmash bad man 949 buffalo animal 366 buffalo nickel money 800 buffer defense 717 hindrance 706 buffet punishment 972 ship 273 resentment 900 receptacle 191 evil 619 badness 649 agitation 315 abode 189 impulse 276 buffet the waves difficulty 704 navigation 267 opposition 708 buffle headed imbecility folly 499 buffo drama 599 buffoon drama 599 humorist 844 laughingstock 857 buffoonery drama 599 wit 842 ridiculousness 853 amusement 840 ridicule 856 bug sibilation 409 uncleanness 653 bug bear fear 860 bugaboo fear 860 alarm 669 bugbear imagination 515 bug-bear alarm 669 buggery sexuality 374.a buggy vehicle 272 bugle musical instruments 417 warfare 722 bugle call indication 550 command 741 buglehorn musical instruments 417 build production 161 form 240 build castles in the air impossibility 471 build up composition 54 build upon belief 484 builder agent 690 building abode 189 production 161 buildings abode 189 built on base 211 built upon.sand danger 665 bulb rotundity 249 convexity 250 expansion 194 bulbous rotundity 249 convexity 250 expansion 194 bulbul musician 416 bulge convexity 250 bulk greatness 31 size 192 whole 50 bulkhead covering 223 hindrance 706 bulkhead in covering 223 bulky size 192 bull error 495 solecism 568 stock market 799.a man 373 animal 366 absurdity 497 merchant 797 command 741 bull calf fool 501 bull dog animal 366 bull head fool 501 bull in a china shop disorder 59 Bull Moose Party politics 737.b bulldog courage 861 resolution 604 bulldog courage courage 861 perseverance 604.a bulldozer vehicle 272 bullet arms 727 rotundity 249 bullet train vehicle 272 bulletin correspondence 592 news 532 bulletproof defense 717 bulletproof vest defense 717 bulletproof window defense 717 bullfight contention 720 bullion money 800 bullock animal 366 man 373 bull's eye success 731 centrality 222 bull's-eye luminary 423 intention 620 bullwhip scourge 975 bully severity 739 ship 273 rashness 863 insolence 885 goodness 648 fear 860 courage 861 combatant 726 cheerfulness 836 blusterer 887 bad man 949 threat 909 evil 913 bully for you! approbation 931 bullyrag painfulness 830 bulrush unimportance 643 bulwark defense 717 bum petitioner 767 bum boat ship 273 bum one's fingers unskillfulness 699 bum-bailiff jurisdiction 965 bumbledom government 737.a jurisdiction 965 bumcombe falsehood 544 bummer! inactivity 683 bump convexity 250 impulse 276 bump against impulse 276 bumper completeness 52 bumpkin commonality 876 bumptious contempt 930 insolence 885 pride 878 bun food 298 Buna-S elasticity 325 bunch assemblage 72 convexity 250 bunch backed distortion 243 bunchy convexity 250 bunco stealing 791 buncombe boasting 884 flattery 933 bunder arrival 292 bundle assemblage 72 journey 266 bundle on haste 684 slowness 275 bundle out ejection 297 bundobast compact 769 bung stopper 263 bung up closure 261 bungalow abode 189 bungle unskillfulness 699 bungler unskillfulness 699 bungler 701 bungling unskillfulness 699 bunk support 215 bunker defense 717 receptacle 191 bunko deception 545 stealing 791 bunko game deception 545 bunko man thief 792 bunkum boasting 884 flattery 933 bun-kum falsehood 544 bunt impulse 276 bunting indication 550 Bunyanesque size 192 buoy elevation 307 levity 320 buoy up hope 858 buoyancy elasticity 325 hope 858 levity 320 buoyant ascent 305 cheerfulness 836 elasticity 325 hope 858 levity 320 prosperity 734 buoyed up hope 858 bur roughness 256 sharpness 253 coherence 46 engraving 558 burden contents 190 gravity 319 hindrance 706 melody concord 413 pain 828 painfulness 830 redundancy 641 burden of a song repetition 104 burden the memory with memory 505 burdensome hindrance 706 painfulness 830 gravity 319 badness 649 bureau mart 799 receptacle 191 tribunal 966 jurisdiction 965 bureau de change conversion 144 bureau of engraving money 800 bureaucracy government 737.a bureaucrat director 694 burgee indication 550 burgess inhabitant 188 burgh abode 189 burgher inhabitant 188 burghmote tribunal 966 burglar thief 792 burglary stealing 791 burgomaster master 745 burgrave master 745 burial interment 363 rite 998 burial ground interment 363 burial place interment 363 buried concealment 528 depth 208 buried in circumscription 229 buried in a napkin neglect 460 buried in oblivion oblivion 506 burin engraving 558 burke killing 361 burlap texture 329 burlesque copy 21 disrespect 929 drama 599 imitation 19 misrepresentation 555 ridicule 856 ridiculousness 853 burletta drama 599 burly size 192 burn love 897 punishment 972 nearness 197 excitability 825 discovery 480.a calefaction 384 river 348 heat 382 burn daylight inactivity 683 burn in calefaction 384 burn into memory record 551 burn out cessation 142 insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 burn the midnight oil learning 539 burn to desire 865 burn to a cinder calefaction 384 burn to the ground calefaction 384 burn up the track velocity 274 burner luminary 423 burning resentment 900 calefaction 384 desire 865 excitability 825 feeling 821 heat 382 burning ghat interment 363 burning glass optical instruments 445 burning pain physical pain 378 burning shame disrepute 874 burning with curiosity curiosity 455 burnish beauty 845 smoothness 255 burnished light 420 burnisher smoothness 255 burnoose clothing 225 burnous clothing 225 burnout cessation 142 burnt calefaction 384 redness 434 burnt offering atonement 952 worship 990 burr sharpness 253 stridor 410 burried interment 363 burro carrier 271 burrock hindrance 706 burrow location 184 concavity 252 bursar treasurer 801 bursary treasurer 801 treasury 802 burst resentment 900 snap 406 instantaneity 113 excitability 825 disjunction 44 brittleness 328 violence 173 burst forth beginning 66 expansion 194 visibility 446 burst in ingress 294 burst in upon ingress 294 burst into ingress 294 burst into a flame excitability 825 burst into tears lamentation 839 burst like a thunderclap inexpectation 508 burst of eloquence speech 582 burst of laughter amusement 840 burst on the ear snap 406 burst one's bubble dissuasion 616 burst out amusement 840 egress 295 excitability 825 violence 173 burst through egress 295 burst upon arrival 292 burst upon one inexpectation 508 burst upon the sight visibility 446 burst upon the view visibility 446 burst with anger resentment 900 burst with envy envy 921 burst with grief lamentation 839 bursting of a bomb prodigy 872 bursting of a bubble disclosure 529 bursting of a shell prodigy 872 burthen gravity 319 bury circumscription 229 concealment 528 insertion 300 interment 363 bury the hatchet pacification 723 bus journey 266 vehicle 272 busby clothing 225 bush part 51 plain 344 vegetable 367 bush pilot mariner 269 bushed uncertainty 475 bushel greatness 31 multitude 102 receptacle 191 size 192 bushfighting contention 720 bushranger thief 792 bushwhacker combatant 726 freedom 748 bushy roughness 256 business action 680 barter 794 business 625 conduct 692 eventuality 151 pursuit 622 topic 454 businesslike activity 682 business 625 conduct 692 order 58 business-like skill 698 buskin clothing 225 drama 599 buskined drama 599 buss courtesy 894 endearment 902 ship 273 bust amusement 840 representation 554 busted deterioration 659 bustle activity 682 agitation 315 clothing 225 haste 684 physical energy 171 bustling activity 682 eventuality 151 busy business 625 activity 682 busy as a bee activity 682 busy bee activity 682 busy hum of men activity 682 busy oneself in activity 682 busybody activity 682 but compensation 30 limit 233 qualification 469 unconformity 83 but a step nearness 197 but I didn't believe it unconformity 83 but in practise unlikely possibility 470 but now the present time 118 butane fuel 388 butcha posterity 167 butcher evil 913 killing 361 butcher shop mart 799 butchery killing 361 butler servant 746 butt attack 716 impulse 276 intention 620 laughingstock 857 receptacle 191 butt against impulse 276 butt end end 67 butte horizontality 213 butter oil 356 softness 324 flattery 933 butter dish receptacle 191 buttercup beauty 845 butterfingers bungler 701 butterfly beauty 845 irresolution 605 variegation 440 buttery store 636 buttock rear 235 button convexity 250 unimportance 643 pendency 214 littleness 193 connection 45 junction 43 button the lips taciturnity 585 button top inutility 645 button up closure 261 restraint 751 button up one's pockets nonpayment 808 buttoned up concealment 528 buttonhole weariness 841 buttonholer weariness 841 buttress defense 717 support 215 butyraceous unctuousness 355 buxom cheerfulness 836 buy purchase 795 buy a pig in a poke chance 621 rashness 863 buy and sell barter 794 buy for a mere nothing cheapness 815 buy for an old song cheapness 815 buy in purchase 795 buy long stock market 799.a buy low and sell high barter 794 buy over the counter purchase 795 buy the farm death 360 buyer stock market 799.a purchase 795 merchant 797 buying purchase 795 buying and selling barter 794 buzz news 532 resonance 408 sibilation 409 stridor 410 ululation 412 buzz about publication 531 buzzard fool 501 buzzard dollar! money 800 buzzed drunkenness 959 buzzer resonance 408 buzzsaw disjunction 44 by instrumentality 631 motive 615 by a balanced hatchet prediction 511 by a balanced sieve prediction 511 by a dash if the pen authority 737 by a dash of the pen command 741 by a hair's breadth punctuality 132.a by a side wind circuit 629 cunning 702 latency, implication 526 by a stroke of the pen authority 737 command 741 by a strong arm compulsion 744 by a suspended ring prediction 511 by a wand prediction 511 by accident chance 156 by all manner of means willingness 602 by all means consent 762 means 632 permission 760 willingness 602 by an indirect course circuit 629 by and by different time 119 earliness 132 by any means means 632 by appearances in the air prediction 511 by arrows prediction 511 by birds prediction 511 by by installments part 51 by cable haste 684 by catches discontinuity 70 by chance chance 156 chance 621 by choice choice 609 will 600 by clockwork order 58 uniformity 16 by common consent assent 488 by crooked paths improbity 940 by crystal gazing prediction 511 by currents prediction 511 by degrees degree 26 slowness 275 by design intention 620 by dice prediction 511 by dint of instrumentality 631 power 157 by divine right deity 976 dueness 924 by dough of cakes prediction 511 by drawing lots prediction 511 by dreams prediction 511 by driblets part 51 by end motive 615 by express haste 684 by fair means or foul instrumentality 631 by finger rings prediction 511 by fishes prediction 511 by fits disorder 59 by fits and snatches disorder 59 by fits and starts agitation 315 caprice 608 discontinuity 70 disorder 59 haste 684 irregularity of recurrence 139 by force compulsion 744 strength 159 violence 173 by force of arms compulsion 744 by forced marches haste 684 by fountains prediction 511 by George affirmation 535 by ghosts prediction 511 by halves incompleteness 53 by heart memory 505 by herbs prediction 511 by hook or by crook instrumentality 631 by implication latency, implication 526 by inches degree 26 part 51 slowness 275 by inference evidence 467 latency, implication 526 by intuition intuition 477 by itself unity 87 by jerks discontinuity 70 by jingo affirmation 535 by Jove affirmation 535 by leaps and bounds velocity 274 by leave permission 760 by little and little degree 26 slowness 275 by main force strength 159 violence 173 by meal prediction 511 by means of agency 170 instrumentality 631 means 632 by meteors prediction 511 by mice prediction 511 by mirrors prediction 511 by my troth veracity 543 affirmation 535 by no negation 536 by no manner of means negation 536 smallness 32 by no means dissent 489 smallness 32 by numbers prediction 511 by one possession 777 by oracles prediction 511 by order command 741 by passages in books prediction 511 by pebbles prediction 511 by possibility possibility 470 by precious stones prediction 511 by preference choice 609 by purpose motive 615 by reason of motive 615 by red-hot iron prediction 511 by regular gradations order 58 by regular intervals order 58 by regular stages order 58 by regular steps order 58 by right dueness 924 by rote memory 505 by rule conformity 82 by rule of thumb essay 675 by sacrificial fire prediction 511 by salt prediction 511 by shadows or manes prediction 511 by skips discontinuity 70 by slow degrees degree 26 slowness 275 by smoke from the altar prediction 511 by snatches discontinuity 70 part 51 by some means means 632 by spurts haste 684 by stealth concealment 528 by steps order 58 by storm violence 173 by stress of necessity 601 by stress of weather compulsion 744 by telegraph haste 684 news 532 by that time time 106 by the agency 170 by the agency of instrumentality 631 means 632 by the aid of aid 707 instrumentality 631 means 632 by the authority of authority 737 by the Bible prediction 511 by the by irrelation 10 occasion 134 relation 9 by the card conformity 82 by the entrails of fishes prediction 511 by the features prediction 511 by the hand prediction 511 by the mode of laughing prediction 511 by the side of laterality 236 by the stars at birth prediction 511 by the way chance 621 irrelation 10 occasion 134 relation 9 transference 270 by turns regularity of recurrence 138 correlation 12 interchange 148 by ventriloquism prediction 511 by virtue of power 157 instrumentality 631 by walking in a circle prediction 511 by water prediction 511 by way of direction 278 method 627 by way of parenthesis occasion 134 by what means means 632 by what mode method 627 by wholesale greatness 31 by winds prediction 511 by wireless news 532 by word of mouth speech 582 by writings in ashes prediction 511 bye seclusion, exclusion 893 byelaw legality 963 bygone oblivion 506 the past 122 bygone days the past 122 bylaw legality 963 by-name misnomer 565 nomenclature 564 bypath method 627 bypaths and crooked ways deviation 279 byplay indication 550 information 527 byre abode 189 byroad deviation 279 method 627 by-room receptacle 191 byssa dislike 867 byssus roughness 256 bystander nearness 197 presence 186 spectator 444 byte information 527 byway method 627 byword maxim 496 neologism 563 nomenclature 564 by-word contempt 930 byword of reproach disrepute 874 C cab vehicle 272 cabal party 712 plan 626 cabala latency, implication 526 spell 993 cabalistic concealment 528 sorcery 992 cabaret abode 189 cabaset defense 717 cabbage money 800 stealing 791 cabdriver traveler 268 cabin abode 189 receptacle 191 cabined cribbed confined restraint 751 cabinet workshop 691 receptacle 191 council 696 government 737.a cabinet council council 696 cabinet member government 737.a cabinet picture painting 556 cable connection 45 messenger 534 news 532 cabman director 694 traveler 268 caboose furnace 386 cabriolet vehicle 272 cacation excretion 299 cachalot size 192 cache store 636 cachexia disease 655 weakness 160 cachexy disease 655 weakness 160 cachinnation amusement 840 cacique master 745 cackle amusement 840 conversation 588 loquacity 584 ululation 412 cacodemon demon 980 cacoepy stridor 410 voice 580 aphony 581 cacography writing 590 caconym neologism 563 cacophonous discord 414 stridor 410 cacophony discord 414 inelegance 579 stridor 410 cad commonality 876 servant 746 vulgarity 851 cadaster list 86 cadastral list 86 cadaver corpse 362 cadaverous ugliness 846 corpse 362 achromatism 429 caddy receptacle 191 cadeau giving 784 cadence descent 306 motion 264 music 415 sound 402 cadenza music 415 cadet combatant 726 infant 129 master 745 cadge request 765 cadger merchant 797 petitioner 767 cadi judge 967 cadmium orange 439 cadmium-yellow yellowness 436 caduceus scepter 747 spell 993 caducity age 128 deterioration 659 transientness 111 caecal closure 261 caecum closure 261 caesura interval 198 discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 cafe abode 189 caftan clothing 225 cafuzo mixture 41 cag receptacle 191 cage abode 189 husbandry 370 prison 752 receptacle 191 restraint 751 Cagliostro deceiver 548 sorcerer 994 cahoot party 712 cahot convexity 250 cahotage disorder 59 agitation 315 Cain killing 361 caique ship 273 cairn indication 550 interment 363 caisson receptacle 191 caitiff commonality 876 evil 913 caitiff! bad man 949 cajole deception 545 flattery 933 motive 615 cajolery motive 615 falsehood 544 flattery 933 cake sweetness 396 density 321 coherence 46 cake-walk amusement 840 calabash receptacle 191 calaboose prison 752 calambac fragrance 400 calambour fragrance 400 calamiform sharpness 253 calamitous adversity 735 painfulness 830 calamity adversity 735 evil 619 calash vehicle 272 clothing 225 calathiform concavity 252 calcareous gray 432 calcination calefaction 384 calcine calefaction 384 calcitrate impulse 276 calcitration impulse 276 calculable numeration 85 calculate inquiry 461 intention 620 numeration 85 calculate upon belief 484 calculated predetermination 611 calculated to tendency 176 calculating intelligence, wisdom 498 calculating machine numeration 85 calculation expectation 507 inquiry 461 numeration 85 caution 864 calculator numeration 85 calculous hardness 323 calculus numeration 85 calculus of differences numeration 85 caldron conversion 144 furnace 386 receptacle 191 workshop 691 caldron texture mixture 41 Caledonian inhabitant 188 calefaction calefaction 384 calembour equivocalness 520 calendar chronometry 114 record 551 calendar year chronometry 114 calender smoothness 255 calenture imagination 515 disease 655 calenture of the brain insanity 503 calf fool 501 infant 129 animal 366 Caliban ugliness 846 caliber breadth, thickness 202 size 192 opening 260 intelligence, wisdom 498 degree 26 calibrate breadth, thickness 202 calico materials 635 calidity heat 382 caligation darkness 421 caliginous darkness 421 calipers measurement 466 caliph master 745 caliphate government 737.a calisthenics teaching 537 calisthenics! beauty 845 caliver arms 727 calk restoration 660 call churchdom 995 command 741 deity 976 duty 926 evidence 467 indication 550 motive 615 nomenclature 564 phrase 566 possession 777 sociality 892 advice 695 call a spade a spade artlessness 703 call a spade 'a spade' plainness 576 call at sociality 892 call attention to attention 457 indication 550 call away the attention inattention 458 call boy drama 599 call by hard names disapprobation 932 call by ugly names disapprobation 932 call fairly nomenclature 564 call fitly nomenclature 564 call for command 741 request 765 requirement 630 call forth excitation 824 use 677 call Heaven to witness affirmation 535 call in advice 695 call in question dissent 489 negation 536 unbelief doubt 485 call into being production 161 call into notice manifestation 525 call into play use 677 call names disapprobation 932 disrespect 929 call of duty duty 926 call off the attention inattention 458 call out defiance 715 cry 411 call over numeration 85 call over the coals disapprobation 932 call properly nomenclature 564 call to allocution 586 request 765 call to account accusation 938 dereliction of duty 927 disapprobation 932 call to order command 741 disapprobation 932 call to the bar lawyer 968 call to witness evidence 467 call up memory 505 motive 615 excitation 824 call up spirits sorcery 992 call upon advice 695 command 741 duty 926 memory 505 motive 615 request 765 sociality 892 call upon for dueness 924 callable command 741 callable bond securities 799.b callaesthetics! beauty 845 callant infant 129 called for requirement 630 called to the ministry clergy 996 callidity skill 698 calligraphy writing 590 calling business 625 duty 926 calling attention to attention 457 calling forth excitation 824 Calliope poetry 597 callosity hardness 323 callous insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 callousness insensibility 823 callow infant 129 youth 127 divestment 226 calls securities 799.b calm dissuasion 616 horizontality 213 inexcitability 826 leisure 685 moderation 174 peace 721 quiescence 265 calm as a mill pond horizontality 213 calm before a storm reversion 145 calm belief belief 484 calm down inexcitability 826 moderation 174 calm opinion belief 484 calmness inexcitability 826 calomel remedy 662 caloric heat 382 caloric engine instrument 633 calorie heat 382 calorific heat 382 calorimeter thermometer 389 calote canonicals 999 calotte canonicals 999 calotype painting 556 caloyer clergy 996 caludicate slowness 275 calumet indication 550 calumet of peace pacification 723 peace 721 calumet of war warfare 722 calumniate detraction 934 calumniator detractor 936 calumniatory detraction 934 calumnious detraction 934 calumny detraction 934 calvary temple 1000 Calvin Klein clothing 225 Calvinism heterodoxy 984 Calvinist heterodoxy 984 Calvins clothing 225 calyx receptacle 191 cam instrument 633 camarade friend 890 camarilla party 712 camarista servant 746 camber convexity 250 cambist merchant 797 treasurer 801 camboose furnace 386 Cambrian inhabitant 188 oldness 124 cambric crossing 219 materials 635 camel carrier 271 camel backed distortion 243 camel bird velocity 274 camelopard height 206 camelot merchant 797 cameo convexity 250 sculpture 557 cameo appearance drama 599 camera buff artist 559 camera technician artist 559 cameraman artist 559 camerated receptacle 191 Camilla velocity 274 camisade attack 716 camisole clothing 225 camorra party 712 camouflage ambush 530 defense 717 camouflaged ambush 530 camp location 184 abode 189 arena 728 camp meeting worship 990 camp on the trail sequence 281 campagna plain 344 space 180 campaign conduct 692 politics 737.b warfare 722 campaign contribution politics 737.b campaign worker politics 737.b campaigner combatant 726 campaigning politics 737.b warfare 722 journey 266 campaniform rotundity 249 concavity 252 campanile height 206 campaniliform rotundity 249 campanulate rotundity 249 campestral plain 344 campestrial plain 344 campestrian plain 344 campestrine plain 344 camphor resin 356.a Campus Martins arena 728 can receptacle 191 preservation 670 power 157 can hook instrument 633 can such things be! wonder 870 Can you top that? unconformity 83 Canadian inhabitant 188 canaille commonality 876 canakin receptacle 191 canal conduit 350 method 627 opening 260 canal boat ship 273 canaliculated furrow 259 canaliferous furrow 259 canard news 532 untruth 546 canary disclosure 529 animal 366 cancan amusement 840 conversation 588 cancel abrogation 756 nonobservance 773 obliteration 552 canceling abrogation 756 cancellated crossing 219 cancellation obliteration 552 cancelli receptacle 191 cancer painfulness 830 bane 663 disease 655 candelabra luminary 423 candelabrum luminary 423 candelia wind 349 candent heat 382 candid artlessness 703 manifestation 525 probity 939 veracity 543 whiteness 430 candidacy politics 737.b candidate desire 865 petitioner 767 politics 737.b candidate for Bedlam madman 504 candidature offer 763 candied sweetness 396 candle fuel 388 luminary 423 candle ends remainder 40 candle-holder auxiliary 711 candlelight dimness 422 evening 126 candlelighting evening 126 Candlemas regularity of recurrence 138 rite 998 candlestick luminary 423 candor veracity 543 artlessness 703 probity 939 candy sweetness 396 density 321 candy store mart 799 candystriper remedy 662 cane arms 727 punishment 972 scourge 975 cane sugar sweetness 396 canescent whiteness 430 canicula luminary 423 canicular heat 382 canicular days heat 382 canine animal 366 canine appetite greed 817.a canine madness dislike 867 canister receptacle 191 canister shot arms 727 canker bane 663 deterioration 659 disease 655 painfulness 830 canker rash disease 655 canker worm of care painfulness 830 cankered deterioration 659 disease 655 sullenness 901.a cankerworm bane 663 destroyer 165 canker-worm evil 913 canned goods preservation 670 cannery store 636 workshop 691 cannibal evil 913 cannibalism vice 945 cannibalize substitution 147 canning preservation 670 cannon arms 727 impulse 276 loudness 404 cannon ball velocity 274 cannon fodder combatant 726 cannon shot arms 727 cannonade attack 716 cannonball vehicle 272 cannoneer combatant 726 cannular opening 260 canny cunning 702 intelligence, wisdom 498 canoe ship 273 canon clergy 996 interval 198 legality 963 music 415 precept 697 canon law legality 963 precept 697 canon regular clergy 996 canon secular clergy 996 canoness clergy 996 canonical churchdom 995 conformity 82 Judeo-christian revelation 985 canonicals canonicals 999 clothing 225 canonicate churchdom 995 canonist orthodoxy 983.a theology 983 canonization idolatry 991 repute 873 rite 998 canonize idolatry 991 canonry churchdom 995 canons belief 484 orthodoxy 983.a canopy covering 223 canopy of heaven world 318 canorous melody concord 413 cant falsehood 544 impiety 988 impulse 276 intuition 477 neologism 563 nomenclature 564 obliquity 217 can't hold a candle to inferiority 34 cant hook impulse 276 cantankerous irascibility 901 sullenness 901.a cantata music 415 cantatrice musician 416 canteen abode 189 receptacle 191 canter journey 266 canterbury receptacle 191 Canterbury tale untruth 546 cantharides physical energy 171 canticle music 415 cantilever support 215 cantilevered weakness 160 canting falsehood 544 impiety 988 affectation 855 cantle part 51 cantlet smallness 32 canto poetry 597 canton government 737.a cantonment abode 189 location 184 cantrap spell 993 canty cheerfulness 836 Canuck inhabitant 188 canvas arena 728 navigation 267 painting 556 canvass request 765 reasoning 476 inquiry 461 canvass a subject dissertation 595 canvasser petitioner 767 canzonet music 415 poetry 597 caoutchouc elasticity 325 cap summit 210 superiority 33 snap 406 retaliation 718 covering 223 courtesy 894 completion 729 clothing 225 height 206 cap gun snap 406 cap in hand servility 886 request 765 respect 928 cap of maintenance scepter 747 capability influence 175 intrinsicality 5 power 157 skill 698 facility 705 capable power 157 skill 698 capable of being shown manifestation 525 capable of refutation confutation 479 capacious space 180 size 192 capacious memory memory 505 capacity business 625 intellect 450 intelligence, wisdom 498 intrinsicality 5 power 157 size 192 skill 698 capacity for skill 698 cap-a-pie completeness 52 caparison clothing 225 cape height 206 clothing 225 convexity 250 caper amusement 840 leap 309 capful quantity 25 smallness 32 capful of wind wind 349 capillament filament 205 capillary filament 205 capilliform filament 205 capital means 632 money 800 summit 210 importance 642 goodness 648 abode 189 wealth 803 capital crime guilt 947 capital joke wit 842 capital messuage abode 189 capital punishment punishment 972 capitalist wealth 803 capitals printing 591 letter 561 capitation numeration 85 capitation tax price 812 capitol defense 717 capitular clergy 996 churchdom 995 capitulate submission 725 capitulation submission 725 Capnomancy prediction 511 capon man 373 caporal director 694 capote clothing 225 capouch canonicals 999 capping courtesy 894 capriccio caprice 608 music 415 capriccioso music 415 caprice irresolution 605 absence of motive 615.a caprice 608 capricious irresolution 605 irregularity of recurrence 139 absence of motive 615.a caprice 608 changeableness 149 capriciousness caprice 608 irregularity of recurrence 139 capriole leap 309 caps. printing 591 capsheaf summit 210 capsicum condiment 393 capsize inversion 218 success 731 capsized failure 732 capstan instrument 633 elevation 307 capsular concavity 252 receptacle 191 capsule covering 223 receptacle 191 captain director 694 master 745 superiority 33 Captain Bobadil blusterer 887 captain general master 745 captation flattery 933 caption beginning 66 nomenclature 564 taking 789 captious caprice 608 disapprobation 932 irascibility 901 captiousness discourtesy 895 captivate love 897 motive 615 pleasurableness 829 restraint 751 captivated pleasure 827 captivating love 897 pleasurableness 829 captive love 897 prisoner 754 retention 781 captivity restraint 751 captor taking 789 capture taking 789 Capuchin clergy 996 caput council 696 caquet loquacity 584 car vehicle 272 car radio hearing 418 carabineer combatant 726 carack ship 273 caracole journey 266 leap 309 caracoler journey 266 caraffe receptacle 191 carambole impulse 276 caramel sweetness 396 carapace defense 717 carat gravity 319 indication 550 caravan journey 266 vehicle 272 caravansary abode 189 caravel ship 273 carbine arms 727 carbon calefaction 384 fuel 388 carbon tetrachloride insulation, fire extinction 388.a carbonaceous fuel 388 carbonaro disobedience 742 carbonate of ammonia pungency 392 carbonate of lead whiteness 430 carbonic acid bane 663 carbonic gas bane 663 carbonization calefaction 384 carboy receptacle 191 carbuncle disease 655 jewelry 847.a redness 434 carcanet jewelry 847.a carcass arms 727 corpse 362 texture 329 carcelage reward 973 carcinoma disease 655 card arrangement 60 plan 626 indication 550 correspondence 592 card file list 86 card games amusement 840 card index list 86 card sharper thief 792 card sharping deception 545 cardcase receptacle 191 cardiac cheerfulness 836 cardiac arrest disease 655 cardiacal cheerfulness 836 cardialgia disease 655 cardigan clothing 225 cardinal clergy 996 importance 642 clothing 225 goodness 648 cardinal bird orange 439 cardinal flower orange 439 cardinal grosbeak orange 439 cardinal lobelia orange 439 cardinal point importance 642 cardinal points direction 278 cardinal virtues virtue 944 cardinalate churchdom 995 cardinal's hat canonicals 999 cardinalship churchdom 995 cardiograph instrument 633 cardioid curvature 245 cardiomyopathy disease 655 carditis disease 655 cards amusement 840 cards to play means 632 care adversity 735 business 625 care 459 economy 817 fear 860 pain 828 painfulness 830 restraint 751 care for importance 642 love 897 desire 865 care nothing about indifference 866 care nothing for contempt 930 indifference 866 care will kill a cat care 459 careen restoration 660 career business 625 conduct 692 careful caution 864 economy 817 careful regardful care 459 carefully care 459 careless inattention 458 rashness 863 neglect 460 insensibility 823 feebleness 575 indifference 866 carelessness neglect 460 rashness 863 caress endearment 902 caressed endearment 902 caressing endearment 902 caret incompleteness 53 insufficiency 640 caretaker consignee 758 careworn dejection 837 pain 828 cargador carrier 271 cargo property 780 merchandise 798 contents 190 greatness 31 caribou animal 366 caricatura exaggeration 549 misrepresentation 555 caricature copy 21 exaggeration 549 imitation 19 misrepresentation 555 ridicule 856 caricaturist humorist 844 artist 559 caries disease 655 cariole vehicle 272 carious uncleanness 653 cark pain 828 carking painfulness 830 carking care painfulness 830 carking cares pain 828 carle commonality 876 carlock semiliquidity 352 carman director 694 Carmelite clergy 996 carminative moderation 174 remedy 662 carmine redness 434 carnage killing 361 carnal irreligion 989 sexuality 374.a impurity 961 carnal knowledge sexuality 374.a carnality impurity 961 intemperance 954 carnal-minded impurity 961 carnation redness 434 carnival amusement 840 carnivorous food 298 carol rejoicing 838 cheerfulness 836 music 415 musician 416 carom impulse 276 carousal food 298 intemperance 954 amusement 840 carouse amusement 840 drunkenness 959 food 298 carousel rotation 312 carouser drunkenness 959 carp at disapprobation 932 carped base 211 carpenter agent 690 carper detractor 936 carpet knight sensualist 954.a servility 886 fop 854 carphology agitation 315 carping disapprobation 932 carrefour method 627 carriage appearance 448 carrier 271 conduct 692 motion 264 receptacle 191 transference 270 vehicle 272 carried assent 488 carried away by passion excitation 824 carried by acclamation assent 488 carrier ship 273 combatant 726 carrier 271 carrier pigeon carrier 271 messenger 534 carriole vehicle 272 carrion corpse 362 uncleanness 653 carrom impulse 276 carronade arms 727 carroty redness 434 carry tendency 176 transference 270 motive 615 insolence 885 support 215 carry a point success 731 carry all before one success 731 carry away motive 615 taking 789 carry back restitution 790 carry by storm success 731 carry coals humility 879 carry coals to Newcastle inutility 645 redundancy 641 carry conviction belief 484 carry in the memory memory 505 carry in the mind memory 505 carry in the thoughts memory 505 carry into effect conduct 692 completion 729 carry into execution action 680 completion 729 observance 772 carry off stealing 791 taking 789 carry on action 680 conduct 692 continuance in action 143 pursuit 622 carry on a conversation conversation 588 carry on a trade business 625 barter 794 carry on an argument reasoning 476 carry on an inquiry inquiry 461 carry on business business 625 carry on hostilities warfare 722 carry on war warfare 722 carry one off one's legs propulsion 284 carry one's thoughts back memory 505 carry oneself conduct 692 carry out completion 729 conduct 692 observance 772 carry out an inquiry inquiry 461 carry over accounts 811 transference 270 carry owls to Athens redundancy 641 carry sail velocity 274 navigation 267 carry the appearance of appearance 448 carry the day success 731 carry the semblance of appearance 448 carry through completion 729 conduct 692 carry to a great height greatness 31 carry too much sail rashness 863 carry weight evidence 467 importance 642 influence 175 carry with a high hand pride 878 authority 737 carrying transference 270 carrying distance hearing 418 cart carrier 271 mart 799 vehicle 272 cart away displacement 185 cart horse carrier 271 cartage transference 270 cartel compact 769 cooperation 709 cartel! defiance 715 pacification 723 carter traveler 268 cartes sur table veracity 543 manifestation 525 Carthusian clergy 996 cartilage density 321 hardness 323 tenacity 327 cartilaginous hardness 323 carting transference 270 cartload contents 190 greatness 31 cartographic measurement 466 cartographical measurement 466 cartography representation 554 cartoon painting 556 cartouche ornament 847 arms 727 cartridge arms 727 cartulary record 551 list 86 caruncle convexity 250 carve apportionment 786 curvature 245 disjunction 44 form 240 production 161 representation 554 sculpture 557 carve in stone record 551 carve one's way progression 282 carvel ship 273 carver artist 559 carving sculpture 557 Caryatides support 215 cascade river 348 case business 625 covering 223 disease 655 grammar 567 inclosure 232 information 527 lawsuit 969 reasoning 476 receptacle 191 topic 454 case harden strength 159 case hardened physical insensibility 376 case in point conformity 82 agreement 23 case of conscience duty 926 case of life or death requirement 630 case of need requirement 630 caseation density 321 caseharden habit 613 insensibility 823 casehardened insensibility 823 obstinacy 606 casein density 321 casemate abode 189 defense 717 casemated defense 717 casement opening 260 caseous density 321 casern abode 189 cash money 800 payment 807 cash account accounts 811 cash at hand money 800 cash book accounts 811 cash keeper treasurer 801 cash register treasury 802 numeration 85 cashbook record 551 cashier abrogation 756 treasurer 801 cashmere materials 635 casing covering 223 casino! party 712 cask receptacle 191 casket receptacle 191 casque defense 717 casquetel defense 717 Cassandra oracle 513 warning 668 cassino amusement 840 Cassiopea's chair world 318 cassock canonicals 999 cast nonassemblage, dispersion 73 smallness 32 sculpture 557 rejection 610 apportionment 786 propulsion 284 plan 626 tendency 176 form 240 depression 308 copy 21 color 428 condemnation 971 appearance 448 affections 820 giving 784 cast a glance vision 441 cast a gloom darkness 421 dejection 837 cast a horoscope prediction 511 cast a nativity prediction 511 sorcery 992 cast a shade darkness 421 cast a shade on dejection 837 cast a shadow darkness 421 shade 424 cast a sheep's eye modesty 881 cast a sheep's eye upon desire 865 cast a slur on accusation 938 cast a slur upon disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 cast a spell necessity 601 sorcery 992 cast a stone at accusation 938 cast adrift abrogation 756 ejection 297 liberation 750 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 cast anchor arrival 292 location 184 cast aside abrogation 756 relinquishment 782 cast aspersions detraction 934 cast away rejection 610 relinquishment 782 failure 732 abrogation 756 waste 638 cast away care cheerfulness 836 cast behind abrogation 756 relinquishment 782 cast behind one refusal 764 cast behind one's back oblivion 506 cast blame upon disapprobation 932 cast dishonor upon disrepute 874 cast down depression 308 cast for experiment 463 cast forth nonassemblage, dispersion 73 cast gloom darkness 421 cast in a different mold dissimilarity 18 cast in one's lot with choice 609 cooperation 709 cast in one's teeth accusation 938 cast in the eye dimsightedness 443 cast in the same mold similarity 17 cast into prison restraint 751 cast into the shade disrepute 874 humility 879 repute 873 cast iron hardness 323 cast light in light 420 cast light upon light 420 cast lots chance 621 cast of countenance appearance 448 cast of mind affections 820 cast of soul affections 820 cast of the dice chance 156 cast off abrogation 756 divestment 226 relinquishment 782 remainder 40 cast off a custom desuetude 614 cast off a habit desuetude 614 cast off a usage desuetude 614 cast off trammels liberation 750 cast one's net experiment 463 cast out abrogation 756 cast out of doors abrogation 756 cast overboard relinquishment 782 rejection 610 disuse 678 cast pearls before swine waste 638 inutility 645 cast reflection disapprobation 932 cast reproach disapprobation 932 cast sheep's eyes upon endearment 902 cast the eyes back the past 122 cast the eyes on vision 441 cast the eyes over attention 457 cast the first stone at accusation 938 cast the lead depth 208 cast the parts arrangement 60 cast the skin divestment 226 cast to an anchor quiescence 265 cast to the dogs relinquishment 782 rejection 610 destruction 162 disuse 678 cast to the winds disuse 678 rejection 610 relinquishment 782 cast up ejection 297 eventuality 151 numeration 85 cast up accounts accounts 811 castaneous brown 433 castanet musical instruments 417 castaway seclusion, exclusion 893 bad man 949 caste repute 873 class 75 castellan keeper 753 servant 746 castellated defense 717 caster receptacle 191 rotation 312 castigate disapprobation 932 punishment 972 castigation disapprobation 932 punishment 972 castigator detractor 936 castigatory punishment 972 casting vote judgment 480 casting weight inequality 28 casting-weight compensation 30 castle abode 189 defense 717 castle in the air imagination 515 Castle of Indolence inactivity 683 castle-buildier imagination 515 castle-building imagination 515 castles in Spain hope 858 castles in the air hope 858 castling interchange 148 cast-off clothes inutility 645 castor clothing 225 Castor and Pollux duality 89 castrametation abode 189 warfare 722 castrate cleanness 652 impotence 158 nonaddition, subtraction 38 casual chance 156 uncertainty 475 casual acquaintance friend 890 casually chance 156 chance 621 casualty killing 361 adversity 735 chance 156 eventuality 151 evil 619 casuist reasoning 476 casuistical duty 926 casuistry duty 926 intuition 477 cat animal 366 roll 407 scourge 975 ship 273 vision 441 cat house impurity 961 cat jumps eventuality 151 cat o'nine tails scourge 975 catabolism organization 357 catachresis misinterpretation 523 metaphor 521 catachrestical metaphor 521 cataclasm disjunction 44 cataclysm destruction 162 revolution 146 river 348 catacomb interment 363 catadupe river 348 catafalque interment 363 catalepsy quiescence 265 cataleptic quiescence 265 catalo mixture 41 catalog list 86 catalogue arrangement 60 list 86 catalogue raisonne description 594 catalysis decomposition 49 catalytic decomposition 49 catamaran combatant 726 ship 273 catamenia regularity of recurrence 138 catamenial regularity of recurrence 138 cat-and-dog life discord 713 cataplasm remedy 662 catapult arms 727 catapult upwards ascent 305 cataract blindness 442 dimsightedness 443 river 348 catarrh excretion 299 catastrophe evil 619 completion 729 adversity 735 catcall disapprobation 932 musical instruments 417 catch taking 789 connection 45 deception 545 discovery 480.a hearing 418 imitation 19 intelligibility 518 music 415 qualification 469 receiving 785 catch- qualification 469 catch a disease disease 655 catch a glimpse of vision 441 catch a likeness representation 554 catch a sight of vision 441 catch a sound hearing 418 catch a Tartar dupe 547 retaliation 718 unskillfulness 699 catch a weasel asleep activity 682 impossibility 471 catch a whiff of discovery 480.a catch an idea intelligence, wisdom 498 catch an infection disease 655 catch at desire 865 willingness 602 taking 789 catch at a straw hope 858 misuse 679 catch at straws credulity 486 overestimation 482 rashness 863 unimportance 643 unskillfulness 699 catch basin receptacle 191 catch by surprise inexpectation 508 catch drain receptacle 191 catch fire calefaction 384 catch hold of taking 789 catch in a trap deception 545 catch napping inexpectation 508 catch one's death death 360 catch the attention attention 457 catch the ear hearing 418 catch the eye attention 457 visibility 446 catch the flame feeling 821 catch the infection excitation 824 feeling 821 catch the mind attention 457 catch the thoughts attention 457 catch tripping discovery 480.a catch unawares inexpectation 508 catch up taking 789 catching insalubrity 657 catching of the breath wind 349 catchpenny cheapness 815 deception 545 unimportance 643 catchpoll jurisdiction 965 catchweed sharpness 253 catchword indication 550 printing 591 catechetical inquiry 461 catechism belief 484 inquiry 461 catechist inquiry 461 catechize inquiry 461 catechumen laity 997 learner 541 categorema class 75 categorical affirmation 535 certainty 474 demonstration 478 categorically true truth 494 category class 75 quantity 25 state 7 catenary curvature 245 catenation continuity 69 cater provision 637 caterer provision 637 caterpillar infant 129 vehicle 272 caterwaul ululation 412 caterwauling discord 414 endearment 902 cates food 298 catgut scraper musician 416 cathartic cleanness 652 cathedral temple 1000 catheretic calefaction 384 painfulness 830 catheter remedy 662 catholic orthodoxy 983.a piety 987 generality 78 heterodoxy 984 Catholic Church orthodoxy 983.a catholical generality 78 catholicism generality 78 heterodoxy 984 orthodoxy 983.a catholicity generality 78 orthodoxy 983.a catholicon remedy 662 Catiline knave 941 cation-exchange resin resin 356.a catnip remedy 662 catopsis vision 441 catoptrics light 420 Catoptromancy prediction 511 cat's concert discord 414 cat's cradle crossing 219 cat's eye jewelry 847.a cat's paw dupe 547 catsitter keeper 753 cat's-paw auxiliary 711 instrumentality 631 cattle animal 366 carrier 271 cattle plague disease 655 cattle prod arms 727 cattle rustler thief 792 cattle thief thief 792 cattle truck vehicle 272 catty detraction 934 Caucasian mystery theology 983 caucus council 696 caudal end 67 rear 235 caudate pendency 214 caudex crib support 215 cauf husbandry 370 caught napping inattention 458 nonpreparation 674 caught tripping ignorance 491 caulk restoration 660 causal cause 153 causality cause 153 causation circumstance 8 cause 153 agency 170 cause lawsuit 969 production 161 cause 153 cause a doubt unbelief doubt 485 cause anger resentment 900 cause desire desire 865 cause discontent discontent 832 cause error error 495 cause evil badness 649 cause for alarm danger 665 cause laughter amusement 840 cause pain painfulness 830 cause pleasure pleasurableness 829 cause sensation physical sensibility 375 cause shame disrepute 874 cause to be believed belief 484 caused cause 153 caused by effect 154 causeless chance 156 chance 621 causerie conversation 588 causeway method 627 causidical jurisdiction 965 causing pain painfulness 830 causing pleasure pleasurableness 829 causiticity physical energy 171 caustic bitterness 392.b malevolence 907 painfulness 830 physical energy 171 discourtesy 895 calefaction 384 feeling 821 curvature 245 cautel caution 864 cautelous caution 864 cauterization calefaction 384 cauterize calefaction 384 cauterizer calefaction 384 cautery calefaction 384 caution caution 864 security 771 warning 668 cautionary warning 668 cautious caution 864 cautiously caution 864 cautiousness caution 864 warning 668 cavalcade continuity 69 journey 266 cavalier contempt 930 discourtesy 895 insolence 885 rashness 863 traveler 268 cavalry combatant 726 cavatina music 415 cave receptacle 191 interiority 221 concavity 252 abode 189 cave in concavity 252 shortcoming 304 submission 725 cave of Adullam discontent 832 relinquishment 624 cave of despair dejection 837 hopelessness 859 cave of Eolus wind 349 caveat command 741 warning 668 caveat actor warning 668 caveat emptor compact 769 purchase 795 Cavendish pungency 392 cavendo tutus care 459 cavern concavity 252 cavernous concavity 252 rarity 322 cavesson prison 752 caviare condiment 393 pungency 392 caviare to the general taste 850 cavil intuition 477 unbelief doubt 485 disapprobation 932 dissent 489 caviler detractor 936 cavilling dissent 489 cavity concavity 252 caw ululation 412 cayenne condiment 393 pungency 392 caymon evil 913 cazique master 745 CB hearing 418 C-clamp connection 45 CD money 800 ceasar master 745 cease cessation 142 cease and desist! prohibition 761 cease to breathe death 360 cease to exist inexistence 2 cease to live death 360 ceaseless perpetuity 112 ceaselessness continuity 69 cecity blindness 442 cede giving 784 relinquishment 782 submission 725 cedilla indication 550 ceiling summit 210 height 206 covering 223 celebrant worship 990 celebrate keep celebration 883 celebrated celebration 883 repute 873 celebrating celebration 883 celebration celebration 883 repute 873 rite 998 celebrity memory 505 nobility 875 repute 873 celerity velocity 274 celestial deity 976 heaven 981 world 318 celestial bliss heaven 981 celestial spaces world 318 celibacy celibacy 904 cell abode 189 concavity 252 prison 752 receptacle 191 seclusion, exclusion 893 cellar lowness 207 receptacle 191 cellaret receptacle 191 cellarway opening 260 cellular receptacle 191 sponge 252.a cellule receptacle 191 celluloid imitation 19 cement coherence 46 connection 45 hardness 323 materials 635 tenacity 327 cement a party party 712 cement a union combination 48 cementation coherence 46 cemented concord 714 cemetery interment 363 cenobite clergy 996 seclusion, exclusion 893 cenotaph interment 363 Cenozoic oldness 124 censer rite 998 censor detractor 936 judge 967 judgment 480 censorious disapprobation 932 fastidiousness 868 censoriousness disapprobation 932 censurable guilt 947 censure disapprobation 932 censurer detractor 936 discontent 832 census list 86 numeration 85 cent money 800 unimportance 643 centaur unconformity 83 centenarian veteran 130 centenary five, &c 98 regularity of recurrence 138 centennial five, &c 98 regularity of recurrence 138 center centrality 222 focus 74 middle 68 center in convergence 290 center of buoyancy centrality 222 center of gravity centrality 222 center of life existence 1 center of oscillation centrality 222 center of percussion centrality 222 center of pressure centrality 222 center round assemblage 72 convergence 290 centerboard base 211 centered in self selfishness 943 centesimal quinquesection, &c 99 centigram gravity 319 centimeter length 200 cento poetry 597 central middle 68 centrality 222 central air conditioning refrigeration 385 central bank money 800 central heating furnace 386 central processing unit intellect 450 centrality centrality 222 symmetry 242 centralization centrality 222 combination 48 centralize centrality 222 combination 48 centrally centrality 222 centrical centrality 222 centricalness centrality 222 centrifugal attraction 288 divergence 291 centrifugal force rotation 312 centrifuge rotation 312 centrifuge tube receptacle 191 centripetal convergence 290 repulsion 289 cents-off coupon discount 813 centuple five, &c 98 centuplicate five, &c 98 centurial five, &c 98 centuriate five, &c 98 centurion master 745 century period 108 five, &c 98 cephalalgia physical pain 378 ceramic sculpture 557 ceramic ware sculpture 557 ceramics calefaction 384 cerate remedy 662 Cerberus safety 664 stopper 263 cereal food 298 cerealia food 298 cereals food 298 cerebral intellect 450 cerebration thought 451 cerebrum intellect 450 cerecloth interment 363 cerement oil 356 covering 223 interment 363 ceremonial ostentation 882 rite 998 ceremonial salutation courtesy 894 ceremonialism rite 998 ceremonious ostentation 882 respect 928 ceremony celebration 883 ostentation 882 rite 998 cerograph engraving 558 cerography writing 590 engraving 558 Ceromancy prediction 511 ceroplastic sculpture 557 certain affirmation 535 belief 484 certainty 474 plurality 100 speciality 79 truth 494 certain cure remedy 662 certainly assent 488 certainty 474 truth 494 certainty certainty 474 belief 484 certificate security 771 evidence 467 record 551 certificate of deposit money 800 certified accountant accounts 811 certify affirmation 535 evidence 467 certitude certainty 474 cerulean blueness 438 cerulescent blueness 438 ceruse whiteness 430 cespitose vegetable 367 cess price 812 uncleanness 653 cessation cessation 142 cessation of life death 360 cession relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 submission 725 cesspool uncleanness 653 cestus circularity 247 connection 45 cha-cha amusement 840 chador shade 424 chafe painfulness 830 physical pain 378 pain 828 discontent 832 calefaction 384 resentment 900 excitability 825 chaff commonality 876 ridicule 856 unimportance 643 chaffer barter 794 chafing excitability 825 chafing at the bit excitation 824 chafing dish receptacle 191 chafing-dish furnace 386 chagrin pain 828 chagrined pain 828 chain junction 43 length 200 prison 752 crossing 219 connection 45 jewelry 847.a chain lightning drunkenness 959 luminary 423 chain of reasoning reasoning 476 chain shot arms 727 chain-link fence prison 752 chair support 215 celebration 883 direction 693 director 694 scepter 747 school 542 chairman director 694 chairperson director 694 chairwoman director 694 chaise vehicle 272 chalcedony jewelry 847.a chalcography engraving 558 chalet abode 189 chalice receptacle 191 chalk indication 550 land 342 painting 556 whiteness 430 chalk engraving engraving 558 chalk out plan 626 painting 556 chalk talk teaching 537 chalk talker teacher 540 chalky whiteness 430 challenge accusation 938 defiance 715 dueness 924 inquiry 461 unbelief doubt 485 challenge comparison goodness 648 chalybeate remedy 662 chamber abode 189 council 696 receptacle 191 chamber fellow friend 890 chamber maid servant 746 chamber of deputies council 696 chamberlain servant 746 chambers mart 799 chameleon changeableness 149 variegation 440 chamfer furrow 259 chamois leap 309 champ food 298 champ a bit excitability 825 champ at the bit resentment 900 Champ de Allars arena 728 champ the bit disobedience 742 resentment 900 champagne drunkenness 959 champaign plain 344 champaign country plain 344 champain disrepute 874 champak fragrance 400 champion auxiliary 711 combatant 726 defense 717 deputy 759 goodness 648 championship aid 707 chance possibility 470 probability 472 chance 156 absence of motive 615.a chance 621 chance it chance 621 chance medley chance 156 chancel temple 1000 chancellor judge 967 master 745 deputy 759 chancery suit lateness 133 chances are in favor of probability 472 chancy chance 621 chandelier luminary 423 chandler merchant 797 change mart 799 money 800 change 140 irresolution 605 change and change about changeableness 149 change bands interchange 148 change color feeling 821 humility 879 change for substitution 147 change hands transfer 783 change money money 800 change of intention tergiversation 607 change of mind tergiversation 607 change of opinion unbelief doubt 485 change of purpose tergiversation 607 change of state revolution 146 conversion 144 change one's intention tergiversation 607 change one's mind tergiversation 607 change one's note tergiversation 607 change one's place motion 264 change one's purpose tergiversation 607 change one's quarters motion 264 change sides tergiversation 607 change the face of revolution 146 changeable uncertainty 475 form 240 change 140 changeableness 149 changeableness transientness 111 change 140 changeableness 149 irresolution 605 changed change 140 changeful changeableness 149 tergiversation 607 changeling fool 501 substitution 147 changer merchant 797 changing changeableness 149 channel conduit 350 furrow 259 method 627 opening 260 chant worship 990 music 415 musician 416 chanticleer animal 366 chantry temple 1000 Chanukkah rite 998 Chaomancy prediction 511 chaos agitation 315 amorphism 241 disorder 59 chaos is come again disorder 59 chaotic disorder 59 chap interval 198 man 373 chap book book 593 chaparajos clothing 225 chaparal vegetable 367 chapel temple 1000 chaperon safety 664 care 459 chapfallen dejection 837 humility 879 chaplain churchdom 995 clergy 996 chaplaincy churchdom 995 chaplainship churchdom 995 chaplet ornament 847 trophy 733 circularity 247 chapman merchant 797 chaps edge 231 chapter topic 454 part 51 council 696 book 593 churchdom 995 chapter and verse truth 494 chapter house temple 1000 chapter of accidents chance 156 eventuality 151 chaqueta clothing 225 char calefaction 384 character letter 561 unconformity 83 state 7 drama 599 class 75 affections 820 intrinsicality 5 characteristic difference 15 indication 550 intrinsicality 5 speciality 79 characterize description 594 nomenclature 564 characterized affections 820 charade drama 599 secret 533 charcoal calefaction 384 fuel 388 painting 556 blackness 431 charge debt 806 restraint 751 requirement 630 price 812 precept 697 impulse 276 direction 693 commission 755 command 741 business 625 barter 794 attack 716 advice 695 accusation 938 completeness 52 charge interest money 800 charge on attribution 155 charge with accusation 938 chargeable debt 806 chargeable on duty 926 charged with possession 777 charger carrier 271 combatant 726 chargeship business 625 chariot vehicle 272 charioteer director 694 traveler 268 charitable benevolence 906 giving 784 liberality 816 charitableness benevolence 906 charity pity 914 benevolence 906 giving 784 liberality 816 charivari loudness 404 roll 407 charlatan affectation 855 boasting 884 deceiver 548 humorist 844 ignoramus 493 charlatanism affectation 855 falsehood 544 charlatanry falsehood 544 ignorance 491 charlatism ignorance 491 Charles's wain world 318 Charley keeper 753 charm beauty 845 love 897 motive 615 pleasurableness 829 preservation 670 sorcery 992 spell 993 charm bracelet jewelry 847.a charmed love 897 sorcery 992 charmer sorcerer 994 charming love 897 pleasurableness 829 charnel house interment 363 chart advice 695 information 527 list 86 plan 626 representation 554 charter legality 963 permission 760 security 771 dueness 924 compact 769 commission 755 charter poll security 771 chartered dueness 924 legality 963 permission 760 chartered accountant accounts 811 chartered libertine libertine 962 charwoman servant 746 agent 690 chary caution 864 economy 817 parsimony 819 Charybdis rotation 312 chase vegetable 367 repulsion 289 pursuit 622 convexity 250 ornament 847 chaser artist 559 chaser-balancer irresolution 605 chasm interval 198 opening 260 chassepot arms 727 chaste taste 850 elegance 578 plainness 576 purity 960 simplicity 849 symmetry 242 chasten punishment 972 moderation 174 chastened inexcitability 826 chastening punishment 972 chastise disapprobation 932 punishment 972 chastise with scorpions severity 739 chastisement punishment 972 chastity purity 960 simplicity 849 chasuble canonicals 999 chat conversation 588 chateau abode 189 chatelaine jewelry 847.a chatoyant variegation 440 chattels property 780 instrument 633 chattels real property 780 chatter loquacity 584 chatterbox loquacity 584 chatterer conversation 588 loquacity 584 chattering loquacity 584 chattering of teeth cold 383 chatti receptacle 191 chatty conversation 588 loquacity 584 sociality 892 chauffeur traveler 268 chauki prison 752 chaunt music 415 musician 416 worship 990 chaunt the praises of approbation 931 chaunter musician 416 chauntress musician 416 Chauvinism boasting 884 chavar clothing 225 chaw-bacon commonality 876 cheap cheapness 815 unimportance 643 worthlessness 812.b cheap and nasty cheapness 815 cheap as dirt cheapness 815 cheap at the price cheapness 815 cheapen barter 794 parsimony 819 cheapness cheapness 815 worthlessness 812.b cheat deceiver 548 deception 545 cheat sheet memory 505 check measurement 466 variegation 440 slowness 275 restraint 751 numeration 85 inexcitability 826 indication 550 hindrance 706 experiment 463 dissuasion 616 debt 806 counteraction 179 adversity 735 money 800 check it out experiment 463 check oneself inexcitability 826 check out experiment 463 check palliate moderation 174 check roll list 86 check the books accounts 811 check the growth of shortness 201 checker variegation 440 checker cab vehicle 272 checker roll list 86 checkered changeableness 149 checkers amusement 840 variegation 440 checking account money 800 checklist list 86 checkmate failure 732 success 731 checks money 800 checquers amusement 840 cheek refuge 666 counter evidence 468 laterality 236 cheek by jole nearness 197 accompaniment 88 cheek by jowl accompaniment 88 laterality 236 nearness 197 cheeks duality 89 cheep ululation 412 cheer food 298 sociality 892 relief 834 hope 858 cry 411 courage 861 cheerfulness 836 approbation 931 amusement 840 aid 707 pleasure 827 courtesy 894 cheer the heart relief 834 cheerfulness 836 cheer to the echo approbation 931 cheer to the very echo approbation 931 cheer up cheerfulness 836 cheer up! cheerfulness 836 cheerful cheerfulness 836 content 831 rejoicing 838 cheerfully cheerfulness 836 cheerfulness pleasure 827 content 831 cheerfulness 836 cheering cheerfulness 836 hope 858 pleasurableness 829 willingness 602 cheerless dejection 837 pain 828 painfulness 830 cheerly cheerfulness 836 cheery cheerfulness 836 cheesecake sexuality 374.a cheesepairings remainder 40 cheeseparings uncleanness 653 cheetah variegation 440 chef de cuisine servant 746 proficient 700 chela learner 541 chemical mace arms 727 chemiluminescent luminary 423 chemise clothing 225 chemist remedy 662 chemistry conversion 144 cheque money 800 chequer variegation 440 chequers variegation 440 cherish love 897 aid 707 endearment 902 cherish a belief belief 484 cherish an idea thought 451 cherish an opinion belief 484 cherish feeling feeling 821 cherish hope hope 858 cherry purity 960 cherry bomb snap 406 cherry cheeked beauty 845 cherry-colored redness 434 cherub angel 977 cherubic angel 977 cherubim angel 977 chess amusement 840 chessboard variegation 440 chest receptacle 191 treasury 802 chest of drawers receptacle 191 chest on chest receptacle 191 chest-beating defiance 715 chestnut brown 433 news 532 chest-thumping defiance 715 cheval-glass optical instruments 445 chevalier nobility 875 chevron indication 550 chew food 298 pungency 392 chew the cud upon thought 451 chiaroscuro painting 556 light 420 blackness 431 gray 432 darkness 421 chic fashion 852 ostentation 882 chicane cunning 702 deception 545 intuition 477 chicanery cunning 702 deception 545 intuition 477 chi-chi neologism 563 chick shade 424 chickaree velocity 274 chicken animal 366 infant 129 chickenhearted cowardice 862 chicote scourge 975 chid disapprobation 932 chide disapprobation 932 chiding disapprobation 932 chief importance 642 master 745 repute 873 Chief Baron judge 967 chief justice government 737.a judge 967 chief part greatness 31 chiefdom government 737.a chiefly greatness 31 chieftain master 745 chiffonnier commonality 876 chiffonniere receptacle 191 chignon clothing 225 child fool 501 infant 129 posterity 167 childbirth production 161 childhood youth 127 childhood friend friend 890 childish imbecility folly 499 infant 129 credulity 486 feebleness 575 childish treble mute aphony 581 child-like imbecility folly 499 children of darkness impiety 988 child's play unimportance 643 chili peppers condiment 393 chiliad five, &c 98 chill refrigeration 385 cold 383 dissuasion 616 chill to the marrow refrigeration 385 chilled to the bone cold 383 chilliness cold 383 chilly cold 383 chime melody concord 413 roll 407 resonance 408 chime in with agreement 23 assent 488 concord 714 conformity 82 chimera unconformity 83 imagination 515 chimerical imagination 515 chimes repetition 104 chiming repetition 104 chimney airpipe 351 opening 260 chimney corner abode 189 china sculpture 557 calefaction 384 china anniversary celebration 883 china jubilee celebration 883 china wedding celebration 883 chinch uncleanness 653 chine rear 235 Chinese calendar chronometry 114 chinese water torture scourge 975 chink interval 198 resonance 408 chink! money 800 chinking materials 635 Chinook neologism 563 wind 349 chip part 51 sharpness 253 smallness 32 contraction 195 indication 550 disjunction 44 chip in cooperation 709 chip of the old block similarity 17 chip off the old block copy 21 posterity 167 chipmunk velocity 274 chipped ice refrigerator 387 chipping smallness 32 chirography writing 590 chirology indication 550 Chiromancy prediction 511 chirp ululation 412 rejoicing 838 cheerfulness 836 musician 416 chirrup cheerfulness 836 musician 416 rejoicing 838 ululation 412 chirurgery remedy 662 chirurgical remedy 662 chirurgy remedy 662 chisel form 240 sharpness 253 sculpture 557 perforator 262 production 161 chiseling engraving 558 chit correspondence 592 infant 129 littleness 193 chitchat conversation 588 chitterings interiority 221 chitty correspondence 592 chivalric philanthropy 910 chivalrous warfare 722 courage 861 disinterestedness 942 probity 939 chivalrous spirit disinterestedness 942 chivalry disinterestedness 942 philanthropy 910 possession 777 warfare 722 courage 861 chivarras clothing 225 chivarros clothing 225 chlamys clothing 225 chloral physical insensibility 376 chloride of lime cleanness 652 chloride of sodium! vaporization 336 chloroform insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 chloroformed insensibility 823 chlorosis disease 655 chlorotic disease 655 chock full completeness 52 chock-full sufficiency 639 chocolate brown 433 food 298 choice choice 609 goodness 648 choice of words style 569 choir clergy 996 musician 416 temple 1000 choke hindrance 706 killing 361 closure 261 redundancy 641 choke damp bane 663 choke full completeness 52 choke off hindrance 706 choke-full sufficiency 639 chokidar keeper 753 chokra servant 746 choky prison 752 choler resentment 900 cholera disease 655 choleric irascibility 901 choose choice 609 choosing choice 609 chop indication 550 disjunction 44 change 140 chop into pieces destruction 162 chop logic reasoning 476 chop up shortness 201 chopfallen dejection 837 chophouse abode 189 chopping size 192 chopping sea river 348 chops beginning 66 edge 231 food 298 chor thief 792 choral music 415 chorale music 415 chords melody concord 413 chore boy messenger 534 chorea agitation 315 disease 655 choregus director 694 chorister clergy 996 musician 416 chorography situation 183 chorus assent 488 cry 411 music 415 musician 416 chorus of applause approbation 931 chorus of praise approbation 931 chorus singer drama 599 musician 416 chose in action property 780 chose in possession possession 777 chosen choice 609 chotahazri food 298 chouse deception 545 chowchow mixture 41 chowder food 298 chowderhead fool 501 chrestomathy language 560 chrism rite 998 Christ deity 976 christcross-row letter 561 christen nomenclature 564 christendom churchdom 995 orthodoxy 983.a christening rite 998 Christian orthodoxy 983.a piety 987 Christian charity benevolence 906 Christian community orthodoxy 983.a Christian Science heterodoxy 984 Christian Scientist heterodoxy 984 Christianism orthodoxy 983.a Christianity orthodoxy 983.a Christmas regularity of recurrence 138 rite 998 Christmas box giving 784 Christmas party sociality 892 chromatic color 428 melody concord 413 chromatic dispersion color 428 chromatics color 428 chromatism color 428 chromato pseudo blepsis dimsightedness 443 chromatogenous color 428 chromatography color 428 chromatology color 428 chromatoscope optical instruments 445 chromatrope optical instruments 445 chrome-yellow yellowness 436 chromolithograph engraving 558 chromolithography engraving 558 chromosome organization 357 chromosphere world 318 chronic diuturnity 110 chronicle chronometry 114 record 551 chronicler recorder 553 chronogram chronometry 114 chronogrammatical chronometry 114 chronograph chronometry 114 chronographer chronometry 114 chronography description 594 chronologer chronometry 114 chronological chronometry 114 chronologist chronometry 114 chronometer chronometry 114 measurement 466 chronometrical chronometry 114 chronometry chronometry 114 Chrononhotonthologos blusterer 887 chronoscope chronometry 114 chrysalis infant 129 chrysolite jewelry 847.a perfection 650 chrysology money 800 chub faced size 192 chubby faced size 192 chuck ululation 412 chance 621 propulsion 284 chuck under the chin endearment 902 chuck up ejection 297 chuck-a-luck chance 621 chucker-out ejection 297 chuckle amusement 840 boasting 884 ululation 412 chuckle headed imbecility folly 499 chucklehead fool 501 chudder clothing 225 chuff commonality 876 chugalug food 298 chum friend 890 chunk part 51 chup rao! silence 403 chup! silence 403 taciturnity 585 chupatty food 298 church certainty 474 churchdom 995 temple 1000 Church Catechism orthodoxy 983.a church government churchdom 995 Church of Christ orthodoxy 983.a Church of Rome heterodoxy 984 church yard interment 363 churchdom churchdom 995 churchman clergy 996 churchwarden clergy 996 churchyard temple 1000 churchyard cough disease 655 churl commonality 876 parsimony 819 churlish commonality 876 discourtesy 895 irascibility 901 malevolence 907 parsimony 819 churlishness malevolence 907 sullenness 901.a discourtesy 895 irascibility 901 churn agitation 315 semiliquidity 352 chut! silence 403 taciturnity 585 chute river 348 chutney condiment 393 chyle fluidity 333 CIA government 737.a ciao departure 293 cibarious food 298 cicatrix record 551 cicatrization restoration 660 cicatrize restoration 660 Cicero speech 582 cicerone interpreter 524 information 527 Ciceronian elegance 578 speech 582 cicisbeo love 897 cider food 298 cienaga marsh 345 cigar pungency 392 cigar store mart 799 cigarette pungency 392 cilia filament 205 roughness 256 ciliated roughness 256 cilium filament 205 cimeter arms 727 Cimmerian darkness darkness 421 cinchona remedy 662 cincture circularity 247 cinder calefaction 384 fuel 388 Cinderella commonality 876 servant 746 cinders uncleanness 653 cinderwench commonality 876 cinema drama 599 cinematograph appearance 448 cinematographer artist 559 cinematography drama 599 representation 554 cinerary interment 363 cinerary urn interment 363 cineration calefaction 384 cinereous gray 432 cineritious gray 432 cingle outline 230 cinnabar redness 434 cinnamon brown 433 condiment 393 cipher unimportance 643 zero 101 numeration 85 unsubstantiality 4 letter 561 indication 550 concealment 528 number 84 Circe motive 615 sorcerer 994 Circean sorcery 992 Circean cup intemperance 954 circination rotation 312 circle circularity 247 party 712 region 181 circle of acquaintance sociality 892 circle of the sciences knowledge 490 circlet outline 230 circularity 247 circling convolution 248 circuit outline 230 region 181 journey 266 convolution 248 circuition 311 circuit 629 circuition circuition 311 circuitous circuit 629 circuition 311 deviation 279 circuitously deviation 279 circular circularity 247 publication 531 book 593 curvature 245 correspondence 592 circular letter publication 531 circular note credit 805 circular reasoning intuition 477 circular saw disjunction 44 circularity circularity 247 circulate rotation 312 publication 531 circuition 311 money 800 circulating decimal number 84 circulating medium money 800 circulation rotation 312 publication 531 money 800 circuition 311 expenditure 809 circumambience circumjacence 227 circumambient circumjacence 227 circumambulate circuition 311 journey 266 circumambulation circuition 311 circumbendibus circuit 629 convolution 248 circumcise disjunction 44 circumcision rite 998 disjunction 44 circumduction obliteration 552 circumference outline 230 circumferential circumjacence 227 circumfluent circuition 311 circumjacence 227 circumforanean journey 266 circumforaneous circuition 311 journey 266 circumfuse nonassemblage, dispersion 73 circumfusion nonassemblage, dispersion 73 circumgyration rotation 312 circumjacence location 184 situation 183 circumjacence 227 exteriority 220 circumjacent circumjacence 227 circumlocution diffuseness 573 circumlocutory diffuseness 573 circumnavigate circuition 311 navigation 267 circumnavigation circuition 311 navigation 267 circumrotation rotation 312 circumrotatory rotation 312 circumscribe circumscription 229 contraction 195 inclosure 232 prohibition 761 circumscribed circumscription 229 circumscription circumscription 229 circumspect caution 864 circumspection attention 457 care 459 caution 864 circumstance circumstance 8 eventuality 151 circumstances property 780 circumstantial circumstance 8 circumstantial account description 594 circumstantial evidence evidence 467 probability 472 circumvallation defense 717 inclosure 232 circumscription 229 circumvent circumjacence 227 cunning 702 deception 545 hindrance 706 success 731 circuition 311 circumvention circuition 311 cunning 702 deception 545 circumvest clothing 225 circumvolution convolution 248 rotation 312 circumvolve rotation 312 circuration husbandry 370 circus arena 728 drama 599 abode 189 cirrocumulus bubble; cloud 353 cirrostratus bubble; cloud 353 cirrus bubble; cloud 353 Cistercian clergy 996 cistern receptacle 191 store 636 cit inhabitant 188 citadel defense 717 citation command 741 lawsuit 969 evidence 467 accusation 938 insulation, fire extinction 388.a cite accusation 938 command 741 conformity 82 evidence 467 lawsuit 969 cither musical instruments 417 cithern musical instruments 417 citizen inhabitant 188 citizen of the world philanthropy 910 citizen's band hearing 418 citrine yellowness 436 citron-colored yellowness 436 city abode 189 government 737.a city park amusement 840 civet fragrance 400 civic mankind 372 civic crown trophy 733 civil fashion 852 laity 997 courtesy 894 civil law legality 963 civil service list list 86 civil war warfare 722 civilian laity 997 lawyer 968 civility courtesy 894 civilization improvement 658 courtesy 894 fashion 852 civilize courtesy 894 civilized courtesy 894 civilized life fashion 852 civism philanthropy 910 clack loquacity 584 roll 407 snap 406 ululation 412 clad clothing 225 claim command 741 requirement 630 request 765 dueness 924 lawsuit 969 property 780 claim relationship with consanguinity 11 claimant dueness 924 petitioner 767 claiming dueness 924 clairobscur light 420 clairvoyance sorcery 992 clairvoyant sorcerer 994 clam food 298 clamant cry 411 clamber ascent 305 clammy semiliquidity 352 clamor disapprobation 932 lamentation 839 cry 411 clamor for request 765 clamorous cry 411 disapprobation 932 excitability 825 loudness 404 request 765 clamp connection 45 junction 43 clan mankind 372 party 712 class 75 assemblage 72 paternity 166 consanguinity 11 clandestine concealment 528 clang loudness 404 snap 406 clangor loudness 404 clangorous loudness 404 clank stridor 410 clannishness misjudgment 481 clanship cooperation 709 clap snap 406 approbation 931 clap on addition 37 clap on the back motive 615 approbation 931 clap on the shoulder motive 615 clap one's hands rejoicing 838 clap one's hands on taking 789 clap spurs to one's horse velocity 274 clap the hands approbation 931 clap together junction 43 clap under hatches restraint 751 clap up restraint 751 clapboard materials 635 clapperclaw disapprobation 932 contention 720 clapping approbation 931 clapping of hands approbation 931 claptrap intuition 477 ostentation 882 untruth 546 clarence vehicle 272 claret food 298 claret-colored redness 434 clarichord musical instruments 417 clarify cleanness 652 interpretation 522 clarinet musical instruments 417 clarion warfare 722 musical instruments 417 clarity transparency 425 claronet musical instruments 417 clash counteraction 179 disagreement 24 discord 713 impulse 276 snap 406 clash of arms contention 720 clashing contrariety 14 counteraction 179 disagreement 24 opposition 708 clasp junction 43 outline 230 nearness 197 connection 45 coherence 46 taking 789 endearment 902 class arrangement 60 class 75 learner 541 school 542 classfellow friend 890 classic oldness 124 symmetry 242 classical elegance 578 taste 850 classical education teaching 537 classicalism elegance 578 classicism elegance 578 classics language 560 classification arrangement 60 identification 465.b classify arrangement 60 identification 465.b classis council 696 classman friend 890 repute 873 classmate friend 890 clatter loudness 404 roll 407 Claude Duval thief 792 Claude tint yellowness 436 claudication slowness 275 failure 732 clause book 593 part 51 clauses conditions 770 claustral temple 1000 clavate convexity 250 clavated convexity 250 clavichord musical instruments 417 clavier musical instruments 417 claviform convexity 250 clavis interpretation 522 claw taking 789 claw coat clothing 225 clawback flatterer 935 claws retention 781 clay corpse 362 softness 324 land 342 materials 635 clay-cold cold 383 claymore arms 727 clean cleanness 652 completeness 52 perfection 650 clean as a new penny cleanness 652 clean as a whistle cleanness 652 completeness 52 perfection 650 clean bill of health health 654 clean forgotten oblivion 506 clean hand proficient 700 clean hands innocence 946 probity 939 clean out ejection 297 clean sweep revolution 146 clean-cut truth 494 cleaned cleanness 652 cleaning cleanness 652 cleanliness cleanness 652 cleanly cleanness 652 cleanness cleanness 652 cleanse cleanness 652 cleansing cleanness 652 clear manifestation 525 visibility 446 vindication 937 transparency 425 simpleness 42 payment 807 cleanness 652 melody concord 413 light 420 liberation 750 intelligibility 518 facility 705 certainty 474 acquittal 970 acquisition 775 innocence 946 clear as a bell melody concord 413 clear as crystal transparency 425 clear as day manifestation 525 intelligibility 518 certainty 474 clear as daylight manifestation 525 clear as mud unintelligibility 519 clear as noonday intelligibility 518 manifestation 525 clear away ejection 297 clear coast facility 705 clear conscience innocence 946 clear decks ejection 297 clear eye vision 441 clear for action preparation 673 clear glance vision 441 clear grit resolution 604 clear obscure light 420 clear of distance 196 clear off ejection 297 clear off old scores payment 807 clear out cleanness 652 ejection 297 clear sight vision 441 clear sky hope 858 clear stage facility 705 occasion 134 right 922 clear the course passage 302 clear the decks preparation 673 clear the ground facility 705 clear the skirts of vindication 937 clear the throat ejection 297 clear up intelligibility 518 interpretation 522 light 420 clear witted intelligence, wisdom 498 clearage ejection 297 clearance acquittal 970 ejection 297 payment 807 preparation 673 clear-cut truth 494 clear-eyesighted vision 441 clear-headed intelligence, wisdom 498 clearing region 181 clearness voice 580 intelligibility 518 cleavage disjunction 44 texture 329 cleave coherence 46 disjunction 44 cleave dimidiate bisection 91 cleaver sharpness 253 cleavers sharpness 253 cledge land 342 clef melody concord 413 cleft bisection 91 interval 198 clem fasting 956 clemency pity 914 lenity 740 clement inexcitability 826 lenity 740 pity 914 clench compact 769 retention 781 taking 789 clepe nomenclature 564 clepsydra chronometry 114 clerestory receptacle 191 clergy clergy 996 clergy list list 86 clergyman clergy 996 clerical churchdom 995 clerical error error 495 clericalism churchdom 995 clericals clergy 996 clerk auxiliary 711 clergy 996 consignee 758 recorder 553 scholar 492 servant 746 writing 590 clerk of works director 694 clerkship commission 755 Cleromancy prediction 511 clever intelligence, wisdom 498 skill 698 clever stroke plan 626 cleverness skill 698 clew indication 550 interpretation 522 rotundity 249 clich_¬ unmeaningness 517 click snap 406 clickety-clack roll 407 client purchase 795 servant 746 clientele purchase 795 clientship subjection 749 cliff height 206 verticality 212 climacteric age 128 climate air 338 region 181 climatology air 338 climax sexuality 374.a summit 210 superiority 33 violence 173 climb ascent 305 clime region 181 clinch neologism 563 taking 789 junction 43 completion 729 closure 261 certainty 474 retention 781 clinch a question confutation 479 clinch an argument confutation 479 clinch the fist at threat 909 clincher confutation 479 cling coherence 46 cling like a bur coherence 46 cling like ivy coherence 46 cling to nearness 197 willingness 602 observance 772 love 897 habit 613 desire 865 perseverance 604.a cling to hope hope 858 cling to one another cooperation 709 clinical depression insanity 503 clinical thermometer remedy 662 thermometer 389 clink stridor 410 resonance 408 clinker calefaction 384 uncleanness 653 clinometer angularity 244 clinquant vulgarity 851 ornament 847 Clio description 594 clip motion 264 shortness 201 impulse 276 clip one's words stammering 583 clip the wings inutility 645 slowness 275 clip the wings of hindrance 706 impotence 158 prohibition 761 clip y impulse 276 clipper ship 273 clipping smallness 32 clique party 712 council 696 clivers sharpness 253 cloaca conduit 350 uncleanness 653 Cloacina uncleanness 653 cloak ambush 530 clothing 225 concealment 528 clock chronometry 114 measurement 466 clock radio chronometry 114 clockwork instrument 633 clockwork precision truth 494 clock-work precision frequency 136 clod bungler 701 size 192 land 342 commonality 876 fool 501 clodhopper commonality 876 clod-hopper fool 501 clod-pated imbecility folly 499 clod-poll fool 501 clog clothing 225 hindrance 706 clog the wheels hindrance 706 cloisonn_e ornament 847 cloisonne ornament 847 sculpture 557 cloisonne ware ornament 847 cloister temple 1000 abode 189 restraint 751 cloistered temple 1000 cloisters temple 1000 closable closure 261 close end 67 similarity 17 region 181 parsimony 819 nearness 197 narrowness, thinness 203 truth 494 heat 382 copy 21 conciseness 572 concealment 528 completion 729 compact 769 closure 261 junction 43 density 321 close a shutter shade 424 close application attention 457 close as wax concealment 528 close at hand nearness 197 destiny 152 futurity 121 close attention attention 457 close call escape 671 close fisted parsimony 819 close handed parsimony 819 close in upon convergence 290 close in with assent 488 close inquiry inquiry 461 close of day evening 126 close one's ears deafness 419 close one's eyes death 360 close one's eyes to inattention 458 nonobservance 773 close one's ranks preparation 673 close prisoner prisoner 754 close quarters nearness 197 close resemblance similarity 17 close study attention 457 thought 451 close the curtain concealment 528 close the door upon restraint 751 close the eyes blindness 442 inactivity 683 close the hand refusal 764 close the lips taciturnity 585 close the pleadings lawsuit 969 close the purse refusal 764 close the temple of Janus pacification 723 close thought attention 457 close to contiguity 199 nearness 197 close to the wind direction 278 close upon futurity 121 nearness 197 posteriority 117 smallness 32 close with attack 716 coherence 46 compact 769 consent 762 contention 720 convergence 290 closed closure 261 closed-circuit TV representation 554 closely packed assemblage 72 closely related consanguinity 11 correlation 12 closeness concealment 528 junction 43 narrowness, thinness 203 closet ambush 530 receptacle 191 closet cynic seclusion, exclusion 893 closetongued taciturnity 585 closing bracket indication 550 closure cessation 142 closure 261 clot density 321 land 342 cloth cleanness 652 crossing 219 business 625 cloth diaper clothing 225 clothe clothing 225 clothe in words phrase 566 clothed with authority government 737.a clothes clothing 225 clothes drier dryness 340 clotheshorse support 215 clothesline dryness 340 clothespress receptacle 191 clothier clothing 225 clothing calefaction 384 covering 223 clothing 225 clot-pate fool 501 clot-poll fool 501 clotted semiliquidity 352 cloture cessation 142 cloud multitude 102 opacity 426 gaseity 334 dimness 422 assemblage 72 ambush 530 air 338 adversity 735 shade 424 bubble; cloud 353 cloud built unsubstantiality 4 cloud formed unsubstantiality 4 cloud nine pleasure 827 cloud of dust pulverulence 330 cloud of sand pulverulence 330 cloud of skirmishers combatant 726 cloud of smoke pulverulence 330 cloud of words diffuseness 573 cloudburst river 348 cloudcapt height 206 cloud-compeller Jupiter 979 clouded dejection 837 variegation 440 adversity 735 concealment 528 clouded over hopelessness 859 clouded perception imbecility folly 499 cloudiness turbidity 426.a cloudland imagination 515 cloudless pleasure 827 light 420 cloudliness bubble; cloud 353 clouds gathering danger 665 clouds in the horizon danger 665 warning 668 cloudtopt height 206 cloudtouching height 206 cloudy turbidity 426.a dimness 422 bubble; cloud 353 darkness 421 clough height 206 cloven bisection 91 cloven foot malevolence 907 vice 945 cloven hoof indication 550 clover physical pleasure 377 cloves condiment 393 clown commonality 876 humorist 844 vulgarity 851 clown harlequin drama 599 clownish vulgarity 851 commonality 876 cloy redundancy 641 satiety 869 cloyment satiety 869 club abode 189 arms 727 focus 74 party 712 sociality 892 club footed distortion 243 club law compulsion 744 illegality 964 club shaped convexity 250 club together cooperation 709 party 712 sociality 892 clubbable sociality 892 clubbism sociality 892 clubhouse abode 189 clubs amusement 840 cluck ululation 412 clue answer 462 indication 550 clump assemblage 72 convexity 250 clump of trees vegetable 367 clumsy unskillfulness 699 inexpedience 647 ugliness 846 Cluniac clergy 996 clunker vehicle 272 Cluricaune demon 980 cluster assemblage 72 clustering arrangement 60 clutch retention 781 taking 789 clutches authority 737 retention 781 clutter roll 407 clypeate curvature 245 clypeiform curvature 245 clyster insertion 300 cm length 200 CMV disease 655 C-note money 800 coacervate assemblage 72 coacervation assemblage 72 coach teacher 540 teaching 537 vehicle 272 coach house receptacle 191 coach painter artist 559 coach road method 627 coach up learning 539 coachman director 694 traveler 268 coact cooperation 709 coaction compulsion 744 cooperation 709 coactive compulsion 744 cooperation 709 restraint 751 coadjutancy cooperation 709 coadjutant cooperation 709 coadjutor auxiliary 711 coadjutrix auxiliary 711 coadjuvancy aid 707 cooperation 709 coadjuvant aid 707 cooperation 709 coagency concurrence 178 cooperation 709 coagmentation assemblage 72 coagulate density 321 coagulation density 321 coagulum density 321 coaid auxiliary 711 coal fuel 388 coal fire furnace 386 coal pitch blackness 431 coal-black blackness 431 coalesce combination 48 identity 13 coalescence combination 48 identity 13 coalescent identity 13 coalescing identity 13 coalition party 712 cooperation 709 coaptation agreement 23 coarctate contraction 195 coarctation contraction 195 hindrance 706 narrowness, thinness 203 nonincrease, decrease 36 restraint 751 coarse vulgarity 851 impurity 961 nonpreparation 674 stridor 410 texture 329 uncleanness 653 coarse grained texture 329 coarseness of grain texture 329 coast edge 231 journey 266 land 342 navigation 267 coast clear safety 664 coast guard keeper 753 coast line outline 230 coastal land 342 coaster ship 273 coasting navigation 267 coat layer 204 covering 223 clothing 225 coat of arms indication 550 coat of mail defense 717 coated lens optical instruments 445 coating covering 223 lining 224 coats of an onion layer 204 coax endearment 902 flattery 933 motive 615 cob carrier 271 punishment 972 cobalt blueness 438 cobble restoration 660 cobbler clothing 225 restoration 660 coble ship 273 cobra evil 913 cobweb deception 545 levity 320 uncleanness 653 unimportance 643 cobwebs of antiquity oldness 124 cobwebs of sophistry intuition 477 cocaine intemperance 954 cochineal redness 434 cochleate convolution 248 cochleous convolution 248 cock animal 366 man 373 indication 550 cock and bull story untruth 546 cock boat ship 273 cock of the roost goodness 648 master 745 cock of the walk master 745 cock the eye vision 441 cock up convexity 250 verticality 212 cockade indication 550 title 877 cock-a-hoop cheerfulness 836 boasting 884 cockarouse master 745 cockatrice deceiver 548 evil 913 unconformity 83 vision 441 bad man 949 cockcrow morning 125 cockcrowing morning 125 cocker endearment 902 fold 258 school 542 cock-eyed dimsightedness 443 cockle endearment 902 cockle up fold 258 cockles of one's heart affections 820 cockleshell ship 273 cockloft receptacle 191 cockney commonality 876 inhabitant 188 cockpit arena 728 council 696 receptacle 191 cock-shut evening 126 cockshut time dimness 422 cock-sparrow littleness 193 cocksure belief 484 cockswain mariner 269 cocktail drunkenness 959 cocoa food 298 cocoon infant 129 cocotte libertine 962 coction calefaction 384 Cocytus hell 982 cod covering 223 coddle endearment 902 coddle oneself selfishness 943 code legality 963 precept 697 code violation insulation, fire extinction 388.a codex book 593 codger parsimony 819 codicil sequel 65 security 771 codification legality 963 codify legality 963 codlin, codling infant 129 coefficiency accompaniment 88 cooperation 709 coefficient accompaniment 88 number 84 coefficient of expansion calefaction 384 Coelebs celibacy 904 coeliac interiority 221 coeliac-flux excretion 299 coeliac-passion excretion 299 coemption purchase 795 coequal equality 27 coerce severity 739 compulsion 744 restraint 751 coercion absence of choice 609.a compulsion 744 restraint 751 severity 739 coercive compulsion 744 severity 739 coetaneous synchronism 120 coetanian synchronism 120 coeternal perpetuity 112 synchronism 120 coeval synchronism 120 coeval with birth intrinsicality 5 coevous synchronism 120 coexist accompaniment 88 contiguity 199 synchronism 120 coexistence accompaniment 88 contiguity 199 existence 1 synchronism 120 coexisting synchronism 120 coextension equality 27 parallelism 216 coextensive symmetry 242 parallelism 216 coffee food 298 coffee house abode 189 coffer receptacle 191 store 636 treasury 802 cofferdam exclusion 55 coffin interment 363 cog deception 545 flattery 933 sharpness 253 ship 273 cog the dice deception 545 cogency demonstration 478 power 157 cogent demonstration 478 power 157 cogent reasoning reasoning 476 coggery deception 545 cogitate thought 451 cogitation thought 451 cogitative faculties intellect 450 cognate consanguinity 11 relation 9 cognation agreement 23 relation 9 cognition knowledge 490 cognitive knowledge 490 cognitive disorder insanity 503 cognitive faculties intellect 450 cognitive powers intellect 450 cognizable knowledge 490 cognizance identification 465.b knowledge 490 cognizant of knowledge 490 cognomen nomenclature 564 cognominal nomenclature 564 cognomination nomenclature 564 cognoscence knowledge 490 cognoscible knowledge 490 cohabitation location 184 marriage 903 co-heir participation 778 co-heirship participation 778 cohere junction 43 density 321 coherence 46 coherence coherence 46 junction 43 coherent agreement 23 density 321 cohering coherence 46 cohesion density 321 cohesive coherence 46 density 321 cohibit prohibition 761 restraint 751 cohibition restraint 751 dissuasion 616 cohibitive restraint 751 cohobate vaporization 336 cohobation vaporization 336 cohort combatant 726 cohue assemblage 72 coif clothing 225 coiffure clothing 225 coign angularity 244 coil circuition 311 complexity 59.a convolution 248 difficulty 704 coiled convolution 248 coin imagination 515 production 161 money 800 coin a term neologism 563 coin money acquisition 775 coin words neologism 563 coinage production 161 coinage of the brain imagination 515 coincide assent 488 concurrence 178 contiguity 199 identity 13 coincidence identity 13 synchronism 120 contiguity 199 concurrence 178 coincident synchronism 120 coinciding concurrence 178 coiner money 800 thief 792 coiner of words neologism 563 coistril cowardice 862 coition junction 43 coitus sexuality 374.a cojuror evidence 467 coke calefaction 384 fuel 388 coke bottle green greenness 435 colander opening 260 colature cleanness 652 cold achromatism 429 blueness 438 cold 383 enmity 889 feebleness 575 indifference 866 malevolence 907 cold as a frog cold 383 cold as a stone cold 383 cold as charity cold 383 insensibility 823 cold as Christmas cold 383 cold as iron cold 383 cold as lead cold 383 cold as marble cold 383 cold blood insensibility 823 cold blooded insensibility 823 cold cash money 800 cold comfort discontent 832 cold dark matter darkness 421 cold fit insensibility 823 cold heart insensibility 823 cold hearted enmity 889 insensibility 823 cold laboratory refrigerator 387 cold room refrigerator 387 cold soda refreshment 689 cold sore disease 655 cold steel arms 727 cold storage refrigerator 387 cold sweat dislike 867 fear 860 cold water cure remedy 662 cold-blooded inexcitability 826 malevolence 907 cold-hearted malevolence 907 coldly cold 383 coldness cold 383 indifference 866 insensibility 823 colic physical pain 378 Coliseum arena 728 collaborator auxiliary 711 collapse descent 306 deterioration 659 failure 732 fatigue 688 impotence 158 noncompletion 730 shortcoming 304 contraction 195 collar circularity 247 clothing 225 prison 752 taking 789 collate comparison 464 continuity 69 list 86 collateral consanguinity 11 laterality 236 security 771 collateral evidence evidence 467 collation comparison 464 food 298 colleague accompaniment 88 auxiliary 711 friend 890 colleagueship cooperation 709 collect assemblage 72 worship 990 store 636 intelligibility 518 acquisition 775 judgment 480 collect evidence evidence 467 collect in a dragnet assemblage 72 collect into a focus assemblage 72 collect knowledge learning 539 collect one's thoughts thought 451 collectanea assemblage 72 compendium 596 collected inexcitability 826 collection assemblage 72 collective generality 78 collectively accompaniment 88 whole 50 collectiveness whole 50 collectivism government 737.a collector assemblage 72 director 694 master 745 college school 542 college education teaching 537 college of Laputa misteaching 538 collegiate school 542 collegiate education teaching 537 collegiate school school 542 collide impulse 276 collie animal 366 collier ship 273 colligate assemblage 72 colligation assemblage 72 collimation direction 278 colliquation liquefaction 335 colliquative liquefaction 335 colliquefaction liquefaction 335 collision contention 720 counteraction 179 impulse 276 opposition 708 collocate arrangement 60 assemblage 72 collocation arrangement 60 location 184 assemblage 72 collocution conversation 588 collogue flattery 933 collop part 51 colloquial conversation 588 metaphor 521 neologism 563 colloquial meaning meaning 516 colloquialism metaphor 521 neologism 563 colloquy conversation 588 colluctation contention 720 collude cooperation 709 collusion cooperation 709 deception 545 collusive falsehood 544 collusory falsehood 544 colluvies uncleanness 653 collyrium remedy 662 colon cessation 142 indication 550 colonel master 745 colonial oldness 124 colonist inhabitant 188 colonization location 184 colonize location 184 colonnade continuity 69 abode 189 colony location 184 inhabitant 188 colophon sequel 65 color appearance 448 blackness 431 color 428 exaggeration 549 falsehood 544 painting 556 pretext 617 probability 472 redness 434 resentment 900 color blindness dimsightedness 443 color highly exaggeration 549 color photograph painting 556 color photography painting 556 color printing engraving 558 color sergeant master 745 color too highly exaggeration 549 color up humility 879 redness 434 colorable deception 545 probability 472 Colorado beetle evil 913 coloration color 428 colored color 428 colorific color 428 colorimeter color 428 coloring color 428 exaggeration 549 meaning 516 qualification 469 coloring matter color 428 colorless achromatism 429 feebleness 575 weakness 160 colors indication 550 title 877 variegation 440 colors flying celebration 883 colossal size 192 Colosseum arena 728 colossus size 192 height 206 colporteur merchant 797 colt carrier 271 fool 501 infant 129 colter sharpness 253 columbarium abode 189 columbary abode 189 columbine drama 599 columella support 215 column printing 591 record 551 rotundity 249 height 206 support 215 continuity 69 combatant 726 journey 266 columnar rotundity 249 colures world 318 colza oil oil 356 coma inactivity 683 insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 comatose physical insensibility 376 inactivity 683 insensibility 823 comb sharpness 253 cleanness 652 punishment 972 combat contention 720 warfare 722 combatant combatant 726 combative contention 720 warfare 722 combativeness contention 720 combe concavity 252 combination mixture 41 party 712 opening 260 junction 43 interchange 148 cooperation 709 composition 54 combination 48 number 84 combination lock prison 752 combinatorial interchange 148 combine combination 48 component 56 cooperation 709 mixture 41 combined combination 48 combustibility calefaction 384 combustible fuel 388 calefaction 384 combustion calefaction 384 combustion chamber furnace 386 come arrival 292 eventuality 151 sexuality 374.a come- end 67 come about improvement 658 come across arrival 292 discovery 480.a come after sequence 63 posteriority 117 come again regularity of recurrence 138 come ahead progression 282 come along! journey 266 come amiss untimeliness 135 inexpedience 647 disagreement 24 discord 713 come and go oscillation 314 come ashore land 342 come at arrival 292 come at one's call obedience 743 come away recession 287 come back arrival 292 regression 283 come before precedence 62 priority 116 come between interposition 228 come bring into operation agency 170 come by acquisition 775 come by one's own acquisition 775 come come to restoration 660 come down descent 306 come down a cropper descent 306 come down a peg descent 306 come down in flames failure 732 come down in price cheapness 815 come down on one's knees atonement 952 come down upon severity 739 come down with payment 807 come down with the dust payment 807 come first precedence 62 superiority 33 come forth egress 295 visibility 446 existence 1 eventuality 151 come forward offer 763 ostentation 882 progression 282 visibility 446 come forwards progression 282 come from effect 154 come hither! approach 286 come home arrival 292 come home to the feelings excitation 824 come if you dare! defiance 715 come in arrival 292 ingress 294 receiving 785 come in conflict with opposition 708 come in contact arrival 292 contiguity 199 come in for acquisition 775 possession 777 property 780 come in for a share participation 778 come in for one's share apportionment 786 come in its turn regularity of recurrence 138 come in sight disclosure 529 visibility 446 come into ingress 294 come into a collision impulse 276 come into a sum of money wealth 803 come into existence beginning 66 eventuality 151 existence 1 come into one's head thought 451 come into operation action 680 come into possession acquisition 775 transfer 783 come into the views of cooperation 709 come into the world beginning 66 life 359 come into use habit 613 come into view visibility 446 come into vogue repute 873 come like a thunder clap inexpectation 508 come near approach 286 come near! approach 286 come next sequence 63 come of effect 154 come of age adolescence 131 come off disjunction 44 escape 671 eventuality 151 pretext 617 come off ill failure 732 come off second best failure 732 come off successful success 731 come off well success 731 come on attack 716 destiny 152 eventuality 151 futurity 121 sequence 63 come on like a lion violence 173 come on! defiance 715 come one progression 282 come onto discovery 480.a come out publication 531 visibility 446 drama 599 disclosure 529 come out of egress 295 effect 154 come out of school disclosure 529 come out with disclosure 529 speech 582 come over consent 762 deception 545 motive 615 tergiversation 607 come play agency 170 come round pacification 723 restoration 660 regularity of recurrence 138 eventuality 151 consent 762 concord 714 motive 615 come round again regularity of recurrence 138 come round one motive 615 come round to assent 488 conversion 144 come round to an opinion tergiversation 607 belief 484 come short shortcoming 304 come short of insufficiency 640 shortcoming 304 inferiority 34 come thick upon multitude 102 come to numeration 85 whole 50 restoration 660 price 812 possession 777 money 800 equality 27 effect 154 cooperation 709 arrival 292 conversion 144 come to a conclusion judgment 480 come to a crisis completion 729 come to a deadlock difficulty 704 cessation 142 come to a determination resolution 604 come to a full stop cessation 142 come to a head completeness 52 completion 729 superiority 33 come to a resolution resolution 604 come to a resolve resolution 604 come to a stand cessation 142 difficulty 704 come to a standstill difficulty 704 cessation 142 come to an agreement assent 488 come to an anchor location 184 quiescence 265 come to an understanding assent 488 pacification 723 intelligibility 518 compact 769 concord 714 come to an untimely end death 360 come to blows contention 720 warfare 722 come to close quarters approach 286 attack 716 warfare 722 come to dust death 360 pulverulence 330 come to grief adversity 735 failure 732 pain 828 come to hand arrival 292 receiving 785 come to its end completion 729 come to land land 342 come to life life 359 come to life again restoration 660 come to light disclosure 529 come to man's estate adolescence 131 come to nothing failure 732 shortcoming 304 unproductiveness 169 come to one receiving 785 come to one's ears information 527 come to one's knowledge information 527 knowledge 490 come to one's senses sanity 502 come to oneself restoration 660 refreshment 689 come to pass eventuality 151 state 7 come to pieces disjunction 44 come to terms compromise 774 submission 725 pacification 723 conditions 770 compact 769 assent 488 consent 762 come to the aid aid 707 come to the fore front 234 come to the front transcursion 303 repute 873 importance 642 front 234 come to the gallows punishment 972 come to the pinch difficulty 704 come to the point attention 457 conciseness 572 plainness 576 reasoning 476 speciality 79 come to the push difficulty 704 come to the rescue deliverance 672 come to the same thing equality 27 come to the scratch contention 720 come to think of it occasion 134 come together convergence 290 assemblage 72 come unawares inexpectation 508 come under inclusion 76 come under the ferule disapprobation 932 come up to arrival 292 equality 27 come up to scratch courage 861 come up with arrival 292 come upon acquisition 775 arrival 292 inexpectation 508 come upon for dueness 924 come upon one inexpectation 508 come upon the parish poverty 804 come upon the stage visibility 446 come uppermost thought 451 come what may certainty 474 rashness 863 come what will certainty 474 come! approach 286 cheerfulness 836 disapprobation 932 comeabout eventuality 151 comedian drama 599 comedietta drama 599 comedown adversity 735 comedy drama 599 ridiculousness 853 comeliness beauty 845 comely beauty 845 comestible food 298 comestibles food 298 comet traveler 268 world 318 comfit sweetness 396 comfort content 831 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 relief 834 comfortable physical pleasure 377 wealth 803 content 831 pleasure 827 pleasurableness 829 comforter clothing 225 comfortless dejection 837 painfulness 830 comic drama 599 wit 842 comical ridiculousness 853 comicality ridiculousness 853 wit 842 coming destiny 152 futurity 121 coming after sequence 63 sequence 281 coming age futurity 121 coming ages futurity 121 coming and going oscillation 314 coming before precedence 62 coming days futurity 121 coming hours futurity 121 coming life futurity 121 coming time futurity 121 coming years futurity 121 comity courtesy 894 comma cessation 142 indication 550 command direction 693 possession 777 requirement 630 command 741 height 206 government 737.a command a sum wealth 803 command a view of vision 441 command money wealth 803 command of language speech 582 style 569 vigor 574 command of money wealth 803 command of temper inexcitability 826 command of words speech 582 vigor 574 command one's passions virtue 944 command respect respect 928 commandant master 745 commandeer compulsion 744 taking 789 commander master 745 commander in chief master 745 commanding command 741 importance 642 commanding belief belief 484 commanding view vision 441 commemorate celebration 883 memory 505 record 551 commemoration celebration 883 memory 505 record 551 commemorative celebration 883 commence beginning 66 commencement beginning 66 commencement de la fin end 67 commend approbation 931 commendable approbation 931 good 618 virtue 944 commendation approbation 931 commendatory approbation 931 commensurability agreement 23 commensurable numeration 85 commensurate sufficiency 639 agreement 23 numeration 85 comment interpretation 522 judgment 480 reasoning 476 comment upon interpretation 522 reasoning 476 commentary dissertation 595 interpretation 522 commentator dissertation 595 interpreter 524 judgment 480 commerce barter 794 conversation 588 amusement 840 government 737.a commerce with conversation 588 commercial barter 794 commercial arithmetic accounts 811 commercial at indication 550 commercial enterprise barter 794 commercial paper lending 787 securities 799.b commercial traveler consignee 758 commination malediction 908 threat 909 comminatory threat 909 commingle mixture 41 comminute disjunction 44 pulverulence 330 comminution pulverulence 330 commiserate pity 914 commiseration pity 914 commissariat food 298 provision 637 commissary consignee 758 provision 637 commission authority 737 business 625 commission 755 commission agent consignee 758 commission of the peace jurisdiction 965 commissioned commission 755 commissioner master 745 deputy 759 consignee 758 commissure junction 43 commit action 680 amusement 840 commission 755 lawsuit 969 restraint 751 commit a solecism solecism 568 commit adultery impurity 961 commit an absurdity ridiculousness 853 commit oneself promise 768 unskillfulness 699 commit sacrilege impiety 988 commit sin vice 945 commit suicide killing 361 commit to memory memory 505 commit to prison restraint 751 commit to the flames calefaction 384 commit to the hands of commission 755 commit to writing record 551 committal lawsuit 969 committed promise 768 committee consignee 758 council 696 committeeman master 745 commix mixture 41 commixion mixture 41 commixtion mixture 41 commixture mixture 41 commode receptacle 191 commodious utility 644 commodities exchange stock market 799.a commodity merchandise 798 commodore master 745 common normality 80 vulgarity 851 plain 344 habit 613 frequency 136 unimportance 643 expectance 871 conformity 82 commonality 876 generality 78 common air air 338 common carrier ship 273 vehicle 272 common cause concurrence 178 common consent assent 488 common herd commonality 876 common law legality 963 oldness 124 common measure number 84 common run generality 78 common saying maxim 496 common sense intelligence, wisdom 498 common sergeant judge 967 common sewer uncleanness 653 common state of things habit 613 common stock participation 778 securities 799.b common weal utility 644 good 618 commonalty commonality 876 inferiority 34 commoner commonality 876 commonly frequency 136 commonness frequency 136 normality 80 commonplace mean 29 plainness 576 unimportance 643 knowledge 490 dullness 843 habit 613 commonplace book compendium 596 record 551 commonplace saying maxim 496 commons food 298 mart 799 commonweal mankind 372 commonwealth mankind 372 government 737.a commonwealth public good utility 644 commorant inhabitant 188 commotion agitation 315 discord 713 commune government 737.a commune with conversation 588 commune with oneself thought 451 communicable giving 784 communicant worship 990 communicate giving 784 information 527 rite 998 worship 990 communication giving 784 news 532 information 527 junction 43 communicative information 527 communicativeness information 527 communicatory information 527 communion participation 778 party 712 rite 998 communion table temple 1000 communiqu_e information 527 communique information 527 communism philanthropy 910 politics 737.b participation 778 communist participation 778 philanthropy 910 disobedience 742 Communist Party politics 737.b communist! evil 913 communistic participation 778 community mankind 372 party 712 community at large mankind 372 community of goods participation 778 community of possessions participation 778 commutate barter 794 commutation barter 794 substitution 147 interchange 148 compensation 30 compromise 774 commutative interchange 148 commute compromise 774 interchange 148 substitution 147 commuter traveler 268 commutual correlation 12 compact density 321 unity 87 junction 43 shortness 201 undertaking 676 conciseness 572 compact 769 coherence 46 contraction 195 compact disk record 551 compaction contraction 195 compactness contraction 195 compages texture 329 whole 50 compagination junction 43 companion friend 890 accompaniment 88 combatant 726 companionable sociality 892 companionship sociality 892 accompaniment 88 company accompaniment 88 assemblage 72 combatant 726 drama 599 party 712 sociality 892 comparable comparison 464 relation 9 comparative comparison 464 degree 26 comparative anatomy zoology 368 comparative estimate comparison 464 comparative grammar language 560 comparative physiology zoology 368 comparatively smallness 32 compare notes advice 695 comparison 464 compare to comparison 464 compare with comparison 464 compared with comparison 464 comparison relation 9 comparison 464 number 84 comparisons are odious comparison 464 comparisons are odorous comparison 464 compartition disjunction 44 compartment region 181 receptacle 191 part 51 place 182 compass circumjacence 227 completion 729 degree 26 direction 693 intention 620 measurement 466 space 180 compass about circumscription 229 compass of thought intelligence, wisdom 498 compassion pity 914 lenity 740 compassionate pity 914 compatibility agreement 23 possibility 470 compatible agreement 23 possibility 470 compatriot friend 890 inhabitant 188 compeer equality 27 friend 890 compel compulsion 744 necessity 601 power 157 compellation nomenclature 564 compelled compulsion 744 compelling compulsion 744 compend compendium 596 compendious compendium 596 conciseness 572 shortness 201 compendium compendium 596 contraction 195 compensate compensation 30 restitution 790 reward 973 compensating compensation 30 compensation payment 807 reward 973 restitution 790 compensation 30 atonement 952 retaliation 718 compromise 774 compensatory compensation 30 reward 973 compense compensation 30 compete with contention 720 competence skill 698 sufficiency 639 wealth 803 competency power 157 competent sufficiency 639 power 157 skill 698 competition opposition 708 contention 720 competitive contention 720 opposition 708 competitor combatant 726 opponent 710 petitioner 767 compilation assemblage 72 compendium 596 compile compendium 596 assemblage 72 compile an abstract compendium 596 complacency content 831 courtesy 894 pleasure 827 complacent benevolence 906 courtesy 894 complain lamentation 839 complain of disease 655 complain without cause lamentation 839 complainer discontent 832 complaint disease 655 lamentation 839 complaisance courtesy 894 complaisant benevolence 906 courtesy 894 complement remainder 40 adjunct 39 completeness 52 number 84 complemental correlation 12 complementary number 84 correlation 12 complete arrival 292 compact 769 completeness 52 completion 729 greatness 31 perfection 650 whole 50 complete a purchase purchase 795 complete answer confutation 479 completed completion 729 completely completeness 52 completion 729 completeness completeness 52 completion 729 whole 50 completing completeness 52 completion 729 completion arrival 292 compact 769 completeness 52 completion 729 complex whole 50 complexity 59.a disorder 59 number 84 complex conjugate number 84 complex number number 84 complexed complexity 59.a complexify complexity 59.a complexion appearance 448 color 428 state 7 complexity complexity 59.a difficulty 704 disorder 59 complexness complexity 59.a complexus complexity 59.a whole 50 compliance willingness 602 observance 772 obedience 743 consent 762 compliant obedience 743 complicate complexity 59.a derangement 61 complicated complexity 59.a convolution 248 difficulty 704 complication complexity 59.a complice auxiliary 711 complicity cooperation 709 compliment courtesy 894 approbation 931 congratulation 896 complimentary approbation 931 compliments of the season congratulation 896 complot plan 626 comply obedience 743 comply with conformity 82 consent 762 observance 772 willingness 602 complying obedience 743 compo covering 223 materials 635 component component 56 component part component 56 part 51 comport oneself conduct 692 comport with agreement 23 comportment conduct 692 compos mentis sanity 502 compose component 56 composition 54 inexcitability 826 moderation 174 music 415 musician 416 pacification 723 printing 591 production 161 writing 590 composed inexcitability 826 composer melody concord 413 music 415 musician 416 composing pacification 723 composing room printing 591 composing rule printing 591 composing stand printing 591 composing stick printing 591 composing-frame printing 591 composite mixture 41 composition compromise 774 style 569 printing 591 painting 556 music 415 writing 590 composition 54 combination 48 barter 794 atonement 952 materials 635 inclusion 76 compositor printing 591 compost uncleanness 653 composure inexcitability 826 compote food 298 receptacle 191 compound mixture 41 combination 48 compromise 774 compound arithmetic measurement 466 compound for substitution 147 barter 794 compound lens optical instruments 445 comprehend composition 54 inclusion 76 intelligibility 518 knowledge 490 comprehensibility intelligibility 518 comprehension composition 54 inclusion 76 intelligence, wisdom 498 knowledge 490 comprehensive generality 78 whole 50 size 192 comprehensive argument reasoning 476 comprehensive treatise book 593 compress contraction 195 density 321 remedy 662 shortness 201 compressed conciseness 572 compressibility contraction 195 rarity 322 compressible contraction 195 rarity 322 compression compendium 596 conciseness 572 contraction 195 comprise inclusion 76 comprobation demonstration 478 evidence 467 compromise pacification 723 atonement 952 compact 769 compensation 30 compromise 774 danger 665 irresolution 605 mean 29 mediation 724 mid-course 628 compromised promise 768 duty 926 comptroller director 694 compulsatory compulsion 744 compulsion compulsion 744 necessity 601 compulsory authority 737 compulsion 744 compunction penitence 950 compurgation acquittal 970 evidence 467 computability measurement 466 computable numeration 85 computation numeration 85 compute numeration 85 computer numeration 85 computer graphics painting 556 representation 554 comrade friend 890 comradeship sociality 892 comtation drunkenness 959 con assent 488 memory 505 con brio music 415 con over learning 539 memory 505 thought 451 con. impurity 961 conation will 600 concamerate curvature 245 concameration curvature 245 concatenation continuity 69 junction 43 concave concavity 252 concave lens optical instruments 445 concavity concavity 252 conceal concealment 528 covering 223 invisibility 447 unintelligibility 519 concealed concealment 528 ignorance 491 ambush 530 latency, implication 526 concealment concealment 528 cunning 702 invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 concede assent 488 consent 762 disclosure 529 giving 784 motive 615 permission 760 conceit imbecility folly 499 wit 842 supposition 514 idea 453 affectation 855 vanity 880 imagination 515 conceited affectation 855 misjudgment 481 vanity 880 conceitedness vanity 880 conceivable possibility 470 conceive productiveness 168 beginning 66 belief 484 imagination 515 knowledge 490 conceive a dislike to dislike 867 conceive an aversion to hate 898 conceive as belief 484 concentrate assemblage 72 centrality 222 convergence 290 preservation 670 concentration assemblage 72 centrality 222 convergence 290 concentric centrality 222 concentual melody concord 413 conception intellect 450 imagination 515 idea 453 belief 484 concern merchant 797 business 625 pain 828 importance 642 fear 860 eventuality 151 discontent 832 relation 9 concern oneself with business 625 concerned pain 828 concerning relation 9 concert concurrence 178 predetermination 611 plan 626 cooperation 709 agreement 23 music 415 concert room amusement 840 concertina musical instruments 417 concerto music 415 concession consent 762 discount 813 giving 784 permission 760 concessional giving 784 concetto wit 842 conchoid curvature 245 conchoidal curvature 245 conchology covering 223 concierge keeper 753 conciliate content 831 courtesy 894 forgiveness 918 motive 615 pacification 723 conciliation atonement 952 concord 714 forgiveness 918 pacification 723 conciliatory forgiveness 918 pacification 723 content 831 concord 714 courtesy 894 conciliatrix libertine 962 concinnity beauty 845 elegance 578 concise shortness 201 conciseness 572 concisely conciseness 572 conciseness shortness 201 conciseness 572 concision shortness 201 conclave assemblage 72 churchdom 995 council 696 conclude compact 769 resolution 604 judgment 480 end 67 concluding completion 729 conclusion belief 484 completion 729 end 67 judgment 480 maxim 496 conclusive judgment 480 reasoning 476 end 67 completion 729 certainty 474 answer 462 demonstration 478 conclusiveness demonstration 478 concoct falsehood 544 concoction preparation 673 concomitance synchronism 120 accompaniment 88 concomitant accompaniment 88 synchronism 120 concord melody concord 413 agreement 23 assent 488 concord 714 cooperation 709 concordance word 562 list 86 assent 488 agreement 23 concordant agreement 23 concord 714 concordat compact 769 concours contention 720 concourse assemblage 72 convergence 290 concremation calefaction 384 concrete coherence 46 density 321 hardness 323 materials 635 concretion density 321 concretion accretion coherence 46 concubinage impurity 961 concubine libertine 962 concupiscence desire 865 impurity 961 sexuality 374.a concupiscent impurity 961 concur assent 488 concurrence 178 convergence 290 cooperation 709 synchronism 120 concurrence assent 488 synchronism 120 observance 772 cooperation 709 convergence 290 agreement 23 concurrence 178 concurrent concurrence 178 convergence 290 synchronism 120 concurring concurrence 178 concussion impulse 276 condemn condemnation 971 disapprobation 932 condemnation disapprobation 932 accusation 938 condemnation 971 condemnatory condemnation 971 disapprobation 932 condemned condemnation 971 condensation contraction 195 density 321 condense compendium 596 conciseness 572 contraction 195 density 321 fluidity 333 liquefaction 335 condensed conciseness 572 condescend humility 879 condescending humility 879 condescension humility 879 courtesy 894 condign dueness 924 condiment condiment 393 food 298 condisciple learner 541 condition nobility 875 qualification 469 repute 873 state 7 supposition 514 conditional qualification 469 state 7 conditions 770 circumstance 8 conditionally conditions 770 qualification 469 state 7 circumstance 8 conditioned qualification 469 conditioned response absence of Intellect 450.a conditioned upon qualification 469 conditions conditions 770 circumstance 8 condole pity 914 condole with lamentation 839 condolence 915 condolence lamentation 839 courtesy 894 condolence 915 congratulation 896 condonation forgiveness 918 condone forgiveness 918 condottiere combatant 726 traveler 268 conduce aid 707 concurrence 178 cooperation 709 tendency 176 utility 644 conduce to cause 153 conducement tendency 176 conducive utility 644 instrumentality 631 tendency 176 conduciveness tendency 176 conduct conduct 692 direction 693 transference 270 conduct an inquiry inquiry 461 conduct oneself conduct 692 conduct to direction 278 conducting conduct 692 conduction calefaction 384 transference 270 conductivity calefaction 384 power 157 conductor carrier 271 director 694 traveler 268 conduit conduit 350 egress 295 ingress 294 passage 302 conduplicate duality 89 condyle convexity 250 cone angularity 244 rotundity 249 cone peak sharpness 253 cone-shaped sharpness 253 conestoga wagon vehicle 272 conestoga wain vehicle 272 confabulate conversation 588 confabulation conversation 588 confection sweetness 396 confectionary sweetness 396 confectionery mart 799 confederacy party 712 confederate auxiliary 711 cooperation 709 confederated party 712 Confederates party 712 confederation party 712 cooperation 709 confer giving 784 advice 695 council 696 confer a benefit goodness 648 confer a privilege permission 760 confer a right dueness 924 confer an obligation goodness 648 confer honor on repute 873 confer power power 157 confer with conversation 588 conference advice 695 conversation 588 council 696 conferva vegetable 367 confess assent 488 rite 998 disclosure 529 penitence 950 confess and avoid vindication 937 confession disclosure 529 penitence 950 confession of faith assent 488 theology 983 confessional disclosure 529 temple 1000 confessions description 594 confessor clergy 996 confidant auxiliary 711 confidante friend 890 confide hope 858 confide in belief 484 confidence belief 484 courage 861 expectation 507 hope 858 safety 664 confidence trick deception 545 confident affirmation 535 belief 484 courage 861 hope 858 confidential secret 533 concealment 528 confidentially concealment 528 confiding belief 484 credulity 486 artlessness 703 configuration form 240 confine circumscription 229 edge 231 limit 233 restraint 751 confined disease 655 misjudgment 481 confined conceptions misjudgment 481 confined ideas misjudgment 481 confined notions misjudgment 481 confined views misjudgment 481 confinement circumscription 229 production 161 restraint 751 confines nearness 197 confirm assent 488 compact 769 demonstration 478 evidence 467 judgment 480 rite 998 confirmation consent 762 evidence 467 affirmation 535 rite 998 assent 488 confirmatory evidence 467 confirmed stability 150 confirmed habit habit 613 confiscate penalty 974 taking 789 condemnation 971 confiscation taking 789 penalty 974 confiture sweetness 396 conflagration calefaction 384 conflexure curvature 245 conflict discord 713 opposition 708 contention 720 disagreement 24 conflict with counteraction 179 conflicting contrariety 14 counteraction 179 conflicting evidence counter evidence 468 confluence convergence 290 junction 43 river 348 confluent convergence 290 conflux assemblage 72 convergence 290 confluxible convergence 290 conform expedience 646 conform to uniformity 16 assent 488 conformity 82 conform to rule conformity 82 conform to the fashion fashion 852 conformable agreement 23 habit 613 conformable to rule conformity 82 conformably conformity 82 conformance agreement 23 conformity 82 conformation form 240 conformity conformity 82 uniformity 16 habit 613 agreement 23 frequency 136 conformity to rule truth 494 confound confutation 479 derangement 61 destruction 162 indiscrimination 465.a success 731 uncertainty 475 wonder 870 confound! malediction 908 confounded badness 649 confoundedly greatness 31 confraternity friendship 888 party 712 confrere auxiliary 711 friend 890 confrication friction 331 confront comparison 464 front 234 opposition 708 resistance 719 confront danger courage 861 confront witnesses evidence 467 Confucius pseudo-revelation 986 confuse indiscrimination 465.a uncertainty 475 humility 879 derangement 61 inattention 458 unintelligibility 519 confused dimness 422 disorder 59 invisibility 447 multiformity 81 obscurity 571 uncertainty 475 confusedness disorder 59 confusion disorder 59 humility 879 confusion of tongues neologism 563 language 560 confusion of vision dimsightedness 443 confusion seize! malediction 908 confutable confutation 479 confutation confutation 479 correction 527.a negation 536 confute confutation 479 confuted confutation 479 confuting confutation 479 congeal refrigeration 385 density 321 congelation refrigeration 385 congener inclusion 76 similarity 17 congenerous inclusion 76 congenial love 897 concord 714 agreement 23 congeniality agreement 23 congenital affections 820 intrinsicality 5 congenite intrinsicality 5 congeries assemblage 72 congestion assemblage 72 redundancy 641 conglaciation refrigeration 385 conglobation assemblage 72 conglomerate assemblage 72 coherence 46 density 321 conglomeration assemblage 72 conglutinate coherence 46 conglutination coherence 46 congratulate congratulation 896 congratulate oneself congratulation 896 rejoicing 838 congratulation congratulation 896 rejoicing 838 congratulatory congratulation 896 congregate assemblage 72 congregation assemblage 72 laity 997 worship 990 Congregationalist heterodoxy 984 congress council 696 conversation 588 convergence 290 assemblage 72 congressional council 696 Congressional Records record 551 congressman council 696 congreve arms 727 fuel 388 congreve rocket arms 727 congruence agreement 23 congruity agreement 23 congruous agreement 23 conic rotundity 249 conical sharpness 253 rotundity 249 coniform sharpness 253 conjectural supposition 514 conjecturality supposition 514 conjecture supposition 514 conjoin junction 43 conjoint junction 43 conjointly addition 37 conjugal marriage 903 conjugate duality 89 word 562 conjugation conversion 144 duality 89 grammar 567 junction 43 conjunct junction 43 conjunction junction 43 conjunctive circumstance 8 conjuncture occasion 134 conjuration deception 545 sorcery 992 conjure deception 545 request 765 sorcery 992 conjure up a vision imagination 515 conjuring deception 545 conjuror deceiver 548 proficient 700 sorcerer 994 connate consanguinity 11 intrinsicality 5 cause 153 connatural uniformity 16 similarity 17 connaturality similarity 17 uniformity 16 connaturalize similarity 17 connaturalness similarity 17 uniformity 16 connect connection 45 junction 43 relation 9 connected relation 9 connection coherence 46 relation 9 correlation 12 consanguinity 11 connection 45 connections amusement 840 connective connection 45 connivance permission 760 connive at neglect 460 permission 760 connoisseur judgment 480 proficient 700 scholar 492 taste 850 connotate indication 550 connotative indication 550 connote indication 550 connubial marriage 903 conoid rotundity 249 conoscente taste 850 conquer success 731 conqueror success 731 conquest subjection 749 success 731 consanguineous consanguinity 11 consanguinity consanguinity 11 paternity 166 woman 374 conscience duty 926 knowledge 490 conscience-smitten penitence 950 conscience-stricken penitence 950 conscientious copy 21 duty 926 probity 939 conscientiousness duty 926 conscious physical sensibility 375 conscious of knowledge 490 consciousness intellect 450 knowledge 490 physical sensibility 375 conscript combatant 726 conscription compulsion 744 consecrate piety 987 repute 873 churchdom 995 use 677 consecrated piety 987 consecration churchdom 995 piety 987 repute 873 rite 998 consectary demonstration 478 consectary reasoning reasoning 476 consecution continuity 69 sequence 63 consecutive continuity 69 sequence 63 consecutively slowness 275 consecutiveness continuity 69 consensus assent 488 consent agreement 23 assent 488 concurrence 178 consent 762 content 831 melody concord 413 consentaneous agreement 23 consentaneousness agreement 23 consenting consent 762 consequence eventuality 151 importance 642 effect 154 consequent sequence 63 consequential demonstration 478 pride 878 consequently demonstration 478 effect 154 reasoning 476 conservation permanence 141 preservation 670 store 636 conservatism politics 737.b preservation 670 conservative permanence 141 preservation 670 Conservative Party politics 737.b conservative policy inaction 681 Conservatives party 712 conservator of the peace judge 967 conservatory agriculture 371 furnace 386 receptacle 191 store 636 conserve sweetness 396 consider inquiry 461 thought 451 judgment 480 belief 484 attention 457 reasoning 476 consider as belief 484 considerable greatness 31 importance 642 size 192 considerate care 459 intelligence, wisdom 498 consideration motive 615 substitution 147 reward 973 respect 928 qualification 469 idea 453 giving 784 benevolence 906 attention 457 thought 451 importance 642 considering imperfection 651 reasoning 476 consign commission 755 giving 784 transfer 783 transference 270 consign to oblivion oblivion 506 consign to the flames calefaction 384 consign to the grave interment 363 consignee consignee 758 commission 755 consignificative interpretation 522 consignment apportionment 786 commission 755 giving 784 consilience concurrence 178 consist in existence 1 consist of composition 54 consistence density 321 consistency agreement 23 uniformity 16 consistent agreement 23 uniformity 16 consistently with conformity 82 consistorial court churchdom 995 consistory council 696 churchdom 995 consociation sociality 892 consolation condolence 915 deity 976 relief 834 consolatory relief 834 console condolence 915 relief 834 support 215 consolidate coherence 46 combination 48 density 321 consolidation density 321 coherence 46 Consols treasury 802 consomme food 298 consonance agreement 23 melody concord 413 uniformity 16 consonant melody concord 413 agreement 23 letter 561 consort sociality 892 accompaniment 88 marriage 903 consort with agreement 23 consortship sociality 892 conspection vision 441 conspectuity vision 441 conspectus compendium 596 conspicuity visibility 446 conspicuous manifestation 525 repute 873 visibility 446 conspicuousness visibility 446 conspiracy plan 626 conspirator plan 626 knave 941 conspire concurrence 178 cooperation 709 constable jurisdiction 965 master 745 constabulary jurisdiction 965 constancy frequency 136 uniformity 16 stability 150 probity 939 obedience 743 perseverance 604.a constant continuity 69 frequency 136 perseverance 604.a probity 939 stability 150 truth 494 constant flow continuity 69 constantly perpetuity 112 frequency 136 constellation world 318 repute 873 luminary 423 consternation fear 860 constipate density 321 constipated density 321 constipation closure 261 density 321 constituent component 56 constituents politics 737.b constitute composition 54 production 161 component 56 constitute a whole whole 50 constituting composition 54 constitution legality 963 state 7 texture 329 intrinsicality 5 composition 54 dueness 924 constitutional dueness 924 journey 266 legality 963 constitutional government government 737.a constitutional monarchy government 737.a politics 737.b constitutionalism legality 963 constitutionality legality 963 constrain restraint 751 compulsion 744 constrained modesty 881 restraint 751 subjection 749 constraint compulsion 744 modesty 881 restraint 751 subjection 749 constrict contraction 195 constringe contraction 195 construable interpretation 522 construct production 161 construction form 240 texture 329 interpretation 522 production 161 constructive latency, implication 526 constructive evidence evidence 467 construe interpretation 522 consubstantiation rite 998 consuetude habit 613 consuetudinary habit 613 consul consignee 758 deputy 759 consulship government 737.a consult advice 695 consult one's own wishes selfishness 943 consult one's pillow lateness 133 consult the barometer experiment 463 consult the wishes of aid 707 consult together advice 695 consultation advice 695 consume destruction 162 use 677 waste 638 consume the midnight oil learning 539 consume time inactivity 683 time 106 consuming painfulness 830 consummate greatness 31 perfection 650 completeness 52 completion 729 consummation completion 729 end 67 consumption use 677 waste 638 disease 655 destruction 162 contraction 195 contact contiguity 199 contact lenses optical instruments 445 contacts luminary 423 contagion insalubrity 657 transference 270 contagious transference 270 insalubrity 657 contain inclusion 76 composition 54 container circumscription 229 containing composition 54 containing air air 338 containment circumscription 229 contaminate uncleanness 653 deterioration 659 contaminated disease 655 contamination uncleanness 653 deterioration 659 contango discount 813 contemn contempt 930 contemper moderation 174 contemplate vision 441 thought 451 attention 457 expectation 507 contemplate of intention 620 contemplation expectation 507 intention 620 vision 441 contemplative thought 451 contemporaneous synchronism 120 contemporary synchronism 120 contemporation moderation 174 contempt ridicule 856 contempt 930 contempt of danger courage 861 contemptible contempt 930 improbity 940 ridiculousness 853 unimportance 643 contemptuous contempt 930 disrespect 929 contemptuously contempt 930 contemptuousness contempt 930 contend warfare 722 affirmation 535 contention 720 opposition 708 reasoning 476 contend for contention 720 vindication 937 contend with contention 720 contend with difficulties difficulty 704 contending contention 720 warfare 722 content assent 488 content 831 inexcitability 826 pleasure 827 willingness 602 contented content 831 contentedly content 831 contentedness content 831 contention contention 720 reasoning 476 contentious contention 720 discord 713 irascibility 901 warfare 722 contentiousness discord 713 contently content 831 contentment content 831 contents compendium 596 component 56 contents 190 interiority 221 list 86 contents of the larder food 298 conterminable end 67 limit 233 conterminate end 67 limit 233 conterminous contiguity 199 end 67 contesseration assemblage 72 contest contention 720 contestation contention 720 context accompaniment 88 circumstance 8 printing 591 contexture texture 329 contiguity nearness 197 contiguity 199 contiguous nearness 197 contiguity 199 continence purity 960 continent land 342 purity 960 continental land 342 continental shelf gulf, lake 343 continental slope gulf, lake 343 continentals clothing 225 contingence chance 156 contingency liability 177 uncertainty 475 possibility 470 circumstance 8 chance 156 qualification 469 eventuality 151 contingent expenditure 809 uncertainty 475 qualification 469 possibility 470 extrinsicality 6 circumstance 8 chance 156 apportionment 786 liability 177 contingent interest property 780 contingent on uncertainty 475 contingents aid 707 materials 635 continual frequency 136 perpetuity 112 continually frequency 136 continuance continuance in action 143 diuturnity 110 perseverance 604.a continuation adjunct 39 continuance in action 143 sequel 65 sequence 63 continuation school school 542 continue existence 1 perseverance 604.a diuturnity 110 continuance in action 143 continue last endure time 106 continued continuity 69 continued existence perpetuity 112 continued success success 731 continuing time 106 continuance in action 143 continuity continuity 69 continuous continuity 69 continuously continuity 69 contort convolution 248 distortion 243 contortion distortion 243 contortionist drama 599 contour outline 230 form 240 appearance 448 contra contrariety 14 contraband deception 545 illegality 964 prohibition 761 contrabandist thief 792 contrabasso musical instruments 417 contract compact 769 contraction 195 narrowness, thinness 203 promise 768 undertaking 676 contract a debt debt 806 contract a habit habit 613 contract a trick habit 613 contract an obligation promise 768 contracted contraction 195 narrowness, thinness 203 contractile contraction 195 contractility contraction 195 contracting contraction 195 contraction writing 590 closure 261 compendium 596 contraction 195 narrowness, thinness 203 contradict opposition 708 negation 536 contrariety 14 dissent 489 counter evidence 468 contradiction contrariety 14 dissent 489 negation 536 contradictory contrariety 14 counter evidence 468 negation 536 contradictory evidence counter evidence 468 contradistinction difference 15 contrafagotto musical instruments 417 contraindicate dissuasion 616 contraindication dissuasion 616 warning 668 contralto resonance 408 contraposition contraposition 237 inversion 218 contrapuntist melody concord 413 contrariant contrariety 14 contrariety contrariety 14 counteraction 179 inversion 218 opposition 708 contrarily contrariety 14 contrarious contrariety 14 contrariwise contrariety 14 contrary caprice 608 opposition 708 counteraction 179 contrariety 14 contrary to expectation inexpectation 508 contrary to reason impossibility 471 contras combatant 726 contrast difference 15 comparison 464 contrariety 14 contrast with contrariety 14 contrasted contrariety 14 contrate wheel circularity 247 contravallation defense 717 contravene hindrance 706 confutation 479 negation 536 opposition 708 counteraction 179 contrariety 14 counter evidence 468 contravention negation 536 opposition 708 contrectation touch 379 contretemps adversity 735 hindrance 706 untimeliness 135 contribute cause 153 tendency 176 giving 784 aid 707 concurrence 178 contribution giving 784 contributor politics 737.b contrite penitence 950 contrition friction 331 penitence 950 contrivance plan 626 contrive cunning 702 plan 626 production 161 contrive to success 731 contrived falsehood 544 contriving cunning 702 control direction 693 government 737.a influence 175 opposition 708 power 157 restraint 751 authority 737 controlled experiment experiment 463 controversial discord 713 reasoning 476 controversialist combatant 726 reasoning 476 controversy contention 720 reasoning 476 controvert discord 713 negation 536 reasoning 476 confutation 479 controvertible unbelief doubt 485 uncertainty 475 reasoning 476 error 495 controvertist reasoning 476 contumacious disobedience 742 obstinacy 606 contumacy obstinacy 606 disobedience 742 contumelious insolence 885 disrespect 929 contempt 930 discourtesy 895 contumely contempt 930 disapprobation 932 discourtesy 895 disrespect 929 contund pulverulence 330 contuse pulverulence 330 contusion pulverulence 330 conundrum equivocalness 520 secret 533 wit 842 convalescence restoration 660 convalescent restoration 660 convection calefaction 384 levity 320 transference 270 convective heat furnace 386 convene assemblage 72 convenience leisure 685 conveniences means 632 convenient expedience 646 conveniently expedience 646 convent seclusion, exclusion 893 temple 1000 convent school school 542 conventicle assemblage 72 council 696 temple 1000 convention assemblage 72 compact 769 council 696 pacification 723 conventional compact 769 conformity 82 fashion 852 habit 613 conventionalism habit 613 conventionality conformity 82 habit 613 conventions of society fashion 852 conventual clergy 996 temple 1000 converge centrality 222 convergence 290 nearness 197 convergence assemblage 72 convergence 290 nearness 197 convergency convergence 290 convergent convergence 290 converging convergence 290 conversable conversation 588 sociality 892 conversant skill 698 conversant with knowledge 490 conversation conversation 588 speech 582 conversational conversation 588 sociality 892 conversationist conversation 588 converse contraposition 237 contrariety 14 conversation 588 conversing conversation 588 conversion change 140 conversion 144 piety 987 conversion of currency conversion 144 convert conversion 144 piety 987 belief 484 tergiversation 607 convert into change 140 conversion 144 convert to use use 677 convertable bond securities 799.b converted piety 987 converted into conversion 144 convertibility conversion 144 identity 13 convertible conversion 144 equality 27 convertible terms nomenclature 564 interpretation 522 convex convexity 250 convex lens optical instruments 445 convexity convexity 250 curvature 245 convexo-concave lens optical instruments 445 convey meaning 516 transfer 783 transference 270 convey away stealing 791 convey the knowledge of information 527 conveyance transfer 783 transference 270 vehicle 272 conveyancer lawyer 968 conveyancing transfer 783 conveyer carrier 271 convict bad man 949 condemnation 971 convict! belief 484 conviction belief 484 condemnation 971 confutation 479 demonstration 478 convince belief 484 demonstration 478 teaching 537 convinced belief 484 convincement belief 484 convincing demonstration 478 convivial sociality 892 conviviality sociality 892 convocate assemblage 72 convocation churchdom 995 council 696 convoke assemblage 72 convoluted convolution 248 convolution convolution 248 crossing 219 rotation 312 convoy safety 664 transference 270 convulse physical pain 378 painfulness 830 derangement 61 agitation 315 violence 173 convulse with laughter amusement 840 convulsed with laughter amusement 840 convulsed with rage resentment 900 convulsion disorder 59 violence 173 physical pain 378 agitation 315 revolution 146 convulsive agitation 315 violence 173 coo ululation 412 cook calefaction 384 servant 746 preparation 673 falsehood 544 improvement 658 cook an account accounts 811 cook house receptacle 191 cook the books accounts 811 cookery preparation 673 cookie food 298 cooking preparation 673 cookshop abode 189 cool discourtesy 895 refrigeration 385 moderation 174 intelligence, wisdom 498 indifference 866 dissuasion 616 enmity 889 cold 383 caution 864 gray 432 cool as a cucumber cold 383 indifference 866 inexcitability 826 cool as a custard inexcitability 826 cool as custard cold 383 cool calm and collected inexcitability 826 cool down inexcitability 826 cool one's heels lateness 133 inaction 681 cooled refrigeration 385 cooler refrigerator 387 cool-headed inexcitability 826 intelligence, wisdom 498 coolie carrier 271 combatant 726 cooling refrigeration 385 coolness caution 864 hate 898 inexcitability 826 insensibility 823 coolth inexcitability 826 coonskin cap clothing 225 coop restraint 751 prison 752 abode 189 co-op mart 799 cooperate cooperation 709 cooperating cooperation 709 cooperation agreement 23 assent 488 concurrence 178 cooperation 709 participation 778 cooperative cooperation 709 cooperative learning teaching 537 cooperatively cooperation 709 cooperator auxiliary 711 cooptation choice 609 coordinate arrangement 60 equality 27 coordinates measurement 466 co-ordination equality 27 cop jurisdiction 965 safety 664 copal resin 356.a co-parcenary participation 778 co-parcener participation 778 co-parceny participation 778 copartner friend 890 co-partner accompaniment 88 participation 778 copartnership party 712 cooperation 709 accompaniment 88 co-partnership participation 778 cope canonicals 999 cope with contention 720 equality 27 opposition 708 coping stone summit 210 coping-stone completion 729 copious diffuseness 573 sufficiency 639 copiousness sufficiency 639 coportion participation 778 copper money 800 copper plate covering 223 copperas greenness 435 copper-colored orange 439 copperplate engraving 558 copperplate engraving engraving 558 copperplate printing engraving 558 coppice vegetable 367 coprolite uncleanness 653 copse vegetable 367 copula connection 45 copulate sexuality 374.a copulation sexuality 374.a junction 43 copy copy 21 prototype 22 representation 554 writing 590 record 551 plan 626 deception 545 imitation 19 printing 591 copy lease-hold property 780 copy lease-holds property 780 copycat imitation 19 copying imitation 19 copyist artist 559 imitation 19 writing 590 copyright property 780 coquet affectation 855 tergiversation 607 flattery 933 endearment 902 falsehood 544 coquet with irresolution 605 coquetry affectation 855 endearment 902 flattery 933 tergiversation 607 coquette affectation 855 fop 854 love 897 coquetting tergiversation 607 coracle ship 273 coral jewelry 847.a coral reef pitfall 667 corbeille receptacle 191 corbel support 215 cord connection 45 filament 205 prison 752 size 192 cordage connection 45 size 192 cordated curvature 245 cordial feeling 821 willingness 602 remedy 662 pungency 392 friendship 888 courtesy 894 pleasurableness 829 cordial friendship friendship 888 cordiality feeling 821 friendship 888 willingness 602 cordiform curvature 245 cordite arms 727 snap 406 cordon outline 230 inclosure 232 circularity 247 title 877 corduroy furrow 259 corduroy road furrow 259 cordwain covering 223 cordwainer agent 690 clothing 225 core centrality 222 importance 642 intrinsicality 5 coriaceous tenacity 327 Corinthian taste 850 coriolus force rotation 312 cork levity 320 stopper 263 cork jacket refuge 666 cork up closure 261 restraint 751 corking pin connection 45 corkscrew circuition 311 convolution 248 extraction 301 perforator 262 cormorant desire 865 gluttony 957 corn convexity 250 food 298 corn fed size 192 corn husk covering 223 corn syrup sweetness 396 cornea vision 441 corned drunkenness 959 corneous hardness 323 corner angularity 244 hindrance 706 possession 777 receptacle 191 corner stone defense 717 importance 642 support 215 corner the market barter 794 cornet master 745 musical instruments 417 cornet-a-pistons musical instruments 417 cornice summit 210 cornicultate sharpness 253 Cornish hug deception 545 corno Inglese musical instruments 417 cornopean musical instruments 417 cornucopia sufficiency 639 cornute convexity 250 sharpness 253 cornuted sharpness 253 corollary adjunct 39 judgment 480 corona circularity 247 coronach lamentation 839 coronation commission 755 celebration 883 coroner jurisdiction 965 coronet circularity 247 scepter 747 title 877 corporal master 745 materiality 316 corporal major master 745 corporality materiality 316 corporate junction 43 corporate body party 712 corporate jet ship 273 corporate plane ship 273 corporation size 192 jurisdiction 965 party 712 corporation! convexity 250 corporeal animality 364 materiality 316 substantiality 3 corporeal hereditaments property 780 corporeal nature animality 364 corporeity materiality 316 substantiality 3 corps assemblage 72 combatant 726 corps de reserve store 636 corpse corpse 362 corpse-like corpse 362 corpulence breadth, thickness 202 size 192 corpulent size 192 corpus materiality 316 corpus delicti guilt 947 lawsuit 969 corpuscle smallness 32 corpuscular smallness 32 littleness 193 corradiation convergence 290 focus 74 corral circumscription 229 inclosure 232 correct order 58 truth 494 virtue 944 restoration 660 punishment 972 probity 939 information 527 improvement 658 elegance 578 dueness 924 disclosure 529 correction 527.a disapprobation 932 correct ear hearing 418 correct just reasoning reasoning 476 correct memory memory 505 correct style grammar 567 correction confutation 479 correction 527.a disapprobation 932 improvement 658 punishment 972 correctitude truth 494 corrective correction 527.a remedy 662 correctness truth 494 corregidor master 745 correlation relation 9 correlation 12 correlative correlation 12 relation 9 correspond agreement 23 correspond with correspondence 592 correspondence agreement 23 correspondence 592 similarity 17 correspondent agreement 23 news 532 corridor method 627 receptacle 191 corridor train vehicle 272 corridors of time course 109 corrigendum error 495 corrigible improvement 658 corrival combatant 726 corrivalry contention 720 corrivalship contention 720 corrivation river 348 corroborant remedy 662 corroborate assent 488 demonstration 478 evidence 467 corroboration assent 488 evidence 467 corroborative evidence 467 corrode calefaction 384 deterioration 659 painfulness 830 corroding painfulness 830 corrosion deterioration 659 corrosive physical energy 171 badness 649 corrosive sublimate bane 663 corrugate contraction 195 fold 258 roughness 256 corrugated fastener connection 45 corrugation contraction 195 derangement 61 fold 258 roughness 256 corrupt deterioration 659 vice 945 uncleanness 653 improbity 940 illegality 964 corrupting badness 649 corruption decomposition 49 deterioration 659 disease 655 improbity 940 neologism 563 uncleanness 653 vice 945 corsage clothing 225 corsair thief 792 corse corpse 362 corselet clothing 225 corset clothing 225 cortege adjunct 39 continuity 69 journey 266 servant 746 accompaniment 88 cortex covering 223 cortical covering 223 coruscate light 420 coruscation light 420 corvette combatant 726 ship 273 corybantic insanity 503 corypheus director 694 teacher 540 Coscinomancy prediction 511 cosey sociality 892 cosign security 771 cosmetic remedy 662 cosmetics ornament 847 cosmic world 318 cosmic distance distance 196 cosmic radiation calefaction 384 cosmical world 318 cosmogony world 318 cosmography world 318 cosmology world 318 cosmonaut mariner 269 Cosmoplast deity 976 cosmopolitan mankind 372 philanthropy 910 abode 189 cosmopolite mankind 372 philanthropy 910 cosmorama appearance 448 cosmos world 318 cosponsor security 771 Cossack combatant 726 cosset endearment 902 favorite 899 cost value 812.a price 812 cost a pretty penny dearness 814 cost control economy 817 cost little cheapness 815 cost much dearness 814 cost what it may resolution 604 costate furrow 259 cost-cutting economy 817 costerman merchant 797 costermonger merchant 797 costive taciturnity 585 costiveness taciturnity 585 costless cheapness 815 costly goodness 648 dearness 814 costume canonicals 999 clothing 225 costume jewelry deception 545 jewelry 847.a costumier clothing 225 drama 599 cosy physical pleasure 377 sociality 892 cot abode 189 support 215 cote abode 189 cotenancy participation 778 co-tenant participation 778 coterie party 712 sociality 892 cothurnus drama 599 cotidal ocean 341 cotillon amusement 840 cotquean fool 501 woman 374 cottage abode 189 cottager inhabitant 188 cotter inhabitant 188 cottier inhabitant 188 cotton filament 205 cottonseed oil oil 356 CO-two extinguisher insulation, fire extinction 388.a couch concealment 528 support 215 depression 308 horizontality 213 couch in terms phrase 566 couch one's lance contention 720 couch potato incogitancy 452 couchant horizontality 213 coucicouci imperfection 651 cougar evil 913 cough wind 349 cough up payment 807 coulee river 348 coulter sharpness 253 council government 737.a council 696 churchdom 995 party 712 council chamber council 696 council fire council 696 councilman council 696 master 745 councilor council 696 councilwoman council 696 master 745 counsel lawyer 968 advice 695 counsellor lawyer 968 counsellor at law lawyer 968 counselor advice 695 count judgment 480 part 51 nobility 875 numeration 85 count me out dissent 489 count of motive 615 count the cost caution 864 count upon belief 484 expectation 507 probability 472 countdown propulsion 284 countenance front 234 aid 707 appearance 448 approbation 931 counter support 215 number 84 contrariety 14 mart 799 indication 550 counter evidence confutation 479 counter evidence 468 counter march regression 283 counter motion regression 283 counter movement regression 283 counter order abrogation 756 counter protest counter evidence 468 counter revolution revolution 146 counter statement answer 462 counter to opposition 708 counteract opposition 708 hindrance 706 compensation 30 counteraction 179 counteracting counteraction 179 counteraction compensation 30 counteraction 179 opposition 708 counterbalance compensation 30 counterblast counteraction 179 counter-blast retaliation 718 counterchange correlation 12 interchange 148 countercharm spell 993 countercheck indication 550 hindrance 706 counterclaim compensation 30 countercurrent rotation 312 counterfeit copy 21 deception 545 falsehood 544 imitation 19 money 800 counterfoil indication 550 counterjumper servant 746 countermand abrogation 756 countermarch regression 283 countermark indication 550 countermine opposition 708 counter-mine plan 626 counterpane covering 223 counterpart contraposition 237 copy 21 similarity 17 counterplot opposition 708 plan 626 retaliation 718 counter-plot plan 626 counterpoint melody concord 413 counterpoise hindrance 706 gravity 319 counteraction 179 compensation 30 counterpoison remedy 662 counter-project retaliation 718 counter-scarp defense 717 countersign assent 488 evidence 467 indication 550 security 771 counter-stroke retaliation 718 countervail compensation 30 counter evidence 468 inequality 28 countervailing counter evidence 468 compensation 30 counterwork opposition 708 countess nobility 875 counting chamber optical instruments 445 countinghouse mart 799 countless infinity 105 countrified vulgarity 851 country abode 189 agriculture 371 government 737.a country dance amusement 840 country seat abode 189 countryman commonality 876 friend 890 counts speciality 79 county government 737.a part 51 county council council 696 County Council school school 542 county court tribunal 966 county court judge judge 967 county park amusement 840 county seat abode 189 county town abode 189 coup action 680 instantaneity 113 plan 626 coup de grace killing 361 punishment 972 end 67 completion 729 coup de main violence 173 action 680 coup de theatre appearance 448 ostentation 882 prodigy 872 coupe vehicle 272 coupe de main attack 716 coupe de plume writing 590 couple duality 89 junction 43 marriage 903 couple with accompaniment 88 coupled duality 89 coupled with accompaniment 88 addition 37 couplet poetry 597 coupon discount 813 money 800 securities 799.b coupon-clipper stock market 799.a courage courage 861 courageous courage 861 courier interpreter 524 messenger 534 traveler 268 course motion 264 teaching 537 river 348 continuity 69 pursuit 622 time 106 order 58 navigation 267 method 627 layer 204 journey 266 direction 278 conduct 692 arena 728 food 298 course of conduct conduct 692 course of events eventuality 151 course of study teaching 537 course of things eventuality 151 course of time course 109 courseness vulgarity 851 courser carrier 271 velocity 274 courses regularity of recurrence 138 coursing pursuit 622 killing 361 court motive 615 pursuit 622 receptacle 191 region 181 request 765 tribunal 966 flattery 933 servant 746 judge 967 fashion 852 endearment 902 desire 865 council 696 abode 189 legality 963 court assize tribunal 966 court card plan 626 court dress ostentation 882 court martial tribunal 966 Court of Admiralty tribunal 966 court of appeal council 696 tribunal 966 court of arbitration tribunal 966 court of Arches churchdom 995 tribunal 966 Court of Chancery tribunal 966 court of common council tribunal 966 Court of Common Pleas tribunal 966 court of error tribunal 966 Court of Exchequer tribunal 966 court of final appeal certainty 474 court of honor probity 939 court of justice tribunal 966 court of law tribunal 966 Court of Probate tribunal 966 court of record tribunal 966 court oyer and terminer tribunal 966 court-baron tribunal 966 courteous courtesy 894 courteously courtesy 894 courtesan libertine 962 courtesy courtesy 894 depression 308 oscillation 314 respect 928 submission 725 courtier flatterer 935 servility 886 courtier-like flattery 933 courtierly flattery 933 courtly nobility 875 fashion 852 courts government 737.a courtship endearment 902 love 897 courtyard place 182 receptacle 191 cousin consanguinity 11 cousin once removed consanguinity 11 cousin twice removed consanguinity 11 cousin-german consanguinity 11 cousinhood consanguinity 11 cove concavity 252 gulf, lake 343 receptacle 191 covenant compact 769 conditions 770 promise 768 security 771 covenant of indemnity forgiveness 918 security 771 cover height 206 safety 664 refuge 666 pretext 617 stopper 263 layer 204 concealment 528 compensation 30 clothing 225 cleanness 652 book 593 ambush 530 preservation 670 covering 223 cover glass optical instruments 445 cover up one's tracks concealment 528 cover with dust uncleanness 653 covercle covering 223 covered covering 223 invisibility 447 covered with generality 78 covering covering 223 clothing 225 coverlet covering 223 covert refuge 666 abode 189 concealment 528 invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 covert way method 627 coverture marriage 903 covet desire 865 envy 921 greed 817.a coveting desire 865 covetous envy 921 selfishness 943 parsimony 819 greed 817.a covetousness greed 817.a covey assemblage 72 multitude 102 covin deception 545 falsehood 544 covinous deception 545 falsehood 544 cow animal 366 fear 860 woman 374 cow house abode 189 cow pony carrier 271 cow shed abode 189 coward cowardice 862 cowardice cowardice 862 irresolution 605 cowardliness cowardice 862 cowardly cowardice 862 irresolution 605 cowboy husbandry 370 cowcatcher defense 717 cower cowardice 862 