Greetings to the ISOC Advisory Council - [and to the Board of Trustees too] ! Comment promis - there follows a draft of the Advisory Council Charter for discussion and action at our 27 June Meeting in Honolulu. Cynthia - Pls also post this on the ISOC FTP server as document 95-006. THX To Remind: 1. Council meets 0800-1200 Tuesday, and jointly with the Board of Trustees in the PM of Tuesday. 2. Advise Cynthia if you plan to attend [if you haven't yet]. 3. Provide any additional topics for discussion to those provided in my previous note. [10 June]. THX Hope to see you all [or most of you all] ------------------------------------- |Camillo J. PASQUARIELLO, SES | |Associate Director | |US/DoD/DISA/Center for Standards | |10701 Parkridge Blvd | |Reston, VA 22091-4398 | |Tel: (703) 735-3305 | |FAX: (703) 735-3255 | |EMail: | ------------------------------------- ================= Draft Charter follows ============================== Title: ISOC Advisory Council - Charter Author(s): C.Joe PASQUARIELLO Date: 1995.06.21 Body: Advisory Council Document: 95-006 Revision: basic Supersedes: Status: Draft Maintainer: C.Matthews ================================================================= Internet Society - Advisory Council Advisory Council Charter [DRAFT] [for discussion at 27 Jun Advisory Council Meeting] 1. General ======= The ISOC Advisory Council [AC] represents the interests of the organizational members of the ISOC within the context of the overall vision of the Society as a means of fostering cooperation on matters affecting the general welfare and effectiveness of the global Internet and its' users. Organizational members include representatives from academic, research, service/equipment suppliers, content providers, government, international organizations, and public interest groups. 2. Purpose ======= Provide advice and recommendations to the ISOC Board of Trustees or to other ISOC bodies on any matters of concern/interest to the Council at large or of its' individual sector constituencies. Advice and recommendations may include any policy- level matters of strategic direction, finance, technology and standards, infrastructure, administration, network usage or other matters felt to be generally relevant to the health and welfare of the Internet. 3. Membership ========== Each organizational member may designate a Principal and an Alternate Representative to the Council with equal status and standing. On formal votes of the Council, a separate vote for each Principal and Alternate Representative is authorized. The ISOC Executive Director will be an ex-Officio member of the Council. The ISOC staff Assistant for Organizational Services will provide administrative support services to the Council. He/she will maintain the official roster of the Council members, an electronic mail list, and appropriate archives. Council business will to the extent feasible, be conducted by electronic means. 4. Officers ======== The Council members will elect four (4) Officers - of equal standing, for a term of three years, or until resignation or removal upon a formal majority vote of the Members. Officers of the Council will: a. Act as the executive body of the Council in consonance with Council direction or precedent. b. Conduct on behalf of he Council, any necessary continuing operational activities of the Council. c. Serve as Chair/Facilitator of meetings of the Council. d. Represent the Council when necessary to other ISOC or external bodies, in coordination with the ISOC Officers and Trustees. e. Sit on the ISOC Board of Trustees as ex-Officio Members of the Board. Participate in the electronic discussion list of the Trustees. [see note below] f. Advocate Council positions and recommendations to the Trustees. g. Report to the Members on disposition of Trustee or other actions of interest to, or which impact on, the Council. h. Respond to requests for advice or action by the Trustees in consultation with the Council members. 5. Meetings ======== Face-to-face meetings of the Council will generally be held in conjunction with the annual INET conferences, and during the meetings of the IETF. Periodic meetings of the Officers will be held as necessary, or on request of at least two of the Council Officers. Electronic discussion lists will be maintained for the Council Members and for the Council Officers. These will be unmoderated lists, open to posting by anyone concerned. Documentation and proceedings of the Council will [at a minimum] be posted to the Council and Trustees lists. Records of the Council will also be made available electronically on the ISOC document server. Decisions of the Council will be taken by consensus whenever practical, or by majority vote of the Council when necessary or expedient. 6. Adoption and Modification of the Charter ======================================== Adoption or modification of this Charter will be by a 2/3 majority of the Members, and the approval of the Board of Trustees. Any other matters of procedure or practice not expressly covered by this Charter may be approved by consensus or simple majority vote of the Council Members, keeping the Trustees advised. ================================================================= Note: Council has recommended voting status for the Advisory Council Officers. Board has NOT approved this recommendation.