PTOMAINE working group 19 March 2002 meeting summary > - Geoff Huston - NOPEER community for BGP route scope control > draft-huston-nopeer-00.txt The (3) slides for the draft-huston-nopeer-00.txt proposal can be found at: or (if you want ppt) It was agreed to make this a ptomaine wg document. > - Ted Hardie - Bounding Longest Match Considered > draft-hardie-bounded-longest-match-02.txt Presentation is at: Andrew Partan pointed out that there are cases where the announcer of the covering aggregrate *does not have a route* to the more specific. This was seen as an anomaly by Ted/Russ, but Andrew, Geoff, and Randy note that it is very common. This means that the bounding of the longest match must be constrained to those announcements where the next hop is common, which limits the utility of the proposal. It also means that odd other announcements which have the longer match but different next-hops get preferenced. Joel Halpern asked a question about BGP communities--whether customers of ISPs who are supporting the current mechanisms are actually using those mechanisms. He received a resounding yes. Cengiz A. pointed out that we need to look at the data. Anyone who has pointers to relevant data should post to the list. Andrew: possible persistent route oscillation, as longer prefix may re-appear somewhere else. Ted and Russ will consider a plan to test, or at least provide an analytic proof that this works. It was agreed to keep discussing this draft in the working group. Ted/Russ will update to address the points above, and will resubmit. > - Russ White ( - Controlling the > redistribution of BGP routes > draft-bonaventure-bgp-redistribution-02.txt This is a joint draft with Russ White, Jeffrey Haas, Stefaan De Cnodder and Bruno Quoitin. - Requires use of extended communities, which not everyone uses. - Geoff: how do you know your specifics aren't leaking? It was agreed to make this a WG document. > Cathy Wittbrodt - presented Gert Doering's presentation on - IPv6 routing scalability has now everything as one-GIF-per-Slide format, with mini-HTML around to click previous/next. This presentation describes the global IPv6 routing table (yes, there is one...) growth resulting from use of BGP4++ on the combined 6bone and RIR. - Andrew: The martians (extra long AS path) may not be a BGP withdrawal bug. They may be a transient state due to BGP counting to infinity. Cathy to ask Gert about this. - Can the tunneled v6 AS paths be mapped to real geographic network paths? Other notes: - Please comment on WG charter: - List archive is here: - Abha's Merit page has been restored (thanks to Merit):