depression 308 fear 860 servility 886 cowherd husbandry 370 cowhide scourge 975 punishment 972 cowkeeper husbandry 370 cowl canonicals 999 cowled covering 223 cowlstaff support 215 coworker agent 690 coxcomb fop 854 vanity 880 coxcombry affectation 855 vanity 880 coxcomical affectation 855 coxswain mariner 269 coy fear 860 modesty 881 coyote animal 366 cozen deception 545 cozenage deception 545 CPU intellect 450 crab difficulty 704 sourness 397 crabbed difficulty 704 discourtesy 895 obscurity 571 sourness 397 sullenness 901.a unintelligibility 519 crabbed hand writing 590 crabbedness sullenness 901.a crabby difficulty 704 crab-like deviation 279 regression 283 crab-like motion regression 283 crack interval 198 skill 698 instantaneity 113 goodness 648 furrow 259 discovery 480.a discontinuity 70 deterioration 659 snap 406 brittleness 328 boasting 884 disjunction 44 crack a bottle food 298 drunkenness 959 crack a bottle with sociality 892 crack a joke wit 842 crack house vice 945 crack of doom destruction 162 end 67 futurity 121 crack one's brains thought 451 crack one's invention imagination 515 crack open discovery 480.a crack shot proficient 700 propulsion 284 crackajack goodness 648 crackbrained insanity 503 cracked imperfection 651 insanity 503 stridor 410 cracked bell nonresonance 408.a cracker food 298 furnace 386 snap 406 crackerjack proficient 700 cracking calefaction 384 cracking tower calefaction 384 crackle snap 406 cracksman proficient 700 thief 792 cradle aid 707 beginning 66 cause 153 location 184 preparation 673 receptacle 191 support 215 youth 127 cradle hole furrow 259 craft skill 698 business 625 cunning 702 ship 273 craftiness skill 698 cunning 702 craftmanship writing 590 craftsman agent 690 crafty cunning 702 crag sharpness 253 hardness 323 land 342 cragged roughness 256 craggy sharpness 253 roughness 256 craichy weakness 160 craig height 206 crake boasting 884 cram learning 539 assemblage 72 teaching 537 gluttony 957 closure 261 expansion 194 cram down the throat belief 484 compulsion 744 crambo poetry 597 crammed completeness 52 crammed to overflowing redundancy 641 crammer teacher 540 untruth 546 cramp littleness 193 weakness 160 physical pain 378 connection 45 contraction 195 hindrance 706 impotence 158 cramp iron connection 45 cramped inelegance 579 littleness 193 cramped hand writing 590 cran receptacle 191 cranch disjunction 44 food 298 pulverulence 330 crane elevation 307 vehicle 272 angularity 244 crane neck curvature 245 crane's bill beauty 845 craniology intellect 450 cranioscopy intellect 450 cranium intellect 450 crank instrument 633 madman 504 scourge 975 wit 842 crankle fold 258 crankling roughness 256 cranky disease 655 weakness 160 cranny interval 198 crap excretion 299 uncleanness 653 crape convolution 248 lamentation 839 craps chance 621 crapulence gluttony 957 intemperance 954 crapulent gluttony 957 crapulous drunkenness 959 intemperance 954 uncleanness 653 crash destruction 162 impulse 276 descent 306 snap 406 crasis combination 48 composition 54 intrinsicality 5 crass greatness 31 crass ignorance ignorance 491 crassamentum density 321 crassitude breadth, thickness 202 semiliquidity 352 crate receptacle 191 vehicle 272 crater depth 208 concavity 252 craunch pulverulence 330 food 298 disjunction 44 cravat clothing 225 crave greed 817.a request 765 crave after desire 865 craven cowardice 862 submission 725 craving desire 865 greed 817.a craw receptacle 191 crawl slowness 275 regression 283 servility 886 crawl with redundancy 641 crayons painting 556 craze fashion 852 insanity 503 crazed insanity 503 crazy insanity 503 madman 504 weakness 160 creak stridor 410 creaking stridor 410 weakness 160 creaky weakness 160 cream importance 642 oil 356 semiliquidity 352 goodness 648 cream of tartar remedy 662 cream of the jest wit 842 creamcolored yellowness 436 creamer receptacle 191 creampuff impotence 158 creamy whiteness 430 yellowness 436 crease fold 258 create cause 153 deity 976 imagination 515 production 161 create a requirement 630 create a diversion refuge 666 create desire desire 865 create laughter amusement 840 create pain painfulness 830 create pleasure pleasurableness 829 created being animal 366 creation deity 976 world 318 production 161 effect 154 beginning 66 nonimitation 20 creation of the brain imagination 515 creative production 161 imagination 515 nonimitation 20 creativeness nonimitation 20 dissimilarity 18 creator producer 164 Creator of all things deity 976 creature animal 366 carrier 271 effect 154 mankind 372 servant 746 substantiality 3 creature comforts food 298 physical pleasure 377 creature of impulse impulse 612 creche school 542 credence belief 484 temple 1000 credence to belief 484 credenda belief 484 credential evidence 467 credentials indication 550 credibility belief 484 probability 472 credible belief 484 possibility 470 probability 472 credibleness probability 472 credit money 800 accounts 811 repute 873 virtue 944 property 780 belief 484 approbation 931 authority 737 credit 805 credit account credit 805 credit card credit 805 credit to one's account credit 805 creditable approbation 931 dueness 924 repute 873 virtue 944 credited credit 805 crediting credit 805 creditor credit 805 credulity credulity 486 credulous belief 484 credulity 486 dupe 547 misjudgment 481 credulous person credulity 486 credulousness credulity 486 creed belief 484 theology 983 creed-bound obstinacy 606 creek river 348 gulf, lake 343 interval 198 creel receptacle 191 creep sensations of touch 380 slowness 275 creep in ingress 294 creep into ingress 294 creep out disclosure 529 creep upon one inexpectation 508 creep with multitude 102 redundancy 641 creeper vegetable 367 creeping slowness 275 creeping thing animal 366 creese arms 727 cremation calefaction 384 interment 363 crematorium interment 363 crematory interment 363 creme de la creme goodness 648 cremona musical instruments 417 crenate notch 257 crenated notch 257 crenelle notch 257 crenulate notch 257 creole extraneousness 57 crepe convolution 248 crepitate snap 406 crepitation snap 406 crepuscular dimness 422 crepuscule dimness 422 morning 125 crescendo increase 35 music 415 crescent abode 189 curvature 245 crescent shaped curvature 245 crescentic curvature 245 cresset indication 550 crest sharpness 253 summit 210 indication 550 pride 878 roughness 256 crest fallen dejection 837 crestate sharpness 253 crestfallen humility 879 cretaceous whiteness 430 oldness 124 crevasse interval 198 crevice interval 198 crew assemblage 72 inhabitant 188 mariner 269 party 712 crib support 215 interpretation 522 parsimony 819 stealing 791 crib sheet memory 505 cribbage amusement 840 cribble opening 260 cribriform opening 260 crick physical pain 378 cricket amusement 840 cricket ground horizontality 213 cricketground amusement 840 crier messenger 534 crim impurity 961 crime guilt 947 vice 945 criminal vice 945 bad man 949 criminal law legality 963 criminality guilt 947 vice 945 criminate accusation 938 crimination accusation 938 criminatory accusation 938 criminologist scholar 492 criminousness guilt 947 crimp notch 257 taking 789 junction 43 deceiver 548 convolution 248 contraction 195 brittleness 328 stealing 791 crimple fold 258 crimson redness 434 cringe servility 886 cringe to submission 725 cringing servility 886 crinite roughness 256 crinkle angularity 244 fold 258 crinkled angularity 244 crinoline clothing 225 crinose roughness 256 cripple deterioration 659 disease 655 hindrance 706 impotence 158 inutility 645 weakness 160 crippled disease 655 impotence 158 crisis difficulty 704 eventuality 151 occasion 134 the present time 118 circumstance 8 crisp brittleness 328 roughness 256 conciseness 572 convolution 248 Crispin clothing 225 crisscross amusement 840 criterion evidence 467 experiment 463 indication 550 Crithomancy prediction 511 critic taste 850 judgment 480 detractor 936 dissertation 595 critical danger 665 importance 642 occasion 134 disapprobation 932 detraction 934 circumstance 8 difficulty 704 critical situation difficulty 704 criticise taste 850 criticism detraction 934 disapprobation 932 dissertation 595 judgment 480 criticize detraction 934 disapprobation 932 judgment 480 critique discrimination 465 judgment 480 dissertation 595 critter animal 366 carrier 271 croak discontent 832 lamentation 839 stammering 583 ululation 412 warning 668 croaker dejection 837 discontent 832 croaking aphony 581 Croat combatant 726 crock fool 501 receptacle 191 crockery calefaction 384 crocodile animal 366 evil 913 crocodile tears falsehood 544 crocus yellowness 436 Croesus wealth 803 croft abode 189 cromlech interment 363 crone fool 501 veteran 130 crony favorite 899 friend 890 crook bad man 949 thief 792 deviation 279 curvature 245 crook backed distortion 243 crooked angularity 244 cunning 702 distortion 243 improbity 940 latency, implication 526 ugliness 846 crooked as a ram's horn distortion 243 crooked path difficulty 704 crooked stick discourtesy 895 crooked temper irascibility 901 crookedness distortion 243 obliquity 217 crop effect 154 food 298 receptacle 191 shortness 201 store 636 taking 789 acquisition 775 crop out visibility 446 crop up beginning 66 eventuality 151 reproduction 163 visibility 446 crop-out disclosure 529 cropper descent 306 croquet amusement 840 croquet ground amusement 840 horizontality 213 croquet lawn amusement 840 horizontality 213 crosier canonicals 999 cross painfulness 830 title 877 sullenness 901.a scourge 975 rite 998 resentment 900 passage 302 opposition 708 mixture 41 irascibility 901 crossing 219 counteraction 179 adversity 735 refusal 764 cross as a cat irascibility 901 cross as a dog irascibility 901 cross as crabs irascibility 901 cross as the tongs irascibility 901 cross as two sticks irascibility 901 cross cut mid-course 628 cross fire difficulty 704 interchange 148 opposition 708 attack 716 cross purposes discord 713 error 495 cross sea river 348 cross swords warfare 722 cross the bar death 360 cross the mind thought 451 cross the path of hindrance 706 cross the Rubicon beginning 66 choice 609 transcursion 303 cross the Stygian ferry death 360 crossbarred crossing 219 crossbow arms 727 crossbreed unconformity 83 cross-debt compensation 30 cross-demand compensation 30 crossed crossing 219 failure 732 Crossed Friars clergy 996 crossed in love hate 898 cross-examination inquiry 461 cross-examine inquiry 461 crossgrained obstinacy 606 sullenness 901.a cross-hairs optical instruments 445 crossing crossing 219 crossness irascibility 901 crosspatch discourtesy 895 cross-purposes misinterpretation 523 cross-question inquiry 461 cross-reading misinterpretation 523 crossroad method 627 crosswise crossing 219 crossword puzzle amusement 840 crotch angularity 244 crotchet misjudgment 481 caprice 608 melody concord 413 crotchety obstinacy 606 caprice 608 misjudgment 481 crouch servility 886 lowness 207 depression 308 fear 860 crouch before submission 725 crouched lowness 207 crouching servility 886 submission 725 croup rear 235 croupier director 694 crow ululation 412 amusement 840 blackness 431 boasting 884 instrument 633 crow over boasting 884 crow to pluck resentment 900 crowbar instrument 633 crowd redundancy 641 assemblage 72 multitude 102 nearness 197 party 712 crowd sail velocity 274 crowded multitude 102 crowded to suffocation assemblage 72 crown completion 729 title 877 summit 210 scepter 747 trophy 733 money 800 commission 755 clothing 225 circularity 247 reward 973 crown all completion 729 crown law legality 963 crown post support 215 crown wheel circularity 247 crown with laurel repute 873 crown with success success 731 crowned head master 745 crowned with success success 731 crowning superiority 33 end 67 completion 729 crowning of the edifice completion 729 crowning point summit 210 crowning touch completion 729 crow's feet fold 258 crow's nest summit 210 crucial crossing 219 demonstration 478 crucial test experiment 463 cruciate crossing 219 painfulness 830 physical pain 378 cruciation physical pain 378 crucible workshop 691 receptacle 191 furnace 386 conversion 144 experiment 463 crucifix rite 998 crucifixion physical pain 378 punishment 972 cruciform crossing 219 crucify painfulness 830 physical pain 378 punishment 972 crude imperfection 651 nonpreparation 674 color 428 inelegance 579 incompleteness 53 crudity nonpreparation 674 cruel malevolence 907 painfulness 830 severity 739 cruel as death malevolence 907 cruelly greatness 31 cruelness malevolence 907 cruelty malevolence 907 cruet receptacle 191 cruise navigation 267 cruiser combatant 726 ship 273 cruisp ship 273 crumb pulverulence 330 smallness 32 crumb of comfort relief 834 crumble brittleness 328 deterioration 659 nonincrease, decrease 36 pulverulence 330 weakness 160 crumble into dust brittleness 328 decomposition 49 crumble to brittleness 328 crumble to dust destruction 162 crumbling oldness 124 deterioration 659 danger 665 crumbly pulverulence 330 crumenal money 800 crump curvature 245 distortion 243 violence 173 crumple fold 258 roughness 256 crumple up contraction 195 destruction 162 crunch food 298 pulverulence 330 disjunction 44 contraction 195 crupper rear 235 crusade warfare 722 cruse receptacle 191 crush assemblage 72 contraction 195 disappointment 509 humility 879 pulverulence 330 crush hat clothing 225 crush one's hope disappointment 509 crush one's hopes hopelessness 859 crush to atoms destruction 162 crush to pieces destruction 162 crush under an iron heel severity 739 crush under foot destruction 162 crushed pain 828 crushing painfulness 830 crust covering 223 crustacean animal 366 crusty sullenness 901.a crutch angularity 244 support 215 Crutched Friars clergy 996 crux cause 153 difficulty 704 cry habit 613 ululation 412 voice 580 publication 531 news 532 indication 550 cry 411 lamentation 839 cry aloud request 765 cry down detraction 934 disapprobation 932 cry for desire 865 cry for help request 765 cry for joy rejoicing 838 cry for quarter pity 914 cry havoc warfare 722 cry of wolf alarm 669 cry one's eyes out lamentation 839 cry oneself blind lamentation 839 cry out cry 411 cry out against disapprobation 932 dissuasion 616 cry out lustily lamentation 839 cry peccavi penitence 950 cry 'shame' upon disapprobation 932 cry to request 765 cry up approbation 931 ostentation 882 cry wolf alarm 669 cry 'wolf' fear 860 cry 'wolf!' falsehood 544 cry you mercy forgiveness 918 cry you mercy! pity 914 deprecation 766 crying cry 411 requirement 630 ululation 412 crying evil evil 619 crying shame disrepute 874 crying sin vice 945 crypt ambush 530 interment 363 receptacle 191 temple 1000 cryptic concealment 528 cryptical concealment 528 cryptography concealment 528 writing 590 crystal hardness 323 transparency 425 crystal gazer oracle 513 crystal gazing prediction 511 crystalline density 321 transparency 425 crystallizable density 321 crystallization density 321 hardness 323 crystallize density 321 Crystallomancy prediction 511 csako clothing 225 cst aside neglect 460 cub commonality 876 infant 129 vulgarity 851 cubbyhole receptacle 191 cube angularity 244 triality 92 triplication 93 cube root triality 92 cubeb condiment 393 cubic zirconia jewelry 847.a cubical angularity 244 cubicle receptacle 191 cubit length 200 cucking stool scourge 975 cuckold divorce 905 cuckoldom impurity 961 cuckoo imitation 19 repetition 104 roll 407 ululation 412 cuckoo clock chronometry 114 cucullate covering 223 cuddle endearment 902 cuddy carrier 271 cudgel scourge 975 arms 727 impulse 276 cudgel one's brains imagination 515 thought 451 cue business 625 indication 550 information 527 pretext 617 cue rest support 215 cuff clothing 225 impulse 276 punishment 972 cui bono utility 644 cuirass defense 717 cuisine food 298 culbute inversion 218 descent 306 culbuter inversion 218 cul-de-sac closure 261 concavity 252 culinary food 298 culinary art preparation 673 cull choice 609 dupe 547 fewness 103 taking 789 cullender opening 260 cullibility credulity 486 cullion bad man 949 culls relinquishment 782 cully deception 545 dupe 547 culm fuel 388 culminate completion 729 height 206 summit 210 superiority 33 culminating summit 210 superiority 33 culminating point summit 210 culmination completion 729 summit 210 superiority 33 culottes clothing 225 culpability guilt 947 culpable guilt 947 vice 945 culprit bad man 949 cult worship 990 cultivate agriculture 371 aid 707 improvement 658 physical sensibility 375 cultivate the soil preparation 673 cultivated courtesy 894 taste 850 cultivated taste taste 850 cultivation taste 850 agriculture 371 improvement 658 preparation 673 cultivator agriculture 371 culture improvement 658 knowledge 490 taste 850 culture tube receptacle 191 cultured pearl jewelry 847.a culverin arms 727 culvert conduit 350 cumber gravity 319 hindrance 706 cumbersome painfulness 830 gravity 319 hindrance 706 inexpedience 647 cumbrous painfulness 830 inexpedience 647 gravity 319 hindrance 706 cummerbund clothing 225 cumulation assemblage 72 cumulative evidence evidence 467 cumulative vote politics 737.b cumulostratus bubble; cloud 353 cumulus bubble; cloud 353 cunctation lateness 133 cuneate angularity 244 cuneiform angularity 244 writing 590 cuneiform character writing 590 cunning cunning 702 skill 698 predetermination 611 deception 545 intelligence, wisdom 498 cunning as a fox cunning 702 cunning as a serpent cunning 702 cunning blade proficient 700 cunning man proficient 700 sorcerer 994 cunningly cunning 702 cunningness cunning 702 cup concavity 252 remedy 662 receptacle 191 drunkenness 959 food 298 cup bearer servant 746 cup of contents 190 cup of Circe physical pleasure 377 cup tossing chance 621 cupboard receptacle 191 cupellation calefaction 384 vaporization 336 Cupid beauty 845 love 897 cupidity desire 865 greed 817.a cupola height 206 convexity 250 cupping remedy 662 cup-shaped concavity 252 cur animal 366 bad man 949 curable remedy 662 restoration 660 curableness restoration 660 curacy churchdom 995 curate clergy 996 curative relief 834 restoration 660 curator consignee 758 curb dissuasion 616 slowness 275 restraint 751 prison 752 moderation 174 curb roof angularity 244 curbstone limit 233 curcuma paper experiment 463 curd density 321 pulpiness 354 curdle density 321 curdled semiliquidity 352 cure preservation 670 restoration 660 relief 834 health 654 clergy 996 churchdom 995 remedy 662 cure-all preservation 670 cureless hopelessness 859 curfew evening 126 curiosity curiosity 455 expectation 507 prodigy 872 unconformity 83 curiosity killed the cat curiosity 455 curious curiosity 455 truth 494 unconformity 83 beauty 845 desire 865 expectation 507 curious as a cat curiosity 455 curiouser and curiouser curiosity 455 curiously greatness 31 curiousness curiosity 455 Curist heterodoxy 984 curl convolution 248 curvature 245 fold 258 roughness 256 curl cloud bubble; cloud 353 curl paper roughness 256 curl up one's lip contempt 930 curling amusement 840 curvature 245 curly brackets indication 550 curmudgeon commonality 876 difficulty 704 parsimony 819 currency money 800 publication 531 currency counter money 800 currency exchange money 800 current habit 613 the present time 118 river 348 wind 349 publication 531 existence 1 eventuality 151 news 532 language 560 current belief assent 488 current of ideas thought 451 current of things eventuality 151 current of thought thought 451 current of time course 109 current opinion assent 488 currently reported news 532 currently rumored news 532 curricle vehicle 272 curriculum teaching 537 curry friction 331 condiment 393 curry favor with flattery 933 love 897 curse adversity 735 bane 663 malediction 908 painfulness 830 curse and swear malediction 908 curse! malediction 908 cursed malediction 908 badness 649 cursing malediction 908 cursitor lawyer 968 cursive hand writing 590 cursory haste 684 inattention 458 transientness 111 curt conciseness 572 shortness 201 taciturnity 585 curtail nonaddition, subtraction 38 shortness 201 curtailment nonaddition, subtraction 38 shortness 201 curtain concealment 528 shade 424 defense 717 ambush 530 drama 599 curtain lecture disapprobation 932 curtness taciturnity 585 curtsy courtesy 894 depression 308 oscillation 314 submission 725 curule council 696 curvation curvature 245 curvature curvature 245 curve curvature 245 deviation 279 curved curvature 245 curved surface rotundity 249 curvet agitation 315 circuition 311 leap 309 oscillation 314 curviform curvature 245 curvilineal curvature 245 curvilinear curvature 245 curvity curvature 245 cushat animal 366 cushion pleasure 827 relief 834 softness 324 support 215 cushiony softness 324 cushy job inaction 681 cusp angularity 244 sharpness 253 cusped sharpness 253 cuspidate sharpness 253 cuspidated sharpness 253 cuspidor receptacle 191 custodian keeper 753 safety 664 custody retention 781 safety 664 restraint 751 custom oldness 124 sale 796 price 812 barter 794 fashion 852 habit 613 frequency 136 customary frequency 136 generality 78 normality 80 oldness 124 customer purchase 795 customhouse mart 799 customhouse officer jurisdiction 965 customs union compact 769 cut layer 204 seclusion, exclusion 893 physical pain 378 refrigeration 385 shortness 201 painfulness 830 notch 257 neglect 460 method 627 sharpness 253 discourtesy 895 sculpture 557 agriculture 371 interval 198 discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 drunkenness 959 ejection 297 engraving 558 form 240 impulse 276 attack 716 cut a dash ostentation 882 cut a figure appearance 448 ostentation 882 repute 873 cut a figure in society fashion 852 cut a passage through opening 260 cut a poor figure disrepute 874 cut a sorry figure disrepute 874 cut a splash ostentation 882 cut a splurge ostentation 882 cut across passage 302 cut adrift disjunction 44 cut along velocity 274 cut and come again repetition 104 sufficiency 639 cut and dried arrangement 60 cut and run avoidance 623 cut and thrust attack 716 cut away nonaddition, subtraction 38 velocity 274 cut back expenses economy 817 cut blocks with a razor waste 638 unskillfulness 699 misuse 679 intuition 477 cut both ways counter evidence 468 cut capers leap 309 cut costs economy 817 cut dead seclusion, exclusion 893 cut direct seclusion, exclusion 893 cut down depression 308 destruction 162 killing 361 shortness 201 cut expenses economy 817 cut in two bisection 91 cut into ribbons destruction 162 cut jokes wit 842 cut of one s jib appearance 448 cut of one's jib form 240 cut off disjunction 44 hindrance 706 killing 361 loss 776 nonaddition, subtraction 38 cut off from seclusion, exclusion 893 cut off with a shilling taking 789 cut one short aphony 581 cut one's own throat unskillfulness 699 cut one's stick avoidance 623 departure 293 cut one's way through passage 302 cut open opening 260 cut out nonaddition, subtraction 38 plan 626 remedy 662 substitution 147 superiority 33 cut out for skill 698 cut out work preparation 673 cut out work for direction 693 cut purse thief 792 cut short cessation 142 destruction 162 shortness 201 cut the first turf beginning 66 cut the knot facility 705 cut the throat killing 361 cut to pieces destruction 162 killing 361 cut to the heart excitation 824 painfulness 830 cut to the quick excitation 824 painfulness 830 cut up discontent 832 pain 828 disjunction 44 destruction 162 dejection 837 painfulness 830 disapprobation 932 cut up root and branch destruction 162 cut up rough resentment 900 cutaneous covering 223 cutcherry jurisdiction 965 cute skill 698 taste 850 cuteness intelligence, wisdom 498 cuticle covering 223 cuticular covering 223 cutlass arms 727 cutlery sharpness 253 cutter ship 273 vehicle 272 sharpness 253 cutters sharpness 253 cutthroat evil 913 killing 361 cutting cold 383 disapprobation 932 feeling 821 painfulness 830 part 51 sharpness 253 cutting edge sharpness 253 cutting instrument disjunction 44 cutting words disapprobation 932 cuttings choice 609 compendium 596 cuttystool penitence 950 cwt gravity 319 cwt. five, &c 98 cyanide bane 663 cyanogen blueness 438 cyclamate sweetness 396 cycle circularity 247 regularity of recurrence 138 vehicle 272 cyclical regularity of recurrence 138 cyclist traveler 268 cycloid circularity 247 cycloidal circularity 247 cyclone wind 349 rotation 312 Cyclone fence prison 752 cyclopean greatness 31 size 192 strength 159 cyclopedia knowledge 490 school 542 Cyclops dupe 547 size 192 strength 159 unconformity 83 cygnet animal 366 cylinder rotundity 249 cylindric rotundity 249 cylindrical rotundity 249 cylindricity rotundity 249 cylindroid rotundity 249 cymbal musical instruments 417 cymbals resonance 408 cymbiform curvature 245 cymophanous variegation 440 cynanche disease 655 cynic detractor 936 incredulity 487 misanthropy 911 asceticism 955 cynic. unbelief doubt 485 cynical disapprobation 932 seclusion, exclusion 893 incredulity 487 detraction 934 asceticism 955 contempt 930 cynicism detraction 934 discourtesy 895 incredulity 487 misanthropy 911 unbelief doubt 485 cynicism! asceticism 955 cynosure repute 873 indication 550 direction 693 Cynthia of the minute changeableness 149 cypress interment 363 lamentation 839 Cyprian libertine 962 cyst receptacle 191 cystic receptacle 191 cytomegalovirus disease 655 cytoplasm organization 357 czar master 745 czarevna master 745 czarina master 745 czarita master 745 czarowitz master 745 D d la sourdine faintness 405 D.V. possibility 470 d_esillusionner disclosure 529 d_esorient_e uncertainty 475 dab covering 223 impulse 276 proficient 700 ship 273 smallness 32 dabble inactivity 683 uncleanness 653 water 337 dabbled moisture 339 dabbler ignoramus 493 dabbling activity 682 dabster proficient 700 dacker irresolution 605 dacoit thief 792 dactyl poetry 597 Dactyliomancy prediction 511 dactylology indication 550 Dactylomancy prediction 511 dactylonomy indication 550 numeration 85 dad paternity 166 dado base 211 daedal difference 15 variegation 440 daedalian skill 698 convolution 248 daemon demon 980 daeva demon 980 daffodil beauty 845 daft insanity 503 dagger arms 727 painfulness 830 daggle pendency 214 uncleanness 653 Dago extraneousness 57 Dagon pseudo-revelation 986 daguerreotype painting 556 representation 554 dahabeah ship 273 daily frequency 136 regularity of recurrence 138 record 551 publication 531 daily and hourly frequency 136 dainty beauty 845 fastidiousness 868 food 298 physical pleasure 377 pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 taste 850 dairy mart 799 receptacle 191 dais support 215 scepter 747 dak messenger 534 dak bungalow abode 189 dalal consignee 758 dale concavity 252 dalliance endearment 902 dally amusement 840 endearment 902 inactivity 683 lateness 133 dally with irresolution 605 dalmatic canonicals 999 Daltonism dimsightedness 443 dam paternity 166 hindrance 706 gulf, lake 343 closure 261 river 348 dam up closure 261 hindrance 706 damage deterioration 659 evil 619 loss 776 price 812 damages penalty 974 damascene variegation 440 damask redness 434 dame teacher 540 woman 374 nobility 875 dame's school school 542 damn condemnation 971 malediction 908 damn it! malediction 908 damn with faint praise contempt 930 disapprobation 932 damn you to hell! malediction 908 damn you! malediction 908 damn! malediction 908 damnable badness 649 damnation condemnation 971 damnatory disapprobation 932 condemnation 971 damned badness 649 damnify badness 649 deterioration 659 Damon and Pythias friend 890 damp dejection 837 dissuasion 616 dullness 843 hindrance 706 insulation, fire extinction 388.a moderation 174 moisture 339 refrigeration 385 damp on the spirits dejection 837 damp one's hopes dejection 837 damp the sound nonresonance 408.a damp the spirits dejection 837 dampen the reverberations nonresonance 408.a dampened nonresonance 408.a damper dejection 837 dissuasion 616 food 298 hindrance 706 nonresonance 408.a refrigerator 387 damsel infant 129 damson sweetness 396 Danae wealth 803 dance rejoicing 838 oscillation 314 amusement 840 agitation 315 leap 309 dance attendance lateness 133 dance attendance on courtesy 894 request 765 sequence 281 servility 886 dance attendance upon servant 746 dance music music 415 dance off one's shoes leap 309 dance the back step regression 283 dance the war dance defiance 715 dance upon nothing punishment 972 dancer amusement 840 dander resentment 900 dandi vehicle 272 Dandie Dinmont animal 366 dandified affectation 855 dandiprat littleness 193 dandiprat! fop 854 dandle endearment 902 dandruff uncleanness 653 dandy fop 854 ship 273 dandyism affectation 855 danger danger 665 danger over safety 664 danger past safety 664 danger signal alarm 669 dangerous danger 665 dangerous classes evil 913 dangerous illness disease 655 dangerous person pitfall 667 dangle oscillation 314 ostentation 882 pendency 214 dangle before the eyes ostentation 882 dangler sequence 281 dank moisture 339 dapper beauty 845 littleness 193 dapperling littleness 193 dapple brown 433 dappled variegation 440 Darby and Joan seclusion, exclusion 893 marriage 903 dare courage 861 defiance 715 dare say probability 472 supposition 514 daredevil rashness 863 dare-devil blusterer 887 daring courage 861 defiance 715 daring imagination imagination 515 dark blindness 442 unintelligibility 519 latency, implication 526 invisibility 447 improbity 940 dejection 837 concealment 528 darkness 421 blackness 431 dimness 422 dark ages ignorance 491 dark as a pit darkness 421 dark as pitch darkness 421 dark cloud adversity 735 dark color blackness 431 dark horse politics 737.b dark lantern luminary 423 dark matter darkness 421 dark star darkness 421 darken unintelligibility 519 dimness 422 blackness 431 darkness 421 darkened darkness 421 darkie blackness 431 darkish dimness 422 darkling darkness 421 darkly blindness 442 darkness blackness 431 darkness 421 dimness 422 ignorance 491 latency, implication 526 darkness of meaning obscurity 571 darkness that can be felt darkness 421 darkness visible darkness 421 darksome darkness 421 darling favorite 899 love 897 darn restoration 660 dart propulsion 284 velocity 274 arms 727 dart to and fro haste 684 Darwinism organization 357 dash dejection 837 mixture 41 smallness 32 ship 273 ostentation 882 velocity 274 indication 550 haste 684 courage 861 activity 682 impulse 276 dash at attack 716 dash down depression 308 dash forward velocity 274 dash of the pen writing 590 dash off activity 682 writing 590 velocity 274 painting 556 haste 684 dash on haste 684 velocity 274 dash one's hope disappointment 509 dash one's hopes dejection 837 failure 732 hopelessness 859 dash out one's brains killing 361 dashboard refuge 666 dashed dejection 837 humility 879 dashed hopes hopelessness 859 dashing ostentation 882 courage 861 fashion 852 dastard cowardice 862 dastardly cowardice 862 dastardness cowardice 862 dastardy cowardice 862 dasturi reward 973 data evidence 467 information 527 reasoning 476 supposition 514 database list 86 arrangement 60 date chronometry 114 time 106 daub misrepresentation 555 uncleanness 653 dauber artist 559 bungler 701 daubing materials 635 misrepresentation 555 daughter posterity 167 daunt fear 860 dauntless courage 861 davenport receptacle 191 davus sum non Aedipus dullness 843 dawdle inactivity 683 slowness 275 irresolution 605 lateness 133 dawdling inactivity 683 dawn beginning 66 dimness 422 knowledge 490 morning 125 precursor 64 priority 116 dawn of hope hope 858 dawplucker detractor 936 day period 108 the present time 118 light 420 day after day diuturnity 110 frequency 136 day and night frequency 136 day blindness dimsightedness 443 day book accounts 811 day by day regularity of recurrence 138 repetition 104 time 106 day dream hope 858 imagination 515 day laborer agent 690 day lily beauty 845 Day of Atonement rite 998 day of Judgment end 67 futurity 121 day of reckoning revenge 919 day of rest repose 687 day school school 542 day star luminary 423 day wear clothing 225 daybook record 551 daybreak dimness 422 morning 125 daydreaming inattention 458 daylight light 420 days gone by the past 122 days of old the past 122 days of the week regularity of recurrence 138 days of yore the past 122 days past the past 122 dayspring morning 125 daze light 420 wonder 870 dazed uncertainty 475 dazzle blindness 442 dimsightedness 443 inattention 458 light 420 respect 928 wonder 870 dazzlement light 420 dazzling beauty 845 heat 382 DDB dullness 843 de facto existence 1 de novo repetition 104 de rigueur compulsion 744 deacon clergy 996 worship 990 deaconess clergy 996 deaconry churchdom 995 deaconship churchdom 995 deactivate cessation 142 dead death 360 physical inertness 172 physical insensibility 376 completeness 52 achromatism 429 nonresonance 408.a killing 361 dead against contrariety 14 dead and gone death 360 dead as a doornail death 360 dead as a doorpost death 360 dead as a herring death 360 dead as a mutton death 360 dead as nits death 360 dead asleep inactivity 683 dead beat impotence 158 servility 886 failure 732 dead calm quiescence 265 dead certainty certainty 474 dead color painting 556 dead cut seclusion, exclusion 893 dead drunk drunkenness 959 dead duck hopelessness 859 dead failure failure 732 dead flat horizontality 213 dead heat equality 27 dead house interment 363 dead languages language 560 dead letter impotence 158 unmeaningness 517 dereliction of duty 927 laxity 738 inutility 645 dead level horizontality 213 dead lift difficulty 704 exertion 686 dead lock cessation 142 quiescence 265 dead march interment 363 dead of night darkness 421 evening 126 dead reckoning measurement 466 numeration 85 dead secret secret 533 dead set difficulty 704 dead set at attack 716 dead shot proficient 700 dead silence silence 403 dead sound nonresonance 408.a dead stand cessation 142 quiescence 265 dead stop cessation 142 quiescence 265 dead to insensibility 823 dead to honor improbity 940 dead to shame insolence 885 dead wall hindrance 706 dead water gulf, lake 343 dead weight hindrance 706 deadbolt prison 752 deaden impotence 158 insensibility 823 moderation 174 deaden the reverberations nonresonance 408.a deaden the sound nonresonance 408.a deadened numbness 381 deadhead cheapness 815 deadlock difficulty 704 deadly killing 361 badness 649 death 360 destruction 162 insalubrity 657 deadly dull and boring dullness 843 deadly sin guilt 947 deadly weapon arms 727 killing 361 deadness insensibility 823 deads inutility 645 deaf deafness 419 inattention 458 deaf and dumb aphony 581 deaf as a beetle deafness 419 deaf as a post deafness 419 deaf as a trunkmaker deafness 419 deaf as an adder deafness 419 deaf to insensibility 823 refusal 764 deaf to advice obstinacy 606 deaf to reason sullenness 901.a deafen deafness 419 loudness 404 deafened deafness 419 deafening loudness 404 deafmute aphony 581 deaf-mute deafness 419 deafness deafness 419 deal compact 769 greatness 31 arrangement 60 apportionment 786 barter 794 deal a blow at attack 716 deal a blow to deterioration 659 punishment 972 deal a deathblow killing 361 deal board hardness 323 deal destruction destruction 162 deal fairly probity 939 deal hard measure to severity 739 deal hardly with severity 739 deal honorably probity 939 deal impartially probity 939 deal in barter 794 sale 796 deal in the marvelous exaggeration 549 deal out nonassemblage, dispersion 73 giving 784 deal retributive justice punishment 972 deal squarely probity 939 deal with barter 794 conduct 692 deal with a subject dissertation 595 deal with the prosecutor acquittal 970 dealer merchant 797 dealer's price discount 813 dealing barter 794 conduct 692 eventuality 151 dealing seconds deception 545 dealings action 680 dealings of Providence deity 976 dean clergy 996 deanery churchdom 995 temple 1000 dear dearness 814 favorite 899 love 897 dear at any price inutility 645 dear bought dearness 814 dear me! wonder 870 dearly dearness 814 dearly beloved love 897 dearness dearness 814 dearth insufficiency 640 dearth of ideas dullness 843 death cessation 142 death 360 end 67 death bed death 360 death blow death 360 death chair scourge 975 death feud revenge 919 death in the pot insalubrity 657 pitfall 667 Death knocks at the door death 360 death like ugliness 846 death rattle death 360 death song death 360 death struggle contention 720 death warrant death 360 condemnation 971 death watch death 360 warning 668 deathbed repentance penitence 950 deathblow end 67 failure 732 killing 361 deathless perpetuity 112 repute 873 deathlike silence 403 deathlike silence silence 403 debacle river 348 destruction 162 descent 306 violence 173 debar hindrance 706 prohibition 761 restraint 751 debark arrival 292 land 342 debarkation arrival 292 debase depression 308 deterioration 659 disrepute 874 money 800 uncleanness 653 debased improbity 940 lowness 207 debasement disrepute 874 improbity 940 lowness 207 deterioration 659 debatable reasoning 476 uncertainty 475 debate contention 720 conversation 588 irresolution 605 reasoning 476 debater polemic reasoning 476 debauch intemperance 954 impurity 961 deterioration 659 debauched intemperance 954 impurity 961 debauchee libertine 962 debauchery impurity 961 intemperance 954 debenture credit 805 money 800 security 771 debile weakness 160 debilitate weakness 160 debility weakness 160 debit debt 806 accounts 811 debitor debt 806 debonair cheerfulness 836 debonnaire cheerfulness 836 debouch departure 293 egress 295 debouche egress 295 debris inutility 645 part 51 pulverulence 330 debt debt 806 property 780 debt of nature death 360 debtor debt 806 nonpayment 808 debut beginning 66 essay 675 debutant drama 599 learner 541 decade five, &c 98 period 108 time 106 decadence deterioration 659 decadency deterioration 659 decagon angularity 244 decalogue duty 926 decamp avoidance 623 departure 293 decampment departure 293 decant transference 270 decanter receptacle 191 decapitate punishment 972 decapitation punishment 972 decarbonized iron hardness 323 decay adversity 735 contraction 195 deterioration 659 disease 655 nonincrease, decrease 36 oldness 124 uncleanness 653 decay of memory oblivion 506 decayed disease 655 uncleanness 653 adversity 735 weakness 160 deterioration 659 decease death 360 deceased death 360 deceit deception 545 falsehood 544 deceitful cunning 702 deception 545 error 495 falsehood 544 deceive misteaching 538 deception 545 error 495 falsehood 544 deceive oneself error 495 deceived deception 545 deceiver deceiver 548 deceiving deception 545 decency purity 960 decenniumm lustrum period 108 decent imperfection 651 purity 960 decentralize decomposition 49 deception deception 545 falsehood 544 deceptious deception 545 deceptive deception 545 intuition 477 decession departure 293 dechristianize irreligion 989 decide cause 153 certainty 474 choice 609 judgment 480 resolution 604 decided affirmation 535 certainty 474 end 67 greatness 31 resolution 604 decided case lawsuit 969 decidedly greatness 31 deciduous descent 306 deterioration 659 transientness 111 decimal five, &c 98 number 84 quinquesection, &c 99 decimate deterioration 659 fewness 103 killing 361 nonaddition, subtraction 38 punishment 972 quinquesection, &c 99 weakness 160 decimation quinquesection, &c 99 fewness 103 decipher interpretation 522 decision choice 609 intention 620 judgment 480 lawsuit 969 resolution 604 decisive certainty 474 demonstration 478 decjed out ostentation 882 deck receptacle 191 amusement 840 base 211 clothing 225 ornament 847 deckle-edged nonpreparation 674 declaim speech 582 declaim against disapprobation 932 declamation ornament 577 speech 582 declamatory loquacity 584 ornament 577 speech 582 declaration affirmation 535 lawsuit 969 Declaration Day amusement 840 declaration of faith belief 484 theology 983 declaration of war discord 713 declaratory affirmation 535 meaning 516 information 527 declare affirmation 535 meaning 516 declare null and void abrogation 756 nonobservance 773 declare war discord 713 declension nonincrease, decrease 36 refusal 764 impiety 988 grammar 567 deterioration 659 descent 306 declension of strength weakness 160 declensions intrinsicality 5 declination descent 306 deterioration 659 deviation 279 rejection 610 declinature refusal 764 decline rejection 610 nonincrease, decrease 36 weakness 160 refusal 764 oldness 124 deterioration 659 descent 306 age 128 adversity 735 disease 655 decline of day evening 126 decline of life age 128 declining age 128 refusal 764 declining years age 128 declivity descent 306 obliquity 217 decoction calefaction 384 decollate punishment 972 decollation punishment 972 decoloration achromatism 429 decolorize achromatism 429 decompose decomposition 49 decomposed decomposition 49 decomposition decomposition 49 disjunction 44 decompound decomposition 49 deconsecrate abrogation 756 deconsecration abrogation 756 decorate ornament 847 decoration ornament 847 scepter 747 title 877 trophy 733 beauty 845 decorative ornament 847 decorous purity 960 respect 928 dueness 924 decorticate divestment 226 decortication divestment 226 decorum duty 926 fashion 852 purity 960 decoy deception 545 motive 615 deceiver 548 decoy duck motive 615 deceiver 548 decoy-duck deception 545 decrassify cleanness 652 improvement 658 decrease contraction 195 nonincrease, decrease 36 deterioration 659 nonaddition, subtraction 38 decrease of size contraction 195 decreased nonincrease, decrease 36 decreasing nonincrease, decrease 36 decree command 741 judgment 480 legality 963 decrement contraction 195 decrement 40.a nonincrease, decrease 36 decrepid deterioration 659 decrepit weakness 160 disease 655 deterioration 659 age 128 decrepitation snap 406 decrepitude age 128 deterioration 659 weakness 160 decretal command 741 decretive command 741 decretory command 741 decry detraction 934 disapprobation 932 decumbence horizontality 213 decumbency horizontality 213 decumbent horizontality 213 decuple five, &c 98 decurrent descent 306 decursive descent 306 decurtate shortness 201 decurtation shortness 201 decussate crossing 219 decussation crossing 219 dedecoration disrepute 874 dedecorous discourtesy 895 disrepute 874 dedicate use 677 dedicate to repute 873 dedication repute 873 deduce nonaddition, subtraction 38 judgment 480 deducible demonstration 478 evidence 467 deduct nonaddition, subtraction 38 taking 789 deduction decrement 40.a experiment 463 judgment 480 nonaddition, subtraction 38 reasoning 476 deed evidence 467 record 551 action 680 security 771 deed of indemnity forgiveness 918 security 771 deed of release pacification 723 deed poll security 771 deed without a name guilt 947 deeds of arms contention 720 deem as belief 484 deep loudness 404 greatness 31 ocean 341 intelligence, wisdom 498 depth 208 cunning 702 color 428 feeling 821 deep application attention 457 deep as a well depth 208 deep attention attention 457 deep background concealment 528 deep death song lamentation 839 deep felt feeling 821 deep freeze refrigerator 387 deep in debt debt 806 deep knowledge knowledge 490 deep laid cunning 702 deep mourning lamentation 839 deep musing inattention 458 thought 451 deep note resonance 408 deep pockets wealth 803 deep potations drunkenness 959 deep reflection thought 451 deep seated depth 208 interiority 221 deep sense feeling 821 deep sigh lamentation 839 deep study attention 457 deep thought attention 457 deep-colored color 428 deep-dyed physical energy 171 deepen depth 208 increase 35 deep-freeze preservation 670 deep-laid plan plan 626 deeply involved debt 806 deep-mouthed feeling 821 resonance 408 ululation 412 deepness depth 208 deep-read knowledge 490 deep-rooted affections 820 habit 613 stability 150 strength 159 deep-sounding resonance 408 deep-toned resonance 408 deer animal 366 deer hound animal 366 deev demon 980 deface amorphism 241 deterioration 659 obliteration 552 ugliness 846 defacement amorphism 241 defalcation contraction 195 incompleteness 53 nonpayment 808 shortcoming 304 defamation detraction 934 defamatory detraction 934 disapprobation 932 defame detraction 934 disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 defamer detractor 936 defatigation weariness 841 default shortcoming 304 debt 806 neglect 460 nonpayment 808 defaulter thief 792 nonpayment 808 bad man 949 debt 806 defeasance abrogation 756 defeasible confutation 479 defeat confutation 479 success 731 hindrance 706 disappointment 509 failure 732 defeat one's hope disappointment 509 defeat the purpose failure 732 defeated failure 732 defecate cleanness 652 defecation cleanness 652 defect blemish 848 decrement 40.a imperfection 651 incompleteness 53 vice 945 defection disobedience 742 tergiversation 607 relinquishment 624 defective imperfection 651 incompleteness 53 defend defense 717 vindication 937 defendant accusation 938 lawsuit 969 vindication 937 defended defense 717 defender defense 717 defender of the faith defense 717 defending defense 717 defense defense 717 government 737.a vindication 937 defense not defiance defense 717 defenseless danger 665 impotence 158 weakness 160 defenselessness danger 665 defensible safety 664 vindication 937 defensive defense 717 defensively defense 717 defer lateness 133 defer to submission 725 assent 488 respect 928 deference respect 928 obedience 743 deferential respect 928 deferral lateness 133 deferred payment debt 806 deferring lateness 133 defiance courage 861 defiance 715 disobedience 742 threat 909 defiance of danger courage 861 defiant defiance 715 threat 909 deficiency incompleteness 53 vice 945 inferiority 34 imperfection 651 insufficiency 640 deficiency of blood weakness 160 deficient imperfection 651 incompleteness 53 inferiority 34 insufficiency 640 shortcoming 304 deficit debt 806 incompleteness 53 defigure ugliness 846 defile interval 198 uncleanness 653 journey 266 deterioration 659 disrepute 874 impurity 961 defilement disrepute 874 impurity 961 uncleanness 653 define interpretation 522 nomenclature 564 defined manifestation 525 definite speciality 79 truth 494 manifestation 525 visibility 446 intelligibility 518 certainty 474 limit 233 definiteness perspicuity 570 definition interpretation 522 perspicuity 570 definitive affirmation 535 end 67 resolution 604 definitive work book 593 definitively true truth 494 deflagration calefaction 384 deflate dissuasion 616 money 800 deflation money 800 deflect deviation 279 curvature 245 deflection curvature 245 deviation 279 deflexion curvature 245 deflexure deviation 279 defloration impurity 961 deflower deterioration 659 impurity 961 defluxion egress 295 river 348 defoedation deterioration 659 uncleanness 653 deform amorphism 241 distortion 243 deformed distortion 243 deforming amorphism 241 deformity amorphism 241 blemish 848 distortion 243 ugliness 846 defraud deception 545 stealing 791 defray payment 807 defrayment payment 807 deft agreement 23 skill 698 defunct corpse 362 inexistence 2 death 360 defy courage 861 defiance 715 threat 909 defy danger courage 861 defying defiance 715 degeneracy deterioration 659 degenerate deterioration 659 degenerateness deterioration 659 degeneration deterioration 659 deglutition food 298 taking 789 degradation deterioration 659 disrepute 874 degrade disrepute 874 deterioration 659 degrading disrepute 874 improbity 940 vice 945 degree degree 26 repute 873 term 71 degrees Celsius heat 382 degrees centigrade heat 382 degrees Fahrenheit heat 382 degrees Kelvin heat 382 degustation taste 390 dehiscence opening 260 dehort dissuasion 616 warning 668 dehortation dissuasion 616 warning 668 dehortatory advice 695 dissuasion 616 dehumidifier refrigeration 385 dehydrate dryness 340 dehydrated dryness 340 deification heaven 981 idolatry 991 deify repute 873 idolatry 991 deign consent 762 humility 879 Deism heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 Deist heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 deistical irreligion 989 Deity deity 976 deject dejection 837 dejectedness dejection 837 dejection dejection 837 excretion 299 pain 828 dekko! attention 457 delabrement deterioration 659 delaceration deterioration 659 delaminate layer 204 delation accusation 938 lateness 133 delator information 527 delay diuturnity 110 lateness 133 slowness 275 delayed lateness 133 dele obliteration 552 delectability pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 delectable pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 delectation pleasure 827 delection pleasure 827 delegate consignee 758 deputy 759 transference 270 commission 755 delegation commission 755 deleterious badness 649 deterioration 659 insalubrity 657 deletion obliteration 552 deletory destruction 162 deliberate thought 451 advice 695 leisure 685 slowness 275 deliberate application attention 457 deliberate attention attention 457 deliberate study attention 457 deliberate thought attention 457 deliberately will 600 intention 620 lateness 133 leisure 685 predetermination 611 deliberation caution 864 thought 451 deliberative council 696 thought 451 delicacy savoriness 394 unwillingness 603 difficulty 704 truth 494 weakness 160 taste 850 purity 960 probity 939 disease 655 beauty 845 food 298 delicat fastidiousness 868 delicate difficulty 704 truth 494 texture 329 savoriness 394 purity 960 fastidiousness 868 narrowness, thinness 203 color 428 beauty 845 pleasurableness 829 delicate distinction difference 15 delicate ear hearing 418 delicate point difficulty 704 delicatessen mart 799 savoriness 394 delicious pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 deliciousness savoriness 394 delight cheerfulness 836 pleasurableness 829 pleasure 827 delight in pleasure 827 delighted rejoicing 838 delightful pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 Delilah libertine 962 delineate representation 554 delineation description 594 representation 554 delinquency guilt 947 delinquent bad man 949 deliquation liquefaction 335 deliquesce liquefaction 335 deliquescence liquefaction 335 deliquescent liquefaction 335 delirious excitability 825 insanity 503 delirium excitability 825 insanity 503 delirium tremens drunkenness 959 delitescence invisibility 447 seclusion, exclusion 893 delitescent invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 seclusion, exclusion 893 deliver giving 784 voice 580 transference 270 liberation 750 deliverance 672 speech 582 deliver a speech speech 582 deliver judgment judgment 480 deliver oneself from liberation 750 deliver over giving 784 deliver up one's arms submission 725 deliverance deliverance 672 liberation 750 relief 834 delivery giving 784 voice 580 speech 582 production 161 delivery service messenger 534 dell concavity 252 Delphian oracle oracle 513 Delphic oracle equivocalness 520 latency, implication 526 delta land 342 delude deception 545 error 495 deluge water 337 assemblage 72 redundancy 641 river 348 delusion insanity 503 deception 545 error 495 delusional insanity 503 delusive deception 545 error 495 delusory deception 545 delve agriculture 371 concavity 252 delve into dissertation 595 inquiry 461 demagogue opponent 710 director 694 disobedience 742 demagogy government 737.a demand command 741 dueness 924 inquiry 461 price 812 property 780 requirement 630 demand deposit money 800 demanding fastidiousness 868 demean oneself conduct 692 humility 879 improbity 940 demeanor conduct 692 fashion 852 appearance 448 demel_e discord 713 demency insanity 503 dementate insanity 503 dementation insanity 503 demented insanity 503 dementia insanity 503 demerit vice 945 demesne abode 189 property 780 demi- bisection 91 demigod courage 861 good man 948 demigration journey 266 demijohn receptacle 191 demi-jour dimness 422 demimonde commonality 876 libertine 962 demirep libertine 962 demise death 360 lending 787 transfer 783 demised death 360 demisemiquaver melody concord 413 demission abrogation 756 demiurge Jupiter 979 demiurgus agent 690 demivolt leap 309 democracy commonality 876 government 737.a politics 737.b democrat commonality 876 Democratic Party politics 737.b democratic republic government 737.a Democrats party 712 Democritus the Abderite rejoicing 838 demoiselle infant 129 demolish confutation 479 destruction 162 demolishment destruction 162 demolition destruction 162 demon evil 619 satan 978 bane 663 violence 173 demon 980 demon in human shape bad man 949 evil 913 demonetize money 800 demoniac demon 980 demoniacal demon 980 excitation 824 malevolence 907 vice 945 demonic demon 980 demonic possession demon 980 demonical demon 980 demonically demon 980 demonism idolatry 991 demonolatry idolatry 991 demonology demon 980 sorcery 992 demonomy sorcery 992 demonophobia hate 898 demonry demon 980 demonship sorcery 992 demonstrable demonstration 478 demonstrate demonstration 478 manifestation 525 numeration 85 demonstrated demonstration 478 demonstrating demonstration 478 demonstration ostentation 882 demonstration 478 manifestation 525 demonstrative demonstration 478 excitability 825 indication 550 manifestation 525 demonstrator interpreter 524 demon-worship idolatry 991 demoralization deterioration 659 vice 945 demoralize deterioration 659 vice 945 demoralized vice 945 impotence 158 demoralizing vice 945 demos commonality 876 Demosthenes speech 582 demulcent moderation 174 remedy 662 demur dissent 489 irresolution 605 unwillingness 603 demure affectation 855 dejection 837 inexcitability 826 modesty 881 unbelief doubt 485 demureness modesty 881 affectation 855 demurrer lawsuit 969 demurring unwillingness 603 den abode 189 prison 752 receptacle 191 uncleanness 653 den of Cacus stealing 791 den of thieves stealing 791 denary five, &c 98 denaturalize deterioration 659 denaturalized unconformity 83 denature deterioration 659 dendriform symmetry 242 dendroid symmetry 242 dendrology botany 369 dengue fever disease 655 denial negation 536 refusal 764 denied negation 536 denigrate blackness 431 denims clothing 225 denization freedom 748 denizen freedom 748 inhabitant 188 denizens of the air Jupiter 979 denizens of the sea animal 366 denominate phrase 566 denominate designate nomenclature 564 denomination class 75 party 712 nomenclature 564 denominational dissent 489 theology 983 denominational education teaching 537 denominational school school 542 denominator number 84 denotable indication 550 denotative indication 550 denote indication 550 speciality 79 denouement effect 154 end 67 disclosure 529 completion 729 denounce detraction 934 disapprobation 932 malediction 908 accusation 938 denouncement accusation 938 dense assemblage 72 density 321 unintelligibility 519 densitometer measurement 466 optical instruments 445 density density 321 dent concavity 252 notch 257 dental letter 561 dentate notch 257 dentated notch 257 denticulate notch 257 denticulated notch 257 sharpness 253 dentiform sharpness 253 dentifrice cleanness 652 dentistry remedy 662 denudation divestment 226 denude divestment 226 denuded divestment 226 loss 776 denuded of insufficiency 640 denunciation accusation 938 threat 909 disapprobation 932 malediction 908 denunciatory accusation 938 disapprobation 932 deny negation 536 refusal 764 resignation 757 unbelief doubt 485 deny absolutely negation 536 deny emphatically negation 536 deny entirely negation 536 deny flatly negation 536 deny oneself refusal 764 worship 990 seclusion, exclusion 893 avoidance 623 temperance 953 deny peremptorily negation 536 deny wholly negation 536 denying negation 536 deobstruct facility 705 deobstruent cleanness 652 remedy 662 deodand penalty 974 deodorant inodorousness 399 deodorization inodorousness 399 deodorize cleanness 652 inodorousness 399 deodorized inodorousness 399 deodorizer inodorousness 399 deodorizing inodorousness 399 deontology duty 926 deoppilate! facility 705 deoppilation! facility 705 de-orbit arrival 292 deorganization derangement 61 deorganize derangement 61 deosculation endearment 902 deoxidization change 140 depart departure 293 displacement 185 recession 287 depart from relinquishment 624 deviation 279 depart this life death 360 departed inexistence 2 death 360 departed this life death 360 departing departure 293 department business 625 class 75 jurisdiction 965 part 51 region 181 department head government 737.a department store mart 799 departmental government 737.a departure death 360 recession 287 departure 293 avoidance 623 disappearance 449 depend pendency 214 qualification 469 uncertainty 475 depend on qualification 469 depend upon belief 484 effect 154 evidence 467 subjection 749 dependant servant 746 dependence chance 156 uncertainty 475 subjection 749 coherence 46 circumstance 8 dependence on belief 484 dependency pendency 214 possession 777 property 780 relation 9 subjection 749 uncertainty 475 dependent pendency 214 servant 746 subjection 749 dependent on uncertainty 475 liability 177 dependent upon effect 154 deperdition loss 776 dephlegmation dryness 340 depict painting 556 representation 554 depicting painting 556 depictment representation 554 depicture representation 554 depilation divestment 226 depilatory remedy 662 deplane arrival 292 depletion insufficiency 640 deplorable badness 649 painfulness 830 adversity 735 deplore regret 833 lamentation 839 deploy expansion 194 depone affirmation 535 deponent evidence 467 depopulate seclusion, exclusion 893 ejection 297 depopulation seclusion, exclusion 893 deport ejection 297 deportation ejection 297 transference 270 deportment conduct 692 deposal abrogation 756 depose laxity 738 evidence 467 abrogation 756 affirmation 535 deposit density 321 expenditure 809 location 184 money 800 security 771 store 636 depositary treasurer 801 deposition abrogation 756 record 551 location 184 affirmation 535 laxity 738 evidence 467 depository store 636 treasury 802 depot focus 74 mart 799 store 636 depravation deterioration 659 deprave deterioration 659 depraved badness 649 deterioration 659 vice 945 depravement deterioration 659 depravity badness 649 deterioration 659 vice 945 deprecate deprecation 766 detraction 934 disapprobation 932 dissuasion 616 lamentation 839 pity 914 deprecated deprecation 766 deprecation deprecation 766 dissuasion 616 deprecatory deprecation 766 detraction 934 depreciate detraction 934 underestimation 483 disapprobation 932 nonincrease, decrease 36 depreciated cheapness 815 underestimation 483 depreciating underestimation 483 depreciation disapprobation 932 underestimation 483 discount 813 detraction 934 cheapness 815 nonincrease, decrease 36 depredation stealing 791 depredator thief 792 deprehension taking 789 depress dullness 843 depression 308 concavity 252 dejection 837 depress the spirits dejection 837 depressed concavity 252 depression 308 insanity 503 depressed spirits dejection 837 depressing dejection 837 painfulness 830 depression depression 308 notch 257 lowness 207 insanity 503 depth 208 dejection 837 concavity 252 hopelessness 859 depression of spirits dejection 837 depressive painfulness 830 deprivation loss 776 taking 789 deprive of nonaddition, subtraction 38 taking 789 deprive of color achromatism 429 deprive of life killing 361 deprive of power impotence 158 deprive of strength weakness 160 deprived of loss 776 deprivement taking 789 depth depth 208 intelligence, wisdom 498 depth of misery pain 828 depth of thought thought 451 depth of water depth 208 depth of winter cold 383 depurate cleanness 652 depurative remedy 662 depuratory remedy 662 deputation commission 755 depute commission 755 deputy authority 737 substitute 634 deputy 759 commission 755 deputy commissioner master 745 dequantitate nonincrease, decrease 36 derail cessation 142 derange amorphism 241 derangement 61 disorder 59 derange the head insanity 503 deranged derangement 61 disorder 59 insanity 503 derangement disorder 59 insanity 503 derangement 61 Derby day contention 720 amusement 840 derelict land 342 relinquishment 782 seclusion, exclusion 893 dereliction guilt 947 relinquishment 782 dereliction of duty dereliction of duty 927 dereplication identification 465.b deride ridicule 856 disrespect 929 derision ridicule 856 rejoicing 838 disrespect 929 contempt 930 derisive contempt 930 disrespect 929 ridicule 856 derisory ridicule 856 derivable from attribution 155 effect 154 derivation cause 153 copy 21 effect 154 word 562 derivation from attribution 155 derivative copy 21 effect 154 word 562 derive acquisition 775 judgment 480 derive from attribution 155 receipt 810 derive its origin cause 153 derive its origin from effect 154 derive pleasure pleasure 827 derived from effect 154 derived from within intrinsicality 5 derived from without extrinsicality 6 derm covering 223 dermal covering 223 dermatoid covering 223 dermatologist remedy 662 dermatology covering 223 derogate detraction 934 improbity 940 derogate from disrepute 874 derogation disrepute 874 derogatory detraction 934 disrepute 874 improbity 940 derrick elevation 307 derring-do courage 861 dervish clergy 996 descant diffuseness 573 music 415 descant upon a subject dissertation 595 descend descent 306 nonincrease, decrease 36 descend to details description 594 descend to particulars description 594 speciality 79 descendant posterity 167 descendent descent 306 descending descent 306 descension descent 306 descent continuity 69 paternity 166 descent 306 acquisition 775 nonincrease, decrease 36 cause 153 describe description 594 representation 554 describe a circle circuition 311 circularity 247 described description 594 description class 75 description 594 nomenclature 564 descriptive description 594 descry vision 441 desecrate disrespect 929 impiety 988 misuse 679 desecrating impiety 988 desecration impiety 988 misuse 679 desert absence 187 avoidance 623 plain 344 relinquishment 624 resignation 757 sweetness 396 unproductiveness 169 virtue 944 deserted absence 187 seclusion, exclusion 893 hindrance 706 deserter tergiversation 607 desertful virtue 944 desertion relinquishment 624 seclusion, exclusion 893 desertless vice 945 deserve dueness 924 right 922 deserve notice importance 642 deserve praise approbation 931 deserved dueness 924 right 922 deserving dueness 924 virtue 944 deserving of belief 484 deserving of praise approbation 931 desiccate dryness 340 desiccation dryness 340 desiccative dryness 340 desiderate desire 865 requirement 630 desideratum desire 865 inquiry 461 requirement 630 design intention 620 representation 554 prototype 22 plan 626 painting 556 designate phrase 566 speciality 79 designated driver temperance 953 designation class 75 commission 755 nomenclature 564 designed predetermination 611 designedly intention 620 designer artist 559 plan 626 designer clothes clothing 225 designing cunning 702 representation 554 designless chance 621 desinence cessation 142 end 67 desirability expedience 646 desirable desire 865 expedience 646 desirableness expedience 646 desire pleasurableness 829 will 600 willingness 602 requirement 630 intention 620 hope 858 desire 865 greed 817.a love 897 desired desire 865 desiring desire 865 desirous desire 865 desist relinquishment 624 cessation 142 inaction 681 desist! prohibition 761 desistance cessation 142 desk receptacle 191 support 215 desolate destruction 162 unity 87 dejection 837 hopelessness 859 seclusion, exclusion 893 desolating painfulness 830 desolation destruction 162 hopelessness 859 pain 828 seclusion, exclusion 893 despair dejection 837 pain 828 fear 860 hopelessness 859 despairing hopelessness 859 despatch food 298 news 532 killing 361 activity 682 haste 684 correspondence 592 conduct 692 command 741 completion 729 ejection 297 despect contempt 930 desperado blusterer 887 evil 913 rashness 863 desperate impossibility 471 rashness 863 hopelessness 859 greatness 31 difficulty 704 violence 173 desperately greatness 31 desperation excitability 825 hopelessness 859 rashness 863 resentment 900 resolution 604 despicable contempt 930 disrepute 874 despiciency contempt 930 despisal contempt 930 despise contempt 930 despise danger courage 861 despised contempt 930 despisedness contempt 930 despisement contempt 930 despite malevolence 907 despiteful malevolence 907 despoil deterioration 659 stealing 791 taking 789 despond dejection 837 hopelessness 859 despondency fear 860 hopelessness 859 dejection 837 desponding dejection 837 despot master 745 severity 739 despotic illegality 964 despotical illegality 964 despotism authority 737 illegality 964 severity 739 despumate cleanness 652 desquamation divestment 226 dess layer 204 dessert food 298 dessicated dryness 340 dessicator dryness 340 destinate intention 620 destination arrival 292 end 67 intention 620 necessity 601 destine intention 620 necessity 601 destined destiny 152 necessity 601 destiny necessity 601 destiny 152 expectation 507 futurity 121 destitute poverty 804 destitute of requirement 630 insufficiency 640 destitution poverty 804 desto music 415 destrier combatant 726 destroy abrogation 756 badness 649 destruction 162 deterioration 659 inaction 681 inexistence 2 destroy one's hopes hopelessness 859 destroyed destruction 162 failure 732 destroyer combatant 726 destroyer 165 evil 913 ship 273 destroying destruction 162 destruction revolution 146 destruction 162 destruction of life destruction 162 destructive destruction 162 badness 649 desuetude desuetude 614 disuse 678 relinquishment 624 desultory disorder 59 irregularity of recurrence 139 multiformity 81 discontinuity 70 deviation 279 agitation 315 changeableness 149 desume borrowing 788 detach disjunction 44 incoherence 47 detached incoherence 47 incuriosity 456 irrelation 10 detachment disjunction 44 part 51 combatant 726 detail apportionment 786 description 594 ornament 847 details smallness 32 speciality 79 unimportance 643 detain retention 781 detainee prisoner 754 detect discovery 480.a detectable measurement 466 detection discovery 480.a detective information 527 detector indication 550 detent connection 45 detention retention 781 deter dissuasion 616 fear 860 deterge cleanness 652 detergent cleanness 652 remedy 662 deteriorate deterioration 659 deteriorated badness 649 deterioration 659 deterioration stability 150 deterioration 659 nonincrease, decrease 36 regression 283 relapse 661 determinability measurement 466 determinable measurement 466 determinate certainty 474 intention 620 judgment 480 speciality 79 determination intention 620 will 600 judgment 480 end 67 resolution 604 determine measurement 466 certainty 474 speciality 79 resolution 604 quantity 25 will 600 judgment 480 end 67 direction 278 cause 153 answer 462 discovery 480.a determine once for all resolution 604 determined courage 861 resolution 604 deterration disclosure 529 detersion cleanness 652 detersive remedy 662 detest hate 898 dislike 867 detestable badness 649 detestation dislike 867 hate 898 dethrone abrogation 756 laxity 738 dethronement abrogation 756 laxity 738 detonate snap 406 violence 173 detonating violence 173 detonation violence 173 snap 406 detonize violence 173 detort misinterpretation 523 detortion distortion 243 detour circuit 629 curvature 245 deviation 279 detract detraction 934 nonaddition, subtraction 38 detracting detraction 934 detraction detraction 934 disapprobation 932 detractor detraction 934 detractor 936 detractory detraction 934 detrain arrival 292 detriment deterioration 659 detrimental badness 649 detrition friction 331 pulverulence 330 detritus inutility 645 part 51 pulverulence 330 detrude depression 308 ejection 297 detruncate nonaddition, subtraction 38 detruncation nonaddition, subtraction 38 detrusion depression 308 detrusive depression 308 deuce amusement 840 duality 89 deuced painfulness 830 deucedly greatness 31 deuterogamy marriage 903 deva Jupiter 979 devalue money 800 Devanagari writing 590 devastate destruction 162 devastating destruction 162 devastation attack 716 destruction 162 develop production 161 evolution 313 expansion 194 develop into conversion 144 developing conversion 144 development conversion 144 effect 154 evolution 313 expansion 194 increase 35 production 161 devex curvature 245 devexity curvature 245 obliquity 217 Devi Jupiter 979 deviate deviation 279 divergence 291 curvature 245 change 140 variation 20.a deviating deviation 279 deviation divergence 291 sexuality 374.a deviation 279 curvature 245 change 140 variation 20.a deviation from rectitude guilt 947 improbity 940 device plan 626 cunning 702 indication 550 devil pungency 392 demon 980 bad man 949 devil incarnate bad man 949 evil 913 devil take the hindmost haste 684 devil take the hindmost! avoidance 623 cowardice 862 devil take! malediction 908 Devil to pay disorder 59 evil 619 violence 173 devil worship satan 978 devilish satan 978 vice 945 malevolence 907 devilishly greatness 31 devilism satan 978 devil-may-care indifference 866 insolence 885 rashness 863 devils satan 978 devil's tattoo roll 407 devilship satan 978 devil-worship idolatry 991 devious curvature 245 deviation 279 devise imagination 515 plan 626 giving 784 devisee possessor 779 receiving 785 devoid absence 187 devoid of exemption 777.a insufficiency 640 devoid of interest weariness 841 devoid of truth error 495 devoir courtesy 894 devoirs respect 928 devolution deterioration 659 transfer 783 devolve transfer 783 devolve on duty 926 Devonian oldness 124 devote use 677 necessity 601 devote oneself to resolution 604 undertaking 676 devote the eye to attention 457 devote the thoughts to attention 457 devote to repute 873 devote to destruction malediction 908 devoted piety 987 adversity 735 love 897 obedience 743 pain 828 devoted friendship friendship 888 devoted to habit 613 devotedness resolution 604 devotee activity 682 desire 865 impiety 988 piety 987 devotee to Bacchus drunkenness 959 devotion resolution 604 respect 928 piety 987 love 897 disinterestedness 942 activity 682 worship 990 obedience 743 devotional worship 990 devour gluttony 957 destruction 162 food 298 devoured by feeling 821 devoured by desire desire 865 devouring element heat 382 devouring mind curiosity 455 devout piety 987 worship 990 devoutless irreligion 989 devoutly feeling 821 dew moisture 339 Dewali regularity of recurrence 138 dewan master 745 dewy moisture 339 dewy eve evening 126 dexter dextrality 238 dexterity skill 698 dexterous skill 698 dexterousness skill 698 dextrad dextrality 238 dextral dextrality 238 dextrality dextrality 238 dextrally dextrality 238 dextro- dextrality 238 dextrorsal dextrality 238 dextrorse dextrality 238 dextrose sweetness 396 dey master 745 dhobi cleanness 652 dhow ship 273 diabolic badness 649 malevolence 907 satan 978 vice 945 diabolic possession demon 980 diabolical malevolence 907 diabolism satan 978 diabolology satan 978 diacoustics sound 402 diacritical indication 550 diadem scepter 747 diagnosis discrimination 465 identification 465.b remedy 662 diagnostic experiment 463 indication 550 speciality 79 diagnostics intrinsicality 5 remedy 662 diagram representation 554 Diaion resin 356.a dial chronometry 114 dialect neologism 563 language 560 dialectic language 560 reasoning 476 dialectician reasoning 476 dialectics reasoning 476 dialogism allocution 586 dialogist conversation 588 dialogue conversation 588 diameter breadth, thickness 202 diametrically opposed contrariety 14 diametrically opposite contraposition 237 contrariety 14 diamond angularity 244 goodness 648 jewelry 847.a diamond anniversary celebration 883 diamond cut diamond cunning 702 retaliation 718 diamond in the rough good man 948 diamond jubilee celebration 883 diamond stylus hearing 418 diamond wedding celebration 883 diamonds amusement 840 Diana purity 960 world 318 diapason melody concord 413 diaper clothing 225 ornament 847 diaphaneity transparency 425 diaphanous transparency 425 diaphonics sound 402 diaphoresis excretion 299 diaphragm middle 68 interposition 228 diaporesis uncertainty 475 diarrhoea excretion 299 diary chronometry 114 record 551 diaskeaust book 593 diaster production 161 diastole expansion 194 diatessaron melody concord 413 diathermal calefaction 384 diathermancy calefaction 384 diathermanous calefaction 384 diathesis state 7 affections 820 intrinsicality 5 diatonic melody concord 413 diatonic chromatic scale melody concord 413 diatribe disapprobation 932 dib indication 550 dibble agriculture 371 perforator 262 dibs money 800 dicacity insolence 885 dice chance 621 dice box chance 621 dicer! chance 621 dicey chance 621 dichotomize bisection 91 dichotomous bisection 91 dichotomy angularity 244 bisection 91 dichroic dimsightedness 443 dichroism variegation 440 dichromatic variegation 440 dick safety 664 Dick Turpin thief 792 dicker five, &c 98 dicky bird animal 366 dictate insolence 885 writing 590 command 741 authority 737 advice 695 motive 615 dictation authority 737 command 741 dictator master 745 dictatorial insolence 885 dictatorship government 737.a severity 739 diction style 569 dictionary word 562 interpretation 522 list 86 school 542 dictum maxim 496 affirmation 535 command 741 didactic teaching 537 didder cold 383 diddle deception 545 diduction disjunction 44 die death 360 deterioration 659 end 67 engraving 558 inexistence 2 prototype 22 die a natural death death 360 completion 729 die a violent death killing 361 death 360 die and make no sign impenitence 951 die at one's post perseverance 604.a die away cessation 142 nonincrease, decrease 36 die away from the memory oblivion 506 die for desire 865 endearment 902 die game impenitence 951 die hard obstinacy 606 resistance 719 die in harness perseverance 604.a continuance in action 143 die in one's shoes punishment 972 die in the last ditch perseverance 604.a die of old age completion 729 die out inexistence 2 insulation, fire extinction 388.a die unshriven impenitence 951 die with ennui weariness 841 die with laughter amusement 840 die with one's boots on continuance in action 143 dies irae end 67 dies non neverness 107 repose 687 diet council 696 food 298 dietary food 298 remedy 662 dietetic food 298 remedy 662 dietetics remedy 662 differ difference 15 discord 713 differ in opinion dissent 489 difference difference 15 discord 713 dissimilarity 18 inequality 28 number 84 difference engine numeration 85 differences compromise 774 different multiformity 81 difference 15 incomparability 464.a different thing difference 15 different time different time 119 differentia difference 15 speciality 79 differential number 84 differential calculus numeration 85 differentiation discrimination 465 numeration 85 differently difference 15 differing difference 15 difficult fastidiousness 868 difficulty 704 difficult to deal with difficulty 704 difficult to please fastidiousness 868 difficulties poverty 804 difficulty complexity 59.a difficulty 704 hindrance 706 diffide unbelief doubt 485 diffidence fear 860 modesty 881 diffident fear 860 modesty 881 diffluent river 348 diffraction grating optical instruments 445 diffuse diffuseness 573 publication 531 gaseity 334 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 diffusely diffuseness 573 diffuseness diffuseness 573 repetition 104 diffusion nonassemblage, dispersion 73 presence 186 rarity 322 diffusion suffusion mixture 41 dig agriculture 371 concavity 252 depth 208 dig a mine preparation 673 plan 626 dig out discovery 480.a dig the foundations preparation 673 dig up the hatchet warfare 722 dig up the tomahawk warfare 722 digamy marriage 903 digenesis production 161 digenetic production 161 digest arrangement 60 calefaction 384 compendium 596 inexcitability 826 plan 626 thought 451 digestion arrangement 60 preparation 673 diggings abode 189 dight clothing 225 ornament 847 smallness 32 dighted clothing 225 digit number 84 digital clock chronometry 114 digitated sharpness 253 digladiation contention 720 diglot language 560 dignification repute 873 dignified repute 873 greatness 31 pride 878 dignify repute 873 dignitaries of the church clergy 996 dignity pride 878 probity 939 repute 873 digraph letter 561 digress diffuseness 573 deviation 279 digression circuit 629 deviation 279 digressive diffuseness 573 digs abode 189 dijudication judgment 480 dike conduit 350 interval 198 inclosure 232 gulf, lake 343 defense 717 furrow 259 dilaceration disjunction 44 dilapidate deterioration 659 dilapidated deterioration 659 dilapidation destruction 162 deterioration 659 dilatability expansion 194 dilatation rarity 322 increase 35 dilate rarity 322 increase 35 expansion 194 diffuseness 573 dilating diffuseness 573 dilation breadth, thickness 202 expansion 194 dilatory inactivity 683 lateness 133 slowness 275 dilection love 897 dilemma uncertainty 475 choice 609 difficulty 704 reasoning 476 state 7 dilettante ignoramus 493 taste 850 dilettanteism taste 850 dilettanti scholar 492 dilettantism ignorance 491 knowledge 490 taste 850 diligence activity 682 attention 457 vehicle 272 diligent activity 682 diligent application attention 457 diligent attention attention 457 diligent study attention 457 diligent thought attention 457 Dillinger thief 792 dillydally irresolution 605 dilly-dally inactivity 683 dilucidation interpretation 522 diluent water 337 dilute water 337 weakness 160 diluted water 337 dilution water 337 diluvian oldness 124 dim invisibility 447 opacity 426 dimness 422 darkness 421 unintelligibility 519 dim sight dimsightedness 443 dim the lights darkness 421 dime money 800 dime novel description 594 dimension size 192 space 180 dim-eyed dimsightedness 443 dimidiation bisection 91 diminish smallness 32 contraction 195 nonaddition, subtraction 38 nonincrease, decrease 36 diminish the number fewness 103 diminished inferiority 34 diminuendo music 415 diminution contraction 195 nonincrease, decrease 36 diminutive littleness 193 smallness 32 dimness dimness 422 dimple concavity 252 notch 257 dimsighted blindness 442 dim-sighted dimsightedness 443 imbecility folly 499 dimsightedness dimsightedness 443 dim-sightedness blindness 442 dimwit fool 501 din loudness 404 din in the ear loudness 404 repetition 104 roll 407 din in the ears loquacity 584 dinarchy government 737.a dine food 298 dine with Duke Humphrey fasting 956 unity 87 diner food 298 dingdong roll 407 ding-dong repetition 104 dingle concavity 252 dingy achromatism 429 blackness 431 darkness 421 dimness 422 gray 432 ship 273 ugliness 846 dining car vehicle 272 dining room receptacle 191 dinner food 298 dinosaur animal 366 dint impulse 276 power 157 concavity 252 diocesan clergy 996 diocese churchdom 995 Diogenes misanthropy 911 seclusion, exclusion 893 dionaea deception 545 dioptrics light 420 diorama appearance 448 painting 556 diorism discrimination 465 dioristic discrimination 465 dip insertion 300 rite 998 water 337 obliquity 217 descent 306 depression 308 concavity 252 plunge 310 direction 278 dip into attention 457 inquiry 461 learning 539 dip one's hands in blood malevolence 907 dip one's hands into taking 789 dip one's pen in ink writing 590 dip the pen in gall detraction 934 diphthong letter 561 diphyletic duality 89 posterity 167 diploma evidence 467 commission 755 diplomacy compact 769 cunning 702 mediation 724 diplomat consignee 758 diplomate consignee 758 diplomatic courtesy 894 cunning 702 diplomatic immunity acquittal 970 diplomatics mediation 724 diplomatist mediation 724 consignee 758 dipper receptacle 191 dipsomania drunkenness 959 desire 865 dipsomaniac madman 504 diptych list 86 record 551 dire adversity 735 badness 649 fear 860 painfulness 830 dire necessity necessity 601 direct direction 278 teaching 537 direction 693 command 741 artlessness 703 straightness 246 direct attention to attention 457 teaching 537 direct hit success 731 direct line straightness 246 direct one's course direction 278 direct one's steps pursuit 622 direct the attention to attention 457 information 527 direct the eye to attention 457 direct the eyes to vision 441 direct the mind to attention 457 directed direction 278 directed towards direction 278 directing direction 693 directing post indication 550 direction authority 737 command 741 direction 278 direction 693 government 737.a indication 550 precept 697 teaching 537 directional microphone hearing 418 directly earliness 132 direction 278 directly on point agreement 23 directness straightness 246 director direction 693 director 694 drama 599 teacher 540 director of the FBI government 737.a directorship government 737.a directory council 696 list 86 direful fear 860 diremption disjunction 44 direption stealing 791 dirge lamentation 839 music 415 interment 363 dirigible ship 273 dirk arms 727 dirt blemish 848 uncleanness 653 dirt bike journey 266 dirt cheap cheapness 815 dirty dimness 422 disrepute 874 improbity 940 opacity 426 turbidity 426.a uncleanness 653 dirty politics politics 737.b dirty sky bubble; cloud 353 wind 349 dirty weather wind 349 diruption destruction 162 disability impotence 158 disable impotence 158 inutility 645 restraint 751 unproductiveness 169 disabled impotence 158 disablement impotence 158 disabuse disclosure 529 dissuasion 616 information 527 disaccord discord 713 disadvantage inexpedience 647 evil 619 disadvantageous badness 649 evil 619 inexpedience 647 disaffected enmity 889 disaffection dissent 489 hate 898 disaffirm negation 536 disagree disagreement 24 discord 713 dissent 489 disagreeable painfulness 830 disagreeable c dislike 867 disagreeing disagreement 24 discord 713 disagreement difference 15 disagreement 24 discord 713 disallow prohibition 761 disallowance prohibition 761 disallowed undueness 925 disannul abrogation 756 disappear unsubstantiality 4 departure 293 disappearance 449 escape 671 inexistence 2 disappear! disappearance 449 disappearance disappearance 449 disappearing disappearance 449 disappoint disappointment 509 discontent 832 disappoint one's hope disappointment 509 disappointed disappointment 509 disappointing discontent 832 disappointment disappointment 509 discontent 832 disapprobation disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 disapproval disapprobation 932 disapprove condemnation 971 disapprobation 932 disapproved disapprobation 932 disapprover detractor 936 disapproving disapprobation 932 disarm content 831 impotence 158 pity 914 disarrange derangement 61 disarray disorder 59 disassociation disjunction 44 disaster adversity 735 evil 619 disastrous painfulness 830 evil 619 badness 649 adversity 735 disavow negation 536 disavowal negation 536 tergiversation 607 disband nonassemblage, dispersion 73 disjunction 44 liberation 750 disbar abrogation 756 punishment 972 disbelief irreligion 989 unbelief doubt 485 disbelieve irreligion 989 unbelief doubt 485 disbench punishment 972 abrogation 756 disbowel ejection 297 disbranch disjunction 44 disburden facility 705 relief 834 disburden one's heart disclosure 529 disburden one's mind disclosure 529 disburden oneself of relinquishment 782 disburdened facility 705 disburse expenditure 809 disbursement expenditure 809 disc exteriority 220 front 234 discard rejection 610 relinquishment 782 relinquishment 624 abrogation 756 nonobservance 773 disuse 678 refusal 764 ejection 297 discard from one's mind inattention 458 discarded error 495 discards relinquishment 782 disceptation reasoning 476 discern intelligence, wisdom 498 knowledge 490 vision 441 discernible visibility 446 discerning intelligence, wisdom 498 discernment vision 441 taste 850 discrimination 465 intelligence, wisdom 498 discerptible disjunction 44 discerption disjunction 44 discharge exemption 927.a liberation 750 violence 173 snap 406 security 771 propulsion 284 payment 807 abrogation 756 ejection 297 observance 772 egress 295 duty 926 conduct 692 completion 729 acquittal 970 excretion 299 discharge a duty duty 926 discharge a function utility 644 discharge an obligation duty 926 observance 772 discharge from one's mind inattention 458 discharge from the oblivion 506 discharge itself egress 295 river 348 discharge of duty virtue 944 discharge one's duty virtue 944 discharge the office of business 625 discind disjunction 44 disciple Judeo-christian revelation 985 learner 541 disciple of Zimmermann seclusion, exclusion 893 disciples of Christ orthodoxy 983.a disciplinal teaching 537 disciplinarian severity 739 teacher 540 discipline punishment 972 worship 990 teaching 537 restraint 751 discipline orderliness order 58 disclaim abrogation 756 negation 536 refusal 764 rejection 610 resignation 757 disclaimer negation 536 refusal 764 disclose manifestation 525 disclosure 529 discovery 480.a information 527 disclosed disclosure 529 manifestation 525 disclosure disclosure 529 discovery 480.a manifestation 525 discoid exteriority 220 flatness 251 layer 204 discolor deterioration 659 discoloration achromatism 429 deterioration 659 discolored ugliness 846 achromatism 429 blemish 848 deterioration 659 discombobulate derangement 61 discomfit disappointment 509 success 731 discomfiture failure 732 discomfort pain 828 physical pain 378 discommend disapprobation 932 discommendation disapprobation 932 discommode hindrance 706 discommodious inexpedience 647 discommodity inexpedience 647 discompose inattention 458 painfulness 830 disrepute 874 derangement 61 hindrance 706 resentment 900 discomposure derangement 61 pain 828 disconcert discontent 832 inattention 458 hopelessness 859 disrepute 874 derangement 61 hindrance 706 disconcerted disappointment 509 inattention 458 disconcerted dashed failure 732 disconfirm confutation 479 disconformity unconformity 83 discongruity disagreement 24 disconnect cessation 142 discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 disconnected discontinuity 70 irrelation 10 part 51 disconnection disjunction 44 irrelation 10 disconsolate dejection 837 disconsolateness dejection 837 discontent discontent 832 dissent 489 pain 828 discontented discontent 832 dissent 489 pain 828 discontentment discontent 832 discontinuance cessation 142 relinquishment 624 discontinue cessation 142 discontinuity 70 discontinuity discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 discontinuous discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 instantaneity 113 discord disorder 59 stridor 410 enmity 889 disagreement 24 discord 414 discord 713 discordance disagreement 24 discord 414 dissent 489 discordant stridor 410 color 428 disagreement 24 discord 414 discord 713 irrelation 10 multiformity 81 discordantly disagreement 24 discount discount 813 money 800 nonincrease, decrease 36 qualification 469 decrement 40.a discount coupon discount 813 discount rate money 800 discounted cheapness 815 discountenance hindrance 706 refusal 764 discounting discount 813 discourage fear 860 dissuasion 616 disappointment 509 dejection 837 discouraged dejection 837 discouragement dissuasion 616 hindrance 706 discourse conversation 588 dissertation 595 rite 998 speech 582 teaching 537 discourse with conversation 588 discoursive conversation 588 dissertation 595 discourteous discourtesy 895 discourteously discourtesy 895 discourtesy discourtesy 895 disrespect 929 discous breadth, thickness 202 discover answer 462 disclosure 529 discovery 480.a knowledge 490 vision 441 discover itself disclosure 529 visibility 446 discovery answer 462 discovery 480.a experiment 463 knowledge 490 discredit disrepute 874 unbelief doubt 485 discreditable disrepute 874 vice 945 discreet caution 864 skill 698 discrepance variation 20.a discrepancy disagreement 24 variation 20.a discrepant disagreement 24 discrete discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 discretion skill 698 will 600 choice 609 caution 864 discretional will 600 choice 609 discretionary freedom 748 will 600 discriminate difference 15 discrimination 465 intelligence, wisdom 498 taste 850 discriminating discrimination 465 discrimination intelligence, wisdom 498 comparison 464 difference 15 discrimination 465 discriminative discrimination 465 difference 15 disculpate vindication 937 discumbency horizontality 213 discursion journey 266 discursive conversation 588 deviation 279 diffuseness 573 dissertation 595 journey 266 reasoning 476 discursive faculties intellect 450 discursory reasoning 476 discus amusement 840 propulsion 284 discuss inquiry 461 reasoning 476 thought 451 food 298 discuss a subject dissertation 595 discussion dissertation 595 inquiry 461 reasoning 476 disdain contempt 930 indifference 866 disdainful contempt 930 pride 878 disease disease 655 diseased disease 655 diseased mind insanity 503 disembark arrival 292 disembarkation arrival 292 disembarrass facility 705 disembarrassed facility 705 disembodied immateriality 317 disembody decomposition 49 immateriality 317 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 disembogue egress 295 river 348 disembowel ejection 297 disembroil arrangement 60 disenable impotence 158 disenchant dissuasion 616 painfulness 830 disenchantment discovery 480.a dissuasion 616 disencumber facility 705 disencumbered facility 705 disencumbrance facility 705 disendow abrogation 756 disendowment abrogation 756 disengage disjunction 44 facility 705 liberation 750 disengaged offer 763 disengagement disjunction 44 liberation 750 disentangle arrangement 60 disjunction 44 evolution 313 facility 705 interpretation 522 liberation 750 simpleness 42 disentanglement facility 705 disenthral liberation 750 disenthrall liberation 750 disenthrallment liberation 750 disenthralment liberation 750 disenthrone abrogation 756 disentitle undueness 925 disentitled undueness 925 disespouse divorce 905 disestablish abrogation 756 displacement 185 disestablishment abrogation 756 disesteem disapprobation 932 disrespect 929 disestimation disrespect 929 disfavor hate 898 opposition 708 disfigure ugliness 846 amorphism 241 blemish 848 deterioration 659 disfigured ugliness 846 disfigurement amorphism 241 blemish 848 ugliness 846 disfranchise undueness 925 disfranchised undueness 925 disfranchisement undueness 925 disfurnish divestment 226 disgorge ejection 297 payment 807 restitution 790 disgrace improbity 940 disrepute 874 humility 879 disgrace oneself disrepute 874 improbity 940 disgraced disrepute 874 disgraceful disrepute 874 improbity 940 vice 945 disgruntled disappointment 509 disguise ambush 530 concealment 528 deception 545 falsehood 544 untruth 546 disguised drunkenness 959 deception 545 disguisement deception 545 disgust dislike 867 painfulness 830 unsavoriness 395 weariness 841 disgust of life dejection 837 disgusting dislike 867 hate 898 painfulness 830 weariness 841 dish destruction 162 food 298 receptacle 191 dish of tea sociality 892 dishabille clothing 225 divestment 226 dishearten dejection 837 discontent 832 dissuasion 616 hindrance 706 disheartened dejection 837 disheartening painfulness 830 dished failure 732 disherison taking 789 dishevel crossing 219 derangement 61 disheveled incoherence 47 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 dishing concavity 252 dishonest improbity 940 falsehood 544 dishonestly improbity 940 dishonesty improbity 940 dishonor disrepute 874 disrespect 929 improbity 940 nonpayment 808 dishonor oneself improbity 940 dishonorable improbity 940 dishonored bills nonpayment 808 dishwater uncleanness 653 disillusion dissuasion 616 disillusion one of information 527 disillusionment correction 527.a dissuasion 616 disinclination dislike 867 unwillingness 603 disincline dislike 867 dissuasion 616 disinclined dislike 867 unwillingness 603 disinfect cleanness 652 disinfectant cleanness 652 remedy 662 disinfection cleanness 652 restoration 660 disinform misteaching 538 disinformation misteaching 538 disingenuous falsehood 544 improbity 940 disinherit taking 789 transfer 783 disintegrate cessation 142 disjunction 44 pulverulence 330 disintegration cessation 142 decomposition 49 pulverulence 330 disinter discovery 480.a interment 363 disinterest incuriosity 456 disinterested disinterestedness 942 disinterestedness disinterestedness 942 disinterment interment 363 disjoin disjunction 44 disjoined disjunction 44 disjoint disjunction 44 disjointed disorder 59 impotence 158 disjunction decomposition 49 discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 incoherence 47 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 disjunctive disjunction 44 discontinuity 70 disk front 234 exteriority 220 diskette record 551 diskindness malevolence 907 dislike disapprobation 932 dislike 867 enmity 889 unwillingness 603 disliked dislike 867 hate 898 disliking dislike 867 dislimb disjunction 44 dislocate disjunction 44 derangement 61 dislocated disorder 59 dislocation disjunction 44 displacement 185 derangement 61 dislodge displacement 185 ejection 297 dislodgment ejection 297 disloyal improbity 940 disloyalty improbity 940 dismal dejection 837 painfulness 830 dismals dejection 837 dismantle disuse 678 nonpreparation 674 divestment 226 destruction 162 deterioration 659 inutility 645 dismantled nonpreparation 674 dismask disclosure 529 dismast deterioration 659 inutility 645 dismay fear 860 disme! money 800 dismember nonassemblage, dispersion 73 disjunction 44 dismemberment disjunction 44 dismiss disuse 678 refusal 764 relinquishment 782 punishment 972 learning 539 abrogation 756 liberation 750 dismiss from one's mind inattention 458 dismiss from the mind incogitancy 452 dismiss from the thoughts incogitancy 452 dismissal abrogation 756 liberation 750 dismount arrival 292 descent 306 inutility 645 disobedience nonobservance 773 illegality 964 disobedience 742 disobedient disobedience 742 disobey defiance 715 disobedience 742 disoblige malevolence 907 disobliging malevolence 907 disomatous duplication 90 disorder amorphism 241 derangement 61 disease 655 disorder 59 disordered intellect insanity 503 disordered reason insanity 503 disorderly violence 173 disorder 59 vice 945 disorderly person bad man 949 disorder 59 disorganization derangement 61 destruction 162 deterioration 659 disorganize derangement 61 destruction 162 deterioration 659 disorganized disorder 59 disown negation 536 dispair disjunction 44 dispansion expansion 194 disparage detraction 934 disapprobation 932 disrespect 929 underestimation 483 disparagement detraction 934 disapprobation 932 disrespect 929 malediction 908 disparaging detraction 934 disapprobation 932 disrespect 929 disparate dissimilarity 18 inequality 28 disjunction 44 disparity disagreement 24 dissimilarity 18 inequality 28 difference 15 dispart disjunction 44 dispassion inexcitability 826 dispassionate inexcitability 826 dispassionate belief belief 484 dispassionate opinion belief 484 dispatch ejection 297 news 532 food 298 haste 684 conduct 692 correspondence 592 completion 729 command 741 activity 682 killing 361 dispel destruction 162 displacement 185 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 repulsion 289 dispensable inutility 645 dispensary remedy 662 dispensation giving 784 permission 760 command 741 apportionment 786 exemption 927.a relinquishment 782 dispensatory remedy 662 dispense sale 796 apportionment 786 giving 784 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 dispense with permission 760 disuse 678 exemption 927.a dispeople ejection 297 seclusion, exclusion 893 dispermic duality 89 dispermy duality 89 disperse waste 638 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 decomposition 49 disjunction 44 divergence 291 disperse themselves nonassemblage, dispersion 73 dispersed nonassemblage, dispersion 73 dispersion decomposition 49 disjunction 44 distance 196 divergence 291 light 420 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 transference 270 waste 638 dispirit dejection 837 dissuasion 616 displace displacement 185 transference 270 derangement 61 displaced displacement 185 displacement change 140 displacement 185 transference 270 displacency disapprobation 932 dislike 867 displant displacement 185 display appearance 448 manifestation 525 ostentation 882 displease painfulness 830 displeased pain 828 displeasing painfulness 830 displeasure pain 828 resentment 900 displode violence 173 displosion violence 173 displume taking 789 disport amusement 840 disposable diaper clothing 225 disposable pipette receptacle 191 disposal use 677 arrangement 60 sale 796 dispose tendency 176 arrangement 60 motive 615 dispose of arrangement 60 completion 729 giving 784 relinquishment 782 sale 796 use 677 disposed motive 615 willingness 602 disposed to doubt incredulity 487 disposition order 58 intrinsicality 5 arrangement 60 affections 820 willingness 602 dispossess taking 789 transfer 783 dispossess oneself of relinquishment 782 dispossessed loss 776 dispossession taking 789 dispraise disapprobation 932 dispread nonassemblage, dispersion 73 disprize underestimation 483 disproof confutation 479 counter evidence 468 disproportion disagreement 24 disproportionate disagreement 24 disproportionated disagreement 24 disproportionateness disagreement 24 disprove confutation 479 disputable unbelief doubt 485 uncertainty 475 disputant combatant 726 discord 713 opponent 710 reasoning 476 disputation reasoning 476 disputatious discord 713 irascibility 901 reasoning 476 dispute lawsuit 969 unbelief doubt 485 negation 536 discord 713 reasoning 476 disputed point discord 713 disqualification impotence 158 nonpreparation 674 unskillfulness 699 disqualified impotence 158 unskillfulness 699 nonpreparation 674 undueness 925 disqualify impotence 158 inutility 645 undueness 925 disquiet agitation 315 painfulness 830 pain 828 fear 860 changeableness 149 excitability 825 disquietude changeableness 149 excitability 825 fear 860 disquiparant inequality 28 irrelation 10 disquisition dissertation 595 disquisitionary dissertation 595 disregard disrespect 929 insensibility 823 neglect 460 contempt 930 inexcitability 826 inattention 458 disregard of time anachronism 115 disregarded disrespect 929 disregarding insensibility 823 disrelish dislike 867 hate 898 disreputable disrepute 874 vice 945 disrepute disrepute 874 disrespect discourtesy 895 disrespect 929 disrespectful disrespect 929 disrespectfully disrespect 929 disrobe divestment 226 disruption destruction 162 discord 713 disjunction 44 dissatisfaction discontent 832 pain 828 dissatisfied discontent 832 dissatisfy discontent 832 dissect decomposition 49 disjunction 44 inquiry 461 dissecting microscope optical instruments 445 dissection decomposition 49 inquiry 461 dissection anatomy disjunction 44 disseize taking 789 dissemblance dissimilarity 18 dissemble deception 545 falsehood 544 dissembler deceiver 548 dissembling falsehood 544 disseminate nonassemblage, dispersion 73 publication 531 teaching 537 dissemination nonassemblage, dispersion 73 dissension discord 713 dissent 489 disagreement 24 dissent discord 713 dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 refusal 764 unbelief doubt 485 unwillingness 603 discontent 832 dissenter discontent 832 dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 dissentient discontent 832 discord 713 dissent 489 dissenting dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 dissepiment interposition 228 dissert upon a subject dissertation 595 dissertation dissertation 595 disservice evil 619 inutility 645 disserviceable badness 649 dissever discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 disseverance disjunction 44 dissidence disagreement 24 discord 713 dissident dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 discontent 832 dissilience violence 173 dissimilar difference 15 dissimilarity 18 multiformity 81 dissimilaritude dissimilarity 18 dissimilarity difference 15 dissimilarity 18 multiformity 81 nonuniformity 16.a dissimilitude disagreement 24 nonuniformity 16.a dissimulate falsehood 544 dissimulation falsehood 544 dissipate destruction 162 prodigality 818 dissipated impurity 961 prodigality 818 dissipation amusement 840 impurity 961 intemperance 954 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 physical pleasure 377 dissociability seclusion, exclusion 893 dissocial seclusion, exclusion 893 dissociate disjunction 44 dissociation irrelation 10 dissogeny production 161 dissolute impurity 961 intemperance 954 vice 945 dissolution abrogation 756 death 360 decomposition 49 destruction 162 liquefaction 335 dissolve abrogation 756 decomposition 49 destruction 162 disappearance 449 inexistence 2 liquefaction 335 unsubstantiality 4 dissolved in tears lamentation 839 dissolving views disappearance 449 appearance 448 dissonance disagreement 24 discord 414 discord 713 dissonant discord 414 dissuade dissuasion 616 dissuaded dissuasion 616 dissuading dissuasion 616 dissuasion confutation 479 dissuasion 616 dissuasive dissuasion 616 dissyllable letter 561 distain uncleanness 653 distal distance 196 distance length 200 progression 282 recession 287 space 180 success 731 transcursion 303 distance 196 distance of time diuturnity 110 the past 122 distance oneself from distance 196 distant distance 196 distant relation consanguinity 11 distantly related consanguinity 11 distaste dislike 867 distasteful painfulness 830 distemper disease 655 painting 556 color 428 distemperature disease 655 distend elasticity 325 expansion 194 length 200 distended expansion 194 distension expansion 194 distich poetry 597 distichous bisection 91 distill river 348 vaporization 336 egress 295 distillate oil 356 distillation calefaction 384 egress 295 vaporization 336 distinct affirmation 535 disjunction 44 intelligibility 518 manifestation 525 sound 402 visibility 446 voice 580 distinction nobility 875 repute 873 discrimination 465 difference 15 distinctive discrimination 465 difference 15 distinctive feature speciality 79 distinctness visibility 446 voice 580 distinguish discrimination 465 vision 441 distinguishable difference 15 distinguished repute 873 superiority 33 distinguishing difference 15 distort falsehood 544 ugliness 846 misinterpretation 523 distortion 243 misrepresentation 555 distorted distortion 243 distortion dimsightedness 443 distortion 243 falsehood 544 misrepresentation 555 obliquity 217 ugliness 846 distract excitation 824 neglect 460 distract the mind inattention 458 distracted excitation 824 uncertainty 475 inattention 458 insanity 503 distracting excitation 824 distraction excitability 825 inattention 458 distrain lawsuit 969 price 812 taking 789 distraint taking 789 distrait inattention 458 distraught insanity 503 uncertainty 475 distress painfulness 830 poverty 804 pain 828 taking 789 distressed poverty 804 distressing painfulness 830 distribute apportionment 786 arrangement 60 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 printing 591 distribution apportionment 786 arrangement 60 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 distribution of shade darkness 421 district region 181 district court tribunal 966 distrust unbelief doubt 485 incredulity 487 fear 860 distrustful incredulity 487 distrustful as to unbelief doubt 485 disturb agitation 315 change 140 derangement 61 excitation 824 painfulness 830 disturb the soul excitation 824 disturbance disorder 59 agitation 315 derangement 61 discord 713 disturbed pain 828 disunion disjunction 44 disorder 59 discord 713 disunite discord 713 disjunction 44 disunited discord 713 disunity disjunction 44 disusage desuetude 614 disuse 678 disuse desuetude 614 disuse 678 relinquishment 624 disused desuetude 614 disuse 678 disvaluation disapprobation 932 disvalue disapprobation 932 ditch conduit 350 defense 717 furrow 259 gulf, lake 343 inclosure 232 ditchwater uncleanness 653 ditheism heterodoxy 984 dithyramb music 415 poetry 597 dithyrambic insanity 503 poetry 597 ditto repetition 104 ditty music 415 ditty bag receptacle 191 ditty box receptacle 191 diurnal regularity of recurrence 138 diuturnal diuturnity 110 diuturnity diuturnity 110 divagate deviation 279 divagation deviation 279 divan council 696 scepter 747 support 215 tribunal 966 divaricate difference 15 divergence 291 divarication bisection 91 nonuniformity 16.a divergence 291 dive navigation 267 plunge 310 dive into inquiry 461 divellicate disjunction 44 diver plunge 310 diverge deviation 279 divergence 291 variation 20.a divergence nonassemblage, dispersion 73 nonuniformity 16.a divergence 291 disagreement 24 deviation 279 dissimilarity 18 divergency divergence 291 variation 20.a divergent divergence 291 disagreement 24 dissimilarity 18 diverging divergence 291 divers multiformity 81 multitude 102 difference 15 divers-colored variegation 440 diverse multiformity 81 difference 15 diversified variation 20.a multiformity 81 dissimilarity 18 difference 15 diversified varied nonuniformity 16.a diversify change 140 diversion amusement 840 change 140 deviation 279 diversity difference 15 dissimilarity 18 multiformity 81 nonuniformity 16.a divert deviation 279 neglect 460 deception 545 amusement 840 divert from its course deviation 279 divert the attention inattention 458 divert the mind incogitancy 452 diverted incogitancy 452 diverting amusement 840 divertissement amusement 840 drama 599 Dives wealth 803 divest divestment 226 taking 789 divest oneself abrogation 756 divest oneself of relinquishment 782 divested divestment 226 divestment taking 789 divestment 226 divide apportionment 786 arrangement 60 bisection 91 choice 609 disjunction 44 numeration 85 part 51 divide into four parts quadrisection 97 divide into three parts trisection 94 divide with bisection 91 divided part 51 dividend apportionment 786 number 84 part 51 dividers measurement 466 divination prediction 511 sorcery 992 supposition 514 divine clergy 996 deity 976 orthodoxy 983.a perfection 650 prediction 511 supposition 514 theology 983 divine government deity 976 divine right authority 737 divine service worship 990 divineness deity 976 divining rod indication 550 spell 993 Divinity deity 976 theology 983 divisible disjunction 44 number 84 division discord 713 part 51 disjunction 44 numeration 85 class 75 arrangement 60 apportionment 786 combatant 726 division by five quinquesection, &c 99 division in the camp discord 713 divisor number 84 divorce disjunction 44 divorce 905 Divorce court tribunal 966 divorcee divorce 905 divorcement divorce 905 divulge disclosure 529 divulsion disjunction 44 Dixie pleasure 827 Dixie's land pleasure 827 dizdar master 745 dizen ornament 847 dizzard fool 501 dizziness dimsightedness 443 insanity 503 dizzy ignorance 491 inattention 458 dizzy height height 206 dizzy round rotation 312 DJ news 532 DNA virus disease 655 do production 161 success 731 agreement 23 state 7 sufficiency 639 request 765 deception 545 content 831 completion 729 action 680 conduct 692 do a booming business prosperity 734 do a good turn benevolence 906 goodness 648 do a job on destruction 162 do a mischief badness 649 do a trade business 625 do a world of good goodness 648 do all in one's power exertion 686 do all one can exertion 686 do amiss vice 945 do an ill office to malevolence 907 do as much as in one lies exertion 686 do as others do conformity 82 do away with abrogation 756 destruction 162 ejection 297 inaction 681 do battle warfare 722 do battle against opposition 708 do battle with opposition 708 do business business 625 do business with barter 794 do by halves failure 732 neglect 460 do credit to approbation 931 do double duty exertion 686 do duty business 625 duty 926 rite 998 do evil badness 649 do for destruction 162 killing 361 punishment 972 success 731 do good benevolence 906 goodness 648 do harm badness 649 do harm to malevolence 907 do homage to courtesy 894 respect 928 do honor to respect 928 celebration 883 repute 873 do in destruction 162 do in vain failure 732 do insufficiently insufficiency 640 do into interpretation 522 do it sexuality 374.a do it in one's sleep facility 705 do justice to vindication 937 right 922 food 298 approbation 931 duty 926 do justice to a subject dissertation 595 do like imitation 19 do mischief badness 649 do no harm goodness 648 do nothing inaction 681 inactivity 683 do nothing but frequency 136 do of one's own accord will 600 do one's best exertion 686 essay 675 do one's best take pains activity 682 do one's bidding obedience 743 do one's duty duty 926 probity 939 virtue 944 do one's heart good pleasurableness 829 do one's level best exertion 686 do one's office observance 772 do one's utmost exertion 686 do one's worst deterioration 659 malevolence 907 do over covering 223 do over again repetition 104 do penance atonement 952 do service worship 990 do service to aid 707 do suit and service obedience 743 do the amiable courtesy 894 do the best one can exertion 686 do the dirty work of servility 886 do the honors courtesy 894 respect 928 sociality 892 do the needful payment 807 do the work exertion 686 do things by halves noncompletion 730 unskillfulness 699 do thoroughly completion 729 do to rags calefaction 384 do up restoration 660 do violence badness 649 do violence to nonobservance 773 undueness 925 do what one chooses freedom 748 will 600 do what one is told obedience 743 do what one likes freedom 748 do what one pleases freedom 748 do what one wishes freedom 748 do without disuse 678 do wonders activity 682 success 731 do wrong wrong 923 do your worst! defiance 715 threat 909 Do$a nobility 875 docibleness willingness 602 docile learning 539 willingness 602 docility learning 539 willingness 602 docimastic experiment 463 dock abode 189 shortness 201 store 636 tribunal 966 workshop 691 dock walloper mariner 269 docked incompleteness 53 docket indication 550 record 551 security 771 evidence 467 dockyard workshop 691 doctor advice 695 improvement 658 remedy 662 restoration 660 scholar 492 doctor an account accounts 811 doctrinaire certainty 474 misjudgment 481 blusterer 887 affectation 855 scholar 492 doctrinal belief 484 teaching 537 doctrine belief 484 knowledge 490 document evidence 467 record 551 documentary drama 599 documentary evidence evidence 467 dodder age 128 dodecahedron angularity 244 dodge cunning 702 motion 264 oscillation 314 avoidance 623 deviation 279 inquiry 461 dodge! inquiry 461 dodging transference 270 doe woman 374 animal 366 velocity 274 doer agent 690 doer of dirty work servility 886 flatterer 935 doff divestment 226 doff the cap courtesy 894 dog animal 366 ugliness 846 sequence 281 pursuit 622 bad man 949 man 373 dog cheap cheapness 815 dog days heat 382 dog in the manger selfishness 943 dog Latin neologism 563 dog star luminary 423 dog trot slowness 275 dogcart vehicle 272 doge master 745 dogged sullenness 901.a obstinacy 606 courage 861 dogged resolution obstinacy 606 dogger ship 273 doggerel poetry 597 ridiculousness 853 vulgarity 851 doggerel verses ridiculousness 853 doggish discourtesy 895 doghold abode 189 doghouse abode 189 dogma belief 484 dogmatic misjudgment 481 obstinacy 606 affirmation 535 dogmatics affirmation 535 dogmatism affirmation 535 certainty 474 obstinacy 606 dogmatist blusterer 887 certainty 474 obstinacy 606 dogmatize affirmation 535 certainty 474 misjudgment 481 dogmatizer certainty 474 dogobah temple 1000 dog's age diuturnity 110 dog's ear fold 258 dogsick dislike 867 dogsitter keeper 753 dog-weary fatigue 688 doily cleanness 652 doing action 680 eventuality 151 doing time restraint 751 prisoner 754 doings action 680 eventuality 151 doit money 800 unimportance 643 dokhma interment 363 doldrums sullenness 901.a dejection 837 dole pain 828 insufficiency 640 apportionment 786 giving 784 dole out apportionment 786 giving 784 parsimony 819 doleful dejection 837 dolesome dejection 837 doll amusement 840 littleness 193 representation 554 dollar money 800 dollar mark indication 550 dollar sign indication 550 dolley carrier 271 dolor pain 828 dolorific painfulness 830 dolorous painfulness 830 dolour physical pain 378 dolphin ocean 341 dolt fool 501 doltish imbecility folly 499 domain class 75 government 737.a property 780 Domdaniel hell 982 dome height 206 convexity 250 dome car vehicle 272 Domesday book record 551 list 86 domesman judge 967 domestic abode 189 husbandry 370 inhabitant 188 interiority 221 seclusion, exclusion 893 servant 746 domestic animals animal 366 domesticate husbandry 370 location 184 domesticated location 184 inhabitant 188 domestication location 184 husbandry 370 domesticity husbandry 370 seclusion, exclusion 893 domicile abode 189 domiciled inhabitant 188 presence 186 domiciliary inhabitant 188 domiciliary visit inquiry 461 domiciliated inhabitant 188 dominance influence 175 dominant authority 737 influence 175 melody concord 413 dominate authority 737 influence 175 dominating strength 159 domination government 737.a influence 175 domineer insolence 885 severity 739 domineering insolence 885 severity 739 Dominican clergy 996 dominion government 737.a domino ambush 530 clothing 225 dominos amusement 840 don teacher 540 clothing 225 nobility 875 scholar 492 Don Juan libertine 962 Don Quixote madman 504 rashness 863 donation expenditure 809 giving 784 donative giving 784 done completion 729 deterioration 659 done for completion 729 deterioration 659 failure 732 done up deterioration 659 impotence 158 failure 732 fatigue 688 done with disuse 678 donjon defense 717 prison 752 donkey carrier 271 fool 501 Donnybrook discord 713 disorder 59 Donnybrook Fair discord 713 disorder 59 donor giving 784 donship nobility 875 don't buckle under stability 150 don't even think of it defiance 715 don't give in stability 150 don't hesitate consent 762 don't make waves assent 488 don't tell a soul concealment 528 don't tread on me defiance 715 don't wake a sleeping cat caution 864 warning 668 don't you dare defiance 715 prohibition 761 donzel servant 746 doodle fool 501 musician 416 doodlesack musical instruments 417 doolie vehicle 272 dooly vehicle 272 doom death 360 destiny 152 destruction 162 end 67 judgment 480 necessity 601 condemnation 971 doomed pain 828 doomsday end 67 futurity 121 door edge 231 opening 260 method 627 ingress 294 egress 295 covering 223 beginning 66 inclosure 232 door jamb support 215 door post support 215 doorbell resonance 408 doorkeeper stopper 263 doorway opening 260 dope discrimination 465 dophagy vice 945 doquet evidence 467 security 771 dormant inactivity 683 latency, implication 526 physical inertness 172 dormer opening 260 dormitory receptacle 191 dormouse inactivity 683 dorp abode 189 dorsal rear 235 dorsal region rear 235 dorser receptacle 191 dorsigerous support 215 dorsum convexity 250 rear 235 dory ship 273 dose apportionment 786 remedy 662 quantity 25 part 51 dosser receptacle 191 dossil covering 223 stopper 263 dot giving 784 indication 550 inextension 180.a place 182 smallness 32 variegation 440 dotage insanity 503 age 128 imbecility folly 499 dotard fool 501 veteran 130 dotation giving 784 dote imbecility folly 499 insanity 503 dote on love 897 dote upon love 897 doting age 128 insanity 503 dottings record 551 double improbity 940 similarity 17 substitution 147 regression 283 falsehood 544 duplication 90 cunning 702 duality 89 fold 258 double acrostic wit 842 double base musical instruments 417 double bassoon musical instruments 417 double bond resonance 408 double contingency uncertainty 475 double coupon discount discount 813 double dealing improbity 940 deception 545 falsehood 544 double down fold 258 double eagle money 800 double entendre wit 842 double entente equivocalness 520 impurity 961 wit 842 double entry bookkeeping accounts 811 double faced falsehood 544 double handed falsehood 544 double hearted falsehood 544 double helical curvature 245 double meaning equivocalness 520 double minded falsehood 544 double quotes indication 550 double reef topsails safety 664 double ripper vehicle 272 double sawbuck money 800 double sight dimsightedness 443 double the fist defiance 715 double the fist at threat 909 double tongued falsehood 544 double up impotence 158 doubleacrostic letter 561 double-blind experiment experiment 463 doubled duplication 90 double-digit inflation money 800 double-distilled physical energy 171 double-edged physical energy 171 double-entendre neologism 563 double-faced improbity 940 duplication 90 double-headed duplication 90 double-hearted improbity 940 double-minded irresolution 605 double-shotted physical energy 171 doublet clothing 225 double-tongued equivocalness 520 improbity 940 doublets duality 89 doubleword information 527 doubling fold 258 duplication 90 cunning 702 doubly-dyed color 428 doubt darkness 421 irreligion 989 unbelief doubt 485 uncertainty 475 doubt not belief 484 doubt the truth of unbelief doubt 485 doubter unbelief doubt 485 doubtful inquiry 461 unbelief doubt 485 uncertainty 475 doubtful meaning unintelligibility 519 doubtfulness uncertainty 475 doubting unbelief doubt 485 doubtless certainty 474 assent 488 douche water 337 dough money 800 pulpiness 354 softness 324 dough-faced servility 886 doughnut food 298 doughty courage 861 doughy softness 324 dour severity 739 douse punishment 972 plunge 310 insulation, fire extinction 388.a water 337 douse the lights darkness 421 dove innocence 946 peace 721 dove of peace peace 721 dovecote abode 189 dove-like innocence 946 dovetail agreement 23 crossing 219 insertion 300 interposition 228 junction 43 dovetailed angularity 244 dovetailing interposition 228 dovish peace 721 dowager divorce 905 woman 374 dowdy uncleanness 653 vulgarity 851 dower property 780 dowerless poverty 804 Dowex resin 356.a down height 206 levity 320 roughness 256 smoothness 255 softness 324 down at the elbows disrepute 874 down fallen dejection 837 down in one's luck dejection 837 down in the dumps dejection 837 down in the mouth dejection 837 discontent 832 humility 879 down in the world adversity 735 disrepute 874 down on one's knees humility 879 down on ones servility 886 down on one's humility 879 down on one's uppers humility 879 down stairs lowness 207 down to the ground completeness 52 down under fold 258 downcast dejection 837 downfall adversity 735 descent 306 destruction 162 failure 732 downhearted dejection 837 downhill descent 306 obliquity 217 downpour river 348 downreaching depth 208 downright manifestation 525 artlessness 703 greatness 31 downs plain 344 downtrodden contempt 930 dejection 837 disrepute 874 failure 732 subjection 749 submission 725 downwards descent 306 lowness 207 downy roughness 256 smoothness 255 softness 324 dowry wealth 803 property 780 dowse impulse 276 ship 273 doxology worship 990 doxy libertine 962 doyen age 128 doyley cleanness 652 doze inactivity 683 doze off inactivity 683 dozen five, &c 98 dozy inactivity 683 Dr scholar 492 drab gray 432 libertine 962 uncleanness 653 drabble uncleanness 653 drabble in the mud uncleanness 653 drachma gravity 319 Draco director 694 severity 739 Draconian severity 739 draff uncleanness 653 draft writing 590 compendium 596 credit 805 money 800 painting 556 plan 626 representation 554 transference 270 draft horse carrier 271 draft off transference 270 displacement 185 draftsman artist 559 drag hindrance 706 motive 615 prison 752 slowness 275 traction 285 transference 270 vehicle 272 drag a chain subjection 749 drag a lengthened chain exertion 686 drag a lengthening chain diuturnity 110 drag before the public publication 531 drag chain hindrance 706 drag into composition 54 compulsion 744 drag into the open day publication 531 drag on diuturnity 110 drag through the mire disrepute 874 drag through the mud disrespect 929 drag towards attraction 288 drag up elevation 307 drag weight hindrance 706 draggle uncleanness 653 draggle-tail uncleanness 653 draggle-tailed uncleanness 653 dragnet generality 78 dragoman interpreter 524 dragon irascibility 901 unconformity 83 violence 173 dragonnade attack 716 punishment 972 dragoon combatant 726 compulsion 744 insolence 885 malevolence 907 drain prodigality 818 remedy 662 waste 638 taking 789 cleanness 652 dryness 340 uncleanness 653 conduit 350 egress 295 drain into river 348 drain of resources insufficiency 640 drain the cup drunkenness 959 food 298 drain to the dregs ejection 297 taking 789 drainage egress 295 ejection 297 dryness 340 cleanness 652 drained insufficiency 640 drake man 373 dram drunkenness 959 food 298 motive 615 pungency 392 dram drinker drunkenness 959 drama drama 599 representation 554 dramatic drama 599 ostentation 882 dramatic author drama 599 dramatic poetry poetry 597 dramatic writer drama 599 dramatist drama 599 dramaturgy drama 599 drape clothing 225 draper clothing 225 drapery clothing 225 drastic physical energy 171 draught remedy 662 traction 285 plan 626 painting 556 food 298 depth 208 combatant 726 multitude 102 wind 349 draught copy plan 626 draught off nonassemblage, dispersion 73 draughts amusement 840 draughtsman artist 559 draw traction 285 taking 789 motive 615 money 800 extraction 301 equality 27 acquisition 775 attraction 288 draw a conclusion demonstration 478 judgment 480 draw a cordon round seclusion, exclusion 893 draw a curtain shade 424 draw a deep breath feeling 821 draw a fine line discrimination 465 draw a long breath relief 834 draw a parallel comparison 464 relation 9 draw a picture description 594 draw a straight furrow probity 939 draw an abstract compendium 596 draw an inference judgment 480 draw aside deviation 279 draw aside the veil disclosure 529 draw back avoidance 623 regression 283 draw breath life 359 refreshment 689 draw down cause 153 draw first blood attack 716 draw forth use 677 draw from receipt 810 draw in contraction 195 reception 296 draw in one's horns humility 879 modesty 881 submission 725 tergiversation 607 draw in pencil painting 556 draw lots chance 621 draw near futurity 121 nearness 197 approach 286 draw off ejection 297 hindrance 706 taking 789 draw off the attention inattention 458 draw on motive 615 eventuality 151 futurity 121 draw on futurity earliness 132 draw out discovery 480.a length 200 manifestation 525 lateness 133 diuturnity 110 diffuseness 573 extraction 301 draw over motive 615 draw poker amusement 840 draw profit acquisition 775 draw tears from the eyes painfulness 830 draw the breath of life life 359 draw the curtain concealment 528 draw the line discrimination 465 draw the pen through obliteration 552 draw the purse strings nonpayment 808 draw the sword warfare 722 draw the sword against attack 716 draw the teeth of impotence 158 draw the trigger warfare 722 draw the veil disclosure 529 draw together assemblage 72 cooperation 709 draw towards attraction 288 draw up order 58 quiescence 265 writing 590 draw up a round robin disapprobation 932 resistance 719 draw up a statement description 594 draw upon money 800 draw with a longbow exaggeration 549 drawback evil 619 hindrance 706 imperfection 651 discount 813 drawbridge escape 671 method 627 drawcansir blusterer 887 drawee money 800 drawer artist 559 money 800 receptacle 191 drawers clothing 225 drawing representation 554 plan 626 painting 556 traction 285 drawing knife sharpness 253 drawing lots chance 621 drawing room assemblage 72 receptacle 191 drawing shave sharpness 253 drawing the veil concealment 528 drawing to attraction 288 drawing-room fashion 852 drawl stammering 583 inactivity 683 length 200 slowness 275 drawn equality 27 drawn battle noncompletion 730 pacification 723 equality 27 drawn game equality 27 noncompletion 730 draw-to-a-close end 67 dray vehicle 272 dray horse carrier 271 drayman traveler 268 dread fear 860 dreadful painfulness 830 badness 649 dejection 837 fear 860 dreadfully greatness 31 dreadless courage 861 dreadnought clothing 225 combatant 726 dream error 495 imagination 515 inactivity 683 inattention 458 thought 451 unsubstantiality 4 dream of imagination 515 intention 620 dream of Alnaschar hope 858 dream of Alnashar imagination 515 dream up imagination 515 dreamer madman 504 imagination 515 dreaming imagination 515 dreaming on other things inattention 458 dreamland imagination 515 dreamy inactivity 683 inattention 458 unsubstantiality 4 dreary dejection 837 painfulness 830 unity 87 dredge extraction 301 assemblage 72 elevation 307 dredger elevation 307 dredging machine elevation 307 dreggy uncleanness 653 dregs inutility 645 remainder 40 uncleanness 653 dregs of society commonality 876 dregs of the people commonality 876 dreidel rotation 312 drench water 337 food 298 moisture 339 redundancy 641 river 348 drench with physic remedy 662 drenched redundancy 641 drenching water 337 drenching rain river 348 dress agreement 23 clothing 225 equality 27 fashion 852 ornament 847 ostentation 882 preparation 673 punishment 972 uniformity 16 dress coat clothing 225 dress down punishment 972 dress the ground preparation 673 agriculture 371 dress the wounds remedy 662 dress up falsehood 544 ornament 847 preparation 673 representation 554 dressed to advantage ornament 847 dressed to kill ornament 847 ostentation 882 dressed to the nines ornament 847 ostentation 882 dresser support 215 remedy 662 dressing disapprobation 932 dressing gown clothing 225 dressmaker clothing 225 dribble egress 295 river 348 dribbling egress 295 driblet smallness 32 dried dryness 340 drier dryness 340 drift intention 620 wind 349 transference 270 tendency 176 navigation 267 motion 264 direction 278 deviation 279 assemblage 72 approach 286 meaning 516 drift away recession 287 drift with the stream facility 705 drift with the tide facility 705 drifted transference 270 driftless chance 621 drill rotation 312 teaching 537 opening 260 perforator 262 drink drunkenness 959 food 298 reception 296 drink deep drunkenness 959 drink down all unkindness drunkenness 959 drink hard drunkenness 959 drink in food 298 drink in knowledge learning 539 drink in the ozone refreshment 689 drink like a fish drunkenness 959 drink money giving 784 drink one's fill food 298 sufficiency 639 drink to celebration 883 courtesy 894 drink up food 298 physical pleasure 377 drinking drunkenness 959 food 298 reception 296 drinking bout intemperance 954 drinking song poetry 597 drinking the hemlock punishment 972 drip river 348 remedy 662 dripping moisture 339 dripping exunge oil 356 drive impulse 276 propulsion 284 journey 266 assemblage 72 haste 684 compulsion 744 direction 693 drive a bargain barter 794 parsimony 819 drive a hard bargain parsimony 819 drive a roaring trade prosperity 734 success 731 drive a trade barter 794 business 625 drive apart repulsion 289 drive at intention 620 meaning 516 drive dull care away amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 drive from repulsion 289 drive home completion 729 drive home to belief 484 drive in insertion 300 drive into a corner hindrance 706 subjection 749 success 731 drive mad insanity 503 drive one hard attack 716 drive one mad resentment 900 drive one nuts insanity 503 drive to despair hopelessness 859 drive to the last lateness 133 drive to the wall success 731 drivel ejection 297 imbecility folly 499 insanity 503 driveler fool 501 loquacity 584 driveling imbecility folly 499 driven into a corner difficulty 704 driven to extremity difficulty 704 driven to one's wit's end difficulty 704 driven to the wall difficulty 704 driver traveler 268 director 694 driveway opening 260 driving from repulsion 289 driving rain river 348 drizzle river 348 droger ship 273 drogher ship 273 droil inactivity 683 drole amusement 840 bad man 949 drole de corps humorist 844 droll ridiculousness 853 drollery amusement 840 ridiculousness 853 wit 842 drollish ridiculousness 853 dromedary carrier 271 drone melody concord 413 music 415 ululation 412 inactivity 683 dronish inactivity 683 drony inactivity 683 drool ejection 297 droop pain 828 dejection 837 descent 306 deterioration 659 disease 655 fatigue 688 drooping weakness 160 fatigue 688 disease 655 drooping spirits dejection 837 drop relinquishment 782 weakness 160 smallness 32 scourge 975 river 348 relinquishment 624 production 161 impotence 158 fatigue 688 drunkenness 959 drama 599 descent 306 deception 545 cessation 142 noncompletion 730 rotundity 249 drop a hint information 527 drop a tear lamentation 839 drop all idea of relinquishment 624 drop asleep inactivity 683 drop astern regression 283 drop by drop degree 26 part 51 drop dead death 360 drop down descent 306 drop down dead death 360 drop from the clouds inexpectation 508 drop in arrival 292 insertion 300 sociality 892 drop in the ocean smallness 32 unimportance 643 drop into a good thing prosperity 734 drop into the grave death 360 drop like a lead balloon plunge 310 drop off death 360 inactivity 683 nonincrease, decrease 36 drop out learning 539 noncompletion 730 drop scene drama 599 drop tears lamentation 839 drop the big one destruction 162 drop the charges acquittal 970 drop the mask disclosure 529 drop the subject inattention 458 drop too much drunkenness 959 droplet smallness 32 dropped from the clouds inexpectation 508 dropping river 348 dropping fire discontinuity 70 dropsical expansion 194 redundancy 641 dropsy expansion 194 droshki vehicle 272 drosky vehicle 272 dross uncleanness 653 drossiness uncleanness 653 drought dryness 340 insufficiency 640 representation 554 drouth desire 865 drouthy desire 865 drove assemblage 72 multitude 102 drover husbandry 370 drown killing 361 success 731 failure 732 water 337 drown care amusement 840 drown the voice aphony 581 drowsiness fatigue 688 inactivity 683 weariness 841 drowsy fatigue 688 inactivity 683 weariness 841 drowze inactivity 683 drub punishment 972 success 731 drubbing failure 732 drudge agent 690 exertion 686 drudgery activity 682 exertion 686 drug redundancy 641 remedy 662 unimportance 643 drug habit intemperance 954 drug in the market cheapness 815 redundancy 641 drug store remedy 662 drug the market redundancy 641 drugged insensibility 823 drugget cleanness 652 covering 223 preservation 670 druggist remedy 662 drugstore mart 799 druid clergy 996 drum musical instruments 417 receptacle 191 repetition 104 roll 407 rotundity 249 drum in the ear repetition 104 roll 407 drum major master 745 drum out punishment 972 drumhead tribunal 966 drumhead court martial tribunal 966 drumhead law illegality 964 drummer musician 416 drumming repetition 104 roll 407 drumroll roll 407 drunk drunkenness 959 drunk as a fiddler drunkenness 959 drunk as a lord drunkenness 959 drunk as a piper drunkenness 959 drunk as a skunk drunkenness 959 drunk as a wheelbarrow drunkenness 959 drunk as an owl drunkenness 959 drunk as Chloe drunkenness 959 drunk as David's sow drunkenness 959 drunkard drunkenness 959 drunken drunkenness 959 drunkenness drunkenness 959 food 298 dry insufficiency 640 taking 789 temperance 953 preservation 670 plainness 576 feebleness 575 dryness 340 disapprobation 932 weariness 841 desire 865 aphony 581 inelegance 579 dry as a biscuit dryness 340 dry as a bone dryness 340 dry as a mummy dryness 340 dry as a stick dryness 340 dry as dust dryness 340 dullness 843 dry bones corpse 362 dry chemical extinguisher insulation, fire extinction 388.a dry eyes insensibility 823 dry goods texture 329 dry ice cold 383 refrigerator 387 dry ice freezer refrigerator 387 dry ice-acetone refrigerator 387 dry joke wit 842 dry land land 342 dry mass rite 998 dry nurse teacher 540 aid 707 dry point engraving 558 dry rot bane 663 deterioration 659 uncleanness 653 dry the eyes relief 834 dry the tears relief 834 dry up dryness 340 waste 638 dryad Jupiter 979 Dryasdust the past 122 dry-bulb thermometer thermometer 389 drying oven dryness 340 dryness dryness 340 drynurse teaching 537 dual duality 89 dualism duality 89 heterodoxy 984 dualistic duality 89 duality duality 89 duarchy government 737.a dub nomenclature 564 phrase 566 dubash consignee 758 dubiety uncertainty 475 dubious uncertainty 475 dubitancy uncertainty 475 dubitation uncertainty 475 dubitousness uncertainty 475 duchess master 745 nobility 875 duchy government 737.a duck water 337 animal 366 depression 308 favorite 899 love 897 plunge 310 duck pond husbandry 370 duckey favorite 899 ducking plunge 310 ducking stool scourge 975 ducks and drakes recoil 277 duct conduit 350 ductile elasticity 325 facility 705 softness 324 tergiversation 607 ductility obedience 743 softness 324 dude fop 854 dudgeon hate 898 resentment 900 arms 727 sullenness 901.a duds clothing 225 due debt 806 dueness 924 expedience 646 due sense of intelligence, wisdom 498 due to attribution 155 effect 154 dueness 924 duty 926 duel contention 720 duelist combatant 726 dueness dueness 924 duty 926 dues price 812 duet music 415 duality 89 duffer bungler 701 thief 792 dug convexity 250 dugout ship 273 dugout canoe ship 273 duke master 745 nobility 875 dulcet faintness 405 melody concord 413 pleasurableness 829 sweetness 396 dulcification sweetness 396 dulcify moderation 174 sweetness 396 dulcimer musical instruments 417 Dulcinea love 897 dulcitude sweetness 396 dulcorate sweetness 396 dulcoration sweetness 396 dulia worship 990 dull weakness 160 moderation 174 weariness 841 physical inertness 172 dullness 843 physical insensibility 376 smallness 32 insensibility 823 simplicity 849 imbecility folly 499 faintness 405 dimness 422 dejection 837 bluntness 254 achromatism 429 feebleness 575 inactivity 683 dull as a beetle dejection 837 imbecility folly 499 dull as ditch water dullness 843 dull as ditchwater dejection 837 dull minded imbecility folly 499 dull of hearing deafness 419 dull sight half sight dimsightedness 443 dull understanding imbecility folly 499 dull witted imbecility folly 499 dull work inactivity 683 weariness 841 dullard fool 501 dullhead fool 501 dullness dullness 843 inactivity 683 insensibility 823 physical inertness 172 duly dueness 924 dumb aphony 581 taciturnity 585 dumb animal animal 366 absence of Intellect 450.a dumb creature animal 366 dumb show indication 550 dumbfound disappointment 509 inexpectation 508 dumbfounder disappointment 509 dumbness aphony 581 dumbwaiter elevation 307 dumdum bullet arms 727 dumfound wonder 870 disappointment 509 dumfounder wonder 870 aphony 581 disappointment 509 dumfoundered humility 879 dummy amusement 840 aphony 581 impotence 158 inactivity 683 substitution 147 dump ejection 297 music 415 dump cart vehicle 272 dump truck vehicle 272 dumpish dejection 837 dumps sullenness 901.a dejection 837 dumpy breadth, thickness 202 littleness 193 shortness 201 ugliness 846 dun achromatism 429 credit 805 dimness 422 gray 432 request 765 dunce fool 501 ignoramus 493 dunderhead fool 501 dunderpate fool 501 dune height 206 dung uncleanness 653 dungarees clothing 225 dungeon defense 717 prison 752 dunghill commonality 876 cowardice 862 uncleanness 653 dunghill cock animal 366 cowardice 862 Dunker heterodoxy 984 duo music 415 duodecimal quinquesection, &c 99 duodecimo book 593 littleness 193 duodenal five, &c 98 duodenary five, &c 98 duologue conversation 588 duologue trilogy drama 599 dupe auxiliary 711 deception 545 dupe 547 duplex duality 89 duplication 90 luminary 423 duplicate credit 805 redundancy 641 record 551 duplication 90 copy 21 indication 550 duplication duplication 90 imitation 19 duplicature fold 258 duplicity cunning 702 duality 89 falsehood 544 durability diuturnity 110 permanence 141 durable stability 150 diuturnity 110 durableness diuturnity 110 durance restraint 751 durance vile restraint 751 duration course 109 time 106 durbar conversation 588 council 696 tribunal 966 duress compulsion 744 restraint 751 Durga Jupiter 979 durham boat ship 273 during time 106 during good behavior contingent duration 108.a during pleasure contingent duration 108.a during the interval time 106 during the same time synchronism 120 during the time time 106 durity hardness 323 durwan keeper 753 dusk darkness 421 dimness 422 evening 126 dusky blackness 431 darkness 421 dust pulverulence 330 uncleanness 653 corpse 362 levity 320 dust devil rotation 312 dust hole inutility 645 uncleanness 653 dust in the balance unimportance 643 dust one's jacket punishment 972 dust storm pulverulence 330 dust thrown in the eyes pretext 617 dust! money 800 dust-colored redness 434 duster cleanness 652 dustman cleanness 652 dust-man uncleanness 653 dustoor habit 613 dustoori reward 973 dusty uncleanness 653 pulverulence 330 Dutch auction sale 796 Dutch concert discord 414 Dutch courage cowardice 862 Dutch oven furnace 386 Dutchman extraneousness 57 duteous virtue 944 dutiable price 812 dutiful virtue 944 duty price 812 worship 990 rite 998 respect 928 duty 926 courtesy 894 business 625 exertion 686 duumvirate government 737.a dwarf contraction 195 demon 980 littleness 193 nonincrease, decrease 36 dwarf star density 321 dwarfed littleness 193 dwarfish littleness 193 dwell presence 186 quiescence 265 permanence 141 dwell in one's memory memory 505 dwell in one's mind memory 505 dwell in one's thoughts memory 505 dwell on diffuseness 573 dweller inhabitant 188 dwelling abode 189 dwerger demon 980 dwindle contraction 195 dyad duality 89 dyadic duality 89 dye color 428 dye with blood severity 739 dyed in the wool cooperation 709 affections 820 dying death 360 dying agonies death 360 dying breath death 360 dying day death 360 dying for desire 865 dyke defense 717 furrow 259 gulf, lake 343 inclosure 232 woman 374 dynamic impulse 276 dynamic energy power 157 dynamic friction power 157 dynamic suction power 157 dynamical impulse 276 dynamics impulse 276 strength 159 dynamitard rashness 863 dynamite arms 727 snap 406 dynamometer measurement 466 dynastic government 737.a dynastic rights authority 737 dynasty government 737.a dysentery excretion 299 dysmerogenesis production 161 dysmeromorph organization 357 dyspepsia disease 655 dyspeptic disease 655 dysphony aphony 581 dyspnaeal fatigue 688 dyspnaeic fatigue 688 dyspnoea fatigue 688 E e.g. conformity 82 speciality 79 each speciality 79 each in his turn interchange 148 each other correlation 12 each to each apportionment 786 speciality 79 eager activity 682 desire 865 feeling 821 willingness 602 eager expectation expectation 507 eager to go excitation 824 eagerness desire 865 feeling 821 willingness 602 activity 682 eagle indication 550 money 800 velocity 274 vision 441 eagle eye intelligence, wisdom 498 vision 441 eagle glance vision 441 eagle sight vision 441 eagle speed velocity 274 eagle winged velocity 274 eagle-eyed vision 441 eagle-glance intelligence, wisdom 498 eagre river 348 ean production 161 ear hearing 418 ear for music hearing 418 ear trumpet hearing 418 earache physical pain 378 ear-deafening loudness 404 eardrum hearing 418 earl nobility 875 Earl of Coventry amusement 840 earless deafness 419 earlier priority 116 earliness earliness 132 early earliness 132 early warning warning 668 earmark indication 550 earn acquisition 775 earn a bad name disrepute 874 earnest expenditure 809 feeling 821 importance 642 resolution 604 security 771 willingness 602 earnestly resolution 604 earnestness willingness 602 activity 682 feeling 821 earnings receipt 810 acquisition 775 ear-piercing stridor 410 ear-rending loudness 404 earring jewelry 847.a earshot hearing 418 nearness 197 ear-splitting loudness 404 earth base 211 corpse 362 land 342 world 318 earth mover vehicle 272 earth work defense 717 earthborn commonality 876 earthenware sculpture 557 calefaction 384 earth-flax insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 earthling mankind 372 earthly irreligion 989 selfishness 943 world 318 earthly-minded selfishness 943 earthquake revolution 146 violence 173 earthquake detector impulse 276 earthy land 342 earwig flattery 933 flatterer 935 earwitness evidence 467 ease content 831 elegance 578 facility 705 leisure 685 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 relief 834 state 7 ease off deviation 279 ease one of taking 789 easel painting 556 support 215 easel picture painting 556 easement property 780 relief 834 easier said than done difficulty 704 easily facility 705 easily accomplished facility 705 easily convinced credulity 486 easily deceived credulity 486 easily excited excitability 825 easily managed facility 705 easily persuaded willingness 602 easily understood intelligibility 518 easiness facility 705 East laterality 236 Easter regularity of recurrence 138 rite 998 Easter Monday amusement 840 Easter offering giving 784 Easter sepulcher temple 1000 Easter Sunday rite 998 Eastern laterality 236 easy elegance 578 facility 705 slowness 275 easy ascent obliquity 217 easy chair support 215 easy circumstances wealth 803 easy descent obliquity 217 easy of access facility 705 easy of belief probability 472 easy temper courtesy 894 easy to understand intelligibility 518 easygoing content 831 indifference 866 easy-going inexcitability 826 lenity 740 willingness 602 easy-going revocable irresolution 605 eat reception 296 sufficiency 639 food 298 inexcitability 826 eat dirt submission 725 eat heartily food 298 eat humble pie submission 725 eat off the same trencher sociality 892 eat one's fill gluttony 957 eat one's words tergiversation 607 eat out of house and home gluttony 957 prodigality 818 taking 789 eat the bread of idleness inactivity 683 eat the leek submission 725 tergiversation 607 eat up physical pleasure 377 eatable food 298 eatables food 298 eaten up with affections 820 eating food 298 reception 296 eating house abode 189 food 298 eaves convexity 250 eavesdropper curiosity 455 hearing 418 information 527 eavesdropping hearing 418 news 532 ebb waste 638 regression 283 deterioration 659 contraction 195 nonincrease, decrease 36 ebb and flow oscillation 314 ebb of life death 360 ebb tide dryness 340 insufficiency 640 lowness 207 ebbing nonincrease, decrease 36 ebenezer worship 990 Ebionite heterodoxy 984 Eblis demon 980 ebon blackness 431 ebony blackness 431 ebriety drunkenness 959 ebriosity drunkenness 959 ebullient heat 382 violence 173 excitation 824 ebullioscope calefaction 384 ebullition excitability 825 violence 173 physical energy 171 calefaction 384 agitation 315 resentment 900 eburin whiteness 430 ecbatic attribution 155 eccentric caprice 608 unconformity 83 ridiculousness 853 exteriority 220 imbecility folly 499 insanity 503 eccentricity exteriority 220 imbecility folly 499 insanity 503 ridiculousness 853 unconformity 83 ecchymosis excretion 299 ecclesiarch clergy 996 ecclesiastic clergy 996 ecclesiastical Judeo-christian revelation 985 churchdom 995 ecclesiastical courts churchdom 995 ecclesiastical law legality 963 ecclesiolatry idolatry 991 ecclesiological churchdom 995 ecclesiologist churchdom 995 ecclesiology churchdom 995 ecco! attention 457 eccrinology excretion 299 ecdemic exteriority 220 echelon attack 716 echinate sharpness 253 echo imitation 19 resonance 408 recoil 277 assent 488 answer 462 copy 21 repetition 104 echo chamber resonance 408 eclat repute 873 eclectic choice 609 eclecticism choice 609 eclipse superiority 33 concealment 528 darkness 421 dimness 422 disappearance 449 disrepute 874 repute 873 eclipsed invisibility 447 ecliptic world 318 eclogue poetry 597 ecological niche abode 189 ecology organization 357 economical economy 817 economics conduct 692 economize economy 817 economy order 58 conduct 692 economy 817 ecphonesis voice 580 ecrasez l'infame destruction 162 ecrhythmus irregularity of recurrence 139 ecstasis inactivity 683 ecstasy pleasure 827 imagination 515 feeling 821 ecstatic feeling 821 pleasurableness 829 pleasure 827 ecstatica sorcerer 994 ectogenous production 161 ectype copy 21 ecumenical generality 78 edacious gluttony 957 edacity gluttony 957 Edda pseudo-revelation 986 eddish productiveness 168 eddy river 348 rotation 312 edematous softness 324 expansion 194 Eden heaven 981 edentate bluntness 254 edge edge 231 height 206 physical energy 171 edge in interposition 228 edge of appetite desire 865 edge of hunger desire 865 edge one's way progression 282 edge tool instrument 633 sharpness 253 edging edge 231 ornament 847 edible food 298 edibles food 298 edict command 741 edification learning 539 piety 987 production 161 teaching 537 edifice production 161 edify piety 987 production 161 teaching 537 edifying goodness 648 edile jurisdiction 965 edit publication 531 edition publication 531 editor book 593 editorial dissertation 595 educate teaching 537 educated knowledge 490 education government 737.a knowledge 490 teaching 537 educational school 542 teaching 537 educe discovery 480.a extraction 301 educt remainder 40 eduction decrement 40.a edulcorate cleanness 652 sweetness 396 eel convolution 248 eelspear arms 727 efface disappearance 449 obliteration 552 oblivion 506 effacement obliteration 552 effect completion 729 effect 154 influence 175 effect a sale sale 796 effect one's escape escape 671 effective influence 175 utility 644 power 157 success 731 effects merchandise 798 property 780 effectual agency 170 power 157 utility 644 effectually completeness 52 effectuate completion 729 effeminacy cowardice 862 intemperance 954 weakness 160 effeminate woman 374 weakness 160 cowardice 862 effendi nobility 875 effervesce agitation 315 bubble; cloud 353 vaporization 336 violence 173 effervescence agitation 315 bubble; cloud 353 excitability 825 physical energy 171 violence 173 effervescence.' vaporization 336 effervescent bubble; cloud 353 vaporization 336 air 338 effete deterioration 659 inutility 645 uncleanness 653 weakness 160 age 128 efficacious agency 170 power 157 utility 644 efficacy power 157 utility 644 efficiency power 157 utility 644 efficient power 157 skill 698 agency 170 utility 644 effigies copy 21 effigy copy 21 representation 554 efflation wind 349 efflorescence pulverulence 330 efflorescent pulverulence 330 effluence egress 295 river 348 effluvium gaseity 334 odor 398 effluxion egress 295 efform form 240 efformation form 240 effort exertion 686 effrontery insolence 885 effulgence light 420 effulgent light 420 effuse egress 295 ejection 297 effused egress 295 effusion egress 295 ejection 297 excretion 299 speech 582 effusion of blood killing 361 eft earliness 132 animal 366 eftsoons posteriority 117 earliness 132 egad affirmation 535 egards respect 928 egesta excretion 299 egestion ejection 297 egg beginning 66 cause 153 egg and dart ornament 847 egg and tongue ornament 847 egg on motive 615 egg shape rotundity 249 egg shaped rotundity 249 egg-shaped circularity 247 eggshell covering 223 ego intrinsicality 5 immateriality 317 egohood intrinsicality 5 egoism selfishness 943 egoist selfishness 943 egoistical selfishness 943 egotism misanthropy 911 selfishness 943 vanity 880 egotist misanthropy 911 selfishness 943 egotistic selfishness 943 vanity 880 egotistical misanthropy 911 vanity 880 selfishness 943 egregious absurdity 497 exaggeration 549 importance 642 unconformity 83 egregiously greatness 31 superiority 33 egress egress 295 passage 302 egression egress 295 egurgitate egress 295 Egyptian darkness darkness 421 eicosahedron angularity 244 eiderdown covering 223 eidoloclast destroyer 165 eidouranion world 318 eight amusement 840 deputy 759 five, &c 98 eight oar ship 273 eighth five, &c 98 eighty five, &c 98 eileton rite 998 eisegesis misinterpretation 523 Eisenhower dollar money 800 either absence of choice 609.a ejaculate sexuality 374.a voice 580 propulsion 284 ejaculation sexuality 374.a voice 580 ejaculatory voice 580 eject ejection 297 relinquishment 782 ejecta excretion 299 ejection ejection 297 extraction 301 propulsion 284 ejectment displacement 185 eke out completeness 52 diuturnity 110 Ektachrome painting 556 El deity 976 elaborate exertion 686 improvement 658 preparation 673 completion 729 elaboration completion 729 improvement 658 preparation 673 elaine oil 356 elan impulse 276 elapse course 109 time 106 elapsed the past 122 elapsing course 109 elastic elasticity 325 elastic collision recoil 277 elastic fluid gaseity 334 elasticity elasticity 325 physical energy 171 power 157 recoil 277 strength 159 elate boasting 884 cheerfulness 836 elated cheerfulness 836 hope 858 rejoicing 838 boasting 884 elation vanity 880 elbow impulse 276 fold 258 angularity 244 convexity 250 elbow chair support 215 elbow grease friction 331 elbow one's way activity 682 progression 282 pursuit 622 elbow room space 180 elbowroom freedom 748 eld the past 122 elder oldness 124 age 128 clergy 996 elderly age 128 elders age 128 veteran 130 eldership age 128 oldness 124 eldest age 128 oldness 124 elect choice 609 deity 976 goodness 648 necessity 601 elected piety 987 election necessity 601 number 84 choice 609 politics 737.b electioneering politics 737.b elective franchise politics 737.b elector master 745 electoral district politics 737.b electoral division politics 737.b electorate government 737.a politics 737.b electric excitability 825 feeling 821 velocity 274 electric car vehicle 272 electric chair scourge 975 electric drier dryness 340 electric furnace furnace 386 electric heat furnace 386 electric heater furnace 386 electric razor sharpness 253 electric resistance heat furnace 386 electric wagon vehicle 272 electrical attraction attraction 288 electrical charge attraction 288 electricity attraction 288 power 157 velocity 274 electrify inexpectation 508 wonder 870 excitation 824 electrobiology sorcery 992 electrocute killing 361 punishment 972 electrocution punishment 972 electrocutioner scourge 975 electrolier luminary 423 electrolyze decomposition 49 electromagnet attraction 288 electromagnetism power 157 electron microscope optical instruments 445 electronic calculator numeration 85 electronic devices hearing 418 electronics shop mart 799 electrotype copy 21 printing 591 electuary remedy 662 eleemosynary giving 784 elegaic meter poetry 597 elegaic poetry poetry 597 elegance elegance 578 ornament 577 taste 850 elegant beauty 845 elegance 578 taste 850 elegantly taste 850 elegiac lamentation 839 poetry 597 interment 363 elegiac verse poetry 597 elegiacs poetry 597 elegy interment 363 lamentation 839 poetry 597 element cause 153 component 56 materiality 316 substantiality 3 elementary simpleness 42 elementary education teaching 537 elements rite 998 beginning 66 elench intuition 477 elenchus intuition 477 elephant carrier 271 size 192 elephantine size 192 eleutherian freedom 748 elevate repute 873 ascent 305 elevation 307 elevated height 206 elevation 307 disinterestedness 942 vigor 574 drunkenness 959 elevation representation 554 verticality 212 vigor 574 repute 873 improvement 658 height 206 disinterestedness 942 elevation 307 elevator elevation 307 eleven deputy 759 five, &c 98 eleventh five, &c 98 eleventh hour evening 126 elf man 373 littleness 193 infant 129 demon 980 elfin littleness 193 demon 980 elfish demon 980 elflike demon 980 elicit cause 153 discovery 480.a extraction 301 manifestation 525 eligible expedience 646 eliminate extraction 301 simpleness 42 fewness 103 exclusion 55 ejection 297 nonaddition, subtraction 38 elimination exclusion 55 extraction 301 fewness 103 simpleness 42 elision disjunction 44 shortness 201 elite fashion 852 goodness 648 nobility 875 repute 873 elixation calefaction 384 elixir remedy 662 elixir vitae remedy 662 elk animal 366 ell length 200 ellipse circularity 247 ellipsis conciseness 572 shortness 201 ellipsoid circularity 247 rotundity 249 elliptic circularity 247 elliptical circularity 247 conciseness 572 elocation displacement 185 transference 270 elocution speech 582 elocutionary speech 582 elongate length 200 elongation distance 196 elope avoidance 623 elopement escape 671 eloquence speech 582 vigor 574 eloquent speech 582 vigor 574 else addition 37 elsewhere absence 187 elucidate interpretation 522 conformity 82 discovery 480.a intelligibility 518 elucidation interpretation 522 conformity 82 elude avoidance 623 escape 671 intuition 477 nonobservance 773 success 731 elusion avoidance 623 elusive avoidance 623 deception 545 nonobservance 773 elusory untruth 546 elutriate cleanness 652 eluvium wind 349 elvin demon 980 elysian pleasurableness 829 heaven 981 Elysian fields heaven 981 Elysium heaven 981 pleasure 827 elytron covering 223 elytrum covering 223 Elzevir edition littleness 193 em dash indication 550 emaciated narrowness, thinness 203 emaciation contraction 195 narrowness, thinness 203 emanate excretion 299 egress 295 emanate from effect 154 emanation egress 295 excretion 299 odor 398 emancipate deliverance 672 facility 705 liberation 750 emancipation deliverance 672 freedom 748 liberation 750 emasculate cleanness 652 impotence 158 emasculation impotence 158 embalm interment 363 preservation 670 fragrance 400 embalm in the memory memory 505 embankment abode 189 defense 717 refuge 666 embargo prohibition 761 quiescence 265 embark departure 293 journey 266 transference 270 embark in beginning 66 undertaking 676 embarkation departure 293 embarrass hindrance 706 inexpedience 647 uncertainty 475 difficulty 704 embarrassed poverty 804 embarrassed poverty 804 embarrassing difficulty 704 embarrassment difficulty 704 hindrance 706 uncertainty 475 embase deterioration 659 embassador consignee 758 embassy commission 755 consignee 758 news 532 embattled arrangement 60 party 712 warfare 722 embay circumscription 229 embed location 184 support 215 embellish ornament 847 embellishment ornament 847 embers calefaction 384 embezzle stealing 791 embezzlement stealing 791 embitter aggravation 835 deterioration 659 resentment 900 emblazon ostentation 882 ornament 847 color 428 emblem indication 550 emblem of authority scepter 747 emblematic indication 550 embodiment combination 48 composition 54 whole 50 embody combination 48 composition 54 inclusion 76 junction 43 whole 50 embogue ejection 297 embolden courage 861 hope 858 embolism interposition 228 hindrance 706 embolismal interposition 228 embolus closure 261 hindrance 706 embonpoint size 192 embosom circumscription 229 embosomed circumscription 229 interposition 228 location 184 emboss convexity 250 ornament 847 embossed convexity 250 embossment convexity 250 embouchure opening 260 embowed curvature 245 embowel ejection 297 embrace choice 609 circumjacence 