The Minutes below should be considered a rough draft - 3/26/92 Megan IETF Netfax Working Group Meeting San Diego, 3/16/92 9:30 AM Minutes The IETF Netfax Working Group met at the San Diego IETF meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting was to get a progress report and plan future work. 1) Needleman reported that the file format document has been accepted by the IESG which has recommended to the IAB that it be accepted as a proposed standard. Every indication is that this will happen. 2) Needleman reported that work is going on to convene a meeting under the sponsorship of the Coalition for Networked Information of all known groups doing applications involving networked fax to talk about converting to the rfc file format and to plan interoperability testing. He asked that, if anyone knew of organizations that were involved in this area who hould be involved in such a meeting, that he be contacted with their names so he could invite them. He promised to keep the mailing list informed on the status and outcome of this effort. 3) Needleman also discussed the fact that after two years of discussion and work no consensus had developed on any of the other issues the group had been working on beyond the file format such as addressing and routing issues and that it didnt seem likely that such consensus was going to develop any time soon. 4) It was decided that since such consensus was not going to develop, the group would quiesce for awhile and not meet again until something happened to create such a need. It was felt that perhaps the CNI work would act as a catalyst and that maybe in some of the interoperability testing undertaken by that group, some solutions to some of the unresolved issues such as routing and addressing would be created that could act as a basis for future work in the IETF working group. 5) The group thus decided not to meet again until there was a need for it, and to follow the efforts of the CNI work. Needleman promised to keep the working group updated on those efforts by means of the working group mailing list. 6) The Following people attended the meeting: Mark Needleman Mike Marcinkevicz Bob Friesenhahn Pdrwr! Ronald Jacoby Jeff Gumpf Cerafin Costillo Stephanie Maraeciullo Russ Hobby Jim Knowles Pete Grillo Max Hillson Greg Vaudreil Jon Postel