227 composition 54 courtesy 894 endearment 902 friendship 888 inclusion 76 sociality 892 taking 789 embrace a belief belief 484 embrace an offer consent 762 embrace an opinion belief 484 embrangle derangement 61 embranglement discord 713 embrasure notch 257 opening 260 embrocation remedy 662 embroider falsehood 544 ornament 847 variegation 440 embroidered variegation 440 embroidery adjunct 39 exaggeration 549 ornament 847 embroil discord 713 derangement 61 embroiled discord 713 embroilment discord 713 disorder 59 embrown brown 433 embryo cause 153 embryonic beginning 66 cause 153 littleness 193 nonpreparation 674 embryotic cause 153 emendation improvement 658 emendatory improvement 658 emerald jewelry 847.a greenness 435 emerald green greenness 435 emerge egress 295 emerge as conversion 144 emergence circumstance 8 egress 295 emergency circumstance 8 difficulty 704 eventuality 151 emergency landing refuge 666 emeritus respect 928 sage 500 emersion egress 295 emery sharpness 253 emery cloth smoothness 255 emery paper smoothness 255 emesis ejection 297 emetic remedy 662 emication light 420 emigrant egress 295 extraneousness 57 traveler 268 emigrate journey 266 emigration egress 295 journey 266 eminence clergy 996 height 206 repute 873 eminent repute 873 height 206 eminently superiority 33 emir nobility 875 master 745 emissary consignee 758 messenger 534 emission ejection 297 emit ejection 297 publication 531 emit sound sound 402 emit vapor gaseity 334 vaporization 336 emitted ejection 297 emitting ejection 297 Emmanuel deity 976 emmeleia melody concord 413 emmet littleness 193 emollient remedy 662 emolument acquisition 775 receipt 810 reward 973 emotion feeling 821 emotional feeling 821 emotive feeling 821 empale punishment 972 empalement opening 260 empanel a jury lawsuit 969 empathize with benevolence 906 concord 714 empathy concord 714 emperor master 745 emphasis importance 642 voice 580 affirmation 535 emphasize affirmation 535 importance 642 emphatic affirmation 535 importance 642 emphatic contradiction negation 536 emphatic denial negation 536 emphatically greatness 31 empierce insertion 300 opening 260 empire property 780 government 737.a empirema reasoning 476 empiric deceiver 548 empirical essay 675 experiment 463 empirically true truth 494 empiricism experiment 463 emplastrum remedy 662 employ business 625 commission 755 subjection 749 use 677 employ a metaphor metaphor 521 employ one's capital in barter 794 employ one's time in business 625 employ oneself action 680 employ oneself in business 625 employ oneself upon business 625 employ time time 106 employe consignee 758 servant 746 employer purchase 795 employment business 625 use 677 empoison deterioration 659 emporium mart 799 empower commission 755 permission 760 power 157 empress master 745 emprise undertaking 676 emptiness absence 187 insufficiency 640 emptiness of title undueness 925 emption purchase 795 emptor purchase 795 empty waste 638 absence 187 displacement 185 ejection 297 ignorance 491 insufficiency 640 inutility 645 unsubstantiality 4 empty encomium courtesy 894 empty name nomenclature 564 empty one's glass food 298 empty pocket poverty 804 empty purse poverty 804 empty sound unmeaningness 517 empty title nomenclature 564 empty words untruth 546 empty-handed insufficiency 640 empty-headed ignorance 491 empurple purple 437 empyrean pleasurableness 829 world 318 empyreuma fetor 401 empyreumatic fetor 401 empyrosis calefaction 384 emulate contention 720 goodness 648 imitation 19 opposition 708 repute 873 emulation opposition 708 emulous opposition 708 emulsion semiliquidity 352 emulsive semiliquidity 352 emunctory conduit 350 egress 295 en avant direction 278 en bloc whole 50 en flute summit 210 arms 727 en grande tenue clothing 225 en masse party 712 whole 50 en passant passage 302 en r gle dueness 924 en rapport relation 9 en revanche retaliation 718 en route journey 266 transference 270 en route for progression 282 en vidence visibility 446 enable power 157 enablement power 157 enact conduct 692 legality 963 drama 599 action 680 command 741 completion 729 enact a regulation legality 963 enactment command 741 legality 963 enallage metaphor 521 enamel artist 559 covering 223 ornament 847 painting 556 sculpture 557 enameler artist 559 enamelist artist 559 enamor love 897 enamored love 897 enanthem disease 655 enanthema disease 655 encage restraint 751 encamp location 184 encampment abode 189 location 184 encase circumscription 229 covering 223 encaustic painting painting 556 enceinte region 181 production 161 inclosure 232 enchafe painfulness 830 enchain restraint 751 enchant pleasurableness 829 sorcery 992 enchanted pleasure 827 enchanting beauty 845 love 897 melody concord 413 pleasurableness 829 enchantment pleasure 827 sorcery 992 pleasurableness 829 love 897 enchase junction 43 enchiridion book 593 enchymatous expansion 194 encincture circumscription 229 encircle circularity 247 circumjacence 227 inclusion 76 encircling inclusion 76 enclave limit 233 region 181 enclose circumjacence 227 encode concealment 528 encomiast flatterer 935 encomiastic approbation 931 encomium approbation 931 encompass circumjacence 227 encompassment circumjacence 227 encompilation book 593 encore approbation 931 repetition 104 encore! approbation 931 encounter arrival 292 contention 720 eventuality 151 impulse 276 opposition 708 encounter danger danger 665 encounter the chance chance 621 encounter the risk chance 621 encourage aid 707 courage 861 hope 858 motive 615 relief 834 encourage hope hope 858 encouragement motive 615 relief 834 encouraging hope 858 Encratism temperance 953 Encratite temperance 953 encroach undueness 925 transcursion 303 encroach upon wrong 923 dereliction of duty 927 encroachment transcursion 303 undueness 925 encrypt concealment 528 encuirassed covering 223 encumber difficulty 704 hindrance 706 encumbrance hindrance 706 encyclic publication 531 encyclical publication 531 encyclopedia school 542 book 593 knowledge 490 encyclopedic knowledge knowledge 490 encyclopedic learning knowledge 490 encyclopedical generality 78 encysted circumscription 229 end cessation 142 effect 154 end 67 intention 620 summit 210 end in smoke failure 732 impotence 158 shortcoming 304 end of all things end 67 end of life death 360 end one's days death 360 end one's earthly career death 360 end one's life death 360 end to end contiguity 199 endaemonism philanthropy 910 endaemonist philanthropy 910 endamage badness 649 endanger danger 665 endangered danger 665 endear love 897 endearment endearment 902 endeavor essay 675 pursuit 622 endeavor after intention 620 ended end 67 endemic interiority 221 speciality 79 disease 655 endenization location 184 endenizen inhabitant 188 location 184 endimanch_e ostentation 882 ending end 67 endless diuturnity 110 infinity 105 multitude 102 perpetuity 112 endlessness diuturnity 110 endlong length 200 endocarditis disease 655 endogenous vegetable 367 endome covering 223 endomorphic interiority 221 endorse compact 769 endorsement indication 550 endosmose exosmose passage 302 endosmosis passage 302 endosmosmic passage 302 endosmotic passage 302 endow giving 784 power 157 endowed skill 698 endowed with possession 777 endowed with reason intellect 450 endowment giving 784 intrinsicality 5 power 157 skill 698 endpapers book 593 endpoint end 67 endue power 157 endurance feeling 821 inexcitability 826 permanence 141 endure feeling 821 inexcitability 826 eventuality 151 diuturnity 110 permanence 141 existence 1 endure forever perpetuity 112 endure pain pain 828 enduring inexcitability 826 endwise verticality 212 ENE direction 278 enema insertion 300 enemy enemy 891 hate 898 opponent 710 enemy to society enemy 891 energetic exertion 686 physical energy 171 energize physical energy 171 energumen madman 504 energy power 157 resolution 604 physical energy 171 exertion 686 affections 820 activity 682 strength 159 enervate impotence 158 weakness 160 enervated feebleness 575 enervation weakness 160 enface writing 590 enfeeble weakness 160 enfeoffment transfer 783 Enfield rifle arms 727 enfilade length 200 opening 260 passage 302 enfold circumscription 229 enforce advice 695 compulsion 744 dueness 924 motive 615 enforcement compulsion 744 enfranchise permission 760 freedom 748 liberation 750 enfranchised dueness 924 enfranchisement liberation 750 freedom 748 engage commission 755 compact 769 earliness 132 motive 615 promise 768 undertaking 676 warfare 722 engage in pursuit 622 undertaking 676 engage in a conversation conversation 588 engage in a forlorn hope danger 665 engage in battle warfare 722 engage the affections love 897 engage the attention attention 457 engage the mind attention 457 engage the thoughts attention 457 engage with contention 720 engaged marriage 903 engaged in attention 457 engagement business 625 contention 720 promise 768 undertaking 676 engaging pleasurableness 829 love 897 engarrison defense 717 engender production 161 engine instrument 633 engine company insulation, fire extinction 388.a engine driver traveler 268 engineer agent 690 combatant 726 experiment 463 traveler 268 engineering instrument 633 engird circumjacence 227 English inhabitant 188 Englishman inhabitant 188 engobe covering 223 engorge gluttony 957 reception 296 engorgement redundancy 641 engrave engraving 558 furrow 259 indication 550 representation 554 engrave in the memory memory 505 engraved engraving 558 engraver artist 559 engraving engraving 558 representation 554 engross possession 777 writing 590 engross the attention attention 457 engross the mind attention 457 engross the thoughts thought 451 attention 457 engrossed inattention 458 engrossed in attention 457 engrossing attention 457 engulf destruction 162 plunge 310 reception 296 enhance improvement 658 increase 35 enharmonic melody concord 413 enharmonic scale melody concord 413 enigma secret 533 unintelligibility 519 inquiry 461 enigmatic uncertainty 475 unintelligibility 519 enigmatical equivocalness 520 unintelligibility 519 enjoin advice 695 command 741 duty 926 prohibition 761 will 600 enjoy possession 777 eventuality 151 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 enjoy a state state 7 enjoy good health health 654 enjoy oneself pleasure 827 enjoying physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 enjoyment pleasure 827 enkindle calefaction 384 excitation 824 enlarge diffuseness 573 expansion 194 greatness 31 increase 35 liberation 750 enlarge the mind teaching 537 enlarged superiority 33 enlarged views intelligence, wisdom 498 enlargement expansion 194 increase 35 liberation 750 painting 556 enlargement of mind intelligence, wisdom 498 enleague party 712 enlighten correction 527.a information 527 light 420 teaching 537 enlightened knowledge 490 enlightenment knowledge 490 information 527 enlist warfare 722 commission 755 motive 615 enlist into the service use 677 enliven amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 pleasurableness 829 relief 834 enmesh deception 545 difficulty 704 enmity discord 713 enmity 889 hate 898 malevolence 907 ennoble repute 873 ennui weariness 841 incuriosity 456 enormity greatness 31 guilt 947 size 192 enormous greatness 31 size 192 enormous number multitude 102 enormously greatness 31 enough greatness 31 imperfection 651 sufficiency 639 enough and to spare sufficiency 639 enough in all conscience redundancy 641 enough to drive one mad painfulness 830 enough to gag a maggot painfulness 830 enough to provoke a saint painfulness 830 enough to wake the dead loudness 404 enough! cessation 142 satiety 869 enphagy vice 945 enrage aggravation 835 desire 865 painfulness 830 resentment 900 enrapture excitation 824 love 897 pleasurableness 829 enraptured feeling 821 enraptures pleasure 827 enravish pleasurableness 829 enravished pleasure 827 enravishing pleasurableness 829 enravishment excitation 824 enrich improvement 658 ornament 847 wealth 803 enrobe clothing 225 enroll commission 755 record 551 warfare 722 enrollment record 551 ensample prototype 22 ensanguined killing 361 ensconce safety 664 concealment 528 ensconced location 184 ensemble whole 50 enshrine circumscription 229 piety 987 repute 873 enshrine in the memory memory 505 enshrinement repute 873 ensiform sharpness 253 ensign combatant 726 indication 550 master 745 ensign of authority scepter 747 ensilage provision 637 preservation 670 enslave subjection 749 enslaved subjection 749 enslavement subjection 749 ensnare deception 545 ensue eventuality 151 posteriority 117 sequence 63 ensure certainty 474 entablature summit 210 entail retention 781 cause 153 latency, implication 526 entailment latency, implication 526 entangle deception 545 derangement 61 difficulty 704 discord 713 junction 43 crossing 219 entangled complexity 59.a entangled by difficulties difficulty 704 entanglement complexity 59.a difficulty 704 entelechy production 161 entente vanity 880 enter record 551 ingress 294 beginning 66 accounts 811 enter a profession business 625 enter a protest deprecation 766 enter in convergence 290 enter into component 56 enter into an engagement promise 768 enter into collision impulse 276 enter into detail speciality 79 enter into details description 594 enter into one's views assent 488 enter into particulars description 594 enter into possession acquisition 775 enter into the ideas of concord 714 intelligibility 518 enter into the spirit of pleasure 827 enter on an engagement promise 768 enter the lists attack 716 contention 720 enter the mind thought 451 enter the spirit of feeling 821 enter upon beginning 66 enter upon a duty duty 926 enter upon an obligation duty 926 enterprise pursuit 622 undertaking 676 enterprising courage 861 activity 682 entertain sociality 892 aid 707 amusement 840 entertain a belief belief 484 entertain a dislike for dislike 867 entertain a love love 897 entertain an idea thought 451 entertain an opinion belief 484 entertain doubts unbelief doubt 485 entertain feeling feeling 821 entertain hope hope 858 entertain respect for respect 928 entertained sociality 892 entertainer amusement 840 entertaining amusement 840 entertainment sociality 892 amusement 840 food 298 enthral restraint 751 enthrall restraint 751 subjection 749 enthrallment subjection 749 enthrone repute 873 enthronement commission 755 repute 873 enthusiasm feeling 821 hope 858 love 897 enthusiast activity 682 obstinacy 606 madman 504 enthusiastic excitability 825 feeling 821 hope 858 imagination 515 sensibility 822 enthymeme reasoning 476 entice motive 615 enticement motive 615 enticing pleasurableness 829 entire whole 50 completeness 52 continuity 69 entire horse man 373 entire satisfaction content 831 entirely greatness 31 whole 50 entirety completeness 52 whole 50 entitle dueness 924 nomenclature 564 entitled to dueness 924 entity existence 1 entomb interment 363 restraint 751 entombment restraint 751 entomology zoology 368 entourage circumjacence 227 entozoon littleness 193 entrails interiority 221 entrain departure 293 entrammel restraint 751 entrance beginning 66 ingress 294 pleasurableness 829 sorcery 992 entranced pleasure 827 entrancement excitation 824 entrancing pleasurableness 829 entrap deception 545 entreat request 765 entreaty request 765 entree food 298 reception 296 entremet food 298 entrench defense 717 safety 664 entrench on transcursion 303 entrenchment defense 717 entrepreneur drama 599 entre-sol receptacle 191 entrust commission 755 entry beginning 66 ingress 294 record 551 entwine junction 43 crossing 219 convolution 248 enucleate interpretation 522 enumerate list 86 numeration 85 quantity 25 enumerate among inclusion 76 enumeration numeration 85 enunciate affirmation 535 voice 580 enunciation information 527 voice 580 enunciative information 527 envelope clothing 225 covering 223 circumscription 229 inclosure 232 envenom aggravation 835 deterioration 659 hate 898 resentment 900 envenomed badness 649 insalubrity 657 malevolence 907 painfulness 830 envenomed tongue detraction 934 envious envy 921 jealousy 920 envious suspicion jealousy 920 enviousness envy 921 environ circumjacence 227 environment abode 189 circumjacence 227 circumstance 8 location 184 situation 183 environs circumjacence 227 nearness 197 envision imagination 515 enviva! approbation 931 envoy consignee 758 messenger 534 envy envy 921 enwrap clothing 225 Eocene oldness 124 Eolian harp musical instruments 417 Eolus wind 349 eon deity 976 epacme precedence 62 epact redundancy 641 epagoge reasoning 476 eparch director 694 epaulet indication 550 ornament 847 title 877 epaulette title 877 epergne receptacle 191 ephemeral transientness 111 ephemeris book 593 record 551 chronometry 114 Ephesian letters spell 993 Ephialtes hindrance 706 pain 828 physical pain 378 ephor judge 967 epic description 594 poetry 597 epic poem poetry 597 epicedial lamentation 839 epicedium lamentation 839 epicene unconformity 83 multiformity 81 epicure sensualist 954.a fastidiousness 868 gluttony 957 Epicurean intemperance 954 sensualist 954.a epicureanism intemperance 954 epicurism fastidiousness 868 gluttony 957 intemperance 954 epicycle circularity 247 epicycloid circularity 247 epidemic nonassemblage, dispersion 73 disease 655 generality 78 insalubrity 657 epidemiological survey experiment 463 epidemiologist remedy 662 epidermis covering 223 epigenesis production 161 epigram wit 842 epigrammatic conciseness 572 wit 842 epigrammatist humorist 844 epigraph indication 550 epilepsy agitation 315 epilogue drama 599 sequel 65 Epiphany rite 998 episcopacy churchdom 995 episcopal churchdom 995 Episcopalian heterodoxy 984 churchdom 995 episcopalianism churchdom 995 episcopate churchdom 995 episode adjunct 39 diffuseness 573 discontinuity 70 eventuality 151 interposition 228 episodic interposition 228 irrelation 10 epistle correspondence 592 Epistles Judeo-christian revelation 985 epistolary correspondence 592 epistyle summit 210 epitaph interment 363 epitaxial deposition covering 223 narrowness, thinness 203 epithalamium marriage 903 epithem remedy 662 epithet nomenclature 564 epitome compendium 596 conciseness 572 littleness 193 shortness 201 epitomist shortness 201 epitomize shortness 201 compendium 596 epitomizer shortness 201 epizootic insalubrity 657 disease 655 epoch chronometry 114 instantaneity 113 period 108 the present time 118 time 106 epode poetry 597 eponym nomenclature 564 epopee poetry 597 epopoea poetry 597 eppur si muove motion 264 Epsom salts remedy 662 epulation food 298 epulotic remedy 662 epuration cleanness 652 equable right 922 equal equality 27 right 922 symmetry 242 equal chance chance 156 equal to power 157 equality equality 27 identity 13 equalization compensation 30 equality 27 equalize compensation 30 equalize level equality 27 equalized equality 27 equally equality 27 equals sign indication 550 equanimity inexcitability 826 equatable right 922 equate equality 27 equation compensation 30 equality 27 equations numeration 85 equator middle 68 world 318 equatorial middle 68 equatorial mount optical instruments 445 equerry servant 746 equestrian traveler 268 equibalanced equality 27 equidistance middle 68 parallelism 216 equidistant middle 68 parallelism 216 equilibration equality 27 equilibrium equality 27 equine carrier 271 equip clothing 225 preparation 673 equipage ostentation 882 property 780 vehicle 272 equiparant equality 27 relation 9 equipment instrument 633 preparation 673 clothing 225 equipmentage instrument 633 equipoise equality 27 equipollence equality 27 equipollent equality 27 equiponderance equality 27 equiponderant equality 27 equiponderous equality 27 equitable dueness 924 intelligence, wisdom 498 probity 939 equitable estate property 780 equitable interest property 780 equitableness right 922 equitation journey 266 equity legality 963 probity 939 right 922 equity draftsman lawyer 968 equivalence equality 27 equivalent compensation 30 equality 27 identity 13 interpretation 522 substitution 147 equivalent meaning interpretation 522 equivocal uncertainty 475 equivocalness 520 impurity 961 equivocalness equivocalness 520 equivocate equivocalness 520 falsehood 544 intuition 477 qualification 469 equivocation equivocalness 520 falsehood 544 intuition 477 era chronometry 114 period 108 time 106 eradicate destruction 162 extraction 301 eradication extraction 301 fewness 103 erase destruction 162 obliteration 552 Erastian heterodoxy 984 Erastianism heterodoxy 984 erasure obliteration 552 ere priority 116 ere long earliness 132 ere now priority 116 the past 122 ere then priority 116 erect elevation 307 production 161 verticality 212 erect the scaffolding preparation 673 erection elevation 307 production 161 sexuality 374.a verticality 212 erectness verticality 212 eremite seclusion, exclusion 893 erewhile priority 116 the past 122 ergo reasoning 476 ergophobia inactivity 683 ergotism judgment 480 ergotize unbelief doubt 485 eriometer optical instruments 445 eristic reasoning 476 eristical reasoning 476 Erlenmeyer flask receptacle 191 ermine ornament 847 scepter 747 erode deterioration 659 eros love 897 erosion deterioration 659 erosion of the currency money 800 erotic impurity 961 love 897 sexuality 374.a err error 495 vice 945 errand commission 755 news 532 business 625 errand boy messenger 534 errant deviation 279 disrepute 874 erratic caprice 608 changeableness 149 deviation 279 motion 264 erratum error 495 errhine wind 349 erroneous error 495 erroneous assumptions misjudgment 481 erroneous data misjudgment 481 error error 495 guilt 947 heterodoxy 984 vice 945 ersatz substitution 147 erubescence redness 434 erubescent redness 434 eructate ejection 297 eructation ejection 297 erudite knowledge 490 erudition knowledge 490 learning 539 erupt ejection 297 eruption violence 173 egress 295 disease 655 erysipelas disease 655 erythroblast organization 357 escalade ascent 305 attack 716 escalate elevation 307 escalator elevation 307 escalop convolution 248 escamoter deception 545 escamoterie deception 545 escapade caprice 608 absurdity 497 amusement 840 escape escape 671 liberation 750 safety 664 avoidance 623 dereliction of duty 927 egress 295 escape attention inattention 458 escape clause qualification 469 escape detection latency, implication 526 escape memory oblivion 506 escape notice inattention 458 invisibility 447 escape observation latency, implication 526 escape one's lips speech 582 escape recognition latency, implication 526 escape scot-free escape 671 escape the lips disclosure 529 escaped escape 671 escaping escape 671 escaping steam sibilation 409 escarp defense 717 escarpment height 206 layer 204 eschar layer 204 escharotic physical energy 171 pungency 392 eschatology end 67 escheat penalty 974 eschew avoidance 623 dislike 867 escopet arms 727 escopette arms 727 escort accompaniment 88 keeper 753 safety 664 escort plane ship 273 escritoire receptacle 191 esculent food 298 escutcheon indication 550 esoteric concealment 528 speciality 79 espalier inclosure 232 especial speciality 79 especially speciality 79 superiority 33 Esperanto neologism 563 espial vision 441 espionage inquiry 461 vision 441 esplanade abode 189 horizontality 213 espousals marriage 903 espouse choice 609 marriage 903 espouse a cause cooperation 709 espouse a quarrel cooperation 709 espouse the cause of aid 707 esprit intelligence, wisdom 498 wit 842 esprit de corps cooperation 709 misjudgment 481 sociality 892 esprit fort sage 500 espy vision 441 esquire lawyer 968 nobility 875 sexuality 374.a title 877 esquired lawyer 968 essay experiment 463 dissertation 595 essay 675 essaying essay 675 essayist dissertation 595 book 593 essence existence 1 fragrance 400 gaseity 334 intrinsicality 5 meaning 516 odor 398 essential existence 1 greatness 31 importance 642 intrinsicality 5 requirement 630 essential nature substantiality 3 essential oil fragrance 400 essential part greatness 31 importance 642 intrinsicality 5 whole 50 essentiality requirement 630 essentially greatness 31 substantiality 3 essentialness intrinsicality 5 est modue in rebus moderation 174 establish production 161 stability 150 evidence 467 demonstration 478 location 184 establish equality equality 27 establish oneself location 184 established stability 150 habit 613 permanence 141 Established Church orthodoxy 983.a establishment mart 799 party 712 production 161 stability 150 location 184 estafette messenger 534 estaminet abode 189 estate property 780 state 7 estate and effects property 780 estate for life property 780 estate for years property 780 estate in fee property 780 estate in tail property 780 estate in tail female property 780 estate in tail general property 780 estate in tail male property 780 estate tail property 780 esteem approbation 931 belief 484 respect 928 value 812.a esteem as belief 484 esteem slightly contempt 930 esthetic taste 850 estimable approbation 931 goodness 648 value 812.a estimate discrimination 465 information 527 judgment 480 measurement 466 quantity 25 supposition 514 estimate too highly overestimation 482 estimation numeration 85 approbation 931 respect 928 judgment 480 discrimination 465 measurement 466 estival! heat 382 estop hindrance 706 prohibition 761 estoppel hindrance 706 prohibition 761 estrade horizontality 213 estrange enmity 889 hate 898 estranged enmity 889 seclusion, exclusion 893 estrangement enmity 889 hate 898 estrapade punishment 972 attack 716 estreat penalty 974 estrogen woman 374 estrus sexuality 374.a estuary gulf, lake 343 estuation calefaction 384 esurient desire 865 et cetera addition 37 plurality 100 et tu Brute! ingratitude 917 etagere receptacle 191 etc plurality 100 etc. printing 591 inclusion 76 etch engraving 558 furrow 259 etching engraving 558 painting 556 etching point engraving 558 etercoral uncleanness 653 eternal perpetuity 112 eternal damnation hell 982 eternal home heaven 981 eternal reward heaven 981 eternity perpetuity 112 deity 976 eternize perpetuity 112 ethanol fuel 388 ether gaseity 334 levity 320 physical insensibility 376 rarity 322 ethereal gaseity 334 levity 320 unsubstantiality 4 ethical duty 926 ethical philosophy duty 926 ethicism heterodoxy 984 ethics virtue 944 duty 926 Ethiop blackness 431 Ethiopia's skin stability 150 Ethiopic blackness 431 ethnic heterodoxy 984 ethnical heterodoxy 984 ethnography mankind 372 ethnology mankind 372 ethological duty 926 ethology. duty 926 etiolate achromatism 429 whiteness 430 etiolated achromatism 429 etiolation whiteness 430 achromatism 429 etiology knowledge 490 attribution 155 disease 655 etiquette fashion 852 habit 613 ostentation 882 etymology word 562 etymon cause 153 word 562 eucalyptus oil fragrance 400 Eucharist rite 998 eucharistical rite 998 euchre success 731 amusement 840 eudiometer salubrity 656 air 338 eudioscope air 338 eugenics improvement 658 eulogist flatterer 935 eulogistic approbation 931 eulogium approbation 931 eulogize approbation 931 overestimation 482 eulogy approbation 931 Eumenides evil 913 resentment 900 revenge 919 eumerogenesis production 161 eunuch impotence 158 eupepsia health 654 euphemism elegance 578 flattery 933 ornament 577 euphemist flatterer 935 ornament 577 taste 850 euphemistic elegance 578 ornament 577 taste 850 euphonic melody concord 413 euphonical melody concord 413 euphonious voice 580 melody concord 413 elegance 578 euphonism melody concord 413 euphonium musical instruments 417 euphony elegance 578 melody concord 413 voice 580 euphoria health 654 euphory health 654 Euphrosyne cheerfulness 836 euphuism affectation 855 inelegance 579 ornament 577 euphuist ornament 577 affectation 855 euphuistic inelegance 579 ornament 577 Eurasian mixture 41 eureka! answer 462 discovery 480.a Euripus gulf, lake 343 eurythmy symmetry 242 Eusebian heterodoxy 984 Euterpe musician 416 euthanasia death 360 husbandry 370 eutrophy aid 707 evacuate departure 293 egress 295 evacuation excretion 299 egress 295 ejection 297 evacuation alarm insulation, fire extinction 388.a evade avoidance 623 dereliction of duty 927 intuition 477 nonobservance 773 evagation deviation 279 evaluate measurement 466 value 812.a evanesce gaseity 334 evanescence transientness 111 disappearance 449 evanescent transientness 111 smallness 32 disappearance 449 littleness 193 evangelical Judeo-christian revelation 985 orthodoxy 983.a evangelist Judeo-christian revelation 985 evangelistic Judeo-christian revelation 985 Evangelists Judeo-christian revelation 985 evanid weakness 160 evaporable gaseity 334 vaporization 336 evaporate unsubstantiality 4 transientness 111 vaporization 336 gaseity 334 disappearance 449 preservation 670 evaporation rarity 322 vaporization 336 evasion intuition 477 nonobservance 773 falsehood 544 escape 671 cunning 702 avoidance 623 concealment 528 untruth 546 dereliction of duty 927 evasive cunning 702 nonobservance 773 falsehood 544 concealment 528 avoidance 623 intuition 477 eve evening 126 evection derangement 61 even qualification 469 superiority 33 straightness 246 smoothness 255 horizontality 213 flatness 251 equality 27 uniformity 16 opposition 708 even now the present time 118 even so compensation 30 assent 488 even temper inexcitability 826 even tenor order 58 uniformity 16 frequency 136 evenhanded probity 939 right 922 evenhanded justice right 922 even-handedness probity 939 evening evening 126 evening dress ostentation 882 evening party sociality 892 evenness equality 27 evensong worship 990 event contention 720 eventuality 151 occasion 134 eventful activity 682 eventuality 151 importance 642 eventide evening 126 eventual futurity 121 eventuality eventuality 151 futurity 121 eventually destiny 152 futurity 121 eventuality 151 effect 154 different time 119 eventuate eventuality 151 ever perpetuity 112 ever anon frequency 136 ever changing changeableness 149 ever recurring repetition 104 ever so greatness 31 ever so dole greatness 31 ever so little smallness 32 ever so many multitude 102 everduring perpetuity 112 ever-flowing perpetuity 112 evergreen continuity 69 perpetuity 112 diuturnity 110 newness 123 everlasting perpetuity 112 everlasting death destiny 152 everlasting fire hell 982 everlasting life destiny 152 everlasting torment hell 982 everlastingness perpetuity 112 ever-living perpetuity 112 evermore perpetuity 112 everness perpetuity 112 eversion inversion 218 evolution 313 evert change 140 every generality 78 completeness 52 every day frequency 136 every hole and corner place 182 every hour frequency 136 every inch completeness 52 whole 50 every inch a king authority 737 nobility 875 every moment frequency 136 every other regularity of recurrence 138 every other day regularity of recurrence 138 everybody generality 78 everyday habit 613 conformity 82 frequency 136 everyone generality 78 everyone in his turn interchange 148 everywhere presence 186 space 180 evict ejection 297 eviction ejection 297 taking 789 evidence evidence 467 experiment 463 manifestation 525 evidence in chief evidence 467 evident certainty 474 manifestation 525 demonstration 478 evil adversity 735 badness 649 bane 663 evil 619 evil courses vice 945 evil day adversity 735 evil dispensation adversity 735 evil doer badness 649 evil 619 evil 913 evil eye malevolence 907 spell 993 demon 980 vision 441 evil genius adversity 735 demon 980 evil hour untimeliness 135 evil luck adversity 735 evil speaking malediction 908 evil star adversity 735 badness 649 evil worker evil 913 evil-disposed malevolence 907 vice 945 evildoer bad man 949 evil-doing vice 945 evil-favored ugliness 846 evil-minded malevolence 907 vice 945 evil-speaking detraction 934 disapprobation 932 evince demonstration 478 evidence 467 eviscerate ejection 297 extraction 301 killing 361 weakness 160 eviscerated unsubstantiality 4 evoke excitation 824 request 765 cause 153 evolution beginning 66 change 140 circuition 311 conversion 144 evolution 313 extraction 301 life 359 motion 264 numeration 85 preparation 673 production 161 action 680 evolve extraction 301 production 161 discovery 480.a evolution 313 evolve into conversion 144 evolved evolution 313 evolved from effect 154 evolvement evolution 313 evolving evolution 313 evulsion extraction 301 evulugate publication 531 ewe woman 374 animal 366 ewer receptacle 191 ex more habit 613 ex necessitate rei requirement 630 ex officio government 737.a dueness 924 director 694 truth 494 ex post facto lateness 133 the past 122 ex vi termini strength 159 exacerbate increase 35 violence 173 deterioration 659 aggravation 835 exacerbation violence 173 aggravation 835 exact dueness 924 perspicuity 570 undueness 925 truth 494 similarity 17 price 812 insolence 885 command 741 duty 926 greed 817.a conciseness 572 observance 772 exact correct time instantaneity 113 exact memory memory 505 exact truth truth 494 exacting discontent 832 fastidiousness 868 greed 817.a severity 739 exaction command 741 undueness 925 exactitude truth 494 exactly assent 488 imitation 19 punctuality 132.a quantity 25 truth 494 exactment price 812 exactness truth 494 perspicuity 570 exaggerate increase 35 redundancy 641 overestimation 482 misrepresentation 555 falsehood 544 flattery 933 exaggeration 549 expansion 194 exaggerated exaggeration 549 expansion 194 exaggeration misinterpretation 523 untruth 546 misrepresentation 555 metaphor 521 exaggeration 549 boasting 884 aggravation 835 absurdity 497 falsehood 544 overestimation 482 exaggeration exacerbation increase 35 exalt approbation 931 repute 873 elevation 307 increase 35 exalt one's horn repute 873 exalt to the skies repute 873 exaltation repute 873 disinterestedness 942 elevation 307 exalted nobility 875 height 206 disinterestedness 942 exam teaching 537 examination evidence 467 inquiry 461 remedy 662 teaching 537 thought 451 examine attention 457 inquiry 461 examine closely attention 457 examine cursorily attention 457 examine intently attention 457 examiner inquiry 461 example expectance 871 frequency 136 prototype 22 teacher 540 conformity 82 exanimate death 360 inactivity 683 exanthem disease 655 exanthema disease 655 exarch master 745 exasperate violence 173 resentment 900 increase 35 aggravation 835 exasperation resentment 900 violence 173 aggravation 835 ex-cathedra affirmation 535 excavate concavity 252 excavation concavity 252 excavator concavity 252 excecation blindness 442 exceed intemperance 954 remainder 40 superiority 33 transcursion 303 exceeding superiority 33 remainder 40 exceedingly greatness 31 excel goodness 648 superiority 33 excel in skill 698 excellence goodness 648 skill 698 virtue 944 excellency title 877 excellent goodness 648 virtue 944 excellent health health 654 excelsior ascent 305 excentric exteriority 220 excentricity exteriority 220 except unconformity 83 rejection 610 nonaddition, subtraction 38 exclusion 55 except for nonaddition, subtraction 38 excepting nonaddition, subtraction 38 exception disapprobation 932 exclusion 55 exemption 777.a qualification 469 unconformity 83 exceptionable disapprobation 932 guilt 947 exceptionable indifferent badness 649 exceptional extraneousness 57 unconformity 83 nonimitation 20 disagreement 24 qualification 469 exceptious irascibility 901 sullenness 901.a excern ejection 297 excerpt compendium 596 excerpta choice 609 compendium 596 part 51 record 551 excerption choice 609 excess superiority 33 remainder 40 redundancy 641 intemperance 954 excess of ornament ornament 847 excessive greatness 31 redundancy 641 excessively greatness 31 exchange abode 189 barter 794 correlation 12 interchange 148 mart 799 transfer 783 exchange blows contention 720 exchange currencies money 800 exchange fisticuffs contention 720 retaliation 718 exchange of currency conversion 144 exchange rate conversion 144 money 800 exchange shots contention 720 exchequer treasury 802 exchequer bill money 800 excise nonaddition, subtraction 38 price 812 remedy 662 exciseman jurisdiction 965 excision nonaddition, subtraction 38 excitability excitability 825 sensibility 822 irascibility 901 excitable excitability 825 irascibility 901 sensibility 822 excitation action 680 physical energy 171 teaching 537 excitation of feeling excitation 824 feeling 821 excite violence 173 excitation 824 physical energy 171 resentment 900 excite an impression physical sensibility 375 excite awe fear 860 excite desire desire 865 excite disapprobation disapprobation 932 excite dislike dislike 867 excite expectation prediction 511 excite fear fear 860 excite hatred hate 898 excite hope prediction 511 excite laughter amusement 840 excite love love 897 excite pity pity 914 excited violence 173 excitability 825 excitation 824 excited imagination imagination 515 excitement excitability 825 resentment 900 exciting excitability 825 excitation 824 exclaim cry 411 exclaim against disapprobation 932 exclamation voice 580 exclamation point indication 550 exclude simpleness 42 exclusion 55 prohibition 761 rejection 610 seclusion, exclusion 893 excluded exclusion 55 extraneousness 57 excluding exclusion 55 exclusion exclusion 55 exclusion 77 rejection 610 seclusion, exclusion 893 exclusive exclusion 55 prohibition 761 simpleness 42 speciality 79 unconformity 83 exclusive application attention 457 exclusive attention attention 457 exclusive of exclusion 55 nonaddition, subtraction 38 exclusive possession possession 777 exclusive study attention 457 exclusive thought attention 457 excogitate imagination 515 thought 451 excogitation imagination 515 thought 451 excommunicate malediction 908 rite 998 seclusion, exclusion 893 excommunication malediction 908 rite 998 seclusion, exclusion 893 excoriate divestment 226 excoriation divestment 226 excrement uncleanness 653 excretion 299 excrementitious uncleanness 653 excrescence blemish 848 convexity 250 excreta excretion 299 uncleanness 653 excrete ejection 297 excretion 299 excretion excretion 299 excruciate physical pain 378 excruciating painfulness 830 excruciating pain physical pain 378 exculpate vindication 937 innocence 946 acquittal 970 exculpation acquittal 970 exemption 927.a forgiveness 918 vindication 937 exculpatory vindication 937 excursion circuition 311 journey 266 excursionist traveler 268 excursive deviation 279 diffuseness 573 excursus dissertation 595 excusable exemption 927.a vindication 937 excuse pretext 617 vindication 937 forgiveness 918 exemption 777.a exemption 927.a execrable badness 649 painfulness 830 execrate disapprobation 932 hate 898 malediction 908 execration disapprobation 932 malediction 908 execute observance 772 action 680 punishment 972 security 771 completion 729 musician 416 conduct 692 execution action 680 completion 729 conduct 692 killing 361 musician 416 punishment 972 security 771 executioner scourge 975 destroyer 165 killing 361 executive jurisdiction 965 conduct 692 government 737.a executor agent 690 executrix agent 690 exegesis interpretation 522 exegetical interpretation 522 exemplar prototype 22 exemplary virtue 944 exemplification conformity 82 interpretation 522 exemplify interpretation 522 conformity 82 exempt freedom 748 exemption 927.a exempt from exemption 777.a simpleness 42 exempt from despair hope 858 exempt from distrust hope 858 exempt from fear hope 858 exempt from suspicion hope 858 exemption qualification 469 unconformity 83 permission 760 exemption 927.a exemption 777.a absence 187 freedom 748 exenterate ejection 297 exequies interment 363 exercise agency 170 use 677 teaching 537 business 625 action 680 exertion 686 exercise authority government 737.a exercise book teaching 537 exercise discretion choice 609 exercise for the student teaching 537 exercise influence over motive 615 exercise influence upon motive 615 exercise influence with motive 615 exercise of the intellect thought 451 exercise one's discretion skill 698 will 600 exercise option choice 609 exercise power power 157 exercises worship 990 exercitation exertion 686 use 677 exert physical energy 171 use 677 exert authority government 737.a exert one's energies exertion 686 exert oneself exertion 686 exertion exertion 686 physical energy 171 activity 682 exfoliate divestment 226 exfoliation divestment 226 exhalation excretion 299 odor 398 vaporization 336 exhale ejection 297 odor 398 vaporization 336 exhaust prodigality 818 taking 789 fatigue 688 completion 729 waste 638 impotence 158 exhausted fatigue 688 impotence 158 inexistence 2 exhaustion fatigue 688 impotence 158 waste 638 exhaustive completeness 52 completion 729 exhaustive inquiry inquiry 461 exhaustless sufficiency 639 infinity 105 exhibit painting 556 ostentation 882 evidence 467 manifestation 525 exhibit the appearance of appearance 448 exhibit the semblance of appearance 448 exhibition council 696 manifestation 525 ostentation 882 exhilarate cheerfulness 836 exhilarating cheerfulness 836 exhilarating gas physical insensibility 376 exhilaration cheerfulness 836 exhort motive 615 advice 695 exhortation motive 615 advice 695 exhumation interment 363 exhume interment 363 the past 122 exigeant severity 739 exigency circumstance 8 desire 865 difficulty 704 insufficiency 640 requirement 630 exigent discontent 832 requirement 630 severity 739 exiguity fewness 103 littleness 193 narrowness, thinness 203 exiguous fewness 103 littleness 193 exile displacement 185 exclusion 55 punishment 972 seclusion, exclusion 893 exility narrowness, thinness 203 exist existence 1 exist in space presence 186 existence existence 1 life 359 existent existence 1 existing existence 1 the present time 118 exit departure 293 disappearance 449 egress 295 exode drama 599 exodus departure 293 egress 295 exogenous vegetable 367 exomorphic exteriority 220 exonerate exemption 927.a facility 705 permission 760 vindication 937 acquittal 970 exonerated facility 705 exoneration vindication 937 forgiveness 918 acquittal 970 exemption 927.a exophagy vice 945 exorable pity 914 exorbitance dearness 814 redundancy 641 exorbitant dearness 814 greatness 31 redundancy 641 exorbitantly greatness 31 exorcise sorcery 992 exorcism spell 993 sorcery 992 exorcist sorcerer 994 remedy 662 exostosis convexity 250 exoteric manifestation 525 publication 531 exotic irrelation 10 unconformity 83 vegetable 367 expand breadth, thickness 202 diffuseness 573 expansion 194 rarity 322 expanded expansion 194 expanse space 180 size 192 expansibility expansion 194 expansion exaggeration 549 expansion 194 rarity 322 space 180 copy 21 expansive space 180 expansion 194 expatiate speech 582 loquacity 584 diffuseness 573 journey 266 expatriate seclusion, exclusion 893 expatriation egress 295 expect probability 472 hope 858 expectance 871 expectation 507 foresight 510 expectance expectance 871 expectation 507 expectancy expectation 507 property 780 expectant expectation 507 expectation expectation 507 expected expectance 871 expectation 507 expecting expectance 871 expectation 507 expectorate ejection 297 expedience expedience 646 expediency expedience 646 expedient expedience 646 instrumentality 631 intelligence, wisdom 498 plan 626 utility 644 expedients means 632 expedite earliness 132 haste 684 expedition warfare 722 activity 682 journey 266 velocity 274 expeditious velocity 274 activity 682 expel disrepute 874 ejection 297 learning 539 propulsion 284 punishment 972 expend ejection 297 expenditure 809 payment 807 use 677 waste 638 expend itself inactivity 683 expended expenditure 809 expending expenditure 809 expenditure expenditure 809 waste 638 accounts 811 expense price 812 expenseless cheapness 815 expenses expenditure 809 expensive dearness 814 experience eventuality 151 feeling 821 knowledge 490 experience a loss loss 776 experience pain pain 828 physical pain 378 experience pleasure physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 experienced skill 698 experienced eye proficient 700 experienced hand proficient 700 experiences description 594 experiment essay 675 evidence 467 experiment 463 experiment upon experiment 463 experimental essay 675 experiment 463 uncertainty 475 experimental animal experiment 463 experimental method experiment 463 experimental philosophy materiality 316 experimentalist experiment 463 experimentally essay 675 experimentally verified truth 494 experimentee experiment 463 experimenter experiment 463 experimentist experiment 463 experimentum crucis demonstration 478 expert proficient 700 sage 500 skill 698 expert testimony evidence 467 expertise power 157 expertness skill 698 expiate atonement 952 expiation atonement 952 expiration end 67 expire course 109 death 360 end 67 expired illegality 964 the past 122 expiry end 67 explain interpretation 522 information 527 answer 462 conformity 82 explain away misinterpretation 523 explain wrongly misinterpretation 523 explainer interpreter 524 explanation teaching 537 attribution 155 interpretation 522 explanatory interpretation 522 expletive diffuseness 573 redundancy 641 explication interpretation 522 explicative interpretation 522 explicatory interpretation 522 explicit perspicuity 570 affirmation 535 information 527 intelligibility 518 manifestation 525 meaning 516 explicitness perspicuity 570 intelligibility 518 explode confutation 479 excitability 825 failure 732 violence 173 explode upwards ascent 305 exploded disapprobation 932 error 495 oldness 124 the past 122 exploit action 680 courage 861 exploitation inquiry 461 exploration inquiry 461 explore experiment 463 inquiry 461 explorer traveler 268 explosion excitability 825 failure 732 impulse 276 resentment 900 revolution 146 snap 406 violence 173 explosive arms 727 danger 665 violence 173 exponent information 527 interpreter 524 number 84 indication 550 exponential indication 550 number 84 export egress 295 extraction 301 transference 270 exportation ejection 297 transference 270 expose manifestation 525 confutation 479 description 594 disapprobation 932 disclosure 529 divestment 226 expose itself visibility 446 expose one's weak point confutation 479 expose oneself disrepute 874 expose oneself to liability 177 expose to danger danger 665 expose to view manifestation 525 visibility 446 exposed danger 665 divestment 226 exposed to liability 177 exposed to view visibility 446 exposition interpretation 522 confutation 479 ostentation 882 manifestation 525 indication 550 disclosure 529 dissertation 595 expositor interpreter 524 teacher 540 expository dissertation 595 information 527 interpretation 522 expostulate advice 695 deprecation 766 disapprobation 932 dissuasion 616 expostulation disapprobation 932 dissuasion 616 deprecation 766 advice 695 expostulatory dissuasion 616 deprecation 766 exposure disclosure 529 liability 177 danger 665 confutation 479 appearance 448 visibility 446 exposure to the air air 338 exposure to the weather air 338 expound interpretation 522 teaching 537 expound upon a subject dissertation 595 expounder interpreter 524 expounding interpretation 522 express affirmation 535 carrier 271 extraction 301 haste 684 information 527 intention 620 manifestation 525 meaning 516 method 627 phrase 566 velocity 274 express by words style 569 language 560 phrase 566 express car vehicle 272 express mail messenger 534 express sympathy for condolence 915 express trail vehicle 272 express train velocity 274 expressed phrase 566 expression phrase 566 appearance 448 extraction 301 manifestation 525 meaning 516 musician 416 nomenclature 564 expressive sensibility 822 meaning 516 intelligibility 518 information 527 expressman carrier 271 exprobate disapprobation 932 exprobation disapprobation 932 exprobration accusation 938 expropriate taking 789 expropriate! relinquishment 782 expropriation taking 789 expropriation! relinquishment 782 expugnable danger 665 expugnation success 731 expuition ejection 297 expulsion ejection 297 exclusion 55 punishment 972 expunge destruction 162 obliteration 552 expurgate cleanness 652 exquisite fop 854 goodness 648 pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 exquisitely greatness 31 exsiccate dryness 340 exsiccation dryness 340 exspuition ejection 297 exsufflation spell 993 exsuscitate excitation 824 extant existence 1 the present time 118 extasy imagination 515 extemporaneous impulse 612 nonpreparation 674 transientness 111 extemporaneously impulse 612 extempore earliness 132 impulse 612 instantaneity 113 nonpreparation 674 occasion 134 extemporize impulse 612 nonpreparation 674 extend expansion 194 length 200 elasticity 325 extend to distance 196 length 200 extendable elasticity 325 extended breadth, thickness 202 space 180 extendibility softness 324 extensibility softness 324 extensile softness 324 extension copy 21 space 180 length 200 increase 35 expansion 194 extension of time diuturnity 110 extensive greatness 31 space 180 extensive knowledge knowledge 490 extensively space 180 extent degree 26 space 180 extenuate nonincrease, decrease 36 vindication 937 weakness 160 extenuated narrowness, thinness 203 extenuating circumstances qualification 469 vindication 937 extenuation vindication 937 nonincrease, decrease 36 exterior exteriority 220 exteriority exteriority 220 extraneousness 57 exterminate destruction 162 extermination end 67 extraction 301 external exteriority 220 external evidence evidence 467 external senses physical sensibility 375 externally exteriority 220 extinct the past 122 inexistence 2 destruction 162 death 360 extinction darkness 421 destruction 162 end 67 inexistence 2 obliteration 552 extinction of life death 360 extinguish darkness 421 destruction 162 insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 extinguishment inexistence 2 extirpate extraction 301 inexistence 2 extirpation destruction 162 extraction 301 inexistence 2 extispicious prediction 511 Extispicy prediction 511 extol approbation 931 overestimation 482 extol to the skies approbation 931 overestimation 482 extort greed 817.a taking 789 dearness 814 compulsion 744 extraction 301 extorted dissent 489 extortion dearness 814 greed 817.a reward 973 stealing 791 taking 789 extortionate dearness 814 greed 817.a parsimony 819 severity 739 extortioner parsimony 819 severity 739 extra drama 599 redundancy 641 addition 37 extract extraction 301 extract roots numeration 85 extracted extraction 301 extracting extraction 301 extraction extraction 301 paternity 166 extraction of roots numeration 85 extractor extraction 301 extracts compendium 596 extradite jurisdiction 965 extradition ejection 297 transference 270 jurisdiction 965 extrados exteriority 220 extrajudicial illegality 964 extralimitary exteriority 220 extramundane exteriority 220 immateriality 317 extramural exteriority 220 extraneous extraneousness 57 extrinsicality 6 irrelation 10 extraneousness extraneousness 57 extrinsicality 6 extraordinary unconformity 83 extraordinary. greatness 31 extrapolate prediction 511 extraregarding exteriority 220 extravagance absurdity 497 dearness 814 exaggeration 549 imbecility folly 499 prodigality 818 redundancy 641 ridiculousness 853 extravagant prodigality 818 absurdity 497 vulgarity 851 violence 173 ridiculousness 853 redundancy 641 imagination 515 greatness 31 exaggeration 549 dearness 814 imbecility folly 499 extravagantly greatness 31 extravaganza drama 599 imagination 515 extravagation transcursion 303 extravasate egress 295 ejection 297 extravasation egress 295 excretion 299 extreme end 67 greatness 31 extreme unction rite 998 extremely greatness 31 extremity adversity 735 end 67 pain 828 extricable deliverance 672 extricate deliverance 672 extraction 301 facility 705 liberation 750 extrication deliverance 672 extraction 301 liberation 750 extrinsic exteriority 220 extrinsicality 6 extrinsic evidence evidence 467 extrinsical extrinsicality 6 extrinsicality extraneousness 57 extrinsicality 6 extrinsically extrinsicality 6 extrude ejection 297 extrusion ejection 297 excretion 299 exuberance diffuseness 573 redundancy 641 exuberant diffuseness 573 redundancy 641 exuberate sufficiency 639 exudation egress 295 excretion 299 exude egress 295 exulcerate deterioration 659 exult boasting 884 rejoicing 838 repute 873 exultant boasting 884 hope 858 rejoicing 838 exultation boasting 884 rejoicing 838 exulting cheerfulness 836 exuviae excretion 299 eye vision 441 circularity 247 eye askance fear 860 eye of a hawk intelligence, wisdom 498 eye of a lynx intelligence, wisdom 498 eye of a needle opening 260 eye of the master direction 693 eye opener inexpectation 508 eye shadow ornament 847 eyeglass optical instruments 445 eyeless blindness 442 eyelet opening 260 eyepiece optical instruments 445 eyes brimming lamentation 839 eyes flashing fire resentment 900 eyes of Argus care 459 eyes suffused lamentation 839 eyes swimming lamentation 839 eyesight vision 441 eyesore blemish 848 ugliness 846 eyewater remedy 662 eyewitness evidence 467 spectator 444 eyot island 346 eyre tribunal 966 eyrie abode 189 eyry abode 189 F f=ete ostentation 882 f=eted sociality 892 FAA government 737.a Fabian policy lateness 133 caution 864 inaction 681 fable description 594 error 495 metaphor 521 untruth 546 fabric effect 154 production 161 state 7 texture 329 fabricate falsehood 544 imagination 515 production 161 fabricated untruth 546 fabrication untruth 546 falsehood 544 production 161 fabulist description 594 fabulous exaggeration 549 greatness 31 imagination 515 inexistence 2 untruth 546 faburden melody concord 413 facade front 234 face insolence 885 courage 861 resistance 719 opposition 708 appearance 448 covering 223 exteriority 220 front 234 face about deviation 279 face danger courage 861 face guard defense 717 face long odds danger 665 face of brass insolence 885 face of heaven manifestation 525 face of the country plain 344 face of the thing appearance 448 face powder ornament 847 face the firing squad punishment 972 face the music courage 861 face to face front 234 manifestation 525 contraposition 237 face to the right about deviation 279 facet exteriority 220 facetious wit 842 facetiousness wit 842 facile facility 705 irresolution 605 willingness 602 facilitate facility 705 facility skill 698 freedom 748 facility 705 facing covering 223 contraposition 237 facinorous vice 945 facsimile copy 21 identity 13 imitation 19 representation 554 fact certainty 474 eventuality 151 existence 1 truth 494 faction party 712 discord 713 factionalism politics 737.b factious discord 713 factitious untruth 546 factitious bastard deception 545 factor consignee 758 director 694 number 84 factory workshop 691 factotum agent 690 consignee 758 director 694 facts evidence 467 facts are stubborn things certainty 474 facula light 420 facultative anaerobe life 359 faculties intellect 450 faculty business 625 power 157 skill 698 faculty of speech speech 582 facundity speech 582 fad fashion 852 misjudgment 481 caprice 608 faddish fashion 852 faddle fribble inactivity 683 fade dimness 422 weakness 160 unsubstantiality 4 transientness 111 oldness 124 disappearance 449 deterioration 659 achromatism 429 insipidity 391 fade from memory oblivion 506 faded deterioration 659 fadge agreement 23 faeces excretion 299 uncleanness 653 fag agent 690 exertion 686 fag-end remainder 40 end 67 fagging exertion 686 faggot fuel 388 faggot voter unsubstantiality 4 fagot assemblage 72 faience sculpture 557 fail teaching 537 unskillfulness 699 shortcoming 304 nonpayment 808 nonobservance 773 failure 732 error 495 dereliction of duty 927 confutation 479 weakness 160 inutility 645 fail to recall oblivion 506 failing guilt 947 vice 945 incompleteness 53 failure 732 insufficiency 640 failing memory oblivion 506 failing sight dimsightedness 443 failure adversity 735 nonpayment 808 unskillfulness 699 vice 945 shortcoming 304 impotence 158 guilt 947 dereliction of duty 927 failure 732 nonobservance 773 failure of heart dejection 837 failure of memory oblivion 506 failure of strength weakness 160 fain desire 865 willingness 602 fain to compulsion 744 faint impotence 158 smallness 32 fatigue 688 achromatism 429 dimness 422 weakness 160 faintness 405 faint heart cowardice 862 faint sound faintness 405 fainthearted cowardice 862 faint-hearted fear 860 fainting fatigue 688 faintish weakness 160 faintly smallness 32 faintness faintness 405 fatigue 688 fair mart 799 whiteness 430 unimportance 643 achromatism 429 right 922 probity 939 imperfection 651 greatness 31 beauty 845 goodness 648 intelligence, wisdom 498 fair and aboveboard probity 939 fair chance probability 472 fair copy copy 21 writing 590 fair field occasion 134 fair field and no favor right 922 fair game laughingstock 857 fair name repute 873 fair play probity 939 right 922 fair price value 812.a fair prospect probability 472 fair question inquiry 461 fair sex woman 374 fair share apportionment 786 fair spoken courtesy 894 flattery 933 fair weather pleasurableness 829 prosperity 734 fair weather sailor bungler 701 fair wind facility 705 prosperity 734 fair words courtesy 894 faire pattes de velours falsehood 544 fairing giving 784 fairly intrinsicality 5 fairness beauty 845 probity 939 fair's fair right 922 fairway navigation 267 fairy imagination 515 Jupiter 979 demon 980 sorcerer 994 fairy tale description 594 untruth 546 fairyland imagination 515 fairy-like imagination 515 Jupiter 979 fairy-mythology Jupiter 979 faith belief 484 hope 858 intuition 477 piety 987 probity 939 faith cure remedy 662 Faith Curer heterodoxy 984 faith healer remedy 662 faithful copy 21 obedience 743 observance 772 orthodoxy 983.a piety 987 probity 939 similarity 17 truth 494 faithful likeness similarity 17 faithful memory memory 505 faithful resemblance similarity 17 faithfully observance 772 faithfulness probity 939 faithless improbity 940 irreligion 989 falsehood 544 faithlessness improbity 940 fake copy 21 deception 545 falsehood 544 untruth 546 faker deceiver 548 merchant 797 fakir clergy 996 fakir! poverty 804 falcade leap 309 falcated angularity 244 curvature 245 falchion arms 727 Falcidian law property 780 falciform angularity 244 curvature 245 falcon thief 792 falconet arms 727 faldstool support 215 fall eventuality 151 vice 945 regression 283 failure 732 obliquity 217 destruction 162 descent 306 death 360 adversity 735 evening 126 fall a cursing malediction 908 fall a prey to failure 732 subjection 749 fall a sacrifice to pain 828 fall afoul of opposition 708 fall apart destruction 162 fall asleep inactivity 683 fall astern rear 235 regression 283 fall at one's feet submission 725 fall away nonincrease, decrease 36 contraction 195 fall back recession 287 regression 283 relapse 661 fall back upon defense 717 use 677 fall between two stools failure 732 fall dead death 360 failure 732 fall down worship 990 fall down before respect 928 fall down dead death 360 fall down on one's knees atonement 952 fall flat failure 732 wit 842 fall flat upon the ear dullness 843 fall foul of attack 716 contention 720 disapprobation 932 discord 713 hindrance 706 impulse 276 fall from the lips speech 582 fall from the mouth speech 582 fall in order 58 continuity 69 eventuality 151 fall in love with love 897 endearment 902 fall in price cheapness 815 fall in the way of presence 186 fall in with agreement 23 concord 714 conformity 82 consent 762 convergence 290 discovery 480.a fall in with the fashion fashion 852 fall into conversion 144 river 348 fall into a custom conformity 82 habit 613 fall into a habit habit 613 fall into a place term 71 fall into a rage resentment 900 fall into a rut habit 613 fall into a swoon impotence 158 fall into a trap dupe 547 unskillfulness 699 fall into a trick habit 613 fall into a usage conformity 82 fall into decay deterioration 659 fall into error error 495 fall into oblivion oblivion 506 fall into one's hand receiving 785 fall into one's place order 58 fall into raptures pleasure 827 fall of day evening 126 fall of snow cold 383 fall of the curtain end 67 fall of the leaf evening 126 fall off disjunction 44 nonincrease, decrease 36 deterioration 659 fall off again relapse 661 fall on evil adversity 735 fall on evil days adversity 735 pain 828 fall on one's feet prosperity 734 fall on one's knees worship 990 submission 725 servility 886 gratitude 916 request 765 fall on one's legs prosperity 734 fall out discord 713 enmity 889 eventuality 151 fall prostrate descent 306 fall short imperfection 651 shortcoming 304 fall short of inferiority 34 noncompletion 730 shortcoming 304 contraction 195 failure 732 incompleteness 53 fall stillborn failure 732 fall through failure 732 shortcoming 304 fall to food 298 undertaking 676 warfare 722 fall to a low ebb nonincrease, decrease 36 fall to one receiving 785 fall to one's lot receiving 785 chance 156 duty 926 fall to one's share receiving 785 fall to pieces destruction 162 disjunction 44 brittleness 328 fall to the ground destruction 162 failure 732 shortcoming 304 fall to the lot of eventuality 151 fall to work exertion 686 fall under inclusion 76 subjection 749 fall under one's notice attention 457 fall upon inexpectation 508 discovery 480.a attack 716 plan 626 fall upon the ear hearing 418 fallacious error 495 intuition 477 fallacy error 495 intuition 477 fallen angel bad man 949 fallen angels satan 978 fallibility uncertainty 475 fallible intuition 477 unbelief doubt 485 uncertainty 475 falling adversity 735 descent 306 falling back relapse 661 falling off deterioration 659 falling short shortcoming 304 falling star luminary 423 world 318 falling weather river 348 fallow inaction 681 nonpreparation 674 unproductiveness 169 yellowness 436 false improbity 940 intuition 477 untruth 546 error 495 falsehood 544 undueness 925 false alarm alarm 669 false as dicer's oaths untruth 546 false bottom deception 545 false coloring exaggeration 549 falsehood 544 misinterpretation 523 false colors deception 545 false construction misinterpretation 523 false doctrine heterodoxy 984 false expectation inexpectation 508 disappointment 509 false grammar solecism 568 false idea error 495 false impression error 495 false jewelry deception 545 false light dimsightedness 443 error 495 false money money 800 false ornament vulgarity 851 false plea pretext 617 untruth 546 false position difficulty 704 false reasoning intuition 477 false shame affectation 855 false step failure 732 false story untruth 546 false swearing falsehood 544 false teaching intuition 477 misteaching 538 false witness deceiver 548 false-hearted improbity 940 falsehood falsehood 544 untruth 546 falsely falsehood 544 intuition 477 falseness deception 545 falsehood 544 undueness 925 falsetto aphony 581 stammering 583 stridor 410 falsification falsehood 544 misinterpretation 523 misrepresentation 555 untruth 546 falsified falsehood 544 falsify error 495 falsehood 544 falsify an account accounts 811 falsify one's hope disappointment 509 falsity falsehood 544 falter slowness 275 irresolution 605 stammering 583 fear 860 failure 732 hopelessness 859 fame memory 505 news 532 repute 873 famed repute 873 familiar knowledge 490 sociality 892 Jupiter 979 habit 613 friend 890 frequency 136 demon 980 courtesy 894 friendship 888 familiar friendship friendship 888 familiar with knowledge 490 familiarity normality 80 sociality 892 knowledge 490 friendship 888 familiarize habit 613 familiarize with teaching 537 Familist heterodoxy 984 familistere party 712 familistery party 712 family consanguinity 11 posterity 167 paternity 166 party 712 mankind 372 class 75 continuity 69 family car vehicle 272 family circle sociality 892 family connection consanguinity 11 Family court tribunal 966 family jars discord 713 family likeness similarity 17 family tie consanguinity 11 famine insufficiency 640 famine price dearness 814 famine-stricken insufficiency 640 famish fasting 956 parsimony 819 famished desire 865 insufficiency 640 famishment fasting 956 famous repute 873 famously greatness 31 famousness repute 873 fan air 338 impulse 276 refreshment 689 refrigeration 385 wind 349 fan into a flame excitation 824 resentment 900 fan light opening 260 fan out impulse 276 fan the embers memory 505 fan the fire excitation 824 fan the flame aggravation 835 aid 707 calefaction 384 excitation 824 violence 173 fanatic madman 504 obstinacy 606 imagination 515 heterodoxy 984 impiety 988 fanatical insanity 503 excitability 825 misjudgment 481 impiety 988 heterodoxy 984 feeling 821 fanaticism feeling 821 heterodoxy 984 insanity 503 obstinacy 606 excitability 825 fanciful ridiculousness 853 caprice 608 imagination 515 fanciful projector imagination 515 fancy belief 484 caprice 608 choice 609 desire 865 idea 453 imagination 515 intellect 450 love 897 supposition 514 thought 451 wit 842 fancy dog animal 366 fancy dress ostentation 882 fancy oneself imagination 515 fancy price dearness 814 fancy stocks money 800 fandango amusement 840 fane temple 1000 fanfare celebration 883 loudness 404 fanfaron blusterer 887 boasting 884 fanfaronade boasting 884 fang bane 663 fangs authority 737 retention 781 fanlike breadth, thickness 202 fannel canonicals 999 fanning wind 349 fanon canonicals 999 fantasia music 415 fantastic absurdity 497 caprice 608 imagination 515 ridiculousness 853 unconformity 83 fantastical imagination 515 fantasy desire 865 imagination 515 fantoccini drama 599 representation 554 faquir clergy 996 far ahead precession 280 far and near space 180 far and wide greatness 31 space 180 distance 196 far away distance 196 far be it from me unwillingness 603 far be it from! deprecation 766 far between disjunction 44 interval 198 far from it dissimilarity 18 negation 536 far from the truth untruth 546 far gone insanity 503 greatness 31 deterioration 659 far off error 495 distance 196 far out improbability 473 farce absurdity 497 drama 599 ridicule 856 ridiculousness 853 untruth 546 wit 842 farceur drama 599 farcical unimportance 643 drama 599 ridiculousness 853 farcical-comedy drama 599 far-cry to distance 196 fardel assemblage 72 hindrance 706 fare food 298 price 812 state 7 fare you well! departure 293 farewell departure 293 farewell to! loss 776 farewell! departure 293 far-famed greatness 31 repute 873 far-fetched irrelation 10 farina pulverulence 330 farinaceous pulverulence 330 farm abode 189 agriculture 371 borrowing 788 property 780 farmer agriculture 371 Farmer's almanac chronometry 114 farmers' market mart 799 farmhouse abode 189 farming agriculture 371 farness distance 196 faro chance 621 faro bank chance 621 farrago absurdity 497 disorder 59 farrier husbandry 370 farriery husbandry 370 farrow multitude 102 posterity 167 production 161 farseeing foresight 510 farsighted foresight 510 intelligence, wisdom 498 farther distance 196 farthing unimportance 643 chance 621 money 800 quadrisection 97 farthing candle dimness 422 farthingale clothing 225 fasces assemblage 72 scepter 747 fascia circularity 247 filament 205 fascicle assemblage 72 fasciculated cumulative assemblage 72 fascicule assemblage 72 fascinate sorcery 992 wonder 870 pleasurableness 829 love 897 excitation 824 motive 615 fascinated pleasure 827 fascinating love 897 motive 615 pleasurableness 829 fascination desire 865 wonder 870 pleasurableness 829 motive 615 excitability 825 excitation 824 fascine assemblage 72 fash painfulness 830 fashion habit 613 method 627 fashion 852 state 7 form 240 fashionable fashion 852 habit 613 newness 123 repute 873 fashionable world fashion 852 nobility 875 fashionably fashion 852 fast instantaneity 113 worship 990 velocity 274 stability 150 rite 998 regularity of recurrence 138 intemperance 954 fasting 956 fashion 852 activity 682 junction 43 fast and loose irresolution 605 fast asleep inactivity 683 fast by nearness 197 fast day fasting 956 fast food food 298 fast friend friend 890 fast friendship friendship 888 fast handed parsimony 819 fast man libertine 962 fop 854 fast tied up debt 806 fasten junction 43 restraint 751 stability 150 fasten a quarrel on discord 713 fasten itself on the mind thought 451 fasten to pendency 214 fasten upon taking 789 fastener connection 45 fastening connection 45 pendency 214 fastidious disapprobation 932 fastidiousness 868 sensibility 822 fastidiousness fastidiousness 868 sensibility 822 unwillingness 603 fasting asceticism 955 atonement 952 fasting 956 worship 990 fastness defense 717 refuge 666 fat unctuousness 355 expansion 194 oil 356 size 192 fat as a pig size 192 fat as a quail size 192 fat as bacon size 192 fat as brawn size 192 fat as butter size 192 fat city prosperity 734 fat of the land prosperity 734 sufficiency 639 fat witted imbecility folly 499 Fata Morgana imagination 515 fatal killing 361 fatal accident killing 361 fatal disease disease 655 death 360 fatalism necessity 601 fatalist necessity 601 fatality necessity 601 fate chance 156 chance 621 end 67 necessity 601 predetermination 611 fate of Icarus descent 306 fated necessity 601 Fates necessity 601 fat-headed imbecility folly 499 father paternity 166 age 128 clergy 996 father in Christ clergy 996 Father Time time 106 father upon attribution 155 fatherhood paternity 166 fatherland abode 189 fatherless impotence 158 fatherly benevolence 906 fathership paternity 166 fathom measurement 466 answer 462 depth 208 discovery 480.a inquiry 461 knowledge 490 length 200 fathomable measurement 466 fathomless depth 208 fatidic prediction 511 fatidical prediction 511 fatigation fatigue 688 fatigue fatigue 688 fatigued deterioration 659 fatigue 688 fatiguing fatigue 688 fatihah beginning 66 fatiloquent prediction 511 fatling food 298 fatras unimportance 643 fatten improvement 658 prosperity 734 expansion 194 fatten on servility 886 fatten upon food 298 fatty unctuousness 355 fatuity imbecility folly 499 incogitancy 452 fatuous imbecility folly 499 faubourgs circumjacence 227 fauces edge 231 faugh! dislike 867 fault failure 732 vice 945 guilt 947 error 495 discontinuity 70 dereliction of duty 927 imperfection 651 fault-finder discontent 832 faultless innocence 946 perfection 650 faulty imperfection 651 solecism 568 faulty grammar solecism 568 faun demon 980 faun upon flattery 933 fauna animal 366 fautor friend 890 favaginous concavity 252 faveolate concavity 252 favillous gray 432 favor aid 707 correspondence 592 giving 784 indication 550 lenity 740 permission 760 repute 873 similarity 17 wrong 923 favor with giving 784 favorable goodness 648 occasion 134 aid 707 willingness 602 favorable chance probability 472 favorable odds chance 156 favorable opportunity occasion 134 favorable prospect probability 472 favorable to cooperation 709 favorably good 618 favorably disposed willingness 602 favorably inclined willingness 602 favorably-minded willingness 602 favorer friend 890 favorite pleasurableness 829 favorite 899 love 897 favorite son politics 737.b favoritism friendship 888 wrong 923 favose concavity 252 fawn servility 886 fawn upon flattery 933 fawn-colored brown 433 fawning flattery 933 servility 886 fay Jupiter 979 faze fear 860 hindrance 706 painfulness 830 FBI government 737.a fealty respect 928 duty 926 obedience 743 fear cowardice 862 discontent 832 fear 860 fear and trembling fear 860 fearful cowardice 862 fear 860 painfulness 830 fearfully greatness 31 wonder 870 fearfulness fear 860 fearing fear 860 fearless courage 861 hope 858 feasibility facility 705 possibility 470 feasible facility 705 possibility 470 feast amusement 840 celebration 883 food 298 gluttony 957 physical pleasure 377 regularity of recurrence 138 rite 998 Feast of Lights rite 998 Feast of lots rite 998 feast on physical pleasure 377 feast one's eyes on love 897 feast upon food 298 feat action 680 courage 861 feather class 75 levity 320 ornament 847 roughness 256 title 877 unimportance 643 feather bed softness 324 feather in one's cap trophy 733 repute 873 title 877 feather in the scale unimportance 643 feather one's nest economy 817 preparation 673 prosperity 734 selfishness 943 wealth 803 feather the oar skill 698 featherbed inaction 681 featherbedding inaction 681 feathered songster animal 366 feathered tribes animal 366 feathery roughness 256 featly activity 682 feats of arms contention 720 feats of strength strength 159 feature form 240 indication 550 component 56 features intrinsicality 5 feaze arrangement 60 hindrance 706 painfulness 830 febrifugal remedy 662 febrifuge remedy 662 febrile excitability 825 fecal uncleanness 653 feces uncleanness 653 feculent uncleanness 653 fecund productiveness 168 fecundate production 161 productiveness 168 fecundation production 161 fecundify productiveness 168 fecundity productiveness 168 federal government 737.a federal case lateness 133 Federal currency money 800 Federal Express messenger 534 federal judge government 737.a Federal Reserve Bank money 800 Federal Reserve Board money 800 Federal Reserve Note money 800 Federalist Party politics 737.b Federalists party 712 federalize party 712 Federals party 712 federation party 712 federative party 712 Fedex messenger 534 fee expenditure 809 giving 784 possession 777 reward 973 fee simple property 780 fee tail property 780 feeble intuition 477 weakness 160 feebleness 575 feeble-minded imbecility folly 499 irresolution 605 feebleness feebleness 575 neglect 460 feed food 298 provision 637 feed hope hope 858 feed on servility 886 feed the flame aid 707 feed upon food 298 feeder provision 637 feeding tube remedy 662 fee-faw-fum fear 860 spell 993 feel physical sensibility 375 touch 379 feeling 821 feel an interest in benevolence 906 feel assured hope 858 feel at home freedom 748 pleasure 827 feel at home with sociality 892 feel confident hope 858 feel contempt for contempt 930 feel disgrace humility 879 feel for pity 914 benevolence 906 inquiry 461 feel grief in common with condolence 915 feel hope hope 858 feel interested in benevolence 906 feel no interest in insensibility 823 feel one's ground caution 864 feel one's way caution 864 essay 675 experiment 463 feel oneself at home content 831 feel out experiment 463 feel pain pain 828 physical pain 378 feel pleasure pleasure 827 physical pleasure 377 feel refreshed refreshment 689 feel shame humility 879 feel small humility 879 feel the pulse experiment 463 inquiry 461 feel the want of desire 865 feel under an obligation gratitude 916 feeler experiment 463 inquiry 461 touch 379 feeling feeling 821 physical sensibility 375 touch 379 feeling of obligation gratitude 916 feet journey 266 lowness 207 feign falsehood 544 feign sickness disease 655 feigned deception 545 feint deception 545 felicitate congratulation 896 felicitation congratulation 896 felicitous agreement 23 elegance 578 pleasurableness 829 skill 698 success 731 felicity skill 698 pleasure 827 feline cunning 702 animal 366 concealment 528 feline leukemia disease 655 fell covering 223 depression 308 destruction 162 fear 860 height 206 horizontality 213 malevolence 907 fellah commonality 876 fellow man 373 equality 27 accompaniment 88 scholar 492 fellow companion friend 890 similarity 17 fellow countryman friend 890 fellow creature mankind 372 fellow-commoner learner 541 fellow-feeling benevolence 906 friendship 888 love 897 pity 914 fellow-man friend 890 fellows duality 89 fellowship friendship 888 party 712 school 542 fellow-student learner 541 fellow-traveller accompaniment 88 fellow-worker friend 890 felo de se killing 361 felon bad man 949 felonious vice 945 felony guilt 947 felt crossing 219 felucca ship 273 female sexuality 374.a woman 374 feminality woman 374 weakness 160 feminate weakness 160 feminine woman 374 femininity sexuality 374.a feminist woman 374 feminize woman 374 femtogram gravity 319 fen marsh 345 fence thief 792 contention 720 defense 717 falsehood 544 inclosure 232 prison 752 stealing 791 fence in circumscription 229 fence round safety 664 circumscription 229 fence with a question concealment 528 fenced conditions 770 fenceless danger 665 fence-sitter knave 941 fencible combatant 726 fencing falsehood 544 fend defense 717 fend off defense 717 fend round defense 717 fender defense 717 feneration lending 787 Fenian disobedience 742 opponent 710 fennel condiment 393 fenny marsh 345 feodal property 780 feodality government 737.a possession 777 feoff property 780 feoffee possessor 779 receiving 785 feoffer giving 784 ferine malevolence 907 ferity malevolence 907 ferment physical energy 171 uncleanness 653 bubble; cloud 353 resentment 900 violence 173 levity 320 feeling 821 disorder 59 agitation 315 excitability 825 fermentation agitation 315 bubble; cloud 353 physical energy 171 fern vegetable 367 Fernam Mendez Pinto deceiver 548 ferocious violence 173 malevolence 907 ferocity violence 173 malevolence 907 Ferrara arms 727 ferret out discovery 480.a inquiry 461 Ferris wheel rotation 312 ferry method 627 transference 270 ferry boat ship 273 ferry over transference 270 ferryman mariner 269 fertile imagination 515 productiveness 168 fertile imagination imagination 515 fertility productiveness 168 fertilization production 161 productiveness 168 fertilize productiveness 168 ferule scourge 975 fervency feeling 821 fervent desire 865 feeling 821 heat 382 fervent hope hope 858 fervid excitation 824 feeling 821 heat 382 worship 990 fervor affections 820 love 897 heat 382 feeling 821 Fescennine impurity 961 festal amusement 840 sociality 892 festal board food 298 fester disease 655 uncleanness 653 festival amusement 840 sociality 892 festive amusement 840 sociality 892 festive board sociality 892 festivity amusement 840 sociality 892 festoon ornament 847 curvature 245 festooned ornament 847 fetch arrival 292 deception 545 price 812 transference 270 fetch a sigh lamentation 839 fetch and carry servility 886 transference 270 fetch breath life 359 fetch one a blow impulse 276 ship 273 attack 716 fetch one a kick attack 716 fetch the breath of life life 359 fete amusement 840 celebration 883 fetich idolatry 991 spell 993 fetichism idolatry 991 sorcery 992 feticide killing 361 feticism sorcery 992 fetid fetor 401 uncleanness 653 fetish sexuality 374.a spell 993 fetishism sexuality 374.a sorcery 992 idolatry 991 fetor fetor 401 uncleanness 653 fetter junction 43 prison 752 restraint 751 fettle preparation 673 feud discord 713 property 780 feudal subjection 749 government 737.a property 780 feudal system government 737.a feudalism government 737.a subjection 749 feudality subjection 749 feudatory subjection 749 feu-de-joie amusement 840 fever disease 655 excitability 825 heat 382 fever of excitement excitability 825 fever sore disease 655 feverish feeling 821 haste 684 excitability 825 excitation 824 feverroot remedy 662 feverwort remedy 662 few fewness 103 infrequency 137 smallness 32 few and far between fewness 103 infrequency 137 fewness infrequency 137 smallness 32 fewness 103 fey pain 828 fez clothing 225 fiancee love 897 fiasco failure 732 fiat command 741 fib falsehood 544 untruth 546 fib! contention 720 fiber connection 45 filament 205 fiber optics mirror optical instruments 445 fibril filament 205 fibrillous filament 205 fibrous filament 205 fickle caprice 608 changeableness 149 irresolution 605 fickle finger of fate chance 156 fickleness irresolution 605 fictile form 240 fiction untruth 546 fictitious untruth 546 fictive untruth 546 fid pungency 392 fiddle musical instruments 417 musician 416 fiddlededee! absurdity 497 contempt 930 unimportance 643 fiddle-faddle unmeaningness 517 inactivity 683 unimportance 643 fiddler musician 416 fiddlestick musical instruments 417 unimportance 643 fiddlestick end unimportance 643 fiddlestick end! unimportance 643 fidelity obedience 743 observance 772 probity 939 veracity 543 fidget activity 682 excitability 825 haste 684 fidgetiness excitability 825 activity 682 fidgets changeableness 149 excitability 825 fidgety activity 682 excitability 825 fear 860 irascibility 901 irresolution 605 fiducial belief 484 stability 150 fiduciary belief 484 fie disapprobation 932 fie for shame! disapprobation 932 fie upon it! disapprobation 932 fie! disrepute 874 fief property 780 fieff property 780 field agriculture 371 arena 728 business 625 plain 344 region 181 space 180 field audit accounts 811 field day amusement 840 contention 720 ostentation 882 field glass optical instruments 445 field marshal master 745 field of battle arena 728 field of inquiry inquiry 461 topic 454 field of slaughter arena 728 field of view idea 453 visibility 446 vision 441 field preacher clergy 996 field-work defense 717 fiend demon 980 evil 913 fiendish demon 980 malevolence 907 vice 945 fiendlike malevolence 907 vice 945 fiend-like demon 980 fierce courage 861 excitability 825 resentment 900 violence 173 fierce as a tiger violence 173 fierceness excitability 825 fiery violence 173 excitability 825 feeling 821 heat 382 irascibility 901 resentment 900 fiery cross indication 550 fiery furnace furnace 386 fiery imagination imagination 515 fiery ordeal pain 828 fiery temper irascibility 901 fiesta amusement 840 celebration 883 fife musical instruments 417 fifer musician 416 fifth five, &c 98 quinquesection, &c 99 fifty five, &c 98 fifty-dollar bill money 800 fig unimportance 643 fig out ornament 847 fig shaped curvature 245 fight contention 720 disorder 59 warfare 722 fight against destiny obstinacy 606 fight fire with fire insulation, fire extinction 388.a fight hand to hand warfare 722 fight it out warfare 722 fight like devils warfare 722 fight one's way activity 682 exertion 686 pursuit 622 warfare 722 fight shy cowardice 862 fight shy of avoidance 623 fight the good fight warfare 722 virtue 944 fight with a shadow unskillfulness 699 fighter combatant 726 ship 273 fighter-bomber ship 273 fighting warfare 722 fighting man combatant 726 fighting-cock combatant 726 courage 861 figment imagination 515 figurante drama 599 figurate number 84 figurate numbers number 84 figuration form 240 figurative metaphor 521 ornament 577 representation 554 figurativeness metaphor 521 ornament 577 figure price 812 ugliness 846 representation 554 ostentation 882 metaphor 521 indication 550 form 240 appearance 448 number 84 repute 873 figure away ostentation 882 figure flinger sorcerer 994 figure head representation 554 figure of speech phrase 566 neologism 563 metaphor 521 exaggeration 549 meaning 516 figure to oneself imagination 515 figurehead indication 550 figurine representation 554 figuriste artist 559 filaceous filament 205 filament filament 205 luminary 423 filamentiferous filament 205 filamentous filament 205 roughness 256 filch stealing 791 filcher thief 792 file journey 266 store 636 smoothness 255 record 551 pulverulence 330 list 86 friction 331 contraction 195 continuity 69 combatant 726 arrangement 60 nonaddition, subtraction 38 file a claim lawsuit 969 file down contraction 195 file fire attack 716 file leader director 694 file off divergence 291 file on journey 266 filial posterity 167 filiation consanguinity 11 posterity 167 attribution 155 relation 9 filibuster stealing 791 thief 792 filibustering stealing 791 filibusterism stealing 791 filiciform symmetry 242 filicoid symmetry 242 filiform filament 205 filigree crossing 219 filing pulverulence 330 filings pulverulence 330 filius nullius undueness 925 fill completeness 52 sufficiency 639 provision 637 lining 224 presence 186 fill a place business 625 fill a situation business 625 fill an office authority 737 business 625 fill in completeness 52 fill one's pocket acquisition 775 wealth 803 fill out expansion 194 fill the air loudness 404 fill the measure of completeness 52 fill time time 106 fill to the brim completeness 52 fill up compensation 30 completeness 52 composition 54 provision 637 restoration 660 closure 261 fill up the ranks restoration 660 fill up the time inaction 681 filled to overflowing redundancy 641 filler gas luminary 423 fillet connection 45 filament 205 circularity 247 ornament 847 fillibeg clothing 225 filling completeness 52 lining 224 fillip impulse 276 motive 615 propulsion 284 filly carrier 271 film layer 204 opacity 426 semitransparency 427 film the film drama 599 filmy layer 204 texture 329 filter cleanness 652 egress 295 sponge 252.a filth uncleanness 653 filthy uncleanness 653 filthy lucre acquisition 775 wealth 803 filthy rich wealth 803 filtrate cleanness 652 egress 295 fimbriae roughness 256 fimbriated roughness 256 fimetarious uncleanness 653 fimicolous uncleanness 653 fin navigation 267 money 800 final completion 729 end 67 final cause cause 153 intention 620 final exam teaching 537 final touch completion 729 finale completion 729 end 67 finality completion 729 end 67 finally end 67 reasoning 476 permanence 141 finance accounts 811 money 800 financial money 800 financier accounts 811 treasurer 801 finch animal 366 find acquisition 775 discovery 480.a eventuality 151 judgment 480 provision 637 find a clue discovery 480.a find a place term 71 find clew a to discovery 480.a find credence belief 484 find fault with disapprobation 932 find favor with approbation 931 find guilty condemnation 971 find it in one's heart desire 865 find its vent passage 302 find its way passage 302 find means means 632 find one a false prophet disappointment 509 find one in provision 637 find one's account in utility 644 success 731 find one's advantage in utility 644 find one's way journey 266 success 731 find one's way into ingress 294 find oneself existence 1 presence 186 find out discovery 480.a interpretation 522 find refuge refuge 666 find safety refuge 666 find shelter safety 664 find similarity identification 465.b find the cause interpretation 522 find the key of interpretation 522 find to one's cost disappointment 509 find vent escape 671 publication 531 egress 295 find words to express phrase 566 finder telescope optical instruments 445 finding judgment 480 findings of fact judgment 480 findings of law judgment 480 fine pride 878 size 192 smallness 32 truth 494 rarity 322 narrowness, thinness 203 goodness 648 dryness 340 beauty 845 texture 329 penalty 974 fine air salubrity 656 fine art taste 850 fine arts representation 554 fine as a fivepence ornament 847 fine as a Mayday queen ornament 847 fine climate salubrity 656 fine distinction difference 15 fine feeling taste 850 fine gentleman fop 854 pride 878 fine grained texture 329 fine jewelry jewelry 847.a fine lady fop 854 pride 878 fine opportunity occasion 134 fine powder pulverulence 330 fine print qualification 469 fine spoken courtesy 894 fine talking boasting 884 overestimation 482 fine voice voice 580 fine writing ornament 577 finedraw restoration 660 fine-fingered skill 698 fineness of grain texture 329 finery clothing 225 ornament 847 vulgarity 851 fine-spoken flattery 933 finespun intuition 477 narrowness, thinness 203 finesse cunning 702 skill 698 taste 850 finestill vaporization 336 fine-toned melody concord 413 finger touch 379 retention 781 finger stall covering 223 fingerpost indication 550 fingerprint indication 550 finger's breadth narrowness, thinness 203 fingle-fangle unimportance 643 finical affectation 855 fastidiousness 868 unimportance 643 finicky fastidiousness 868 finikin affectation 855 unimportance 643 finis cessation 142 end 67 finish end 67 symmetry 242 completion 729 finish off completion 729 finished deterioration 659 greatness 31 perfection 650 skill 698 symmetry 242 finishing stroke completion 729 killing 361 finishing touch completion 729 finite number 84 finite quantity smallness 32 finiteness smallness 32 fink disclosure 529 fiord gulf, lake 343 fire affections 820 attack 716 calefaction 384 ejection 297 excitability 825 excitation 824 heat 382 insulation, fire extinction 388.a physical energy 171 vigor 574 abrogation 756 fire a shot at attack 716 fire a volley attack 716 fire alarm insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire and fury resentment 900 fire annihilator insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 fire at attack 716 fire balloon ship 273 fire bell alarm 669 fire brigade insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 fire bucket insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire code insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire cross warfare 722 alarm 669 fire damp bane 663 fire department insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire door insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire eater irascibility 901 rashness 863 violence 173 insulation, fire extinction 388.a blusterer 887 courage 861 fire eating insolence 885 rashness 863 fire escape escape 671 fire extinguisher insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire fighter insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire hose insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire hydrant insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire inspector insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire of genius intelligence, wisdom 498 fire off propulsion 284 fire out abrogation 756 ejection 297 fire red-hot shot attack 716 fire regulations insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire retardant insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire the blood excitation 824 fire truck insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire up excitability 825 irascibility 901 resentment 900 fire upon attack 716 fire wall insulation, fire extinction 388.a fire worshiper heterodoxy 984 firearms arms 727 fireball fuel 388 arms 727 fire-barrel fuel 388 firebrand evil 913 motive 615 pitfall 667 firebreak insulation, fire extinction 388.a firecracker amusement 840 snap 406 fire-dog furnace 386 firedrake luminary 423 firefly luminary 423 firefly luminescence luminary 423 fire-irons furnace 386 firelight dimness 422 firelock arms 727 fireman insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 traveler 268 fire-new newness 123 fireplace furnace 386 fireproof insulation, fire extinction 388.a safety 664 fireside abode 189 firewood fuel 388 firework luminary 423 heat 382 fireworks amusement 840 fire-worship idolatry 991 firing fuel 388 snap 406 firing squad punishment 972 scourge 975 firkin receptacle 191 firm courage 861 hardness 323 junction 43 merchant 797 party 712 resolution 604 stability 150 firm as a rock stability 150 firm belief belief 484 firm friendship friendship 888 firm hold retention 781 firm opinion belief 484 firmament world 318 firman command 741 permission 760 firmly junction 43 firmly established stability 150 firmly seated stability 150 firmness courage 861 perseverance 604.a resolution 604 first beginning 66 first and foremost beginning 66 first and last unity 87 first blush appearance 448 beginning 66 first come first served absence of choice 609.a first cousin consanguinity 11 first fiddle importance 642 proficient 700 repute 873 first glance beginning 66 first impression beginning 66 first lieutenant master 745 first line front 234 first move beginning 66 undertaking 676 first point of Aries morning 125 first principles maxim 496 first sight beginning 66 first stage beginning 66 first stone preparation 673 first tragedian drama 599 firstborn age 128 oldness 124 first-class goodness 648 firstfruits effect 154 firstling age 128 firstlings effect 154 first-rate combatant 726 superiority 33 goodness 648 importance 642 firth gulf, lake 343 fisc treasury 802 fiscal money 800 fiscal year chronometry 114 fiscalize money 800 fish animal 366 food 298 fish for desire 865 experiment 463 inquiry 461 pursuit 622 fish for compliments vanity 880 fish glue semiliquidity 352 fish in the air inutility 645 fish in troubled waters difficulty 704 discord 713 fish out discovery 480.a inquiry 461 fish out of water bungler 701 disagreement 24 displacement 185 unconformity 83 fish pond gulf, lake 343 husbandry 370 fish store mart 799 fish story exaggeration 549 fish up discovery 480.a elevation 307 fisherman killing 361 fishery husbandry 370 fish-eye lens optical instruments 445 fishing killing 361 pursuit 622 fishing boat ship 273 fishing hat clothing 225 fish's tail navigation 267 fishy animal 366 improbity 940 fishy transaction improbity 940 fisk journey 266 velocity 274 fissibility brittleness 328 fissile brittleness 328 fission disjunction 44 fissure disjunction 44 interval 198 fist writing 590 retention 781 fisticuffs contention 720 fistula opening 260 fistulous opening 260 fit expedience 646 state 7 right 922 disease 655 resentment 900 violence 173 excitability 825 dueness 924 caprice 608 agreement 23 equality 27 fit adapted agreement 23 fit for dueness 924 skill 698 fit for the dust hole deterioration 659 inutility 645 fit in interposition 228 fit like a glove agreement 23 fit of abstraction inattention 458 fit of crying lamentation 839 fit of laughter amusement 840 fit of the sulks sullenness 901.a fit out clothing 225 fit to a T agreement 23 fit to a tittle agreement 23 fit to be seen beauty 845 fit up preparation 673 fitchet fetor 401 fitchew fetor 401 fitful discontinuity 70 irregularity of recurrence 139 changeableness 149 caprice 608 fitfulness irregularity of recurrence 139 fitness agreement 23 duty 926 expedience 646 right 922 fit-out preparation 673 fits agitation 315 fitted skill 698 fitted for skill 698 fitting dueness 924 expedience 646 fittings instrument 633 five five, &c 98 amusement 840 five and ten mart 799 five and twenty five, &c 98 five-act play drama 599 five-dollar bill money 800 fiver money 800 fives amusement 840 fix quiescence 265 resolution 604 quantity 25 location 184 impotence 158 difficulty 704 density 321 arrangement 60 stability 150 junction 43 fix a price price 812 fix attention on attention 457 fix in the memory memory 505 fix the attention attention 457 fix the basis preparation 673 fix the eye on attention 457 fix the eyes upon vision 441 fix the foundations preparation 673 fix the groundwork preparation 673 fix the mind attention 457 fix the mind on attention 457 fix the thoughts attention 457 fix the time chronometry 114 fix together junction 43 fix upon choice 609 discovery 480.a fixation location 184 fixed habit 613 intrinsicality 5 quiescence 265 stability 150 fixed idea misjudgment 481 obstinacy 606 fixed rates money 800 fixed set purpose intention 620 fixity quiescence 265 fixture command 741 stability 150 fixtures property 780 fizgig luminary 423 fizz sibilation 409 fizzle bubble; cloud 353 insulation, fire extinction 388.a sibilation 409 flabbergast wonder 870 flabbergasted humility 879 flabby softness 324 flabelliform expansion 194 flabellum wind 349 flaccid softness 324 weakness 160 flaccidity insufficiency 640 softness 324 weakness 160 flag layer 204 weakness 160 scepter 747 indication 550 inactivity 683 fatigue 688 disease 655 base 211 slowness 275 flag bearer messenger 534 flag of truce mediation 724 pacification 723 flagellate punishment 972 flagellation rite 998 punishment 972 asceticism 955 atonement 952 flagelliform filament 205 flageolet musical instruments 417 flagging disease 655 inactivity 683 weariness 841 flagitious vice 945 flagon receptacle 191 flagrancy vice 945 publication 531 flagrant vice 945 publication 531 manifestation 525 greatness 31 flagration calefaction 384 flags method 627 smoothness 255 flagship combatant 726 flagstaff height 206 indication 550 flagstone layer 204 smoothness 255 flail impulse 276 flake layer 204 flaky derangement 61 layer 204 flam falsehood 544 flambe failure 732 flambeau luminary 423 flame excitability 825 excitation 824 heat 382 light 420 love 897 luminary 423 flame color orange 439 flame retardant insulation, fire extinction 388.a flame up excitability 825 flame-colored orange 439 redness 434 flamen clergy 996 flameproof insulation, fire extinction 388.a flaming boasting 884 excitation 824 feeling 821 ornament 577 ostentation 882 violence 173 flange convexity 250 edge 231 support 215 flank safety 664 laterality 236 flanked laterality 236 flanking laterality 236 flannel calefaction 384 flap adjunct 39 agitation 315 impulse 276 pendency 214 ship 273 flap the memory memory 505 flap-doodle unmeaningness 517 flapjack food 298 flapper memory 505 flapping incoherence 47 flare light 420 violence 173 flare up excitability 825 excitation 824 light 420 resentment 900 flaring color 428 flash heat 382 impulse 612 instantaneity 113 light 420 news 532 violence 173 flash across the memory memory 505 flash across the mind thought 451 flash in the pan impotence 158 transientness 111 unimportance 643 unproductiveness 169 unsubstantiality 4 failure 732 flash note money 800 flash of hope hope 858 flash of lightning instantaneity 113 flash of merriment wit 842 flash of wit wit 842 flash on the mind thought 451 memory 505 impulse 612 disclosure 529 flash tongue neologism 563 flash upon one inexpectation 508 flashback memory 505 flashing ostentation 882 flashlight luminary 423 flashy ornament 847 color 428 ornament 577 flask receptacle 191 flasket receptacle 191 flat insipidity 391 weariness 841 simplicity 849 receptacle 191 pitfall 667 dejection 837 physical inertness 172 melody concord 413 lowness 207 insensibility 823 horizontality 213 flatness 251 dupe 547 drama 599 bungler 701 affirmation 535 dullness 843 flat as a billiard table horizontality 213 flat as a board flatness 251 flat as a bowling green horizontality 213 flat as a flounder flatness 251 flat as a fluke flatness 251 flat as a pancake flatness 251 flat as my hand flatness 251 flat contradiction negation 536 flat house abode 189 flat iron smoothness 255 flat joke wit 842 flat note resonance 408 flat out failure 732 flat refusal refusal 764 flatboat ship 273 flatness dullness 843 texture 329 flatness 251 horizontality 213 flatten flatness 251 horizontality 213 flatter approbation 931 cunning 702 deception 545 flattery 933 hope 858 pleasurableness 829 flatter oneself hope 858 probability 472 flatter the palate savoriness 394 flatterer servility 886 flatterer 935 affectation 855 flattering flattery 933 flattering remark courtesy 894 flattery falsehood 544 flattery 933 flattop combatant 726 ship 273 flatulence gaseity 334 flatulency gaseity 334 flatulent gaseity 334 wind 349 diffuseness 573 air 338 feebleness 575 flatus gaseity 334 wind 349 flaunt ostentation 882 repute 873 flaunting color 428 ostentation 882 flautist musician 416 Flavian amphitheater arena 728 flavor condiment 393 taste 390 flavous yellowness 436 flaw imperfection 651 guilt 947 interval 198 discontinuity 70 blemish 848 error 495 flaw in an argument intuition 477 flax comb sharpness 253 flay divestment 226 punishment 972 flea leap 309 uncleanness 653 flea market mart 799 flea-bite unimportance 643 flea-bitten variegation 440 flecked variegation 440 fleckered variegation 440 flection deviation 279 curvature 245 fled escape 671 fledge preparation 673 flee avoidance 623 flee away avoidance 623 fleece covering 223 dearness 814 poverty 804 stealing 791 taking 789 fleeced poverty 804 fleer disrespect 929 ridicule 856 fleet combatant 726 instantaneity 113 prison 752 ship 273 velocity 274 fleeting transientness 111 flesh animality 364 impurity 961 mankind 372 flesh and blood size 192 substantiality 3 animality 364 affections 820 materiality 316 flesh color redness 434 flesh one's sword warfare 722 flesh tint redness 434 flesh-colored redness 434 fleshly animality 364 fleshpots food 298 fleshy size 192 fleuron ornament 847 flex curvature 245 elasticity 325 flexibility elasticity 325 facility 705 softness 324 flexible elasticity 325 softness 324 flexible asbestos refrigeration 385 flexile softness 324 flexion curvature 245 deviation 279 fold 258 flexuous convolution 248 flexure curvature 245 fold 258 flibbertigibbet demon 980 flick drama 599 flicker dimness 422 light 420 changeableness 149 agitation 315 oscillation 314 flickering irregularity of recurrence 139 flier mariner 269 flies drama 599 flight departure 293 velocity 274 recession 287 navigation 267 escape 671 avoidance 623 multitude 102 flight attendant mariner 269 flight of fancy imagination 515 exaggeration 549 flight of stairs ascent 305 method 627 flight of steps ascent 305 flight of time course 109 flighty imagination 515 insanity 503 flimflam deception 545 falsehood 544 caprice 608 flimsy weakness 160 rarity 322 softness 324 unimportance 643 intuition 477 flinch tergiversation 607 fear 860 avoidance 623 cowardice 862 fling amusement 840 disrespect 929 propulsion 284 fling aside relinquishment 782 fling away rejection 610 relinquishment 782 waste 638 fling away the scabbard warfare 722 fling dirt detraction 934 disrespect 929 fling dishonor upon disrepute 874 fling down depression 308 fling down the gage defiance 715 fling down the gauntlet defiance 715 fling down the glove defiance 715 fling overboard rejection 610 relinquishment 782 fling to the dogs rejection 610 relinquishment 782 fling to the winds contempt 930 destruction 162 nonobservance 773 rejection 610 fling up one's cap rejoicing 838 flint hardness 323 flint blade sharpness 253 flint-hearted malevolence 907 flip food 298 flip of a coin chance 156 flip one's bush insanity 503 flip one's lid insanity 503 violence 173 flip one's wig insanity 503 flip out insanity 503 flip-flop regression 283 flippancy loquacity 584 insolence 885 flippant insolence 885 loquacity 584 flipper navigation 267 flirt propulsion 284 love 897 fop 854 endearment 902 flirt a fan affectation 855 flirtation endearment 902 flirting endearment 902 flit velocity 274 avoidance 623 changeableness 149 course 109 departure 293 journey 266 motion 264 transientness 111 flit across the view thought 451 flitter changeableness 149 smallness 32 agitation 315 flitting journey 266 flivver vehicle 272 float ascent 305 levity 320 navigation 267 ship 273 stability 150 float before the eyes visibility 446 float in a sea of doubt uncertainty 475 float in the mind topic 454 thought 451 imagination 515 float like a balloon levity 320 float on physical pleasure 377 float on the air faintness 405 float up ascent 305 floating faintness 405 levity 320 news 532 floating battery combatant 726 floating capital credit 805 debt 806 floating debt debt 806 floating exchange rates money 800 floating hotel ship 273 floating palace ship 273 floats drama 599 Flobert rifle arms 727 floccillation agitation 315 flocculent pulverulence 330 roughness 256 softness 324 flock assemblage 72 laity 997 multitude 102 flock get together assemblage 72 flocks and herds animal 366 floe berg cold 383 flog physical pain 378 punishment 972 flood assemblage 72 greatness 31 progression 282 prosperity 734 redundancy 641 river 348 sufficiency 639 flood gate conduit 350 flood mark measurement 466 flood of light light 420 flood of tears lamentation 839 flood tide completeness 52 water 337 height 206 increase 35 floodgate egress 295 limit 233 floor base 211 horizontality 213 layer 204 success 731 support 215 flop agitation 315 floppy disk record 551 flora botany 369 vegetable 367 floral vegetable 367 Florence flask receptacle 191 floret vegetable 367 floriculture agriculture 371 florid color 428 health 654 ornament 577 redness 434 floridness c ornament 577 florist agriculture 371 mart 799 floss roughness 256 flotilla combatant 726 ship 273 flotsam and jetsam nonassemblage, dispersion 73 flounce fold 258 edge 231 agitation 315 leap 309 flounder uncertainty 475 unskillfulness 699 oscillation 314 failure 732 difficulty 704 changeableness 149 agitation 315 flour pulverulence 330 flourish exaggeration 549 speech 582 repute 873 prosperity 734 ostentation 882 oscillation 314 health 654 ornament 577 boasting 884 agitation 315 ornament 847 flourish of trumpets loudness 404 ostentation 882 celebration 883 boasting 884 floury pulverulence 330 flout contempt 930 disrespect 929 flow course 109 river 348 stream 347 sufficiency 639 pendency 214 motion 264 faintness 405 fluidity 333 flow chart plan 626 flow from effect 154 flow in ingress 294 flow into ingress 294 river 348 flow of ideas thought 451 flow of soul affections 820 flow of spirits cheerfulness 836 flow of thought thought 451 flow of time course 109 flow of words diffuseness 573 loquacity 584 speech 582 flow out egress 295 river 348 flow out of egress 295 flow over redundancy 641 river 348 flow with the stream facility 705 flow with the tide facility 705 flower prosperity 734 vegetable 367 repute 873 production 161 ornament 847 beauty 845 goodness 648 flower child petitioner 767 flower garden agriculture 371 flower of beauty 845 flower of age adolescence 131 flower of life youth 127 flower of the flock goodness 648 flower painter artist 559 flower painting painting 556 flower shop mart 799 flowering production 161 flowering plant vegetable 367 flowers compendium 596 flowers of rhetoric ornament 577 ornament 847 flowers of speech ornament 577 flowery ornament 577 ornament 847 flowing elegance 578 faintness 405 loquacity 584 pendency 214 river 348 flowing bowl drunkenness 959 flowing hand writing 590 flowing periods elegance 578 flowmeter river 348 stream 347 flow'ret gay beauty 845 flu disease 655 fluctuate changeableness 149 irresolution 605 oscillation 314 fluctuating changeableness 149 fluctuation oscillation 314 changeableness 149 irresolution 605 flue uncleanness 653 opening 260 levity 320 airpipe 351 fluency loquacity 584 fluent elegance 578 fluidity 333 loquacity 584 number 84 river 348 fluff roughness 256 fluffy roughness 256 flugelhorn musical instruments 417 flugelman director 694 fluid fluidity 333 form 240 amorphism 241 fluidity fluidity 333 fluke angularity 244 chance 621 flume conduit 350 flummery flattery 933 unmeaningness 517 flunk out learning 539 flunker failure 732 flunkey servant 746 servility 886 flunkeyism flattery 933 servility 886 flunky servant 746 servility 886 fluorescence luminary 423 transparency 425 fluorescence microscope optical instruments 445 fluorescent luminary 423 fluorescent lamp luminary 423 fluorography representation 554 flurry excitability 825 feeling 821 activity 682 haste 684 flush color 428 heat 382 sufficiency 639 river 348 rejoicing 838 wealth 803 redness 434 light 420 health 654 flatness 251 feeling 821 drunkenness 959 cleanness 652 amusement 840 excitability 825 flush of cash wealth 803 flush of money wealth 803 flush of tin wealth 803 flush up excitation 824 flushed pride 878 rejoicing 838 hope 858 excitation 824 drunkenness 959 cheerfulness 836 boasting 884 vanity 880 flushed with anger resentment 900 flushed with rage resentment 900 flushed with success success 731 flushed with victory boasting 884 fluster inattention 458 feeling 821 excitability 825 excitation 824 flustered drunkenness 959 flute fold 258 furrow 259 musical instruments 417 fluted fold 258 furrow 259 fluting furrow 259 flutter excitability 825 haste 684 navigation 267 changeableness 149 agitation 315 feeling 821 fear 860 fluvial river 348 fluviatile river 348 flux conversion 144 liquefaction 335 motion 264 river 348 flux and reflux oscillation 314 flux of time course 109 fluxion number 84 fluxional number 84 fluxions numeration 85 fly avoidance 623 brittleness 328 course 109 departure 293 fear 860 littleness 193 navigation 267 sibilation 409 transientness 111 vehicle 272 velocity 274 violence 173 achromatism 429 fly a kite borrowing 788 fly a kite! credit 805 fly about publication 531 fly after sequence 281 fly aloft ascent 305 fly at attack 716 fly away avoidance 623 departure 293 fly back recoil 277 fly boat ship 273 fly in the face of resistance 719 disobedience 742 insolence 885 opposition 708 fly in the face of facts misjudgment 481 obstinacy 606 fly into a passion resentment 900 fly into a rage resentment 900 violence 173 fly kites nonpayment 808 fly leaf book 593 fly off divergence 291 excitability 825 violence 173 fly off at a tangent deviation 279 divergence 291 excitability 825 fly off the handle excitability 825 violence 173 fly open opening 260 fly out excitability 825 resentment 900 violence 173 fly over height 206 fly to arms warfare 722 fly to the sword warfare 722 flyblown uncleanness 653 flyer chance 621 flying velocity 274 navigation 267 transientness 111 flying colors ostentation 882 trophy 733 flying column combatant 726 flying Dutchman imagination 515 flying fish unconformity 83 flying rumor news 532 flyleaf interposition 228 flytrap deception 545 flywheel rotation 312 foal carrier 271 infant 129 foam insulation, fire extinction 388.a resentment 900 softness 324 excitability 825 violence 173 bubble; cloud 353 agitation 315 excitation 824 foam with rage resentment 900 foaming resentment 900 foaming at the mouth excitation 824 resentment 900 foamy softness 324 fob receptacle 191 fob-off deception 545 focal centrality 222 focus focus 74 furnace 386 centrality 222 focusing knob optical instruments 445 fodder food 298 foe enemy 891 foehn wind 349 foeman enemy 891 foes to nobleness selfishness 943 foeticide killing 361 foetus infant 129 foex populi commonality 876 fog bubble; cloud 353 turbidity 426.a uncertainty 475 fogey monkey laughingstock 857 foggy opacity 426 turbidity 426.a foghorn alarm 669 warning 668 fogsignal alarm 669 fog-signal warning 668 fogy monkey laughingstock 857 foh! dislike 867 foible vice 945 foil arms 727 contrariety 14 hindrance 706 layer 204 foiled failure 732 foist ship 273 foist in interposition 228 foist off deception 545 foist upon deception 545 fold prison 752 angularity 244 bisection 91 fold 258 inclosure 232 laity 997 fold in one's arms endearment 902 fold one's arms inaction 681 fold one's hands inaction 681 fold to the heart endearment 902 fold up clothing 225 folded fold 258 folded-path telescope optical instruments 445 folding umbrella shade 424 foliaceous layer 204 foliage vegetable 367 foliated layer 204 folio book 593 printing 591 folk mankind 372 folk dance amusement 840 folkland property 780 folklore Jupiter 979 follicle concavity 252 receptacle 191 follicular opening 260 follow intelligibility 518 sequence 63 pursuit 622 demonstration 478 sequence 281 follow advice advice 695 motive 615 follow after posteriority 117 follow as a shadow sequence 281 follow from effect 154 reasoning 476 follow implicitly credulity 486 follow in a series continuity 69 follow in the rear of sequence 281 follow in the steps of imitation 19 follow in the trail of sequence 281 follow in the wake of imitation 19 sequence 281 follow necessarily demonstration 478 follow observe the rules conformity 82 follow of course demonstration 478 follow on the heels of pursuit 622 sequence 281 follow suit imitation 19 follow the beaten habit 613 follow the beaten track habit 613 follow the bent motive 615 follow the crowd conformity 82 fashion 852 follow the dictates of motive 615 follow the example of imitation 19 follow the fashion conformity 82 fashion 852 follow the lead of obedience 743 cooperation 709 follow the multitude conformity 82 follow the scent inquiry 461 follow the trail inquiry 461 pursuit 622 follow the trend fashion 852 follow to the world's end obedience 743 follow up continuance in action 143 perseverance 604.a pursuit 622 follow up an inquiry inquiry 461 follower servant 746 sequence 281 love 897 learner 541 followers of Christ orthodoxy 983.a following demonstration 478 posteriority 117 sequence 281 following pursuit sequence 281 folly abode 189 imbecility folly 499 unskillfulness 699 foment motive 615 relief 834 violence 173 calefaction 384 aid 707 excitation 824 fond love 897 fond hope hope 858 fond of love 897 fondle endearment 902 fondling endearment 902 favorite 899 fondness desire 865 love 897 font temple 1000 cause 153 printing 591 rite 998 fontanel opening 260 food aid 707 food 298 food for fishes corpse 362 food for powder combatant 726 food for the mind topic 454 food for worms corpse 362 fool ignoramus 493 unskillfulness 699 humorist 844 fool 501 disrespect 929 deception 545 absence of Intellect 450.a dupe 547 fool around imbecility folly 499 wit 842 fool away waste 638 fool away one's money prodigality 818 fool away time inactivity 683 foolhardihood rashness 863 foolhardiness rashness 863 foolhardy rashness 863 fooling wit 842 foolish unskillfulness 699 absurdity 497 imbecility folly 499 intuition 477 foolishness imbecility folly 499 fool's cap indication 550 fool's mate failure 732 fool's paradise disappointment 509 hope 858 misjudgment 481 rashness 863 unsubstantiality 4 foolscap writing 590 foot base 211 length 200 poetry 597 foot by foot part 51 Foot Guards combatant 726 foot it journey 266 leap 309 foot passenger traveler 268 foot rule measurement 466 foot soldier combatant 726 foot the bill payment 807 football amusement 840 footboy servant 746 footbridge method 627 footfall failure 732 indication 550 motion 264 footing circumstance 8 term 71 situation 183 influence 175 base 211 expenditure 809 footlights drama 599 footman servant 746 footmark record 551 footpad thief 792 footpath method 627 footprint indication 550 record 551 footsore fatigue 688 footstep record 551 footstool support 215 fop fop 854 ostentation 882 foppery ostentation 882 affectation 855 foppish affectation 855 for attribution 155 intention 620 love 897 motive 615 preparation 673 reasoning 476 tendency 176 undertaking 676 for a long time diuturnity 110 for a mere song cheapness 815 for a season time 106 for a song cheapness 815 for a time time 106 transientness 111 for a wonder wonder 870 for ages diuturnity 110 for all that compensation 30 qualification 469 for all the world motive 615 for all the world like similarity 17 for an age diuturnity 110 for and aft schooner ship 273 for anything ignorance 491 for as reasoning 476 for as much as relation 9 for aught one cares unimportance 643 indifference 866 for aught one knows chance 156 ignorance 491 supposition 514 for aye perpetuity 112 for bearance avoidance 623 for better for worse generality 78 for certain certainty 474 for ever perpetuity 112 for ever and ever perpetuity 112 for ever so long diuturnity 110 for example speciality 79 conformity 82 for fashion's sake fashion 852 for form's sake conformity 82 for from it shortcoming 304 for God's sake! request 765 for good diuturnity 110 permanence 141 time 106 for good and all completeness 52 for goodness' sake! request 765 for heaven's sake! request 765 for instance conformity 82 for many a long day diuturnity 110 for mercy's sake! request 765 for my part speciality 79 for nothing cheapness 815 for one's money choice 609 for pity's sake! pity 914 for sale barter 794 offer 763 sale 796 for shame! disrepute 874 for shortness sake conciseness 572 for that reason motive 615 reasoning 476 for the million facility 705 intelligibility 518 for the moment transientness 111 for the most part greatness 31 habit 613 generality 78 for the nonce occasion 134 the present time 118 for the purpose of intention 620 for the sake of aid 707 motive 615 for the time being the present time 118 time 106 for this reason motive 615 reasoning 476 for valor trophy 733 for want of insufficiency 640 for which reason reasoning 476 forage stealing 791 food 298 provision 637 forage cap clothing 225 foramen opening 260 foraminous opening 260 forasmuch as attribution 155 motive 615 foray attack 716 stealing 791 forbear temperance 953 disuse 678 pity 914 forbear! avoidance 623 forbearance disuse 678 forgiveness 918 inexcitability 826 lenity 740 pity 914 temperance 953 forbearing lenity 740 pity 914 forbears paternity 166 forbid prohibition 761 forbid it Heaven! disapprobation 932 prohibition 761 deprecation 766 forbid the banns prohibition 761 forbidden fruit prohibition 761 forbidding prohibition 761 ugliness 846 forbidding countenance ugliness 846 force motive 615 vigor 574 strength 159 river 348 quantity 25 power 157 physical energy 171 violence 173 falsehood 544 compulsion 744 assemblage 72 aid 707 agency 170 affections 820 meaning 516 force down the throat compulsion 744 severity 739 force from behind propulsion 284 force of argument reasoning 476 force of will will 600 force one's way passage 302 progression 282 force open violence 173 force upon compulsion 744 forced irrelation 10 inelegance 579 forced hot air furnace 386 forced march haste 684 forceps extraction 301 retention 781 forcible compulsion 744 vigor 574 strength 159 physical energy 171 power 157 forcible ingress insertion 300 forcible reasoning reasoning 476 forcibly compulsion 744 forcing pit workshop 691 ford passage 302 method 627 fore front 234 warning 668 fore and aft completeness 52 length 200 fore rank front 234 fore time the past 122 forearm preparation 673 forebode prediction 511 foreboding precursor 64 prediction 511 forecast preparation 673 foresight 510 plan 626 prediction 511 forecaster oracle 513 foreclose hindrance 706 foreday morning 125 foredoom necessity 601 predetermination 611 forefathers paternity 166 veteran 130 forefend hindrance 706 prohibition 761 forefinger touch 379 forego relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 resignation 757 foregoing the past 122 precedence 62 priority 116 foregone the past 122 predetermination 611 foregone conclusion foresight 510 misjudgment 481 predetermination 611 foreground front 234 forehead convexity 250 front 234 foreign extraneousness 57 irrelation 10 foreign accent voice 580 foreign body extraneousness 57 foreign correspondent news 532 foreign element extraneousness 57 foreign parts distance 196 foreign substance extraneousness 57 foreign to the purpose irrelation 10 foreigner extraneousness 57 forejudge foresight 510 misjudgment 481 foreknow foresight 510 foreknowledge foresight 510 incuriosity 456 foreland convexity 250 height 206 forelay hindrance 706 deception 545 forelooper precursor 64 foreloper precursor 64 foreman director 694 foremost beginning 66 front 234 importance 642 precession 280 repute 873 superiority 33 forenoon morning 125 forensic lawyer 968 foreordain destiny 152 foreordination necessity 601 forepart front 234 forerun precession 280 priority 116 forerunner precursor 64 foresee expectation 507 foresight 510 intelligence, wisdom 498 foreseeing foresight 510 foreseen expectance 871 expectation 507 foreshadow prediction 511 foreshorten shortness 201 foreshow prediction 511 foresight intelligence, wisdom 498 futurity 121 expectation 507 caution 864 foresight 510 forest vegetable 367 forestall earliness 132 expectation 507 futurity 121 possession 777 priority 116 foretaste foresight 510 foretell prediction 511 forethought care 459 foresight 510 foretoken prediction 511 forever and a day perpetuity 112 forevermore perpetuity 112 forewarn foresight 510 prediction 511 warning 668 forewarned warning 668 foreword precursor 64 forfeit loss 776 nonobservance 773 penalty 974 forfeited undueness 925 forfeiture undueness 925 loss 776 nonobservance 773 penalty 974 forfend defense 717 forgather assemblage 72 forge furnace 386 production 161 workshop 691 forge ahead progression 282 forge fetters restraint 751 forged untruth 546 forger agent 690 thief 792 forgery deception 545 falsehood 544 imitation 19 untruth 546 forget inattention 458 neglect 460 oblivion 506 forget an injury forgiveness 918 forget benefits ingratitude 917 forget it prohibition 761 forget one's own name oblivion 506 forget oneself vice 945 forgetful oblivion 506 forgetfulness oblivion 506 forgive forgiveness 918 forgive and forget forgiveness 918 forgiven forgiveness 918 forgiveness forgiveness 918 forgiving forgiveness 918 forgotten ingratitude 917 oblivion 506 the past 122 fork angularity 244 bisection 91 fork lift carrier 271 vehicle 272 fork lightning luminary 423 fork out expenditure 809 giving 784 payment 807 fork over expenditure 809 payment 807 forked angularity 244 forking bisection 91 divergence 291 forlorn hopelessness 859 seclusion, exclusion 893 dejection 837 forlorn hope danger 665 hopelessness 859 form method 627 teaching 537 support 215 state 7 rite 998 production 161 precept 697 ostentation 882 legality 963 learner 541 form 240 fashion 852 copy 21 conversion 144 composition 54 component 56 arrangement 60 order 58 form a determination resolution 604 form a party party 712 form a series continuity 69 form a whole whole 50 form an engagement promise 768 form an estimate judgment 480 measurement 466 form elegance beauty 845 form into a sphere rotundity 249 form part of component 56 formal affectation 855 affirmation 535 conformity 82 inelegance 579 ostentation 882 state 7 formal speech speech 582 formalism impiety 988 formalist impiety 988 formality ostentation 882 legality 963 fashion 852 affectation 855 formation composition 54 form 240 production 161 formative form 240 production 161 formative notion idea 453 formed affections 820 form 240 former precedence 62 priority 116 the past 122 former times the past 122 formerly the past 122 formication sensations of touch 380 formidable difficulty 704 fear 860 forming component 56 form 240 formless amorphism 241 formula frequency 136 legality 963 maxim 496 number 84 precept 697 formulary remedy 662 rite 998 precept 697 formulate legality 963 writing 590 fornicate sexuality 374.a fornication impurity 961 sexuality 374.a fornicator libertine 962 fornicatress libertine 962 forsake relinquishment 624 forsaken hate 898 forsooth affirmation 535 forswear improbity 940 refusal 764 falsehood 544 dereliction of duty 927 tergiversation 607 forsworn falsehood 544 fort defense 717 refuge 666 fort-alice defense 717 forte skill 698 forth progression 282 forthcoming destiny 152 preparation 673 forthwith earliness 132 fortification defense 717 fortify strength 159 fortitude courage 861 inexcitability 826 fortnightly regularity of recurrence 138 fortress defense 717 prison 752 fortuitous chance 156 chance 621 extrinsicality 6 fortuitously chance 621 fortunate occasion 134 prosperity 734 fortunate hit success 731 Fortunatus's cap desire 865 spell 993 fortune wealth 803 chance 156 fortune hunter servility 886 fortune teller oracle 513 sorcerer 994 fortune telling prediction 511 fortune-hunter selfishness 943 fortuneless poverty 804 fortunes description 594 forty five, &c 98 forty winks inactivity 683 forum tribunal 966 school 542 forward progression 282 willingness 602 vanity 880 transference 270 aid 707 improvement 658 discourtesy 895 earliness 132 activity 682 insolence 885 forward slash indication 550 forward with knowledge 490 forward! approach 286 forwardness willingness 602 forwards as an arrow direction 278 foss river 348 fosse furrow 259 inclosure 232 defense 717 fossil oldness 124 hardness 323 fossilize inorganization 358 fossils corpse 362 organization 357 foster aid 707 belief 484 endearment 902 excitation 824 improvement 658 foster an opinion belief 484 foster hope hope 858 fou drunkenness 959 foul badness 649 improbity 940 impulse 276 odor 398 ugliness 846 uncleanness 653 vice 945 foul invective malediction 908 foul language malediction 908 foul odor fetor 401 foul play evil 619 improbity 940 cunning 702 wrong 923 foul-mouthed detraction 934 foul-mouthed foul-spoken discourtesy 895 foulness fetor 401 foul-smelling odor 398 foul-spoken detraction 934 foul-tongued detraction 934 found beginning 66 cause 153 support 215 found wanting imperfection 651 foundation stability 150 support 215 cause 153 base 211 preparation 673 founded on evidence 467 base 211 founder producer 164 failure 732 plunge 310 foundered failure 732 foundery workshop 691 foundling acquisition 775 relinquishment 782 seclusion, exclusion 893 traveler 268 foundry workshop 691 fount store 636 printing 591 river 348 fountain cause 153 river 348 store 636 fountain head summit 210 fountainhead cause 153 four amusement 840 four 95 four and twenty five, &c 98 four flush deception 545 four flusher deceiver 548 four oar ship 273 four of a kind amusement 840 four poster support 215 four score five, &c 98 four times quadruplication 96 four-door sedan vehicle 272 four-flush boasting 884 fourfold quadruplication 96 Fourierism! philanthropy 910 four-in-hand vehicle 272 fourmart fetor 401 fourscore and ten five, &c 98 foursquare angularity 244 fourth melody concord 413 quadrisection 97 quadruplication 96 fourthing quadrisection 97 fourthly quadruplication 96 four-wheel drive vehicle vehicle 272 four-wheeler vehicle 272 fowl animal 366 fowls of the air animal 366 fox animal 366 cunning 702 fox chase pursuit 622 fox hound animal 366 fox terrier animal 366 fox trot amusement 840 foxhole defense 717 foxy redness 434 brown 433 Foxy Quiller boasting 884 fracas contention 720 discord 713 disorder 59 loudness 404 fraction fraction 100.a number 84 part 51 smallness 32 fractional fraction 100.a number 84 part 51 fractional currency money 800 fractional part fraction 100.a fractionating column calefaction 384 fractionating tower calefaction 384 fractious irascibility 901 fracture discontinuity 70 disjunction 44 fragile brittleness 328 weakness 160 fragility brittleness 328 weakness 160 fragment littleness 193 part 51 smallness 32 fragmentary fraction 100.a part 51 fragrance fragrance 400 odor 398 fragrant fragrance 400 fragrant as a rose fragrance 400 fragrant weed pungency 392 frail irresolution 605 vice 945 impurity 961 imperfection 651 brittleness 328 weakness 160 frail sisterhood libertine 962 frailty vice 945 frame form 240 texture 329 support 215 state 7 production 161 materiality 316 edge 231 plan 626 frame house abode 189 frame of mind affections 820 will 600 willingness 602 frame of soul affections 820 framed affections 820 framework support 215 texture 329 franchise dueness 924 freedom 748 exemption 927.a Franciscan clergy 996 frangibility brittleness 328 frangible brittleness 328 frank artlessness 703 manifestation 525 probity 939 veracity 543 Frankenstein's monster demon 980 evil 913 frank-hearted artlessness 703 frankincense fragrance 400 condiment 393 Franklin stove furnace 386 frankness veracity 543 frantic excitation 824 insanity 503 violence 173 fraternal benevolence 906 concord 714 consanguinity 11 friendship 888 fraternity assemblage 72 consanguinity 11 friendship 888 fraternization friendship 888 fraternize concord 714 sociality 892 cooperation 709 benevolence 906 friendship 888 fratricide killing 361 fraud deceiver 548 deception 545 falsehood 544 improbity 940 stealing 791 fraudulence deception 545 fraudulency deception 545 fraudulent improbity 940 deception 545 falsehood 544 fraught completeness 52 fraught with production 161 possession 777 fraught with danger danger 665 fray contention 720 friction 331 frayed deterioration 659 freak caprice 608 unconformity 83 freak of Nature unconformity 83 freakish caprice 608 freckle blemish 848 freckled variegation 440 blemish 848 fredaine amusement 840 free impurity 961 will 600 cheapness 815 liberality 816 freedom 748 facility 705 exemption 927.a disjunction 44 completeness 52 liberation 750 free admission cheapness 815 free and easy freedom 748 sociality 892 vanity 880 rashness 863 friendship 888 cheerfulness 836 insolence 885 free as air freedom 748 free association analogy 514.a Free Church heterodoxy 984 free fight contention 720 free from facility 705 simpleness 42 free from affectation simplicity 849 free from despair hope 858 free from distrust hope 858 free from fear hope 858 free from imperfection perfection 650 free from ornament simplicity 849 free from suspicion hope 858 free gift giving 784 free handed liberality 816 free hearted liberality 816 free lance combatant 726 free land freedom 748 free lease-hold property 780 free lease-holds property 780 free liver sensualist 954.a free living intemperance 954 free love love 897 impurity 961 free man freedom 748 free of cost cheapness 815 free of expense cheapness 815 free pass cheapness 815 free play freedom 748 free quarters cheapness 815 free scope freedom 748 free seats cheapness 815 free space space 180 free stage and no favor freedom 748 free thinker freedom 748 free trade barter 794 freedom 748 free trade region compact 769 free trader freedom 748 free translation interpretation 522 free warren cheapness 815 free white and twenty-one freedom 748 free will will 600 freebee cheapness 815 freebooter thief 792 freeborn freedom 748 freed freedom 748 freed man freedom 748 freedom will 600 exemption 927.a freedom 748 incoherence 47 laxity 738 free-for-all disorder 59 freehold property 780 freedom 748 freeholder council 696 freelance freedom 748 freeloader petitioner 767 freely freedom 748 willingness 602 Freemason party 712 freemasonry concealment 528 cooperation 709 indication 550 party 712 unintelligibility 519 free-spoken artlessness 703 freethinker irreligion 989 freethinking irreligion 989 freeway method 627 freeze cold 383 preservation 670 refrigeration 385 freeze the blood painfulness 830 freeze to death cold 383 freeze-dry preservation 670 freezer refrigerator 387 freezing cold 383 freezing mixture cold 383 refrigerator 387 freight contents 190 location 184 transference 270 freight car vehicle 272 freight train vehicle 272 freightage price 812 French and English amusement 840 French bed support 215 French horn musical instruments 417 French polish ornament 847 frenetic insanity 503 frenzied insanity 503 violence 173 frenzy insanity 503 excitability 825 imagination 515 frequency frequency 136 frequency selection resonance 408 frequent frequency 136 habit 613 presence 186 repetition 104 frequently frequency 136 repetition 104 fresco cold 383 painting 556 fresh end 67 river 348 newness 123 memory 505 learner 541 goodness 648 drunkenness 959 color 428 cold 383 health 654 fresh as a daisy health 654 newness 123 fresh as a rose health 654 newness 123 fresh as April health 654 fresh as paint newness 123 fresh breeze wind 349 fresh color redness 434 fresh lease of life health 654 fresh news news 532 fresh start beginning 66 fresh water sailor bungler 701 freshen up refreshment 689 freshet river 348 freshman learner 541 fresh-water pearl jewelry 847.a fret physical pain 378 resentment 900 painfulness 830 pain 828 lamentation 839 discontent 832 dejection 837 ornament 847 fret and fume pain 828 fretful irascibility 901 fretwork crossing 219 Freudian slip error 495 friability brittleness 328 pulverulence 330 friable pulverulence 330 friar clergy 996 Friar Rush demon 980 friar's balsam remedy 662 Friar's lantern luminary 423 Friars minor clergy 996 friary temple 1000 fribble fop 854 unimportance 643 neglect 460 fricassee food 298 frication friction 331 friction counteraction 179 friction 331 Friday auxiliary 711 friend accompaniment 88 auxiliary 711 friend 890 pity 914 friend at court auxiliary 711 friend in need friend 890 auxiliary 711 friend of one's bosom friend 890 friendless seclusion, exclusion 893 friendliness friendship 888 friendly aid 707 benevolence 906 concord 714 friendship 888 safety 664 friends with friendship 888 friendship benevolence 906 friendship 888 frieze summit 210 frigate ship 273 combatant 726 fright ugliness 846 fear 860 amusement 840 fright out of one's wits fear 860 frighten fear 860 frightened cowardice 862 fear 860 frightened to death fear 860 frightful painfulness 830 ugliness 846 frightfully greatness 31 frigid indifference 866 insensibility 823 feebleness 575 cold 383 frigidarium refrigerator 387 frigidity cold 383 insensibility 823 frigorific refrigeration 385 frill edge 231 frills of style ornament 577 fringe edge 231 exaggeration 549 ornament 847 roughness 256 fringed roughness 256 frippery ridiculousness 853 unimportance 643 ostentation 882 ornament 847 vulgarity 851 frisk amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 journey 266 leap 309 frisky activity 682 cheerfulness 836 leap 309 frit sponge 252.a frith gulf, lake 343 interval 198 vegetable 367 fritiniancy ululation 412 fritter smallness 32 fritter away waste 638 nonincrease, decrease 36 fritter away one's money prodigality 818 fritter away time inactivity 683 frivolity imbecility folly 499 unimportance 643 frivolous caprice 608 imbecility folly 499 intuition 477 unimportance 643 frizzle convolution 248 curvature 245 fold 258 frizzly convolution 248 frock clothing 225 frock coat clothing 225 frog animal 366 leap 309 ornament 847 frolic amusement 840 frolicsome cheerfulness 836 from motive 615 pleasure 827 from age to age perpetuity 112 from bad to worse aggravation 835 from beginning to end completeness 52 from China to Peru space 180 from Dan to Beersheba completeness 52 space 180 from day to day time 106 regularity of recurrence 138 from end to end completeness 52 length 200 space 180 from first to last completeness 52 from hand to hand transference 270 from head to foot completeness 52 length 200 from home absence 187 from hour to hour time 106 from Indus to the pole space 180 from information received information 527 from interested motives selfishness 943 from its birth beginning 66 from on high heaven 981 from one end to the other completeness 52 from pillar to post circuit 629 irresolution 605 transference 270 from pole to pole distance 196 space 180 from prehistoric times the past 122 from side to side oscillation 314 from stem to stern length 200 from that cause attribution 155 from that moment posteriority 117 from that motive motive 615 from that time posteriority 117 from the beginning beginning 66 from the chair authority 737 from the four winds direction 278 from the lips of speech 582 from this cause attribution 155 from this motive motive 615 from this time futurity 121 from time immemorial the past 122 from time to time frequency 136 from top to bottom completeness 52 height 206 from top to toe length 200 completeness 52 from which reason recoils impossibility 471 frondeur detractor 936 disobedience 742 front clothing 225 front 234 insolence 885 resistance 719 front a front front 234 front danger courage 861 front of the house drama 599 front rank front 234 front to front opposition 708 frontage front 234 frontal exteriority 220 front 234 frontier limit 233 contiguity 199 fronting contraposition 237 frontispiece book 593 front 234 precursor 64 front-runner politics 737.b frosh learner 541 frost cold 383 frost smoke bubble; cloud 353 frost work ornament 847 frostbite cold 383 frostbitten cold 383 frost-bitten cold 383 frost-bound cold 383 frosted semitransparency 427 frost-nipped cold 383 frosty cold 383 froth bubble; cloud 353 uncleanness 653 froth bubble smoke unimportance 643 froth up resentment 900 frothy unimportance 643 bubble; cloud 353 diffuseness 573 irresolution 605 ornament 577 frounce fold 258 frouzy fetor 401 frow woman 374 froward sullenness 901.a frown dejection 837 disapprobation 932 discourtesy 895 lamentation 839 resentment 900 sullenness 901.a frown down disapprobation 932 humility 879 frown upon dejection 837 disapprobation 932 frowning dejection 837 frowns of fortune adversity 735 frozen cold 383 frozen out cold 383 refrigeration 385 fructification production 161 productiveness 168 fructify improvement 658 production 161 productiveness 168 prosperity 734 frugal economy 817 temperance 953 frugality temperance 953 economy 817 frugiferous productiveness 168 fruit effect 154 production 161 acquisition 775 fruit tree vegetable 367 fruitarian temperance 953 fruit-bearing productiveness 168 fruitful productiveness 168 fruition pleasure 827 fruitless failure 732 inutility 645 unproductiveness 169 frumenty food 298 frump vulgarity 851 discourtesy 895 frumpish sullenness 901.a frustrate disappointment 509 hindrance 706 frustrated discontent 832 failure 732 frustration failure 732 frustum part 51 fry calefaction 384 infant 129 multitude 102 punishment 972 frying-pan furnace 386 fuchsine redness 434 fuck sexuality 374.a fuddle drunkenness 959 fuddled drunkenness 959 fudge unimportance 643 unmeaningness 517 fudge! unimportance 643 fuel fuel 388 materials 635 fuel cell power 157 fuel oil calefaction 384 fuel 388 fugacious transientness 111 fugacity transientness 111 fugitive traveler 268 avoidance 623 transientness 111 fugitive pieces compendium 596 fugitive writing compendium 596 fugleman director 694 prototype 22 fugue music 415 fuji-shaped symmetry 242 fulciment support 215 fulcrum cause 153 support 215 fulfill completion 729 observance 772 fulfill a duty duty 926 fulfill an obligation observance 772 duty 926 fulfill one's duty virtue 944 fulfillment duty 926 observance 772 completion 729 fulfillment of duty virtue 944 fulgent light 420 fulgid light 420 fulgidity light 420 fulgor light 420 fulgurate light 420 fulguration light 420 fulgurite opening 260 fuliginous opacity 426 dimness 422 blackness 431 turbidity 426.a full cleanness 652 completeness 52 greatness 31 loudness 404 size 192 sufficiency 639 full blown expansion 194 full dress clothing 225 ostentation 882 full drive haste 684 velocity 274 full formed expansion 194 full gallop velocity 274 full grown expansion 194 adolescence 131 full handed liberality 816 full length painting 556 full many multitude 102 full many a time repetition 104 full meal food 298 full measure sufficiency 639 full of affectation affectation 855 full of business activity 682 full of difficulties difficulty 704 full of incident eventuality 151 full of life life 359 full of meaning meaning 516 full of mischief badness 649 full of pain pain 828 full of people presence 186 full of play cheerfulness 836 full of point vigor 574 wit 842 full of promise hope 858 full of sound and fury insolence 885 full of spirit cheerfulness 836 full of whims caprice 608 full of worth value 812.a full play facility 705 freedom 748 full purse wealth 803 full scope freedom 748 full score music 415 full size size 192 full stop cessation 142 quiescence 265 full swing freedom 748 full tide river 348 full tilt activity 682 full tilt at direction 278 full-blown repute 873 full-charged completeness 52 full-colored color 428 full-fed intemperance 954 full-flavored pungency 392 full-fraught completeness 52 full-grown size 192 full-handed prodigality 818 full-house amusement 840 full-laden completeness 52 full-mouthed ululation 412 fullness sufficiency 639 greatness 31 fullness of the heart affections 820 feeling 821 full-tilt haste 684 full-toned melody concord 413 fully quantity 25 completeness 52 fulminate violence 173 threat 909 propulsion 284 loudness 404 malediction 908 fulminate against disapprobation 932 fulmination malediction 908 threat 909 fulsome unsavoriness 395 badness 649 dislike 867 fetor 401 flattery 933 impurity 961 painfulness 830 fulvid yellowness 436 fulvous yellowness 436 fumble derangement 61 experiment 463 touch 379 unskillfulness 699 fumbler bungler 701 fume violence 173 excitability 825 excitation 824 gaseity 334 heat 382 odor 398 resentment 900 vaporization 336 fumes of fancy imagination 515 fumid opacity 426 turbidity 426.a fumigate cleanness 652 vaporization 336 fumigation vaporization 336 fuming resentment 900 excitation 824 fun amusement 840 wit 842 fun and games amusement 840 fun house optical instruments 445 funambulist proficient 700 function agency 170 utility 644 rite 998 business 625 duty 926 number 84 functional business 625 functionary consignee 758 director 694 fund store 636 fundamental base 211 intrinsicality 5 support 215 fundamental note melody concord 413 fundamental-bass melody concord 413 fundamentally greatness 31 funds money 800 funebrial interment 363 funeral interment 363 funeral oration interment 363 funeral pile interment 363 funeral rite interment 363 funeral sermon interment 363 funeral solemnity interment 363 funereal dejection 837 interment 363 fungiform rotundity 249 fungology botany 369 fungosity convexity 250 fungus vegetable 367 fetor 401 convexity 250 bane 663 funicle filament 205 funicular filament 205 funk cowardice 862 fear 860 funnel airpipe 351 conduit 350 opening 260 funnel shaped concavity 252 funny unconformity 83 wit 842 ridiculousness 853 amusement 840 ship 273 funny money money 800 fur uncleanness 653 calefaction 384 covering 223 roughness 256 fur store mart 799 furacious stealing 791 furbelow edge 231 furbish ornament 847 furbish up improvement 658 preparation 673 furcated angularity 244 furcula spell 993 furcular angularity 244 bisection 91 furfur uncleanness 653 furfuraceous pulverulence 330 Furies evil 913 resentment 900 furious excitability 825 haste 684 resentment 900 violence 173 furiously greatness 31 furl rotation 312 furlong length 200 furlough permission 760 furnace workshop 691 calefaction 384 furnace 386 furnish giving 784 preparation 673 provision 637 furnish a handle pretext 617 vindication 937 furnish aid aid 707 furnish foundations support 215 furnish its quota giving 784 furnish support support 215 furniture instrument 633 furniture store mart 799 furor insanity 503 excitability 825 furore affections 820 desire 865 excitability 825 fashion 852 feeling 821 furrow furrow 259 interval 198 furrowed furrow 259 further addition 37 aid 707 distance 196 furtherance aid 707 furthermore addition 37 furtive stealing 791 concealment 528 furuncle convexity 250 fury blusterer 887 demon 980 excitability 825 irascibility 901 resentment 900 violence 173 furze vegetable 367 fuscous brown 433 fuse fuel 388 combination 48 calefaction 384 fuse together junction 43 fusee fuel 388 fusel oil oil 356 fusiform angularity 244 sharpness 253 fusil arms 727 fusileer combatant 726 fusillade attack 716 killing 361 fusion calefaction 384 combination 48 cooperation 709 fuss activity 682 ostentation 882 haste 684 agitation 315 excitability 825 fussy activity 682 excitability 825 haste 684 misjudgment 481 fustee mixture 41 fustian absurdity 497 inelegance 579 ornament 577 unmeaningness 517 fustie mixture 41 fustigate punishment 972 fustigation punishment 972 fusty fetor 401 uncleanness 653 futile inutility 645 futility inutility 645 future destiny 152 futurity 121 posteriority 117 future existence destiny 152 future possession possession 777 future state destiny 152 heaven 981 futures contract possession 777 futures exchange stock market 799.a futures market stock market 799.a futurition futurity 121 futurity destiny 152 futurity 121 posteriority 117 fuzz safety 664 fuzzle drunkenness 959 fuzzy invisibility 447 fylfot spell 993 G gabardine clothing 225 gabble loquacity 584 gabel price 812 gabelle price 812 gaberlunzie commonality 876 gable laterality 236 gable end end 67 laterality 236 gaby fool 501 gad journey 266 gad about journey 266 gad so! wonder 870 gadabout traveler 268 gadding journey 266 gadling traveler 268 gaff arms 727 gaffer commonality 876 man 373 veteran 130 gag aphony 581 restraint 751 drama 599 prison 752 gage measurement 466 security 771 gage d'amour promise 768 gager jurisdiction 965 gaggle ululation 412 gaillard humorist 844 gain acquisition 775 good 618 increase 35 skill 698 gain a footing influence 175 gain a hearing influence 175 gain a hold upon authority 737 gain a point success 731 gain a victory success 731 gain a windfall success 731 gain an advantage acquisition 775 success 731 gain credit approbation 931 gain flesh expansion 194 gain full play influence 175 gain golden opinions repute 873 gain ground progression 282 velocity 274 gain head influence 175 gain honor repute 873 gain knowledge learning 539 gain laurels repute 873 gain one's end success 731 gain one's ends success 731 gain one's liberty liberation 750 gain over motive 615 gain power power 157 gain spurs repute 873 gain strength increase 35 gain the affections love 897 gain the ascendancy success 731 gain the best of success 731 gain the better of success 731 gain the confidence of belief 484 gain the day success 731 gain the friendship of friendship 888 gain the heart love 897 gain the palm success 731 gain the prize success 731 gain the start earliness 132 priority 116 gain the start of success 731 gain the upper hand influence 175 success 731 gain the whip hand success 731 gain time lateness 133 diuturnity 110 earliness 132 gain upon approach 286 gain upon one habit 613 gainful acquisition 775 utility 644 gaining acquisition 775 gainless inutility 645 gainsay negation 536 gairish light 420 ostentation 882 gairish! ornament 847 gait method 627 motion 264 gaiter clothing 225 gala ostentation 882 amusement 840 gala day amusement 840 galactic circle world 318 galavant endearment 902 galaxy assemblage 72 luminary 423 multitude 102 repute 873 world 318 gale wind 349 galeiform curvature 245 Galen remedy 662 Galenicals remedy 662 galimathias absurdity 497 galiongee mariner 269 galionji mariner 269 galiot ship 273 galipot receptacle 191 gall bitterness 392.b malevolence 907 painfulness 830 physical pain 378 resentment 900 gall and wormwood dislike 867 painfulness 830 unsavoriness 395 gallant libertine 962 love 897 courtesy 894 courage 861 impurity 961 gallantry courage 861 courtesy 894 endearment 902 impurity 961 love 897 gallanty show amusement 840 gallanty-show appearance 448 galleon ship 273 gallery store 636 drama 599 opening 260 receptacle 191 galley ship 273 galley proof printing 591 galleyfoist ship 273 galleys punishment 972 scourge 975 galliass ship 273 Gallicism neologism 563 galligaskin clothing 225 gallimaufry mixture 41 gallinaceous animal 366 galling malevolence 907 painfulness 830 gallipot receptacle 191 gallivant endearment 902 galloon ornament 847 gallop journey 266 velocity 274 transientness 111 galloping velocity 274 galloping consumption disease 655 galloway carrier 271 gallows killing 361 scourge 975 gallstone disease 655 galoche clothing 225 galoot bungler 701 galop amusement 840 galopade amusement 840 galore sufficiency 639 multitude 102 galoshes clothing 225 galvanic excitability 825 galvanism excitation 824 power 157 galvanize covering 223 excitation 824 galvanometer measurement 466 gamache clothing 225 gamashes clothing 225 gambade amusement 840 leap 309 gambado clothing 225 leap 309 gamble chance 621 gambler chance 621 rashness 863 gambling chance 621 rashness 863 amusement 840 gambling house chance 621 vice 945 gambling joint chance 621 gamboge yellowness 436 gambol amusement 840 gambrel roof angularity 244 game conduct 692 resolution 604 pursuit 622 perseverance 604.a savoriness 394 laughingstock 857 intention 620 courage 861 chance 621 animal 366 amusement 840 deception 545 game at romps amusement 840 game keeper keeper 753 game of chance amusement 840 chance 621 game of fox and goose amusement 840 game of skill amusement 840 game plan conduct 692 game to the backbone resolution 604 game to the last perseverance 604.a gamecock courage 861 game-cock combatant 726 games of skill contention 720 gamesome cheerfulness 836 gamester amusement 840 chance 621 rashness 863 gametangium organization 357 gamete organization 357 gamic production 161 gamin commonality 876 gaming chance 156 rashness 863 gaming house chance 621 gamma globulin remedy 662 gamma rays calefaction 384 gammadion spell 993 gammer veteran 130 woman 374 gammon deception 545 falsehood 544 gamut melody concord 413 gamy pungency 392 taste 390 gander man 373 gang motion 264 party 712 thief 792 assemblage 72 gang of thieves thief 792 ganger agent 690 gangrene disease 655 gangway method 627 opening 260 ganja bane 663 gantlet punishment 972 gaol prison 752 gaol delivery deliverance 672 gaoler keeper 753 gap imperfection 651 incompleteness 53 discontinuity 70 interval 198 gape curiosity 455 interval 198 opening 260 wonder 870 gape for desire 865 gaping expectation 507 opening 260 gar production 161 garage receptacle 191 garage sale mart 799 garb clothing 225 garbage relinquishment 782 worthlessness 812.b unmeaningness 517 uncleanness 653 garble exclusion 55 falsehood 544 misinterpretation 523 nonaddition, subtraction 38 garble an account accounts 811 garbled incompleteness 53 unintelligibility 519 garbling nonaddition, subtraction 38 garden beauty 845 abode 189 agriculture 371 amusement 840 garden hose river 348 garden of the Hesperides heaven 981 garden party sociality 892 garden variety habit 613 garde-nationale combatant 726 gardener agriculture 371 gardening agriculture 371 gardens abode 189 Gargantua size 192 Gargantuan size 192 gargle water 337 gargoyle conduit 350 garish ornament 847 light 420 color 428 ostentation 882 gari-wala traveler 268 garland trophy 733 circularity 247 indication 550 ornament 847 title 877 garlic condiment 393 fetor 401 garment clothing 225 garner store 636 garner up store 636 garnet jewelry 847.a garnish preparation 673 ornament 847 adjunct 39 expenditure 809 garnishee consignee 758 garniture clothing 225 garran carrier 271 garret receptacle 191 summit 210 garrison combatant 726 defense 717 inhabitant 188 safety 664 garrisoned by inhabitant 188 garron carrier 271 garrote killing 361 impotence 158 garroter killing 361 garrotte impotence 158 punishment 972 garrulity loquacity 584 garrulous loquacity 584 garter connection 45 title 877 garter-blue blueness 438 garth government 737.a gas gaseity 334 punishment 972 killing 361 fuel 388 boasting 884 luminary 423 gas burner furnace 386 gas centrifuge rotation 312 gas chamber scourge 975 gas drier dryness 340 gas fireplace furnace 386 gas heat furnace 386 gas light luminary 423 gas station mart 799 gas thermometer thermometer 389 gasconade boasting 884 gasconading boasting 884 gaseity gaseity 334 fluidity 333 gaselier luminary 423 gaseous gaseity 334 gash disjunction 44 evil 619 interval 198 gasification vaporization 336 gasify gaseity 334 gaskins clothing 225 gasmeter gaseity 334 gasohol fuel 388 gasoline fuel 388 oil 356 calefaction 384 gasometer store 636 gaseity 334 gasp disease 655 fatigue 688 wind 349 gasp for desire 865 gasping disease 655 gassification rarity 322 gastric food 298 gastriloquism voice 580 gastroenterologist remedy 662 Gastromancy prediction 511 gastronome gluttony 957 gastronomy gluttony 957 gastroscope optical instruments 445 gastroscopy optical instruments 445 gate beginning 66 hindrance 706 inclosure 232 opening 260 gateway beginning 66 inclosure 232 method 627 opening 260 gather fold 258 judgment 480 acquisition 775 assemblage 72 taking 789 expansion 194 gather breath refreshment 689 gather flesh expansion 194 gather from information 527 gather knowledge learning 539 gather the fruits success 731 gather together council 696 convergence 290 gather way navigation 267 gathered to one's fathers death 360 gatherer assemblage 72 gathering shade 424 disease 655 assemblage 72 gathering clouds omen 512 threat 909 warning 668 adversity 735 gathering of the clouds darkness 421 gathering place focus 74 Gatling gun arms 727 GATT compact 769 gauche unskillfulness 699 gaucherie vulgarity 851 gaud ornament 847 gaudery vanity 880 gaudiness vulgarity 851 gaudy vulgarity 851 ugliness 846 ostentation 882 color 428 ornament 847 gaudy as a butterfly ostentation 882 gaudy as a peacock ostentation 882 gaudy as a tulip ostentation 882 gauge indication 550 measurement 466 gauger jurisdiction 965 gauging measurement 466 gaunt size 192 ugliness 846 narrowness, thinness 203 distortion 243 gauntlet defense 717 clothing 225 Gautama pseudo-revelation 986 gauze semitransparency 427 shade 424 gavel assemblage 72 price 812 gavelkind participation 778 gavelock instrument 633 gavot amusement 840 gavotte amusement 840 gawk fool 501 spectator 444 gawky unskillfulness 699 ugliness 846 gay color 428 impurity 961 man 373 ornament 847 ostentation 882 sexuality 374.a gay as a lark cheerfulness 836 gay deceiver libertine 962 gay world fashion 852 gayety cheerfulness 836 gaze vision 441 gazebo vision 441 gazelle velocity 274 gazette news 532 publication 531 record 551 gazetted nonpayment 808 gazetteer information 527 record 551 gazetter list 86 gazingstock laughingstock 857 prodigy 872 gear clothing 225 instrument 633 rotation 312 gehenna hell 982 geiger counter measurement 466 gel density 321 gelatin semiliquidity 352 gelatinous semiliquidity 352 gelation density 321 geld impotence 158 nonaddition, subtraction 38 gelding carrier 271 man 373 gelid cold 383 Geloscopy prediction 511 gem good man 948 goodness 648 jewelry 847.a gem of the first water goodness 648 geminate duplication 90 gemination production 161 duplication 90 gemini duality 89 gemmation expansion 194 gemmology jewelry 847.a gemmule cause 153 gemological jewelry 847.a gemologist jewelry 847.a gemology jewelry 847.a gemote assemblage 72 gemstone jewelry 847.a gendarme jurisdiction 965 combatant 726 gender class 75 sexuality 374.a genealogy continuity 69 paternity 166 general generality 78 habit 613 master 745 general anaesthetic inactivity 683 general breaking up disease 655 general conception quantity 25 general favorite favorite 899 general information knowledge 490 general meaning meaning 516 general pardon oblivion 506 general practitioner remedy 662 general public mankind 372 general state of things habit 613 general store mart 799 general utility drama 599 generalissimo master 745 generality generality 78 mean 29 generalization generality 78 reasoning 476 generalize generality 78 generally generality 78 habit 613 generally speaking generality 78 generalship conduct 692 warfare 722 generate production 161 productiveness 168 generation consanguinity 11 mankind 372 period 108 production 161 reproduction 163 generative productiveness 168 generator producer 164 generic generality 78 generosity liberality 816 philanthropy 910 disinterestedness 942 benevolence 906 giving 784 generous disinterestedness 942 liberality 816 philanthropy 910 genesis cause 153 production 161 beginning 66 genet carrier 271 Genethliacs prediction 511 genetic production 161 genetics life 359 genetous intrinsicality 5 Geneva gown frock canonicals 999 genial willingness 602 production 161 heat 382 pleasurableness 829 geniality cheerfulness 836 willingness 602 geniculated angularity 244 genital production 161 genitor paternity 166 geniture production 161 genius skill 698 intellect 450 intelligence, wisdom 498 proficient 700 sage 500 genius borrows nobly imitation 19 genius for skill 698 genius loci safety 664 genius of language language 560 genre painting 556 gent commonality 876 vulgarity 851 genteel fashion 852 nobility 875 genteel comedian drama 599 genteel comedy drama 599 gentile heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 Gentilism heterodoxy 984 gentility courtesy 894 fashion 852 nobility 875 gentle courtesy 894 faintness 405 inexcitability 826 lenity 740 moderation 174 slowness 275 gentle as a lamb inexcitability 826 gentle hint information 527 gentle slope obliquity 217 gentlefolk nobility 875 gentleman probity 939 man 373 nobility 875 gentleman of the press book 593 messenger 534 gentlemanlike courtesy 894 fashion 852 nobility 875 probity 939 gentlemanliness fashion 852 gentlemanly fashion 852 gentleman's C teaching 537 gentleness moderation 174 lenity 740 Gentoo heterodoxy 984 gentry nobility 875 genuflection courtesy 894 worship 990 servility 886 depression 308 respect 928 genuflexion depression 308 submission 725 genuine goodness 648 truth 494 genus class 75 geodesia measurement 466 geodesy measurement 466 world 318 geodetical measurement 466 geodetics measurement 466 geognosy inorganization 358 geography situation 183 geology inorganization 358 geomancer oracle 513 Geomancy prediction 511 geometer measurement 466 numeration 85 geometrical progression number 84 geometry measurement 466 numeration 85 geophilous land 342 geoponics agriculture 371 georama appearance 448 Georges Dandin penitence 950 georgics agriculture 371 geoscopy inorganization 358 geotic world 318 geranium beauty 845 gerfalcon! evil 913 geriatric age 128 geriatrics age 128 germ beginning 66 cause 153 nonpreparation 674 plan 626 german consanguinity 11 German silver whiteness 430 deception 545 German tinder fuel 388 germane agreement 23 germinal cause 153 germinal matter organization 357 germinate expansion 194 germinate from effect 154 germination expansion 194 production 161 gerontic age 128 gerrymander cunning 702 gest imagination 515 gest transaction action 680 gestation production 161 transference 270 preparation 673 geste imagination 515 gestic imagination 515 gesticulate indication 550 gesticulation indication 550 gesture drama 599 indication 550 information 527 get acquisition 775 assemblage 72 conversion 144 production 161 get a bad name disapprobation 932 get a footing location 184 get a glimpse of vision 441 get a setdown humility 879 get a sight of vision 441 get a sight-of knowledge 490 get about publication 531 restoration 660 get abroad publication 531 get afloat publication 531 get ahead increase 35 precession 280 progression 282 get ahead of superiority 33 get along progression 282 ejection 297 get along with you ejection 297 get along with you! abrogation 756 get among mixture 41 get at acquisition 775 discovery 480.a get at the truth discovery 480.a truth 494 get away ejection 297 escape 671 recession 287 get back acquisition 775 arrival 292 regression 283 get before precession 280 get better health 654 refreshment 689 improvement 658 get between interposition 228 get clear of liberation 750 get clear off escape 671 get down descent 306 food 298 get drunk drunkenness 959 get for one's pains reward 973 get forward progression 282 get forwards progression 282 get full play influence 175 get going journey 266 get hold of acquisition 775 taking 789 get hold of a belief belief 484 get hold of an opinion belief 484 get home arrival 292 get hot sexuality 374.a get in acquisition 775 get in front of precession 280 get in the harvest acquisition 775 completion 729 success 731 get into habit 613 get into a mess failure 732 get into a rage resentment 900 get into a scrape difficulty 704 failure 732 get into debt debt 806 get into difficulties difficulty 704 get into favor friendship 888 love 897 get into harness preparation 673 get into hot water discord 713 get into one's hand acquisition 775 possession 777 get into one's head drunkenness 959 thought 451 get into the knack of habit 613 get into the way habit 613 get into trouble failure 732 get it into one's head belief 484 get it up sexuality 374.a get knowledge learning 539 get loose disjunction 44 get lost! disappearance 449 get near approach 286 get no-caused acquittal 970 get off departure 293 escape 671 get old age 128 get on progression 282 get on fairly mediocrity 736 get on in the world prosperity 734 get on peaceably mediocrity 736 get on quietly mediocrity 736 get on respectably mediocrity 736 get on tolerably mediocrity 736 get one's second wind refreshment 689 get out ejection 297 extraction 301 publication 531 get out of here disappearance 449 get out of one's depth plunge 310 get out of the way avoidance 623 get over restoration 660 get over a difficulty success 731 get over an obstacle success 731 get over it content 831 get over the ground progression 282 velocity 274 get quit of relinquishment 782 get ready preparation 673 get rid of abrogation 756 deliverance 672 ejection 297 liberation 750 loss 776 relinquishment 782 resignation 757 simpleness 42 get round restoration 660 get scent of information 527 get shot down failure 732 get sick ejection 297 get sleep inactivity 683 get some z's inactivity 683 get the better of restoration 660 success 731 get the hell out of here! ejection 297 get the lay of the land foresight 510 inquiry 461 experiment 463 get the start precession 280 get the steam up preparation 673 get the upper hand authority 737 influence 175 get the whip authority 737 get through expenditure 809 end 67 completion 729 conduct 692 get to arrival 292 distance 196 get to work beginning 66 get together assemblage 72 get under way departure 293 navigation 267 get underway beginning 66 journey 266 get up falsehood 544 learning 539 preparation 673 elevation 307 ascent 305 excitation 824 get up early activity 682 get up the steam excitation 824 get warmer discovery 480.a get well restoration 660 get well out of escape 671 get whitewashed nonpayment 808 get wind publication 531 get wind of information 527 get you gone! ejection 297 get-out-the-vote campaign politics 737.b gewgaw unimportance 643 vulgarity 851 ornament 847 geyser calefaction 384 river 348 bubble; cloud 353 gharry-wallah traveler 268 ghastly ugliness 846 achromatism 429 fear 860 ghat narrowness, thinness 203 ghaut narrowness, thinness 203 ghazal poetry 597 ghee oil 356 ghetto abode 189 ghost book 593 intellect 450 dimsightedness 443 demon 980 corpse 362 ghost dance sorcery 992 ghost like ugliness 846 ghost of a chance improbability 473 ghost-like demon 980 ghostly deity 976 demon 980 intellect 450 ghoul demon 980 evil 913 ghurry period 108 chronometry 114 ghyll river 348 giant size 192 height 206 giant like size 192 giant refreshed strength 159 giant's stride distance 196 giaour heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 gib cat animal 366 gibber stammering 583 gibberish absurdity 497 neologism 563 unmeaningness 517 gibbet disapprobation 932 punishment 972 scourge 975 gibble-gabble loquacity 584 gibbosity convexity 250 gibbous convexity 250 rotundity 249 gibcat man 373 gibe disrespect 929 giddiness imbecility folly 499 giddy rashness 863 unskillfulness 699 irresolution 605 inattention 458 imbecility folly 499 caprice 608 insanity 503 giddy as a goose inattention 458 giddy-brained inattention 458 giddyhead fool 501 giddy-paced agitation 315 gift acquisition 775 skill 698 giving 784 power 157 gift of the gab loquacity 584 speech 582 gifted skill 698 gig ship 273 gigantean size 192 gigantic strength 159 size 192 height 206 giggle amusement 840 Gilbertine clergy 996 gild beauty 845 covering 223 orange 439 ornament 847 gild refined gold redundancy 641 gild the lily redundancy 641 gild the pill pleasurableness 829 deception 545 flattery 933 motive 615 gilding ornament 847 gill sharpness 253 river 348 gillie servant 746 gills wind 349 gilt ornament 847 giltedged goodness 648 gimcrack brittleness 328 ornament 847 ridiculousness 853 unimportance 643 weakness 160 gimlet perforator 262 gimp beauty 845 edge 231 cleanness 652 gin deception 545 demon 980 drunkenness 959 food 298 instrument 633 gin drinker drunkenness 959 gin mill abode 189 gin palace abode 189 ginger condiment 393 gingerbread vulgarity 851 weakness 160 gingerly care 459 moderation 174 gingle resonance 408 ginsling drunkenness 959 giraffe height 206 girandole luminary 423 girasol jewelry 847.a girasole jewelry 847.a gird junction 43 strength 159 disrespect 929 circumjacence 227 gird up one's loins strength 159 preparation 673 girder connection 45 support 215 girdle connection 45 outline 230 inclosure 232 circularity 247 clothing 225 circumjacence 227 girl infant 129 woman 374 girl Friday auxiliary 711 girl-bachelor celibacy 904 girlhood youth 127 girlish infant 129 girt outline 230 girth connection 45 outline 230 gisarme arms 727 gist meaning 516 importance 642 intrinsicality 5 gittern musical instruments 417 give discount 813 giving 784 heat 382 softness 324 give a bias misjudgment 481 give a bit of one's mind information 527 give a black eye punishment 972 give a blessing to approbation 931 give a color to change 140 qualification 469 falsehood 544 give a coup de gr=ace pity 914 give a coupe de grace killing 361 give a cry cry 411 give a deathblow killing 361 give a discourse teaching 537 give a dog a bad name detraction 934 give a dressing punishment 972 give a false coloring misinterpretation 523 give a false idea error 495 give a false impression error 495 give a fillip excitation 824 give a gloss falsehood 544 give a guess supposition 514 give a hearing hearing 418 give a helping hand aid 707 give a hint information 527 give a horse his head freedom 748 give a lecture teaching 537 give a lesson teaching 537 give a lesson to punishment 972 give a lift aid 707 elevation 307 give a loose to freedom 748 laxity 738 permission 760 give a loose to mirth cheerfulness 836 give a party sociality 892 give a promise promise 768 give a quid pro quo retaliation 718 give a quietus killing 361 give a right dueness 924 give a sermon teaching 537 give a shove aid 707 give a sigh lamentation 839 give a signal indication 550 give a start propulsion 284 give a start to impulse 276 give a thought to attention 457 give a tone to society fashion 852 give a trial to experiment 463 give a turn to change 140 give a twist misjudgment 481 give a warm reception sociality 892 give a warm reception to defense 717 give a willing ear willingness 602 give absolution forgiveness 918 give admittance to reception 296 give advice advice 695 give aid aid 707 give alms worship 990 give an account information 527 give an account of description 594 give an alarm alarm 669 fear 860 indication 550 give an ear hearing 418 give an impetus impulse 276 give an impulse motive 615 give an impulse to aid 707 propulsion 284 give an opinion judgment 480 give an opportunity occasion 134 give and take barter 794 compensation 30 compromise 774 interchange 148 probity 939 retaliation 718 right 922 give as good as one gets retaliation 718 give as much as one takes retaliation 718 give assent assent 488 give attention to attention 457 give audience to hearing 418 give away giving 784 marriage 903 relinquishment 782 give away in marriage marriage 903 give back restitution 790 give bail security 771 give battle warfare 722 give benediction worship 990 give birth to production 161 life 359 give chase pursuit 622 give color to probability 472 give comfort benevolence 906 relief 834 give consent consent 762 give counsel advice 695 give courage courage 861 give credit approbation 931 credit 805 promise 768 give credit for vindication 937 give credit to belief 484 give denial to negation 536 give dispensation exemption 927.a give due weight to discrimination 465 give ear hearing 418 give energy physical energy 171 give entrance to ingress 294 reception 296 give every one his due dueness 924 right 922 give evidence evidence 467 give exit ejection 297 give expression to phrase 566 give faith to belief 484 give fancy imagination 515 give for answer answer 462 give forth publication 531 give foundations support 215 give full play facility 705 give full swing facility 705 give heed to attention 457 give honor to repute 873 give hope hope 858 give importance to importance 642 give in submission 725 give in charge lawsuit 969 restraint 751 give in custody restraint 751 give indication of manifestation 525 give into consent 762 give it a try experiment 463 give it one punishment 972 disapprobation 932 give it one finely disapprobation 932 give it up unintelligibility 519 give judgment judgment 480 give leg bail avoidance 623 give legal counsel lawyer 968 give me leave to say affirmation 535 give moral support to aid 707 give new ideas teaching 537 give new life to aid 707 excitation 824 give no quarter killing 361 pitilessness 914.a severity 739 give notice indication 550 warning 668 manifestation 525 information 527 give notice to quit relinquishment 782 give occasion to cause 153 give offense painfulness 830 resentment 900 give one a blow attack 716 give one a cast aid 707 give one a kick attack 716 give one a life aid 707 give one a setdown confutation 479 give one a shock excitation 824 give one a turn excitation 824 aid 707 give one a wipe disapprobation 932 give one credit for belief 484 give one goose flesh cold 383 give one his due vindication 937 give one hundred percent exertion 686 give one joy congratulation 896 give one the go by avoidance 623 give one the slip escape 671 give one to understand information 527 give one's duty to courtesy 894 give one's hand to marriage 903 give one's honor promise 768 give one's mind to attention 457 give one's voice for assent 488 give one's word promise 768 give oneself airs affectation 855 insolence 885 pride 878 vanity 880 give oneself up to resolution 604 give orders command 741 give origin to cause 153 give out ejection 297 giving 784 publication 531 give out a light light 420 give out a smell odor 398 give out sound sound 402 give over relinquishment 624 cessation 142 hopelessness 859 give pain painfulness 830 physical pain 378 give permission permission 760 give place to avoidance 623 substitution 147 give play imagination 515 give pleasure physical pleasure 377 pleasurableness 829 give points equality 27 give power power 157 permission 760 give power of attorney to commission 755 give quarter lenity 740 pity 914 give rise cause 153 give rope enough laxity 738 give rotundity rotundity 249 give round submission 725 give satisfaction atonement 952 contention 720 give scope freedom 748 give scope to permission 760 give security promise 768 security 771 give sign manifestation 525 give sorrow words lamentation 839 give strength strength 159 give substantial bail security 771 give support support 215 give thanks gratitude 916 worship 990 give the advantage inequality 28 give the alarm alarm 669 give the attention to attention 457 give the cold shoulder discourtesy 895 repulsion 289 give the cue indication 550 information 527 give the devil his due right 922 vindication 937 probity 939 give the entree reception 296 give the eye to attention 457 give the final touch completion 729 give the franchise freedom 748 give the freedom of freedom 748 give the go-by deception 545 give the go-by to neglect 460 nonobservance 773 give the law command 741 give the law to authority 737 give the lie to negation 536 give the mind to attention 457 give the reins imagination 515 give the reins to permission 760 facility 705 laxity 738 give the sack to ejection 297 give the sacrament rite 998 give the signal command 741 give the stick punishment 972 give the third degree inquiry 461 give the tongue speech 582 give the word command 741 give the word of command command 741 give to the world publication 531 give token manifestation 525 give tongue voice 580 publication 531 give troth promise 768 give umbrage resentment 900 give up cessation 142 hopelessness 859 rejection 610 relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 resignation 757 restitution 790 submission 725 give up all hope hopelessness 859 give up the argument relinquishment 624 give up the ghost death 360 give up the hope of hopelessness 859 give up the point relinquishment 624 give utterance voice 580 give utterance to disclosure 529 speech 582 give vent disclosure 529 give vent to ejection 297 give warning disuse 678 relinquishment 782 warning 668 give way brittleness 328 dejection 837 pain 828 submission 725 weakness 160 give way to modesty 881 give words to phrase 566 give-away cheapness 815 given circumstance 8 giving 784 receiving 785 supposition 514 given an idea of teaching 537 given an inkling of information 527 given over death 360 hopelessness 859 given time occasion 134 given to habit 613 given to drink drunkenness 959 given up hopelessness 859 giver giving 784 giving giving 784 giving thanks gratitude 916 worship 990 gizzard receptacle 191 glabrous smoothness 255 glacial cold 383 slowness 275 glaciarum amusement 840 glaciate refrigeration 385 glacier cold 383 glacis defense 717 glad pleasure 827 pleasurableness 829 glad tidings news 532 gladden cheerfulness 836 pleasurableness 829 gladden the heart pleasurableness 829 relief 834 glade concavity 252 opening 260 shade 424 gladiate sharpness 253 gladiator combatant 726 gladiatorial contention 720 discord 713 gladiatorship contention 720 gladness pleasure 827 gladsome pleasurableness 829 pleasure 827 glair semiliquidity 352 glaive arms 727 glamor sorcery 992 glance indication 550 vision 441 glance at attention 457 disapprobation 932 information 527 glance coal fuel 388 glance off deviation 279 divergence 291 glance on vision 441 glance over attention 457 glance round vision 441 glance upon attention 457 glanders disease 655 glare dimsightedness 443 light 420 visibility 446 vision 441 glaring color 428 greatness 31 manifestation 525 visibility 446 glaringly greatness 31 glass receptacle 191 smoothness 255 optical instruments 445 transparency 425 glass coach vehicle 272 glass of fashion fashion 852 glass of time time 106 glasses optical instruments 445 Glassite heterodoxy 984 glassware receptacle 191 glassy achromatism 429 dimness 422 light 420 smoothness 255 transparency 425 glaucoma greenness 435 glaucous greenness 435 glave arms 727 glaver flattery 933 glaze smoothness 255 gleam light 420 smallness 32 gleam of hope hope 858 glean acquisition 775 choice 609 glean information learning 539 glean knowledge learning 539 glean learning learning 539 gleaning choice 609 gleanings choice 609 glebe churchdom 995 land 342 temple 1000 glee cheerfulness 836 music 415 pleasure 827 gleeful cheerfulness 836 gleek disrespect 929 gleek! disrespect 929 gleesome cheerfulness 836 glen concavity 252 glib facility 705 loquacity 584 glibly loquacity 584 glide journey 266 motion 264 navigation 267 course 109 glide into conversion 144 glider pilot mariner 269 gliming dimness 422 glimmer dimness 422 knowledge 490 light 420 visibility 446 glimmer of hope hope 858 glimmering ignorance 491 knowledge 490 light 420 glimpse knowledge 490 vision 441 glint vision 441 light 420 glisten light 420 glister light 420 glitter light 420 ostentation 882 repute 873 glittering ornament 847 ostentation 882 gloam sullenness 901.a gloaming evening 126 gloar wonder 870 gloat vision 441 gloat on vision 441 gloat over physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 globated rotundity 249 globe rotundity 249 world 318 globegirdler traveler 268 globetrotter traveler 268 globose rotundity 249 globosity rotundity 249 globous rotundity 249 globular rotundity 249 globule smallness 32 rotundity 249 glomeration assemblage 72 gloom dejection 837 darkness 421 gloomy darkness 421 dejection 837 gloomy horizon hopelessness 859 Gloria Vanderbilt clothing 225 gloriation boasting 884 glorification boasting 884 repute 873 worship 990 glorify worship 990 approbation 931 deity 976 repute 873 glorious drunkenness 959 repute 873 glory deity 976 heaven 981 light 420 repute 873 glory be to repute 873 glory be to God! worship 990 glory in pride 878 gloss untruth 546 vindication 937 smoothness 255 light 420 interpretation 522 beauty 845 pretext 617 gloss of novelty newness 123 gloss over vindication 937 falsehood 544 intuition 477 neglect 460 glossarist interpreter 524 glossary word 562 list 86 glossographer scholar 492 word 562 glossolinguist scholar 492 glossology word 562 language 560 glossy smoothness 255 light 420 beauty 845 glossy print painting 556 glottology language 560 glout sullenness 901.a glove clothing 225 glow color 428 feeling 821 heat 382 light 420 vigor 574 glower sullenness 901.a dimsightedness 443 discourtesy 895 glowering sullenness 901.a glowing excitation 824 feeling 821 heat 382 luminary 423 orange 439 vigor 574 beauty 845 glowworm luminary 423 gloze flattery 933 vindication 937 glucose sweetness 396 glue semiliquidity 352 connection 45 coherence 46 tenacity 327 glued to attention 457 glum dejection 837 discontent 832 sullenness 901.a glume covering 223 glut instrument 633 redundancy 641 satiety 869 glut. satiety 869 gluten semiliquidity 352 glutenous semiliquidity 352 glutinosity semiliquidity 352 glutinous semiliquidity 352 glutinousness tenacity 327 glutton food 298 gluttony 957 gluttonous gluttony 957 gluttony food 298 gluttony 957 glycerin oil 356 glycerine lubrication 332 glyphograph engraving 558 glyphography engraving 558 glyptograph engraving 558 glyptography engraving 558 glyptotheca sculpture 557 glyster insertion 300 gnarl complexity 59.a resentment 900 threat 909 gnarled complexity 59.a density 321 roughness 256 gnash resentment 900 gnash one's teeth lamentation 839 gnashing of teeth resentment 900 gnat littleness 193 gnaw food 298 physical pain 378 friction 331 deterioration 659 painfulness 830 gnaw at the root of deterioration 659 gnawing grief pain 828 gnawing pain physical pain 378 gnome demon 980 gnomic maxim 496 gnomon chronometry 114 Gnostic heterodoxy 984 Gnosticism heterodoxy 984 go motion 264 physical energy 171 recession 287 fashion 852 inexistence 2 disappearance 449 achromatism 429 go a begging offer 763 redundancy 641 request 765 inutility 645 go a journey journey 266 go a Maying amusement 840 go aboard departure 293 go about undertaking 676 circuition 311 inversion 218 publication 531 go about your business! abrogation 756 ejection 297 go across passage 302 go adrift deviation 279 go after posteriority 117 sequence 281 go against opposition 708 counteraction 179 go against the grain roughness 256 painfulness 830 difficulty 704 dislike 867 go against the stomach dislike 867 painfulness 830 go ahead activity 682 velocity 274 progression 282 precession 280 go ahead! activity 682 Go ahead, make my day! defiance 715 go ahead; make my day prohibition 761 go all lengths activity 682 completeness 52 exertion 686 perseverance 604.a resolution 604 go all to smash destruction 162 go aloft ascent 305 go along departure 293 ejection 297 go along with assent 488 concurrence 178 cooperation 709 go along with you! ejection 297 go amiss failure 732 go ape violence 173 go ashore arrival 292 land 342 go astray deviation 279 error 495 vice 945 go at hammer and tongs attack 716 go at large freedom 748 go away absence 187 the past 122 recession 287 avoidance 623 departure 293 ejection 297 go away with a flea in disrepute 874 go back regression 283 go back from nonobservance 773 go back on relinquishment 624 go bad deterioration 659 uncleanness 653 go bail security 771 go bail for debt 806 go bananas violence 173 go bang amusement 840 go before precession 280 priority 116 go between interposition 228 go beyond transcursion 303 go beyond the pale limit 233 go bonkers insanity 503 go by course 109 cunning 702 the past 122 transcursion 303 go by shank's mare journey 266 go by the board destruction 162 impotence 158 go by the name of nomenclature 564 go by the rules conformity 82 go by the wayside impotence 158 go cahoots party 712 go crazy insanity 503 go cross failure 732 go dead against opposition 708 go deep into inquiry 461 go down belief 484 content 831 descent 306 deterioration 659 inexcitability 826 go down in the world adversity 735 poverty 804 go down like a stone plunge 310 go down well content 831 go down with content 831 go downhill adversity 735 deterioration 659 go fairly mediocrity 736 go farther and fare worse deterioration 659 go for nothing unimportance 643 go forth departure 293 publication 531 go forward progression 282 go forwards progression 282 go from bad to worse aggravation 835 deterioration 659 go from home departure 293 go from one's word nonobservance 773 go further and fare worse unskillfulness 699 go great lengths exaggeration 549 go halfway irresolution 605 mid-course 628 go halves bisection 91 participation 778 go hand in hand concord 714 synchronism 120 go hand in hand with accompaniment 88 concurrence 178 cooperation 709 go hard with failure 732 pain 828 adversity 735 go hard with one difficulty 704 go home regression 283 go in ingress 294 go in advance precession 280 go in for pursuit 622 resolution 604 go in the rear of sequence 281 go in the trail of sequence 281 go in the van precession 280 go in the wake of sequence 281 go into ingress 294 go into a question inquiry 461 go into a subject dissertation 595 go into detail speciality 79 go into hysterics excitability 825 go into mourning lamentation 839 go into one's pocket receiving 785 go into orbit ascent 305 go into raptures pleasure 827 go like a bat out of hell velocity 274 go like a shot velocity 274 go mad insanity 503 go near approach 286 go off excitability 825 violence 173 marriage 903 departure 293 death 360 the past 122 deterioration 659 go off like a shot velocity 274 go off the hooks death 360 go off the stage disappearance 449 departure 293 go off to sleep inactivity 683 go on progression 282 time 106 continuance in action 143 go on a fool's errand rashness 863 go on a forlorn hope rashness 863 go on a rampage violence 173 go on a wrong tack failure 732 go on all fours facility 705 go on board departure 293 go on for ever infinity 105 go on forever perpetuity 112 go on ill adversity 735 failure 732 go on smoothly facility 705 prosperity 734 go on swimmingly prosperity 734 go on the stump speech 582 go on the wagon temperance 953 go on tick debt 806 go on well prosperity 734 go one's rounds journey 266 go one's way departure 293 go out insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 cessation 142 go out for walk journey 266 go out like a lamb moderation 174 go out of egress 295 go out of one's depth rashness 863 go out of one's way circuit 629 deviation 279 go over inquiry 461 inversion 218 passage 302 tergiversation 607 go over the ground passage 302 go over the same ground repetition 104 go over to the enemy improbity 940 go peaceably mediocrity 736 go pitapat agitation 315 feeling 821 go quietly mediocrity 736 go respectably mediocrity 736 go round circularity 247 inversion 218 motive 615 go round about circuit 629 go shares participation 778 go shopping purchase 795 go snacks participation 778 go straight mid-course 628 straightness 246 go straight to the point direction 278 go the limit resolution 604 go the round circuition 311 go the rounds publication 531 go the same round repetition 104 go the way of all flesh death 360 go the whole hog completeness 52 completion 729 resolution 604 go the whole length completeness 52 go through inexcitability 826 passage 302 eventuality 151 conduct 692 completion 729 inquiry 461 go through 180 degrees circuition 311 go through 360 degrees circuition 311 go through a part drama 599 go through fire and water courage 861 exertion 686 perseverance 604.a resolution 604 go through one excitation 824 go to journey 266 direction 278 distance 196 go to battle warfare 722 go to bed quiescence 265 repose 687 inactivity 683 go to blazes! malediction 908 go to church worship 990 go to college learning 539 go to confession rite 998 go to Davy Jones's locker death 360 go to decay deterioration 659 go to do undertaking 676 go to hell! malediction 908 go to it! continuance in action 143 go to law lawsuit 969 go to loggerheads contention 720 go to mass rite 998 go to one's heart excitation 824 go to one's last home death 360 go to one's long account death 360 go to pieces destruction 162 go to pot destruction 162 failure 732 go to press printing 591 go to rack and ruin adversity 735 go to rest repose 687 go to school learning 539 go to sea departure 293 go to seed deterioration 659 go to shivers destruction 162 go to sleep inactivity 683 repose 687 go to sleep over inactivity 683 go to smash destruction 162 go to the alehouse drunkenness 959 go to the bottom plunge 310 go to the dogs adversity 735 destruction 162 failure 732 poverty 804 go to the public house drunkenness 959 go to the right about inversion 218 go to the rightabout tergiversation 607 go to the university learning 539 go to the wall failure 732 destruction 162 death 360 go to war warfare 722 go to wrack and ruin destruction 162 failure 732 poverty 804 go to wreck destruction 162 go to! advice 695 go tolerably mediocrity 736 go under the name of nomenclature 564 go up ascent 305 go up in flames calefaction 384 go up in smoke impotence 158 go upon another tack tergiversation 607 go wild excitability 825 go with concord 714 concurrence 178 assent 488 go with the crowd assent 488 go with the flow assent 488 conformity 82 go with the stream servility 886 assent 488 concord 714 conformity 82 facility 705 fashion 852 progression 282 go wrong failure 732 go your way! ejection 297 goad motive 615 go-ahead activity 682 goal arrival 292 end 67 intention 620 quiescence 265 success 731 goaler scourge 975 goalpost arrival 292 goat leap 309 libertine 962 goatee roughness 256 goatish impurity 961 gob food 298 gobbet food 298 smallness 32 gobble ululation 412 gobble up gluttony 957 gobemouche dupe 547 fool 501 gobetween instrumentality 631 go-between consignee 758 mediation 724 goblet receptacle 191 goblin demon 980 go-cart vehicle 272 God deity 976 Jupiter 979 God bless worship 990 God bless me! wonder 870 God bless you! departure 293 God forbid disapprobation 932 God forbid! deprecation 766 dissent 489 worship 990 God grant worship 990 God help you! pity 914 God knows ignorance 491 God save worship 990 God speed! hope 858 departure 293 God the Father deity 976 God the Holy Ghost deity 976 God the Son deity 976 God willing possibility 470 godchild security 771 goddess Jupiter 979 love 897 godfather security 771 Godhead deity 976 godless irreligion 989 godlessness irreligion 989 godlike virtue 944 god-like Jupiter 979 godly piety 987 godmother security 771 God's acre interment 363 God's grace benevolence 906 God's honest truth truth 494 God's love benevolence 906 God's will necessity 601 godsend good 618 prosperity 734 Godship deity 976 Godspeed! approbation 931 benevolence 906 courtesy 894 goer carrier 271 gofer auxiliary 711 Gog and Magog size 192 goggle vision 441 resonance 408 goggle eyes vision 441 goggle-eyed dimsightedness 443 goggle-eyes dimsightedness 443 goggles optical instruments 445 going motion 264 going a begging freedom 748 going about news 532 going after sequence 63 going down of the sun evening 126 going off death 360 going on incompleteness 53 eventuality 151 business 625 noncompletion 730 going over tergiversation 607 going price value 812.a going to happen destiny 152 goiter disease 655 Golconda wealth 803 gold money 800 orange 439 gold certificate money 800 gold plate covering 223 gold standard money 800 gold-backed currency money 800 goldbicker inactivity 683 goldbrick inactivity 683 gold-colored yellowness 436 orange 439 golden yellowness 436 golden age pleasure 827 prosperity 734 golden anniversary celebration 883 golden apple motive 615 golden calf idolatry 991 pseudo-revelation 986 golden dream hope 858 imagination 515 golden jubilee celebration 883 golden mean mid-course 628 mediocrity 736 mean 29 moderation 174 golden opinions approbation 931 golden opportunity occasion 134 golden rule maxim 496 precept 697 golden season of life youth 127 golden time pleasure 827 prosperity 734 golden wedding celebration 883 golden years age 128 golf amusement 840 golf cart vehicle 272 Golgotha interment 363 temple 1000 Goliath strength 159 size 192 gomashta consignee 758 gondola ship 273 gondolier mariner 269 gone absence 187 death 360 disappearance 449 hopelessness 859 inexistence 2 the past 122 gone bad uncleanness 653 gone by the past 122 oldness 124 gone case hopelessness 859 gone out oldness 124 gone out of one's head oblivion 506 gone to meet one's maker death 360 gone with the wind inexistence 2 the past 122 goneness fatigue 688 goner hopelessness 859 gonfalon indication 550 gong musical instruments 417 resonance 408 goniometer optical instruments 445 angularity 244 measurement 466 goniometry angularity 244 gonorrhea disease 655 goo semiliquidity 352 good approbation 931 assent 488 completeness 52 good 618 goodness 648 imperfection 651 pleasure 827 right 922 savoriness 394 virtue 944 good actions virtue 944 good as gold goodness 648 good at skill 698 good at the price cheapness 815 good auspices hope 858 good behavior courtesy 894 duty 926 virtue 944 good breeding courtesy 894 good case reasoning 476 good chance probability 472 good cheer food 298 gluttony 957 good circumstances wealth 803 good company sociality 892 good day courtesy 894 good day! departure 293 good effect beauty 845 good enough content 831 imperfection 651 good example good man 948 good faith probity 939 good feeling benevolence 906 good fellow good man 948 sociality 892 good fellowship sociality 892 good for salubrity 656 utility 644 good for nothing inutility 645 impotence 158 good fortune success 731 prosperity 734 good 618 Good Friday rite 998 good genius benefactor 912 friend 890 Jupiter 979 good gracious! wonder 870 good grief! wonder 870 good hand proficient 700 writing 590 good health health 654 good heavens wonder 870 good hit success 731 plan 626 good housewifery economy 817 good humor courtesy 894 cheerfulness 836 good judgment intelligence, wisdom 498 judgment 480 good lack wonder 870 good living food 298 gluttony 957 good looks beauty 845 good Lord! wonder 870 good luck chance 621 prosperity 734 good luck go with thee prosperity 734 good man good man 948 marriage 903 man 373 goodness 648 good manners courtesy 894 good morrow! arrival 292 courtesy 894 good move plan 626 good name repute 873 good nature benevolence 906 good offices benevolence 906 mediation 724 good old time the past 122 good omen hope 858 good opinion approbation 931 good penny worth cheapness 815 good prospect hope 858 probability 472 good report repute 873 good repute repute 873 good Samaritan benefactor 912 benevolence 906 good sense intelligence, wisdom 498 good shot proficient 700 propulsion 284 good society fashion 852 good state of health health 654 good stroke success 731 plan 626 skill 698 good sum money 800 good sword arms 727 good taste savoriness 394 taste 850 good temper courtesy 894 Good Templar sobriety 958 good thing goodness 648 good turn good 618 good understanding concord 714 friendship 888 good voice voice 580 good wife marriage 903 woman 374 good will benevolence 906 friendship 888 good wine needs no bush vindication 937 good wishes benevolence 906 good woman good man 948 woman 374 good word approbation 931 good works benevolence 906 goodbye departure 293 goodbye! departure 293 good-day arrival 292 good-humored benevolence 906 courtesy 894 good-looking beauty 845 goodly greatness 31 size 192 beauty 845 good-mannered courtesy 894 good-natured benevolence 906 good-natured friend detractor 936 goodness good 618 goodness 648 pleasurableness 829 goodness gracious! wonder 870 goodness of heart benevolence 906 goods merchandise 798 property 780 goods train vehicle 272 goodwife marriage 903 goodwill willingness 602 Goodwin sands pitfall 667 goody woman 374 gooey semiliquidity 352 goose fool 501 sharpness 253 sibilation 409 goose egg zero 101 goose quill writing 590 goose skin cold 383 gooseberry exaggeration 549 gooseberry eyes vision 441 gooseberry-eyed dimsightedness 443 goosecap fool 501 gopher auxiliary 711 Gordian knot difficulty 704 convolution 248 complexity 59.a gore junction 43 killing 361 opening 260 gorge gluttony 957 interval 198 redundancy 641 satiety 869 gorge de pigeon variegation 440 gorge the hook willingness 602 gorged redundancy 641 gorgeous color 428 ornament 847 beauty 845 gorgeousness beauty 845 Gorgon fear 860 Gorgonian fear 860 gorilla evil 913 gormandize food 298 gluttony 957 gormandizing gluttony 957 gorse vegetable 367 gory killing 361 uncleanness 653 gospel truth 494 certainty 474 Judeo-christian revelation 985 gospel truth truth 494 Gospels Judeo-christian revelation 985 gossamer filament 205 levity 320 narrowness, thinness 203 gossamery levity 320 texture 329 unsubstantiality 4 gossip conversation 588 curiosity 455 loquacity 584 news 532 gossoon commonality 876 Goth commonality 876 vulgarity 851 Gothamite fool 501 Gothic amorphism 241 vulgarity 851 Gothicism! vulgarity 851 gouache painting 556 gouge concavity 252 perforator 262 gouge out concavity 252 gourmand gluttony 957 sensualist 954.a gourmet fastidiousness 868 gluttony 957 sensualist 954.a gout physical pain 378 taste 390 gouty physical pain 378 govern deity 976 direction 693 government 737.a governess keeper 753 teacher 540 governing government 737.a government authority 737 conduct 692 direction 693 government 737.a government school school 542 governor keeper 753 master 745 government 737.a director 694 teacher 540 Governor's message advice 695 gowk fool 501 gown canonicals 999 clothing 225 gownsman scholar 492 grab parsimony 819 taking 789 grabble touch 379 grace elegance 578 title 877 pity 914 taste 850 worship 990 probity 939 permission 760 gratitude 916 forgiveness 918 beauty 845 giving 784 piety 987 grace after meals gratitude 916 grace after meat gratitude 916 grace before meals gratitude 916 grace before meat gratitude 916 graceful elegance 578 beauty 845 gracefulness elegance 578 graceless inelegance 579 irreligion 989 ugliness 846 vice 945 impenitence 951 gracious benevolence 906 courtesy 894 willingness 602 gracious goodness! wonder 870 graciously willingness 602 gradation degree 26 order 58 continuity 69 grade arrangement 60 degree 26 learner 541 term 71 grader vehicle 272 gradient obliquity 217 gradual continuity 69 degree 26 slowness 275 gradually continuity 69 conversion 144 degree 26 slowness 275 graduate agreement 23 scholar 492 measurement 466 learning 539 arrangement 60 continuity 69 graduate student learner 541 graduated cylinder measurement 466 receptacle 191 graduated scale measurement 466 graduation agreement 23 arrangement 60 measurement 466 graft giving 784 teaching 537 location 184 improbity 940 insertion 300 junction 43 grain texture 329 affections 820 color 428 gravity 319 intrinsicality 5 ornament 847 pulverulence 330 roughness 256 smallness 32 tendency 176 grain of sand littleness 193 grain oil oil 356 graining ornament 847 grains of allowance qualification 469 grallatory navigation 267 gram gravity 319 gram fed size 192 gram-calorie heat 382 gramercy! gratitude 916 graminivorous food 298 grammar teaching 537 beginning 66 grammar 567 school 542 grammar school school 542 grammarian scholar 492 gramophone hearing 418 granary store 636 grand beauty 845 five, &c 98 greatness 31 importance 642 money 800 ostentation 882 repute 873 grand climacteric age 128 grand doings ostentation 882 grand function ostentation 882 grand juror judge 967 grand juryman judge 967 grand larceny stealing 791 grand seignior master 745 grand slam success 731 grand tour journey 266 grand Turk master 745 grand vizier director 694 grandam veteran 130 grandchildren posterity 167 grandee nobility 875 grandeur repute 873 grandfather paternity 166 veteran 130 grandfather's clock chronometry 114 grandiloquence speech 582 grandiloquent speech 582 ornament 577 grandiose ornament 577 grandmother fool 501 paternity 166 grandsire veteran 130 paternity 166 grange abode 189 granger agriculture 371 granite hardness 323 granitic hardness 323 granivorous food 298 grant consent 762 transfer 783 permission 760 disclosure 529 giving 784 grant a lease security 771 granted assent 488 grantee possessor 779 receiving 785 grant-in-aid school school 542 grantor giving 784 granular littleness 193 pulverulence 330 granulate pulverulence 330 granulation pulverulence 330 granule smallness 32 grape arms 727 grape shot arms 727 grapes food 298 graphic description 594 intelligibility 518 light 420 painting 556 plan 626 representation 554 graphic account description 594 graphics painting 556 representation 554 graphitic layer 204 graphoidea writing 590 graphology writing 590 graphomania writing 590 graphometer angularity 244 graphotype engraving 558 grapnel refuge 666 grapple junction 43 taking 789 grapple with opposition 708 resistance 719 contention 720 grapple with difficulties difficulty 704 grapple with the question inquiry 461 grappling iron connection 45 refuge 666 grasp parsimony 819 tenacity 327 retention 781 authority 737 greed 817.a intelligibility 518 grasp at desire 865 grasp at a shadow unskillfulness 699 grasp at straws credulity 486 grasp of intellect intelligence, wisdom 498 grasping greed 817.a grass intemperance 954 sharpness 253 vegetable 367 grass green greenness 435 grass widow divorce 905 grass widower divorce 905 grasshopper leap 309 grassplat agriculture 371 plain 344 grassplot agriculture 371 grassy vegetable 367 grate furnace 386 physical pain 378 pulverulence 330 stridor 410 grate on the ear painfulness 830 physical pain 378 grate upon the ear stridor 410 grate upon the feelings painfulness 830 grate upon the nerves painfulness 830 grated crossing 219 grateful gratitude 916 pleasurableness 829 grater pulverulence 330 gratification pleasure 827 gratify content 831 permission 760 pleasurableness 829 gratify desire desire 865 gratifying pleasurableness 829 grating painfulness 830 crossing 219 gratis nonpayment 808 giving 784 cheapness 815 freedom 748 gratitude gratitude 916 gratuitous cheapness 815 intuition 477 supposition 514 willingness 602 gratuitous service willingness 602 gratuity cheapness 815 giving 784 gratulate congratulation 896 gratulation congratulation 896 gratulatory congratulation 896 gravamen importance 642 gravamen of a charge accusation 938 grave engraving 558 greatness 31 importance 642 inexcitability 826 interment 363 painfulness 830 vice 945 grave as a judge dejection 837 inexcitability 826 grave as a mustard pot dejection 837 grave as an undertaker dejection 837 grave face dejection 837 grave in the memory memory 505 grave note resonance 408 grave stone interment 363 grave yard interment 363 graveclothes interment 363 gravedigger interment 363 gravel difficulty 704 land 342 graveled difficulty 704 impotence 158 graven image idolatry 991 graveolent odor 398 graver engraving 558 gravitate gravity 319 descent 306 gravitate towards tendency 176 gravitation gravity 319 gravity attraction 288 dejection 837 gravity 319 importance 642 inexcitability 826 power 157 vigor 574 gravy fluidity 333 gravy boat receptacle 191 gray gray 432 age 128 blackness 431 Gray Friars clergy 996 gray hairs age 128 gray mare marriage 903 master 745 graybeard veteran 130 gray-headed age 128 graze contiguity 199 food 298 friction 331 grazier husbandry 370 grease giving 784 lubrication 332 oil 356 grease the palm giving 784 payment 807 motive 615 greased lightning velocity 274 greaser extraneousness 57 greasy unctuousness 355 greasy pole amusement 840 great disinterestedness 942 greatness 31 repute 873 size 192 superiority 33 Great Bear world 318 great card repute 873 great circle sailing mid-course 628 great coat clothing 225 great doings importance 642 activity 682 great folks nobility 875 great gun nobility 875 plan 626 great man nobility 875 great mogul master 745 great number multitude 102 great point importance 642 great quantity greatness 31 great sea serpent imagination 515 great thing importance 642 great unwashed commonality 876 great waters ocean 341 greater superiority 33 greatness 31 greater number multitude 102 greater part greatness 31 greatest superiority 33 greatest good good 618 great-grandchild posterity 167 great-grandfather paternity 166 great-hearted disinterestedness 942 greatly greatness 31 greatness size 192 superiority 33 importance 642 greatness 31 repute 873 greatness knows itself greatness 31 greave clothing 225 greco-roman wrestling contention 720 greed gluttony 957 greed 817.a desire 865 parsimony 819 greediness gluttony 957 greed 817.a greedy desire 865 gluttony 957 greed 817.a parsimony 819 greedy as a hog greed 817.a Greek unintelligibility 519 thief 792 Greek Church heterodoxy 984 Greek Kalends neverness 107 green unskillfulness 699 youth 127 plain 344 nonpreparation 674 newness 123 ignorance 491 health 654 greenness 435 desuetude 614 credulity 486 memory 505 green alley amusement 840 green as grass greenness 435 green house agriculture 371 green in remembrance memory 505 green memory! memory 505 green old age age 128 green pepper condiment 393 green sickness disease 655 green with envy greenness 435 greenback money 800 green-eyed monster jealousy 920 greengrocer mart 799 greenhorn ignoramus 493 bungler 701 dupe 547 fool 501 greenhouse receptacle 191 greenish greenness 435 greenness greenness 435 greenroom drama 599 greensward plain 344 greenwood vegetable 367 greet courtesy 894 lamentation 839 greeting courtesy 894 sociality 892 gregarious sociality 892 Gregorian calendar chronometry 114 grenade arms 727 grenadier height 206 combatant 726 grewsome ugliness 846 grey gray 432 grey hound animal 366 grey poupon mustard condiment 393 greyhound velocity 274 griddlecake food 298 gridelin purple 437 gridiron crossing 219 furnace 386 grief pain 828 grievance evil 619 wrong 923 painfulness 830 grieve dejection 837 lamentation 839 pain 828 painfulness 830 grievous badness 649 painfulness 830 grievously greatness 31 griffe mixture 41 griffin unconformity 83 griffo mixture 41 griffon unconformity 83 griffonage writing 590 grill calefaction 384 grill room abode 189 grille crossing 219 grim dejection 837 discourtesy 895 painfulness 830 sullenness 901.a ugliness 846 grim faced ugliness 846 grim visaged ugliness 846 grim visaged war warfare 722 grimace affectation 855 distortion 243 grimacer drama 599 grimacier affectation 855 humorist 844 grimalkin animal 366 grime uncleanness 653 grim-faced dejection 837 pitilessness 914.a grim-visaged dejection 837 pitilessness 914.a grimy uncleanness 653 grin amusement 840 rejoicing 838 ridicule 856 grin a ghastly smile dejection 837 grin and abide submission 725 grin and bear it submission 725 grin at ridicule 856 grin like a Cheshire cat amusement 840 grind contraction 195 friction 331 learning 539 malevolence 907 pulverulence 330 sharpness 253 grind down contraction 195 grind one's teeth resentment 900 grind the organ musician 416 grind to powder pulverulence 330 grinder teacher 540 pulverulence 330 grindery warehouse mart 799 grinding painfulness 830 severity 739 malevolence 907 grindstone pulverulence 330 sharpness 253 grip disease 655 tenacity 327 taking 789 receptacle 191 authority 737 retention 781 grip of the hand courtesy 894 gripe authority 737 taking 789 retention 781 physical pain 378 painfulness 830 parsimony 819 griped pain 828 griping parsimony 819 grippe disease 655 grisette commonality 876 libertine 962 woman 374 grisly ugliness 846 grist materials 635 provision 637 grist for the mill provision 637 gristle tenacity 327 density 321 gristly cartilaginous tenacity 327 gristmill pulverulence 330 grit perseverance 604.a pulverulence 330 resolution 604 strength 159 uncleanness 653 grit in the oil hindrance 706 gritty hardness 323 pulverulence 330 texture 329 grizzled gray 432 variegation 440 grizzly gray 432 discourtesy 895 groan cry 411 lamentation 839 groat money 800 grocer provision 637 groceries provision 637 grocery mart 799 provision 637 sweetness 396 grocery shop provision 637 grocery store provision 637 grody ugliness 846 grody to the max ugliness 846 grog drunkenness 959 food 298 groggy drunkenness 959 groin angularity 244 groom servant 746 groom of the chambers servant 746 groove furrow 259 habit 613 grope experiment 463 touch 379 grope for one's way experiment 463 grope in the dark difficulty 704 blindness 442 grope one's way essay 675 gross greatness 31 impurity 961 ugliness 846 uncleanness 653 vice 945 vulgarity 851 five, &c 98 gross amount whole 50 gross credulity credulity 486 gross receipts receipt 810 grosshead fool 501 grossheaded imbecility folly 499 grossieret_e discourtesy 895 grossly greatness 31 grossness impurity 961 grot concavity 252 grotesque distortion 243 inelegance 579 ridiculousness 853 ugliness 846 unconformity 83 grotto concavity 252 receptacle 191 grouch sullenness 901.a grouchy sullenness 901.a ground covering 223 teaching 537 support 215 situation 183 region 181 property 780 land 342 cause 153 base 211 motive 615 ground bait giving 784 ground floor base 211 lowness 207 receptacle 191 ground of quarrel discord 713 ground on attribution 155 ground plan representation 554 ground swell agitation 315 river 348 ground work base 211 grounded failure 732 grounded on base 211 evidence 467 groundless intuition 477 unsubstantiality 4 error 495 groundling commonality 876 grounds evidence 467 plain 344 uncleanness 653 groundwork cause 153 support 215 substantiality 3 precursor 64 preparation 673 group arrangement 60 assemblage 72 party 712 grouping arrangement 60 grouse animal 366 grout connection 45 grove abode 189 concavity 252 vegetable 367 grovel slowness 275 servility 886 lowness 207 improbity 940 groveling servility 886 improbity 940 grow conversion 144 expansion 194 increase 35 grow cool inexcitability 826 grow dim dimness 422 grow from effect 154 grow higher height 206 grow into conversion 144 grow less contraction 195 grow old age 128 grow pale fear 860 grow roots vegetability 365 grow taller height 206 grow together coherence 46 grow up expansion 194 grow upon one habit 613 growl threat 909 ululation 412 resentment 900 lamentation 839 discourtesy 895 growler vehicle 272 discontent 832 growling sullenness 901.a grown up adolescence 131 growth increase 35 vegetable 367 production 161 conversion 144 convexity 250 expansion 194 groyne hindrance 706 grub food 298 littleness 193 grub out extraction 301 grub up discovery 480.a extraction 301 grubstake food 298 Grub-street writer book 593 grudge parsimony 819 unwillingness 603 refusal 764 hate 898 resentment 900 grudging parsimony 819 grudging praise disapprobation 932 grudgingly unwillingness 603 gruesome ugliness 846 gruff discourtesy 895 resonance 408 stridor 410 grum stridor 410 sullenness 901.a grumble lamentation 839 cry 411 discontent 832 grumbler discontent 832 lamentation 839 grume pulpiness 354 grumous density 321 pulpiness 354 grumpy sullenness 901.a Grundy fashion 852 grunt cry 411 lamentation 839 ululation 412 gruntle ululation 412 guano uncleanness 653 guarantee promise 768 security 771 guaranty security 771 guard combatant 726 defense 717 keeper 753 preservation 670 safety 664 traveler 268 guard against defense 717 preparation 673 guard camera warning 668 guard ship combatant 726 guarded care 459 conditions 770 caution 864 guardian defense 717 keeper 753 safety 664 guardian angel angel 977 auxiliary 711 benefactor 912 safety 664 guardianship defense 717 safety 664 guardless danger 665 guardroom prison 752 guards combatant 726 guardship safety 664 guardsman combatant 726 gubernation direction 693 gubernatorial government 737.a gudgeon dupe 547 guerdon reward 973 guerilla combatant 726 guess supposition 514 guesswork supposition 514 guest friend 890 guet-a-pens deception 545 killing 361 guffaw amusement 840 guggle ululation 412 river 348 bubble; cloud 353 guidance direction 693 teaching 537 advice 695 guide advice 695 direction 693 director 694 indication 550 information 527 journey 266 teacher 540 teaching 537 guidebook information 527 journey 266 description 594 guideless danger 665 guidepost indication 550 guiding conception idea 453 guiding star direction 693 director 694 guidon indication 550 guild party 712 tribunal 966 guildhall mart 799 guile cunning 702 deception 545 falsehood 544 guileless artlessness 703 veracity 543 guillemets indication 550 guillotine punishment 972 scourge 975 sharpness 253 guilt badness 649 guilt 947 guiltiness guilt 947 guiltless innocence 946 guiltlessness innocence 946 guilty condemnation 971 guilt 947 guinea money 800 guinea pig experiment 463 guisard drama 599 guise clothing 225 conduct 692 method 627 pretext 617 state 7 appearance 448 guiser drama 599 guitar musical instruments 417 gules redness 434 gulf depth 208 gulf, lake 343 interval 198 gull dupe 547 deception 545 gullery deception 545 gullet opening 260 river 348 gullibility credulity 486 gullible credulity 486 gully concavity 252 conduit 350 interval 198 opening 260 gully hole conduit 350 gulosity gluttony 957 gulp reception 296 food 298 gluttony 957 gulp down submission 725 credulity 486 food 298 gulph gulf, lake 343 gum coherence 46 connection 45 deception 545 resin 356.a semiliquidity 352 gum elastic elasticity 325 gummosity semiliquidity 352 gummy semiliquidity 352 gumption intelligence, wisdom 498 gun propulsion 284 snap 406 arms 727 gun cotton snap 406 gun of position arms 727 gun shop mart 799 gun shot nearness 197 gunboat combatant 726 guncotton arms 727 gunfighter combatant 726 gunflint arms 727 gun-lock arms 727 gunner combatant 726 gunnery arms 727 warfare 722 gunpowder arms 727 snap 406 warfare 722 gunslinger combatant 726 gurge river 348 rotation 312 gurgle bubble; cloud 353 faintness 405 resonance 408 river 348 gurgoyle conduit 350 guru clergy 996 teacher 540 gush river 348 egress 295 feeling 821 gushing feeling 821 sensibility 822 gusset junction 43 gust excitability 825 taste 390 taste 850 wind 349 gustable taste 390 gustation taste 390 gustatory taste 390 gustful savoriness 394 taste 390 gustless insipidity 391 gusto feeling 821 taste 850 taste 390 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 gusty wind 349 gut convexity 250 ejection 297 gulf, lake 343 interiority 221 opening 260 stealing 791 taking 789 gut feeling intuition 477 guts interiority 221 courage 861 guttaserena blindness 442 gutter conduit 350 furrow 259 guttle gluttony 957 guttling gluttony 957 guttural letter 561 stammering 583 guy connection 45 prison 752 guzzle drunkenness 959 gluttony 957 guzzler drunkenness 959 guzzling gluttony 957 gybe deviation 279 gymbal rotation 312 gymkhana contention 720 gymnasium arena 728 school 542 gymnast strength 159 gymnastic exertion 686 gymnastics amusement 840 contention 720 exertion 686 strength 159 teaching 537 Gymnosophist heterodoxy 984 temperance 953 gynaecic woman 374 gynaeocracy government 737.a gynarchy government 737.a gynecaeum woman 374 gynecic woman 374 gynecology remedy 662 gyneolatry love 897 gynephobia hate 898 gynocracy government 737.a gyp servant 746 gypsy deceiver 548 humorist 844 traveler 268 Gypsy lingo neologism 563 gyrate rotation 312 gyration rotation 312 gyratory rotation 312 gyre rotation 312 gyrfalcon! evil 913 Gyromancy prediction 511 gyroscope rotation 312 gysart drama 599 gyve prison 752 H H.M.S. combatant 726 habeas corpus legality 963 haberdasher clothing 225 habergeon defense 717 habiliment clothing 225 habilitation skill 698 habit habit 613 intrinsicality 5 clothing 225 habit of mind affections 820 habit of soul affections 820 habitant inhabitant 188 habitat abode 189 agriculture 371 location 184 habitation abode 189 location 184 habited clothing 225 habitmaker clothing 225 habits of business activity 682 habitual habit 613 repetition 104 conformity 82 habitually habit 613 habituate habit 613 teaching 537 habituated habit 613 habituation conformity 82 habitude habit 613 state 7 habitue habit 613 hachure indication 550 hacienda abode 189 property 780 hack artist 559 shortness 201 vehicle 272 agent 690 disjunction 44 carrier 271 hack writer book 593 hackbut arms 727 hackery vehicle 272 hackle disjunction 44 sharpness 253 hackman traveler 268 hackney coach vehicle 272 hackneyed habit 613 knowledge 490 skill 698 hackneyed saying maxim 496 had as lief willingness 602 Hades hell 982 hadji clergy 996 traveler 268 haematobious intrinsicality 5 production 161 haft instrument 633 hag evil 913 sorcerer 994 ugliness 846 haggard ugliness 846 excitation 824 fatigue 688 insanity 503 haggle disjunction 44 barter 794 Hagiographa Judeo-christian revelation 985 hagiography theology 983 Hagiology Judeo-christian revelation 985 theology 983 haguebut arms 727 haha defense 717 ha-ha interval 198 haik clothing 225 hail respect 928 approbation 931 cold 383 courtesy 894 hail fellow well met friendship 888 hail from departure 293 hail with satisfaction approbation 931 hail! arrival 292 celebration 883 courtesy 894 rejoicing 838 repute 873 respect 928 hailstone cold 383 hair filament 205 roughness 256 smallness 32 hair drier dryness 340 hair stroke filament 205 hairbreadth escape escape 671 danger 665 hairif sharpness 253 hairless divestment 226 hair's breadth narrowness, thinness 203 nearness 197 hairsplitting intuition 477 hairy filament 205 roughness 256 hajj journey 266 halberd arms 727 halberdier combatant 726 halcyon peace 721 pleasurableness 829 moderation 174 prosperity 734 halcyon days pleasure 827 prosperity 734 hale health 654 half bisection 91 half a dozen multitude 102 half a gale wind 349 half a hundred five, &c 98 multitude 102 half and half equality 27 half and half measures mid-course 628 half blood imperfection 651 unconformity 83 half distance middle 68 half dollar money 800 half dozen five, &c 98 half frozen semiliquidity 352 half length painting 556 half light dimness 422 half measure mid-course 628 half measures incompleteness 53 irresolution 605 half melted semiliquidity 352 half price discount 813 half rations insufficiency 640 half scholar ignoramus 493 half seas over drunkenness 959 half the battle importance 642 success 731 half tone engraving 558 half truth untruth 546 half witted imbecility folly 499 half-a-dozen five, &c 98 half-and-half mixture 41 halfand-half incompleteness 53 halfbaked imbecility folly 499 half-baked noncompletion 730 half-blind dimsightedness 443 half-blood mixture 41 unconformity 83 half-breed unconformity 83 half-caste unconformity 83 mixture 41 half-dime money 800 half-hearted indifference 866 insensibility 823 irresolution 605 half-learned ignorance 491 half-moon curvature 245 halfpenny unimportance 643 half-price cheapness 815 halfstarved insufficiency 640 half-starved fasting 956 half-wave plate optical instruments 445 halfway middle 68 smallness 32 halfway house interposition 228 middle 68 halfwit fool 501 hall abode 189 amusement 840 mart 799 receptacle 191 hall fellow well met sociality 892 Hall mark indication 550 hall of audience conversation 588 hallelujah worship 990 halloa cry 411 halloo allocution 586 cry 411 halloo! allocution 586 wonder 870 attention 457 hallow celebration 883 respect 928 hallowed deity 976 Halloween regularity of recurrence 138 Hallowmas regularity of recurrence 138 hallucination error 495 insanity 503 hallucinatory insanity 503 halo light 420 repute 873 halo of glory repute 873 Halomancy prediction 511 halophile life 359 halser connection 45 halt cessation 142 disease 655 failure 732 quiescence 265 repose 687 slowness 275 weakness 160 halt! quiescence 265 halter connection 45 prison 752 scourge 975 halting inelegance 579 disease 655 halting ground arrival 292 halting place arrival 292 halve bisection 91 halving bisection 91 ham abode 189 drama 599 ham radio hearing 418 hamadryad Jupiter 979 hamal servant 746 hamate curvature 245 hamfatter drama 599 hamiform curvature 245 hamlet abode 189 hammer impulse 276 stammering 583 instrument 633 repetition 104 hammer and tongs exertion 686 hammer at exertion 686 thought 451 hammer coat clothing 225 hammer out completion 729 form 240 preparation 673 hammering exertion 686 hammock support 215 hamous curvature 245 hamper hindrance 706 receptacle 191 hamstring impotence 158 restraint 751 deterioration 659 hanaper treasury 802 hand retention 781 writing 590 touch 379 mankind 372 length 200 instrumentality 631 indication 550 giving 784 compensation 30 agent 690 transfer 783 laterality 236 hand and glove friendship 888 hand and seal indication 550 hand barrow vehicle 272 hand down transfer 783 hand down to posterity record 551 hand in hand accompaniment 88 concord 714 junction 43 party 712 hand in hand with friendship 888 hand in one's checks death 360 hand in one's chips death 360 hand lens optical instruments 445 hand mike hearing 418 hand mirror optical instruments 445 hand of death death 360 hand organ musical instruments 417 hand out ostentation 882 hand out false colors falsehood 544 hand over giving 784 transfer 783 hand over head inattention 458 neglect 460 rashness 863 hand pass transference 270 hand staff arms 727 hand to hand contiguity 199 contention 720 hand to mouth existence poverty 804 hand together cooperation 709 hand writing indication 550 handbook book 593 information 527 journey 266 handbreadth length 200 handcuff prison 752 restraint 751 handfast marriage 903 handful fewness 103 quantity 25 smallness 32 handicap contention 720 equality 27 hindrance 706 handicraft action 680 business 625 handicraftsman agent 690 handie-talkie hearing 418 handiwork action 680 effect 154 handkerchief cleanness 652 clothing 225 handle instrument 633 use 677 pretext 617 touch 379 handle a case conduct 692 handle a subject dissertation 595 handle the reins direction 693 handle to one's name nomenclature 564 title 877 handmaid auxiliary 711 instrumentality 631 servant 746 handpost indication 550 hands off! prohibition 761 resistance 719 deprecation 766 avoidance 623 inaction 681 handsel beginning 66 expenditure 809 giving 784 security 771 handsome beauty 845 disinterestedness 942 liberality 816 handsome fortune wealth 803 handspike instrument 633 handwriting writing 590 handwriting on the wall warning 668 handy skill 698 preparation 673 nearness 197 utility 644 hang connection 45 killing 361 pendency 214 punishment 972 hang about nearness 197 hang back avoidance 623 inactivity 683 hang by a thread danger 665 hang down the head dejection 837 hang draw and quarter punishment 972 hang fire failure 732 unproductiveness 169 refusal 764 slowness 275 unwillingness 603 noncompletion 730 inactivity 683 cessation 142 lateness 133 physical inertness 172 hang heavy on hand redundancy 641 hang in doubt unbelief doubt 485 hang in suspense irresolution 605 unbelief doubt 485 hang in the balance uncertainty 475 hang it! contempt 930 regret 833 hang on accompaniment 88 hang on the skirts of sequence 281 hang on the sleeve of servant 746 servility 886 flattery 933 hang one's head humility 879 hang out sociality 892 hang out a banner indication 550 hang out a light light 420 hang out a signal indication 550 hang out to dry dryness 340 hang over convexity 250 destiny 152 height 206 hang together coherence 46 junction 43 concurrence 178 hang up one's fiddle end 67 hang upon effect 154 subjection 749 hang upon the lips of hearing 418 hang upon the skirts of nearness 197 hang! malediction 908 hangar receptacle 191 hanger on servant 746 servility 886 accompaniment 88 hanger-on flatterer 935 hanging height 206 punishment 972 pendency 214 killing 361 ornament 847 hanging by a thread danger 665 hanging look ugliness 846 hanging over one's head destiny 152 hangman amusement 840 bad man 949 evil 913 scourge 975 hangnail peg pendency 214 hangout abode 189 hank connection 45 hanker after desire 865 hankering desire 865 hankie clothing 225 hanky clothing 225 hanky-panky endearment 902 Hansard's Debates record 551 hansom vehicle 272 Hanukkah rite 998 hap chance 156 haphazard chance 156 hapless adversity 735 haplography error 495 haply possibility 470 happen destiny 152 eventuality 151 happen what may rashness 863 certainty 474 happening eventuality 151 happily pleasure 827 happiness good 618 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 happy agreement 23 cheerfulness 836 elegance 578 occasion 134 pleasure 827 happy as a clam pleasure 827 happy as a king cheerfulness 836 pleasure 827 happy as the day is long cheerfulness 836 pleasure 827 happy dispatch punishment 972 happy family concord 714 happy hunting grounds heaven 981 happy in our mutual help correlation 12 happy thought wit 842 happy valley imagination 515 pleasure 827 happy-go-lucky nonpreparation 674 hara-kiri killing 361 punishment 972 harangue speech 582 harass painfulness 830 fatigue 688 malevolence 907 harassing painfulness 830 harbinger omen 512 precursor 64 harbor abode 189 arrival 292 refuge 666 harbor a design intention 620 harbor a grudge malevolence 907 harbor an idea thought 451 harbor cherish a love love 897 harbor doubts unbelief doubt 485 harbor feeling feeling 821 harbor hope hope 858 harbor of refuge refuge 666 harbor revenge revenge 919 harbor spleen malevolence 907 harbor vindictive feeling revenge 919 harborless danger 665 hard strength 159 difficulty 704 hardness 323 impenitence 951 painfulness 830 physical insensibility 376 severity 739 sourness 397 hard a lee ship 273 hard a port ship 273 hard a starboard ship 273 hard a weather ship 273 hard and fast rule conformity 82 hard as a rock hardness 323 hard at it activity 682 hard at work activity 682 exertion 686 hard by nearness 197 hard case adversity 735 hard cash money 800 hard core unemployed petitioner 767 hard disk record 551 hard drinker drunkenness 959 hard fact existence 1 hard featured ugliness 846 hard fisted parsimony 819 hard fortune adversity 735 hard frost cold 383 hard hap adversity 735 hard hit failure 732 hard home physical energy 171 hard knocks contention 720 hard labor punishment 972 hard lenses optical instruments 445 hard life adversity 735 hard lines adversity 735 severity 739 hard liver sensualist 954.a hard lot adversity 735 hard luck adversity 735 hard master severity 739 hard measure severity 739 hard necessity necessity 601 hard nut to crack difficulty 704 hard of belief incredulity 487 hard of hearing deafness 419 hard of heart malevolence 907 hard pressed hindrance 706 difficulty 704 haste 684 hard put to it difficulty 704 hard set difficulty 704 hard task difficulty 704 hard times adversity 735 hard to believe unbelief doubt 485 hard to deal with difficulty 704 hard to please fastidiousness 868 hard up difficulty 704 poverty 804 hard upon disapprobation 932 nearness 197 hard visaged ugliness 846 hard winter cold 383 hard words disapprobation 932 discourtesy 895 obscurity 571 hard work difficulty 704 exertion 686 hardcore pornography sexuality 374.a hard-earned difficulty 704 harden habit 613 hardness 323 strength 159 harden the heart enmity 889 impenitence 951 insensibility 823 hardened insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 impenitence 951 defense 717 impiety 988 hardened front insolence 885 hardened site defense 717 hardening impiety 988 hardening of the arteries disease 655 hard-favored ugliness 846 hard-fought difficulty 704 hardheaded intelligence, wisdom 498 hard-headed severity 739 hard-hearted malevolence 907 hardihood courage 861 insolence 885 hardly difficulty 704 infrequency 137 smallness 32 hardly any fewness 103 hardly anything smallness 32 unimportance 643 hardly ever infrequency 137 hard-mouthed obstinacy 606 hardness difficulty 704 hardness 323 hardness of hearing deafness 419 hardness of heart impenitence 951 malevolence 907 vice 945 hard-nosed severity 739 insensibility 823 hard-on sexuality 374.a hardship adversity 735 hardtack food 298 hardware hardness 323 hardware store mart 799 hard-working activity 682 exertion 686 hardy courage 861 health 654 strength 159 hare velocity 274 harebrained rashness 863 hare-brained inattention 458 harelip distortion 243 harelipped distortion 243 harem abode 189 impurity 961 hariff sharpness 253 hariolation prediction 511 hark attention 457 hearing 418 hark back regression 283 hark ye! attention 457 hearing 418 harken hearing 418 harlequin changeableness 149 humorist 844 variegation 440 velocity 274 harlequinade drama 599 wit 842 harlot libertine 962 harlotry impurity 961 harm badness 649 deterioration 659 evil 619 malevolence 907 pleasurableness 829 harmattan wind 349 harmful badness 649 harmless perfection 650 safety 664 salubrity 656 impotence 158 goodness 648 innocence 946 harmless as doves innocence 946 harmonica musical instruments 417 harmonical melody concord 413 harmonical progression number 84 harmonicon musical instruments 417 harmonics melody concord 413 harmonious beauty 845 color 428 concord 714 friendship 888 melody concord 413 music 415 harmonious reconcilable agreement 23 harmoniously melody concord 413 harmoniously confused multiformity 81 harmoniphon musical instruments 417 harmoniphone musical instruments 417 harmonist melody concord 413 harmonium musical instruments 417 harmonize melody concord 413 agreement 23 harmonize with concord 714 harmony peace 721 concord 714 friendship 888 melody concord 413 agreement 23 harness prison 752 junction 43 instrument 633 clothing 225 connection 45 harp musical instruments 417 harp on the same string repetition 104 weariness 841 harp upon continuance in action 143 diffuseness 573 repetition 104 Harpagon parsimony 819 harper musician 416 harping repetition 104 harpoon arms 727 harpsichord musical instruments 417 harpy demon 980 evil 913 parsimony 819 severity 739 thief 792 harquebuss arms 727 harridan libertine 962 harridan! ugliness 846 harrier animal 366 harrow agriculture 371 painfulness 830 harrow up the soul fear 860 harrowing painfulness 830 harry painfulness 830 attack 716 malevolence 907 harsh acridity 401.a discord 414 discourtesy 895 inelegance 579 malevolence 907 painfulness 830 physical energy 171 pitilessness 914.a severity 739 stridor 410 harsh voice aphony 581 harshness discord 414 severity 739 physical energy 171 hart animal 366 man 373 hartshorn pungency 392 harum-scarum disorder 59 inattention 458 haruspex oracle 513 haruspical prediction 511 haruspice oracle 513 Haruspicy prediction 511 harvest store 636 acquisition 775 effect 154 good 618 harvest time exertion 686 harvest-home celebration 883 has-been politics 737.b the past 122 hash disjunction 44 disorder 59 food 298 hash up mixture 41 hashish bane 663 intemperance 954 hasp connection 45 junction 43 hassock support 215 haste velocity 274 haste 684 earliness 132 activity 682 haste makes waste haste 684 hasten activity 682 aid 707 haste 684 velocity 274 hastily haste 684 hasty excitability 825 haste 684 instantaneity 113 irascibility 901 hasty conclusion misjudgment 481 hasty pudding food 298 hat clothing 225 hat in hand servility 886 hatch falsehood 544 inclosure 232 opening 260 painting 556 plan 626 preparation 673 production 161 hatch a plot concoct plan 626 hatchel sharpness 253 hatchet sharpness 253 hatchet-faced narrowness, thinness 203 hatchment indication 550 record 551 interment 363 hatchway opening 260 hate discord 713 dislike 867 enmity 889 hate 898 malevolence 907 hateful badness 649 hate 898 painfulness 830 hateful as a toad badness 649 hating hate 898 hatrack support 215 hatred dislike 867 hate 898 hatter clothing 225 hatti-sherif command 741 hattock assemblage 72 hauberk defense 717 haugh plain 344 haughtiness insolence 885 pride 878 haughty contempt 930 insolence 885 severity 739 haughty lofty pride 878 haul taking 789 traction 285 haul down colors submission 725 haulage traction 285 haunch laterality 236 haunt abode 189 fear 860 malevolence 907 presence 186 haunt one's mind memory 505 haunt one's thoughts memory 505 haunt the memory painfulness 830 haunted demon 980 haunted with the fear of fear 860 hautboy musical instruments 417 hauteur pride 878 have disease 655 knowledge 490 possession 777 confutation 479 have a bad name disrepute 874 have a bad smell fetor 401 have a bad time of it pain 828 have a bias misjudgment 481 have a bone to pick discord 713 revenge 919 have a brush contention 720 have a buzz on drunkenness 959 have a care mind caution 864 have a care! caution 864 have a case evidence 467 have a claim upon dueness 924 have a common origin cause 153 have a correct ear musician 416 have a crow to pluck revenge 919 have a crow to pluck with accusation 938 discord 713 have a cut at attack 716 have a defect imperfection 651 have a devil insanity 503 have a devil in one irascibility 901 have a dislike for dislike 867 have a doubtful meaning unintelligibility 519 have a false meaning untruth 546 have a fancy for desire 865 have a film over the eyes dimsightedness 443 ignorance 491 have a fine time of it prosperity 734 have a finger in the pie action 680 activity 682 cause 153 cooperation 709 interposition 228 have a firm hold of retention 781 have a firmhold of possession 777 have a fling disapprobation 932 have a fling at disrespect 929 resentment 900 attack 716 have a glimmering ignorance 491 have a glimpse of vision 441 have a good appetite desire 865 have a good time of it prosperity 734 have a good word for approbation 931 have a great mind to willingness 602 have a half a mind to willingness 602 have a hand in action 680 activity 682 cooperation 709 participation 778 have a hand in the pie cause 153 have a hangdog look sullenness 901.a have a hard time of it difficulty 704 have a high opinion of respect 928 have a hold upon influence 175 have a jag on drunkenness 959 have a leaning to friendship 888 have a liking for pleasure 827 have a longing desire 865 have a love love 897 have a mind to desire 865 intention 620 have a mote in the eye dimsightedness 443 have a musical ear musician 416 have a perfume fragrance 400 have a relation relation 9 have a rhinoceros hide insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 have a rod in pickle preparation 673 revenge 919 have a rod in pickle for accusation 938 punishment 972 have a run fashion 852 journey 266 repute 873 have a run of luck prosperity 734 have a screw loose insanity 503 have a sensitive heart sensibility 822 have a short memory oblivion 506 have a shot at attack 716 have a shy at attack 716 have a sight of vision 441 have a small chance improbability 473 have a snap at disapprobation 932 have a sweet tooth fastidiousness 868 have a temper irascibility 901 have a tender heart sensibility 822 have a thick skin physical insensibility 376 have a turn for skill 698 have a warm heart sensibility 822 have a weight on the mind regret 833 have a will of one's own freedom 748 will 600 have accounts to settle revenge 919 have affections affections 820 have all one's own way facility 705 have all to oneself possession 777 have an aversion for dislike 867 have an aversion to dislike 867 have an ax to grind cunning 702 have an ear for music musician 416 have an erection sexuality 374.a have an eye desire 865 have an eye to attention 457 intention 620 have an eye to the future foresight 510 have an itching palm parsimony 819 have an odor odor 398 have an offer endearment 902 have an opinion belief 484 have as joint tenants participation 778 have as lief choice 609 have at attack 716 have at heart desire 865 have at one' fingers ends knowledge 490 have at one's back support 215 have at one's elbow advice 695 have at one's finger tips memory 505 have at one's fingers' memory 505 have authority government 737.a have being existence 1 have charge of direction 693 have claim to dueness 924 have cut one's eye teeth skill 698 have cut one's eyeteeth adolescence 131 cunning 702 have dealings with barter 794 friendship 888 have determination resolution 604 have done with cessation 142 disuse 678 relinquishment 624 have done! cessation 142 have doubts unbelief doubt 485 have enough sufficiency 639 have enough of dislike 867 satiety 869 have expired the past 122 have faith piety 987 have for one's own property 780 have for one's very own property 780 have framed and glazed ostentation 882 have free play agency 170 have full play facility 705 influence 175 have given to one receiving 785 have had its day oldness 124 the past 122 have in common participation 778 have in contemplation expectation 507 intention 620 have in derision disrespect 929 have in hand action 680 undertaking 676 possession 777 business 625 have in one's eye attention 457 intention 620 have in one's head knowledge 490 have in one's mind thought 451 have in petto intention 620 have in prospect expectation 507 have in reserve provision 637 have in sight vision 441 have in stock retention 781 have in store provision 637 have in store for expectation 507 destiny 152 have in the memory memory 505 have in the mind memory 505 have in the thoughts memory 505 have in view intention 620 have influence influence 175 have influence over motive 615 have influence upon motive 615 have influence with motive 615 have intercourse sexuality 374.a have it belief 484 discovery 480.a have it all one's own way authority 737 success 731 have it's own way will 600 have it your own way submission 725 have its seat in situation 183 have know belief 484 have leisure leisure 685 have means means 632 have mercy! pity 914 Have much ado with difficulty 704 have much on one's hands activity 682 have no alternative necessity 601 have no bearing upon irrelation 10 have no bounds infinity 105 have no brains imbecility folly 499 have no business there unconformity 83 irrelation 10 have no business with irrelation 10 have no chance whatever impossibility 471 have no choice absence of choice 609.a necessity 601 have no conception ignorance 491 have no concern with irrelation 10 have no correlation perpendicularity 216.a have no curiosity incuriosity 456 have no desire for indifference 866 insensibility 823 have no ear deafness 419 have no election absence of choice 609.a have no end perpetuity 112 have no existence inexistence 2 have no hand in avoidance 623 have no head oblivion 506 have no idea ignorance 491 have no influence absence of influence 175.a have no interest in insensibility 823 have no limits infinity 105 have no measures with discord 713 have no mercy malevolence 907 pitilessness 914.a have no motive absence of motive 615.a have no notion ignorance 491 have no notion of dissent 489 have no objection consent 762 have no relation to irrelation 10 have no relish for indifference 866 have no scruple of willingness 602 have no sense imbecility folly 499 have no stomach for dislike 867 have no taste for dislike 867 indifference 866 have no time haste 684 have no turning straightness 246 have not a moment to lose haste 684 have nothing to do inaction 681 have nothing to do with avoidance 623 irrelation 10 refusal 764 have nothing to go upon impossibility 471 have occasion for requirement 630 have on hand retention 781 have on one's hands business 625 have on one's shoulders business 625 have on the hip authority 737 confutation 479 have one leg in the grave weakness 160 have one on the hop success 731 have one to know information 527 have one's doubts unbelief doubt 485 have one's due dueness 924 have one's fill satiety 869 sufficiency 639 have one's fling amusement 840 freedom 748 activity 682 laxity 738 have one's hand in skill 698 have one's hands full activity 682 business 625 have one's hands in business 625 have one's money's worth cheapness 815 have one's own way freedom 748 obstinacy 606 will 600 have one's price price 812 have one's revenge revenge 919 have one's rights dueness 924 have one's say speech 582 affirmation 535 have one's swill drunkenness 959 have one's swing laxity 738 have one's will will 600 have only one idea misjudgment 481 have other fish to fry activity 682 untimeliness 135 have other things to do activity 682 have pity pity 914 have place existence 1 have play agency 170 have precedence precedence 62 have qualms fear 860 have quite enough of satiety 869 have rather choice 609 have rather not dislike 867 have recourse to use 677 have regard to attention 457 have right to dueness 924 have run its course end 67 the past 122 have scope freedom 748 have seen better days adversity 735 deterioration 659 poverty 804 have seen its day oldness 124 have sex sexuality 374.a have some knowledge of knowledge 490 have sown one's mild oats adolescence 131 have the advantage superiority 33 inequality 28 have the appearance of appearance 448 have the best of it success 731 have the better of success 731 have the care of direction 693 have the charge of direction 693 have the direction direction 693 have the ear of belief 484 friendship 888 have the entree ingress 294 have the eyes bandaged blindness 442 have the eyes open care 459 attention 457 have the gift of the gab speech 582 have the good fortune prosperity 734 have the goodness request 765 have the hots sexuality 374.a have the last word affirmation 535 obstinacy 606 have the mind at ease cheerfulness 836 have the odds against one danger 665 have the pas precedence 62 have the reins direction 693 have the run of freedom 748 have the semblance of appearance 448 have the start earliness 132 priority 116 precedence 62 precession 280 have the true ring truth 494 have the upper hand authority 737 influence 175 superiority 33 have the whip authority 737 have the whip hand of superiority 33 have the worst of it failure 732 have title to dueness 924 have to intention 620 have to answer for disapprobation 932 duty 926 have to do with action 680 relation 9 business 625 conduct 692 have to fall back upon provision 637 have to run for it danger 665 have too much of satiety 869 have two meanings equivocalness 520 have under one's thumb authority 737 have up accusation 938 have way on navigation 267 have weight evidence 467 have words discord 713 have words with disapprobation 932 haven refuge 666 arrival 292 quiescence 265 haversack receptacle 191 having a bias affections 820 having a common origin cause 153 having a peduncle pendency 214 having a right to dueness 924 having no end perpetuity 112 having no foundation unsubstantiality 4 having no head imbecility folly 499 havoc destruction 162 deterioration 659 haw stammering 583 hawk vision 441 thief 792 ejection 297 sale 796 hawk about offer 763 publication 531 hawk at attack 716 hawker merchant 797 hawk-eyed vision 441 hawking pursuit 622 hawser connection 45 hay fever disease 655 haycock assemblage 72 hayseed commonality 876 hayward keeper 753 hazard belief 484 chance 156 chance 621 danger 665 hazard a guess intuition 477 hazard a proposition intuition 477 hazard an opinion belief 484 hazard of the die chance 156 hazard out supposition 514 hazarded intuition 477 hazardous danger 665 haze uncertainty 475 bubble; cloud 353 turbidity 426.a haziness turbidity 426.a hazy turbidity 426.a opacity 426 he man 373 he- man 373 he goat man 373 he that runs may read manifestation 525 intelligibility 518 head clothing 225 painting 556 precedence 62 precession 280 summit 210 uncleanness 653 master 745 topic 454 intelligence, wisdom 498 director 694 intellect 450 class 75 bubble; cloud 353 book 593 beginning 66 mankind 372 head and front importance 642 head and shoulders completeness 52 haste 684 head center director 694 head foremost violence 173 head man director 694 head over heels feeling 821 inversion 218 rashness 863 rotation 312 head over heels in love love 897 head race conduit 350 head stone interment 363 head wind hindrance 706 opposition 708 head work thought 451 headache physical pain 378 headdress clothing 225 header plunge 310 headforemost rashness 863 headgear clothing 225 heading beginning 66 indication 550 nomenclature 564 precession 280 precursor 64 headland height 206 headlight indication 550 headline writing 590 headlong rashness 863 violence 173 haste 684 headmost precession 280 headpiece defense 717 intellect 450 intelligence, wisdom 498 headquarters abode 189 focus 74 government 737.a heads compendium 596 heads or tails chance 156 headship government 737.a headsman scourge 975 headstall prison 752 headstone support 215 headstrong violence 173 rashness 863 obstinacy 606 headway navigation 267 progression 282 heady obstinacy 606 heal restoration 660 heal the breach pacification 723 heald instrument 633 healing life 359 remedy 662 restoration 660 healing art remedy 662 health health 654 health and human services government 737.a health food store mart 799 healthful health 654 salubrity 656 healthiness salubrity 656 healthless disease 655 healthy health 654 salubrity 656 heap assemblage 72 greatness 31 redundancy 641 size 192 store 636 heap dirt upon disrepute 874 heap Ossa upon Pelion assemblage 72 heap up store 636 hear hearing 418 information 527 hear a cause judgment 480 lawsuit 969 hear confession rite 998 hear hear! approbation 931 hear mass rite 998 hear no evil deafness 419 hear out attention 457 hear ye! hearing 418 hear! hearing 418 hearer hearing 418 hearing lawsuit 969 hearing 418 hearing aid hearing 418 hearing distance hearing 418 hearing range hearing 418 hearken to attention 457 hearsay news 532 hearsay evidence evidence 467 hearse interment 363 heart interiority 221 willingness 602 love 897 intellect 450 importance 642 courage 861 centrality 222 affections 820 intrinsicality 5 heart and lung machine airpipe 351 life 359 heart and soul affections 820 completeness 52 exertion 686 feeling 821 resolution 604 willingness 602 heart attack disease 655 heart in hand willingness 602 heart of grace hope 858 courage 861 heart of hearts affections 820 heart of oak courage 861 hardness 323 strength 159 heart of stone insensibility 823 malevolence 907 heart shaped curvature 245 heart sick dejection 837 heart sinking dejection 837 heartache pain 828 heartbeat life 359 heart-breaking painfulness 830 heart-broken pain 828 heartburn disease 655 physical pain 378 heartburning enmity 889 regret 833 heart-burning discontent 832 resentment 900 heart-corroding painfulness 830 heart-expanding feeling 821 heartfelt feeling 821 pleasurableness 829 heart-grief discontent 832 hearth furnace 386 abode 189 hearth stone abode 189 heartily feeling 821 heartiness feeling 821 sociality 892 heartless insensibility 823 vice 945 heartquake fear 860 heart-rending painfulness 830 heart-robbing pleasurableness 829 hearts amusement 840 heart's blood affections 820 heart's core affections 820 intellect 450 heart's ease content 831 heart's strings affections 820 heart-scalded pain 828 heartsick dislike 867 satiety 869 heart-sickening painfulness 830 heartsinking fear 860 heartsome hope 858 heart-stirring excitation 824 heartstricken dejection 837 heart-stricken pain 828 heart-swelling excitation 824 resentment 900 heart-thrilling excitation 824 heartworm disease 655 heart-wounding painfulness 830 hearty feeling 821 friendship 888 health 654 willingness 602 cheerfulness 836 hearty as a buck health 654 hearty laugh amusement 840 hearty meal food 298 hearty reception sociality 892 hearty welcome sociality 892 heat excitability 825 sexuality 374.a excitation 824 calefaction 384 contention 720 heat 382 heat conductivity calefaction 384 heat engine instrument 633 heat of combustion fuel 388 heat pump furnace 386 heated calefaction 384 heated imagination imagination 515 heater furnace 386 heath plain 344 vegetable 367 heathen heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 heathendom heterodoxy 984 heathenish heterodoxy 984 vulgarity 851 heathenism heterodoxy 984 heathen-mythology Jupiter 979 heather plain 344 vegetable 367 heating calefaction 384 heating oil fuel 388 oil 356 heaume defense 717 Heautontimorumenos asceticism 955 dejection 837 heave ejection 297 propulsion 284 lamentation 839 feeling 821 elevation 307 heave in sight visibility 446 heave offering worship 990 heave overboard disuse 678 heave the lead depth 208 measurement 466 heave the log measurement 466 heave to quiescence 265 Heaven deity 976 heaven 981 hope 858 Heaven be praised! gratitude 916 rejoicing 838 Heaven forbid! disapprobation 932 deprecation 766 Heaven forefend deprecation 766 heaven kissing height 206 Heaven knows ignorance 491 uncertainty 475 Heaven save the mark wonder 870 heaven-born intelligence, wisdom 498 repute 873 virtue 944 heaven-born genius intelligence, wisdom 498 heaven-directed intelligence, wisdom 498 heavenly world 318 heaven 981 deity 976 heavenly bodies world 318 heavenly host angel 977 heavenly kingdom heaven 981 heavenly-minded piety 987 heavens world 318 heavens and earth! wonder 870 heaves disease 655 heavily inactivity 683 heaviness gravity 319 dejection 837 dullness 843 heaviness of heart dejection 837 heaving lamentation 839 feeling 821 heavy combatant 726 greatness 31 imbecility folly 499 improbability 473 inactivity 683 physical inertness 172 vulgarity 851 heavy affliction pain 828 heavy as lead gravity 319 heavy book dullness 843 heavy cost dearness 814 heavy dragoon combatant 726 heavy eyelids inactivity 683 heavy fall cold 383 heavy father drama 599 heavy gun arms 727 heavy heart pain 828 heavy hours weariness 841 heavy laden completeness 52 hindrance 706 pain 828 heavy news painfulness 830 heavy pull upon the purse dearness 814 heavy purse wealth 803 heavy sea agitation 315 river 348 heavy sleep inactivity 683 heavy wet food 298 heavy with sleep inactivity 683 heavy-handed unskillfulness 699 heavy-hearted dejection 837 hebdomadal regularity of recurrence 138 hebdomadary regularity of recurrence 138 Hebe beauty 845 hebetate insensibility 823 hebetation inexcitability 826 hebetic youth 127 hebetude insensibility 823 inexcitability 826 imbecility folly 499 hebetudinous imbecility folly 499 Hebraist scholar 492 Hebrew heterodoxy 984 unintelligibility 519 hecatomb five, &c 98 idolatry 991 heckle painfulness 830 sharpness 253 hectares space 180 hectic feeling 821 heat 382 Hector courage 861 insolence 885 blusterer 887 rashness 863 hectoring insolence 885 heddle instrument 633 hedge compensation 30 inclosure 232 hedge in circumscription 229 hindrance 706 hedge round circumscription 229 hindrance 706 hedge row inclosure 232 hedged qualification 469 hedged in conditions 770 hedgehog sharpness 253 hedonic pleasure 827 cheerfulness 836 hedonics cheerfulness 836 pleasure 827 hedonism cheerfulness 836 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 hedonist sensualist 954.a heed attention 457 care 459 caution 864 heedful care 459 caution 864 heedfulness attention 457 care 459 heedless neglect 460 oblivion 506 rashness 863 inattention 458 heedlessness inattention 458 rashness 863 heel circuition 311 deviation 279 support 215 heel of Achilles danger 665 heelpiece sequel 65 rear 235 restoration 660 heels rear 235 lowness 207 heels over head haste 684 inversion 218 rashness 863 heeltap remainder 40 Heewhack! snap 406 heft exertion 686 instrument 633 hegemonic direction 693 government 737.a hegemonical government 737.a influence 175 heifer animal 366 heigh-ho! lamentation 839 height height 206 repute 873 summit 210 degree 26 height of fashion fashion 852 height of one's ambition desire 865 heighten aggravation 835 elevation 307 exaggeration 549 height 206 increase 35 heightening aggravation 835 heights height 206 summit 210 heinous vice 945 heir posterity 167 heir apparent possessor 779 heir presumptive possessor 779 heir-apparent posterity 167 heiress possessor 779 posterity 167 heirloom property 780 heir-presumptive posterity 167 heirs posterity 167 heirs posterity futurity 121 heirship possession 777 hejira departure 293 heliacal world 318 helical curvature 245 convolution 248 helical motion rotation 312 helicanhorn musical instruments 417 Helicon poetry 597 helicopter carrier combatant 726 Heliogabalus sensualist 954.a heliogram representation 554 heliograph indication 550 painting 556 heliographic light 420 heliography painting 556 light 420 heliolatry idolatry 991 heliometer measurement 466 heliophagous light 420 helioscope optical instruments 445 heliotrope jewelry 847.a purple 437 heliotype engraving 558 painting 556 helium balloon levity 320 helix convolution 248 curvature 245 rotation 312 hell depth 208 hell 982 chance 621 hell fire hell 982 hell upon earth adversity 735 pain 828 hellborn satan 978 hell-born vice 945 hellcat bad man 949 hellebore bane 663 hellhag evil 913 hellhound bad man 949 hell-hound evil 913 hellish vice 945 hell 982 malevolence 907 Hell's grim Tyrant death 360 helm direction 693 instrument 633 scepter 747 defense 717 helmet clothing 225 defense 717 helminth bane 663 helminthagogue remedy 662 helminthology zoology 368 helmsman director 694 helot servant 746 help auxiliary 711 utility 644 servant 746 giving 784 aid 707 remedy 662 help at a dead lift aid 707 help mate auxiliary 711 help oneself to taking 789 help to concurrence 178 help! aid 707 helper auxiliary 711 helpful aid 707 helping hand auxiliary 711 helpless impotence 158 danger 665 helplessness impotence 158 helpmate marriage 903 helter-skelter disorder 59 haste 684 hem edge 231 fold 258 hem and haw qualification 469 hem in circumjacence 227 restraint 751 hem! wonder 870 hematite jewelry 847.a hemeralopia dimsightedness 443 hemi bisection 91 hemidemisemiquaver melody concord 413 hemiplegia physical insensibility 376 hemisphere region 181 hemispheric convexity 250 hemlock bane 663 hemorrhage excretion 299 hemorrhoids disease 655 hemp filament 205 intemperance 954 hen animal 366 woman 374 hen party sociality 892 henbane bane 663 hence departure 293 reasoning 476 attribution 155 hence loathed melancholy! cheerfulness 836 henceforth futurity 121 henceforwards futurity 121 henchman servant 746 hencoop husbandry 370 henhearted cowardice 862 henhussy fool 501 woman 374 henpecked obedience 743 subjection 749 hepatize redundancy 641 heptagon angularity 244 her woman 374 her majesty's government 737.a Heraclitus lamentation 839 herald messenger 534 precession 280 precursor 64 prediction 511 priority 116 publication 531 heraldry indication 550 herb vegetable 367 herbaceous vegetable 367 herbage vegetable 367 herbal vegetable 367 botany 369 herbalist botany 369 herbarian botany 369 herbarist botany 369 herbarium botany 369 herbist botany 369 herbivorous food 298 herborist botany 369 herborization botany 369 herborize botany 369 Herculean strength 159 difficulty 704 exertion 686 greatness 31 size 192 Herculean task difficulty 704 Hercules support 215 strength 159 herd assemblage 72 multitude 102 herd instinct assent 488 herdsman servant 746 here arrival 292 presence 186 situation 183 here and there situation 183 fewness 103 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 place 182 here below world 318 here goes! undertaking 676 here in interiority 221 here there and everywhere nonuniformity 16.a presence 186 space 180 here! approach 286 hereabouts nearness 197 situation 183 hereafter destiny 152 futurity 121 hereby instrumentality 631 hereditaments property 780 hereditary effect 154 intrinsicality 5 heredity life 359 posterity 167 effect 154 heresy error 495 heterodoxy 984 heretic dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 incredulity 487 heretical error 495 heterodoxy 984 heretofore the past 122 time 106 hereunto time 106 hereupon time 106 herewith accompaniment 88 means 632 heritage futurity 121 possession 777 property 780 heritor possessor 779 hermaphrodite unconformity 83 hermaphrodite brig ship 273 hermeneutics interpretation 522 Hermes speech 582 hermetically sealed closure 261 hermit seclusion, exclusion 893 asceticism 955 hermitage seclusion, exclusion 893 abode 189 receptacle 191 hernia disease 655 hero courage 861 good man 948 repute 873 hero worship approbation 931 idolatry 991 Herod violence 173 heroic courage 861 disinterestedness 942 repute 873 heroic act courage 861 heroic deed courage 861 heroics boasting 884 heroin intemperance 954 heroine good man 948 heroism courage 861 disinterestedness 942 herpes disease 655 herpesvirus disease 655 herpetology zoology 368 herring gutted narrowness, thinness 203 hers.' woman 374 herself speciality 79 hesitancy irresolution 605 hesitate unbelief doubt 485 discontinuity 70 uncertainty 475 unwillingness 603 stammering 583 fear 860 irresolution 605 hesitating irresolution 605 hesitation fear 860 irresolution 605 stammering 583 uncertainty 475 unwillingness 603 Hesperian laterality 236 Hessian combatant 726 Hessian boot clothing 225 hest command 741 heterarchy government 737.a heteroclite unconformity 83 heterodox dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 heterodoxy heterodoxy 984 heterogamy production 161 heterogeneity irrelation 10 heterogeneous unconformity 83 difference 15 irrelation 10 mixture 41 multiformity 81 heterogenesis production 161 heterogenetic production 161 heteronomy government 737.a heteropathic remedy 662 heteropathy remedy 662 hetman master 745 hew disjunction 44 form 240 shortness 201 hew down depression 308 hexadecimal number number 84 hexaglot language 560 hexagon angularity 244 hexahedron angularity 244 hexameter poetry 597 hey! allocution 586 heyday amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 rejoicing 838 heyday of the blood affections 820 heyday of youth youth 127 heyday! wonder 870 heydey! inexpectation 508 hiation opening 260 hiatus absence 187 interval 198 hibernal cold 383 hibernate inactivity 683 hibernation inactivity 683 Hibernian inhabitant 188 Hibernicism neologism 563 Hibernicism! absurdity 497 hiccough wind 349 hiccup wind 349 hid from mortal vision concealment 528 hid under a bushel neglect 460 hidalgo nobility 875 hidden ambush 530 concealment 528 invisibility 447 unintelligibility 519 hidden meaning latency, implication 526 hide covering 223 concealment 528 hide and seek amusement 840 hide in holes and corners concealment 528 hide its diminished head inferiority 34 nonincrease, decrease 36 hide one's face humility 879 modesty 881 hide oneself concealment 528 hidebound obstinacy 606 parsimony 819 restraint 751 hideous ugliness 846 painfulness 830 hiding concealment 528 hiding place ambush 530 concealment 528 refuge 666 abode 189 hie motion 264 velocity 274 hie to journey 266 hierarch churchdom 995 clergy 996 hierarchical churchdom 995 hieroglyphic writing 590 letter 561 representation 554 hieroglyphical writing 590 Hierographa Judeo-christian revelation 985 Hieromancy prediction 511 hierophant clergy 996 Hieroscopy prediction 511 higgle barter 794 higgledy-piggledy disorder 59 higgler merchant 797 high pride 878 uncleanness 653 repute 873 height 206 fetor 401 disinterestedness 942 dearness 814 stridor 410 greatness 31 high- nobility 875 pungency 392 high and dry safety 664 stability 150 high and mighty pride 878 insolence 885 high art painting 556 high celebration rite 998 High Church heterodoxy 984 high color redness 434 high coloring exaggeration 549 High court of Appeal tribunal 966 High court of Judicature tribunal 966 high days and holidays amusement 840 high descent nobility 875 high Dutch unintelligibility 519 high explosive arms 727 high flowing ornament 577 high flown imagination 515 ornament 577 high glee cheerfulness 836 high holiday amusement 840 high in tone whiteness 430 high jinks amusement 840 high life fashion 852 nobility 875 high living intemperance 954 gluttony 957 high mass rite 998 high mightiness repute 873 high note melody concord 413 sibilation 409 stridor 410 high notions pride 878 high octane fuel 388 high octane gasoline fuel 388 high places summit 210 high pressure physical energy 171 excitation 824 high price dearness 814 high priced dearness 814 high priest clergy 996 high reaching height 206 high relief convexity 250 sculpture 557 high repute repute 873 high school school 542 high seas ocean 341 river 348 high specific impulse fuel 388 high spirits cheerfulness 836 high tide height 206 prosperity 734 completeness 52 river 348 high time expedience 646 lateness 133 occasion 134 high treason disobedience 742 improbity 940 high up height 206 high water completeness 52 height 206 water 337 high water mark measurement 466 high words resentment 900 discord 713 contention 720 highboy receptacle 191 high-colored color 428 higher superiority 33 higher grade school school 542 highest height 206 summit 210 highfalutin boasting 884 highfaluting boasting 884 high-fed intemperance 954 highflier madman 504 pride 878 high-flown pride 878 vanity 880 insolence 885 highflying inattention 458 sensibility 822 exaggeration 549 high-handed insolence 885 pride 878 highland land 342 highlands height 206 high-low clothing 225 highly respectable nobility 875 highly wrought completion 729 highly-wrought preparation 673 high-mettled excitability 825 pride 878 courage 861 high-minded pride 878 probity 939 disinterestedness 942 highness title 877 high-pitched stridor 410 high-plumed pride 878 high-principled probity 939 high-reaching desire 865 high-seasoned pungency 392 highsouled pride 878 high-sounding ostentation 882 loudness 404 ornament 577 high-sounding words ornament 577 high-spirited probity 939 courage 861 high-strung excitability 825 hight nomenclature 564 high-tasted pungency 392 high-toned pride 878 stridor 410 highway method 627 highway robbery stealing 791 highwayman thief 792 highways and byways method 627 high-wrought goodness 648 excitation 824 hiker traveler 268 hiking boots clothing 225 hilarious amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 hilarity cheerfulness 836 hill ascent 305 convexity 250 descent 306 obliquity 217 hill alto height 206 hillock height 206 hilly height 206 hilt instrument 633 him man 373 himself speciality 79 hind rear 235 commonality 876 hind quarters rear 235 hinder counteraction 179 defense 717 hindrance 706 opposition 708 rear 235 hindered hindrance 706 hinderer hindrance 706 hindering hindrance 706 hindermost rear 235 end 67 hindmost rear 235 hindrance opposition 708 prohibition 761 restraint 751 hindrance 706 Hinduism heterodoxy 984 Hindustani neologism 563 hinge cause 153 rotation 312 connection 45 junction 43 hinge upon effect 154 hinny unconformity 83 carrier 271 hint supposition 514 smallness 32 memory 505 indication 550 information 527 hinterland rear 235 hip laterality 236 newness 123 hip rafter support 215 hippie petitioner 767 Hippocrates remedy 662 hippocratic death 360 hippodrome drama 599 arena 728 Hippolytus purity 960 hippophage food 298 hippophagy food 298 hippopotamus size 192 hirdy-girdy inversion 218 hire borrowing 788 commission 755 price 812 reward 973 hire by the hour borrowing 788 hire by the mile borrowing 788 hire by the year borrowing 788 hired gun combatant 726 hireling servant 746 hirsute roughness 256 his man 373 his honor judge 967 title 877 his lordship judge 967 his worship judge 967 hispid roughness 256 hiss contempt 930 disapprobation 932 disrespect 929 sibilation 409 ululation 412 hissing disrespect 929 sibilation 409 disapprobation 932 hist! allocution 586 taciturnity 585 histology texture 329 historian description 594 recorder 553 historic description 594 historic Muse description 594 historical painter artist 559 historical painting painting 556 historiette description 594 historiographer recorder 553 historiography description 594 history description 594 record 551 histrionic drama 599 histrionic art drama 599 hit arrival 292 chance 156 disapprobation 932 impulse 276 success 731 hit hard impulse 276 ship 273 hit it discovery 480.a success 731 hit man combatant 726 hit off representation 554 hit on the raw resentment 900 hit one's fancy pleasurableness 829 hit the ceiling violence 173 hit the jackpot wealth 803 hit the mark success 731 hit the road journey 266 hit the roof violence 173 hit upon discovery 480.a plan 626 hitch pendency 214 agitation 315 difficulty 704 hindrance 706 junction 43 hither arrival 292 direction 278 hither and yon oscillation 314 hitherto the past 122 HIV disease 655 hive abode 189 husbandry 370 location 184 multitude 102 workshop 691 hive of industry workshop 691 hoar age 128 whiteness 430 hoar frost cold 383 hoard store 636 hoard treasure store 636 hoarse aphony 581 faintness 405 stridor 410 hoarse as a raven aphony 581 hoarseness faintness 405 hoary age 128 whiteness 430 hoary age age 128 hoax deception 545 hob furnace 386 support 215 hob and nob celebration 883 courtesy 894 hobble failure 732 restraint 751 slowness 275 unskillfulness 699 difficulty 704 hobbledehoy infant 129 hobby desire 865 misjudgment 481 pursuit 622 hobbyhorse vehicle 272 hobby-horse desire 865 hobglobin demon 980 hobgoblin fear 860 hobnail commonality 876 hobo petitioner 767 Hobson's choice absence of choice 609.a compulsion 744 necessity 601 hockey amusement 840 hocus deception 545 hocus-pocus deception 545 interchange 148 sorcery 992 unmeaningness 517 hod receptacle 191 vehicle 272 hoddy-doddy fool 501 hodgepodge disorder 59 hoe vehicle 272 agriculture 371 hoedown amusement 840 hog animal 366 gluttony 957 sensualist 954.a hog's back height 206 hogwash uncleanness 653 hohlraum darkness 421 hoist elevation 307 hoist a banner indication 550 hoist blue Peter departure 293 hoist on one's own petard failure 732 hoist the black flag warfare 722 hoity toity! defiance 715 hoity-toity! wonder 870 hold lowness 207 support 215 restraint 751 receptacle 191 quiescence 265 prison 752 preservation 670 permanence 141 inaction 681 authority 737 possession 777 ambush 530 eventuality 151 base 211 belief 484 cessation 142 coherence 46 composition 54 defense 717 hold a belief belief 484 hold a brief for deputy 759 hold a council advice 695 hold a course direction 278 pursuit 622 hold a high opinion of respect 928 hold a lease security 771 hold a loose rein laxity 738 hold a meeting assemblage 72 hold a place business 625 term 71 hold a portfolio business 625 hold a situation business 625 hold a tight hand severity 739 hold aloof absence 187 avoidance 623 incredulity 487 hold an argument reasoning 476 hold an office business 625 hold an opinion belief 484 hold as belief 484 hold at arm's length enmity 889 hold at bay defense 717 hold at the sword's point subjection 749 hold authority government 737.a hold back avoidance 623 dissuasion 616 hindrance 706 parsimony 819 restraint 751 retention 781 store 636 hold both one's sides amusement 840 hold cheap contempt 930 hold communication with friendship 888 hold conference conversation 588 hold converse conversation 588 hold council council 696 hold dear love 897 hold fast coherence 46 restraint 751 hold fast one's ground retention 781 hold fast one's own retention 781 hold firm resistance 719 hold forth dissertation 595 speech 582 teaching 537 hold from restraint 751 hold good truth 494 demonstration 478 permanence 141 hold hard! quiescence 265 hold in restraint 751 hold in abomination hate 898 hold in bondage subjection 749 hold in check restraint 751 hold in contempt contempt 930 hold in derision disrespect 929 hold in disrespect contempt 930 disrespect 929 hold in esteem approbation 931 hold in hand authority 737 hold in leading strings subjection 749 restraint 751 hold in leash restraint 751 hold in pledge security 771 hold in remembrance memory 505 hold in reverence respect 928 hold in solution liquefaction 335 hold in swaddling clothes subjection 749 hold in the memory memory 505 hold in the mind memory 505 hold in the thoughts memory 505 hold intercourse conversation 588 hold jubilee rejoicing 838 celebration 883 hold master authority 737 hold off avoidance 623 hold office authority 737 direction 693 hold on continuance in action 143 permanence 141 perseverance 604.a hold on a conversation conversation 588 hold on one's course progression 282 hold one's breath expectation 507 wonder 870 hold one's footing permanence 141 hold one's ground preservation 670 permanence 141 hold one's grounds resistance 719 hold one's hand cessation 142 relinquishment 624 hold one's head high pride 878 hold one's head up elevation 307 hold one's jaw taciturnity 585 hold one's own authority 737 defense 717 preservation 670 resistance 719 hold one's peace taciturnity 585 hold one's tongue taciturnity 585 concealment 528 silence 403 hold oneself elevation 307 hold oneself aloof seclusion, exclusion 893 hold oneself in readiness preparation 673 hold out affirmation 535 courage 861 offer 763 perseverance 604.a resistance 719 time 106 hold out a hand aid 707 hold out a helping hand aid 707 hold out allurement desire 865 hold out an expectation promise 768 hold out expectation prediction 511 hold out false colors falsehood 544 hold out hope hope 858 hold out temptation desire 865 hold out the alternative choice 609 hold out the hand courtesy 894 hold out the olive branch pacification 723 hold the breath quiescence 265 hold the portfolio direction 693 hold the reins direction 693 hold the scales judgment 480 hold the wolf by the ears difficulty 704 hold tight one's ground retention 781 hold tight one's own retention 781 hold to willingness 602 hold together cooperation 709 junction 43 hold true truth 494 hold up aid 707 approbation 931 continuance in action 143 dryness 340 ostentation 882 perseverance 604.a stealing 791 support 215 hold up one's hand choice 609 hold up one's head pride 878 courage 861 hold up the finger indication 550 hold up the hand indication 550 hold up the mirror manifestation 525 hold up to execration disapprobation 932 hold up to reprobation disapprobation 932 hold up to scorn contempt 930 hold up to shame disrepute 874 hold up to view manifestation 525 hold water demonstration 478 truth 494 hold within bounds restraint 751 hold! quiescence 265 satiety 869 cessation 142 prohibition 761 holder possessor 779 holdfast connection 45 holding possession 777 property 780 holdover lateness 133 holdup man thief 792 hole receptacle 191 place 182 opening 260 interval 198 abode 189 incompleteness 53 hole and corner concealment 528 hole in one's coat imperfection 651 hole-in-one success 731 holes and corners ambush 530 holf island 346 holiday amusement 840 celebration 883 leisure 685 repose 687 holiday making amusement 840 holiday task facility 705 holiness piety 987 deity 976 hollow concavity 252 unsubstantiality 4 stridor 410 resonance 408 intuition 477 incompleteness 53 depth 208 completeness 52 aphony 581 falsehood 544 hollow commendation courtesy 894 hollow mockery deception 545 hollow truce pacification 723 hollow-hearted falsehood 544 hollowness unsubstantiality 4 concavity 252 falsehood 544 holocaust killing 361 idolatry 991 holograph engraving 558 painting 556 writing 590 holt vegetable 367 holus-bolus haste 684 holy deity 976 piety 987 holy breathing worship 990 Holy cow! unconformity 83 wonder 870 Holy Grail rite 998 Holy Men of old Judeo-christian revelation 985 Holy of Holies temple 1000 holy orders churchdom 995 holy place temple 1000 Holy Scriptures Judeo-christian revelation 985 Holy shit! wonder 870 holy table temple 1000 Holy Thursday rite 998 holy water rite 998 Holy week rite 998 Holy Writ Judeo-christian revelation 985 holyday rite 998 worship 990 homage approbation 931 worship 990 submission 725 obedience 743 respect 928 home abode 189 arrival 292 focus 74 interiority 221 nearness 197 quiescence 265 refuge 666 sociality 892 home bred vulgarity 851 home felt feeling 821 home improvement center mart 799 home improvements store mart 799 home loan lending 787 home rule government 737.a home run success 731 home stroke agency 170 home sweet home abode 189 home thrust attack 716 disapprobation 932 homeless displacement 185 poverty 804 seclusion, exclusion 893 homeless person petitioner 767 poverty 804 homeliness vulgarity 851 simplicity 849 homely vulgarity 851 ugliness 846 commonality 876 plainness 576 simplicity 849 homeopathic remedy 662 smallness 32 homeopathy remedy 662 homer success 731 homesick regret 833 homesickness regret 833 homespun texture 329 vulgarity 851 simplicity 849 plainness 576 commonality 876 homestall abode 189 homestead abode 189 homeward bound arrival 292 homework teaching 537 homicidal killing 361 homicide killing 361 homiletical sociality 892 homily dissertation 595 rite 998 homocentric middle 68 homoeopathic littleness 193 homogeneity uniformity 16 simpleness 42 relation 9 homogeneous simpleness 42 uniformity 16 homogeneousness uniformity 16 homogenesis production 161 homogenize uniformity 16 homoiousia similarity 17 Homoiousian heterodoxy 984 similarity 17 homologate agreement 23 homologous uniformity 16 equality 27 homologue concord 714 homology uniformity 16 relation 9 homonym equivocalness 520 voice 580 homonymous equivocalness 520 homonymy equivocalness 520 homoousia: alter ego identity 13 Homoousian heterodoxy 984 identity 13 homophonous melody concord 413 homophony melody concord 413 homosexual sexuality 374.a man 373 homosexuality sexuality 374.a homunculus littleness 193 hone sharpness 253 honest artlessness 703 probity 939 purity 960 veracity 543 honest as daylight probity 939 honest man good man 948 honest meaning meaning 516 honest truth truth 494 veracity 543 honesty artlessness 703 veracity 543 probity 939 purity 960 honey favorite 899 sweetness 396 honeybee animal 366 honeycomb concavity 252 deterioration 659 opening 260 sponge 252.a honeycombed opening 260 sponge 252.a honeyed flattery 933 honeyed phrases courtesy 894 honeyed words flattery 933 motive 615 honeymoon endearment 902 marriage 903 pleasure 827 honey-mouthed courtesy 894 flattery 933 honeysuckle sweetness 396 honey-tongued courtesy 894 honi sot qui mal y pense vindication 937 honied sweetness 396 honk ululation 412 honor probity 939 title 877 right 922 respect 928 property 780 approbation 931 repute 873 honor a bill payment 807 honor be to? repute 873 honor bright probity 939 veracity 543 honor pricks me on respect 928 honorable observance 772 probity 939 repute 873 honorarium giving 784 reward 973 honorary cheapness 815 honored repute 873 honorific repute 873 hoo ululation 412 hood bad man 949 canonicals 999 clothing 225 evil 913 hooded covering 223 hoodlum bad man 949 blusterer 887 evil 913 hoodoo badness 649 sorcerer 994 sorcery 992 hoodwink blindness 442 concealment 528 deception 545 hoodwinked ignorance 491 hoof base 211 hoof it journey 266 hook taking 789 connection 45 curvature 245 junction 43 pendency 214 retention 781 hook and eye connection 45 hook and ladder insulation, fire extinction 388.a hook in deception 545 hook up pendency 214 hooked angularity 244 curvature 245 hooker ship 273 hooligan bad man 949 blusterer 887 evil 913 hoop circularity 247 cry 411 Hoosier misnomer 565 hoot contempt 930 ululation 412 disrespect 929 disapprobation 932 cry 411 deception 545 hop amusement 840 leap 309 hop garden agriculture 371 hop skip and jump agitation 315 amusement 840 haste 684 leap 309 hop the twig death 360 hope desire 865 hope 858 expectation 507 hope against hope hope 858 hopelessness 859 hope deferred dejection 837 hopelessness 859 hope for desire 865 expectation 507 hope 858 hope for the best hope 858 hopeful politics 737.b probability 472 hope 858 cheerfulness 836 infant 129 hopefully hope 858 hopefulness hope 858 hopeless hopelessness 859 hopelessness impossibility 471 hopelessness 859 hopes hope 858 hoping hope 858 Hop-o'-my-thumb littleness 193 hopper receptacle 191 hopple restraint 751 hopples prison 752 hopscotch amusement 840 horary period 108 horde party 712 commonality 876 assemblage 72 horehound fragrance 400 horizon destiny 152 distance 196 expectation 507 vision 441 horizontal horizontality 213 horizontality horizontality 213 horizontally horizontality 213 horn rotundity 249 sharpness 253 receptacle 191 musical instruments 417 support 215 horn book school 542 horn of Amalthaea sufficiency 639 horn of plenty sufficiency 639 horn work defense 717 hornet evil 913 hornet's nest difficulty 704 painfulness 830 pitfall 667 hornmad jealousy 920 hornpipe amusement 840 horns sexuality 374.a horns of a dilemma difficulty 704 reasoning 476 hornswoggle deception 545 horny hardness 323 sexuality 374.a horologe chronometry 114 horology chronometry 114 horometry chronometry 114 horoscope prediction 511 horoscopy prediction 511 horrible fear 860 painfulness 830 ugliness 846 badness 649 horribly greatness 31 horrid vulgarity 851 ugliness 846 painfulness 830 badness 649 fear 860 horrific fear 860 painfulness 830 horrified pain 828 horrify fear 860 hate 898 painfulness 830 horrifying painfulness 830 horripilate cold 383 horripilation cold 383 horrisonous stridor 410 horror dislike 867 fear 860 horrors dejection 837 horror-stricken fear 860 pain 828 horror-struck fear 860 hors de combat disease 655 horse support 215 animal 366 carrier 271 combatant 726 man 373 pendency 214 horse and foot combatant 726 horse artillery combatant 726 horse box vehicle 272 horse cloth clothing 225 horse coper deceiver 548 horse doctor husbandry 370 Horse Guards combatant 726 horse laugh amusement 840 horse leech husbandry 370 horse marine bungler 701 horse opera drama 599 horse power measurement 466 horse racing contention 720 amusement 840 horse road method 627 horse soldier combatant 726 horseman traveler 268 horsemanship journey 266 skill 698 horseplay ridicule 856 horseshoe curvature 245 horseshoes amusement 840 horsewhip punishment 972 hortative advice 695 motive 615 hortatory motive 615 horticultural agriculture 371 horticulture agriculture 371 horticulturist agriculture 371 hosanna worship 990 hosanna! worship 990 hosannah approbation 931 hose clothing 225 conduit 350 hosier clothing 225 hosiery clothing 225 hospice abode 189 remedy 662 hospitable liberality 816 sociality 892 hospital remedy 662 Hospitaler clergy 996 hospitality sociality 892 liberality 816 hospodar master 745 host assemblage 72 combatant 726 friend 890 multitude 102 rite 998 host in himself influence 175 host of heaven angel 977 hostage prisoner 754 security 771 hostel abode 189 hostelry abode 189 hostile disagreement 24 enmity 889 opposition 708 contrariety 14 hostile meeting contention 720 hostile witness evidence 467 hostilities warfare 722 hostility enmity 889 hostler servant 746 hot redness 434 violence 173 pungency 392 sexuality 374.a irascibility 901 heat 382 excitation 824 orange 439 hot air boasting 884 hot air balloon levity 320 hot as fire heat 382 hot as pepper heat 382 pungency 392 hot blood irascibility 901 resentment 900 hot dogs refreshment 689 hot enough to boil an egg heat 382 hot enough to roast an ox heat 382 hot house agriculture 371 hot rod vehicle 272 hot water difficulty 704 painfulness 830 hot water heat furnace 386 hotbed cause 153 centrality 222 workshop 691 hot-blooded rashness 863 sexuality 374.a hotbrained rashness 863 hotchpot mixture 41 participation 778 hotch-pot disorder 59 hotch-potch disorder 59 hotel abode 189 Hotel des Invalides remedy 662 hotel keeper inhabitant 188 hotel runner petitioner 767 hotheaded haste 684 rashness 863 hot-headed excitability 825 hothouse furnace 386 workshop 691 hot-press smoothness 255 hots sexuality 374.a Hotspur rashness 863 Hottentot commonality 876 hough deterioration 659 hound animal 366 pursuit 622 odor 398 malevolence 907 motive 615 hound! bad man 949 hour instantaneity 113 period 108 the present time 118 hour after hour diuturnity 110 hourglass chronometry 114 contraction 195 narrowness, thinness 203 Houri beauty 845 hourly time 106 regularity of recurrence 138 period 108 frequency 136 house abode 189 continuity 69 council 696 drama 599 location 184 party 712 paternity 166 safety 664 house dog animal 366 house maid servant 746 house of cards brittleness 328 weakness 160 House of Commons tribunal 966 house of correction prison 752 scourge 975 house of death interment 363 house of detention prison 752 house of glass brittleness 328 house of God temple 1000 house of ill fame impurity 961 house of lords nobility 875 tribunal 966 house of peers nobility 875 house of prayer temple 1000 house of representatives government 737.a council 696 house phone hearing 418 house raising sociality 892 house room space 180 house top summit 210 housebreaker thief 792 housebreaking stealing 791 housedog warning 668 household abode 189 habit 613 inhabitant 188 simplicity 849 household gods abode 189 household stuff pabulum materials 635 household troops combatant 726 household words language 560 plainness 576 householder inhabitant 188 housekeeper director 694 housekeeping conduct 692 houseless displacement 185 housewarming sociality 892 housewife activity 682 receptacle 191 housewifery conduct 692 housing covering 223 clothing 225 abode 189 hovel abode 189 hover ascent 305 height 206 irresolution 605 journey 266 navigation 267 hover about motion 264 hover over height 206 nearness 197 hover round motion 264 hovercraft ship 273 how method 627 means 632 how comes it? inquiry 461 how happens it? inquiry 461 how is it attribution 155 how is it? inquiry 461 how now! wonder 870 how the land lies circumstance 8 how to creep out of pretext 617 how we apples swim! vanity 880 howbeit compensation 30 however compensation 30 degree 26 unconformity 83 however that may be compensation 30 howitzer arms 727 howker ship 273 howl cry 411 lamentation 839 ululation 412 howling wilderness seclusion, exclusion 893 unproductiveness 169 howsoever degree 26 hoy ship 273 hoyden infant 129 vulgarity 851 hub circularity 247 convexity 250 rotation 312 hub of rotation rotation 312 hubble convexity 250 Hubble constant expansion 194 hubbub agitation 315 cry 411 discord 713 disorder 59 loudness 404 huckster barter 794 merchant 797 huddle nearness 197 assemblage 72 council 696 derangement 61 disorder 59 huddle on clothing 225 Hudibrastic ridicule 856 Hudibrastic verse poetry 597 hue color 428 hue and cry alarm 669 cry 411 disapprobation 932 publication 531 pursuit 622 hueless achromatism 429 huff irascibility 901 resentment 900 sullenness 901.a huff. insolence 885 huffy irascibility 901 hug courtesy 894 endearment 902 love 897 nearness 197 retention 781 coherence 46 hug a belief obstinacy 606 hug a fault vice 945 hug a sin vice 945 hug oneself rejoicing 838 content 831 pleasure 827 pride 878 hug the land navigation 267 approach 286 hug the shore approach 286 navigation 267 huge greatness 31 size 192 hugeness size 192 hugger mugger concealment 528 Huggies clothing 225 Huguenot heterodoxy 984 huk combatant 726 hukbalahap combatant 726 huke clothing 225 hukm permission 760 command 741 hulk ship 273 whole 50 hulking size 192 ugliness 846 hulks prison 752 hulky inexpedience 647 size 192 ugliness 846 hull whole 50 hullabaloo amusement 840 cry 411 loudness 404 hum roll 407 untruth 546 ululation 412 faintness 405 deception 545 musician 416 hum and haw irresolution 605 stammering 583 human animality 364 mankind 372 human being mankind 372 Human face divine front 234 human kind mankind 372 human nature mankind 372 human race mankind 372 human sacrifices idolatry 991 human species mankind 372 human system animality 364 humane benevolence 906 philanthropy 910 pity 914 humane destruction husbandry 370 humanitarian mankind 372 philanthropy 910 pity 914 humanities language 560 humanity philanthropy 910 pity 914 benevolence 906 mankind 372 humanize courtesy 894 humble humility 879 modesty 881 piety 987 submission 725 humble minded humility 879 humble oneself humility 879 penitence 950 worship 990 humbled humility 879 humbled in the dust humility 879 humbleness humility 879 humbler classes commonality 876 humbler orders commonality 876 humbly modesty 881 humbug deceiver 548 deception 545 falsehood 544 unmeaningness 517 humbug! unimportance 643 humdrum dullness 843 weariness 841 humect moisture 339 humectate moisture 339 humectation water 337 moisture 339 humid moisture 339 humidity moisture 339 humiliate humility 879 humiliating disrepute 874 humiliation disrepute 874 humility 879 worship 990 humility servility 886 humility 879 modesty 881 piety 987 hummer activity 682 humming top musical instruments 417 hummingbird roll 407 hummock convexity 250 height 206 hummocky convexity 250 humongous size 192 humor intrinsicality 5 wit 842 willingness 602 tendency 176 pleasurableness 829 permission 760 flattery 933 facility 705 caprice 608 aid 707 affections 820 fluidity 333 humorist humorist 844 humorous wit 842 humorsome caprice 608 sullenness 901.a hump convexity 250 hump backed distortion 243 humph! wonder 870 Hun evil 913 hunch convexity 250 intuition 477 hunch backed distortion 243 hundi money 800 hundred five, &c 98 government 737.a hundred-dollar bill money 800 hundredth five, &c 98 quinquesection, &c 99 hundredweight five, &c 98 gravity 319 hunger desire 865 hunger after desire 865 hungry fasting 956 desire 865 hungry as a bear desire 865 hungry as a church mouse desire 865 hungry as a hawk desire 865 hungry as a horse desire 865 hungry as a hunter desire 865 hungry as the grave desire 865 hunk beauty 845 sexuality 374.a hunks parsimony 819 hunt inquiry 461 killing 361 pursuit 622 hunt after pursuit 622 hunt down inquiry 461 malevolence 907 hunt in couples cooperation 709 hunt out answer 462 discovery 480.a inquiry 461 hunt the slopper amusement 840 hunter carrier 271 killing 361 pursuit 622 hunting killing 361 pursuit 622 hunting ground amusement 840 huntsman killing 361 pursuit 622 hurdle vehicle 272 hurdy-gurdy musical instruments 417 hurl propulsion 284 hurl against attack 716 hurl at attack 716 hurl at the head of attack 716 hurl defiance at defiance 715 Hurlothrumbo fear 860 hurly-burly agitation 315 hurrah rejoicing 838 hurrah! cheerfulness 836 rejoicing 838 hurricane river 348 wind 349 hurricane deck summit 210 hurried excitability 825 haste 684 hurry haste 684 velocity 274 excitability 825 hurry of spirits feeling 821 hurry off with taking 789 hurry on excitation 824 haste 684 motive 615 hurry-skurry excitability 825 haste 684 hurst vegetable 367 hurt deterioration 659 physical pain 378 resentment 900 badness 649 painfulness 830 malevolence 907 hurt the feelings painfulness 830 resentment 900 hurt. evil 619 hurtful painfulness 830 badness 649 hurtfulness badness 649 bane 663 hurting painfulness 830 hurtle impulse 276 hurtless goodness 648 husband preservation 670 director 694 retention 781 store 636 marriage 903 economy 817 man 373 husband one's resources caution 864 store 636 husbandman agriculture 371 husbandry agriculture 371 conduct 692 economy 817 husbandry 370 hush silence 403 quiescence 265 moderation 174 taciturnity 585 hush money compensation 30 reward 973 hush up concealment 528 pacification 723 taciturnity 585 hush! silence 403 taciturnity 585 hushed silence 403 husk covering 223 husking sociality 892 husky dryness 340 faintness 405 aphony 581 hussar combatant 726 hussif receptacle 191 hussy libertine 962 hustings arena 728 school 542 tribunal 966 hustle activity 682 agitation 315 amusement 840 derangement 61 hindrance 706 impulse 276 hustler activity 682 sexuality 374.a hut abode 189 hutch abode 189 Huzza! rejoicing 838 hyacinth jewelry 847.a hyaline transparency 425 hyaloid transparency 425 hybrid mixture 41 unconformity 83 hydra productiveness 168 unconformity 83 hydrant river 348 hydrate of amyl oil 356 hydraulic power power 157 hydraulicostatics river 348 hydraulics river 348 hydrocephalus expansion 194 hydrocyanic acid bane 663 hydrodynamics fluidity 333 river 348 hydroelectric power power 157 hydrogen fuel 388 hydrogen balloon levity 320 hydrogen cyanide bane 663 hydrographer ocean 341 hydrographic ocean 341 hydrography ocean 341 hydrology fluidity 333 Hydromancy prediction 511 hydromel sweetness 396 hydrometer density 321 hydropathic remedy 662 hydropathy remedy 662 hydrophobia dislike 867 hydrophthalmus expansion 194 hydroplane ship 273 hydropot! sobriety 958 temperance 953 hydrostatics fluidity 333 hydrous water 337 hyemal cold 383 hyena evil 913 hyetography river 348 hyetology river 348 Hygeia health 654 hygeian salubrity 656 hygiantics preservation 670 hygiastics preservation 670 hygiene salubrity 656 hygienic preservation 670 salubrity 656 hygre river 348 hygrometer moisture 339 hygrometry moisture 339 hyle materiality 316 Hylotheism heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 Hymen marriage 903 hymeneal marriage 903 hymeneal altar marriage 903 hymn music 415 worship 990 hypallage inversion 218 hype publication 531 hyped up insanity 503 hyperbaton inversion 218 hyperbola curvature 245 hyperbole exaggeration 549 metaphor 521 hyperbolical exaggeration 549 hyperbolically exaggeration 549 hyperbolize exaggeration 549 hyperboreal cold 383 hyperborean cold 383 distance 196 hypercritical disapprobation 932 discontent 832 fastidiousness 868 hypercriticism disapprobation 932 discontent 832 fastidiousness 868 misjudgment 481 hyperdimensional surface rotundity 249 hyperdulia worship 990 hyperinflation money 800 Hyperion beauty 845 Hyperion to a satyr contrariety 14 hypermodern newness 123 hyperorthodoxy credulity 486 heterodoxy 984 orthodoxy 983.a hyperphysical deity 976 intellect 450 hyperspace space 180 hypersphere rotundity 249 hypertrophied expansion 194 hypertrophy expansion 194 hypervolume space 180 hyphen connection 45 indication 550 hypnology inactivity 683 hypnotic inactivity 683 moderation 174 remedy 662 hypnotism inactivity 683 hypnotized attention 457 hypocaust furnace 386 hypochondriac dejection 837 madman 504 hypochondriacal dejection 837 hypochondriasis insanity 503 dejection 837 hypocrisy impiety 988 falsehood 544 hypocrite deceiver 548 impiety 988 hypocritical falsehood 544 impiety 988 hypodermic needle sharpness 253 hypostasis substantiality 3 hypostatic substantiality 3 hypothecate security 771 hypothecation security 771 hypothesis supposition 514 hypothetical supposition 514 uncertainty 475 qualification 469 hypped insanity 503 dejection 837 hyppish insanity 503 hypsometry measurement 466 Hyrcynian wood secret 533 hysteria insanity 503 hysteric violence 173 hysterical caprice 608 excitability 825 excitation 824 feeling 821 hysterics violence 173 excitability 825 I I speciality 79 immateriality 317 I am sure belief 484 I assure you affirmation 535 I could care less indifference 866 I could hardly believe it unconformity 83 I couldn't care less indifference 866 I dare say belief 484 probability 472 I doubt not belief 484 i' faith affirmation 535 I have no doubt belief 484 I know better negation 536 I must say affirmation 535 I myself speciality 79 I O U money 800 I pause for a reply cessation 142 I pray thee request 765 I saw it unconformity 83 I stand corrected correction 527.a i.e. speciality 79 I.O.U. security 771 iambic poetry 597 Icarus mariner 269 rashness 863 iccusion killing 361 ice refrigeration 385 refrigerator 387 smoothness 255 cold 383 ice bound restraint 751 ice box refrigeration 385 ice canoe ship 273 ice cream food 298 sweetness 396 ice cubes refrigerator 387 ice hockey amusement 840 ice water food 298 ice water in one's veins inexcitability 826 ice wool clothing 225 ice yacht ship 273 icebag refrigerator 387 iceberg cold 383 iceboat ship 273 icebound cold 383 icebox refrigerator 387 icefloe cold 383 icehouse refrigerator 387 icepail refrigerator 387 Ichabod disrepute 874 ichnography representation 554 ichor fluidity 333 ichorous fluidity 333 ichthy zoology 368 ichthycolla semiliquidity 352 ichthyivorous food 298 ichthyocol semiliquidity 352 ichthyology zoology 368 Ichthyomancy prediction 511 ichthyophagy food 298 ichthyotomy zoology 368 icicle cold 383 icon representation 554 iconic representation 554 iconoclasm heterodoxy 984 orthodoxy 983.a iconoclast destroyer 165 heterodoxy 984 iconoclast! evil 913 iconoclastic heterodoxy 984 iconography representation 554 icosahedron angularity 244 icterus yellowness 436 ictus poetry 597 icy cold 383 id est interpretation 522 speciality 79 I'd have you to know affirmation 535 attention 457 id_ee fixe misjudgment 481 idas wealth 803 idea supposition 514 idea 453 smallness 32 idea afloat news 532 ideal error 495 imagination 515 inexistence 2 prototype 22 completeness 52 idealism imagination 515 intellect 450 idealist imagination 515 ideality imagination 515 intellect 450 idealize imagination 515 identical identity 13 identically identity 13 identification identity 13 comparison 464 identification 465.b identify comparison 464 discovery 480.a discrimination 465 identification 465.b identity 13 identity equality 27 identity 13 ideogram letter 561 ideograph letter 561 representation 554 ideology intellect 450 politics 737.b ideophone sound 402 word 562 Ides of March necessity 601 idiocrasy intrinsicality 5 speciality 79 tendency 176 idiocy disease 655 imbecility folly 499 idiom phrase 566 neologism 563 idiomatic phrase 566 speciality 79 idiosyncrasy affections 820 unconformity 83 tendency 176 intrinsicality 5 speciality 79 idiot absence of Intellect 450.a fool 501 ignoramus 493 madman 504 idiotic absence of Intellect 450.a imbecility folly 499 idiotism imbecility folly 499 phrase 566 idiotypical speciality 79 idle imbecility folly 499 unimportance 643 inactivity 683 idle away time inactivity 683 idle conceit wit 842 idle hours inaction 681 idle talk conversation 588 idleness inactivity 683 idler inactivity 683 idol desire 865 drama 599 favorite 899 idolatry 991 love 897 idol of the people favorite 899 idolator heterodoxy 984 idolatrous idolatry 991 heterodoxy 984 idolatry heterodoxy 984 idolatry 991 love 897 idolism idolatry 991 idolize impiety 988 love 897 idoloclast destroyer 165 idol-worship idolatry 991 idoneous agreement 23 idyl poetry 597 if circumstance 8 supposition 514 qualification 469 if it be so circumstance 8 if it so happen circumstance 8 if it so turn out circumstance 8 if need be necessity 601 if not sooner earliness 132 if one doesn't count nonaddition, subtraction 38 if one may be so bold essay 675 if possible possibility 470 qualification 469 if so circumstance 8 if so be supposition 514 circumstance 8 if the shoe fits agreement 23 if you please obedience 743 request 765 consent 762 igloo abode 189 iglu abode 189 igneous heat 382 ignis fatuus deception 545 dimsightedness 443 unsubstantiality 4 ignite calefaction 384 ignition calefaction 384 ignoble commonality 876 ignominious disrepute 874 improbity 940 ignominy disrepute 874 ignoramus ignoramus 493 ignorance ignorance 491 misjudgment 481 ignorant ignoramus 493 ignorance 491 uncertainty 475 ignorantly ignorance 491 ignore negation 536 neglect 460 incredulity 487 concealment 528 abrogation 756 nonobservance 773 ignorance 491 ignore the law illegality 964 il a le mer +a boire impossibility 471 il y a fagots et fagots discrimination 465 difference 15 ilk identity 13 ill disease 655 evil 619 badness 649 I'll answer for it affirmation 535 ill at ease dejection 837 pain 828 I'll be bound affirmation 535 I'll be hanged if dissent 489 ill betide malediction 908 ill blood hate 898 malevolence 907 resentment 900 ill bred vulgarity 851 ill breeding discourtesy 895 I'll engage affirmation 535 ill favor disrepute 874 ill humor irascibility 901 resentment 900 sullenness 901.a ill luck adversity 735 ill mannered vulgarity 851 ill manners discourtesy 895 ill name disrepute 874 ill nature malevolence 907 ill odor disrepute 874 ill of disease 655 ill off adversity 735 poverty 804 ill proportioned distortion 243 ill repute disrepute 874 I'll take my oath affirmation 535 ill temper resentment 900 sullenness 901.a ill treat severity 739 ill turn evil 619 resentment 900 malevolence 907 ill usage malevolence 907 I'll venture to say affirmation 535 I'll warrant affirmation 535 I'll warrant you affirmation 535 belief 484 ill will malevolence 907 ill wind adversity 735 badness 649 hindrance 706 ill-advised unskillfulness 699 imbecility folly 499 inexpedience 647 ill-affected sullenness 901.a illapse ingress 294 conversion 144 illaqueate deception 545 ill-assorted disagreement 24 ill-assorted marriage marriage 903 illation judgment 480 illaudable guilt 947 ill-behaved discourtesy 895 ill-boding omen 512 ill-bred discourtesy 895 ill-breeding vulgarity 851 ill-conditioned difficulty 704 vice 945 badness 649 malevolence 907 discourtesy 895 ill-conducted unskillfulness 699 illcontrived badness 649 ill-contrived inexpedience 647 malevolence 907 unskillfulness 699 ill-defined invisibility 447 ill-devised imbecility folly 499 unskillfulness 699 ill-digested nonpreparation 674 ill-disposed malevolence 907 sullenness 901.a illegal prohibition 761 wrong 923 illegality 964 illegality illegality 964 undueness 925 illegally illegality 964 illegible unintelligibility 519 illegible hand writing 590 illegitimacy illegality 964 undueness 925 illegitimate undueness 925 deception 545 illegality 964 ill-fated untimeliness 135 adversity 735 ill-favored ugliness 846 ill-flavored unsavoriness 395 ill-formed letters writing 590 ill-furnished insufficiency 640 ill-humored sullenness 901.a illiberal misjudgment 481 parsimony 819 selfishness 943 illiberality selfishness 943 discourtesy 895 parsimony 819 illicit illegality 964 undueness 925 illicitness illegality 964 ill-imagined imbecility folly 499 unskillfulness 699 illimitable infinity 105 illimited infinity 105 ill-intentioned malevolence 907 illiterate ignorance 491 ill-judged imbecility folly 499 unskillfulness 699 ill-judging misjudgment 481 ill-looking ugliness 846 ill-made distortion 243 ugliness 846 ill-mannered discourtesy 895 ill-marked invisibility 447 ill-natured malevolence 907 illness disease 655 ill-off insufficiency 640 illogical error 495 intuition 477 illogically intuition 477 illomened danger 665 ill-omened untimeliness 135 adversity 735 hopelessness 859 ill-proportioned ugliness 846 ill-provided insufficiency 640 ill-qualified unskillfulness 699 ill-requited ingratitude 917 ill-shaped ugliness 846 ill-sorted disagreement 24 ill-spent inutility 645 ill-starred adversity 735 untimeliness 135 ill-stored insufficiency 640 ill-tempered irascibility 901 sullenness 901.a illtimed disagreement 24 ill-timed untimeliness 135 illtreat malevolence 907 ill-treat badness 649 ill-treatment badness 649 illume light 420 illuminate color 428 light 420 luminary 423 ornament 847 illuminati scholar 492 illumination engraving 558 light 420 ornament 847 illuminations celebration 883 illuminator optical instruments 445 illumine light 420 ill-use malevolence 907 badness 649 ill-used pain 828 illusion deception 545 dimsightedness 443 error 495 imagination 515 illusive deception 545 error 495 intuition 477 illusory intuition 477 unsubstantiality 4 untruth 546 deception 545 error 495 imagination 515 illustrate conformity 82 interpretation 522 ornament 847 representation 554 illustration conformity 82 engraving 558 interpretation 522 ornament 847 representation 554 illustrative intelligibility 518 representation 554 conformity 82 illustrious repute 873 illustriousness repute 873 illwill envy 921 I'm sorry regret 833 image appearance 448 copy 21 idea 453 metaphor 521 representation 554 similarity 17 image file representation 554 image in the mind idea 453 imagery imagination 515 metaphor 521 representation 554 imaginary imagination 515 number 84 imagination imagination 515 imaginative imagination 515 imagine supposition 514 imagination 515 imagined imagination 515 imagining imagination 515 imam clergy 996 imaum clergy 996 master 745 imbecile absence of Intellect 450.a insanity 503 impotence 158 imbecility folly 499 fool 501 ignoramus 493 imbecility absence of Intellect 450.a absurdity 497 imbecility folly 499 impotence 158 imbed insertion 300 interiority 221 location 184 support 215 imbedded location 184 circumscription 229 imbibation reception 296 imbibe reception 296 imbibe a belief belief 484 imbibe an opinion belief 484 imbibe knowledge learning 539 imbrangle derangement 61 imbricated covering 223 imbroglio difficulty 704 discord 713 disorder 59 imbrue insertion 300 moisture 339 imbrue the hands in blood warfare 722 imbrue the soul excitation 824 imbue teaching 537 moisture 339 mixture 41 color 428 insertion 300 imbued inoculated combination 48 imbued with affections 820 belief 484 feeling 821 habit 613 imburse wealth 803 imitable imitation 19 imitate imitation 19 similarity 17 borrowing 788 imitated imitation 19 imitation copy 21 imitation 19 representation 554 imitative copy 21 imitation 19 representation 554 imitator imitation 19 immaculate cleanness 652 innocence 946 perfection 650 immanent intrinsicality 5 immanity malevolence 907 Immanuel deity 976 immaterial intellect 450 unimportance 643 unsubstantiality 4 immateriality 317 immaterialism immateriality 317 immateriality immateriality 317 intellect 450 unimportance 643 immaterialness immateriality 317 immateriate immateriality 317 immature newness 123 nonpreparation 674 immaturity nonpreparation 674 newness 123 incompleteness 53 imperfection 651 immeasurable size 192 infinity 105 immeasurably greatness 31 immediacy instantaneity 113 immediate continuity 69 earliness 132 instantaneity 113 immediately earliness 132 haste 684 instantaneity 113 immediateness punctuality 132.a immedicable hopelessness 859 immelodious discord 414 immemorial oldness 124 immemorial usage habit 613 oldness 124 immense greatness 31 infinity 105 size 192 immensity greatness 31 size 192 immerge insertion 300 water 337 immerse water 337 insertion 300 plunge 310 immersed in circumscription 229 immersion insertion 300 water 337 immesh deception 545 immethodical disorder 59 irregularity of recurrence 139 immigrant extraneousness 57 ingress 294 immigration ingress 294 journey 266 imminent approach 286 destiny 152 immiscibility incoherence 47 immiscible incoherence 47 immission reception 296 immitigable revenge 919 violence 173 hopelessness 859 immix mixture 41 immobility quiescence 265 stability 150 immoderately greatness 31 immodest impurity 961 immodesty impurity 961 immolate giving 784 killing 361 immolation killing 361 idolatry 991 giving 784 immoral wrong 923 vice 945 immorality vice 945 immortal celebration 883 perpetuity 112 repute 873 immortal name repute 873 immortality perpetuity 112 repute 873 immortalize repute 873 immotile quiescence 265 immovability obstinacy 606 immovable obstinacy 606 quiescence 265 stability 150 immundicity uncleanness 653 immundity uncleanness 653 immune exemption 927.a immune from exemption 777.a immunity acquittal 970 dueness 924 exemption 777.a exemption 927.a freedom 748 immunization remedy 662 immunizing remedy 662 immure restraint 751 immutability stability 150 deity 976 immutable stability 150 imp demon 980 impact impulse 276 insertion 300 junction 43 impair deterioration 659 impairment deterioration 659 impale opening 260 punishment 972 impalement punishment 972 impalpable numbness 381 pulverulence 330 littleness 193 impanation rite 998 imparadise pleasurableness 829 imparity inequality 28 impart giving 784 information 527 impart to information 527 impartial intelligence, wisdom 498 probity 939 impartial belief belief 484 impartial opinion belief 484 impartiality probity 939 right 922 impassable closure 261 impossibility 471 impassibility inexcitability 826 insensibility 823 impassible insensibility 823 impassibleness insensibility 823 impassion excitation 824 impassionable sensibility 822 impassioned excitability 825 vigor 574 impassive incuriosity 456 insensibility 823 impatience excitability 825 impatient excitability 825 desire 865 impatient of control disobedience 742 impawn security 771 impeach accusation 938 disapprobation 932 lawsuit 969 impeachment accusation 938 lawsuit 969 impeccability innocence 946 perfection 650 impeccable perfection 650 impeccancy perfection 650 impecuniosity poverty 804 impecunious poverty 804 impede hindrance 706 impedient inexpedience 647 hindrance 706 impediment hindrance 706 impedimenta hindrance 706 property 780 impedimentary hindrance 706 impedite hindrance 706 impedition hindrance 706 impeditive hindrance 706 impel impulse 276 motion 264 motive 615 propulsion 284 impelled impulse 276 impellent impulse 276 impelling impulse 276 impend destiny 152 futurity 121 height 206 impending approach 286 destiny 152 expectation 507 impenetrability density 321 impenetrable unintelligibility 519 closure 261 density 321 latency, implication 526 safety 664 impenitence impenitence 951 impenitent impenitence 951 imperative duty 926 government 737.a requirement 630 severity 739 imperative duty duty 926 imperceptibility invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 imperceptible invisibility 447 littleness 193 slowness 275 imperceptibly smallness 32 impercipient physical insensibility 376 imperdible safety 664 imperfect deterioration 659 imperfection 651 incompleteness 53 insufficiency 640 vice 945 blemish 848 imperfection imperfection 651 incompleteness 53 inferiority 34 insufficiency 640 shortcoming 304 vice 945 imperfectly smallness 32 imperfectness imperfection 651 imperforate closure 261 imperforation closure 261 imperial government 737.a receptacle 191 roughness 256 imperiatorial government 737.a imperil danger 665 imperious government 737.a insolence 885 pride 878 imperious necessity necessity 601 imperishable repute 873 stability 150 perpetuity 112 impermanence transientness 111 impermanent transientness 111 impermeability closure 261 density 321 impermeable closure 261 density 321 impermissible prohibition 761 impersonal generality 78 materiality 316 impersonate imitation 19 representation 554 impersonation representation 554 drama 599 imitation 19 imperspicuity unintelligibility 519 impertinence irrelation 10 insolence 885 impertinent insolence 885 irrelation 10 imperturbability inexcitability 826 imperturbable inexcitability 826 insensibility 823 imperturbation inexcitability 826 insensibility 823 impervious insensibility 823 obstinacy 606 impossibility 471 closure 261 impervious to light opacity 426 impervious to reason obstinacy 606 imperviousness closure 261 impetiginous uncleanness 653 impetrate request 765 impetration request 765 impetuosity desire 865 excitability 825 haste 684 rashness 863 violence 173 impetuous haste 684 violence 173 feeling 821 excitability 825 impetus impulse 276 impiety impiety 988 impignorate security 771 impinge impulse 276 impious impiety 988 impish demon 980 implacability hate 898 revenge 919 implacable hate 898 revenge 919 implant insertion 300 teaching 537 implantation insertion 300 implanted extrinsicality 6 intrinsicality 5 implanted by nature affections 820 implead lawsuit 969 implement instrument 633 impletion completeness 52 implex mixture 41 implicate accusation 938 composition 54 implicated relation 9 implication complexity 59.a latency, implication 526 meaning 516 implicit latency, implication 526 implicit belief belief 484 implicit confidence in belief 484 implicit opinion belief 484 implied latency, implication 526 meaning 516 imploration request 765 implore request 765 implore pardon forgiveness 918 implosion snap 406 imply evidence 467 latency, implication 526 meaning 516 probability 472 impolicy unskillfulness 699 impolite discourtesy 895 impolitic discourtesy 895 imponderability levity 320 imponderable levity 320 imponderous levity 320 imporosity density 321 imporous closure 261 density 321 import transference 270 importance 642 ingress 294 insertion 300 interposition 228 meaning 516 reception 296 importance repute 873 precedence 62 greatness 31 importance 642 influence 175 important greatness 31 importance 642 influence 175 important part importance 642 intrinsicality 5 importation insertion 300 reception 296 transference 270 importunate request 765 painfulness 830 importune painfulness 830 request 765 importunity request 765 impose command 741 respect 928 impose a duty duty 926 impose a task command 741 impose upon credulity 486 deception 545 wrong 923 imposing repute 873 excitation 824 importance 642 imposition undueness 925 deception 545 command 741 imposition of hands rite 998 impossibility impossibility 471 impossible impossibility 471 number 84 refusal 764 unbelief doubt 485 impost price 812 imposter deceiver 548 imposthume disease 655 imposture deception 545 impotence absence of influence 175.a weakness 160 impotence 158 unproductiveness 169 impotent impotence 158 weakness 160 impound restraint 751 impoverish insufficiency 640 poverty 804 taking 789 waste 638 weakness 160 impracticability difficulty 704 impracticable obstinacy 606 misjudgment 481 hopelessness 859 difficulty 704 imprecate request 765 malediction 908 imprecation malediction 908 request 765 impregnability safety 664 impregnable safety 664 strength 159 impregnate teaching 537 combination 48 insertion 300 production 161 productiveness 168 impregnate with mixture 41 redundancy 641 impregnated with combination 48 impregnation combination 48 mixture 41 production 161 impresario drama 599 imprescriptible dueness 924 impress excitation 824 feeling 821 indication 550 physical sensibility 375 impress in the memory memory 505 impress one's mind memory 505 impress one's thoughts memory 505 impress upon the memory teaching 537 impress upon the mind teaching 537 impressed with belief 484 feeling 821 impressibility motive 615 physical sensibility 375 sensibility 822 impressible sensibility 822 impression knowledge 490 supposition 514 physical sensibility 375 indication 550 feeling 821 engraving 558 belief 484 idea 453 printing 591 impressionable sensibility 822 impressive excitation 824 vigor 574 physical sensibility 375 feeling 821 belief 484 importance 642 impressiveness excitation 824 imprint indication 550 publication 531 imprint in the memory memory 505 imprison restraint 751 circumscription 229 imprisoned circumscription 229 prisoner 754 restraint 751 imprisonment restraint 751 lawsuit 969 punishment 972 improbability improbability 473 improbable improbability 473 improbate disapprobation 932 improbation disapprobation 932 improbity improbity 940 impromptu impulse 612 improper undueness 925 vice 945 wrong 923 solecism 568 inexpedience 647 disagreement 24 imbecility folly 499 improper time untimeliness 135 impropriate possession 777 taking 789 impropriation possession 777 impropriator possessor 779 impropriety vice 945 undueness 925 disagreement 24 inexpedience 647 solecism 568 improsperous adversity 735 improvable improvement 658 improve goodness 648 improvement 658 teaching 537 improve the occasion occasion 134 improve the shining hour activity 682 improve upon improvement 658 improved improvement 658 improvement progression 282 good 618 improvement 658 improvidence neglect 460 nonpreparation 674 improvident neglect 460 nonpreparation 674 prodigality 818 rashness 863 improving improvement 658 improvisate impulse 612 improvisation impulse 612 nonpreparation 674 improvisatore impulse 612 poetry 597 speech 582 improvisatory impulse 612 improvise nonpreparation 674 imagination 515 impulse 612 improvised impulse 612 nonpreparation 674 improviso impulse 612 imprudence neglect 460 rashness 863 imprudent neglect 460 rashness 863 impudence insolence 885 impudence: barbarism discourtesy 895 impudent discourtesy 895 insolence 885 impudicity impurity 961 impugn negation 536 disapprobation 932 attack 716 detraction 934 impugnation! opposition 708 impuissance impotence 158 impulse impulse 276 impulse 612 motive 615 impulsion impulse 276 motive 615 impulsive motive 615 rashness 863 necessity 601 impulse 612 excitability 825 impulse 276 intuition 477 impunity acquittal 970 escape 671 impure impurity 961 uncleanness 653 impurity impurity 961 uncleanness 653 imputable accusation 938 imputation attribution 155 disrepute 874 accusation 938 imputative accusation 938 impute accusation 938 impute shame to disrepute 874 impute to attribution 155 in fashion 852 habit 613 insertion 300 interiority 221 newness 123 pleasure 827 in a bad humor sullenness 901.a in a bad temper irascibility 901 sullenness 901.a in a bad way adversity 735 danger 665 deterioration 659 disease 655 in a bee line for direction 278 in a bee line to direction 278 in a bee line with direction 278 in a blaze excitation 824 heat 382 light 420 in a blissful state pleasure 827 in a body accompaniment 88 whole 50 in a box difficulty 704 in a broken voice aphony 581 in a certain degree smallness 32 in a cleft stick difficulty 704 in a cloud concealment 528 uncertainty 475 in a commanding tone command 741 in a cracked voice aphony 581 in a dark corner concealment 528 in a direct line for direction 278 in a direct line to direction 278 in a direct line with direction 278 in a fair way probability 472 restoration 660 prosperity 734 in a fair way to tendency 176 in a ferment disorder 59 excitation 824 in a fever excitation 824 heat 382 in a few words conciseness 572 in a fine pickle difficulty 704 in a fix difficulty 704 in a fog concealment 528 in a fright fear 860 in a fume discontent 832 resentment 900 in a fury resentment 900 in a glow heat 382 in a great measure greatness 31 in a haze concealment 528 in a heat heat 382 in a huff resentment 900 in a hurry haste 684 in a limited degree qualification 469 in a line continuity 69 length 200 straightness 246 in a line with direction 278 in a low tone aphony 581 in a manner smallness 32 in a maze uncertainty 475 in a mist concealment 528 in a moment instantaneity 113 in a nutshell littleness 193 in a passion resentment 900 in a perspiration heat 382 in a pucker excitation 824 resentment 900 in a quiver excitation 824 feeling 821 in a rage resentment 900 in a reverie inattention 458 in a ring fence circumscription 229 in a roundabout way circuit 629 in a row continuity 69 in a scrape difficulty 704 in a sense qualification 469 in a shocking humor sullenness 901.a in a shocking temper sullenness 901.a in a short time transientness 111 in a small compass littleness 193 in a sorry plight failure 732 in a sound sleep inactivity 683 in a state of excitement excitation 824 in a state of nature divestment 226 nonpreparation 674 in a state of pain pain 828 physical pain 378 in a state of uncertainty uncertainty 475 in a stew resentment 900 in a straight line for direction 278 in a straight line to direction 278 in a straight line with direction 278 in a sweat heat 382 in a taking pain 828 resentment 900 in a transport of delight pleasure 827 in a trice instantaneity 113 in a way pain 828 resentment 900 in a while earliness 132 in a whisper concealment 528 faintness 405 in a word conciseness 572 in abeyance lateness 133 physical inertness 172 in abundance sufficiency 639 in accord agreement 23 concord 714 in accordance with agreement 23 conformity 82 in action action 680 agency 170 in addition adjunct 39 addition 37 in advance precession 280 precedence 62 lending 787 front 234 in advance of superiority 33 in advance of one' age intelligence, wisdom 498 in adverse circumstances adversity 735 in after time futurity 121 in agitation preparation 673 in aid of aid 707 in all ages perpetuity 112 in all conscience affirmation 535 greatness 31 in all creation world 318 in all directions direction 278 in all haste haste 684 in all lands space 180 in all likelihood probability 472 in all manner of ways direction 278 nonuniformity 16.a in all probability probability 472 in all quarters space 180 in all respects completeness 52 truth 494 in alliance party 712 in alliance with concurrence 178 in ambush concealment 528 in an evil hour untimeliness 135 in an evil plight adversity 735 in an excitable state excitability 825 in an ill humor sullenness 901.a in an ill temper sullenness 901.a in an unguarded moment inexpectation 508 neglect 460 in and out convolution 248 oscillation 314 in anticipation earliness 132 in anticipation of preparation 673 in apple-pie order order 58 in arms preparation 673 warfare 722 infant 129 in arrear incompleteness 53 nonpayment 808 debt 806 in arrears nonpayment 808 in articulo death 360 transientness 111 in as much as relation 9 in at the death killing 361 in bad humor dejection 837 discontent 832 in bad odor disapprobation 932 in bad odor with enmity 889 in bad repute disrepute 874 in bad taste vulgar vulgarity 851 in battle array arrangement 60 preparation 673 warfare 722 in behalf of aid 707 deputy 759 in best bib and tucker ornament 847 ostentation 882 preparation 673 in birthday suit divestment 226 in black and white writing 590 in bold visibility 446 in bonds servant 746 in brief conciseness 572 in broad daylight manifestation 525 in buckram pride 878 in camera concealment 528 in case circumstance 8 eventuality 151 in cash wealth 803 in certain circumstances circumstance 8 in chains prisoner 754 in charge prisoner 754 in chorus assent 488 in circulation news 532 publication 531 in cold blood predetermination 611 intention 620 insensibility 823 inexcitability 826 in column continuity 69 in comfort physical pleasure 377 in commemoration of celebration 883 in common with relation 9 in company with accompaniment 88 in compartments part 51 in compliance with obedience 743 in concert melody concord 413 synchronism 120 in concert with concord 714 in conclusion reasoning 476 in concord melody concord 413 in condition size 192 in confidence concealment 528 in conflict with opposition 708 in conformity with conformity 82 in conjunction with addition 37 junction 43 in connection with relation 9 in consequence demonstration 478 effect 154 in consideration compensation 30 in consideration of reasoning 476 in contact contiguity 199 in contemplation of intention 620 in contempt disagreement 24 in convulsions agitation 315 in cooperation cooperation 709 in corroboration evidence 467 in course of destruction destruction 162 in course of inquiry inquiry 461 in course of preparation plan 626 preparation 673 in course of time futurity 121 in court fashion 852 in crowd fashion 852 in custody accusation 938 prisoner 754 restraint 751 in danger danger 665 disease 655 liability 177 in debt debt 806 insufficiency 640 nonpayment 808 in declining health disease 655 in deduction nonaddition, subtraction 38 in deep water difficulty 704 in default incompleteness 53 in default of absence 187 insufficiency 640 in defense defense 717 in deference to respect 928 in defiance opposition 708 disagreement 24 in defiance of defiance 715 in demand desire 865 requirement 630 in despair dejection 837 hopelessness 859 pain 828 in desperation violence 173 in despite opposition 708 in detail part 51 speciality 79 in detention accusation 938 in difficulties debt 806 in difficulty difficulty 704 in disguise concealment 528 in dishabille divestment 226 nonpreparation 674 in dispute inquiry 461 in doleful dumps dejection 837 in doors interiority 221 in double quick time velocity 274 in due course occasion 134 in due process course 109 in due season course 109 occasion 134 in due time course 109 occasion 134 punctuality 132.a in dumb show indication 550 in durance vile prisoner 754 in duty bound duty 926 in earnest activity 682 affirmation 535 resolution 604 in ecstasies pleasure 827 in effect intrinsicality 5 truth 494 in embryo beginning 66 cause 153 destiny 152 preparation 673 in epitome compendium 596 in equity right 922 in error error 495 in evening dress fashion 852 in ever so small a degree smallness 32 in every one's mouth news 532 in every quarter space 180 in every respect completeness 52 truth 494 in excess redundancy 641 in exchange interchange 148 in excruciating detail speciality 79 in exercise agency 170 in existence existence 1 in expectation expectation 507 in explanation interpretation 522 in extremis difficulty 704 death 360 in fact affirmation 535 existence 1 in fair condition goodness 648 in faltering accents irresolution 605 in fashion fashion 852 habit 613 newness 123 in fault guilt 947 in favor approbation 931 in favor of aid 707 approbation 931 in fear fear 860 in few words compendium 596 in file continuity 69 in fine end 67 reasoning 476 in fine feather health 654 strength 159 in fits agitation 315 in flames heat 382 in flight navigation 267 in focus visibility 446 in fold inclosure 232 in for necessity 601 in for it promise 768 in force agency 170 in foreign lands extraneousness 57 in foreign parts extraneousness 57 in front front 234 precession 280 in full prosperity 734 in full bloom beauty 845 health 654 in full cry loudness 404 pursuit 622 ululation 412 in full dress fashion 852 ornament 847 in full feather wealth 803 preparation 673 in full force strength 159 in full sail velocity 274 in full swing activity 682 freedom 748 strength 159 success 731 in full view visibility 446 in funds wealth 803 in furtherance of aid 707 in future futurity 121 in gear preparation 673 in general generality 78 in glowing terms vigor 574 in good case health 654 size 192 prosperity 734 in good condition goodness 648 size 192 in good earnest resolution 604 veracity 543 in good faith probity 939 in good heart hope 858 in good humor courtesy 894 in good odor approbation 931 in good odor in repute 873 in good set terms phrase 566 vigor 574 in good sooth veracity 543 in good spirits cheerfulness 836 in good taste taste 850 in good time punctuality 132.a in good truth veracity 543 in great detail speciality 79 in grief pain 828 in hand business 625 incompleteness 53 noncompletion 730 possession 777 preparation 673 in harmony melody concord 413 in harmony with uniformity 16 agreement 23 in harness subjection 749 preparation 673 action 680 activity 682 in haste haste 684 in health health 654 in hiding concealment 528 in high dudgeon discontent 832 resentment 900 in high esteem approbation 931 respect 928 in high estimation respect 928 in high favor approbation 931 repute 873 in high feather boasting 884 strength 159 prosperity 734 cheerfulness 836 health 654 in high quarters nobility 875 in high spirits cheerfulness 836 in holes and corners concealment 528 in honor of celebration 883 in hopes hope 858 in hospital disease 655 in hostile array opposition 708 in hot haste haste 684 in hot pursuit pursuit 622 in hot water discord 713 difficulty 704 in hysterics excitation 824 fear 860 violence 173 in in due course course 109 in Indian file continuity 69 in issue inquiry 461 in its infancy beginning 66 in its proper place order 58 in its true colors truth 494 in its turn order 58 in jest wit 842 in joke wit 842 in justice right 922 in juxtaposition nearness 197 in keeping with agreement 23 conformity 82 in leading strings infant 129 learner 541 subjection 749 in league cooperation 709 party 712 in less than no time instantaneity 113 in lieu of substitution 147 in life life 359 in limbo prisoner 754 pain 828 in liquor drunkenness 959 in Lob's pound restraint 751 in loco agreement 23 expedience 646 situation 183 in long clothes infant 129 in lots part 51 in love love 897 in low spirits dejection 837 in luck prosperity 734 in market overt manifestation 525 in medias res middle 68 in memoriam memory 505 interment 363 in memory of memory 505 in mid course transference 270 in mid progress progression 282 transference 270 in military time punctuality 132.a in mind-numbing detail speciality 79 in motion motion 264 in mourning blackness 431 lamentation 839 in native buff divestment 226 in nature's garb divestment 226 in no degree neverness 107 in no long time earliness 132 in no measured terms vigor 574 in no respect smallness 32 negation 536 in no sense misnomer 565 in no time instantaneity 113 in no wise smallness 32 in numbers numeration 85 in obedience to obedience 743 in one's cups drunkenness 959 in one's element content 831 facility 705 in one's employ servant 746 in one's eye expectation 507 visibility 446 in one's favor good 618 in one's good books friendship 888 in one's good graces love 897 friendship 888 in one's grasp authority 737 possession 777 in one's hands business 625 possession 777 in one's heart affections 820 in one's interest good 618 in one's pay servant 746 in one's possession possession 777 in one's power authority 737 in one's prime adolescence 131 in one's proper element agreement 23 in one's right mind sanity 502 intelligence, wisdom 498 in one's sleeve concealment 528 in one's sober senses sanity 502 in one's teens infant 129 youth 127 in one's 'teens five, &c 98 in one's tracks instantaneity 113 in one's utmost need adversity 735 in one's view expectation 507 in open arms warfare 722 in open court manifestation 525 publication 531 in open daylight manifestation 525 in operation action 680 agency 170 in orbit navigation 267 in order order 58 in order that intention 620 in order to intention 620 in order to avoid avoidance 623 in orders clergy 996 in ordinary store 636 in other words interpretation 522 in pain pain 828 physical pain 378 in paradise pleasure 827 in part part 51 smallness 32 in particular speciality 79 in partnership party 712 in pencil painting 556 in perfect condition perfection 650 in person news 532 presence 186 in perspective length 200 in petto concealment 528 intellect 450 intention 620 topic 454 in pieces pulverulence 330 in place situation 183 in place of substitution 147 in plain interpretation 522 in plain common parlance plainness 576 in plain English artlessness 703 intelligibility 518 plainness 576 in plain terms intelligibility 518 plainness 576 in plain words artlessness 703 intelligibility 518 plainness 576 veracity 543 in plainer English interpretation 522 in plainer terms interpretation 522 in plainer words interpretation 522 in play agency 170 wit 842 in point agreement 23 conformity 82 in point of relation 9 in point of fact existence 1 in posse possibility 470 in possession of possession 777 in practice preparation 673 skill 698 in preference choice 609 in preparation preparation 673 in presence of nearness 197 presence 186 in prison prisoner 754 in private concealment 528 in process of time futurity 121 posteriority 117 in profusion multitude 102 in progress incompleteness 53 news 532 noncompletion 730 progression 282 in proper course occasion 134 in proper cue skill 698 in proper season occasion 134 in proper time occasion 134 in prose prose 598 in prospect expectation 507 futurity 121 intention 620 destiny 152 in pudding time punctuality 132.a in pursuance of intention 620 pursuit 622 in pursuit pursuit 622 in quest of inquiry 461 pursuit 622 in question inquiry 461 topic 454 eventuality 151 danger 665 uncertainty 475 in quick succession frequency 136 in rapid succession frequency 136 in raptures pleasure 827 in re relation 9 in readiness preparation 673 in reality existence 1 truth 494 in reason moderation 174 right 922 in relation with relation 9 in relief sculpture 557 convexity 250 in request requirement 630 in reserve destiny 152 preparation 673 store 636 in respect of relation 9 in retaliation retaliation 718 in return compensation 30 in ridicule ridicule 856 in rotation regularity of recurrence 138 in round numbers mean 29 nearness 197 in round terms phrase 566 in sackcloth and ashes lamentation 839 in sadness affirmation 535 in safety safety 664 in search of inquiry 461 in secret concealment 528 in security safety 664 in set phrases phrase 566 in set terms manifestation 525 phrase 566 in seven league boots velocity 274 in short compendium 596 conciseness 572 shortness 201 in sight visibility 446 in sight of vision 441 visibility 446 nearness 197 in single file continuity 69 in situ situation 183 in slow time slowness 275 in smooth water facility 705 in sober sadness affirmation 535 in some degree degree 26 in some measure degree 26 smallness 32 in some place place 182 in some such way attribution 155 in sooth veracity 543 in spirits cheerfulness 836 in spite opposition 708 in spite of counteraction 179 disagreement 24 in spite of one's teeth compulsion 744 opposition 708 unwillingness 603 in spite of oneself unwillingness 603 in sport amusement 840 wit 842 in statu pupillari learning 539 in still water concord 714 in stock possession 777 in store store 636 destiny 152 possession 777 in store for preparation 673 in strict confidence concealment 528 in strict settlement retention 781 in strictest confidence concealment 528 in strong relief visibility 446 in subjection to subjection 749 in substance compendium 596 in succession continuity 69 in such a case circumstance 8 in such a contingency circumstance 8 in such an event circumstance 8 in such and such environs situation 183 in such wise circumstance 8 in Sunday best ornament 847 ostentation 882 in suspense uncertainty 475 physical inertness 172 in swaddling clothes infant 129 restraint 751 in tears dejection 837 lamentation 839 pain 828 in the abstract disjunction 44 irrelation 10 unity 87 in the act action 680 in the affirmative assent 488 affirmation 535 in the aggregate whole 50 in the agony of death death 360 in the air eventuality 151 in the arms of Morpheus inactivity 683 in the ascendant authority 737 influence 175 repute 873 success 731 in the background concealment 528 disrepute 874 latency, implication 526 rear 235 in the ballpark similarity 17 in the beginning beginning 66 in the black wealth 803 in the blink of an eye instantaneity 113 in the bosom of circumscription 229 in the breast of intention 620 in the bud beginning 66 in the buff divestment 226 in the cannon's mouth warfare 722 in the cards possibility 470 in the case supposition 514 in the circumstances circumstance 8 in the clouds height 206 imagination 515 inattention 458 in the clutches of subjection 749 in the course of time 106 in the course of business business 625 in the course of things eventuality 151 in the cradle infant 129 in the crowd mixture 41 in the dark concealment 528 darkness 421 ignorance 491 in the doldrums dejection 837 in the dumps dejection 837 discontent 832 in the environs nearness 197 in the event of eventuality 151 supposition 514 circumstance 8 in the extreme greatness 31 in the eye of the law legality 963 in the eyes of appearance 448 belief 484 in the face of opposition 708 presence 186 in the face of day manifestation 525 in the family circle sociality 892 in the family way production 161 in the field warfare 722 in the fire noncompletion 730 in the first place beginning 66 in the flesh identity 13 presence 186 life 359 in the foreground front 234 manifestation 525 visibility 446 in the fourth place quadruplication 96 in the front rank importance 642 repute 873 in the fullness of time course 109 futurity 121 occasion 134 in the gazette nonpayment 808 in the grain intrinsicality 5 affections 820 in the gross whole 50 in the habit of habit 613 in the hands of authority 737 subjection 749 in the heat of passion resentment 900 in the heat of the moment resentment 900 in the height of passion resentment 900 in the horizon expectation 507 in the house of detention accusation 938 in the humor willingness 602 in the interim synchronism 120 time 106 in the jaws of death death 360 in the land of the living life 359 in the lap of Morpheus inactivity 683 in the lead precession 280 in the lee of front 234 in the lion's den danger 665 in the lockup accusation 938 in the long run generality 78 mean 29 whole 50 in the lump whole 50 in the main greatness 31 importance 642 intrinsicality 5 whole 50 in the market barter 794 offer 763 in the mass whole 50 in the matter of relation 9 in the meantime time 106 in the melting mood lamentation 839 in the memory of man the past 122 in the middle middle 68 in the midst of action 680 mixture 41 in the mind thought 451 topic 454 willingness 602 in the mood willingness 602 sexuality 374.a in the name of dueness 924 authority 737 aid 707 in the name of wonder wonder 870 in the nick of time occasion 134 punctuality 132.a in the occupation of inhabitant 188 in the olden time the past 122 in the open air air 338 exteriority 220 in the open streets manifestation 525 in the opinion of belief 484 in the opposite scale compensation 30 in the order of the day conformity 82 in the oven noncompletion 730 in the plenitude of power strength 159 in the power of subjection 749 in the rear rear 235 sequence 281 in the right place expedience 646 in the room of substitution 147 in the rough nonpreparation 674 in the saddle preparation 673 in the same boat party 712 in the same breath instantaneity 113 synchronism 120 in the same category relation 9 in the second place duplication 90 in the secret knowledge 490 in the sequel posteriority 117 in the service of aid 707 in the shade concealment 528 darkness 421 disrepute 874 in the singular number unity 87 in the stead of substitution 147 in the straw production 161 in the suds dejection 837 difficulty 704 in the sulks sullenness 901.a dejection 837 discontent 832 in the teeth of opposition 708 defiance 715 difficulty 704 in the thick of action 680 interposition 228 in the thick of the fray warfare 722 in the third place triplication 93 in the time of time 106 in the train of sequence 281 servant 746 in the van front 234 precession 280 in the vein willingness 602 in the very act guilt 947 in the wake of sequence 281 in the watch house accusation 938 in the way nearness 197 opposition 708 in the way of hindrance 706 in the wide world space 180 in the wind eventuality 151 in the wind's eye direction 278 in the wrong wrong 923 in the wrong box difficulty 704 error 495 wrong 923 in the wrong place inexpedience 647 displacement 185 in the zenith greatness 31 repute 873 in theory possible possibility 470 in thing fashion 852 in this way method 627 in time course 109 destiny 152 punctuality 132.a in token of indication 550 in tomb interment 363 in toto completeness 52 in touch with relation 9 in train preparation 673 in transit transference 270 in transitu progression 282 method 627 conversion 144 in trim order 58 in triumph success 731 in trouble adversity 735 in truth affirmation 535 certainty 474 veracity 543 in tune melody concord 413 in turn continuity 69 order 58 regularity of recurrence 138 in twain disjunction 44 in type printing 591 in unison with agreement 23 in use use 677 in vain failure 732 in various places place 182 In vast cumbrous array arrangement 60 in view intention 620 visibility 446 in violation of law illegality 964 in virtue of authority 737 instrumentality 631 in vogue habit 613 in want poverty 804 insufficiency 640 in want of requirement 630 in war paint preparation 673 in what manner method 627 in what way method 627 in wide-eyed anticipation expectation 507 in working gear preparation 673 in working order preparation 673 in writing writing 590 in years age 128 inability impotence 158 unskillfulness 699 inabstinence intemperance 954 inabstinent intemperance 954 inaccessible distance 196 impossibility 471 inaccurate solecism 568 inaction avoidance 623 inaction 681 inactivity 683 physical inertness 172 inactivate unproductiveness 169 inactivation destruction 162 inactive inactivity 683 physical inertness 172 unskillfulness 699 inactively inactivity 683 physical inertness 172 inactivity inaction 681 weakness 160 physical inertness 172 inactivity 683 inadequacy imperfection 651 insufficiency 640 inutility 645 inadequate imperfection 651 impotence 158 insufficiency 640 inutility 645 inadequateness insufficiency 640 inadmissible extraneousness 57 inexpedience 647 exclusion 55 disagreement 24 inadvertence inattention 458 inadvertency inattention 458 inadvertent inattention 458 inadvertently inattention 458 inadvisable inexpedience 647 inaffable discourtesy 895 wonder 870 inalienable dueness 924 retention 781 inamorata love 897 inane unsubstantiality 4 inutility 645 unimportance 643 inanimate inorganization 358 death 360 inanimate matter inorganization 358 inanition impotence 158 insufficiency 640 inanity inutility 645 unmeaningness 517 unsubstantiality 4 inappetency indifference 866 insensibility 823 inapplicability disagreement 24 irrelation 10 inapplicable disagreement 24 irrelation 10 inapposite irrelation 10 disagreement 24 inappreciable littleness 193 smallness 32 unimportance 643 inapprehensible imbecility folly 499 unintelligibility 519 inappropriate disagreement 24 inexpedience 647 inappropriate time untimeliness 135 inapt inexpedience 647 unskillfulness 699 imbecility folly 499 disagreement 24 impotence 158 inaptitude disagreement 24 impotence 158 inutility 645 inarticulate aphony 581 stammering 583 inarticulateness stammering 583 inartificial artlessness 703 inartistic ugliness 846 inasmuch degree 26 inasmuch as reasoning 476 inattention indifference 866 neglect 460 inattention 458 inattentive inexpectation 508 insensibility 823 neglect 460 inattention 458 inattentively inattention 458 inaudibility deafness 419 inaudible aphony 581 deafness 419 faintness 405 silence 403 inaudibleness deafness 419 inaugural beginning 66 precursor 64 inaugurate beginning 66 commission 755 celebration 883 inauguration beginning 66 celebration 883 commission 755 inauspicious badness 649 hopelessness 859 untimeliness 135 inbeing intrinsicality 5 inborn affections 820 intrinsicality 5 inborn proclivity necessity 601 inbred intrinsicality 5 affections 820 inca master 745 incage restraint 751 incalculable infinity 105 incalculably greatness 31 incalescence heat 382 incalescent heat 382 incandescence heat 382 incandescent heat 382 luminary 423 incandescent lamp luminary 423 incantation request 765 rite 998 spell 993 incantatory sorcery 992 incapability impotence 158 incapable impotence 158 incapacious narrowness, thinness 203 incapacitate impotence 158 incapacity ignorance 491 imbecility folly 499 impotence 158 incarcerate restraint 751 incarceration restraint 751 incarnadine redness 434 incarnadine. redness 434 incarnate intrinsicality 5 vice 945 incarnation intrinsicality 5 incase circumscription 229 covering 223 incautious rashness 863 incendiarism calefaction 384 destruction 162 incendiary bad man 949 calefaction 384 destruction 162 evil 913 malevolence 907 motive 615 incense fuel 388 worship 990 rite 998 resentment 900 fragrance 400 flattery 933 hate 898 incension calefaction 384 incentive motive 615 incept beginning 66 teaching 537 inception beginning 66 inceptive beginning 66 inceptor learner 541 incertitude uncertainty 475 incessant perpetuity 112 repetition 104 frequency 136 incessantly frequency 136 incest impurity 961 sexuality 374.a incestuous impurity 961 inch length 200 smallness 32 inch by inch degree 26 part 51 slowness 275 inchoate beginning 66 preparation 673 inchoation beginning 66 inchoative beginning 66 incide disjunction 44 incidence direction 278 incident eventuality 151 incident to liability 177 incidental chance 156 circumstance 8 eventuality 151 extrinsicality 6 irrelation 10 liability 177 incidentally chance 621 irrelation 10 occasion 134 incinerate calefaction 384 incineration calefaction 384 incipience beginning 66 incipient beginning 66 incircumspect neglect 460 incise disjunction 44 furrow 259 remedy 662 incision disjunction 44 furrow 259 incisive feeling 821 physical energy 171 vigor 574 incitation motive 615 incite motive 615 violence 173 incitement motive 615 incivility displacency discourtesy 895 incivism misanthropy 911 inclasp circumscription 229 inclemency cold 383 pitilessness 914.a severity 739 violence 173 inclement cold 383 pitilessness 914.a severity 739 inclination love 897 willingness 602 obliquity 217 desire 865 tendency 176 incline direction 278 motive 615 tendency 176 willingness 602 incline an ear to attention 457 inclined affections 820 desire 865 willingness 602 inclined plane instrument 633 inclose circumscription 229 restraint 751 interiority 221 inclusion 76 circumjacence 227 inclosure 232 inclosed interiority 221 inclosure circumscription 229 inclosure 232 prison 752 receptacle 191 region 181 include composition 54 inclusion 76 included inclusion 76 including addition 37 inclusion 76 inclusion inclusion 76 composition 54 inclusive addition 37 component 56 inclusion 76 incogitable incogitancy 452 incogitancy incogitancy 452 incognita concealment 528 incognito concealment 528 incognizable unintelligibility 519 incoherence incoherence 47 insanity 503 incoherent incoherence 47 insanity 503 incombustibility refrigeration 385 insulation, fire extinction 388.a incombustible insulation, fire extinction 388.a incombustible material insulation, fire extinction 388.a incombustibleness insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 income acquisition 775 property 780 receipt 810 receiving 785 wealth 803 incoming ingress 294 incomings receipt 810 incommensurability incomparability 464.a irrelation 10 incommensurable difference 15 disagreement 24 incomparability 464.a irrelation 10 number 84 numeration 85 incommensurate difference 15 incomparability 464.a numeration 85 incommode hindrance 706 painfulness 830 incommodious inexpedience 647 incommunicable unmeaningness 517 retention 781 unintelligibility 519 incommutable stability 150 incomparability incomparability 464.a indiscrimination 465.a incomparable incomparability 464.a superiority 33 incompassionate pitilessness 914.a incompassionateness malevolence 907 incompatible disagreement 24 impossibility 471 incompentency unskillfulness 699 incompetence imbecility folly 499 unskillfulness 699 impotence 158 insufficiency 640 incompetent badness 649 fool 501 impotence 158 insufficiency 640 inutility 645 unskillfulness 699 incomplete teaching 537 imperfection 651 incompleteness 53 noncompletion 730 nonpreparation 674 incompletely incompleteness 53 incompleteness incompleteness 53 interval 198 noncompletion 730 shortcoming 304 incomplex simpleness 42 incompliance refusal 764 incomprehensibility unintelligibility 519 incomprehensible infinity 105 unintelligibility 519 incomprehension ignorance 491 incompressed rarity 322 incompressibility density 321 incompressible density 321 inconcealable manifestation 525 inconceivable impossibility 471 improbability 473 size 192 unbelief doubt 485 unintelligibility 519 wonder 870 inconceivableness unintelligibility 519 inconceptible unintelligibility 519 inconcinnity disagreement 24 ugliness 846 inconclusive intuition 477 inconcoction nonpreparation 674 incondite vulgarity 851 incongruence disagreement 24 incongruity disagreement 24 incongruous disagreement 24 solecism 568 inconnection disjunction 44 irrelation 10 inconsequence irrelation 10 inconsequent intuition 477 inconsequential absence of influence 175.a failure 732 intuition 477 inconsiderable littleness 193 smallness 32 fraction 100.a unimportance 643 inconsiderate inattention 458 incogitancy 452 neglect 460 unskillfulness 699 inconsiderateness inattention 458 inconsideration inattention 458 inconsistency absurdity 497 disagreement 24 imbecility folly 499 intuition 477 inconsistent caprice 608 intuition 477 imbecility folly 499 absurdity 497 contrariety 14 inconsistent with disagreement 24 inconsolable dejection 837 hopelessness 859 inconsonant changeableness 149 disagreement 24 inconspicuous invisibility 447 inconstancy changeableness 149 inconstant changeableness 149 incontestable certainty 474 strength 159 incontiguous distance 196 incontinence impurity 961 incontinent impurity 961 incontinently earliness 132 incontrollable violence 173 incontrovertible certainty 474 stability 150 inconvenient inexpedience 647 inconversable seclusion, exclusion 893 taciturnity 585 inconvertible continuance in action 143 inconvincible incredulity 487 incorporal immateriality 317 incorporate immateriality 317 combination 48 incorporation combination 48 incorporeal immateriality 317 incorporeal hereditaments property 780 incorporeity immateriality 317 incorrect error 495 intuition 477 solecism 568 vice 945 incorrect assumptions misjudgment 481 incorrigible obstinacy 606 vice 945 intrinsicality 5 hopelessness 859 disobedience 742 impenitence 951 incorruptibility health 654 probity 939 incorruptible probity 939 stability 150 incorruption health 654 innocence 946 probity 939 incrassate density 321 expansion 194 semiliquidity 352 incrassation semiliquidity 352 increase improvement 658 increase 35 addition 37 expansion 194 increase of size expansion 194 increase of temperature calefaction 384 increased increase 35 incredibility improbability 473 unbelief doubt 485 incredible greatness 31 impossibility 471 improbability 473 unbelief doubt 485 wonder 870 incredibleness unbelief doubt 485 incredibly greatness 31 incredulity unbelief doubt 485 incredulity 487 irreligion 989 incredulous incredulity 487 irreligion 989 incredulous as to unbelief doubt 485 incredulousness incredulity 487 irreligion 989 increment addition 37 adjunct 39 expansion 194 increase 35 increpation disapprobation 932 incriminate accusation 938 incrimination accusation 938 in-crowd party 712 incrust covering 223 lining 224 incrustation covering 223 incubation preparation 673 incubus demon 980 hindrance 706 pain 828 inculcate teaching 537 inculcated extrinsicality 6 inculcation teaching 537 inculpable innocence 946 inculpate accusation 938 inculpation accusation 938 inculture nonpreparation 674 incumbency business 625 churchdom 995 incumbent clergy 996 gravity 319 height 206 inhabitant 188 politics 737.b incumbent on duty 926 incumber hindrance 706 incumbered debt 806 incumbrance hindrance 706 incunabula youth 127 incur liability 177 incur a debt debt 806 incur a loss loss 776 incur a responsibility duty 926 incur blame disapprobation 932 incur danger danger 665 incur disgrace disrepute 874 incur the chance chance 621 incur the risk chance 621 incurable disease 655 hopelessness 859 intrinsicality 5 incuriosity incuriosity 456 incurious incuriosity 456 incuriousness incuriosity 456 incursion ingress 294 attack 716 incurvate curvature 245 incurvation curvature 245 incurvature curvature 245 incurvity curvature 245 indagation inquiry 461 indebted debt 806 indebted to duty 926 gratitude 916 indebtment debt 806 indecency impurity 961 indecent impurity 961 indeciduous stability 150 indecipherable unintelligibility 519 indecision absence of choice 609.a irresolution 605 indecisive uncertainty 475 indeclinable stability 150 indecorous impurity 961 vice 945 vulgarity 851 indecorum vice 945 vulgarity 851 indeed existence 1 greatness 31 affirmation 535 truth 494 assent 488 indeed! wonder 870 indefatigability perseverance 604.a indefatigable activity 682 perseverance 604.a indefatigableness perseverance 604.a indefatigation activity 682 indefeasible stability 150 dueness 924 indefectibility perfection 650 indefectible perfection 650 indefective perfection 650 indefensible impotence 158 submission 725 vice 945 accusation 938 indeficient perfection 650 indefinite different time 119 error 495 infinity 105 invisibility 447 uncertainty 475 unintelligibility 519 indefinitely greatness 31 indeliberate impulse 612 indelible memory 505 stability 150 indication 550 feeling 821 indelicacy impurity 961 indelicate impurity 961 indemnification atonement 952 compensation 30 restitution 790 reward 973 indemnify compensation 30 restitution 790 reward 973 indemnity compensation 30 forgiveness 918 reward 973 indent compact 769 notch 257 convolution 248 indentation concavity 252 notch 257 indenture compact 769 security 771 independence freedom 748 irrelation 10 wealth 803 Independence Day amusement 840 independent freedom 748 heterodoxy 984 irrelation 10 independent of reason intuition 477 indescribable greatness 31 wonder 870 indesinent perpetuity 112 indestructible stability 150 indeterminate chance 156 equivocalness 520 uncertainty 475 indetermination chance 156 irresolution 605 uncertainty 475 indevotion irreligion 989 indevout irreligion 989 index indication 550 word 562 number 84 measurement 466 arrangement 60 list 86 indexterity unskillfulness 699 India ink blackness 431 India rubber elasticity 325 indian head penny money 800 Indian ink blackness 431 Indian red redness 434 Indian rubber elasticity 325 Indian sage remedy 662 Indian summer evening 126 Indian weed pungency 392 indicate manifestation 525 speciality 79 meaning 516 indication 550 attention 457 evidence 467 indicated indication 550 indicating indication 550 indication attention 457 class 75 evidence 467 indication 550 manifestation 525 indicative evidence 467 indication 550 indicator evidence 467 indication 550 indicatory evidence 467 indication 550 indice indication 550 indicolite blueness 438 indict accusation 938 lawsuit 969 indiction publication 531 indictment accusation 938 lawsuit 969 indifference incuriosity 456 indifference 866 absence of choice 609.a unwillingness 603 indifferent absence of choice 609.a imperfection 651 incuriosity 456 indifference 866 insensibility 823 unimportance 643 unwillingness 603 indigence insufficiency 640 poverty 804 indigene inhabitant 188 indigenous intrinsicality 5 inhabitant 188 indigent poverty 804 indigested nonpreparation 674 indigestible insalubrity 657 indigestion disease 655 indigitate attention 457 indign improbity 940 indignant resentment 900 indignation resentment 900 indignation meeting discontent 832 indignity disrespect 929 resentment 900 indigo blueness 438 indiligence inactivity 683 indirect deviation 279 latency, implication 526 circuit 629 indiscernible invisibility 447 indiscerptibility density 321 whole 50 indiscerptible density 321 unity 87 whole 50 indiscoverable latency, implication 526 indiscreet rashness 863 indiscrete vice 945 indiscretion unskillfulness 699 guilt 947 rashness 863 indiscriminate multiformity 81 mixture 41 chance 621 disorder 59 indiscrimination 465.a indiscrimination comparison 464 indiscrimination 465.a indispensability requirement 630 indispensable requirement 630 indispose dissuasion 616 indisposed disease 655 unwillingness 603 indisposed to believe incredulity 487 indisposedness unwillingness 603 indisposition disease 655 unwillingness 603 indisputable certainty 474 indissoluble density 321 junction 43 stability 150 whole 50 indissolvable density 321 stability 150 whole 50 indissolvableness density 321 indistinct invisibility 447 indistinction indiscrimination 465.a indistinctness indiscrimination 465.a invisibility 447 indistinguishability indiscrimination 465.a indistinguishable equality 27 identity 13 indiscrimination 465.a invisibility 447 indistinguishablility incomparability 464.a indisturbance inexcitability 826 quiescence 265 indite writing 590 individual unity 87 whole 50 mankind 372 indication 550 speciality 79 individuality speciality 79 unconformity 83 unity 87 individualize speciality 79 individuity speciality 79 indivisibility density 321 whole 50 indivisible density 321 tenacity 327 unity 87 whole 50 indocility obstinacy 606 unwillingness 603 impotence 158 indoctrinate teaching 537 belief 484 indoctrination misteaching 538 teaching 537 indolence inactivity 683 indolent inactivity 683 indomitable courage 861 strength 159 resolution 604 perseverance 604.a resistance 719 indoor interiority 221 indorse approbation 931 security 771 money 800 evidence 467 assent 488 compact 769 indorsement assent 488 indication 550 record 551 security 771 indraught gulf, lake 343 river 348 indubious certainty 474 indubitable manifestation 525 certainty 474 indubitableness certainty 474 induce cause 153 motive 615 production 161 induce pain painfulness 830 induced motive 615 inducement motive 615 induct churchdom 995 commission 755 induction reasoning 476 churchdom 995 drama 599 experiment 463 inquiry 461 induction furnace furnace 386 indue power 157 indulge intemperance 954 lenity 740 permission 760 pleasurableness 829 indulge hope hope 858 indulge in pleasure 827 indulge in personalities disrespect 929 indulge in reverie imagination 515 inattention 458 incogitancy 452 indulge one's fancy choice 609 indulge oneself selfishness 943 indulge with giving 784 indulged intemperance 954 indulgence forgiveness 918 intemperance 954 lenity 740 permission 760 indulgency lenity 740 indulgent benevolence 906 lenity 740 permission 760 indurate hardness 323 indurated hardness 323 induration impenitence 951 hardness 323 industrial arts business 625 industrious learning 539 perseverance 604.a activity 682 industriousness exertion 686 industry activity 682 business 625 exertion 686 indweller inhabitant 188 inebriate drunkenness 959 inebriated drunkenness 959 inebriation drunkenness 959 inebriety drunkenness 959 inebrious drunkenness 959 ineffable greatness 31 ineffaceable affections 820 ineffective absence of influence 175.a failure 732 impotence 158 ineffectual failure 732 impotence 158 inutility 645 ineffectual attempt failure 732 inefficacious impotence 158 inutility 645 inefficaciousness failure 732 inefficacy impotence 158 inutility 645 failure 732 inefficiency inutility 645 impotence 158 inefficient failure 732 impotence 158 inutility 645 inelastic inelasticity 326 softness 324 inelastic fluid fluidity 333 inelasticity inelasticity 326 softness 324 inelegance inelegance 579 ugliness 846 inelegant inelegance 579 ugliness 846 ineligible inexpedience 647 ineluctable certainty 474 inept imbecility folly 499 impotence 158 inutility 645 ineptitude imbecility folly 499 impotence 158 inutility 645 inequality disagreement 24 inequality 28 inequation inequality 28 inequitable wrong 923 ineradicable intrinsicality 5 stability 150 inerclude hindrance 706 inerrable innocence 946 inert inactivity 683 insensibility 823 obstinacy 606 physical inertness 172 inertia insensibility 823 physical inertness 172 inertion physical inertness 172 inertness physical inertness 172 absence of influence 175.a inactivity 683 insensibility 823 inestimable goodness 648 inevitable certainty 474 necessity 601 inevitableness certainty 474 necessity 601 inexact error 495 feebleness 575 neglect 460 inexactness error 495 neglect 460 obscurity 571 inexcitability inexcitability 826 physical inertness 172 inexcitable inexcitability 826 inexcusable accusation 938 vice 945 inexecution noncompletion 730 inexhaustible infinity 105 sufficiency 639 inexistence absence 187 inexistence 2 inexistent inexistence 2 inexorable resolution 604 revenge 919 severity 739 obstinacy 606 necessity 601 compulsion 744 pitilessness 914.a inexorable necessity necessity 601 inexpectation inexpectation 508 inexpedience inexpedience 647 untimeliness 135 inexpediency inexpedience 647 inexpedient imbecility folly 499 inexpedience 647 untimeliness 135 inexpensive cheapness 815 worthlessness 812.b inexperience ignorance 491 unskillfulness 699 inexperienced greenness 435 unskillfulness 699 inexpert unskillfulness 699 inexpiable vice 945 inexplicable unintelligibility 519 inexpressible unintelligibility 519 unmeaningness 517 greatness 31 wonder 870 inexpressibles! clothing 225 inexpression latency, implication 526 inexpressive unmeaningness 517 inexpugnable safety 664 inextension inextension 180.a littleness 193 immateriality 317 inextinguishable excitability 825 stability 150 strength 159 violence 173 inextinguishable desire desire 865 inextricable coherence 46 complexity 59.a impossibility 471 infallibility certainty 474 infallible certainty 474 infallibleness certainty 474 infamous improbity 940 vice 945 disrepute 874 infamy vice 945 disrepute 874 infancy beginning 66 youth 127 infant fool 501 infant 129 weakness 160 infant school school 542 infanta master 745 infanticide idolatry 991 killing 361 infantile infant 129 imbecility folly 499 infantine infant 129 imbecility folly 499 infantry combatant 726 infantryman combatant 726 infarct hindrance 706 infarction closure 261 infare sociality 892 infatuate insanity 503 infatuated obstinacy 606 motive 615 misjudgment 481 credulity 486 insanity 503 infatuation love 897 credulity 486 misjudgment 481 obstinacy 606 insanity 503 excitability 825 imbecility folly 499 infeasible impossibility 471 infect deterioration 659 excitation 824 mixture 41 infection disease 655 excitation 824 infectious insalubrity 657 infecund unproductiveness 169 infecundity unproductiveness 169 infelicitous pain 828 unskillfulness 699 untimeliness 135 infelicity pain 828 unskillfulness 699 infer latency, implication 526 reasoning 476 inference interpretation 522 judgment 480 reasoning 476 inferential demonstration 478 latency, implication 526 inferior imperfection 651 inferiority 34 inferiority inferiority 34 inequality 28 inferiority in size contraction 195 infernal badness 649 hell 982 malevolence 907 satan 978 vice 945 infernal machine arms 727 infernal regions hell 982 inferno hell 982 infertile unproductiveness 169 infertility unproductiveness 169 infest painfulness 830 infestation disease 655 painfulness 830 infestivity dejection 837 dullness 843 infibulation junction 43 infidel irreligion 989 infidelity improbity 940 irreligion 989 unbelief doubt 485 infiltrate moisture 339 teaching 537 interposition 228 ingress 294 mixture 41 infiltration water 337 interposition 228 mixture 41 passage 302 ingress 294 infinite size 192 numeration 85 infinity 105 number 84 infinite goodness deity 976 infinite justice deity 976 infinite mercy deity 976 infinite power deity 976 infinite truth deity 976 infinite wisdom deity 976 infinitely greatness 31 infinity 105 infiniteness infinity 105 infinitesimal fraction 100.a littleness 193 smallness 32 infinitesimal calculus numeration 85 infinitude infinity 105 infinity infinity 105 space 180 greatness 31 deity 976 infirm vice 945 weakness 160 disease 655 infirm of purpose cowardice 862 irresolution 605 infirmary remedy 662 infirmity disease 655 vice 945 weakness 160 infirmity of purpose irresolution 605 infix teaching 537 inflame physical energy 171 resentment 900 calefaction 384 violence 173 excitation 824 inflammability calefaction 384 inflammable calefaction 384 fuel 388 inflammation calefaction 384 disease 655 inflate diffuseness 573 expansion 194 money 800 vanity 880 wind 349 inflated ridiculousness 853 vanity 880 ornament 577 inflation money 800 ornament 577 rarity 322 wind 349 expansion 194 inflect curvature 245 inflection curvature 245 grammar 567 inflexibility hardness 323 obstinacy 606 straightness 246 inflexible inelasticity 326 straightness 246 severity 739 resolution 604 hardness 323 obstinacy 606 inflexion change 140 curvature 245 inflict action 680 severity 739 inflict evil badness 649 inflict pain painfulness 830 physical pain 378 inflict punishment punishment 972 infliction pain 828 painfulness 830 adversity 735 punishment 972 inflictive punishment 972 inflorescence production 161 influence agency 170 authority 737 cause 153 change 140 influence 175 motive 615 power 157 influential power 157 authority 737 influence 175 influenza disease 655 influx ingress 294 inform information 527 inform against accusation 938 lawsuit 969 inform of information 527 informal unconformity 83 illegality 964 informal language neologism 563 informal speech neologism 563 informality illegality 964 nonobservance 773 unconformity 83 informant information 527 information news 532 lawsuit 969 information 527 knowledge 490 information theory information 527 informed information 527 informed of knowledge 490 informer accusation 938 information 527 messenger 534 informity amorphism 241 infraction nonobservance 773 dereliction of duty 927 disobedience 742 infraction of law unconformity 83 infraction of the law illegality 964 infraction of usage desuetude 614 infrangible coherence 46 density 321 Infrared spectrometer optical instruments 445 infrared telescope optical instruments 445 infrequency fewness 103 infrequency 137 infrequent infrequency 137 fewness 103 infrequently infrequency 137 infrigidation refrigeration 385 infringe dereliction of duty 927 undueness 925 transcursion 303 disobedience 742 nonobservance 773 infringe a custom desuetude 614 unconformity 83 infringe a habit desuetude 614 unconformity 83 infringe a law unconformity 83 infringe a usage desuetude 614 unconformity 83 infringe the law illegality 964 infringement nonobservance 773 transcursion 303 disobedience 742 infringement of custom unconformity 83 infringement of law unconformity 83 infringement of usage unconformity 83 infumate preparation 673 infundibul concavity 252 infundibular opening 260 concavity 252 infundibuliform concavity 252 infuriate resentment 900 violence 173 excitation 824 infuscate blackness 431 infuscation blackness 431 infuse transference 270 teaching 537 insertion 300 mixture 41 infuse courage courage 861 infuse life into excitation 824 infuse new blood into improvement 658 infused extrinsicality 6 infusible density 321 infusion insertion 300 liquefaction 335 mixture 41 remedy 662 infusoria littleness 193 ingannation deception 545 ingate conduit 350 ingathering assemblage 72 ingeminate duplication 90 ingemination duplication 90 ingenerate intrinsicality 5 ingenious skill 698 ingenite intrinsicality 5 ingenu artlessness 703 ingenuity skill 698 ingenuous veracity 543 artlessness 703 simplicity 849 ingenuousness veracity 543 ingest reception 296 ingesta food 298 ingestion reception 296 ingle fuel 388 ingle side abode 189 inglenook abode 189 furnace 386 inglorious disrepute 874 improbity 940 ingloriousness disrepute 874 ingot money 800 ingraft teaching 537 junction 43 insertion 300 addition 37 ingrafted habit 613 extrinsicality 6 ingrain color 428 interposition 228 ingrained affections 820 combination 48 habit 613 intrinsicality 5 ingrate ingratitude 917 ingratiate oneself love 897 ingratiating courtesy 894 ingratitude ingratitude 917 ingredient component 56 ingress passage 302 ingress 294 ingression ingress 294 ingulf destruction 162 ingurgitate reception 296 ingurgitation reception 296 ingustible insipidity 391 inhabit abode 189 inhabitant 188 location 184 presence 186 inhabitant inhabitant 188 inhabited presence 186 inhabiting presence 186 inhalation reception 296 inhale odor 398 reception 296 inharmonious color 428 disagreement 24 discord 414 multiformity 81 inhere in component 56 inherence intrinsicality 5 inherent intrinsicality 5 affections 820 inherit property 780 acquisition 775 possession 777 inheritance property 780 possession 777 acquisition 775 life 359 inherited intrinsicality 5 inheritor possessor 779 inheritress possessor 779 inheritrix possessor 779 inhesion intrinsicality 5 inhibit hindrance 706 prohibition 761 restraint 751 inhibition hindrance 706 prohibition 761 counteraction 179 inhospitable seclusion, exclusion 893 inhospitableness seclusion, exclusion 893 inhospitality seclusion, exclusion 893 inhuman malevolence 907 inhumanity malevolence 907 inhumation interment 363 inhume interment 363 inimaginable impossibility 471 improbability 473 wonder 870 inimical enmity 889 opposition 708 inimitable goodness 648 nonimitation 20 perfection 650 iniquitous vice 945 wrong 923 iniquity vice 945 wrong 923 inirritability inexcitability 826 initial beginning 66 initial letter engraving 558 initiate beginning 66 teaching 537 initiated skill 698 initiation teaching 537 initiative beginning 66 politics 737.b initiatory beginning 66 inject insertion 300 water 337 injection insertion 300 remedy 662 injudicial illegality 964 injudicious imbecility folly 499 injunction advice 695 command 741 prohibition 761 requirement 630 injure deterioration 659 badness 649 injure. malevolence 907 injured blemish 848 deterioration 659 imperfection 651 badness 649 injurious badness 649 wrong 923 injury badness 649 blemish 848 deterioration 659 evil 619 injustice wrong 923 ink blackness 431 ink bottle writing 590 ink horn writing 590 ink pot writing 590 ink slinger book 593 ink stand writing 590 ink well writing 590 inkle connection 45 inkling information 527 knowledge 490 desire 865 supposition 514 inky blackness 431 inland interiority 221 inlay variegation 440 inlet beginning 66 opening 260 interval 198 gulf, lake 343 ingress 294 inly interiority 221 inmate bad man 949 inhabitant 188 prisoner 754 inmost interiority 221 inmost heart affections 820 inmost nature existence 1 inmost soul affections 820 inmost thoughts thought 451 inn abode 189 innate intrinsicality 5 innate proclivity necessity 601 innavigable impossibility 471 inner interiority 221 inner bar lawyer 968 inner coating lining 224 inner man affections 820 intellect 450 inner reality existence 1 innermost interiority 221 innermost recesses interiority 221 innings receipt 810 acquisition 775 land 342 innkeeper inhabitant 188 innocence innocence 946 virtue 944 artlessness 703 innocent artlessness 703 fool 501 good man 948 goodness 648 innocence 946 probity 939 salubrity 656 virtue 944 innocent as a lamb innocence 946 innocently innocence 946 innocuous salubrity 656 innocence 946 goodness 648 innominate misnomer 565 innovate change 140 innovation change 140 newness 123 variation 20.a innoxious innocence 946 salubrity 656 innuendo disapprobation 932 information 527 latency, implication 526 innumerable infinity 105 numeration 85 innutritious insalubrity 657 inobjectionable imperfection 651 inobservance nonobservance 773 inoccupation inaction 681 inoculate insertion 300 motive 615 teaching 537 inoculation insertion 300 remedy 662 teaching 537 inodorous inodorousness 399 inodorousness inodorousness 399 inoffensive goodness 648 innocence 946 inofficious malevolence 907 inoperative impotence 158 inutility 645 unproductiveness 169 inopportune inexpedience 647 untimeliness 135 inopportune time untimeliness 135 inopportunely untimeliness 135 inordinate greatness 31 redundancy 641 inordinately greatness 31 inorganic inorganization 358 inorganic matter inorganization 358 inorganized inorganization 358 inornate simplicity 849 inosculate convolution 248 crossing 219 junction 43 inosculation convolution 248 crossing 219 junction 43 inpersuasible obstinacy 606 inquest inquiry 461 inquietude pain 828 changeableness 149 discontent 832 fear 860 inquinate deterioration 659 inquination deterioration 659 inquire inquiry 461 inquire about inquiry 461 inquirer curiosity 455 inquiry 461 inquiring curiosity 455 inquiring mind curiosity 455 inquiry inquiry 461 learning 539 reasoning 476 inquisition tribunal 966 inquiry 461 severity 739 inquisitive curiosity 455 inquiry 461 inquisitiveness curiosity 455 inquisitor inquiry 461 severity 739 inquisitorial curiosity 455 inquiry 461 jurisdiction 965 severity 739 inquisitory curiosity 455 inroad attack 716 deterioration 659 ingress 294 inrollment record 551 ins and outs place 182 insalubrious insalubrity 657 insalubrity insalubrity 657 insane insanity 503 insanity demon 980 disease 655 insanity 503 insatiable greed 817.a insatiate greed 817.a inscribe repute 873 writing 590 inscription record 551 writing 590 inscroll record 551 inscrutable unintelligibility 519 insculpture sculpture 557 insculptured engraving 558 insecable junction 43 unity 87 insect animal 366 littleness 193 sibilation 409 insect cry ululation 412 insecure danger 665 transientness 111 insecurity danger 665 insensate insanity 503 imbecility folly 499 insensibility insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 insensibility to the past oblivion 506 insensible insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 slowness 275 insensible of benefits ingratitude 917 insensible to the past oblivion 506 insensibleness insensibility 823 insensibly insensibility 823 inseparability coherence 46 inseparable coherence 46 junction 43 inseparableness coherence 46 insert record 551 insertion 300 addition 37 ingress 294 insert itself insertion 300 inserted insertion 300 insertion addition 37 ingress 294 insertion 300 interposition 228 location 184 reception 296 inservient inutility 645 insessorial height 206 inseverable unity 87 inside contents 190 interiority 221 inside out inversion 218 insidious cunning 702 deception 545 improbity 940 insight knowledge 490 insignia appearance 448 indication 550 trophy 733 insignia of authority scepter 747 insignificance smallness 32 unimportance 643 insignificant unimportance 643 unmeaningness 517 littleness 193 insincere affectation 855 insincerity falsehood 544 insinuate disapprobation 932 information 527 interposition 228 insinuate itself ingress 294 insinuate oneself love 897 insinuation insertion 300 latency, implication 526 ingress 294 information 527 disapprobation 932 interposition 228 insipid dullness 843 indifference 866 insipidity 391 insipidity insipidity 391 insist reasoning 476 insist on command 741 dueness 924 insist upon contention 720 resolution 604 diffuseness 573 conditions 770 compulsion 744 affirmation 535 dueness 924 insobriety drunkenness 959 insolation calefaction 384 heat 382 insolence insolence 885 insolent insolence 885 insolubility density 321 insoluble density 321 unintelligibility 519 insolvable unintelligibility 519 insolvency nonpayment 808 poverty 804 debt 806 insufficiency 640 insolvent debt 806 nonpayment 808 poverty 804 insomnia activity 682 insomnium activity 682 insouciance inattention 458 incuriosity 456 indifference 866 insensibility 823 insouciant indifference 866 insensibility 823 neglect 460 inspan departure 293 inspect attention 457 vision 441 inspecting officer judgment 480 inspector director 694 inquiry 461 judgment 480 inspiration impulse 612 motive 615 Judeo-christian revelation 985 intelligence, wisdom 498 feeling 821 excitation 824 deity 976 piety 987 imagination 515 inspire motive 615 piety 987 excitation 824 cheerfulness 836 inspire awe respect 928 fear 860 inspire courage courage 861 inspire despair hopelessness 859 inspire fear fear 860 inspire hope hope 858 inspire respect respect 928 inspire with vanity vanity 880 inspired motive 615 piety 987 Judeo-christian revelation 985 inspired penmen Judeo-christian revelation 985 inspired writings Judeo-christian revelation 985 inspiring fear fear 860 inspirit cheerfulness 836 relief 834 motive 615 courage 861 excitation 824 inspiriting cheerfulness 836 hope 858 inspissate semiliquidity 352 density 321 inspissation semiliquidity 352 density 321 instability changeableness 149 danger 665 install celebration 883 commission 755 location 184 installation celebration 883 location 184 commission 755 government 737.a installment payment 807 expenditure 809 part 51 instance request 765 motive 615 conformity 82 expectance 871 instant activity 682 destiny 152 importance 642 instantaneity 113 requirement 630 the present time 118 instant photo painting 556 instantaneity instantaneity 113 instantaneous transientness 111 instantaneity 113 instantaneously velocity 274 instantaneity 113 instantaneousness instantaneity 113 instanter instantaneity 113 instauration restoration 660 instead substitution 147 instigate motive 615 instigation motive 615 instigator motive 615 instill insertion 300 mixture 41 teaching 537 instinct intellect 450 intuition 477 absence of Intellect 450.a necessity 601 instinct with motive 615 possession 777 instinctive impulse 612 intrinsicality 5 intuition 477 necessity 601 instinctive reaction absence of Intellect 450.a instinctively absence of Intellect 450.a institute school 542 cause 153 party 712 production 161 institute a comparison comparison 464 institute an inquiry inquiry 461 institute one's undertaking 676 institution churchdom 995 legality 963 party 712 school 542 institutor teacher 540 instruct advice 695 command 741 information 527 teaching 537 instructed knowledge 490 instruction advice 695 teaching 537 information 527 precept 697 instructional teaching 537 instructions command 741 instructive teaching 537 instructor teacher 540 instrument instrument 633 instrumentality 631 security 771 instrumental music 415 instrument 633 instrumentality 631 means 632 instrumental music music 415 instrumentalist musician 416 instrumentality agency 170 instrumentality 631 insuavity discourtesy 895 insubordinate disobedience 742 insubordination disobedience 742 laxity 738 insubstantial inexistence 2 unsubstantiality 4 weakness 160 insubstantial pageant ostentation 882 insubstantiality unsubstantiality 4 insufferable dislike 867 painfulness 830 insufficiency insufficiency 640 nonpayment 808 shortcoming 304 incompleteness 53 insufficient failure 732 insufficiency 640 insufficiently insufficiency 640 smallness 32 insufflation wind 349 insular unity 87 disjunction 44 irrelation 10 island 346 insularity disjunction 44 insulate disjunction 44 insulation disjunction 44 insulation, fire extinction 388.a insulse dullness 843 imbecility folly 499 insult discourtesy 895 disrespect 929 resentment 900 insulting disrespect 929 hate 898 insuperable hindrance 706 impossibility 471 insupportable painfulness 830 insuppressible violence 173 insurance promise 768 insure certainty 474 security 771 insurgent disobedience 742 insurmountable impossibility 471 insurrection disobedience 742 resistance 719 insusceptible insensibility 823 stability 150 insusceptible of change stability 150 int he wind destiny 152 int he womb of time destiny 152 intact preservation 670 permanence 141 perfection 650 whole 50 intaglio concavity 252 prototype 22 sculpture 557 intangible littleness 193 numbness 381 integer number 84 whole 50 integral number 84 whole 50 integral calculus numeration 85 integral part component 56 integrant part component 56 integrate whole 50 integration numeration 85 whole 50 completeness 52 integrity probity 939 virtue 944 whole 50 integument covering 223 layer 204 intellect intellect 450 intelligence, wisdom 498 intellection thought 451 intellect 450 intellectual vigor 574 sage 500 curiosity 455 intellect 450 intellectual faculties intellect 450 intellectual powers intellect 450 intellectuality intellect 450 intelligence intellect 450 intelligence, wisdom 498 news 532 skill 698 intelligencer information 527 intelligent intelligence, wisdom 498 intelligibility intelligibility 518 intelligible manifestation 525 meaning 516 intelligibility 518 intemperance intemperance 954 redundancy 641 drunkenness 959 intemperate intemperance 954 intempestivity anachronism 115 untimeliness 135 intend intention 620 intendant director 694 intended intention 620 predetermination 611 will 600 intending intention 620 intense physical energy 171 greatness 31 color 428 intense application attention 457 intense attention attention 457 intense study attention 457 intense thought attention 457 intensely greatness 31 intensify increase 35 physical energy 171 intensity degree 26 greatness 31 physical energy 171 intent activity 682 intention 620 intent on desire 865 attention 457 intent upon desire 865 resolution 604 intention intention 620 motive 615 predetermination 611 will 600 intentional intention 620 intentionality intention 620 intentionally predetermination 611 intention 620 intentiveness attention 457 intentness activity 682 attention 457 inter interment 363 inter nos concealment 528 inter pocula drunkenness 959 interaction agency 170 intercalary interposition 228 intercalate interposition 228 intercalation interposition 228 intercede mediation 724 intercede for deprecation 766 intercept hindrance 706 taking 789 interception hindrance 706 intercession worship 990 mediation 724 deity 976 deprecation 766 intercessor concord 714 mediation 724 intercessory deprecation 766 interchange barter 794 correlation 12 derangement 61 interchange 148 interchange cards sociality 892 interchange visits sociality 892 interchangeability interchange 148 interchangeable barter 794 interchange 148 correlation 12 interchangeableness interchange 148 interchanged interchange 148 intercipient hindrance 706 interclusion hindrance 706 intercom hearing 418 intercommunication information 527 intercommunity sociality 892 intercourse friendship 888 sociality 892 intercurrence interposition 228 passage 302 intercurrent interposition 228 passage 302 interchange 148 interdependence correlation 12 interdependent correlation 12 interdict prohibition 761 interdiction prohibition 761 interdigitate crossing 219 interposition 228 interdigitation crossing 219 interposition 228 interest influence 175 relation 9 property 780 pleasurableness 829 amusement 840 money 800 good 618 excitation 824 curiosity 455 debt 806 aid 707 importance 642 interest rate money 800 interested selfishness 943 interesting attention 457 love 897 interfere hindrance 706 interposition 228 disagreement 24 activity 682 mediation 724 interfere with counteraction 179 interference activity 682 counteraction 179 disagreement 24 hindrance 706 interposition 228 mediation 724 interferometer measurement 466 optical instruments 445 interim synchronism 120 time 106 interval 198 interior government 737.a interiority 221 interiority interiority 221 interjacence interposition 228 interjacent interposition 228 interject insertion 300 interposition 228 interjection interposition 228 reception 296 interlace crossing 219 junction 43 interlard interposition 228 mixture 41 interlarding mixture 41 interleave interposition 228 interline interposition 228 writing 590 interlineation interposition 228 interlink crossing 219 junction 43 interlocation interposition 228 interlocution conversation 588 interlocutor conversation 588 speech 582 interlocutory conversation 588 interloper interposition 228 hindrance 706 extraneousness 57 interlude drama 599 time 106 intermarriage marriage 903 intermeddle activity 682 hindrance 706 intermeddler activity 682 intermeddling activity 682 mediation 724 intermediary interposition 228 intermediate mean 29 middle 68 interposition 228 instrumentality 631 intermediate time time 106 intermedium connection 45 instrumentality 631 interposition 228 interment insertion 300 interment 363 intermigration journey 266 interminability perpetuity 112 interminable infinity 105 length 200 perpetuity 112 intermingle mixture 41 intermission time 106 discontinuity 70 cessation 142 intermit cessation 142 discontinuity 70 regularity of recurrence 138 intermittence regularity of recurrence 138 time 106 intermittent discontinuity 70 regularity of recurrence 138 intermitting discontinuity 70 intermix mixture 41 intermixture mixture 41 intermutation interchange 148 intern interiority 221 learner 541 internal interiority 221 intrinsicality 5 internal evidence evidence 467 internally interiority 221 international correlation 12 sociality 892 international law legality 963 internecine killing 361 warfare 722 internecine war warfare 722 internist remedy 662 internuncio consignee 758 messenger 534 interpel cessation 142 interpellation allocution 586 command 741 inquiry 461 request 765 interpenetrate ingress 294 interposition 228 interpenetration ingress 294 interposition 228 passage 302 interpolate interposition 228 interpolation mixture 41 numeration 85 interposition 228 interpose discontinuity 70 hindrance 706 interposition 228 mediation 724 activity 682 interposit mart 799 interposition activity 682 addition 37 hindrance 706 interposition 228 mediation 724 interpret interpretation 522 discovery 480.a interpretation interpretation 522 identification 465.b interpreter interpreter 524 oracle 513 interregnum cessation 142 interval 198 laxity 738 time 106 transientness 111 interrelated correlation 12 interrelation correlation 12 interrogate inquiry 461 interrogation inquiry 461 interrogative inquiry 461 interrogatory inquiry 461 interrupt discontinuity 70 hindrance 706 cessation 142 interrupted discontinuity 70 interruption cessation 142 derangement 61 discontinuity 70 hindrance 706 interval 198 intersect crossing 219 obliquity 217 intersect at 90 degrees perpendicularity 216.a intersect at right angles perpendicularity 216.a intersection crossing 219 interspace interiority 221 interval 198 intersperse interposition 228 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 interspersion interposition 228 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 interstice interval 198 interstitial interiority 221 interposition 228 intertexture crossing 219 texture 329 intertwine junction 43 mixture 41 crossing 219 intertwist junction 43 crossing 219 interval incompleteness 53 interval 198 melody concord 413 time 106 intervene discontinuity 70 instrumentality 631 interposition 228 mediation 724 time 106 intervenience interposition 228 intervenient interposition 228 intervening interposition 228 instrumentality 631 intervention instrumentality 631 interposition 228 mediation 724 time 106 intervert change 140 deviation 279 interview conversation 588 sociality 892 interviewer recorder 553 intervolved junction 43 interweave interposition 228 junction 43 crossing 219 mixture 41 interworking agency 170 intestate obliteration 552 intestinal interiority 221 intestinal fortitude courage 861 intestine interiority 221 intestines interiority 221 inthral restraint 751 inthrall restraint 751 subjection 749 intimacy friendship 888 intimate information 527 friendship 888 friend 890 nearness 197 intimate friendship friendship 888 intimately junction 43 intimately related consanguinity 11 intimation information 527 supposition 514 intimidate fear 860 insolence 885 threat 909 intimidation fear 860 threat 909 into a ferment resentment 900 into home physical energy 171 into the bargain addition 37 into the eternal secret concealment 528 into the supreme mystery concealment 528 intolerable painfulness 830 intolerance excitability 825 malevolence 907 obstinacy 606 intolerant dissent 489 excitability 825 insolence 885 misjudgment 481 intonation voice 580 melody concord 413 sound 402 intone worship 990 musician 416 intort convolution 248 intoxicate excitation 824 intoxicated drunkenness 959 intoxication drunkenness 959 excitability 825 excitation 824 intractable difficulty 704 obstinacy 606 sullenness 901.a intrados interiority 221 intramural interiority 221 intransient diuturnity 110 intransitive diuturnity 110 intransmutable stability 150 diuturnity 110 intrap deception 545 intraregarding interiority 221 intravenous infusion remedy 662 intrench defense 717 safety 664 intrench on transcursion 303 intrenchment defense 717 intrepid courage 861 intrepidity courage 861 intricacy difficulty 704 secret 533 complexity 59.a intricate complexity 59.a convolution 248 difficulty 704 intrication complexity 59.a intrigant activity 682 cunning 702 libertine 962 plan 626 intrigue activity 682 cunning 702 impurity 961 plan 626 intriguer activity 682 cunning 702 intriguing cunning 702 intrinsic intrinsicality 5 intrinsic evidence evidence 467 intrinsic habit habit 613 intrinsic truth truth 494 intrinsic value value 812.a intrinsical intrinsicality 5 intrinsicality intrinsicality 5 intrinsically intrinsicality 5 introception reception 296 introduce precedence 62 reception 296 interposition 228 insertion 300 addition 37 precession 280 introduce new blood change 140 excitation 824 introduce new conditions qualification 469 introduce order into arrangement 60 introduce to friendship 888 introduction precursor 64 reception 296 insertion 300 drama 599 courtesy 894 beginning 66 friendship 888 introductory priority 116 beginning 66 precedence 62 precursor 64 introgression ingress 294 introit rite 998 reception 296 intromission reception 296 intromit cessation 142 insertion 300 reception 296 introspection vision 441 attention 457 introspective thought 451 introversion inversion 218 introvert inversion 218 intrude disagreement 24 ingress 294 interposition 228 irrelation 10 untimeliness 135 intruder extraneousness 57 interposition 228 intrusion irrelation 10 untimeliness 135 ingress 294 disagreement 24 interposition 228 intrusive interposition 228 untimeliness 135 disagreement 24 intrust credit 805 permission 760 giving 784 commission 755 lending 787 intuition intellect 450 intuition 477 knowledge 490 intuitive intuition 477 intuitively intuition 477 intumescence expansion 194 convexity 250 intwine convolution 248 junction 43 inunction covering 223 inundate redundancy 641 river 348 water 337 inundation redundancy 641 river 348 inunderstanding incogitancy 452 inurbanity discourtesy 895 inure insensibility 823 preparation 673 habit 613 teaching 537 inured insensibility 823 inurement preparation 673 inurn interment 363 inusitation desuetude 614 inutile inutility 645 inutility inexpedience 647 inutility 645 invade attack 716 ingress 294 invader attack 716 invagination organization 357 invalid disease 655 intuition 477 illegality 964 invalidate confutation 479 impotence 158 undueness 925 invalidation confutation 479 disease 655 weakness 160 invalided disease 655 invalidity impotence 158 invalidity of title undueness 925 invaluable goodness 648 invariable stability 150 uniformity 16 intrinsicality 5 invariably frequency 136 uniformity 16 conformity 82 invasion attack 716 ingress 294 invective accusation 938 detraction 934 disapprobation 932 malediction 908 inveigh against disapprobation 932 inveigle deception 545 motive 615 invent falsehood 544 plan 626 imagination 515 invented untruth 546 invention falsehood 544 imagination 515 nonimitation 20 plan 626 skill 698 supposition 514 thought 451 untruth 546 inventive skill 698 imagination 515 nonimitation 20 inventor producer 164 inventory list 86 inverse contraposition 237 inversion 218 inversely inversion 218 inversion change 140 contraposition 237 contrariety 14 derangement 61 inversion 218 ornament 577 reversion 145 invert inversion 218 contrariety 14 inverted inversion 218 inverted file list 86 invest attack 716 clothing 225 commission 755 expenditure 809 giving 784 lending 787 power 157 stock market 799.a invest in location 184 purchase 795 invest money economy 817 invest with attribution 155 invested clothing 225 investigate judgment 480 inquiry 461 investigation dissertation 595 inquiry 461 investigator inquiry 461 investiture commission 755 giving 784 investment stock market 799.a attack 716 clothing 225 expenditure 809 giving 784 lending 787 investor stock market 799.a drama 599 inveterate affections 820 habit 613 oldness 124 stability 150 inveterate belief belief 484 inveterate habit habit 613 inveterate opinion belief 484 invidious envy 921 hate 898 malevolence 907 painfulness 830 invigorate improvement 658 relief 834 strength 159 invigorating salubrity 656 invigoration strength 159 invincible strength 159 inviolable concealment 528 dueness 924 probity 939 inviolate concealment 528 permanence 141 probity 939 invious closure 261 difficulty 704 invisibility invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 invisible concealment 528 invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 littleness 193 invisible helpers angel 977 invisibleness invisibility 447 invitation offer 763 request 765 invite motive 615 offer 763 request 765 invite the attention attention 457 invite the mind attention 457 invite the thoughts attention 457 inviting pleasurableness 829 motive 615 invitingness pleasurableness 829 invocation allocution 586 request 765 worship 990 invocation of saints rite 998 invoice list 86 invoke allocution 586 request 765 worship 990 involuntariness necessity 601 involuntary necessity 601 unwillingness 603 involuntary exile punishment 972 involuntary servitude subjection 749 involution complexity 59.a convolution 248 numeration 85 obscurity 571 involve clothing 225 meaning 516 latency, implication 526 evidence 467 composition 54 derangement 61 involved complexity 59.a secret 533 poverty 804 obscurity 571 convolution 248 debt 806 involved in debt debt 806 involvement derangement 61 difficulty 704 invulnerability safety 664 invulnerable safety 664 invulnerableness safety 664 inward interiority 221 intrinsicality 5 inward monitor duty 926 inwards interiority 221 inweave crossing 219 inwrap clothing 225 inwrought interiority 221 intrinsicality 5 io paean celebration 883 io triumphe! celebration 883 rejoicing 838 ion every one's mouth repute 873 ion-exchange resin resin 356.a Ionic poetry 597 iota smallness 32 ipecac remedy 662 ipecacuanha remedy 662 ipsissima verba identity 13 ipso facto existence 1 irascibility irascibility 901 resentment 900 sullenness 901.a irascible irascibility 901 irascibleness irascibility 901 irate resentment 900 ire resentment 900 ireful resentment 900 iridescence variegation 440 iridescent variegation 440 Iris traveler 268 variegation 440 messenger 534 vision 441 irisated variegation 440 Irish inhabitant 188 Irish jig amusement 840 Irish wake amusement 840 Irishism! absurdity 497 Irishman inhabitant 188 irk fatigue 688 painfulness 830 irksome weariness 841 difficulty 704 fatigue 688 painfulness 830 iron strength 159 smoothness 255 hardness 323 resolution 604 iron age adversity 735 pain 828 Iron Cross trophy 733 iron grip retention 781 strength 159 iron hand severity 739 iron heel scourge 975 severity 739 iron lung life 359 airpipe 351 iron maiden scourge 975 iron mold redness 434 iron necessity necessity 601 iron rule severity 739 iron sway authority 737 severity 739 iron will resolution 604 ironbound coast land 342 pitfall 667 ironclad combatant 726 covering 223 defense 717 iron-gray gray 432 iron-handed severity 739 iron-hearted courage 861 ironic ridicule 856 ironical metaphor 521 ridicule 856 ridiculousness 853 untruth 546 iron-plated defense 717 irons prison 752 irons in the fire business 625 irony untruth 546 disrespect 929 metaphor 521 ridicule 856 Irota tribunal 966 irradiate light 420 irradiation light 420 irrational imbecility folly 499 incogitancy 452 intuition 477 number 84 irrational number number 84 irrationality imbecility folly 499 irreclaimable hopelessness 859 impenitence 951 vice 945 irreconcilable disagreement 24 enmity 889 irreconcilableness irrelation 10 irrecoverable hopelessness 859 the past 122 irredeemable hopelessness 859 irreducible complexity 59.a disagreement 24 stability 150 irrefragable demonstration 478 irrefutable certainty 474 demonstration 478 irregular irregularity of recurrence 139 multiformity 81 nonuniformity 16.a unconformity 83 disorder 59 combatant 726 distortion 243 irregularity disorder 59 distortion 243 irregularity of recurrence 139 nonuniformity 16.a unconformity 83 irregularly disorder 59 irregularity of recurrence 139 irrelation irrelation 10 irrelative irrelation 10 irrelevancy absence of influence 175.a disagreement 24 irrelation 10 irrelevant absence of influence 175.a intuition 477 irrelation 10 irreligion irreligion 989 irreligious impiety 988 irreligion 989 irreligiously irreligion 989 irremediable badness 649 hopelessness 859 irremissible vice 945 irremovable stability 150 irreparable hopelessness 859 irrepentance impenitence 951 irreprehensible innocence 946 irrepressible excitability 825 freedom 748 violence 173 irreproachable innocence 946 irreprovable innocence 946 irresilient inelasticity 326 irresistible compulsion 744 demonstration 478 necessity 601 strength 159 irresoluble stability 150 irresolute irresolution 605 tergiversation 607 changeableness 149 irresolutely irresolution 605 irresolution irresolution 605 physical inertness 172 irresolvable unity 87 irresolved irresolution 605 irresolvedly irresolution 605 irrespective irrelation 10 irrespectively irrelation 10 irresponsibility exemption 927.a irresponsible exemption 927.a illegality 964 irretrievable stability 150 hopelessness 859 loss 776 irrevealable concealment 528 irreverence disrespect 929 impiety 988 irreverent disrespect 929 impiety 988 irreversible hopelessness 859 stability 150 irrevocable hopelessness 859 necessity 601 stability 150 irrigate river 348 water 337 irrigation water 337 river 348 irriguous moisture 339 irrision ridicule 856 disrespect 929 irritability excitability 825 irascibility 901 irritable excitability 825 inexcitability 826 irascibility 901 irritate excitation 824 hate 898 painfulness 830 resentment 900 violence 173 irritating hate 898 painfulness 830 irritation excitation 824 pain 828 physical energy 171 resentment 900 irruption attack 716 ingress 294 Irvingite heterodoxy 984 is to be destiny 152 ischiagra physical pain 378 isinglass semiliquidity 352 Isis Jupiter 979 Islam heterodoxy 984 Islamism heterodoxy 984 island disjunction 44 island 346 islander inhabitant 188 island 346 isle island 346 islet island 346 isobar air 338 isobath equality 27 isobathic equality 27 isocheimal cold 383 isocheimenal cold 383 isocheimic cold 383 isochronal equality 27 isochronism synchronism 120 isochronous synchronism 120 isochronous isoperimetric equality 27 isogamy organization 357 similarity 17 isolate disjunction 44 unity 87 isolated disjunction 44 irrelation 10 seclusion, exclusion 893 unity 87 isolation unity 87 disjunction 44 prison 752 seclusion, exclusion 893 isomorphism form 240 isomorphous form 240 isoperimetrical equality 27 isotheral! heat 382 isothermal! heat 382 isothermic! heat 382 isotonic melody concord 413 issue eventuality 151 river 348 publication 531 posterity 167 politics 737.b nonassemblage, dispersion 73 money 800 wind 349 egress 295 effect 154 disease 655 departure 293 completion 729 book 593 inquiry 461 focus 74 issue a command command 741 issue a decree command 741 issue a requisition command 741 issue an order command 741 issue from effect 154 issueless unproductiveness 169 isthmus land 342 narrowness, thinness 203 connection 45 it cannot be helped content 831 insensibility 823 necessity 601 it cannot be spared requirement 630 it can't be helped submission 725 it comes to this conciseness 572 it does not follow intuition 477 it does not hold water confutation 479 it does not signify unimportance 643 it follows that effect 154 it is all one to insensibility 823 it is all over completion 729 it is all the same to insensibility 823 it is of no consequence insensibility 823 unimportance 643 it is of no importance unimportance 643 it is said news 532 it is too bad! disapprobation 932 it is written necessity 601 it lies in a nutshell compendium 596 it matters not unimportance 643 it must be necessity 601 it must be so necessity 601 it must follow demonstration 478 it must go no further concealment 528 it needs to be necessity 601 it will be necessity 601 it will do content 831 it will go no further concealment 528 it will have its way necessity 601 it will never do discontent 832 inexpedience 647 it will never do! disapprobation 932 it will not do wrong 923 it won't do disapprobation 932 italics indication 550 printing 591 itch desire 865 sensations of touch 380 disease 655 itch after desire 865 itching desire 865 excitability 825 sensations of touch 380 itching palm desire 865 item addition 37 adjunct 39 part 51 substantiality 3 itemization list 86 itemize list 86 description 594 items speciality 79 iterate repetition 104 iteration duplication 90 perseverance 604.a repetition 104 iterative repetition 104 itinerant journey 266 traveler 268 itinerary information 527 journey 266 its days are numbered hopelessness 859 it's Greek to me unintelligibility 519 itself speciality 79 I've got it! discovery 480.a ivory whiteness 430 ivory black blackness 431 Ixion rotation 312 J J.P. judge 967 jab impulse 276 jabber loquacity 584 stammering 583 unmeaningness 517 jacal abode 189 jacent horizontality 213 jacinth jewelry 847.a jack amusement 840 indication 550 rotation 312 jack a dandy humorist 844 Jack at a pinch auxiliary 711 jack boot clothing 225 Jack Cade disobedience 742 Jack in office director 694 jack in the green humorist 844 Jack Ketch scourge 975 Jack of all trades proficient 700 jack off sexuality 374.a Jack o'lantern luminary 423 Jack Pudding drama 599 Jack Sheppard thief 792 jack tar mariner 269 jackal provision 637 jackal! auxiliary 711 jackanapes blusterer 887 jackass carrier 271 jack-in-office blusterer 887 jackpot amusement 840 jack-pudding boasting 884 humorist 844 jacks amusement 840 Jackson money 800 jackstones amusement 840 Jacobin opponent 710 Jacquerie attack 716 resistance 719 jactancy boasting 884 jactitation agitation 315 boasting 884 jaculate propulsion 284 jade bad man 949 carrier 271 commonality 876 deterioration 659 fatigue 688 libertine 962 jag contents 190 notch 257 jagged angularity 244 jaguar evil 913 jahannan hell 982 Jahweh deity 976 jail prison 752 jail bird prisoner 754 bad man 949 jailer keeper 753 scourge 975 jakes receptacle 191 uncleanness 653 jaldi! activity 682 jalopy vehicle 272 jalousie airpipe 351 jam sweetness 396 clothing 225 junction 43 pulpiness 354 jam in interposition 228 Jamaica pepper condiment 393 jamb support 215 jamboree amusement 840 jammed stability 150 jammed in restraint 751 jangle discord 713 stridor 410 janissary combatant 726 janitor stopper 263 Jansenism heterodoxy 984 janty ostentation 882 insolence 885 fashion 852 cheerfulness 836 beauty 845 rashness 863 January regularity of recurrence 138 Janus deceiver 548 tergiversation 607 Janus faced falsehood 544 jao! ejection 297 japan ornament 847 resin 356.a covering 223 japanning ornament 847 jape wit 842 jar agitation 315 stridor 410 receptacle 191 discord 713 disagreement 24 discord 414 jar upon the ear stridor 410 jar upon the feelings painfulness 830 jardiniere receptacle 191 jargon absurdity 497 neologism 563 unintelligibility 519 unmeaningness 517 jarring disagreement 24 discord 414 discord 713 jasper jewelry 847.a jaundice yellowness 436 jaundiced dejection 837 jealousy 920 misjudgment 481 yellowness 436 jaundiced eye jealousy 920 jaunt journey 266 jaunting car vehicle 272 jaunty rashness 863 beauty 845 cheerfulness 836 fashion 852 insolence 885 ostentation 882 javelin arms 727 jaw loquacity 584 disapprobation 932 jaw fallen dejection 837 jaws edge 231 food 298 jaws of death death 360 jay dupe 547 loquacity 584 jealous jealousy 920 jealous of honor probity 939 jealousness jealousy 920 jealousy jealousy 920 unbelief doubt 485 jeans clothing 225 jeep vehicle 272 jeer disrespect 929 Jehovah deity 976 Jehu director 694 traveler 268 jejune feebleness 575 insufficiency 640 jelly semiliquidity 352 jemidar master 745 jemmy instrument 633 Jemmy Jessamy! fop 854 jennet carrier 271 jenny instrument 633 jeopard danger 665 jeopardize danger 665 jeopardy danger 665 jerboa leap 309 jereed arms 727 jeremiad disapprobation 932 lamentation 839 jeremiade disapprobation 932 jeremiade! lamentation 839 Jeremy Diddler thief 792 jerid arms 727 jerk traction 285 agitation 315 ignoramus 493 propulsion 284 revolution 146 jerk off sexuality 374.a jerkin clothing 225 jerry building deception 545 Jerry Sneak cowardice 862 knave 941 jersey clothing 225 jest laughingstock 857 unimportance 643 wit 842 jest book wit 842 jester humorist 844 jestingstock laughingstock 857 Jesuit deceiver 548 clergy 996 jesuitical falsehood 544 intuition 477 jesuitism falsehood 544 jesuitry falsehood 544 intuition 477 Jesus deity 976 jet blackness 431 navigation 267 river 348 jet engine propulsion 284 jet fuel fuel 388 oil 356 jet liner ship 273 jet plane ship 273 jet stream wind 349 jet-black blackness 431 jetsam relinquishment 782 jettison relinquishment 782 jetty blackness 431 convexity 250 refuge 666 Jew cunning 702 heterodoxy 984 parsimony 819 jewel goodness 648 jewelry 847.a favorite 899 beauty 845 good man 948 jeweler jewelry 847.a jewellery jewelry 847.a jewelry jewelry 847.a ornament 847 jewelry shop mart 799 Jewels five words long goodness 648 Jewish calendar chronometry 114 Jew's harp musical instruments 417 Jezebel bad man 949 evil 913 libertine 962 jhil marsh 345 jhilmil airpipe 351 jhuth untruth 546 jib regression 283 front 234 jibe wit 842 jiffy instantaneity 113 jig amusement 840 jigger support 215 vehicle 272 jilt deceiver 548 deception 545 disappointment 509 improbity 940 jilted hate 898 jimmy instrument 633 jimp beauty 845 jingal arms 727 jingle resonance 408 jingo blusterer 887 jinn demon 980 jinrikisha vehicle 272 jiujitsu contention 720 jiva power 157 job action 680 business 625 improbity 940 job on slowness 275 jobation disapprobation 932 jobber proficient 700 selfishness 943 deceiver 548 stock market 799.a merchant 797 jobbernowl fool 501 jobbery cunning 702 improbity 940 jobbing barter 794 improbity 940 Job's comforter dejection 837 hopelessness 859 jock clothing 225 jockey traveler 268 deceiver 548 deception 545 servant 746 jockey shorts clothing 225 jockeyship deception 545 jockstrap clothing 225 jocose cheerfulness 836 wit 842 jocoseness amusement 840 wit 842 jocosity amusement 840 wit 842 jocular cheerfulness 836 wit 842 jocularity cheerfulness 836 wit 842 jocund cheerfulness 836 amusement 840 jocundity cheerfulness 836 Joe Miller! humorist 844 wit 842 jog agitation 315 habit 613 impulse 276 jog on continuance in action 143 journey 266 mediocrity 736 progression 282 jog the memory memory 505 jog trot journey 266 slowness 275 joggle agitation 315 john receptacle 191 uncleanness 653 John Bull inhabitant 188 John Doe and Richard Roe unsubstantiality 4 Johnsonian ornament 577 join arrival 292 assemblage 72 contiguity 199 junction 43 marriage 903 mixture 41 party 712 sociality 892 join battle warfare 722 join forces cooperation 709 concurrence 178 join hands with cooperation 709 join in participation 778 join in a conversation conversation 588 join in the chorus assent 488 join issue contention 720 discord 713 lawsuit 969 reasoning 476 join issue upon negation 536 join partnership cooperation 709 join the crowd assent 488 join the greater number death 360 join the majority death 360 join with cooperation 709 joinder junction 43 joined junction 43 joined together party 712 joining junction 43 joint accompaniment 88 fold 258 food 298 junction 43 part 51 party 712 vice 945 joint concern party 712 joint stock cooperation 709 participation 778 joint tenancy participation 778 joint tenant participation 778 jointly addition 37 junction 43 joint-stock company party 712 jointure property 780 receipt 810 joist support 215 joke ridicule 856 unimportance 643 wit 842 joke at one's expense wit 842 joker amusement 840 humorist 844 joking wit 842 joking apart affirmation 535 resolution 604 jokingly wit 842 jole laterality 236 jollification amusement 840 intemperance 954 jollity amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 sociality 892 jolly sociality 892 amusement 840 mariner 269 size 192 jolly as a sandboy cheerfulness 836 jolly as a thrush cheerfulness 836 jolly boat ship 273 jolly fellow sociality 892 jolt agitation 315 impulse 276 jolterhead fool 501 jolthead fool 501 Jonah badness 649 Jonathan Wild bad man 949 thief 792 jonquil remedy 662 jorum receptacle 191 Joseph purity 960 Joseph Surface deceiver 548 Joseph's coat variegation 440 joss house temple 1000 jostle agitation 315 counteraction 179 discord 713 impulse 276 jostling discord 713 jot smallness 32 unimportance 643 jot a note memory 505 jot down record 551 jotting indication 550 jottings record 551 jounce agitation 315 jour de ma vie pleasure 827 journal accounts 811 book 593 chronometry 114 description 594 news 532 publication 531 record 551 journalism book 593 news 532 record 551 journalist news 532 recorder 553 journey motion 264 passage 302 journey 266 journeyman learner 541 servant 746 agent 690 journey's end arrival 292 joust contention 720 Jove Jupiter 979 jovial amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 sociality 892 joviality amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 sociality 892 jovialness amusement 840 Jovinianist heterodoxy 984 jowl laterality 236 joy pleasure 827 joyful cheerfulness 836 pleasure 827 joyless dejection 837 painfulness 830 joyous cheerfulness 836 jubbah clothing 225 jube temple 1000 jubilant cheerfulness 836 rejoicing 838 boasting 884 jubilation celebration 883 rejoicing 838 jubilee amusement 840 rejoicing 838 celebration 883 regularity of recurrence 138 jucundity pleasurableness 829 Judaical heterodoxy 984 Judaism heterodoxy 984 Judas deceiver 548 knave 941 Judas kiss falsehood 544 improbity 940 untruth 546 judge legality 963 taste 850 master 745 judge 967 judgment 480 jurisdiction 965 lawyer 968 judge by intuition intuition 477 judge hastily intuition 477 misjudgment 481 judge intuitively intuition 477 judge of assize judge 967 judged by comparison comparison 464 judging judgment 480 judgment discrimination 465 taste 850 punishment 972 judgment 480 intellect 450 deity 976 condemnation 971 intelligence, wisdom 498 judgment seat tribunal 966 judication judgment 480 judicatory jurisdiction 965 tribunal 966 judicature government 737.a jurisdiction 965 judicial tribunal 966 judge 967 jurisdiction 965 judicial astrology prediction 511 judicial murder killing 361 judicial separation divorce 905 judiciary government 737.a jurisdiction 965 judicious intelligence, wisdom 498 judgment 480 jug receptacle 191 Juggernath idolatry 991 Jupiter 979 killing 361 juggle cunning 702 deception 545 juggler deceiver 548 jugglery cunning 702 deception 545 juggling deception 545 jugulate killing 361 juice fluidity 333 fuel 388 juiceless dryness 340 juicy fluidity 333 moisture 339 jujube sweetness 396 jujutsu contention 720 julep sweetness 396 Julian calendar chronometry 114 jumble derangement 61 mixture 41 disorder 59 jumbled multiformity 81 jumbo size 192 jument carrier 271 jump leap 309 navigation 267 neglect 460 revolution 146 jump about agitation 315 leap 309 jump at haste 684 willingness 602 pursuit 622 desire 865 consent 762 taking 789 jump for joy rejoicing 838 jump like a parched pea agitation 315 jump over neglect 460 jump over the moon leap 309 jump to a conclusion credulity 486 misjudgment 481 jump to conclusions intuition 477 misjudgment 481 jump up leap 309 ascent 305 elevation 307 jumper vehicle 272 junction addition 37 combination 48 connection 45 junction 43 mixture 41 juncture circumstance 8 eventuality 151 junction 43 occasion 134 June bug luminary 423 jungle complexity 59.a vegetable 367 junior learner 541 youth 127 junior bar lawyer 968 junior partner friend 890 junior soph learner 541 juniority youth 127 junk inutility 645 ship 273 junk food food 298 junk jewelry deception 545 jewelry 847.a junket amusement 840 food 298 Juno jealousy 920 junta government 737.a council 696 junto party 712 jupe clothing 225 Jupiter Jupiter 979 juramentado impiety 988 Jurassic oldness 124 juridical jurisdiction 965 jurisdiction authority 737 jurisdiction 965 jurisprudence legality 963 jurist lawyer 968 jury judge 967 jury box tribunal 966 jury list list 86 jury mast refuge 666 substitution 147 jury rig substitution 147 jury rigging substitution 147 juryman judge 967 jussive command 741 grammar 567 just probity 939 right 922 truth 494 just around the corner expectation 507 just as similarity 17 synchronism 120 just audible faintness 405 just begun beginning 66 just do sufficiency 639 just enough to swear by smallness 32 just in case eventuality 151 just in time occasion 134 just joking wit 842 just kidding wit 842 just now newness 123 the present time 118 just out newness 123 just over the horizon expectation 507 just possible possibility 470 just so assent 488 truth 494 just the facts eventuality 151 just the other way contrariety 14 just the thing truth 494 agreement 23 dueness 924 just then instantaneity 113 just under the wire punctuality 132.a juste milieu middle 68 justice government 737.a judge 967 legality 963 probity 939 right 922 justice of assize judge 967 justice of the peace judge 967 justice seat tribunal 966 justiciar judge 967 justiciary judge 967 justifiable right 922 vindication 937 justifiable charge vindication 937 justification piety 987 printing 591 vindication 937 justified piety 987 justifier vindication 937 justify deity 976 vindication 937 justle contention 720 impulse 276 jut out convexity 250 jute filament 205 jutting over pendency 214 jutty convexity 250 juvenescence youth 127 juvenile youth 127 juvenility youth 127 juxtapose comparison 464 contiguity 199 juxtaposition contiguity 199 K K.C. lawyer 968 kaboom! snap 406 kachcha nonpreparation 674 kadi judge 967 kaffiyeh clothing 225 kahin clergy 996 kain amusement 840 kaiser master 745 kal futurity 121 kala jagah abode 189 Kalashnikov arms 727 kaleidoscope optical instruments 445 kaleidoscopic variegation 440 Kali Jupiter 979 kangaroo leap 309 kantikoy amusement 840 karma right 922 karo! activity 682 karyaster organization 357 karyoplasmic organization 357 kassis clergy 996 Katerfelto sorcerer 994 kavass jurisdiction 965 kayak ship 273 kaziaskier clergy 996 keck ejection 297 keddah closure 261 kedge navigation 267 refuge 666 ship 273 keel base 211 keel upwards inversion 218 keelhaul punishment 972 keen physical energy 171 sharpness 253 physical sensibility 375 cold 383 desire 865 feeling 821 intelligence, wisdom 498 keen as a razor feeling 821 sharpness 253 keen blast wind 349 keen witted intelligence, wisdom 498 keen-eyed vision 441 keenness desire 865 physical energy 171 keep prison 752 store 636 retention 781 restraint 751 refuge 666 food 298 provision 637 preservation 670 permanence 141 frequency 136 defense 717 continuance in action 143 observance 772 keep a course direction 278 keep a good lookout care 459 keep a good lookout for expectation 507 keep a rod in pickle for accusation 938 keep a secret taciturnity 585 concealment 528 keep a sharp eye on care 459 keep a sharp lookout care 459 foresight 510 keep a sharp lookout for expectation 507 keep a shop barter 794 business 625 keep a stiff upper lip cheerfulness 836 keep a tight hand severity 739 keep a tight hand on restraint 751 keep accounts accounts 811 keep alive continuance in action 143 life 359 preservation 670 keep aloof absence 187 distance 196 seclusion, exclusion 893 keep aloof keep off avoidance 623 keep an account with barter 794 credit 805 keep an eye on care 459 keep apart disjunction 44 keep arm's length defense 717 keep at a distance discourtesy 895 keep at arm's length repulsion 289 seclusion, exclusion 893 discourtesy 895 enmity 889 keep at bay defense 717 resistance 719 keep away absence 187 distance 196 keep back store 636 concealment 528 dissuasion 616 disuse 678 latency, implication 526 lateness 133 restraint 751 retention 781 keep by one provision 637 keep clear of distance 196 avoidance 623 keep close concealment 528 retention 781 keep company accompaniment 88 keep company with friendship 888 sociality 892 keep dark concealment 528 keep faith with observance 772 probity 939 keep firm stability 150 keep from restraint 751 avoidance 623 concealment 528 keep from out of sight concealment 528 keep from out of view concealment 528 keep going continuance in action 143 motion 264 keep hold stability 150 keep holiday amusement 840 keep holy piety 987 keep house location 184 keep in prohibition 761 restraint 751 keep in a middle course mid-course 628 keep in check restraint 751 keep in countenance approbation 931 vindication 937 courage 861 aid 707 motive 615 keep in good humor concord 714 keep in ignorance ignorance 491 keep in mind memory 505 keep in one's pay purchase 795 keep in order direction 693 keep in sight attention 457 care 459 keep in stock retention 781 keep in suspense irresolution 605 uncertainty 475 keep in the background modesty 881 seclusion, exclusion 893 disrepute 874 keep in the dark concealment 528 keep in the ignorance concealment 528 keep in the memory memory 505 keep in the mind memory 505 keep in the right path virtue 944 keep in the shade concealment 528 keep in the thoughts memory 505 keep in view attention 457 care 459 expectation 507 memory 505 keep it up! continuance in action 143 keep moving activity 682 motion 264 keep moving! activity 682 keep mum taciturnity 585 keep off avoidance 623 defense 717 distance 196 hindrance 706 keep off and on irresolution 605 keep off! prohibition 761 resistance 719 keep on continuance in action 143 frequency 136 perseverance 604.a keep on foot preparation 673 provision 637 continuance in action 143 support 215 keep on hand provision 637 keep on ice preservation 670 keep on one's legs health 654 keep on the safe side caution 864 keep on the shelf disuse 678 keep one in countenance conformity 82 keep one's bed disease 655 keep one's carriage fashion 852 keep one's counsel taciturnity 585 keep one's countenance dejection 837 inexcitability 826 keep one's course progression 282 keep one's distance respect 928 modesty 881 avoidance 623 distance 196 keep one's eyes open care 459 keep one's footing permanence 141 keep one's ground permanence 141 keep one's hand in habit 613 keep one's own counsel concealment 528 keep one's powder dry preparation 673 keep one's promise observance 772 probity 939 virtue 944 keep one's spirits up hope 858 keep one's word observance 772 keep oneself afloat prosperity 734 keep oneself from doing inaction 681 keep open house sociality 892 keep out of harm's way caution 864 keep out of sight neglect 460 keep out of the way absence 187 avoidance 623 keep pace with concurrence 178 equality 27 synchronism 120 velocity 274 keep private modesty 881 keep quiet quiescence 265 inaction 681 keep secret concealment 528 keep silence taciturnity 585 aphony 581 keep snug concealment 528 seclusion, exclusion 893 keep the eyes open attention 457 keep the faith stability 150 keep the field warfare 722 keep the memory alive memory 505 keep the peace concord 714 moderation 174 pacification 723 peace 721 keep the pot boiling excitation 824 continuance in action 143 activity 682 keep the wound green revenge 919 memory 505 keep time earliness 132 keep time to servility 886 keep to one's course perseverance 604.a keep to one's ground perseverance 604.a keep to oneself concealment 528 keep together cooperation 709 keep under authority 737 restraint 751 subjection 749 keep up excitation 824 perseverance 604.a continuance in action 143 preservation 670 keep up a correspondence correspondence 592 keep up appearances fashion 852 keep up one's spirits cheerfulness 836 keep up the ball activity 682 amusement 840 continuance in action 143 keep up the good work continuance in action 143 keep up the memory record 551 keep up the memory of memory 505 keep up with velocity 274 keep watch care 459 keep watch and ward warning 668 care 459 keep within interiority 221 keep within bounds moderation 174 prohibition 761 restraint 751 shortcoming 304 keep within compass economy 817 moderation 174 keep within doors quiescence 265 keep within the compass shortcoming 304 keep within the mark shortcoming 304 keep your mouth shut! taciturnity 585 keeper keeper 753 keeping color 428 agreement 23 keeping room receptacle 191 keepsake memory 505 keg receptacle 191 kelpie Jupiter 979 kelvins heat 382 kempt cleanness 652 kennel abode 189 conduit 350 furrow 259 Kentish fire amusement 840 kepi clothing 225 kerchief clothing 225 kern pulverulence 330 bad man 949 commonality 876 kernel importance 642 centrality 222 kerosene calefaction 384 fuel 388 oil 356 ketch carrier 271 ship 273 kettle furnace 386 receptacle 191 sociality 892 kettle drum musical instruments 417 sociality 892 key interpretation 522 opening 260 color 428 melody concord 413 scepter 747 instrumentality 631 indication 550 cause 153 instrument 633 key note melody concord 413 keyboard symbols indication 550 keyhole opening 260 keynote prototype 22 frequency 136 importance 642 keystone support 215 motive 615 importance 642 completion 729 khaki brown 433 khamsin wind 349 khan abode 189 master 745 khansamah servant 746 khansaman servant 746 khedive master 745 khitmutgar servant 746 khoja teacher 540 khudd obliquity 217 kiack temple 1000 kibitka vehicle 272 kibitz judgment 480 kick contempt 930 impulse 276 punishment 972 recoil 277 resistance 719 attack 716 kick against opposition 708 resistance 719 kick against the pricks inutility 645 opposition 708 rashness 863 resistance 719 kick down the ladder resolution 604 kick one's heels lateness 133 inaction 681 kick out of school learning 539 kick over the traces disobedience 742 kick the beam inequality 28 superiority 33 kick the bucket death 360 kick up a dust activity 682 discord 713 insolence 885 kick up a row discord 713 violence 173 kicking resistance 719 kickshaws food 298 kid infant 129 wit 842 kid around wit 842 kidding wit 842 kidnap deception 545 stealing 791 taking 789 kidnaper thief 792 kidney class 75 kidney stone disease 655 kidney-shaped curvature 245 kila defense 717 kilderkin receptacle 191 Kilkenny cats discord 713 kill killing 361 kill oneself killing 361 kill the fatted calf celebration 883 kill the slain redundancy 641 kill time amusement 840 inactivity 683 kill with kindness endearment 902 killick refuge 666 killing killing 361 pleasurableness 829 success 731 killing time evening 126 killjoy hindrance 706 kiln dryness 340 furnace 386 kiln dry dryness 340 kilocalorie heat 382 kilogram gravity 319 kilogram calorie heat 382 kilometer length 200 kilt clothing 225 kimbo angularity 244 kimono clothing 225 kin class 75 kind benevolence 906 class 75 kind regards courtesy 894 kind remembrances courtesy 894 kind treatment benevolence 906 kindergarten school 542 kinderspiel unimportance 643 kindgom of Micomicon imagination 515 kind-hearted benevolence 906 kind-heartedness benevolence 906 kindle violence 173 calefaction 384 cause 153 excitation 824 light 420 physical energy 171 production 161 resentment 900 kindle the torch of war warfare 722 kindle wrath resentment 900 kindliness benevolence 906 kindly benevolence 906 kindness benevolence 906 kindred consanguinity 11 kine animal 366 kinematics motion 264 kinfolk consanguinity 11 king amusement 840 master 745 nobility 875 King Death death 360 king Mob commonality 876 King of terrors death 360 king of the hill success 731 king post support 215 kingcraft direction 693 kingdom class 75 government 737.a property 780 kingdom of God heaven 981 kingdom of heaven heaven 981 kinghood government 737.a kingly government 737.a King's Bench prison 752 King's English language 560 king's evil disease 655 King's highway method 627 King's message advice 695 King's or Queen's counsel lawyer 968 kingship government 737.a kink caprice 608 complexity 59.a convolution 248 curvature 245 physical pain 378 kinky convolution 248 curvature 245 kinsman consanguinity 11 kiosk abode 189 temple 1000 kip support 215 kirk temple 1000 kirtle clothing 225 kismet necessity 601 kiss courtesy 894 endearment 902 kiss hands courtesy 894 kiss in the ring amusement 840 kiss one's ass servility 886 kiss the ass of flattery 933 kiss the book affirmation 535 kiss the rod submission 725 kit receptacle 191 class 75 musical instruments 417 kitcat painting 556 kitchen workshop 691 receptacle 191 kitchen garden agriculture 371 kitchen Kaffir neologism 563 kitchen maid servant 746 kitchener furnace 386 kite money 800 ship 273 kith and kin consanguinity 11 kithless seclusion, exclusion 893 unity 87 kitten roll 407 infant 129 production 161 kittenish infant 129 kittereen vehicle 272 KKK party 712 kleptodipsomania insanity 503 kleptomania desire 865 stealing 791 kleptomaniac madman 504 km length 200 knack habit 613 skill 698 knag hindrance 706 knaggy sullenness 901.a knap height 206 knapsack receptacle 191 knarl complexity 59.a knarled complexity 59.a knave amusement 840 deceiver 548 knave 941 knavery cunning 702 deception 545 improbity 940 vice 945 knavish improbity 940 knead form 240 mixture 41 softness 324 knee angularity 244 knee deep depth 208 shallowness 209 kneel courtesy 894 depression 308 interment 363 pity 914 servility 886 submission 725 worship 990 kneel to request 765 respect 928 submission 725 kneeling worship 990 courtesy 894 submission 725 kneeling prostration respect 928 knell lamentation 839 knickerbockers clothing 225 knickers clothing 225 knickknack amusement 840 unimportance 643 knife sharpness 253 knife edge sharpness 253 knife edged sharpness 253 knight nobility 875 knight errant madman 504 philanthropy 910 knight errantry philanthropy 910 knight marshal master 745 knight of the road petitioner 767 knight service possession 777 Knight Templar party 712 knight-errant defense 717 rashness 863 knight-errantry rashness 863 knighthood nobility 875 title 877 knight's move at chess deviation 279 knit junction 43 receptacle 191 knit one's brows discontent 832 knit the brow resentment 900 knit the brows disapprobation 932 knob convexity 250 rotundity 249 height 206 pendency 214 knobby convexity 250 knock impulse 276 rashness 863 snap 406 knock at the door request 765 knock down dejection 837 depression 308 deterioration 659 horizontality 213 knock down argument confutation 479 knock down over destruction 162 knock kneed angularity 244 distortion 243 knock off completion 729 knock on the head killing 361 knock one's head against impulse 276 knock to atoms destruction 162 knock under penitence 950 submission 725 knock up fatigue 688 knock-down blow destruction 162 knocked on the head failure 732 knocked up fatigue 688 knocker instrument 633 convexity 250 knock-out-blow end 67 knoll height 206 knot difficulty 704 rotundity 249 roughness 256 party 712 ornament 847 hindrance 706 density 321 crossing 219 convolution 248 connection 45 assemblage 72 complexity 59.a knotted complexity 59.a roughness 256 difficulty 704 density 321 convolution 248 knotty density 321 difficulty 704 knotty point difficulty 704 inquiry 461 knout scourge 975 know belief 484 certainty 474 friendship 888 information 527 knowledge 490 sociality 892 know by heart knowledge 490 know by rote knowledge 490 know for certain belief 484 know full well knowledge 490 know no bounds greatness 31 infinity 105 redundancy 641 know no limits infinity 105 know not ignorance 491 know not what ignorance 491 know nothing of ignorance 491 know one's lesson memory 505 know one's limit temperance 953 know one's own mind resolution 604 know what is what discrimination 465 know what one is about skill 698 know what's o'clock skill 698 know what's what intelligence, wisdom 498 knowledge 490 skill 698 know which is which discrimination 465 knowing cunning 702 knowledge 490 knowingly intention 620 know-it-all sage 500 knowledge information 527 knowledge 490 knowledge is power knowledge 490 knowledge of friendship 888 knowledge of books book 593 knowledge of the world skill 698 known knowledge 490 known as nomenclature 564 known by indication 550 knuckle angularity 244 knuckle down submission 725 knuckle duster arms 727 knuckle to submission 725 knuckle under submission 725 knurly roughness 256 knurr and spell amusement 840 kobold demon 980 Kodachrome painting 556 Koh-i-noor perfection 650 koniology pulverulence 330 kooshti contention 720 kos length 200 kosmos world 318 kotow courtesy 894 kowtow courtesy 894 depression 308 respect 928 submission 725 kraal abode 189 kraken unconformity 83 kris arms 727 Krishna Jupiter 979 Krupp gun arms 727 kudos approbation 931 Kuklux party 712 Kuklux Klan party 712 kurbash scourge 975 kutcherry treasury 802 kyanize preservation 670 kyles gulf, lake 343 L la grace amusement 840 laager defense 717 lab workshop 691 labarum indication 550 labefy deterioration 659 label nomenclature 564 indication 550 labent descent 306 labial letter 561 edge 231 labiated edge 231 labitur et albetur continuance in action 143 labor action 680 exertion 686 government 737.a production 161 Labor Day amusement 840 labor day and night exertion 686 labor for intention 620 labor in one's vocation business 625 labor in vain failure 732 waste 638 inutility 645 shortcoming 304 labor lost inutility 645 labor of love amusement 840 cheapness 815 disinterestedness 942 willingness 602 labor of Sisyphus inutility 645 Labor Party politics 737.b labor under disease 655 feeling 821 labor under a state state 7 labor under afflictions pain 828 labor under an error error 495 labor under difficulties difficulty 704 laboratory workshop 691 labored inelegance 579 preparation 673 labored application attention 457 labored attention attention 457 labored study attention 457 labored thought attention 457 laborer agent 690 laboring exertion 686 laboring man agent 690 laboring oar agent 690 laborious difficulty 704 exertion 686 laboriously exertion 686 laboriousness activity 682 labyrinth convolution 248 secret 533 complexity 59.a labyrinthian convolution 248 secret 533 labyrinthic convolution 248 labyrinthine convolution 248 difficulty 704 secret 533 lac five, &c 98 resin 356.a lac of rupees money 800 lace crossing 219 punishment 972 ornament 847 junction 43 lace one's jacket punishment 972 lacerable brittleness 328 lacerate disjunction 44 physical pain 378 lacerate the heart painfulness 830 laceration disjunction 44 laches neglect 460 nonobservance 773 lachrymals dejection 837 lachrymation lamentation 839 lachrymatory lamentation 839 lachrymose dejection 837 lamentation 839 laciniate roughness 256 laciniform roughness 256 laciniose roughness 256 lack incompleteness 53 insufficiency 640 poverty 804 requirement 630 lack a day! lamentation 839 lack faith irreligion 989 lack of complication facility 705 lack of contrition impenitence 951 lack of interest incuriosity 456 lack of value worthlessness 812.b lack parallelism obliquity 217 lack preparation nonpreparation 674 lackadaisical dejection 837 inactivity 683 indifference 866 lackadaisy! lamentation 839 wonder 870 lackbrain fool 501 lack-brained imbecility folly 499 lacker covering 223 lackey servant 746 lacking incompleteness 53 lacking faith irreligion 989 lackluster achromatism 429 dimness 422 lackwit fool 501 laconic conciseness 572 laconism conciseness 572 lacquer covering 223 ornament 847 resin 356.a lacrimation lamentation 839 lacrosse amusement 840 lacrymose dejection 837 lacteal semiliquidity 352 lactean semiliquidity 352 lacteous semiliquidity 352 lactescence whiteness 430 lactescent semiliquidity 352 whiteness 430 lactic acid sourness 397 lactic fermentation sourness 397 lactiferous semiliquidity 352 lacuna concavity 252 incompleteness 53 interval 198 lacuslake dwelling abode 189 lacuspile dwelling abode 189 lacustrine gulf, lake 343 lacustrine dwelling abode 189 lad infant 129 ladder method 627 ladder rocket ascent 305 lade displacement 185 location 184 lade out ejection 297 laden completeness 52 laden with possession 777 ladies' room receptacle 191 lading contents 190 location 184 property 780 ladino mixture 41 ladle receptacle 191 transference 270 vehicle 272 lady nobility 875 woman 374 marriage 903 Lady day regularity of recurrence 138 lady help servant 746 ladylike fashion 852 woman 374 ladylove love 897 lady's maid servant 746 laetificant pleasurableness 829 laetrile preservation 670 laevo- sinistrality 239 lag inactivity 683 slowness 275 lag! inactivity 683 lager beer food 298 laggard inactivity 683 unwillingness 603 lagging inactivity 683 lagoon gulf, lake 343 lagune gulf, lake 343 laical laity 997 laid by the heels restraint 751 laid low weakness 160 laid on one's back impotence 158 laid on the shelf impotence 158 laid up disease 655 lain artlessness 703 lair abode 189 uncleanness 653 laird master 745 possessor 779 nobility 875 Lais libertine 962 laity laity 997 lake gulf, lake 343 redness 434 Lama clergy 996 master 745 Lamarkism organization 357 lamb animal 366 infant 129 innocence 946 lamb of God spell 993 lamba chauki support 215 lamba kursi support 215 lambaste punishment 972 lambent light 420 touch 379 lambent flame heat 382 light 420 Lambeth temple 1000 lambkin animal 366 infant 129 lamblike inexcitability 826 lamb-like innocence 946 lame disease 655 inutility 645 weakness 160 incompleteness 53 deterioration 659 impotence 158 imperfection 651 lame apology pretext 617 lame duck nonpayment 808 lame excuse pretext 617 lamella layer 204 lamellar layer 204 lamellated layer 204 lamelliform layer 204 lament disapprobation 932 discontent 832 lamentation 839 lament with condolence 915 lamentable regret 833 painfulness 830 badness 649 dejection 837 lamentably greatness 31 lamentation condolence 915 lamentation 839 regret 833 lamenting lamentation 839 lamia demon 980 sorcerer 994 lamina layer 204 part 51 laminated layer 204 laminiferous layer 204 Lammas rite 998 lamp luminary 423 lamp of Aladdin spell 993 lamp oil fuel 388 lampblack blackness 431 lampoon detraction 934 disapprobation 932 imitation 19 misrepresentation 555 lampooner detractor 936 lanai receptacle 191 lanate roughness 256 smoothness 255 lanated roughness 256 Lancaster gun arms 727 lance opening 260 propulsion 284 arms 727 lance corporal master 745 lanceolate sharpness 253 lancer combatant 726 lance-shaped sharpness 253 lancet perforator 262 sharpness 253 lanciform sharpness 253 lancinate painfulness 830 physical pain 378 land arrival 292 property 780 navigation 267 land 342 land covered with water gulf, lake 343 land holder possessor 779 land lady possessor 779 land lubber bungler 701 land of Prester John imagination 515 land on one's feet prosperity 734 safety 664 land owner possessor 779 land shark thief 792 land surveying measurement 466 land surveyor measurement 466 landamman master 745 landau vehicle 272 landed property 780 land 342 landed gentry possessor 779 landed property property 780 landing arrival 292 landing place arrival 292 support 215 landing ship ship 273 landing stage arrival 292 support 215 landing strip arrival 292 landlocked circumscription 229 landloper traveler 268 landlord possessor 779 landmark indication 550 limit 233 measurement 466 landreeve director 694 lands property 780 landscape appearance 448 painting 556 landscape gardening agriculture 371 beauty 845 landscape painter artist 559 landscape painting painting 556 landscaping beauty 845 landslide descent 306 landslip descent 306 landsman land 342 lane abode 189 method 627 langrage shot arms 727 langrel shot arms 727 language language 560 languid feebleness 575 inactivity 683 insensibility 823 slowness 275 weakness 160 languish inactivity 683 weakness 160 disease 655 pain 828 nonincrease, decrease 36 languish for desire 865 languishing weakness 160 languishment lamentation 839 languor inactivity 683 physical inertness 172 slowness 275 weakness 160 laniate destruction 162 lank narrowness, thinness 203 lanky height 206 narrowness, thinness 203 lantern opening 260 luminary 423 lantern jaws narrowness, thinness 203 lantern of Diogenes inquiry 461 lantern-jawed narrowness, thinness 203 lanthorn luminary 423 lanuginose roughness 256 lanuginous roughness 256 Laocoon sculpture 557 lap food 298 interiority 221 support 215 clothing 225 circumjacence 227 abode 189 lap dog animal 366 lap of luxury intemperance 954 physical pleasure 377 lap of pleasure intemperance 954 lap up clothing 225 lapdog servility 886 lapel fold 258 lapel microphone hearing 418 lapel pin jewelry 847.a lapidarian smoothness 255 engraving 558 jewelry 847.a lapidary smoothness 255 engraving 558 jewelry 847.a lapidate attack 716 killing 361 punishment 972 lapidation killing 361 lapidescence hardness 323 lapidification hardness 323 lapis lazuli blueness 438 jewelry 847.a lappet adjunct 39 lapse deterioration 659 the past 122 relapse 661 vice 945 descent 306 course 109 conversion 144 loss 776 guilt 947 lapse of memory oblivion 506 lapse of time course 109 lapsed the past 122 lapster servant 746 lapt circumscription 229 larboard sinistrality 239 larceny stealing 791 lard oil 356 lardaceous unctuousness 355 larder store 636 large size 192 greatness 31 large as life size 192 large calorie heat 382 large hearted liberality 816 large number multitude 102 large-hearted benevolence 906 disinterestedness 942 philanthropy 910 largeness size 192 larger expansion 194 largess giving 784 largest portion size 192 larghetto slowness 275 music 415 largiloquent diffuseness 573 loquacity 584 largo music 415 slowness 275 lariat connection 45 larigo connection 45 lark amusement 840 ascent 305 larrigan clothing 225 larrikin blusterer 887 evil 913 larrup punishment 972 larum alarm 669 loudness 404 larva infant 129 larynx airpipe 351 lasciviency impurity 961 lascivious impurity 961 laser luminary 423 laser-straight straightness 246 lash disapprobation 932 junction 43 motive 615 punishment 972 scourge 975 violence 173 lash into fury excitation 824 violence 173 resentment 900 lash into madness resentment 900 lash the waves inutility 645 lass infant 129 lassie infant 129 lassitude fatigue 688 weariness 841 lasso circularity 247 connection 45 lassoo circularity 247 last existence 1 the past 122 permanence 141 end 67 diuturnity 110 prototype 22 last agonies death 360 last breath death 360 last but one end 67 last but two end 67 last finish completion 729 last forever perpetuity 112 last gasp death 360 last resort necessity 601 refuge 666 last shift plan 626 necessity 601 last stage end 67 last touch completion 729 last will and testament security 771 last word fashion 852 last year the past 122 lasting diuturnity 110 lasting friendship friendship 888 lastingness diuturnity 110 latch connection 45 junction 43 latchet connection 45 latchkey instrumentality 631 late lateness 133 newness 123 death 360 the past 122 late in the day lateness 133 lately newness 123 the past 122 latency concealment 528 invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 physical inertness 172 pitfall 667 secret 533 unintelligibility 519 lateness lateness 133 latent latency, implication 526 unintelligibility 519 physical inertness 172 later posteriority 117 lateral laterality 236 laterality laterality 236 laterally laterality 236 lateritious redness 434 latest fashion newness 123 lateward lateness 133 latex elasticity 325 lath filament 205 lathe government 737.a instrument 633 lather bubble; cloud 353 lubrication 332 lathi support 215 latifoliate breadth, thickness 202 latifolous breadth, thickness 202 latitancy concealment 528 latitat lawsuit 969 latitation concealment 528 latitude breadth, thickness 202 freedom 748 region 181 space 180 latitude and longitude measurement 466 situation 183 latitudinarian heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 latitudinarianism heterodoxy 984 latrant ululation 412 latration ululation 412 latria worship 990 latrines uncleanness 653 latrocinium stealing 791 latrociny stealing 791 latter sequence 63 the past 122 Latter-day Saint heterodoxy 984 latterly newness 123 lattice opening 260 crossing 219 laud worship 990 approbation 931 congratulation 896 laudable virtue 944 laudanum moderation 174 laudation approbation 931 laudator temporis acti regret 833 laudatory approbation 931 laugh amusement 840 rejoicing 838 laugh at contempt 930 disrespect 929 ridicule 856 laugh in one's sleeve ridicule 856 contempt 930 amusement 840 disrespect 929 latency, implication 526 laugh outright amusement 840 laugh to scorn contempt 930 defiance 715 disrespect 929 laugh up one's sleeve contempt 930 laughable amusement 840 rejoicing 838 ridiculousness 853 laughing amusement 840 laughing gas physical insensibility 376 laughingstock dupe 547 laughingstock 857 ridiculousness 853 laughter amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 rejoicing 838 laughter-loving cheerfulness 836 launch beginning 66 propulsion 284 ship 273 launch forth undertaking 676 launch into undertaking 676 launch into eternity killing 361 launch into orbit dash propulsion 284 launch out diffuseness 573 launch out against attack 716 launched into eternity death 360 launching pad departure 293 launder cleanness 652 stealing 791 launder money stealing 791 laundress cleanness 652 servant 746 laundry cleanness 652 furnace 386 receptacle 191 laundryman cleanness 652 laureate nobility 875 poetry 597 laurel title 877 trophy 733 laurels trophy 733 repute 873 lava excretion 299 semiliquidity 352 lavage insertion 300 lavation cleanness 652 lavatory cleanness 652 receptacle 191 lave cleanness 652 water 337 lavement insertion 300 lavender purple 437 lavish sufficiency 639 redundancy 641 prodigality 818 giving 784 lavish of praise approbation 931 lavishment redundancy 641 law conformity 82 legality 963 permission 760 precept 697 right 922 law of nations legality 963 law student lawyer 968 learner 541 lawful dueness 924 right 922 legality 963 permission 760 lawgiver director 694 lawless disobedience 742 illegality 964 nonobservance 773 unconformity 83 vice 945 lawlessness illegality 964 nonobservance 773 law-making council 696 lawn plain 344 agriculture 371 lawn roller smoothness 255 lawn sleeves canonicals 999 lawn spray river 348 lawn tennis amusement 840 laws of motion motion 264 lawsuit accusation 938 lawsuit 969 lawyer lawyer 968 legality 963 lax feebleness 575 incoherence 47 laxity 738 vice 945 laxative cleanness 652 remedy 662 laxity improbity 940 incoherence 47 irreligion 989 laxity 738 nonobservance 773 softness 324 vice 945 error 495 laxness laxity 738 lay plain 344 moderation 174 poetry 597 music 415 laity 997 production 161 hindrance 706 chance 621 location 184 lay a heavy hand on severity 739 lay a snare for deception 545 lay a train plan 626 preparation 673 lay a trap deception 545 lay a trap for danger 665 lay a wager chance 621 lay a wet blanket hindrance 706 lay a wet blanket on dullness 843 lay about one punishment 972 exertion 686 contention 720 activity 682 attack 716 lay an embargo on quiescence 265 lay apart exclusion 55 relinquishment 782 store 636 lay aside relinquishment 782 disuse 678 exclusion 55 neglect 460 rejection 610 lay at attribution 155 lay at one's feet offer 763 lay bare disclosure 529 lay bare one's mind disclosure 529 lay before information 527 lay before one manifestation 525 lay before the public publication 531 lay blame upon disapprobation 932 lay brother clergy 996 lay by disease 655 disuse 678 store 636 lay by the heels taking 789 lay charge accusation 938 lay claim to command 741 dueness 924 lay down affirmation 535 horizontality 213 location 184 payment 807 relinquishment 782 resignation 757 lay down a plan plan 626 lay down one's arms pacification 723 submission 725 lay down one's life death 360 lay down the law insolence 885 command 741 authority 737 affirmation 535 certainty 474 lay fast hold of taking 789 lay hands on rite 998 lay heads together advice 695 lay hold of taking 789 lay in food 298 provision 637 store 636 lay in a stock provision 637 lay in a store provision 637 lay in ashes destruction 162 lay in provisions preparation 673 lay in ruins destruction 162 lay in store store 636 lay in the dust destruction 162 lay in the grave interment 363 lay in the tomb interment 363 lay it on thick covering 223 flattery 933 lay on punishment 972 lay on the shelf disuse 678 relinquishment 782 lay on thick redundancy 641 lay one's account for belief 484 lay one's finger discovery 480.a lay one's hands on taking 789 use 677 lay one's hands upon discovery 480.a lay one's heads together cooperation 709 lay oneself open to danger 665 liability 177 lay oneself out for preparation 673 lay open disclosure 529 divestment 226 manifestation 525 opening 260 lay out expenditure 809 horizontality 213 interment 363 plan 626 lay over lateness 133 lay siege to attack 716 lay stress on affirmation 535 importance 642 reasoning 476 lay the ax to the root of destruction 162 lay the basis preparation 673 lay the blame on accusation 938 lay the finger on attention 457 lay the first stone beginning 66 preparation 673 lay the foundation of cause 153 lay the foundations beginning 66 preparation 673 lay the groundwork preparation 673 lay to attribution 155 quiescence 265 lay to heart dejection 837 lay to one's door accusation 938 lay together junction 43 lay under contribution dueness 924 taking 789 lay under hatches restraint 751 lay under restraint restraint 751 lay up disease 655 disuse 678 store 636 lay up in a napkin disuse 678 lay up in ordinary disuse 678 lay violent hands on taking 789 lay waste destruction 162 layer layer 204 layered layer 204 layette clothing 225 lay-figure prototype 22 representation 554 laying on of hands rite 998 layman laity 997 laystall uncleanness 653 lazaretto remedy 662 lazarhouse remedy 662 Lazarillo de Tormes knave 941 lazy inactivity 683 lazy as Ludlam's dog inactivity 683 lazy suzan rotation 312 lb gravity 319 le beau ideal beauty 845 le pas precession 280 precedence 62 le premier pas beginning 66 le style c'est de l'homme style 569 lea land 342 plain 344 lead depth 208 direction 693 government 737.a gravity 319 precedence 62 superiority 33 tendency 176 lead a life conduct 692 lead a pretty dance circuit 629 difficulty 704 lead an easy life inactivity 683 lead astray error 495 lead by the nose authority 737 motive 615 lead captive restraint 751 subjection 749 lead into captivity restraint 751 lead into error error 495 lead off beginning 66 lead on direction 693 lead one a dance avoidance 623 disrespect 929 lead one a pretty dance avoidance 623 lead one to expect prediction 511 expectation 507 lead the choir worship 990 lead the dance influence 175 precedence 62 precession 280 lead the way beginning 66 direction 693 importance 642 precedence 62 precession 280 repute 873 leaden dimness 422 gray 432 achromatism 429 inactivity 683 leader director 694 dissertation 595 lawyer 968 master 745 precursor 64 leader of fashion fashion 852 leading beginning 66 importance 642 precession 280 leading article dissertation 595 leading note melody concord 413 leading question inquiry 461 leading string prison 752 leading strings youth 127 leading to no end inutility 645 leading to the altar marriage 903 leads covering 223 leaf book 593 layer 204 part 51 vegetable 367 leafless divestment 226 leaflet book 593 part 51 leafy roughness 256 league party 712 concord 714 length 200 league together cooperation 709 leak interval 198 waste 638 egress 295 leak out disclosure 529 leakage egress 295 waste 638 leaky imperfection 651 lean narrowness, thinness 203 lean as a rake narrowness, thinness 203 lean on support 215 lean on a broken reed danger 665 rashness 863 unskillfulness 699 lean to willingness 602 lean towards wrong 923 lean upon belief 484 hope 858 subjection 749 lean witted imbecility folly 499 leaned knowledge 490 leaning desire 865 obliquity 217 willingness 602 wrong 923 leaning to tendency 176 lean-to receptacle 191 leap leap 309 revolution 146 ascent 305 leap in the dark danger 665 experiment 463 rashness 863 uncertainty 475 chance 621 leap of faith rashness 863 leap to a conclusion misjudgment 481 leap with joy rejoicing 838 leap year chronometry 114 regularity of recurrence 138 leapfrog amusement 840 leaping leap 309 learn habit 613 learning 539 learner 541 discovery 480.a information 527 learn at one's fingers' memory 505 learn by experience penitence 950 learn by heart learning 539 learn by rote learning 539 learn one's trade learning 539 learned scholar 492 learned in the law lawyer 968 learned man scholar 492 learned Theban scholar 492 learner learner 541 learning learning 539 knowledge 490 lease lending 787 property 780 lease and release transfer 783 leash junction 43 triality 92 least inferiority 34 least common denominator mean 29 leather covering 223 punishment 972 tenacity 327 leather or prunello unimportance 643 leathery tenacity 327 leave disjunction 44 remainder 40 relinquishment 624 permission 760 giving 784 leave Ôad referendumÕ irresolution 605 leave a card sociality 892 leave a loophole facility 705 leave a loose thread neglect 460 leave a place departure 293 leave alone freedom 748 inaction 681 permission 760 leave an aching void regret 833 leave an inference latency, implication 526 leave in the background disrepute 874 leave in the dark concealment 528 leave in the lurch relinquishment 624 transcursion 303 leave in the rear transcursion 303 leave it to one permission 760 leave no stone unturned exertion 686 inquiry 461 leave no trace disappearance 449 obliteration 552 leave not a rack behind inexistence 2 obliteration 552 leave 'not a rack behind' disappearance 449 leave off relinquishment 624 cessation 142 disuse 678 leave off a custom desuetude 614 leave off a habit desuetude 614 leave off a usage desuetude 614 leave off! cessation 142 leave one's mark repute 873 leave out exclusion 55 leave school learning 539 leave taking departure 293 leave the beaten path unconformity 83 leave the beaten track unconformity 83 leave the door open permission 760 leave the matter open facility 705 leave to chance chance 621 leave to oneself freedom 748 leave undecided absence of choice 609.a leave undone noncompletion 730 leave unfinished noncompletion 730 leave word information 527 leaven bane 663 cause 153 component 56 deterioration 659 levity 320 qualification 469 uncleanness 653 leaving no trace obliteration 552 leavings remainder 40 inutility 645 lecher libertine 962 lecherous impurity 961 lechery impurity 961 lectern school 542 temple 1000 lection interpretation 522 speciality 79 lecture allocution 586 disapprobation 932 dissertation 595 rite 998 speech 582 teaching 537 lecture room school 542 lecturer clergy 996 teacher 540 lectureship school 542 led by the nose subjection 749 led captain favorite 899 servant 746 servility 886 ledge convexity 250 height 206 horizontality 213 support 215 ledger record 551 accounts 811 list 86 lee laterality 236 lee shore pitfall 667 lee side laterality 236 lee wall refuge 666 lee way compensation 30 leech remedy 662 leech! advice 695 leechcraft remedy 662 leeches remedy 662 Lee-Enfield rifle arms 727 leef pleasurableness 829 Lee-Metford rifle arms 727 leer vision 441 indication 550 leery cunning 702 lees uncleanness 653 leeway lateness 133 navigation 267 shortcoming 304 space 180 left relinquishment 782 remainder 40 sinistrality 239 left alone freedom 748 left arrow indication 550 left behind left over remainder 40 left bower amusement 840 left curly brace indication 550 left hand sinistrality 239 left in the lurch failure 732 left parenthesis indication 550 left to oneself freedom 748 left to shift for oneself seclusion, exclusion 893 left-handed sinistrality 239 unskillfulness 699 left-handed compliment disapprobation 932 left-handed marriage marriage 903 leg support 215 thief 792 legacy giving 784 property 780 legadero connection 45 legal dueness 924 legality 963 permission 760 legal adviser lawyer 968 legal assistant lawyer 968 legal authority government 737.a legal beagle lawyer 968 legal counsel lawyer 968 legality 963 legal estate property 780 legal pledge affirmation 535 legal process legality 963 legal profession lawyer 968 legal research evidence 467 legal secretary lawyer 968 legal tender money 800 legality legality 963 legalize dueness 924 legality 963 legalized dueness 924 legality 963 permission 760 legally legality 963 legatary possessor 779 receiving 785 legate consignee 758 messenger 534 legatee possessor 779 receiving 785 legation commission 755 legato music 415 legend record 551 description 594 legendary description 594 imagination 515 legerdemain deception 545 revolution 146 legging clothing 225 legibility intelligibility 518 legible intelligibility 518 legible hand writing 590 legion combatant 726 multitude 102 legionary combatant 726 legionnaire combatant 726 legislate legality 963 legislate for direction 693 legislation direction 693 legality 963 legislative council 696 legality 963 legislative assembly council 696 legislative council council 696 legislator director 694 legislatorial legality 963 legislature direction 693 government 737.a legality 963 legist lawyer 968 legitimacy legality 963 legitimate legality 963 permission 760 right 922 truth 494 dueness 924 legitimateness legality 963 legs journey 266 legume vegetable 367 legumin density 321 leguminous vegetable 367 leiodermatous smoothness 255 leisure leisure 685 amusement 840 leisurely slowness 275 leisure 685 lateness 133 leman love 897 lemma reasoning 476 lemon vehicle 272 lemon yellow yellowness 436 lemon-colored yellowness 436 lemonyellow yellowness 436 Lempriere Jupiter 979 lemures demon 980 lend lending 787 lend a color vindication 937 lend a color to pretext 617 lend a hand action 680 aid 707 lend a helping hand aid 707 lend a willing ear willingness 602 lend an ear hearing 418 lend an ear to attention 457 lend color to probability 472 lend foundations support 215 lend on security lending 787 security 771 lend one's aid aid 707 lend one's countenance to aid 707 lend oneself to cooperation 709 aid 707 assent 488 lend support support 215 lend wings to aid 707 lender credit 805 lending 787 lending lending 787 length distance 196 length 200 space 180 length and breadth of whole 50 lengthen length 200 lengthen out diuturnity 110 lateness 133 lengthened length 200 lengthening length 200 lengthwise length 200 lengthy length 200 diffuseness 573 lenience lenity 740 leniency lenity 740 pity 914 lenient lenity 740 moderation 174 pity 914 lenify moderation 174 lenitive moderation 174 relief 834 remedy 662 lenity moderation 174 lenity 740 lens optical instruments 445 lens shaped curvature 245 lens system optical instruments 445 lensman artist 559 Lent fasting 956 lending 787 rite 998 lenten fasting 956 regularity of recurrence 138 lenten diet fasting 956 lenten entertainment fasting 956 lenticular convexity 250 curvature 245 lentiform convexity 250 curvature 245 lentiginous uncleanness 653 pulverulence 330 lentor inactivity 683 semiliquidity 352 slowness 275 lentous semiliquidity 352 leonine verse poetry 597 leopard variegation 440 leopard's spots stability 150 lepidote pulverulence 330 leprechaun demon 980 leprosy disease 655 leprous disease 655 lerret ship 273 lesbian sexuality 374.a woman 374 lesbianism sexuality 374.a vice 945 less inferiority 34 nonaddition, subtraction 38 lessee possessor 779 receiving 785 lessen contraction 195 moderation 174 nonincrease, decrease 36 lessen an evil improvement 658 lessening nonincrease, decrease 36 contraction 195 lesser inferiority 34 lesson warning 668 teaching 537 lessor credit 805 lest avoidance 623 let hindrance 706 lending 787 permission 760 sale 796 security 771 let alone noncompletion 730 unconformity 83 quiescence 265 inaction 681 freedom 748 disuse 678 avoidance 623 addition 37 permanence 141 let be continuance in action 143 inaction 681 permanence 141 let blood ejection 297 remedy 662 let bygones be bygones forgiveness 918 oblivion 506 let down depression 308 humility 879 let down a peg depression 308 let drop depression 308 disclosure 529 let fall depression 308 descent 306 disclosure 529 information 527 speech 582 let fly propulsion 284 violence 173 let fly at attack 716 let go restitution 790 liberation 750 neglect 460 relinquishment 782 let in reception 296 interposition 228 deception 545 let into knowledge 490 let into the secret disclosure 529 let it be permanence 141 let it have its way inaction 681 let it pass neglect 460 let loose liberation 750 let me go! liberation 750 let me tell you affirmation 535 let off permission 760 propulsion 284 exemption 927.a acquittal 970 forgiveness 918 let off a gun at attack 716 let off one's chest information 527 let off scot-free acquittal 970 let one down easily forgiveness 918 let one know information 527 let out nonassemblage, dispersion 73 liberation 750 length 200 disclosure 529 ejection 297 let out at attack 716 let pass neglect 460 inaction 681 let sleeping dogs lie caution 864 let slip information 527 liberation 750 loss 776 neglect 460 noncompletion 730 relinquishment 782 disclosure 529 let slip the dogs of war warfare 722 let the decision stand inaction 681 let the galled jade wince boasting 884 let the matter stand over lateness 133 let the wound heal forgiveness 918 let those believe who may unbelief doubt 485 let well alone inaction 681 caution 864 content 831 let well enough alone caution 864 content 831 inaction 681 lethal killing 361 lethal injection punishment 972 scourge 975 lethargic inactivity 683 lethargical inactivity 683 lethargy inactivity 683 insensibility 823 lethe oblivion 506 Lethean oblivion 506 lethiferous killing 361 let's be red with mirth sociality 892 let's get going! beginning 66 letter correspondence 592 indication 550 letter 561 writing 590 letter bag messenger 534 letter card correspondence 592 letter of credit credit 805 money 800 letter of the law meaning 516 lettered knowledge 490 letterpress printing 591 letters knowledge 490 language 560 letters of marque stealing 791 letters patent permission 760 lettuce food 298 leuco- insensibility 823 leukemia disease 655 levant avoidance 623 laterality 236 levanter wind 349 levanter! nonpayment 808 Levantine laterality 236 levee sociality 892 land 342 assemblage 72 levee breakwater hindrance 706 level depression 308 equality 27 flatness 251 horizontality 213 smoothness 255 uniformity 16 level at attack 716 direction 278 intention 620 level crossing crossing 219 level plane horizontality 213 level playing field right 922 level with the dust destruction 162 level with the ground lowness 207 destruction 162 lever cause 153 elevation 307 instrument 633 leverage influence 175 instrument 633 leviathan size 192 levigate pulverulence 330 levigation pulverulence 330 levin light 420 levin bolt arms 727 levin brand arms 727 levirate marriage 903 Levis clothing 225 Levite clergy 996 levity cheerfulness 836 irresolution 605 levity 320 rashness 863 unimportance 643 wit 842 levy assemblage 72 combatant 726 price 812 taking 789 levy blackmail stealing 791 lewd impurity 961 lexicographer scholar 492 lexicography word 562 lexicologist scholar 492 word 562 lexicology language 560 lexicon list 86 school 542 word 562 ley plain 344 liabilities accounts 811 liability money 800 subjection 749 duty 926 debt 806 tendency 176 liability 177 liable debt 806 duty 926 liability 177 subjection 749 tendency 176 liableness liability 177 liaison impurity 961 liar deceiver 548 Libadist heterodoxy 984 libation worship 990 food 298 libations drunkenness 959 libel accusation 938 detraction 934 libeler detractor 936 libelous detraction 934 liberal sufficiency 639 disinterestedness 942 liberality 816 liberal education knowledge 490 teaching 537 Liberal Party politics 737.b liberalism disinterestedness 942 freedom 748 politics 737.b liberality liberality 816 giving 784 disinterestedness 942 Liberals party 712 liberate acquittal 970 liberation 750 liberated liberation 750 liberation deliverance 672 escape 671 liberation 750 libertinage impurity 961 libertine libertine 962 sensualist 954.a libertinish impurity 961 liberty exemption 927.a freedom 748 dueness 924 permission 760 Liberty Hall freedom 748 libidinous impurity 961 sexuality 374.a libido sexuality 374.a librarian book 593 library book 593 receptacle 191 library research experiment 463 librate oscillation 314 libration oscillation 314 libratory oscillation 314 libretto book 593 drama 599 license dueness 924 exemption 927.a freedom 748 laxity 738 permission 760 license to plunder stealing 791 licensed laxity 738 licentious impurity 961 intemperance 954 licentiousness intemperance 954 laxity 738 licentitate scholar 492 lich gate interment 363 opening 260 lichen vegetable 367 licit dueness 924 permission 760 lick food 298 punishment 972 success 731 lick into shape form 240 preparation 673 lick the dust failure 732 flattery 933 submission 725 lick the feet of servility 886 lickerish fastidiousness 868 savoriness 394 impurity 961 desire 865 greed 817.a lickerish tooth desire 865 lickpenny parsimony 819 lickspittle servility 886 licorice sweetness 396 lictor jurisdiction 965 lid covering 223 lie misteaching 538 untruth 546 presence 186 situation 183 falsehood 544 error 495 deception 545 horizontality 213 lie around circumjacence 227 exteriority 220 lie at one's door duty 926 lie at the mercy of subjection 749 lie at the root of importance 642 cause 153 lie between interposition 228 lie by inaction 681 lie down horizontality 213 repose 687 lie fallow nonpreparation 674 repose 687 inaction 681 lie flat horizontality 213 lowness 207 lie heavy on the mind dejection 837 lie heavy on the spirits dejection 837 lie hid concealment 528 latency, implication 526 lie idle inaction 681 lie in existence 1 production 161 lie in a nutshell littleness 193 smallness 32 lie in ambush concealment 528 ambush 530 lie in close concealment 528 lie in one's power power 157 lie in ordinary inaction 681 lie in wait inaction 681 lie in wait for ambush 530 expectation 507 preparation 673 lie like a conjuror falsehood 544 lie like a trooper falsehood 544 lie low lowness 207 lie on support 215 lie on a level with equality 27 lie on one's head duty 926 lie on the shelf inaction 681 lie on the surface intelligibility 518 lie over lateness 133 destiny 152 lie prostrate horizontality 213 lie rest upon one's oars inaction 681 lie still quiescence 265 lie to inaction 681 quiescence 265 lie under liability 177 lie under a disadvantage imperfection 651 lie under a necessity necessity 601 lie under an obligation duty 926 gratitude 916 lie under error error 495 lie unemployed disuse 678 lie upon duty 926 lief pleasurableness 829 liege master 745 liege lord master 745 liegeman servant 746 lien credit 805 security 771 lienteria uncleanness 653 lientery uncleanness 653 lieu place 182 lieutenant master 745 deputy 759 lieutenant colonel master 745 lieutenant general master 745 life description 594 life 359 eventuality 151 activity 682 cheerfulness 836 conduct 692 life beyond the grave destiny 152 life boat ship 273 life buoy refuge 666 life ebbs death 360 life fails death 360 life guards combatant 726 life hangs by a thread death 360 life of the party humorist 844 life or death struggle contention 720 life preserver arms 727 life size size 192 life to come life 359 lifeblood intrinsicality 5 life 359 lifeboat refuge 666 life-giving productiveness 168 lifejacket refuge 666 lifeless death 360 physical inertness 172 lifelike copy 21 similarity 17 lifelong diuturnity 110 life-size print painting 556 lifetime period 108 life-weary weariness 841 lift aid 707 elevation 307 lift a finger action 680 lift a hand against attack 716 lift a siege pacification 723 lift cattle stealing 791 lift one's head prosperity 734 lift one's voice speech 582 lift smoke amusement 840 lift the hand against resistance 719 lift the mask disclosure 529 lift the veil disclosure 529 lift up one's head pride 878 lift up the eyes vision 441 lift up the heart worship 990 lift up the veil disclosure 529 lift up the voice cry 411 ligament connection 45 ligation junction 43 ligature connection 45 light velocity 274 luminary 423 wit 842 opening 260 fuel 388 rarity 322 smallness 32 unimportance 643 whiteness 430 light 420 state 7 knowledge 490 irresolution 605 impurity 961 facility 705 descent 306 cheerfulness 836 calefaction 384 arrival 292 appearance 448 interpretation 522 levity 320 light and shade light 420 light as a feather levity 320 light as a thistle levity 320 light as air levity 320 light as day light 420 light as noonday light 420 light bulb luminary 423 light comedian drama 599 light comedy drama 599 light dragoon combatant 726 light footed velocity 274 light heart cheerfulness 836 light hearted cheerfulness 836 light horse combatant 726 light infantry combatant 726 light meter measurement 466 light of day light 420 light of heaven light 420 light of heel velocity 274 light of truth veracity 543 light on one's feet prosperity 734 light on one's legs prosperity 734 light pipe optical instruments 445 light purse poverty 804 light red redness 434 light refreshment food 298 light source optical instruments 445 light the torch of war warfare 722 light up light 420 cheerfulness 836 excitation 824 light upon acquisition 775 arrival 292 discovery 480.a light upon one's feet safety 664 light-colored achromatism 429 lighten facility 705 levity 320 light 420 lighten the labor facility 705 lighter ship 273 lighter than air levity 320 lighterman mariner 269 lighter-than-air balloon levity 320 light-fingered stealing 791 light-fingered gentry thief 792 light-footed activity 682 lightheaded insanity 503 lighthouse indication 550 luminary 423 warning 668 light-legged velocity 274 lightless darkness 421 light-minded irresolution 605 lightness levity 320 lightning light 420 luminary 423 velocity 274 lightning bug luminary 423 lightning conductor refuge 666 lightning express vehicle 272 lightning rod refuge 666 lightsome cheerfulness 836 irresolution 605 light 420 light-year length 200 light-years distance 196 lign-aloes fragrance 400 ligneous vegetable 367 lignograph engraving 558 lignography engraving 558 lignous vegetable 367 ligth detector optical instruments 445 like approbation 931 desire 865 love 897 pleasure 827 relation 9 representation 554 savoriness 394 similarity 17 like a bee in a bottle roll 407 like a cat in pattens cleanness 652 like a duck ion thunder wonder 870 like a furnace heat 382 like a giant refreshed strength 159 like a horse in a mill rotation 312 like a man resolution 604 like a shot instantaneity 113 like a thief in the night concealment 528 improbity 940 inexpectation 508 like a thunderbolt inexpectation 508 like an angel love 897 like an oven heat 382 like apples and oranges incomparability 464.a like buckets in a well oscillation 314 like charges repel repulsion 289 like enough probability 472 like father similarity 17 like father, like son posterity 167 like ivory whiteness 430 like master similarity 17 like master like man imitation 19 like Niobe all tears lamentation 839 like one possessed insanity 503 like Pavlov's dog absence of Intellect 450.a like poles repel repulsion 289 like servant similarity 17 like son similarity 17 like the last of pea time age 128 like tinder irascibility 901 like touchwood irascibility 901 likelihood probability 472 likeliness probability 472 likely probability 472 possibility 470 likeness copy 21 representation 554 similarity 17 likewise addition 37 likin price 812 liking desire 865 love 897 lilac purple 437 Liliputian littleness 193 lilt cheerfulness 836 musician 416 lily beauty 845 whiteness 430 lily liver cowardice 862 lily of the valley beauty 845 lilyhearted cowardice 862 lily-livered cowardice 862 limature friction 331 pulverulence 330 limb bad man 949 instrument 633 part 51 limb of the law lawyer 968 limber softness 324 vehicle 272 limbo prison 752 restraint 751 hell 982 lime deception 545 lime light luminary 423 limekiln furnace 386 limit chance 621 circumscription 229 completeness 52 end 67 limit 233 prohibition 761 qualification 469 limitarian heterodoxy 984 limitation restraint 751 qualification 469 transfer 783 circumscription 229 property 780 pulverulence 330 limitative circumstance 8 limited littleness 193 smallness 32 limited monarchy government 737.a limitless infinity 105 limn draw painting 556 limner artist 559 limousine vehicle 272 limp failure 732 slowness 275 softness 324 weakness 160 limpid transparency 425 limpidity transparency 425 limy gray 432 lin gulf, lake 343 river 348 Lincoln money 800 Lincoln cent money 800 lincture remedy 662 linctus remedy 662 Lindley Murray grammar 567 school 542 line measurement 466 posterity 167 business 625 poetry 597 paternity 166 narrowness, thinness 203 melody concord 413 writing 590 length 200 indication 550 filament 205 direction 278 connection 45 continuity 69 lining 224 line engraving engraving 558 line of action conduct 692 line of ancestors continuity 69 line of battle continuity 69 line of battle ship combatant 726 line of circumvallation limit 233 line of collimation direction 278 line of conduct conduct 692 line of credit credit 805 line of demarcation limit 233 line of march direction 278 line of proceeding conduct 692 line of road method 627 line of way method 627 lineage posterity 167 consanguinity 11 continuity 69 paternity 166 lineal length 200 lineament form 240 indication 550 linear continuity 69 length 200 paternity 166 lined lining 224 linen clothing 225 crossing 219 linen draper clothing 225 liner ship 273 lines prison 752 defense 717 lines tournure outline 230 linger slowness 275 lateness 133 lingerer slowness 275 lingering diuturnity 110 lingo language 560 neologism 563 lingua franca neologism 563 linguacious loquacity 584 lingual language 560 speech 582 linguiform curvature 245 linguist scholar 492 linguistic language 560 linguistics language 560 lingulate curvature 245 liniment oil 356 remedy 662 lining lining 224 link part 51 relation 9 luminary 423 length 200 crossing 219 correlation 12 connection 45 contiguity 199 term 71 junction 43 linkboy director 694 linked party 712 linn river 348 linoleum covering 223 linotype printing 591 linseed oil oil 356 linsey-woolsey mixture 41 linstock fuel 388 lint covering 223 lintel support 215 lion repute 873 prodigy 872 courage 861 lion in the path hindrance 706 lioness woman 374 lion-hearted courage 861 lionize curiosity 455 repute 873 lion's share redundancy 641 superiority 33 undueness 925 whole 50 lip convexity 250 edge 231 lip devotion impiety 988 lip homage falsehood 544 flattery 933 lip reverence impiety 988 lip service falsehood 544 impiety 988 lip wisdom imbecility folly 499 lipothymy fatigue 688 lipotype! absence 187 lippitude dimsightedness 443 lips beginning 66 lipstick ornament 847 liquate liquefaction 335 liquation liquefaction 335 liquefaction calefaction 384 liquefaction 335 liquefiable liquefaction 335 liquefied liquefaction 335 fluidity 333 liquefy calefaction 384 fluidity 333 liquefaction 335 liquescence liquefaction 335 liquescency liquefaction 335 liquescent liquefaction 335 liqueur food 298 sweetness 396 liquid faintness 405 fluidity 333 letter 561 liquid assets securities 799.b liquid helium cold 383 refrigerator 387 liquid hydrogen fuel 388 liquid nitrogen cold 383 refrigerator 387 liquid nitrogen freezer refrigerator 387 liquid oxygen fuel 388 liquidate payment 807 price 812 liquidation payment 807 liquidator payment 807 treasurer 801 liquidity fluidity 333 liquidness fluidity 333 liquor drunkenness 959 food 298 fluidity 333 liquor store mart 799 liquor up drunkenness 959 lisp stammering 583 lissom softness 324 list obliquity 217 will 600 list 86 hearing 418 edge 231 desire 865 contention 720 choice 609 filament 205 list of agenda plan 626 listed variegation 440 listel ornament 847 listen hearing 418 listen here! hearing 418 listen to attention 457 listen to reason intelligence, wisdom 498 listen up hearing 418 listen with both ears hearing 418 listen! hearing 418 listener hearing 418 listener-in hearing 418 listing list 86 listless inactivity 683 indifference 866 inattention 458 lists arena 728 litany worship 990 literal imitation 19 interpretation 522 letter 561 manifestation 525 meaning 516 observance 772 truth 494 word 562 literal meaning meaning 516 literal translation interpretation 522 literally interpretation 522 meaning 516 truth 494 imitation 19 literary language 560 literary hack book 593 literary man scholar 492 literary power style 569 literati scholar 492 literature knowledge 490 language 560 literature search experiment 463 evidence 467 lithagogue remedy 662 lithe softness 324 lithesome softness 324 lithic hardness 323 lithograph engraving 558 lithographic printing engraving 558 lithography engraving 558 lithoidal inorganization 358 lithology inorganization 358 Lithomancy prediction 511 lithosphere region 181 lithotint engraving 558 litigant combatant 726 lawsuit 969 discord 713 accusation 938 judge 967 litigate discord 713 litigation contention 720 discord 713 lawsuit 969 litigious discord 713 lawsuit 969 litmus paper experiment 463 litmus test experiment 463 litter multitude 102 posterity 167 support 215 inutility 645 disorder 59 derangement 61 vehicle 272 little improbity 940 littleness 193 love 897 shortness 201 smallness 32 little by little degree 26 slowness 275 little chance improbability 473 little did one expect inexpectation 508 little did one think inexpectation 508 Little Dipper world 318 little one infant 129 littleness shortness 201 smallness 32 littleness 193 littoral land 342 liturgy rite 998 live heat 382 repute 873 presence 186 permanence 141 life 359 existence 1 news 532 live again restoration 660 live alone celibacy 904 live and let live inexcitability 826 inaction 681 freedom 748 live at free quarters sociality 892 live by one's wits cunning 702 deception 545 improbity 940 skill 698 stealing 791 live circuit power 157 live coverage news 532 live from hand to mouth insufficiency 640 nonpreparation 674 poverty 804 live hard intemperance 954 live high intemperance 954 live high on the hog intemperance 954 live in a glass house brittleness 328 danger 665 visibility 446 live in clover prosperity 734 live in comfort physical pleasure 377 live in hope hope 858 live in one's mind memory 505 live in one's thoughts memory 505 live it up intemperance 954 live like cat and dog discord 713 live matter printing 591 live on food 298 live rail power 157 live secluded seclusion, exclusion 893 live separate divorce 905 live single celibacy 904 live stock animal 366 live to fight again diuturnity 110 live upon nothing parsimony 819 live well intemperance 954 live wide-awake activity 682 live wire power 157 livelihood wealth 803 liveliness activity 682 cheerfulness 836 livelong diuturnity 110 lively cheerfulness 836 vigor 574 sensibility 822 physical sensibility 375 life 359 feeling 821 activity 682 instantaneity 113 lively imagination imagination 515 lively pace velocity 274 lively rate velocity 274 liver-colored brown 433 livery clothing 225 color 428 indication 550 title 877 livery man freedom 748 livery servant servant 746 livid gray 432 purple 437 lividity blackness 431 purple 437 lividness purple 437 living business 625 churchdom 995 life 359 living beings organization 357 living nature organization 357 living soul mankind 372 living thing animal 366 livret book 593 lixiviate cleanness 652 lixiviation liquefaction 335 lixivium liquefaction 335 llama carrier 271 llano plain 344 Lloyd's register list 86 lo wonder 870 lo and behold! attention 457 wonder 870 lo! attention 457 load location 184 redundancy 641 painfulness 830 contents 190 pain 828 store 636 gravity 319 completeness 52 adversity 735 greatness 31 hindrance 706 load star direction 693 load the dice deception 545 load the memory with memory 505 load with hindrance 706 load with reproaches disapprobation 932 loaded dice deception 545 loaded with shame disrepute 874 loadstar attraction 288 indication 550 loadstone motive 615 attraction 288 loaf inactivity 683 size 192 loafer bad man 949 inactivity 683 traveler 268 loam land 342 loan lending 787 loan shark lending 787 loaner lending 787 loath unwillingness 603 loathe dislike 867 hate 898 loathe to dislike 867 loathful dislike 867 painfulness 830 loathing dislike 867 weariness 841 loathsome dislike 867 painfulness 830 unsavoriness 395 loaves and fishes acquisition 775 prosperity 734 loaves and fishes! wealth 803 lobby motive 615 receptacle 191 method 627 lobbyism motive 615 lobbyist motive 615 politics 737.b lobe part 51 lobiform curvature 245 lobule part 51 local region 181 situation 183 local board council 696 local color color 428 local habitation abode 189 locale situation 183 localism neologism 563 locality place 182 situation 183 localization location 184 localize location 184 locate location 184 locate oneself location 184 location circumstance 8 location 184 loch gulf, lake 343 Lochaber ax arms 727 lock junction 43 roughness 256 prison 752 hindrance 706 connection 45 conduit 350 quiescence 265 lock hospital remedy 662 lock out resistance 719 lock stock and barrel whole 50 lock the wheel hindrance 706 lock up concealment 528 restraint 751 lock up to repute 873 locker receptacle 191 locket jewelry 847.a lockjaw disease 655 locksmith agent 690 lockup prison 752 lock-weir conduit 350 locofoco fuel 388 locomotion motion 264 locomotive carrier 271 journey 266 locular receptacle 191 locum tenens deputy 759 inhabitant 188 substitution 147 locust evil 913 prodigality 818 locution speech 582 lode store 636 lode star direction 693 lodestar indication 550 attraction 288 lodestone attraction 288 lodge abode 189 location 184 presence 186 lodge a complaint accusation 938 lodge itself insertion 300 lodger inhabitant 188 possessor 779 lodging abode 189 receptacle 191 lodgment location 184 loft receptacle 191 summit 210 loftiness height 206 vigor 574 loftiness of purpose disinterestedness 942 lofty disinterestedness 942 height 206 vigor 574 lofty-minded pride 878 log fuel 388 record 551 velocity 274 log cabin abode 189 log canoe ship 273 log house abode 189 log line velocity 274 logan oscillation 314 logarithm number 84 logarithmic number 84 loggan oscillation 314 loggerhead fool 501 logic reasoning 476 logic of facts demonstration 478 logical reasoning 476 logical consequence latency, implication 526 logical implication latency, implication 526 logical reasoning reasoning 476 logical sequence reasoning 476 logician reasoning 476 logistics warfare 722 logography writing 590 logogriph secret 533 logomachy contention 720 conversation 588 reasoning 476 logometer numeration 85 logometric number 84 Logos deity 976 logotype printing 591 logrolling cooperation 709 loin laterality 236 rear 235 loiter inactivity 683 lateness 133 slowness 275 loiterer slowness 275 Loki demon 980 loll horizontality 213 inactivity 683 loll in the lap of luxury inactivity 683 loll on support 215 lollipop sweetness 396 lollop inactivity 683 lolly cold 383 loma height 206 London fog yellowness 436 lone unity 87 loneliness seclusion, exclusion 893 lonely unity 87 seclusion, exclusion 893 lonesome seclusion, exclusion 893 unity 87 long desire 865 diuturnity 110 length 200 long ago diuturnity 110 the past 122 long arm of the law jurisdiction 965 long bit money 800 long boat ship 273 long chair support 215 long dozen five, &c 98 long drawn out diffuseness 573 long expected expectation 507 long face dejection 837 long head intelligence, wisdom 498 long life to! approbation 931 repute 873 long lost loss 776 long odds chance 156 improbability 473 long purse wealth 803 long range distance 196 long sea river 348 long shot politics 737.b long sight dimsightedness 443 long since the past 122 long sleeve chair support 215 long ton gravity 319 long tongued loquacity 584 long winded loquacity 584 longanimity forgiveness 918 inexcitability 826 longeval diuturnity 110 longevity age 128 diuturnity 110 long-faced dejection 837 longhair sage 500 longhead sage 500 long-headed intelligence, wisdom 498 longing desire 865 longing eye desire 865 longinquity distance 196 longitude length 200 longitudinal length 200 longitudinally length 200 long-lived diuturnity 110 long-pending diuturnity 110 longshoreman commonality 876 mariner 269 long-sighted intelligence, wisdom 498 long-sightedness foresight 510 longsome diffuseness 573 length 200 longspun diffuseness 573 long-standing diuturnity 110 longsufferance inexcitability 826 long-suffering inexcitability 826 lenity 740 pity 914 long-winded diffuseness 573 diuturnity 110 loo amusement 840 receptacle 191 looby bungler 701 commonality 876 fool 501 look attention 457 smallness 32 appearance 448 vision 441 look about for inquiry 461 look about one care 459 vision 441 look after attention 457 care 459 direction 693 look aghast disappointment 509 wonder 870 look ahead foresight 510 look alive activity 682 look along length 200 look another way blindness 442 look askance disapprobation 932 dissent 489 vision 441 look askance at dislike 867 look askant dimsightedness 443 dissent 489 look at attention 457 inquiry 461 vision 441 look at home accusation 938 look back memory 505 the past 122 look back upon memory 505 look before one leaps caution 864 look beyond foresight 510 look big pride 878 defiance 715 insolence 885 look black discontent 832 feeling 821 resentment 900 look black as thunder discontent 832 resentment 900 look black upon disapprobation 932 discourtesy 895 look blank disappointment 509 discontent 832 wonder 870 look blue feeling 821 disappointment 509 dejection 837 discontent 832 disrepute 874 look boldly in the face courage 861 look coldly upon discourtesy 895 look cool upon discourtesy 895 seclusion, exclusion 893 look daggers resentment 900 threat 909 look danger in the face courage 861 look down upon contempt 930 look downcast dejection 837 look foolish humility 879 disrepute 874 look for expectation 507 inquiry 461 look forward to expectation 507 look forwards futurity 121 look forwards to foresight 510 look full in the face courage 861 vision 441 look glum discontent 832 look grave dejection 837 disapprobation 932 look hard at vision 441 look here attention 457 look ill ugliness 846 look in sociality 892 look in the face courage 861 look intently vision 441 look into attention 457 inquiry 461 look into the future foresight 510 look like appearance 448 similarity 17 look like a drowned man dejection 837 look like a fool disrepute 874 look on presence 186 spectator 444 vision 441 look one in the face artlessness 703 pride 878 look one up sociality 892 look out care 459 intention 620 look out for expectation 507 inquiry 461 look out! warning 668 look over attention 457 inquiry 461 vision 441 look round inquiry 461 vision 441 look sharp activity 682 care 459 look sharp! activity 682 look sweet upon love 897 endearment 902 desire 865 look through inquiry 461 look to attention 457 care 459 duty 926 look to it! attention 457 look to the main chance caution 864 look up dearness 814 hope 858 prosperity 734 look up to approbation 931 respect 928 look upon vision 441 judgment 480 look upon as belief 484 look with an evil eye disapprobation 932 look with one's own eyes care 459 look you attention 457 look! vision 441 looker-on spectator 444 looking back the past 122 looking before and after preparation 673 vision 441 looking forward to expectation 507 looking up hope 858 looking-glass optical instruments 445 lookout warning 668 expectation 507 business 625 appearance 448 loom dimness 422 dimsightedness 443 visibility 446 workshop 691 destiny 152 loom of the land land 342 looming dimness 422 dimsightedness 443 looming in the distance destiny 152 loon bad man 949 commonality 876 fool 501 loony insanity 503 loop curvature 245 circuit 629 circularity 247 loop hole pretext 617 loophole defense 717 escape 671 opening 260 plan 626 vision 441 loopholed defense 717 loose feebleness 575 pendency 214 liberation 750 laxity 738 unintelligibility 519 intuition 477 freedom 748 disjunction 44 diffuseness 573 deviation 279 impurity 961 incoherence 47 loose fish bad man 949 libertine 962 loose memory oblivion 506 loose suggestion supposition 514 loose supposition supposition 514 loose the purse strings expenditure 809 loose thread error 495 loosen incoherence 47 liberation 750 looseness incoherence 47 laxity 738 diffuseness 573 looseness of morals vice 945 loosening incoherence 47 laxity 738 loot booty 793 stealing 791 lop shortness 201 lop and top agriculture 371 lopped incompleteness 53 lopper density 321 lopsided inequality 28 loquacious loquacity 584 loquaciousness loquacity 584 loquacity loquacity 584 lorcha ship 273 Lord deity 976 master 745 nobility 875 possessor 779 Lord Chancellor judge 967 Lord Chief Justice judge 967 lord it over authority 737 insolence 885 Lord Justice judge 967 lord lieutenant jurisdiction 965 lord mayor master 745 Lord Mayor's show celebration 883 lord of misrule bungler 701 lord of the ascendant master 745 lord of the manor possessor 779 lord paramount master 745 possessor 779 lordling nobility 875 lordly pride 878 repute 873 lords nobility 875 Lord's day repose 687 Lords Justices' court tribunal 966 lords of the creation mankind 372 Lord's prayer worship 990 Lord's supper rite 998 Lord's table temple 1000 lordship government 737.a property 780 title 877 lore knowledge 490 learning 539 lorette libertine 962 Lorettine clergy 996 lorgnette optical instruments 445 loricated covering 223 lorication defense 717 lorn seclusion, exclusion 893 lorry vehicle 272 lose loss 776 oblivion 506 unintelligibility 519 failure 732 lose all hope hopelessness 859 lose an opportunity lateness 133 untimeliness 135 lose breath fatigue 688 lose caste disrepute 874 improbity 940 lose color achromatism 429 lose control unskillfulness 699 lose control of oneself unskillfulness 699 lose flesh contraction 195 lose ground failure 732 regression 283 shortcoming 304 slowness 275 lose heart dejection 837 lose interest money 800 lose no time activity 682 haste 684 lose not a moment haste 684 lose not an instant haste 684 lose one's balance failure 732 lose one's cool excitability 825 lose one's cunning unskillfulness 699 lose one's faculties insanity 503 lose one's head uncertainty 475 unskillfulness 699 insanity 503 lose one's heart love 897 lose one's labor failure 732 lose one's life death 360 lose one's marbles insanity 503 lose one's reason insanity 503 lose one's senses insanity 503 lose one's temper discourtesy 895 excitability 825 resentment 900 lose one's way difficulty 704 unskillfulness 699 deviation 279 lose one's wits insanity 503 lose oneself error 495 uncertainty 475 lose sight of blindness 442 disappearance 449 invisibility 447 neglect 460 noncompletion 730 oblivion 506 lose the clew uncertainty 475 lose the clue unintelligibility 519 uncertainty 475 lose the day failure 732 lose the hope of hopelessness 859 lose time inactivity 683 lose track of time anachronism 115 lose wind fatigue 688 losel prodigality 818 loser politics 737.b losing loss 776 losing game adversity 735 failure 732 loss evil 619 loss 776 waste 638 decrement 40.a death 360 deterioration 659 loss of fortune poverty 804 loss of health disease 655 loss of life death 360 loss of right undueness 925 loss of strength weakness 160 lost inattention 458 uncertainty 475 pain 828 inexistence 2 impenitence 951 excitation 824 disappearance 449 dejection 837 absence 187 loss 776 failure 732 lost in admiration approbation 931 lost in amazement wonder 870 lost in astonishment wonder 870 lost in iniquity vice 945 lost in thought thought 451 inattention 458 lost in wonder wonder 870 lost labor inutility 645 lost sheep bad man 949 lost to shame improbity 940 insolence 885 lost to sight disappearance 449 lost to view disappearance 449 lost to virtue vice 945 lost trouble inutility 645 lot state 7 apportionment 786 assemblage 72 chance 621 quantity 25 lot fortune necessity 601 lota receptacle 191 loth dislike 867 unwillingness 603 Lothario love 897 libertine 962 lotion water 337 remedy 662 cleanness 652 fragrance 400 loto amusement 840 lots multitude 102 sufficiency 639 lottery amusement 840 chance 156 lotto amusement 840 lotus eater inactivity 683 loud loudness 404 loud noise loudness 404 loudly loudness 404 loudness loudness 404 lough gulf, lake 343 lounge receptacle 191 inactivity 683 lounger inactivity 683 louse uncleanness 653 lout commonality 876 fool 501 loutish commonality 876 louvre airpipe 351 lovable love 897 love desire 865 pleasure 827 love 897 favorite 899 courtesy 894 benevolence 906 approbation 931 friendship 888 love affair love 897 love all, trust a few caution 864 love conquers all love 897 success 731 love knot indication 550 love letter endearment 902 love of country philanthropy 910 love of truth veracity 543 love pot drunkenness 959 love song poetry 597 love story drama 599 love 897 love suit love 897 love tale endearment 902 love 897 love to distraction love 897 love token courtesy 894 endearment 902 love 897 loved love 897 loveliness pleasurableness 829 lovelock roughness 256 lovelorn hate 898 lovely pleasurableness 829 beauty 845 love 897 lovemaking endearment 902 sexuality 374.a love-making junction 43 lover desire 865 love 897 love-sick endearment 902 love 897 loving love 897 loving cup courtesy 894 loving cup! sociality 892 loving-kindness benevolence 906 low disrepute 874 vulgarity 851 ululation 412 smallness 32 lowness 207 commonality 876 cheapness 815 faintness 405 Low Church heterodoxy 984 low comedian drama 599 low comedy drama 599 low company commonality 876 low condition commonality 876 low fellow commonality 876 low in tone blackness 431 low life commonality 876 vulgarity 851 low mass rite 998 low note melody concord 413 resonance 408 low pH sourness 397 low price cheapness 815 low priced cheapness 815 low quality worthlessness 812.b low relief convexity 250 sculpture 557 low society commonality 876 low spirited dejection 837 low spirits dejection 837 low tide lowness 207 low water insufficiency 640 lowness 207 poverty 804 dryness 340 lowborn commonality 876 lowboy receptacle 191 lower sullenness 901.a darkness 421 dejection 837 depression 308 dimness 422 inferiority 34 lowness 207 nonincrease, decrease 36 prediction 511 resentment 900 lower case printing 591 lower classes commonality 876 lower colors submission 725 lower one's note humility 879 lower one's tone humility 879 lower quality inferiority 34 lower worth inferiority 34 lowering dejection 837 depression 308 lowest inferiority 34 lowest dregs of vice vice 945 lowlands lowness 207 lowlihood humility 879 lowliness humility 879 lowly humility 879 low-minded improbity 940 commonality 876 lown fool 501 lown! bad man 949 lowness humility 879 lowness 207 vulgarity 851 lowness of spirits dejection 837 low-thoughted improbity 940 low-toned blackness 431 lox fuel 388 loy vehicle 272 loyal observance 772 probity 939 obedience 743 loyalty probity 939 obedience 743 lozenge angularity 244 Ls.d. money 800 LSD intemperance 954 LST ship 273 lubbard inactivity 683 lubber bungler 701 fool 501 ignoramus 493 inactivity 683 lubberly unskillfulness 699 size 192 lubricate smoothness 255 lubrication 332 facility 705 lubricated lubrication 332 lubricating oil lubrication 332 lubrication lubrication 332 smoothness 255 unctuousness 355 lubricitate lubrication 332 lubricity impurity 961 smoothness 255 unctuousness 355 lubricous lubrication 332 smoothness 255 lubrification lubrication 332 lucent light 420 lucid light 420 perspicuity 570 sanity 502 transparency 425 intelligibility 518 lucid interval sanity 502 lucidity intelligibility 518 light 420 sanity 502 transparency 425 lucidness perspicuity 570 Lucifer satan 978 luminary 423 fuel 388 luciferous light 420 lucific light 420 lucimeter optical instruments 445 luck chance 156 chance 621 prosperity 734 luckless adversity 735 lucky occasion 134 prosperity 734 lucky dog prosperity 734 lucky hit success 731 lucrative acquisition 775 lucre acquisition 775 wealth 803 Lucretia purity 960 luctation contention 720 lucubration thought 451 luculent light 420 Luddites party 712 ludibrious amusement 840 ludicrous ridiculousness 853 luetic disease 655 luff navigation 267 lug hearing 418 traction 285 lug in head and shoulders irrelation 10 luggage property 780 luggage train vehicle 272 luggage van vehicle 272 lugger ship 273 luggy moisture 339 lugubrious dejection 837 lukewarm cold 383 feebleness 575 heat 382 indifference 866 insensibility 823 lukewarmness insensibility 823 lull moderation 174 quiescence 265 inactivity 683 cessation 142 silence 403 lull to sleep quiescence 265 lullaby inactivity 683 moderation 174 music 415 poetry 597 relief 834 lull'd by soft zephyrs wind 349 lumbago physical pain 378 lumbar rear 235 lumbar region rear 235 lumber inutility 645 slowness 275 disorder 59 store 636 hindrance 706 lumber room receptacle 191 lumber store mart 799 lumber yard mart 799 lumbering inexpedience 647 ugliness 846 lumbriciform rotundity 249 luminary luminary 423 sage 500 luminescent luminary 423 luminiferous light 420 luminosity light 420 luminous intelligibility 518 light 420 luminousness light 420 lummox fool 501 lump assemblage 72 density 321 part 51 size 192 whole 50 lump of gravity 319 lump of affectation affectation 855 lump sum money 800 lump together assemblage 72 combination 48 junction 43 lumper agent 690 lumping ugliness 846 lumpish gravity 319 inactivity 683 size 192 ugliness 846 density 321 lumpy gravity 319 lunacy insanity 503 lunar world 318 lunar caustic calefaction 384 lunate curvature 245 lunatic insanity 503 madman 504 lunation period 108 lunch food 298 luncheon food 298 lunge impulse 276 attack 716 lungi clothing 225 lungs cry 411 loudness 404 voice 580 wind 349 luniform curvature 245 lunular curvature 245 lunule curvature 245 lupanar impurity 961 lupine taking 789 lurch descent 306 oscillation 314 failure 732 obliquity 217 lure deception 545 motive 615 lurid darkness 421 dimness 422 redness 434 lurk ambush 530 concealment 528 invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 lurking latency, implication 526 lurking hole ambush 530 lurking place ambush 530 luscious sweetness 396 pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 lush drunkenness 959 sweetness 396 vegetability 365 lushy drunkenness 959 lusk inactivity 683 lusory amusement 840 lust desire 865 impurity 961 sexuality 374.a lust after desire 865 luster repute 873 light 420 luminary 423 lustful impurity 961 lustihood size 192 strength 159 lustily exertion 686 loudness 404 lustless impotence 158 lust-quencher indifference 866 lustration atonement 952 cleanness 652 lustrous light 420 lusty size 192 sexuality 374.a lute musical instruments 417 coherence 46 connection 45 luteous yellowness 436 Lutheran heterodoxy 984 lutose uncleanness 653 Luvs clothing 225 luxation disjunction 44 luxuriance productiveness 168 sufficiency 639 luxuriant productiveness 168 sufficiency 639 luxuriate in pleasure 827 physical pleasure 377 luxurious pleasurableness 829 intemperance 954 physical pleasure 377 luxuriousness intemperance 954 physical pleasure 377 luxury intemperance 954 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 redundancy 641 luxury sedan vehicle 272 lycanthropy insanity 503 Lyceum school 542 lyddite arms 727 Lydford law illegality 964 Lydian measures music 415 lying improbity 940 falsehood 544 horizontality 213 lying down horizontality 213 lying low lowness 207 Lyking pseudo-revelation 986 lymph fluidity 333 transparency 425 water 337 lymphatic water 337 lynch punishment 972 lynch law laxity 738 compulsion 744 illegality 964 lyncher scourge 975 lynx vision 441 lynx-eyed vision 441 lyophilize preservation 670 lyophilizer dryness 340 lyre musical instruments 417 lyric music 415 poetry 597 lyric poetry poetry 597 lyrical poetry 597 lyrist poetry 597 M M.P. council 696 M1 money 800 M2 money 800 M80 snap 406 Mab Jupiter 979 mabap paternity 166 macadamize smoothness 255 macaroni fop 854 macaronic absurdity 497 macaronic verse poetry 597 macaronics neologism 563 poetry 597 mace arms 727 condiment 393 scepter 747 mace bearer jurisdiction 965 macerate water 337 maceration asceticism 955 water 337 rite 998 atonement 952 Macheath thief 792 Machiavel cunning 702 Machiavelian cunning 702 falsehood 544 improbity 940 Machiavelism cunning 702 falsehood 544 machicolated defense 717 machicolation defense 717 notch 257 machinal instrument 633 machination cunning 702 plan 626 machinations of the devil evil 619 machinator plan 626 machine instrument 633 party 712 machine gun arms 727 machinery instrument 633 machinist agent 690 drama 599 macilency narrowness, thinness 203 macilent narrowness, thinness 203 mackerel variegation 440 animal 366 libertine 962 mackerel sky variegation 440 bubble; cloud 353 mackintosh clothing 225 macrobiotic diuturnity 110 macrocolous length 200 macrocosm world 318 macrogamete organization 357 macrology ornament 577 mactation idolatry 991 macula blemish 848 maculate uncleanness 653 variegation 440 maculation blemish 848 variegation 440 mad excitation 824 insanity 503 excitability 825 mad after desire 865 mad as a hatter insanity 503 mad as a March hare insanity 503 mad with rage resentment 900 madam woman 374 madame woman 374 mad-brained insanity 503 madcap rashness 863 wit 842 violence 173 humorist 844 excitability 825 madman 504 madden excitation 824 insanity 503 resentment 900 violence 173 maddened insanity 503 madder redness 434 made acquainted with knowledge 490 made man prosperity 734 made of iron strength 159 made of money wealth 803 madefaction moisture 339 madid moisture 339 madman fool 501 madman 504 madness excitability 825 insanity 503 Madonna angel 977 good man 948 piety 987 madrigal poetry 597 music 415 madstone spell 993 Maelstrom river 348 rotation 312 pitfall 667 maestoso music 415 mafia thief 792 magazine store 636 record 551 news 532 book 593 magazine rifle arms 727 Magdalen penitence 950 mage sorcerer 994 magenta redness 434 maggot caprice 608 desire 865 imagination 515 littleness 193 maggoty caprice 608 uncleanness 653 maggoty headed imbecility folly 499 maggoty-headed excitability 825 Magi heterodoxy 984 sage 500 magic deception 545 sorcery 992 magic lantern amusement 840 appearance 448 dimsightedness 443 optical instruments 445 magical sorcery 992 magician sorcerer 994 magilp resin 356.a magisterial insolence 885 pride 878 magistery pulverulence 330 magistracy jurisdiction 965 government 737.a magistrate judge 967 master 745 magistrature government 737.a magma mixture 41 magnanimity disinterestedness 942 magnanimous disinterestedness 942 magnate nobility 875 magnet attraction 288 desire 865 motive 615 magnetic attraction attraction 288 magnetic coil attraction 288 magnetic dipole attraction 288 magnetic force motive 615 magnetic levitation repulsion 289 magnetic media information 527 magnetic monopole attraction 288 magnetic pole attraction 288 magnetic repulsion repulsion 289 magnetism attraction 288 motive 615 power 157 magnetite attraction 288 magnetize influence 175 motive 615 sorcery 992 magnificence beauty 845 ostentation 882 magnificent beauty 845 ostentation 882 size 192 magnifier optical instruments 445 magnify approbation 931 exaggeration 549 expansion 194 increase 35 overestimation 482 worship 990 magnifying glass optical instruments 445 magnifying mirror optical instruments 445 magniloquence boasting 884 magniloquent boasting 884 ornament 577 magnitude greatness 31 quantity 25 size 192 magpie loquacity 584 magsman thief 792 maharaja nobility 875 maharajah master 745 maharani master 745 nobility 875 mahatma proficient 700 mahlstick support 215 maid celibacy 904 infant 129 servant 746 maid of all work servant 746 maid of honor friend 890 maidan plain 344 maiden beginning 66 celibacy 904 infant 129 maiden speech beginning 66 maidenhead celibacy 904 maidenhood celibacy 904 maidenly woman 374 maidservant servant 746 mail defense 717 vehicle 272 messenger 534 transference 270 mail car vehicle 272 mail coach vehicle 272 mail phaeton vehicle 272 mail van vehicle 272 mailstate vehicle 272 maim deterioration 659 impotence 158 main opening 260 conduit 350 importance 642 ocean 341 main chance importance 642 good 618 chance 156 main course food 298 main force compulsion 744 strength 159 main part greatness 31 whole 50 mainland land 342 mainly greatness 31 mainpernor security 771 mainspring cause 153 instrument 633 motive 615 mainstay hope 858 refuge 666 support 215 maintain affirmation 535 agency 170 continuance in action 143 permanence 141 preservation 670 support 215 maintain its course continuance in action 143 maintain one's course perseverance 604.a maintain one's ground defense 717 perseverance 604.a maintaining power agency 170 maintenance agency 170 wealth 803 preservation 670 permanence 141 maintien conduct 692 majestic greatness 31 ostentation 882 repute 873 majesty deity 976 master 745 repute 873 major master 745 superiority 33 major coin money 800 major denomination money 800 major general master 745 major key melody concord 413 major mode melody concord 413 major part greatness 31 whole 50 major Prophets Judeo-christian revelation 985 major scale melody concord 413 major suit amusement 840 major-domo director 694 servant 746 majority adolescence 131 multitude 102 plurality 100 superiority 33 majuscular letter 561 majuscule letter 561 make arrival 292 completion 729 component 56 composition 54 compulsion 744 conversion 144 form 240 production 161 make a bargain barter 794 compact 769 make a beginning beginning 66 make a bet chance 621 make a boast of boasting 884 make a bold push essay 675 make a bonfire of calefaction 384 make a botch of failure 732 make a cat's-paw of use 677 make a circle circuition 311 make a clean breast disclosure 529 veracity 543 make a clean sweep of cleanness 652 ejection 297 make a complete circle circuition 311 make a compromise irresolution 605 mid-course 628 make a dash haste 684 ostentation 882 attack 716 repute 873 make a dash at resolution 604 make a dead set against opposition 708 make a dead set at attack 716 make a decree command 741 make a deduction judgment 480 make a detour circuit 629 circuition 311 make a display ostentation 882 make a figure importance 642 make a fool of ridicule 856 deception 545 disrespect 929 make a fool of oneself unskillfulness 699 ridicule 856 ridiculousness 853 make a fortune wealth 803 make a fresh start beginning 66 make a fuss activity 682 make a fuss about disapprobation 932 importance 642 lamentation 839 make a fuss over importance 642 make a go of it success 731 make a grab at taking 789 make a grimace dislike 867 make a handle of use 677 pretext 617 make a hit success 731 skill 698 make a joke wit 842 make a leap at pursuit 622 make a leg courtesy 894 make a long arm length 200 taking 789 make a long face dejection 837 make a man of goodness 648 make a man of. courage 861 make a merit of boasting 884 make a mess of failure 732 unskillfulness 699 make a motion offer 763 supposition 514 make a mouth dislike 867 make a noise repute 873 sound 402 make a noise in the world repute 873 make a note record 551 make a note of memory 505 make a pass at attack 716 make a petition request 765 make a place for location 184 make a plunge plunge 310 make a point of dueness 924 resolution 604 contention 720 conditions 770 compulsion 744 probity 939 make a prayer request 765 make a present giving 784 make a pretext of pretext 617 make a puppet of authority 737 make a purchase purchase 795 make a push activity 682 make a report description 594 make a request request 765 make a requisition requirement 630 command 741 request 765 make a return record 551 make a riot violence 173 resistance 719 make a row violence 173 make a rush at attack 716 make a sacrifice disinterestedness 942 make a set at attack 716 make a shift with substitution 147 use 677 make a show ostentation 882 make a show of falsehood 544 make a sign indication 550 make a slip failure 732 make a sorry face disrepute 874 make a speech speech 582 make a splash repute 873 ostentation 882 make a splurge ostentation 882 make a stand opposition 708 resistance 719 make a start beginning 66 make a stir activity 682 make a stir about importance 642 make a thrust at attack 716 make a toil of a pleasure activity 682 make a trial of experiment 463 make a wry face dislike 867 lamentation 839 discontent 832 disapprobation 932 physical pain 378 make a wry mouth at disapprobation 932 make absolute evidence 467 judgment 480 make accounts square accounts 811 make acquaintance with friendship 888 information 527 sociality 892 make advances offer 763 progression 282 sociality 892 make after pursuit 622 make alike similarity 17 make all snug preparation 673 make all square restoration 660 make allowance discount 813 make allowance for qualification 469 vindication 937 make allowances for forgiveness 918 make allusion to information 527 make amends atonement 952 reward 973 make an abstract compendium 596 make an affidavit affirmation 535 make an April fool of deception 545 disrespect 929 ridicule 856 make an ass of deception 545 make an assertion affirmation 535 make an attempt essay 675 make an end of end 67 make an engagement promise 768 make an entry of record 551 make an example of punishment 972 make an experiment experiment 463 make an impression physical energy 171 thought 451 make an offer endearment 902 make an order command 741 make application request 765 make away from avoidance 623 make away with destruction 162 relinquishment 782 disuse 678 killing 361 make away with oneself killing 361 make believe falsehood 544 make bold courage 861 insolence 885 make bold to ask request 765 make bold with discourtesy 895 make both ends meet economy 817 wealth 803 make bricks without straw impossibility 471 make capital out of pretext 617 acquisition 775 improvement 658 make captive restraint 751 make certain of discovery 480.a make choice of choice 609 make clean sweep of destruction 162 make common cause concurrence 178 make common cause with cooperation 709 make compensation compensation 30 payment 807 make corrections improvement 658 make due provision for provision 637 make faces ugliness 846 dislike 867 disrespect 929 distortion 243 make fast junction 43 make for direction 278 make forced marches velocity 274 make free insolence 885 make free of freedom 748 make free with discourtesy 895 freedom 748 sociality 892 taking 789 make friends with friendship 888 make fun of ridicule 856 wit 842 make game deception 545 make game of disrespect 929 ridicule 856 make good compensation 30 completeness 52 completion 729 demonstration 478 dueness 924 evidence 467 observance 772 provision 637 restoration 660 stability 150 vindication 937 atonement 952 make good one's escape escape 671 make good one's promise observance 772 make good one's word observance 772 make good use of improvement 658 make hash of unskillfulness 699 make haste activity 682 earliness 132 haste 684 velocity 274 make head progression 282 make head against opposition 708 resistance 719 success 731 make headway progression 282 make holiday amusement 840 make hot calefaction 384 make improvements improvement 658 make inquiry inquiry 461 make interest request 765 make interest for aid 707 make investments preparation 673 make it pacification 723 make it a condition conditions 770 make it look easy facility 705 make it one's business business 625 make its appearance visibility 446 make known information 527 publication 531 make light of inexcitability 826 underestimation 483 contempt 930 unimportance 643 facility 705 make little of underestimation 483 make loose incoherence 47 make love endearment 902 sexuality 374.a make manifest manifestation 525 make matters up atonement 952 pacification 723 make merry amusement 840 rejoicing 838 make merry with ridicule 856 wit 842 make mincemeat of destruction 162 make mischief badness 649 make money wealth 803 acquisition 775 make money by acquisition 775 make mouths disrespect 929 make much ado about importance 642 make much ado of importance 642 make much of approbation 931 endearment 902 friendship 888 importance 642 love 897 overestimation 482 make no account of underestimation 483 make no bones of facility 705 willingness 602 make no doubt belief 484 make no mystery manifestation 525 make no scruple of willingness 602 make no secret of manifestation 525 make no sign concealment 528 latency, implication 526 taciturnity 585 make note of attention 457 make nothing of expectance 871 facility 705 failure 732 underestimation 483 make oath affirmation 535 make of endearment 902 make off escape 671 avoidance 623 make off with stealing 791 make one at presence 186 make one drunk drunkenness 959 make one laugh ridiculousness 853 make one of presence 186 make one shudder painfulness 830 make one sick painfulness 830 make one sing small humility 879 make one stare wonder 870 make one tremble fear 860 make one's appearance arrival 292 make one's blood boil resentment 900 excitation 824 make one's blood run cold dislike 867 fear 860 make one's bow courtesy 894 make one's choice choice 609 make one's debut beginning 66 make one's escape escape 671 make one's exit departure 293 make one's flesh creep fear 860 make one's fortune prosperity 734 success 731 make one's mind easy inexcitability 826 make one's mouth water desire 865 make one's peace with content 831 make one's pile prosperity 734 make one's teeth chatter fear 860 refrigeration 385 make one's voice heard influence 175 make one's way journey 266 passage 302 progression 282 prosperity 734 success 731 make one's will death 360 make one's windows shake loudness 404 make oneself at home with sociality 892 make oneself easy inexcitability 826 make oneself easy about belief 484 make oneself master of learning 539 make oneself scarce absence 187 avoidance 623 make out demonstration 478 discovery 480.a intelligibility 518 interpretation 522 knowledge 490 vision 441 make out a case demonstration 478 dueness 924 evidence 467 make over transfer 783 giving 784 make over much exaggeration 549 make payment payment 807 make peace pacification 723 peace 721 make preparations preparation 673 make prisoner restraint 751 make productive production 161 productiveness 168 make profit acquisition 775 success 731 make progress activity 682 progression 282 success 731 make provision provision 637 make provision for preparation 673 make public publication 531 disclosure 529 make rapid strides progression 282 velocity 274 make ready preparation 673 make repayment payment 807 make room respect 928 make room for opening 260 make round circularity 247 make sad work of unskillfulness 699 make safe preservation 670 safety 664 make sail navigation 267 make short work of punishment 972 activity 682 resolution 604 success 731 haste 684 completion 729 destruction 162 make sick dislike 867 make some noise repute 873 make soundings depth 208 make strides progression 282 make sure certainty 474 preparation 673 stability 150 make sure against preparation 673 make sure of taking 789 inquiry 461 belief 484 make suspicion unbelief doubt 485 make terms compact 769 conditions 770 make the amiable courtesy 894 make the best of compromise 774 inexcitability 826 overestimation 482 submission 725 use 677 make the best of it hope 858 make the blood curdle painfulness 830 make the blood run cold painfulness 830 make the ears tingle resentment 900 make the flesh creep painfulness 830 make the heart bleed painfulness 830 make the land approach 286 arrival 292 make the most of improvement 658 overestimation 482 skill 698 use 677 make the pot boil acquisition 775 make the round of circuition 311 make the skin crawl cold 383 make the worst of overestimation 482 make things pleasant deception 545 pleasurableness 829 flattery 933 cunning 702 motive 615 make time diuturnity 110 make too much of overestimation 482 make towards direction 278 make unhappy painfulness 830 make up completeness 52 composition 54 make up a quarrel pacification 723 forgiveness 918 make up a sum expenditure 809 make up accounts accounts 811 make up for compensation 30 make up leeway progression 282 make up one's mind resolution 604 judgment 480 belief 484 choice 609 make up to allocution 586 approach 286 make use of borrowing 788 use 677 make vain efforts failure 732 make verses poetry 597 make way passage 302 progression 282 make way for avoidance 623 substitution 147 opening 260 courtesy 894 deviation 279 facility 705 make whole restoration 660 make-believe deception 545 untruth 546 makepeace mediation 724 maker agent 690 producer 164 makeshift pretext 617 substitution 147 makeup printing 591 ornament 847 make-up printing 591 make-weight completeness 52 inequality 28 compensation 30 making verses poetry 597 mal du pays dejection 837 regret 833 malachite greenness 435 malacology zoology 368 maladministration unskillfulness 699 maladroit unskillfulness 699 malady disease 655 malaise physical pain 378 pain 828 malapert insolence 885 blusterer 887 Malaprop misnomer 565 malapropism neologism 563 malaria bane 663 insalubrity 657 malarial fever disease 655 malconformation distortion 243 malcontent discontent 832 opponent 710 malcontented discontent 832 male strength 159 man 373 sexuality 374.a malediction malediction 908 malefaction guilt 947 malefactor bad man 949 malefic badness 649 maleficent malevolence 907 maleness sexuality 374.a malevolence badness 649 enmity 889 malevolence 907 pitilessness 914.a revenge 919 malevolent malevolence 907 vice 945 malevolently malevolence 907 malfeasance guilt 947 malformation distortion 243 malice hate 898 malevolence 907 malice prepense malevolence 907 malicious hate 898 malevolence 907 maliciousness malevolence 907 malign attack 716 badness 649 detraction 934 malevolence 907 malignancy disease 655 malignant badness 649 malevolence 907 malignity badness 649 malevolence 907 painfulness 830 violence 173 malinger falsehood 544 malingering falsehood 544 malison malediction 908 malkin cleanness 652 uncleanness 653 mall mart 799 abode 189 impulse 276 malleability softness 324 malleable softness 324 mallet impulse 276 malodor fetor 401 malpractice guilt 947 malt liquor food 298 maltreat badness 649 malevolence 907 painfulness 830 malversation guilt 947 prodigality 818 Mama combatant 726 mamelon convexity 250 Mameluke combatant 726 mamma paternity 166 mammal animal 366 mammalogy zoology 368 mammet representation 554 mammiliform convexity 250 mammilla convexity 250 mammon money 800 wealth 803 mammoth size 192 man mankind 372 servant 746 preparation 673 marriage 903 courage 861 agent 690 adolescence 131 man 373 man about town fop 854 man after one's own heart favorite 899 man and wife marriage 903 man at arms combatant 726 man Friday auxiliary 711 man hater misanthropy 911 man in office director 694 master 745 man in possession possessor 779 man in the moon imagination 515 man in the street commonality 876 man millinery affectation 855 ostentation 882 man of business proficient 700 man of color blackness 431 man of distinction nobility 875 man of education scholar 492 man of fashion fashion 852 man of few words taciturnity 585 man of genius scholar 492 man of his word probity 939 man of honor probity 939 man of learning sage 500 scholar 492 man of letters scholar 492 man of mark nobility 875 repute 873 man of mettle courage 861 man of pleasure sensualist 954.a man of rank nobility 875 repute 873 man of straw commonality 876 deceiver 548 deception 545 nonpayment 808 unsubstantiality 4 man of substance wealth 803 man of taste taste 850 man of the turf chance 621 man of the world proficient 700 fashion 852 man of war ship 273 manacle prison 752 restraint 751 manage conduct 692 direction 693 manage to success 731 manageable facility 705 management conduct 692 direction 693 skill 698 manager director 694 drama 599 managery direction 693 man-bird mariner 269 mancipation restraint 751 manciple provision 637 mandamus command 741 mandarin master 745 mandate command 741 requirement 630 mandible food 298 mandola musical instruments 417 mandolin musical instruments 417 mandoline musical instruments 417 mandrel rotation 312 manducation food 298 mane roughness 256 man-eater killing 361 manes corpse 362 maneuver action 680 cunning 702 maneuvering cunning 702 manful courage 861 strength 159 manfully resolution 604 mange disease 655 manger receptacle 191 mangle deterioration 659 disjunction 44 smoothness 255 mango food 298 mangosteen food 298 mangy disease 655 manhood adolescence 131 man 373 courage 861 mania desire 865 insanity 503 maniac madman 504 maniacal insanity 503 manicheism satan 978 manichord musical instruments 417 manicure remedy 662 manie desire 865 maniere affectation 855 manifest demonstration 478 manifestation 525 manifest oneself manifestation 525 manifestation manifestation 525 visibility 446 manifested manifestation 525 manifestly manifestation 525 manifesto publication 531 manifold multiformity 81 multitude 102 writing 590 manikin littleness 193 representation 554 maniple fewness 103 manipulate touch 379 use 677 manipulation touch 379 conduct 692 manito demon 980 manitou demon 980 manitu demon 980 mankind mankind 372 man-like strength 159 manliness courage 861 resolution 604 manly adolescence 131 strength 159 courage 861 man 373 manna sweetness 396 manna in the wilderness pleasurableness 829 aid 707 manner style 569 method 627 class 75 conduct 692 mannered inelegance 579 mannerism affectation 855 inelegance 579 speciality 79 unconformity 83 vanity 880 mannerist affectation 855 mannerly courtesy 894 manners courtesy 894 fashion 852 mannikin littleness 193 man-of-war combatant 726 man-of-war's man combatant 726 mariner 269 manomotor vehicle 272 manor property 780 manor-house abode 189 manorial property 780 mansard roof angularity 244 manse temple 1000 mansion abode 189 manslaughter killing 361 mansuetude courtesy 894 mantel support 215 mantilla clothing 225 mantle redness 434 scepter 747 shade 424 resentment 900 feeling 821 expansion 194 excitation 824 bubble; cloud 353 clothing 225 mantleshelf support 215 mantlet defense 717 mantlet mantua clothing 225 mantology prediction 511 manual advice 695 school 542 information 527 book 593 manual labor exertion 686 manubial booty 793 manufactory workshop 691 manufacture action 680 production 161 manufacturer agent 690 manufacturer's coupon discount 813 manumission liberation 750 manumit liberation 750 manure aid 707 uncleanness 653 agriculture 371 manuscript writing 590 many greatness 31 multitude 102 many a time repetition 104 many a time and oft frequency 136 many irons in the fire activity 682 many men many minds dissent 489 many more multitude 102 many sided laterality 236 many thanks! gratitude 916 many times frequency 136 repetition 104 many times over repetition 104 many-colored variegation 440 many-headed multitude multitude 102 many-hued variegation 440 many-sided multiformity 81 many-tongued news 532 map information 527 journey 266 representation 554 situation 183 map out plan 626 maple sirup sweetness 396 maple sugar sweetness 396 maple syrup sweetness 396 mar amorphism 241 deterioration 659 hindrance 706 marabou mixture 41 marabout temple 1000 marah unsavoriness 395 maranatha malediction 908 marasmus contraction 195 deterioration 659 disease 655 maraud stealing 791 marauder thief 792 marble sculpture 557 writing 590 variegation 440 insensibility 823 hardness 323 rotundity 249 marble-constant probity 939 marbled variegation 440 marble-hearted malevolence 907 marbles amusement 840 march journey 266 music 415 progression 282 region 181 march against attack 716 march in double time velocity 274 march in procession journey 266 march in quick time velocity 274 march in slow time slowness 275 march of intellect improvement 658 knowledge 490 march of things eventuality 151 march of time course 109 time 106 march off departure 293 escape 671 march on direction 278 march on a point direction 278 march out departure 293 march past ostentation 882 march upon attack 716 march with contiguity 199 marches limit 233 marchioness nobility 875 marcid narrowness, thinness 203 marconigram news 532 marcor narrowness, thinness 203 mare carrier 271 woman 374 marechal master 745 mare's nest absurdity 497 untruth 546 mare's tail wind 349 mare's tale bubble; cloud 353 marescent deterioration 659 margin freedom 748 redundancy 641 edge 231 space 180 marginal edge 231 marginally possible possibility 470 marginated edge 231 margrave master 745 nobility 875 margravine master 745 marigold beauty 845 marigraph measurement 466 marijuana intemperance 954 marine ship 273 combatant 726 mariner 269 ocean 341 marine painter artist 559 marine painting painting 556 mariner mariner 269 navigation 267 marinism inelegance 579 Mariolatry idolatry 991 marionette representation 554 marionettes drama 599 marish marsh 345 marital marriage 903 marital relations sexuality 374.a maritime navigation 267 ocean 341 marjoram condiment 393 mark intellect 450 term 71 repute 873 record 551 intention 620 indication 550 importance 642 degree 26 attention 457 choice 609 mark down take off discount 813 mark into evidence evidence 467 mark of recognition courtesy 894 mark off record 551 mark out command 741 mark out a course plan 626 mark out for choice 609 mark the time chronometry 114 mark time chronometry 114 quiescence 265 mark twain depth 208 mark twine depth 208 mark with a red letter celebration 883 mark with a stone approbation 931 mark with a white mark approbation 931 mark with a white stone importance 642 mark! attention 457 marked affirmation 535 indication 550 greatness 31 importance 642 market mart 799 purchase 795 market garden agriculture 371 market index stock market 799.a market place abode 189 market price value 812.a marketable barter 794 sale 796 market-overt mart 799 marketplace mart 799 marks teaching 537 marksman proficient 700 propulsion 284 marksmanship skill 698 marl land 342 marland master 745 marmalade sweetness 396 marmot inactivity 683 maroon avoidance 623 brown 433 redness 434 relinquishment 782 seclusion, exclusion 893 marplot bungler 701 evil 913 hindrance 706 marquee covering 223 marquetry- variegation 440 marquis nobility 875 marquisate nobility 875 marriage junction 43 marriage 903 marriage bell cheerfulness 836 marriage broker marriage 903 marriageable adolescence 131 marriage 903 married marriage 903 married couple marriage 903 married man marriage 903 married state marriage 903 married woman marriage 903 marrow meaning 516 intrinsicality 5 centrality 222 interiority 221 marrowbones and cleavers discord 414 marrowless impotence 158 marrubium fragrance 400 marry affirmation 535 combination 48 junction 43 marriage 903 marry come up! defiance 715 disapprobation 932 resentment 900 Mars warfare 722 marsh semiliquidity 352 marsh 345 moisture 339 marsh gas bane 663 marshal arrangement 60 auxiliary 711 master 745 messenger 534 Marshalsea prison 752 marshy marsh 345 Mars'orange orange 439 marsupial receptacle 191 mart mart 799 martello tower defense 717 martial warfare 722 martial law compulsion 744 illegality 964 severity 739 martial music music 415 martinet severity 739 martingale prison 752 Martini-Henry rifle arms 727 Martinmas rite 998 martyr asceticism 955 pain 828 martyr to disease disease 655 martyrdom disinterestedness 942 punishment 972 killing 361 asceticism 955 physical pain 378 marvel prodigy 872 wonder 870 marvel if supposition 514 marvelous greatness 31 wonder 870 marvelously greatness 31 Masaniello disobedience 742 mascot chance 621 spell 993 mascotte spell 993 masculine man 373 strength 159 masculinity sexuality 374.a masculinize man 373 maser luminary 423 mash disorder 59 mixture 41 semiliquidity 352 softness 324 masher fop 854 masjid temple 1000 mask covering 223 shade 424 deception 545 clothing 225 ambush 530 defense 717 concealment 528 masked battery concealment 528 deception 545 masker drama 599 masochism deterioration 659 sexuality 374.a mason agent 690 Masorah Judeo-christian revelation 985 masque drama 599 masquerade deception 545 amusement 840 clothing 225 concealment 528 masquerade dress ambush 530 mass assemblage 72 density 321 greatness 31 quantity 25 rite 998 size 192 whole 50 worship 990 mass of gravity 319 mass of society commonality 876 mass of the people commonality 876 mass spectrophotometer measurement 466 massacre killing 361 massage touch 379 friction 331 massive density 321 gravity 319 size 192 massy size 192 mastaba interment 363 master master 745 teacher 540 success 731 subjection 749 title 877 possessor 779 learning 539 intelligibility 518 infant 129 government 737.a director 694 artist 559 proficient 700 man 373 master hand proficient 700 master head proficient 700 master key instrumentality 631 opening 260 master mind sage 500 master of skill 698 possession 777 master of arts scholar 492 master of ceremonies amusement 840 master of math scholar 492 master of revels amusement 840 master of the position success 731 Master of the Rolls judge 967 recorder 553 master of the situation success 731 master one's feelings inexcitability 826 master one's passions virtue 944 master passion affections 820 master spirit proficient 700 master spirit of the age sage 500 master stroke plan 626 success 731 masterdom authority 737 masterly skill 698 mastermind proficient 700 masterpiece goodness 648 perfection 650 skill 698 mastership authority 737 skill 698 mastery authority 737 skill 698 success 731 mastery over self resolution 604 masthead punishment 972 mastic semiliquidity 352 resin 356.a masticate food 298 mastication food 298 mastiff animal 366 mastology zoology 368 masturbate sexuality 374.a masturbation sexuality 374.a unproductiveness 169 mat crossing 219 support 215 matador killing 361 match fuel 388 similarity 17 marriage 903 imitation 19 equality 27 discrimination 465 contention 720 calefaction 384 agreement 23 identification 465.b match up identification 465.b matching comparison 464 matchless superiority 33 virtue 944 matchlock arms 727 matchmaker marriage 903 mate duality 89 similarity 17 sexuality 374.a master 745 marriage 903 friend 890 equality 27 auxiliary 711 accompaniment 88 food 298 material importance 642 materiality 316 materials 635 material evidence evidence 467 material for thought topic 454 material point smallness 32 material witness evidence 467 materialism materiality 316 irreligion 989 heterodoxy 984 materialist heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 materiality 316 materialistic materiality 316 materiality materiality 316 substantiality 3 materialize beginning 66 visibility 446 materially importance 642 materialness importance 642 materiality 316 materials materiality 316 materials 635 materiel instrument 633 maternal benevolence 906 paternity 166 maternal love love 897 maternity paternity 166 mathematical truth 494 mathematical point littleness 193 mathematical precision truth 494 mathematician numeration 85 mathematics quantity 25 mathesis quantity 25 matin morning 125 matin_ee sociality 892 mating sexuality 374.a matins worship 990 matrass receptacle 191 matricide killing 361 matriculate learning 539 matriculated student learner 541 matriculation learning 539 matrimonial marriage 903 matrimonial agency marriage 903 matrimonial agent marriage 903 matrimonial bureau marriage 903 matrimony rite 998 marriage 903 mixture 41 matrix workshop 691 printing 591 prototype 22 matron marriage 903 woman 374 matron of honor friend 890 matronage marriage 903 woman 374 matronhood marriage 903 woman 374 matronize care 459 direction 693 matronly woman 374 adolescence 131 age 128 matross combatant 726 matte print painting 556 matted crossing 219 matter business 625 eventuality 151 importance 642 materiality 316 meaning 516 printing 591 substantiality 3 topic 454 uncleanness 653 matter in dispute inquiry 461 matter in hand business 625 topic 454 undertaking 676 matter little unimportance 643 matter little or nothing unimportance 643 matter nothing unimportance 643 matter of course habit 613 matter of fact artlessness 703 certainty 474 dullness 843 eventuality 151 existence 1 matter of fact man artlessness 703 matter of indifference unimportance 643 matter of life and death importance 642 matter of necessity requirement 630 matter of no consequence unsubstantiality 4 matter of no importance unsubstantiality 4 matter-of-fact plainness 576 matting crossing 219 mattock sharpness 253 mattress support 215 maturate perfection 650 preparation 673 maturation preparation 673 mature plan 626 preparation 673 perfection 650 conversion 144 adolescence 131 improvement 658 mature thought thought 451 maturely considered predetermination 611 Maturine clergy 996 maturity preparation 673 oldness 124 maturity full age adolescence 131 matutinal morning 125 maud stammering 583 mauder stammering 583 maudlin drunkenness 959 imbecility folly 499 inactivity 683 insensibility 823 mauger compensation 30 maukin cleanness 652 maul badness 649 impulse 276 maund receptacle 191 maunder diffuseness 573 lamentation 839 maundering diffuseness 573 Mauser rifle arms 727 mausoleum interment 363 mauvais honte affectation 855 mauve purple 437 mavis musician 416 maw receptacle 191 mawkish insipidity 391 Mawworm deceiver 548 impiety 988 Max Sycophant servility 886 maxim maxim 496 precept 697 Maxim gun arms 727 maximum summit 210 superiority 33 Maxwell's demon demon 980 may be possibility 470 May day amusement 840 maybe possibility 470 Mayfly transientness 111 mayhap possibility 470 mayor director 694 master 745 mayoralty master 745 maypole height 206 mazard food 298 maze convolution 248 difficulty 704 secret 533 mazed insanity 503 mazurka amusement 840 mazy convolution 248 secret 533 me immateriality 317 mea culpa penitence 950 mead plain 344 sweetness 396 meade sweetness 396 meadow agriculture 371 plain 344 meager feebleness 575 incompleteness 53 insufficiency 640 narrowness, thinness 203 smallness 32 unimportance 643 meager diet fasting 956 meal food 298 pulverulence 330 mealy pulverulence 330 mealy-mouthed servility 886 flattery 933 falsehood 544 mealy-mouthedness falsehood 544 mean servility 886 unimportance 643 selfishness 943 parsimony 819 middle 68 mid-course 628 mean 29 intention 620 improbity 940 disrepute 874 commonality 876 badness 649 meaning 516 mean mother bad man 949 mean nothing unmeaningness 517 mean wretch bad man 949 meander secret 533 river 348 deviation 279 convolution 248 circuit 629 circuition 311 meandering convolution 248 river 348 meandrous river 348 meandry river 348 meanest capacity imbecility folly 499 meanie bad man 949 meaning interpretation 522 meaning 516 meaningless unmeaningness 517 meaninglessness unmeaningness 517 meanness selfishness 943 smallness 32 means aid 707 instrumentality 631 materials 635 means 632 property 780 wealth 803 means and appliances means 632 means of access method 627 means of escape refuge 666 safety 664 mean-spirited misjudgment 481 meantime time 106 meanwhile synchronism 120 time 106 measles disease 655 measurability measurement 466 measurable measurement 466 measurably numeration 85 measure moderation 174 quantity 25 poetry 597 action 680 plan 626 measurement 466 apportionment 786 degree 26 melody concord 413 measure for measure compensation 30 retaliation 718 right 922 measure swords contention 720 measure swords with warfare 722 measure time chronometry 114 measured sufficiency 639 temperance 953 moderation 174 melody concord 413 measureless infinity 105 measurement experiment 463 measurement 466 numeration 85 measuring measurement 466 meat food 298 meat packing plant killing 361 Mecaenas friend 890 scholar 492 mecate scourge 975 mechanic agent 690 mechanical instrument 633 necessity 601 means 632 mechanical advantage instrument 633 mechanical powers instrument 633 mechanician agent 690 mechanism instrument 633 medal record 551 sculpture 557 title 877 trophy 733 medallion sculpture 557 medallist proficient 700 meddle activity 682 meddler activity 682 meddlesome activity 682 meddling activity 682 media news 532 medial middle 68 median mean 29 middle 68 mediant melody concord 413 mediate deity 976 instrumentality 631 mediation 724 middle 68 mediation instrumentality 631 mediation 724 deity 976 deprecation 766 mediatization mediation 724 mediatize mediation 724 mediator auxiliary 711 concord 714 mediation 724 mediatorial deprecation 766 instrumentality 631 mediatorship mediation 724 mediatory mediation 724 medical remedy 662 medical attendant remedy 662 medical devices life 359 medical examination remedy 662 medical practitioner remedy 662 medical student learner 541 medical treatment remedy 662 medicament remedy 662 medicaster deceiver 548 medicate mixture 41 restoration 660 medicinal remedy 662 medicine remedy 662 medicine man sorcerer 994 mediety middle 68 medieval oldness 124 medievalism the past 122 medievalist the past 122 mediocre unimportance 643 mean 29 imperfection 651 mediocrity imperfection 651 mean 29 mediocrity 736 smallness 32 sufficiency 639 meditate intention 620 thought 451 meditation thought 451 meditative thought 451 mediterranean interposition 228 middle 68 medium means 632 circumjacence 227 middle 68 sorcerer 994 mean 29 color 428 instrumentality 631 medley disorder 59 mixture 41 medullary softness 324 meed apportionment 786 reward 973 meed of praise approbation 931 meek inexcitability 826 humility 879 meekness humility 879 meet agreement 23 arrival 292 assemblage 72 contiguity 199 convergence 290 council 696 courage 861 dueness 924 duty 926 expedience 646 observance 772 meet halfway concord 714 willingness 602 pacification 723 friendship 888 benevolence 906 mediation 724 meet hand to hand contention 720 meet in front courage 861 meet one at every turn presence 186 redundancy 641 meet one halfway compromise 774 meet one's death death 360 meet one's end death 360 meet one's expenses economy 817 meet one's wishes consent 762 pleasurableness 829 meet the ear hearing 418 meet the eye visibility 446 meet up with discovery 480.a meet with discovery 480.a eventuality 151 meet with a loss loss 776 meet with attention attention 457 meet with difficulties difficulty 704 meeting arrival 292 assemblage 72 contiguity 199 convergence 290 council 696 junction 43 meetinghouse abode 189 temple 1000 megacosm world 318 Megaera violence 173 megaphone hearing 418 megascope optical instruments 445 megatherium oldness 124 MEGO weariness 841 megrims agitation 315 dejection 837 melancholia dejection 837 insanity 503 melancholic dejection 837 dullness 843 melancholy painfulness 830 dejection 837 melancholy as a gib cat dejection 837 melange mixture 41 melee contention 720 disorder 59 Melibean poetry 597 melic melody concord 413 melinite arms 727 meliorate improvement 658 melioration improvement 658 melliferous sweetness 396 mellifluous elegance 578 melody concord 413 mellow melody concord 413 softness 324 preparation 673 moderation 174 color 428 improvement 658 conversion 144 age 128 drunkenness 959 mellowness preparation 673 melodious melody concord 413 melodist musician 416 melodrama drama 599 melodramatic drama 599 melodrame drama 599 melody melody concord 413 music 415 Melpomene and Thalia drama 599 melt calefaction 384 conversion 144 fluidity 333 liquefaction 335 pity 914 melt away disappearance 449 inexistence 2 nonincrease, decrease 36 unsubstantiality 4 waste 638 melt down cessation 142 melt in the air faintness 405 melt into one combination 48 melt into tears lamentation 839 melt the heart pity 914 meltdown cessation 142 melting calefaction 384 liquefaction 335 pity 914 melting mood lamentation 839 pity 914 member component 56 council 696 part 51 member of parliament council 696 members of Christ orthodoxy 983.a membrane layer 204 membranous layer 204 memento memory 505 record 551 memo memory 505 memo book record 551 memoir description 594 dissertation 595 memorabilia importance 642 memory 505 memorable eventuality 151 importance 642 memory 505 memorandum memory 505 record 551 conditions 770 memorandum book record 551 compendium 596 memorial memory 505 record 551 Memorial Day amusement 840 memorialist recorder 553 memorialize memory 505 memorials description 594 memoriter memory 505 memorize memory 505 memory the past 122 identification 465.b memory 505 repute 873 memsahib nobility 875 men in buckram exaggeration 549 men of Boeotia fool 501 menace threat 909 warning 668 menacing threat 909 menage conduct 692 menagerie assemblage 72 husbandry 370 store 636 menagery store 636 mend improvement 658 mend one's manners courtesy 894 mend one's pace velocity 274 mendacious falsehood 544 mendacity falsehood 544 mendicancy poverty 804 request 765 mendicant clergy 996 petitioner 767 poverty 804 mendicate request 765 mendicity poverty 804 mending improvement 658 mene mene tekel upharsin warning 668 mene mene tekel hopelessness 859 menial commonality 876 servant 746 meniscus optical instruments 445 men's room receptacle 191 menses regularity of recurrence 138 menstrual regularity of recurrence 138 menstrual flux regularity of recurrence 138 menstruum liquefaction 335 mensuration measurement 466 mental intellect 450 mental alienation insanity 503 mental calmness inexcitability 826 moderation 174 mental excitement excitation 824 mental inertness physical inertness 172 mental pabulum topic 454 mental philosophy intellect 450 mental reservation equivocalness 520 untruth 546 mental reserve concealment 528 mental suffering evil 619 pain 828 physical pain 378 menticulture improvement 658 knowledge 490 mention information 527 mentor advice 695 teacher 540 menu food 298 list 86 meow ululation 412 Mephistopheles satan 978 demon 980 Mephistophelian vice 945 mephitic fetor 401 insalubrity 657 mephitis bane 663 meracious pungency 392 mercantile barter 794 mercature barter 794 mercenary servant 746 combatant 726 parsimony 819 price 812 selfishness 943 mercer clothing 225 merchandise merchandise 798 merchant merchant 797 sale 796 merchant marine combatant 726 merchant ship ship 273 merchantman ship 273 merciful benevolence 906 pity 914 merciless pitilessness 914.a mercurial excitability 825 motion 264 velocity 274 mercurous chloride remedy 662 Mercury messenger 534 velocity 274 traveler 268 mercury dime money 800 mercury fulminate arms 727 snap 406 mercury thermometer thermometer 389 Mercury's rod scepter 747 Mercury's staff scepter 747 Mercury's wand scepter 747 mercy benevolence 906 lenity 740 pity 914 mercy on us! wonder 870 mercy seat tribunal 966 mercy! pity 914 mere smallness 32 unimportance 643 gulf, lake 343 mere child's play facility 705 mere farce inutility 645 unimportance 643 mere joke unimportance 643 mere mixture disorder 59 mere nothing smallness 32 unimportance 643 mere outside falsehood 544 mere pretext pretext 617 mere scratch shallowness 209 mere shot chance 621 mere show falsehood 544 mere skin and bone narrowness, thinness 203 mere tool agent 690 mere words intuition 477 unmeaningness 517 mere wreck deterioration 659 merelles amusement 840 merely smallness 32 merestead property 780 meretricious impurity 961 vulgarity 851 deception 545 merfolk unconformity 83 demon 980 merge water 337 insertion 300 combination 48 identity 13 merge in component 56 inclusion 76 merge into conversion 144 merged interposition 228 meridian light 420 morning 125 region 181 summit 210 meridian of life adolescence 131 meridional summit 210 merit dueness 924 virtue 944 goodness 648 merit notice importance 642 merited dueness 924 meriting dueness 924 meritorious approbation 931 virtue 944 mermaid demon 980 Jupiter 979 unconformity 83 merman demon 980 unconformity 83 merogenesis production 161 merriment amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 merry drunkenness 959 merry and wise wit 842 merry as a cricket cheerfulness 836 merry as a grig cheerfulness 836 merry as a marriage bell cheerfulness 836 merry thought wit 842 merry widow divorce 905 merry-andrew humorist 844 merry-go-round amusement 840 rotation 312 merrymaking sociality 892 rejoicing 838 cheerfulness 836 amusement 840 merrythought spell 993 mesa horizontality 213 plain 344 mesalliance disagreement 24 marriage 903 meseems belief 484 mesh crossing 219 interval 198 meshes deception 545 difficulty 704 meshes of sophistry intuition 477 mesial middle 68 Mesmer sorcerer 994 mesmerism sorcery 992 mesmerist sorcerer 994 mesmerize sorcery 992 mesmerized attention 457 mesmerizing attention 457 mesne lord possessor 779 Mesozoic oldness 124 mess apportionment 786 difficulty 704 disorder 59 failure 732 food 298 mixture 41 message command 741 news 532 advice 695 Messalina libertine 962 messenger bubble; cloud 353 consignee 758 information 527 messenger 534 servant 746 messenger balloon experiment 463 messmate friend 890 messuage abode 189 property 780 messy derangement 61 uncleanness 653 mestee mixture 41 mestizo mixture 41 metabolism organization 357 metacenter centrality 222 metachronism anachronism 115 metage measurement 466 metagrammatism letter 561 metal materials 635 metalepsis metaphor 521 metallography inorganization 358 metallurgy inorganization 358 metamorphose change 140 metamorphosis change 140 metaphor substitution 147 analogy 514.a metaphor 521 metaphorical metaphor 521 comparison 464 metaphrase interpretation 522 metaphrast interpreter 524 metaphrastic interpretation 522 metaphysical intellect 450 metaphysician intellect 450 metaphysics intellect 450 metaplasm organization 357 metastasis change 140 inversion 218 transference 270 metathesis transference 270 inversion 218 mete apportionment 786 measurement 466 mete out giving 784 metempirical unintelligibility 519 metempsychosis change 140 meteor luminary 423 world 318 meteoric light 420 violence 173 meteorite world 318 meteorological air 338 meteorology air 338 Meteoromancy prediction 511 meter measurement 466 poetry 597 length 200 methanogen life 359 methanol fuel 388 metheglin sweetness 396 methinks belief 484 method conduct 692 method 627 order 58 method actor drama 599 method of operating conduct 692 methodical arrangement 60 order 58 methodically order 58 methodism heterodoxy 984 Methodist heterodoxy 984 impiety 988 methodize arrangement 60 order 58 Methuselah veteran 130 meticulous fastidiousness 868 metogenesis production 161 metonym supposition 514 metonymy metaphor 521 substitution 147 supposition 514 metoposcopy interpretation 522 appearance 448 front 234 metric measurement 466 metric ton gravity 319 metrical measurement 466 poetry 597 metrology measurement 466 metropolis abode 189 metropolitan abode 189 clergy 996 mettle affections 820 courage 861 mettlesome courage 861 excitability 825 sensibility 822 mew divestment 226 lamentation 839 ululation 412 mew up restraint 751 mewed up circumscription 229 mewl ululation 412 mews abode 189 mezzanine floor drama 599 receptacle 191 Mezzofanti scholar 492 mezzorilevo convexity 250 mezzorilievo sculpture 557 mezzotint engraving 558 mezzotint engraving engraving 558 miasm bane 663 miasma bane 663 mica semitransparency 427 micaceous layer 204 Micawber neglect 460 Michaelmas rite 998 mick extraneousness 57 microaerophile life 359 microbe animal 366 life 359 littleness 193 microbiology organization 357 microbus vehicle 272 microcosm littleness 193 microfuge rotation 312 microgamete organization 357 microgram gravity 319 micrography littleness 193 micrometer length 200 littleness 193 micron length 200 microphone hearing 418 microphotograph littleness 193 microphotography littleness 193 microscope littleness 193 optical instruments 445 microscopic littleness 193 smallness 32 microscopically littleness 193 microscopist optical instruments 445 microscopy littleness 193 optical instruments 445 microtiter tray receptacle 191 microtome sharpness 253 microzoa littleness 193 microzoal littleness 193 mid interposition 228 middle 68 midcourse mid-course 628 mid-course middle 68 midday morning 125 midden uncleanness 653 middle mid-course 628 middle 68 centrality 222 mean 29 middle class school school 542 middle classes mediocrity 736 middle constriction narrowness, thinness 203 middle course mean 29 mid-course 628 middle state mean 29 middle term compromise 774 middle 68 middle-aged adolescence 131 middle-class mean 29 middleman consignee 758 director 694 middlemost middle 68 centrality 222 middling smallness 32 imperfection 651 middy mariner 269 Midgard world 318 midge littleness 193 midland land 342 midmost middle 68 midnight darkness 421 evening 126 midriff interposition 228 middle 68 midshipman mariner 269 midships middle 68 midst centrality 222 interposition 228 middle 68 midsummer morning 125 Midsummer day regularity of recurrence 138 mid-term exam grade teaching 537 midway middle 68 midwife auxiliary 711 instrumentality 631 remedy 662 midwifery production 161 remedy 662 mien appearance 448 miff resentment 900 might greatness 31 violence 173 power 157 might as well assent 488 mighty greatness 31 pride 878 size 192 strength 159 migrate journey 266 migration journey 266 migratory journey 266 mikado master 745 mike hearing 418 milch cow productiveness 168 store 636 animal 366 mild heat 382 insipidity 391 lenity 740 moderation 174 courtesy 894 mild as milk lenity 740 mild as mothers milk inexcitability 826 mild as mother's milk moderation 174 mildew bane 663 uncleanness 653 mildewed deterioration 659 uncleanness 653 mildness lenity 740 mile length 200 mileage reward 973 length 200 mileage ticket indication 550 milepost indication 550 miles apart discrimination 465 milestone indication 550 militant warfare 722 military warfare 722 military education teaching 537 military evolutions warfare 722 military forces combatant 726 military government government 737.a military man combatant 726 military power government 737.a military school school 542 military train combatant 726 militate against counteraction 179 opposition 708 militia combatant 726 milk moderation 174 semiliquidity 352 whiteness 430 milk and honey prosperity 734 milk and water imperfection 651 insipidity 391 moderation 174 unimportance 643 milk of human kindness benevolence 906 milk sickness disease 655 milk the ram inutility 645 milkiness semitransparency 427 milk-livered cowardice 862 milksop cowardice 862 fool 501 milk-white whiteness 430 milky semiliquidity 352 semitransparency 427 milky way world 318 mill workshop 691 contention 720 instrument 633 pulverulence 330 unimportance 643 mill pond gulf, lake 343 store 636 millennium five, &c 98 futurity 121 hope 858 imagination 515 period 108 millesimal quinquesection, &c 99 millet seed littleness 193 milliard five, &c 98 milliary indication 550 milligram gravity 319 millimeter length 200 millimicron length 200 milliner clothing 225 milliner! fop 854 millinery clothing 225 ornament 847 ostentation 882 million five, &c 98 mankind 372 millionaire wealth 803 millstone gravity 319 mime drama 599 humorist 844 imitation 19 mimeograph imitation 19 mimer drama 599 mimic drama 599 imitation 19 absence of Intellect 450.a representation 554 mimicking imitation 19 mimicry absence of Intellect 450.a ambush 530 imitation 19 mimmation language 560 mimographer drama 599 minacious threat 909 minacity threat 909 minaret height 206 minatory threat 909 minauderie affectation 855 mince vindication 937 stammering 583 slowness 275 affectation 855 disjunction 44 food 298 mince pie food 298 mince the matter fastidiousness 868 mince the truth falsehood 544 mincing affectation 855 mincing steps slowness 275 mind dislike 867 willingness 602 will 600 memory 505 intellect 450 desire 865 care 459 belief 484 attention 457 intention 620 mind at ease pleasure 827 mind one's book learning 539 mind one's business attention 457 care 459 mind one's own business incuriosity 456 mind one's P's and Q's courtesy 894 duty 926 mind what you are about! warning 668 mind! warning 668 attention 457 minded intention 620 will 600 willingness 602 mindful attention 457 memory 505 mindfulness attention 457 mindless imbecility folly 499 oblivion 506 insensibility 823 inattention 458 incogitancy 452 mind's eye imagination 515 mine deterioration 659 sufficiency 639 store 636 opening 260 destruction 162 deception 545 attack 716 concavity 252 mine of wealth wealth 803 miner concavity 252 mineral inorganization 358 oil 356 mineral crystal oil 356 mineral kingdom inorganization 358 mineral oil oil 356 mineral rock oil 356 mineral world inorganization 358 mineralize inorganization 358 mineralogy inorganization 358 minerologist jewelry 847.a minerology jewelry 847.a Minerva press description 594 ornament 577 minesweeper combatant 726 mingle mixture 41 mingled multiformity 81 mingled yarn mixture 41 miniature painting 556 littleness 193 miniature painter artist 559 miniature painting painting 556 miniaturist artist 559 minibus vehicle 272 minikin littleness 193 minim melody concord 413 smallness 32 minimize underestimation 483 minimum inferiority 34 smallness 32 minion favorite 899 Minis rifle arms 727 minister deputy 759 instrumentality 631 rite 998 clergy 996 agent 690 government 737.a director 694 minister of finance treasurer 801 minister to aid 707 remedy 662 ministerial churchdom 995 instrumentality 631 ministering spirit angel 977 ministrant aid 707 ministrate direction 693 ministration aid 707 direction 693 rite 998 ministry aid 707 churchdom 995 clergy 996 direction 693 minium redness 434 minivan journey 266 vehicle 272 minnesinger poetry 597 minnow littleness 193 minor infant 129 inferiority 34 minor coin money 800 minor denomination money 800 minor details unimportance 643 minor key melody concord 413 minor mode melody concord 413 minor Prophets Judeo-christian revelation 985 minor scale melody concord 413 minor suit amusement 840 Minorites clergy 996 minority fewness 103 inferiority 34 youth 127 Minos director 694 minotaur unconformity 83 minster temple 1000 minstrel musician 416 poetry 597 minstrelsy music 415 mint fragrance 400 money 800 prototype 22 workshop 691 mint of money wealth 803 minuend nonaddition, subtraction 38 minuet amusement 840 music 415 minus loss 776 nonaddition, subtraction 38 nonpayment 808 shortcoming 304 debt 806 absence 187 inferiority 34 minuscular letter 561 minuscule letter 561 minute compendium 596 instantaneity 113 littleness 193 period 108 record 551 smallness 32 minute account description 594 minute application attention 457 minute attention attention 457 minute study attention 457 minute thought attention 457 minutely littleness 193 minuteman combatant 726 minuteness attention 457 care 459 minutiae littleness 193 smallness 32 speciality 79 unimportance 643 minx blusterer 887 libertine 962 Miocene oldness 124 mir inhabitant 188 miracle prodigy 872 unconformity 83 miracle play drama 599 miraculous wonder 870 mirage deception 545 dimsightedness 443 hope 858 mire uncleanness 653 mirror imitation 19 perfection 650 repute 873 mirror lens dimsightedness 443 mirth cheerfulness 836 mirth loving cheerfulness 836 mirthful cheerfulness 836 misacceptation misinterpretation 523 misadventure adversity 735 misadvised unskillfulness 699 misanthrope misanthropy 911 misanthropic misanthropy 911 misanthropist misanthropy 911 misanthropy hate 898 misanthropy 911 misapplication misinterpretation 523 misuse 679 unskillfulness 699 misapply misinterpretation 523 misuse 679 unskillfulness 699 misapprehend misinterpretation 523 error 495 misapprehension misinterpretation 523 error 495 misappropriate misuse 679 misappropriation misuse 679 misarrange derangement 61 misbecome undueness 925 misbecoming undueness 925 misbegotten distortion 243 vice 945 misbehave undueness 925 vice 945 vulgarity 851 misbehavior guilt 947 vulgarity 851 discourtesy 895 misbelief unbelief doubt 485 misbelieve unbelief doubt 485 misbeliever.a incredulity 487 miscalculate error 495 inexpectation 508 misjudgment 481 miscalculation disappointment 509 inexpectation 508 misjudgment 481 miscall misnomer 565 miscarriage failure 732 miscarry failure 732 miscegenate mixture 41 miscegenation mixture 41 marriage 903 miscellaneous mixture 41 miscellaneousness generality 78 miscellany assemblage 72 generality 78 mixture 41 mischance adversity 735 mischief evil 619 mischief-maker evil 913 knave 941 mischief-making badness 649 mischievous badness 649 miscible mixture 41 miscite falsehood 544 misclassified disagreement 24 miscomputation error 495 misjudgment 481 miscompute misjudgment 481 misconceive error 495 misinterpretation 523 misjudgment 481 misconception error 495 misjudgment 481 misconduct guilt 947 unskillfulness 699 misconduct oneself vice 945 misconducted unskillfulness 699 misconjecture misjudgment 481 misconstruction misinterpretation 523 error 495 misconstrue misinterpretation 523 miscorrect misteaching 538 miscount error 495 miscreance unbelief doubt 485 miscreant bad man 949 miscreated vice 945 misdate anachronism 115 misdated anachronism 115 misdeed guilt 947 misdemean oneself vice 945 misdemeanant bad man 949 misdemeanor disorder 59 guilt 947 misdescribe misteaching 538 misdevotion impiety 988 misdirect misteaching 538 unskillfulness 699 misdirection misteaching 538 unskillfulness 699 misdo vice 945 misdoing guilt 947 misdoubt unbelief doubt 485 misemploy misuse 679 misemployment misuse 679 miser parsimony 819 miserable unimportance 643 pain 828 miserably smallness 32 greatness 31 misere amusement 840 miseries of human life pain 828 miserly parsimony 819 misery pain 828 misestimate misjudgment 481 misfeasance guilt 947 unskillfulness 699 misfortune adversity 735 painfulness 830 misgiving fear 860 unbelief doubt 485 misgovernment unskillfulness 699 misguidance misteaching 538 misguide misteaching 538 error 495 misguided ignorance 491 unskillfulness 699 mishap adversity 735 evil 619 failure 732 painfulness 830 mishmash disorder 59 Mishna Judeo-christian revelation 985 misinform deception 545 error 495 misteaching 538 misinformaton misteaching 538 misinformed ignorance 491 misinstruct misteaching 538 misinstruction misteaching 538 misintelligence misteaching 538 misinterpret misinterpretation 523 misinterpretation misinterpretation 523 misinterpreted misinterpretation 523 misjoinder disagreement 24 misjoined disagreement 24 misjoining disagreement 24 misjudge intuition 477 misjudgment 481 misjudged misjudgment 481 misjudging misjudgment 481 misjudgment misjudgment 481 credulity 486 intuition 477 mislay derangement 61 loss 776 mislead deception 545 error 495 intuition 477 misteaching 538 misleading error 495 misteaching 538 mislike misrelish dislike 867 mismanage unskillfulness 699 mismanagement unskillfulness 699 mismatch difference 15 disagreement 24 mismatched disagreement 24 misname misnomer 565 misnamed misnomer 565 misnomer misnomer 565 misogamist celibacy 904 misogamy celibacy 904 misogynist celibacy 904 misanthropy 911 misogyny celibacy 904 mispersuasion misteaching 538 misplace displacement 185 derangement 61 misplaced unconformity 83 irrelation 10 disagreement 24 displacement 185 misplacement displacement 185 misprint error 495 misprision concealment 528 guilt 947 misprision of treason disobedience 742 misprize disrespect 929 underestimation 483 mispronounce stammering 583 misproportion distortion 243 misproportioned ugliness 846 distortion 243 misquote falsehood 544 misreckon error 495 misjudgment 481 misrelation irrelation 10 misreport falsehood 544 mis-report error 495 misrepresent falsehood 544 intuition 477 misinterpretation 523 misrepresentation 555 misteaching 538 misrepresentation misinterpretation 523 misrepresentation 555 falsehood 544 deception 545 untruth 546 misrepresented misrepresentation 555 misrule laxity 738 unskillfulness 699 miss desire 865 error 495 failure 732 infant 129 libertine 962 loss 776 neglect 460 unintelligibility 519 miss fire failure 732 miss one's aim failure 732 miss one's footing failure 732 miss one's way uncertainty 475 unskillfulness 699 miss stays failure 732 shortcoming 304 miss the mark failure 732 shortcoming 304 missay stammering 583 missaying neologism 563 missend unskillfulness 699 misshape distortion 243 misshapen ugliness 846 distortion 243 missile arms 727 propulsion 284 missile boat combatant 726 missile platform combatant 726 missing absence 187 disappearance 449 inexistence 2 missing link completion 729 incompleteness 53 missing part incompleteness 53 missing piece incompleteness 53 mission business 625 commission 755 missionary teacher 540 clergy 996 missionary school school 542 Mississippian oldness 124 missive correspondence 592 misspell misinterpretation 523 misspend prodigality 818 misstanding error 495 misstate error 495 falsehood 544 misinterpretation 523 misstatement falsehood 544 misrepresentation 555 untruth 546 mis-statement error 495 mist bubble; cloud 353 semitransparency 427 shade 424 mistake error 495 misinterpretation 523 unskillfulness 699 mistaken dupe 547 error 495 mistaken assumptions misjudgment 481 misteach intuition 477 misteaching 538 misteaching misteaching 538 mister man 373 vaporization 336 misterm misnomer 565 misthink misjudgment 481 mistime untimeliness 135 mistimed untimeliness 135 mistral wind 349 mistranslate misinterpretation 523 mistress possessor 779 woman 374 master 745 libertine 962 mistrust incredulity 487 unbelief doubt 485 fear 860 mists of error error 495 misty dimness 422 unintelligibility 519 turbidity 426.a invisibility 447 opacity 426 misunderstand error 495 misinterpretation 523 misunderstand one discord 713 misunderstanding disagreement 24 discord 713 error 495 misinterpretation 523 misusage badness 649 misuse 679 misuse waste 638 misuse 679 misused misuse 679 mite insufficiency 640 littleness 193 money 800 smallness 32 miter angularity 244 canonicals 999 junction 43 miter mortise junction 43 mithai sweetness 396 Mithridate remedy 662 mitigate moderation 174 nonincrease, decrease 36 inactivity 683 improvement 658 relief 834 mitigate against counter evidence 468 mitigation relief 834 vindication 937 qualification 469 nonincrease, decrease 36 moderation 174 mitten clothing 225 mittimus command 741 mix derangement 61 disorder 59 mixture 41 mix oneself up with activity 682 cooperation 709 action 680 mix up with mixture 41 mixed mixture 41 multiformity 81 mixed number number 84 mixed up multiformity 81 mixen uncleanness 653 mixture combination 48 mixture 41 mizzen rear 235 mizzle river 348 mm length 200 mnemonics memory 505 Mnemosyne memory 505 mnemotechnics memory 505 MO method 627 conduct 692 moan cry 411 lamentation 839 moat conduit 350 defense 717 furrow 259 inclosure 232 mob assemblage 72 commonality 876 disapprobation 932 disrespect 929 mob law illegality 964 government 737.a compulsion 744 mobcap clothing 225 mobile changeableness 149 motion 264 sensibility 822 mobile telephone hearing 418 mobility changeableness 149 motion 264 sensibility 822 mobilization motion 264 warfare 722 mobilize motion 264 mobilize troops warfare 722 mobocracy government 737.a moccasin clothing 225 mock deception 545 disrespect 929 error 495 imitation 19 ridicule 856 similarity 17 amusement 840 mock danger courage 861 mock heroic ridiculousness 853 mock modesty affectation 855 mock sun luminary 423 mockery disrespect 929 unsubstantiality 4 ridicule 856 deception 545 imitation 19 mocking repetition 104 ridicule 856 mocking bird imitation 19 modal circumstance 8 extrinsicality 6 state 7 modality state 7 mode method 627 state 7 habit 613 fashion 852 mean 29 mode of expression style 569 mode of speech style 569 model form 240 sculpture 557 representation 554 prototype 22 perfection 650 frequency 136 copy 21 conformity 82 good man 948 model after imitation 19 model condition conformity 82 model state conformity 82 modeler artist 559 modelled after imitation 19 moderate sufficiency 639 temperance 953 smallness 32 slowness 275 qualification 469 moderation 174 cheapness 815 moderate circumstances mediocrity 736 moderately imperfection 651 moderation 174 moderately good imperfection 651 moderating moderation 174 moderation inexcitability 826 temperance 953 smallness 32 lenity 740 moderation 174 moderato music 415 moderator director 694 luminary 423 mediation 724 moderation 174 modern newness 123 modern times the present time 118 modernism newness 123 modernize newness 123 modest smallness 32 purity 960 modesty 881 humility 879 modesty humility 879 modesty 881 purity 960 underestimation 483 modicum apportionment 786 smallness 32 modifiable change 140 modification qualification 469 variation 20.a copy 21 change 140 difference 15 modified difference 15 variation 20.a modify qualification 469 change 140 difference 15 modillion support 215 modish fashion 852 modulate change 140 qualification 469 modulation change 140 melody concord 413 module prototype 22 modulo number 84 modulus number 84 modus operandi agency 170 conduct 692 method 627 mofussil government 737.a mogul master 745 Mohammed pseudo-revelation 986 Mohammedan heterodoxy 984 Mohammedanism heterodoxy 984 Mohawk evil 913 blusterer 887 Mo-hawk evil 913 Mohock blusterer 887 Mo-hock evil 913 moider inattention 458 moiety bisection 91 moil exertion 686 activity 682 moist moisture 339 moisten moisture 339 water 337 moistness moisture 339 moisture semiliquidity 352 moisture 339 mokes crossing 219 molar convexity 250 molasses sweetness 396 mold state 7 vegetable 367 use 677 conversion 144 uncleanness 653 texture 329 representation 554 prototype 22 form 240 land 342 sculpture 557 molded affections 820 molded on imitation 19 molder deterioration 659 uncertainty 475 uncleanness 653 moldering deterioration 659 moldiness deterioration 659 molding ornament 847 moldy uncleanness 653 deterioration 659 mole blemish 848 convexity 250 defense 717 height 206 refuge 666 warning 668 molecular littleness 193 smallness 32 molecule smallness 32 mole-eyed dimsightedness 443 molehill littleness 193 lowness 207 unimportance 643 molest badness 649 malevolence 907 painfulness 830 molestation badness 649 painfulness 830 mollah judge 967 mollification softness 324 mollify moderation 174 softness 324 molluscous animal 366 mollusk animal 366 mollycoddle woman 374 impotence 158 Moloch demon 980 killing 361 pseudo-revelation 986 molt divestment 226 molten calefaction 384 molting divestment 226 mom and pop store mart 799 moment importance 642 instantaneity 113 time 106 momentaneous transientness 111 momentary instantaneity 113 transientness 111 momentous eventuality 151 importance 642 momentum impulse 276 Momus rejoicing 838 monachal churchdom 995 monachism churchdom 995 monachy churchdom 995 monad littleness 193 monadic journey 266 monarch master 745 monarchical government 737.a monarchy government 737.a monasterial temple 1000 monastery temple 1000 monastic temple 1000 churchdom 995 monasticism churchdom 995 Monday regularity of recurrence 138 monetarist money 800 monetary accounts 811 money 800 monetary arithmetic accounts 811 monetary theory money 800 monetize money 800 money money 800 property 780 wealth 803 money bag treasury 802 money box treasury 802 money broker merchant 797 money changer merchant 797 treasurer 801 money coming in receipt 810 money down payment 807 money going out expenditure 809 money grubbing acquisition 775 money in hand money 800 money isn't everything money 800 money lender lending 787 merchant 797 money market money 800 money market account money 800 money matters accounts 811 money 800 money order money 800 money paid payment 807 money rules the world money 800 moneyed wealth 803 moneyed man wealth 803 moneyer merchant 797 money 800 moneyless poverty 804 money-like instruments money 800 money-making acquisition 775 money's worth value 812.a utility 644 monger merchant 797 mongrel improbity 940 mixture 41 unconformity 83 animal 366 mongrel! bad man 949 monied wealth 803 moniliform rotundity 249 monition information 527 warning 668 monitive dissuasion 616 monitor director 694 warning 668 oracle 513 combatant 726 advice 695 teacher 540 monitory dissuasion 616 prediction 511 warning 668 monk celibacy 904 clergy 996 monkery heterodoxy 984 monkey imitation 19 impulse 276 support 215 ugliness 846 monkey around imbecility folly 499 monkey trick absurdity 497 amusement 840 monkhood churchdom 995 monkish churchdom 995 monkish Latin neologism 563 monochord musical instruments 417 monochrome achromatism 429 painting 556 monochrometer optical instruments 445 monocle optical instruments 445 monoclinous unconformity 83 monocracy government 737.a monoculous dimsightedness 443 monodrame monologue drama 599 monody lamentation 839 poetry 597 monogamist celibacy 904 monogamy marriage 903 monogenesis production 161 monogram letter 561 representation 554 secret 533 monograph description 594 dissertation 595 writing 590 monolayer layer 204 narrowness, thinness 203 monolith record 551 monologue soliloquy 589 monology soliloquy 589 monomachy contention 720 monomania insanity 503 obstinacy 606 monomaniac madman 504 monomolecular narrowness, thinness 203 monoplane ship 273 monopod support 215 monopolist selfishness 943 monopolize possession 777 monopoly amusement 840 possession 777 restraint 751 monospermous unity 87 monostich conciseness 572 monosyllable letter 561 monotheism theology 983 monotheistic orthodoxy 983.a monotonous dullness 843 equality 27 feebleness 575 permanence 141 plainness 576 repetition 104 roll 407 uniformity 16 weariness 841 monotony identity 13 weariness 841 uniformity 16 equality 27 repetition 104 monotype printing 591 monsoon wind 349 monster bad man 949 evil 913 prodigy 872 size 192 ugliness 846 unconformity 83 monstrosity size 192 unconformity 83 ridiculousness 853 distortion 243 monstrous greatness 31 ridiculousness 853 size 192 ugliness 846 unconformity 83 vulgarity 851 wonder 870 distortion 243 monstrously greatness 31 monte amusement 840 Montessori method teaching 537 Montgolfier ship 273 month period 108 monthly regularity of recurrence 138 monthly nurse remedy 662 months of the year regularity of recurrence 138 monticle height 206 monument height 206 interment 363 record 551 monumental size 192 monumentum aere trophy 733 moo ululation 412 moocher petitioner 767 mood state 7 tendency 176 affections 820 willingness 602 change 140 moodiness sullenness 901.a moodish irascibility 901 moodishness discourtesy 895 moods intrinsicality 5 moods and tenses difference 15 variation 20.a moody excitability 825 sullenness 901.a dejection 837 moon changeableness 149 period 108 world 318 moon shaped curvature 245 moonbeam light 420 dimness 422 mooncalf fool 501 moon-eyed dimsightedness 443 moonglade dimness 422 moonlight dimness 422 light 420 moonshine absurdity 497 dimness 422 pretext 617 unmeaningness 517 unsubstantiality 4 untruth 546 moonstone jewelry 847.a moonstruck insanity 503 wonder 870 moor height 206 junction 43 location 184 plain 344 space 180 moored location 184 presence 186 stability 150 mooring location 184 moorings connection 45 moorish marsh 345 moorland plain 344 space 180 height 206 moory marsh 345 moose animal 366 moot inquiry 461 reasoning 476 moot point inquiry 461 topic 454 moot the question inquiry 461 mooted supposition 514 mop cleanness 652 mopboard base 211 mope dejection 837 mope-eyed dimsightedness 443 moping dejection 837 mopish dejection 837 moppet favorite 899 mopsey favorite 899 mopsy libertine 962 mopus dejection 837 imagination 515 inactivity 683 mopus! money 800 moral duty 926 judgment 480 maxim 496 virtue 944 moral certainty certainty 474 moral courage resolution 604 moral education teaching 537 moral insensibility insensibility 823 moral obligation duty 926 moral philosophy duty 926 intellect 450 moral rectitude virtue 944 moral sensibility physical sensibility 375 sensibility 822 moral strength resolution 604 moral tuition teaching 537 moral turpitude improbity 940 morality duty 926 virtue 944 moralize teaching 537 moralize upon reasoning 476 morals virtue 944 duty 926 right 922 morass marsh 345 moratorium lateness 133 morbid disease 655 morbidity death 360 disease 655 morbiferous insalubrity 657 morbific disease 655 insalubrity 657 morbose disease 655 morbosity disease 655 morceau smallness 32 music 415 mordacious malevolence 907 mordacity malevolence 907 mordant color 428 physical energy 171 pungency 392 more addition 37 superiority 33 more bark than bite malediction 908 more dead than alive fatigue 688 more frightened than hurt fear 860 more last words sequel 65 more or less error 495 quantity 25 more simply interpretation 522 more suo habit 613 more than a match for superiority 33 strength 159 more than doubtful improbability 473 more than enough redundancy 641 more than it's woth dearness 814 more than meets the ear latency, implication 526 more than meets the eye latency, implication 526 more than one plurality 100 more than one can tell multitude 102 more-majorum conformity 82 moreover addition 37 morganatic marriage marriage 903 morgue interment 363 moribund death 360 disease 655 morient death 360 morion defense 717 morisco amusement 840 ornament 847 mormo fear 860 Mormon heterodoxy 984 Mormonism heterodoxy 984 marriage 903 morn morning 125 morning earliness 132 morning 125 morning call sociality 892 morning dress clothing 225 morning noon and night diuturnity 110 frequency 136 morning party sociality 892 morning prayer worship 990 morning star angel 977 luminary 423 moron absence of Intellect 450.a ignoramus 493 moronic absence of Intellect 450.a morose misanthropy 911 sullenness 901.a moroseness discourtesy 895 misanthropy 911 morosity sullenness 901.a morphea uncleanness 653 Morpheus inactivity 683 morphine intemperance 954 morphism form 240 morphology organization 357 zoology 368 morra amusement 840 morris chair support 215 morris dance amusement 840 morrow futurity 121 morsel food 298 part 51 smallness 32 mortal transientness 111 weariness 841 killing 361 mankind 372 mortal antipathy dislike 867 mortal blow evil 619 mortal funk fear 860 mortal horror dislike 867 mortal remains corpse 362 mortal sin guilt 947 mortality transientness 111 death 360 mankind 372 mortar arms 727 connection 45 mortar and pestle pulverulence 330 mortgage security 771 sale 796 lending 787 credit 805 mortgagee credit 805 possessor 779 mortgagor debt 806 possessor 779 mortiferous killing 361 mortification asceticism 955 discontent 832 disease 655 humility 879 pain 828 painfulness 830 mortify discontent 832 humility 879 painfulness 830 mortifying painfulness 830 mortise crossing 219 interposition 228 junction 43 printing 591 mortuary death 360 interment 363 mosaic mixture 41 multiformity 81 painting 556 variegation 440 Moslem heterodoxy 984 mosque temple 1000 mosquito animal 366 evil 913 sibilation 409 moss marsh 345 money 800 roughness 256 vegetable 367 moss-grown deterioration 659 mosstrooper combatant 726 thief 792 mossy vegetable 367 most greatness 31 most admired disorder disorder 59 most frequently habit 613 most likely probability 472 most often frequency 136 habit 613 most unfortunately regret 833 Motazilite heterodoxy 984 mote levity 320 smallness 32 mote in the eye misjudgment 481 motet worship 990 moth bane 663 moth and rust bane 663 deterioration 659 moth-eaten deterioration 659 uncleanness 653 mother uncleanness 653 paternity 166 Mother Cary's chickens warning 668 mother may I amusement 840 mother of pearl jewelry 847.a mother tongue language 560 mother wit intelligence, wisdom 498 skill 698 motherhood paternity 166 motherly benevolence 906 love 897 mother-of-pearl variegation 440 semitransparency 427 motion topic 454 request 765 plan 626 motion 264 offer 763 motion in reverse regression 283 motion of a pendulum oscillation 314 motion pictures drama 599 motionless inactivity 683 quiescence 265 motive intention 620 motion 264 motive 615 motive power motion 264 motley variegation 440 multiformity 81 mixture 41 motley fool humorist 844 motor carrier 271 motor bike vehicle 272 motor car vehicle 272 motor coil attraction 288 motor paralysis physical insensibility 376 motor scooter journey 266 motorbike journey 266 motorcycle vehicle 272 motory motion 264 mottled variegation 440 motto indication 550 maxim 496 phrase 566 mouchard information 527 mould state 7 mound defense 717 height 206 size 192 mount ascent 305 greatness 31 height 206 ostentation 882 mount guard care 459 safety 664 mount on one's high horse pride 878 mount the gallows punishment 972 mount the high horse insolence 885 mount the throne government 737.a mount up to money 800 price 812 mountain gravity 319 height 206 size 192 mountain in labor waste 638 mountaineer traveler 268 mountain-flax insulation, fire extinction 388.a refrigeration 385 mountainous height 206 mountebank deceiver 548 drama 599 humorist 844 mounted rifles combatant 726 mourn dejection 837 lamentation 839 pain 828 mourner lamentation 839 mourner's bench temple 1000 mourner's seat temple 1000 mournful dejection 837 lamentation 839 painfulness 830 mourning lamentation 839 clothing 225 mouse littleness 193 inquiry 461 mouse trap deception 545 mouse-colored gray 432 mousehole opening 260 moustache roughness 256 mouth receptacle 191 stammering 583 opening 260 ingress 294 food 298 egress 295 edge 231 beginning 66 voice 580 gulf, lake 343 mouth honor improbity 940 ostentation 882 flattery 933 falsehood 544 mouthful quantity 25 smallness 32 food 298 mouthpiece information 527 interpreter 524 speech 582 mouthwatering desire 865 mouthy ornament 577 moutonne convexity 250 movable motion 264 transference 270 movableness motion 264 movables property 780 move action 680 beginning 66 deity 976 excitation 824 motion 264 motive 615 offer 763 supposition 514 undertaking 676 move ahead progression 282 move away recession 287 move back recession 287 move forward progression 282 move forwards progression 282 move from recession 287 move heaven and earth exertion 686 move in a groove conformity 82 move in a rut habit 613 move off departure 293 recession 287 move on activity 682 progression 282 move out of egress 295 move quickly velocity 274 move slowly slowness 275 leisure 685 inactivity 683 move to courtesy 894 move towards approach 286 move up and down oscillation 314 moved with feeling 821 moveless quiescence 265 movement action 680 activity 682 motion 264 music 415 mover producer 164 movie representation 554 movie film representation 554 movie star drama 599 movie studio drama 599 movies drama 599 moving motion 264 moving pictures appearance 448 mow agriculture 371 shortness 201 smoothness 255 store 636 mow down destruction 162 moxa calefaction 384 mozetta canonicals 999 Mr neologism 563 judge 967 commonality 876 Mr. title 877 man 373 Mrs fashion 852 misnomer 565 woman 374 MS. writing 590 much greatness 31 much ado about nothing exaggeration 549 overestimation 482 unimportance 643 unskillfulness 699 much at one equality 27 much cry and little wool boasting 884 disappointment 509 overestimation 482 much good may it do! benevolence 906 much obliged! gratitude 916 much speaking loquacity 584 much the same identity 13 similarity 17 much the same as equality 27 much to be regretted regret 833 mucid semiliquidity 352 uncleanness 653 mucilage semiliquidity 352 mucilaginous semiliquidity 352 muck uncleanness 653 muckle greatness 31 muckrake detraction 934 muckraker detractor 936 muckworm commonality 876 parsimony 819 mucor uncleanness 653 mucosity semiliquidity 352 mucous semiliquidity 352 mucronate sharpness 253 mucronated sharpness 253 muculent semiliquidity 352 mucus semiliquidity 352 mud semiliquidity 352 uncleanness 653 marsh 345 muddiness turbidity 426.a muddle absurdity 497 derangement 61 disorder 59 inattention 458 muddle away waste 638 muddle away one's money prodigality 818 muddle headed imbecility folly 499 muddle one's brains uncertainty 475 muddled drunkenness 959 muddy opacity 426 unintelligibility 519 turbidity 426.a moisture 339 marsh 345 dimness 422 achromatism 429 semiliquidity 352 muddy headed imbecility folly 499 mudlark commonality 876 uncleanness 653 muezzin clergy 996 muff bungler 701 impotence 158 woman 374 muffle silence 403 stammering 583 concealment 528 aphony 581 muffle furnace furnace 386 muffle up clothing 225 muffled faintness 405 latency, implication 526 nonresonance 408.a muffled drum interment 363 muffled drums nonresonance 408.a muffler clothing 225 mufti clergy 996 clothing 225 judge 967 mug stealing 791 calefaction 384 receptacle 191 mug house abode 189 mugger evil 913 mugging stealing 791 muggy dimness 422 opacity 426 mugient ululation 412 Muharram regularity of recurrence 138 mulatto mixture 41 unconformity 83 mulct penalty 974 stealing 791 mule unconformity 83 carrier 271 obstinacy 606 muleteer director 694 muliebrity woman 374 mulish obstinacy 606 mull convexity 250 sweetness 396 mullah clergy 996 scholar 492 mullion support 215 multangular angularity 244 multifarious difference 15 irrelation 10 multiformity 81 nonuniformity 16.a multifariousness multiformity 81 irrelation 10 multifid part 51 multifold multiformity 81 multiform multiformity 81 nonuniformity 16.a multiformity multiformity 81 nonuniformity 16.a multigenerous multiformity 81 multihued color 428 multilateral angularity 244 laterality 236 multilateral symmetry symmetry 242 multilocular receptacle 191 multiloquence speech 582 loquacity 584 multiloquous loquacity 584 multinominal multitude 102 multiparous productiveness 168 multipartite disjunction 44 multiple multitude 102 number 84 multiple lens optical instruments 445 multiple offender bad man 949 multiplex multiformity 81 multiplicand number 84 multiplication reproduction 163 multitude 102 numeration 85 productiveness 168 multiplicator number 84 multiplicity multitude 102 multiplied multitude 102 multiplier number 84 multiplier effect money 800 multiply multitude 102 numeration 85 productiveness 168 reproduction 163 multiply by four quadruplication 96 multipotent power 157 multisonous loudness 404 multitude multitude 102 plurality 100 greatness 31 multitudinous multitude 102 multure pulverulence 330 mum aphony 581 taciturnity 585 mum! taciturnity 585 mumble food 298 stammering 583 mumble-the-peg amusement 840 mumblety-peg amusement 840 Mumbo Jumbo Jupiter 979 spell 993 mummer drama 599 mummery deception 545 amusement 840 absurdity 497 ostentation 882 mummify dryness 340 interment 363 mummy corpse 362 mump request 765 stammering 583 mumper petitioner 767 poverty 804 mumpish dejection 837 mumps dejection 837 disease 655 sullenness 901.a mumpsimus error 495 mum's the word taciturnity 585 munch food 298 munchil vehicle 272 mundane irreligion 989 selfishness 943 world 318 mundation cleanness 652 mundify cleanness 652 mundivagrant journey 266 munerary reward 973 munerate reward 973 municipal jurisdiction 965 municipality jurisdiction 965 munificence liberality 816 munificent liberality 816 muniment defense 717 record 551 security 771 munition defense 717 materials 635 munshi scholar 492 teacher 540 mural! defense 717 murder killing 361 murder the King's English solecism 568 stammering 583 murder the language stammering 583 murderer bad man 949 killing 361 murderous killing 361 muricated sharpness 253 murk darkness 421 murksome darkness 421 murky blackness 431 darkness 421 dejection 837 opacity 426 turbidity 426.a murmerer discontent 832 murmur faintness 405 lamentation 839 river 348 murrain disease 655 Murray journey 266 murrey redness 434 murrion defense 717 muscadine fragrance 400 muscle strength 159 muscular strength 159 Muse poetry 597 thought 451 museful thought 451 museology assemblage 72 muses language 560 musette musical instruments 417 museum store 636 assemblage 72 mush pulpiness 354 mushroom newness 123 prosperity 734 vegetable 367 commonality 876 music music 415 poetry 597 music hall amusement 840 drama 599 music of the spheres order 58 world 318 music store mart 799 musical music 415 melody concord 413 drama 599 musician 416 musical box musical instruments 417 musical comedy drama 599 musical ear hearing 418 musical glasses musical instruments 417 musical instruments musical instruments 417 musical note melody concord 413 musical stones musical instruments 417 musical voice voice 580 musician amusement 840 music 415 musician 416 music's golden tongue music 415 musing thought 451 musing on other things inattention 458 musk fragrance 400 musk ox animal 366 muskelunge animal 366 musket arms 727 musketeer combatant 726 musketoon arms 727 musketry arms 727 muskrat fragrance 400 muslin crossing 219 semitransparency 427 texture 329 musnud scepter 747 support 215 council 696 mussuk receptacle 191 river 348 Mussulman heterodoxy 984 mussy derangement 61 must impurity 961 uncleanness 653 mustang carrier 271 mustard condiment 393 pungency 392 mustard seed littleness 193 muster assemblage 72 numeration 85 muster book list 86 muster courage courage 861 muster roll list 86 mustiness fetor 401 musty fetor 401 impurity 961 uncleanness 653 mut front 234 mutability changeableness 149 mutable changeableness 149 mutagenesis change 140 mutant unconformity 83 mutation change 140 mute interment 363 silence 403 taciturnity 585 drama 599 aphony 581 musical instruments 417 letter 561 mute as a fish aphony 581 mute as a mackerel aphony 581 mute as a stockfish aphony 581 muteness silence 403 taciturnity 585 mutilate amorphism 241 deterioration 659 nonaddition, subtraction 38 mutilated incompleteness 53 mutilation amorphism 241 evil 619 nonaddition, subtraction 38 mutineer disobedience 742 mutineering disobedience 742 mutinous disobedience 742 mutinousness disobedience 742 mutiny disobedience 742 mutter faintness 405 lamentation 839 stammering 583 threat 909 mutton food 298 mutton headed imbecility folly 499 muttonhead fool 501 mutual correlation 12 interchange 148 mutual concession compromise 774 mutual understanding agreement 23 mutuality correlation 12 mutually correlation 12 muzzle aphony 581 edge 231 impotence 158 opening 260 prison 752 restraint 751 silence 403 muzzled aphony 581 muzzle-loader arms 727 muzzy drunkenness 959 inattention 458 my eyes glaze over weariness 841 my goodness! wonder 870 my mind is my kingdom intellect 450 my service to you humility 879 my stars wonder 870 my uncle's lending 787 my voice is still for war warfare 722 My word! wonder 870 myatism language 560 mycology botany 369 organization 357 mynheer title 877 myology texture 329 Myomancy prediction 511 myopia dimsightedness 443 myopic dimsightedness 443 myriad five, &c 98 myrmidon combatant 726 myrrh condiment 393 fragrance 400 myrtle love 897 myself immateriality 317 speciality 79 mysterious unintelligibility 519 wonder 870 concealment 528 invisibility 447 mystery secret 533 concealment 528 drama 599 invisibility 447 latency, implication 526 business 625 mystic unintelligibility 519 uncertainty 475 concealment 528 sorcery 992 mystical unintelligibility 519 mysticism sorcery 992 mystification unintelligibility 519 concealment 528 falsehood 544 intuition 477 mystify concealment 528 deception 545 intuition 477 misteaching 538 myth imagination 515 untruth 546 mythic imagination 515 mythical imagination 515 mythogenesis imagination 515 mythological imagination 515 mythology Jupiter 979 heterodoxy 984 N N by E direction 278 N or M generality 78 n. circularity 247 N.B. attention 457 nab deception 545 taking 789 nabob master 745 wealth 803 nacre semitransparency 427 variegation 440 nacreous semitransparency 427 variegation 440 nadir base 211 naevose variegation 440 nag discord 713 carrier 271 Nagari writing 590 naiad Jupiter 979 ocean 341 naik master 745 nail sharpness 253 connection 45 hardness 323 instrument 633 junction 43 length 200 pendency 214 retention 781 nail clipper sharpness 253 nailery workshop 691 naive artlessness 703 naivete artlessness 703 naked divestment 226 manifestation 525 naked eye vision 441 naked fact eventuality 151 naked sword arms 727 naked truth truth 494 namby-pamby affectation 855 unimportance 643 name repute 873 nomenclature 564 indication 550 commission 755 word 562 name to conjure with repute 873 named nomenclature 564 nameless disrepute 874 misnomer 565 namely interpretation 522 speciality 79 namesake nomenclature 564 naming nomenclature 564 Nana Sahib bad man 949 nanny keeper 753 Nanny goat woman 374 nanogram gravity 319 nanometer length 200 nap amusement 840 inactivity 683 roughness 256 texture 329 nape rear 235 napha water fragrance 400 naphtha fuel 388 oil 356 Napier's bones numeration 85 napkin cleanness 652 napless divestment 226 Napoleon amusement 840 napping inattention 458 inactivity 683 nappy bubble; cloud 353 drunkenness 959 naptha calefaction 384 Narcissus beauty 845 narcotic insalubrity 657 remedy 662 Narraganset carrier 271 narrate description 594 narration description 594 narrative description 594 narrator news 532 narrow contraction 195 narrowness, thinness 203 qualification 469 narrow conceptions misjudgment 481 narrow end of the wedge beginning 66 narrow escape escape 671 narrow house interment 363 narrow ideas misjudgment 481 narrow means poverty 804 narrow mind misjudgment 481 narrow notions misjudgment 481 narrow search inquiry 461 narrow views misjudgment 481 narrowing narrowness, thinness 203 narrow-minded selfishness 943 misjudgment 481 incogitancy 452 imbecility folly 499 narrowness narrowness, thinness 203 narrows gulf, lake 343 narrow-souled misjudgment 481 nary a one zero 101 nasal stammering 583 nasal accent stammering 583 nasal tone stammering 583 nascent beginning 66 newness 123 NASDAQ index stock market 799.a nasty uncleanness 653 unsavoriness 395 painfulness 830 natal inhabitant 188 beginning 66 natal day regularity of recurrence 138 natation navigation 267 natch assent 488 rear 235 natch bone rear 235 nathless compensation 30 nation consanguinity 11 government 737.a mankind 372 national government 737.a mankind 372 national forest amusement 840 national government government 737.a national guard combatant 726 national park amusement 840 National school school 542 nationality mankind 372 philanthropy 910 nation-state government 737.a native artlessness 703 inhabitant 188 native accent voice 580 native land abode 189 native soil abode 189 native tendency necessity 601 native tongue language 560 nativity beginning 66 prediction 511 natty beauty 845 natural artlessness 703 elegance 578 fool 501 impulse 612 intrinsicality 5 melody concord 413 nonpreparation 674 normality 80 plainness 576 truth 494 natural beauty beauty 845 natural condition conformity 82 natural death death 360 natural decay death 360 natural frequency resonance 408 natural gas fuel 388 natural harbor gulf, lake 343 natural history organization 357 natural impulse necessity 601 natural meaning meaning 516 natural philosophy materiality 316 natural rubber elasticity 325 natural selection life 359 natural state conformity 82 natural state of things habit 613 natural tendency necessity 601 natural turn of mind affections 820 naturalist organization 357 naturalization conformity 82 conversion 144 location 184 naturalize habit 613 location 184 naturalized inhabitant 188 conformity 82 conversion 144 habit 613 naturally expectance 871 assent 488 effect 154 naturalness normality 80 nature nonpreparation 674 world 318 truth 494 tendency 176 conformity 82 affections 820 intrinsicality 5 artlessness 703 nature film drama 599 naught unsubstantiality 4 zero 101 naughty vice 945 naumachia contention 720 nausea dislike 867 weariness 841 nauseate dislike 867 weariness 841 painfulness 830 unsavoriness 395 nauseating painfulness 830 nauseous dislike 867 painfulness 830 unsavoriness 395 nautch amusement 840 nautch-girl amusement 840 nautical navigation 267 nautical almanac list 86 naval navigation 267 naval academy school 542 naval engagement contention 720 naval forces combatant 726 naval school school 542 navarch master 745 nave centrality 222 circularity 247 middle 68 temple 1000 navel centrality 222 middle 68 navicular curvature 245 navigable navigation 267 navigate navigation 267 navigation navigation 267 navigator mariner 269 navvy preparation 673 agent 690 navy combatant 726 ship 273 navy list list 86 nawab master 745 nobility 875 nay negation 536 nay rather contrariety 14 Nazarene irreligion 989 naze convexity 250 Nazi Party politics 737.b NE direction 278 NE by N direction 278 ne plus utra summit 210 neaf retention 781 neap contraction 195 lowness 207 neap tide lowness 207 near approach 286 destiny 152 earliness 132 futurity 121 nearness 197 parsimony 819 similarity 17 near at hand nearness 197 earliness 132 near beer food 298 near one's end death 360 near relation consanguinity 11 near run nearness 197 smallness 32 near sight dimsightedness 443 near the mark nearness 197 smallness 32 near the wind direction 278 near upon smallness 32 nearest to one's heart love 897 nearly smallness 32 whole 50 nearly related consanguinity 11 nearness nearness 197 nearside sinistrality 239 neat beauty 845 cleanness 652 conciseness 572 elegance 578 order 58 plainness 576 simpleness 42 neat-handed skill 698 neatherd husbandry 370 neatly cleanness 652 neatly expressed elegance 578 neatly put elegance 578 neat's foot oil oil 356 neb convexity 250 nebula bubble; cloud 353 nebulae world 318 nebular dimness 422 world 318 nebulosity bubble; cloud 353 dimness 422 nebulous bubble; cloud 353 dimness 422 unintelligibility 519 necessarian necessity 601 necessaries necessity 601 requirement 630 necessaries of life requirement 630 necessarily necessity 601 effect 154 demonstration 478 necessary demonstration 478 necessity 601 receptacle 191 requirement 630 necessitarian necessity 601 necessitate compulsion 744 necessity 601 requirement 630 necessitation necessity 601 necessities requirement 630 necessitous poverty 804 necessity poverty 804 absence of choice 609.a predetermination 611 requirement 630 necessity 601 certainty 474 compulsion 744 necessity for requirement 630 neck contraction 195 narrowness, thinness 203 neck and crop completeness 52 neck and heel completeness 52 neck and neck race equality 27 neck of land land 342 neck or nothing rashness 863 resolution 604 neckcloth clothing 225 neckerchief clothing 225 necking endearment 902 necklace circularity 247 jewelry 847.a necrology death 360 description 594 necromancer sorcerer 994 necromancy prediction 511 sorcery 992 necropolis interment 363 necropsy interment 363 necroscopic interment 363 necrosis disease 655 nectar sweetness 396 savoriness 394 nectarious sweetness 396 need desire 865 insufficiency 640 poverty 804 requirement 630 need circumstances poverty 804 needful money 800 necessity 601 requirement 630 needfulness requirement 630 neediness poverty 804 needle direction 693 sharpness 253 perforator 262 needle gun arms 727 needle in a bottle of hay uncertainty 475 needle in a haystack uncertainty 475 needle shaped sharpness 253 needless redundancy 641 needle-witted intelligence, wisdom 498 needlewoman agent 690 needs must necessity 601 needy poverty 804 ne'er neverness 107 ne'er a one unsubstantiality 4 ne'er-do-well bad man 949 nefarious vice 945 negation negation 536 counter evidence 468 negative confutation 479 contrariety 14 dissent 489 engraving 558 inexistence 2 negation 536 number 84 painting 556 prototype 22 refusal 764 negative campaigning politics 737.b negative charge attraction 288 negatively negation 536 inexistence 2 negativeness inexistence 2 negatory negation 536 neglect nonpreparation 674 underestimation 483 nonobservance 773 noncompletion 730 neglect 460 inaction 681 exclusion 55 disuse 678 disrespect 929 dereliction of duty 927 incompleteness 53 neglect an opportunity untimeliness 135 neglect of time anachronism 115 neglected neglect 460 neglectful insensibility 823 neglect 460 neglecting neglect 460 negligee clothing 225 negligence neglect 460 negligent neglect 460 negligently neglect 460 negligible fraction 100.a negotiable transfer 783 negotiate barter 794 transfer 783 mediation 724 compact 769 negotiation barter 794 compact 769 mediation 724 negotiator compact 769 consignee 758 mediation 724 negro blackness 431 servant 746 negro head pungency 392 negrophobia hate 898 negus food 298 neif retention 781 neigh boasting 884 ululation 412 neighbor friend 890 nearness 197 neighborhood circumjacence 227 nearness 197 neighboring nearness 197 neighborly aid 707 courtesy 894 friendship 888 sociality 892 neither rejection 610 neither fish nor fowl unconformity 83 neither here nor there absence 187 irrelation 10 neither hide nor hair of zero 101 neither more nor less truth 494 neither more nor less. equality 27 nem assent 488 Nemesis punishment 972 revenge 919 right 922 nenia lamentation 839 Neocene oldness 124 neo-Darwinism organization 357 neogamist marriage 903 neoLamarkism organization 357 neologic neologism 563 neological neologism 563 neologism neologism 563 neologist neologism 563 neology irreligion 989 neologism 563 neon bulb luminary 423 neon sign luminary 423 neonatal newness 123 neophyte learner 541 neoplastic disease disease 655 Neoplatonism heterodoxy 984 neoprene elasticity 325 neoteric newness 123 nepenthe cheerfulness 836 remedy 662 nephalism asceticism 955 nephelognosy bubble; cloud 353 nephelometer turbidity 426.a nephew consanguinity 11 nephograph bubble; cloud 353 nephology bubble; cloud 353 nepotism consanguinity 11 improbity 940 selfishness 943 wrong 923 nepotist selfishness 943 Neptune ocean 341 nereid Jupiter 979 ocean 341 nerve strength 159 courage 861 nerve oneself courage 861 nerveless impotence 158 nervous fear 860 modesty 881 vigor 574 weakness 160 nervousness fear 860 nescience ignorance 491 nescient ignorance 491 ness convexity 250 nest multitude 102 cause 153 abode 189 nest egg store 636 nest of boxes layer 204 nestle endearment 902 presence 186 safety 664 nestling infant 129 Nestor advice 695 sage 500 veteran 130 net deception 545 sponge 252.a remainder 40 receptacle 191 difficulty 704 cunning 702 crossing 219 acquisition 775 inclosure 232 net profit acquisition 775 receipt 810 nether lowness 207 nether most lowness 207 nethermost base 211 netting crossing 219 nettle resentment 900 bane 663 painfulness 830 network sponge 252.a crossing 219 complexity 59.a neuralgia physical pain 378 neurology texture 329 neurosis insanity 503 neurotic remedy 662 neuter absence of choice 609.a impotence 158 materiality 316 neutral absence of choice 609.a avoidance 623 mean 29 peace 721 neutral tint achromatism 429 gray 432 neutrality avoidance 623 indifference 866 insensibility 823 mean 29 mid-course 628 peace 721 absence of choice 609.a neutralization compensation 30 counteraction 179 neutralize compensation 30 counteraction 179 neutron star density 321 nev_ee cold 383 never neverness 107 negation 536 never a zero 101 never a one unsubstantiality 4 never fading repute 873 never forget gratitude 916 never hear the last of repetition 104 weariness 841 never in a million years negation 536 never indebted payment 807 never mind indifference 866 insensibility 823 neglect 460 never mind! contempt 930 unimportance 643 never otherwise uniformity 16 never say die hope 858 perseverance 604.a never say die! cheerfulness 836 never so greatness 31 never tell me dissent 489 never thought of chance 621 never tired activity 682 never tiring perseverance 604.a never to be forgotten importance 642 never to return the past 122 never was heard the like unconformity 83 never was known the like unconformity 83 never was seen the like unconformity 83 never-dying perpetuity 112 neverending perpetuity 112 never-fading perpetuity 112 nevermore neverness 107 neverness neverness 107 nevertheless compensation 30 new desuetude 614 dissimilarity 18 greenness 435 newness 123 new birth restoration 660 new brooms activity 682 desuetude 614 new departure beginning 66 new edition reproduction 163 improvement 658 repetition 104 new gilt ornament 847 new model conversion 144 improvement 658 revolution 146 new printing copy 21 new spangled ornament 847 New Testament Judeo-christian revelation 985 new woman woman 374 New Year rite 998 New Year's day regularity of recurrence 138 New Year's Eve party sociality 892 newborn infant 129 new-born newness 123 newcomer extraneousness 57 inhabitant 188 newfangled change 140 fashion 852 unconformity 83 vulgarity 851 new-fangled newness 123 newfangled expression neologism 563 new-fashioned newness 123 new-fledged infant 129 newness 123 Newfoundland animal 366 Newgate prison 752 newly newness 123 newness newness 123 newness to desuetude 614 news information 527 news 532 news department news 532 news just in news 532 news media news 532 news stirring news 532 news team news 532 newsboy messenger 534 newscaster news 532 newsman news 532 newsmonger curiosity 455 news 532 information 527 newspaper news 532 publication 531 record 551 newspaper correspondent consignee 758 newsstand mart 799 newswoman news 532 Newtonian telescope optical instruments 445 next futurity 121 posteriority 117 sequence 281 sequence 63 next door to nearness 197 next friend deputy 759 next of kin consanguinity 11 next to nothing smallness 32 next world destiny 152 next-day delivery messenger 534 next-door neighbor friend 890 Niagara river 348 niais fool 501 niaiserie unmeaningness 517 nib disjunction 44 end 67 sharpness 253 summit 210 nibble food 298 nibble at disapprobation 932 nibble at the bait willingness 602 dupe 547 nice discrimination 465 fastidiousness 868 goodness 648 pleasurableness 829 probity 939 savoriness 394 truth 494 nice distinction difference 15 nice ear hearing 418 nice hand proficient 700 nice perception discrimination 465 nice point difficulty 704 nicely completeness 52 Nicene Creed orthodoxy 983.a nicety discrimination 465 fastidiousness 868 probity 939 taste 850 truth 494 niche angularity 244 place 182 receptacle 191 nick deception 545 indication 550 notch 257 nick it success 731 nick of time occasion 134 nickel money 800 nickname misnomer 565 nicotine bane 663 pungency 392 nictate dimsightedness 443 nictitate dimsightedness 443 nictitation dimsightedness 443 nidget cowardice 862 nidification abode 189 nidor odor 398 nidorous fetor 401 odor 398 nidus abode 189 cause 153 niece consanguinity 11 niggard parsimony 819 niggardly parsimony 819 unimportance 643 nigger blackness 431 niggle disrespect 929 niggling unimportance 643 nigh nearness 197 night darkness 421 night and day frequency 136 night gown clothing 225 night shirt clothing 225 night student learner 541 night walker traveler 268 night wear clothing 225 nightcap clothing 225 nightfall evening 126 nightingale musician 416 nightmare fear 860 hindrance 706 imagination 515 pain 828 physical pain 378 nightshade bane 663 nigrescent blackness 431 nigrification blackness 431 NIH government 737.a nihilism inexistence 2 irreligion 989 laxity 738 nihilist destroyer 165 irreligion 989 nihility inexistence 2 unsubstantiality 4 nil inexistence 2 unsubstantiality 4 nill refusal 764 unwillingness 603 nim stealing 791 nimble activity 682 velocity 274 nimble as a squirrel activity 682 nimble footed velocity 274 nimble-fingered skill 698 nimble-footed activity 682 nimbleness activity 682 nimble-witted intelligence, wisdom 498 wit 842 nimbus bubble; cloud 353 light 420 repute 873 nimiety redundancy 641 Nimrod killing 361 pursuit 622 nincompoop fool 501 ignoramus 493 nine amusement 840 five, &c 98 nine days' wonder transientness 111 unimportance 643 expectance 871 nine men's morris amusement 840 nine points of the law possession 777 ninefold five, &c 98 ninepins amusement 840 ninety five, &c 98 ninny fool 501 ninnyhammer fool 501 ninth five, &c 98 nip disjunction 44 refrigeration 385 shortness 201 destruction 162 pungency 392 food 298 nip in the bud hindrance 706 killing 361 nip up taking 789 nipperkin receptacle 191 nippers retention 781 nipping cold 383 nipple convexity 250 Nirvana heaven 981 inexistence 2 nis demon 980 nitency light 420 niter pungency 392 saltiness 392.a nitid light 420 nitpick discrimination 465 nitric acid calefaction 384 nitrocellulose snap 406 nitrochloro-hydric acid calefaction 384 nitroglycerine snap 406 nitromethane fuel 388 nitromuriatic acid calefaction 384 nitrous oxide physical insensibility 376 niveous cold 383 whiteness 430 nix demon 980 zero 101 nixie demon 980 Jupiter 979 zero 101 nizy fool 501 nm length 200 no dissent 489 negation 536 refusal 764 rejection 610 unwillingness 603 no basis for comparison incomparability 464.a no big rush leisure 685 no cause for action acquittal 970 no chance improbability 473 no chicken age 128 adolescence 131 no choice absence of choice 609.a no conjurer bungler 701 no conjuror fool 501 no damages acquittal 970 no deadline leisure 685 no degree unsubstantiality 4 no doubt assent 488 certainty 474 no end of greatness 31 length 200 multitude 102 no end to multitude 102 no go shortcoming 304 failure 732 no great catch imperfection 651 no great matter unimportance 643 no great shakes commonality 876 imperfection 651 smallness 32 unimportance 643 no hurry leisure 685 no imitation nonimitation 20 no joke dullness 843 existence 1 importance 642 no laughing matter importance 642 no less sufficiency 639 no longer the past 122 no love lost between hate 898 no love lost between them discord 713 no matter neglect 460 no matter! unimportance 643 no more death 360 the past 122 no more than smallness 32 no object unimportance 643 no one unsubstantiality 4 zero 101 no one knows who commonality 876 no other identity 13 unity 87 no part unsubstantiality 4 no problem consent 762 no quantity unsubstantiality 4 no question certainty 474 no scholar ignoramus 493 no secret manifestation 525 no sinecure activity 682 no song no supper price 812 no sooner said than done obedience 743 activity 682 earliness 132 haste 684 instantaneity 113 no stranger to knowledge 490 no such thing dissimilarity 18 inexistence 2 negation 536 unsubstantiality 4 contrariety 14 no surrender obstinacy 606 no surrender! defense 717 no thank you refusal 764 no thing unsubstantiality 4 no time neverness 107 no time to be lost haste 684 no way smallness 32 refusal 764 negation 536 dissent 489 no ways smallness 32 no wise smallness 32 no wonder expectance 871 No. 2 oil oil 356 Noah's ark assemblage 72 mixture 41 nob summit 210 nobility nobility 875 repute 873 superiority 33 noble greatness 31 virtue 944 repute 873 importance 642 disinterestedness 942 nobility 875 noble liver! good man 948 noble metal physical inertness 172 nobleman nobility 875 noble-minded disinterestedness 942 nobleness virtue 944 noblesse nobility 875 nobody absence 187 commonality 876 unsubstantiality 4 zero 101 nobody knows ignorance 491 nobody knows where distance 196 nobody on earth absence 187 nobody one knows commonality 876 nobody present absence 187 nobody the wiser concealment 528 nobody would ever expect inexpectation 508 nobody would ever suppose inexpectation 508 nobody would ever think inexpectation 508 no-brain incogitancy 452 no-cause acquittal 970 noctambulation journey 266 noctambulism journey 266 noctambulist traveler 268 noctivagant! darkness 421 noctivagation darkness 421 noctivagous! darkness 421 noctivagrant journey 266 noctograph blindness 442 nocturnal blackness 431 darkness 421 evening 126 nocuous badness 649 nod assent 488 command 741 courtesy 894 inactivity 683 indication 550 oscillation 314 nod assent assent 488 nod of approbation approbation 931 nod to courtesy 894 nodding inactivity 683 nodding acquaintance friend 890 nodding to its fall danger 665 descent 306 destruction 162 deterioration 659 noddle intellect 450 summit 210 noddy fool 501 node convexity 250 nodosity roughness 256 convexity 250 nodular convexity 250 nodule convexity 250 noggin intellect 450 receptacle 191 nohow negation 536 noise loudness 404 sound 402 noise abroad publication 531 noiseless silence 403 noiseless foot of time time 106 noisome badness 649 fetor 401 insalubrity 657 noisy loudness 404 nolens volens compulsion 744 unwillingness 603 nolition unwillingness 603 nolleity unwillingness 603 nom de course misnomer 565 nom de plume misnomer 565 nom de theatre misnomer 565 nomad traveler 268 nomadic motion 264 nomadism journey 266 nomadize journey 266 Nomancy prediction 511 nomenclature nomenclature 564 nominal conformity 82 word 562 nomenclature 564 unsubstantiality 4 nominal price cheapness 815 nominate commission 755 nomination commission 755 nomenclature 564 nominee consignee 758 nomology legality 963 non compos mentis insanity 503 non ego extrinsicality 6 non sequitur error 495 intuition 477 nonadhesion incoherence 47 nonadhesive incoherence 47 nonadmission exclusion 55 nonage youth 127 nonagenarian veteran 130 non-alcoholic beverage food 298 non-apparent invisibility 447 nonappearance invisibility 447 nonattendance absence 187 nonbeing inexistence 2 non-bonded resonance resonance 408 nonce the present time 118 nonce expression neologism 563 nonchalance neglect 460 indifference 866 insensibility 823 nonchalant insensibility 823 non-classical unconformity 83 noncohesive incoherence 47 noncombustible material insulation, fire extinction 388.a noncomformity heterodoxy 984 noncommissioned officer master 745 noncompletion incompleteness 53 neglect 460 noncompletion 730 shortcoming 304 noncompliance disobedience 742 dissent 489 refusal 764 nonconformist heterodoxy 984 unconformity 83 dissent 489 nonconformity unconformity 83 dissent 489 non-content dissent 489 nondescript unconformity 83 none zero 101 none else unity 87 none in the world unsubstantiality 4 none such superiority 33 unconformity 83 none the less compensation 30 none the worse restoration 660 none to spare insufficiency 640 nonendurance excitability 825 nonentity unsubstantiality 4 inexistence 2 unimportance 643 nonessential extrinsicality 6 unimportance 643 nonesuch goodness 648 unconformity 83 nonexistence inexistence 2 nonexistent inexistence 2 nonexpectant inexpectation 508 non-expectation inexpectation 508 nonextension inextension 180.a nonflammable insulation, fire extinction 388.a nonfulfillment noncompletion 730 failure 732 noninclusion exclusion 55 noninterference freedom 748 inaction 681 nonintervention inaction 681 nonius measurement 466 nonjuring dissent 489 nonjuror heterodoxy 984 non-juror dissent 489 nonnaturals insalubrity 657 nonny fool 501 nonobjective immateriality 317 nonobservance inattention 458 nonobservance 773 improbity 940 disobedience 742 non-observance dereliction of duty 927 nonobservant desuetude 614 nonpareil goodness 648 non-paying nonpayment 808 nonpayment nonpayment 808 nonperformance noncompletion 730 non-performance dereliction of duty 927 non-performing nonpayment 808 non-pertinence irrelation 10 nonplus difficulty 704 success 731 nonplused difficulty 704 nonplussed difficulty 704 nonporous density 321 non-preparation nonpreparation 674 nonprevalence desuetude 614 nonresidence absence 187 nonresident absence 187 nonresistance obedience 743 submission 725 nonresisting submission 725 nonresonance nonresonance 408.a nonresonant nonresonance 408.a nonsense absurdity 497 intuition 477 unmeaningness 517 nonsense! unimportance 643 nonsensical unmeaningness 517 intuition 477 absurdity 497 imbecility folly 499 nonsubjective materiality 316 nonsubsistence inexistence 2 nonsuccess failure 732 nonsuch unconformity 83 nonsuit condemnation 971 failure 732 success 731 nonsuited condemnation 971 failure 732 nonuniform multiformity 81 Noobe lamentation 839 noodle fool 501 noodlehead fool 501 nook angularity 244 place 182 receptacle 191 noon morning 125 noonday light 420 morning 125 noonday sun light 420 nooning morning 125 noontide light 420 morning 125 noontide light light 420 noontime morning 125 nooscopic intellect 450 noose connection 45 deception 545 scourge 975 circularity 247 norm precept 697 normal conformity 82 expectance 871 intrinsicality 5 normality 80 verticality 212 normal condition conformity 82 normal state conformity 82 normalcy normality 80 normality expectance 871 normality 80 frequency 136 normalize normality 80 normalness normality 80 North direction 278 North and South contraposition 237 North East direction 278 north pole attraction 288 northeaster river 348 norther wind 349 Northerly direction 278 Northern contraposition 237 direction 278 northern lights luminary 423 northwest passage circuition 311 nose curiosity 455 inquiry 461 odor 398 convexity 250 nosegay fragrance 400 ornament 847 noseprint indication 550 no-show job inaction 681 nosology disease 655 nostalgia regret 833 nostology age 128 nostril airpipe 351 nostrum remedy 662 plan 626 nosy curiosity 455 not negation 536 not a zero 101 not a bad idea intelligence, wisdom 498 not a bit negation 536 smallness 32 not a bit of it smallness 32 not a breath of air heat 382 quiescence 265 not a dream existence 1 not a drop of zero 101 not a few multitude 102 not a hint of zero 101 not a jot negation 536 smallness 32 zero 101 not a little greatness 31 not a minute too soon punctuality 132.a not a mouse stirring quiescence 265 not a one zero 101 not a particle unsubstantiality 4 not a pin to choose absence of choice 609.a equality 27 not a shadow smallness 32 not a shadow of zero 101 not a shadow of doubt certainty 474 not a smidgen of zero 101 not a soul absence 187 zero 101 not a speck of zero 101 not a suspicion of zero 101 not a trace of zero 101 not a whit negation 536 smallness 32 not a whit of zero 101 not act inaction 681 not allowed illegality 964 not alone plurality 100 not amiss beauty 845 imperfection 651 not an illusion truth 494 not an iota of zero 101 not answerable exemption 927.a not any zero 101 not at all negation 536 smallness 32 not attempt avoidance 623 inaction 681 not attend to neglect 460 not bad imperfection 651 not bargain for inexpectation 508 not be able to abide dislike 867 not be able to bear dislike 867 excitability 825 not be able to do without requirement 630 not be able to endure dislike 867 not be able to recall oblivion 506 not be affected by insensibility 823 not be at home to refusal 764 not be due undueness 925 not be surprised expectance 871 not be too hard upon forgiveness 918 not believe unbelief doubt 485 not believe one's ears wonder 870 not believe one's eyes wonder 870 not believe one's senses wonder 870 not bend to either side straightness 246 not breathe a word concealment 528 not bright imbecility folly 499 not care insensibility 823 not care a fig for indifference 866 not care a straw contempt 930 not care a straw about indifference 866 not care a straw for insensibility 823 not care a whit about indifference 866 not care for dislike 867 indifference 866 not charged cheapness 815 not chosen rejection 610 not come up to contraction 195 inequality 28 inferiority 34 not comparable irrelation 10 not complete noncompletion 730 not completed noncompletion 730 not concern disagreement 24 irrelation 10 not content unwillingness 603 not counting nonaddition, subtraction 38 not dangerous safety 664 not deceive veracity 543 not discriminate indiscrimination 465.a not do avoidance 623 inaction 681 not do by halves completion 729 not do justice to underestimation 483 not doing inaction 681 not done inaction 681 not easy difficulty 704 not enough insufficiency 640 not exist inexistence 2 not expect inexpectation 508 not expressed latency, implication 526 unmeaningness 517 not fail probity 939 not far from nearness 197 not feasible difficulty 704 not fit to be seen ugliness 846 not following intuition 477 not for attribution concealment 528 not for the world dissent 489 refusal 764 unwillingness 603 not given receiving 785 not grant refusal 764 not guilty innocence 946 acquittal 970 not hardened penitence 950 not have exemption 777.a not have a dry thread moisture 339 not have a penny poverty 804 not have a wink of sleep excitability 825 not have a word to say taciturnity 585 not have the stomach to unwillingness 603 not having exemption 777.a loss 776 not hear of refusal 764 not in one's right mind insanity 503 not in sight invisibility 447 not in the least negation 536 smallness 32 not in the vein unwillingness 603 not in verse prose 598 not included in exclusion 55 not know ignorance 491 not know one's own mind irresolution 605 not know what to make of ignorance 491 uncertainty 475 unintelligibility 519 not let a word escape one taciturnity 585 not let it go further concealment 528 not liable acquittal 970 not lie veracity 543 not lift a finger inaction 681 not lift a foot inaction 681 not lift a peg inaction 681 not long ago newness 123 not look blindness 442 not lose a moment activity 682 not made with rose water difficulty 704 not matter unimportance 643 not matter a straw unimportance 643 not meant chance 621 not mind contempt 930 indifference 866 insensibility 823 neglect 460 not move inaction 681 not much infrequency 137 not much to boast of imperfection 651 not natural affectation 855 not now different time 119 not observe inattention 458 not of the earth piety 987 not often infrequency 137 not on speaking terms enmity 889 hate 898 not one zero 101 not one's strong point imbecility folly 499 not out of the wood danger 665 difficulty 704 not particular content 831 not pass inferiority 34 not pass muster imperfection 651 not pay nonpayment 808 not paying nonpayment 808 not perceived ignorance 491 not perfect imperfection 651 not permitted prohibition 761 not pertinent irrelation 10 not possible impossibility 471 not potential existence 1 not present absence 187 not pretend to take upon ignorance 491 not prosper adversity 735 not proven acquittal 970 not quite smallness 32 not rare frequency 136 not reach shortcoming 304 not realize one's hope disappointment 509 not refuse consent 762 not required disuse 678 not right insanity 503 not right in one's head insanity 503 not right in one's wits insanity 503 not see blindness 442 invisibility 447 not see beyond one's nose misjudgment 481 not significant unmeaningness 517 not since Adam infrequency 137 not smell inodorousness 399 not so negation 536 not sorry pleasure 827 not speak taciturnity 585 not speak well of disapprobation 932 not stick at trifles resolution 604 not stir inaction 681 not stir a peg quiescence 265 not stir a step quiescence 265 not straight distortion 243 not submit resistance 719 not succeed failure 732 not suffice insufficiency 640 not that one knows ignorance 491 not the right occasion untimeliness 135 not the same difference 15 not the thing undueness 925 not think incogitancy 452 not think of incogitancy 452 not to be believed unbelief doubt 485 not to be borne painfulness 830 not to be changed stability 150 not to be despised importance 642 not to be endured painfulness 830 not to be had dearness 814 impossibility 471 insufficiency 640 not to be mistaken manifestation 525 not to be moved obstinacy 606 not to be overlooked importance 642 not to be put down resolution 604 not to be shaken resolution 604 not to be sneezed at importance 642 not to be spoken of concealment 528 not to be thought of disapprobation 932 hopelessness 859 impossibility 471 incogitancy 452 prohibition 761 refusal 764 undueness 925 not to be trifled with compulsion 744 not to mention addition 37 not to mince the matter artlessness 703 affirmation 535 not to the irrelation 10 not to the point disagreement 24 not touch disuse 678 not trouble oneself about neglect 460 not trouble oneself with neglect 460 not true distortion 243 not turn to either side straightness 246 not understand unintelligibility 519 not unfrequently frequency 136 not use disuse 678 not used disuse 678 not vote absence of choice 609.a not willing to hear of refusal 764 not willingly let die preservation 670 not wonder expectance 871 not wonder at expectation 507 not wonder if expectation 507 not worth a curse unimportance 643 not worth a rap poverty 804 not worth a sou worthlessness 812.b not worth a straw inutility 645 unimportance 643 not worth a thought unimportance 643 not worth having inutility 645 not worth it dearness 814 not worth mentioning unimportance 643 not worth powder and shot inutility 645 not worth speaking of unimportance 643 not worth the pains unimportance 643 not worth while unimportance 643 not written speech 582 not yield an inch obstinacy 606 refusal 764 notabilia importance 642 notabilities nobility 875 notability importance 642 repute 873 notable activity 682 importance 642 manifestation 525 repute 873 notables nobility 875 notably greatness 31 notary lawyer 968 recorder 553 notary public lawyer 968 notch angularity 244 indication 550 notch 257 record 551 notched notch 257 note lending 787 repute 873 record 551 printing 591 money 800 melody concord 413 interpretation 522 intellect 450 indication 550 correspondence 592 compendium 596 attention 457 memory 505 note book compendium 596 note down record 551 note of admiration wonder 870 note of alarm alarm 669 note of hand money 800 note of preparation preparation 673 note well attention 457 notebook record 551 noted knowledge 490 repute 873 notes of a scale melody concord 413 noteworthy greatness 31 unconformity 83 nothing unimportance 643 unsubstantiality 4 zero 101 nothing at all unsubstantiality 4 nothing comes amiss content 831 nothing coming amiss insensibility 823 nothing if not critical judgment 480 nothing like leather misjudgment 481 nothing loth willingness 602 nothing of the kind dissimilarity 18 negation 536 nothing of the sort negation 536 nothing on earth unsubstantiality 4 nothing particular unimportance 643 nothing to boast of unimportance 643 nothing to signify unimportance 643 nothing to speak of unimportance 643 nothing whatever unsubstantiality 4 nothing worth speaking of unimportance 643 nothingness inexistence 2 unimportance 643 unsubstantiality 4 notice judgment 480 warning 668 publication 531 attention 457 information 527 intellect 450 notice is hereby given publication 531 notice! attention 457 publication 531 noticeable measurement 466 notification indication 550 information 527 notify information 527 notion idea 453 supposition 514 notional imagination 515 notoriety publication 531 repute 873 notorious knowledge 490 manifestation 525 publication 531 repute 873 disrepute 874 notwithstanding compensation 30 nought zero 101 noumenon intrinsicality 5 noun nomenclature 564 nourish aid 707 nourish hope hope 858 nourishment life 359 food 298 aid 707 nousel deception 545 nousle deception 545 nouveau newness 123 Nova Zembla cold 383 novaculite sharpness 253 novation choice 609 novel description 594 dissimilarity 18 ignorance 491 newness 123 unconformity 83 novelist description 594 novelty dissimilarity 18 newness 123 novice clergy 996 greenness 435 ignoramus 493 learner 541 bungler 701 novitiate learning 539 preparation 673 NOW money 800 the present time 118 NOW account money 800 now and then frequency 136 now or never occasion 134 now that you mention it occasion 134 nowadays the present time 118 nowhere absence 187 nowhere to be found absence 187 nowise negation 536 noxious badness 649 insalubrity 657 noyade killing 361 punishment 972 nozzle airpipe 351 convexity 250 opening 260 nuance difference 15 nuances discrimination 465 nubiferous opacity 426 turbidity 426.a nubile marriage 903 adolescence 131 nuclear explosion snap 406 nuclear power power 157 nuclear powered carrier ship 273 nucleolus centrality 222 middle 68 nucleus cause 153 centrality 222 importance 642 middle 68 nudation divestment 226 nude divestment 226 nudge indication 550 nudity divestment 226 nugacity absurdity 497 imbecility folly 499 inutility 645 nugatory absence of influence 175.a failure 732 impotence 158 nuggah ship 273 nugget money 800 size 192 nuisance evil 619 painfulness 830 nul zero 101 null unsubstantiality 4 zero 101 null and void illegality 964 impotence 158 unproductiveness 169 nullification abrogation 756 compensation 30 nonobservance 773 nullify abrogation 756 compensation 30 destruction 162 inexistence 2 nonobservance 773 nonpayment 808 nullity inexistence 2 unsubstantiality 4 numb cold 383 insensibility 823 numbness 381 physical insensibility 376 numbed insensibility 823 number music 415 number 84 numeration 85 number 2 oil fuel 388 number 4 oil fuel 388 number among inclusion 76 numbered with the dead death 360 numbering numeration 85 numberless infinity 105 numbers poetry 597 multitude 102 numbness cold 383 insensibility 823 numbness 381 numbskull fool 501 numdah covering 223 numerable numeration 85 numeral number 84 numeration 85 numerality multitude 102 numeration numeration 85 numerator number 84 numerical numeration 85 numerically number 84 numerose elegance 578 multitude 102 numerosity elegance 578 multitude 102 numerous multitude 102 numismatic money 800 numismatical money 800 numismatics money 800 numismatist money 800 nummary money 800 numps fool 501 numskull ignoramus 493 nun celibacy 904 clergy 996 nuncio consignee 758 messenger 534 nuncupation nomenclature 564 nuncupative information 527 nomenclature 564 speech 582 nuncupatory information 527 nomenclature 564 nundinate barter 794 nundination barter 794 nunnation language 560 nunnery temple 1000 nuptial marriage 903 nuptial benediction marriage 903 nuptial tie marriage 903 nuptials marriage 903 nurse aid 707 keeper 753 preservation 670 remedy 662 servant 746 nurseling infant 129 nursemaid servant 746 nursery receptacle 191 youth 127 school 542 cause 153 agriculture 371 workshop 691 nursery maid servant 746 nursery rhymes poetry 597 nursery tale description 594 untruth 546 nurse's aide remedy 662 nurture aid 707 food 298 preparation 673 teaching 537 nurture a belief belief 484 nurture an idea thought 451 nurture an opinion belief 484 nut oil oil 356 nut to crack difficulty 704 secret 533 nutation oscillation 314 nut-brown brown 433 nutmeg condiment 393 nutmeg grater pulverulence 330 nutriment food 298 nutrition aid 707 nutritious food 298 remedy 662 salubrity 656 nutritive food 298 remedy 662 nuts pleasurableness 829 good 618 nutshell smallness 32 nuzzle endearment 902 nyctalopia dimsightedness 443 nymph infant 129 Jupiter 979 woman 374 nympha infant 129 nystagmus dimsightedness 443 NYT news 532 O O dear! lamentation 839 O for a muse of fire! poetry 597 O for! desire 865 O gemini! wonder 870 O Lord! worship 990 O lud lud! lamentation 839 O mores! disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 improbity 940 vice 945 O Salutaris worship 990 O tempora O mores! lamentation 839 O tempora! disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 improbity 940 vice 945 O yes! attention 457 hearing 418 publication 531 O! wonder 870 oaf fool 501 oak strength 159 oakum filament 205 oar instrument 633 mariner 269 navigation 267 oar shaped curvature 245 oarsman mariner 269 oasis unconformity 83 disjunction 44 land 342 oath promise 768 malediction 908 affirmation 535 oatmeal food 298 pulpiness 354 obbligato accompaniment 88 music 415 obduction covering 223 obduracy impenitence 951 malevolence 907 obstinacy 606 obdurate vice 945 impenitence 951 obstinacy 606 severity 739 obduration obstinacy 606 obedience observance 772 subjection 749 submission 725 obedience 743 obedient obedience 743 obediently obedience 743 obeisance courtesy 894 depression 308 respect 928 submission 725 obelisk record 551 height 206 interment 363 Oberon Jupiter 979 obese expansion 194 redundancy 641 size 192 obesity expansion 194 size 192 obey obedience 743 subjection 749 submission 725 obey a call motive 615 obey the helm facility 705 obey the precedents conformity 82 obey the rules conformity 82 obfuscate darkness 421 opacity 426 obfuscated opacity 426 turbidity 426.a drunkenness 959 obi sorcery 992 obiism sorcery 992 obit death 360 obiter dicta irrelation 10 occasion 134 obiter dictum interposition 228 obituary death 360 description 594 object materiality 316 substantiality 3 ugliness 846 intention 620 object lesson conformity 82 object of compassion pain 828 object of execration hate 898 object of hatred hate 898 object to disapprobation 932 dislike 867 objection disapprobation 932 hindrance 706 objectionable inexpedience 647 wrong 923 objective materiality 316 extrinsicality 6 objective evidence evidence 467 objective lens optical instruments 445 objectiveness extrinsicality 6 objurgate disapprobation 932 objurgation disapprobation 932 objurgatory disapprobation 932 oblate shortness 201 oblate spheroid rotundity 249 oblation giving 784 worship 990 oblectation pleasure 827 obligate aerobe life 359 obligate anaerobe life 359 obligation necessity 601 debt 806 conditions 770 promise 768 obligatory compulsion 744 duty 926 oblige aid 707 compulsion 744 duty 926 obliged gratitude 916 obliged by duty 926 obligee money 800 obliging aid 707 benevolence 906 courtesy 894 obligor money 800 obliquation deviation 279 oblique curvature 245 angularity 244 obliquely deviation 279 obliquity angularity 244 curvature 245 obliquity 217 vice 945 obliquity of judgment misjudgment 481 obliquity of vision dimsightedness 443 obliterate inexistence 2 obliteration 552 obliterated obliteration 552 obliteration inexistence 2 obliteration 552 obliteration of oblivion 506 oblivion forgiveness 918 inexistence 2 oblivion 506 oblivion of benefits ingratitude 917 oblivion of time anachronism 115 oblivious oblivion 506 obliviousness oblivion 506 oblong length 200 oblong spheroid rotundity 249 obloquy disrepute 874 detraction 934 disapprobation 932 obmutescence aphony 581 taciturnity 585 obnoxious badness 649 hate 898 painfulness 830 obnoxious to liability 177 obnubilated dimness 422 oboe musical instruments 417 obreption acquisition 775 concealment 528 obreptitious concealment 528 obscene impurity 961 obscene language neologism 563 obscenity neologism 563 impurity 961 obscuration darkness 421 obscure blackness 431 commonality 876 darkness 421 dimness 422 disrepute 874 invisibility 447 obscurity 571 unintelligibility 519 obscured invisibility 447 obscurity uncertainty 475 unintelligibility 519 turbidity 426.a commonality 876 darkness 421 obscurity 571 obsecration request 765 obsecratory request 765 obsequies interment 363 obsequious servility 886 courtesy 894 respect 928 obsequiousness servility 886 respect 928 obedience 743 courtesy 894 flattery 933 observance obedience 743 attention 457 observance 772 rite 998 duty 926 conduct 692 conformity 82 habit 613 observant attention 457 clergy 996 observance 772 observation affirmation 535 attention 457 idea 453 intellect 450 observatory world 318 observe attention 457 observance 772 vision 441 observe a duty duty 926 observe an obligation duty 926 observe due decorum respect 928 observe! attention 457 observer spectator 444 observing attention 457 obsession! attack 716 obsidional attack 716 obsolescence desuetude 614 obsolete oldness 124 the past 122 inutility 645 vulgarity 851 neologism 563 obstacle hindrance 706 obstetrician instrumentality 631 obstetrics production 161 remedy 662 obstinacy sullenness 901.a inactivity 683 obstinacy 606 permanence 141 physical inertness 172 resolution 604 stability 150 obstinate stability 150 obstinacy 606 resolution 604 obstinate as a mule obstinacy 606 obstinately obstinacy 606 obstinateness obstinacy 606 obstipation closure 261 obstreperous loudness 404 violence 173 obstruct closure 261 hindrance 706 river 348 obstruction hindrance 706 closure 261 obstructionist opponent 710 obstructive hindrance 706 opponent 710 obstruent hindrance 706 obstupefaction insensibility 823 obtain acquisition 775 existence 1 obtain a return acquisition 775 obtain a victory success 731 obtain knowledge learning 539 obtain one's liberty liberation 750 obtainable possibility 470 obtainment acquisition 775 obtenebration darkness 421 obtest request 765 obtestation request 765 advice 695 obtrectation detraction 934 obtrude activity 682 insertion 300 interposition 228 obtruncate shortness 201 obtrusion hindrance 706 interposition 228 obtrusive discourtesy 895 hindrance 706 vulgarity 851 obtund moderation 174 insensibility 823 bluntness 254 physical insensibility 376 obtuse bluntness 254 imbecility folly 499 insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 obtuse angle angularity 244 obtuseness physical insensibility 376 obumbrate darkness 421 obumbration darkness 421 obverse front 234 obviate hindrance 706 obvious visibility 446 intelligibility 518 manifestation 525 ocarina musical instruments 417 occasion circumstance 8 occasion 134 cause 153 occasion laughter amusement 840 occasion pain painfulness 830 occasional discontinuity 70 uncertainty 475 occasionally frequency 136 occasioner cause 153 occidental laterality 236 occiput rear 235 occlude closure 261 occlusion closure 261 occult unintelligibility 519 latency, implication 526 concealment 528 occult art sorcery 992 occult meaning latency, implication 526 occult sciences sorcery 992 occultation concealment 528 darkness 421 disappearance 449 occultness latency, implication 526 occupancy possession 777 presence 186 occupancy in common participation 778 occupant possessor 779 inhabitant 188 occupant of a position politics 737.b occupation presence 186 business 625 occupation road method 627 occupied activity 682 occupied by inhabitant 188 occupied with attention 457 occupier inhabitant 188 possessor 779 occupy possession 777 presence 186 occupy a place term 71 occupy master authority 737 occupy oneself with attention 457 business 625 occupy the attention attention 457 occupy the chair direction 693 occupy the mind attention 457 thought 451 occupy the thoughts attention 457 occupy the throne government 737.a occupy time time 106 occupying presence 186 occur eventuality 151 existence 1 posteriority 117 thought 451 occur in a place presence 186 occurrence circumstance 8 eventuality 151 occursion impulse 276 ocean ocean 341 ocean greyhound ship 273 ocean liner ship 273 oceanic ocean 341 ocelot variegation 440 ocher brown 433 orange 439 ochlocracy government 737.a ochreous orange 439 o'clock chronometry 114 octagon angularity 244 octahedron angularity 244 octal number number 84 Octateuch Judeo-christian revelation 985 octave melody concord 413 octavo book 593 octifid quinquesection, &c 99 octodecimo book 593 octogenarian veteran 130 octopus evil 913 ugliness 846 octoroon mixture 41 octroi price 812 octuple five, &c 98 ocular vision 441 ocular demonstration visibility 446 vision 441 ocular evidence visibility 446 ocular inspection vision 441 ocular proof visibility 446 oculist remedy 662 OD master 745 od force sorcery 992 odalisque servant 746 odd vulgarity 851 insanity 503 multiformity 81 remainder 40 ridiculousness 853 unconformity 83 unity 87 odd fish laughingstock 857 oddity insanity 503 intrinsicality 5 laughingstock 857 ridiculousness 853 unconformity 83 odd-lot dealer stock market 799.a oddments part 51 odds chance 156 discord 713 inequality 28 odds and ends part 51 remainder 40 mixture 41 inutility 645 odds in favor probability 472 odds on chance 156 probability 472 ode poetry 597 Odin Jupiter 979 odious hate 898 painfulness 830 ugliness 846 odium disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 hate 898 odometer measurement 466 velocity 274 odontalgia physical pain 378 odontoid sharpness 253 convexity 250 odor odor 398 odor of sanctity piety 987 odorament odor 398 odorant odor 398 odoriferous odor 398 odorous odor 398 odylic sorcery 992 odylic force sorcery 992 odzookens! wonder 870 oecology organization 357 oecumenical generality 78 oedematous expansion 194 softness 324 Oedipus answer 462 Oenomancy prediction 511 o'ertop superiority 33 oestrogen woman 374 oestrus sexuality 374.a oeuvre production 161 of aid 707 contents 190 dueness 924 evidence 467 indication 550 relation 9 of a certain age age 128 of a deep dye vice 945 of a different kind dissimilarity 18 of a muchness identity 13 of a truth affirmation 535 veracity 543 of age adolescence 131 of all manner of colors variegation 440 of all sorts and kinds multiformity 81 of all things superiority 33 of all work utility 644 of articulation voice 580 of bad faith improbity 940 of clouds shade 424 of compassion pity 914 of cosmic proportions size 192 of course effect 154 necessity 601 habit 613 expectance 871 demonstration 478 consent 762 conformity 82 assent 488 certainty 474 of daily occurrence conformity 82 habit 613 of easy virtue impurity 961 of epic proportions size 192 of estimation approbation 931 of every description multiformity 81 of everyday occurrence conformity 82 habit 613 of feeling feeling 821 of full age adolescence 131 of gentle blood nobility 875 of gold importance 642 of good cheer cheerfulness 836 of good comfort content 831 of good omen hope 858 of great price dearness 814 goodness 648 of importance importance 642 of late newness 123 of law unconformity 83 of little account unimportance 643 of little importance unimportance 643 of long duration diuturnity 110 of long standing oldness 124 of long-standing diuturnity 110 of loose character impurity 961 of low extraction commonality 876 of low origin commonality 876 of low parentage commonality 876 of mark greatness 31 of mean extraction commonality 876 of mean origin commonality 876 of mean parentage commonality 876 of necessity demonstration 478 requirement 630 necessity 601 of no account unimportance 643 of no avail inutility 645 of no earthly use inutility 645 of no effect failure 732 unproductiveness 169 of no importance unimportance 643 of note importance 642 repute 873 of old the past 122 of one accord assent 488 of one mind assent 488 concord 714 agreement 23 concurrence 178 of one's own accord willingness 602 of one's own free will will 600 of one's won accord will 600 of other times oldness 124 of priceless value dearness 814 of promise hope 858 of rank nobility 875 of ripe age adolescence 131 of small account unimportance 643 of sound mind sanity 502 of the blood consanguinity 11 of the deepest dye blackness 431 of the first water goodness 648 of the first water. repute 873 of the old school oldness 124 of the same class inclusion 76 of the same mind assent 488 of the true faith orthodoxy 983.a of unsound mind insanity 503 of use utility 644 of value goodness 648 of various kinds nonuniformity 16.a of vital importance importance 642 of yesterday newness 123 of yore the past 122 off distance 196 off and on regularity of recurrence 138 changeableness 149 irresolution 605 off one's balance irresolution 605 off one's guard danger 665 inattention 458 inexpectation 508 neglect 460 rashness 863 off one's hands loss 776 off one's head insanity 503 off one's mind incogitancy 452 off scum uncleanness 653 off the beaten track unconformity 83 off the reel loquacity 584 off the track uncertainty 475 off with you! ejection 297 offal uncleanness 653 offend painfulness 830 resentment 900 vice 945 offend against the law illegality 964 offend the ear stridor 410 offended resentment 900 offender bad man 949 offending Adam vice 945 offense attack 716 guilt 947 resentment 900 offensive painfulness 830 unsavoriness 395 uncleanness 653 hate 898 fetor 401 attack 716 dislike 867 offensive to ears polite inelegance 579 offer giving 784 offer 763 sale 796 offer for sale offer 763 sale 796 offer oneself offer 763 offer petitions worship 990 offer pleasure pleasurableness 829 offer sacrifice worship 990 offer thanks gratitude 916 offer the alternative choice 609 offer up prayers request 765 worship 990 offer vows worship 990 offered offer 763 offering giving 784 offer 763 offers one's choice choice 609 offertory worship 990 giving 784 rite 998 offhand neglect 460 inattention 458 earliness 132 impulse 612 office agency 170 business 625 mart 799 receptacle 191 workshop 691 worship 990 office bearer director 694 office holder politics 737.b office of the president government 737.a officer combatant 726 master 745 jurisdiction 965 director 694 officer of the court lawyer 968 officer of the day master 745 offices receptacle 191 office-seeker politics 737.b official truth 494 business 625 certainty 474 director 694 government 737.a master 745 politics 737.b servant 746 officialism severity 739 officiate business 625 conduct 692 instrumentality 631 rite 998 action 680 officious activity 682 officiousness activity 682 offing distance 196 ocean 341 offload ejection 297 offprint imitation 19 off-road vehicle journey 266 offscourings inutility 645 uncleanness 653 offset compensation 30 printing 591 off-set posterity 167 offshoot adjunct 39 effect 154 part 51 off-shoot posterity 167 offside dextrality 238 offspring effect 154 posterity 167 offstage drama 599 offuscate opacity 426 darkness 421 offuscation darkness 421 oft frequency 136 often frequency 136 repetition 104 often enough frequency 136 oftenness frequency 136 oftentimes frequency 136 oftness frequency 136 ofttimes frequency 136 Ogham writing 590 ogle desire 865 discourtesy 895 endearment 902 vision 441 ogre demon 980 fear 860 evil 913 ogress demon 980 Oh! disapprobation 932 oil fuel 388 lubrication 332 luminary 423 oil 356 painting 556 remedy 662 unctuousness 355 oil burner furnace 386 oil color painting 556 oil paint color 428 painting 556 oil painting painting 556 oil rig rotation 312 oiling lubrication 332 oils painting 556 oilskins clothing 225 oily courtesy 894 flattery 933 moderation 174 servility 886 smoothness 255 unctuousness 355 oinomania drunkenness 959 ointment covering 223 unctuousness 355 remedy 662 oil 356 OK assent 488 consent 762 content 831 old age 128 oldness 124 old Adam vice 945 old age age 128 old as Adam oldness 124 old as history oldness 124 old as Methuselah age 128 oldness 124 old as the hills oldness 124 old bachelor celibacy 904 old campaigner proficient 700 old clothes clothing 225 old crony friend 890 old file proficient 700 old fogey fool 501 laughingstock 857 old hand proficient 700 old joke wit 842 old lady marriage 903 old maid amusement 840 celibacy 904 old man veteran 130 marriage 903 old man of the sea hindrance 706 old master artist 559 old monkey laughingstock 857 Old Moore oracle 513 old news news 532 old Parr veteran 130 Old Sarum seclusion, exclusion 893 old school habit 613 obstinacy 606 old soldier proficient 700 pungency 392 old son unimportance 643 old song repetition 104 old stager proficient 700 veteran 130 old story news 532 repetition 104 love 897 Old Testament Judeo-christian revelation 985 old times the past 122 old woman fool 501 impotence 158 marriage 903 woman 374 Oldbuck the past 122 older age 128 old-fashioned oldness 124 old-hat frequency 136 oldness oldness 124 age 128 old-womanish imbecility folly 499 old-world oldness 124 oleagine oil 356 oleaginous unctuousness 355 olfaction odor 398 olfactories odor 398 olfactory odor 398 olibanum fragrance 400 olid fetor 401 olidous fetor 401 oligarch master 745 oligarchic government 737.a oligarchy government 737.a Oligocene oldness 124 olio mixture 41 olive greenness 435 olive branch infant 129 pacification 723 olive green greenness 435 olive oil oil 356 olive-branch posterity 167 olla-podrida mixture 41 Olympus heaven 981 Om spell 993 omber amusement 840 ombrometer measurement 466 omega end 67 omelet food 298 omen indication 550 omen 512 precursor 64 prediction 511 ominate prediction 511 ominous danger 665 prediction 511 threat 909 omission neglect 460 nonobservance 773 incompleteness 53 failure 732 exclusion 55 guilt 947 omit exclusion 55 neglect 460 nonobservance 773 omitted inexistence 2 absence 187 omniation prediction 511 omnibus vehicle 272 journey 266 omnifarious multiformity 81 omnific productiveness 168 omniform multiformity 81 omniformity multiformity 81 omnigenous multiformity 81 omniousness prediction 511 omnipotence deity 976 power 157 omnipotent power 157 omnipresence deity 976 presence 186 omnipresent presence 186 omniscience deity 976 knowledge 490 omniscient deity 976 knowledge 490 omnivorous greed 817.a food 298 gluttony 957 omnivorous intellect curiosity 455 omophagic food 298 omophagous food 298 omphalos middle 68 on duty 926 progression 282 on a bed of roses physical pleasure 377 on a false scent error 495 on a footing with equality 27 on a large scale greatness 31 on a lee shore danger 665 on a level with equality 27 on a par with equality 27 on a razor's edge excitation 824 on a rock stability 150 on a sandy basis danger 665 on a small scale littleness 193 smallness 32 on account credit 805 on account of aid 707 attribution 155 intention 620 on all accounts completeness 52 on all fours agreement 23 horizontality 213 humility 879 identity 13 on all hands assent 488 on all sides circumjacence 227 on amicable terms friendship 888 on an average mean 29 on approval experiment 463 on bad terms discord 713 enmity 889 on behalf of aid 707 on better advice improvement 658 on board presence 186 ship 273 on compulsion compulsion 744 on condition conditions 770 on consideration improvement 658 on cordial terms friendship 888 on course transference 270 on credit credit 805 on duty activity 682 action 680 on eagle's wing velocity 274 on easy terms facility 705 on end verticality 212 on every side circumjacence 227 on familiar terms friendship 888 on film drama 599 on fire heat 382 on foot existence 1 topic 454 time 106 journey 266 business 625 agency 170 activity 682 preparation 673 eventuality 151 on friction wheels facility 705 on friendly terms friendship 888 on good footing friendship 888 on good terms friendship 888 on hand possession 777 business 625 on her beam ends laterality 236 on high height 206 on hire offer 763 on horseback journey 266 on intimate terms friendship 888 on its beam ends horizontality 213 on its last legs adversity 735 weakness 160 on land land 342 on leave permission 760 on loan lending 787 on location drama 599 on no account negation 536 prohibition 761 refusal 764 smallness 32 on no occasion neverness 107 on one side laterality 236 distortion 243 on one's back horizontality 213 on one's beam ends impotence 158 on one's bended knee submission 725 on one's bended knees request 765 on one's death bed death 360 on one's dignity pride 878 on one's feet humility 879 on one's good behavior courtesy 894 on one's guard care 459 caution 864 warning 668 on one's hands sale 796 noncompletion 730 redundancy 641 on one's head inversion 218 on one's high horses pride 878 on one's high ropes excitation 824 pride 878 resentment 900 on one's hind legs elevation 307 on one's knees request 765 respect 928 on one's last legs deterioration 659 fatigue 688 on one's legs activity 682 elevation 307 health 654 on one's marrowbones request 765 on one's mettle resolution 604 on one's side concord 714 on one's tight ropes pride 878 on one's trial experiment 463 on one's way progression 282 on parole prisoner 754 restraint 751 on point agreement 23 on principle motive 615 on probation experiment 463 on purpose intention 620 on reconsideration improvement 658 on record record 551 on sea ocean 341 on second thoughts improvement 658 on security lending 787 on Shanks's mare journey 266 on ship board ship 273 on shore land 342 on slippery ground danger 665 on speaking terms friendship 888 on stilts boasting 884 elevation 307 exaggeration 549 height 206 pride 878 on sure ground safety 664 on tenterhooks expectation 507 on that account attribution 155 on that occasion different time 119 on that score belief 484 on the alert activity 682 care 459 preparation 673 on the anvil business 625 intention 620 noncompletion 730 preparation 673 undertaking 676 on the ball skill 698 on the boards drama 599 on the brink of nearness 197 smallness 32 futurity 121 on the cards liability 177 destiny 152 on the carpet plan 626 topic 454 on the confines of nearness 197 on the contrary contrariety 14 counter evidence 468 on the decline deterioration 659 on the defense defense 717 on the defensive defense 717 on the dice possibility 470 on the docket topic 454 on the edge of a volcano danger 665 on the eve of transientness 111 futurity 121 priority 116 on the face of manifestation 525 on the face of it appearance 448 on the face of the earth space 180 on the face of the globe world 318 on the first summons command 741 on the floor plan 626 on the fret irascibility 901 on the high road progression 282 on the high road to direction 278 hope 858 method 627 on the hip subjection 749 on the horizon expectation 507 on the increase increase 35 on the instant earliness 132 on the lookout care 459 on the lookout for inquiry 461 on the loose impurity 961 on the march motion 264 on the market sale 796 on the moment instantaneity 113 on the move departure 293 motion 264 on the nail the present time 118 payment 807 on the offensive attack 716 on the one hand equivocalness 520 on the other compensation 30 on the other hand contrariety 14 equivocalness 520 on the part of aid 707 relation 9 on the pave impurity 961 on the point of futurity 121 transientness 111 on the present occasion the present time 118 on the rack pain 828 on the rebound recoil 277 on the recoil recoil 277 on the right scent answer 462 on the road approach 286 direction 278 progression 282 transference 270 traveler 268 on the road to progression 282 on the road to ruin adversity 735 on the rocks danger 665 on the safe side safety 664 on the scent answer 462 pursuit 622 on the score of relation 9 on the shoulders of elevation 307 height 206 instrumentality 631 on the sick list disease 655 on the skirts of nearness 197 on the sly concealment 528 cunning 702 on the spot earliness 132 instantaneity 113 news 532 occasion 134 presence 186 the present time 118 on the spur of the moment occasion 134 the present time 118 impulse 612 earliness 132 instantaneity 113 on the square probity 939 on the stage drama 599 manifestation 525 on the stocks preparation 673 on the streets impurity 961 on the stretch exertion 686 on the supposition supposition 514 on the supposition of qualification 469 on the table preparation 673 on the tapis plan 626 topic 454 intention 620 eventuality 151 on the town impurity 961 on the tramp motion 264 on the verge of nearness 197 on the wagon temperance 953 on the wane deterioration 659 nonincrease, decrease 36 adversity 735 on the warpath warfare 722 on the watch attention 457 expectation 507 on the watch for care 459 on the water wagon temperance 953 on the way transference 270 progression 282 on the whole whole 50 reasoning 476 judgment 480 on the wing departure 293 motion 264 navigation 267 transference 270 on the wrong scent error 495 on this side of the grave life 359 on time punctuality 132.a on tiptoe expectation 507 height 206 on top success 731 on trial experiment 463 essay 675 on velvet facility 705 on view appearance 448 on visiting terms friendship 888 sociality 892 on watch care 459 on which occasion different time 119 onanism sexuality 374.a once infrequency 137 the past 122 time 106 once and for all choice 609 once for all end 67 infrequency 137 resolution 604 once in a blue moon infrequency 137 unconformity 83 once in a million years unconformity 83 infrequency 137 once in a way infrequency 137 once more duplication 90 repetition 104 once upon a time different time 119 the past 122 time 106 oncologist remedy 662 Ondine Jupiter 979 one marriage 903 unity 87 mankind 372 identity 13 whole 50 one and a half unity 87 one and all assent 488 generality 78 whole 50 one and only identity 13 one and the same identity 13 one another correlation 12 one at a time speciality 79 unity 87 one bone and one flesh marriage 903 one by one unity 87 disjunction 44 speciality 79 one cheer more approbation 931 one day time 106 one fine day time 106 one fine morning different time 119 time 106 one hundred thousand five, &c 98 one in a million good man 948 infrequency 137 unconformity 83 one in a thousand goodness 648 unconformity 83 one in a way unconformity 83 one in ten thousand good man 948 one may have it for price 812 one might hear a pin drop silence 403 one of the people commonality 876 one of these days different time 119 futurity 121 one one's last legs death 360 one one's legs verticality 212 one or two plurality 100 one step at a time slowness 275 one way or another method 627 one-dollar bill money 800 one-eyed dimsightedness 443 one-horse shay imperfection 651 oneirocritic interpreter 524 oneirology acception interpretation 522 Oneiromancy prediction 511 oneness unity 87 one-night stand sexuality 374.a one-of-a-kind unconformity 83 one-pan balance gravity 319 onerous badness 649 difficulty 704 hindrance 706 painfulness 830 one's back being up resentment 900 one's bead against a wall rashness 863 one's blind side credulity 486 one's blood being up courage 861 resentment 900 one's countenance falling disappointment 509 one's courage oozing out cowardice 862 one's course runs smooth prosperity 734 one's days are numbered death 360 necessity 601 transientness 111 one's doom is sealed death 360 one's ear disrepute 874 one's eyes manifestation 525 one's eyes being opened knowledge 490 one's fate is sealed necessity 601 one's fill sufficiency 639 one's head about activity 682 one's heart bleeding pain 828 one's heart bleeding for pity 914 one's heart failing one fear 860 one's hour is come death 360 occasion 134 one's man of business consignee 758 one's monkey being up resentment 900 one's old way habit 613 one's option choice 609 one's own possession 777 property 780 one's own flesh and blood consanguinity 11 one's race is run death 360 one's second self similarity 17 one's ship coming in wealth 803 one's weak side imbecility folly 499 oneself identity 13 one-sided wrong 923 improbity 940 misjudgment 481 one-sided conceptions misjudgment 481 one-sided ideas misjudgment 481 one-sided notions misjudgment 481 one-sided views misjudgment 481 one-track mind misjudgment 481 one-way mirror optical instruments 445 ongoing noncompletion 730 progression 282 onion condiment 393 onlooker spectator 444 only imperfection 651 unity 87 smallness 32 simpleness 42 only better than nothing imperfection 651 only just smallness 32 only think! wonder 870 only yesterday newness 123 onodorate inodorousness 399 Onomancy prediction 511 onomatopoeia language 560 nomenclature 564 onset attack 716 beginning 66 onslaught attack 716 on-the-spot coverage news 532 ontogeny organization 357 ontology existence 1 onus duty 926 hindrance 706 onward progression 282 Onychomancy prediction 511 onyx jewelry 847.a oogamy dissimilarity 18 organization 357 oogenesis production 161 oogenetic production 161 ooze semiliquidity 352 river 348 ejection 297 egress 295 ooze out disclosure 529 oozing egress 295 opacity opacity 426 opacous opacity 426 opal jewelry 847.a semitransparency 427 variegation 440 opalesce semitransparency 427 opalescence semitransparency 427 opalescent semitransparency 427 variegation 440 opaline variegation 440 semitransparency 427 opaque opacity 426 unintelligibility 519 opaqueness opacity 426 ope opening 260 open artlessness 703 beginning 66 disclosure 529 expansion 194 manifestation 525 opening 260 publication 531 veracity 543 open a case reasoning 476 open a discussion reasoning 476 open a door to liability 177 open air air 338 open an account with barter 794 open and aboveboard probity 939 open as day artlessness 703 manifestation 525 open country plain 344 open enemy enemy 891 open fire attack 716 beginning 66 open handed liberality 816 open hearted liberality 816 veracity 543 open into river 348 conversion 144 open line of credit credit 805 open one's eye vision 441 open one's eyes correction 527.a wonder 870 open one's eyes to information 527 open one's lips speech 582 open one's mind disclosure 529 open one's mouth speech 582 wonder 870 open one's purse strings liberality 816 open question inquiry 461 uncertainty 475 open rupture discord 713 open sesame indication 550 spell 993 instrumentality 631 open sesame! opening 260 open sore painfulness 830 open space space 180 open the ball beginning 66 precedence 62 open the door to beginning 66 cause 153 facility 705 permission 760 preparation 673 reception 296 open the eyes teaching 537 open the eyes of disclosure 529 information 527 open the eyes to discovery 480.a open the flood gates permission 760 open the floodgates ejection 297 open the lips disclosure 529 open the lock discovery 480.a open the path facility 705 open the purse strings expenditure 809 open the road facility 705 open the sluices ejection 297 open the trenches attack 716 open the way facility 705 open to liability 177 facility 705 danger 665 open to discussion uncertainty 475 open to doubt unbelief doubt 485 open to suspicion unbelief doubt 485 open to the view visibility 446 open up beginning 66 disclosure 529 open war warfare 722 opener instrumentality 631 opening 260 open-eyed attention 457 expectation 507 open-hearted artlessness 703 probity 939 open-hearth furnace furnace 386 opening beginning 66 interval 198 occasion 134 opening 260 passage 302 reasoning 476 space 180 opening bracket indication 550 openly manifestation 525 openmouthed greed 817.a open-mouthed wonder 870 loquacity 584 expectation 507 cry 411 openness manifestation 525 opera drama 599 music 415 poetry 597 opera glass optical instruments 445 opera hat clothing 225 opera house drama 599 operate remedy 662 action 680 agency 170 cause 153 production 161 operate upon motive 615 operatic music 415 drama 599 operation action 680 agency 170 remedy 662 operations warfare 722 operative agency 170 agent 690 operator agent 690 remedy 662 stock market 799.a operculated closure 261 operculum covering 223 operetta music 415 operose exertion 686 difficulty 704 operoseness exertion 686 operosity exertion 686 ophicleide musical instruments 417 ophiology zoology 368 Ophiomancy prediction 511 ophite variegation 440 ophthalmia dimsightedness 443 ophthalmic vision 441 ophthalmologist remedy 662 opiate moderation 174 opinative misjudgment 481 opinator obstinacy 606 opine belief 484 opini=atre misjudgment 481 opiniative misjudgment 481 opiniativeness obstinacy 606 opiniator obstinacy 606 opiniatry obstinacy 606 opinion belief 484 judgment 480 politics 737.b opinion poll choice 609 experiment 463 politics 737.b opinionate obstinacy 606 misjudgment 481 opinionated misjudgment 481 opinionatist obstinacy 606 opinionative misjudgment 481 opinioned misjudgment 481 opinionist certainty 474 obstinacy 606 opitulation aid 707 opium intemperance 954 moderation 174 physical insensibility 376 opium den vice 945 opium eater inactivity 683 oppidan inhabitant 188 oppilation! hindrance 706 opponent opponent 710 enemy 891 hindrance 706 opportune expedience 646 occasion 134 opportunely occasion 134 opportuneness occasion 134 opportunism expedience 646 opportunity eventuality 151 occasion 134 oppose detraction 934 hindrance 706 unwillingness 603 opposition 708 contention 720 counter evidence 468 resistance 719 contrariety 14 counteraction 179 opposed contrariety 14 opposition 708 opposing contrariety 14 opposition 708 opposing evidence counter evidence 468 opposite contraposition 237 contrariety 14 inversion 218 opposite charges attract repulsion 289 opposite poles contraposition 237 opposite poles attract repulsion 289 opposite side contraposition 237 oppositeness contrariety 14 opposites counteraction 179 opposition contention 720 contraposition 237 counteraction 179 opponent 710 opposition 708 resistance 719 oppositionist opponent 710 oppress severity 739 badness 649 malevolence 907 oppressed with melancholy dejection 837 oppression badness 649 severity 739 subjection 749 oppression on the spirits dejection 837 oppressive badness 649 heat 382 painfulness 830 severity 739 oppressor evil 913 severity 739 opprobrious disrepute 874 opprobrium disrepute 874 oppugn opposition 708 oppugnancy opposition 708 resistance 719 oppugnation opposition 708 resistance 719 opsimathy teaching 537 opt for choice 609 optative desire 865 optic vision 441 optical vision 441 optical bench optical instruments 445 optical instruments optical instruments 445 optical media information 527 optics light 420 vision 441 optimacy nobility 875 optimates nobility 875 optime! approbation 931 optimism cheerfulness 836 hope 858 overestimation 482 optimist flatterer 935 hope 858 option choice 609 possession 777 will 600 option contract securities 799.b optional choice 609 will 600 optionally choice 609 options securities 799.b optometrist remedy 662 opulence wealth 803 opulent wealth 803 opus music 415 production 161 opuscule book 593 or orange 439 yellowness 436 or at the option of choice 609 oracle answer 462 oracle 513 prediction 511 sage 500 oracular intelligence, wisdom 498 uncertainty 475 prediction 511 oral speech 582 voice 580 oral communication conversation 588 speech 582 oral evidence evidence 467 orally speech 582 orange orange 439 orange-colored orange 439 orangery agriculture 371 oration speech 582 orator speech 582 oratorical speech 582 oratorio music 415 oratory speech 582 temple 1000 oratress speech 582 oratrix speech 582 orb business 625 circularity 247 luminary 423 region 181 orb of day luminary 423 world 318 orb of night world 318 orbicular circularity 247 orbit method 627 world 318 interment 363 height 206 circularity 247 navigation 267 orbital mechanics navigation 267 orbiting navigation 267 orbs vision 441 orc demon 980 orchard agriculture 371 orchestra drama 599 music 415 musical instruments 417 orchestral waits musician 416 orchestrina musical instruments 417 orchiotomy impotence 158 orchotomy impotence 158 ordain dueness 924 churchdom 995 legality 963 deity 976 command 741 commission 755 ordained clergy 996 dueness 924 ordeal experiment 463 pain 828 sorcery 992 ordeal of battle warfare 722 order order 58 title 877 requirement 630 repute 873 precept 697 money 800 direction 693 command 741 class 75 nobility 875 order of succession sequence 63 order of the day command 741 eventuality 151 habit 613 plan 626 order of things conformity 82 orderless disorder 59 orderly conformity 82 order 58 servant 746 arrangement 60 ordinance command 741 legality 963 rite 998 ordinary habit 613 unimportance 643 imperfection 651 simplicity 849 ugliness 846 food 298 expectance 871 conformity 82 frequency 136 ordinary condition conformity 82 ordinary course of things habit 613 ordinary run of things habit 613 ordinary state conformity 82 ordinary state of things habit 613 ordinate and abscissa measurement 466 ordination rite 998 churchdom 995 command 741 commission 755 ordnance arms 727 ordonnance legality 963 Ordovician oldness 124 ordure uncleanness 653 ore materials 635 oread Jupiter 979 oregano condiment 393 organ instrument 633 musical instruments 417 voice 580 organ of thought intellect 450 organ of vision vision 441 organic texture 329 organization 357 state 7 organic chemistry organization 357 organic remains corpse 362 organization 357 organism arrangement 60 organization 357 texture 329 organist musician 416 organization arrangement 60 organization 357 plan 626 production 161 texture 329 organize plan 626 production 161 arrangement 60 continuity 69 organized organization 357 organized crime thief 792 organized hypocrisy falsehood 544 organized nature organization 357 organized world organization 357 organizing conception idea 453 organography texture 329 orgasm violence 173 sexuality 374.a orgasmatic violence 173 orgasmic violence 173 orgastic violence 173 orgies intemperance 954 oriel receptacle 191 opening 260 angularity 244 orient laterality 236 light 420 oriental jewelry 847.a laterality 236 oriental topaz jewelry 847.a orientate laterality 236 orientation laterality 236 orifice beginning 66 opening 260 oriflamb indication 550 oriflamme indication 550 Origenism heterodoxy 984 origin beginning 66 cause 153 original cause 153 dissimilarity 18 imagination 515 laughingstock 857 nonimitation 20 prototype 22 speciality 79 unconformity 83 will 600 original idea supposition 514 originality imagination 515 will 600 unconformity 83 dissimilarity 18 nonimitation 20 originate beginning 66 cause 153 imagination 515 will 600 originate from effect 154 originate in effect 154 origination cause 153 originator producer 164 Orion's belt world 318 orismological nomenclature 564 orismology nomenclature 564 orison request 765 worship 990 ormolu covering 223 deception 545 ornament 847 Ormuzd Jupiter 979 ornament ornament 577 ornament 847 repute 873 ornamental beauty 845 ornament 847 ornamental art ornament 847 painting 556 ornamental garden agriculture 371 ornamentation ornament 847 ornamented ornament 847 ornate ornament 577 ornament 847 ornateness ornament 847 ornature ornament 847 Orniscopy prediction 511 ornithology zoology 368 Ornithomancy prediction 511 orotund ornament 577 orotundity ornament 577 orphan infant 129 Orpheus musician 416 orpiment yellowness 436 orrery world 318 orthodox truth 494 conformity 82 orthodoxy 983.a orthodox dissenter heterodoxy 984 orthodoxy orthodoxy 983.a truth 494 orthoepy voice 580 orthogonal perpendicularity 216.a verticality 212 orthogonality perpendicularity 216.a orthograph letter 561 orthology truth 494 orthometry poetry 597 measurement 466 orthopedics remedy 662 orthopedy remedy 662 orthopraxy remedy 662 orts inutility 645 remainder 40 oryctography inorganization 358 oryctology inorganization 358 zoology 368 oscillate changeableness 149 oscillation 314 oscillate between changeableness 149 oscillating oscillation 314 oscillation regularity of recurrence 138 oscillation 314 oscillatory oscillation 314 oscitancy opening 260 inactivity 683 oscitant opening 260 oscitation inactivity 683 osculate contiguity 199 osculation contiguity 199 endearment 902 osculatory contiguity 199 Osiris Jupiter 979 Osmanli heterodoxy 984 Ossa on Pelion gravity 319 osseous hardness 323 ossific hardness 323 ossification hardness 323 ossify hardness 323 ossuary interment 363 ostensible appearance 448 manifestation 525 probability 472 ostensible ground pretext 617 ostensible motive pretext 617 ostensible reason pretext 617 ostensibly appearance 448 pretext 617 ostentation ostentation 882 vanity 880 ostentatious vanity 880 ostentation 882 osteology texture 329 osteopath remedy 662 osteopathist remedy 662 osteopathy remedy 662 ostiary gulf, lake 343 opening 260 stopper 263 ostium opening 260 ostler servant 746 ostracism disapprobation 932 punishment 972 seclusion, exclusion 893 ostracize seclusion, exclusion 893 disapprobation 932 punishment 972 ostrich velocity 274 otalgia physical pain 378 other difference 15 other side of the coin counter evidence 468 other side of the shield counter evidence 468 rear 235 other time different time 119 otherwise dissimilarity 18 other-worldly probity 939 otiose inactivity 683 otiosity inactivity 683 otologist hearing 418 otology hearing 418 otorhinolaryngologist hearing 418 otorhinolaryngology hearing 418 ottar fragrance 400 otter hound animal 366 otto fragrance 400 ottoman support 215 oubliette ambush 530 prison 752 ough! disrepute 874 ounce gravity 319 ouphe demon 980 Our Lady piety 987 our times the present time 118 our withers are unwrung strength 159 ourselves mankind 372 oust taking 789 abrogation 756 ejection 297 out bisection 91 error 495 exteriority 220 out and out completeness 52 out at elbows disrepute 874 divestment 226 poverty 804 out at heels poverty 804 out bid barter 794 out face insolence 885 out goings expenditure 809 out Herod violence 173 out in front precession 280 out in one's reckoning error 495 out lay expenditure 809 out maneuver deception 545 out of insufficiency 640 motive 615 out of a situation displacement 185 out of action deterioration 659 out of all proportion greatness 31 out of breath fatigue 688 out of cash poverty 804 out of character disagreement 24 out of commission deterioration 659 out of conceit with dislike 867 out of countenance modesty 881 humility 879 disrepute 874 out of danger safety 664 out of date anachronism 115 oldness 124 untimeliness 135 out of debt payment 807 wealth 803 out of depth shortcoming 304 out of doors exteriority 220 out of earshot inaudibly faintness 405 out of employ inaction 681 out of fashion oldness 124 disrepute 874 out of favor dislike 867 disrepute 874 out of focus invisibility 447 out of gear disorder 59 impotence 158 nonpreparation 674 out of hand completion 729 earliness 132 out of harm's way safety 664 out of harness freedom 748 liberation 750 out of health disease 655 out of hearing distance 196 deafness 419 out of heart dejection 837 out of humor dejection 837 discontent 832 pain 828 sullenness 901.a out of it oldness 124 out of its element disagreement 24 displacement 185 out of joint disagreement 24 disorder 59 evil 619 impotence 158 out of keeping unconformity 83 disagreement 24 out of luck adversity 735 out of measure redundancy 641 out of mere caprice absence of motive 615.a out of mind distance 196 memory 505 neglect 460 oblivion 506 out of money poverty 804 out of one's depth depth 208 difficulty 704 out of one's element unconformity 83 out of one's mind insanity 503 out of one's power impossibility 471 out of one's reckoning inexpectation 508 failure 732 disappointment 509 uncertainty 475 out of one's senses insanity 503 out of one's skull insanity 503 out of one's teens adolescence 131 out of one's wits excitation 824 insanity 503 out of one's won head will 600 out of order disorder 59 imperfection 651 nonpreparation 674 unconformity 83 out of place disorder 59 unconformity 83 displacement 185 disagreement 24 inexpedience 647 out of pocket debt 806 loss 776 poverty 804 out of practice unskillfulness 699 out of print obliteration 552 out of proportion disagreement 24 out of reach distance 196 impossibility 471 out of repair deterioration 659 out of repute disrepute 874 out of season untimeliness 135 disagreement 24 out of shape distortion 243 out of sight distance 196 improbability 473 invisibility 447 memory 505 neglect 460 out of sorts dejection 837 disease 655 disorder 59 sullenness 901.a out of spirits dejection 837 out of temper discontent 832 sullenness 901.a out of the beaten track unconformity 83 out of the common unconformity 83 out of the common run unconformity 83 out of the meshes safety 664 out of the ordinary unconformity 83 out of the pale of unconformity 83 out of the question dissent 489 hopelessness 859 impossibility 471 refusal 764 rejection 610 undueness 925 out of the sphere of distance 196 out of the way ridiculousness 853 seclusion, exclusion 893 distance 196 unconformity 83 irrelation 10 out of the woods safety 664 out of the world death 360 seclusion, exclusion 893 out of tune deterioration 659 disagreement 24 discord 414 discord 713 imperfection 651 unconformity 83 out of work inaction 681 out on you! disapprobation 932 out through egress 295 out upon disapprobation 932 out upon! malediction 908 out weigh influence 175 out wit deception 545 out with it! disclosure 529 obliteration 552 out with! malediction 908 outbalance compensation 30 superiority 33 outbrave insolence 885 outbrazen insolence 885 outbreak beginning 66 excitability 825 violence 173 egress 295 attack 716 disobedience 742 discord 713 outburst egress 295 excitability 825 violence 173 outcast bad man 949 seclusion, exclusion 893 unconformity 83 outcast of society commonality 876 outcome acquisition 775 egress 295 outcry disapprobation 932 lamentation 839 cry 411 sale 796 outdo activity 682 success 731 superiority 33 transcursion 303 outdoor exteriority 220 outer bar lawyer 968 outer most exteriority 220 outfit clothing 225 preparation 673 outflank laterality 236 success 731 outgate egress 295 outgeneral success 731 outgo transcursion 303 outgoing egress 295 outgrow expansion 194 outgrowth effect 154 sequel 65 out-Herod superiority 33 out-Herod Herod exaggeration 549 outhouse receptacle 191 outing journey 266 outjump repute 873 transcursion 303 outlandish ridiculousness 853 unconformity 83 irrelation 10 vulgarity 851 outlast diuturnity 110 outlaw bad man 949 illegality 964 prohibition 761 seclusion, exclusion 893 unconformity 83 outlawry illegality 964 outleap transcursion 303 outlet egress 295 opening 260 outline painting 556 representation 554 outline 230 list 86 appearance 448 plan 626 outlines beginning 66 compendium 596 outlive diuturnity 110 permanence 141 outlook appearance 448 insolence 885 outlying exteriority 220 remainder 40 outmaneuver success 731 outmarch velocity 274 outnumber multitude 102 outpost front 234 circumjacence 227 distance 196 outpour egress 295 outpouring egress 295 excretion 299 information 527 sufficiency 639 output acquisition 775 egress 295 outrage guilt 947 violence 173 resentment 900 evil 619 disrespect 929 deterioration 659 badness 649 malevolence 907 outrageous disrepute 874 greatness 31 violence 173 outrank superiority 33 outre ridiculousness 853 outreach deception 545 outreckon overestimation 482 outride transcursion 303 outrider precursor 64 outrigger ship 273 support 215 outright completeness 52 outrival repute 873 superiority 33 transcursion 303 outrun transcursion 303 outrun the constable debt 806 prodigality 818 outscourings uncleanness 653 outset beginning 66 departure 293 outshine disrepute 874 repute 873 superiority 33 outside appearance 448 exteriority 220 outside car vehicle 272 outside the ballpark error 495 outsider extraneousness 57 outskirt distance 196 outskirts circumjacence 227 outspan arrival 292 outspeak speech 582 outspoken artlessness 703 speech 582 veracity 543 outspread breadth, thickness 202 outstanding exteriority 220 remainder 40 debt 806 outstanding accounts accounts 811 outstare insolence 885 outstep transcursion 303 outstretched breadth, thickness 202 length 200 outstrip precession 280 superiority 33 transcursion 303 velocity 274 outstrip the wind velocity 274 outtalk loquacity 584 outtasight improbability 473 outvie contention 720 repute 873 outvote success 731 outward exteriority 220 extrinsicality 6 outward bound departure 293 outwards exteriority 220 outweigh superiority 33 outwit success 731 outwork defense 717 oval circularity 247 ovary organization 357 ovate circularity 247 ovation celebration 883 oven furnace 386 oven dry dryness 340 over end 67 exteriority 220 height 206 redundancy 641 remainder 40 superiority 33 the past 122 contraposition 237 over again duplication 90 repetition 104 over against contraposition 237 over and above remainder 40 superiority 33 addition 37 redundancy 641 over and over repetition 104 over and over again repetition 104 over confident credulity 486 over hanging destiny 152 over head and ears completeness 52 depth 208 feeling 821 height 206 redundancy 641 over night the past 122 over one's head in debt debt 806 over sea on one's travels extraneousness 57 over set inversion 218 over spread presence 186 over the border distance 196 over the left deception 545 over the mark superiority 33 over the most of exaggeration 549 over the way contraposition 237 over trustful credulity 486 over turn inversion 218 over weigh influence 175 overabound redundancy 641 overact activity 682 affectation 855 overacted affectation 855 overalls clothing 225 overanxiety desire 865 overarch covering 223 overawe authority 737 fear 860 respect 928 overbalance compensation 30 superiority 33 overbalanced inequality 28 over-bear influence 175 overbearance insolence 885 overbearing insolence 885 overborne failure 732 subjection 749 overburden badness 649 fatigue 688 redundancy 641 overcast bubble; cloud 353 darkness 421 dimness 422 overcautious caution 864 overcharge dearness 814 exaggeration 549 ornament 577 redundancy 641 overcharged redundancy 641 overcoat clothing 225 overcolor exaggeration 549 overcome disrepute 874 success 731 dejection 837 motive 615 drunkenness 959 overcome a difficulty success 731 overconfidence rashness 863 overconfident rashness 863 over-credulous credulity 486 overcritical fastidiousness 868 overcurious curiosity 455 overdate anachronism 115 overdistension expansion 194 overdo redundancy 641 activity 682 affectation 855 overdone affectation 855 overdose redundancy 641 overdraw exaggeration 549 misrepresentation 555 prodigality 818 overdrawn account nonpayment 808 overdue anachronism 115 overeager greed 817.a overeat oneself gluttony 957 overestimate exaggeration 549 flattery 933 misjudgment 481 overestimation 482 overestimated overestimation 482 overestimation overestimation 482 misjudgment 481 aggravation 835 overfatigued fatigue 688 overfed gluttony 957 overfeed redundancy 641 overflow redundancy 641 river 348 overflow with gratitude gratitude 916 overflowing redundancy 641 overgo transcursion 303 overgorge gluttony 957 overgorged gluttony 957 satiety 869 overgrown expansion 194 greatness 31 size 192 overgrowth expansion 194 overhang height 206 overhanging height 206 pendency 214 overhasty irascibility 901 overhaul attention 457 disapprobation 932 inquiry 461 numeration 85 overhead height 206 overhear information 527 hearing 418 overjoyed pleasure 827 overjump transcursion 303 overlaid covering 223 overlap clothing 225 transcursion 303 overlay activity 682 covering 223 exaggeration 549 redundancy 641 overlay with ornament ornament 577 overleap transcursion 303 overliberal prodigality 818 overlie covering 223 overload hindrance 706 redundancy 641 overlook disrespect 929 forgiveness 918 inattention 458 neglect 460 direction 693 overlook a distinction indiscrimination 465.a overlooker director 694 overlying height 206 overmaster success 731 overmatch superiority 33 inequality 28 strength 159 success 731 overmeasure redundancy 641 overmodest modesty 881 overmuch redundancy 641 overnight mail messenger 534 overofficious activity 682 overornamented vulgarity 851 overpaid liberality 816 overpass superiority 33 transcursion 303 overpersuade motive 615 overplus redundancy 641 remainder 40 overpoise counteraction 179 overpower excitation 824 success 731 overpowering strength 159 excitation 824 overpraise exaggeration 549 flattery 933 overestimation 482 overpriced dearness 814 overprize overestimation 482 overrate overestimation 482 overreach cunning 702 deception 545 success 731 transcursion 303 overreckon overestimation 482 overrefined intuition 477 overrefinement intuition 477 over-religious asceticism 955 override abrogation 756 authority 737 hindrance 706 severity 739 success 731 superiority 33 transcursion 303 over-ride influence 175 overrighteous impiety 988 overrule abrogation 756 authority 737 overruling government 737.a importance 642 overrun expansion 194 presence 186 printing 591 redundancy 641 deterioration 659 overscrupulous probity 939 overseer director 694 oversensitive overestimation 482 sensibility 822 overset depression 308 success 731 overshadow repute 873 disrepute 874 darkness 421 overshoot the mark exaggeration 549 redundancy 641 transcursion 303 unskillfulness 699 activity 682 oversight direction 693 error 495 failure 732 inattention 458 neglect 460 overskip transcursion 303 oversleep inactivity 683 overspent fatigue 688 overspread covering 223 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 overstate exaggeration 549 overstep transcursion 303 overstock redundancy 641 overstrain fatigue 688 overestimation 482 oversupply redundancy 641 overt manifestation 525 overt act action 680 overtake arrival 292 overtaken drunkenness 959 overtask fatigue 688 misuse 679 overtax fatigue 688 misuse 679 over-the-counter market stock market 799.a overthrow confutation 479 depression 308 destruction 162 failure 732 success 731 overthwart opposition 708 overtired fatigue 688 overtone resonance 408 overtop height 206 summit 210 over-top superiority 33 overture music 415 request 765 offer 763 precursor 64 overturn depression 308 destruction 162 inversion 218 overvalue overestimation 482 overweening insolence 885 pride 878 rashness 863 redundancy 641 vanity 880 overweigh overestimation 482 superiority 33 overwhelm destruction 162 redundancy 641 excitation 824 overwhelmed failure 732 subjection 749 overwhelming excitation 824 strength 159 wonder 870 overwise vanity 880 overwork fatigue 688 overwork: squander misuse 679 overwrought affectation 855 exaggeration 549 excitation 824 overzealous excitability 825 oviform rotundity 249 ovoid rotundity 249 ovule circularity 247 ovum organization 357 owe debt 806 owe a grudge hate 898 owe to it oneself duty 926 owing debt 806 owing nothing payment 807 owing to attribution 155 effect 154 owl fool 501 owl's light dimness 422 own property 780 possession 777 disclosure 529 assent 488 own correspondent messenger 534 consignee 758 own oneself in the wrong penitence 950 own up to disclosure 529 owner possessor 779 ownership possession 777 property 780 ox animal 366 man 373 Oxford School heterodoxy 984 oxgoad arms 727 oxidation deterioration 659 improvement 658 organization 357 oxreim connection 45 oxygen life 359 oxygon angularity 244 oxygonal angularity 244 oxymoron unintelligibility 519 Oyez! attention 457 hearing 418 publication 531 oyster food 298 P p.m evening 126 pabulum materiality 316 food 298 PAC politics 737.b Pacatolus wealth 803 pace journey 266 motion 264 permission 760 pace step measurement 466 pace up and down journey 266 pachydermatous insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 pacific moderation 174 peace 721 pacification moderation 174 pacification 723 pacified pacification 723 pacify moderation 174 pacification 723 pack arrangement 60 assemblage 72 contraction 195 hindrance 706 location 184 preparation 673 pack horse carrier 271 pack of nonsense unimportance 643 pack off departure 293 ejection 297 pack saddle support 215 pack up circumscription 229 package assemblage 72 location 184 packer preparation 673 packet assemblage 72 ship 273 packing location 184 packthread filament 205 pact compact 769 paction compact 769 pad abode 189 carrier 271 expansion 194 lining 224 padding softness 324 stopper 263 lining 224 paddle journey 266 navigation 267 instrument 633 paddle one's own canoe conduct 692 freedom 748 paddock inclosure 232 paddy pulverulence 330 padishah master 745 padlock connection 45 prison 752 padre clergy 996 padrone master 745 paean celebration 883 worship 990 approbation 931 rejoicing 838 gratitude 916 pagan heterodoxy 984 paganism heterodoxy 984 page book 593 numeration 85 printing 591 servant 746 pageant appearance 448 ostentation 882 pageantry appearance 448 ostentation 882 pagination numeration 85 pagoda temple 1000 pagri clothing 225 pah defense 717 paid payment 807 pail receptacle 191 paillard libertine 962 paillasse support 215 pain badness 649 pain 828 painfulness 830 penalty 974 physical pain 378 pained pain 828 physical pain 378 painful painfulness 830 physical pain 378 painfully greatness 31 painfulness 830 painfulness badness 649 bane 663 evil 619 painfulness 830 painim heterodoxy 984 pain-killer remedy 662 painless pleasure 827 pains exertion 686 pains and penalties penalty 974 painstaking activity 682 exertion 686 paint color 428 representation 554 painting 556 ornament 847 covering 223 deception 545 paint in its true colors veracity 543 paint in oils painting 556 paint the town red amusement 840 painted painting 556 painted sepulcher deception 545 painter artist 559 connection 45 painting representation 554 painting 556 pair similarity 17 duality 89 amusement 840 pair oar ship 273 pair of turtledoves love 897 pair off marriage 903 mean 29 pairs amusement 840 Paixhan gun arms 727 pajamas clothing 225 paktong deception 545 pal auxiliary 711 friend 890 palace abode 189 Paladin combatant 726 defense 717 palaestra school 542 palaetiology the past 122 palaetiology1 attribution 155 palang support 215 palankeen vehicle 272 palanquin vehicle 272 palatable pleasurableness 829 savoriness 394 taste 390 palate taste 390 palatial abode 189 ostentation 882 palatine master 745 Palatine court tribunal 966 palaver conversation 588 council 696 loquacity 584 speech 582 unmeaningness 517 pale achromatism 429 dimness 422 fear 860 inclosure 232 limit 233 region 181 pale as a corpse achromatism 429 pale as a ghost achromatism 429 fear 860 pale as a witch achromatism 429 pale as ashes achromatism 429 fear 860 pale as death achromatism 429 fear 860 pale its ineffectual fire dimness 422 pale of the church churchdom 995 palefaced achromatism 429 paleness achromatism 429 dimness 422 paleo- the past 122 paleoanthropic oldness 124 paleoanthropological oldness 124 paleobotany the past 122 Paleocene oldness 124 paleoclimatoogy the past 122 paleocrystic oldness 124 paleoecology the past 122 Paleogene oldness 124 paleogeography the past 122 paleography interpretation 522 language 560 the past 122 paleolithic oldness 124 paleology language 560 the past 122 word 562 paleolontological oldness 124 paleontologic oldness 124 paleontology zoology 368 the past 122 paleozoic oldness 124 paleozoolical oldness 124 paleozoology the past 122 palestra arena 728 palestric contention 720 exertion 686 palestrical contention 720 paletot clothing 225 palette painting 556 palfrey carrier 271 palimony receipt 810 palimpsest substitution 147 palindrome neologism 563 inversion 218 paling defense 717 inclosure 232 prison 752 palingenesis reproduction 163 restoration 660 palinode tergiversation 607 poetry 597 palinody tergiversation 607 palisade prison 752 defense 717 palki vehicle 272 pall satiety 869 weariness 841 unsavoriness 395 canonicals 999 scepter 747 physical insensibility 376 interment 363 clothing 225 dislike 867 palladium safety 664 pallet carrier 271 painting 556 support 215 palliament clothing 225 palliate improvement 658 vindication 937 remedy 662 relief 834 palliation relief 834 vindication 937 palliative moderation 174 relief 834 remedy 662 vindication 937 pallid achromatism 429 pallidity achromatism 429 pallidness achromatism 429 pallium canonicals 999 pall-mall amusement 840 pallone amusement 840 pallor achromatism 429 palm stealing 791 title 877 trophy 733 length 200 palm off deception 545 palm off on deception 545 palm upon deception 545 palmated notch 257 palmer clergy 996 traveler 268 palmiped crossing 219 Palmistry prediction 511 palmy cheerfulness 836 prosperity 734 pleasurableness 829 palmy days pleasure 827 prosperity 734 palpability touch 379 palpable manifestation 525 materiality 316 touch 379 visibility 446 palpable obscure darkness 421 palpation touch 379 palpitate agitation 315 feeling 821 palpitation agitation 315 fear 860 feeling 821 palpus touch 379 palsgrave nobility 875 palsied disease 655 impotence 158 physical insensibility 376 weakness 160 palsy disease 655 impotence 158 insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 palsy-stricken insensibility 823 palter irresolution 605 nonobservance 773 falsehood 544 paltering equivocalness 520 paltriness unimportance 643 paltry improbity 940 smallness 32 unimportance 643 paludal marsh 345 pampas plain 344 pamper gluttony 957 intemperance 954 pampered gluttony 957 intemperance 954 pamphlet book 593 pamphleteer dissertation 595 pan receptacle 191 panacea remedy 662 panache ornament 847 roughness 256 Pan-American generality 78 pancake food 298 panchement endearment 902 manifestation 525 pandar libertine 962 pandar to flattery 933 Pandean pipes musical instruments 417 pandect legality 963 compendium 596 dissertation 595 knowledge 490 pandemic disease 655 Pandemonium hell 982 pander libertine 962 pander to aid 707 flattery 933 instrumentality 631 pandiculation expansion 194 inactivity 683 opening 260 Pandora's box evil 619 Pandoz combatant 726 paned variegation 440 panegyric approbation 931 panegyrical approbation 931 panegyrize approbation 931 overestimation 482 panel accusation 938 interposition 228 list 86 panel house deception 545 paneling ornament 847 pang pain 828 physical pain 378 Pan-Germanic generality 78 Pangloss scholar 492 pangs of conscience penitence 950 panhandler petitioner 767 commonality 876 panharmonic generality 78 Pan-Hellenic generality 78 pani water 337 panic fear 860 panic-stricken fear 860 panier clothing 225 pannel support 215 pannier receptacle 191 panoplied defense 717 safety 664 panoply arms 727 defense 717 panopticon prison 752 panorama appearance 448 painting 556 panoramic visibility 446 pansophy knowledge 490 pant fatigue 688 feeling 821 heat 382 pant for desire 865 pantaloon drama 599 humorist 844 veteran 130 pantaloons clothing 225 pantheist heterodoxy 984 pantheistic heterodoxy 984 pantheon temple 1000 Jupiter 979 panther courage 861 panties clothing 225 pantile conduit 350 covering 223 panting feeling 821 pantisocracy government 737.a nobility 875 pantologist proficient 700 scholar 492 pantology knowledge 490 pantometer measurement 466 pantomime drama 599 indication 550 language 560 pantomimic indication 550 pantomimist laughingstock 857 drama 599 pantophagous food 298 pantophagy gluttony 957 pantry receptacle 191 pants clothing 225 pants suit clothing 225 panurgy skill 698 pap convexity 250 pulpiness 354 Papa clergy 996 paternity 166 papacy heterodoxy 984 papal churchdom 995 paper writing 590 whiteness 430 book 593 covering 223 security 771 paper credit credit 805 paper cutter sharpness 253 paper medium information 527 paper money money 800 paper pellet unimportance 643 paper tiger impotence 158 paper war contention 720 reasoning 476 paper-thin narrowness, thinness 203 Paphian impurity 961 intemperance 954 papier-mache sculpture 557 papilionaceous symmetry 242 papilla convexity 250 papillose convexity 250 papillote roughness 256 papilose convexity 250 papism heterodoxy 984 papist heterodoxy 984 papistry heterodoxy 984 papoose infant 129 pappiloma convexity 250 pappose roughness 256 pappous roughness 256 paprika condiment 393 papula convexity 250 papule convexity 250 papulous convexity 250 papyrus writing 590 par equality 27 par excellence importance 642 superiority 33 par value value 812.a parable description 594 metaphor 521 teaching 537 parabola curvature 245 parabolic curvature 245 metaphor 521 paraboloid curvature 245 paracentesis ejection 297 parachronism anachronism 115 parachute navigation 267 refuge 666 ship 273 parachutist mariner 269 Paraclete deity 976 paracme sequence 63 parade abode 189 ostentation 882 paradigm prototype 22 Paradise heaven 981 pleasure 827 paradisiacal heaven 981 paradox absurdity 497 difficulty 704 secret 533 unintelligibility 519 paradoxical uncertainty 475 unintelligibility 519 paraesthesia physical insensibility 376 paraffin calefaction 384 oil 356 physical inertness 172 paraffin oil fuel 388 paraffin wax fuel 388 paragon repute 873 good man 948 perfection 650 paragram equivocalness 520 neologism 563 paragraph book 593 information 527 part 51 phrase 566 paraleipsis neglect 460 paralepsis neglect 460 paralipsis neglect 460 parallax distance 196 parallel imitation 19 symmetry 242 similarity 17 comparison 464 parallelism 216 parallelism agreement 23 parallelism 216 similarity 17 symmetry 242 parallelogram angularity 244 parallelopiped angularity 244 paralogism intuition 477 paralogize intuition 477 paralogy intuition 477 paralysis impotence 158 insensibility 823 disease 655 physical insensibility 376 paralytic disease 655 impotence 158 physical insensibility 376 paralyze impotence 158 insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 paralyzed impotence 158 paramount authority 737 importance 642 superiority 33 paramount estate property 780 paramour love 897 paranoia insanity 503 paranomasia neologism 563 parapet defense 717 paraph indication 550 paraphernalia instrument 633 property 780 paraphrase copy 21 imitation 19 interpretation 522 phrase 566 paraphrast interpreter 524 paraphrastic imitation 19 interpretation 522 parasite servant 746 servility 886 flatterer 935 parasitic taking 789 parasitical servility 886 subjection 749 parasol covering 223 shade 424 paratrooper mariner 269 parboil calefaction 384 noncompletion 730 parboiled noncompletion 730 parbuckle instrument 633 Parcae necessity 601 parcel region 181 assemblage 72 part 51 parcel out arrangement 60 apportionment 786 parcels property 780 parch calefaction 384 dryness 340 heat 382 parched with thirst desire 865 parchment security 771 writing 590 parcity parsimony 819 pardon acquittal 970 forgiveness 918 pardon me dissent 489 pardonable vindication 937 pare divestment 226 layer 204 nonaddition, subtraction 38 contraction 195 pare down shortness 201 paregoric remedy 662 parenchyma materiality 316 texture 329 parent paternity 166 parentage consanguinity 11 paternity 166 parental paternity 166 parental love love 897 parentheses indication 550 parenthesis discontinuity 70 interposition 228 interval 198 inversion 218 parenthetical interposition 228 irrelation 10 parenthetically interposition 228 irrelation 10 occasion 134 parget covering 223 pargeting ornament 847 parhelion luminary 423 Pariah commonality 876 seclusion, exclusion 893 parian sculpture 557 parietal laterality 236 paring smallness 32 paring knife sharpness 253 parish abode 189 government 737.a parishioner laity 997 paritor jurisdiction 965 parity equality 27 similarity 17 park arms 727 vegetable 367 plain 344 agriculture 371 abode 189 amusement 840 park paling inclosure 232 parlance speech 582 parley conversation 588 mediation 724 parliament council 696 government 737.a parliamentary council 696 parliamentary funds treasury 802 parliamentary securities treasury 802 parliamentary stocks treasury 802 parliamentary train vehicle 272 parlor receptacle 191 parlor car vehicle 272 parlor maid servant 746 parlous danger 665 Parnassus poetry 597 parochial region 181 parody copy 21 imitation 19 misinterpretation 523 misrepresentation 555 ridicule 856 parole promise 768 security 771 speech 582 Parolles blusterer 887 paronomasia ornament 577 paronymous word 562 paroxysm excitability 825 resentment 900 violence 173 parquet drama 599 parquetry variegation 440 parricide killing 361 parrot imitation 19 loquacity 584 Parrott gun arms 727 parry avoidance 623 confutation 479 defense 717 parse inquiry 461 grammar 567 parsec length 200 Parsee heterodoxy 984 parsimonious economy 817 parsimony 819 parsimoniousness parsimony 819 parsimony economy 817 parsimony 819 parsley condiment 393 parson clergy 996 parsonage temple 1000 part duty 926 melody concord 413 business 625 fraction 100.a part 51 disjunction 44 book 593 divergence 291 drama 599 part and parcel component 56 part by part part 51 part company avoidance 623 disjunction 44 part company with discord 713 part of speech word 562 part song music 415 part with giving 784 relinquishment 782 partake participation 778 partake of communion rite 998 partake of the sacrament rite 998 partaking participation 778 parterre agriculture 371 horizontality 213 parthenogenesis production 161 Parthis mendacior falsehood 544 partial inequality 28 misjudgment 481 part 51 speciality 79 wrong 923 partial conceptions misjudgment 481 partial eclipse dimness 422 partial ideas misjudgment 481 partial notions misjudgment 481 partial shadow dimness 422 partial to desire 865 partial vacuum gaseity 334 partial views misjudgment 481 partiality desire 865 inequality 28 misjudgment 481 superiority 33 wrong 923 partially part 51 smallness 32 partibility disjunction 44 partible disjunction 44 participate conduct 692 cooperation 709 participation 778 participate in action 680 participation cooperation 709 participation 778 participative cooperation 709 participator participation 778 participator in agent 690 particle part 51 pulverulence 330 smallness 32 particular part 51 vulgarity 851 truth 494 speciality 79 eventuality 151 fastidiousness 868 caprice 608 care 459 particular estate property 780 particularity attention 457 speciality 79 particularization class 75 particularize description 594 speciality 79 particularly superiority 33 greatness 31 speciality 79 particulars description 594 speciality 79 parting disjunction 44 partisan arms 727 auxiliary 711 combatant 726 friend 890 pity 914 politics 737.b partisanship wrong 923 cooperation 709 misjudgment 481 politics 737.b partition part 51 interposition 228 apportionment 786 partlet animal 366 partly part 51 partner accompaniment 88 auxiliary 711 friend 890 marriage 903 participation 778 partnership participation 778 party 712 concurrence 178 accompaniment 88 parts intelligence, wisdom 498 skill 698 intellect 450 parts of speech grammar 567 part-time student learner 541 parturient production 161 productiveness 168 parturition production 161 parturiunt montes failure 732 party politics 737.b sociality 892 speciality 79 mankind 372 assemblage 72 amusement 840 party 712 party crasher hindrance 706 party hack politics 737.b party line politics 737.b party pooper hindrance 706 party spirit cooperation 709 misjudgment 481 party 712 wrong 923 party to agent 690 party to a suit lawsuit 969 party wall interposition 228 party-colored variegation 440 parvenu commonality 876 newness 123 prosperity 734 vulgarity 851 parvitude littleness 193 parvity littleness 193 pas repute 873 term 71 pas by neglect 460 paschal regularity of recurrence 138 rite 998 pasha nobility 875 master 745 pashalic government 737.a pasigraphie language 560 pasigraphy language 560 writing 590 pasquinade detraction 934 pass teaching 537 narrowness, thinness 203 passage 302 permission 760 refusal 764 superiority 33 indication 550 the past 122 transcursion 303 transfer 783 state 7 motion 264 interval 198 giving 784 eventuality 151 disappearance 449 difficulty 704 course 109 circumstance 8 cheapness 815 attack 716 method 627 pass a law legality 963 pass ahead progression 282 pass an examination goodness 648 pass an opinion judgment 480 pass and repass oscillation 314 passage 302 pass away cessation 142 death 360 end 67 inexistence 2 the past 122 transientness 111 pass away like a cloud transientness 111 pass away like a dream transientness 111 pass away like a shadow transientness 111 pass away time time 106 pass book accounts 811 pass by course 109 disrespect 929 inattention 458 the past 122 contempt 930 pass censure on disapprobation 932 pass comprehension unintelligibility 519 pass credit promise 768 pass current belief 484 fashion 852 publication 531 pass forward progression 282 pass forwards progression 282 pass from mouth to mouth publication 531 pass in one's checks death 360 pass in review inquiry 461 pass in the mind thought 451 topic 454 pass into conversion 144 pass into one's hand receiving 785 pass judgment judgment 480 pass muster approbation 931 conformity 82 goodness 648 sufficiency 639 pass off eventuality 151 the past 122 pass off for falsehood 544 pass on progression 282 pass one's examination repute 873 pass one's honor promise 768 pass one's lips speech 582 pass one's time in business 625 pass one's word promise 768 pass out of egress 295 pass out of sight disappearance 449 pass over exclusion 55 exemption 927.a forgiveness 918 giving 784 neglect 460 passage 302 pass over to cooperation 709 pass sentence judgment 480 pass sentence on condemnation 971 pass the bottle drunkenness 959 pass the eyes over attention 457 pass the fingers over touch 379 pass the Rubicon beginning 66 choice 609 pass the time inaction 681 existence 1 pass through eventuality 151 passage 302 pass through 180 degrees circuition 311 pass through 360 degrees circuition 311 pass through one's hands business 625 pass through the press printing 591 pass time time 106 pass to change 140 pass troth promise 768 pass under review attention 457 judgment 480 pass under the name of nomenclature 564 passable beauty 845 imperfection 651 unimportance 643 passably smallness 32 passado attack 716 passage navigation 267 receptacle 191 passage 302 part 51 opening 260 conversion 144 transference 270 eventuality 151 melody concord 413 book 593 action 680 abode 189 method 627 passage of arms contention 720 passageway opening 260 passe age 128 deterioration 659 oldness 124 passed away the past 122 passenger traveler 268 passenger train vehicle 272 passe-partout opening 260 instrumentality 631 passer by spectator 444 passim nonassemblage, dispersion 73 place 182 situation 183 passing greatness 31 imperfection 651 passage 302 transientness 111 passing bell interment 363 passing strange wonder 870 passing word information 527 passion desire 865 excitability 825 excitation 824 feeling 821 love 897 pain 828 resentment 900 violence 173 affections 820 Passion week rite 998 passionate love 897 sexuality 374.a feeling 821 excitability 825 irascibility 901 passionless insensibility 823 passion-queller indifference 866 passive physical inertness 172 inaction 681 obedience 743 passiveness obedience 743 inaction 681 inexcitability 826 passivity physical inertness 172 passkey indication 550 instrumentality 631 Passover rite 998 pass-parole indication 550 passport permission 760 instrumentality 631 command 741 password answer 462 indication 550 instrumentality 631 opening 260 warfare 722 past the past 122 past bearing painfulness 830 past comprehension unintelligibility 519 past cure deterioration 659 hopelessness 859 past dispute certainty 474 past due anachronism 115 debt 806 past hope hopelessness 859 past master proficient 700 past mending hopelessness 859 past one's prime age 128 past performances discrimination 465 past praying for vice 945 past recall hopelessness 859 past recollection oblivion 506 past time the past 122 past work inutility 645 deterioration 659 paste ornament 847 deception 545 connection 45 coherence 46 pastel color 428 painting 556 Pasteur pipette receptacle 191 pasteurize preservation 670 pasticcio copy 21 mixture 41 pastil fragrance 400 pastille fragrance 400 pastime amusement 840 pastor clergy 996 teacher 540 pastoral husbandry 370 rite 998 music 415 churchdom 995 poetry 597 pastoral staff canonicals 999 pastorale music 415 pastry food 298 sweetness 396 pasturage food 298 plain 344 vegetable 367 pasture food 298 vegetable 367 pasty food 298 pat ship 273 impulse 276 endearment 902 agreement 23 pat on the back approbation 931 courage 861 motive 615 relief 834 pat on the cheek endearment 902 pat on the head endearment 902 pat on the shoulder motive 615 Patagonian height 206 patch smallness 32 blemish 848 region 181 patch up compromise 774 restoration 660 patchwork discontinuity 70 mixture 41 variegation 440 pate intellect 450 summit 210 patefaction opening 260 patella receptacle 191 patent property 780 manifestation 525 opening 260 permission 760 patera rite 998 receptacle 191 paterfamilias paternity 166 paternal benevolence 906 paternity 166 paternal domicile abode 189 paternal estate property 780 paternity paternity 166 woman 374 path ingress 294 passage 302 method 627 opening 260 egress 295 direction 278 conduct 692 escape 671 pathetic painfulness 830 pathless difficulty 704 space 180 closure 261 pathognomonic indication 550 pathology disease 655 pathos feeling 821 pathoscopic! affections 820 pathway method 627 patience inexcitability 826 perseverance 604.a amusement 840 patience of Job inexcitability 826 patience on a monument inexcitability 826 patience! inexcitability 826 patient disease 655 inexcitability 826 patient as Job inexcitability 826 patio receptacle 191 patois neologism 563 patriarch clergy 996 veteran 130 patriarchal paternity 166 age 128 oldness 124 patriarchs paternity 166 patrician nobility 875 patrimony property 780 patriot philanthropy 910 patriotic philanthropy 910 patriotism philanthropy 910 patrol journey 266 safety 664 warning 668 patrol torpedo boat combatant 726 patrolman safety 664 warning 668 patron pity 914 purchase 795 auxiliary 711 friend 890 patron saint angel 977 patronage aid 707 authority 737 influence 175 patronize aid 707 patronizing disrespect 929 patronymic nomenclature 564 patten clothing 225 patter ship 273 impulse 276 loquacity 584 roll 407 patterer speech 582 pattern good man 948 indication 550 normality 80 ornament 847 perfection 650 prototype 22 conformity 82 pattern-matching comparison 464 patulous expansion 194 pauciloquy taciturnity 585 paucity smallness 32 fewness 103 insufficiency 640 Paul Jones! thief 792 Paul Pry conversation 588 curiosity 455 paunch receptacle 191 pauper petitioner 767 poverty 804 pauperism poverty 804 pauperize poverty 804 pause quiescence 265 repose 687 lateness 133 inaction 681 discontinuity 70 cessation 142 unbelief doubt 485 irresolution 605 pave covering 223 pave the way facility 705 pavement covering 223 method 627 base 211 pavilion abode 189 paving base 211 pavior preparation 673 Pavlovian response absence of Intellect 450.a pavonine variegation 440 paw retention 781 touch 379 pawky cunning 702 pawl connection 45 pawn lending 787 security 771 pawn shop mart 799 pawnbroker lending 787 pawnshop lending 787 pay receipt 810 retaliation 718 purchase 795 punishment 972 giving 784 expenditure 809 reward 973 covering 223 acquisition 775 payment 807 pay a tribute approbation 931 pay a visit sociality 892 courtesy 894 pay as you go economy 817 pay at sight payment 807 pay attention hearing 418 respect 928 pay attention to attention 457 care 459 pay attentions to courtesy 894 pay back retaliation 718 pay by credit card payment 807 pay cash payment 807 pay costs payment 807 pay court to flattery 933 servility 886 pay heed to attention 457 pay homage worship 990 pay homage to respect 928 submission 725 pay honor to repute 873 pay in advance expenditure 809 payment 807 pay in full payment 807 pay in kind payment 807 pay in one's own coin retaliation 718 pay in the same coin retaliation 718 pay interest money 800 pay no attention to inattention 458 pay no regard to neglect 460 pay off retaliation 718 pay off old scores retaliation 718 pay old debts payment 807 pay on the nail payment 807 pay one's addresses to endearment 902 pay one's attentions to endearment 902 pay one's court to endearment 902 love 897 pay one's dues dueness 924 pay one's footing reward 973 payment 807 pay one's respects courtesy 894 pay one's shot payment 807 pay one's way economy 817 expenditure 809 payment 807 pay out punishment 972 pay ready money payment 807 pay regard to repute 873 pay respect respect 928 pay sauce for all payment 807 pay the debt to nature death 360 pay the ferryman's fee warfare 722 pay the forfeit atonement 952 pay the penalty atonement 952 pay the piper aid 707 payment 807 pay through the nose dearness 814 prodigality 818 pay too much dearness 814 pay top dollar dearness 814 pay tribute to respect 928 pay under protest nonpayment 808 pay up payment 807 payback retaliation 718 paydown payment 807 payer payment 807 paying payment 807 acquisition 775 paying guest inhabitant 188 paymaster treasurer 801 payment expenditure 809 payment 807 reward 973 Payne's gray gray 432 paynim heterodoxy 984 P-coat clothing 225 PCP intemperance 954 pea rotundity 249 pea green greenness 435 peace peace 721 quiescence 265 concord 714 silence 403 friendship 888 peace of mind content 831 inexcitability 826 peace offering mediation 724 pacification 723 giving 784 atonement 952 peace pipe peace 721 peace treaty peace 721 peaceable moderation 174 peace 721 peaceful peace 721 inexcitability 826 moderation 174 peacemaker concord 714 mediation 724 peach disclosure 529 peach-colored redness 434 peacock beauty 845 variegation 440 peak disease 655 height 206 summit 210 peak of achievement summit 210 peak of performance summit 210 peaked sharpness 253 peaks and troughs summit 210 peaks and valleys summit 210 peal loudness 404 roll 407 peal of applause approbation 931 peal of bells roll 407 peal of laughter amusement 840 peal of thunder prodigy 872 pear shape rotundity 249 pear shaped rotundity 249 curvature 245 pearl repute 873 goodness 648 jewelry 847.a pearl white whiteness 430 pearliness semitransparency 427 pearly color 428 whiteness 430 variegation 440 gray 432 semitransparency 427 pear-shaped circularity 247 peasant commonality 876 peat fuel 388 pebble hardness 323 littleness 193 peccability vice 945 peccable guilt 947 peccadillo guilt 947 peccancy badness 649 imperfection 651 peccant badness 649 uncleanness 653 disease 655 imperfection 651 peccant humor disease 655 uncleanness 653 peccary fetor 401 peccavi penitence 950 peck food 298 greatness 31 multitude 102 peck at disapprobation 932 peck of troubles pain 828 adversity 735 difficulty 704 peckish desire 865 Pecksniff deceiver 548 pectinated sharpness 253 peculate stealing 791 peculation stealing 791 peculator thief 792 peculiar speciality 79 unconformity 83 peculiarities intrinsicality 5 peculiarity speciality 79 unconformity 83 peculiarly greatness 31 superiority 33 pecuniary money 800 pecunious wealth 803 pedagogue scholar 492 teacher 540 affectation 855 pedal instrument 633 pedant affectation 855 ignoramus 493 scholar 492 pedantic affectation 855 ignorance 491 ornament 577 pedantry misjudgment 481 affectation 855 ignorance 491 peddle inactivity 683 peddler's French neologism 563 peddling parsimony 819 unimportance 643 pederasty sexuality 374.a pederero arms 727 pedestal support 215 pedestrian dullness 843 traveler 268 pedestrian mall mart 799 pediatrics remedy 662 pedicel pendency 214 pedicle support 215 pendency 214 pedigree paternity 166 attribution 155 continuity 69 pediment summit 210 support 215 pedlar merchant 797 pedometer length 200 velocity 274 peduncle pendency 214 pedunculate pendency 214 peel covering 223 divestment 226 layer 204 peel off disjunction 44 peeler safety 664 peelhouse defense 717 peep ululation 412 vision 441 peep behind the curtain inquiry 461 peep of day morning 125 peep out disclosure 529 visibility 446 peep show amusement 840 peephole opening 260 peep-show appearance 448 peer vision 441 equality 27 inquiry 461 nobility 875 peer into the future foresight 510 peer out visibility 446 peer pressure assent 488 peerage nobility 875 peering curiosity 455 peerless repute 873 virtue 944 peevish discourtesy 895 irascibility 901 sullenness 901.a peg term 71 convexity 250 drunkenness 959 instrument 633 support 215 peg away activity 682 peg on journey 266 peg to hang on pretext 617 Pegasus carrier 271 pegology river 348 Pegomancy prediction 511 pegs journey 266 pelagian ocean 341 pelagic ocean 341 pelerine clothing 225 pelf acquisition 775 property 780 wealth 803 pelican provision 637 pelisse clothing 225 pellet rotundity 249 pellicle covering 223 layer 204 pellicular layer 204 pellmell disorder 59 pellucid transparency 425 pellucidity transparency 425 pelote rotundity 249 pelt ship 273 attack 716 clothing 225 covering 223 impulse 276 punishment 972 peltate curvature 245 peltry covering 223 pen abode 189 book 593 inclosure 232 prison 752 restraint 751 writing 590 pen a memorandum memory 505 pen and ink writing 590 pen fold inclosure 232 pen in hand writing 590 pen of a ready writer style 569 penal punishment 972 penal colony prison 752 penal servitude punishment 972 penal settlement prison 752 penalty condemnation 971 penalty 974 punishment 972 penance asceticism 955 atonement 952 penalty 974 penitence 950 rite 998 pen-and-ink painting 556 penchant willingness 602 desire 865 pencil writing 590 painting 556 light 420 assemblage 72 pencil drawing painting 556 pendant indication 550 jewelry 847.a similarity 17 pendency pendency 214 time 106 pendent pendency 214 pending time 106 pendragon master 745 pendulate irresolution 605 pendulous oscillation 314 pendency 214 pendulum pendency 214 chronometry 114 pendulum clock chronometry 114 penetrability softness 324 penetrable softness 324 penetrate excitation 824 ingress 294 intelligence, wisdom 498 passage 302 penetrate into the mind thought 451 penetrate the soul excitation 824 penetrated with belief 484 feeling 821 affections 820 penetrating feeling 821 intelligence, wisdom 498 penetrating eye vision 441 penetrating glance vision 441 penetrating sight vision 441 penetration discrimination 465 ingress 294 intelligence, wisdom 498 opening 260 passage 302 peninsula land 342 penitence regret 833 penitence 950 penitent penitence 950 penitential penitence 950 penitentiary clergy 996 penitence 950 prison 752 penknife sharpness 253 penman writing 590 penmanship writing 590 pennant indication 550 penniless poverty 804 pennon indication 550 Pennsylvanian oldness 124 penny money 800 penny a liner book 593 penny dreadful description 594 penny trumpet stridor 410 penny wise parsimony 819 penny-a-liner messenger 534 pennya-lining diffuseness 573 penny-ante amusement 840 penny's worth value 812.a pennyweight gravity 319 penology punishment 972 pensile pendency 214 pension receipt 810 pensionary receiving 785 servant 746 pensioner servant 746 receiving 785 pensive dejection 837 thought 451 penstock conduit 350 pent up restraint 751 pent up in one's memory memory 505 pentagon angularity 244 pentahedron angularity 244 pentameter poetry 597 Pentateuch Judeo-christian revelation 985 pentavalent quinquesection, &c 99 Pentecost rite 998 Penthesilean courage 861 penthouse receptacle 191 pentile covering 223 penultimate end 67 penumbra darkness 421 penurious parsimony 819 penury poverty 804 peon combatant 726 people inhabitant 188 laity 997 mankind 372 multitude 102 presence 186 peopled multitude 102 presence 186 pepastic remedy 662 pepper condiment 393 pungency 392 attack 716 pepper and salt variegation 440 gray 432 peppercorn condiment 393 unimportance 643 peppercorn rent cheapness 815 peppery irascibility 901 pungency 392 peptic remedy 662 per instrumentality 631 per contra contrariety 14 counter evidence 468 opposition 708 per se unity 87 peradventure possibility 470 peragrate journey 266 perambulate journey 266 perambulation journey 266 perambulator length 200 vehicle 272 perceivable visibility 446 perceive knowledge 490 physical sensibility 375 vision 441 percent sign indication 550 percentage discount 813 number 84 perceptibility visibility 446 perceptible measurement 466 visibility 446 perception idea 453 knowledge 490 perception of difference discrimination 465 perceptive physical sensibility 375 perceptivity physical sensibility 375 perch abode 189 height 206 location 184 presence 186 support 215 perch up elevation 307 perchance possibility 470 chance 156 perching height 206 percipience intellect 450 percolate egress 295 river 348 percolation egress 295 percursory inattention 458 percussion impulse 276 perdition destruction 162 failure 732 loss 776 perdy affirmation 535 peregrination journey 266 peregrinator traveler 268 peremptory affirmation 535 severity 739 resolution 604 government 737.a compulsion 744 duty 926 peremptory refusal refusal 764 perennial continuity 69 diuturnity 110 stability 150 vegetable 367 perennity perpetuity 112 pererration journey 266 perfect greatness 31 perfection 650 completeness 52 completion 729 perfect cure remedy 662 perfect health health 654 perfect lady good man 948 perfect memory memory 505 perfection completeness 52 goodness 648 perfection 650 perfectly perfection 650 perfectness perfection 650 perfidious falsehood 544 improbity 940 perfidiousness improbity 940 perfidy falsehood 544 improbity 940 perflate wind 349 perflation wind 349 perforate opening 260 passage 302 perforated opening 260 perforation opening 260 perforator perforator 262 perforce compulsion 744 necessity 601 unwillingness 603 perform musician 416 completion 729 production 161 observance 772 drama 599 action 680 agency 170 music 415 perform a circuit circuit 629 perform a duty duty 926 perform a function utility 644 perform a funeral interment 363 perform a part drama 599 perform a part in action 680 perform an obligation duty 926 observance 772 perform one's duty virtue 944 perform service rite 998 perform the duties of business 625 perform the functions of business 625 perform the office of business 625 performable possibility 470 performance action 680 completion 729 drama 599 duty 926 effect 154 musician 416 observance 772 production 161 performance of duty virtue 944 performer drama 599 agent 690 affectation 855 musician 416 perfumatory fragrance 400 perfume fragrance 400 perfumed fragrance 400 perfumer fragrance 400 perfumes of Arabia fragrance 400 perfunctory incompleteness 53 insufficiency 640 neglect 460 shortcoming 304 perhaps possibility 470 supposition 514 peri Jupiter 979 beauty 845 periapt spell 993 pericarp receptacle 191 pericranium intellect 450 periculous danger 665 peridot jewelry 847.a perihelion nearness 197 peril danger 665 perilepsis reasoning 476 perilous danger 665 fear 860 perimeter outline 230 period cessation 142 time 106 term 71 regularity of recurrence 138 interval 198 end 67 indication 550 period 108 periodic regularity of recurrence 138 periodical book 593 regularity of recurrence 138 periodically regularity of recurrence 138 periodicity regularity of recurrence 138 repetition 104 peripatetic journey 266 traveler 268 periphery outline 230 periphrase diffuseness 573 phrase 566 periphrasis diffuseness 573 periphrastic diffuseness 573 periplus navigation 267 periscope vision 441 periscopic visibility 446 periscopic lens optical instruments 445 periscopism visibility 446 perish death 360 destruction 162 deterioration 659 inexistence 2 perish with cold cold 383 perish with hunger fasting 956 perishable transientness 111 perished inexistence 2 perishing destruction 162 perissology diffuseness 573 peristaltic convolution 248 peristyle abode 189 periwig clothing 225 perjure oneself falsehood 544 perjured improbity 940 perjurer deceiver 548 perjury falsehood 544 perk clothing 225 perk oneself up pride 878 perk up elevation 307 refreshment 689 cheerfulness 836 perked stuck-up pride 878 perlustration vision 441 permanence diuturnity 110 permanence 141 perpetuity 112 perseverance 604.a physical inertness 172 stability 150 permanent stability 150 permanence 141 habit 613 diuturnity 110 time 106 permanent magnet attraction 288 permanently diuturnity 110 permeable opening 260 permeate interposition 228 passage 302 presence 186 permeation interposition 228 passage 302 presence 186 Permian oldness 124 permilage number 84 permissible permission 760 permission facility 705 permission 760 authority 737 permissive permission 760 permit assent 488 commission 755 consent 762 facility 705 permission 760 permitted permission 760 permitting permission 760 permutation interchange 148 difference 15 change 140 number 84 permute interchange 148 pernicious badness 649 pernicity velocity 274 perorate diffuseness 573 peroration end 67 sequel 65 speech 582 perp bad man 949 perpend thought 451 perpendicular perpendicularity 216.a verticality 212 perpendicularity perpendicularity 216.a verticality 212 perpension attention 457 perpetrate action 680 perpetrate a joke wit 842 perpetrate a pun wit 842 perpetration action 680 perpetrator accusation 938 agent 690 bad man 949 perpetual diuturnity 110 frequency 136 infinity 105 perpetuity 112 perpetual calendar chronometry 114 perpetual candidate politics 737.b perpetual curate clergy 996 perpetually frequency 136 perpetuity 112 perpetuate continuance in action 143 perpetuity 112 stability 150 perpetuation continuance in action 143 perpetuity 112 perpetuity diuturnity 110 infinity 105 perpetuity 112 perplex inattention 458 unintelligibility 519 painfulness 830 difficulty 704 derangement 61 uncertainty 475 perplexed complexity 59.a convolution 248 unintelligibility 519 perplexing difficulty 704 uncertainty 475 perplexity complexity 59.a difficulty 704 uncertainty 475 unintelligibility 519 perquisite reward 973 perquisition inquiry 461 perron method 627 perscrutation inquiry 461 persecute badness 649 malevolence 907 painfulness 830 persecution badness 649 malevolence 907 perseverance activity 682 obstinacy 606 perseverance 604.a resolution 604 persevere perseverance 604.a persevering perseverance 604.a Persides support 215 persiflage ridicule 856 persifleur humorist 844 persist continuance in action 143 obstinacy 606 permanence 141 perseverance 604.a resolution 604 time 106 activity 682 persistence continuance in action 143 diuturnity 110 permanence 141 perseverance 604.a persistent perseverance 604.a diuturnity 110 permanence 141 persisting perseverance 604.a permanence 141 person mankind 372 substantiality 3 person in authority director 694 master 745 person in possession possessor 779 persona grata favorite 899 friend 890 personable beauty 845 personage mankind 372 personage of distinction nobility 875 personage of mark nobility 875 personage of rank nobility 875 personal mankind 372 speciality 79 substantiality 3 immateriality 317 personal effects property 780 personal estate property 780 personal narrative description 594 personal property property 780 personal security security 771 personal superiority superiority 33 personality speciality 79 immateriality 317 disapprobation 932 detraction 934 discourtesy 895 personalty property 780 personate drama 599 imitation 19 representation 554 personation imitation 19 representation 554 personification metaphor 521 representation 554 personify metaphor 521 representation 554 personnel component 56 agent 690 persons mankind 372 perspective appearance 448 expectation 507 painting 556 perspicacious intelligence, wisdom 498 perspicacity intelligence, wisdom 498 vision 441 perspicacy intelligence, wisdom 498 perspicuity intelligibility 518 perspicuity 570 perspicuous intelligibility 518 perspicuousness perspicuity 570 perspiration egress 295 excretion 299 perspire ejection 297 moisture 339 egress 295 perstringe attention 457 persuadable motive 615 willingness 602 persuade belief 484 demonstration 478 motive 615 persuade oneself belief 484 persuasibility motive 615 willingness 602 persuasible willingness 602 persuasibleness motive 615 willingness 602 persuasion motive 615 teaching 537 belief 484 persuasive demonstration 478 motive 615 belief 484 persuasive argument reasoning 476 persuasive reasoning reasoning 476 persuasiveness motive 615 persuasory motive 615 persuasory reasoning reasoning 476 pert discourtesy 895 insolence 885 vanity 880 pertain to inclusion 76 property 780 relation 9 duty 926 power 157 possession 777 pertinacious perseverance 604.a pertinaciousness perseverance 604.a pertinacity perseverance 604.a pertinacy perseverance 604.a pertinence agreement 23 pertinencey agreement 23 pertinent agreement 23 pertinently agreement 23 relation 9 pertingent contiguity 199 perturb derangement 61 excitation 824 perturbation derangement 61 excitability 825 excitation 824 fear 860 feeling 821 physical energy 171 agitation 315 pertusion opening 260 pertussis disease 655 peruke clothing 225 perusal learning 539 peruse learning 539 Peruvian bark remedy 662 pervade presence 186 influence 175 pervade the soul excitation 824 pervading feeling 821 pervading spirit affections 820 pervasion presence 186 perverse difficulty 704 discourtesy 895 obstinacy 606 sullenness 901.a perversion falsehood 544 untruth 546 sexuality 374.a misteaching 538 misinterpretation 523 impiety 988 deterioration 659 intuition 477 perversion of truth falsehood 544 perversity discourtesy 895 obstinacy 606 sullenness 901.a pervert misinterpretation 523 misteaching 538 tergiversation 607 falsehood 544 intuition 477 deterioration 659 conversion 144 perverted impiety 988 error 495 pervestigation inquiry 461 pervicacious obstinacy 606 pervicacity obstinacy 606 pervicacy obstinacy 606 pervigilium activity 682 pervious opening 260 pessimism underestimation 483 dejection 837 hopelessness 859 overestimation 482 pessimist underestimation 483 overestimation 482 hopelessness 859 cowardice 862 dejection 837 Pessomancy prediction 511 pest animal 366 bane 663 painfulness 830 pester painfulness 830 pestering painfulness 830 pesthouse remedy 662 pestiferous insalubrity 657 pestilence badness 649 disease 655 pestilent insalubrity 657 pestilential insalubrity 657 pet endearment 902 favorite 899 flattery 933 love 897 resentment 900 petard arms 727 Peter pence giving 784 petiole vegetable 367 petit maitre affectation 855 petite dame libertine 962 petition request 765 worship 990 petitioner petitioner 767 PETN arms 727 Petri dish receptacle 191 petrifaction hardness 323 petrification density 321 petrify density 321 excitation 824 fear 860 hardness 323 refrigeration 385 wonder 870 petrol fuel 388 petroleum fuel 388 oil 356 petronel arms 727 petticoat clothing 225 woman 374 petticoat government government 737.a unskillfulness 699 pettifogger lawyer 968 pettifogging discord 713 improbity 940 intuition 477 petting endearment 902 pettish irascibility 901 petty littleness 193 smallness 32 unimportance 643 petty cash money 800 petty cashbook record 551 petty larceny stealing 791 petty sessions tribunal 966 petty treason disobedience 742 petulance insolence 885 irascibility 901 petulant irascibility 901 vigor 574 pew receptacle 191 temple 1000 pewter mixture 41 phaeton vehicle 272 phalansterianism philanthropy 910 phalanx party 712 combatant 726 phantasm imagination 515 dimsightedness 443 appearance 448 phantasma dimsightedness 443 phantasmagoria appearance 448 phantasy idea 453 imagination 515 phantom appearance 448 dimsightedness 443 imagination 515 unsubstantiality 4 pharisaical falsehood 544 impiety 988 pharisaism impiety 988 falsehood 544 Pharisee deceiver 548 impiety 988 pharmaceutical remedy 662 pharmaceutics remedy 662 pharmaceutist remedy 662 pharmacist remedy 662 pharmacology remedy 662 pharmacon remedy 662 pharmacopoeia remedy 662 pharmacopolist remedy 662 pharmacy remedy 662 pharos indication 550 phase conversion 144 circumstance 8 appearance 448 form 240 phase change revolution 146 phase-contrast microscope optical instruments 445 phased-array telescope optical instruments 445 phasis appearance 448 phasma dimsightedness 443 phencyclidine intemperance 954 phenix perfection 650 restoration 660 phenomenon prodigy 872 appearance 448 eventuality 151 extrinsicality 6 phial receptacle 191 Phidias artist 559 philander endearment 902 philanthropic philanthropy 910 philanthropist good man 948 philanthropy 910 philanthropy benevolence 906 philanthropy 910 philibeg clothing 225 philippic disapprobation 932 Philister ignorance 491 Philistine commonality 876 ignorance 491 philologer scholar 492 philologist scholar 492 philology language 560 grammar 567 philomel musician 416 philosopher scholar 492 philosopher's stone perfection 650 remedy 662 philosophic inexcitability 826 philosophical thought 451 philosophy inexcitability 826 knowledge 490 philosophy of the Academy thought 451 philosophy of the Garden thought 451 philosophy of the lyceum thought 451 philosophy of the mind intellect 450 philosophy of the Porch thought 451 philter spell 993 phiz front 234 phiz. appearance 448 phlebotomy ejection 297 remedy 662 phlegm insensibility 823 semiliquidity 352 phlegmatic indifference 866 insensibility 823 phlogiston heat 382 pho! absurdity 497 Phoebus world 318 luminary 423 phoenix unconformity 83 reproduction 163 phone hearing 418 phonetic sound 402 speech 582 voice 580 phonetic spelling letter 561 phonetics sound 402 phonetism sound 402 phonic hearing 418 sound 402 phonics sound 402 teaching 537 phonocamptic sound 402 phonograph hearing 418 phonograph needle hearing 418 phonography letter 561 sound 402 writing 590 phonology sound 402 voice 580 phonorganon hearing 418 phony substitution 147 untruth 546 phony reason pretext 617 phosphor luminary 423 phosphorescence light 420 luminary 423 phosphorescent light 420 luminary 423 phosphoric! luminary 423 phosphorus luminary 423 photo copy 21 representation 554 photo offset copy 21 photo safari artist 559 photocell optical instruments 445 photodiode optical instruments 445 photodiode array optical instruments 445 photogenic light 420 photograph similarity 17 painting 556 representation 554 photographer artist 559 photographic memory memory 505 photography light 420 painting 556 representation 554 photogravure engraving 558 photolithograph engraving 558 photolithography engraving 558 photology light 420 photometer light 420 optical instruments 445 photometry light 420 photomicrograph littleness 193 photomicrography littleness 193 photomultiplier optical instruments 445 photosphere world 318 phrase melody concord 413 metaphor 521 phrase 566 word 562 phrasemonger ornament 577 phraseology language 560 phrase 566 style 569 phrenitis insanity 503 phrenoia writing 590 phrenology intellect 450 phrenotypics memory 505 phrensy insanity 503 excitability 825 imagination 515 phrenzied insanity 503 Phryne libertine 962 phthisic disease 655 phthisis disease 655 phthisozoics husbandry 370 killing 361 phylacteric maxim 496 sorcery 992 phylactery maxim 496 spell 993 phylogeny organization 357 physic restoration 660 remedy 662 physical materiality 316 physical condition materiality 316 physical drill teaching 537 physical education teaching 537 physical energy physical energy 171 physical force compulsion 744 strength 159 physical insensibility physical insensibility 376 physical pain physical pain 378 physical pleasure physical pleasure 377 physical science materiality 316 physical sensibility physical sensibility 375 sensibility 822 physical suffering physical pain 378 physician advice 695 remedy 662 physicism materiality 316 physicist materiality 316 physics materiality 316 physiognomy appearance 448 front 234 interpretation 522 physiological botany botany 369 physiology life 359 organization 357 physique animality 364 strength 159 phytivorous food 298 phytography botany 369 phytology botany 369 phytophagous food 298 phytotomy botany 369 phytozoaria littleness 193 pi printing 591 pi ce justificative evidence 467 pi clouds resonance 408 pianino musical instruments 417 pianissimo faintness 405 pianist musician 416 piano faintness 405 slowness 275 moderation 174 musical instruments 417 pianoforte musical instruments 417 piazza abode 189 receptacle 191 pibroch music 415 warfare 722 pica boldface printing 591 picacho height 206 picaroon thief 792 picayune unimportance 643 piccolo musical instruments 417 pick food 298 goodness 648 choice 609 acquisition 775 sharpness 253 cleanness 652 pick a hole disapprobation 932 pick a hole in one's coat detraction 934 disapprobation 932 pick a quarrel discord 713 pick acquaintance with friendship 888 pick and choose choice 609 pick apart an argument correction 527.a pick holes disapprobation 932 pick one's way essay 675 journey 266 choice 609 pick out extraction 301 choice 609 pick out an error correction 527.a pick out the fallacy correction 527.a pick purse thief 792 pick the brains of inquiry 461 pick to pieces destruction 162 disapprobation 932 disjunction 44 pick up choice 609 discovery 480.a improvement 658 pick up knowledge learning 539 pickaninny infant 129 pickax sharpness 253 picked goodness 648 picked man proficient 700 pickeer contention 720 stealing 791 pickeerer thief 792 pickelhaube defense 717 picket punishment 972 restraint 751 prison 752 location 184 defense 717 combatant 726 circumscription 229 junction 43 warning 668 picket fence prison 752 picketing punishment 972 pickings booty 793 acquisition 775 pickle water 337 state 7 pungency 392 preservation 670 condiment 393 difficulty 704 pickle-herring humorist 844 pick-meup remedy 662 pickpocket thief 792 pickthank servility 886 activity 682 pickup acquisition 775 hearing 418 pick-up vehicle 272 pick-up wagon vehicle 272 picnic amusement 840 food 298 participation 778 picogram gravity 319 picornavirus disease 655 picquet amusement 840 picrates snap 406 arms 727 picric acid snap 406 pictorial painting 556 beauty 845 picture appearance 448 copy 21 description 594 imagination 515 painting 556 representation 554 picture gallery painting 556 picture post card correspondence 592 picture-oneself imagination 515 picturesque beauty 845 painting 556 piddle inactivity 683 piddling unimportance 643 pidgin neologism 563 pidgin English neologism 563 pie food 298 printing 591 sweetness 396 piebald variegation 440 piece of music melody concord 413 piecemeal part 51 pied variegation 440 pie-in-the-sky imagination 515 pier refuge 666 pierce excitation 824 refrigeration 385 physical pain 378 opening 260 deterioration 659 badness 649 painfulness 830 pierce the ears loudness 404 stridor 410 pierce the heart painfulness 830 piercer perforator 262 piercing cold 383 feeling 821 intelligence, wisdom 498 loudness 404 opening 260 stridor 410 piercing eye vision 441 piercing glance vision 441 piercing pain physical pain 378 piercing sight vision 441 pier-glass optical instruments 445 Pierian spring poetry 597 Pierides musician 416 poetry 597 pietism impiety 988 pietist impiety 988 piety 987 pietistic piety 987 pietistical impiety 988 piety piety 987 piezoelectric balance gravity 319 pig ugliness 846 animal 366 sensualist 954.a pig gin receptacle 191 pig headed imbecility folly 499 pig in a poke chance 621 uncertainty 475 pig together assemblage 72 pigeon dupe 547 stealing 791 pigeon English neologism 563 pigeon-hearted cowardice 862 pigeonhole place 182 opening 260 neglect 460 receptacle 191 pigeonholes record 551 piggish intemperance 954 pig-headed obstinacy 606 pigment color 428 pigmy littleness 193 pignoration security 771 pig-sticking killing 361 pigsty uncleanness 653 pigtail pendency 214 pigwidgeon demon 980 littleness 193 pike arms 727 height 206 sharpness 253 pikeman combatant 726 pikestaff height 206 pilaster convexity 250 ornament 847 support 215 pile assemblage 72 money 800 production 161 roughness 256 pile driver vehicle 272 pile on the agony fear 860 pile up redundancy 641 exaggeration 549 pile-driving engine impulse 276 pileous roughness 256 piles disease 655 pilfer stealing 791 pilferer thief 792 pilgarlic seclusion, exclusion 893 pilgrim clergy 996 traveler 268 pilgrimage journey 266 undertaking 676 pili filament 205 roughness 256 pill rotundity 249 weariness 841 remedy 662 pillage stealing 791 deterioration 659 pillager thief 792 pillar height 206 record 551 stability 150 support 215 writing 590 pillar of society good man 948 pillar of the church repute 873 pillar of the community good man 948 repute 873 pillar of the state repute 873 pillarist clergy 996 pillars of Hercules limit 233 indication 550 pillion support 215 pillory scourge 975 pillow physical pleasure 377 quiescence 265 softness 324 support 215 pillowcase covering 223 pillowslip covering 223 pilose roughness 256 pilosity roughness 256 pilot director 694 information 527 direction 693 mariner 269 pilot balloon experiment 463 ship 273 pilot boat ship 273 pilot bread food 298 pilot engine experiment 463 pilot jacket clothing 225 pilotage direction 693 pilous roughness 256 Pilsener beer food 298 pilus filament 205 pimento condiment 393 pimp libertine 962 pimple blemish 848 disease 655 convexity 250 pin connection 45 jewelry 847.a junction 43 location 184 rotation 312 sharpness 253 unimportance 643 pin down compulsion 744 restraint 751 pin grass vegetable 367 pin money money 800 pin one's faith upon hope 858 belief 484 pin one's hope upon hope 858 pin oneself upon servant 746 servility 886 pinacotheca painting 556 pinafore clothing 225 pince-nez optical instruments 445 pincers retention 781 pinch physical pain 378 requirement 630 parsimony 819 painfulness 830 difficulty 704 contraction 195 circumstance 8 refrigeration 385 pinch fist parsimony 819 pinch of snuff unimportance 643 pinch penny parsimony 819 pinchbeck deception 545 ornament 847 pinched difficulty 704 poverty 804 pinched with hunger desire 865 pinching cold 383 Pindaric poetry 597 pine pain 828 dejection 837 disease 655 pine away dejection 837 pine for desire 865 pineapple food 298 pinene fragrance 400 pinery agriculture 371 pinetum agriculture 371 ping snap 406 pingpong amusement 840 pinguid unctuousness 355 pinhole opening 260 pinion prison 752 restraint 751 junction 43 instrument 633 navigation 267 pink repute 873 impulse 276 opening 260 perfection 650 redness 434 pink of beauty 845 pink of courtesy courtesy 894 pink of fashion fashion 852 pink of perfection perfection 650 pink of politeness courtesy 894 pink slip abrogation 756 pinky ring jewelry 847.a pinnace ship 273 pinnacle summit 210 pins journey 266 pins and needles numbness 381 pin-up sexuality 374.a pinwheel rotation 312 pioneer teacher 540 front 234 precursor 64 preparation 673 pious piety 987 pious fraud untruth 546 impiety 988 pip ship 273 pipe musician 416 airpipe 351 stridor 410 ululation 412 opening 260 method 627 lamentation 839 conduit 350 cry 411 musical instruments 417 pipe clay habit 613 pipe dream imagination 515 pipe of peace peace 721 pipe one's eye lamentation 839 pipe-clay severity 739 piped opening 260 pipeline conduit 350 piper musician 416 pipette receptacle 191 piping hot heat 382 piping time of peace peace 721 piping times prosperity 734 pipkin receptacle 191 piquance excitation 824 pungency 392 vigor 574 piquancy excitation 824 pungency 392 vigor 574 piquant pungency 392 feeling 821 excitation 824 vigor 574 pique excitation 824 hate 898 painfulness 830 resentment 900 pique oneself pride 878 vanity 880 piqueerer thief 792 piquet combatant 726 defense 717 piracy stealing 791 nonobservance 773 pirate thief 792 stealing 791 imitation 19 nonobservance 773 piratical stealing 791 pirogue ship 273 pirouette inversion 218 rotation 312 pis aller necessity 601 piscatorial animal 366 killing 361 piscatory animal 366 killing 361 pisciculture husbandry 370 piscina conduit 350 temple 1000 pish! absurdity 497 excitability 825 irascibility 901 unimportance 643 pistareen unimportance 643 piste record 551 pistol arms 727 blusterer 887 pistol shot nearness 197 piston stopper 263 pit concavity 252 opening 260 interment 363 depth 208 drama 599 pit against discord 713 opposition 708 pit against one another comparison 464 pit of Acheron hell 982 pitapat roll 407 pitch melody concord 413 term 71 propulsion 284 resin 356.a oscillation 314 height 206 summit 210 descent 306 depression 308 degree 26 location 184 pitch and toss chance 621 pitch aside relinquishment 782 pitch away relinquishment 782 pitch black darkness 421 pitch dark darkness 421 pitch into attack 716 contention 720 punishment 972 pitch one's tent arrival 292 location 184 pitch overboard relinquishment 782 pitch to the dogs relinquishment 782 pitch upon acquisition 775 arrival 292 choice 609 discovery 480.a pitched battle contention 720 pitcher receptacle 191 pitchfork propulsion 284 vehicle 272 pitch-pipe musical instruments 417 pitchy resin 356.a blackness 431 darkness 421 piteous painfulness 830 piteously greatness 31 pitfall ambush 530 deception 545 pitfall 667 pith centrality 222 interiority 221 intrinsicality 5 strength 159 pithiness strength 159 pithless impotence 158 pithy conciseness 572 meaning 516 vigor 574 pitiable badness 649 painfulness 830 contempt 930 pitiful badness 649 contempt 930 disrepute 874 pity 914 unimportance 643 pitiless pitilessness 914.a revenge 919 pitilessness pitilessness 914.a pittance apportionment 786 insufficiency 640 receipt 810 pitted blemish 848 pituite semiliquidity 352 pituitous semiliquidity 352 pity pity 914 pitying pity 914 pivot cause 153 junction 43 rotation 312 support 215 pivot point rotation 312 pix experiment 463 receptacle 191 pixy demon 980 Jupiter 979 pizzicato music 415 placability forgiveness 918 placable forgiveness 918 placard publication 531 placate pacification 723 forgiveness 918 place abode 189 arrangement 60 business 625 circumstance 8 location 184 order 58 place 182 repute 873 situation 183 term 71 place after sequence 63 place before precedence 62 place before one manifestation 525 place exteriorly exteriority 220 place hunter petitioner 767 place in belief 484 place in danger danger 665 place in jeopardy danger 665 place in one's way offer 763 place in order arrangement 60 identification 465.b place into evidence evidence 467 place itself order 58 place of amusement amusement 840 place of assignation focus 74 place of business workshop 691 place of departure departure 293 place of embarkation departure 293 place of meeting focus 74 place of resort focus 74 place of torment hell 982 place of worship temple 1000 place on a pedestal elevation 307 place on record record 551 place out to interest lending 787 place outside exteriority 220 place outwardly exteriority 220 place over commission 755 place reliance on belief 484 place side by side comparison 464 nearness 197 place to good account improvement 658 place to one's account! credit 805 place to one's credit credit 805 place under inclusion 76 place under the ban prohibition 761 place with inclusion 76 place within interiority 221 placebo flattery 933 remedy 662 placed location 184 placeman consignee 758 placenta sequence 63 placid inexcitability 826 placidity inexcitability 826 placit command 741 placket opening 260 plafond covering 223 plagiarism borrowing 788 copy 21 imitation 19 stealing 791 plagiarist imitation 19 thief 792 plagiarize stealing 791 plagiary stealing 791 plague painfulness 830 disease 655 pain 828 plague spot insalubrity 657 badness 649 plaguing painfulness 830 plaguy difficulty 704 painfulness 830 plaid clothing 225 variegation 440 plaidoyer reasoning 476 plain simplicity 849 ugliness 846 plainness 576 manifestation 525 intelligibility 518 horizontality 213 visibility 446 plain 344 plain as a pike staff manifestation 525 plain dealing veracity 543 plain English plainness 576 plain fact truth 494 plain interpretation interpretation 522 plain matter of fact truth 494 plain meaning meaning 516 plain question inquiry 461 plain sailing facility 705 plain sense intelligence, wisdom 498 plain song worship 990 plain speaking perspicuity 570 manifestation 525 intelligibility 518 artlessness 703 plain spoken information 527 plain terms plainness 576 plain truth truth 494 plainclothesman warning 668 plainness manifestation 525 plainness 576 simplicity 849 plain-spoken artlessness 703 manifestation 525 plaint lamentation 839 cry 411 plaintful lamentation 839 plaintiff dueness 924 lawsuit 969 accusation 938 plaintive lamentation 839 plaintiveness lamentation 839 plaisance abode 189 amusement 840 plait crossing 219 fold 258 plan journey 266 information 527 representation 554 arrangement 60 conduct 692 plan 626 plane ascent 305 flatness 251 horizontality 213 journey 266 smoothness 255 planet necessity 601 world 318 planetarium world 318 planetary ring world 318 planetoid world 318 planets necessity 601 planet-struck wonder 870 adversity 735 plank allocution 586 layer 204 method 627 plan 626 refuge 666 planned plan 626 planning plan 626 plant vegetable 367 location 184 workshop 691 property 780 insertion 300 deception 545 agriculture 371 instrument 633 plant a battery attack 716 plant louse deterioration 659 plant oneself location 184 plantation agriculture 371 location 184 property 780 planter inhabitant 188 possessor 779 planting insertion 300 plash resonance 408 river 348 gulf, lake 343 plashy marsh 345 plasm prototype 22 plasma jewelry 847.a plasmation form 240 plasmature form 240 plasmic form 240 plaster connection 45 covering 223 remedy 662 plaster up restoration 660 plastic softness 324 changeableness 149 elasticity 325 form 240 plastic explosive snap 406 arms 727 plasticity softness 324 plasticize' softness 324 plastique arms 727 snap 406 plat crossing 219 plain 344 plate covering 223 engraving 558 flatness 251 food 298 layer 204 receptacle 191 plate engraving engraving 558 plate printing engraving 558 printing 591 plateau horizontality 213 plain 344 plated covering 223 deception 545 platelayer agent 690 platform support 215 allocution 586 arena 728 horizontality 213 optical instruments 445 plan 626 politics 737.b school 542 platform orator speech 582 plating covering 223 ornament 847 platitude dullness 843 unmeaningness 517 Platonic inexcitability 826 purity 960 thought 451 Platonic bodies angularity 244 Platonism thought 451 platoon combatant 726 platoon fire attack 716 platter layer 204 receptacle 191 flatness 251 plaudit approbation 931 plausibility probability 472 plausible approbation 931 falsehood 544 flattery 933 intuition 477 probability 472 vindication 937 play drama 599 use 677 space 180 representation 554 oscillation 314 musician 416 amusement 840 agency 170 action 680 freedom 748 influence 175 play a deep game cunning 702 play a desperate game rashness 863 play a double game falsehood 544 play a game amusement 840 conduct 692 pursuit 622 play a leading part influence 175 play a leading part in influence 175 play a part influence 175 drama 599 falsehood 544 play a part in action 680 play a practical joke disrespect 929 play a second musician 416 play a trick disappointment 509 play a trick upon one deception 545 play at bopeep concealment 528 vision 441 play at chuck farthing chance 621 play at cross purposes opposition 708 unintelligibility 519 error 495 unskillfulness 699 misinterpretation 523 play at cross-purposes disorder 59 play at hide and seek avoidance 623 concealment 528 deception 545 play day amusement 840 play false falsehood 544 improbity 940 play fantastic tricks caprice 608 play fast and loose intuition 477 irresolution 605 falsehood 544 caprice 608 tergiversation 607 play first fiddle authority 737 importance 642 repute 873 superiority 33 play for chance 621 play gooseberry care 459 play havoc among deterioration 659 play havoc with deterioration 659 play into the hands of cooperation 709 play of colors variegation 440 play of light light 420 play of words wit 842 play off deception 545 use 677 play on the feelings excitation 824 play on words equivocalness 520 play one false deception 545 disappointment 509 play one's best card exertion 686 skill 698 play one's cards conduct 692 play one's cards well skill 698 play one's paint conduct 692 play one's part business 625 play out completion 729 play possum falsehood 544 play pranks amusement 840 play Puck unskillfulness 699 play sad havoc among deterioration 659 play sad havoc with deterioration 659 play second fiddle disrepute 874 inferiority 34 obedience 743 subjection 749 play the deuce excitability 825 play the deuce among deterioration 659 play the deuce with deterioration 659 play the devil with malevolence 907 play the field sexuality 374.a play the fool ridicule 856 unskillfulness 699 ridiculousness 853 amusement 840 absurdity 497 imbecility folly 499 play the game of cooperation 709 play the hypocrite falsehood 544 play the market stock market 799.a play the mischief among deterioration 659 play the mischief with deterioration 659 play the monkey imbecility folly 499 play the very devil among deterioration 659 play the very devil with deterioration 659 play tricks amusement 840 play tricks upon ridicule 856 play tricks with cunning 702 unskillfulness 699 play truant avoidance 623 absence 187 play upon deception 545 ridicule 856 play upon words misinterpretation 523 neologism 563 wit 842 play with neglect 460 play with edge tools rashness 863 play with fire rashness 863 play with oneself sexuality 374.a play writer drama 599 playa land 342 plain 344 Playboy sexuality 374.a played out end 67 failure 732 fatigue 688 player drama 599 musician 416 playfellow friend 890 playful amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 wit 842 playful as a kitten amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 playful imagination imagination 515 playground amusement 840 arena 728 playhouse drama 599 playing musician 416 playmate friend 890 playsome cheerfulness 836 plaything amusement 840 unimportance 643 playwright book 593 drama 599 plaza abode 189 plea vindication 937 counter evidence 468 lawsuit 969 pretext 617 plea bargain acquittal 970 plead evidence 467 lawyer 968 pretext 617 request 765 vindication 937 plead guilty penitence 950 plead ignorance vindication 937 plead one's cause vindication 937 pleader lawyer 968 pleasant wit 842 amusement 840 physical pleasure 377 pleasurableness 829 pleasant surprise inexpectation 508 pleasantness pleasurableness 829 pleasantry amusement 840 wit 842 please amusement 840 pleasurableness 829 request 765 please do consent 762 please don't deprecation 766 please oneself selfishness 943 pleased pleasure 827 rejoicing 838 pleased as Punch pleasure 827 pleasing desire 865 pleasure 827 cheerfulness 836 pleasurableness 829 goodness 648 pleasurable pleasurableness 829 pleasurableness beauty 845 pleasurableness 829 pleasure amusement 840 intemperance 954 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 will 600 willingness 602 pleasure giving pleasurableness 829 good 618 pleasure ground abode 189 amusement 840 pleasure-giving pleasurableness 829 pleat fold 258 pleated fold 258 plebeian commonality 876 vulgarity 851 plebiscite command 741 judgment 480 legality 963 politics 737.b pledge security 771 celebration 883 courtesy 894 promise 768 pledge credit promise 768 pledge one's honor promise 768 pledge one's word promise 768 pledge oneself promise 768 pledge troth promise 768 pledged promise 768 pledget remedy 662 stopper 263 pledging borrowing 788 Pleiades assemblage 72 world 318 Pleistocene oldness 124 plenary greatness 31 completeness 52 plenipotent power 157 plenipotentiary deputy 759 consignee 758 plenitude sufficiency 639 plenteous sufficiency 639 plentiful sufficiency 639 plenty sufficiency 639 plenty as blackberries multitude 102 sufficiency 639 plenty to do activity 682 plenum materiality 316 substantiality 3 pleomorphic form 240 pleonasm repetition 104 redundancy 641 diffuseness 573 pleonastic repetition 104 diffuseness 573 plerophory belief 484 plethora redundancy 641 plethoric redundancy 641 plexus crossing 219 pliability softness 324 willingness 602 pliable softness 324 pliableness softness 324 pliancy facility 705 irresolution 605 softness 324 pliant servility 886 submission 725 softness 324 obedience 743 facility 705 irresolution 605 plicate fold 258 plication fold 258 plicature fold 258 pliers extraction 301 retention 781 plight promise 768 security 771 state 7 plight credit promise 768 plight faith promise 768 plight one's faith endearment 902 plight one's honor promise 768 plight one's troth endearment 902 plight one's word promise 768 plight troth promise 768 plighted love endearment 902 love 897 Plimsoll line measurement 466 plinth base 211 support 215 Pliocene oldness 124 plod journey 266 perseverance 604.a activity 682 slowness 275 plodding activity 682 dullness 843 perseverance 604.a plot cunning 702 plain 344 plan 626 region 181 representation 554 plough agriculture 371 ploughed failure 732 plover animal 366 plow furrow 259 agriculture 371 plow in interposition 228 plow one's way journey 266 plow the deep navigation 267 plow the ground preparation 673 plow the main navigation 267 plow the ocean navigation 267 plow the waves navigation 267 plowboy commonality 876 plowed failure 732 plowing preparation 673 plowman commonality 876 plowshare sharpness 253 pluck deception 545 stealing 791 taking 789 resolution 604 perseverance 604.a courage 861 rejection 610 pluck a crow with disapprobation 932 pluck by the beard disrespect 929 pluck out extraction 301 pluck up by the roots extraction 301 pluck up courage courage 861 pluck up heart of grace courage 861 plucked failure 732 plucky courage 861 plug stopper 263 impulse 276 deterioration 659 closure 261 plum money 800 sweetness 396 five, &c 98 plumage roughness 256 plumb closure 261 depth 208 measurement 466 verticality 212 plumb line verticality 212 plum-colored purple 437 plume roughness 256 ornament 847 plume oneself pride 878 plumigerous roughness 256 plummet depth 208 descent 306 verticality 212 plumose roughness 256 plumosity roughness 256 plump inexpectation 508 instantaneity 113 plunge 310 size 192 plump as a dumpling size 192 plump as a partridge size 192 plump down descent 306 plump upon arrival 292 plumper expansion 194 politics 737.b plumpness size 192 plumule posterity 167 plunder booty 793 stealing 791 plunge water 337 depth 208 descent 306 haste 684 insertion 300 plunge 310 revolution 146 plunge headlong haste 684 plunge in stock market 799.a plunge in medias res insertion 300 plainness 576 resolution 604 plunge into undertaking 676 plunge into difficulties difficulty 704 plunge into dissipation intemperance 954 plunge into sorrow painfulness 830 plunged in debt debt 806 plunged in grief pain 828 plural plurality 100 plurality plurality 100 plus addition 37 plus sign indication 550 plush roughness 256 Pluto hell 982 Plutocracy wealth 803 plutonic heat 382 plutonium calefaction 384 Plutus wealth 803 pluvial river 348 pluviometer measurement 466 ply exertion 686 fold 258 request 765 use 677 ply a trade barter 794 ply one's task action 680 business 625 ply one's trade business 625 ply the oar exertion 686 navigation 267 pneumatics air 338 gaseity 334 pneumatograph measurement 466 pneumatology intellect 450 pneumatometer measurement 466 pneumatoscopic immateriality 317 pneumatostatics gaseity 334 pneumometer measurement 466 pneumonia disease 655 pneumonic disease 655 pneumonic plague disease 655 poach illegality 964 stealing 791 poacher thief 792 poaching illegality 964 poachy marsh 345 pock convexity 250 pocket taking 789 treasury 802 receptacle 191 receiving 785 location 184 littleness 193 inexcitability 826 money 800 pocket handkerchief clothing 225 pocket money money 800 pocket pistol receptacle 191 pocket the affront submission 725 forgiveness 918 pocket watch chronometry 114 pocketbook record 551 pococurante indifference 866 insensibility 823 pod covering 223 receptacle 191 podagra physical pain 378 podagric physical pain 378 podesta judge 967 podiatrist remedy 662 poem poetry 597 poesy poetry 597 poet book 593 poetry 597 poet laureate poetry 597 poetaster affectation 855 poetry 597 poetic poetry 597 vigor 574 poetical poetry 597 poetics poetry 597 poetize poetry 597 poetry poetry 597 poignancy physical energy 171 poignancy haut-gout pungency 392 poignant feeling 821 physical energy 171 point place 182 wit 842 vigor 574 topic 454 term 71 sharpness 253 smallness 32 probity 939 littleness 193 success 731 intention 620 inextension 180.a indication 550 end 67 degree 26 circumstance 8 physical energy 171 point a moral teaching 537 point an antithesis elegance 578 point at disrespect 929 intention 620 discourtesy 895 direction 278 attention 457 disapprobation 932 point blank direction 278 point blank refusal refusal 764 point champain disrepute 874 point de reunion focus 74 point in dispute inquiry 461 point of a pin littleness 193 point of attack attack 716 point of convergence focus 74 point of departure departure 293 point of embarkation departure 293 point of etiquette fashion 852 point of honor probity 939 point of land convexity 250 point of the compass direction 278 point of view vision 441 idea 453 appearance 448 point out attention 457 information 527 speciality 79 point out a fallacy correction 527.a point out an error correction 527.a point out the reason attribution 155 point system: 4-1/2 point printing 591 point the finger at attention 457 point the finger of scorn contempt 930 point to direction 278 probability 472 meaning 516 attribution 155 attention 457 prediction 511 point to be solved inquiry 461 point towards direction 278 point-blank plainness 576 pointed affirmation 535 conciseness 572 greatness 31 indication 550 sharpness 253 vigor 574 pointedly intention 620 greatness 31 pointer indication 550 animal 366 pointing towards direction 278 pointless dullness 843 imbecility folly 499 points of the compass laterality 236 poise equality 27 gravity 319 poison bane 663 deterioration 659 poisoned disease 655 poisoning deterioration 659 poisonous bane 663 insalubrity 657 badness 649 poke receptacle 191 inactivity 683 poke at attack 716 impulse 276 ship 273 poke fun at ridicule 856 poke one's nose in activity 682 poke out convexity 250 poke the fire calefaction 384 poker amusement 840 furnace 386 poker-dice chance 621 polacca ship 273 polacre ship 273 polak extraneousness 57 polar summit 210 polar coordinates measurement 466 polar lights luminary 423 polariscope optical instruments 445 polarity contraposition 237 counteraction 179 duality 89 polarizer optical instruments 445 Polaroid painting 556 Polaroid photo painting 556 pole rotation 312 summit 210 length 200 height 206 pole axis centrality 222 pole star direction 693 pole-ax arms 727 polecat fetor 401 polemic discord 713 combatant 726 polemical reasoning 476 polemics discord 713 reasoning 476 contention 720 polemoscope optical instruments 445 poles apart difference 15 polestar indication 550 police jurisdiction 965 police band hearing 418 police constable jurisdiction 965 police court tribunal 966 police force jurisdiction 965 police lock prison 752 police magistrate judge 967 police radio hearing 418 police sergeant jurisdiction 965 police whistle alarm 669 policeman safety 664 jurisdiction 965 policy conduct 692 plan 626 polio disease 655 polish ornament 847 smoothness 255 taste 850 improvement 658 friction 331 beauty 845 courtesy 894 Polish bank amusement 840 polish off completion 729 polished courtesy 894 elegance 578 fashion 852 smoothness 255 polisson bad man 949 polite fashion 852 courtesy 894 cunning 702 polite literature language 560 polite society fashion 852 politeness courtesy 894 politic caution 864 courtesy 894 cunning 702 intelligence, wisdom 498 political politics 737.b political animal politics 737.b political contribution politics 737.b political dictator director 694 political district politics 737.b political economy conduct 692 political education politics 737.b political election choice 609 political science politics 737.b political worker politics 737.b politician director 694 politics 737.b proficient 700 politics cunning 702 government 737.a politics 737.b polity conduct 692 duty 926 polka amusement 840 poll politics 737.b numeration 85 choice 609 experiment 463 loquacity 584 poll tax price 812 pollard littleness 193 shortness 201 pollute deterioration 659 uncleanness 653 pollution deterioration 659 disease 655 disrepute 874 vice 945 polo amusement 840 poltroon cowardice 862 poltroonery cowardice 862 polyandrism marriage 903 polychord musical instruments 417 polychromatic color 428 variegation 440 polychrome painting 556 variegation 440 polygamy marriage 903 polygastric receptacle 191 polyglot difference 15 interpretation 522 language 560 polygon abode 189 angularity 244 polygonal angularity 244 polygonal numbers number 84 Polygraphy writing 590 Polylogy diffuseness 573 polymer resin 356.a polymorphism organization 357 polymorphous multiformity 81 polyphonism voice 580 polyphonist voice 580 polypus convexity 250 polyscope optical instruments 445 polysyllable letter 561 polytheism heterodoxy 984 polytheist heterodoxy 984 polytheistic heterodoxy 984 polyurethane cooler refrigerator 387 pommel rotundity 249 support 215 pomp ostentation 882 pompom arms 727 ornament 847 pompom girl amusement 840 pomposity ostentation 882 pompous ornament 577 ostentation 882 poncho clothing 225 pond gulf, lake 343 store 636 ponder thought 451 ponderable gravity 319 materiality 316 measurement 466 ponderation gravity 319 judgment 480 pondering thought 451 ponderous gravity 319 inelegance 579 pondorosity gravity 319 poniard arms 727 pontiff clergy 996 pontifical churchdom 995 pontificals canonicals 999 pontificate churchdom 995 pontoon method 627 ship 273 vehicle 272 pony carrier 271 interpretation 522 pony tail pendency 214 poodle animal 366 pooh, pooh-pooh! unimportance 643 pooh-pooh contempt 930 pool gulf, lake 343 acquisition 775 amusement 840 cooperation 709 poonghie clergy 996 poop rear 235 poor adversity 735 feebleness 575 insufficiency 640 intuition 477 pain 828 poverty 804 unimportance 643 weakness 160 poor as a church mouse poverty 804 poor as a Job poverty 804 poor as a rat poverty 804 poor chance improbability 473 poor circumstances poverty 804 poor compliment disapprobation 932 poor dear! pity 914 poor fellow! pity 914 poor hand bungler 701 poor head imbecility folly 499 poor in spirit modesty 881 poor man poverty 804 poor man's Einstein sage 500 poor memory oblivion 506 poor quality worthlessness 812.b poor shot bungler 701 poor thing! pity 914 poor timing untimeliness 135 poorhouse abode 189 poorly disease 655 poorly off poverty 804 poorness insufficiency 640 poor-spirited cowardice 862 pop inexpectation 508 snap 406 pop at attack 716 pop in ingress 294 insertion 300 pop into ingress 294 pop off death 360 pop one's balloon dissuasion 616 pop open opening 260 pop the question endearment 902 inquiry 461 request 765 pop up ascent 305 beginning 66 eventuality 151 pop upon arrival 292 discovery 480.a pope certainty 474 clergy 996 Pope Joan amusement 840 popedom churchdom 995 popery heterodoxy 984 popgun snap 406 unimportance 643 Popish churchdom 995 poppy moderation 174 poppy or mandragora moderation 174 poppycock absurdity 497 popular approbation 931 love 897 repute 873 popular belief assent 488 belief 484 popularity approbation 931 love 897 repute 873 popularity poll politics 737.b popularize facility 705 pleasurableness 829 intelligibility 518 interpretation 522 popularized intelligibility 518 population inhabitant 188 mankind 372 populous assemblage 72 multitude 102 presence 186 populousness assemblage 72 porcelain calefaction 384 sculpture 557 porch receptacle 191 opening 260 edge 231 beginning 66 porcupine sharpness 253 irascibility 901 pore conduit 350 egress 295 opening 260 pore over attention 457 learning 539 vision 441 porism inquiry 461 judgment 480 pork food 298 porn sexuality 374.a porno sexuality 374.a pornographic impurity 961 pornographic film drama 599 pornography sexuality 374.a porosity opening 260 porous concavity 252 opening 260 sponge 252.a porousness opening 260 porpoise size 192 porridge food 298 porringer receptacle 191 port motion 264 transference 270 refuge 666 arrival 292 appearance 448 abode 189 sinistrality 239 port admiral master 745 port of embarkation departure 293 port wine drunkenness 959 portable levity 320 littleness 193 transference 270 portage transference 270 portal beginning 66 edge 231 opening 260 portative littleness 193 transference 270 portcullis defense 717 hindrance 706 portend prediction 511 portent omen 512 prodigy 872 portentous prediction 511 fear 860 porter carrier 271 stopper 263 porterage transference 270 porterhouse steak food 298 port-fire fuel 388 portfolio book 593 store 636 scepter 747 direction 693 record 551 receptacle 191 porthole opening 260 portico beginning 66 receptacle 191 portiere shade 424 portion apportionment 786 part 51 portion out apportionment 786 portly size 192 portmanteau receptacle 191 portmanteau word conciseness 572 portrait representation 554 copy 21 painting 556 portrait painter artist 559 portrait painting painting 556 portraiture painting 556 representation 554 portray description 594 representation 554 portreeve jurisdiction 965 master 745 posada abode 189 pose difficulty 704 uncertainty 475 situation 183 affectation 855 form 240 pose as representation 554 Poseidon ocean 341 poser difficulty 704 posited location 184 position term 71 affirmation 535 circumstance 8 politics 737.b repute 873 situation 183 supposition 514 position in society repute 873 positive belief 484 certainty 474 conformity 82 existence 1 greatness 31 intelligibility 518 misjudgment 481 number 84 obstinacy 606 painting 556 severity 739 affirmation 535 positive charge attraction 288 positive color color 428 positive fact certainty 474 positiveness existence 1 positivism heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 positivist heterodoxy 984 irreligion 989 posnet receptacle 191 posology remedy 662 posse assemblage 72 party 712 possess possession 777 property 780 belief 484 knowledge 490 possess a state state 7 possess affections affections 820 possess as joint tenants participation 778 possess authority government 737.a possess in common participation 778 possess means means 632 possess oneself of taking 789 possess some knowledge of knowledge 490 possess the soul excitation 824 possess the throne government 737.a possessed demon 980 insanity 503 possession 777 possessed by a demon demon 980 possessed by a devil demon 980 possessed of possession 777 possessed with a devil insanity 503 possessing possession 777 possession demon 980 possession 777 property 780 possession in common participation 778 possessor possessor 779 possibility property 780 chance 156 liability 177 possibility 470 possible possibility 470 liability 177 chance 156 chance 621 possible but improbably possibility 470 possibly possibility 470 post messenger 534 transference 270 support 215 punishment 972 record 551 velocity 274 publication 531 situation 183 indication 550 disrepute 874 correspondence 592 connection 45 business 625 accounts 811 location 184 post card correspondence 592 post chaise vehicle 272 post existence destiny 152 post haste rashness 863 post hole digger vehicle 272 post horse carrier 271 post obit interment 363 death 360 post office messenger 534 government 737.a Post Office order money 800 post script memory 505 post up record 551 post up afficher publication 531 postal currency money 800 postal money order money 800 postal scale gravity 319 Postal Service government 737.a postboy traveler 268 postdate anachronism 115 postdiluvial posteriority 117 postdiluvian posteriority 117 post-doc learner 541 post-doctoral student learner 541 poster publication 531 posterior posteriority 117 rear 235 sequence 63 posteriority posteriority 117 rear 235 sequence 63 posteriors rear 235 posterity posterity 167 postern beginning 66 opening 260 rear 235 posthaste velocity 274 haste 684 posthorn musical instruments 417 posthumous posteriority 117 lateness 133 posthumous fame repute 873 postilion director 694 traveler 268 postliminious lateness 133 posteriority 117 postmeridian evening 126 postnate posteriority 117 postolet arms 727 postpone lateness 133 postponed lateness 133 postponement lateness 133 postprandial posteriority 117 postscript sequel 65 postulant clergy 996 petitioner 767 request 765 postulate maxim 496 reasoning 476 supposition 514 postulation request 765 supposition 514 postulatory supposition 514 posture situation 183 circumstance 8 form 240 posture master drama 599 posturemaster humorist 844 posy indication 550 ornament 847 poetry 597 pot acquisition 775 calefaction 384 furnace 386 greatness 31 intemperance 954 preservation 670 receptacle 191 pot bellied expansion 194 pot belly convexity 250 pot companion friend 890 pot herbs condiment 393 pot house abode 189 pot hunter petitioner 767 potable food 298 potage food 298 potager receptacle 191 potation drunkenness 959 food 298 pot-bellied stove furnace 386 potency power 157 potent physical energy 171 strength 159 potentate master 745 potential inexistence 2 power 157 potential energy power 157 potentiality possibility 470 power 157 pother disorder 59 excitability 825 feeling 821 painfulness 830 pothooks and hangers writing 590 potion food 298 remedy 662 potluck chance 621 food 298 Potosi wealth 803 potpourri fragrance 400 music 415 mixture 41 pottage food 298 potter inactivity 683 potter away one's money prodigality 818 pottering activity 682 inactivity 683 potter's field interment 363 potter's wheel rotation 312 pottery calefaction 384 sculpture 557 pottle receptacle 191 potulent food 298 drunkenness 959 potvaliant drunkenness 959 potwalloper servant 746 pot-wallopper commonality 876 pouch receptacle 191 poultice pulpiness 354 relief 834 remedy 662 poultry animal 366 pounce upon attack 716 inexpectation 508 taking 789 pound pulverulence 330 gravity 319 inclosure 232 prison 752 pound sign indication 550 pound together mixture 41 poundage discount 813 pour egress 295 river 348 sufficiency 639 pour a broadside into attack 716 pour balm into moderation 174 relief 834 pour forth ejection 297 loquacity 584 speech 582 pour forth like water prodigality 818 pour in convergence 290 ingress 294 sufficiency 639 pour into ingress 294 pour oil on relief 834 pour oil on the fire violence 173 pour oil on the waves moderation 174 pour on giving 784 pour out ejection 297 river 348 pour out blood like water killing 361 pour out of egress 295 pour rire ridiculousness 853 pour salt in the wound sensibility 822 memory 505 pour water into a sieve waste 638 prodigality 818 pour with rain river 348 pourboire giving 784 pourparler advice 695 conversation 588 council 696 pout convexity 250 dejection 837 discourtesy 895 resentment 900 sullenness 901.a poverty poverty 804 unimportance 643 insufficiency 640 poverty of blood weakness 160 poverty of intellect imbecility folly 499 poverty-stricken poverty 804 POW prisoner 754 snap 406 pow! snap 406 powder arms 727 littleness 193 ornament 847 pulverulence 330 powder and shot arms 727 powder blue blueness 438 powder puff impotence 158 powder room receptacle 191 powdered variegation 440 powderiness pulverulence 330 powdering ornament 847 powdery pulverulence 330 power authority 737 greatness 31 loudness 404 number 84 physical energy 171 power 157 strength 159 vigor 574 power down cessation 142 power of attorney commission 755 power of money money 800 power of speech speech 582 power plant workshop 691 powerful loudness 404 power 157 strength 159 vigor 574 powerful voice voice 580 powerfully greatness 31 power 157 powerless absence of influence 175.a impotence 158 unimportance 643 weakness 160 powerlessness absence of influence 175.a pox disease 655 pr_evenance courtesy 894 praam ship 273 practicability possibility 470 practicable possibility 470 practicableness possibility 470 practical agency 170 conduct 692 practical joke amusement 840 deception 545 ridicule 856 practical joker humorist 844 practical joking disrespect 929 practical knowledge knowledge 490 skill 698 practical nurse remedy 662 practically intrinsicality 5 practice action 680 conduct 692 habit 613 numeration 85 teaching 537 use 677 practice at the bar lawyer 968 practice chicanery deception 545 practice economy economy 817 practice law lawyer 968 practice sorcery sorcery 992 practice upon deception 545 experiment 463 practice virtue virtue 944 practice within the bar lawyer 968 practiced preparation 673 skill 698 practiced hand proficient 700 practise learner 541 practise makes perfect learner 541 practitioner agent 690 praetor judge 967 pragmatical affectation 855 vanity 880 prahu ship 273 prairie plain 344 vegetable 367 praise congratulation 896 gratitude 916 worship 990 approbation 931 praise to the skies flattery 933 praised approbation 931 praiseworthy approbation 931 goodness 648 virtue 944 prame ship 273 prance agitation 315 journey 266 prank amusement 840 ornament 847 caprice 608 pranked out ornament 847 prate conversation 588 loquacity 584 prattle loquacity 584 speech 582 pravity vice 945 praxis action 680 grammar 567 Praxiteles artist 559 pray request 765 worship 990 pray God that! worship 990 prayer request 765 worship 990 prayer machine rite 998 prayer wheel rite 998 preach rite 998 teaching 537 preach to the converted teaching 537 preach to the winds inutility 645 preach to the wise teaching 537 preacher clergy 996 teacher 540 preaching rite 998 preachment rite 998 teaching 537 preadamite oldness 124 veteran 130 preamble precursor 64 preapprehension misjudgment 481 prebend churchdom 995 prebendary clergy 996 prebendaryship churchdom 995 Precambrian oldness 124 precarious danger 665 transientness 111 uncertainty 475 precariousness danger 665 uncertainty 475 precatory request 765 precaution plan 626 preparation 673 care 459 safety 664 precautionary preparation 673 precede precedence 62 precession 280 priority 116 superiority 33 precedence precedence 62 precession 280 priority 116 repute 873 precedent habit 613 priority 116 prototype 22 precursor 64 lawsuit 969 frequency 136 precession 280 precedence 62 preceding precedence 62 priority 116 precentor clergy 996 director 694 precept command 741 permission 760 precept 697 requirement 630 preceptor teacher 540 precession priority 116 precedence 62 precession 280 precinct government 737.a limit 233 place 182 precincts circumjacence 227 region 181 precious dearness 814 goodness 648 greatness 31 love 897 value 812.a precious metals money 800 precious stone goodness 648 jewelry 847.a precipice pitfall 667 verticality 212 precipitancy haste 684 rashness 863 precipitant instantaneity 113 precipitate rashness 863 uncleanness 653 liquefaction 335 instantaneity 113 earliness 132 depression 308 density 321 assemblage 72 haste 684 precipitate oneself descent 306 precipitately earliness 132 haste 684 precipitation density 321 rashness 863 haste 684 depression 308 earliness 132 precipitous instantaneity 113 precipitousness haste 684 precis compendium 596 precise truth 494 precisely assent 488 quantity 25 imitation 19 punctuality 132.a preciseness truth 494 precisian impiety 988 severity 739 precisianism impiety 988 severity 739 heterodoxy 984 affectation 855 precision truth 494 intelligibility 518 preclude hindrance 706 preclusion hindrance 706 exclusion 55 precocious nonpreparation 674 insolence 885 discourtesy 895 earliness 132 precocity earliness 132 precognition foresight 510 knowledge 490 precolumbian oldness 124 preconceived idea misjudgment 481 preconception misjudgment 481 preconcert plan 626 preconcertation preparation 673 precursive precedence 62 precursor priority 116 precursor 64 precession 280 precedence 62 precursory precedence 62 precursor 64 predaceous stealing 791 taking 789 predal stealing 791 taking 789 predatorial stealing 791 taking 789 predatory stealing 791 taking 789 predecessor precursor 64 predeliberation foresight 510 predetermination 611 predesignate predetermination 611 predesignated predetermination 611 predesigned predetermination 611 predestinate deity 976 predestination necessity 601 predetermination 611 predestine destiny 152 necessity 601 predetermination 611 predetermination predetermination 611 will 600 intention 620 necessity 601 predetermine plan 626 predetermination 611 predial agriculture 371 land 342 property 780 predicable affirmation 535 predicament circumstance 8 state 7 predicate affirmation 535 rite 998 predication rite 998 affirmation 535 predicatory affirmation 535 predict prediction 511 foresight 510 predicting prediction 511 prediction prediction 511 warning 668 predictive prediction 511 predictor oracle 513 predilection affections 820 choice 609 desire 865 misjudgment 481 predispose motive 615 preparation 673 predisposed affections 820 willingness 602 predisposition preparation 673 tendency 176 affections 820 predominance influence 175 predominance of Aquarius river 348 predominancy influence 175 predominant authority 737 influence 175 predominate influence 175 superiority 33 preeminence repute 873 superiority 33 preeminent repute 873 superiority 33 preeminently superiority 33 greatness 31 preemption purchase 795 preengage earliness 132 preengagement promise 768 preestablish plan 626 preexamine inquiry 461 preexist priority 116 pre-existence priority 116 pre-existent priority 116 pre-existing priority 116 preface precedence 62 precursor 64 prefatory precedence 62 precursor 64 prefect deputy 759 master 745 Prefect of Studies school 542 prefecture government 737.a prefer choice 609 churchdom 995 desire 865 prefer a claim lawsuit 969 prefer a petition request 765 prefer a prayer request 765 prefer a request request 765 prefer not to dislike 867 preference choice 609 precedence 62 preferential choice 609 preferment churchdom 995 improvement 658 preferred stock securities 799.b prefiguration prediction 511 prefigure prediction 511 prefigurement indication 550 omen 512 precursor 64 prediction 511 prefix precedence 62 precursor 64 preglacial oldness 124 pregnable impotence 158 pregnancy productiveness 168 pregnant destiny 152 importance 642 production 161 productiveness 168 conciseness 572 pregnant with prediction 511 pregnant with meaning meaning 516 prehensile taking 789 prehension taking 789 prehistoric oldness 124 preinstruct teaching 537 prejudge misjudgment 481 prejudgment misjudgment 481 prejudicate misjudgment 481 prejudication misjudgment 481 prejudice evil 619 misjudgment 481 deterioration 659 prejudiced misjudgment 481 obstinacy 606 prejudicial badness 649 prelacy churchdom 995 prelate clergy 996 prelatical churchdom 995 prelation choice 609 prelector teacher 540 prelibation foresight 510 preliminaries of peace pacification 723 preliminary preparation 673 precursor 64 precedence 62 prelude precedence 62 precursor 64 preludious precursor 64 prelusive precedence 62 precursor 64 prelusory precedence 62 precursor 64 premature earliness 132 nonpreparation 674 untimeliness 135 prematurely earliness 132 prematurity earliness 132 pre-med learner 541 premeditate predetermination 611 intention 620 premeditated predetermination 611 premeditation predetermination 611 premices premises effect 154 premier deputy 759 director 694 premiership direction 693 premise precedence 62 prediction 511 premises evidence 467 reasoning 476 priority 116 precursor 64 place 182 premium debt 806 receipt 810 reward 973 premonish warning 668 premonishment warning 668 premonition intuition 477 prediction 511 warning 668 premonitory prediction 511 warning 668 Premonstatensian clergy 996 premonstration appearance 448 manifestation 525 prediction 511 prenotion foresight 510 misjudgment 481 prensation taking 789 prentice learner 541 prenticeship learning 539 preoccupancy possession 777 preoccupation inattention 458 preoccupied attention 457 inattention 458 preoption choice 609 preordain predetermination 611 necessity 601 destiny 152 preordination predetermination 611 necessity 601 preparation arrangement 60 melody concord 413 precursor 64 preparation 673 teaching 537 preparative preparation 673 preparatory precedence 62 preparation 673 preparatory school school 542 prepare preparation 673 teaching 537 plan 626 prepare an abstract compendium 596 prepare for expectation 507 preparation 673 prepare for the evil day preparation 673 prepare oneself preparation 673 prepare the ground facility 705 preparation 673 prepared plan 626 preparation 673 skill 698 preparedness preparation 673 preparer preparation 673 preparing destiny 152 preparation 673 prepense intention 620 predetermination 611 will 600 prepollence power 157 preponderance authority 737 influence 175 superiority 33 preponderant authority 737 preponderate authority 737 superiority 33 preponderation superiority 33 prepossess misjudgment 481 prepossessed obstinacy 606 prepossessing beauty 845 pleasurableness 829 prepossession misjudgment 481 possession 777 preposterous absurdity 497 exaggeration 549 greatness 31 ridiculousness 853 undueness 925 preposterously greatness 31 prepotency power 157 Pre-Raphaelite oldness 124 the past 122 Pre-Raphaelitism the past 122 prerequire requirement 630 prerequisite qualification 469 requirement 630 prerogative authority 737 dueness 924 presage omen 512 prediction 511 priority 116 presbyopia dimsightedness 443 presbyopic dimsightedness 443 presbyter clergy 996 Presbyterian heterodoxy 984 presbytery clergy 996 temple 1000 churchdom 995 prescience foresight 510 prescient foresight 510 prescious prediction 511 prescribe advice 695 command 741 direction 693 dueness 924 duty 926 prescribe a task command 741 prescribed dueness 924 prescript command 741 precept 697 prescription oldness 124 precept 697 dueness 924 command 741 remedy 662 habit 613 prescriptive dueness 924 habit 613 oldness 124 permanence 141 presence appearance 448 courtesy 894 existence 1 presence 186 presence chamber receptacle 191 presence of God heaven 981 presence of mind caution 864 inexcitability 826 attention 457 present churchdom 995 giving 784 offer 763 presence 186 the present time 118 present a bold front courage 861 present a front resistance 719 present arms courtesy 894 respect 928 present itself eventuality 151 thought 451 visibility 446 present oneself courtesy 894 offer 763 presence 186 present pleasure pleasurableness 829 present the alternative choice 609 present the appearance of appearance 448 present the semblance of appearance 448 present time instantaneity 113 present to the mind memory 505 present to the view appearance 448 presentable fashion 852 presentation celebration 883 offer 763 giving 784 churchdom 995 courtesy 894 present-day the present time 118 presentiment foresight 510 intuition 477 misjudgment 481 presenting arms respect 928 presentment giving 784 information 527 lawsuit 969 preservation safety 664 preservation 670 deity 976 defense 717 permanence 141 preservation of life life 359 preservative preservation 670 safety 664 preservatory preservation 670 preserve continuance in action 143 sweetness 396 store 636 safety 664 region 181 deity 976 preservation 670 preserve a middle course mid-course 628 preserve an even course mid-course 628 preserved preservation 670 preserver preservation 670 safety 664 preserving preservation 670 preshow prediction 511 preside direction 693 preside at the board direction 693 preside over government 737.a presidency government 737.a president master 745 director 694 government 737.a President's message advice 695 presidentship government 737.a press motive 615 receptacle 191 request 765 offer 763 gravity 319 compulsion 744 assemblage 72 book 593 insertion 300 press agent's yarn untruth 546 press ahead progression 282 press for an answer inquiry 461 press forward haste 684 progression 282 press forwards progression 282 press gang jurisdiction 965 press into service use 677 press into the service aid 707 press of business business 625 activity 682 press on course 109 haste 684 progression 282 pursuit 622 press one hard attack 716 press out extraction 301 press proof printing 591 press revise printing 591 press room printing 591 press secretary news 532 press the flesh courtesy 894 press the hand courtesy 894 press to the bosom endearment 902 press work printing 591 pressed for time haste 684 transientness 111 pressing importance 642 requirement 630 pressure power 157 adversity 735 excitation 824 gravity 319 importance 642 influence 175 pressure cooker sibilation 409 pressure of the times adversity 735 pressure release valve sibilation 409 pressure to conform assent 488 prestidigitation deception 545 prestidigitator deceiver 548 prestige authority 737 desire 865 misjudgment 481 repute 873 prestigiation deception 545 prestigiatory deception 545 prestigious deception 545 prestissimo music 415 presto instantaneity 113 music 415 prestriction blindness 442 presumable probability 472 presume belief 484 hope 858 insolence 885 misjudgment 481 pride 878 supposition 514 presumption probability 472 undueness 925 rashness 863 misjudgment 481 hope 858 expectation 507 belief 484 supposition 514 insolence 885 presumptive supposition 514 dueness 924 probability 472 presumptive evidence evidence 467 probability 472 presumptuous insolence 885 presuppose misjudgment 481 supposition 514 presupposition supposition 514 presurmise supposition 514 foresight 510 pretend pretext 617 falsehood 544 affirmation 535 pretended deception 545 pretext 617 pretender boasting 884 deceiver 548 undueness 925 pretending falsehood 544 pretense pretext 617 ostentation 882 falsehood 544 affectation 855 untruth 546 boasting 884 pretension pretext 617 ornament 577 affectation 855 dueness 924 pretensions boasting 884 ostentation 882 vanity 880 pretentious affectation 855 boasting 884 ostentation 882 undueness 925 vanity 880 preterlapsed the past 122 pretermit neglect 460 preternatural unconformity 83 preterperfect the past 122 preterpluperfect the past 122 pretext pretext 617 untruth 546 pretty imperfection 651 beauty 845 greatness 31 pretty bobbish health 654 pretty fellow fool 501 pretty good imperfection 651 pretty kettle of fish difficulty 704 disorder 59 pretty pass difficulty 704 pretty well unimportance 643 smallness 32 greatness 31 imperfection 651 pretypify prediction 511 prevail existence 1 generality 78 habit 613 influence 175 success 731 superiority 33 prevail upon motive 615 prevail with motive 615 prevailing habit 613 influence 175 generality 78 prevailing taste fashion 852 prevalence generality 78 habit 613 influence 175 superiority 33 prevalent existence 1 generality 78 habit 613 influence 175 prevaricate falsehood 544 prevarication falsehood 544 prevenient earliness 132 precedence 62 prevent remedy 662 hindrance 706 preventative remedy 662 preventative medicine remedy 662 prevention hindrance 706 misjudgment 481 remedy 662 prevention of waste economy 817 preventive hindrance 706 preventive medicine remedy 662 previous priority 116 previously priority 116 prevision foresight 510 prewarn warning 668 prey food 298 intention 620 pain 828 booty 793 prey on the heart painfulness 830 prey on the mind dejection 837 excitation 824 fear 860 painfulness 830 regret 833 prey on the spirits dejection 837 painfulness 830 price goodness 648 substitution 147 price 812 reward 973 price current value 812.a price down discount 813 price war discount 813 priced price 812 priceless dearness 814 goodness 648 inutility 645 prices looking up dearness 814 prick physical pain 378 sensations of touch 380 sharpness 253 opening 260 motive 615 painfulness 830 prick one's balloon dissuasion 616 prick up one's ears expectation 507 hearing 418 prick up the ears attention 457 curiosity 455 prickings of conscience penitence 950 prickle sensations of touch 380 sharpness 253 prickly roughness 256 sharpness 253 pride pride 878 vanity 880 ornament 847 pride oneself on pride 878 priest clergy 996 priestcraft churchdom 995 priesthood churchdom 995 clergy 996 priestly churchdom 995 priest-ridden churchdom 995 impiety 988 prig affectation 855 blusterer 887 stealing 791 priggish affectation 855 vanity 880 priggishness vanity 880 priggism vanity 880 prim pride 878 affectation 855 primacy churchdom 995 repute 873 primary cause 153 importance 642 primary color color 428 primary education teaching 537 primary literature record 551 primary school school 542 primate clergy 996 primates nobility 875 prime goodness 648 preparation 673 teaching 537 oldness 124 number 84 importance 642 earliness 132 morning 125 prime and load preparation 673 prime cost expenditure 809 price 812 prime factor number 84 prime minister director 694 government 737.a prime mover cause 153 producer 164 prime number number 84 prime of life youth 127 adolescence 131 prime of the morning morning 125 prime pair number 84 primed drunkenness 959 skill 698 primer school 542 primeval beginning 66 oldness 124 primigenous oldness 124 priming painting 556 primitive beginning 66 cause 153 oldness 124 primogenesis beginning 66 primogenial beginning 66 primogeniture age 128 oldness 124 possession 777 posterity 167 primordial oldness 124 beginning 66 cause 153 primordinate oldness 124 primrose-colored yellowness 436 prince good man 948 master 745 nobility 875 Prince Albert coat clothing 225 princely repute 873 nobility 875 disinterestedness 942 government 737.a liberality 816 princess favorite 899 master 745 nobility 875 principal director 694 importance 642 principal part greatness 31 importance 642 whole 50 principality property 780 government 737.a principally superiority 33 principle cause 153 conformity 82 intrinsicality 5 materiality 316 maxim 496 motive 615 probity 939 reasoning 476 belief 484 prink ornament 847 ostentation 882 print indication 550 printing 591 engraving 558 money 800 painting 556 print in capitals importance 642 print in italics importance 642 print in large letters importance 642 printed printing 591 printer printing 591 printer's ink blackness 431 printing engraving 558 printing 591 printing ink blackness 431 printing symbols indication 550 printless obliteration 552 prior clergy 996 precedence 62 priority 116 prior to priority 116 prior to this time 106 prioress clergy 996 priority precedence 62 precession 280 priority 116 priory temple 1000 prism angularity 244 color 428 optical instruments 445 prismatic variegation 440 color 428 prison refuge 666 inclosure 232 prison 752 prison house prison 752 prisoner accusation 938 bad man 949 prisoner 754 restraint 751 prisoner of war prisoner 754 pristine the past 122 prithee request 765 prittle-prattle conversation 588 privacy concealment 528 seclusion, exclusion 893 private combatant 726 speciality 79 concealment 528 seclusion, exclusion 893 private aviation ship 273 private joke wit 842 private plane ship 273 private road method 627 private soldier combatant 726 privateer combatant 726 thief 792 privateering stealing 791 privately modesty 881 privately traded issues stock market 799.a privation poverty 804 loss 776 privative taking 789 privilege dueness 924 exemption 777.a permission 760 privileged dueness 924 privity knowledge 490 privy concealment 528 uncleanness 653 privy council council 696 privy to knowledge 490 prize booty 793 trophy 733 success 731 good 618 approbation 931 acquisition 775 love 897 prize fighter combatant 726 prize fighting contention 720 prize open violence 173 prizeman proficient 700 prizer petitioner 767 pro and con motive 615 pro aris et focis philanthropy 910 proa ship 273 probability probability 472 chance 156 probable hope 858 probability 472 probably belief 484 probability 472 probate security 771 probation experiment 463 demonstration 478 essay 675 probationary essay 675 experiment 463 probationer learner 541 probative demonstration 478 experiment 463 probatory experiment 463 probe perforator 262 measurement 466 inquiry 461 depth 208 experiment 463 probe to the bottom inquiry 461 probe to the quick inquiry 461 probity probity 939 veracity 543 problem inquiry 461 secret 533 topic 454 problematical uncertainty 475 proboscis convexity 250 procacity discourtesy 895 irascibility 901 insolence 885 procedure action 680 conduct 692 method 627 proceed course 109 progression 282 proceed from effect 154 proceed with conduct 692 proceeding action 680 eventuality 151 incompleteness 53 noncompletion 730 Proceedings of record 551 proceeds receipt 810 acquisition 775 money 800 procerity height 206 process conduct 692 convexity 250 process of reasoning reasoning 476 process of time course 109 procession continuity 69 journey 266 ostentation 882 processional rite 998 prochronism anachronism 115 proclaim manifestation 525 publication 531 proclaim at Charing Cross publication 531 proclamation publication 531 proclivity affections 820 tendency 176 proconsul deputy 759 government 737.a procrastinate lateness 133 procrastination inactivity 683 lateness 133 procreant productiveness 168 procreate production 161 productiveness 168 procreation production 161 productiveness 168 procreative productiveness 168 procreator paternity 166 Procrustean conformity 82 Procrustean law conformity 82 proctor consignee 758 director 694 lawyer 968 proctorship direction 693 procumbent horizontality 213 procuration acquisition 775 commission 755 procurator director 694 procure purchase 795 acquisition 775 cause 153 motive 615 procure pleasure pleasurableness 829 procurement acquisition 775 agency 170 procurer libertine 962 procuress libertine 962 prod impulse 276 prodigal redundancy 641 bad man 949 prodigality 818 prodigal son penitence 950 prodigality prodigality 818 waste 638 prodigence prodigality 818 prodigious wonder 870 greatness 31 impossibility 471 size 192 prodigy goodness 648 prodigy 872 unconformity 83 prodigy of learning proficient 700 prodition improbity 940 prodrome precursor 64 prodromos precursor 64 prodromous precursor 64 prodromus precursor 64 produce manifestation 525 productiveness 168 production 161 merchandise 798 increase 35 effect 154 acquisition 775 cause 153 length 200 produce a good effect goodness 648 produce an impression physical sensibility 375 produce an instance conformity 82 produce conviction belief 484 produce evil badness 649 produce good goodness 648 produce itself visibility 446 produce laughter amusement 840 produce pain painfulness 830 produce pleasure pleasurableness 829 produce sound sound 402 produce witnesses evidence 467 produced production 161 producer drama 599 producer 164 producible manifestation 525 producing production 161 product effect 154 number 84 increase 35 acquisition 775 merchandise 798 production production 161 cause 153 effect 154 length 200 manifestation 525 productive power 157 productiveness 168 productive of production 161 productiveness productiveness 168 utility 644 productivity power 157 proem precursor 64 proemial precursor 64 beginning 66 precedence 62 proemium precursor 64 profanation impiety 988 misuse 679 profane impiety 988 laity 997 misuse 679 profane swearing malediction 908 profaneness impiety 988 profanity impiety 988 profess affirmation 535 profession untruth 546 promise 768 business 625 affirmation 535 profession of faith belief 484 maxim 496 theology 983 professional business 625 professional journal record 551 professionally business 625 professor scholar 492 teacher 540 professorial teacher 540 professorship teacher 540 school 542 proffer offer 763 proficiency skill 698 success 731 knowledge 490 proficient proficient 700 skill 698 proficient with knowledge 490 proficuous utility 644 profile appearance 448 laterality 236 outline 230 painting 556 profit success 731 increase 35 acquisition 775 good 618 utility 644 goodness 648 profit and loss account accounts 811 profit and loss statement accounts 811 profit by improvement 658 skill 698 use 677 profitable utility 644 acquisition 775 goodness 648 productiveness 168 receipt 810 profitless inutility 645 profligacy vice 945 profligate vice 945 profluence river 348 profluent progression 282 river 348 profound cunning 702 depth 208 feeling 821 greatness 31 intelligence, wisdom 498 knowledge 490 profound application attention 457 profound attention attention 457 profound knowledge knowledge 490 profound secret secret 533 profound study attention 457 profound thought attention 457 profundity depth 208 intelligence, wisdom 498 profuse diffuseness 573 multitude 102 prodigality 818 redundancy 641 profuseness prodigality 818 redundancy 641 profusion redundancy 641 sufficiency 639 multitude 102 prodigality 818 prog food 298 progenerate production 161 progeneration production 161 progenitor paternity 166 progeny posterity 167 Progmatic Sanction compact 769 prognosis foresight 510 prediction 511 prognostic omen 512 prognosticate prediction 511 prognostication prediction 511 prognosticator oracle 513 program prediction 511 politics 737.b plan 626 programme plan 626 programmer numeration 85 progress conversion 144 motion 264 progression 282 progress of science knowledge 490 progress of time course 109 progression progression 282 order 58 continuity 69 number 84 progressive progression 282 continuity 69 course 109 improvement 658 progressiveness progression 282 prohibit prohibition 761 restraint 751 prohibited illegality 964 prohibition 761 prohibition prohibition 761 restraint 751 negation 536 exclusion 55 temperance 953 prohibitionist sobriety 958 prohibitive prohibition 761 prohibitory prohibition 761 project prediction 511 teaching 537 propulsion 284 plan 626 convexity 250 intention 620 predetermination 611 projectile arms 727 propulsion 284 projectiles propulsion 284 projecting convexity 250 pendency 214 projection convexity 250 propulsion 284 representation 554 projector plan 626 prolate voice 580 prolate spheroid rotundity 249 prolation speech 582 voice 580 prolection teaching 537 prolegomena precursor 64 prolepsis anachronism 115 precursor 64 proletaire commonality 876 proletarian commonality 876 proletariat commonality 876 proletary commonality 876 prolific production 161 utility 644 productiveness 168 prolix diffuseness 573 prolixity diffuseness 573 prolocutor interpreter 524 speech 582 teacher 540 prologue drama 599 precursor 64 prolong diuturnity 110 lateness 133 length 200 prolongation lateness 133 length 200 continuance in action 143 prolongation of time diuturnity 110 prolonged diuturnity 110 prolusion precursor 64 promenade journey 266 ostentation 882 Promethean life 359 Prometheus life 359 prominence convexity 250 elevation 307 height 206 importance 642 prominent importance 642 manifestation 525 height 206 convexity 250 repute 873 prominent part importance 642 prominently greatness 31 superiority 33 promiscuous chance 621 disorder 59 indiscrimination 465.a mixture 41 promise consent 762 hope 858 prediction 511 promise 768 promise oneself expectation 507 hope 858 promised promise 768 promising hope 858 promise 768 promissory promise 768 promissory note money 800 security 771 promontory convexity 250 height 206 land 342 promote aid 707 improvement 658 tendency 176 promoter plan 626 promotion aid 707 improvement 658 prompt activity 682 advice 695 earliness 132 information 527 memory 505 motive 615 punctuality 132.a prompt memory memory 505 prompt-book memory 505 prompter advice 695 drama 599 motive 615 prompting memory 505 motive 615 promptitude earliness 132 activity 682 promptness punctuality 132.a promptuary store 636 promulgate publication 531 promulgate a decree command 741 promulgate a requisition command 741 promulgate an order command 741 promulgation publication 531 promulgatory publication 531 Pron man 373 woman 374 pronation and supination inversion 218 prone affections 820 horizontality 213 proneness affections 820 horizontality 213 tendency 176 prong bisection 91 pronounce speech 582 voice 580 judgment 480 affirmation 535 pronounced manifestation 525 pronouncement affirmation 535 pronunciation voice 580 pronunciative affirmation 535 proof demonstration 478 physical insensibility 376 plan 626 printing 591 indication 550 hardness 323 evidence 467 experiment 463 proof against defense 717 insensibility 823 resistance 719 resolution 604 safety 664 strength 159 prop support 215 connection 45 aid 707 propaedeutic teaching 537 propaedeutical teaching 537 propaedeutics teaching 537 propagable productiveness 168 propaganda belief 484 misteaching 538 school 542 teaching 537 propagandism teaching 537 propagandist clergy 996 misteaching 538 teacher 540 propagandize misteaching 538 propagate production 161 publication 531 propagation production 161 productiveness 168 publication 531 propane fuel 388 propel motion 264 motive 615 propulsion 284 propelled propulsion 284 propeller propulsion 284 propeller plane ship 273 propelling propulsion 284 propelment propulsion 284 propend willingness 602 propendency affections 820 predetermination 611 propense willingness 602 propenseness affections 820 propension affections 820 propensity affections 820 desire 865 tendency 176 proper beauty 845 dueness 924 expedience 646 speciality 79 proper name nomenclature 564 proper season occasion 134 proper time occasion 134 property government 737.a power 157 property 780 wealth 803 property man drama 599 prophasis foresight 510 prophecy prediction 511 prophesier oracle 513 prophesy prediction 511 prophet oracle 513 clergy 996 Judeo-christian revelation 985 prophetic Judeo-christian revelation 985 prediction 511 prophylactic hindrance 706 preservation 670 remedy 662 salubrity 656 prophylaxis preservation 670 propinquity nearness 197 propitiate pacification 723 pity 914 love 897 inexcitability 826 deity 976 content 831 atonement 952 forgiveness 918 propitiation deity 976 forgiveness 918 atonement 952 propitiator mediation 724 propitious aid 707 prosperity 734 occasion 134 goodness 648 hope 858 prop-jet ship 273 proplasm prototype 22 proportion apportionment 786 symmetry 242 relation 9 number 84 comparison 464 proportionable relation 9 proportional number 84 relation 9 proportionate agreement 23 relation 9 proportions size 192 space 180 proposal request 765 supposition 514 plan 626 offer 763 intention 620 propose endearment 902 intention 620 offer 763 supposition 514 affirmation 535 propose the question inquiry 461 propose to oneself intention 620 proposed inquiry 461 proposing feebleness 575 proposition request 765 reasoning 476 topic 454 offer 763 plan 626 supposition 514 propound affirmation 535 supposition 514 propound the question inquiry 461 proprietary possessor 779 proprietor possessor 779 proprietorship property 780 proprietress possessor 779 propriety right 922 agreement 23 duty 926 expedience 646 fashion 852 propugn vindication 937 defense 717 propugnation defense 717 propugner defense 717 propulsion impulse 276 propulsion 284 propulsive propulsion 284 propylaeum beginning 66 propylon beginning 66 prore front 234 prorogation lateness 133 prorogue lateness 133 proruption egress 295 pros and cons reasoning 476 prosaic prose 598 plainness 576 dullness 843 imbecility folly 499 feebleness 575 prosaicism prose 598 prosaism prose 598 prosaist prose 598 prosal prose 598 proscenium drama 599 front 234 proscribe seclusion, exclusion 893 condemnation 971 malediction 908 prohibition 761 proscription seclusion, exclusion 893 prohibition 761 condemnation 971 malediction 908 proscriptive prohibition 761 prose diffuseness 573 dullness 843 loquacity 584 prose 598 prose run mad ornament 577 poetry 597 prose writer prose 598 prosecute pursuit 622 lawsuit 969 action 680 accusation 938 prosecute an inquiry inquiry 461 prosecution lawsuit 969 pursuit 622 prosecutor accusation 938 proselyte learner 541 tergiversation 607 proselytism teaching 537 proser loquacity 584 prose 598 weariness 841 prosing diffuseness 573 dullness 843 weariness 841 prosody poetry 597 prosopopoeia metaphor 521 prospect appearance 448 destiny 152 expectation 507 foresight 510 futurity 121 painting 556 probability 472 prospection expectation 507 prospective foresight 510 expectation 507 prospective analysis experiment 463 prospective survey experiment 463 prospectively futurity 121 prospectus compendium 596 foresight 510 list 86 plan 626 prosper prosperity 734 success 731 prosperity prosperity 734 prosperous prosperity 734 success 731 prosperously prosperity 734 prospicience foresight 510 prostate depression 308 prosternation servility 886 dejection 837 prostitute deterioration 659 impurity 961 libertine 962 prostitute: waste misuse 679 prostitution deterioration 659 impurity 961 misuse 679 prostrate lowness 207 horizontality 213 respect 928 impotence 158 disease 655 destruction 162 servility 886 depression 308 dejection 837 fatigue 688 prostrate oneself respect 928 servility 886 courtesy 894 worship 990 prostration horizontality 213 worship 990 submission 725 servility 886 piety 987 pain 828 impotence 158 fatigue 688 disease 655 destruction 162 depression 308 lowness 207 prostration of soul dejection 837 prosy dullness 843 feebleness 575 prose 598 weariness 841 prosyllogism reasoning 476 prot_eg_e friend 890 protagonist drama 599 proficient 700 protasis precursor 64 maxim 496 protean changeableness 149 form 240 multiformity 81 protect safety 664 protected safety 664 protected cruiser combatant 726 protecting safety 664 protection defense 717 influence 175 restraint 751 safety 664 protective safety 664 protector safety 664 master 745 defense 717 keeper 753 protectorate government 737.a property 780 protectorship government 737.a proteiform changeableness 149 protein organization 357 protein! semiliquidity 352 Proterozoic oldness 124 protervity irascibility 901 protest nonobservance 773 refusal 764 nonpayment 808 affirmation 535 deprecation 766 negation 536 dissent 489 protest against disapprobation 932 opposition 708 protestant dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 protestantism dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 protestation affirmation 535 protested deprecation 766 protested bills nonpayment 808 Proteus changeableness 149 prothesis temple 1000 prothonotary recorder 553 protocol plan 626 compact 769 experiment 463 protogenal cause 153 protohistoric oldness 124 protoplasm organization 357 productiveness 168 prototype 22 protoplast prototype 22 prototype prediction 511 prototype 22 protoxide of nitrogen physical insensibility 376 protozoa organization 357 protract length 200 lateness 133 diuturnity 110 diffuseness 573 protracted diffuseness 573 diuturnity 110 protraction lateness 133 length 200 protraction of time diuturnity 110 protreptical motive 615 protrude convexity 250 protrusion convexity 250 protuberance convexity 250 protuberant convexity 250 proud pride 878 repute 873 proud as a peacock vanity 880 pride 878 proud as Lucifer pride 878 proud flesh convexity 250 proud man pride 878 proud-crested pride 878 prove numeration 85 demonstration 478 eventuality 151 evidence 467 experiment 463 feeling 821 prove a negative counter evidence 468 prove one's case vindication 937 prove one's point demonstration 478 prove the truth of vindication 937 prove true truth 494 proven demonstration 478 truth 494 provender food 298 provision 637 proverb maxim 496 proverbial knowledge 490 maxim 496 proverbs drama 599 provide preparation 673 provision 637 provide against preparation 673 provide for a rainy day economy 817 provide legal counsel lawyer 968 provided circumstance 8 qualification 469 supposition 514 provided always qualification 469 provided that qualification 469 providence deity 976 foresight 510 preparation 673 provident preparation 673 intelligence, wisdom 498 foresight 510 care 459 providential prosperity 734 occasion 134 providing preparation 673 provision 637 province business 625 class 75 abode 189 government 737.a provincial abode 189 region 181 vulgarity 851 provincialism neologism 563 provision food 298 wealth 803 qualification 469 provision 637 means 632 preparation 673 provisional circumstance 8 conditions 770 experiment 463 preparation 673 transientness 111 uncertainty 475 provisionally circumstance 8 conditions 770 provisions conditions 770 proviso conditions 770 qualification 469 provisory transientness 111 provocation excitation 824 motive 615 painfulness 830 resentment 900 provocative excitation 824 motive 615 provoke resentment 900 aggravation 835 cause 153 excitation 824 motive 615 painfulness 830 provoke desire desire 865 provoke hatred hate 898 provoking hate 898 painfulness 830 provoquant excitation 824 provost deputy 759 master 745 prow front 234 prowess courage 861 prowl concealment 528 journey 266 prowl after pursuit 622 proximal nearness 197 proximate sequence 63 nearness 197 proximate cause cause 153 proximity contiguity 199 nearness 197 proxy deputy 759 prude affectation 855 purity 960 prudence care 459 caution 864 foresight 510 intelligence, wisdom 498 prudent care 459 caution 864 intelligence, wisdom 498 prudery fastidiousness 868 affectation 855 prudish affectation 855 pruina cold 383 pruinose cold 383 prune improvement 658 nonaddition, subtraction 38 shortness 201 pruning shears sharpness 253 prurience desire 865 pruriency impurity 961 prurient curiosity 455 impurity 961 pruritis sensations of touch 380 Prussian blue blueness 438 Prussic acid bane 663 pry curiosity 455 vision 441 inquiry 461 pry into the future foresight 510 pry open opening 260 prying curiosity 455 inquiry 461 Prytaneum approbation 931 PS memory 505 psalm music 415 worship 990 psalmody worship 990 music 415 rite 998 psaltery musical instruments 417 psammous pulverulence 330 Psephomancy prediction 511 pseudo deception 545 similarity 17 pseudology neologism 563 pseudonym misnomer 565 neologism 563 pseudonymous misnomer 565 pseudonymy misnomer 565 pseudoscope optical instruments 445 pshaw! excitability 825 unimportance 643 psora disease 655 psyche intellect 450 psychical intellect 450 psychics intellect 450 psychological intellect 450 psychologist intellect 450 psychology intellect 450 Psychomancy prediction 511 psychosis insanity 503 PT boat combatant 726 ptisan remedy 662 ptyalism excretion 299 pub abode 189 puberty youth 127 pubescence adolescence 131 pubescent adolescence 131 public government 737.a mankind 372 publication 531 disclosure 529 public announcement publication 531 public enemy enemy 891 public funds treasury 802 public health specialist remedy 662 public house abode 189 public interest utility 644 public opinion assent 488 public park amusement 840 public press publication 531 public relations man news 532 public securities treasury 802 public servant politics 737.b public spirit philanthropy 910 public stocks treasury 802 publication book 593 news 532 production 161 publication 531 publicist book 593 lawyer 968 publicity manifestation 525 publication 531 information 527 publicly publication 531 publicly rumored news 532 public-spirited philanthropy 910 publish information 527 printing 591 publication 531 publish in the Gazette publication 531 publish the banns marriage 903 request 765 published information 527 publication 531 publisher publication 531 book 593 puce purple 437 pucelage celibacy 904 purity 960 youth 127 puceron deterioration 659 Puck demon 980 pucker fold 258 resentment 900 puckish wit 842 pudder disorder 59 inactivity 683 pudding softness 324 sweetness 396 pulpiness 354 food 298 puddle gulf, lake 343 pudicity purity 960 puerile feebleness 575 imbecility folly 499 infant 129 unimportance 643 puerility imbecility folly 499 puerperal production 161 puerperous production 161 puff flattery 933 untruth 546 wind 349 sweetness 396 expansion 194 exaggeration 549 approbation 931 boasting 884 fatigue 688 puff of smoke pulverulence 330 puff up vanity 880 puffed up pride 878 vanity 880 puffer flatterer 935 puffery boasting 884 exaggeration 549 untruth 546 puffiness expansion 194 puffing expansion 194 puffing and blowing fatigue 688 puffy expansion 194 size 192 pug animal 366 record 551 shortness 201 puggaree clothing 225 pugh! unimportance 643 pugilism amusement 840 contention 720 pugilist combatant 726 pugilistic contention 720 pugnacious irascibility 901 courage 861 contention 720 pugnacity irascibility 901 contention 720 puisne youth 127 puisne judge judge 967 puisne! posteriority 117 puissance power 157 puissant power 157 strength 159 puke ejection 297 pukka density 321 preparation 673 truth 494 pulchritude beauty 845 pulcinella drama 599 humorist 844 pulcinello drama 599 pule cry 411 lamentation 839 ululation 412 pull exertion 686 influence 175 motive 615 navigation 267 printing 591 superiority 33 traction 285 pull a long face dejection 837 discontent 832 pull about one's ears depression 308 pull an oar action 680 pull by the sleeve memory 505 pull different ways discord 713 pull down depression 308 destruction 162 pull in restraint 751 pull open opening 260 pull out extraction 301 pull the check-string cessation 142 pull the plug on cessation 142 pull the strings direction 693 influence 175 pull the stroke oar direction 693 pull the wires direction 693 pull through aid 707 restoration 660 pull to pieces detraction 934 disapprobation 932 disjunction 44 destruction 162 pull together concord 714 concurrence 178 cooperation 709 pull towards attraction 288 pull up quiescence 265 accusation 938 cessation 142 disapprobation 932 extraction 301 lawsuit 969 pull up by the roots extraction 301 pulled down fatigue 688 weakness 160 pullet infant 129 pulley instrument 633 pulley wheel rotation 312 pulling towards attraction 288 Pullman car vehicle 272 pullover clothing 225 pullulate expansion 194 production 161 pullulation expansion 194 productiveness 168 pulmonary wind 349 pulmonic disease 655 wind 349 pulp pulpiness 354 pulpiness pulpiness 354 pulpit school 542 temple 1000 pulpy pulpiness 354 pulsate agitation 315 oscillation 314 regularity of recurrence 138 pulsation feeling 821 oscillation 314 regularity of recurrence 138 pulsatory oscillation 314 pulse regularity of recurrence 138 oscillation 314 life 359 vegetable 367 pulsion impulse 276 pultaceous pulpiness 354 pulverizable pulverulence 330 pulverization pulverulence 330 pulverize pulverulence 330 pulverized pulverulence 330 pulverulence pulverulence 330 pulverulent pulverulence 330 pulvil fragrance 400 puma evil 913 pummel punishment 972 pump inquiry 461 river 348 clothing 225 pump room remedy 662 abode 189 pumper insulation, fire extinction 388.a pun similarity 17 wit 842 neologism 563 equivocalness 520 absurdity 497 punce impulse 276 punch engraving 558 impulse 276 ship 273 prototype 22 perforator 262 opening 260 food 298 attack 716 drunkenness 959 carrier 271 humorist 844 Punch and Judy drama 599 punch bowl concavity 252 drunkenness 959 receptacle 191 punch pliers perforator 262 puncheon receptacle 191 materials 635 perforator 262 puncher perforator 262 punchinello drama 599 punching machine perforator 262 punching press perforator 262 punctated variegation 440 punctilio fashion 852 ostentation 882 probity 939 punctilious observance 772 ostentation 882 probity 939 punctiliousness ostentation 882 punctual regularity of recurrence 138 truth 494 probity 939 observance 772 punctuality 132.a punctuality activity 682 earliness 132 frequency 136 probity 939 punctuality 132.a regularity of recurrence 138 truth 494 punctually punctuality 132.a regularity of recurrence 138 punctuate grammar 567 punctuation grammar 567 puncture opening 260 punctured tire sibilation 409 pundit lawyer 968 scholar 492 pungency bitterness 392.b physical energy 171 pungency 392 pungent feeling 821 odor 398 pungency 392 vigor 574 Punic faith improbity 940 punish punishment 972 punished punishment 972 punishing punishment 972 punishment punishment 972 punition punishment 972 punitive punishment 972 punitory punishment 972 punk fuel 388 libertine 962 punkah wind 349 punning absurdity 497 wit 842 punster humorist 844 punt ship 273 navigation 267 puny littleness 193 pup infant 129 production 161 animal 366 pupa infant 129 pupil learner 541 vision 441 pupil teacher teacher 540 pupilage learner 541 learning 539 youth 127 pupilarity learning 539 puppet servant 746 representation 554 dupe 547 auxiliary 711 littleness 193 puppet show amusement 840 drama 599 puppy boasting 884 animal 366 blusterer 887 puppy love love 897 puppyism affectation 855 Purana pseudo-revelation 986 purblind dimsightedness 443 misjudgment 481 purblindness dimsightedness 443 purchase acquisition 775 space 180 purchase 795 expenditure 809 influence 175 purchase footing support 215 purchase money substitution 147 purchased purchase 795 purchaser purchase 795 purchasing purchase 795 pure piety 987 worship 990 virtue 944 veracity 543 truth 494 taste 850 simpleness 42 plainness 576 probity 939 innocence 946 elegance 578 cleanness 652 artlessness 703 purity 960 pure accent voice 580 pure color color 428 puree food 298 purely greatness 31 smallness 32 purgation atonement 952 cleanness 652 purgative cleanness 652 purgatory atonement 952 hell 982 pain 828 purge atonement 952 cleanness 652 ejection 297 purification cleanness 652 improvement 658 simpleness 42 purifier cleanness 652 purify improvement 658 simpleness 42 cleanness 652 purifying cleanness 652 Purim rite 998 purism affectation 855 purist affectation 855 elegance 578 puritan asceticism 955 heterodoxy 984 affectation 855 impiety 988 puritanical affectation 855 asceticism 955 puritanism heterodoxy 984 asceticism 955 purity simpleness 42 purity 960 probity 939 cleanness 652 elegance 578 purl faintness 405 food 298 musician 416 river 348 purlieus circumjacence 227 nearness 197 purling faintness 405 purloin stealing 791 purple redness 434 scepter 747 purple 437 purple and fine linen physical pleasure 377 purport meaning 516 purpose intention 620 irrelation 10 purposed chance 621 purposeless chance 621 purposely intention 620 will 600 purpure purple 437 purr roll 407 ululation 412 purse money 800 treasury 802 purse bearer treasurer 801 purse strings treasury 802 purse up contraction 195 purse-proud pride 878 purser treasurer 801 pursuance pursuit 622 pursuant to intention 620 pursue approach 286 continuance in action 143 inquiry 461 intention 620 pursuit 622 sequence 281 pursue a course action 680 pursue a wild goose chase unskillfulness 699 pursue an inquiry inquiry 461 pursuer pursuit 622 pursuing pursuit 622 pursuit approach 286 business 625 inquiry 461 pursuit 622 pursuivant messenger 534 pursy expansion 194 purulent uncleanness 653 purvey food 298 provision 637 purveyance provision 637 purveyor provision 637 purview intention 620 pus uncleanness 653 Puseyism heterodoxy 984 Puseyite heterodoxy 984 push activity 682 circumstance 8 ejection 297 essay 675 impulse 276 propulsion 284 push ahead progression 282 push aside disrespect 929 neglect 460 push forward activity 682 progression 282 aid 707 push forwards progression 282 push from repulsion 289 push into a corner disrepute 874 push on haste 684 progression 282 push on! activity 682 push one's way progression 282 push to the last lateness 133 pushball amusement 840 pushing activity 682 haste 684 pushing up daisies death 360 pusillanimity cowardice 862 puss animal 366 pussy animal 366 pussycat impotence 158 pustule blemish 848 convexity 250 put amusement 840 commonality 876 fool 501 location 184 possession 777 put a bad construction on misinterpretation 523 put a bold face upon hope 858 courage 861 put a case supposition 514 conformity 82 put a construction on interpretation 522 put a gloss falsehood 544 vindication 937 put a good face on inexcitability 826 pride 878 put a good face upon cheerfulness 836 deception 545 hope 858 ostentation 882 vindication 937 put a mark indication 550 put a mark upon attention 457 put a padlock on the lips taciturnity 585 put a period to cessation 142 put a smiling face upon ostentation 882 put a sop into the pan motive 615 put a spoke in the wheel difficulty 704 hindrance 706 put a stop to cessation 142 hindrance 706 put about circuition 311 publication 531 regression 283 put an end to destruction 162 end 67 killing 361 cessation 142 put an end to it all killing 361 put an end to oneself killing 361 put an extinguisher on hindrance 706 put an extinguisher upon success 731 put an indication indication 550 put apart exclusion 55 put aside disuse 678 exclusion 55 inattention 458 neglect 460 relinquishment 782 put away divorce 905 relinquishment 782 put away thought incogitancy 452 put back deterioration 659 location 184 regression 283 restoration 660 put before information 527 put between interposition 228 put butter upon bacon redundancy 641 put by store 636 put down humility 879 payment 807 record 551 noncompletion 730 disrepute 874 compulsion 744 destruction 162 success 731 disrespect 929 put down roots stability 150 vegetability 365 put down to attribution 155 put false coloring upon falsehood 544 put forth affirmation 535 expansion 194 publication 531 supposition 514 put forth a strong arm exertion 686 put forth one's strength exertion 686 put forth the question inquiry 461 put forward affirmation 535 aid 707 offer 763 ostentation 882 publication 531 put forward a suggestion supposition 514 put forward conjecture supposition 514 put in arrival 292 insertion 300 put in a good word for vindication 937 put in a groove for preparation 673 put in a strait-waistcoat restraint 751 put in a word conversation 588 put in a word or two speech 582 put in action use 677 put in an affidavit affirmation 535 put in an oar interposition 228 put in array arrangement 60 put in bodily fear fear 860 put in circulation money 800 put in commission commission 755 put in complete repair restoration 660 put in danger danger 665 put in execution undertaking 676 put in fear fear 860 put in force compulsion 744 dueness 924 completion 729 put in gear preparation 673 put in good humor amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 put in hand undertaking 676 put in harness preparation 673 put in irons restraint 751 put in issue discord 713 put in italics importance 642 put in its proper niche identification 465.b put in its proper place identification 465.b put in jeopardy danger 665 put in large type importance 642 put in letters importance 642 put in mind memory 505 put in motion propulsion 284 motion 264 put in one's oar activity 682 put in operation use 677 put in orbit propulsion 284 put in order arrangement 60 improvement 658 preparation 673 restoration 660 put in practice action 680 completion 729 use 677 put in remembrance memory 505 put in repair restoration 660 put in requisition command 741 requirement 630 put in the background disrepute 874 put in the black book accusation 938 put in the place of substitution 147 put in the way of possibility 470 teaching 537 put in thorough repair restoration 660 put in train preparation 673 put in trim arrangement 60 perfection 650 preparation 673 put in tune preparation 673 concord 714 melody concord 413 put in working order preparation 673 put in writing record 551 put into arrival 292 insertion 300 put into a lottery chance 621 put into bilboes restraint 751 put into disorder derangement 61 put into effect conduct 692 put into life life 359 put into one's head information 527 put into one's pocket receiving 785 taking 789 put into one's purse receiving 785 put into practice conduct 692 put into requisition use 677 put into shape arrangement 60 form 240 put into the crucible reproduction 163 put into the hands of giving 784 put into words phrase 566 put it into one's head supposition 514 put it on the plastic payment 807 put off departure 293 divestment 226 lateness 133 pretext 617 put off one's guard neglect 460 put on haste 684 velocity 274 punishment 972 clothing 225 affectation 855 falsehood 544 put on a false scent misteaching 538 put on a new scent deviation 279 put on big looks insolence 885 put on mourning lamentation 839 put on one's guard warning 668 put on one's mettle excitation 824 put on paper record 551 put on record record 551 put on short allowance insufficiency 640 put on the brake hindrance 706 put on the drag slowness 275 put on the mask falsehood 544 put on the new man penitence 950 put on the screw severity 739 put on the screws compulsion 744 put on the squeeze compulsion 744 put on the stage drama 599 put on trial experiment 463 lawsuit 969 put one in possession of information 527 put one out difficulty 704 put one over on deception 545 put one's back up resentment 900 put one's eyes out blindness 442 put one's foot down resolution 604 put one's foot in undertaking 676 put one's foot in it unskillfulness 699 put one's hand to undertaking 676 put one's heart into resolution 604 put one's monkey up resentment 900 put one's trust in belief 484 hope 858 put one's veto upon prohibition 761 put oneself forward ostentation 882 vanity 880 put oneself in motion action 680 put oneself out of court intuition 477 unskillfulness 699 put out inattention 458 refrigeration 385 destruction 162 insulation, fire extinction 388.a uncertainty 475 exteriority 220 discontent 832 darkness 421 disrepute 874 put out a feeler experiment 463 put out of countenance disrepute 874 humility 879 resentment 900 put out of court success 731 put out of gear impotence 158 inutility 645 put out of humor resentment 900 put out of joint derangement 61 put out of one's head inattention 458 put out of one's misery pity 914 put out of order disorder 59 put out of sight concealment 528 invisibility 447 neglect 460 put out to interest economy 817 lending 787 put out to nurse aid 707 put right restoration 660 put shoulder to shoulder cooperation 709 put something over on one deception 545 put straight correction 527.a straightness 246 put the best face upon hope 858 put the finishing hand to completion 729 put the horses to preparation 673 put the last completion 729 put the question inquiry 461 put the seal completion 729 put the seal to compact 769 put through one's paces manifestation 525 put to request 765 put to bed with a shovel interment 363 put to death killing 361 put to flight success 731 defense 717 propulsion 284 put to inconvenience hindrance 706 inexpedience 647 put to it difficulty 704 put to nurse teaching 537 put to one's last shifts poverty 804 put to one's oath promise 768 put to one's shifts difficulty 704 poverty 804 put to one's wit's end difficulty 704 put to press printing 591 put to rights arrangement 60 restoration 660 put to sea navigation 267 put to shame disrepute 874 put to silence silence 403 aphony 581 confutation 479 put to task use 677 put to the blush discourtesy 895 disrepute 874 humility 879 insolence 885 put to the door closure 261 put to the inquisition inquiry 461 put to the proof inquiry 461 put to the question inquiry 461 painfulness 830 put to the rack physical pain 378 punishment 972 painfulness 830 put to the rout success 731 put to the sword killing 361 put to the test experiment 463 put to the vote choice 609 put to use use 677 put together combination 48 junction 43 assemblage 72 production 161 put under insensibility 823 put under an interdiction prohibition 761 put under restraint restraint 751 put under the ban prohibition 761 put up worship 990 store 636 assemblage 72 location 184 put up a petition request 765 put up a prayer request 765 put up a request request 765 put up a shutter shade 424 put up at location 184 put up for desire 865 put up for auction sale 796 put up for sale sale 796 put up one's horses at location 184 put up the sword pacification 723 put up to motive 615 teaching 537 put up to auction sale 796 put up with content 831 inexcitability 826 substitution 147 put upon badness 649 deception 545 put upon one's mettle courage 861 putative attribution 155 belief 484 supposition 514 putid unimportance 643 putrefaction uncleanness 653 putrefactive uncleanness 653 putrefied uncleanness 653 putrefy uncleanness 653 putrescence uncleanness 653 putrescent uncleanness 653 putrid fetor 401 odor 398 uncleanness 653 puts securities 799.b putting together production 161 putty connection 45 puzzle unintelligibility 519 concealment 528 difficulty 704 secret 533 uncertainty 475 puzzle headed imbecility folly 499 puzzled difficulty 704 uncertainty 475 puzzling unintelligibility 519 pyaemia disease 655 pycnometer measurement 466 pygmy littleness 193 pyramid angularity 244 assemblage 72 interment 363 sharpness 253 pyramidal angularity 244 sharpness 253 pyramidal numbers number 84 pyramids amusement 840 pyre interment 363 pyriform rotundity 249 pyrology heat 382 Pyromancy prediction 511 pyromaniac evil 913 pyrometer thermometer 389 pyrosis disease 655 pyrotechnic sponge fuel 388 pyrotechnics heat 382 luminary 423 pyrotechny heat 382 pyrotic painfulness 830 pyroxyline arms 727 pyrrhonism irreligion 989 pyrrhonism! incredulity 487 pyrrhonist incredulity 487 irreligion 989 Pythagorean temperance 953 Pythagorism temperance 953 Pythia oracle 513 Pythian oracle oracle 513 Python oracle 513 Pythoness oracle 513 pyx receptacle 191 rite 998 temple 1000 Q Q.C. lawyer 968 Q.E.D. demonstration 478 Q.S sufficiency 639 Q-fever disease 655 quack bungler 701 deceiver 548 remedy 662 ululation 412 quackery affectation 855 falsehood 544 unskillfulness 699 quackish unskillfulness 699 quacksalver deceiver 548 quad abode 189 four 95 heat 382 quad word information 527 quadrable quadruplication 96 quadragesima fasting 956 quadragesimal fasting 956 quadrangle abode 189 angularity 244 four 95 quadrangular angularity 244 quadrant angularity 244 circularity 247 quadrisection 97 quadrate four 95 quadrate with agreement 23 quadratic four 95 quadrature angularity 244 four 95 quadrible quadruplication 96 quadricycle vehicle 272 quadrifid quadrisection 97 quadrifoil four 95 quadrifoliate quadruplication 96 quadrifoliolate quadruplication 96 quadriform four 95 quadrigeminal quadruplication 96 quadrigeminate quadruplication 96 quadrilateral angularity 244 laterality 236 quadrille amusement 840 quadripartite quadrisection 97 quadripartition quadrisection 97 quadriplanar quadruplication 96 quadrireme ship 273 quadrisection quadrisection 97 quadriserial quadruplication 96 quadrivium four 95 quadroon mixture 41 quadrumanous quadruplication 96 quadruped animal 366 quadruple quadruplication 96 quadruplet four 95 quadruplicate quadruplication 96 quadruplication quadruplication 96 quadrupole four 95 quaff food 298 quaff the bitter cup pain 828 quaggy marsh 345 quagmire difficulty 704 marsh 345 uncleanness 653 quail cowardice 862 fear 860 quaint beauty 845 conciseness 572 ridiculousness 853 unconformity 83 quake oscillation 314 agitation 315 cold 383 fear 860 Quaker heterodoxy 984 Quaker gun impotence 158 quakerish affectation 855 quakerism heterodoxy 984 inexcitability 826 qualification change 140 discount 813 negation 536 power 157 qualification 469 skill 698 teaching 537 qualified skill 698 unconformity 83 qualification 469 qualify negation 536 qualification 469 teaching 537 change 140 qualify for dueness 924 qualifying qualification 469 qualities affections 820 quality intrinsicality 5 nobility 875 power 157 tendency 176 value 812.a qualm unbelief doubt 485 unwillingness 603 fear 860 qualms of conscience penitence 950 unwillingness 603 quandary difficulty 704 quantify quantity 25 quantitate quantity 25 quantitative quantity 25 quantitatively numeration 85 quantity assemblage 72 greatness 31 quantity 25 quantum apportionment 786 quantity 25 quantum jump revolution 146 quantum leap revolution 146 quarantine safety 664 quarantine flag indication 550 quarrel discord 713 quarrelsome contention 720 discord 713 irascibility 901 quarry intention 620 store 636 quart quadrisection 97 quarter money 800 region 181 quadrisection 97 pity 914 period 108 lenity 740 laterality 236 four 95 direction 278 abode 189 location 184 quarter deck summit 210 quarter of a hundred five, &c 98 quarter sessions tribunal 966 quarter staff arms 727 quarter upon location 184 quartered quadrisection 97 quarter-evil disease 655 quarter-ill disease 655 quartering quadrisection 97 quartermaster provision 637 quartern quadrisection 97 quarteron mixture 41 quarters abode 189 quarterstaff contention 720 quarter-wave plate optical instruments 445 quartet four 95 music 415 quartett music 415 quartile four 95 quarto book 593 quartz hardness 323 quartz watch chronometry 114 quasative agitation 315 quash abrogation 756 destruction 162 quasi similarity 17 supposition 514 quassation agitation 315 quassia unsavoriness 395 quaternal four 95 quaternary four 95 oldness 124 quaternion four 95 quaternity four 95 quatrain poetry 597 quatrefoil four 95 quattrocento chronometry 114 quaver agitation 315 fear 860 melody concord 413 musician 416 oscillation 314 roll 407 quay abode 189 refuge 666 quean libertine 962 queasiness dislike 867 queasy fastidiousness 868 dislike 867 queen amusement 840 man 373 master 745 queencraft direction 693 Queen's Bench prison 752 Queen's English language 560 Queen's evidence disclosure 529 Queen's highway method 627 Queen's speech advice 695 queer unconformity 83 ridiculousness 853 queer fish laughingstock 857 unconformity 83 quell destruction 162 moderation 174 quiescence 265 success 731 quench destruction 162 dissuasion 616 insulation, fire extinction 388.a pleasurableness 829 satiety 869 quenchless greed 817.a querimonious lamentation 839 querist inquiry 461 quern pulverulence 330 querulous fastidiousness 868 irascibility 901 lamentation 839 querulousness discontent 832 query inquiry 461 quest inquiry 461 pursuit 622 question inquiry 461 irreligion 989 unbelief doubt 485 question at issue inquiry 461 discord 713 question mark indication 550 questionable unbelief doubt 485 uncertainty 475 disrepute 874 questioning inquiry 461 questionist learner 541 questionless certainty 474 questor treasurer 801 queue sequel 65 qui tam lawsuit 969 quib ridicule 856 quibble intuition 477 qualification 469 unmeaningness 517 equivocalness 520 absurdity 497 discrimination 465 wit 842 falsehood 544 quibbling absurdity 497 intuition 477 unmeaningness 517 quick irascibility 901 velocity 274 transientness 111 life 359 intelligence, wisdom 498 instantaneity 113 feeling 821 activity 682 skill 698 quick as a flash instantaneity 113 quick as a lamplighter activity 682 quick as a thought velocity 274 quick as lightning instantaneity 113 velocity 274 quick as thought instantaneity 113 quick ear hearing 418 quick eye vision 441 quick glance vision 441 quick of apprehension intelligence, wisdom 498 quick parts intelligence, wisdom 498 quick shuffle deception 545 quick sight vision 441 quick witted intelligence, wisdom 498 quicken agency 170 aid 707 excitation 824 haste 684 life 359 velocity 274 violence 173 quicken one's pace velocity 274 quickening power agency 170 quick-freeze preservation 670 quickly earliness 132 quickness activity 682 quicksands pitfall 667 quick-scented odor 398 quickset hedge inclosure 232 quicksilver changeableness 149 physical energy 171 velocity 274 quick-witted intelligence, wisdom 498 wit 842 quid pungency 392 quid pro quo retaliation 718 reward 973 substitution 147 compensation 30 barter 794 interchange 148 quiddet intuition 477 quiddity intrinsicality 5 intuition 477 wit 842 quidnunc inquiry 461 quid-pro-quo wit 842 quiescence inaction 681 inactivity 683 permanence 141 physical inertness 172 quiescence 265 quiescent quiescence 265 stability 150 quiet inexcitability 826 leisure 685 moderation 174 quiescence 265 dissuasion 616 quiet as a mouse inexcitability 826 quiet life peace 721 quietism insensibility 823 irreligion 989 quiescence 265 quietly modesty 881 quietude inexcitability 826 quietus death 360 failure 732 killing 361 acquittal 970 quill writing 590 quill driver writing 590 quill driving writing 590 quillet intuition 477 quilt covering 223 variegation 440 quinary five, &c 98 quincux five, &c 98 quinine remedy 662 quinqevalent quinquesection, &c 99 quinquarticular quinquesection, &c 99 quinquefid quinquesection, &c 99 quinquelateral quinquesection, &c 99 quinquennium period 108 quinquepartite quinquesection, &c 99 quinquesect quinquesection, &c 99 quinquesection quinquesection, &c 99 quinquina remedy 662 quinsy disease 655 quint five, &c 98 quintain amusement 840 intention 620 quintal gravity 319 quinteron mixture 41 quintessence intrinsicality 5 quintroon mixture 41 quintuple five, &c 98 quintuplet five, &c 98 quintuplicate five, &c 98 quip amusement 840 disrespect 929 ridicule 856 wit 842 quiproquo error 495 quips and cranks wit 842 quire book 593 musician 416 temple 1000 quirk misjudgment 481 wit 842 caprice 608 amusement 840 intuition 477 quirt scourge 975 quisling disobedience 742 quit relinquishment 624 departure 293 payment 807 quit of loss 776 quit one's hold relinquishment 782 relinquishment 624 quit school learning 539 quit scores payment 807 quitclaim exemption 927.a relinquishment 782 quitclaim deed relinquishment 782 quite completeness 52 quite another thing irrelation 10 dissimilarity 18 quite at home facility 705 freedom 748 quite right approbation 931 quite the contrary negation 536 contrariety 14 quite the reverse contrariety 14 quite the thing dueness 924 agreement 23 quits atonement 952 equality 27 quittance atonement 952 security 771 reward 973 forgiveness 918 payment 807 quiver agitation 315 cold 383 fear 860 feeling 821 oscillation 314 receptacle 191 store 636 quiver with rage resentment 900 quivering fear 860 Quixotic rashness 863 imagination 515 Quixotism rashness 863 excitability 825 Quixotry excitability 825 quiz laughingstock 857 ridicule 856 quiz! ridicule 856 quizzical ridicule 856 ridiculousness 853 quizzing ridicule 856 quodlibet inquiry 461 intuition 477 music 415 wit 842 quoit propulsion 284 quoits amusement 840 quondam the past 122 quorum council 696 quota apportionment 786 expenditure 809 quotation conformity 82 imitation 19 stock market 799.a value 812.a quotation marks indication 550 quote conformity 82 evidence 467 quote authority conformity 82 quote chapter and verse evidence 467 quote precedent conformity 82 quoth he speech 582 affirmation 535 quotidian regularity of recurrence 138 quotient number 84 R r_echauff_e calefaction 384 Ra Jupiter 979 rabat clothing 225 rabbet junction 43 Rabbi clergy 996 Rabbin clergy 996 Rabbinist heterodoxy 984 Rabbist heterodoxy 984 rabbit productiveness 168 rabble assemblage 72 commonality 876 rabble rout commonality 876 rabid desire 865 excitability 825 feeling 821 insanity 503 resentment 900 rabies insanity 503 raccroc chance 156 race opposition 708 river 348 velocity 274 pursuit 622 pungency 392 paternity 166 contention 720 consanguinity 11 conduit 350 conduct 692 continuity 69 class 75 business 625 race against time time 106 race course arena 728 race horse velocity 274 race with contention 720 race-culture improvement 658 racehorse carrier 271 racer carrier 271 vehicle 272 rachidian centrality 222 rachitic disease 655 rachitis disease 655 raciness vigor 574 racing car vehicle 272 racing the clock time 106 rack support 215 bubble; cloud 353 cleanness 652 painfulness 830 physical pain 378 punishment 972 receptacle 191 scourge 975 rack one's brains imagination 515 thought 451 racket agitation 315 discord 713 loudness 404 roll 407 racket court amusement 840 racketing activity 682 amusement 840 rackets amusement 840 rackety loudness 404 racking painfulness 830 rack-rent receipt 810 raconteur description 594 racy feeling 821 vigor 574 saltiness 392.a physical energy 171 pungency 392 radar measurement 466 warning 668 radar gun measurement 466 radar speed detector velocity 274 radar trap velocity 274 raddle crossing 219 raddled drunkenness 959 radiance beauty 845 light 420 radiant luminary 423 light 420 divergence 291 repute 873 radiant heat calefaction 384 radiate divergence 291 light 420 preservation 670 radiation calefaction 384 divergence 291 light 420 radical intrinsicality 5 number 84 improvement 658 completeness 52 cause 153 importance 642 radical change revolution 146 radical cure remedy 662 radical reform improvement 658 radically greatness 31 radicle cause 153 radio news 532 resonance 408 radioactive calefaction 384 physical energy 171 radioactive isotopes calefaction 384 radioactivity calefaction 384 radiograph representation 554 radiography representation 554 radiology remedy 662 radiometer optical instruments 445 measurement 466 radiophone hearing 418 radiotelephone hearing 418 radiotelescope optical instruments 445 radium calefaction 384 radius breadth, thickness 202 length 200 radix radical cause 153 radon calefaction 384 radoter imbecility folly 499 radoteur fool 501 raff commonality 876 uncleanness 653 raffish commonality 876 raffle chance 621 raft ship 273 rafter support 215 rag greatness 31 ragamuffin commonality 876 rage desire 865 excitability 825 excitation 824 fashion 852 influence 175 resentment 900 violence 173 rageful resentment 900 ragged divestment 226 raging violence 173 resentment 900 excitation 824 raging passion excitability 825 ragout food 298 rags clothing 225 inutility 645 ragtag and bobtail commonality 876 raid attack 716 stealing 791 rail animal 366 disapprobation 932 inclosure 232 prison 752 rail at disapprobation 932 rail in circumscription 229 restraint 751 rail in good set terms disapprobation 932 railing inclosure 232 raillery ridicule 856 rail-riding punishment 972 railroad haste 684 method 627 railway method 627 railway station journey 266 raiment clothing 225 rain liquefaction 335 river 348 sufficiency 639 rain cats and dogs river 348 rain gage measurement 466 rain gauge measurement 466 river 348 rain hard river 348 rain in torrents river 348 rain or shine certainty 474 resolution 604 rain pitchforks river 348 rainbow variegation 440 rainbow-colored color 428 raincoat clothing 225 rainfall river 348 rainless dryness 340 rainy river 348 rainy day adversity 735 raise convexity 250 elevation 307 excitation 824 increase 35 production 161 ascent 305 raise a cry indication 550 publication 531 raise a doubt unbelief doubt 485 raise a hue and cry publication 531 raise a laugh ridicule 856 raise a question unbelief doubt 485 raise a rallying cry courage 861 raise a report publication 531 raise a siege pacification 723 raise a smile amusement 840 raise a storm violence 173 raise an alarm alarm 669 fear 860 raise anger resentment 900 raise apprehensions fear 860 raise Cain resentment 900 raise desire desire 865 raise expectation prediction 511 raise expectations hope 858 raise funds acquisition 775 raise hope hope 858 raise laughter amusement 840 rejoicing 838 raise money borrowing 788 acquisition 775 raise on its legs verticality 212 raise one's banner warfare 722 raise one's choler resentment 900 raise one's dander resentment 900 raise one's gorge resentment 900 raise one's head improvement 658 prosperity 734 refreshment 689 repute 873 raise one's voice affirmation 535 speech 582 raise one's voice against disapprobation 932 opposition 708 dissent 489 raise pity pity 914 raise the alarm alarm 669 raise the finger indication 550 raise the fire cross warfare 722 raise the hand indication 550 raise the jolly roger warfare 722 raise the mask disclosure 529 raise the question inquiry 461 raise the spirits cheerfulness 836 raise the veil disclosure 529 raise the wind borrowing 788 acquisition 775 raise to a fever heat excitation 824 raise troops warfare 722 raise up activity 682 excitation 824 verticality 212 raise up in arms warfare 722 raise up the voice cry 411 raised convexity 250 raising elevation 307 rajah master 745 nobility 875 Rajput combatant 726 rake agriculture 371 traction 285 libertine 962 bad man 949 cleanness 652 intemperance 954 rake out extraction 301 rake over the coals disapprobation 932 rake up assemblage 72 excitation 824 extraction 301 rake up evidence evidence 467 rake up the past memory 505 rakehell bad man 949 libertine 962 raking fire attack 716 rakish impurity 961 intemperance 954 rallentando music 415 rally arrangement 60 courage 861 improvement 658 restoration 660 ridicule 856 rally round cooperation 709 order 58 rallying cry indication 550 rallying point focus 74 RAM information 527 stopper 263 impulse 276 combatant 726 animal 366 man 373 ram down closure 261 density 321 ram in insertion 300 Ramadan fasting 956 rite 998 ramage vegetable 367 Ramazan fasting 956 rite 998 ramble imbecility folly 499 insanity 503 diffuseness 573 deviation 279 journey 266 rambler traveler 268 rambling irregularity of recurrence 139 journey 266 insanity 503 feebleness 575 deviation 279 rambling episodic diffuseness 573 ramification symmetry 242 bisection 91 divergence 291 filament 205 part 51 posterity 167 ramify divergence 291 bisection 91 rammer impulse 276 stopper 263 ramose symmetry 242 ramous symmetry 242 ramp ascent 305 leap 309 rampage violence 173 rampant influence 175 verticality 212 impurity 961 violence 173 excitability 825 elevation 307 freedom 748 rampart defense 717 ramrod stopper 263 ramrod-straight straightness 246 ramshackle danger 665 ranch property 780 rancid uncleanness 653 fetor 401 rancidity fetor 401 rancor enmity 889 malevolence 907 revenge 919 rancorous revenge 919 malevolence 907 randan ship 273 random chance 156 chance 621 derangement 61 uncertainty 475 vehicle 272 random access memory information 527 random breed unconformity 83 random selection absence of choice 609.a random shot chance 621 experiment 463 randomize derangement 61 randomly chance 621 randomness amorphism 241 randy amusement 840 sexuality 374.a range term 71 abode 189 arrangement 60 class 75 continuity 69 degree 26 direction 278 distance 196 freedom 748 furnace 386 husbandry 370 journey 266 space 180 range itself order 58 range under inclusion 76 range with inclusion 76 ranger director 694 keeper 753 thief 792 rani nobility 875 master 745 woman 374 rank degree 26 judgment 480 vegetability 365 term 71 repute 873 order 58 nobility 875 fetor 401 continuity 69 combatant 726 badness 649 arrangement 60 greatness 31 rank amateur learner 541 rank and file combatant 726 commonality 876 continuity 69 rankle resentment 900 painfulness 830 uncleanness 653 memory 505 deterioration 659 revenge 919 rankle in the breast revenge 919 rankling malevolence 907 resentment 900 revenge 919 ransack stealing 791 inquiry 461 ransack one's brains imagination 515 thought 451 ransom atonement 952 deliverance 672 price 812 rant ornament 577 unmeaningness 517 speech 582 diffuseness 573 excitability 825 drama 599 exaggeration 549 ranter impiety 988 loquacity 584 rantipole inattention 458 ranunculus beauty 845 rap unimportance 643 impulse 276 money 800 snap 406 rap on the knuckles resentment 900 punishment 972 disapprobation 932 rap out affirmation 535 speech 582 voice 580 rap out an oath malediction 908 rap out oaths insolence 885 rapacious greed 817.a parsimony 819 taking 789 rapaciousness taking 789 rapacity taking 789 greed 817.a stealing 791 rape impurity 961 stealing 791 rape oil oil 356 rapid instantaneity 113 velocity 274 rapid as electricity instantaneity 113 rapid slope obliquity 217 rapidity velocity 274 rapids river 348 rapier arms 727 rapine stealing 791 rapparee thief 792 rappee pungency 392 rappel descent 306 warfare 722 rapping snap 406 rapprochement concord 714 friendship 888 rapscallion bad man 949 rapt attention 457 feeling 821 inattention 458 raptorial stealing 791 taking 789 raptorials severity 739 raptors severity 739 rapture pleasure 827 love 897 rapturous pleasurableness 829 feeling 821 love 897 rare fewness 103 goodness 648 importance 642 improbability 473 infrequency 137 nonimitation 20 rarity 322 unconformity 83 rare as a blue diamond infrequency 137 rare gas physical inertness 172 raree show amusement 840 raree-show appearance 448 rarefaction rarity 322 expansion 194 rarefiable rarity 322 rarefied rarity 322 rarefy expansion 194 rarity 322 rarely fewness 103 infrequency 137 rareness infrequency 137 rarity fewness 103 infrequency 137 rarity 322 unconformity 83 rascal bad man 949 knave 941 rascality improbity 940 rascallion bad man 949 rascally improbity 940 rase obliteration 552 rase to the ground depression 308 rash disease 655 imbecility folly 499 rashness 863 rasher layer 204 rashling rashness 863 rashness courage 861 imbecility folly 499 rashness 863 rasorial animal 366 rasp friction 331 pulverulence 330 rasper difficulty 704 rasure obliteration 552 rat disclosure 529 tergiversation 607 ratan scourge 975 rataplan roll 407 ratatat roll 407 ululation 412 ratatat-tat roll 407 ratchet connection 45 sharpness 253 rate degree 26 value 812.a motion 264 measurement 466 disapprobation 932 judgment 480 rate of exchange money 800 rath defense 717 earliness 132 rather choice 609 imperfection 651 unimportance 643 rather good imperfection 651 rather in some degree smallness 32 ratification evidence 467 assent 488 compact 769 consent 762 ratify assent 488 compact 769 evidence 467 rating disapprobation 932 ratio comparison 464 relation 9 degree 26 apportionment 786 number 84 ration apportionment 786 food 298 ration out apportionment 786 rational sanity 502 number 84 intellect 450 intelligence, wisdom 498 rational number number 84 rationale answer 462 attribution 155 cause 153 interpretation 522 rationalism irreligion 989 rationalist irreligion 989 reasoning 476 rationalistic reasoning 476 rationality intellect 450 sanity 502 intelligence, wisdom 498 ratlings support 215 rats in the upper story insanity 503 ratsbane bane 663 rattan scourge 975 ratten impotence 158 rattle loquacity 584 musical instruments 417 roll 407 rattle headed imbecility folly 499 rattle on loquacity 584 rattle the windows loudness 404 rattle-brained imbecility folly 499 rattlesnake evil 913 rattletraps property 780 rattling cheerfulness 836 rattling pace velocity 274 rattling rate velocity 274 raucity aphony 581 faintness 405 raucous aphony 581 ravage destruction 162 deterioration 659 ravage gut destruction 162 ravages of time deterioration 659 time 106 rave insanity 503 speech 582 excitability 825 excitation 824 rave against disapprobation 932 ravel arrangement 60 crossing 219 derangement 61 difficulty 704 disorder 59 raveled complexity 59.a convolution 248 ravelin defense 717 raveling complexity 59.a raven blackness 431 gluttony 957 raven for desire 865 ravening desire 865 violence 173 ravenous greed 817.a taking 789 ravenous as a wolf greed 817.a ravenousness greed 817.a raver madman 504 ravine furrow 259 interval 198 narrowness, thinness 203 raving insanity 503 feeling 821 excitation 824 excitability 825 ravish taking 789 ravishing pleasurableness 829 ravishment pleasure 827 raw cold 383 color 428 materials 635 newness 123 nonpreparation 674 physical pain 378 unskillfulness 699 raw head and bloody bones fear 860 raw levies combatant 726 raw material materials 635 nonpreparation 674 raw recruit learner 541 rawboned narrowness, thinness 203 rawhide scourge 975 rawness nonpreparation 674 ray light 420 ray of comfort content 831 ray of hope hope 858 raze depression 308 destruction 162 raze to the ground depression 308 raze! obliteration 552 razor sharpness 253 razor blade sharpness 253 razzia stealing 791 attack 716 destruction 162 reabsorb reception 296 reach arrival 292 authority 737 completion 729 deception 545 degree 26 distance 196 equality 27 river 348 taking 789 transference 270 reach of thought intelligence, wisdom 498 reach one's ears information 527 reach the ear hearing 418 reach the goal completion 729 reach to distance 196 length 200 react counteraction 179 recoil 277 reaction retaliation 718 amusement 840 compensation 30 counteraction 179 recoil 277 restoration 660 reactionary tergiversation 607 reversion 145 counteraction 179 recoil 277 regression 283 reactionist opponent 710 recoil 277 read interpretation 522 learning 539 read a lecture to disapprobation 932 read a lesson disapprobation 932 teaching 537 read between the lines interpretation 522 latency, implication 526 read with knowledge 490 readable elegance 578 reader printing 591 teacher 540 clergy 996 readership school 542 readily facility 705 readiness elegance 578 memory 505 preparation 673 skill 698 willingness 602 reading speciality 79 learning 539 knowledge 490 interpretation 522 reading desk temple 1000 school 542 reading glasses optical instruments 445 reading head hearing 418 reading in churchdom 995 readjust agreement 23 equality 27 readjustment equality 27 readmit reception 296 read-only memory information 527 record 551 ready skill 698 willingness 602 utility 644 preparation 673 activity 682 expectation 507 ready cash money 800 ready made preparation 673 ready memory memory 505 ready money money 800 payment 807 ready pen style 569 ready to burst redundancy 641 excitation 824 amusement 840 ready to burst forth excitability 825 ready to drop fatigue 688 ready to one's band preparation 673 ready to sink excitation 824 ready to split amusement 840 ready wit wit 842 reaffirm affirmation 535 reagent experiment 463 real existence 1 number 84 truth 494 real estate land 342 real McCoy identity 13 real presence rite 998 real security security 771 real Simon Pure truth 494 real-estate broker mart 799 realgar redness 434 realism truth 494 realistic truth 494 reality existence 1 truth 494 realize intellect 450 knowledge 490 thought 451 speciality 79 acquisition 775 discovery 480.a sale 796 completion 729 belief 484 imagination 515 really truth 494 really! wonder 870 realm government 737.a mankind 372 property 780 region 181 realms of Pluto hell 982 realty property 780 ream book 593 reanimate reproduction 163 restoration 660 life 359 reanimation reproduction 163 restoration 660 reap agriculture 371 shortness 201 taking 789 reap an advantage acquisition 775 reap and carry acquisition 775 reap the benefit of improvement 658 success 731 utility 644 reap the fruits success 731 reap the fruits of reward 973 acquisition 775 reap the harvest success 731 reappear repetition 104 restoration 660 visibility 446 reappearance repetition 104 reproduction 163 reappearing reproduction 163 rear teaching 537 verticality 212 sequel 65 production 161 end 67 elevation 307 rear 235 rear admiral master 745 rear guard end 67 rear 235 warning 668 rear its head manifestation 525 rear one's head pride 878 rear rank rear 235 rearrange derangement 61 interchange 148 rearrangement interchange 148 rear-view mirror optical instruments 445 rearward rear 235 reason reasoning 476 motive 615 intelligence, wisdom 498 intellect 450 cause 153 reason ill intuition 477 reason in a circle intuition 477 reason in circles intuition 477 reason why attribution 155 cause 153 motive 615 reasonable sanity 502 cheapness 815 intelligence, wisdom 498 moderation 174 probability 472 right 922 reasonable chance probability 472 reasonable prospect probability 472 reasonableness intelligence, wisdom 498 reasoner reasoning 476 reasoning correction 527.a reasoning 476 reasoning faculties intellect 450 reasoningless imbecility folly 499 reasonless insanity 503 reasons reasoning 476 reassemble assemblage 72 reassert affirmation 535 reassurance hope 858 reassure hope 858 courage 861 reassured courage 861 reassuring hope 858 reasty fetor 401 uncleanness 653 reave taking 789 rebate discount 813 moderation 174 rebatement discount 813 Rebbe clergy 996 rebeck musical instruments 417 rebel disobedience 742 rebellion disobedience 742 rebellow ululation 412 rebellowing ululation 412 reboant ululation 412 reboation ululation 412 reborn penitence 950 rebound recoil 277 regression 283 rebuff disapprobation 932 discourtesy 895 failure 732 recoil 277 refusal 764 resistance 719 rebuild restoration 660 rebuke disapprobation 932 rebus secret 533 rebut negation 536 counter evidence 468 confutation 479 answer 462 rebutter answer 462 lawsuit 969 recalcitrant disobedience 742 recoil 277 resistance 719 recalcitrate recoil 277 resistance 719 recalcitration recoil 277 resistance 719 recalesce heat 382 recalescence heat 382 recall tergiversation 607 politics 737.b memory 505 abrogation 756 identification 465.b recall to life restoration 660 recall upon memory 505 recant abrogation 756 dissent 489 negation 536 penitence 950 tergiversation 607 recantation penitence 950 tergiversation 607 abrogation 756 dissent 489 recapitulate compendium 596 description 594 numeration 85 repetition 104 recapitulation compendium 596 numeration 85 repetition 104 recapper instrument 633 recast change 140 plan 626 revolution 146 recede regression 283 recession 287 recede into the shade disrepute 874 receding regression 283 recession 287 receipt payment 807 plan 626 precept 697 receipt 810 remedy 662 security 771 receipt in full payment 807 receipts accounts 811 receive receipt 810 sociality 892 taking 789 receiving 785 courtesy 894 belief 484 assent 488 acquisition 775 inclusion 76 reception 296 receive a windfall wealth 803 receive an impression feeling 821 receive an inheritance wealth 803 receive an order command 741 receive Christ piety 987 receive communion rite 998 receive extreme unction rite 998 receive honorable mention approbation 931 receive hospitality sociality 892 receive its quietus abrogation 756 receive knowledge learning 539 receive penance rite 998 receive pleasure physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 receive the sacrament rite 998 receive with open arms friendship 888 sociality 892 received habit 613 knowledge 490 receipt 810 receiving 785 received maxim maxim 496 received truth maxim 496 receiver treasurer 801 receiving 785 receptacle 191 receiver of stolen goods thief 792 receiving receipt 810 receiving 785 recency newness 123 recension numeration 85 recent newness 123 oldness 124 the past 122 receptacle receptacle 191 reception conversation 588 sociality 892 reception 296 taking 789 receiving 785 courtesy 894 composition 54 arrival 292 inclusion 76 reception room receptacle 191 recess ambush 530 angularity 244 receptacle 191 regression 283 repose 687 seclusion, exclusion 893 recesses interiority 221 recession deterioration 659 regression 283 recession 287 recherche fashion 852 goodness 648 recidivate relapse 661 recidivation regression 283 relapse 661 recidivism regression 283 relapse 661 reversion 145 recidivist tergiversation 607 recidivity regression 283 relapse 661 recidivous regression 283 recipe precept 697 remedy 662 recipient receptacle 191 receiving 785 reciprocal correlation 12 interchange 148 number 84 reciprocally correlation 12 reciprocalness correlation 12 reciprocate assent 488 concord 714 correlation 12 interchange 148 retaliation 718 reciprocation interchange 148 retaliation 718 correlation 12 reciprocative correlation 12 reciprocator correlation 12 reciprocity correlation 12 interchange 148 recision abrogation 756 nonaddition, subtraction 38 recital description 594 recitation speech 582 recitative music 415 recitativo music 415 recite description 594 numeration 85 speech 582 reck care 459 reckless neglect 460 rashness 863 recklessness indifference 866 insensibility 823 neglect 460 reckon among inclusion 76 reckon upon belief 484 reckon with payment 807 reckon without one's host error 495 failure 732 rashness 863 unskillfulness 699 reckoning numeration 85 reward 973 payment 807 accounts 811 expectation 507 measurement 466 reclaim atonement 952 command 741 dueness 924 penitence 950 restoration 660 reclaimed penitence 950 reclamation restoration 660 atonement 952 command 741 reclination horizontality 213 recline horizontality 213 repose 687 depression 308 recline on support 215 recline on a bed of down repose 687 recline on an easy chair repose 687 reclivate convolution 248 recluse seclusion, exclusion 893 reclusion seclusion, exclusion 893 recognition indication 550 knowledge 490 memory 505 gratitude 916 courtesy 894 assent 488 identification 465.b recognizable intelligibility 518 visibility 446 recognizable by indication 550 recognizance security 771 recognize memory 505 permission 760 knowledge 490 identification 465.b discovery 480.a attention 457 assent 488 discrimination 465 vision 441 recognize the identity of identity 13 recognized habit 613 knowledge 490 recognized maxim maxim 496 recoil unwillingness 603 reversion 145 recoil 277 avoidance 623 recession 287 recoil at hate 898 recoil from dislike 867 recoiling recoil 277 recollect memory 505 recollection memory 505 recombinant interchange 148 recombination interchange 148 recombine interchange 148 recommence beginning 66 recommend advice 695 approbation 931 recommend itself approbation 931 recommendation advice 695 recommendatory advice 695 recompense reward 973 right 922 reconcile pacification 723 agreement 23 content 831 reconcile oneself to inexcitability 826 reconcilement forgiveness 918 pacification 723 agreement 23 reconciliation agreement 23 content 831 forgiveness 918 pacification 723 recondite concealment 528 unintelligibility 519 reconnaissance inquiry 461 vision 441 reconnoiter vision 441 inquiry 461 reconnoitering inquiry 461 reconsider thought 451 reconsideration thought 451 reconstitute restoration 660 reconstitution restoration 660 reconstruct restoration 660 reconstruction restoration 660 reconversion restoration 660 reconvert restoration 660 record security 771 superiority 33 record 551 evidence 467 conduct 692 indication 550 record shop mart 799 recorder judge 967 record 551 recorder 553 recording copy 21 record 551 recording spectrometer optical instruments 445 recount description 594 recoup restitution 790 restoration 660 recourse use 677 recover acquisition 775 taking 789 restoration 660 health 654 improvement 658 restitution 790 recover breath refreshment 689 recover one's strength refreshment 689 recoverable restoration 660 recovery acquisition 775 improvement 658 restitution 790 restoration 660 taking 789 recovery of strength refreshment 689 recreant cowardice 862 vice 945 improbity 940 bad man 949 knave 941 recreate amusement 840 recreation amusement 840 recreational amusement 840 recreative amusement 840 recrement uncleanness 653 recriminate disapprobation 932 recrimination accusation 938 regret 833 retaliation 718 vindication 937 recriminatory accusation 938 recrudescence relapse 661 recruit aid 707 auxiliary 711 combatant 726 health 654 improvement 658 learner 541 provision 637 refreshment 689 restoration 660 strength 159 recruiting restoration 660 recruits aid 707 rectangle angularity 244 four 95 rectangular perpendicularity 216.a quadrisection 97 verticality 212 angularity 244 rectification restoration 660 rectify improvement 658 restoration 660 straightness 246 rectilineal straightness 246 rectilinear oscillation 314 straightness 246 rectilinearity straightness 246 rectitude probity 939 rector clergy 996 director 694 rectorship churchdom 995 rectory temple 1000 rectrix master 745 recubant horizontality 213 reculade regression 283 reculer pour mieux sauter caution 864 recumbency horizontality 213 recumbent horizontality 213 recuperation refreshment 689 restitution 790 recuperative restoration 660 refreshment 689 restitution 790 recur frequency 136 repetition 104 recur in regular order regularity of recurrence 138 recur to use 677 recur to the mind memory 505 recure restoration 660 recurrence memory 505 repetition 104 restoration 660 recurrent discontinuity 70 regularity of recurrence 138 repetition 104 recurring repetition 104 regularity of recurrence 138 recurse repetition 104 recursion arrival 292 repetition 104 recursive repetition 104 recursively repetition 104 recurvation curvature 245 recurve curvature 245 recurved curvature 245 recurvity curvature 245 recurvous curvature 245 recusance impenitence 951 recusancy negation 536 refusal 764 dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 recusant refusal 764 disobedience 742 dissent 489 heterodoxy 984 impenitence 951 negation 536 recusation negation 536 recuse negation 536 red redness 434 red and yellow orange 439 red as a lobster redness 434 red as a turkey cock redness 434 red as blood redness 434 red as fire redness 434 red as scarlet redness 434 Red book list 86 red cent money 800 Red Cross remedy 662 red flag alarm 669 warning 668 red handed killing 361 red hot heat 382 red ink redness 434 red lead redness 434 red letter indication 550 red letter day amusement 840 red light alarm 669 red pepper condiment 393 red republican disobedience 742 Red Skin evil 913 redan defense 717 redargue confutation 479 redargution confutation 479 redcoat combatant 726 redden resentment 900 humility 879 redness 434 reddened redness 434 reddish redness 434 reddition restitution 790 redeem payment 807 substitution 147 restoration 660 restitution 790 atonement 952 compensation 30 acquisition 775 deliverance 672 deity 976 redeem from oblivion memory 505 redeem one's pledge duty 926 observance 772 probity 939 virtue 944 redeemable deliverance 672 redeemableness deliverance 672 redemption atonement 952 restoration 660 restitution 790 liberation 750 duty 926 deity 976 acquisition 775 deliverance 672 red-handed action 680 guilt 947 red-hot excitation 824 feeling 821 greatness 31 violence 173 redintegrate restoration 660 redintegration restoration 660 redition interpretation 522 red-letter day celebration 883 importance 642 repose 687 redness redness 434 redolence odor 398 fragrance 400 redolent fragrance 400 odor 398 redouble duplication 90 increase 35 repetition 104 redouble one's efforts exertion 686 redoubt defense 717 redoubtable fear 860 redound to tendency 176 redound to one's honor probity 939 redound to the credit of approbation 931 redound to the honor approbation 931 redound to the praise approbation 931 one's honor repute 873 redress remedy 662 restoration 660 atonement 952 reward 973 red-tape habit 613 red-tapism habit 613 red-tapist director 694 reduce poverty 804 success 731 weakness 160 shortness 201 fewness 103 discount 813 contraction 195 depression 308 nonincrease, decrease 36 reduce in strength weakness 160 reduce the speed slowness 275 reduce the strength of weakness 160 reduce to conversion 144 reduce to a mean mean 29 reduce to a square four 95 reduce to ashes calefaction 384 reduce to demonstration demonstration 478 reduce to order arrangement 60 reduce to poverty poverty 804 reduce to powder pulverulence 330 reduce to silence confutation 479 reduce to slavery subjection 749 reduce to subjection subjection 749 reduce to writing record 551 reduced deterioration 659 fewness 103 inferiority 34 poverty 804 reduced circumstances poverty 804 reduced to a skeleton deterioration 659 reduced to straits difficulty 704 reductio ad absurdum confutation 479 reasoning 476 reduction contraction 195 conversion 144 depression 308 discount 813 fewness 103 nonincrease, decrease 36 numeration 85 painting 556 shortness 201 reduction of temperature refrigeration 385 redundance redundancy 641 redundancy redundancy 641 repetition 104 transcursion 303 diffuseness 573 redundant redundancy 641 repetition 104 reduplicate duplication 90 reduplication duplication 90 imitation 19 reecho imitation 19 repetition 104 resonance 408 reechy uncleanness 653 reed arms 727 musical instruments 417 weakness 160 reed instrument musical instruments 417 reef island 346 slowness 275 reefs pitfall 667 reek gaseity 334 heat 382 odor 398 uncleanness 653 vaporization 336 water 337 reek of odor 398 reeking heat 382 vaporization 336 moisture 339 odor 398 reeky uncleanness 653 reel agitation 315 amusement 840 oscillation 314 reel back submission 725 reembody combination 48 junction 43 reenforce addition 37 aid 707 strength 159 reenforcement provision 637 materials 635 reenforcements aid 707 reenter curvature 245 reentering angle angularity 244 reestablish restoration 660 reestablishment restoration 660 reestate restoration 660 refashion reproduction 163 restoration 660 refect strength 159 refection food 298 refreshment 689 refectory receptacle 191 refer to attribution 155 relation 9 evidence 467 advice 695 inclusion 76 referable to attribution 155 referee consignee 758 judge 967 judgment 480 reference advice 695 evidence 467 indication 550 prototype 22 relation 9 reference to attribution 155 referendary judge 967 referendum politics 737.b referment advice 695 referrible to attribution 155 refigerator-freezer refrigerator 387 refine cleanness 652 intuition 477 refine upon improvement 658 refined color 428 taste 850 courtesy 894 beauty 845 fashion 852 refined sugar sweetness 396 refined taste taste 850 refinement beauty 845 taste 850 intelligence, wisdom 498 discrimination 465 improvement 658 refinery calefaction 384 workshop 691 refining calefaction 384 refit restoration 660 reflect imitation 19 thought 451 reflect dishonor upon disrepute 874 reflect honor on repute 873 reflect light light 420 reflect upon disapprobation 932 reflecting intelligence, wisdom 498 reflecting telescope optical instruments 445 reflection attention 457 copy 21 disapprobation 932 idea 453 light 420 maxim 496 recoil 277 resonance 408 thought 451 reflective thought 451 reflector optical instruments 445 reflex recoil 277 regression 283 copy 21 reflexively regression 283 refluence regression 283 refluent recoil 277 regression 283 reflux nonincrease, decrease 36 recoil 277 regression 283 river 348 refocillate refreshment 689 refocillation refreshment 689 strength 159 reform improvement 658 conversion 144 reformation improvement 658 reformatory school 542 improvement 658 reformer improvement 658 refound conversion 144 refract curvature 245 refracting telescope optical instruments 445 refraction deviation 279 dimsightedness 443 light 420 refractivity light 420 refractometer measurement 466 optical instruments 445 refractor optical instruments 445 refractory resistance 719 obstinacy 606 difficulty 704 disobedience 742 refrain avoidance 623 inaction 681 repetition 104 temperance 953 refrain from laughter dejection 837 refrain from voting absence of choice 609.a refraining avoidance 623 refresh refrigeration 385 restoration 660 relief 834 pleasurableness 829 improvement 658 strength 159 refreshment 689 refresh the inner man refreshment 689 refresh the memory memory 505 refreshed refreshment 689 refreshing pleasurableness 829 refreshment 689 refreshment restoration 660 strength 159 relief 834 pleasure 827 physical pleasure 377 food 298 refreshment 689 refreshment stand refreshment 689 refreshments refreshment 689 refrigerate preservation 670 refrigeration 385 refrigerated centrifuge rotation 312 refrigeration physical insensibility 376 refrigeration 385 refrigerator refrigerator 387 refrigeratory refrigerator 387 reft disjunction 44 refuge refuge 666 safety 664 refuge for the destitute refuge 666 refugee avoidance 623 escape 671 traveler 268 refulgence light 420 refulgent light 420 refund payment 807 refurbish preparation 673 refusal negation 536 unwillingness 603 rejection 610 purchase 795 dissent 489 refusal 764 refuse negation 536 unimportance 643 remainder 40 unwillingness 603 refusal 764 inutility 645 escape 671 relinquishment 782 refuse assent dissent 489 refuse one's assent refusal 764 refuse payment nonpayment 808 refuse to acknowledge seclusion, exclusion 893 refuse to admit dissent 489 unbelief doubt 485 refuse to associate with seclusion, exclusion 893 refuse to believe incredulity 487 unbelief doubt 485 refuse to hear neglect 460 refused refusal 764 refusing refusal 764 refutable confutation 479 refutation confutation 479 counter evidence 468 refute confutation 479 refuted error 495 regain acquisition 775 regain breath refreshment 689 regain one's strength refreshment 689 regal government 737.a regale physical pleasure 377 pleasurableness 829 food 298 amusement 840 regalement refreshment 689 food 298 regalia scepter 747 regality government 737.a regard attention 457 vision 441 respect 928 repute 873 relation 9 judgment 480 approbation 931 love 897 regard as belief 484 regard to belief 484 regardful attention 457 regardless insensibility 823 inattention 458 regards courtesy 894 respect 928 regatta amusement 840 contention 720 regelate refrigeration 385 regency commission 755 regeneracy restoration 660 regenerate piety 987 reproduction 163 restoration 660 regenerated piety 987 regenerateness restoration 660 regeneration restoration 660 reproduction 163 deity 976 piety 987 regent deputy 759 master 745 regentship commission 755 regicide killing 361 regime circumstance 8 conduct 692 government 737.a regimen food 298 remedy 662 regiment combatant 726 assemblage 72 regimentals clothing 225 region government 737.a region 181 regional region 181 regional candidate politics 737.b regionalism neologism 563 register arrangement 60 chronometry 114 list 86 record 551 recorder 553 registered nurse remedy 662 registrar recorder 553 registrary recorder 553 registration record 551 registry record 551 chronometry 114 reglet printing 591 regnant government 737.a influence 175 regorge restitution 790 regrade regression 283 regrate possession 777 regrater merchant 797 regress regression 283 reversion 145 regression regression 283 reversion 145 regressive regression 283 reversion 145 regret penitence 950 regret 833 discontent 832 regretful discontent 832 regret 833 regrettable regret 833 regrettably regret 833 regretted regret 833 regretting regret 833 regrowth reproduction 163 reguerdon reward 973 regular conformity 82 symmetry 242 regularity of recurrence 138 uniformity 16 order 58 frequency 136 completeness 52 arrangement 60 habit 613 regular as clockwork regularity of recurrence 138 regularity frequency 136 order 58 regularity of recurrence 138 uniformity 16 regulars combatant 726 regulate agreement 23 order 58 legality 963 direction 693 arrangement 60 regulated legality 963 regulation direction 693 legality 963 precept 697 regulative principle idea 453 regulatory council 696 legality 963 regurgitate ejection 297 regression 283 restitution 790 river 348 regurgitation regression 283 river 348 rehabilitate restoration 660 restitution 790 rehabilitation restitution 790 restoration 660 rehearsal description 594 preparation 673 repetition 104 rehearse description 594 drama 599 experiment 463 preparation 673 repetition 104 reign government 737.a influence 175 reign of St. Swithin river 348 reign of terror fear 860 pain 828 severity 739 reign of violence laxity 738 reimburse restitution 790 payment 807 reimbursement payment 807 rein prison 752 connection 45 rein in restraint 751 slowness 275 reindeer carrier 271 reinforce strength 159 restoration 660 addition 37 aid 707 reinforced concrete materials 635 reinforcement addition 37 adjunct 39 materials 635 provision 637 reinforcements aid 707 reinless laxity 738 reins direction 693 prison 752 scepter 747 reins of government direction 693 reinstall restoration 660 reinstate restitution 790 restoration 660 reinstatement restoration 660 reinvest restitution 790 reinvestment restitution 790 reinvigorate refreshment 689 restoration 660 Reis Effendi director 694 reiterate repetition 104 reiteration repetition 104 reject exclusion 55 relinquishment 782 refusal 764 ejection 297 avoidance 623 rejection 610 rejectaneous rejection 610 rejected hate 898 rejection 610 rejection avoidance 623 ejection 297 exclusion 55 refusal 764 rejection 610 rejectious rejection 610 rejects relinquishment 782 rejoice celebration 883 cheerfulness 836 rejoicing 838 amusement 840 rejoice in pleasure 827 rejoice in the name of nomenclature 564 rejoice the heart cheerfulness 836 pleasurableness 829 rejoicing amusement 840 cheerfulness 836 rejoicing 838 rejoin answer 462 arrival 292 assemblage 72 rejoinder lawsuit 969 answer 462 rejuvenate restoration 660 rejuvenated restoration 660 rejuvenescence restoration 660 rekindle calefaction 384 excitation 824 relapse regression 283 relapse 661 reversion 145 relate description 594 relate to relation 9 related consanguinity 11 relation 9 relating to relation 9 relating to belief belief 484 relation relation 9 description 594 consanguinity 11 relationship consanguinity 11 relation 9 relative consanguinity 11 relation 9 relative estimate comparison 464 relative position relation 9 relative prime number 84 relative to relation 9 topic 454 relatively comparison 464 relation 9 relatively prime number 84 relativity comparison 464 relator accusation 938 relax inactivity 683 incoherence 47 laxity 738 liberation 750 pity 914 repose 687 slowness 275 softness 324 undueness 925 weakness 160 relax one's efforts inaction 681 relax the mind incogitancy 452 relaxant inactivity 683 relaxation amusement 840 dereliction of duty 927 inactivity 683 incoherence 47 laxity 738 leisure 685 moderation 174 repose 687 weakness 160 relaxed weakness 160 incoherence 47 laxity 738 repose 687 relay materials 635 store 636 release acquittal 970 death 360 exemption 777.a exemption 927.a forgiveness 918 liberation 750 payment 807 permission 760 propulsion 284 release from engagement 768.a restitution 790 security 771 release valve safety 664 released exemption 927.a death 360 releasee possessor 779 receiving 785 relegate ejection 297 exclusion 55 transference 270 relegation ejection 297 transference 270 relent moderation 174 pity 914 softness 324 relentless malevolence 907 severity 739 revenge 919 resentment 900 impenitence 951 resolution 604 relessee possessor 779 receiving 785 relevancy agreement 23 relation 9 relevant agreement 23 reasoning 476 relation 9 reliability certainty 474 reliable belief 484 certainty 474 reliance expectation 507 hope 858 reliance on belief 484 relic memory 505 record 551 remainder 40 relic of the past oldness 124 relics corpse 362 rite 998 relict divorce 905 relief restoration 660 sculpture 557 relief 834 convexity 250 aid 707 refreshment 689 relieve remedy 662 aid 707 sculpture 557 relief 834 improvement 658 facility 705 relieving relief 834 religion piety 987 theology 983 religionism piety 987 religionist impiety 988 religious theology 983 piety 987 probity 939 religious denomination theology 983 religious education teaching 537 religious persuasion theology 983 religious sect theology 983 religious sects churchdom 995 religious truth orthodoxy 983.a religiously exact truth 494 religiousness piety 987 relinquish relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 relinquish all hope hopelessness 859 relinquish one's life death 360 relinquish the hope of hopelessness 859 relinquished relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 relinquishing relinquishment 624 relinquishment disuse 678 relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 resignation 757 reliquary receptacle 191 rite 998 relish condiment 393 desire 865 physical pleasure 377 pleasure 827 savoriness 394 taste 390 relucent light 420 transparency 425 reluct contention 720 resistance 719 reluctance dislike 867 dissuasion 616 unwillingness 603 reluctant unwillingness 603 reluctate resistance 719 reluctation resistance 719 relume light 420 calefaction 384 rely on hope 858 rely upon belief 484 rely upon it belief 484 remain quiescence 265 remainder 40 time 106 presence 186 permanence 141 diuturnity 110 existence 1 remain at a distance distance 196 remain at peace concord 714 remain firm stability 150 remain in one's mind memory 505 remain in one's thoughts memory 505 remain in situ quiescence 265 remain neuter irresolution 605 remain on one's hands redundancy 641 remain unemployed disuse 678 remainder property 780 redundancy 641 remainder 40 posteriority 117 remainderman possessor 779 remaining remainder 40 remains corpse 362 record 551 remainder 40 remake reproduction 163 remand command 741 lateness 133 remanent remainder 40 remanufacture restoration 660 remark affirmation 535 attention 457 remarkable greatness 31 importance 642 repute 873 unconformity 83 remarkably greatness 31 remediable remedy 662 restoration 660 remedial improvement 658 remedy 662 restoration 660 remediless hopelessness 859 remedy good 618 restoration 660 remedy 662 relief 834 remember identification 465.b memory 505 remembered memory 505 remembering memory 505 remembrance memory 505 remembrancer memory 505 recorder 553 remembrances courtesy 894 rememoration memory 505 remiform curvature 245 remigration egress 295 regression 283 arrival 292 remind memory 505 reminder memory 505 reminiscence memory 505 reminiscential memory 505 remise exemption 927.a remiss inactivity 683 laxity 738 neglect 460 unwillingness 603 remission moderation 174 cessation 142 forgiveness 918 laxity 738 remissness inactivity 683 remit cessation 142 exemption 927.a forgiveness 918 moderation 174 restitution 790 remit one's efforts inaction 681 remittance money 800 payment 807 remittent regularity of recurrence 138 remitter restitution 790 remnant remainder 40 remodel improvement 658 revolution 146 conversion 144 remollient softness 324 remonetize money 800 remonstrance deprecation 766 disapprobation 932 dissuasion 616 remonstrate deprecation 766 disapprobation 932 dissuasion 616 remora coherence 46 hindrance 706 remorse penitence 950 remorseless impenitence 951 revenge 919 remote distance 196 irrelation 10 indifference 866 remote age the past 122 remote cause cause 153 remote future futurity 121 remote past the past 122 remote region distance 196 remote time the past 122 remotely related consanguinity 11 remoteness distance 196 remotion transference 270 removal extraction 301 nonaddition, subtraction 38 departure 293 transference 270 displacement 185 remove inexistence 2 term 71 recession 287 learner 541 food 298 extraction 301 displacement 185 departure 293 nonaddition, subtraction 38 remove the mask disclosure 529 remove the veil disclosure 529 removedness distance 196 remuda assemblage 72 remugient ululation 412 remunerate reward 973 utility 644 remuneration payment 807 reward 973 remunerative acquisition 775 reward 973 utility 644 remuneratory reward 973 renaissance restoration 660 renascent reproduction 163 rencontre contention 720 contiguity 199 rencounter arrival 292 contention 720 contiguity 199 rend disjunction 44 rend asunder disjunction 44 rend in twain disjunction 44 rend the air cry 411 lamentation 839 loudness 404 rend the ears loudness 404 rend the heart painfulness 830 rend the heart strings painfulness 830 rend the skies loudness 404 render interpretation 522 restitution 790 conversion 144 giving 784 render a service aid 707 benevolence 906 utility 644 render accordant agreement 23 concord 714 render an account information 527 render an account of description 594 render averse dissuasion 616 render beautiful beauty 845 render better improvement 658 render black blackness 431 render blind blindness 442 render blunt bluntness 254 render broad breadth, thickness 202 render brown brown 433 render callous insensibility 823 render central centrality 222 render certain certainty 474 render clean cleanness 652 render complete completeness 52 render concave concavity 252 render content content 831 render curved curvature 245 render deaf deafness 419 render deep depth 208 render difficult difficulty 704 render dim dimness 422 render dry dryness 340 render dull dullness 843 render easy facility 705 render equal equality 27 render few fewness 103 render flat flatness 251 render free liberation 750 render gaseous vaporization 336 render general generality 78 render good service utility 644 render hard hardness 323 render high height 206 render honor to repute 873 respect 928 render horizontal horizontality 213 render humble humility 879 render idle inactivity 683 render illegible obliteration 552 render insensible inexcitability 826 insensibility 823 physical insensibility 376 render insufficient insufficiency 640 render intelligible intelligibility 518 render invisible invisibility 447 render larger expansion 194 superiority 33 render light levity 320 render liquid liquefaction 335 render long length 200 render mad insanity 503 render manifest manifestation 525 render movable motion 264 render mute aphony 581 taciturnity 585 render narrow narrowness, thinness 203 render necessary requirement 630 render neglectful neglect 460 render null inexistence 2 render one unity 87 render palatable savoriness 394 render polite courtesy 894 render poor poverty 804 render possible possibility 470 render powerless impotence 158 render prominent convexity 250 render pungent pungency 392 render red redness 434 render rude discourtesy 895 render safe safety 664 render sane sanity 502 render sensible physical sensibility 375 render sharp sharpness 253 render short shortness 201 render sick dislike 867 render silent aphony 581 silence 403 render similar similarity 17 render simple simplicity 849 simpleness 42 render smaller inferiority 34 contraction 195 render soft softness 324 render solid density 321 render sour sourness 397 render spherical rotundity 249 render straight straightness 246 render strong strength 159 render sufficient sufficiency 639 render sweet sweetness 396 render thanks gratitude 916 render the same identity 13 render true truth 494 render ugly ugliness 846 render uncertain uncertainty 475 render unclean uncleanness 653 render uniform uniformity 16 render unintelligible misteaching 538 unintelligibility 519 render unlike dissimilarity 18 render up restitution 790 render useful use 677 utility 644 render useless inutility 645 render vain vanity 880 render vertical verticality 212 render vicious deterioration 659 vice 945 render violent violence 173 render weak weakness 160 render white whiteness 430 render worse aggravation 835 render yeoman's service utility 644 rendering interpretation 522 render-rough roughness 256 rendezvous assemblage 72 focus 74 rending painfulness 830 rendition interpretation 522 restitution 790 renegade knave 941 tergiversation 607 conversion 144 disobedience 742 renew restoration 660 duplication 90 memory 505 newness 123 repetition 104 reproduction 163 renew one's strength refreshment 689 renewal repetition 104 reproduction 163 restoration 660 duplication 90 renewed permanence 141 reniform curvature 245 renitence unwillingness 603 resistance 719 hardness 323 renitency counteraction 179 elasticity 325 hardness 323 light 420 resistance 719 unwillingness 603 renitent counteraction 179 elasticity 325 resistance 719 renounce resignation 757 tergiversation 607 dereliction of duty 927 relinquishment 624 relinquishment 782 renovate reproduction 163 restoration 660 renovated newness 123 renovation reproduction 163 restoration 660 newness 123 renown repute 873 memory 505 renowned greatness 31 repute 873 renownless disrepute 874 rent purchase 795 borrowing 788 receipt 810 disjunction 44 interval 198 rent roll property 780 receipt 810 rentage receipt 810 rental receipt 810 renter possessor 779 rent-free cheapness 815 rents abode 189 renunciation resignation 757 tergiversation 607 relinquishment 624 exemption 927.a relinquishment 782 reopen old wounds' memory 505 reorganization restoration 660 reorganize restoration 660 conversion 144 improvement 658 repair restoration 660 restitution 790 refreshment 689 atonement 952 improvement 658 repair to journey 266 reparation reward 973 restoration 660 restitution 790 atonement 952 reparative restoration 660 reparatory improvement 658 restoration 660 reward 973 repartee answer 462 wit 842 reparteeist humorist 844 repartition apportionment 786 repast food 298 repay payment 807 reward 973 repayment payment 807 repeal abrogation 756 repeat memory 505 reproduction 163 repetition 104 imitation 19 habit 613 affirmation 535 duplication 90 repeat as a parrot memory 505 repeat by heart memory 505 repeat by rote memory 505 repeated frequency 136 repetition 104 repeatedly repetition 104 frequency 136 repeater cunning 702 chronometry 114 arms 727 repel defense 717 dislike 867 dissuasion 616 hate 898 painfulness 830 refusal 764 repulsion 289 resistance 719 seclusion, exclusion 893 repellant ugliness 846 dislike 867 resistance 719 repellent painfulness 830 repulsion 289 repelling repulsion 289 repent penitence 950 regret 833 repentance penitence 950 tergiversation 607 repentant penitence 950 repenting penitence 950 repercuss recoil 277 repercussion recoil 277 repercussive recoil 277 repertoire drama 599 repertorium store 636 repertory store 636 repetend repetition 104 number 84 repetition continuance in action 143 frequency 136 imitation 19 repetition 104 roll 407 similarity 17 repetitional repetition 104 repetitionary repetition 104 repine regret 833 dejection 837 discontent 832 pain 828 repining discontent 832 regret 833 replace location 184 restoration 660 substitution 147 replacement restoration 660 substitution 147 replenish completeness 52 provision 637 sufficiency 639 replete completeness 52 redundancy 641 sufficiency 639 repletion sufficiency 639 satiety 869 redundancy 641 replevin borrowing 788 restitution 790 acquisition 775 replevy acquisition 775 borrowing 788 replication answer 462 lawsuit 969 reply answer 462 lawsuit 969 vindication 937 report judgment 480 snap 406 record 551 news 532 information 527 description 594 publication 531 report progress information 527 reported information 527 reporter book 593 information 527 messenger 534 news 532 reports lawsuit 969 repose leisure 685 quiescence 265 repose 687 repose in belief 484 repose on support 215 evidence 467 repose on one's laurels quiescence 265 reposing repose 687 reposit location 184 reposition location 184 repository store 636 repousse convexity 250 ornament 847 reprehend disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 reprehensible guilt 947 hate 898 disapprobation 932 badness 649 vice 945 reprehension disapprobation 932 represent indication 550 representation 554 information 527 imitation 19 deputy 759 commission 755 manifestation 525 represent oneself imagination 515 representatative government 737.a representation imitation 19 representation 554 indication 550 copy 21 drama 599 information 527 representative representation 554 substitution 147 indication 550 deputy 759 consignee 758 agent 690 representative government government 737.a represented representation 554 representing representation 554 similarity 17 representment representation 554 repress counteraction 179 restraint 751 dissuasion 616 inexcitability 826 repress a smile dejection 837 repressed dissuasion 616 repressed memory oblivion 506 repression counteraction 179 restraint 751 repression of feeling excitation 824 repression of feelings inexcitability 826 repressionist restraint 751 reprieval deliverance 672 reprieve acquittal 970 lateness 133 forgiveness 918 escape 671 deliverance 672 reprimand disapprobation 932 reprint copy 21 imitation 19 reproduction 163 reprisal taking 789 retaliation 718 reprise taking 789 reproach disapprobation 932 disrepute 874 accusation 938 reproachful disapprobation 932 reproachfully disapprobation 932 reprobate impiety 988 vice 945 bad man 949 disapprobation 932 reprobation disapprobation 932 impiety 988 reprocitist correlation 12 reproduce imitation 19 repetition 104 reproduction 163 restoration 660 reproduced reproduction 163 reproduction reproduction 163 copy 21 restoration 660 life 359 imitation 19 repetition 104 reproductive reproduction 163 reproof disapprobation 932 reproof valiant retaliation 718 reprove disapprobation 932 reprover detractor 936 reptatorial slowness 275 reptile servility 886 animal 366 bad man 949 knave 941 republic government 737.a mankind 372 republic of letters knowledge 490 language 560 republican commonality 876 government 737.a Republican Party politics 737.b republicanism government 737.a politics 737.b Republicans party 712 repudiate nonobservance 773 rejection 610 negation 536 exclusion 55 dissent 489 dereliction of duty 927 abrogation 756 nonpayment 808 repudiation nonobservance 773 nonpayment 808 negation 536 exclusion 55 abrogation 756 rejection 610 repugn resistance 719 repugnance hate 898 contrariety 14 disagreement 24 dislike 867 repugnant unwillingness 603 ugliness 846 dissuasion 616 disagreement 24 dislike 867 repugnant to disagreement 24 repulse failure 732 recoil 277 refusal 764 repulsion 289 resistance 719 repulsion repulsion 289 repulsive dislike 867 ugliness 846 unsavoriness 395 resistance 719 hate 898 discourtesy 895 painfulness 830 repulsion 289 repurchase purchase 795 reputable probity 939 repute 873 reputableness repute 873 reputation memory 505 repute 873 repute approbation 931 repute 873 request inquiry 461 request 765 command 741 request leave permission 760 request permission permission 760 requesting request 765 requiem lamentation 839 require compulsion 744 dueness 924 duty 926 insufficiency 640 price 812 requirement 630 require an answer inquiry 461 require at the hands of command 741 require explanation unintelligibility 519 required requirement 630 requirement command 741 requirement 630 requisite requirement 630 requisition command 741 request 765 requirement 630 requisitive inquiry 461 requisitory inquiry 461 requital gratitude 916 punishment 972 reward 973 requite gratitude 916 interchange 148 reward 973 reredos temple 1000 rescind abrogation 756 disjunction 44 refusal 764 tergiversation 607 rescission abrogation 756 disjunction 44 rescript answer 462 command 741 correspondence 592 writing 590 rescription answer 462 correspondence 592 rescuable deliverance 672 rescue aid 707 deliverance 672 preservation 670 restoration 660 research inquiry 461 research institute workshop 691 reseat restoration 660 resection disjunction 44 resemblance copy 21 similarity 17 resemble similarity 17 resembling similarity 17 resent resentment 900 resentful irascibility 901 resentive irascibility 901 resentment malevolence 907 resentment 900 reservation concealment 528 limit 233 region 181 reservatory receptacle 191 store 636 reserve region 181 store 636 retention 781 lateness 133 disuse 678 concealment 528 taciturnity 585 modesty 881 reserve forces combatant 726 reserve oneself modesty 881 reserved concealment 528 modesty 881 taciturnity 585 reserved fund store 636 reserves combatant 726 reservoir gulf, lake 343 store 636 reshuffle the cards beginning 66 resiance abode 189 resiant presence 186 reside presence 186 residence abode 189 residences abode 189 resident consignee 758 inhabitant 188 learner 541 presence 186 residentiary clergy 996 inhabitant 188 presence 186 residual remainder 40 residual oils oil 356 residuary remainder 40 residue remainder 40 calefaction 384 residuum remainder 40 uncleanness 653 residuum of the people commonality 876 resign submission 725 hopelessness 859 relinquishment 782 resignation 757 resign one's being death 360 resign one's breath death 360 resign one's life death 360 resign oneself submission 725 resign oneself to inexcitability 826 resignation relinquishment 624 content 831 resignation 757 submission 725 relinquishment 782 obedience 743 inexcitability 826 hopelessness 859 humility 879 resigned content 831 humility 879 inexcitability 826 obedience 743 submission 725 resilience elasticity 325 resilience reflection regression 283 resilient elasticity 325 regression 283 resin resin 356.a resinous resin 356.a resiny resin 356.a resipiscence! penitence 950 resist refusal 764 resistance 719 resist fracture tenacity 327 resistance resistance 719 opposition 708 counteraction 179 defense 717 resistant opposition 708 resistance 719 resisting tenacity 327 resistance 719 disobedience 742 resistive resistance 719 resistless necessity 601 strength 159 resolute activity 682 courage 861 resolution 604 resolutely resolution 604 resoluteness courage 861 resolution 604 resolution decomposition 49 topic 454 resolution 604 plan 626 physical energy 171 obstinacy 606 intention 620 exertion 686 inquiry 461 courage 861 conversion 144 melody concord 413 resolvable into conversion 144 equality 27 resolve liquefaction 335 predetermination 611 interpretation 522 intention 620 inquiry 461 discovery 480.a resolution 604 resolve beforehand predetermination 611 resolve into conversion 144 resolve into its elements decomposition 49 resolve itself into conversion 144 resolved resolution 604 resolvent decomposition 49 resonance loudness 404 resonance 408 sound 402 resonant sound 402 resonance 408 resonant structure resonance 408 resonate resonance 408 resonating cavity resonance 408 resonator resonance 408 resonator circuit resonance 408 resorb reception 296 resort abode 189 assemblage 72 convergence 290 use 677 resort haunt retreat focus 74 resort to use 677 journey 266 presence 186 resound sound 402 loudness 404 resonance 408 resound the praises of approbation 931 resounding resonance 408 resources means 632 property 780 provision 637 wealth 803 respect courtesy 894 observance 772 repute 873 respect 928 respectability probity 939 repute 873 mediocrity 736 respectable probity 939 repute 873 unimportance 643 respectableness probity 939 respected respect 928 respectful respect 928 respecting respect 928 respective apportionment 786 speciality 79 respectively apportionment 786 speciality 79 respectless inattention 458 respects courtesy 894 respect 928 resperse nonassemblage, dispersion 73 respersion nonassemblage, dispersion 73 respiration life 359 respirator life 359 respire life 359 refreshment 689 wind 349 respirometer measurement 466 respite time 106 acquittal 970 cessation 142 deliverance 672 lateness 133 repose 687 resplendence light 420 resplendent light 420 beauty 845 respond agreement 23 answer 462 feeling 821 respond instinctively absence of Intellect 450.a respondent accusation 938 answer 462 response answer 462 concord 714 feeling 821 friendship 888 worship 990 responsibility duty 926 responsible duty 926 responsive answer 462 rest cessation 142 death 360 inaction 681 melody concord 413 permanence 141 quiescence 265 remainder 40 repose 687 support 215 rest and be thankful repose 687 content 831 inaction 681 quiescence 265 rest assured hope 858 belief 484 rest confident hope 858 rest on support 215 rest on one's oars quiescence 265 rest on the shoulders of duty 926 rest room receptacle 191 rest satisfied content 831 rest upon belief 484 evidence 467 rest upon one's oars repose 687 rest with duty 926 restaurant abode 189 restaurateur provision 637 restful quiescence 265 restiff refusal 764 sullenness 901.a unwillingness 603 obstinacy 606 disobedience 742 irascibility 901 resting place arrival 292 quiescence 265 support 215 restitution acquisition 775 restitution 790 restoration 660 Restitutionist heterodoxy 984 restive unwillingness 603 sullenness 901.a disobedience 742 refusal 764 obstinacy 606 restless activity 682 agitation 315 changeableness 149 excitability 825 fear 860 motion 264 restless as a hyena activity 682 restlessness fear 860 motion 264 excitability 825 agitation 315 activity 682 changeableness 149 restorable restoration 660 restoral restoration 660 restoration restitution 790 restoration 660 reproduction 163 refreshment 689 reversion 145 restorative relief 834 remedy 662 restoration 660 salubrity 656 restore remedy 662 reversion 145 restoration 660 restitution 790 reproduction 163 restore equality equality 27 restore equilibrium equality 27 restore harmony pacification 723 restore to health health 654 restored restoration 660 restoring restitution 790 restoration 660 restrain restraint 751 compulsion 744 contraction 195 prohibition 761 restrainable obedience 743 restrained restraint 751 restraint compulsion 744 hindrance 706 inexcitability 826 opposition 708 restraint 751 restrengthen addition 37 restrict hindrance 706 prohibition 761 restraint 751 restricted qualification 469 restriction hindrance 706 restraint 751 qualification 469 prohibition 761 restrictive prohibition 761 restringency restraint 751 restringent restraint 751 resty obstinacy 606 result completion 729 effect 154 judgment 480 remainder 40 result from effect 154 resultance effect 154 resultant effect 154 combination 48 resulting from effect 154 resume change 140 compendium 596 repetition 104 restoration 660 taking 789 beginning 66 resumption restoration 660 taking 789 resupination horizontality 213 resurge reproduction 163 resurrection heaven 981 reproduction 163 resuscitate reproduction 163 restoration 660 resuscitation heaven 981 reproduction 163 restoration 660 retable support 215 retail barter 794 information 527 nonassemblage, dispersion 73 sale 796 retailer merchant 797 retain retention 781 stability 150 retain in the memory memory 505 retain in the mind memory 505 retain in the thoughts memory 505 retain one's reason sanity 502 retain one's senses sanity 502 retain the memory of memory 505 retain the remembrance of memory 505 retained in the memory memory 505 retainer servant 746 retaining retention 781 retake taking 789 retaliate interchange 148 retaliation 718 retaliating retaliation 718 retaliation compensation 30 retaliation 718 retaliative retaliation 718 retaliatory retaliation 718 retard lateness 133 slowness 275 hindrance 706 retardation hindrance 706 lateness 133 slowness 275 retardment hindrance 706 retch ejection 297 retection disclosure 529 retention memory 505 possession 777 retention 781 retentive retention 781 retentive memory memory 505 retentiveness memory 505 reticence taciturnity 585 concealment 528 reticent concealment 528 taciturnity 585 reticle crossing 219 optical instruments 445 reticular crossing 219 reticulated crossing 219 reticulation convolution 248 crossing 219 reticule receptacle 191 retiform crossing 219 retina vision 441 retinue servant 746 sequel 65 continuity 69 retire avoidance 623 concavity 252 departure 293 modesty 881 recession 287 regression 283 resignation 757 seclusion, exclusion 893 retire from sight concealment 528 disappearance 449 retire from the world seclusion, exclusion 893 retire into the shade inferiority 34 nonincrease, decrease 36 retired seclusion, exclusion 893 retirement recession 287 regression 283 resignation 757 seclusion, exclusion 893 retiring blueness 438 concavity 252 retiring disposition modesty 881 retold repetition 104 retort furnace 386 vaporization 336 wit 842 receptacle 191 confutation 479 answer 462 retaliation 718 conversion 144 retort courteous retaliation 718 retouch restoration 660 retrace memory 505 retrace one's steps regression 283 tergiversation 607 retract resignation 757 tergiversation 607 nonobservance 773 irresolution 605 abrogation 756 retractation nonobservance 773 tergiversation 607 abrogation 756 retraction abrogation 756 negation 536 nonobservance 773 tergiversation 607 unbelief doubt 485 retreat regression 283 recession 287 reversion 145 refuge 666 avoidance 623 submission 725 ambush 530 abode 189 escape 671 retreating concavity 252 retrench nonaddition, subtraction 38 shortness 201 economy 817 taking 789 retrenchment economy 817 nonaddition, subtraction 38 shortness 201 retribute payment 807 retribution penalty 974 reward 973 payment 807 punishment 972 retaliation 718 retributive reward 973 retributive justice punishment 972 retrievable restoration 660 retrieval restoration 660 acquisition 775 retrieve restoration 660 acquisition 775 deliverance 672 retriever animal 366 retroaction counteraction 179 recoil 277 regression 283 retroactive counteraction 179 the past 122 recoil 277 retrocede regression 283 retrocession recession 287 regression 283 retrogradation deterioration 659 relapse 661 retrograde deterioration 659 regression 283 relapse 661 retrograde motion regression 283 retrograduation regression 283 retrogression regression 283 reversion 145 deterioration 659 retrogressive regression 283 retrorse reversion 145 retrospect memory 505 the past 122 retrospection memory 505 the past 122 thought 451 retrospective the past 122 retrospective analysis experiment 463 retrospective survey experiment 463 retrospectively the past 122 retrousse shortness 201 retroversion inversion 218 retrovert inversion 218 retrude repulsion 289 return repetition 104 reward 973 acquisition 775 restitution 790 relapse 661 regularity of recurrence 138 regression 283 record 551 receipt 810 information 527 description 594 commission 755 arrival 292 answer 462 reversion 145 recoil 277 return for answer answer 462 return thanks gratitude 916 worship 990 return the compliment retaliation 718 interchange 148 return to repetition 104 return to health health 654 returning thanks worship 990 returns list 86 reunion junction 43 assemblage 72 concord 714 revalue money 800 reveal disclosure 529 reveal itself visibility 446 revealment disclosure 529 reveille indication 550 revel amusement 840 intemperance 954 revel in physical pleasure 377 revelation disclosure 529 discovery 480.a Judeo-christian revelation 985 Revelations Judeo-christian revelation 985 reveler drunkenness 959 amusement 840 reveling amusement 840 revelling rejoicing 838 revelry amusement 840 celebration 883 intemperance 954 revels amusement 840 intemperance 954 revenant demon 980 revendicate acquisition 775 command 741 dueness 924 revendication acquisition 775 command 741 revenge revenge 919 retaliation 718 resentment 900 revengeful revenge 919 revengement revenge 919 revenue means 632 receipt 810 reverberant resonance 408 reverberate recoil 277 resonance 408 reverberation recoil 277 repetition 104 resonance 408 roll 407 reverberatory furnace 386 revere love 897 worship 990 piety 987 respect 928 reverence clergy 996 piety 987 respect 928 title 877 reverenced sage 500 reverend clergy 996 title 877 reverent piety 987 worship 990 reverential respect 928 reverie inattention 458 thought 451 imagination 515 reversal regression 283 tergiversation 607 inversion 218 reverse abrogation 756 adversity 735 amusement 840 change 140 contraposition 237 contrariety 14 inversion 218 rear 235 reverse of the shield counter evidence 468 reverseless stability 150 reversible irresolution 605 reversion possession 777 posteriority 117 property 780 restitution 790 reversion 145 transfer 783 inversion 218 reversioner possessor 779 reversis amusement 840 revert regression 283 repetition 104 restitution 790 reversion 145 revert to attention 457 reverting reversion 145 revest restitution 790 revetment defense 717 reviction restoration 660 review attention 457 compendium 596 dissertation 595 improvement 658 inquiry 461 judgment 480 memory 505 ostentation 882 review article record 551 reviewer judgment 480 revile disapprobation 932 impiety 988 reviler detractor 936 revisal attention 457 revise attention 457 improvement 658 plan 626 printing 591 revising barrister judge 967 revision attention 457 copy 21 improvement 658 revisit presence 186 revival reproduction 163 restoration 660 refreshment 689 worship 990 revivalist clergy 996 revive excitation 824 life 359 reproduction 163 restoration 660 revivessence restoration 660 revivification life 359 reproduction 163 restoration 660 revivify reproduction 163 restoration 660 reviviscence restoration 660 revocation tergiversation 607 abrogation 756 refusal 764 revocatory tergiversation 607 revoke abrogation 756 negation 536 tergiversation 607 revokement abrogation 756 tergiversation 607 revolt disapprobation 932 disobedience 742 painfulness 830 resistance 719 revolt against hate 898 revolt at dissent 489 revolt from the idea dissent 489 revolter disobedience 742 revolting fear 860 painfulness 830 revolution change 140 destruction 162 disorder 59 regularity of recurrence 138 revolution 146 rotation 312 revolutionary disobedience 742 revolution 146 revolutionize revolution 146 revolutions per minute rotation 312 revolve regularity of recurrence 138 rotation 312 revolve in the mind thought 451 revolver arms 727 revulsion inversion 218 recoil 277 reversion 145 revolution 146 revulsive reversion 145 reward reward 973 title 877 rewarding reward 973 reword repetition 104 reynard cunning 702 animal 366 rez-de-chaussee receptacle 191 rhabdology numeration 85 Rhabdomancy prediction 511 rhabdovirus disease 655 Rhadamanthus hell 982 judge 967 rhamphoid curvature 245 rhapsodical irregularity of recurrence 139 rhapsodist imagination 515 madman 504 rhapsody absurdity 497 discontinuity 70 imagination 515 rheometer measurement 466 rhetoric speech 582 rhetorical speech 582 ornament 577 rhetorician speech 582 rheum excretion 299 fluidity 333 water 337 rheumatism physical pain 378 rhino! money 800 rhinovirus disease 655 rhipidate expansion 194 rhododendron beauty 845 rhomb angularity 244 rhomboid angularity 244 rhomboidal angularity 244 rhombus angularity 244 rhubarb disorder 59 rhumb direction 278 rhumba amusement 840 rhyme melody concord 413 poetry 597 similarity 17 rhyme with similarity 17 rhymeless prose 598 rhymer poetry 597 rhymester poetry 597 rhyming poetry 597 rhymist poetry 597 rhythm melody concord 413 repetition 104 poetry 597 regularity of recurrence 138 rhythmical elegance 578 melody concord 413 regularity of recurrence 138 riant cheerfulness 836 rib convexity 250 marriage 903 support 215 rib roast punishment 972 ribald vulgarity 851 disrepute 874 impurity 961 ribaldry vulgarity 851 malediction 908 impurity 961 riband connection 45 filament 205 title 877 ribbed furrow 259 ribbon connection 45 filament 205 title 877 ribbons prison 752 rice pulverulence 330 rich ornament 847 wealth 803 sufficiency 639 prosperity 734 ornament 577 color 428 beauty 845 savoriness 394 rich as a Jew! wealth 803 rich as Croesus wealth 803 rich man wealth 803 riches wealth 803 richly greatness 31 richly deserve dueness 924 richly deserved dueness 924 richness diffuseness 573 ornament 847 rick store 636 assemblage 72 rickety weakness 160 ugliness 846 ricksha vehicle 272 Rickshaw unimportance 643 ricochet recoil 277 rid deliverance 672 rid of loss 776 rid oneself of relinquishment 782 riddance deliverance 672 loss 776 relinquishment 782 riddle secret 533 unintelligibility 519 cleanness 652 arrangement 60 opening 260 riddled opening 260 ride height 206 journey 266 ride and tie regularity of recurrence 138 journey 266 ride at anchor quiescence 265 ride at single anchor rashness 863 ride full tilt against attack 716 ride full tilt at pursuit 622 ride hard velocity 274 ride one's hobby pursuit 622 ride out the storm safety 664 ride roughshod violence 173 ride roughshod over illegality 964 insolence 885 severity 739 ride the high horse insolence 885 pride 878 ride the lightning punishment 972 ride the storm navigation 267 ride the tiger resolution 604 rider adjunct 39 traveler 268 rideret Heraclitus ridiculousness 853 ridge convexity 250 height 206 narrowness, thinness 203 ridicule ridicule 856 underestimation 483 disrespect 929 wit 842 ridiculous absurdity 497 imbecility folly 499 ridiculousness 853 unimportance 643 ridiculously like similarity 17 ridiculousness ridiculousness 853 riding government 737.a journey 266 ridotto amusement 840 sociality 892 rife news 532 generality 78 influence 175 riffraff uncleanness 653 bad man 949 commonality 876 rifle arms 727 stealing 791 rifle shooting amusement 840 rifled cannon arms 727 rifleman combatant 726 propulsion 284 rifler thief 792 rifles combatant 726 rift disjunction 44 interval 198 rig clothing 225 vehicle 272 preparation 673 instrument 633 amusement 840 libertine 962 rig the market barter 794 rigadoon amusement 840 rigging clothing 225 connection 45 instrument 633 riggish impurity 961 right property 780 truth 494 virtue 944 straightness 246 right 922 duty 926 dueness 924 authority 737 dextrality 238 probity 939 right ahead front 234 right and left circumjacence 227 laterality 236 space 180 right angle angularity 244 verticality 212 right arm power 157 right arrow indication 550 right as a trivet dueness 924 perfection 650 right away instantaneity 113 right away! continuance in action 143 right bower amusement 840 right curly brace indication 550 right hand dextrality 238 power 157 right itself restoration 660 right line straightness 246 right mind sanity 502 right of common property 780 right of first refusal possession 777 right of user property 780 right on end verticality 212 right on time punctuality 132.a right on! continuance in action 143 right owner possessor 779 right parenthesis indication 550 right time instantaneity 113 righteous virtue 944 righteous over much impiety 988 rightful right 922 rightful owner possessor 779 right-hand auxiliary 711 right-hand man auxiliary 711 right-handed dextrality 238 rightly right 922 right-minded probity 939 virtue 944 rigid conformity 82 hardness 323 severity 739 truth 494 rigidity hardness 323 rigmarole unmeaningness 517 rigor cold 383 severity 739 truth 494 rigorous truth 494 revenge 919 severity 739 rigorous establishment demonstration 478 rigorous proof demonstration 478 rigorously true truth 494 rigsdag council 696 riksdag council 696 rile hate 898 painfulness 830 resentment 900 rill river 348 rillet river 348 rim edge 231 rime cold 383 interval 198 rimer perforator 262 rimiform furrow 259 rimose interval 198 rimple fold 258 rimulose interval 198 rind covering 223 rinderpest disease 655 ring arena 728 circularity 247 experiment 463 jewelry 847.a party 712 pendency 214 resonance 408 ring fence inclosure 232 ring in the ear resonance 408 loudness 404 hearing 418 ring the changes change 140 changeableness 149 ring the changes on repetition 104 ring the tocsin alarm 669 ring with the praises of approbation 931 ringdove animal 366 ringer deceiver 548 ringing resonance 408 ringleader director 694 disobedience 742 ringlet circularity 247 roughness 256 ringworm disease 655 rink amusement 840 rinse cleanness 652 rinsings uncleanness 653 riot derangement 61 discord 713 disobedience 742 disorder 59 resistance 719 violence 173 riot in physical pleasure 377 rioter disobedience 742 riotous disobedience 742 disorder 59 violence 173 rip bad man 949 interment 363 libertine 962 rip open opening 260 rip saw disjunction 44 rip up disjunction 44 excitation 824 memory 505 riparian land 342 ripe completion 729 preparation 673 age 128 ripe age age 128 adolescence 131 ripen completion 729 improvement 658 perfection 650 preparation 673 ripen into conversion 144 ripeness preparation 673 ripening preparation 673 ripicolous land 342 riposte answer 462 ripple river 348 roughness 256 faintness 405 agitation 315 riprap support 215 rise activity 682 ascent 305 beginning 66 disobedience 742 height 206 increase 35 levity 320 obliquity 217 progression 282 rise again restoration 660 rise from effect 154 rise from one's ashes restoration 660 rise from the grave restoration 660 rise in arms disobedience 742 rise in price dearness 814 rise in the world prosperity 734 rise like a balloon levity 320 rise to a great height greatness 31 rise up elevation 307 rise up in arms resistance 719 risen from the ranks commonality 876 risibility rejoicing 838 risible amusement 840 ridiculousness 853 rising ascent 305 disobedience 742 rising generation posterity 167 youth 127 rising ground height 206 obliquity 217 rising of the curtain appearance 448 beginning 66 risk chance 621 danger 665 risky chance 621 rite legality 963 rite 998 ritornello repetition 104 ritual ostentation 882 rite 998 ritualism heterodoxy 984 rite 998 ritualist rite 998 heterodoxy 984 ritualistic rite 998 rival combatant 726 contention 720 goodness 648 opponent 710 opposition 708 repute 873 rivalry contention 720 envy 921 opposition 708 rive disjunction 44 rivel fold 258 river river 348 river bank land 342 river of time time 106 riverbank land 342 rivet connection 45 junction 43 rivet attention on attention 457 rivet in the memory memory 505 rivet the attention attention 457 excitation 824 rivet the eyes upon vision 441 rivet the mind attention 457 rivet the thoughts attention 457 rivet the yoke severity 739 riveted attention 457 stability 150 riveting attention 457 excitation 824 rivulation convolution 248 crossing 219 rivulet river 348 rivulose convolution 248 rixation discord 713 rixiform rotundity 249 RNA virus disease 655 road abode 189 direction 278 method 627 road book journey 266 road map journey 266 road to ruin destruction 162 danger 665 road train vehicle 272 roads abode 189 gulf, lake 343 roadstead abode 189 refuge 666 roadster carrier 271 vehicle 272 road-test experiment 463 roadway method 627 roam journey 266 roan carrier 271 gray 432 roanoke money 800 roar amusement 840 cry 411 lamentation 839 loudness 404 ululation 412 violence 173 roar like a bull lamentation 839 roar of laughter amusement 840 roar with laughter amusement 840 roarer blusterer 887 roaring greatness 31 roaring trade prosperity 734 roast calefaction 384 ridicule 856 disrespect 929 roast an ox celebration 883 roast and boiled food 298 rob pulpiness 354 stealing 791 rob Peter to pay Paul stealing 791 wrong 923 robber thief 792 robbery stealing 791 robbing Peter to pay Paul compensation 30 wrong 923 robe covering 223 canonicals 999 clothing 225 Robert Macaire thief 792 robes of state scepter 747 Robin Goodfellow demon 980 Robin Hood thief 792 roborant remedy 662 robot life 359 robotics life 359 robust health 654 strength 159 robust health health 654 roc unconformity 83 Rocinante carrier 271 rock hardness 323 stability 150 oscillation 314 jewelry 847.a land 342 money 800 rock ahead danger 665 pitfall 667 rock solid stability 150 rock to sleep moderation 174 rockaway vehicle 272 rocket velocity 274 arms 727 attack 716 indication 550 luminary 423 navigation 267 rocket fuel fuel 388 rocket plane ship 273 rocketry navigation 267 rocking chair support 215 rocking-stone oscillation 314 rocks pitfall 667 rococo oldness 124 vulgarity 851 rod measurement 466 scourge 975 spell 993 support 215 rod and reel shop mart 799 rod in pickle scourge 975 rod of empire scepter 747 authority 737 rodomontade boasting 884 unmeaningness 517 roe animal 366 woman 374 Roentgen-ray light 420 rogation request 765 worship 990 rogue bad man 949 deceiver 548 knave 941 roguery improbity 940 roguish amusement 840 roil hate 898 uncleanness 653 roister insolence 885 roisterer blusterer 887 roistering insolence 885 role business 625 conduct 692 drama 599 plan 626 roll record 551 rotundity 249 river 348 roll 407 smoothness 255 motion 264 list 86 filament 205 convolution 248 rotation 312 oscillation 314 roll along rotation 312 roll back the tide reversion 145 roll call numeration 85 roll in redundancy 641 sufficiency 639 roll in riches wealth 803 roll in the dust success 731 roll in wealth wealth 803 roll into a ball rotundity 249 roll into one junction 43 roll of dough money 800 roll on course 109 motion 264 roll on the ground lamentation 839 roll up rotation 312 roll up in clothing 225 roller connection 45 rotation 312 rotundity 249 smoothness 255 roller skates vehicle 272 rollers river 348 rollick cheerfulness 836 rollicker rejoicing 838 rollicking cheerfulness 836 insolence 885 rolling roll 407 rolling friction friction 331 rolling in riches wealth 803 rolling in the aisles amusement 840 rolling in wealth wealth 803 rolling mill smoothness 255 rolling pin smoothness 255 rolling stock vehicle 272 rolling-pin rotundity 249 rollingstone rotation 312 Rolls court tribunal 966 rolodex list 86 ROM record 551 information 527 Roman churchdom 995 heterodoxy 984 printing 591 romance absurdity 497 description 594 falsehood 544 imagination 515 untruth 546 romancer imagination 515 Romanism heterodoxy 984 Romanist heterodoxy 984 romantic imagination 515 sensibility 822 romanticism imagination 515 romanticist imagination 515 Romany neologism 563 Romish heterodoxy 984 romona botany 369 romp amusement 840 violence 173 rompish amusement 840 rondo music 415 poetry 597 ronian bad man 949 rood rite 998 length 200 rood loft temple 1000 rood screen temple 1000 roods and perches space 180 roof abode 189 covering 223 roofless divestment 226 rook stealing 791 thief 792 rookery abode 189 uncleanness 653 room occasion 134 receptacle 191 space 180 room divider interposition 228 room for maneuver space 180 roomage space 180 roommate friend 890 roomy space 180 roost abode 189 presence 186 rooster animal 366 root base 211 cause 153 location 184 number 84 word 562 root and branch completeness 52 root out extraction 301 discovery 480.a ejection 297 root up ejection 297 extraction 301 rooted habit 613 location 184 oldness 124 stability 150 rooted antipathy dislike 867 rooted horror dislike 867 rope connection 45 filament 205 freedom 748 instrument 633 scourge 975 rope of sand weakness 160 incoherence 47 ropedancer proficient 700 rope-dancing skill 698 rope's end scourge 975 ropy filament 205 semiliquidity 352 roquelaure clothing 225 roral moisture 339 roric moisture 339 rorid moisture 339 rosary rite 998 roscid moisture 339 Roscius drama 599 rose conduit 350 redness 434 beauty 845 rose du Barry redness 434 rose water flattery 933 moderation 174 roseate hope 858 redness 434 rose-colored hope 858 redness 434 rosemary condiment 393 rosette ornament 847 Rosh Hashana rite 998 Rosicrucian deceiver 548 heterodoxy 984 sorcerer 994 rosin friction 331 resin 356.a roster list 86 rostrate curvature 245 rostriferous curvature 245 rostroid curvature 245 rostrum front 234 school 542 rosy beauty 845 redness 434 rosy cheeked beauty 845 rosy wine drunkenness 959 rot uncleanness 653 deterioration 659 disease 655 rota regularity of recurrence 138 rotary rotation 312 rotate rotation 312 rotating rotation 312 rotation regularity of recurrence 138 rotation 312 rote teaching 537 rote memorization teaching 537 roti food 298 rotor attraction 288 rotten weakness 160 badness 649 deterioration 659 disease 655 uncleanness 653 rotten as a pear uncleanness 653 rotten as cheese uncleanness 653 rotten at the core badness 649 deception 545 disease 655 rotten borough seclusion, exclusion 893 rotten to the core disease 655 rottenness deterioration 659 rotting uncleanness 653 rotund rotundity 249 rotunda abode 189 rotundity curvature 245 rotundity 249 circularity 247 roturier commonality 876 rouge ornament 847 redness 434 rouge's march ejection 297 rough roughness 256 nonuniformity 16.a unsavoriness 395 ugliness 846 texture 329 sourness 397 violence 173 pungency 392 amorphism 241 evil 913 stridor 410 aphony 581 bad man 949 blusterer 887 combatant 726 commonality 876 discourtesy 895 rough and tumble disorder 59 rough as a bear roughness 256 rough as a nutmeg grater roughness 256 rough breathing sound 402 rough cast plan 626 form 240 nonpreparation 674 rough copy writing 590 nonpreparation 674 rough diamond artlessness 703 good man 948 vulgarity 851 rough diamond! commonality 876 rough draft plan 626 rough guess supposition 514 rough hew form 240 rough hewn nonpreparation 674 rough house violence 173 rough it exertion 686 rough sea river 348 rough weather violence 173 wind 349 roughen roughness 256 roughhew preparation 673 roughhewn roughness 256 roughly nearness 197 roughness convolution 248 friction 331 nonuniformity 16.a pungency 392 roughness 256 stridor 410 unsavoriness 395 roughrider traveler 268 roulade music 415 rouleau rotundity 249 assemblage 72 money 800 roulette chance 621 roulette wheel rotation 312 round affirmation 535 business 625 circularity 247 contention 720 continuity 69 curvature 245 music 415 regularity of recurrence 138 rotundity 249 support 215 round a period elegance 578 round about circuition 311 exteriority 220 deviation 279 circumjacence 227 round and round convolution 248 regularity of recurrence 138 rotation 312 round as a ball rotundity 249 round as a billiard ball rotundity 249 round as a cannon ball rotundity 249 round as an apple rotundity 249 round as an orange rotundity 249 round game amusement 840 round house prison 752 round number number 84 multitude 102 round of pleasure physical pleasure 377 round of pleasures amusement 840 round of the ladder term 71 round of visits sociality 892 round pace velocity 274 round robin information 527 request 765 round shot arms 727 round shouldered distortion 243 round sum money 800 wealth 803 roundabout diffuseness 573 amusement 840 circuit 629 roundabout phrases diffuseness 573 roundabout way circuit 629 round-bottom flask receptacle 191 rounded circularity 247 roundelay poetry 597 rounder bad man 949 rounders amusement 840 roundlet circularity 247 roundness circularity 247 rotundity 249 roundworms disease 655 roup sale 796 rouse motive 615 excitation 824 rouse oneself activity 682 rouser unconformity 83 rousing physical energy 171 roustabout agent 690 rout agitation 315 commonality 876 failure 732 printing 591 success 731 rout out cleanness 652 rout! sociality 892 route method 627 routine habit 613 uniformity 16 order 58 business 625 regularity of recurrence 138 frequency 136 rove deviation 279 journey 266 rover thief 792 traveler 268 roving journey 266 roving commission uncertainty 475 row navigation 267 violence 173 disorder 59 continuity 69 abode 189 discord 713 row in the same boat accompaniment 88 cooperation 709 rowdy vulgarity 851 bad man 949 blusterer 887 rowdyism vulgarity 851 rowel sharpness 253 motive 615 rowen productiveness 168 rower mariner 269 rowlock support 215 royal government 737.a Royal Academician artist 559 royal flush amusement 840 royal road method 627 royalist government 737.a royalty government 737.a RPM rotation 312 ruade attack 716 impulse 276 rub adversity 735 difficulty 704 friction 331 painfulness 830 rub down contraction 195 pulverulence 330 rub off obliteration 552 rub off corners conformity 82 rub on slowness 275 inexcitability 826 progression 282 rub on the raw resentment 900 rub one's eyes wonder 870 rub one's hands rejoicing 838 rub out friction 331 obliteration 552 rub the lamp sorcery 992 rub the ring sorcery 992 rub up improvement 658 rub up the memory memory 505 rubadub roll 407 rubber spectator 444 elasticity 325 amusement 840 rubber check nonpayment 808 rubberneck curiosity 455 spectator 444 rubbers clothing 225 rubbing friction 331 rubbish inutility 645 relinquishment 782 unimportance 643 unmeaningness 517 waste 638 rubbish heap inutility 645 rubble inutility 645 rubeola disease 655 rubescence redness 434 Rubicon limit 233 rubicund redness 434 rubicundity redness 434 rubification redness 434 rubiform redness 434 rubify redness 434 rubigo uncleanness 653 rubineous redness 434 rubric class 75 nomenclature 564 precept 697 rubricate redness 434 rubricose redness 434 ruby goodness 648 redness 434 jewelry 847.a ruby-colored redness 434 ruck fold 258 ructation ejection 297 ruction disorder 59 rudder direction 693 rudderless impotence 158 ruddle redness 434 ruddy redness 434 beauty 845 rude discourtesy 895 vulgarity 851 violence 173 ugliness 846 inelegance 579 disrespect 929 commonality 876 amorphism 241 ignorance 491 rude health health 654 rude reproach malediction 908 rudera inutility 645 rudiment beginning 66 cause 153 littleness 193 rudimental nonpreparation 674 beginning 66 littleness 193 rudimentary littleness 193 rudiments beginning 66 knowledge 490 school 542 rue penitence 950 regret 833 unsavoriness 395 rue the day regret 833 rueful dejection 837 painfulness 830 ruff clothing 225 ruffian bad man 949 evil 913 ruffianism malevolence 907 ruffle fold 258 resentment 900 roughness 256 painfulness 830 feeling 821 excitation 824 excitability 825 derangement 61 disorder 59 rufous redness 434 rufulous redness 434 rug covering 223 support 215 rugged ugliness 846 roughness 256 difficulty 704 amorphism 241 discourtesy 895 rugose roughness 256 rugosity roughness 256 rugous roughness 256 ruin adversity 735 destruction 162 evil 619 failure 732 poverty 804 ruination adversity 735 ruined failure 732 hopelessness 859 ruined root and branch failure 732 ruinous adversity 735 destruction 162 painfulness 830 ruinousness adversity 735 ruins remainder 40 rule legality 963 subjection 749 measurement 466 normality 80 length 200 habit 613 government 737.a precept 697 frequency 136 direction 693 conformity 82 judgment 480 rule of three numeration 85 rule of thumb unskillfulness 699 experiment 463 intuition 477 rule the roost authority 737 rule with a rod of iron authority 737 severity 739 ruler master 745 ruling government 737.a ruling passion obstinacy 606 affections 820 rum drunkenness 959 ridiculousness 853 rumal clothing 225 rumble disorder 59 roll 407 rumbling roll 407 ruminate intellect 450 thought 451 rumination food 298 rummage inquiry 461 rummer receptacle 191 rumor news 532 publication 531 rumored news 532 rump rear 235 snap 406 rumple derangement 61 disorder 59 fold 258 roughness 256 rumpus discord 713 disorder 59 violence 173 run illegality 964 stealing 791 river 348 repetition 104 navigation 267 liquefaction 335 habit 613 generality 78 eventuality 151 course 109 continuance in action 143 motion 264 run a good chance probability 472 run a race conduct 692 contention 720 pursuit 622 velocity 274 run a rig amusement 840 run a risk danger 665 run a tilt at contention 720 attack 716 run abreast equality 27 run afoul of opposition 708 run after pursuit 622 run against attack 716 counteraction 179 impulse 276 opposition 708 run aground failure 732 run amuck attack 716 excitability 825 killing 361 violence 173 run at attack 716 run away recession 287 cowardice 862 run away from avoidance 623 run away with taking 789 stealing 791 run away with a notion credulity 486 run away with an idea credulity 486 run away with the notion misjudgment 481 run back regression 283 run counter counteraction 179 run counter to opposition 708 run down attack 716 badness 649 detraction 934 disapprobation 932 run dry waste 638 insufficiency 640 run for office politics 737.b run for one's life avoidance 623 run foul of hindrance 706 impulse 276 run full tilt at pursuit 622 run hard difficulty 704 success 731 run high greatness 31 violence 173 run in interposition 228 run in a race action 680 run in one s head thought 451 run in the blood intrinsicality 5 run in the head supposition 514 memory 505 run into insertion 300 conversion 144 run into danger danger 665 rashness 863 run into debt borrowing 788 debt 806 poverty 804 run its course completion 729 course 109 run like mad velocity 274 run like wildfire publication 531 run low nonincrease, decrease 36 run mad excitability 825 excitation 824 insanity 503 run mad after desire 865 run of luck prosperity 734 chance 156 run of one's teeth cheapness 815 run of things eventuality 151 run off with stealing 791 run on continuance in action 143 run on all fours facility 705 prosperity 734 run on in a groove habit 613 run one hard danger 665 difficulty 704 run one's head against impulse 276 run one's race completion 729 run out end 67 the past 122 course 109 prodigality 818 oldness 124 run out on diffuseness 573 run over numeration 85 redundancy 641 description 594 compendium 596 attention 457 run over in the mind thought 451 run parallel concord 714 concurrence 178 run restive disobedience 742 run riot intemperance 954 redundancy 641 violence 173 exaggeration 549 activity 682 disobedience 742 excitability 825 run rusty unwillingness 603 run smooth prosperity 734 run smoothly facility 705 prosperity 734 run the chance chance 621 liability 177 run the eye over learning 539 vision 441 run the eye through vision 441 learning 539 run the fingers over touch 379 run the gantlet courage 861 run the gauntlet danger 665 resolution 604 run the rig upon disrespect 929 run the risk chance 621 run the round of activity 682 run through egress 295 expenditure 809 influence 175 presence 186 prodigality 818 uniformity 16 run through one's money prodigality 818 run through the body killing 361 run to seed age 128 deterioration 659 run to waste waste 638 run to waste swale deterioration 659 run up increase 35 price 812 production 161 run up a bill debt 806 price 812 run up a score debt 806 run up an account debt 806 run up an account with credit 805 run up bills debt 806 expenditure 809 nonpayment 808 run up debts debt 806 expenditure 809 run up the jolly roger warfare 722 run upon requirement 630 run upon a bank expenditure 809 nonpayment 808 run wild excitability 825 violence 173 runabout vehicle 272 traveler 268 runagate disobedience 742 cowardice 862 bad man 949 avoidance 623 runaway avoidance 623 rundle circularity 247 convolution 248 rotundity 249 rundlet receptacle 191 runer poetry 597 Runes writing 590 poetry 597 spell 993 rung support 215 Runic writing 590 runnel river 348 runner traveler 268 petitioner 767 part 51 conduit 350 messenger 534 running continuity 69 running account accounts 811 running commentary dissertation 595 running down redundancy 641 running fight contention 720 running hand writing 590 running head printing 591 running in the blood intrinsicality 5 running knot connection 45 running mate politics 737.b running over redundancy 641 running rigging connection 45 running shoes clothing 225 running title printing 591 running to waste redundancy 641 running water river 348 runnion bad man 949 runt littleness 193 runway arrival 292 departure 293 rupture disjunction 44 discord 713 disease 655 rural abode 189 agriculture 371 rural dean clergy 996 ruralist seclusion, exclusion 893 ruse cunning 702 rush assemblage 72 haste 684 physical energy 171 river 348 unimportance 643 vegetable 367 velocity 274 violence 173 rush at attack 716 rush foremost violence 173 rush headlong violence 173 pursuit 622 rush in medias res resolution 604 rush into print printing 591 rush on destruction rashness 863 rush to a conclusion credulity 486 misjudgment 481 rush upon pursuit 622 rushlight dimness 422 luminary 423 rusk food 298 russet brown 433 gray 432 russet buff redness 434 Russian bath furnace 386 rust deterioration 659 inactivity 683 redness 434 bane 663 rust of antiquity the past 122 rustic abode 189 agriculture 371 commonality 876 vulgarity 851 rusticate punishment 972 seclusion, exclusion 893 rustication seclusion, exclusion 893 rusticity vulgarity 851 discourtesy 895 rustiness inactivity 683 rustle sibilation 409 rustler thief 792 rusty deterioration 659 inactivity 683 sullenness 901.a uncleanness 653 unskillfulness 699 rut furrow 259 habit 613 sexuality 374.a ruth pity 914 ruthful pity 914 ruthless malevolence 907 pitilessness 914.a revenge 919 ruthlessness revenge 919 rutilant light 420 rutting sexuality 374.a ruttish impurity 961 rye drunkenness 959 ryot commonality 876 possessor 779 servant 746 S S.S.C. lawyer 968 s'_egosiller cry 411 sabaoth combatant 726 sabbatarian rite 998 impiety 988 asceticism 955 sabbatarianism heterodoxy 984 impiety 988 rite 998 asceticism 955 Sabbath repose 687 rite 998 sabbath breaker impiety 988 sabbatism impiety 988 rite 998 Sabellianism heterodoxy 984 saber arms 727 killing 361 saber rattling defiance 715 Sabian heterodoxy 984 Sabianism heterodoxy 984 sable blackness 431 sablevested night darkness 421 sable-vested Night evening 126 sabotage destruction 162 unskillfulness 699 sabr karo! quiescence 265 sabreur combatant 726 killing 361 sabuline pulverulence 330 sabulous pulverulence 330 sac receptacle 191 sacchariferous sweetness 396 saccharin sweetness 396 saccharine sweetness 396 saccular receptacle 191 sacculated receptacle 191 saccule receptacle 191 sacerdotal churchdom 995 sacerdotalism churchdom 995 impiety 988 sachel receptacle 191 sachem master 745 sachet fragrance 400 sack abrogation 756 acquisition 775 receptacle 191 stealing 791 taking 789 sack coat clothing 225 sackage stealing 791 sackbut musical instruments 417 sackcloth and ashes asceticism 955 atonement 952 lamentation 839 rite 998 sacrament rite 998 sacrarium temple 1000 sacred deity 976 Judeo-christian revelation 985 piety 987 repute 873 sacred nine musician 416 sacrifice worship 990 husbandry 370 atonement 952 destruction 162 giving 784 sacrificed failure 732 sacrifices idolatry 991 sacrilege impiety 988 sacrilegious impiety 988 sacrilegist impiety 988 sacring bell indication 550 sacristan clergy 996 sacristy temple 1000 sacrosanct repute 873 deity 976 dueness 924 sad painfulness 830 greatness 31 gray 432 badness 649 dejection 837 sad disappointment disappointment 509 sad dog bad man 949 sad iron smoothness 255 sad times adversity 735 sad work unskillfulness 699 sadden dejection 837 painfulness 830 saddle support 215 saddle cloth covering 223 saddle on junction 43 addition 37 saddle with accusation 938 addition 37 duty 926 hindrance 706 location 184 saddlebags receptacle 191 saddled with duty 926 saddle-shaped convexity 250 Sadducee heterodoxy 984 Sadism vice 945 impurity 961 sexuality 374.a Sadist bad man 949 Sadistic vice 945 sadly affirmation 535 dejection 837 greatness 31 sadness dejection 837 sado-masochism sexuality 374.a safe preservation 670 receptacle 191 safety 664 treasury 802 safe and sound safety 664 health 654 preservation 670 safe bind safe find caution 864 safe-conduct instrumentality 631 safety 664 safe-deposit vault store 636 safeguard defense 717 refuge 666 safety 664 safekeeping safety 664 safe-keeping preservation 670 safety safety 664 safety belt refuge 666 safety lamp refuge 666 safety razor sharpness 253 safety valve escape 671 sibilation 409 refuge 666 safety 664 saffron condiment 393 yellowness 436 saffron-colored yellowness 436 sag curvature 245 saga description 594 sagacious foresight 510 intelligence, wisdom 498 sagacity foresight 510 intelligence, wisdom 498 sagamore master 745 sage condiment 393 scholar 492 sage 500 intelligence, wisdom 498 sage maxim maxim 496 saggittary unconformity 83 sagittate sharpness 253 sagittiform sharpness 253 Sahara unproductiveness 169 sahib man 373 nobility 875 saick ship 273 said precedence 62 priority 116 said he speech 582 sail departure 293 navigation 267 ship 273 sail before the wind prosperity 734 sail in the same boat cooperation 709 sail near the wind improbity 940 skill 698 sail on the same tack cooperation 709 sail too near the wind danger 665 rashness 863 sail under false colors falsehood 544 sailer ship 273 sailfish animal 366 sailing navigation 267 sailing vessel ship 273 sailmaker agent 690 sailor mariner 269 saint angel 977 good man 948 impiety 988 Judeo-christian revelation 985 piety 987 Saint Elmo's fire luminary 423 Saint Monday amusement 840 Saint Simonianism philanthropy 910 saint-like piety 987 virtue 944 saintly piety 987 virtue 944 angel 977 saintship piety 987 sal ammoniac pungency 392 sal volatile pungency 392 salaam courtesy 894 depression 308 respect 928 salaams courtesy 894 salable sale 796 salacious impurity 961 salacity impurity 961 salad mixture 41 salad oil oil 356 salade defense 717 salamander furnace 386 salary reward 973 payment 807 sale discount 813 sale 796 salebrosity roughness 256 salebrous roughness 256 salesman merchant 797 petitioner 767 salient convexity 250 importance 642 manifestation 525 sharpness 253 salient angle angularity 244 salient points importance 642 saline saltiness 392.a saliva lubrication 332 excretion 299 salivation excretion 299 salle-a-manger receptacle 191 sallow achromatism 429 yellowness 436 sally attack 716 departure 293 wit 842 sally forth departure 293 sally port defense 717 egress 295 salmagundi mixture 41 salmis food 298 salmon-colored redness 434 salon receptacle 191 saloon receptacle 191 salt condiment 393 importance 642 mariner 269 preservation 670 pungency 392 saltiness 392.a wit 842 salt of the earth benefactor 912 good man 948 goodness 648 salt water ocean 341 salt! money 800 saltation leap 309 saltatoric agitation 315 saltatory agitation 315 leap 309 saltimbanco deceiver 548 saltimbanque deceiver 548 saltiness saltiness 392.a saltpeter pungency 392 saltiness 392.a salty saltiness 392.a salty as a herring saltiness 392.a salty as brine saltiness 392.a salty as Lot's wife saltiness 392.a salubrious salubrity 656 salubrity salubrity 656 salutary goodness 648 salubrity 656 salutation allocution 586 salute congratulation 896 respect 928 courtesy 894 celebration 883 allocution 586 endearment 902 salutiferous remedy 662 salubrity 656 salvable innocence 946 salvage reward 973 price 812 acquisition 775 discount 813 salvation deity 976 deliverance 672 piety 987 preservation 670 salve relief 834 remedy 662 salver receptacle 191 salvo snap 406 vindication 937 unconformity 83 pretext 617 celebration 883 qualification 469 salvo of artillery celebration 883 Samael satan 978 samba amusement 840 sambar animal 366 sambo blackness 431 same identity 13 sameness identity 13 similarity 17 samiel wind 349 sampan ship 273 sample conformity 82 Samson strength 159 sanable restoration 660 sanation restoration 660 sanative remedy 662 restoration 660 salubrity 656 sanativeness restoration 660 sanatorium remedy 662 sanatory health 654 remedy 662 restoration 660 sanctification deity 976 piety 987 sanctified piety 987 sanctify dueness 924 piety 987 deity 976 sanctimonious impiety 988 sanctimoniousness impiety 988 sanctimony impiety 988 piety 987 sanction approbation 931 dueness 924 permission 760 sanctioned dueness 924 sanctitude piety 987 sanctity piety 987 sanctuary refuge 666 temple 1000 sanctum receptacle 191 sanctum sanctorum refuge 666 sand pulverulence 330 resolution 604 sand bucket insulation, fire extinction 388.a sand paper smoothness 255 sand storm pulverulence 330 sand the test truth 494 sandal clothing 225 sandbag arms 727 defense 717 punishment 972 sandbagger thief 792 sand-blind blindness 442 Sandemanian heterodoxy 984 sander smoothness 255 sandiness pulverulence 330 sands pitfall 667 sands of time time 106 sandwich in interposition 228 sandwich-wise interposition 228 sandy pulverulence 330 yellowness 436 sandy foundation pitfall 667 sane sanity 502 sanely sanity 502 sangar defense 717 Sangraal rite 998 sanguinary killing 361 sanguine redness 434 hope 858 sanguine expectation hope 858 belief 484 expectation 507 sanguine imagination imagination 515 sanguinolent killing 361 sanguisae remedy 662 sanhedrim churchdom 995 council 696 sanies fluidity 333 sanitarian salubrity 656 sanitarium salubrity 656 sanitary health 654 salubrity 656 sanitOrium salubrity 656 sanity health 654 sanity 502 sans absence 187 sans culotte commonality 876 sans fa